#two were orange tabbies and three were grey tabbies
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How cats breed and pass on genes will always be some kind of a mystery to me. We breed so many other animals for temperament, and yet cats are a complete roll of the dice in that regard. If you want a specific breed of cat, you absolutely have to go to a breeder, because cats don't really have breeds the way dogs do. You can't have a cat that's part Russian Blue, for example. They've been domesticated for a long while! Why are they different in this regard?
Also I'll be wondering what Moth's dad was forever, because his whole litter were tabbies and he has some faint stripes, but also!! Also his mom was a tortoise shell and the whole litter was male! So I don't even know what she was passing on, not even counting that a litter can have multiple fathers.
#two were orange tabbies and three were grey tabbies#and hes a dark grey with some faint striping on his tail and two little white bits on his belly#sphinx moth#intrusive heartbeats
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hi ok hear me out. new design/story challenge.
Step one:
Find four to five clan generators on perchance (or you can use clangen’s randomizer if you don’t want to do designs).
Step two:
Using the first generator, generate your clan’s name and any other details the generator has aside from connected characters.
Step three:
Using the other three or four generators, pick five of the list of cats you get from them and add them to the clan you generated in the previous step. You can use any method to pick them, it doesn’t have to be random so long as they’re randomly generated. This will get you 15-20 cats to mess with, and you can change their roles and ages to better suit whatever idea you have in mind for them.
Step four:
Design a story and/or look for the cats you picked. This can happen however you want it to, at this point you get 100% free reign over the challenge!
*Note: for cats outside the clan, add an extra clan or cat generator and pick any number of cats given between 1 and 5!
By the end, you should have an interesting group of characters with varied descriptions or even similar descriptions if you picked them meticulously! Here is my attempt under the cut:
Generator 1: Detailed Clan Generator by Raggedflight
Name: Harryclan
Territory: A large island covered in grassy hills with a river that runs through it, far from any other group.
Camp: Surrounded by tall grass and wheat, which makes up their dens. There is a large herb patch in the grass.
Landmarks: Abandoned Quarry (A huge, abandoned quarry filled with water. it is excellent for hunting and herb gathering.), The Blackbird Tree (An ancient cottonwood tree where many blackbirds live.), The Fallen Birch (An ancient birch that is entirely hollowed out, where many lapwings live.), and Tall Hickories (A large grove of very tall hickory trees that twolegs planted, where many smaller rodents and some foxes live.)
Common herbs: Borage, Dock, Lavender, Marigold
Rare herbs: Burdock root, Rosemary, Coltsfoot
Climate: Cool and rainy in newleaf, hot and sunny in greenleaf, warm and rainy in leaf-fall, and freezing in leaf-bare.
Ancestor meeting place: The Moonpool (A small pool surrounded by boulders, with a small river running into it)
Clan call: “Let all cats in Harryclan gather beneath the tallpile!”
Special traits: Good night vision, and can fall from heights with little injury
Notes from the rest of the info: A clan leader was recently struck down for disobeying the code, and there was a pair of old unsolved murders before that. The murders were of a leader and a warrior; the leader happened before the war and the warrior after.
Generator 2: The clan generator we’re all used to
Ravenpaw, Rookpaw, Thriftstar, Beefoot, Waxtail

Generator 3: A pretty one with neat names that provides a little depth.
Antflower— beige and creamy-white molly with odd slightly darker-colored spotting. Educated and compassionate, keeps her den clean.
Patchpoppy— Tawny sphynx tom. Balanced and quiet.
Furledbrook— Warm brown cat with a jagged scar across their face. Disciplined and critical, the healers like them.
Twistblossom— Creamy white ticked tabby tom. Irresponsible and cheerful, wants to help everyone.
Sniffpaw— flea-ridden, creamish-orange cat with half-lidded gray and hazel eyes, a burn scar on their throat and a very short plumy tail. Wants to be named Sniffleaves; talented and easily annoyed, loves to decorate the camp with seashells.
Generator 4: A generator that provides kits and cat ages. Note: the leader it generated’s warrior name was fishfish and i love them for that.
Goldeyes: Aggressive, dull, swift tabby blue-grey tom, with a blue muzzle, and light green eyes. 59 moons old.
Thundersky: Stubborn, irritable swift grey molly with a blue-grey paw, and kind orange eyes. 56 moons.
Brokenbreeze: Caring, lean white she-cat with dull blue eyes. 39 moons old.
Larkkit (dust): Nice, affectionate, and diligent lean orange molly with green eyes. 5 moons.
Snowkit (flame): Brave, caring, and malicious small gold tom with kind blue eyes. 2 moons.
Generator 5: another with cool names, and also options for what generates!
Sparrowwish: Spotted golden molly.
Minnowthistle: greenish-brown tabby jack.
Morningwing: Black-and-white tom with a crooked jaw.
Risingstripe: Solid grey molly with pretty hazel eyes.
Downswan: yellow molly.
Our main character, Patchpoppy, is a former kittypet once named Patches who was brought to the island by twolegs exploring, and ran off thinking they would look for him. They did, but he didn’t know that because he was never found. He wears a tattered shirt that helps him insulate and keep from getting melanomas, as he is a sphynx. He is trying to figure out who killed the leader and deputy before Poppystar, Thriftstar’s predecessor who was struck down for encouraging kits to fight and train before their 6th moon. He’s already asked Thriftstar many times about the incidents he keeps hearing about from the elder Risingstripe and her recently retired mate Downswan. His best friend is Morningwing, and multiple cats in the clan make fun of him for his lack of noticeable fur and his dirty green sweater, though Morningwing says it looks nice on him.
Thriftstar is always shutting down questions about Poppystar and whether or not she was the murderer, usually saying something like Poppystar could not have killed the leader before her, Muckstar, or his deputy Rootslash, as the events happened while she was on a moon-trip to the quarry for resource gathering. And no, it wasn’t the foxes they were at war with at the time, either, because the bodies held the scent of cat.
Patchpoppy eventually finds something important at the old crime scene, which has been abandoned for a few years because the cats are afraid to go to the spot they found both leader and deputy violently dead at. It’s an old, worn collar, something the cats of the clan shrugged off because it didn’t register as something other than a scrap of cloth to them. Patchpoppy used to have one, though, so he immediately recognized it, and brought it to the camp, declaring that there must be a murderer somewhere on the island who would have had the collar as theirs.
The cats all brush off his theory, as no one has seen a kittypet other than him in moons…
… Downswan and Risingstripe seem wary, however. Maybe they know something?
Character notes:
Ravenpaw is Morningjaw’s apprentice and why morning is not as present in the story as the best friend usually would be.
Rookpaw is Thundersky’s apprentice.
Sniffpaw is almost a warrior and is Sparrowwish’s apprentice.
Antflower is their healer/religious leader, Thriftstar is the anxious leader that Poppystar manipulated into being her little puppet, and Brokenbreeze is the deputy.
Minnowthistle, Downswan, and Risingstripe are all dating and retired.
Goldeyes wants Larkkit to be his apprentice.
Furledbrook got their scar in a fight with a fox.
Snowkit is not really malicious in a grown way, more like he just constantly plots to annoy and pester the warriors because he thinks it’s funny.
Beefoot and Waxtail are mates and the token straight couple. Larkkit is their kit.
Snowkit is Waxtail’s younger half-brother (They are Thriftstars’s kits, and his partner died recently of an illness) so the nursery is a little awkward right now because Snowkit is growing up with a niece older than him.
the remaining family trees are ambiguous rn because i dont wanna think about making an isolated clan on an island work
Thriftstar’s mother was a LaPerm that left him with the clan.
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8. Shed
"Anselme!" Came a shout that set chocobos to warbling and fussing, followed by heavy footsteps of someone running to catch up along hard-packed dirt between the stalls of the stables. "Err, m'lord. Do you have a moment?"
"Just Anselme is fine, truly. Of course, is something amiss?" He asked hesitantly, slowing to a stop and turning to look at the stableboy, Claude, trotting after him. The chocobo he was leading out for an afternoon ride sidestepped worriedly before recognizing the approaching hyur. It pulled hard at the reins then, slipping them clean out of Anselme's hands to return to its favorite keeper.
"No, nothing! I assure you. I simply wished to show you something. Out by the shed." Claude explained, neatly catching the bird's bridle and giving it a light pat on the beak as he caught his breath.
Immediately Anselme's heart leapt to his throat. He had heard stories from his cousins about the stableboy at the country estate. Lazy summer afternoons by the river or the woods, a bit of this and that. First kisses and more. He suspected much of it to be hyperbole; his cousins attempting to one-up each other with tales of trysts but still his ears immediately pinkened.
"O-of course. Lead the way." Anselme agreed without hesitation, following along behind the hyur. The lad was two turns older yet a few ilms shorter… as the elezen was well in the midst of the most awkward stages of growing where his limbs seemed to be in a race for which could grow out the fastest before the rest of him could catch up.
They paused at the end of the walkway, Claude checking to ensure they were unobserved before gesturing for Anselme to follow after and by the time they had emerged into the warm Coerthan afternoon the elezen's cheeks burned as though he'd been out in the sun all day. Together they slunk along the side of the stable towards the shed. As they approached Anselme would have sworn his heart was beating loud enough for the other to hear. What if he should kiss him? What if he should dislike it? Or more concerning; what if he should like it? Would it progress to… this and that? What did that even mean… his cousins wouldn't tell him no matter how he'd pled or threatened. Claiming it to be their secret.
He nearly crashed into Claude when the hyur stopped and raised a finger to his own lips to encourage Anselme to be quiet. He pointed to a large gap between two of the old shed's boards. Just wide enough to peer through. The would-be-knight bravely pressed his face to the weathered wood to see, hearing a strange sound from within.
There, in the half-dark of a shed with a roof so poor it let in thick bands of sunlight, sat his baby brother. Dressed in summer whites, his shorts and socks smudged with mud and grass. Just old enough to be out playing on his own unattended… the child had managed to find a small litter of kittens. Three of them. A grey and white tabby, an orange with white paws and a pure black kitten. He was attempting to spoon-feed the orange a slice of cake and cream though the kitten was far more interested in batting the summer berries off of the spoon for its siblings to chase after. The lot of them mewling shrilly and flapping tiny bat-like wings. Oh hells… they weren't just stable cats.
Anselme leaned away to find Claude smiling at him in a manner that could only be called conspiratorial. He beckoned for the elezen to follow, sneaking away to the shade of a nearby tree before deeming it was far enough to speak freely.
"Gaelikittens." The stableboy laughed. "I didn't think they came this far into Coerthas. No idea where he found 'em but he seems keen on keeping 'em. Figured I'd tell you, they're dangerous when they're grown so the adults are gonna want them gone. But I don't think there's any harm in letting him keep 'em till you head back to Ishgard, is there?"
Anselme smiled and shook his head, his face still red though his pulse had steadied. "No, I do not think there is any harm at all. Unless he continues to try and feed them on cake alone. I will bring something more suitable from the House once he has gone. Would you mind ensuring they have enough water and warmth? Without letting him know we are helping…"
Claude returned the smile, reaching out to grasp the elezen's hand between his own. "It'll be our secret, Anselme." He promised, giving the captured hand a firm shake.
Later that evening, while sneaking fare better suited for growing kittens from the kitchen, Anselme couldn't help but be pleased. Now he had his own secret with Claude. And surely it was far, far better than whatever his cousins had.
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Can I request a fluff deathpuss wedding or honeymoon fic? Since you've gotten a few requesting fic for your angsty au's, thought you'd appreciate one that's more light hearted.
Most definitely! I do have to admit, as much as I love the angst, it can get a bit tiring after a while, so some good old fluff is a most appreciated pick-me-up. Sorry for taking so very long with this, though.
Posted this on AO3 too!
It was sunset.
Soft, pink and orange light filtered through delicate, pink cherry blossom trees, the flowers and petals of which had drifted down from abudent trees, to blanket the cobbled path the trees hugged the side of. The air was warm, with a refreshing, slight breeze, and in the sky, there where smatterings of fluffy white clouds coloured pastel by the sinking sun. The subtle, life-filled smell of spring filled the air, fresh and green.
Two cats and a dog walked down the path.
One, a black and white, tuxedo molly, was dressed in a soft pink suit, with a caplet over the shoulder, the left lapel pinned by a red rose, and neatly pressed pants, which were tucked into tall white boots that had a wedged heels. She had her arm linked with the cat beside her, and a faint, fond smile on her face.
The dog, a small chihuahua pup, was bouncing alongside excitedly, his tail wagging a mile-a-minute, tongue lolling out as he panted. He was dressed the same colours as the tuxedo cat, in a little suit jacket, with a rose on the lapel, and a red bowtie around his neck. He looked as though his excitement was barely contained, but kept slow pace with the two cats.
The third of the party, standing between the molly and pup, was a ginger tabby cat. He, unlike the others, wore white. The floor length gown he wore was fluffy, whimsical tulle, its skirt puffed out, with off the shoulder, billowing bishops sleeves that tapered around his forearm to look as though they wrapped and twisted around his arms. The bodice had flower embroidery, which spread down to the outerlayer skirt and dispersed the further down they went, and formed a sweetheart neckline in the sheer bodice, not extending over the sleeves. While his arm was linked through the crook of the molly's elbow, in both paws he held a beautiful bouquet of red roses, soft pink carnations and red moth orchids. He wore a silver circlet atop his head, around his ears, that resembeled vines, with silver roses, the centres of which were inlaid with deep red rubies, along it as a faux flower crown.
They walked in mutual anticipation, yet silence, as they rounded a corner on the winding path, and found themselves in an open clearing, fresh green grass still blanketed by flower petals. In the clearing, several cushioned benches sat, lined up to make a walkway to an arch adorning in many flowers, of all different colours, with reds and pinks being the most prominent. The benches were filled with people, dressed their finest, watching keenly as the three cats and dog made their way down the aisle. Soft, disembodied piano music filled the air, a peacefull, romantic song.
But Puss in Boots had eyes for none but the man standing at the end of the aisle, right in front of the archway.
The wolf wore a dress as well, his own tea-length, a white gown with the same fluffy whimsy as his approaching groom's. The skirt poofed out, and the sleeves were short and billowy, while lace, completely fingerless, elbow length gloves, embroidered with flowers and sheer where there were none, were on his forearms. His bodice had a plunging neckline, splitting down the centre of his chest until it reached a soft, pastel green sash he wore around his waist. Upon his legs, he wore a white wraps, which left the fronts of his hind paws exposed, and in his tall, thin ears, he wore a pair of gold and emerald earrings.
Puss felt his mouth grow dry at the sight, a soft blush colouring his cheeks as red eyes roamed over his body with the most besotted expression Puss had ever seen.
Another wolf, dark grey were Death was silver-furred, and silver where he was dark grey, just a bit shorter than Death, and dressed in a pastel green, short tulle dress, watched Death with the proud, fond look of a sister glad to see her brother in love, as Life so was for him.
As Puss stepped in front of Death, handing his bouquet off to Kitty, who, along with Perrito, stepped behind him, Death stooped low, almost kneeling, to be more on level with Puss. While the wolf was still taller than the tabby, Puss no longer had to crane his neck back to look into those mesmerising, gorgeous red eyes.
"Hola," Puss breathed out as, in oh-so gentle paws, Death took hold of Puss' paws, dwarfing them entirely, and yet using two to hold him.
Death raised the tabby's paws to his lips, pressing a soft, tender kiss to the backs of them. "Hola," he whispered back, his lips brushing against Puss' paws as he spoke, "Te ves hermoso."
Puss smiled, a bit shyly, the clear lipgloss Kitty and Fiona had insisted upon him wearing glittering in the setting sun. "Tu también lo haces," he replied, his eyes wandering Death with soft appreciation, soaking in every detail of the man before him. "I love you."
"Welcome, friends, family and all between," the officiant said, loudly for the small crowd, before Death could respond. Puss' eyes flickered briefly to her, before returning to his groom's eyes. "We've all gathered here, in this beautiful place, to witness something far more beautiful than it. We've gathered here to watch the beautiful union, of a deep, beautiful love, between Puss," the officiant gestured to the tabby, before gesturing to the wolf as she continued, "and Death."
Death gently rubbed the pads of Puss' paws with his thumb, his touch soft, yet still making sharp claws flex out involuntarily. "Now, I know neither of them want to dally- they are eager for that married life!" There was quiet laughter from the guests, and the officiant waited a moment for them to quieten down, before continuing, "So, we'll get onto the words Puss and Death are so eager to hear today. So, Puss, do you come here freely and without reservation to give yourself to Death in marriage?"
"I do," Puss answered firmly, smiling brightly up at his groom, hoping his sheer love and devotion was obvious in his eyes, which shone with unshed tears of overwhelming joy.
Death swallowed thickly, and carefully squeezed Puss' paws. "Lovely," the officant said with a smile, "And Death, do you come here freely and without-"
"I do," Death interrupted her, sounding a bit choked up. Puss bit back at gasp at how much emotion was in his voice, in his eyes. He had a burning inferno of love, but it did not burn- no, he kept Puss warm with his endless adoration, as he encased the cat within it.
The officiant laughed, as did the guests. "Eager, huh?" she joked, smiling at the couple. "Well, I suppose we ought to get to the vows then. Death, please repeat after me- I, Death, take you, Puss, to be my husband."
"I, Death, take you, Puss, to be my husband," Death repeated, shifting a bit to be closer to Puss.
The tabby cat tuned out the officiant as she spoke, focusing solely on Death's words as they passed his lips, his voice calm and lilting, yet rich with feeling. "I take you as you are, and will love you until time itself ends. I pledge to be by your side for the rest of eternity, through trials and tribulations, I will love you through it all. I am yours, just as much you are mine."
Puss bit his lip, a few tears streaking down his cheeks, as he felt butterflies in his belly like he did when he asked Death on their first date. He was grinning so wide, his cheeks hurt, but even if he'd wanted to, he couldn't wipe his smile away. "I, Puss, take you, Death, to be my husband," Puss dutifully parroted as he distantly heard the officiant speak.
Death's tail was wagging under his dress- Puss could see the fluffy tip popping just barely into view on either side, and the shape of its movement through his dress. "I take you as you are, and will forever be grateful for our love. I pledge to be by your side for however long time provides, and through struggles and ease alike, I will love you forevermore. I am yours, just as you are mine," Puss declared, his claws kneading into Death's paw as he spoke.
"Please present the bracelets," the officiant said, and three little kittens stepped forward, each with a paw on a red satin pillow. Perla, wearing a pretty, soft pink, poofy dress was on the left on Timoteo, who was in the middle, and was leaning into his side to make sure she was touching the pillow. Gonzalo, who was wearing a little suit, a bit like Kitty's, in the same colours as Perla, was doing the same. Timoteo was holding the pillow in both paws, and he wore a suit identical to his brother.
On the pillow, were two bracelets, one significantly larger than the other. They were both made of gold, and shaped to look like vines, with little gemstones within the hold of the vines. The smaller one, that looked more about the size of a ring than a necklace, had rubies and black pearls between the vines. The larger one, looking more like a choker necklace, had emeralds, and black pearls as well.
Reluctantly, the couple released each others paws, to grab a bracelet- Puss taking the larger one in both paws, and Death carefully hooking the smaller one with a claw to lift it. The three children stepped away, as the officiant began to speak again. "Your wedding bracelets are a symbol of your promise to one another. The bracelet, an unbroken and never ending circle, is a symbol of your eternal love."
"Death, as you place this bracelet on Puss' wrist, repeat these words after me; this bracelet symbolises my love for you and the commitments we made today. I will love you forever, I do swear." "Puss, mi sol," Death said as he took Puss' left paw in his, the cat shifting his hold of the much larger ring to his right paw. "This bracelet symbolises my love for you," as he spoke, he lined the bracelet up with the tabbty's paw, and slowly slid it up until it sat snug around his wrist, "and the commitments we made today. I will love you forever, I do swear."
Once his paw was released, Puss was immediately marvelling over the glittering jewellry, the weight and fit of it making his heart swell. "Te amo," Death murmured, before he slowly let go of Puss' paw, and held his left paw out for his own bracelet.
Puss grabbed the bracelet in both paws again, lifting it up from where he'd been holding it at his side. "Puss, as you place this bracelet on Death's wrist, repeat these words after me; this bracelet symbolises my love for you and the commitments we made today. I will love you forever, I do swear." And just as Death did, Puss quietly murmured to him, "Te amo."
"Death, mi luna," Puss began as he lined the bracelet up. "This bracelet symbolises my love for you and the commitments we made today." He pushed the bracelet onto his lover's wrist, until it sat snug, and left both paws on top as he stared into Death's eyes. "I will love you forever, I do swear."
"Puss and Death, you have come here today, and before friends and family, declared your love, commitment and devotion to one another," the officiant said, as Puss took a tiny shuffle closer. "You have given and recieved a bracelet as a symbol of your promises." Death dipped his head down a bit, getting his muzzle close to the tabby's face. "By the power of your love and commitment to each other, and by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may now kiss!"
They moved in unison, Puss tilting his head and Death leaning into him, their lips pressing together in a soft, chaste kiss that held the heavy undertones of wanting more. Death put a paw on either side of Puss' waist, encasing the tabby's entire upper body in his fur and paw pads, as the cheers of the guests filled the clearly. Puss leaned back into Death's hold as the wolf slowly dipped him. And when their lips parted, eyes fluttering open and warm with starstruck love, they whispered in unison, just like they'd moved.
"Yo también te amo."
#fic request#deathpuss#pussdeath#death in boots#fluff#wedding#wedding fluff#puss in a dress#death in a dress#puss in boots#death puss in boots#ive only been to 2 weddings before#and i only remember 1 of those ceremonies so#sorry if its really inacurate#ao3 fanfic#ao3#writing#posted on ao3 as well
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💌🍷🎶🐱🎃🎟 with chrysijacks?
💌 - What would a love letter from your f/o look like?
jacks has two modes… love letter where it’s him putting up a front and trying to sound cool (giving an expensive gift with a note or something like that…), and love letter where he got drunk & wrote a sonnet abt chrysi that lost the plot halfway through, but when jacks woke up, he decided it was good enough & he wrote a silly, dumb little post-script that calls back to their childhood. the sonnet always winds up on the fridge and he always screams abt it. it was MEANT to be PRIVATE!!!!!!!!!!!!
🍷 - What was your first date like?
the nature of them is that they never seem to have a first date.. it’s always a romantic friendship that slowly blurs the lines more and more… truly the lyrics “best friends, ex-friends to the end, better off as lovers, and not the other way around”…
atm, the au where i have the most definitive “first date” is the babysitter’s a vampire au. after azure and castor left, and after chrysi finally healed from her bite wounds / blood loss / vampire venom, jacks decided to celebrate (and take their minds off of what they’d both gone through) by preparing a picnic in a sunny field together. they’re both alive, they can both enjoy the sunlight, and they like each other. that’s enough for both of them. ((chrysi still couldn’t move around much, bc she was still weak, so jacks wound up carrying her back to the car after the end of their date… then they went home and watched movies while curled up together <33))
🎶 - What song/lyrics remind you of your f/o?
bang the doldrums by fall out boy has lately been what i keep quoting…. cant go wrong with these!!

also hold me like a grudge by fall out boy (tragic.. i know…), for obvious reasons

and i can’t forget this is love by air traffic controller. it’s the peak awful, horrible, toxic chrysijacks energy that comes w him being a jealous fate that doesn’t want to give up the only girl he loves :) even though it’s going to piss her off so bad, she’ll kill him :))

🐱 - Would you adopt a pet together? If so, what pet would you get?
YEAAAAASSS, chrysijacks cat parents REAL. well, mostly chrysi brings home a new cat and jacks is like, “well. this is a new roommate, i guess, since you won’t take it back, huh?” correct to assume as much!!! currently, they have three cats (i’m thinking of making it four…). one is a grey tabby, one’s a calico, and the other is still in development.. might jst be an orange kitty. but they have cats and jacks can’t do anything abt it. fortunately, he likes them too <3
🎃 - What Halloween costumes would you and your f/o wear? Do you match?
bc of chrysi’s Thing w halloween, she always dresses up as something she’s been / is, so generally she dresses up as a cheerleader!! i think that jacks would get her a varsity jacket that says “heartbreaker” on the back as his own way of playing her game.. + it would be oversized, so it’s an adequately “boyfriend-sized” jacket :))

jacks would match her halloween outfit exactly one (1) time… but he’s too much of a peacock, so after that, he tends to dress up as something unrelated.. but it would be fun if he kept to chrysi’s color scheme!! so if he were to dress up as a court jester (since chrysi’s his princess 🫶🏻), it would be red and black as well!

🎟 - What would a movie date with your f/o look like?
chrysijacks movie dates are always of horror movies, and jacks is always hiding his face in the crook of chrysi’s neck.. he’s always like “ahah, no, it’s fine!! i rlly like cuddling during horror movies!!” but he jst puts chrysi on his lap so he doesn’t have to see the screen. coward. it’s okay though, chrysi’s kissing him or whatever.
#s.chrysijacks#.asks#m.moon🎀#chrysijacks first date being them sitting in the sunlight to banish the specter of horror that would’ve been chrysi becoming a vampire..#something poignant abt that i think.#they also kiss and cloud gaze and stuff.#also random thought but i don’t think they’d rlly ever want to stargaze again. they are bleaching out the horrors w sunlight!!!!
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059 of 2024
The Rainbow Survey 🌈
by joybucket
1. What is your favorite color? Black, green, purple. But I like colours in general.
2. What colors do you think look best on you? I have no idea.
3. What colors do you think look worst on you? No idea either.
4. List three bright and colorful things you can see from where you're sitting right now that have at least five different colors in them. Index marks, set of highlighters, set of colourful pens.
5. When was the last time you saw a rainbow in the sky? 🌈 Last week. I like to believe my late kitty Victoria was sitting there, looking at me.
6. Have you ever seen a double rainbow? Yeah, many times. But the one from last week wasn't double.
7. Have you ever looked outside your bedroom window and seen a rainbow? Yeah, even three years ago I still have a picture somewhere.
8. A rainbow is a sign of God's promise to never flood the earth again. Are you thankful for God's promises? I'm not sure if I believe in God or not, but yes, whoever is guarding us from above, I'm thankful.
9. Which of these names do you like best for a girl: Rainbow, Rain, Kaleidoscope (called Kallie for short), Skye, or Promise? Skye is the only name I encountered before, and, to be honest, I'm not really fond of any of these names, but still, I like Skye the best.
10. How many different colors are you wearing right now, and what are they? Black and blue, just two.
11. Do you own a lot of colorful clothing? Yeah, but I almost exclusively pair one colour at time with black.
12. How often do you wear bright colors? It depends on my mood, I guess, but not very often. Just every once in a while.
13. What unnatural colors have you died your hair? Red, purple, pink, blue, green, teal. I even have blue now.
14. Do you know anyone who is colorblind, and if so, who? Yes, my husband. He has the rarest form of colourblindness in the world, called tritanomaly, which means he can't see the difference between blue, purple and green.
15. Which of these careers sounds the most appealing to you: painter, fashion designer, interior decorator, graphic designer, or photographer? Photographer and graphic designer.
16. What is your least favorite color? Brown. To be honest, the only brown thing I've ever liked in my life are noses of tabby cats.
17. What is your favorite color combination? Black and pink, black and neon green, black and red, blue and purple.
18. What is your natural hair color? Dark brown, boring to me.
19. What color are your eyes? Grey.
20. What color was the house you grew up in? Dark red, bricks.
21. Without saying the month, what are three colors you would use to describe the month you were born in? Green, pink, white.
22. What are three of your most favorite colorful things in nature? Flowers (particularly tulips), birds, rainbows.
23. Do you like to wear bright colors? Not often, but when I do, I pair them with black.
24. Which of these words would you say describes you best: colorful, flamboyant, fashionable, artistic, or intuitive? Intuitive, I guess.
25. What is your favorite type of art to create? Photography. Some say I'm a very good photographer.
27. What color was the last thing you ate? Brown.
28. What color was the last thing you drank? Orange.
29. If you had to pick five favorite Lisa Frank characters, which ones would you pick, and why? I'm not familiar with them, sorry.
30. List three random bright and colorful things that you own. Pens, highlighters, Post-It cards.
31. What are two colors that you think really clash? Green and red, oh my. This combination gives me a headache.
32. Which of these names do you like best for a boy: Nova, Rain, Skylar, Kaleidoscope (called Kal for short), or Storm? None really, but if I have to choose, then Skylar.
33. Which of these names do you like best for a girl: Aurora, Skylar, Starla, Epiphany, or Echo? Aurora. My friend has chosen this name for her baby daughter <3
34. Have you ever been given a rainbow rose? No, I don't think so.
35. Do you own a tie-dye shirt? No, I don't. I tried to do it myself when I was a child, though.
36. Have you ever made crayon melt art? No, but it sounds very interesting.
38. What color wings do you think you would have if you were a fairy? 🧚♂️ Green, for real.
39. What color do you think you would be if you were a crayon? 🖍️ Black or green.
40. What are three of your favorite types of flowers? 💐 Tulips (<3), hyacinths, irises.
41. Which of these words would you say describes you best: free-spirited, imaginative, fun-loving, adventurous, or passionate? Probably adventurous.
43. Have you ever dressed up as a unicorn? 🦄 No, I haven't.
44. What is your favorite type of smoothie? I'm not a big fan of smoothies.
46. What is one color you would never dye your hair? Yellow? I think so.
48. What color was your first car? Never had a car on my own, but the first one I remember my family had was blue.
49. Would you rather eat Skittles or Ⓜ️&Ⓜ️'s? Skittles. M&M's have nuts, which I'm allergic to, or chocolate, which I'm not a big fan of.
50. What color was your nursery when you were a baby (if you know the answer to this)? I don't think I've ever been in the nursery.
0 notes
if you get this, answer with three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs! anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog <3
let's not look at how long this has been in my inbox
i was captain of my high school's varsity scholars bowl team (essentially, trivia but with math).
i have been my current height (5' 1/2" / 154 cm) since age 12.
i own two cats! phineas (sweet boy grey tabby) and applesauce (dumb dumb orange boy) were adopted from the same cat cafe ❤
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A few sketches using my cat designs for Mechanisms characters! Two (Thor and Mordred) were drawn in a Roblox game, while the rest were done in Krita (over a traditional sketch). From left to right and top row to bottom, these are meant to be Mordred, Ashes, Thor, and Gunpowder Tim.
Image descriptions below the cut.
[Image set ID: Four digital drawings of characters from The Mechanisms discography as cats. Three are headshots with accompanying text bubbles, and one is a full body with free text. /End ID.]
[Image 1 description: A full-body drawing depicting Mordred as a cat. He's colored in three shades of reddish brown, with dark mackerel tabby markings highlighted by a lighter color. He is sitting down and facing away from the viewer; his ears are pinned, tail puffed up, and shoulders raised defensively. Behind Mordred's figure is an event horizon drawn in shades of orange, yellow, and black. Text on the image reads, "Mordred sits and / waits without the / once and future king."; this writing is positioned to create the illusion of the ground where Mordred sits. /End description.]
[Image 2 description: A headshot of Ashes O'Reilly depicted as a cat. They're colored in shades of dark reddish-brown, with tabby markings and false eyes on their ears; their actual eyes are a brown-grey color. They appear to be snarling or smirking. There's a speech bubble linked to them which reads, "Oh, but it'll make me feel so much better"; the text is flow-ey, almost fire-like, with "so" being especially stressed. The bubble is drawn to look like it's on fire. /End description.]
[Image 3 description: A bust of Thor depicted as a cat. He's colored in shades of gold and brown (aside from a pink scar across his muzzle), with a dark dorsal stripe, false eyes on his ears (his actual eyes being a moderate grey), dark trim on his cheeks, and a lighter underbelly. He's growling, with a speech bubble that reads, "Odin, your time has come--" in all caps, with an angular style. The bubble is is jagged, with many squared edges. /End description.]
[Image 4 description: A headshot of Gunpowder Tim depicted as a cat. He's colored in shades of brown, with intricate eye markings, tabby stripes, and false eyes on his ears; his actual eyes are orange. He's snarling intensely, accompanied by a speech bubble reading, "We'll murder all the lunar men with fury heaven-sent" in all caps, with an angular style. /End description.]
#Art#My Art#My Post#Mechs WC AU#don't ask me why I choose to draw in Roblox sometimes#I honestly don't know
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So Who Am I?
Well, I suppose from my first post, you kind of know that I'm not going to tell you exactly who I am, or other identifying information, but I can give you a general sense of who this person writing the blog is. First, call me Kat. That's easy enough. I suppose you could call me Turtle if you wanted to, but the real cat named Turtle might get a bit upset. She's partial to her name and hates when we accidentally call her adopted sisters by said name. So Kat it is. Short for Katniss...or Katherine. The choice is yours!
And as you've probably guessed, I'm not a just bloomed flower, entering into my twenties. No, that ship sailed. And apparently the mid-life ship cruised into my life without me realizing it. For almost a year. Bloody nice realization to have while cooking dinner last night. Surprising it took that long actually. But then, the last two years have been full of tremendous change, health challenges, and death.
Not my own death, of course, but beloved pets and family members.
It does show how much I've grown over the past twenty-plus years that the various challenges since 2020 have not found me curled up on a therapists couch again, crying and paying them to be my only friend. Yay for that.
An introverted homebody, I'm truly happier at home with family, and chatting with my close circle of friends. Not that I'm not open to adding more friends - I just find it so very difficult to actually make friends as an adult, especially as I mentioned I'm more of a homebody. Who doesn't drink. Or particularly like bars and clubs. Or large groups of people. Or small groups of people where small talk must be exchanged. As you can imagine with those fine endorsements, I'm single and haven't really dated much since those days of LiveJournal. Part of that was from a broken heart given by the lies of my first love - and long-term middle school/high school boyfriend. The other just that I always feel so very old fashioned in the modern world of dating.
But I do have family that I'm close to - my mom, who you'll learn about as she's one of my best friends and the person that I try to take care of as she's got her own health issues, my younger brother and his wife, my adorable nieces, and the three furballs who I lovingly call my children. There's Turtle who is the oldest, a 5 1/2 year old grey tabby, Goat the middle child who is just over 2 years orange tabby, and Bear who is the youngest at 1 month younger than Goat and who is a Calico. I love them all dearly, and love that we were able to rescue them and give them great a home.
Do I wish I was married? Ask those around me, and you'll hear I'm always telling them no. But I'll let you in on a secret, I do wish I was. Or at least in a long-term committed relationship. Being single has its advantages - no sharing the remote to think of one off the top of my head - but I always pictured myself married with children. Or divorced with children depending on the day. Having a child or children is so much a dream of mine. And I get that people do the single mom things all the time. I'm totally up for that. Yet one of those challenges that life has thrown at my over the past twenty-plus years makes that more difficult.
Go out and sleep with some random guy.
I've been told that. Not sure that's the best route to take, inflicting potential parent-hood on some random stranger. More than that though, I've known for close to twenty years now that I can't safely carry a child. Oh I can get pregnant the doctors think, but the potential for stroke and death are apparently high for me. It's also one of the biggest reasons I probably never dated much - aside from that broken heart.
Dating means sex.
Sex potentially could lead to pregnancy. Not birth control is 100% effective aside from abstinence.
Pregnancy most likely would lead to death. Or abortion.
And while I fully support a woman's right to choose, I choose that abortion is not something I could do or would be comfortable with.
Abstinence it was and is.
#acatnamedturtle#a cat named turtle#who am i?#getting to know me#dating or lack of it#family#introvert
0 notes
I have three cats! Two of them were rescued from the side of the road basically as kittens too young to survive the winter alone. We have two orange Tom's named Day-z and Dean. In the grey tabby named sparkles diamond (You can probably guess that cat was named by a 4-year-old)
I'd like to order pizza with barbecue sauce and chicken. Lol.
If you get this, answer w three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs! Anon or not, doesn’t matter !
1. I love cats and currently have 3 of them. They’re all from the same litter, and their names are Mocha, Paprika, and Violet.
2. Whenever I eat pizza I order it without sauce. Just not a big fan.
3. I’m an only child and also the only grandchild on my mom’s side.
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Yandere Sebastian Michaelis
CWs: stalking, demons, non-con kiss
word count: 1174
Part 2
It is the cats that draw him, naturally.

He first sees you as you're luring a pregnant queen into a carrier. By the way she butted against your hand, you were already familiar.
"I know, Your Majesty, but I want to get you home before that storm hits." You gaze at the impending clouds in the distance. There was a light snow just the other day, and the cold snap doesn't seem to be getting better.
The lady cat eventually acquiesces, and you saunter away with her.
A few months later, he sees you holding a little orange kitten up for an inn keeper as the man sits on his porch with his morning pipe.
"Rudy will be an excellent mouser, and he's easily the biggest of his litter. He'll keep away other toms."
The man's eyes narrow. "Is he snipped?"
You nod. "Yes, sir, and fully healed. You'll have no kittens from this boy."
After a moment, the inn keeper scratches behind one of the tom's ears. Even from a distance, Sebastian hears the purring of the content little creature.
"All right, I'll take him." There is an exchange, and then you're walking away.
Sebastian follows you home, a quaint little flat that is nevertheless neat-- well, except for the messes made by the Felines residing therein.
There are blankets hither and thither, makeshift toys, the occasional item that has been knocked from a surface.
As you enter, two little tufts of fur amble across your foot, playing until one bites too hard and the other shrieks.
"Alba, don't be so rough with him." You reach down and separate the white and cream girl from her grey brother, kissing both on their noses. "Sorry, Ash, honey." The grey kitten is the smaller of the two.
He watches for a few moments as you put out food. There are three kittens total-- the girl and boy he saw before, and another orange tabby that's lighter in color than the one you gave the inn keeper-- and their mother.
A scraggly old black cat waits for his own bowl. You favor him with pets as he eats, cooing at the ancient creature. "That's my boy."
Hung on one wall is a large map of the area, pins marking locations in different colors, little notes written across it. You hum and place another pin as he watches-- green. It's where the inn stands, unless he's mistaken.
Sebastian smiles to himself as he leaves.
You don't know you've attracted the attention of a demon. You're just going about your life, providing care for animals, fostering and finding homes for stray cats in particular. People treat cats like garbage so often, and they're really lovely creatures. Cats are caring, social, more intelligent than people give them credit, and can be quite useful.
You've placed mousers on so many farms and local business, even a ship or two.
Your life is fairly quiet unless there are kittens to tend (especially orphans; they take constant care when younger than six weeks).
And then you start waking in the night.
It's nothing, you tell yourself. Just the cats.
But something doesn't feel right.
So you sneak out of bed one night when you just can't put your mind at ease and down the stairs to your living area. Your current fosters are all staring at a shadowed corner, and Whisper (your senior cat, whom you found sick some years ago) sits in your rocking chair, alert. He turns to you with those lantern yellow eyes, then to the corner.
"H-hello?" You don't know what prompts you to speak.. maybe it's the way the cats are acting as if there's something-- someone there. As you watch, little Rufus trills and rubs against the darkness.
You gasp.
Everything seems to happen all at once.
The shadow blurs with movement. You trip over a stair and sprawl back on flight, elbows catching with a bang. The cats scatter. There's a delicate click across the bare parts of your floor. A creak. A soft chuckle. You squeeze your eyes closed.
"My, my, quite the perceptive little thing, aren't you?" The voice is like warm, velvet fur across your electrified nerves, and your fear heightens. "It's alright, Miss." Something brushes your cheek. Your breath rattles in and out.
"What do you want?" The words are so small you wonder that it--he-- they-- hear it.
There's another chuckle, like the being is hovering over you. "I'm merely satisfying my curiosity."
You frown, and the being reads the question there.
"I had to meet these lovely cats you keep safe and warm."
The ludicrous statement forces a nervous giggle from you. "You came to see my cats?"
It's said with such seriousness that your eyes pop open and your breath comes easier.
In front of you is a man. He's quite handsome; tall, lithe, with hair that blends into the night, skin that gathers what little light slips through your windows, and eyes that bleed crimson even in the inky darkness. He smiles down at you, a beautiful expression.
"How did you get in here?" You wonder.
He gestures. "Through the door."
"But I locked it," you argue.
"Did you?"
Your tongue darts across dry lips. You're certain you did. You do every night. You're very careful about locking your door before bed.
"You know, you're very pretty like this."
Alarms bells sound in your head at the compliment, despite his affable manner.
Your eyes dart around the room, but there's no safety. You slowly ease up a stair.
The sculpted lines of his face fall into a frown. "Are you going to run away from me? That would not be a good idea."
"Why not?" You slip up another step.
His scarlet eyes gleam. "I don't know that I can resist the chase."
Your heart thuds against your ribs, your pulse becomes a rushing river in your ears, and you can feel the beat through the arteries in your throat. As though he can hear your terror, his lips spread in a wide smile.
In the darkness you can just make out the flash of fangs
You turn and flee toward your bedroom.
Before you make it to the top, a vice wraps around one ankle and tugs you down, down, down, bumping painfully along the way.
When you reach the rug in the center of your living area, he flips you into your back, kneeling over your prone form. "I told you running was a bad idea."
He looks like a cat with a cornered mouse. You cower, but his long fingers curls around your wrists before you can curl in on yourself.
"Now you've made me hungry."
Do those canines look longer? Sharper? And his nails are pointed and black. There's a strange mark on the back of one hand.
"You are too delectable." His tongue flicks wetly across his lips. As he begins to close in, you accept you're about to die.
Your body tenses, eyes shut, lips part with a gasp--
And something soft and hot presses to your mouth. Slick muscle strokes against your tongue, and you belatedly realize your midnight visitor is kissing you.
#sebastian michaelis#yandere sebastian#yandere imaginings#cat lady#cat#sebastian x you#reader#demons#night terror#reader fic#darkfic#black butler
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The other three apprentices from my Clan Gen! If this was an actual book I think that these 3 would be the main character trio! They all have different and interesting perspectives of the clan and I think seeing how each of them grow would be really interesting!
I've been trying to post clan gen designs everyday but college has started back up and I had a busy weekend so it took me a few days to finish drawing these three T-T
also I had to look up what a pseudo tabby is and all I found was a rare mutation where a tabby is blue with red stripes so that's what I went with for Fennel, I have no clue if that's what this description meant tho lol
Image ID below v
[Image 1 ID: Screenshot from the Clan Generator website which reads “HAWTHORNCLAN; The Demonic and Unstable”./End ID]
[Image 2 ID: A digital drawing of Nightpaw over a black background. He is sitting with his back legs slightly raised and he has a stern, aloof expression on his face. He is a slender black tom with long fur and orange eyes with red linkng the tops of them. his fur fluffs up around the upper parts of his legs, and the rest of his legs are more slender and are a darker shade of black. He has a red scar on the right side of his lip, and a larger one on his lower back. Above him to his right is a screenshot of his description from the clan gennorator which says, “NIGHTPAW- a long haired, black tom, with amber eyes.” below this is written in white hand writing “-Mother & Mentor: Spiderstar; -father was the previous leader; -Spider killed his dad and became leader shortly after Night became an apprentice; - Spider is training him to be her perfect successor’ -partly knows the truth about Spider’s tyranny and her “disappearing” cats but he has been taught to think this is okay; -very aloof personality”. below him the writing is continued and it says “-doesn't know how to talk to other cats; only knows how to give and follow orders”. /End ID]
[Image 3 ID: A digital drawing of two cats, Hornetpaw on the left and Fennelpaw on the right, over a black background. Hornetpaw is standing in a mid turn pose. her head is lowered to the ground and her front paws are unsheathed, she has a scowl on her face and she is looking toward the ground. She is a green eyed, skinny, long spikey furred creamy white molly with yellow and grey calico patches which take the form of jagged alternating stripes on the upper part of her face and continuing down her back and tail. On Hornetpaw’s upper left is a screenshot of her description from the clan generator which says “HORNETPAW- a mostly white, blue and cream ticked tabby calico she cat, with long fur and hazel eyes”. Fennelpaw is on Hornetpaw’s right, sitting crouched low to the ground in a defensive pose, he has a worried/scared expression on his face and he has his ears back. He is a green eyed, short furred classic tabby, his base coat is a blue grey color while his stripes are a rusty red, he also has a white muzzle, paws, chest and tail tip. On Fennelpaw’s upper right is a screenshot of his description from the clan generator which says “FENNELPAW- a red classic “pseudo-tabby” tom, with short fur and green eyes”. Above both cats is written in white hand writing “-Father: Shadowwhisker; -Mother “disappeared” soon after they became apprentices and they were told she abandoned them and the clan; -are bullied a lot by Tansy & Dacepaw bec. they have a “traitor” mother; “Shadow is barely a father to them & just tells them not to be disappointments like their mom”. Below Hornetpaw is written “-Mentor: Swanheart; -Believes her mom is a traitor, but is actually in deep deep denial about the truth; -very upset that Swanheart is her mentor bec. quote, “having a deputy for a mentor should be a honor! but EVERYONE knows he’s weak!”; -desperate to prove herself”. Below Fennelpaw s written “Mentor: Rainclaw; -despite what he has been told he believes his mother was killed; -scaredy cat & terrified of all the cats in the clan; -least scared of Swanheart and wishes he was his mentor instead”./End ID]
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Perfect Fit
Hannibal x fem! reader
Word count: 1430
When Hannibal met (Y/n), he didn't think much of her, she was smart, yes but that’s all there was to her. She wasn’t Alana, no she was smarter and quicker. Most of all, she was Will’s one and only friend. Then she started coming around to his office, talking to him and that’s when he was intrigued. There were so many layers to her and Hannibal barely even scratched the surface. Will knew her though, through and through, maybe it was because she was a bit younger than him or maybe its because they grew up together. Hannibal didn’t bother asking Will about her.
It was soon when Jack picked on Hannibal’s interest in (Y/n), he picked up on the way that Hannibal would stare at her or just simply observe her instead of the crime scene. He also noticed the way the two would converse silently with each other, whispered words and silent laughs. Surprisingly enough, Will picked up on it too. He was angry at first, he didn't want the woman who was like his sister to be involved with Hannibal Lecter. Hannibal understood that he wouldn't want his sister to be involved with a man like him either.
He thought that she was the prettiest person he’d ever seen that one summer day. He went to Will’s house and there she was, dressed down from professional wear to a summer dress chasing after the dogs. Will saw the way Hannibal looked at her and sighed, they fit each other well but he didn’t want her to. Will also saw the way that she looked at him and the ways her eyes lit up when he handed her a book she talked about. Alana wasn’t shocked either, a bit jealous but she understood why Hannibal liked her. Alana would too if she was him.
(Y/n) didn’t like Hannibal at first, she thought he was too stuck up and posh. That changed quickly though, especially after their first conversation. It wasn’t soon after she started dropping by his office for a small chat or accompanying him for lunch. Their conversations are secretive, she found herself peeling her layers and being completely vulnerable to him. Unknowingly, Hannibal did the same to her, not quite showing her everything but bits and pieces of himself. Everyone in the office noticed this, Will didn’t like it but he couldn’t help but smile every time both Hannibal and (Y/n) gushed about each other to him. It was sweet, but if Will had to listen to one more thing Hannibal said about her, he was going to fling himself off a cliff.
When Hannibal first visited her apartment he wasn’t expecting to be swarmed at the door by three cats, he nearly dropped the flowers he got for her. She laughed and to him, that was the most beautiful sound in the world, it sounded like bell chimes. He cracked a smile and picked up the fluffy grey cat whose name he learned was whiskey, the other one was an orange tabby named Tequila and the smallest of the bunch was a grumpy-looking brown cat named Henessy. Hannibal liked her the most. He was never an animal person but for her, he’d be anything she wanted him to be.
Their next meeting wasn’t one that was supposed to happen this fast. The pair had only been dating for a short while after Hannibal finally dared to ask her out. Will was relieved for a bit but was stressed again when he realized that the two were going to be hell together. He groaned into his pillow when she told him, all she did was laugh in response. They stood there in silence, her eyes focused on the body and blood pooled at Hannibal’s feet and he scanned her face for a reaction. It was blank and for the first time in his life after a while, Hannibal Lecter felt fear. He was scared that she would leave him, leave and never look back when she left. He couldn’t let her do that, he couldn’t let her leave. When he moved to say something, she was already speaking, something about getting rid of the body and cleaning the blood.
Hannibal didn’t realize what he was doing until she was scooped up in his arms and he felt her arms around him. The pair stood there for a while, in silence his head resting on her shoulder and his hand moving up and down her back. It was at this moment that he knew everything would be okay and that she wasn’t leaving him anytime soon. They fit and everyone around them knew that. Where (Y/n) was carefree, sophisticated and bubbly, Hannibal was regal, elegant and also sophisticated. They complimented each other well.
It was at dinner with Will when Hannibal brought up the topic, Will choked on his wine. He wanted to marry her and knowing her, Will knew that she wasn’t going to reject him. Funnily enough, in one of their first conversations about her, Will told Hannibal that he doesn’t look like the marrying time. Hannibal looked at Will concerned and showed him the ring, Will nearly died this time when a piece of food got lodged in his throat. The ring was beautiful, a pear-shaped diamond with a silver band and small sapphires that outlined the diamond, there were small vine details on the band too. Will knew she would like it, it was right up her lane.
They planned everything and Hannibal chose a place that Alana told him she liked. A butterfly garden that she found peace in, they went there once before. He told her to dress her best and she did, she donned a white summer dress and a gold butterfly clip on her hair. She looked like a vision to him. A beautiful goddess he would burn the world for, even Helen of Troy couldn’t rival her beauty in this given moment. (Y/n) looked at him, a smile pulled on her lips and one spreading across his own.
The weight of the ring felt heavy in his pocket, worried she would reject him but he knew that possibility was low. So they spent the whole day there, between the flowers and butterflies, Hannibal couldn’t be more contempt in life. It was when a butterfly landed on her nose that Hannibal pulled out the ring, the rustling caught her attention and she looked at him, mouth open and tears lining her eyes. He was on his knee and pulled out the ring. Hannibal told her that he had a whole speech prepared but even his elegant words couldn’t compare to the love he had for her. She let out a small laugh and a few tears fell down her cheeks when he finally asked her to marry him. The scene looked as if it was out of a Disney movie, butterflies were flying around and one rested on their held hands, the smell of flowers surrounded them and they couldn’t be more content.
On their wedding day, she was dressed in the prettiest white dress and her hair was done up in the most detailed way possible. A few months prior she asked Will to walk her down the aisle, with no father present she turned to her older brother. Will agreed and the two shed a few tears over a bottle of wine. Here they were, in December, a true white day, snow fell heavily outside and dusted the grounds and trees. Hannibal stood at the alter nervously until he saw her. A vision dressed in white. Her dress was simple, long-sleeved and white with thread work all over the dress. Hannibal was speechless, she was an angel and he was the devil that found redemption in her. Will cast Hannibal a warning look when she kissed his cheek at the end but deep down he knew that Hannibal would take care of her.
They both shared their vows and kissed, in the crowd, Will shed a tear, beside him, Alana was jealous of how beautiful the two looked together. Jack smiled to himself, at least the two would stop gushing over each other but he also sighed at the fact that there will be two Lecters now. These two were a perfect fit and no one could rival their relationship, it was something that everyone around them was lucky to witness. The love in Hannibal’s eyes was something that could never be rivalled.
#hannibal#Hannibal lecter#Hannibal lecter x reader#Hannibal fluff#Hannibal imagine#will Graham#Hannibal nbc#Hannibal x reader
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Name: wesley
Pronouns: he/him, it/its
Where you call home: my mother's house; wherever my pets are
Favorite animal: cats and birds of any sort.
Favorite cereal: raisin bran (it crunch)
Are you a visual, audio or kinesthetic learner: im not entirely sure, really
First pet: my first pets were a pair of beagles by the names of daisy and rocky, as well as two tabby cats; vito the orange tabby, and napoleon the grey tabby
Favorite scent: petrichor, rain, and my cat's fur.
Do you believe in astrology: not at all, though i do find it interesting enough
How many playlists do you have on Spotify/Apple music: three that i actually listen too, counting my liked songs. but i have, like, 25 in total. most of them float around, waiting for me to go through and remove them
sharpies or highlighters: sharpies. they're good for inking on paper and i do like the fuckton of color options for, like, coloring in things. the extra colors besides black always come in these, like, over 10 dollar giant packs that we never buy so thats a tragedy.
A song that makes you cry: i dont often cry to music, but i do have songs i find comforting
A song that makes you happy: "In my side" by vision video and "oceans with no end" by cold cave among many others
Do you write/draw/create: mhm. i draw relatively often and i write on occasion. mainly poetry but other things too sometimes
i've no one in particular to tag, really. anyone's welcome to participate!
you know what? i'm actually gonna do a tag game this time!
tagged by @shadowoffandoms!!!
Name: Hiro!
Pronouns: they/he/she for now!! (aka any)
Where you call home: my bed HEHEHEHE
Favorite animal: raccoons, foxes, and monkeys!
Favorite cereal: s'mores cereal
Are you a visual, audio or kinesthetic learner: if that test i took in school 2 years ago still applies, then all 3!
First pet: theres WAYYYY too many pets i've had, although the ones i know were REALLY old were Shake, Rubin, and Oreo!
Favorite scent: UMMMMM i know i dont like the smell of cities all that much, so i guess my favorite would be the foreset or a lake!
Do you believe in astrology: I mean, maybe???? not really, although ill fully support anyone else who does believe it!
How many playlists do you have on Spotify/Apple music: i think like... 65??? i dont really use them though, i just listen to my liked songs playlist LDSNFKLJF
sharpies or highlighters: HIGHLIGHTERSS!!! i love bright colors
A song that makes you cry: Practically any cavetown song!! a lot of them are just really comforting to me, but the one that tends to hit the closest to home is probably the song empty bed!!
A song that makes you happy: I have lots of songs that make me happy, and a lot of them give off an insane vibe because im super normal, and they are -Hole Dwelling by Kikuo -Anytime You Smile by JT Music -Vampire Culture by Will Wood -Let's go to heaven! By Kikuo (again) -Snail by Cavetown (again)
Do you write/draw/create: yes! Yes i think!!! mostly draw though HEHEHE okay uhhuhfuah @karineverse @inka-boi @starswirly @mythicalmagical-monkeyman @birdinabowl @beanyboi173 @charlieswanismydad AND ANYONE ELSE WHO WANTS TO
#sorry it took me a hot second to answer jay!#i saw you tagged me in something and then instantly forgot the second i looked away#long post? i mean it is long
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Originally this was going to be a continuation of the baby headcanons from a few weeks ago and then the Nomai took over and its not fully that anymore but its mostly genetics
When Nomai do art that’s showing a ‘typical Nomai’ (like in the sun station- that’s not supposed to be someone specific, the art is a stand-in for a generic Nomai) they paint whoever their clan leader is for it. (the statues were not intended to be generic Nomai- there was a planned who is near what, and the statues are carved to reflect that)
Who was clan leader? I think it was Yarrow- our Nomai would have been considered Yarrow’s clan by the time they died. Our Nomai had a period of no leader before the two escape pods met back up with each other, since Escall wasn’t on either of the escape pods that made it out. When they did meet back up, Yarrow was elected as new clan leader. Usually it’s a for life/ until resignation, but most leaders resign when they feel they’re too old to run the clan well. Everyone is in the running for a new leader when it happens, no matter how young or old.
Clan dynamics aside, let’s talk coloration-
Yarrow was leucistic- not that common, for Nomai, but not unheard of. Most Nomai were not solid white- I like to think they could be brown to red to orange to yellow to black, sometimes you get a bluish black. Solid color or calico pattern or tabby or splotchy all happens, but it’s very ‘what do your parents look like’ based. Eye colors are generally white to light orange to very dark brown, with blues and greens occurring but, rarely. Yarrow had light blue eyes.
Escall was solid russet red practically, Solanum is solid orange with dark brown eyes, Lami and Laevi and Pye (their aunt) were calico patterned, mostly orange but with russet red and yellow and brown- their family all had light orange to white eyes. Clary and Poke were mostly solid light browns- Poke had white splotches on her limbs. Poke’s eyes were white, Clary’s were very light green.
Owlks take mostly after egg laying parent- I’ve mentioned before, I view them as three separate tribes/groups? Marsh/lowlands are more greenish colored, Isles are more blueish and tend to be smallest of the three, Cliff/gorge are more grey and the largest overall. Marsh tends to have smaller horns, Isles tend to be more swept back, Cliff is more streamlined overall.
Hearthians are very impacted by the environment their egg was in before hatching, it’s practically stronger than genetics for them- acidic vs basic water, if it’s running too much or not at all, too hot or too cold or too clear or too muddy etc. For eye color, especially, that’s not really genetic based at all except ‘if nothing else effects this they’ll be yellow’ but a lot of stuff can effect eye color. They don’t know how every different thing effects them, but if two hatchlings in a row are weird, they change conditions for the eggs (Moraine and Chert are both weirdly short- change something. Riebeck? They didn’t wait for a second weird hatchling.) The ‘normal’ range of heights is Gossan to Porphy- Feldspar and Gabbro are both outside that on different ends- Feldspar is about an inch shorter, Gabbro two or three taller. Our hatchling was first normal height traveler.
Hearthian’s freckles are like fingerprints- everyone’s are different somehow. There is a little bit of a genetic tendency to have a similar freckle pattern to parents, but it’s very easily outweighed by everything else. Freckles can be changed due to trauma, too- Gossan did not always have the stripey pattern on their face they currently have (they don’t in the museum picture). It’s not an immediate change type thing, but get hit by something hard enough and the freckles around it will start looking more like scars as the area heals.
#Poisonhemloc’s rambles#outer wilds#so many headcanons#this was. supposed to be. hearthian centric. and then the nomai showed up#...partly due to a fic im working on but
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The Devourers
A flash fiction piece I did many years ago… enjoy
My fat tabby Doyle watched as I poured hard kibble into his bowl. Litter crystals clung to the fur on his feet and I knew I’d be rolling in them when I went to bed later. He looked at his bowl, and then back to me, and I looked at him.
“No,” he said flatly, and turned to crawl back under the comforter. I pulled the blanket back and stared at his flat, disgruntled face. He had long eyebrows, a short mustache, and a pinched nose that did nothing to improve his sour look.
“What do you mean no?”
“I demand wet food, Kenneth.”
“I just filled your bowl.” He plopped down with one leg high in the air.
“It brings me no pleasure.”
I almost argued. Instead I picked up the bowl and went to the kitchen. I ran water over the kibble until it became soft, stirred it with my pinky finger, and put it back on the ground. He sniffed at the bowl and sneezed into it.
“This is not wet food.”
“And my names not Kenneth, yet here we are.”
We stared at each other.
“You’ve got food in your bowl.”
“It brings me no pleasure.”
Before I could argue, I noticed another cat outside of my backdoor. He was smaller than Doyle, but that wasn’t much of an accomplishment. The grey cat wiped one paw down the window, leaving a dirty streak. Asshole. I shook my head no at the cat and turned back to continue my argument with Doyle. The grey cat sat up and placed both paws on the window again, but this time he pushed, and the door creaked open. I yelled at him to stop but he pushed further and slipped in the moment his head could fit through. The plastic door caught on his hips and he wiggled aggressively until he shook off the door and sprinted inside. He left muddy tracks in his wake across my tile floor and old area rug until he stood next to Doyle.
“We demand wet food.” The pair said in unison. I set the bowl down in front of the new cat and he, too, sniffed at it and then sneezed.
“It’s cold” He said and moved it to the side with his dirty grey paw. “We demand hot food.”
“Yes, hot food!” Doyle cried before I could deny either of them. The new cats voice was higher than Doyle’s and his nose was more pinched, nearly between his orange eyes. His grey fur was dirty much like the rest of him, and it was a short, even length all over his body. His tail, however, was nothing more than a stump. He’ll be Dirt, I decided. Dirt and Doyle both watched me as I stood on the edge between the living room and the kitchen. I picked up the bowl and scraped into something more microwave safe and let it heat for a minute. The smell was putrid, a moist combination of corn flour and fish, which I attempted to whip into an acceptable paste and set in front of them. They both sniffed it this time, Dirt even licked it, but then they sneezed into each other’s faces.
“This brings me no pleasure.” Doyle said, and I couldn’t blame him, it certainly brought me no pleasure. I looked over at my open pantry. It was relatively bare, with multiple bags of potatoes that were beginning to grow into each other and packages of somewhat fresher powdered potatoes. Among those sat a tin can of baked beans. I opened the can into a new glass bowl and set that into the microwave to cook. Doyle and Dirt watched patiently, but Dirt had moved back into my living room, his stub tail lazily rubbing the mud from his butt into the area rug. I stared at the stain until the microwave beeped. Again, I whisked the beans and set them down in between the two cats. Doyle stood and sniffed in the general direction of the bowl, taking a tentative step before rolling onto his back.
“Would you eat this, Kenneth?” Dirt asked, and I admit I was partially offended.
“Yes, I would eat this, it’s baked beans? What do you— you don’t even live here. Why won’t you eat it? It’s hot food.”
“It brings me no pleasure.”
“Well what would bring you pleasure?”
“Ham!” Chanted three more cats from my window sill that I hadn’t seen come in. They were all in varying stages of distress, from small matts in his fur to one being completely hairless in his midsection. The last one was a creamy off white. His lower teeth stuck out in front of his top and he had no whiskers.
“I can’t afford wet food, what makes you think I can afford ham!” I ask them all, as more cats push through my back door. They’ve broken the screen out of it now and they climb over each other to crowd my living room, I can no longer see my floor. They stand on top of the table and the bannister, they knock over the beans and howl for ham. I pick up and set down cats in a desperate effort to find Doyle among the masses. He is sitting above the other cats on my bookshelf, having knocked off half its contents onto the floor. “I’m on benefits!” I plead, “It’s too expensive to feed you exclusively wet food, or ham! Just give me some time and I can get you either later!”
“We are cats!” The chorus of felines chant, “We cannot comprehend capitalism, welfare, or your financial limitations! HAM!”
I lay down on the floor and the cats run over me. I can feel their salt lick tongues dragging across my hands and my cheeks, the points of their teeth grazing my sweaty skin. They stand and put their paws together to walk a circle around me. Ham, they chant. Ham
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