#two sidekicks walk into a villain bar
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triscribeaucollection · 10 months ago
It's not often I post multiple things in a day on Ao3, but ngl I'm loving this YJ roll I'm on right now. Think I'm gonna go ahead and get as far with the new Two Sidekicks Walk Into A Villain Bar as I can before I need to break for dinner tonight
Readers for all my other fandoms, I aplogize, but I'm having way too much fun to worry about updating other stuff right now, I promise I'll get back around to the fics you actually want to read at some point. Just. Eventually. x'D
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kingkatsuki · 10 months ago
One day Bakugou will tell you how he feels about you, but today is not that day.
No but really, why do girls always type the most filth with the straightest faces while the guy on the other end is probably losing his shit😭😂
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“Why do you even bother with this shit?”
You don’t even attempt to shield your phone, it’s nothing that your boss hasn’t seen a million times before. Your face is bored as you swipe through the options, leaning against your desk with your coat and bag on ready to leave the agency for the day as you wait for Bakugou.
To most it was probably peculiar for you to be leaving at the same time as the number two hero, but it had become almost a tradition for you to both grab gyoza at the small ramen bar down the street each Thursday after work. It was a place that Bakugou had found by chance one evening when he stopped a petty villain stealing the cash register off-duty. An act that wasn’t forgotten by the kind owner who offered him free gyoza for life— but he’d always leave his money on the table. The food was good, and the atmosphere quiet, just how he liked it. And you had too the first time he’d invited you after your train home was cancelled.
It almost felt like an unlabelled date night, the two of you laughing over gyoza and asahi away from the stress of the outside world for an hour before he’d walk you to the station and wait for your train before making his way to his platform. A slew of food photos and selfies saved in your phone that could indicate a blossoming relationship if they were posted on your socials, and not saved in your camera roll. And perhaps it could be a date— if Bakugou would ever admit his feelings for you.
“Look at what he said to me the other day,” Your fingers scroll up on your phone screen and Bakugou takes the opportunity to look at the way the light shines off your cheeks, feeling that familiar warmth begin to burn like it always does when he thinks of you, “It was so embarrassing.”
Bakugou squints at the screen, trying to read the text without his glasses as his face swiftly contorts to disgust. He doesn’t need to read the whole message to know the guy is an absolute fucking douchebag—
“He wants to what?!” Bakugou’s blush tickles the tips of his ears as he pulls back to make eye contact with you, “How would you even get in that position?”
“You’d be surprised—” You laugh, light and airy, and it has Bakugou leaning against the side of your desk to stop himself from tumbling forward.
“I refuse to believe that works on anyone.” He snorts as he shrugs his own coat on, switching the light off as you both walk towards the elevator.
“Call it the best of a bad bunch,” You laugh, stepping into the lift as you show him the screen again. This time it’s a conversation that has his throat dry as he immediately focuses on your messages. Just the right amount of innocence piled high with implication as he thought about you texting him like that.
“Guy sounds like a fuckin’ loser,” Bakugou plays it off, jabbing the ground floor button with a little more aggression than necessary as the doors close behind you.
“He seems okay,” You mumble, “He works at Deku’s agency.”
“Definitely a loser then.” He sneers.
“Stop.” You grin at him, and Bakugou has to stop his heart from leaping from his chest from how hard and fast it beats.
“What rank is he?” Bakugou scrunches his nose. He better be at least top twenty before he even thinks about having a chance with someone as perfect as you, and even then that wouldn’t be enough.
“He’s still a sidekick, actually.” You laugh, “I got enough Pro-Hero stress dealing with you.”
“Ya better not be thinking about jumping ship.”
“You know I’d never.” You reply truthfully, “I’m a Dynamight girl til I die.”
Bakugou’s cheeks flushed pink at your admission, heart swelled with pride as he let your words stroke his ego.
“Yeah, ya better be.” Bakugou watched in amusement as you kept a straight face as you texted him back, wondering whether you were keeping the conversation sweet or suggestive. Would you look the same if you were texting him like this? Bored and uninterested as you spewed word after word of crass dialogue. He hoped you’d enjoy it like he would, sending flirty messages that would have him grinning at the screen.
“You’re replying to him wantin’ to eat you out with a straight face.”
“Yeah,” You scoffed, “The best of a bad bunch, I guess. At least he hasn’t asked for any nudes yet.”
Bakugou scrunched his nose in irritation at the thought of anyone getting to see that. The selfish part of him wishing that he could be the one that you’d send those photographs to. Posing in the prettiest mesh and lace as you posed for the camera, or maybe sending him a video of you strewn back against tousled sheets. Fingers buried inside your wet, warm heat as you cried out his name.
“You’re textin’ the wrong people,” He shakes his head, shoving his hands in his jacket pockets, “You deserve better.”
“Where am I gonna find better?” You smile over your phone screen towards him, “Especially in this city.”
“I think you’re looking in the wrong places.”
“Wherever I look I just find the same stupid guys.” You sigh, shoving your phone away as you walk towards the exit, giving a smile and wave to the evening security guard as Bakugou nods his head.
Holding the glass door open for you to walk through first, “Yeah, we suck.”
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hufflepuffwritingstuff2 · 1 month ago
A Hero And A Villain Walk Into A Bar
this is pretty long, so I've put it under the cut!
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“Come on,” Villain said as they dragged Hero into the bar, “it’ll be fun!”
After their latest successful team-up with each other, Villain had insisted on taking Hero to their favorite club to celebrate. The only issue was it was chock full of criminals.
“Not to worry,” Villain had said, “you can come as a civilian!”
So Hero had, but as they sat down at the counter with their masked counterpart, they couldn’t help but feel like all eyes were on them anyway.
“Villain!” the bartender greeted, “who’s your friend?”
“This is Civilian,” Villain said warmly.
“Your hostage?”
“No, my date.”
Hero blushed profusely. Villain hadn’t said anything about- well they certainly hadn’t made it clear that- oh boy…
Villain chuckled at the sight of their flustered hero.
“Well, what can I get started for you two?” the bartender smiled.
“Civilian?” Villain asked.
“Maybe just a ginger ale?”
Villain and the bartender laughed.
“Come on, it’s my treat, don’t worry about the price.” Villain put an arm around Hero’s shoulder.
Hero blushed a little, then looked at the bartender.
“Well, um, can you make a strawberry daiquiri?”
“Sure can! And you, Villain?”
“My usual, please.”
A little later, Villain went to freshen up, leaving Hero alone at the counter. The bartender finished their shift, and a new one showed up. They eyed Hero suspiciously.
“Hi?” Hero said awkwardly.
“Hey,” the new bartender said.
Their nametag said Henchman on it. Hero stiffened nervously. They had fought this particular bartender a few times before.
“Haven’t seen you here before? You someone’s new sidekick?”
“Uh, no, I came here with Villain.”
Henchman started making a drink.
“Well, since it’s your first time, let me make you the house special. No charge.”
“Oh I couldn’t-”
“It’s a courtesy we give all our customers,” Henchman went on, “’course, only the first one is free. We have a business to run after all.”
“Of course,” Hero said, trying to keep their voice light and even.
Henchman slid the drink over to Hero. Hero took it and, not wanting to raise more suspicion, drank it. It burned their throat as it went down, but the aftertaste was sweet for some reason.
“Wow, uh, that packs a punch,” Hero wheezed.
“You have no idea.”
Villain came back.
“Sorry, Civilian, there was a line,” they said, “not to mention some poor fool who had way too much to drink.”
“It’s okay,” Hero smiled.
They frowned, then put a hand to their head as it started spinning.
“It’s nothing,” Hero gagged, “just a dizzy spell…”
Villain didn’t look convinced.
“I think we should get you home,” they said.
“M-maybe,” Hero agreed.
Hero stood up and immediately lurched forward. Villain caught them, wide-eyed, with their brows knitted together in worry.
“Hey, you didn’t have that much to drink…” they pondered aloud.
“M-maybe I’m easily inebriated?”
Villain helped Hero out of the bar and to their vehicle. They deposited Hero in the passenger seat and buckled their seat belt for them.
“I don’ feel so good…”
Hero felt hot, and a thin sheen of sweat coated their forehead. At the same time, they started shivering. They were faintly aware of Villain racing down the road well past the speed limit. Red lights became suggestions and so did stop signs.
Hero didn’t know when they had passed out, but when they came to, Villain was dabbing a cloth across their forehead. They had been hooked up to an IV and they were currently laying in a bed in Villain’s med bay.
“You scared me to death,” Villain said softly, “this is all my fault.”
“Wha… wha d’you…?”
“You were poisoned,” Villain explained, “and when I find the sick monster responsible I swear I’m going to- mm. What’s the last thing you remember?”
“I, I don’t know,” Hero rasped.
Their mouth felt dry.
“I had some weird drink from the bar, and then… there was your car, and… did you run a red light?”
Villain chuckled ruefully.
“Doesn’t matter,” they said, “you can turn me over to the cops for it later.”
Villain brought a glass of water to Hero’s lips. They drank it gratefully.
“You rest,” Villain said, “I have some business to attend to.”
“Mhm, I’ll tell you all about when I get back.”
“Shh,” Villain adjusted the blankets for them, “go to sleep, yeah? Your body needs to heal.”
Hero blinked slowly, as though Villain’s words alone were lulling them under.
Villain stormed into the bar, marching up to the counter.
“Where is Henchman?” they demanded.
Bartender gave them a puzzled look.
“They’re in the back, their shift just started… what’s wrong, Villain?”
“I know we’re all scumbags here,” Villain said, “but I thought even we had a code.”
Henchman came out from behind the counter.
“Something wrong, Villain?”
Villain decked them on the spot.
“What’s wrong is you poisoned my date,” Villain spat, “they almost didn’t make it because of you!”
“Well,” Henchman spat out a glob of blood, “maybe you should think twice before bringing a hero in here.”
Villain scoffed with an angry smile, then grabbed Henchman by the collar.
“They’re my hero,” Villain seethed, “let me show you, show everyone, what happens when you touch what’s mine.”
Hero blinked slowly awake, and Villain smiled down at them.
“Hey, how are you feeling?” Villain asked.
“You- you’re hurt!” Hero exclaimed weakly.
Villain put a hand to their face, and their fingers came away stained with blood.
“Oh, it isn’t mine,” Villain said, “don’t worry. I wanted to check on you before I got cleaned up.”
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Hero asked, brows furrowed.
Villain took Hero’s hand.
“Now that I know you’re all right, yes.”
Hero smiled, then yawned a little. Villain kissed them on the crown of their head, running their thumb across Hero’s knuckles.
The bar was in shambles. Villain hadn’t needed their power to completely pulverize the goon, but they had used it anyway. At least now, people would think twice before messing with their Hero.
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Tags: @mythixmagic @infinityshadows @fishtale88 @thelazywitchphotographer @the-beasts-have-arrived @princessofonwardsworld @surplus-of-sarcasm@memepsychowhowantsuperpower-blog @electrons2006 @just-a-space-rabbit @telltaletoad @bacillusinfection @noseyowes @whump-till-ya-jump @writinglittlepains
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iwritewhump · 5 months ago
"We have to go back and save them! They'd do the same for us!" + taken hostage + dragmarks
day twenty-two of whumptember
1763 words
warnings: cursing, vague discussions of growing up with an abusive guardian, being taken hostage, implied drugging
Villain knocks on Hero’s door, a small smile on his face and bags in his hands. Hero opens the door and pulls him inside. She slams the door after him and holds his shoulders. “You weren’t followed?” 
He shakes his head and ducks out from under her. “I wasn’t. Promise.” 
She sighs and nods, “Of course you weren’t. I just…I worry about Supervillain.” 
“Me too,” Villain says, shifting his weight. He clears his throat and swings his bags at his side, “Is there somewhere you want me to put these?” 
“Oh!” Hero says, covering her face with her hands. “Of course! I completely forgot to clear out the guest room so you can set them in there as long as you don’t judge me for the mess. Sidekick is in there too but he’s not staying the night, that’s just where he keeps his stuff.” 
Nodding, Villain smiles and leans to look down the hallway, “Is it the one at the end or…”
“Right! Sorry, it’s a bit of a circus here right now. Superhero’s been working on this big huge thing and he’s making my life a living hell because he comes up with the “big idea” and I have to figure out how it actually works out.” she runs a hand through her hair and sputters, “It’s the second door on the right.” 
Villain forces a smile and walks down the hallway to the second door on the right. 
Light shines through the cracks of the closed door so Villain knocks. He turns the handle and pushes the door open just enough to peek inside. 
“Sidekick?” He asks, reaching his hand through the crack. “Hero told me I could put my stuff in here, can I come in?” 
The door opens the rest of the way and Sidekick smiles widely, “Sure thing! Just put it somewhere over there, I try to keep my stuff on this half of the room so just stay out of it, yeah?” 
He looks at Villain and raises his eyebrows, expecting a response. Villain nods and walks over to his side of the room before setting his bags down. He falls back on the bed and stares at the ceiling and exhales deeply. 
Sidekick lays down next to him and sighs, “Whatcha thinkin’ about?” 
“Oh, you know. I abandoned the person who raised me for the people she despises most in the entire world.” he taps his thumb on his chest and frowns, “I guess I wish I left a note or something. Just to tell her why I left.” 
Sidekick nods and turns his head to look at Sidekick. He bites his cheek and opens his mouth to say something, then closes it. He takes a deep breath and knits his brows together, “Why did you leave?” 
“I dunno, I guess…” Villain looks up and shrugs. “I guess I finally realized that she didn’t actually take care of me. And that the majority of my childhood was abusive and she’s been using me my entire life. But that’s just…” he shrugs again and looks at Sidekick. “Can that stay between us actually? I don’t really want Hero to know about that.” 
Sidekick nods and hesitantly takes Villain’s hand in his, ignoring the crushing weight in his head telling him not to. Villain lets him take his hand, so he squeezes it tightly and pulls it onto his chest over his heart. 
They lay there for a few minutes, hand in hand over heart, until Hero knocks on the door and walks in. They both shoot up from the bed and Sidekick scurries to his desk. Hero tilts her head and shoots Villain a knowing smile before speaking. “Superhero will be over in a few minutes. Did Sidekick tell you the plan?” 
Shaking his head, Villain unzips one of his bags and takes out a granola bar, “No, we were-” 
He cuts himself off by taking a bite and shakes his head again. “No, he didn’t tell me the plan.”
Hero nods and leans against the desk, “Maybe he can do that then?” 
“Sure thing!” Sidekick says, fiddling with something from his desk. “We’ll come out when Superhero gets here.” 
Hero smiles forcefully and turns around. She stops in the doorway and smiles cheekily, “Let’s keep this open from now on, yeah?” 
Villain’s face goes red and he turns away from her. He finishes his granola bar and slides down the wall with his hands over his face. 
“Oh. My. God.” Sidekick says, chuckling. “What the fuck just happened?” 
Villain falls into a fit of laughter and waves Sidekick over to him. “I think it’s something we can ignore until after we get this plan over with?” 
Sidekick nods. “But maybe we can still…” he trails off but holds his hand out on his leg, an open invitation for Villain to take. Smiling, Villain wraps his fingers with Sidekick’s and pulls his hand into his lap. “So the plan is for you to distract Supervillain while Superhero and Hero sneak up on her from the back. I’ll be with them but really just in case they need a third pair of hands. Which I hope they don’t because I’d love to do this again.” 
He smiles and squeezes Villain’s hand. Villain smiles back and stands up. He walks to the door, still holding Sidekick’s hand and finds his way back to the entryway. 
Superhero is already there, leaning against the wall with his hands in his pockets. He pushes off the wall and walks up to Villain. His eyes narrow and his nose almost touches Villain’s forehead. 
“You’re not working for her, are you?” he whispers. 
A shiver runs down Villain’s spine and all he can bring himself to do for a response is to shake his head. Superhero takes a moment, his breath hot on Villain’s face, before pulling away. He nods and claps Villain on the shoulder. 
“It’s nice to have you on the team!” 
Hero makes herself known and clears her throat, “Now that we’re all here I think it’s time we get going. Villain, you can get us to her house?” 
Villain blinks a few times, unaware of that being one of his tasks. “Uh, yeah. I can do that.” 
“Good. Because that’s the only way we’re taking her down.” She walks past him and bumps his shoulder. Pausing right after, she whispers, “Don’t fuck it up.” 
She opens the door and ushers everyone out the door, “Let’s go! We’ve got a Supervillain to defeat!”��
“Ok, this is the spot,” Villain says, unbuckling his seatbelt. He pushes up from his seat and puts his hand on the handle as Hero parks. Sidekick reaches over and puts his hand on Villain’s arm, trying to be comforting. Villain tilts his head so his chin rests on Sidekick’s hand. He almost smiles and gets out of the car. 
Just before he slams the car door, he says, “I’ll leave the door open. Give me a minute then you can come in.” 
On the walk up to the door, Villain’s heart starts to race. His hands get sweaty and his breathing speeds up. He shakes his shoulders and exhales sharply, pushing the anxiety down. 
“Supervillain!” He shouts, opening the door. “I’m home!” 
He can hear her running up the basement stairs. She skids into the entryway and throws her arms around Villain. She puts her chin in the crook of his neck and inhales deeply, “I was so worried about you! You left your phone here so I couldn’t track you and you didn’t leave a note saying when you’d be back!” 
She pulls back from him and holds his shoulders. She shakes him harshly and smacks him, “What were you thinking just leaving like that? You know the rules!” 
He swallows thickly and looks at the ground. “I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking.” 
“That much is clear.” She scoffs. 
Villain turns her around so her back faces the door right as Hero pushes it open. 
The door creaks and Hero freezes, eyes wide. She pulls back and presses against the outside wall, praying Villain can cover it. 
“What was that?” Superhero hisses from the other side of the doorframe. 
Hero presses a finger to her mouth and shakes her head. She mimes opening the door and opens her mouth just enough to make a faint creaking noise. Superhero nods and takes a step away from the door just as it opens. 
Supervillain peers around the corner of the doorframe and gasps, “Villain the wind brought us some visitors and a squeaky door!” 
She snaps her fingers and Henchman walks onto the porch, Sidekick’s limp body held close against her. Villain’s face turns pale and his heart drops. 
“You knew?” he breathes. 
Supervillain rolls her eyes and shoves him out of the house. “Of course I fucking knew. Your betrayal was very obvious.” 
Sidekick’s head moves and he moans weakly. Henchman’s grip on him tightens and he whimpers. “Well, that’s our cue.” Supervillain says. She waves Henchman into the house and slams the door. The deadbolt turns and Villain throws himself against the house. 
Hero and Superhero watch as he bangs against the door, shaking the wreath on the front of it.  They share a look and each grab one of his arms. They start to pull him back and Villain screams. 
He wails, “We have to save him! She’ll kill him! She’ll ruin him and she’ll hurt him and she’ll kill him! We have to save him from her!” 
Hero wraps her other arm around him and squeezes him tightly, “We will. But right now we need to go and come up with a good plan that’ll actually work. This was half baked at best and Supervillain knew it.” 
Villain shakes his head and kicks his feet, trying to land one on either one of them. Superhero wraps a huge hand around Villain’s arm and lifts him into the air. 
“It’s time to go,” He spits. 
Villain shuts down, he stops fighting and lets the pair drag him back to the car. Hero opens the door for him and he gets put in the backseat as she starts the car. 
Superhero leans over him and clicks the seatbelt. He lingers and sighs. “I didn’t want to leave him either. But he’s tough, he’ll be fine.” 
Villain doesn’t have it in him to scoff. He closes his eyes and draws his legs up to his chest. “It doesn’t matter how tough he is. She’ll beat it out of him. Whatever we end up doing…it better be fast.”
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aurora567 · 1 year ago
Little Mouse Ch. 14
Warnings this fic will contain mature themes. Such as but not limited to teasing, kidnapping, Stockholm syndrome, very unhealthy relationships, some elements of non-con/rape, threesomes, drug use, breath play, voyeurism, branding, sex.
Word count: 5780
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The single word reply had been surprising, as were the strings that had come with it. Though Rin should have expected that. After all, she should have known Shigaraki would never have let her leave on her own. But to find herself walking the empty streets with the pale haired man beside her was not expected. He was in a deep blue hoodie with the hood pulled up and into his face keeping him rather well hidden. She didn’t feel as much need to hide herself. After all it seemed clear when All Might had crashed the bar she was unknown. They didn’t seem to have any idea who she was which seemed stupid on their part. It still pissed her off and made her blood boil that no one noticed she was gone. She was once a pro hero’s sidekick, saw tragedy, and then turned to the medical field. Sure she had never made any big name for herself or worked with anyone who was a big name but still to think her work didn’t even realize she was missing. It was enough to do more than irritate her. In one sense it was devastating, in another it made her angry. She was just tossed aside as if no one cared.
Was this what the league had experienced? Was this their shared ground? And the reason Shigaraki had been so interested in her? Thinking she was a similar soul? She wasn’t sure but she couldn’t deny her vision of heroes was quickly changing. And she wasn’t sure how she felt about that.
“I am curious. Why did you decide to come with me? You could have sent anyone to babysit me,” she asked softly, ensuring if anyone was close they hopefully wouldn’t be able to make out her soft voice. But the man walking beside her was quick to glance over at her as she spoke up. She expected him to tell her to shut up or just refuse to answer so when he did she was a bit surprised.
“I simply wanted out of that damn hideout,” well it was a simple enough reason. And who was she to question it. After all, he actually answered her instead of getting upset with her. She softly nodded her head at the answer and let it go as she watched his left hand raise up and softly scratch at his neck a little.
With that she let the conversation drop once more allowing the two of them to walk the streets silently and move around without drawing any real attention to themselves. Which was the main idea after all it wouldn’t be good if someone recognized at least Shigaraki. If hero’s showed up and started a fight in the middle of the street it would be devastating for all the bystanders in the area. After all Shigaraki’s disintegration quirk was not one to take lightly. He could do a lot of damage to people around him who are innocent civilians before he could be caught. That is if he was even caught. Rin imagined that Kurogiri was a simple speed dial away and a portal would open in a heartbeat whisking the villain away.
Rin also took this chance to take in her surroundings. The streets were not ones she knew. And sadly she had no idea where within Japan they even were. She had no way of currently knowing that she was somewhere within Musutafu. The area was foreign to her. Which forced her to trust that Shigaraki knew where he was going to take her to her destinations. She needed to find a pharmacy, that would be the embarrassing purchase. Nothing like buying birth control with a rather socially awkward man. Then she was hungry. Some actual food would be heaven after the string of convenient store junk they had been living off of for who knows how long. Has it been two weeks or three? Maybe it had only been a single week? Rin was losing sense of her days. She was just happy that Shigaraki had not taken her wallet. He had left her with the cash she had in it. Not a lot but enough she could buy what she needed at least. She may not have anything left but oh well.
With that thought she spotted a small little pharmacy come into view down the road. Silently she turned her attention to the door and made her way towards it with the pale tall shadow behind her softly scratching at his neck as he entered the building right behind her.
“What are we doing here?” He asked under his breath as he stuck rather close to her, much closer than she would have liked.
“I need a few things. Some basic first aid supplies would be helpful. I can’t do my job well if I don’t have the proper items,” she said, trying to make it sound as gamer lingo as she could but it was a bit tricky. With that she grabbed herself some basic painkillers, bandages and disinfectant. Though the painkillers were more so for herself. She could be rather sore some days after Dabi was done with her. Though she still had not had a chance to make her way to the back and ask for her prescription yet. That was going to be the worst part as she couldn’t think of a way to get the man to back off a little. She was just going to have to bite the bullet and do it.
Without looking back at Shigaraki she made her way towards the back of the little store just expecting the man was tailing her as he had been since they walked through a portal saving them some walking and keeping the warehouse's exact location a secret. But for now Rin just tried her hardest to ignore her unwanted shadow as she walked up to the pharmacist and flashed the man a soft smile.
“Hello. I need to refill a birth control prescription. The name is Rin Nakano,” she said as she smiled softly. She had to try not to tense up at the intense feeling of Shigaraki’s eyes boring into the back of her head. She could almost feel the threatening glare she was receiving. She just had to hope the man didn’t try and kill her or the poor pharmacist.
“Okay it will be just a moment,” the pharmacist said to which she mumbled a soft thanks and moved to walk back towards Shigaraki who was standing a bit like a creep with his hand in his hoodie pocket, hood pulled up and those red eyes glaring hard at her.
“Yeah yeah chew my head off once we are outside,” she hissed at him under her breath not wanting to listen to Shigaraki at that exact moment nor did she want the pharmacist to think something was up if Shigaraki got mad and throw a child like tantrum in the building. Though he still gave her a growl.
“Don’t give me orders,” he hissed at her as a hand moved up to scratch at his neck.
“Yeah well if you draw too much attention to us that will cause problems. We are missing important party members if you're going to start a battle,” she said softly trying to reason with the man the best she could though she could tell he was still incredibly uneasy and upset. But at least it settled the man down enough that he no longer looked like he was going to disintegrate the shelf barrier between him and the poor pharmacist who did not know how close to death he truly was.
With her name being called she forced a small smiled walked over, thanks the man before grabbing her prescription and turning to grab the sleeve of Shigaraki’s hoodie trying to drag him along with her as she headed to the till wanting to pay for her things and get the hell out of the building before Shigaraki started anything. Damn it he was supposed to be watching her but it felt the other way around she was having to watch and keep him in line instead. Though why did she? She could just let Shigaraki throw a child-like tantrum, draw in some heroes and get himself arrested and she could cry innocent bystander. Ha that wouldn’t work, if anything happened to Shiggy then Kurogiri would have her ass as well as the rest of the league. And Shigaraki was smart enough to know when to call for help and a single phone call is all that’s needed for a portal to open and for all hell to break loose as help would arrive to aid Shigaraki.
So with her things paid for she quickly darted out of the building nearly dragging the pale haired man with her. To which she didn’t think he was happy about but she didn’t care. She needed to get him away from innocent people that were far too close for her liking. Once on the street she slowed down and let go of his hoodie sleeve which she had grabbed onto since grabbing his hand was not a good idea. She sighed softly to herself once she felt like she could relax a little. Sure there were still people around them on the street but Shigaraki didn’t look like he wanted to kill any of them in particular.
“Why did you need to go to the pharmacy for birth control?” Was the question she was bit expecting from the man. And that had her pause and blink her eyes at him. Did he really just ask her why she needed birth control? Was he that unaware? Yeah no he had to know Dabi and her were sleeping together. After all, Dabi made it clear everyone knew since he couldn’t keep his mouth closed. Well fuck Rin was not about to have the sex talk with Shigaraki in the middle of the street.
“Because I had to have it and I couldn’t send someone else for it. Now I’m hungry and want some actual food let’s grab something,” she said quickly trying to change the conversation as she felt her cheeks heat up at the thought that Shigaraki was about to try and ask her about sex. She was not about to have that discussion with him at that moment or hopefully ever.
“Hmm let’s see what do they have for restaurant's or maybe a street cart,” she hummed softly, not wanting to give the man a chance to continue asking her questions. It seemed every time she thought he was going to open his mouth she would say something.
“It will be my treat so don’t worry,” she said quickly as she led him into an actual restaurant. She aimed for one that wasn’t as brightly lit as some of the others she saw. Hopefully that would help hide Shigaraki a bit. Still she knew the meal would have to be quick. But she couldn’t deny a large part of her was really looking forward to having something that wasn’t from a convenient store or something that had to be microwaved.
She could see Shigaraki stressfully scratching at his neck. Rin tried to give him a warm reassuring smile hoping that would settle his nerves. She could understand the skin crawling feeling he may be feeling though. She had never felt the need to look over her shoulder as much as she did during this one outing. Was this what it was like living as a villain? Always worried that someone was going to just suddenly attack them? Because it wasn’t as much fun as she would have liked. And it in turn had her just inhale her meal that she ordered wanting to actually get back to the warehouse. Oh she never thought she would have thought that she would actually want to head back to the warehouse.
At least Shigaraki had kept himself quiet aside from ordering his meal. And didn’t ask her about her stop at the pharmacy again. Ugh she just wanted to curl up in a ball and hide from the world now. Rin was ready for this day to end now as she ate her food and was just as quick to pull out some of the last bit of cash she had to pay for the meal. Once out of the restaurant it felt like she could actually breath again which was a little bit of a stress relief. This was going to take some getting used to as she now felt paranoid even though she herself had never done anything illegal. Well aside from aiding criminals, okay yeah no she was in trouble now.
Ugh Rin needed to stop thinking about this; it was stressing her out and making it worse as she tried to hold onto her morals but that was a real struggle. She knew she was still a good person but the fact that she was currently standing beside Shigaraki willingly ate at her. Where did her loyalties lay? She wasn’t sure. Geez she was giving herself a headache.
“Do you need to do anything before we head back?” She asked Shigaraki even though she had already started walking back the way they had come from, her little bag of supplies in her left hand.
“No,” was the soft hiss she received which was all she needed to hear as she nodded her head softly at him.
“What’s the plan now?” she asked once the streets became empty allowing her the courage to openly ask Shigaraki what was going to happen now.
“I need to build up my party. I need more warriors,” he said simply as they walked. Okay well that wasn’t exactly what she expected to hear but it was more than she expected.
“Yes the party is lacking some good muscle,” she said softly trying to answer in a way he would like it. After all it was easier to keep the man happy than to watch him throw tantrums over nothing. It was really like trying to talk with a young kid.
But with that the walk back remained silent till Shigaraki came to a stop, pulled out his cell phone and proceeded to call Kurogiri. It didn’t even require him to say anything and a portal opened before them. Stepping through the portal was still such an odd and weird sensation as she stepped into the main room of the warehouse and was greeted with Kurogiri standing before them.
As always she flashed the cloud of smoke a smile unsure exactly if he returned the smiles or not but oh well she still always did it. It only took a second for a shiver to run up her back. A quick glance around the room quickly revealed the reason for the slight uneasy feeling. Dabi was standing off to the side, his eyes slits, his lips pressed heavily together. She was almost sure she was watching smoke come up from the edges of his scarred skin. Was it the good skin or damaged skin that was smoking? She wasn’t sure but she felt the need to become a bomb squad member and go over and diffuse the ticking time bomb that was a pissed off Dabi. She quickly thanked both men again and headed towards the smoking bomb ready for whatever she was about to receive.
“What crawled up your ass?” She asked as she watched him glaring at her as she walked towards him. Of course he was like talking with an animal as she watched his top lip pull back to snarl at her.
“What the fuck were you just doing with Shigaraki?” Of course that’s what got him so upset.
“Calm down. You were not around and I needed to go get some things. Shigaraki only said I could go if I took him with,” she said simply as she raised the bag that had been in her hand up to show it off to the man. That at least seemed to have him calm down enough to stop smoking but it was clear that he was still incredibly upset.
“What’s the matter thought I ran away?” She asked with an arched eyebrow and a little snark. Though it was the odd look that flashed across his face as his snarl fell that had her realize she probably had hit the nail on the head. She had not told him she was going out nor had she ever been allowed to leave so he expected her here and waiting for him. Now she felt a little bad.
“That’s not it,” he growled quickly to recover from her realizing he had probably felt abandoned. She sighed softly.
“Alright. Well I want to put away the stuff I grabbed. Come on and help me,” she said as she started walking, indicating for him to come with her. To which he seemed quick to start walking after her.
The days to follow all seemed to fuse together and Rin completely lost track of days. Had it been days? Had it been weeks? Had it been months? Fuck Rin was going crazy loosing her track of days. All she did was eat, sleep, fuck Dabi and chat with the league. Till that morning when Dabi was given a job to do that had him leave for the day. Well there went one of the best ways to keep herself entertained. She would have much more enjoyed Dabi fucking her senseless all day long. He seemed to make it a point when around that the two spent most of that time together naked. The number of bruises, hickeys and scratches also told everyone who saw her what the two enjoyed doing.
Dressed and bored out of her mind she headed for the main large room curious to know who was all around at the moment. The sun had set and only a few dim fluorescent lights lit the hallway before she entered the dark room. Toga, Shigaraki, Compress, and Magne were the only ones who were currently present. Seemed everyone else had their own job to do for the evening. Though the second she entered the room Toga was far too happy to nearly dance as she made her way to Rin.
“Rin have you heard?” She asked, sounding like a gosping high school kid. Then again she kinda was supposed to be a high school kid based on her age. But with a raise of an eyebrow and a tilt of her head told Toga that Rin did not have a clue what she was going off about so she continued, “Twice found some new recruit. Someone with deep pockets that could really help us out. He’s bringing him around tonight.”
A new recruit? Really? Sure she knew that Shigaraki was looking to make new connections and strength to add to his little makeshift army but still it was odd while hiding that he was going to be meeting up with someone. He must have a lot of faith that this person was safe to bring around.
“Oh is that so? Dabi never told me,” she said simply and watched the blonde girl smile widely.
“Well if you ever left your bedroom more often you would have known,” she said teasingly. Fuck okay it was bad when a high school kid is calling you out for spending to much time fucking a guy.
Toga is just lucky she had piqued Rin’s curiosity or she may have just turned around and headed back to her room. Though that really wasn’t healthy for her mental state. Though neither was hanging out mentally ill serial killers. Even Rin had found herself changing. Her attitude grew more sour and rough around these people. Was it just a survival instinct? Was she changing to simply blend in better with the villains? She didn’t know and in some ways she feared the answer. But yet she let it happen all the same.
“So who is coming around?” She asked, still curious what Toga all had to share. The girl loved her gossip after all. So childish but she couldn’t really couldn’t blame Toga after all she was truly still a child.
“I don’t really know. Just some big shot by the way Shigaraki is interested in him. Twice has been the mediator for them and will be showing up pretty soon with the man,” Toga answers as she seemed to dance around Rin. How was the girl so happy? Oh yes mentally ill she didn’t have a care in the world. For being a high school student, well based on that uniform maybe she was a high school kid though she never attended classes so must be a dropout. But still that was a rather big vocabulary for a high school drop out. It was all the more evident to prove that the blonde was smart. She may have some screws loose in her head but she wasn’t stupid.
Well that didn’t tell Rin much aside from the fact that Toga started to go off about how cool it was going to be, was the new guy gonna be interesting? Could she slice him up if Shigaraki didn’t like him? And just everything that ran through the blonde's head was not at all filtered and just came out the blonde's mouth. But clearly this visitor today must be important. Shigaraki was dressed as if going to war. Hands sat all over his body, not just on his face. It very much reminded her of when she had first met the man.
At some point during the nearly one sided conversation Toga and Rin had found themselves sitting on the ground backs to a crate that Compress was sitting on top of as if watching over the two women in the league. Shigaraki was leaning against the wall between two crates as Magne sat on the other crate. With that all conversation came to a halt as the large main door to the warehouse suddenly opened and two figures walked in. The one was easy to recognize. Twice stood wearing his black and white skin tight suit it really didn’t leave much to the imagination. The other man though was new, and odd. The mask that sat on his face reminded her of a plague doctor. Was it a fashion statement? Or something else? She didn’t know and the second her eyes met his, she froze. The most gold eyes she had ever seen met her emerald green ones. Even though the place was dark she had grown accustomed to the lack of light. But his eyes almost seemed to glow in the low light. It felt like she was staring a leopard in the eyes. The man was dangerous, a predator and for a second she felt like a rabbit trapped under his gaze. Pulling her eyes away she looked over at Toga who was asking about the man in front of them and how he was different from any normal criminal. To which Compress was telling her how he was a yakuza member. The last of a dying breed of underground scum was what he was. But Rin bit her tongue as she simply listened, not wanting to draw any more attention to herself.
Rin wasn’t listening to Compress as she knew exactly who the yakuza was thanks to her hero years. But it was surprising to see such a young looking man standing before them. He had to be in his twenties at least but she was having a hard time telling if he was in his mid twenties or not. He looked her age but with only seeing half his face she couldn’t tell. He may be older than herself and she was twenty-three. His skin was pale, but appeared blemish free, he had delicate eyebrows and long lashes. Three piercings sat in his left ear. What she could see looked completely beautiful. It was nearly breathtaking, but still that air of danger around him remained and kept Rin on high alert as she watched him closely.
Rin wasn’t paying the most attention to the discussion going on around her. The man’s voice was slightly distorted with the mask that sat on his face. She didn’t care that they were talking about All For One which was apparently the man Shigaraki called master. Nor did she care about All Might though she was surprised to hear he retired. Now she was curious what happened after the group had been portaled away. What Shigaraki and this young yakuza head talked about didn’t interest her. No, she kept her eyes locked on him waiting to see when the man would attack. After all it felt like she was watching a snake waiting to see when it would strike out and who would it try to strike? Rin could hear Shigaraki move, stepping out from the crates and seemed to stand a little in front of her and to the left. Tension in the air was growing as both men seemed reluctant to yield to one another.
Like a rubber band that had been stretched too far, the tension in the room finally snapped when Shigaraki told the young man to leave. That was all Magne needed to jump into battle. But Rin’s gut sank. She jumped to her feet ready to join the battle, or at least protect herself. Using her quirk Magne was quick to draw the young man in towards her. Though it was the sight of the man removing the glove that covered his hand that had Rin yelling out for Magne to stop. But it was too late. All it took was a touch of a finger on Magnes arm and Rin was forced to watch her seem to just explode from the inside out.
In anger at the loss of their comrade, Compress was the next to jump into the fray. This time it was Shigaraki who called out for the man to stop but it was too late. And although Compress reached him first, for some reason when Compress touched the man nothing happened. This wasn’t good if no one did anything. Compress was going to die next. Compress jumped back but he wasn’t fast enough his left arm was gone. Clamping her hands down onto the ground without thinking she forced a wall between Compress and the man. Which gave Shigaraki an opening as he rushed forwards. Rin didn’t pay attention as she ran towards Compress quickly inspecting the wound at his shoulder where his arm had been removed. It wasn’t the same as Shigaraki’s quirk. This wasn’t disintegration, no it looked like the body had been blown up from the inside out. The cells had been destroyed. She couldn’t fix the arm but she stopped the bleeding. And tried to ease the man’s pain the best she could.
For a moment an all out battle nearly started. Shigaraki had killed a yakuza member before a stalemate had seemed to be met. But when she looked up to check on Shigaraki she found those golden eyes piercing her. It seemed the woman had grabbed the attention of someone she did not want the attention of. Fuck this wasn’t good as she found herself frozen before watching when the man finally turned and left with his cronies.
Once the yakuza group left the building everyone had gathered around Rin and Compress as she had stopped the bleeding but couldn’t actually repair the arm. The cells were destroyed. That man’s quirk was similar to her own but much stronger. He had been able to completely destroy the cells that were Compress’s arm. And Rin didn’t have the ability to repair the atoms and cells. No matter what she tried Rin would never be able to fix that as much as she wished she could.
With Rin watching over Compress Shigaraki was calling Kurogiri back from wherever he had gone off to. With Twice’s help Rin was able to get Compress to a room and had him resting on a bed as she cleaned and dressed his arm before Kurogiri arrived back. There was talk of someone who could help Compress replace the arm he lost. Though she was more fussy over the fact that once the man woke up from his slumber some good pain meds were going to be needed. Though Rin wasn’t sure she could entrust that a group of mentally ill people who could very well have drug addictions could be trusted with morphine or something of similar potency. But still she put the request in quietly to Kurogiri, entrusting he was the only one that would get it for her and not steal any or come back for it,
Sitting on the floor of his room and with Compress sleeping soundly for the time being with a fresh bandage on his shoulder, Rin found her mind wondering. The man who had done this. His quirk was strong, but why had Compresses quirk not worked when he touched him? That gave a sinking feeling that she did not enjoy. It had to be a drug, couldn’t have been someone’s quirk as no one else was in a close enough range to activate such a quirk. Or at least she assumed that quirks that erased others were rare as she only knew of one man who had that ability. She had never worked with the underground hero but she had heard of the stories of his quirk.
Yet a just as unnerving feeling came over her as she recalled the look in those golden eyes as he stared her down as she had been tending to Compresse’s injured arm. It was her quirk that had prevented him from striking a second blow at Compress and that gave Shigaraki the opening to attack and kill one of his men in turn for the life the yakuza boss had taken. The man had never said a word and yet those eyes had looked like they were trying to pierce into her soul. Even just thinking about it had her shiver at the memory.
The sound of soft groans pulled her quickly from her mind as she turned her attention to the man laying out on the bed. His jacket, vest and shirt were removed. Along with his hat, mask and balaclava had been removed so she could see his face. Half lid hazel eyes glanced at her trying to push through the fog of either pain or the drugs she had already given him. It was a bit hard to tell without the machines she was used to having to help.
“Good morning. How are you feeling?” She asked softly as she waited for his gaze to focus on her after she broke the silence and had moved to stand by his bed.
“I’ve felt better but I am sure I could be feeling worse,” he answered as he glanced around the room, recognizing the room.
“Good. Then I’ll cut back on your pain meds. As long as it doesn’t get infected you will be just fine. Shigaraki is already working at having someone make you a new arm,” she said softly as she eyed up the bandages that covered the edge of his shoulder and what remained of his arm after being destroyed.
“Mmm you are an angel,” he hummed softly, giving her a soft smile. Was that his way of saying thank you? Probably.
“I’m simply making sure a friend doesn’t die,” she said softly as she inspected the injury. Though she was surprised with the reply she said without thinking. Was this man really a friend? She knew he was once a performer, who came from a line of villains. He was rather smart and cunning. Though it seemed he cared a lot for those he saw as important. But were they really friends? Would he have done the same for her? Rin wasn’t sure but she had no desire to figure out the answers or think it over any more.
“Yet you're still my angel. Mmm such a beautiful angel,” he hummed the words, his eyes drifting closed.
“Yeah I’m cutting back your morphine,” she said with a light chuckle as she shook her head at the man as he quickly drifted back into a medically induced calm sleep. Though she had to admit it was funny listening to the few sentences the man had been able to get out. With that Rin returned to sitting on the floor leaning her back against the bed. She wasn’t sure she trusted going too far without machines that would notify her if his health took a turn. For now she let her head roll back against the mattress as her own eyes drifted closed after using her quirk so much to heal up Compress’s arm to keep him from bleeding out. It left her feeling exhausted as her eyes drifted shut and she let herself sleep till the sound of someone approaching her woke her up some time later.
The feeling of a boot giving her side a rougher than needed kick jolted her awake as pain shot through her side for a second. The action was not appreciated as she placed one hand on her side and glared up at the man who was glaring down at her.
“Geez what the fuck do you want Dabi?” She hissed at the man in anger as she looked up into those bright blue eyes.
“What the fuck are you doing sleeping on the floor in his room?” Dabi asked, not at all caring to keep himself quiet as he lazily waved a hand at the man laying on his own bed in his own room.
“I don’t have the equipment to monitor him. So I decided to stay close till I know he’s okay,” she said simply. Though it seemed he didn’t like the answer as he glared at her with a growl.
“I don’t care. I expect you to sleep in our bed,” he was upset. But then again when was he never upset with her? Once again she was reminded of how possessive and controlling he could be.
“You can go a night or two without sex and cuddles,” she said, unable to help the rise of an eye brow as she couldn’t help the bratty tone. To which she earned herself her hair being pulled as she was forced to crank her head up as he kneeled down before his lips crashed against hers.
Next Chapter
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slippedtheknot · 2 years ago
"Sidekick, why do you have Ketamine?"
TW: drugging
Sidekick walked confidently walked into the kitchen and straight for the poison cabinet. Villain looked up from his conversation with Teammate and gave Sidekick a tired look. He was supposed to be sleeping, but obviously Sidekick didn't feel like it.
"Sidekick, why are you in the poison cabinet?" He asked. Sidekick pulled out a small, glass container that had Ketamine carved on the lid.
"This." Sidekick held up the bottle to show Villain and Teammate.
"And why do you need it?" Villain stared daggers at Sidekick.
"Hey Villain, maybe he just wants to have a good time." Teammate shrugged when Villain and Sidekick turned to him with horrified looks. "Listen, Sidekick, if you really want a good time, there's LSD right up there too."
Sidekick rolled their eyes in response before turning around to grab their needle.
"Trynna reach K-land, aye? I understand you might not want LSD....it's doesn't last as long."
"For the love of God please shut up." Villain growled. "Sidekick, why do you have Ketamine?"
"To level with that Hero bitch." Sidekick's voice was sprinkled with anger and impatience.
"Mhm, I see..." Villain dropped his chin onto his hand. Sidekick waited for Villain or Teammate to say anything else before turning his back to them and searching through the poison cabniet.
"How much Ketamine does it take to murder someone?"
Teammate turned his head and let out a laugh into his elbow. Villain closed their eyes; whether in annoyance or shock Sidekick didn't know.
"Roughly..." Villain looked to the ceiling like it might give him an answer. "4.2 grams...if he's 150."
"Mk." Sidekick two bottles of liquid Ketamine, and filled his arms with powder Ketamine.
"Stealthy." Teammate commented when a bottle fell to the floor.
"Okay, Sidekick, relax. You're still injured."
"I didn't notice." He sneered.
"I'm being serious with you Sidekick. You're being controlled by your rage, and with that control, you'll lose to Hero. hero is controlled by his brain; no emotions included." Villain blocked Sidekicks path when they make a break for it. "Wait, heal, and then attack. You're being stupid right now. You have a flawed plan that won't work."
"And why is that?" Sidekick raised their arms still full of Ketamine.
"First off, you're planning to poison Hero, right?" Sidekick nodded. "Hero doesn't go to bars or clubs. They don't want to. So you'd have to sneak into their base, and poison their drink with Ketamine. which tastes so bitter that Hero would probably notice."
Sidekick just stood there; feeling stupid and ashamed. He put all the bottles of Ketamine on the kitchen counter. "Yeah, there ya go kid. I'll escort you to your bedroom, k?"
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triscribe · 9 months ago
Ooh! Every one of your WIPs sounds fun. Maybe the Snow Leopard fluff one?
/evil cackle
This might end up as part of my Two Sidekicks Walk into a Villain Bar series, or be its own thing, but either way I intend to nab Isabelle Mahkent from DC comics and toss her into an AU of the Young Justice cartoon. Specifically, a teenager with ice powers turns up who wants to be a superhero, and unintentionally hits it off with Artemis/Tigress, who as a childhood acquaintance of Icicle Jr. puts two and two together. She pulls Conner into things, they run a DNA test, and then he tracks down Cameron to break the news 'hey you've got a kid you never knew about'. The irony is not lost on him.
Anyway, Izzy/Snow Leopard joins her generation's iteration of the Team with Lian Harper (the new Cheshire) as a sort of surrogate cousin, and with the other assorted kids get to have so many shenanigans. Including the odd run-in with her "you might be my bio dad but we don't actually have to be anything to each other if you don't want" estranged parent-person, and Icicle might be dealing with conflicting emotions about this whole thing but when he sees Snowy stop an entire armored truck with one ice blast? He's totally cheering for her. Maybe offering a couple of pointers mid-fight, too. Not going so far as to ask if she's getting enough sleep though, that's too close to getting Attached.
I just want the feels of Artemis mentoring this kid who in another universe is her daughter, and the humor of Cameron meeting up with Conner to hang out after Cape Hours to brag about that punch his kid threw during the last fight. Possibly also some angst if a 'hero' comes along who would very much prefer to 'accidentally' kill off villains in the course of battle rather than let them live to cause trouble another day, and Snow Leopard plants herself in-between this guy and her startled dad to snarl don't you dare (Attachment can run two ways, after all).
But that's for later. I just need to get the ball rolling with some fluff and go from there
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 10 months ago
Full Circle
by Triscribe “I want something strong,” the speedster practically snarled, hand slamming down onto the countertop with cash. A few guys shifted like they wanted to scoot out the still open door, only to freeze when the older Flash stepped through it. “Kid-” “This is what we do, right?” The Kid spun around, fists clenched, glaring at his uncle. “Since you’re all ready to stop looking, that means it’s time to give up and come get drunk, right?” “We aren’t stopping-” “Bullshit!” Words: 1329, Chapters: 1/3, Language: English Series: Part 3 of Two Sidekicks Walk into a Villain Bar Fandoms: Young Justice (Cartoon), The Flash - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Wally West, Rogues (The Flash), Barry Allen, Members of the Team (Young Justice), Dick Grayson, Slade Wilson, Bruce Wayne, Original Characters Relationships: Dick Grayson & Wally West, Rogues (The Flash) & Wally West, Members of the Team (Young Justice) & Wally West, Barry Allen & Wally West Additional Tags: Angst with a Happy Ending, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Blood and Injury, Not Really Character Death, Grief/Mourning via https://ift.tt/blxmjLh
0 notes
candycandy00 · 2 years ago
also absolutely ruining tomura whilst he's at his desk playing games god I miss s1-s3 him so baaad 😭 please god. sitting on his lap. can u imagine
Smut. 18+. Biting.
You’re not exactly surprised when you’re kidnapped by the League of Villains. As the sister of a prominent hero, you always knew something like this could happen. It’s a threat understood by everyone closely related to heroes. You are surprised, however, by the fact that none of them have mistreated you.
They tied you up in what looks like a bar, and the members take turns “babysitting” you, as they call it (even though you’re a college student). None of them have been particularly rough with you. They let you go to the bathroom when you ask and give you privacy to do your business. They even let you take a shower after a couple of days. It strikes you as ironic that you’ve been groped by at least two different minor heroes, but not one of these villains has touched you inappropriately. Your friend teasingly said you have an “erotic figure”, but that didn’t make it okay for a random sidekick to keep “accidentally” brushing against your chest with his arm. Threatening to tell your sister about it put a stop to that behavior, but you were annoyed that it happened in the first place.
At most, a few of the villains have occasionally stared at your chest from a distance, but they at least have the decency to look away awkwardly when caught. To be honest, it’s almost cute. You do want to go home though, and you keep asking how long they plan to keep you here. “Until we’re done with you,” the one with piercings and tons of scars tells you. On the first day, the only girl in the group drew a vial of your blood. You’re not sure what her deal is, but they obviously have some sort of nefarious scheme in place. Eh, it’s none of your business.
The only member you haven’t been alone with, who has yet to take a turn “babysitting” you, is their apparent leader. The one they call Shigaraki. He spends most of his time in his room, and when he does come out, he seems irritable. None of the members seem to get along all that well, but they don’t seem to hate each other either. Somehow though, they mostly listen to what he has to say.
Tonight all of the members are out doing who knows what, except for Shigaraki, who is in his room with the door shut, and the one they call Dabi, who has been sitting on the couch watching tv. After an hour, he sighs and looks over at you, then stands up and says, “Come on.”
You get up, with some effort since your hands are tied together in front of you, and follow him into the hall. He stops outside Shigaraki’s door, knocks twice, then opens it before an answer comes. He strides into the room, you following somewhat hesitantly.
The room is a mess, though no more messy than any other single 20-something guy’s room. There’s trash here and there in the floor, mostly the packaging from various snacks, and the bed looks like it’s never been made even once. The room is dark, lit only by a television with the sound turned off and two computer monitors on Shigaraki’s desk, where he’s currently sitting.
His chair swivels around to face you and Dabi as you walk in. Behind him, you can see the pause menu of a game. It looks pretty familiar, but you’re not close enough to make out details. “What is it?” he asks, annoyance clear in his voice.
Dabi takes your arm and pulls you further into the room. It’s not a particularly rough action, but not a gentle one either. “It’s your turn to babysit her tonight,” Dabi says to his leader.
Shigaraki’s eyes flick to you, then back to Dabi. “I thought you had her tonight.”
“Yeah, but I have shit to do. You haven’t taken a turn yet. All you’re doing is playing games.”
Shigaraki waves one had in dismissive gesture as he swivels back to face his game and says, “Whatever. Just put her in the corner.”
Dabi points to a somewhat empty corner of the room and says, “Stay there until someone comes to get you.”
You shrug and walk over to the indicated spot, then you slide down the wall to sit on the floor. Dabi leaves, shutting the door behind him, and you’re left alone with the leader of the League of Villains.
For the first thirty minutes or so, Shigaraki completely ignores you. It’s like you’re not even there. But you can hear the sounds from his game, and you realize it’s one you know very well. In fact, you know it so well that, even without seeing the screen, you can tell exactly what boss he’s been trying to beat this whole time just by sound alone. And by the fact that he keeps repeating the fight, he seems to be struggling.
You stand up and edge closer, trying to get a good view so you can see what the problem is. Once you can see the monitor displaying the game, you watch for a few minutes before saying, “You’re not using fire spells?”
The words slipped out before you really thought them through, and Shigaraki spins around to look at you, as if he’d forgotten he wasn’t alone in the room.
You take a few steps closer. “You have to use fire spells. You didn’t know?”
His momentary surprise at the sound of your voice clears away for irritation. “This is a fire monster. Why would I use fire spells against him?”
“Right after he uses his Hellfire attack, he slumps down for a few seconds, right? That’s when he’s weak to fire. If you hit him with fire spells then, they do massive damage.”
Shigaraki stares at you for a moment, then quickly spins back around to retry the fight. He follows your advice this time, spamming fire spells while the monster on screen is slumped down. After just a few rounds, the monster dies, and the battle is won. By reflex, you pat his shoulder with your tied-together hands and say, “You did it!”
When he looks back at you, you freeze. You’re so used to congratulating friends when they get through a tough spot in a game that you just casually did it to him. “Ah, sorry. I’m in a gaming group at my college. We play this game a lot.”
To your relief, he doesn’t seem offended by your actions. “Thanks for the tip,” he says dryly before continuing with his game.
You hover nearby, watching him play. This is the most entertainment you’ve had since you got here. The others don’t watch much television in the bar area, and when they do it’s usually just the news. Shigaraki doesn’t seem to mind you watching. Occasionally he glances back to see if you’re still standing there, and that’s when you realize… this is the first night you’ve seen him without a hand on his face. And actually, he’s pretty cute!
The next few nights, you end up dumped off in his room. He doesn’t complain when one of the other members drags you in there, and he even speaks to you every so often in response to comments you make about the game. On the third night, you pull a lumpy pillow off his bed and use it as a cushion to sit on the floor beside him so you can watch him play. He looks at the pillow as you flop it down but he doesn’t say anything about it. Apparently he doesn’t mind.
By the fifth night, the two of you are actually having brief conversations about the game. He even gave you the controller once so you could show him a cool glitch your friends discovered. After handing him back the controller, he tried the glitch himself, and actually grinned when it worked.
He’s so cute! You’ve made up your mind. You’re going to seduce Shigaraki Tomura. Maybe he’ll let you go if you rock his world. Oh, who are you kidding? You’re just looking for an excuse. You want to fuck this guy.
You put your plan in motion the next day. You insist on a shower, and complain that you have no clean clothes to change into. The other members of the League begin discussing whether or not they should buy you something, with Dabi cruelly suggesting they just grab you some sweatpants and a tshirt at a nearby convenience store.
“Couldn’t I just wear something of Toga’s?” you ask.
Toga perks up. “I don’t mind! She’d probably look really cute in a school uniform!”
There are a few awkward glances at you and slightly pink faces as the guys all seem to be imagining you dressed as a schoolgirl.
“Thanks, Toga!” you say brightly.
You wait to take your shower just before evening, when you know you’ll be taken to Shigaraki’s room. You put on the outfit Toga laid out for you, grinning in the mirror at how tight it is across your chest, the buttons threatening to burst open. The skirt is entirely too short, showing way more of your thighs than you normally display. Your hair is damp, just enough to look sexy. Perfect.
When Toga takes you to Shigaraki’s room, she proudly draws attention to your appearance. “Tadaa! Look how cute she is in my clothes!”
Shigaraki turns in his chair, and his eyes go wide. He stares for a moment, unblinking, not speaking. Then he clears his throat and says, “Yeah, sure, whatever.”
Toga leaves, and you walk over to his desk. You lean over him, looking at the screen. “What part are you at today?”
He glances up at you, his eyes sliding down to your cleavage and then back up to your face. “Uh… I’m in… the ice cave..” he says, clearly very distracted.
“Oh, I love the ice cave! It’s my favorite dungeon! Do you mind if I play for a just a little while?”
Shigaraki reaches you the controller. “Sure.”
You play for a few minutes while standing beside his chair, then you make your move. You squeeze in between him and the desk and plop down on his lap. “It’s hard to see the screen well if I’m standing up,” you say.
Shigaraki tenses beneath you, and you hear him make a sound similar to a small gasp.
“Oh, sorry, does this bother you?” you ask, twisting around to look at his face. You make sure your ass rubs into his crotch when you do it.
“Uh, no. It’s fine,” he says, staring at the screen, obviously trying hard to pay attention to the game.
“Great,” you say, turning back to the game, “because your lap is way more comfy than your pillow.”
You spend the next few minutes fighting your way through the ice cave, wiggling and moving around in his lap as much as you can without being too obvious about what you’re doing. And just when you feel something hard begin to press against your ass, you give him back the controller.
“Here, I think I’d rather watch you play.”
“Huh?” he asks, as if he forgot you were even playing a game. “Oh, okay.” He takes the controller and begins playing, though he keeps making mistakes and has to restart the area twice.
You decide to drop a bombshell. “It was really nice of Toga to loan me some clothes,” you say. “It’s just a shame she didn’t give me any underwear to put on until mine get done in the wash.”
The controller slips from Shigaraki’s hands and clatters to the floor. His onscreen character screams as monsters attack the now defenseless avatar. You twist again to look at him.
“What’s wrong?”
He’s staring at you, his eyes shifting from your face to the general area of your ass. Your skirt is already short, but it’s ridden up a few inches while you’ve been sitting here. It’s dangerously close to showing everything you have.
Suddenly his eyes narrow and he looks at you with suspicion. “What are you trying to do?” he asks in a low voice.
“Isn’t it obvious?” you ask him, turning fully around so that your legs dangle on either side of his waist. “I’m trying to seduce you.”
His face reddens slightly and he looks away from your face. “Why? You think I’ll let you go if you do this?”
“Not really. I just think you’re cute and I wanna fuck you.”
His eyes dart back to your face. He looks at you for a moment, perhaps judging your sincerity. Then he grins and says, “So fuck me then.”
You grin back, unbuttoning the too-tight shirt and letting your breasts pop freely from the fabric. Shigaraki’s hands are on them before he even has time to enjoy the view. He’s being careful with his fingers, and you figure it has something to do with his quirk. After a few moments, he leans forward and takes one nipple into his mouth, his chapped lips scratching across the sensitive skin. You lift one hand and bury it in his hair as his tongue traces circles around the bud of flesh.
Your other hand is working at his pants, trying to get them open. He uses one hand to reach down and help you, finally freeing his fully hard cock. You weren’t lying when you said you didn’t have any underwear on, and you slide forward to rub your bare pussy against his erection, His breath quickens when he feels how wet you are, and he bites your nipple, just hard enough to make you moan and grip his hair tightly.
He pulls back and looks down, seems irritated that the skirt is blocking his view, and suddenly rips it away. You laugh and say, “You’ll have to apologize to Toga,”
He’s staring at the spot where your bodies are touching, watching you rub your wetness up and down his length. “She’ll get over it,” he mumbles, before pressing one finger into your folds, gathering your dripping arousal, and then putting that finger in his mouth. The action only makes you even wetter, so you raise up just enough to position his cock at your entrance, then drop back down. You’re so slick that he slides all the way in, completely filling you up with his surprising size.
Shigaraki groans, closing his eyes and seeming to just enjoy the feel of you. A sneaking suspicion appears in your mind. Is he a virgin? He definitely has that vibe. Gamer guy who hangs around in his room all day? You feel giddy at the thought that you’re popping his cherry. He’s so unbelievably cute.
But then he surprises you by opening his eyes and pulling your face close to his. He kisses you roughly, shoving his tongue into your mouth while one of his hands grips your hair and the other is pressing four fingers into your thigh so hard that they’re sure to leave bruises. For a virgin, he’s sure figured out what makes you moan awfully fast.
In response, you begin moving up and down, fucking him as fast and hard as you can, clenching yourself around him. He’s breathing so hard he has to break the kiss, but his hands are still gripping you like a vice, You watch his face, all the wonderful expressions he’s making, the desire in his red eyes.
He pulls your head back by your hair and kisses your neck, then bites the soft skin there. It feels like his teeth broke the skin, and you moan again, feeling your pleasure intensify. It ripples up from your core, spreading through your body, and you climax just as he kisses your mouth again.
A few minutes later, Shigaraki carefully lifts you off him before he cums, shooting his seed all over your stomach and breasts. You look him in the eyes as you scoop up some of it on your fingers and put them in your mouth, making a show of savoring the taste of him.
You slide off his lap and glance around for something to put on. Toga’s skirt is ruined, and you’re pretty sure some of Shigaraki’s cum got on the borrowed shirt.
Shigaraki is leaned back in his chair, panting. He lifts a hand and points toward his closet. “Just wear something of mine,” he says.
You end up wearing a pair of black pants and a hoodie. The fabric is soft against your naked skin and, to your surprise, smells clean. You walk over and plop down on the pillow you placed on the floor. Shigaraki is already playing his game again, but he pauses it and looks over at you. “I thought you said my lap was more comfortable.”
You grin. “If I keep sitting in your lap, you’ll never get through this level.”
He grins back. “Try me.”
You laugh and stand up, then ease yourself back into his lap as he unpauses the game. You don’t know how much longer you’ll be the League’s “captive”, but you’re starting to think it’s not so bad after all.
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fertilize-my-eggs · 2 years ago
"First time for everything huh?"
Paired: dabi x chubby fem! Reader smut
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*I know this was few days ago. I've been soo busy* but thanks you @queenkhepri for the request !! It's gonna be very sweet and soft love-making hope you don't mind😋💦
Hope y'all enjoy!! WARINGS: soft smut 18+ minors n ageless blogs DNI.
Warnings: lot of petnames + bodyworship + little fatphobic but murder involve >:D + both losing v-cards + soft love-making and bit rough at the end.
You made a loud yelp being pushed up aganist the hard wall."please don't hurt me.."
You look up to see two big male criminals looking at you with disgust and maliciously.
You couldn't do anything about it, you're a quirkless individual and you happen to be at the wrong place wrong time.
"Shut up worthless fat cow.. We're want something from ya." You cry out as his sidekick pull your hair hard, tears coming down your face. You were about to ask them a question until you heard a deep raspy chuckle close by.
"Well well that's no way to treat a lady." You turn to your side to a man that's look to be criminal as well, you close your eyes hoping he's good man.
"Oi piss off, we're in the middl-.." In a flash he's pull you out of their way to the side and onto the dirty ground. You whimper out as you cover your whole body in fear.
You heard some yells and painful screams then silence.. You slowly open your eyes to see some blue flames and bodies being burned to a crisp.
You watched the man use his quirk to save you.
"Thank you for saving me..." You slowly get up and brush the dirt off of you, he turn towards you with a warm smile.
"No problem doll." You look down to blush deep red, he's quite handsome not gonna lie.
You tuck your hair behind your ear and smile.
"what's your name?" He come towards you and lean in.
"The name is dabi sweetheart."
And that how's it all start at first you had no clue why he always so nice and sweet toward you. You thought that was it from dabi saving you from those people but he always make sure you were safe, always walk close by whenever you go out shopping or to the store for groceries.
And that's when he pull you close and ask you to be his girlfriend.
You were shock at first but you said yes to him.
The first date where you and dabi went to a nice bar, he's talks about his job while meeting his boss and the gang.. Yeah no you didn't realized they're were a group of villains but dabi trust you enough not to tell plus they're were pretty nice people.
After that's chaotic dated, you invite your lovely boyfriend at your house for more drinks.
He's ask for a nice cold beer and you walk into the kitchen, dabi has been in your house few times but now that you two are dating he's had the energy of own the place.
You grab a beer, get some red wine as you walk back to where dabi at.
You see him relaxed on your soft queen-size bed as you give his drink as you sat next to him as you sip your wine.
You sigh softly enjoy the calm atmosphere.
You turn towards him, give him a silly smile.
"What's with the face doll?" His eyebrow rise as he chuckle.
"Ooohh nothing honey.. I got an idea." You hiccup as the alcohol is kicking in.
His sapphire eye looks at yours as he wait for your answer.
"I was thinking *hiccup* if you could play with my nipples." You look away and begin to giggle for few mintues knowing it's was a drunk joke.
There was a long pause as you finally look at him, the atmosphere changed it's heavy, heated.
You can tell he's wants you and the way his eyes guide your body all over making you feel the heat.
"... Yes I want to.. If you let's me dollface." You can tell he wants.. No need this. Your soft hands lock hold of his as you lean in.
"Please do.. Make love to me." His hands pull yours to his lips as he's begin to kiss it.
It's was soft and tender with each kiss getting softer each time.
He remove his hands to dance on your cover body as he lay on top of you.
He grabs the end of your shirt and asked. "may I?" You turn to the side with blush.
"Yes please dabi."
You grab his wrist nerously as you look up at him.
"I-I never done this with anyone to be honest." You turn your head away to feel embarrassed.
There was other pause but you felt his hand move your head back to look at him.
"First time for everything huh?" You can feel your cheeks turn red but did a small nod.
His smirk grow big then lean in and whisper.
"Me too, I'll try my best to make you feel good." He's nip your ear.
"Let's me know if I'm doing right princess."
You couldn't trust your voice so you nod your head again, dabi take your shirt pulls it up and off your body.
You close your eyes realized you didn't wear a bra, you hear a deep groan and the feel of his fingertips touch your soft skin.
"You're beautiful... Too fuckin' sexy." He lean in to kiss your round belly then slowly up to your chest, you let's out a moan of his name as he begin to lick and toy with your nipples.
Your fingers grab hold of his charcoal black locks, pulling it gentle.
"It's feels good d-dabi.." You whimper out as your hips begin to roll up as you now realize you can feel his cover hard-on.
You cry out as his mouth pull your nipple a bit hard but sucking more, you look down to see his bright blue eyes turn dark and more lustfilled.
He pulls back to remove more of your clothing, you grab his shirt too as the clothes throw to the side.
Now you and him are in your underwears as you look up with small smile.
"Can I remove yours and you can remove mine?" He nod his head let's you go first.
You grab the black boxer to pull down, his cock flop out as you begin to drool.. He's so pretty... And big too you were getting a bit nerous but he's grab your chin and kiss you passionately.
"It's okay baby, I'll get you nice and wet.." He groan out." So don't worry it's will fit."
You weren't able to reaction in time as he quickly pull your panties out and threw it in random part of the room.
He's grab your thick thighs up as he dive into your most sensitive area, your eyes roll back cry out.
His pierced tongue roll your clit so heavenly you never felt like this, for an inexperience oral you can said he's a pro!!
He's a natural at this, you rised your back up and let out moans for your lover. His large hands caress your body and every bit of it.
You can hear his heavy groans and loud slurping echo in your small room.
The vibrations on your clit makes you hit your high very quick, you cry out his name as your hips roll his face.
His eyes look up with a drunk expression."mhmm fuck that's was hot." His fingers pull your lips gently apart as he get to look at it.
"I can eat you out all day dollface.. Let's try fingers next.. I gotta stretch you out so you can take this cock." You look down at his red-tip cock twitching with excitement and pre-cum leak out.
You gasp out as you felt his finger go inside your entrance."Fuck.. You're tight." He groan out, his single finger move in and out at slow pace.
You roll your hips back at the same pace but you want more."Can you add more fingers.. Please dabi." He chuckle softly as second finger slide in your tight wall.
Your moans were turning him on more, the sweet mewls and whines make him go fast but not to fast to hurt you.
Few mintues goes by as he remove the soaked fingers as he's move it to your lips.
"Suck." You obey as you begin lick his fingers tasting your sweet juicy while you were sucking it, his other hand grab his base just to tap your entrance.
You gasp loudly by how's heavy it is, you can tell he's has few piercings."are you ready doll?" He's remove his fingers to let you speak.
"I-..." You look into his eyes then down at his dick for a bit. "I'm ready but be gentle okay?" His hands intertwine with yours as he give a sweet smile.
"Yeah don't worry babydoll." At first he try to roll his lean hips to yours but his dick slip and slide. It's very clumsy at first until his tip penetrates your hole. Your eyes close tight never felt anything like this.
Make a high-pitch squeak as you hold his hands more, he stop to put his thumb on your cheeks.
"It's okay... Just relax for me princess, it's will feel good." He groan out long and low.
You nod your head, your velvet walls letting him inside more, you feel his hips roll back and foward with each slow gentle thrusts.
You open your eyes to look at his warm expression then slowly move down to his muscular abdomen flexing each time he's roll forward.
Your thighs wrap around his waist pulling him close to you.
"You can move more baby.. Ahh it's feels.. Fuck! It's feels amazing." Your eyes roll back.
Dabi thrust a bit faster but not hard, his head rolls back to let's out a animalistic growls. His mismatch hands grab your supple soft thighs tight leaving his mark.
His balls slap aganist your ass loud, his thrust hitting all the right places. You can feel his piercings slide in and out of your little hole fast.
Then you felt hot and heavy liquid fill your inside, your eyes wided in shocked.
Did he just... He calls out your name as he reach his high, his body goes stiff feeling more of his load pumps inside your virgin wall.
He look up at you with a smirk, you were confused until he pull out and manhandle you to lay on your stomach, he give a good slammed in your cum fill hole.
You cry out as his hips move inhuman speed making you drool out and tears leak out.
His fingers lock together with yours as you begin to reach your second orgasm.
The cry of his name as he nips your neck giving some love bite in their awake.
Dabi grab your hair to give rough tugs but not too painful.
"Love ya' like this, too sexy.." He's groan out as he's reached his end too.
He roll off of you pants heavy, you look at him with sleepy expression. After few mintues of silence until dabi speak up.
"Shit... I forgot to put a condom on."
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triscribeaucollection · 10 months ago
Okay I'm still having fun with Lyle's POV in Two Sidekicks Walk Into a Villain Bar, so that's on the agenda again today and here's the first bit of my next installment:
First night the Kid hit the streets again in his new costume, he neatly turned the Top upside down, spun Golden Glider headfirst into a stop sign, then swiped one of Captain Cold’s guns and iced the man from the knees down. So of course, as soon as the speedster returned the uncut diamonds they’d been attempting to steal back to the jewelry store, Piper and Trickster nabbed him for a celebratory drink.
“I’m pretty sure this breaks the villain code of ethics, or something,” Kid laughed as the two of them pulled him into Lyle’s bar, grinning and unconcerned to be abruptly surrounded by crooks.
“Who cares, you’re back and better than ever!” Trickster cackled all the way up to the counter, and slapped down a trio of hundred dollar bills. Of Monopoly money.
The Kid rolled his eyes and put down some real cash, enough to cover drinks for all three of them. “Glider’s definitely going to care, when she gets over her headache.”
“She’ll groan and grumble along with her brother, and then tell you to at least take her out with something a little classier next time,” Piper snorted, sitting down so he and Trickster bracketed the Kid. “But more importantly - that was a neat move, with Top, where’d you pick it up?”
The blinding grin that took up residence on Kid’s face told Lyle exactly who he was about to mention even before he opened his mouth. “Something my girlfriend showed me a few days ago. She has gotten so much more badass while I was gone.”
Lyle set down a root beer, a cherry cola, and an orange soda in front of the three boys. “You two adjusting alright?”
“Pretty well, yeah. Getting the death certificate overturned and some other legal stuff straightened out has been way easier, since she’s done it before.” Kid took a sip of his root beer like that was a perfectly ordinary statement to make. Hell, for all Lyle knew, maybe it was with superheroes.
“Surprised you didn’t come back to a, ‘my girl dated and married and had a kid with someone else’ situation,” Piper said with a huff. “Isn’t that usually how it goes in the movies?”
The Kid winced. “Well...”
Trickster gasped dramatically, almost spilling his cola as he leaned into the speedster’s face. “Did she?!”
“No marriage, no kid, but- Red Arrow let me know she’d been dating another guy, first one since I, well, disappeared, but she broke things off with him the day after I got back.”
Piper let out a low whistle, and Trickster splayed both hands against his chest. “Awww, it’s true love! I demand you two invite me to the wedding, and I wanna see all the little Arrow-Flash babies!”
Kid snorted, his cheeks turning pink. “Just for that, I might just drop Flash’s twins on you one of these days.”
The new Kid had mentioned them, a few times, little boy and girl already running around with their daddy’s superspeed. Lyle braced an arm against the counter and leveled his best glare. “Not in my bar, you’re not.”
All three boys burst out laughing.
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kingkatsuki · 4 years ago
Vindication Part One | Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
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This is part one to my new multi-chap. I know I have others left to complete but I’ve been thinking about writing this for over a year and I’ve finally been able to do it. I really hope you guys enjoy it, this is my first time proper messing about with tenses too so please be kind! 
Summary: Bakugou Katsuki was once one of the worlds greatest Pro-Heroes until he unleashed an attack on the innocent civilians of Musutafu. Everyone believes that he committed the crime, that there was always a villain inside him just waiting to be unleashed. The world turned their back on Dynamight, but you know that he’s innocent. He’s been sentenced to life in Tartarus and you may be the only one that can set him free.
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x f!reader
Warnings: 18+, mild angst, unprotected sex, slight breeding!kink, creampie.
Word Count: 3.6k
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There was something special about watching Bakugou Katsuki rise to the top of the hero charts. His confidence and strength helped to prove himself to the agencies that took him on as a young sidekick, watching as the local media outlets slowly started picking up his achievements and publicising them for the world to see. Many remembered him as the young boy from the U.A. Sports Festival who was filled with rage and anger, noting how he had seemed to turn himself around. Others publicised their views that he would end up a villain, there was no possible way he would ever be a hero. But they were wrong.
Bakugou channeled the same anger into achieving his dreams, even more determined to prove the doubters wrong. The people that swore he would never be a hero, not with his attitude. Quickly appearing to settle comfortably in the top three of the hero rankings.
It still felt strange to walk into a store and see your husband's face plastered on the front of every magazine and newspaper, fans walking down the street with his merchandise on full display. The amount of Dynamight products that you’d discovered whilst on your weekly food shop had opened your eyes to how loved and respected he was, even if you had to stare at his face while pouring yourself a mug of Dynamight endorsed coffee.
Bakugou would always complain at the ‘dumb shit’ that he’d seen himself advertising, or the ecelectic clothing brands that now sponsored him. He’d never admit it, but you could see how his chest puffed out with pride whenever he saw someone wearing his merchandise. Pretending to huff whenever someone would stop him in the street to sign something for them, or giving the camera a scowl as he posed for pictures, but it solidified that he truly was a hero. The slew of tweets and posts that he’d receive from fans or supporters, messages of praise and respect for their favourite hero. This is the hero he’d wanted to be as a child, and he’d achieved his dreams.
The world loved Dynamight, and so did you. You were so happy and in love when everything was perfect. Finally at that point in your life where you could truly say you were content, that is, until everything changed.
The day everything you loved was taken away from you.
“The crimes you committed have been callous and aberrant, not only did you use your title as the number two Pro-Hero to infiltrate organisations to steal from them, you also left a trail of destruction along the way. When you decided to become a Pro-Hero you swore to protect civilians from the evil of this world, to protect our city from destruction. You have gone against everything you swore to protect. You’ve committed atrocious crimes to those who idolised you, supported you. The countless victims you injured and killed will never be the same, our city will never be the same. There will never be a way for you to atone for your crimes, we can only hope this will mean you are never able to hurt another person ever again. Bakugou Katsuki, I hereby sentence you to life in Tartarus.”
“No.” You screamed, your hands clinging to the bar in the gallery, tears spilling down your cheeks as you watched the empty eyes of your husband. His vibrant vermilion orbs were void of any emotion as the verdict was read out. The fight inside him now broken down as he stood stoic in the docks, the only sound in the courtroom now raised whispers as the other spectators watched your outburst. Kirishima gripped your arm in his large hand gently as he tried to loosen your grip against the cold brass, his other palm rubbing soothing circles on your back as you tried to urge Bakugou to look at you, to notice you.
“He didn’t fucking do it.” You cried, the judge banging his gavel as he tried to gather order inside the courtroom. The only signs of Bakugou realising his fate was the stiffness in his body when the police tried to lead him away, his shoulders tightening as he tried to shrug them off. His wrists encased in quirk cancelling handcuffs as they began to walk him away.
“He didn’t do it.” You repeated, sobs wracking through your body as you watched the retreating back of your husband being led out of the room, “Kiri, he didn’t fucking do it.”
Kirishima pulled you into a tight hug, burying your face in his chest as he pressed his palm against the back of your head, uncaring that your tears were soaking his dress shirt as he tried to shush you. “I know he didn’t, I know-”
The shrill pang of your alarm clock woke you from your slumber, morning sunlight pouring into the room and illuminating it in subtle yellow hues. Your heart pounding against your ribcage as you made an attempt to quell the incessant ringing in your ears as your eyes squinted towards the noise, making out the snooze button as you snuggled back underneath your duvet. An ignorant bliss clouding your mind as you told yourself it has been a terrible nightmare, trying to ease your erratic heartbeat as you blamed it on a trick of the mind.
Convincing yourself that you were back to your perfect, happy life. It had all just been a terrible nightmare, that he was simply working and had taken on the arduous night shift again. Warmth invading your senses as you swore you felt your husband's arms wrapped tightly around your frame. Instinctively reaching your hand out to the other side of your king-size bed to feel the sheets cold, a stark reminder of the harsh reality of your life now.
It wasn’t a dream.
How was this fair? The rest of the world was allowed to carry on living their own lives, enjoying every day with their loved ones while you had this.
What about your life? What about Bakugou's life?
Bakugou. Every time you thought of your husband a mix of energy swelled inside you. Memories flooding back of your husband pressing soft kisses against the apex of your shoulder as he slowly tried to lull you from slumber before your alarm. His fingers danced along your curves as he pressed warm, open-mouthed kisses against your skin. His hulking form towering over you as he reached over to your side of the bed to turn off your alarm before it had a chance to twang and ruin the peaceful morning.
“Mmm, Katsuki. I have to get ready for work.” You murmured, reluctantly trying to pull yourself from his comforting embrace. Bakugou’s reflexes quicker than your own as he lifted a muscular thigh to lay it on top of your own, caging you against him.
“Fuck work, call in sick.” Bakugou rasped huskily, his voice laced with sleep as he slipped a large palm underneath his shirt you were wearing. His touch causing goosebumps to rise on your skin as his calloused pads grazed along your stomach, his shirt inching up as the tips of his fingers met the underside of your breasts.
“I can’t,” You whined, rubbing your thighs together to try and dull the ache between them, “I’ve already been late every day this week.”
“So what’s one more time?” Bakugou’s lips curled into a smirk against your neck, his tongue poking out to lash against your pulse point as he felt your heartbeat increase, “Ya don’t even need that shitty fuckin’ job anyway.”
Bakugou’s palm cupped your bare breast as a breathless gasp left your lips, your nipple pebbling as you arched your back into his touch. The movement causing your ass to grind back against his stiff cock, making him grunt as he squeezed your supple skin. Any thoughts of work soon dissipating as he began to tease your taut nipple, rolling it between his thumb and forefinger as you continued to roll your hips against him. Feeling his pre-cum streaking against the curve of your ass as you realised how very naked your husband was behind you. His body pressed flush against your back as you felt every ridge of muscle, his thigh tightening around your own as he held you against him.
“God, you’re fuckin’ perfect.” Bakugou husked, his lips moving up to pepper kisses along your jawline, moving your head to the side so he could capture your lips in a searing kiss.
Your soft whimpers muted by his mouth as his tongue lashed against your own, the overwhelming scent of his quirk invading your senses. Making a futile attempt to match his movements as your tongue brushed against his, deepening the kiss. A low rumble vibrating in his chest as he let out a soft groan, his fingers trailing back along your skin to slide between your thighs.
“Oh,” You gasped when his fingers parted your silky folds, feeling how wet you’d become from his ministrations as he stroked through your slick. Your eyes rolling as Bakugou grinned against your lips, vermilion eyes gazing down at you as he found your puffy clit.
“Always tellin’ me you don’t want it when you’re so fuckin’ wet for me. Liar.” He teased, cherishing the way your lashes fluttered as he began to toy with your nub, rolling it in sloppy circles as he worked to pull more noises from between your pretty lips.
“‘Suki.” You mewled, trying to part your legs to give him more access but his heavy thigh on top of you made it difficult. Pouting childishly as you wiggled your hips, the movement causing Bakugou to groan as he lifted his thigh from your own, moving his hand coated with your slick to lift your leg to place it on top of his thigh, uncaring that his cock was leaking pre as the moisture smeared against your skin.
“This better, pretty girl.” Bakugou cooed as he pressed his thick cock between your now parted thighs, running the length along your sloppy folds as he coated the surface in your slick.
“Yes,” You hissed as you felt the bulging head of his cock catch against your clit, rolling your hips to try and replicate the movement, “I want you.”
Your hands slipped between your thighs to feel his thick cock, the tips of your fingers dancing along the bulging veins that scattered along his length, pressing against his tip as you tried to maneuver it inside your throbbing cunt. The action caused Bakugou to scoff against your ear as he tugged at your lobe between his teeth.
“So fuckin’ impatient all the time, aren’tcha?” Bakugou smirked, giving a harsh rut of his hips as he teased his length between your folds, “That desperate for my cock?”
He moved his hand to the curve of your ass as he squeezed it gently, feeling his fingers pressed into your skin as he drew his hand back to land a hard smack to your rear. The motion caused you to cry out as a mixture of pain and pleasure flowed through you, Bakugou’s palm rubbing against it afterwards to try and ease the dull stinging sensation before repeating the motion.
“Please, Suki- I want it.” You needed to quench the desire inside you, to ease the tension that was building in your lower half.
“Then take it, it’s yours.” His sultry tone had your inner walls clenching around nothing, desperate to be filled. Angling your body so you could press his curved cock back against your entrance, feeling the thick tip slowly breaching your tight hole.
“Fuckin’ insatiable,” Bakugou growled as he watched your face contort in pleasure as you slowly sank yourself down on his length. Your inner walls stretching into the shape of him as you took more of him inside your tight heat, feeling his weighty balls pressing into the swell of your thighs as he bottomed out inside you. Burying his forehead into your neck as he felt your inner walls constricting around him, trying to even out his breath to stop himself from coming undone at the sensation. A large hand curling underneath the back of your knee to hold your thigh up to give himself more space as you let out a soft cry of pleasure.
“How are you always so tight?” He grunted as he felt you continuing to squeeze around him before he’d had the chance to move, watching the way you tried to grind yourself back against him in a vain attempt to create some much-needed friction, “Shit,”
Bakugou grunted as he felt you begin to grind your hips against him, the underside of his cock dragging against the spongy spot inside you with each roll of your hips, the movement pressing your ass against his hip bones as the tufts of his pubic hair tickled your skin. Moving your hand back to stroke through the buzzed hair of the undercut at the back of his neck as your nails scraped against his scalp. The movement causing Bakugou to shudder against you, his teeth latching onto your throat as he bit down on the supple skin, a low growl sounding against you as he began deep, rough thrusts into your silky walls.
“Katsuki-” His name falling from your lips repeatedly in a dull mantra as he focused his thrusts into the same spot inside you that he knew like the back of his hand. Sometimes it felt like your husband knew your own body better than you did, the delicate intricacies of lust that would have you coming undone for him with minimal effort. A skill that he held in almost as high a regard as he did his hero work, lashing his tongue against the darkened bruise he’d left against your throat as he increased his pace. Willing you to come undone for him so he could watch you fall apart on his cock, “It feels so good, don’t stop-”
“You gonna show me how pretty you look when you’re cummin’ for me, yeah?” Bakugou raised his head to look at your face, your lips parted in a near-constant whine as he hit the same spot inside you, “Gonna show me how much you love my cock?”
“Katsuki, fuck.” You whimpered when the ridge of his head pressed against your g-spot, pulling himself out to the dip before delving back inside your quivering hole. The lewd sound of your essence squelching against his cock mixing with the sound of skin slapping against skin as your essence coated your thighs.
“Look how fuckin’ messy you are for me, and you haven’t even cum yet-” A cocky smirk on his face as he pressed a kiss against your cheek, “Have you creamin’ against my cock in seconds, hah?”
You keened at his words, your body reacting to the tone of his voice as your inner walls began to quiver around him in the telltale signs of your climax. The dam inside you dangerously close to bursting as vermilion eyes watched you eagerly.
“That’s it, Princess. Come on, just let go-” Bakugou urged, his pace unrelenting as you felt your cunt begin to pulsate around him, your orgasm crashing through you in harsh waves as your body quivered beneath him. A high-pitched whine leaving your lips as you called out his name.
“Good fuckin’ girl.” Bakugou growled, cherishing the way your inner walls clamped down around his thick cock, his grip on your leg tightening as you tried to close your legs. Keeping them spread as he began searching for his own release, fucking into your tight cunt as he worked himself to his own end.
“Katsuki,” You whimpered, turning your chest as you tried to stop him from pounding into your sensitive sex with such vigour, the sensation overwhelming as you tried to come down from your release.
Bakugou was quick to follow your movements, letting go of your leg as your chest pressed into the mattress. Continuing his thrusts as he lay his forearms on either side of your head, pressing his back against yours as he lay some of his weight on top of you. The sensation made you feel comforted and safe as Bakugou hungrily searched for his own end, your inner walls still spasming around him in the aftershocks of your climax as his balls slapped against your inner thighs.
“Fuckin’ hell, you’re so good for me, baby. So perfect,” Bakugou rambled, his jaw resting against the apex of your neck as his lips pressed against the shell of your ear, “Gonna fill you up with my cum, you’d like that yeah?”
“Please, Suki-” You could already feel yourself teetering on the edge of another orgasm, his crude words doing nothing to quell the ache between your thighs.
“Please, what? Fill you up with my cum?” Bakugou rasped, moving one of his hands to slip between your body and the mattress, pressing his palm down on your abdomen, “Want me to stuff a baby into your sloppy little pussy, is that it?”
Your toes curling as you felt yourself edging towards another orgasm, drool spilling out of the corner of your mouth as your cheek pressed against your pillow, Bakugou’s name coming out in a garbled moan.
“See you all plump and round with my kid?” He goaded, feeling your cunt pulse around him as you came again, your body convulsing beneath him as gentle whimpers left your lips.
“Fuck.” Bakugou grunted, feeling the way your cock milked him as he gave a few more sloppy thrusts inside your tight hole before he found his own end. His balls tightening as he fucked his cum into your aching cunt, filling you with his release as he murmured your name against your ear.
Bakugou pulled out of you with a groan, watching as his cum slowly began to seep from your pulsing cunt, unable to resist leaning down to push it back inside you with his fingers. The sensation to your aching walls making you whimper as you tried to wriggle away from his touch. The action making him smile as he flopped down onto the mattress beside you, pulling you against his chest as you both lay in silence together. Your ear pressed against his chest as you listened to the steady thump of his heart, your fingertips tracing patterns against his abs as he pressed a lingering kiss to your forehead.
Fresh tears began to fall from your tired eyes as you stood under the warm stream of water in the shower. The wetness mingling together as you tried to stop the ache in your heart at the memory.
He wasn’t here, he was gone.
A man who unabashedly stood up for what he believed in, for what was right. Who had been there for you throughout everything in your life, had been taken away. It wasn’t fair. You’d slowly watched the world turn their back on Bakugou Katsuki, believing all the lies printed about him in the media, and the rumours circling around online. Even some of his closest friends had turned their back on him, only ever referring to the Pro-Hero Dynamight as a murderer. A traitor.
The friends and family who had once been in awe that you were dating such an amazing man had now turned their back on him, shaming him for the crimes that he had apparently committed. Looking at you with shame and pity in their eyes as they consoled you, ‘You couldn’t have known’, ‘It’s not your fault’.
He truly was the greatest hero, until now.
“Didja mean what you said?” You whispered, “About kids?”
“Of course I did,” He replied without a second thought, “But there ain’t a rush.”
“Yeah,” You hummed happily, moving your arm to wrap around him as you cuddled into his side, “Maybe in a few years?”
“Yeah, I’ll be the number one hero and we’ll have a bunch of brats.” Bakugou replied cockily, his quick reflexes catching your wrist in his palm when you moved to hit his chest, “Oi, watch it, woman-”
“Katsuki, don’t call our kids brats.” You pouted.
“Where do you see us in a few years?” He ignored you, directing the question back.
“Doesn’t matter, as long as we’re happy.”
“We will be,” Bakugou murmured huskily, connecting his lips to yours.
Bakugou eyes bore up at the ceiling of his prison cell, the walls reinforced to prevent a breakout as his vermilion orbs followed the scattered cracks that marred the stone. The quirk cancelling technology meant it had been months since he’d been able to use his quirk, not that he could in the chilly temperatures of Tartarus. He hated the cold. The memories that he held onto of you were the only thing keeping him sane inside these four walls as he pictured escaping this hell and being reunited with you again. He’d tried to forget the look of pain on your face when he’d been sentenced, a look he’d tried to avoid but he’d seen it. The pain that he had caused, even if it wasn’t his fault. By getting caught up in this mess he’d hurt the one person he loved more than anything else in this world. Trying to drown out the loud jeering from the other cells as the villains goaded him, many of them had been locked up here because of Pro-Hero Dynamight. And now he was one of them, another villain.  
And it felt like there was no way out.
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hufflepuffwritingstuff2 · 6 months ago
Grumpy Hero x Sunshine Civilian
This is an incentive request for my good friend @laffy-taffy-creations! Well done on your exam!
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Teammate 1 inched into the rec room.
“Hero, hi, not to bother you or anything, but, if you have a minute, and no hurry if you don’t-“
“What?” Hero snapped.
“Heh, sorry,” Teammate 1 said, keeping their voice light, “but, there’s a bank robbery in progress and-”
Hero sprang to their feet.
“Well why didn’t you say something!?”
Hero and the rest of the team took down the villains pretty easily. All was going well until…
“Stop! Stop or I’ll gut them like a fish!”
Teammate 1 turned. Oh great. Villain had a civilian hostage, pinning them flush against their chest and holding a knife to their throat.
“Now hold on here,” Teammate 2 tried, “we can settle this peacefully.”
“Heck yeah we can. You’re going to let us leave with the goods and they won’t have to meet their Maker.”
“Fine, fine,” Teammate 1 said, “just put the knife down and-”
The explosion came from out of nowhere. Flames engulfed the villains’ getaway car. Hero came up from behind and gripped Villain’s wrist, squeezing until they were forced to drop the knife.
“Let. Them. Go.” They snarled.
“Letting them go, letting them go!”
Hero grabbed the civilian before they could get in any more danger.
“Take care of them while I get this one to safety,” Hero ordered their team.
Up until now, the civilian had been visibly shaking, but as Hero walked them out, they relaxed just a little bit. Hero didn’t stop until they got back to the base.
Hero opened the door and brought Civilian inside. Without warning, the civilian hugged them tightly.
“Thank you,” they said.
“Uh, sure,” Hero replied, “Mx…?”
“Civilian,” they answered, “my name is Civilian.”
“Civilian. Cool. So uh, we’ll wait for the team to get back and when they do we’ll get you home. Sound good?”
Civilian nodded.
“Bad news,” Teammate 1 said, “we got Henchman and Sidekick, but Villain and Other Villain got away.”
“They- they did?” Civilian gulped.
“I told you guys to take care of them!” Hero shouted.
“Yeah, well that was kind of hard considering it was two on four,” Teammate 2 countered, “so lighten up!”
Civilian started shaking again. They scooted closer to Hero on the couch.
“Hey, how about this, until they’re behind bars, you’ll stay here under our protection,” Teammate 1 said to Civilian.
Teammate 1 nodded.
“We have a guest room for situations like this,” they said, “we’ll have someone go get your stuff from… where do you live?”
“Okay, Teammate 2 will go and get your stuff, then you can stay here.”
A few days later
Hero came in with bags of groceries. Civilian perked up as soon as the door opened and ran up to them.
Hero just had time to put the bags down before they were tackled in a hug.
“Hey,” Hero said, “I was only gone for like a couple hours.”
“It was a very long couple of hours,” Civilian pouted.
Cute, Hero thought.
Civilian hid under the blanket and clutched Hero’s side.
“You know this isn’t even the scary part, right?” Hero gestured to the TV.
“The button eyes freak me out,” Civilian squeaked.
“Ooookay that’s the last time you get to pick the movie,” Hero said.
Hero switched to a different movie. Something lighter, without button eyes or other worlds. Civilian peeked their head out from their blanket cocoon and gasped in excitement.
“I love this movie!” they said.
Teammate 1 walked by, pausing when they saw what was playing.
“I thought you were too old for kid movies?” they inquired.
“Shut up, Teammate 1!”
“Shutting up.”
Teammate 1 scurried off just as the thief in the movie began to narrate.
Civilian watched in awe as Hero practically decimated the punching bag. Hero wiped the sweat from their brow with a towel, then chugged an entire bottle of water. They sat down on the bench next to Civilian.
“You don’t have to watch me train…”
“But then I wouldn’t get to see these in action!”
Civilian traced their finger along Hero’s bicep. Hero felt heat rise to their cheeks.
Civilian snored softly, their head in Hero’s lap. Teammate 2 came in the living room, opening their mouth to ask a question. Hero dragged their finger across their neck slowly, then brought another finger to their lips, glaring daggers at Teammate 2. They seemed to get the message.
Whether Hero wanted to admit it or not, Civilian was the best thing that had happened to them in years. And if they wanted to watch kids’ movies, take naps in their lap, watch them train, and greet them when they came home, Hero wasn’t going to object.
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@mythixmagic @infinityshadows @fishtale88 @thelazywitchphotographer @the-beasts-have-arrived @princessofonwardsworld @surplus-of-sarcasm @memepsychowhowantsuperpower-blog
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elvesandlanterns · 2 years ago
Ghost helpline part 15 sibling adventures
Klarion just wanted to cause some mischief, just because he left the Lords of Chaos doesn’t mean he’s no longer a trickster after all. Having Violet and Billy gone for so long had made him restless. So when he heard that there was an Atlantean artifact being shown off in Happy Harbor Museum the same color as his only sisters dual eyes he HAD to have it.
It was supposed to be an easy trip. Teleport in cause some chaos, steal the trinket and teleport out. May be he’d get to throw some sidekicks around, he hadn’t been expecting
Dr. Fate.
God he missed Nelson.
—- —- —-
Violet followed the celery dog and it’s master into the empty building- oh not empty. There were people talking at the bar and ten hidden guards. She sniffed the air, the one in green was bleeding.
“Goddamn it Harleen what did you do? Who is this you can’t just bring in strangers to drug deals!”
“Oh hold your horses Penguin. I’m just looking after the kid until someone comes to get her. What was I supposed to do just leave a meta kid alone in Gotham.” Harley spouted while r the walked to the bar, immediately grabbing a drink and downing it.
“A meta huhhh?”
“Oh no Penguin don’t be getting no ideas there, this kid is in no condition to join a gang.”
“Tch- so girly what’s your power?”
The girl was starting to anger Cobblepot, there was something about her that didn’t seem right. She wasn’t even answering she was just staring at all of them! At him, like he was some sort of freak show!
“Well I’m talking to you!”
The girl clocked her head, opening and closing her mouth a few times. She was getting on Oswald’s nerves, that vacant expression was creepy on a kid.
Oswald hated when people stared.
“Your green friend is bleeding.”
The Penguin followed her gaze, around him and to Riddler. She hadn’t been staring at him at all?
“What? How did you figure that out?” Riddler smiled as Harley read him the riot act.
Cobblepot rolled his eyes at the twos antics, “Maurice! Bring the new fish some food!”
Noise could be heard from the kitchen, huh Violet thought - nine guards then.
“Oh come on Oswald don’t be cruel! Look at her!” Nygma chastised as the chef brought out a platter of dead, fully intact fish.
Instead of the usual shrieking the girl stared at it… “This is for me?”
“It’s in front of you isn’t it. Dig in.”
Violet was hungry, and Harleys phone was still charging. She knew she should eat food from people who weren’t her family but it didn’t seem that this came with any strings attached.
- Harley was horrified, the girl was reaching over to grab a fish. She was holding it in her gloved hands, “Hey kid you don’t gotta -“
She bit straight into it. Since when we’re her teeth sharp like that? She was chewing quickly, slurping on guts and swallowing with out hesitation. Like a train wreck Harley couldn’t look away, even as she took her other hand and pulled another fish apart by the ribs.
Oswald laughed and laughed, this was great. He reached over to take a morsel for himself and the girl flinched. Letting the fish drop onto the counter she covered her mouth with her soaking gloves, “Oh, sorry.”
It was the villains turn to stare.
Surprisingly it was Riddler who got over .. all of that .. first, “Why are you apologizing? We told you to eat and you ate. Good job.” He stared over her head to Oswald and mouthed, “Fix this.”
She was still covering her mouth.
The thing about the Ice Berge Lounge was that it was a place that ran on Villains and freakish clientele, this sense of shame simply would do Oswald thought - not here.
“You can keep eating I -“
“It’s okay I’m not hungry.” She said while eyeing the plate.
“Hey bud we already saw your teeth, and we know you’re a meta so you can keep eating okay? Look even Ossy has sharp teeth!”
“Don’t call me that Harls! - But she’s right do eat comfortably.”
The moved her hands down onto her dirty dress, her teeth looked normal now. “I’m not suppose to … I know it’s … ugly.”
Oswald felt enraged, “Look here no one in this lounge is ever going to give you crap about something like that okay kid? So just eat, we’re going to be deal with work so we won’t even look at you Capeesh?”
The kid looked entirely bewildered, Oswald slowly grabbed a fish for himself and swallowed it whole. The girl started eating again and he called it a win.
- Violet continued to eat as the adults talked. She felt mouths water under her skin, she could still smell blood. If it hadn’t been for the one dressed in green she might have not figured it out. But to be fair none of these villains were acting very villainous at the moment, drug deal aside.
It wouldn’t take that long for Harley’s phone to charge… who was she going to call? She definitely couldn’t call dad or Dandy she thought. She knew how mad and disappointed they’d be. And she wasn’t even sure where Billy was…
Alright that leaves seven brothers left.
—- —- —-
All Dandy had wanted to do was go on a nice drive with his brother to pick up their sister. But nooooo his little brother had to pick a fight with a lord of order and a gaggle of side kicks.
The worst part was that Charles and Klarion were utterly enjoying themselves.
“Awww is the Baby League gonna cry?”
Both of them had located Klarion quickly after entering the town, turning into their ghost selves before entering the museum.
Half of the place was destroyed, the entire town was semi floating and Charles was throwing fireballs like it was the only move he knew. At least it slowed the martian down. It was pure havoc.
Dandy saw a blond pocket the necklace. Uhhh, this is why you don’t send Klarion to do a stealth mission. He squared up against the girl, this necklace better be worth it.
- Charles was having the time of his afterlife! He was fighting real superhero’s! … and Dr.Fate.
Unlike his brothers Charles ghost form, lovingly called Danka, wasn’t … fleshy. Instead of a pallet switch, his black hair became black fire and his body discorporated into sizzling unbreakable bone.
Charles laughed as he spotted his brother buzzing around the young Amazonian. Dandy’s specialty was shrinking, collapsing in on himself until he was nothing more than a ball of light. Often confused for the ghost of a fairy instead of a human.
“I got it! Klarion portal us out now!”
Charles whooped out loud, best day ever.
Dandy looked around their new location and held the urge to scream, “Klarion. Where are we? And where is our car?” Worst day ever.
—- —- —-
Billy knew that beating in Dr. Silvana wasn’t a constructive out lit for his anger. But he couldn’t throw a punch at his “co- workers” so this would have to do.
Billy walked down the streets after leaving the reject pediatrician for the police. He knew Fawcett like the back of his hand, even after getting adopted Vlad could never take him away from here. Not that the old man had tried, Billy was almost convinced his family thought the town was his haunt. He slowed down near a drop for homeless kids and stuck a roll of cash inside, all crumpled ones and fives. Maybe they were right.
He kept on walking, staring up at graphite and half finish murals. He couldn’t shake Batman’s words out of his head.
// The three of them had been taken in by Duke Vlad Plasmius at the end of the war. Violet had been promised asylum and adoption for her contributions in battle.
Klarion demanded asylum from the Court of Chaos that had abandoned him and had thrown him into war like a lamb to slaughter. He refused to leave Violets side.
The gods whispered their apologies to Billy. He shrugged this worked for him, they were a packaged deal now.
The trio explored Phantoms Keep like children and played politics like adults. Billy didn’t trust Vlad yet , he knew what adults were like. There had to be an ulterior motive here.
“Vlad! What’s happening what’s going on?”
Violet looked excited. They had all been worked up and dressed up in their finest, which wasn’t saying much. Vlad smiled back at her, “The royal painter is here dear, we are to be cataloged as part of the Royal Family.”
“Us? But-“
“All three of you are to be my children, so all three of you will be afforded the rights of one.” The man kneeled down, actually knelled! It left Billy bewildered. “I can’t promise things will be perfect, and I can’t promise a fairness in the line of succession or anything like that. But I will fight tooth and nail that you are all given the respect and dignity you deserve. So please please let me try.”
Billy could see Klarion waver, and Violet was already sold on the idea. “Okay dad! Let’s go!”
They meet up with their new siblings and all was well. It was a slow and tedious process but both him and Klarion ended up looking good. The human magician was old and stand off-ish but it didn’t matter. He bowed at the appropriate places and was deceptively polite.
… until Violet stood up for her portrait last.
It was all a blur and the painter almost got shanked.
“I’m sorry my Duke, I just don’t see why I have to paint her. It’s not like she’s in any line of power-“
“She is my daughter.”
“Right. Well I just don’t feel comfortable painting someone … like her.”
“Get. Out.” It was a lot easier to believe Vlad after that.//
Billy looked at the city mural and fiddled with his dads credit card inside his pocket. He thought about taking up painting.
—- —- —-
Jazz and Danny don’t get much time together these days, which was fine really. What was a little time apart when they had eternity.
Jazz smiles as Aragon walks into her territory, time to get to work.
—- —- —-
The werewolf stopped in front of the group heaving in anger, “What to scared to fight your own battles blood sucker?”
“I didn’t do anything wrong! I don’t even know you!”
“Liar! My friend dies and you just happen to be in the same area!!”
“Hold on,” Kaldurs voice harden, “Let’s talk this threw calmly. We are actually here investigating a death, if you could give us any information we can take care of this for you. There is no need for undue violence. If -“
The beast man growled, “His name was John Mark he worked in the building you just came out of. Do whatever you want. We know who’s really to blame.”
“I didn’t-“
“Better watch your back bloodsucker! Gggrrr You can’t hide behind the Atlantian forever.” The werewolf bared his teeth one last time before turning away from them.
- Kaldur was left sharing a confused look with Dick. That man had seem ready to hack them to pieces, they had been expecting a fight at least but instead he had spoken as if Kaldur was nothing but a shield. Maybe -
The girl bowed to Kaldur, “Thank you! Thank you so much! I-“
Nightwing stepped in with his easy going persona, “It’s alright you’re safe now. Do you mind if we ask you some questions? We-“
“I didn’t do it! I swear I just got here! I hardly even spend time in the mortal realm!”
“Wait if you hardly spend time here, then how did you know we were heroes?”
Jacks eyes blinked at them, oh shit. “Your heroes?!?!” Fuck fuck fuck
Dick could see the internal panic, “Hey hey it’s okay, just talk to us you’re not in trouble. Here you’re bleeding.” Dick took out his med kit, it would be an ideal time to get a blood sample.
“Don’t! Don’t touch me! You should never touch a bleeding vampire!”
Jack stepped back, god how dumb was this human?
Kaldur was getting worried, “If you didn’t know we are heroes why did you hide behind me?”
The pink dressed mess stared at him, “Do do you seriously not know????”
More bowing, “The stories of Atlantis king are terrifying, no one would be stupid enough to fight one of his subjects … so I kind of used it to my advantage. Sorry.”
Kaldur felt pride swell in chest, “Right.” Kaldur looked at the vampire, they were cute and clever. If only they were a boy Kaldur might, well it doesn’t matter.
“So what were you doing here?”
“I was collecting some flowers for my fright-mate!” A pink bag opened to show off a collection of flower heads, stems, leaves and ziplocks of soil. “She’s sick so I came, into your haunt without thinking.” The stranger flushed.
“Right well you should be wary, especially in places like Bludhaven and Gotham. Also walking around at night is dangerous for girls in these parts, lot of trafficking rings and stuff.” Nightwing debated tacking on a piece about not wanting to see any murders out of her but that felt unnecessary and perhaps a tad to mean.
A confused look took over their face, “But plenty of Vampires live here? And I’m not a girl?”
Well Dick was embarrassed now, Kaldur was just straight up shocked- the surface world really was different.
“Uhhh I should uhhh go… now… sunrise and all that.” She- uh they stepped away from them slowly.
Kaldur reached out, “Wait! What if we need to contact you again? … for the case!”
“Oh here, call for me if you need me. I owe you one for this whole mess I guess- But just one.”
Kaldur held on to the pink headband as the boy speed off.
“Uhhh great now I owe Tim money.”
—— —- —-
For anyone wondering Teekle, Klarions cat, is at home with Vlad.
I can see Billy not trusting Vlad at first only to completely take advantage later.
Yes Tim is definitely a conspiracy theorist that fully believes Vampires live in Gotham.
Dandy hates humans and the painter being a human magician, only add fuel to the fire.
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plush-rabbit · 3 years ago
Found Family - League of Villains
Request: I have maybe a specific request? reader used to be a healer in the hero course but have left and kurogiri brought them to the lov, everyone is very suspicious of their motives specially because they have a very loving and sweet personality. they investigate further and discover that reader was abused by their ex group of "hero" friends and that discovery makes them adopt reader into their found family with all the love they could possibly have (self indulgent much maybe?)
I'd love a little version of dabi/twice discovering this and getting extra attached to reader, I feel like Dabi would almost hate reader at first bc she was a hero but after he finds out it all changes and for twice I feel like he would love her so fiercely and want to give her everything that her last group of friends took away from her -
A/N: This is gonna go like by how each one reacts to them and then the last couple ones will be more dabi and twice focused! 
Coming into the League of Villains isn’t necessarily an easy task. It isn’t like you have to prove yourself by any harsh means, but you certainly have to act the part of being tough. That’s quite difficult for you because despite your views on the hero's morality, you tend to be nice, you want to be nice to people. You trained for that- to be helpful and supportive to those around you. It’s a difficult thing to just let go of after years of training and it being instilled in you. You don’t blame them for their suspicions, you would have found it weird if they weren’t suspicious actually, but you can’t say that it doesn’t sting a little either. 
Kurogiri is the one who brings you into the League of Villains, stating that having a healer is a necessity. He has to admit that he is a bit wary of you- a healer who has no desire or at the very least negative emotions towards becoming a hero is something that’s rather rare. Even if you hadn’t wanted to fight, you could very well be a support hero, or sidekick at the waiting lines, and yet, you chose to be here, in a dingy hideout with a group of villains. However, you cling to him, not wanting to be alone, and seeming to trust him more out of anyone. Some part of him clings to that version of you, the scared, lost child, looking up at him as if he had been the one to save you by giving you a role in a group of misfits. Of course, he’s done his research on you. He’s read over your files- the ones that he was able to get his hands on and read the short synopsis based around you. It isn’t long by any means, but it does give short details about you and explains how your professors had witnessed you and your interactions between your classmates.
Surprisingly, Tomura lets you hang around him a lot. He doesn’t really say much to you, but he lets you cling to him if Kurogiri isn’t near. He’s tried to be mean and menacing, but it doesn’t really work, it comes out to be  more dismissive than anything else. If you show interest in his own hobbies, he’s more likely to just let you sit near him and let you watch as he continues them. There’s an odd agreement between the two of you, and while you and him are much more subdued around one another, neither of you actually talk to one another. You sit in silence, and have this agreement to allow each other to be near. At certain points in the friendship, you two begin to tease each other, and he’s grown fond of you. Emotions aren't his strong suit and he has no idea how to express to you in a healthy way that he cares for you, but he certainly tries when he throws a candy bar towards you, mumbling that you can have it. Kurogiri shares his findings of your past with him first, and it twists something inside of him, it makes his head hurt and this worrisome feeling boils in his stomach. He doesn’t like thinking that you were left out of something. 
Out of all the members in the League, it’s Dabi who ignores you the most. He doesn’t give you the time of day, walking away from you and making a point to sit anywhere else but beside you. There’s this resentment in his eyes as he looks at you, and sometimes he doesn’t even bother to look at you. He treats you like you aren’t there, and it’s understandable at first, but even then, it can be too much. He’s the last to find out about your history with heroes and upcoming ones, and there’s this look in him that you’re unable to read, and you aren’t sure what it means when he finally says your name rather than some nickname, but you’re happy that he’s talking to you.
Just having somewhere around Himiko’s age is enough for her to cling to you. Unlike Dabi, she makes it a point to sit beside you, and involve you in her conversations. The other members of the League all have a sort of understanding with one another, but with you, she can just talk. You’re friendly, and engage with her, even if you are a bit shaky at first, and for that, she just clings to you, holding you by your wrist or resting her head on your shoulder, or painting your nails if you allow her too. She knows what it's like to not have a true friend group, at least before the League. She’s had friends and she knows that they liked her, and that they wanted to be around her, but after everything, she also knows that they talked about her in hushed whispers and probably felt gross about letting her be so close to them. She holds you tight, and she doesn’t say much except that she’ll always be your friend. 
Jin’s personality can be touch-and-go, and sometimes, it’s difficult to ascertain what exactly he feels towards you. When you’re with Himiko, it’s easy to tell that he has a fondness for her and that at times it can extend even towards you, but other times, it’s like he’s analyzing you- his words holding a deeper tone to them. However, it isn’t long before he has a sort of big brother-slash-uncle type of energy. 
Much like Tomura, Shuichi lets you hover around him. He understands your situation best out of everyone. He was an outcast and perhaps you both don't share much similarities after that, but it’s something. He likes to have you around, it’s easy to talk to you and know that someone else suffered like him in such a specific way. Learning about it isn’t easy, and talking to you brings a sort of discomfort he isn’t ready to face yet- a lodge in his throat and a burning shame that creeps up his neck. He lets you stick close to him, and lets you play his assortment of video games with him.
In the beginning, Atsuhiro doesn’t fully trust you. It may be part of your personality, that you’re so nice and not in the way that young Himiko is. Once the trust is established, and once he understands you and who you are, he tends to forget just how old you are. He treats you younger than you really are, pinching your cheeks and making teasing remarks. 
Your quirk isn’t the offensive type and it makes you so liable to attacks and it’s no wonder that Jin gravitates towards you. He knows that you could probably take care of yourself, but he wants to protect you. He’ll send a copy of someone to go and take any damage that could be sent your way. There’s this need to watch out for you, to protect you like the child that you are to him. He wants to protect you and let you know that you can rely on him.
Slowly, Dabi takes on the role of a big brother, and it doesn’t fit him, it’s rough and he’s a bit too rough with you, but you know that he cares in his own way. He’ll call you names, and shove you aside in a way that feels more playful than anything else. There’s a weird understanding with him. You heal him when he’s burned himself, frowning and apologizing when you can’t make the scars and flesh revert back to its original form, and he just sits there. He thanks you- always quiet and always said quickly- and lets you cling to him when it gets too cold, when others can’t see how he’s grown at least the tad bit soft around you. There’s a weird sense of understanding that comes from him when you talk about being a hero, about wanting to do good and then just being unable to.
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pocketramblr · 3 years ago
Ask au game
Shoto was born with his mother’s quirk
Endeavor made a deal with afo to give him a fire quirk too so he could surpass him, since giving endeavor an ice quirk wouldn’t be an option
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I'm gonna hit two birds with one stone here, @gentrychild
1- ok so when Ujiko treats little Touya and realizes what is happening he goes "oh this idiot has no clue how to do real quirk eugenics" and then "oh Sensei can use this!!" So he offers a way when it becomes clear the kids won't get the right quirk- someone who can give the extra quirk to a kid and do what Enji couldn't. A 6-years-younger Enji would have first asked for a healing or stamina or other quirk to help Touya. Instead, Enji says that Shoto has Rei's strong ice work, but a strong body and constitution for fire instead, and asks for a fire quirk for him.
2- AfO says he can give Touya's quirk to Shoto, but between Enji's shred of decency and Touya's feralness, it is instead decided Shoto will be given a different fire quirk that AfO goes and takes from someone. But since he's got to do more work, he charges higher- Shoto as a spy at UA and as a hero, and Touya as an assistant to AfO's allies. It also works as an effective hostage situation- Shoto and Enji knows if either refuse or tells his mother or other siblings, Touya-nii will be killed imediately before AfO moves on to punishing the rest of his family. (And, Shoto was too young to remember that Touya-nii absolutely hates him and would love to kill him in return.)
3- Touya's time is split between helping the Doctor, assisting Giran, and chilling with Tomura in an attempt to get him used to other people who won't like him. Touya's least favorite is whoever he's currently stuck with. Shoto, meanwhile, is trained by his father when he's home, and by AfO's forces when he's on patrol.
4- Shoto and Enji know AfO isn't dead after All Might fights him but say nothing. They also know All Might is getting weaker. AfO instructs them to look out for a UA student or a younger sidekick who suddenly gets much stronger. Neither are told why, but after USJ (Shoto looked the tv screen and said flatly "I wasn't paying attention to my classmates quirks, they're all weak. I guess one guy can run fast, related to Ingenium.") Shoto has an inkling and asks Izuku if he's All Might's secret lovechild. Izuku says no, and Shoto wonders instead if izuku got his quirk from AfO. Izuku gets confused because it sounds like OfA and flusters but doesn't answer, and Shoto just shrugs and says he's heard about a cryptid who can give or take quirks and wondered if izuku just got his and that's why he sucks at using it. Izuku says "that's not it" but confirms there's a similar connection. Shoto's new theory is that Izuku is AfO's secret lovechild who can take quirks, but really slowly, and All Might rescued him from the villain when he got injured and AfO figured he'd get attached and is hoping to steal his son and All Might's quirk back in one blow.
5- Enji actually steps away from being a traitor at Kamino, not warning AfO of the raid. Shoto does too, helping Izuku. AfO can't kaboom Shoto because the potato-ing destroyed that connection (see gentry's theory) but he does remind them of the consequences. Rei, Natsuo, and Fuyumi have all been moved just before the raid though, hidden, and Shoto and Enji confessed to them. Natsuo almost ripped Enji's throat out. Touya is like "you aren't seriously going to kill me over those idiots betraying us right?" And Tomura and the Doc and Giran, who are in charge now that AfO is in Kamino, are like "nah how would you like to be the ones to kill them actually since they clearly don't care about you?" And keep him on
+1- they do care actually. Shoto met with Touya before the raid to warn him and get him out of there to safety with the others. Touya laughed in his face and walked back to the bar (which is when he was spotted lol)
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