#two minutes.txt
sleeplessinspace · 2 years
one hundred and twenty seconds - murdock x gn!reader
in true basic bitch fashion, i've returned to my roots because a certain somebody gave me ideas after some recent scrunkling. @meloncalic this your fault you little fiend /aff
so here we are, murdock's perspective of the first part of two minutes with slightly changed dialogue. might be missing some tags, i'm rusty T_T
warning(s): nsfw, semi-graphic description of violence (not directed at reader), knife mention/usage (not used on reader), non-descriptive death mention, descriptions of blood
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Muffled yelling, nearly coherent despite the amount of blood the piece of shit has surely lost by now, draws Murdock's attention back up from where he was musing over what to do next. He lifts his hand and it arcs in a quick motion, embedding the serrated blade in the worm's upper thigh.
“You made me lose my train of thought. Why are you crying for help when no one can hear you, hm? I thought we went over this earlier,” Murdock hisses and rips the knife out at an unpleasant angle just to get the guy to stop screaming.
Unfortunately, it only seems to distract him for a moment and soon the worm is yelling again, this time telling someone to run for help and—
There’s only one person that could come down here, but they’re supposed to be at work.
Murdock sighs, more than a little angry at the interruption—more so that he let himself get too comfortable, too lost in his head to pay attention to the perimeter alarms—and pushes to his feet, wiping the knife off on the side of the worm's face before turning to face them.
Well, don’t they look cute when they’re scared?
They make a little noise and he grips the knife tighter, a low thread of arousal starting to snake its way into the simmer of anger in his blood. Before this, they were reaching a breaking point with him, he knows it. Receptive to every bit of him, from the gift-giving to the cooking to the playful companionship they managed to get out of him somehow—his work, his true calling, had been the only part of himself that he swore he'd never share.
At least not until the right moment.
But they forced his hand, turned him right on his head like they always did, from the moment he meant them they would always make moves he could never anticipate.
Murdock normally loved and despised how much they liked to test his resolve but this was—
“You’re home early,” he murmurs, low and casual with a hint of threat in his voice that he’s sure they can hear. They jolt, foot knocking back against the bottom step in their shock.
But they’re still not running, still haven’t heeded that worm's advice.
Still staring at him with the strangest look in their eyes. Murdock is very well-acquainted with fear, knows the different types of terror and how they look on people’s faces but you… there’s only a fraction of that there.
They struggle to respond—and he can’t quite blame them, but he finds their plight amusing all the same—before letting one of their hands fling out to the side and back, grasping desperately for the stair railing. Off balance in more ways than one it seems.
He tilts his head, warning them silently to stay put and they suddenly seem to gain resolve, clearing their throat. Trembling a little, he can see the hand not on the railing shaking at their side and tries to keep from smiling.
Cute little thing.
“W-well, after everything that’s been happening this week, my boss thought that we should head home early. For s-safety.”
Murdock hums again, masking his wariness beneath a veneer of boredom and watches them take a step back, one foot propped up on the step as they angle their body in preparation to run.
Lovely thing, you’re almost making this too easy for me.
Instead of lunging himself at them, knowing perfectly well that because of their height difference he’d catch them before they even reached the top of the stairs, he reaches over to pat his neglected victim on the shoulder.
Neglected, but unfortunately not silent, as the piece of shit had been sobbing quietly in the background the entire time. Murdock digs his hand into the man's shoulder, aggravating the hell out of the wound he'd carved into the man a few hours earlier and shoots them a smile, one sharper than he intends.
“Ah, so that’s why you’re here. I should apologize on behalf of my friend here,” he growls and sees them almost flinch at the sound. Cute, he can’t help but think again and feels that fucking smile work its way onto his face again.
Christ, they did something to him that he almost wanted to study, brought out a piece of him he thought dead a long time ago.
“It seems that this foolish mutt got it into his head that he could copy what I do best. My work, my art, as it were… He thought he could replicate it and try to garner attention and credit where none belonged. Not only did he try to steal from me, he made a lot of fucking mistakes—the biggest one being that I never hunt where I live. Which, all things considered, made him remarkably easy to find.”
He lets them think he’s distracted by his monologue, pointedly ignoring the way they’re slowly inching up another step. His good friend decides to try using his words again, but Murdock shuts that down quickly with a quick flick of his wrist. Noisy and messy, low on his list of favorite ways to do things, but he needed that loose end taken care of.
Now he can focus entirely on them, and they know it. He wipes his blade clean on what’s left of the man's shirt before spinning the blade between his fingers. He won’t bother cleaning up beyond that, no, they need to see and they need to learn.
Speaking of learning—
Murdock watches them bite their lip, eyes darting down to his rolled-up sleeves and up to his face. Following the blood splatter, he realizes.
Again, cute.
But also stupid, he notes with a half-fond, half-exasperated sigh, not that he can blame them. Poor thing probably can’t think straight.
Murdock points his knife at them, tilting his head down so they can see his eyes over the line of his glasses. So, they can see he’s serious. He already knows they won’t listen, can see it in the way their body is slowly starting to tense in preparation for sudden movement, but no one can ever call him unfair.
He warns them. Gives them a chance to back down. “Don’t.”
And just like he predicted, they’re turning on their heel and sprinting up the stairs like the house is on fire and he growls under his breath, tucking his knife away before following them up the stairs, easily taking two at a time. They try to shut the door on him, and the keyword here really is try, they’re just so soft and weak, they never had a chance. It takes nothing for him to slam the door against the wall and stalk into the kitchen, watching them mimic his gait on the other side of the kitchen island.
The same island where he meets them after every trip, bringing a new present out of his bag that will soon sit on the shelf now dedicated to all his gifts for them. It feels almost right to have this happen here, he thinks, and plants his hands on the marble, leaning forward and looming over them despite the distance.
He sighs, tapping his fingers in a one-two pattern. “Be smart about this, little fawn. You saw how easily I closed the gap between us, felt how much stronger I was when you tried to shut the door in my face. You don’t honestly think you’ll get away from me, do you?”
“I know I can try.” Their response is immediate and only slightly shaky, making him chuckle darkly. “It’s not funny! You’re not nearly as scary as you think you are.”
“Oh? Is that right?”
Murdock pauses just long enough to give them a chance to reconsider, his smile growing sharper as they seem to wilt under his gaze.
That's what I like to see. Let’s break you down and put you where you belong, silly little thing.
“I'm going to be nice, since this is your first time and all,” and oh, the look on their face has him biting the inside of his cheek, pressing his leg hard into the handle of the cabinets in an effort to tamp down his growing arousal. He wants to fuck that expressive little mouth so badly. “A headstart. You get two minutes to get as far as you can, or hide if you feel like you can do it well enough.”
They open their mouth—presumably to challenge his rules and no, little fawn, we can’t have that—but he cuts them off with a glare, leaning a little more against the counter.
He wonders if they know he can very easily vault across it and pin them to the floor before they have a chance to even react.
“I wouldn’t call for help if I were you, sweetheart. This is just between you and me… so let’s keep it that way, hm? And trust that I will know if you try and know that I will be so disappointed in you. You don’t want to disappoint me, do you?”
A bit of a glaze passes over their eyes as they shake their head before clarity kicks back in and they drop their gaze, clearly embarrassed. It soon lifts and darts around the room, clearly struggling to form some kind of plan and he grins, reveling in the confusion and hopeless fear in their eyes. After a moment they meet his gaze again and lick their lips, nervous.
Even more so after he fists one of his hands to keep himself from reaching over to yank them over the countertop so he can get a taste of them for himself. “What’s to stop me from driving off in my car? Or yours?”
Smart little thing.
Too bad he took the keys just after chasing them up the stairs.
Spinning the keys around a finger, he glances over at the clock on the kitchen wall.
“You’re welcome to come and try and take them from me, sweetheart,” Murdock purrs. “Either way, you’ve got two minutes. You should start running.”
They take his suggestion to heart and don’t linger, heading out the backdoor and into the forest behind your shared home. Once they’re a little out of sight, Murdock runs a hand through his hair and sighs, tossing the keys back in the bowl in the entryway before heading back downstairs.
He’s not happy.
He lashes out and kicks the leg of the cooling body in the chair, growling under his breath.
This shouldn’t fuck with his plans, this is just a slight misstep and based on the way they’d lingered for so long before actually running told him that they weren’t exactly scared, just… unsteady.
Murdock just needed to reassure them of their place—he had no intention of hurting them, at least not in any way they didn’t ask for.
He gets the body into cold storage, intending on disposing of it later. After he gets his little fawn back where they belong, before they can get far enough away to start getting ideas in their head. Back upstairs in the kitchen, he makes sure the house is closed up before stepping down into the backyard, already seeing signs of their sloppy escape.
Clicking his tongue, Murdock makes a mental note to teach them to hide their tracks better. He’s going to want to do this again, but he wants them prepared.
He wants them to give him a challenge—a proper hunt.
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sag51-cs22120 · 5 years
Week 1 - 31/01/2020
This week I was absent for the tutorial, and so missed largely what I was supposed to do. 
From the Minutes.txt document that I was later emailed, I have since set up my blog, here on Tumblr. 
I emailed James about, and joined, the group Discord chat.
I have also gone through and read ‘SE.QA.04′. I understood what it detailed and set about making a basic template for Use Cases.
Bellow is an example of the template I have created for the Use Cases for users. 
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And here is two examples of this template 
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I have this file saved on my personal laptop’s hard drive as an XML Document.
All in all, I have spent roughly 3 hours this week, setting up my blog, reading the specifications and putting together the use case template file.
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sleeplessinspace · 2 years
Murdock brainrot in full force. Like Y/N's family is at the house and he's just flirting with them late at night. Horny brain and terror brain cross wires and they kiss. Murdock knows they know what he can do. He just pins them down and rails them, covering their mouth with his hand to keep them quiet.
"Sweetheart, you wouldn't want your family hearing us, now would you? We don't want them thinking I'm doing anything unsavory to you, right? You're such a pretty little thing, I wouldn't want anything taking you away from me."
Y/N just knows Murdock knows they saw something. And somehow that just makes this whole situation so much hotter. Something about being pinned down by this big, incredibly strong man, with his hand over their mouth while getting railed into next week and knowing the horrible things he's done is just thrilling. Far more than is sensible or sane. And they love it
i am this close GOD
"Having trouble sleeping, kitten?"
You jump, just barely managing not to yell as Murdock makes his way into the kitchen. He's always been quiet when he moves but the knowledge of what he is—what he does—makes his silence even more menacing now. "A-ah, yeah. I think the heat's just getting to me is all. I came down so I didn't wake up my parents," you say, proud that the words only come out marginally nervous.
He hums, watching the way you're keeping the island between the two of you and leans against the other side, content to let you have your space.
For now.
"Are you sure it's the heat bothering you? Nothing else?" The look in his eyes—fuck, he has to know, there's just no way—
"N-nope! All good, I promise."
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sleeplessinspace · 2 years
Ok ok ok lissen
Y/N sneaks back up the stairs and says absolutely n o t h i n g when he comes back upstairs a little bit later. He's surprised that they are home, kinda sus if they heard anything, etc, but they're acting normal (while freaking the fuck out on the inside).
Cue y/n playing shit like "Somebody's Watching Me", "Poker Face", etc on the sound system in the coming days because they've got 'keeping deadly secret' manic energy around this shit brickhouse built ass tall fuckin murder man in their home and they'll explode if they don't get it out without alerting him.
i love this but i also want to be mean 😈
it seems like you've gotten away with it, managing to play off your nerves as being stressed from work—to which murdock offers to take you on a vacation, and your mind immediately springs to being taken out into the middle of the woods and you have to decline—but other than that, the evening ends with no issues
or what you think is no issues
to be honest, you're a little hung up on murdock's offer and when you go to bed that night you can't help but toss and turn about what a week of relaxation with him would look like
no, no don't think about him having his way with you—he probably carried that guy down into your basement by himself, fuck he's strong—NO, he's your roommate, he's a serial killer, f o c u s
and while you're busy trying and failing not to think of him as you drift off to sleep, murdock is busy reviewing the footage from his time with his latest victim
did you really think he wouldn't set up cameras, sweetheart?
he watches the footage of you creeping down the stairs and is more than a little intrigued by the fact that not only have you not said anything, you haven't gone for help either
aren't you sweet? are you trying to protect him or did you have other plans?
what has him even more intrigued is watching your face as you watch him tear into his victim—it's likely you're not even aware of it, but you're flushed, you lovely little thing, you look excited
he's tempted to come wish you goodnight, curious to see if he'll find you with a hand between your legs as you replay the memory of what you saw in your mind, his name just on the tip of your tongue as he opens the door
he can be incredibly silent when he wants to be and it doesn't take much to sit carefully on the edge of your bed, propped up on an elbow as he watches you take your pleasure
"Mm, someone liked the show, didn't they?"
oh, the thought of the look on your face is almost worth it...
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sleeplessinspace · 2 years
In relation to Two Minutes-
Y/N can't really report Murdoch without being seen as an accomplice because they've lived together for MONTHS and any prosecutor finna "👀 Yeah but HOW did you not notice anything and get sussy? A serial killer that out-classed H. H. Holmes eats takeout with you on the regular and you didn't KNOW? Suuuure."
LMAO it would probably be the most awkward interrogation ever, especially since the investigators think y/n is the greatest liar they've ever seen and y/n is just like i genuinely did not know the whole time hOW WOULD I KNOW i was respecting his space!
now of course, this makes for an interesting scenario if y/n had less of a fear kink and a more appropriate response to danger askfjsk threatening to go to the police and actually managing to do it just to get arrested as an accomplice because, like you said, there's no way you didn't know living with him for that long. before you get sent to actual jail you get to talk to your "lawyer" who i'm sure you can guess who it is 😏
murdock thought he liked the sight of you in zip-ties but handcuffs might be his new favorite. he's willing to forgive your little mistake and break you out, taking him with you on the run if only you give him a...convincing argument
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sleeplessinspace · 2 years
Murdock's little domestic streak means he likes to cook for you when he's at home - those knife skills come in handy for more than one thing after all. (I've got it down bad for the scary murder man, it's about the *duality*)
resists the urge to make a hannibal joke
no but honestly, this man could've been a world-class chef if he wasn't. you know. murdering. the trade off of this being that he can't bake worth shit, unfortunately. you banned him from trying after coming home to find him trying hide a watery cake. how it ended up a liquid after being in the oven is a mystery you haven't solved to this day
but definitely expect to wake up to amazing breakfasts or come home to gourmet dinners when he's on hiatus while the heat dies down—cooking for you helps satiate some of the need he has to "work"
just another one of the many ways he spoils you...
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sleeplessinspace · 2 years
my heart when murdock says arent you sweet <333
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it's not a want i need to bite this man
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sleeplessinspace · 2 years
Yeah YOU gave me y/n living with cereal stab brainworms in the first place so ill continue to haunt your inbox
'Y/N not telling and them continuin as normal' + 'Sister, there's a Demon in the basement, N o' continues with another entry!
Y/N has police force family members.
Dad is a sheriff. Ex is a cop. Etc. Stuff like that.
Even worse if daddy dearest Sheriff is in the house.
Evern WORSE if Murdock doesn't know that. He probably did a background check but if he doesn't k n o w?
Heh oh no-
y/n having law enforcement family and murdock not knowing about it is hilarious. it does go against the sort of killer i think he is, though, while extremely gruesome i feel like he's still very careful about his actions. he definitely did a thorough background check into y/n when they applied to signed on to be his roommate
although...if they were estranged from their family that could open up some interesting possibilities.
on the other end, if their ex is a cop? and murdock finds out? well, i'm sure you don't have to guess what he'll do
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sleeplessinspace · 2 years
I'm loving everyone going buck shit wild for Squeaky toy 2, Stabby boogaloo.
But there's such a simple and shitty explanation for Murdock, his trips and dark basement.
He is a "photographer" who likes to travel to capture his art, and develop it in the basement.
Like that explains why anyone would let him be their roommate, he just seems like the weirdly seductive art kid.
So I realised I accidently sent this to West instead of you, and I feel dumb because this was for you even tho West liked it. Please forgive my sins.
ohohoHOHO you just gave me a hell of an idea, i absolutely love this. it'd be funny if he is/was an actual photographer on the side
totally not for voyeuristic reasons
don't feel dumb!! and i cannot forgive sins for i am a sinner 😔
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sleeplessinspace · 2 years
The real, REAL reason Two Minutes Y/N doesn't report Murdock in the 'She finds out but he doesnt know' idea? The actual totally legit reason and absolutely not bc she wants him to rail her/might have an emotional attachment to him?
Have you SEEN rent prices??? Bruh.
Whether its his actual house or a rental property they leased together-
If its his house, he doesn't charge an arm and a leg for her to stay there. If it is a rental property, shit is kinda rural, but not isolated- and it's cheap.
and the place isn't half bad either? i would've done the same thing and the company isn't half bad either winkwinkwink
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sleeplessinspace · 2 years
for two minutes, what would have been y/n’s “reward” if they managed to evade murdock for long enough? 😳 - 🦝
i'm a bastard first and foremost so of course i had to give murdock the exact same energy
the reward was just an excuse for him to get to chase y/n, he loves that shit when he's doing it to his victims and when it comes to y/n? hoooo boy, he's hard as a fucking rock, it's actually why it took him so long to find them, he had to force himself to calm down and not think with his dick long enough to find y/n
if he was more fair, the reward might've been more time to run. maybe even a chance to call the police or run for help. but he always catches them in the end, no matter how far they go—he will find them
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sleeplessinspace · 2 years
Yeah you right- he definitely did extensive background searches and chose y/n bc they're unassuming. An unwilling, unaware cover roommate so the house isn't empty for days at a time/to cover his ass if someone comes knocking. 
However, consider- I've been brewing on this thought for a bit- this is gonna be l o n g girl help-
Through his search, Y/N's got a regular family, regular life- parents and siblings and nieces/nephews etc-
But he doesn’t dig into Y/N not looking like her siblings so much, or her dad. Just a stepchild from her mother sleeping with a random man/having a short relationship that never went anywhere. No dad on the birth certificate, that kind of thing. Can't find him. Adopted by her stepdad.
Turns out, Y/N's biological father became a federal agent. FBI specifically. The only thing linking them is a DNA test when she was 12 that he had expunged. Y'see, it's not good for the FBI to have their family info public.
That same FBI agent is heading the investigation into the serial killer terrorizing their state/ province/etc, wanted in several others as well. It's basically his career now to find Murdock and death penalty his ass.
It would be safe to 'disappear' Y/N because of this, if he found out. Safe bet, good idea for a murder man to keep his stib stabbin secret. Maybe disappear himself for a bit, set up shop somewhere else. Probably what he'd do tbh.
... But there's also the concept of corruption on Murdock's part-
-brainworm anon
brainworm, where's the FIC huh?? /lh 💳💥💳💥💳💥💳💥
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sleeplessinspace · 2 years
A rough floorplan for your murdock reality house would be cool if you wanna do that?
no lie, i spent like two hours building a house based off of these floor plans this morning, then i scrapped it and started over so for now it's going to be based off of that. picture access to the basement is in the garage.
eventually i'll finish it. hopefully. *sobs*
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sleeplessinspace · 2 years
oh now I'm having Thoughts about being tied up all pretty in that chair down in the basement hhhhh
instead of sneaking down and catching murdock in the act, you find him cleaning a set of knives. at first you try to give him benefit of the doubt—the town you were in did have a hunting community, after all. and you did see a gun... just not the kind for hunting.
then you see the chair. bolted to the ground, straps on the arms and legs, obviously to keep someone restrained.
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sleeplessinspace · 2 years
Domestic Daddy vibes? Sadistic stab man?
Get Getchu a mans that can do both!
Other anon is right, its about the Duality. 🤌
it's about the balance
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sleeplessinspace · 2 years
Y/N just randomly has family over that they couldn't cancel on between basement murder and them finding out Murdock knows they know.
One of them tries to go into the basement and y/n just scrambles over and slams their hand on the door like N o-
"... Basement is Murdoch's workshop and it's- ... haunted-"
"... By what-"
"... Demon."
oh this is priceless, anon, i love it
basement's haunted oh wait no, don't tell me that now i'm thinking about demon!murdock f u ck
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