#twlitf update
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winryofresembool · 10 months ago
A small 'life'/writing update: my classes have ended for the semester (honestly will never understand why the finnish uni semesters are so short) and I have my last mandatory exam next week, sooo what that means is that there is a chance I will actually have some time to do some creative stuff after next week. Fingers crossed for that. It's been forever since my last twlitf update and I really want to get there eventually but I hope you, my readers (if someone is reading this), can be patient a little bit longer. 😊
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vesperlionheart · 7 years ago
More kids and more dogs and more trouble with both. Happy Sakura week!
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words-writ-in-starlight · 8 years ago
Dear Void,
Please make me feel less guilty about my total lack of inspiration for my long WIPs so that I can do the posting thing for my shorter finished stuff.
Sincerely, The Guilty Party
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noirsongbird · 7 years ago
Will Twlitf have an updating schedule or will you post the chapters randomly? I basically live for your fic tbh💕
Oh. Oh, man, I’m smiling so hard, this makes me SO happy. I’d really like to set an update schedule, because I think that’d be helpful for everyone, me especially, in terms of just....having a set day to get the fic out? So I’m going to tentatively say I’ll do my best to get out weekly updates, and aim for Tuesdays, barring weird work schedule shenanigans? Unfortunately the vagaries of working retail means that sometimes it might be a Wednesday or something, BUT.  Schedules are good for everybody, me especially. It’s like having a due date and apparently those are really good for me OR SOMETHING.
Thanks for the question!
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winryofresembool · 1 year ago
Could You give us a sneak peak of the next chapter of the things we lost in the fire?
Sorry it's taken me a while to answer this! i've been very busy lately (or have I just been procrastinating on everything? Who knows). But sure, I can give you a sneak peek (honestly I'm so sorryyy it's been /so long/ since the last update but life happened...)!
She (Calypso) fished her phone from her bag and unlocked it to see her notifications. 11 missed calls. When she opened the call history, she saw that all of them were from Piper, who knew that she was at the flower shop at this hour, likely to drop a message instead of calling unless it really was something urgent. Had something happened to one of their friends? As Calypso was pondering that, the screen lit up again for an incoming call and she swept the answer button with shaky fingers.
“Piper? What’s going on?” she answered without even greeting her.
A hoarse voice responded: “I’m sorry, I know you’re at work right now but… do you think your boss might let you come to the hospital? Now?”
(whoops am I actually teasing you with another cliffie? Shame on me. For the context, if someone doesn't remember, Leo and Jason were left in a picky situation in the previous chapter and now it's Calypso's time to find out what happened to them)
While I do have most of the chapter written, I should give you a fair warning that I really am not sure when I can update again. I do have a 'break week' the first week of March so I could try to get some work done for this fic then, but a 'break' doesn't mean a break from school reading in my case so I may not have as much free time as I'd like. But one way or another, I'll get this chapter done, eventually >:)
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winryofresembool · 1 year ago
Happy New Year! My resolution for this year is, maybe not to finish (because once uni starts again I know I will be busy) but definitely at least keep working on twlitf. It's been horribly long since the last update (yes, a year :d) and my goal is to get the next chapter (at least mostly) done this month. So again, stay tuned.
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winryofresembool · 1 year ago
Today I finished a long essay (for uni) and we happen to have a break from classes next week so *fingers crossed* that I /finally/ get something done fic wise then. Stay tuned!
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winryofresembool · 2 years ago
If someone is wondering how twlitf is doing, I'm currently doing a full reread of the fic (which is taking me a few days because it's already so long) and I hope that it manages to motivate me and also clarify where I want to take things next, so... fingers crossed for update news soon enough 😬
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winryofresembool · 2 years ago
I wish I could be writing more currently but not only am I getting prepared for an entrance exam that's happening next week, my ever-changing fandoms are having me confused about what I actually want to read and write😅Uh, well, I hope that after the exam I'll have more chances to do that. But regarding twlitf and my other fics, I've definitely not abandoned writing, I'm just on a brief break but I sincerely do hope I can get back to it asap.
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winryofresembool · 2 years ago
Follows an important announcement: tomorrow @criis55 and I will /finally/ meet face to face after 5 years of talking to each other on this hellsite pretty much every day! I couldn't be more excited! 🥳🥳(This also means that I will not have time to write or edit for at least the next 6 days even though I so badly wanted to post the next ch of twlitf already. But, I'll be back!)
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winryofresembool · 2 years ago
To that person who left me a long, really, really nice comment on twlitf sometime within the past 24 hours, hi, and thank you so so much for your lovely words!! ♥ It's things like this that make me want to write again! This month is a bit busy-ish for me but I definitely hope that August will be a better month writing wise. The good news is that I actually do have the draft for the next ch ready and I have slowly been starting to edit it in the past week so it might be that we don't have to wait another month for the next update, but fingers crossed!
And may this also be reminder to everyone to never underestimate the power of nice words. They can be really, really motivating! So please leave comments to fics you enjoy!
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winryofresembool · 2 years ago
I survived my entrance exam today which means I've got plenty of time to do whatever I want now! I know I've been neglecting a certain fic (what was its name again? Things we lost in the fire or smth like that 🤔🤔) way too long now so I'll try to set my brain in Caleo mood tomorrow and work on editing the next chapter! (which doesn't mean it will be /posted/ instantly but I'll do my best)
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winryofresembool · 2 years ago
How are my dozen wips doing? Well, I /hope/ to post one of my Jily one-shots tomorrow (I've most of the work done but it still needs some editing). The draft for the next chapter of twlitf is quite close to be done, but again, there's more editing to be done so I can't say an exact posting date... The goal is definitely this month at least 😅😅
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winryofresembool · 2 years ago
Have finally continued working on twlitf and it feels weirdly good. I hope this means not too long till the next chapter is out.
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winryofresembool · 2 years ago
Finally finished my twlitf reread yesterday and I will do my very best to get some new stuff out asap. I will have to warn you tho that I have some changes happening in my life in the next couple of weeks so I'm not fully sure how much time I have from the other stuff (or how anxious I'm feeling about the changes :P) but fingers crossed, I left the latest chapter in such an annoying cliffhanger it's about time I reveal what happened...
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winryofresembool · 2 years ago
If someone happens to be wondering about my upcoming fic plans, I hope that I'll be able to post a new Jily one-shot tomorrow or at very least at some point this week, and after that I will be prioritizing the next ch of twlitf. I can't say an exact timeline (I do realize that it's been 4 months since the last ch and I do feel bad about it) but the goal is to have it released before the release of The Sun and the Star (May 2nd).
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