#twitter please comeback
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badubaduba · 16 days ago
twitter is down!!! horrible day for annoying people (me)
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insane-thoughts-oftheday · 7 months ago
To com saudades do twt, onde que eu posso escrever meus pensamentos intrusivos agora?
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xeedtiktok · 2 years ago
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XEED 2nd Mini Album titled BLUE announced 07/17/2023 on both Twitter and Instagram
Doha and Bao also shared the news on their Instagram stories
Doha posted the same clip as their official Twitter
Bao shared a still image with a diamond emoji added
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scented-morker · 3 months ago
Lovesick fools
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Alternatively… enha’s reaction to being on a variety show with their idol!crush
No warnings, 2k words, implied fem!reader.. these took me forever </3
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Fourth gen vocalists on the show ‼️
He was so excited to be there that he totally forgot you would def be there too
Until he was getting his makeup done and you walked in with curlers in your hair and coffees in your hand
He immediately found himself smiling at how cute you looked, and it only got worse when you handed him a cup
"Twitter said this was your order, I hope it's right."
The makeup artist starts laughing and opts out of putting blush on him bc he's all red from you
Once filming starts you all sing a prepared cover, and he's so focused on his own that he stays calm for most of it
Except yours is last, which means his mind is fully empty since he’s done and now all he’s able to focus on is how pretty you sound and the way you smile through the words
You sing 'drinks or coffee' from rose's new album and he swears you wink at him
"We don't have to talk, I know that you want me."
Twitter goes crazy bc you absolutely did wink at him, and they have the slow mo replay to prove it
Him blushing like mad also goes viral
He walks up to you backstage
"So... do you want to get drinks or coffee?" 🤭
It's shuhua's show again, but instead of sunghoon he's paired up with you
Bro gives himself a pep talk in the mirror before filming starts
"You are cool and calm and will not giggle like a school girl at her. Shes going to look pretty and you're just gonna have to deal with it."
Thinks it should be illegal to look good in a work uniform, but there you are
You guys are cooking and you're so impressed by how well he does at separating the fat from the meat
You are so horribly bad at it that Shuhua looks like an expert 💔💔
"Jay I think you need to help her, she's massacring the product."
Ok girl are you a host or a wingman
But he does, telling you to adjust your grip on the knife, reaching over to show you how to do it better which has you blushing like crazy
You guys are partnered up trying to give away samples against shuhua which is where you shine bc people just can't stay away from you especially when you pout and ask 'pretty please?'
Jay doesn't blame them, he's ready to buy everything in the store from you
One of the girls doesn't bat an eye at you when you beg but you're desperate so you yell after her
"Look how handsome my partner is, don't you want to come buy something from us?"
The girl comes back but Jay can't even be flattered bc he's too busy freaking out that you think he's cute
"Did you really mean that?" He asks you after filming
"Of course I did, I'm not blind."
So he asks for your number and ofc you give it to him
It’s some sort of school setting show
You guys are paired up against Jay and another member of your group as the four of you compete with trivia questions
You’re all English speakers, so they make you answer everything in English and since we’re already being delulu let’s say you have an English accent bc we know Jake loves that
You have to yell at him to lock in because when you start trying to reason out the question he’s so focused on your voice that he isn’t listening to a word you say
You guys are getting whooped by the other team
That is until your member makes a joke about you saying how your ideal type is a smart guy
Bro instantly locks tf in
“October 23rd, 2016”
“That is correct! Team Hot Accents gets another point as they make an impressive comeback!”
Yes that’s your team name, you both have hot accents and you know it 🤷‍♀️
You get so excited every time you guys score a point that you’re practically bouncing in your seat cheering and giving him high fives
You answer a few questions after that but he’s definitely carrying you guys and he could not be happier about it
“Don’t worry y/n, I got you. Just sit there and look pretty.” 😍
By the end you guys are tied and the hosts ask you to give your partner a good luck charm as he and Jay face off for the last question
You contemplate kissing his cheek before realizing that would probably get you murdered on twitter so you settle for giving his hand a squeeze after interlocking your fingers post high five
When he gets the question right he runs over and picks you up to spin you around in celebration
The editors definitely put some incriminating caption like [a very overexcited reaction from the golden retriever] that fans laugh at him for afterwards
But he doesn’t care bc you were in his arms and that’s all that matters ‼️
After filming you’re like “wow Jake you’re so smart do you want to hang out sometime?”
You guys were both ex figure skaters, so they had you guys film an episode at a rink
They got both of you a new version of one of your old costumes, and sunghoon was immediately red at the sight of you in the sparkling dress with a little cut out on the side
You both spent the first few minutes just running around on the ice, enjoying being back
The hosts had a list of skills they read out and then made each of you try
It only made sunghoon's crush bigger watching you move so gracefully, and he grinned so big whenever you'd compliment him
"Woah, he's still really good!"
Towards the end they had you try partner moves, everyone cheering when you guys synced up so well in the turns and twists
“Woah they look really good together! It’s like fate they move at the exact same time!”
They even let you try a stunt, and sunghoon became a stuttering mess when he put his hand on your waist where the cut out in your costume was
"Is- is this ok? I don't want to drop you, but we could skip it if you want."
"Of course it's ok!"
He's so touched at the amount of trust you put in him while trying out partner tricks
And it's rightfully placed considering the time you guys mess up he makes sure to change the angle of your fall so that he takes the brunt of the impact instead of of you
You apologize so many times, including going up to him after filming to thank him again
"Is there anything I can do to thank you?"
"How about a date?"
Who knows why the show paired you guys up
Maybe they saw the media attention from your brief waves to each other at an award show and the viral ‘bite me’ challenge you did together
But they bring both of you to a cafe set and you have to make coffees and such before being interviewed
You’d worked at a coffee shop predebut so at one point you reach over and grab his hand to adjust the way he holds the cup under the milk steamer
The editors zoom in on his red face while you turn around and practically sprint away
Your last task before the interview is to make a drink for the other person while they film a confessional about you
You’re sitting there stuttering over your words as an explanation as to why you ran after helping him earlier and how kind he was when you filmed your tiktok together last time
Meanwhile, sunoo is asking the staff for help to make your super specific and stupidly difficult drink order that he knows from watching your interviews
He pretends it was casual and easy once he joins you at the table, setting the cup down in front of you like he didn’t restart it 3 times
“This is my favorite coffee!! I didn’t even remember them teaching us this!”
“Wow that’s so weird, lucky me I guess”
He tried to be nonchalant but it was NOT working
He literally lets out a giggle as soon as you drink it and do a little happy dance when it’s exactly how you like
When the interviewer asks about your relationship (bringing up the award show wave) Sunoo says that you guys are casual friends but he hopes you can become closer after filming together
To which you respond ABSOLUTELY and promise to wave at him at every schedule you see him
That’s enough for his weak heart for one day so he doesn’t end up following up after the cameras stopped
but you kept your promise and after a few months of excited waves and animated conversations at award shows he secures your number and a date
He’s too responsible to risk anything by talking about his crush on you but once in a live you said you really admired him because you couldn’t imagine having to lead your group while being one of the youngest members
(He saved the video and probably replayed it about fifty times afterwards)
But that was enough to make one of the shows want you guys together !!
Which is how you end up trailing behind him through a creepy dark building while scare actors try to freak you guys out
Bro was not excited for this but he is doing his best bc YOU NEED HIM ‼️
You are so close to his back that he can feel your body heat and when someone jumps out you practically climb on his back
You apologize profusely afterwards, but he waves it off, offering you his arm to grasp onto for the rest of the time
You say in a confessional part that you were scared out of your mind but it was bearable bc Jungwon was there
“He was so brave and cool, it made me feel so much better!”
He isn’t even scared anymore, he’s just mad bc they’re intentionally making you upset so his cute angry face pops out and the two of you make it through the whole haunted house in record time
Afterwards he tells you that he hopes he wasn’t mean or anything, he was just upset they were scaring you
He was mad at them for doing their jobs 💔 rip
But that just made you appreciate him more
“Can I treat you to lunch one day? To thank you for taking such good care of me?”
He MELTS, of course you can
You and him were both on a variety show to show the difference between maknaes
He was the image of a cool and mature maknae, while you were the giggly pink maknae of your group
He thought it was gonna be awkward bc the whole point of the show was how different you guys were, but you got along so easily
As soon as you started talking he was a GONER
He'd watch you answer a question and get so distracted looking at your face that the hosts would have to repeat the question for him to respond to after 😭
So much for being cool
They ask him how he feels about aegyo to which he describes how passionately he hates it
So they make you do aegyo for him to see if he reacts
Homeboy starts blushing without even realizing it
It puts the biggest smile on his face that they tease him about for the rest of the show
You tell him you'll give him lessons in it if he wants while live and that's how he approaches you after
"You probably need my number to set up those lessons right?"
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woniverse-writes · 4 months ago
Dancing with ENHA as their Secret-Girlfriend!Idol!Reader
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summary: enha dancing with their secret significant other 
word count: 4.2k
warnings: suggestive at times, not proofread, fem reader
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Lee Hee Seung: 
It was public knowledge that you and Heeseung were friends since you had trained together at one point
However it was NOT public knowledge that you two actually ended up becoming a couple after you both debuted 
With that being said, fans were overjoyed any time you were seen together, always thinking your interactions were so cute and wholesome
One day a video of the two of you pre-debut got leaked
It was a clip of a practice video of you dancing to “Bonnie & Clyde” by DEAN
The choreography was good and you both danced well, but anyone watching could tell that the two young trainees were nervous to be dancing with each other 
Fans of both groups thought the video was pure gold though since it showcased how much you’d both grown as performers, and the fact that it was another interaction between their favs
The video trended on social media for about a week or so before the chatter and excitement was redirected to a NEW dance practice video… 
which just so happened to be of you and Heeseung recreating the choreography from so many years in full
It was a well filmed, high quality performance 
The two of you had even gone the extra mile and re-recorded the song as a duet, making it a full cover
Any trace of the awkwardness from your trainees days had been nowhere to be found
You and heeseung were dripping confidence and sex appeal as you danced together
A majority of the dance was spent with the the two of you in close contact- his arms around your waist, your palms trailing down his chest, him hands tracing the outline of your body
you were practically in your own little bubble and that shit read very clearly on camera
Of course your fans went even more feral
Twitter was full of praise for your growth and everyone was saying how you and heeseung must be so much closer now than back then 
(if only they knew just how close👀)
And of course there were some smart fans (that unfortunately probably got called delusional) who could sense the thick sexual tension between the two of you
✪ ‘Y’all- there is absolutely NO WAY these two aren’t fucking😭’ ✪ ‘I genuinely feel like i’m interrupting something’ ✪ ‘Heeseung… if you’re not gonna get to work please step aside so i can have my turn with y/n’
It definitely was added to every single “top kpop moments of 20XX” video and thread
And since you’re both evil-
You each had made casual posts on sns about the process after
‘Did engene enjoy our little throwback collab?’ and the bitch posted a mirror selfie of the two of you sweaty and half dressed🧍‍♀️
Park Jong Seong:
Jay always loved watching you dance
Tbh jay loved to watch you do anything- but dancing was one of his favorites
Any time you had a comeback, he always wanted you to teach him the choreography as soon as possible- whether it was cute, sexy, or fierce- that boy was gonna learn it 
Which meant when the song actually dropped he’d be the first to make a tik tok with you every time
And of course the opposite rang true as well- 
Whenever enhypen had a comeback you were the first to learn the new choreo
The tik toks are always so cute too-
Like- that’s your man so of course you’re gonna be cute with him lmao
It’s mostly because you know he gets flustered so easily when you tease him or flirt with him in front of the other members or staff
It’s especially hectic when your comeback schedules overlap because trust their will be new tik toks every other day
You guys got especially brave when enha was promoting “bite me”...
Instead of just doing the pre-chorus together and posting that like the others, you did the whole pre-chorus AND chorus… WITH THE PARTNER WORK
If fans weren’t already going feral over the boys dancing with partners before, they definitely lost their shit at your mini collab
✪ ‘Oh my god… there’s no way this is real’ ✪ ‘Jay… your hands are a little low there buddy😅’ ✪ ‘So they just casually covered half of ‘Bite Me’ on a random Thursday? Okay cool’ ✪ ‘THE WAY JAY LOOKS AT Y/N OMFG’
It actually took fans longer than expected to realize you were filming together even when your promotional schedules didn’t lineup, so of course rumors started eventually
However it seemed like your fans were just rolling with it since your interactions were fun an cute (they’ve been praying for a collab stage between your groups since debut)
There was one time you filmed with heeseung instead of Jay and it lowkey threw everyone for a loop
Was it intentional? Absolutely not! Well- maybe slightly 
You and your members were curious to see if anyone would react- had your fans even noticed that you only ever film with Jay? (yes, they noticed it right away)
So you can imagine the comments when you posted of you and Heeseung doing the choreo for “brought the heat back”
✪ ‘Uhmmm?? What happened to your man???’ ✪ ‘Omg no mom and dad are fighting‘ ✪ ‘HEESEUNG PLZ TELL ME YOU CAN FIGHT BRO’ ✪ ‘Peace and love but where is Jay…”
Yeah… it gave y’all a good laugh 
There have also been plenty of time where you’ve posted your own little dance covers without Jay, or even just danced to his songs casually on live while jamming out, which always excited fans of both groups
Basically his fans and yours know SOMETHING is going on between you two and for some reason no one really talks about it like you’d expect them to…
Sim Jae Yun:
You and jake had been invited to be part of an end-of-the-year collab stage
It was supposed to be a fun little performance between a few different male and female idols
At the time- the only people who knew about your relationship were your groupmates, meaning it was especially hard to see each other without getting caught
However when your manager gave you the news that you’d be collaborating with a few different idols, and that your boyfriend just so happened to be one of them, your heart started to race 
You attended a meeting with your manager in which you were informed that you’d be working with Lee Isa, Kim Gaeul, Kang Minhee, Park Jisung, and of course Jake
The stage would have three parts- a section for the girls, a section for the boys, and then one where you all came together 
The overall vibe was fun and flirty, and you’d each be partnered with someone
The second the idea of “partners” was introduced, you and jake immediately made (what you thought was subtle, but was definitely not) eye-contact
The meeting wrapped up and you were immediately conversing with you were manager, trying to subtly convey how you thought it would make most sense for you and Jake to be partners 
Unbeknownst to you, Jake was doing the exact same thing
Luckily, it worked and both of your managers were able to get the two of you to be partners
You all began preparing immediately, and since some of the partner work was different for each pair you’d all broken off to learn separate bits of choreography 
You and Jake had begun working on a few different combinations, since the song decisions hadn’t been entirely finalized yet
The first one you worked on was to “Invitation” by JUNNY and Gaeko, which totally fit the vibe of the overall stage concept
Except it was maybe a bit TOO flirty (or perhaps that was just you and Jake)
You were easily able to connect and play into the each other’s artistry
Your relationship had always been full of playful energy and putting a smile on the other person’s face, so dancing together just felt like another extension of that
The choreography was intense and fast, hitting every accent and ad-lib, requiring a lot of texture and groove
but after learning the steps and running it once or twice to get the moves down it felt like second nature, especially since all your charisma and stage presence was really just you having fun with your boyfriend 
Lots of behind the scenes content was filmed and unfortunately… some got leaked to the public 
Somehow yours and jake’s first dance practice got leaked, as well as Jisung and Isa’s and the video of yours, Gaeul, and Isa’s section
This was before anything was announced to let the public know a collab was even happening so fans were shocked on so many levels
✪ ‘We’ve got (your group), enhypen, ive, nct, stayc, and cravity members doing a collab?? Where did this even come from???’ ✪ ‘Gaeul, Y/n, and Isa dancing to “greedy” by Ariana Grande was not something i knew i needed- welcome back “wow thing” collab group’ ✪ ‘Jake and Y/n look like they’re having so much fun together i love them :(‘ ✪ ‘I feel like I've never seen Jake have this much fun while dancing! You can tell he really feels comfortable dancing with Y/n’ ✪ ‘The way they look at each other, oh i feel sick’
Unfortunately after that all the songs and choreography had to be changed :/
Park Sung Hoon:
Close by Nick Jonas
As the main dancer of your group, your company loves to highlight you any chance they get
This resulted in you doing frequent dance videos, collabing with other idols in order to reach outside your normal audience and hopefully attract some new fans
Sunghoon, ever the supportive boyfriend, makes sure you tell him every time a new video is going to be released so that he can have youtube open and ready for when it drops
texts you immediately after about how talented you are and how proud he is of you for taking on the challenges of choreographing and coming up with new ways to showcase your skills as a performer
Sometimes will just randomly pull up your videos and start watching them while y’all are hanging out
You had always told him beforehand who you’d be dancing with and he never expressed being bothered by any of your idol partners-
until he realized you yourself were picking them
You were sitting in his bed one day (watching one of your recent videos lol) when he suddenly looked up at you with the saddest puppy eyes ever 
“How come you’ve never asked me to dance with you☹️”
Oh he’d be so pouty and sulky omg
You’d been expecting that question for a while honestly
“Baby I’d love to dance with you, but would your company let us?” 
sunghoon hated that you had to be logical all the time, so he just rolled over to bury his face in your stomach, and groaned in despair
(This drama queen)
He eventually just wrapped his arms around your waist and lifted his head to rest his chin on your tummy, peering up at you
“Can we ask them tomorrow…”
You couldn’t stop the affectionate giggle that left you as you played with his hair and nodded softly
The next day, you talked to your manager first- proposing your next idea
Now you see- your manager loves sunghoon, your whole staff does really
They all think the two of you are perfect together, and would honestly probably announce you were official right this second if hybe let them
So it wasn’t a problem convincing your team to let you dance with your boyfriend
Of course that wasn’t exactly the case for Sunghoon’s team
It definitely made sense why they weren’t totally onboard with the idea- being worried about dating rumors and such- but you and hoon hadn’t had a single rumor involving each other up to that point!
They eventually caved and agreed, realizing it would be a good opportunity since all the other idols you had invited so far were all known as well-respected dancers in the industry
You ended up decided on going for a more intimate and contemporary vibe than you had done so far
“Close” by Nick Jonas and Tove Lo was the song you had agreed on using, having had already talked about choreographing to this song together just for fun at some point
You had worked with a choreographer from hybe, expressing your vision and showing some of the ideas you had, and the process went extremely smooth
The dance ended up being sensual and emotional, highlighting both of your skills as contemporary dancers
A good chunk of the choreography was spent with the two of you having very little physical contact, but being so close to each other that it delivered such a feeling a yearning
However, the last chorus totally changed the vibe
You two walked backward, facing away from each other, and right as you were about to bump into each other sunghoon abruptly turned around gripping your shoulder and whirling you to face him- leading to a sequence of quick spins and paired movements, finally breaking the pattern of avoiding physical contact
And the rest of the dance spent with you two practically glued together
The performance continued with sunghoon pulling you in toward him, you running your hands up his chest and neck and landing softly on his face before pulling him down to almost meet your lips
The two of you slowly walked together to the beat of the music until sunghoon’s back was hitting the wall
It came to an end with hoon sliding down into a seated position on the floor, leaning against the wall- you sliding down in sync, landing on his lap- his face still in your hands, his hands on your hips, foreheads leaned against each other’s
The choreography was so intimate that unfortunately hybe’s fears came true
The dating rumors were instantaneous…
✪ ‘This is such an unexpected pairing but it makes so much sense’ ✪ ‘Oh! My bad y’all i’ll just- i can just- uhm- lemme just leave the room and come back later’ ✪ ‘I know y/n said this performance was gonna be a bit different from her other’s but i didn’t think THIS is what she meant😭’ ✪ ‘Soooo, is this a safe space to say I wholeheartedly believe Y/nHoon is real?’ ✪ ‘Girl Y/nHoon BETTER be real after THAT’ ✪ 'the thoughts i'm thinking... i feel like my account would get suspended if i shared them👀'
And if that wasn’t enough to get them going, there was all the behind the scenes material as well
Both your company and hybe had released behind the scenes videos of the project, except they couldn’t have been more different
While the one posted to enhypen’s channel was mostly sunghoon being interviewed and shots of him practicing individually, with the occasional partner shot or interaction between you two
Your behind the scenes video had plenty of shots of you and hoon laughing and playfully bickering together
Clips of you finishing the choreography and falling against him, with him wrapping his arms around you and swaying back and forth circulated twitter immediately 
There were plenty of other moments that had fans fawning over your relationship
Such as when you wrapped up filming and sunghoon slid his hands from your hips to fully wrap his arms around your waist and pull you down to lay on top of him on the ground
Let’s just say hybe had to release a statement pretty soon after that
Kim Seon Woo:
Sunoo and you always post together 
vlogs, lives, story posts- you name it
Most fans never really thought anything of it since a majority of the time it was just you two shopping, trying new snacks, or talking about skincare
But there was also so much content you didn’t post
Like the countless couples tik tok trends that are sitting in your drafts (his favorite is the one where you put on lipstick and accidentally smudged it, then the camera turns to him covered in lipstick kiss marks)
But there are also surprisingly a lot of random dance videos you have of the two of you 
Sometimes when you’re hanging out at one of your company’s studios you’ll just turn on a song and come up with fun random choreography 
One of Sunoo’s favorites that you guys have come up with was to “Wildflower” by 5 seconds of summer
It was sensual and flirty, but still fun and cute- and the video conveys that perfectly with how much the two of you are giggling and clinging to each other
It started off really well! Both of you were locked in, hitting the snaps and beats perfectly, your expressions nothing short of perfect and professional 
But the second it got to the chorus your smiles were overtaking your faces as you tried to stay focused on the choreography and not burst out laughing
You still danced the routine perfectly! There just came a point in the dance where neither of you could stop smiling at each other
By the final chorus you were fully teasing your giggly boyfriend by mouthing the words with an overly flirtatious expression while running your hands down his neck and chest, causing him to squeeze your waist and teasingly pull you into him making you burst out laughing, before finishing out the dance with the biggest smiles anyone has ever seen 
You both often rewatch the video and your smiles end up being almost as big as the ones you had in the video
You were sitting with Sunoo one day and asked him if it was okay to post it to your personal account, and he excitedly agreed
However- for some reason you didn’t check to make sure you were on your private account instead of your groups account before you hit post, and without realizing, uploaded your choreography to your groups official instagram with the caption ‘me and my wildflower sunny baby☀️🌺’
It was only about 15 minutes later when sunoo was scrolling through his own instagram when he turned to you panicked
“Baby… you posted it on the wrong account”
You immediately called your manager crying and freaking out, while sunoo called jungwon trying to explain the situation 
Both your management teams came to the agreement that no one would say anything about the video unless it got severely out of hand
They thought it would be best to keep the video up to avoid suspicion, However, you did have to change the caption
Aside from the crazies, most fans were eating it up!
✪ ‘I love that they’re so comfortable with each other, this is so cute’ ✪ ‘Their smiles and giggles🥺’ ✪ ‘I feel like we never get to see sunoo’s dance abilities highlighted, so i’m honestly grateful that y/n shared this’ ✪ ‘Oh they’re so in love don’t even try to deny it’
Yang Jung Won:
You had been hinting to your fans about doing more dance content, but the last thing they expected was for a video of you and jungwon dancing to “two hands” by Tate McCrae to randomly show up on your groups youtube channel one day
The video was professionally recorded in a cool location and the two of you had on cool but comfortable outfits
Basically y’all looked cunty asf and everyone was losing their shit over it but we’ll come back to that
The choreography involved the two of you being in some sort of physical contact for almost the entire thing
And when you weren’t touching, you were face to face staring into each other’s soul
It was lowkey like you were leading the dance at times and jungwon was hypnotized by your movements (which let’s be honest, he totally was)
By the last chorus, you and your boyfriend were in full contact
Jungwon’s hands had pulled you in closely, your hands resting on his chest with his low on your back
There was a moment where you just sensually gazed into to each other’s eyes, caressing each other while you mouthed the words to the song
Jungwon leaned in closing his eyes, fully preparing to kiss you, but you teasingly turned your head back toward the camera right as your lips were about to meet, giving a flirtatious wink and smile
The turn caused jungwon’s lips to brush your neck, but the way it was captured by the camera made it hard to tell if he actually made contact with your skin
The rest of the dance consisted of one or both of you having your hands on the other without a break, never breaking the connection 
There was even a part where you had your hand on your boyfriend’s face and he followed your movement, seemingly hypnotized by your touch
Jungwon’s hands quickly found their place on your hips shortly after
The dance finished with two posing- you in front of him, reaching behind to place your hand on the back of his neck, as he placed his hands on your hips
Won gently rubbed your hip as he waited for the director to call cut, ad when they did he collapsed against you, fully wrapping his arms around your waist and tucking his face into your neck
(That cute moment was captured and posted on your instagram story after the official video dropped)
Speaking of social media…
The thing is, both you and your boyfriend are chaotic and slightly evil, so the second the video dropped y’all were refreshing twitter to see people’s reactions
✪ ‘Oh okay so they’re a thing’ ✪ ‘Yang Jungwon and L/n Y/n… WHAT IS THIS????’ ✪ ‘So like- do y’all need a third or…’ ✪ ‘HIS LIPS WERE LITERALLY ON HER NECK I’M NOT CRAZY’ ✪ ‘Need whatever they’ve got goin on real bad’ ✪ ‘Jungwon heard the lyrics “your two hands on me at all times” and took that shit literally wow’ ✪ ‘Y/n turning to look at the camera right as won is about to kiss her… GIRL MOVE IF YOU’RE NOT GONNA KISS THAT BOY’ ✪ ‘The hand placement, oh i’m so fucked’ ✪ ‘L/n Y/n the woman you are…’ ✪ ‘The way Jungwon’s movements get obviously more desperate at the end of the choreography when Y/n has her hands on his face… WALK HIM LIKE A DOG MAMA😛’
You and Jungwon were giggling and saving posts were a good two hours
Nishimura Riki:
It wasn’t unusual for you and ni-ki to hang out in a practice room and just jam, coming up with random choreography combinations for fun
It also wasn’t a secret that the two of you knew each other and hung out, but most just assumed you were friends since you had also hung out with other members of enhypen before 
However neither of you had ever posted anything together aside from mayne a couple of tik toks
So it came as a shock to his fans (and yours) when Ni-Ki went live, only for everyone to see him cozied up in one of hybe’s practice rooms with you 
The live started with the two of you laying on the floor with the phone propped up against the mirror wall at the front of the room, just chatting and giggling over random stuff (losers in love)
In fact Riki was so chatty that fans were even starting to comment on it
‘The only time Riki has stopped giggling or yapping has been to listen intently to y/n..’
‘I swear these two are so chatty together, what's going on??’
Eventually you guys started getting antsy and decided to turn on some music and jam again
It was just some ciphering back and forth for a while until “pour up” by DEAN came on and you froze and made eye contact
“Should we do it?” Ni-Ki asked in regard to the choreography the two of you had come up with to the song earlier that week
“I mean… why not?” you shrugged with a mischievous smile
“It’s a little… risky- don’t you think?” he giggled while unconsciously moving closer to you, but you just giggled in return before starting the choreography while holding eye contact
He laughed a bit in shock, watching you dance for a few more seconds before joining in
By the time the chorus arrived the two of you were locked in, facing forward again toward the camera
It seemed like pretty tame choreography at first with a slightly sensual 
Until the second verse came
You and Riki started crossing paths and interacting more within the choreography, showing off just how much chemistry you have together as dance partners
There were plenty of little moments with little flirtatious touches here and there but the connection was on full display by the last few seconds of the song, with Riki’s arm draped casually around your waist as the two of you swayed side to side
You pretended to walk off as the song ended, still feeling the vibe, but as soon as the next song started playing you screamed dramatically and fell to floor in a heap of embarrassment, leaving your boyfriend to laugh at you from behind
Ni-Ki walked past you back to the phone to check the comments and he noticed the viewer count has tripled since before you started dancing
✪ ‘They way they just casually match each others vibe like it’s nothing’ ✪ ‘So can we all agree we need more Y/n and Riki dance content??’ ✪ ‘I would 100% be asking “what are we?” after this…' ✪ ‘Y/n falling to the ground and screaming after, she’s so real’ ✪ ‘OMG LOOK AT HOW RED THEY ARE NOW AWWWW BABIES’
Neither of you could look at each other without giggling for the rest of the live
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notes: hey y'all... i'm back (kinda)
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hitoshitoshi · 1 month ago
MORE CALEB PLEASE. Whats a hc you have for him?
Caleb was not naturally born a sex god.
He never had anyone before you—he's never looked, thought, and felt the way he did towards anyone except you. He's a peak yearner in every way. So obviously, he's never had any experience handling himself (and his cock) before.
So when he had his first time with you, he came embarrassingly early—your hand touched his cock for a split second and he came because he was just so turned on by the fact that after all these years he finally got to be intimate with you, and he just lasted a couple of seconds.
But Caleb's a smooth, smooth man, yknow? He's not like any other guy. He made a comeback, telling you that he came early because that's just how much he wants you. Then he got his cock hard fast again.
But then... he came prematurely again when he put his cock in your aching hole :(( He didn't realize that it felt so good, because yeah, he knew of the concept of sex, but he didn't ever watch porn or get himself off because he's been waiting for you the entire time. He only wanted to feel good because of you. Then when he tried it again, he was too blissed out by the first round to go for another one.
He made it his mission from that night on to increase his sexual stamina and to not cum early. How? By fucking you day and night, for hours and hours, days upon days, till he could fuck you for multiple hours without stopping. He worked for that title—the only one who could make you feel good and keep up with your sex drive. Everything he does is for you <3333
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alexrosa13 · 2 months ago
What a Lie
Caleb x female!reader
Genre: fluff/suggestive/angst
Warnings: minor writing suggestive content!, mc!reader, mention of past trauma/mental health problems, Caleb getting slapped (out of love), reader cries... a lot... cause that's how I feel with his comeback
Note: husband came back from the military guys, it was written for the official contest made by L&Ds, if you'll like my work please consider sneaking a peak to my Twitter/X and leaving something behind to boost my chances for the win, thank you <3 (should I write some additional memories later on? expect something hot)
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Walk through your memories with him to the moment of your reunion.
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I feel a little nauseous and my hands are shaking
I guess that means your close by
My throat is getting dry and my heart is racing
I haven't been by your side
In a minute but I think about it sometimes
Even though I know it's not so distant
Oh no, I still wanna reminisce it
Memories of your childhood started flowing down your mind.
The day when you scraped your knee and Caleb took you back home on his back, while trying to calm you down, eventually his ramblings managed to distract you from your cries and a joyful laugh replaced sobs, laughing with tears still lingering in your eyes.
The day when a boy in your school pushed you with succeeded in making you fall and drop all the things previously in your hands. Caleb was close by that day, and noticing the situation rush to your aid, 'threatening' the boy, which almost made him pee his pants, since Caleb was older, and of course that the older kids in school were always scary. After that he helped you gather your things and back at home you thanked him with a bone crushing hug.
Or the day where you were running around with water guns, playing with the other kids in your neighbourhood. By the end of the fun you were both left with wet clothes and hair, but the joy was worth it. Noticing you shaking slightly when the wind blew towards you, he was quick to wrap you in his hoodie and take you home, when you spend the evening playing the games until your granny had to force you two to go to bed.
I think of that night in the park
It was getting dark and we stayed up for hours
What a time, what a time, what a time
You'd cling to my body
Like you wanted it forever
What a time, what a time, what a time
For you and I
What a time, what a time
For you and I
First day of Summer, your teenage years. Right after lunch you two left for a 'short trip' for ice cream, somehow spending the rest of the day walking around, sharing the memories, the one that you made together and those created with and by your friends.
Talks about the future weren't as scary as they will be someday.
Without noticing it the sun has set, your silhouettes visible only because of the street lamps. You were lying on the grass in the park, the area quiet with no one else around. You watched as the fireflies danced in the distance.
"Caleb?" your quiet voice caught the attention of the older boy to you.
"Yes?" his response calm. He heard the hint of the hesitation in your voice.
"Promise to stay with me forever?" your voice broke down, he looked at you, the tears visible in your eyes, threatening to fall down.
"Pipsqueak..." one of his hand went to brush the tear that managed to leave your eye "I promise." he stroked your hair, in a soothing gesture.
None of you knew what the future was planning to throw your way, but both of you believed one thing: that you will stay together, always.
I know we didn't end it like we're supposed to
And now we get a bit tense
I wonder if my mind just leaves out all the bad parts
I know we didn't make sense
I admit it that I think about it sometimes
Even though I know it's not so distant
Oh no, I still wanna reminisce it
Living with the traumatic past wasn't easy. No matter for how long the thoughts of the past events left your mind, they always had a way to remind you of their existence. Never ending cycle.
"It's okay, ssh, it's okay." his gentle voice broke through the sound of your sobs, it was middle of the night, your mind played tricks on you making you mistake what's the reality and what's not.
After about half an hour of silently crying into you pillow your unconscious mind made you walk to his room.
You opened and closed the door silently, he stirred in his bed, clearly not asleep yet and looked your way.
"Pipsqueak?" you looked at him, but your consciousness was closed inside of you, he felt like he was starring at the ghost.
He sat down fast, brushing the covers aside and rushing your way, hiding you in his arms the moment he found himself close enough.
The sobs shook your body with your head falling to snuggle in his neck. The voices in your mind quieting down, leaving only silence behind. The warmth of another human body next to you kept you grounded, making you come back to reality.
You spend minutes, maybe even an hour in his arms, not moving, just listening to his breathing and the beating of his heart. He didn't ask, he just stayed there with you knowing that you needed him, giving you time to calm your thoughts down.
When he noticed your steady breathing and the exhaustion visible on your face he picked you up, carrying you to his bed. He lay down behind you, dropping the covers over you two. One of his arms worked as your pillow, while the second hugged you to him. Slowly you started falling asleep, with a calm mind, last thing that you heard before you doze off was:
"Goodnight pipsqueak." and a gentle kiss on your head.
I think of that night in the park
It was getting dark and we stayed up for hours
What a time, what a time, what a time
You'd cling to my body
Like you wanted it forever
What a time, what a time, what a time
For you and I
What a time, what a time
For you and I
The last night with Caleb home before he had to leave for his aircraft training. You were happy for him, of course you were, but... That didn't help the feeling of sadness that came together with the realization that you won't see him for months to come.
No matter how selfish you wanted to be and keep him with you, you knew how important it was to him, you wouldn't dare to get in the way of his dreams. Shutting down your phone you stood up from your bed, making your way to the room where you always felt the safest. That would change after that room won't have a resident anymore.
You knocked gently on the door, almost sure that he wasn't asleep yet, and your suspicions were confirmed with a quiet 'come in' from the other side of the door.
You grabbed the handle and opened them, they let out a quiet creak.
You noticed that most of his stuff was packed. The messy room that used to be full with various little things now clean and empty. You couldn't help the feeling of your heart tightening up. Finally your eyes meet his, he looked at you expectantly, he probably guessed that you'll visit him tonight, just like you did every time you needed him.
He stayed quiet, waiting for you to say your thoughts, which you did with a shaky voice and your eyes dropping down.
"I'll miss you." you didn't talk about your deep thoughts and problems much, most of the time deciding to stay silent and enjoy the peace that came with the presence of the other. It was also probably because you knew each other so well that you knew what the other was thinking about, no words needed.
"Oh c'mon pipsqueak, I'll be back before you know it. I'll be texting and calling you whenever I can. You won't even notice me gone in between all of your plans and training to become a hunter." he smiled, unbothered. He wasn't worried about your relationship changing for the worse, you two were too close to just forget about each other and start treating the other like a stranger.
Noticing your sulking form he stood up from where he sat on his bed, placing the photo of you and him that he was looking at before you came to him back on the shelf. He walked up to you, grabbing your chin with one of his palms, forcing you to look him in the eye.
"You know; goodbyes are not forever." the smirk on his lips made you scoff. He really couldn't treat that situation seriously, could he?
"So you won't miss me huh? Okay, got it." your voice let out the annoyance you felt at his indifferent demeanor.
"Of course I will, but I know that I'll see you again." his hand went up to mess up your hair, you caught his arm with both of your hands, but because of the sudden movement you stumbled a bit, your body falling his way. Luckily his fast reflexes managed to catch you in time, pulling you close to his body in the process. Your breaths stopped for a moment, your hearts starting to beat faster, none of you wanted to look the other in the eye right now.
The atmosphere in the room changed. Something unspoken lingered in the air. For the first time in forever you wondered what the other was thinking with no clue if your suspicions were right. You didn't know if you should move away, stay in one place or... Move closer..?
You felt his hand gently caressing the back of your neck.
"Tell me you don't want this." he whispered with his head dropping to yours, it was one of those times when you got a reminder of just how tall he is. Your forehead rested on his torso, the words not leaving your mouth.
What did you want?
Uncertainly your hands went up to his face, your palms gently caressing his cheeks. The hand on your neck made you raise your head up, the other one coming to hold your chin, his finger softly tracing your lips.
"Please tell me you don't want this." his voice even quieter than before, the words leaving his mouth with his face centimetres away from yours.
"I don't want to lie." you swallowed nervously, was it really happening?
He looked at you for a moment longer, trying to catch a glimpse of uncertainty in your eyes, finding none his body decided what to do before his mind could.
His lips came to meet yours, slow and gentle at first, but the very moment you reciprocated the affection his hand left your neck to wrap itself around your waist, pulling you even closer to him and deepening the kiss.
You lost track of the time, everything else not important right now, millions of unspoken feelings finding their way onto the surface. You felt a tear tracing your cheek, not even sure when you started crying.
After what felt like seconds, which probably were a couple of minutes, you broke the kiss with the need to breath. You opened your eyes, your gaze finding his, the longing in his eyes will probably stay in your mind forever to remind you of him every time you'll try to fall asleep.
Once more, there was no need for words, both of you knew what the other one thought and wanted, your heavy breathing met the quietness of the night, and in the next second your hands grabbed his t-shirt to pull him back in harshly, his palms matched your fierceness, pulling you by your waist and the back of your head. The noises of heated kisses and quiet moans filled the air, you hugged his neck, standing on your toes to get even closer to him.
You'll miss him so much.
For you and I
For you and I
For you and I
First months without him made you feel so lonely, it felt so weird to not be able to walk up to his room and hug him to sleep, or wake up without him making you breakfast.
He kept his promise, calling and texting you when he could, but that didn't happen often, since rookies were rarely given a time to spend on their phones.
You were staring at the photo of him smiling with the necklace you gifted him perfectly visible, the plushie that he won at the arcade for you when you were teenagers tightly wrapped in your arms.
The night you spent with him months ago still in your head. That man turned your world upside down, changing your attitude towards him drastically. You felt like you were fourteen having a crush on the boy from your class and planning all the things on how to win him over.
Soon he'll be here. Where he belongs, with you.
But until then the memories of him will have to somehow be enough.
You played the voice message he sent you a couple days ago again. The words leaving his mouth were already memorized by you, his voice brought you a sense of calm nothing else could.
He was cruel to leave you for so long after sharing his feelings for you the night of his departure.
But... You were cruel too, letting him have you the night he had to leave, making him leave with the memories of your warmth and comfort, with the memory of your quiet pleads to remember about you and to come back to you, you were so fragile in his arms, the walls you build up around yourself collapsing the moment his skin touched yours underneath the covers, with the moon being the only witness to your love.
What a time, what a time
For you and I
What a time for you and I, yeah
What a time, what a time
For you and I
The tap out ceremony after finishing the training was today, Granny let you go there by yourself, saying something about having a doctor appointment. Caleb will stay at your apartment for the first days, since your rooms in your childhood home are currently in a not really good state.
You were excited and nervous at the same time, your heart threatened to break through your chest with how strong it was beating.
You got there and saw all those people, soldiers, standing in perfect rows, people looking for their kids, siblings, lovers. A lot of noises full of joy could be heard from everywhere around you. Slowly, you walked forward, trying to catch a glimpse of the boy who's been living in your mind rent-free for the past months.
It took you some time, but you finally noticed him. He wasn't facing your way, so he had no way of knowing you were already there. You felt your eyes getting glossy, and your hand went to cover your mouth. You stood there for a moment, finally seeing him in person after what felt like forever spent without him by your side. How much has he changed?
Not letting your thoughts distract you for too long you finally took slow steps his way, walking between the lines of other people waiting for their close ones.
You found yourself right before him, his gaze stayed focused ahead of him, emotionless expression still on his face, waiting for your touch.
You took a moment to admire him. He looked almost nothing like the boy that left, a man now, one could say. Did he change on the inside too? Is he still your Caleb?
With a deep breath you stepped even closer to him, your arms behind your back. Standing now centimetres away from him, your smile widens and finally you shoot up to embrace him in the hug that you needed for months now.
He didn't miss a beat, instantly hugging you back, and picking your body above the ground.
"I told you I'll be back." he said, with his mouth right above your ear. You didn't respond, just hugged him even tighter, letting the gesture speak instead of words.
You were finally home.
I think of that night in the park
It was getting dark and we stayed up for hours
What a lie, what a lie, what a lie
You'd cling to my body
Like you wanted it forever
What a lie, what a lie, what a lie
For you and I
What a lie, what a lie
For you and I
He was right there, the same..? But different...
How could he... After so long...
Your expression gave out the million thoughts stucked in your head.
You started at him, was it really him?
You had enough of crying after that guy, blaming yourself for what happened, that you should go inside of the house with him, or maybe said one sentence more to keep him outside, anything.
And now... It all didn't matter. He was here, changed, but still him.
More tears lingered in your eyes, you felt like you were drowning, couldn't breath, your heart racing. It couldn't be real. He couldn't be real.
He looked at you indifferent, as if not moved at all by the sight of you before him.
You felt your knees giving up, before collapsing under you and sending your body to the ground. But before you could hit the hard floor your body stayed above it, before gently getting lowered down. You heard steps coming closer to you, but your eyes stayed focused on the floor, not really understanding what is happening right now.
You felt a hand holding your chin, making you raise your head and look the man in the eyes. It couldn't be...
"What? You don't recognize me anymore?" his tone cold, was it really the very person who plugged your mind everyday?
"Caleb..?" your voice so quiet that you almost didn't hear it yourself. You saw his gaze soften, more and more tears started filling your eyes. You stared at him, not knowing what to do now. You believed he was dead for so long.
"It's me. I'm back." he said, his tone changing for something softer this time, dropping his cold demeanor.
You raised your hand slowly towards his face, he looked at it for a moment, letting you take your time with processing the situation.
But then you did something unexpected...
The sound of a slap echoed in the room, he looked at you in shock. You did not just do that.
"That..." your voice shook, with sadness, but also anger "Is for your 'death'." the last word came out snarky.
"Pipsque-" you pulled him by his uniform's collar crushing your lips with him, he stayed frozen, his eyes widening. He wasn't expecting that. Before he had a chance to reciprocate your angry kiss you already pulled back, pushing him away from yourself.
"And this... Is for your return." tears fell down your face, he stared at you in awe. You weren't crying. Little drops were still making their paths on your face, but there were no sobs, no shaking of your body, not even sadness left in your eyes. There was numbness... But also hope in your gaze. One thing that he wished at this very moment was that he'll manage to make everything okay. He has to make everything okay.
For you and I (For you)
For you and I (For you)
For you and I (For you and I)
For you and I, yeah
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maplesyrupsainz · 5 months ago
˖⁺。˚⋆˙loyal…but not that loyal | CS55˖⁺。˚⋆˙
pairing: carlos sainz x barcelona footballer!reader y/n (she/her)
genre: social media au
warnings: idk shit abt football!!! also so short sorry
summary: in which your boyfriend is your biggest fan whilst also being your biggest hater
a/n: i havent posted im ages omg sorry im making my comeback w some cs55 fic which is fitting <33
request!!!: Hi, can you please do a smau where Carlos Sainz is dating a barcelona player and he still supports her even tho he's a Real Madrid fan
my masterlist
fc: alexia putellas
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liked by carlossainz55, alexandrasaintmleux, and others
yourusername back to it ⚽️
view all comments
user1 sooo excited for this season!!
user2 carlos cameo woohoooo
user3 i love y/n omg
user4 coolest girl ever
user5 obsessed w her & carlos even tho he's a real madrid fan hahahaha
user6 he's loyal to his girl but not THAT loyal
yourteammate my favourite girl boss <3
yourusername hehe 🙆‍♀️ love you
alexandrasaintmleux slaying girl
yourusername need to see u soon
alexandrasaintmleux lemme come to a game 🥅
yourusername i'll get you on the pitch
charles_leclerc 🤨 you sure you want that?
user7 omggg LOL
user8 love their friendship
carlossainz55 love you, not the shirt
yourusername there's still time baby. join us
carlossainz55 no thank you you're beautiful though
interview ->
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transcript -> interviewer: how is life off the track? carlos: it is good as usual! i am looking forward to another break soon. interviewer: you have any specific plans? carlos: well, let's just say i have a lot of football to catch up on. my girlfriend will make me cheer for barcelona.
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liked by charles_leclerc, yourusername, and others
carlosssainz55 been a while
view all comments
user17 carlos🙏🙏🙏🙏
user18 ugh he's so hot
user19 y/n mention 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
user20 a good day for y/n nation
landonorris "a while" it's been a week
yourteammate clock him
carlossainz55 a week is not a while in england?
yourusername aww he just wanted an excuse to post pics of me
landonorris valid i suppose
user21 i see my man getting weak for a barcelona player ....
user22 dw he knows his roots
user23 i love y/n off duty she's so cool
user24 one day he's gonna post a pic in a barca top & it's gonna break the internet
liked by yourusername
carlossainz55 dont get her hopes up i beg
user25 LOL carlos 💀
yourusername my pretty boy 😘😘😘
carlossainz55 my beautiful girl ❤️
user26 ugh. me when
user27 see. he's getting weak
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instagram ->
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liked by yourteammate, carlossainz55, and others
yourusername loving the season so far ☀️
view all comments
user32 PHEWWWW 🥵🥵🥵🥵
user33 omg. y/n thirst trap this is not a false alarm
user34 i took the pic xoxo
alexandrasaintmleux Y/N you hottie
yourusername oh stop it you !!!!
alexandrasaintmleux sexy footballer body 😍
charles_leclerc what is happening here?
yourusername im stealing your girl, that's what
user35 valid tbh
user36 she can run me over
user37 goddess <333
carmenmmundt oh helloooo 👀
yourusername yes i am single
carmenmmundt oh that was easy.
georgerussell63 …
user38 hahahah omg y/n stealing all the f1 wags
carlossainz55 oh baby
carlossainz55 wow
carlossainz55 i feel like i should be barking maybe?
liked by yourusername, landonorris
carlossainz55 god i would do anything for you
yourusername mmmm do not tempt me right now
user39 the flirting in public kills me
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mooishbeam · 2 years ago
『♡』 Losing Game
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♡ featuring: ajax x f!reader
♡ summary: simmering feelings boil over as you're confronted by the man you hate the most; tartaglia, your boss. wc: 3.1k+
♡ cw/tw: afab, degradation, humiliation, creampie, squirting, light choking, sadism, throat-fucking, cum play, fingering, overstimulation, brat taming, mind break, pet names (doll, baby)
notes: hiii, the positive response from the last one motivated me to get this done just in time for Fontaine. kinda long this time so sorry abt that. ajax my beloved <3 art by sonomi_rap5 on twitter comments and reblogs are appreciated!
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Working for the fatui wasn’t easy in the slightest, especially when you aren’t on harbinger status. You were sent on long, grueling tasks only to be met with loose interpretations of gratitude and sometimes silence from the higher-ups, in which most wouldn’t even glance in your direction. Pleasant beginnings became a sour afterthought, and your perception of the fatui changed drastically. Your grievances, however, weren’t helped by your quick-witted snappy attitude and competitiveness; Presumably why you ended up under the division of Tartaglia. You assumed a binding contract from the capricious redhead wouldn’t mean much, but that was quickly proven false.  
You'd rather climb every mountain in Snezhnaya than spend a minute talking to that airhead. He was instructed to keep a watchful eye on you during missions despite the competence you demonstrated. It was insulting. Anything he did you could do better. It’d been proven multiple times from the petty challenges you created. How much water you could drink, how long you can stay up. You won every time. How could you not hate him? His feigned ignorance and careless flirtations were enough to drive you mad. “Please, call me Ajax” he’d say, winking. The simpering smile he gave you after every comeback shot daggers in your pride. What made you particularly furious was the incessant drum of your heart whenever he was near you. The warm autumn morning that was his hair. The cool still waves his eyes sent to your core. You couldn’t fall for him, or else he’d have one up on you. You had to be stronger than that. You quelled your stress in a tattered journal gifted years ago. 
“Hey, comrade!” His bubbly tone makes knots in your stomach, and you choose to stay silent. You’re hoping this mission will go without a hitch, as long as he doesn’t get in your way. Ajax lets out a teasing whistle. 
“Yeesh, tough crowd.” As you’re collecting the items needed for the deal, he rocks back and forth on his heels directly in front of you, absent-mindedly watching. 
You whip your head to face him, “You can’t see I’m doing something right now?” 
“Oh, I see what you’re doing. But this isn’t entertaining.” 
“Unlike you, your majesty, I have no choice but to be perfect. I apologize if that’s not exciting enough for you.” You retort with sarcastic curtsy.  
“Haha! You’re always a pleasure to be around, (Y/N). My faithful, kind-hearted companion.” he said with a taunting wink. You're beyond flustered, haphazardly stuffing the remains in your bag and lugging it over your shoulder. 
“Let's go.” You say lazily. He follows closely, arms crossed behind his head. “Calling me like a dog, how romantic.” 
“If you don’t want to be called like a dog stop acting like one.” 
“You could at least give me a treat if I'm gonna be your dog.” He looks at you, making his best impression of puppy-eyes. You bite back a few choice words, and glare at him instead. He isn’t fazed by this and flashes a beguiling smile that makes your ears warm. Glancing at the weight you’re shouldering, he comments, “You sure you don’t need any help with that?” 
“No. The last person I need help from is you.” 
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You and Ajax regroup in an alleyway deep in Fontaine’s bustling city. You are assigned to retrieve a rare gem for one of Pantalone’s elaborate schemes, and you quickly prepare yourself for this interaction. Ajax studies you, leaning against one of the walls. 
“Can’t you be a little nicer to your superior? If it wasn’t for me, you’d be in a lot of trouble half the time. You’re welcome.” You scoff. “I don’t know why you’re here in the first place, I have no problem doing this on my own.” 
“I’m sure. Don’t mind me, Ms. Independent.” A sly smirk crawled up his face. “Fucking asshole” you mumble under your breath. “I didn’t catch that. Can you repeat it?” 
“I said you’re a fucking asshole.” After a few moments of silence, Ajax grips his chest in feigned agony. “Ouch. I’m gutted!” 
Just as you're about to leave, he snatches your wrist, now only mere inches away from your face. His hand gently brushes away the strays of hair on your forehead. “There you go, doll. Gotta be perfect for your debut.” A whirlwind of emotions strangles your ability to think clearly, you pull your wrist away and start speed walking, attempting to gather yourself before you get to the jewelry store. 
You enter the empty store and are immediately confronted by the jeweler. 
“Good afternoon, ma’am. Do you have an appointment?” You proclaim your business and appointment under a fake identity, posturing yourself as wealthy. “May I see identification please.” Of course, you say. As you’re looking through your purse you notice something: there’s no identification here. Surely you weren’t that negligent over something so simple. You rummaged through the other compartments, trying to stay calm in front of an increasingly concerned jeweler. But it’s not there. How is this possible. Your nerves are heightened and the anxiety of failing the mission starts to creep in. “I made an appointment with Lottie; she’ll be able to provide reference. I believe I left my passport at home.” The jeweler seems slightly disappointed. “Unfortunately, ma’am, I am not allowed to present any gems without identification.” Your heart beats faster. “Well, sir, I’m very busy and I’m afraid this is my only chance to close on this item. You wouldn’t want to push away a well-paying customer.” 
“I have no choice in the matter. If you have no proof of identification, I must ask you to leave.” Should I take it by force? You thought, thinking about the next possible option. As you’re about to handle the rest physically, the door swings open. Ajax comes up to you, placing his arm around your waist.  
“My love, were you able to get the gem we were discussing?” You’re annoyed, but you improvise and look at him as if he’s the love of your life. “Not yet, dear.” Suddenly, he places a plush kiss on your lips. You’re stunned and speechless, filled with anger and wanting. 
The jeweler interjects. “And are you the husband? Would you happen to have any identification.” 
“Yes, sir.” Ajax pulls out a passport and fake birth certificate unbeknownst to you and begins to close the deal. The rest of the meeting you sit speechless. 
“Thank you for your patronage.” are the last words you hear as you leave the store, Ajax guiding you with his hand. You’re silent the whole way back to your room. 
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You turn your bag upside down and begin looking for the mismatched documents. All while Ajax stares at you expectingly. You ignore his presence.  
“So... how about a ‘you’re welcome?’” 
“For what.” 
He lets out a mocking laugh. “For what? I don’t know, maybe saving your ass back there? You froze, and you were unprepared, Ms. Independent.”  
“I wouldn’t have forgotten it if it wasn’t for the obnoxious bullshit you did this morning.” 
“That’s dishonest, I wasn’t even talking!” he pretends to be hurt. “Admit that you need me.” 
“Fuck off.” 
“No.” His light-hearted inflection vexes you and makes it hard for you to focus as you read through the mountains of pages in your folder. 
While your head is down, Ajax comes across the tattered notebook just peeking out from under the bed. Storing the months—no years—of feelings you had regarding the fatui. Regarding him. Some time passes and you finally raise your head, met with the horrifying reveal of him skimming through the journal, mischief coating the deep void in his eyes. You spring up and reach for the book but he’s faster, grabbing your arms and pinning them above your head. 
“This is really good stuff... really good.” You shout profanities over and over, anything to get his attention away from the book. But he continues to read as if you’re not there. When he’s done reading, he lets you go, and you instantly try to swing at him. Before you can land a hit, he grabs you by the throat and stares into your soul, almost as if he’s trying to swallow your being. 
“You’ve been acting like a little fucking brat all over a crush? Not very big girl of you.” 
“I know you think you’re beyond charming, but I promise you don’t have that effect on me.” 
“Really? Let’s play a game then.” He knew you’d accept just to beat him at anything. 
“If you don’t cum by the end of this journal, I’ll apologize for everything. I’ll do whatever you want. But if I win-” he steps closer to you, “You have to do everything I say.” 
You almost burst out laughing. Such an easy challenge, how hard could it be? 
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You're panting, trying your hardest to focus on the words that seemed to melt off the page. Your back lays comfortably against his chest, with his legs keeping yours spread. 
“Next page, baby.” 
“Don’t call me that.” Your words are lenient and breathy. Your underwear is still on, but Ajax’s fingers are covered in your slick, playing with the erect nub just enough to make you fuzzy. “You look like you’re tapping out.” 
“This? This is nothing” You respond meekly, continuing the reading.  
“I can’t help but have fe-elings for himph.”  
“There’s some nice things about me in here, why aren’t you always like this?” He says, circling and dipping into your gushy folds, smearing the glossy mess all over your vulva. You try so hard to read the letters, squirming from his touch. The sensation pulsing from your clit to your brain made you incoherent; the more you move, the more he moves. The contents of the journal are humiliating, detailing your romantic and sexual attraction towards Ajax, and your attempts to stifle these feelings. He was getting a kick out of seeing your flustered face stammer over his appearance. He plays with the precum glazing his fingers, widening them to watch the trail it left. Only two more pages left. 
“I-I-” You couldn’t get through the first sentence on the last page. Your thighs are trembling, and your pussy began to twitch. “Uh, s-shit. Ajax, wai-.” He trails his fingers over your clit spelling his name, then pushes two inside, fighting back an amused grin. “You’re almost done” Teasing in your ear. You bite back the moans threatening to escape; at the very least you couldn’t give him that satisfaction. He watches you fall apart, shaking more aggressively before your body gives in and you cum on his fingers.  
“Uh oh, that’s unfortunate.” You try your best to catch your breath, but he rides out your orgasm, making you subconsciously grind yourself into his palm. Then you’re struck with the reality of losing. He licks his fingers clean, eyes rolling back from the taste. “So fucking good, does being a bitch make you taste better?” You were too embarrassed from the loss to retort. “You won.” 
“I did.” He lifts you off the bed and onto the floor, your legs still recovering. He hikes your shirt up, trailing kisses up your stomach until he gets to your nipples. He flicks and sucks one while kneading the other one, occasionally biting the slightly bruising flesh. “Not gonna moan for me, huh baby?” 
“Not in the slightest.” You rasped. He smiles and blows cool air on your tits, sending a rippling feeling down your back. “That’s okay, you’ll give in.” 
Ajax unbuttons his pants, and they drop in front of you. Unsheathing his thick throbbing length, drooling with desire. His balls are full and heavy, and as you look up at him his eyes are clouded with lust. The pretty freckles that dotted his arms and chest are much more visible now, and so are his battle scars. He breathed in deep, "take care of this for me, yeah?” You wanted to say no and say fuck this; but there was another side that wanted him desperately, that needed this.  
You force your jaw open to accommodate his size and push yourself halfway on his girth, feeling his cockhead hit the back of your throat. Once you feel like you got it in, you slobber all over his cock, dampening his balls and begin to bob your head. You stroke with one hand and massage his sack with the other, leading to a breathy whimper from him. “Ah fuck, feels good. Suck it slow, slut.” You begin to move faster while cupping his balls, obscene noises leaving your sopping mouth. You have tears running down your sweating face trying to keep up with the vigorous movement of your tongue. You feel him throb a few times, his moans and grunting getting progressively louder.  
“Need more” is all he says, putting one of his legs on the bed and grabbing both sides of your head. Before you can register what’s happening. Ajax pushes your head onto his cock until your nose reaches his pubes. He lets out a breathy sigh and starts throat fucking you with an animalistic grip. The gagging and spit noises echo off the walls, along with his continuous whimpering. You wanted to hate him, but your blood was buzzing, and your panties were drenched. “Shut up and take it” followed by broken fuck’s and yes’s. He threw his head back, hair slicked and torso gleaming with sweat, “look at me.” You reluctantly look up, addicted to his passionate expression. “I want you looking at me when I cum.” You grip his thighs, and he twitches a few times before spurting white, thick cum down your throat. He pulls out slightly to drag his semen over your lips and then taps it on your face, holding you in place.  
“What are you doing? Clean me up.” he husked. You clean him up without complaint and lick your lips, forced to maintain eye contact with him the entire way.  
In one swoop, Ajax picks you up and throws you on the bed, eager to get your underwear off. “You proved your point, stop being an ass" you slurred out. The room was intoxicating, all you could smell and feel was him. He takes your panties off, spreading your pussy to watch the slippery puddle dribble down your thighs. He shoves your panties in your mouth, “Fucking liar, I know you like it. Can’t taste how wet you are?” He aligns himself with your aching hole, keeping your arch steady with you bent over. Shoving his cock in, moaning from the feeling of your body perfectly molding for him. Ajax starts moving at a rapid pace quickly, his big slender hands tightly gripping your ass. The sound of wet sticky skin slapping together and the squelching from your core made you shudder. It was all too much; you have been teetering on an orgasm since you went down on him, and the way his balls thump your clit make you quiver.  
“Whiny brat. Just needed to be fucked good to shut up, yeah?” he groaned through his words. Tears were coming down your eyes now, you can’t tell if he’s edging you by accident or on purpose. But right now, you’d do anything. He turns your head to face him, gazing at your tear-stricken face. “Aww, you cryin’ for me?” He stops to kiss and lick your tears, delighted by your tenderness. Taking the panties out your mouth, he brings your body flush with his and continues to pump inside with you looking at him.  
“So sweet all of a sudden, where’d that attitude go?” The morals you had for moaning went missing and mewls and soft whimpers began to leave you. “Let it out, baby.” You’re suddenly babbling please’s begging for him to let you have it. “Pathetic, can’t even get off on your own. You need me that bad?” You nod repeatedly, dangerously close to your release. He had a dark look in his eyes and a sinful smirk. “Yeah? Okay, you’ve been so good.” He reaches down and starts to rub your clit ceaselessly, kissing your cheek. Your whimpers become loud shaky moans and he finally lets you have it, shockwaves going through your body as you’re dissolved into pleasure. You pulsate through the explosion, jello-brain and boneless as your cum leaks down his thighs. Just as he pulls out and flips you over. You’re dizzy and drunk off him, legs shaking indefinitely from the intensity. Then he puts it back in. “You can take one more, yeah baby?” Your overstimulated and violent shaking wasn’t enough for him to stop. He wanted you ruined. He keeps going, grabbing your face to kiss you deeply, tongues intertwining with each other. He feeds you deep strokes, tip prodding your spot every time and watching as your tits bounce. You throw your head back, eyes rolling to the back of your skull. You have no thoughts, only his name rings in your head. You can feel the coil inside you winding up, pleasure beyond the searing pain of your swollen pussy. He looks down at you and smiles.  
“Look at me." You can’t hear anything at this point, not even the sound of your own voice. So, it’s a pleasant surprise when your voice carries his name, “Ajax, Ajax”, chanting as if he’s your god. “Fuck. Gonna cum. Let it out. baby” he says grinning. You’re clamping him so tight and throbbing until you ultimately shatter with him, releasing a stream of squirt onto him and the sheets. He bucks into you, letting out thick spurts, panting heavily as he watches you in disarray. You instinctively hold on to his arms, trembling uncontrollably as you try to search for breath and ride it out. You’re completely hysterical and sobbing from the emotion it ripped into you. You were in shambles and Ajax couldn’t help but smile out of happiness for what he caused. “I’m so sorry.” you say repeatedly, eyes shut and lined with tears. He got closer to wrap you in his arms, and you cling to him for stability. “It’s okay, I’m here for you.” 
You didn’t want to talk about it when you woke up. You were hoping he’d be gone, and therefore wouldn’t have to deal with the humiliation. But there he was, watching you sleep just as the sun rose. His ginger hair danced with golden flecks of light, and he looked at you like you were the only person on Teyvat. 
  “Good morning to you too, baby~.” 
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amyzworldds · 4 days ago
Post seungcheol's one, pretty please🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Part two: Shadows of Sacrifice - Fading light
Part 1 | Part 3 | Part 4
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A month after the breakup, Seungcheol struggles to move on, haunted by doubts and a dimmed spirit, while his members and fans notice the change. Pairing: Seungcheol x reader Genre: Heavy angst (this part is focused on seungcheol)
The practice room pulsed with energy—Hoshi shouted counts, Vernon mumbled lyrics under his breath, and Dino’s laughter rang out—but Seungcheol stood apart, a shadow among the chaos. One month had passed since yn shattered his world, and the pieces still lay scattered around him. His reflection in the mirrored wall looked foreign—pale skin, dark circles framing tired eyes, a hollow shell of the leader he’d once been. He clutched a water bottle, fingers trembling slightly, as if they’d forgotten how to hold on since she slipped away.
Their three years together replayed in his mind like a cruel loop. They’d been fine, hadn’t they? Late-night takeout runs, her sneaking into the dorm, him collapsing onto her couch after grueling schedules—small, secret moments that built something real. She’d been a carat first, her love for Seventeen woven into their story, and he’d cherished how she understood his life. But then, without warning, she’d cut him loose. “I’ve been seeing someone else,” she’d said, her voice cold and final. He hadn’t believed it—not at first. Not her, not the girl who’d cheered his name at concerts and whispered “I love you” in the dark. Yet the ice in her gaze had convinced him, and now he was left questioning everything.
Was it his fault? The thought consumed at him. Had he been too busy—tours, comebacks, endless nights in the studio? Maybe he hadn’t given her enough, hadn’t been present enough to keep her. She’d never complained, always greeted him with a smile and a kiss, but perhaps that was the problem—he’d missed the cracks forming beneath them. What had gone wrong? Where had he failed her?
The members knew something was off. That rainy night a month ago, when he’d stumbled into the dorm drenched and broken, Mingyu had asked quietly, “Hyung, what happened?” Seungcheol had given them the bare bones—she cheated, she left—and they hadn’t pried further. Instead, they circled him with quiet support. Joshua slid coffee across the table each morning, Seungkwan dragged him into silly arguments, Wonwoo sat with him in silence when words failed. They tried to lift him, but his energy remained low, a flickering flame that refused to reignite.
Even the fans noticed. Posts on twitter trickled in—“S.Coups seems different,” “He’s not smiling anymore.” He hadn’t done a live or updated them in weeks. How could he? Every attempt reminded him of her—her teasing texts during his broadcasts, her emojis lighting up his phone. Now, he avoided it all, unable to face the inevitable questions. “Are you okay?” they’d ask. No, he wasn’t. But he was the leader, the backbone of Seventeen, and he couldn’t let them see him crumble. So he faked it—forced grins in practice, nodded through conversations—moving through each day like it was a chore.
That morning, he’d found her hoodie in his closet, the one she’d worn on countless nights curled up beside him. The faint scent of lavender and vanilla lingered, a ghost of her presence. He’d reached to throw it out, but his hands betrayed him, clutching it instead as memories flooded back. Did she ever truly love him? Or had he been blind, too wrapped up in his own world to see her drifting away?
“Hyung, you good?” DK’s voice cut through the haze, his hand resting lightly on Seungcheol’s shoulder. The others paused, their eyes flickering with concern. Seungcheol nodded, mumbling about exhaustion, and they let it pass—for now. They didn’t know the full story, didn’t suspect the company’s invisible hand might be tangled in this mess. All they saw was their leader fading, and all he felt was the weight of her absence, a wound that refused to heal.
Manager Kim lingered by the door, his sharp eyes tracking Seungcheol’s every move. He’d noticed the change weeks ago—the slouch in Seungcheol’s shoulders, the way his laughter had faded, the dimness in his once-bright gaze. As their manager, he knew more than most. He knew about yn—how could he not? Seungcheol had confided in him early on, trusting him like a brother. Kim had met her, seen the kindness in her smile, the way she’d light up around Seungcheol. He’d even played lookout for them, arranging secret meetups when schedules allowed, covering for them with quick excuses. They’d been a team, the three of them, guarding something precious.
But Kim also knew the truth the members didn’t—the company’s cold intervention, the ultimatum they’d given yn to protect Seungcheol and Seventeen. He’d been in the room when the decision was made, his protests ignored. It tore at him, watching Seungcheol unravel, believing a lie that wasn’t his fault. Yn’s sacrifice, her quiet strength—it haunted him as much as Seungcheol’s pain did. These boys were his family, and yn had treated him with the same warmth, slipping him coffee on late nights, thanking him for keeping their secret. Now, he carried a heavier one.
Kim stepped closer as practice wound down, his voice low. “Cheol, you’re not yourself. It’s been a month—talk to me.” Seungcheol shrugged, eyes on the floor, but Kim couldn’t take it anymore. The weight of the lie pressed too hard, the sight of Seungcheol’s suffering too much to bear. He exhaled sharply, decision made. “It’s not what you think. yn didn’t—she didn’t cheat. The company… they made her end it. For you, for the group.”
Seungcheol froze, his head snapping up, eyes wide with disbelief. Kim’s chest ached as he held the leader’s gaze, the truth hanging raw and heavy between them.
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whosblackcat · 5 months ago
mini thread abt how to help riize & seunghan + info 🩷🫧
note & warning: please don’t engage with ANY content of riize, for example don’t comment in their tiktoks saying “riize is 7” even if your intention is good, it breaks the purpose of the boycott!!
sm will pull fake scandals to distract our attention from the matter, for example as they did with sungchan yesterday! don’t believe anything, exols warned us
tweet the trending tags on twitter!! big official fan accounts always share which ones we have to use
don't buy or watch anything related to riize & sm, we’re boycotting
don’t interact with any post of sm and riize even if it’s to use the tags or supporting the boys, we’re boycotting
all the info of what did one of the persons who sent the death wreaths
ot6 are complaining to the police & government abt the displays and flowers for seunghan in front of the sm building, and according to this person now it's not possible to put them in commercial facilities
sm is buying followers and likes due to the impact of the boycott
ot6 are monitoring every movement and project in every language and reporting them. @/RIIZEUSACENTRE kofi was reported because of them while raising trucks money
seunghan's leaked photo with his girlfriend was leaked by hybe
riize is seven movement schedule. day 1 october 28th
mass review 1 star to all sm facilities on google maps (note: they’re deleting the bad reviews but we have to keep going)
hybes’s ceo lee jae sang issues apology letter for the ‘music industry report’ document (a sorry is not enough after destroying hsh life & career)
seunghan town will be removed due to ot6 reports and company that they reported the project, causing making hard getting the needed permits
pineapple manager passed in front of the protest today, he def saw the protest
manager passed in front of the protest again, they know what’s going on
manager passed in front of the protest for the third time, and tomorrow is the meeting
riize is seven movement schedule november 6th
there’s a very popular lawyer who has won a case against sm before that right now is representing fans
riize doesn't have any schedule, comeback or tour for the first quarter of 2025. the boycott is working, keep going!
riize lost 400k monthly listeners on spotify
clarifications on rumors regarding hsh. the thread linked below explains it really well, so please read carefully and repost it on X!
sm announced that seunghan will debut as a solo artist in the second half of 2025… they even created him a profile on ig. sm is trying to calm us down. is their final act of desperation to tame the situation. this doesn’t protect him from toxic fans, pls keep boycotting, this doesn’t end here (we protested to have him back in riize where he belongs, not to debut as solo artist is this a joke what are they doing💀💀)
Jaehyeon Choe, a TikToker with over 174k followers (@/watchwithsamjaychoe), who has worked with different kpop groups, some of them being SM ones, knows things we don't know and is telling us to DON'T STOP THE BOYCOTT
MAMA's violations against fans, the mistreatment and disrespect experienced by the fans cannot be ignored. some fans were denied entry due to their clothing and some others had their stuff (which they paid for) thrown away even if it wasn’t against the rules they settled. dm @/RIIZEUSACENTRE on X if something like this happened to you
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this is all the info i found and i wanted to spread it here too, so thanks and credits to all the ppl on twitter!! if i find more relevant info i’ll keep updating this post. please share it 🫶🏻 (note: english isn't my first language, sorry for any mistakes in my grammar)
little motivation and some twitter accounts that organize projects/give info below the cut! 🩷
— some good info twitter accs:
— little motivation:
kbriize are holding face to face protests and fanbases hired an attorney. boycott properly if you don't want all the effort to be wasted! remember, boycotting takes time
"The group nearly disbanded in September of 2001, after Park Joon-hyung was discovered to be in a relationship. Their management announced, without informing him or the members, that he was to leave the group and they'd continue as 4, but it was met with strong objection from fans, who repeatedly signed petitions and threatened to boycott concerts and the company. Danny, Kyesang, Hoyoung and Taewoo held their own press conference, without the knowledge of their management, to show their support for Joon. After two months of disagreements, their company eventually backed down and allowed Joon to be in the group." if joon returned to the group after two months of protests, complains and boycott, we can bring back seunghan!! the key is persistence. please don't give up and keep fighting for his rights and justice!!
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karinasbaby · 7 months ago
there’s absolutely zero explanation as to why belift would actually send enhypen to another tour when fate plus (which was ALREADY a very unnecessary tour) ended not even 24 hours.
i genuinely can’t seem to wrap my head around this entire situation because there’s no sane company that would overwork their own artists like this. not when they’re sick. not when they can’t even properly perform and give it their all. not when they themselves have spoken about how draining and tiring these past two years have been for them.
it’s so absurd. so weird and so wrong of belift to send them on a tour ignoring engenes protests. to ignore the trending tags and all the protest trucks. it’s insane because when this was related to female dancers belift didn’t waste a single second and removed them. but when it comes to their artists’ fucking HEALTHS they turn blind to everything.
enhypen’s treatment right now is so ridiculously inhumane. they’ve been on tour with consistent comebacks in between for the past two years. they’ve already had concerts in japan recently with fate & fate+ there’s genuinely NO NEED for them to have a ‘japan world tour’ after fate+. there’s no other explanation to this other than belift being money hungry.
to think that enha will be wrapped up in another tour with possible comeback schedule along with award show performances & practices is just so crazy. i can’t even imagine how cramped their schedule already is and it’s only about to become worse.
please for the love of everything if enhypen are coming anywhere near your vicinity with this tour (that will hopefully get cancelled) please don’t GO! please boycott. please let this be more reasons for you to boycott everything related to enhypen, belift and hybe.
please give enhypen a fucking break. trend this on twitter. post on twitter with the hashtags. reblog every tumblr post related to this. trend the hashtags everywhere. repost the posts asking for a break on twitter. please please please boycott i beg the boys don’t deserve this they genuinely don’t.
let enhypen rest PLEASE.
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ayumigotabittoolonely · 1 month ago
Big day in the morning
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Your name was everywhere.
Trending on Twitter. Flooding the news. Fans were demanding your comeback, and you had no idea what the fuck to do about it.
It wasn’t like you didn’t appreciate them. You loved your fans. They were the reason you stood where you did. But none of them knew what was actually happening behind the scenes.
None of them knew how tired you were.
And now, thanks to Utahime’s drunk impulsiveness, the internet was going crazy over your almost-kiss.
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Last night, at the club, Utahime had pulled you into a dance both of you tipsy, breathless, laughing. And for a second, just a second, you two had leaned in a little too close.
Shoko had been the one to pull you back before anything happened.
But Utahime? That little traitor?
She posted the damn picture.
Now the entire world was obsessed with the idea that you two were dating.
You groaned, throwing your phone onto the bed. "What the fuck was she thinking?"
But honestly, a part of you didn’t even care.
Because there was something else weighing on your mind.
Something that had been suffocating you for weeks.
He had promised he’d be home by 6 PM.
But as always he wasn’t.
And you didn’t even have the energy to be mad anymore.
So you just went to bed.
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
You woke up feeling warm.
For a moment, you thought it was a dream.
The familiar weight of an arm draped over your waist. The quiet sound of steady breathing.
But when you opened your eyes
Nanami was actually there.
For the first time in weeks, he was sleeping beside you.
Your heart clenched.
Carefully, hesitantly, you reached out and ran your fingers through his hair.
"Nanami?" Your voice was soft, still heavy with sleep.
A low hum rumbled in his throat.
"Mmh… I’m sorry for coming home late yesterday, love," he murmured, voice thick and drowsy.
His golden eyes fluttered open, looking up at you with something tender.
And fuck.
How could you not love him?
But then
Then you remembered.
The hickey. The perfume. The woman in his office.
Your stomach twisted.
You shoved him away, the warmth of his embrace suddenly suffocating.
Nanami didn’t resist. But his grip on you tightened.
"Please," he whispered. "It was just… a moment of weakness."
Your chest ached.
A moment of weakness.
Was that all six years meant to him? A moment of weakness?
A thousand words fought to leave your lips. You wanted to scream, to cry, to ask him why.
But in the end
You said nothing.
Because despite everything, despite knowing you should walk away
You forgave him.
Because you loved him.
Loved him so much you were willing to put up with his bullshit.
"I saw your tweet."
Nanami’s voice broke the silence as his fingers traced slow circles over your stomach.
"You wanted to get married, hm?"
You stiffened.
"It… It was just an excuse to get them off my back," you lied.
Of course you wanted to marry him.
You wanted it more than anything.
He hummed, unconvinced.
"You must have seen the news, then," you continued. "Everyone’s trying to figure out who the lucky man is."
A smirk tugged at the corner of his lips.
"Yes," he murmured, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear. "And I don’t mind you posting me at all."
You sucked in a breath.
Then, as if he could read your thoughts, he cupped your face tilting your chin up so you had no choice but to look at him.
"I meant every word I ever said to you," he whispered.
Your lips parted.
"I worshipped you," his voice dropped, low and intense. "I still do."
"Do you know what you are to me?" His voice was soft, but it carried weight.
You swallowed, unable to speak.
"You are the first thought in my mind when I wake up," he confessed, his lips ghosting over your temple. "And the last thing I think about before I sleep."
Your breath hitched.
"You are my peace, my chaos, my greatest weakness," he continued, his thumb stroking your cheek. "I have loved you in a way I never thought I was capable of loving anything."
He exhaled slowly.
"And it terrifies me."
You blinked, startled by the rawness in his voice.
"I have never been a selfish man," he admitted, his fingers tightening slightly on your waist. "But with you? I am."
Your heart pounded.
"Because I don’t want to share you. Not with the world, not with your fans, not with anyone." He leaned closer, his forehead pressing against yours. "I want you to myself."
"You are the only thing that has ever made me feel truly alive," he murmured. "And if I lose you, I don’t know if I could ever feel that way again."
You swallowed hard, heart pounding.
"So don’t doubt me, love," he murmured. "Because my heart has always been yours."
You forgot everything.
The cheating. The lies. The pain.
You forgot it all when he held you like this.
And you hated it.
But you smiled back anyway.
Because loving him hurt, but not loving him felt impossible.
a day off
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
Nanami took the day off today.
And for the first time in so long, things felt normal.
You spent the morning baking together. Flour dusted his shirt. Dough stuck to your fingers. He chuckled softly when you stole a bite of cookie batter.
And yeah.
You totally posted a couple of pictures.
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Then, later he took you out on a date.
It felt like old times. Like before.
Soft words. Affectionate glances. His fingers brushing over yours just because.
"You look beautiful," he had whispered. "You always do."
Your heart swelled.
And just like that
You fell in love with him all over again.
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
The day ended peacefully.
Nanami sat beside you on the couch, reading a book while you scrolled through your phone.
It was quiet. Too quiet.
And yet your heart wouldn’t stop racing.
Because you couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong.
That this happiness was temporary.
That sooner or later everything would come crashing down.
And you weren’t sure if you were ready for it.
Somewhere other the universe
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
Gojo Satoru had never been a man of patience.
So why the fuck was he still here?
Scrolling through your posts. Clicking on your pictures. Watching the videos of you and Nanami with a scowl on his face.
He told himself it was just curiosity. Just harmless interest.
But the truth was so much uglier.
It boiled his blood to see you with Nanami.
Nanami. Of all people.
An old classmate, a so-called friend someone Gojo had always thought was too stiff, too rigid, too unfeeling to love someone like you.
Were they happy? Sure.
Would Gojo ever fucking admit it?
Absolutely not.
Because deep down, he knew he wasn’t just criticizing Nanami.
He was jealous.
And fuck, he hated it.
Gojo had never been particularly close to you. Sure, you had been featured in his songs. Sure, he had spent hours replaying those tracks just to hear your voice.
But beyond that?
You were a fellow artist. A colleague.
And yet
To him, you were so much more.
He had tried to forget it. Tried to drown himself in distractions.
But it never worked.
Your voice was still the one he searched for in crowded places.
Your face was still the one he found himself watching during award shows.
Your name was still the one he typed into search bars at 2 AM just to see if you had posted something new.
And now, as he sat there, glaring at yet another picture of you and Nanami
He decided enough was enough.
He was done watching.
If he wanted to hear your voice so badly he would make it happen.
A remix.
That was the perfect excuse, wasn’t it?
A new collaboration. A remastered version of one of your old songs.
Just an innocent business proposal.
Not an excuse to see you. Not an excuse to hear your voice up close.
Not an excuse to remind you that you had other options.
That maybe just maybe you were better off with someone else.
Gojo leaned back in his chair, running a hand through his snowy white hair.
"She just needs to sing for me," he murmured to himself.
But deep down
He knew he wanted so much more than that.
Gossip in the group
He then went to the group to share about his idea to feature you in his remix, and fuck, as always, it was useless.
It was always the same eye rolls, dismissive texts, insults disguised as jokes.
But did that stop him?
Hell no.
If they weren’t going to support his genius plan, then screw them.
Gojo would make this happen on his own.
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But he was genuinely shocked when Geto actually backed him up. Of all people, he expected Geto to be the first to shoot him down, not the one defending his idea.
So this bastard actually liked your songs? And he had been pretending he didn’t just to avoid getting teased? Unbelievable. Gojo smirked oh, he was never letting this go.
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Suguru. Of all fucking people.
Gojo could handle Nanami.
Nanami was stiff, reserved, predictable. He was a good man, but he was a man who followed the rules. And rules? Rules were meant to be broken.
But Suguru?
That shocked him to his core.
Because Suguru wasn’t supposed to want you.
Yet he did.
Gojo had always known, deep down, that Suguru secretly listened to your songs when he thought no one was watching.
He knew Suguru had pictures of you tucked away in his room.
And yet, every time he confronted him, Suguru would just smile. Brush it off. Deny it.
But now?
Now, Suguru admitted it.
Now, Suguru said it out loud.
And worst of all Suguru had the audacity to say,
"She was never yours to begin with."
Gojo knew that was the truth.
But he didn’t want to admit it.
Didn’t want to hear it from Suguru, of all people.
Because Suguru knew.
Suguru knew Gojo had an eternal, fucking pathetic, all-consuming crush on you.
Suguru knew that Gojo wanted you in ways he didn’t even know how to put into words.
And yet, if Suguru ever got the chance to be with you?
Gojo wouldn’t be able to bear it.
He’d end it.
He’d ruin it.
Because the thought of you with Nanami was frustrating.
But the thought of you with Suguru?
It was maddening.
His best friend. His brother. The only person who could truly challenge him who could steal you away from him.
It was unbearable.
Because Gojo didn’t want to share.
Not with Nanami.
Not with Suguru.
Not with anyone.
He wanted you for himself.
And he didn’t even know how.
Maybe just maybe he’d take a turn that was insane.
Something that no one would expect from him.
His fingers twitched. His mind raced.
Then, abruptly
He slapped himself.
A loud, sharp smack that snapped him back to reality.
And then he laughed.
Because fuck.
Maybe he was already losing it.
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Don't have the motivation to continue to series :( and fuck i lost some of my works
@blushedcheri @kazupop @thesunxwentblack @fuffyfun123
Previous___. Next____
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vettelsvee · 5 months ago
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goodbyes are bittersweet masterlist | a not so secret santa project ‼️ f1 masterlist | ao3 | ask anything or let's talk!
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ferrari sebastian vettel x ex gf!female reader (smau)
summary: seb just wants y/n to accept that contract, and he's going to do everything he can to make it happen. also... the sebastian vettel fandom goes wild when her ex girlfriend does her comeback
warnings: curse words, bad language. mentions of cheating. faceclaim: emma stone, hanna prater
taglist: [ @saltycomicsanimalssalad @hc-dutch @mycenterfold @simplyamberj @spitesfvl-blog @jaydaaasworld @lottalove4evelyn @zoeyjadetice2010 @jehun @ferralari @cosmoscoffeee @mcmuppet @myescapefromthislife @sleutherclaw @youre-on-your-ownkid ]
a/n: surprise, i posted again! and first smau! I've been wanting to do one of this for a long time, so i hope you like it (please tell me)! feedback (please let me now what you thought of this!) and reposts are truly appreciated. and also comment me your thoughts and theories on the story pls!
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© VETTELSVEE (2024). please, do not steal, copy or translate my works. thanks for reading!
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MAY 25TH 2018
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JUNE 1ST 2018
ynyln just posted
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ynyln moving on from him is impossible when i still see it all in my head in burning red... see you on june 15th x (more news coming soon... in july <3)
user1 omg are we having red mv? this is ALL red coded
user 2 THERE'S NO WAY SHE DID THIS ↳ user3 wait what is this about? ↳ user 2 user3 take a closer look to the pictures 😁 ↳ user4 i'm not getting it... someone explain it?
lewishamilton it's good to see you finally achieving your dreams! ❤️🙏🏿 ↳ ynyln can't wait to see you soon lew! missed you lots x
user6 she's absolutely insane for posting this pictures... i gotta love her ↳ user7 why is it with the pictures she chose to post? aren't they related to what her song says? ↳ user6 take a look at the twitter thread sebsrrari just posted!
user8 EXCUSE ME MISS YLN? WHAT DO YOU MEAN WITH THAT "SEE YOU SOON"? ↳ ynyln maybe redbullracing can give you a hint... ☺️ ↳ redbullracing ynyln, do you really want us to post certain something we have already saved? ↳ ynyln redbullracing you know i do! i don't know what are you waiting for?
user9 wait wasn't she dating sebastian vettel back in the day? it seems like she's recalling her years with him ↳ user10 i'm 110% sure that the quote goes to seb ↳ user11 and the fact that lewis has left a comment... they know i'm sure
user12 if this post has anything to do with seb... the og wag fandom is going to rise from the ashes and go WILD.
redbullracing just posted
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redbullracing We are so delighted to announce that from now on we will officially become the main sponsor of our former golden girl, ynyln, who just started her career as a singer. Also... she will be joining us for the 2018 German Grand Prix next July! More details coming soon.
user1 THEY POSTED SEB AND Y/N OH MY GOD ↳ user2 is this some kind of throwback? weren't they dating a while back? 😯
user3 ok but the fact that they posted that picture makes me think maybe seb and y/n never really lost touch... could this be the start of something more than just sponsorship? ↳ user4 exactly thought this! there's definitely something more going on
user5 seb and y/n together again in 2018 does this mean they're dating again or is it just for promo? ↳ user6 probably promo... ↳ user7 or maybe they know something we don't... ↳ user8 really why posting a picture of them together when they broke up a while ago? ↳ user9 user8 WAIT THEY WERE DATING? ↳ user8 user9 yes! twitter is now full of their story, it's quite a romantic one but also bittersweet... it didn't end well according to most of people
user10 of course seb's the reason y/n's getting back in the spotlight ↳ user11 seb and y/n have way too much chemistry for you to say that ↳ user12 exactly! seeing her again after going viral without us knowing, and her being with seb again, is making me think there’s more to this story!
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qazastra · 1 year ago
Do u guys think wayv 2nd album is real. do u think thats ever gonna happen for us. For real
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kpopkurves · 9 days ago
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Where The Lights Fade
Choi San x Reader
Theme- Angst(?), Hurt Comfort,
Requests are Opened!
The city lights flickered like dying stars, and you stood there — arms wrapped around yourself, shivering more from the weight in your chest than from the cold. You swore you wouldn’t call him again. You swore this was the last time you’d let him make you feel like this.
But when your phone lit up with his name, you answered anyway.
“Hey… I’m sorry,” San’s voice came through, rough and tired. “Something came up. I can’t make it tonight.”
Your heart cracked in that same old way it had been for months now.
“Of course you can’t,” you whispered, biting the inside of your cheek to hold back the tears. “It’s fine, San.”
“Baby, don’t say it like that. You know I’d be there if I could—”
“Would you?” you cut him off, voice trembling. “Because lately, it feels like I’m always here… waiting for you to show up.”
Silence. Heavy, suffocating silence.
“I’m sorry,” he finally said, and you could hear it — the breaking in his voice. “I’m trying.”
“Maybe love isn’t enough if we can’t even live it,” you whispered.
And before he could answer, you hung up, letting the tears spill freely this time.
Months passed. Months of you throwing yourself into your art, chasing every opportunity like you were running from the memories of him. You told yourself you were over it — over him.
Until that night.
Until you opened Twitter, expecting to see trending memes or a new ATEEZ comeback, but instead, it was his name.
“Choi San’s Health Scare Shocks Fans: Idol Quietly Battling Chronic Illness.”
Your hands went numb. The phone slipped from your fingers, clattering against the floor as your heart dropped to your stomach.
“No… no, no, no.”
You hadn’t known. You hadn’t known.
All those nights he left you waiting, all the times he pushed you away — it wasn’t because he didn’t love you. It was because he was hurting, alone, thinking he was protecting you.
You didn’t even remember how you got to the hospital. You burst into his room, chest heaving, tears streaming down your cheeks.
The hospital room smelled like clean linen and something sterile — but you barely noticed that. All you could see was San, lying in that bed, looking so much smaller than the version of him you remembered.
It had taken everything in you not to fall apart when you first walked in, but now, sitting by his side, holding his hand in both of yours, you couldn’t stop staring.
“You lost weight,” you whispered, trying to joke, but your voice cracked at the edges.
San smiled weakly, squeezing your hand.
“You’re still beautiful,” he whispered back, and that made the tears you’d been holding in finally spill over.
“Stop,” you said shakily, laughing through the tears. “You’re supposed to let me be mad at you.”
“I know,” he chuckled softly. “But I missed you too much to let you yell at me.”
Your thumb traced soft circles on the back of his hand as you looked at him, memorizing every feature like you were terrified to forget.
“Why didn’t you tell me, San?”
He looked down, ashamed.
“Because I couldn’t stand the thought of you giving up everything you were working for… because of me,” he murmured. “You were finally getting recognized. I didn’t want to be the reason you stopped flying.”
“You idiot,” you whispered, voice thick with tears. “I would’ve given it all up. I would’ve given you everything.”
San’s eyes glistened as he looked back at you.
“I know, baby,” he said softly. “That’s why I couldn’t let you.”
You leaned forward, pressing your forehead against his.
“You didn’t have to protect me from loving you.”
“I was trying to protect you from hurting like this.”
“Too late,” you breathed out, your lips brushing his.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered, eyes closing as if he couldn’t bear to see your pain.
“Don’t be. Just… let me stay. Please.”
“Okay,” he breathed, and for the first time in months, you both just existed in each other’s arms, like no time had passed.
The Soft Days (Fluff Before the Storm)
The next few days were quiet but beautiful in their own way. You brought your sketchbook and paints, sitting by his bed as he watched you work.
“Paint me,” he said one afternoon, grinning tiredly.
“You’re already in every one of my paintings,” you smiled, dipping your brush into color.
“Paint me now, though. Like this,” he insisted.
So you did. You painted him as he was — fragile but still so beautiful. You made sure to capture the softness in his gaze when he looked at you.
Sometimes he’d fall asleep while you painted, his hand still holding yours like he was afraid to let go. You’d watch his chest rise and fall, praying that it always would.
At night, when the nurses dimmed the lights, you’d crawl into the narrow bed beside him, careful not to hurt him. He’d wrap his arms around you, his body weaker but his embrace still so warm, and you’d lay like that for hours.
“I missed holding you like this,” he’d whisper against your hair.
“Then hold me forever,” you’d reply, pretending you didn’t know forever was slipping away.
The Final Sunrise (Heartbreak Incoming)
The night before you were set to leave for your international gallery debut — the dream you’d both talked about for years — San asked you to wake him up early.
“I want to watch the sunrise with you. One last time,” he said softly.
You almost told him not to say “last,” but the lump in your throat was too big to speak around.
So as dawn broke, casting soft gold through the hospital window, you sat with him on the edge of the bed, wrapped in a blanket. His head rested on your shoulder, and you leaned your head on his.
“You always loved sunrises,” you whispered, blinking back tears.
“Because you love them,” he murmured, a small smile playing on his lips.
“You promised we’d see a thousand more,” you whispered.
“Maybe… in another life,” he said softly.
The light warmed his pale skin, and for a moment, he looked just like he used to — radiant, full of life.
“If we were stars,” he murmured, “maybe we’d burn at the same time in another sky.”
You turned to him, tears falling freely now, and kissed him as the sun rose higher, burning the sky in shades of pink and gold.
“I love you,” you whispered against his lips.
“I love you more,” he replied, voice soft but sure.
“You better wait for me in that sky,” you said, smiling through your tears.
“Always,” he promised.
The Painting Reveal (End Scene)
Months later, you stood in a massive gallery filled with strangers, but all you could think about was him.
Your art lined every wall, but one painting stood alone, bathed in soft, focused light.
It was him, sitting in that hospital bed, sunlight pouring over him, eyes closed as if he were dreaming of a better world.
The press and art critics whispered about the piece, but you blocked them out, your heart pounding in your chest.
A small plaque beneath it read:
“Where the Light Fades.”
For the boy who taught me how to love in silence.
As you stood there, staring up at the boy you’d loved and lost, you felt a soft breeze swirl around you — gentle, familiar.
You closed your eyes, a small smile tugging at your lips, as if he were standing there beside you, whispering:
“I’m here.”
And as the room around you faded into a blur, you whispered back:
“I see you, Sannie. Always.”
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