#twisted wonderland x reaer
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spadecentral · 7 months ago
🌹 Gentlemanly | Ace Trappola x Reader x Deuce Spade
>> requested: yes, by @v-anrouge >> a/n: this started better than it ended
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>> masterlist: here!! , 1.6k follower event >> summary: COMET : following the sidewalk rule >> reader prns: they/them >> warning(s): deuce uses the pet name 'love' once
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You have no problems going on walks with Ace and Deuce. It might be some of the best time spent during your day, since you get to see the both of them and (usually) they don't fight.
Yet you seem to always get pushed to the walls of the shops you three are passing. Either that or you're smashed in between the two of them.
So you decide that you have to stand on the outside of the sidewalk. Just once, in order to give them the same feeling that you get every time you're pushed inward.
Stepping out onto the sidewalk, it's easy for you to direct the way Deuce and Ace walk (they follow you around anyway, so it really isn't any different). But when you take the outside of the sidewalk, problems arise almost instantaneously.
Deuce, who's walking next to you, reaches over and interlaces your fingers with his own and starts to drift closer to the buildings.
Ace stops, making you stop too, and says "My shoelace is untied, keep going without me."
Deuce continues, slightly pulling you along. But when you catch a glimpse, you notice Ace's shoes are still tied, and he's just bending down to fidget with the laces. After you take a couple steps, Ace is quick to catch up to the two of you, cruising up to walk next to you, sandwiching you in between the two of them.
"Why do you guys always do that?" you finally ask.
"Do what?" Deuce inquires, squeezing your hand lightly.
"Always stand on the outside of the sidewalk," you elaborate.
"I dunno what you're talking about," Ace shrugs, giving you a sly smile. He knows exactly what you're talking about.
"You just did it right now," you point out, trying to get your point across.
"Nuh uh."
"Yes huh!"
You grumble.
"It's alright, love." Deuce says, giving you a quick peck on the cheek. "We're just trying to be... gentlemanly."
"That's hilarious, I think," you almost snort, thinking about Deuce and Ace—the two bickering idiots—being somewhat gentlemanly.
"Making fun of us now?" Ace inquires.
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>> adeuce taglist: @tulipluvlettr | @strawberry-hyacinth | @oseathepebble | @wisteriainslumber | @villaim
@pastelmages | @xphantasmagoriax | @atlasnessie-archived | @divinesapph | @ze-maki-nin
@ezr4n | @l1vyatan | @savanaclaw1996 | @enigmatic-pers-reblogs
@queerlordsimon | @kyraxiyn | @rayisalive | @monochromepalette | @she-wont-miss
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milksnake-tea · 4 years ago
Hiya!! would it be alright to request the dorm leaders with a s/o who does that ol tiktok trend of “who I would cheat on my boyfriend with, none,” and then the next page is like Barry B. Benson or something 😂 before quickly going back to the none page. I think this would be a bunch of head canons if I read the rules right 😅
i should probably say that i have no experience with tiktok but i went there just for you anon
also i have no sense of humor when im typing with good/decent grammar so i’m sorry if this isn’t funny
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...almost takes it seriously. At first, he’s a bit irritated that you’re taking him away from his work to show him who you would cheat on him on. Riddle is already bracing himself to hear all of the other people who are much, much better than he is. It doesn’t really help that his self esteem is shorter than himself.
A relieved smile makes its way onto his face once he sees the “None” slide. Riddle crosses his arms and huffs righteously, as if he weren’t just doubting both him and his s/o before this. That was ridiculous. Of course his darling s/o wouldn’t cheat on him.
His smirk immediately drops when you “attempt” to close the presentation and instead the slides opts to show a humanoid bee of all things. Riddle whips his head at you just in time to see you lunge to slam the laptop shut in fake panic. 
You already know that the prank has gone terribly wrong when Riddle doesn’t even try to talk. At least, until your little hedgehog sighs and releases all of the tension in his body.
“What was that?” he said, his voice almost terrifyingly calm. “That... thing.”
After you quickly explain to him about the glories of Barry B. Benson, Riddle immediately covers his face and groans. You can see the tips of his ears go red, and with an impish grin on your face, you ask him what’s wrong.
Riddle slowly uncovers his face, but refuses to look you in the eyes. Quietly, so quiet that you almost can’t hear him, he mumbles with a bright flush across his cheeks.
“...please don’t scare me like that again. I don’t know what I would do if you left me.”
Please protect him.
...leaves the moment he spots the camera. I’m sorry Leona lovers, but this man is not going to put up with this nonsense and he is going to walk right out the door. He went through ONE of your TikTok pranks and it was enough for him to never want to go through it again.
And added that you wanted to show him a presentation about who you would CHEAT on him with? Please, count him out. He’s a possessive little crap who isn’t going to sit down and have his fragile ego shattered.
Eventually, with quite a bit of asking (and you will have to wear him down for this, trust me), he gives in to your pleas. And no, it’s not because he’s a weakling who can’t say no to you for long, he’s just scouting the competition and figuring out who he needs to beat into submission.
Then again, Leona isn’t dumb. He’s pretty sure that you’re going to show him something stupid, like a character from a TV show. That’s how these “pranks” always went - and he could tell that this was definitely one of those.
That’s why he doesn’t let his guard up even once you switch to the “none” slide. There has to be a catch, or you wouldn’t be filming. Still, he plays along and lets a loose grin slip, slinging his arm around you. 
You’re prepared for at least some reaction when you switch to the next slide, but unfortunately, even with the glory of Colonel Sanders smiling upon him, Leona’s face doesn’t change. When you look up at him, you expected him to be staring at the screen in shock or even anger, but no, he’s still smirking down at you like he was the prankster.
“Did you really think that would work on me?” he drawled, tightening his arm around you. For a moment, he seemed to tower over you, trapping you like a predator cornering his prey.
Soon enough, though, he broke the facade and chuckled. You looked at him confused, only for him to bury his face into you and mumble into your head.
“You’ll have to try harder than that to get to me, rabbit.”
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...doesn’t want to see it. He really doesn’t. Azul wants to stay in whatever safety net he has that you wouldn’t leave him for another person, someone who was probably better for you in all the ways that he wasn’t. So for you to walk up to him after hours with a presentation about who you’d want to cheat on him with?
Yeah, he’s not happy. And he will let you know. But does he watch it anyways? Yes, because he sees the camera and he knows it’s a prank.
Azul is pretty weak when it comes to refusing the one he loves, so he’ll begrudgingly set aside his paperwork and sit back to watch. He doesn’t get what you’re so excited about, but if his past experience with you has told him anything, it’s that he shouldn’t take it too seriously.
His tired and exasperated face turns into a sweet smile once the first slide, showcasing a simple word: none. Weren’t you just precious. Azul turns to give you a sweet kiss on your cheek, only to catch a brief image in the corner of his eye when you “accidentally” press the next button.
Even after you slam the laptop shut, Azul’s eye is quick and he has already taken in the image. He narrows his eyes at you, squint through his glasses almost as to ask you if he really just saw that.
“Dear,” Azul says slowly, and you can practically hear the disappointment in his voice. “What, pray tell, was that?”
He doesn’t let you answer as he pinches the bridge of his nose and covers his face in disappointment. You bite back the chuckle at the pure disgust in his voice from seeing the glorious image of Handsome Squidward.
“That’s not what squid merfolk look like, dear.”
You’re lucky he loves you.
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...is too innocent for this kind of thing. He’s willing to go along with whatever you want, as long as you’re happy. Although, he’s a bit confused on what the point of this is - he doesn’t get why you would make a slideshow about this kind of thing, but you know what, the Internet’s weird, so he’ll just go along with it. Whatever floats your boat.
Oh, and he absolutely knows what cheating is. He lives in a higher society family, he’s probably heard plenty of scandals and other things. Kalim just tends to ignore those kind of things, though. But enough about that, back to the TikTok.
He chuckles and grins happily when you show the “none” slide. Kalim’s pretty sure that there’s something in store, but he doesn’t really care as he snuggles into your side with a chirp that he would never cheat on you either.
That said, he does take a moment to comprehend the character you’ve put on screen when you push the next button. You have plenty of time to shut the laptop because he’s trying to figure out what the actual heck he just saw. But as soon as he hears the laptop shut, Kalim snaps out of whatever daze he was in.
The smile on his face suddenly seems a lot more threatening when he lunges for the laptop, snatching it out of your hands and opening it up. You’ll have to fake wrestle him to get it back, but Kalim’s surprisingly strong and probably pushes you away with his foot while he takes a second peek at your slideshow.
“A chipmunk?” he mutters to himself, staring at you innocently. “You have weird taste.”
Setting aside the laptop, he tackles you in another hug, smooshing his cheek against you. Honestly, he doesn’t really care about whatever or whoever this Alvin is.
He’s just glad to spend some time with you.
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...knows exactly what you’re doing. Vil has been all over TikTok and Magicam since the beginning of time, he probably saw this trend the moment it went viral. He brushed it off as just another trend that the others could take advantage of, but Vil is a loyal man and he has better things to do than this.
That said, if you want to follow the crowd and hop onto this train, then go ahead, he’s not going to stop you. Vil plays along with your antics, and he’s a perfect actor - as one would expect. He’s amused at how excited you are to do this. You’re just so cute, how could he not be?
Vil barely pays attention as you switch to the none slide - how could he, when he knows exactly what’s coming? Well, not exactly, but he has a pretty good idea of what you’re about to show him.
And sure enough, when the picture of a green orge flashes on screen, Vil is less than surprised. In fact, he almost chokes in surprise because he’s never seen THAT before in his life - and its teeth, disgusting! What kind of ears were those?
Vil isn’t even offended by the fact that you might cheat on him with this orge - he’s offended at its hygenie. The look of pure disgust on his face is enough to send you cackling - brows scrunched together and his mouth pulled back into a grimace.
“What in the heavens is that?!” Vil manages out, physically recoiling away from the sight.
He barely listens to your explanation of the holy Shrek before grabbing you by the shoulders.
“Sapling, flower, promise me this. You can do whatever pranks you wish on me, but by the Seven... don’t ever show me that again.”
Yes, he’s scared of Shrek. What are you going to do about it.
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...is offended by your taste. Like Vil, he’s been lurking around TikTok and he’s seen the trends and the videos - and honestly, he would’ve done one too if it weren’t for his crippling social anxiety.
Idia hates being seen on camera, so once he sees the presentation, he’s going to ask that you don’t record him. One, he doesn’t need that out there for his family to see, and two, he knows that Azul is going to blackmail the ever loving crap out of him if he catches wind of this.
Once he sees the actual presentation though, Idia is flat out disappointed. What kind of taste was this? Sonic? Please, Knuckles is so much better. You actually like Levi? Satan is far superior to that weeb, don’t you have eyes? You decide not to mention that Levi is practically identical to him.
Look, Idia spends more time on the computer rather than interacting with actual people, it’s practically guaranteed that he’ll know the characters that you’re showing him. And it’s also guaranteed that he’s going to have certain opinions on the characters you show him.
You’re wheezing on the floor while Idia critiques each and every one of your choices, and for almost all of them he insists that there’s another character from the same franchise which is far better than any of the characters you showed him. It's adorable how seriously he's taking it. Well, not really. Idia knows that none of these characters are real, so you'd never cheat on him with any of them.
That said, he does have something special for you. The moment your presentation is over, Idia slams down his own laptop.
"This is how a professional does it.”
He opens the laptop to show you his very own presentation that he made, and ended up not showing you due to his anxiety. Even if his tone is a bit too smug for you, you love him anyway.
Plus, you want to see how he reacts when you diss his own characters.
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...nearly attempts to burn down the computer himself. We all saw this coming. Malleus is one of the most possessive characters in the series, and added with the fact that he is as hopeless with technology as someone from the 16th century, he isn’t going to be taking this well. 
The moment he hears “cheating” and sees the first slide of the presentation, flames begin to form around his mouth and his pupils turn into slits. You can practically feel the air around him begin to warm, and Malleus almost seems to glow.
Just barely before Malleus sets the entirety of Ramshackle on fire, you manage to calm him down and assure him that it’s just an Internet thing that you wanted to try out - which did not help him in the slightest.
Malleus is one of the few people who you should absolutely not show or even attempt this kind of thing with. He has the possessiveness of a dragon, and he takes things very seriously as the Crown Prince of the Valley of Thorns.
Let’s say that you went and showed him the presentation anyway, and Malleus somehow didn’t go into a primal rage. When you get into the none slide, he is more than relieved - but he doesn’t say anything. No, Malleus has his pride and you don’t need to know just how affected he was when he even considered the possibility of you falling for another.
Then you switch to the next slide, and all hell breaks loose.
Malleus looks ready to murder whoever that purple thing was - you might’ve thought that he wouldn’t be able to catch a glimpse of anything, but Malleus’s eyes are keen. He knows what he saw, and he saw competition.
He doesn’t blame you, of course. He knows that you love him no matter what, but still... better safe than sorry. Malleus claims that he’s just going to give that creature a warning, but you know better.
You still haven’t figured out how to tell him that Barney the Dinosaur wasn’t even real.
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milksnake-tea · 4 years ago
when they realize they’re in love + courting (riddle, leona, azul, kalim)
first post here we go!! i spent last night just dreaming up these headcanons, hopefully you enjoy them too! i’ll have a second post up with the rest of the dorm leaders, and maybe i’ll do the vice dorms as well. who knows :)
also these got longer than i anticipated, sorry about that!
part two: vil, idia, malleus
note: there is no established relationship.
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…is a mess. But can you blame him? Having lived with that sad excuse of a mother for most of his life, Riddle has no idea what he’s feeling or how to deal with it.
When he first gets clammy around you, he thinks he’s allergic. Yes, he is that bad. It makes sense to his emotionally-deprived mind: Irregular heartbeat, sweating, difficulty breathing, and what he assumes to be a fever. What he doesn’t understand is why it’s specifically you. He’s never heard of someone being allergic to a specific person, and all people, why did it have to be you? He rather enjoys your presence, and he’d hate to have to avoid you.
Another thing he doesn’t understand - why does his mind go blank whenever you get too close? That isn’t a symptom that he knows anything about. Riddle’s absolutely confused and even frustrated that he can’t figure out what this- stupid- sickness- is-
The picture-perfect prefect has just about had it when he starts ranting to his trusted vice about this mystery that he just can’t seem to solve. Now, Trey’s an older brother. He’s seen this type of behavior before, but he didn’t expect to see it from Riddle of all people.
Calmly and slowly, he manages to get the point across that no, Riddle is not allergic to you, but he has a crush. By this point, he’s already in too deep. Our little prefect’s been emotionally closed off from his peers for most if not all of his childhood. So when he falls, he falls hard.
Riddle’s attempts at winning your favor are to the book. Flowers, carrying your books, holding the door open for you, pushing your chair in when you sit, everything. He’s read up on the subject (way more than he should’ve), he is more than prepared.
That is, what he’d like to say.
Unfortunately, Riddle is as experienced as a newborn puppy when it comes to romance. He thinks he’s subtle with his affections (he’s not), and his preparations go to waste when he turns into a puddle of incoherent goo in your hands.
He’s the definition of puppy love as he tries to woo you. Trey can’t count the number of times he’s caught Riddle staring after you, absolutely starstruck. Sometimes, you even catch him daydreaming, and you’d have to snap him out of it yourself - cue him being a flustered bundle of red when you do.
Unfortunately for him, Riddle doesn’t do all too well with competition. The only opponent he’s ever had to face was his mother and the other students at school, how is he supposed to do this?
Needless to say, Riddle isn’t going to be going on the defensive when it comes to his competitors. Nope, all he will do is to strengthen his offensive maneuvers, and hope that that will be enough to win your favor.
Besides, it’s alright if you reject him. At least this time, he was allowed to at least try.
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…is competitive. Leona’s a lion and a lion with pride. He’s used to not having what he wants, thanks to his home life, but when he does, he guards his belongings almost as fiercely as a dragon would. There’s no way is he losing the few things he has.
He knows that there will be competitors - nothing naturally comes to him for free. Leona is perfectly aware and willing to fight to get what he wants, that is how the Afterglow Savanna works. But unlike in that palace, Leona doesn’t hold back. This isn’t Farena with the whole kingdom on his side, no, these are opponents he gets to crush without remorse.
It’s just like playing chess. Plan his moves, block his attackers, trap the prize, and swoop in for the kill. It’s easy to forget, but at his core, Leona is a hunter - and a hunter with the strategy, the means, and most importantly, the motive.
Unlike his studies, which he doesn’t care about, Leona does care about you. It doesn’t take just anyone to chip away at his walls. He isn’t soft, unfortunately, but what he is good at is sabotaging other people. If you’re giving affection to someone that isn’t him, he isn’t going to stop you - of course, as long as you’re giving him that same affection or preferably, even more. Leona isn’t going to settle for second place anymore. No, he’s going to be your number one.
Petting Grim? He shoves the little rascal off your lap and plops his head down instead. Need someone to study with? Please, he could tutor you better than anyone here. Azul took your dorm? Great, you stay at Savanaclaw. He’ll protect you from the others, no need to worry yourself.
Ruggie points out his strange behavior and favoritism towards you, and does Leona care? Not at all. Let the others see him all over you, that’ll tell them to back off.
It’s almost scary, how serious Leona can get. To the first years, he’s just the sleeping cryptid in the botanical garden who snaps at everyone and everything. To see him walking around, talking to people, and having that determined fire in his eyes - it’s unsettling, to say the least.
But Leona isn’t done with showing up every person who breathes in your direction. No, when he isn’t fighting for your attention and attacking his competitors, his behavior around you changes - not by much, though.
Instead of being sarcastic, harsh, and plain rude, Leona’s bickering turns into playful teasing. To someone on the outside listening in, he’s insulting you to your face. But you two know that he doesn’t mean anything.
Although, he isn’t going to shower you with gifts and cuddles. Leona hasn’t been gifted a lot of things, but that doesn’t mean that he gives a lot either. His home and his family hated him, so there he had nobody to give to.
That said, Leona usually doesn’t like to listen to other’s problems. Nobody listened to him, so why should he do the same? But when it comes to you, it’s a bit different. He’s willing to be a shoulder for you to cry on - and don’t think you’re being annoying, he’s dealt with Cheka, he’ll be fine. It might not seem like it, but he’ll listen to you because he knows what it’s like to be alone.
Leona wants you to know that you’re his number one. That’s why he’ll never leave you behind and alone, like he was. 
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…is afraid. Like nearly all of the students at NRC, Azul’s past haunts him, especially when it involves letting anyone in. He knows the feeling of puppy love when it comes to him, but he isn’t pleased with it at all.
Crushes from the past have always cut off him ruthlessly, leaving him heartbroken and miserable. He hates that he’s easy to have crushes, so he’s the kind of person who cuts any crushes out of his life. Forever.
But Azul doesn’t want to do that here. Over the years, he’s hardened himself, so for you to worm your way into his heart means that you’re not just the popular girls in class that would just jeer at his confession. You’re a friend to him, a classmate, and perhaps even a rival. Cutting you out of his life would be like cutting off his arm.
Even though he doesn’t want to lose you, letting you in is something that he isn’t ready for. He knows that you wouldn’t do anything to hurt him, but that bruised, fearful child inside of him still wonders: What if they leave me too? What if they don’t like what they see? What if, what if, what if?
But Azul wouldn’t be Azul if he let you know any of his inner turmoil. On the outside, he’s completely normal, still trying to bait you into signing a contract. The only difference that you might notice is that he’s more reluctant to be touchy if you’re a physical person. He doesn’t take to jokes as easily as now, and there’s a barely noticeable crease in his brows that tells you how worried he is.
It’s his jealousy that eventually spurs him to do something about this crush. Granted, the hesitation is still there, but seeing other people try and woo you - it sparks something inside of him, to say the least. Azul is a very greedy man, and he knows all too well that if he doesn’t do anything, someone’s going to steal you away.
So what does he do? Competition’s easy to take care of, just have the twins keep them distracted while Azul makes plans with you. He’s very tricky, as we all know, so he’s an expert at asking you on “dates” with him under the disguise of meaningless work. It’s during these times that you’ll be away from the others, and he gets to spend time with you alone! It’s perfect!
During these “dates”, Azul spins the chores into a little treat for you or him. If it’s helping out at the Monstro Lounge, he might suggest cooking for you. He’s the son of a restaurant owner, he knows what he’s doing. If it’s helping him with his paperwork or requests, he’ll make small talk, try and learn more about you than he already does.
Azul’s an amazing listener. Not just because it’s a habit he’s picked up from running his shady side-business, but because he loves listening to your voice. It’s such a refreshing side to the rush and buzz of Monstro Lounge’s work hours. He could fall asleep to your voice if you allowed him to.
Will he ever confess? Well, it depends. Azul needs a field, a safety bubble of certainty until he confesses. If he can see the signs that you feel the same way, he’ll shoot. But until he does, he’s content with staying the way he is.
He’d rather stay friends than face the possibility of losing you.
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…is conflicted. On one hand, he’s absolutely smitten and is all over you. On the other, there’s the side of him that knows what it means to be in love, especially with his status. 
Kalim isn’t as naive as one would think. As the oldest son of 40+ children and the heir to the Al-Asim name, he has enemies at all angles, enemies that will do anything to knock him down. Poisonings, assassinations, he’s seen many, many things - too many for any normal high schooler. The last thing he wants to do is to drag you into all of that.
He doesn’t even need to be in a relationship with you for you to be targeted. Granted, he knows that Jamil wouldn’t let anything happen to the two of you, and NRC is a safe haven, but he still remembers the time when Jamil got poisoned on his behalf. What if this happened to you as well?
Kalim’s similar to Azul in how he would hide his darker feelings on the inside. You wouldn’t know that anything’s wrong with him. He’s still smiling as happily as he normally is, hugging you and chattering carefreely, you couldn’t ever think that he was in the slightest way sad.
In the end, he’s just scared for you. He would love to confess or perhaps even date you, but if word got out that he was in a relationship or even had a crush… the possibilities are endless. It’s because of this inner paranoia that comes with being an heir that he opts not to say anything.
Even still, he can’t stop himself from being just a tiny bit more affectionate with you than usual. Kalim doesn’t know what to do with all of this money (why does he have a gold vault in Scarabia again?), so why not spend it on you? He’s got plenty of it, so don’t worry about the costs! All you have to do is ask.
Please be careful if Kalim ever asks you to go shopping with him in the town. Just mentioning that that little gadget looks cute or interesting will make him buy it on the spot. He doesn’t have any restraint, so you’ll have to be the one who has to keep him under control.
Surprisingly, Kalim does well with competition. And by that, he doesn’t care about the others and will drag you away, intentionally or not. It’s more that he doesn’t notice the other suitors rather than he’s actively fighting against them.
Kalim doesn’t actively court you either. He doesn’t view love as a competition or a brawl, but just something that he enjoys. His love for you is pure and uncontained. He regularly hugs you (if you let him), showers you with gifts and compliments, and you’re the first person he greets in the morning after speeding out of Scarabia.
He’d love to give you even more affection and to voice out his feelings (if they weren’t obvious already), but right now, he doesn’t think it’s right. Even if you say you’re fine with the dangers that come with being his s/o, there’s always that fear in the corner of his mind.
Kalim loves you, he does. But losing you because of his status is a possibility that he just can’t ignore.
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