peak interior design
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This is it, guys. This is where humanity peaks.
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umburgrr · 2 months
Gravity Falls x TWST au
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leave it to me to combine my two fixations 🔥🔥 i love the pine twins so much they mean everything to me 😭
mabel would probably be in heartslabyul. although not being the best at following the rules, she’d 100% love the hedgehogs and parties!
dipper would definitely be sorted into ignihyde, do i need to explain. very technical, logical, nerdy dude
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i’d also like to share my other favorite twins as the pines 🫶
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…and as a bonus here’s twst pacifica and rook hunt as a golf ball
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broh3m3 · 10 months
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They got you under pressure, doing overtime 🎶
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jangmi-latte · 4 months
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we're a villain school, of course we got a pocket sized version of our family.
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mellosdrawings · 4 months
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So, I'm not all that caught up with canon lore yet, but one thing that annoys me at times is when people blame Rook for his bad new style (it's not even bad. He looks cute, look at him smiling so much he's so baby). Rook has been shown several times to do things on his own volition without even warning Vil (like, you know, changing dorms?!) and you'd expect me to believe he's not the one to have chosen his new style ?
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Anyway, leave my man and his bad haircut choices alone. What's the point of having hair that can grow back if you don't have some fun with them while you're still at school ?
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stupidneko · 4 months
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the crossover no one expected but we all agree onto :3
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mauhandraws · 6 months
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pomefiore's #1 supporter!
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silversparkz · 9 months
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vil no
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sin-syrup · 8 months
Twisted Wonderland characters but it's that haunted hallway picture
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NRC Staff minus Headmage Crowley
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cheekinpermission · 8 months
Just another day of me wildly misinterpreting lines from the game
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Here's how it played out in my head
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Petition to let Epel eat what he wants. Someone mentioned an apple fritter. He deserves an apple fritter.
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More (not really) Ultimate ability slander!
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(Someone needs to enlighten me on the Diasomnia UMs since the wiki is pretty barren and I don't know them that well yet ;0;)
Part 1
Part 3
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robo-milky · 2 months
“I’ll do just as the Housewarden says… for now.”
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Gave his hair more floof!! The joints weren’t as hard as I expected, but the blink was a nightmare- For the next dolls, I think the process will be a little smoother 🫡
[Process] (behind the scenes)
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Would anyone be interested to see these made step-by-step? (Actually taking pics as I go along)
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rakiah · 9 months
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Selfies! ✨
[part 1] [part 2]
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qweaenr · 1 month
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jangmi-latte · 6 months
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mellosdrawings · 3 months
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When you need to declare your love to your wife but it is so strong you can't help but revert back to french.
You know the perk of being french ? I can write Rook rambling haha !
(Though I am incapable of writing poetry, so here is the poem I used and its approximate translation:
Je respire où tu palpites,
Tu sais ; à quoi bon, hélas !
Rester là si tu me quittes,
Et vivre si tu t'en vas ?
(I breathe where you throb, you know ;
What for, alas! stay here if you leave me, and live if you go away?)
A quoi bon vivre, étant l'ombre
De cet ange qui s'enfuit ?
A quoi bon, sous le ciel sombre,
N'être plus que de la nuit ?
(What good is living, being the shadow of this fleeing angel?
What for, under the dark sky, being from the night only?)
Je suis la fleur des murailles
Dont avril est le seul bien.
Il suffit que tu t'en ailles
Pour qu'il ne reste plus rien.
(I am the flower of your walls for which April is the only good.
You only need to leave for me to be left with nothing.)
Tu m'entoures d'Auréoles;
Te voir est mon seul souci.
Il suffit que tu t'envoles
Pour que je m'envole aussi.
(You surround me with Halos;
I care only about seeing you.
You need only to take flight for me to fly too.)
Si tu pars, mon front se penche ;
Mon âme au ciel, son berceau,
Fuira, dans ta main blanche
Tu tiens ce sauvage oiseau.
(Should you leave, my front/forehead shall lean ;
My soul in the sky, its cradle, will flee,
In your white hand you hold this wild bird.)
Que veux-tu que je devienne
Si je n'entends plus ton pas ?
Est-ce ta vie ou la mienne
Qui s'en va ? Je ne sais pas.
(What would I become, should I not hear your steps anymore?
Is it your life or mine that is fleeing ?
I cannot tell?)
Quand mon orage succombe,
J'en reprends dans ton coeur pur ;
Je suis comme la colombe
Qui vient boire au lac d'azur.
(When my thunder dies down, I take some from your pure heart ;
I am like the dove that just drank in the azur lake.)
L'amour fait comprendre à l'âme
L'univers, salubre et béni ;
Et cette petite flamme
Seule éclaire l'infini
(Love makes the soul understand the universe, healthful and blessed ;
And this lonely little flame shines upon the endless)
Sans toi, toute la nature
N'est plus qu'un cachot fermé,
Où je vais à l'aventure,
Pâle et n'étant plus aimé.
(Without you, all of nature is only a closed cell where I go on an adventure,
Pale and no longer beloved.)
Sans toi, tout s'effeuille et tombe ;
L'ombre emplit mon noir sourcil ;
Une fête est une tombe,
La patrie est un exil.
(Without you, everything falls apart ;
Shadows fill my dark eyebrow ;
A feast/party is a tomb,
The homeland is an exile.)
Je t'implore et réclame ;
Ne fuis pas loin de mes maux,
O fauvette de mon âme
Qui chantes dans mes rameaux !
(I beg and demand ;
Do not flee any longer from my pain,
O warbler of my soul who sings in my twigs!)
De quoi puis-je avoir envie,
De quoi puis-je avoir effroi,
Que ferai-je de la vie
Si tu n'es plus près de moi ?
(What could I want?
What could I be afraid of?
What would I do of life without you by my side?)
Tu portes dans la lumière,
Tu portes dans les buissons,
Sur une aile ma prière,
Et sur l'autre mes chansons.
(You carry in the light,
You carry in the bushes,
On a wing my prayers,
On the other my songs.)
Que dirai-je aux champs que voile
L'inconsolable douleur ?
Que ferai-je de l'étoile ?
Que ferai-je de la fleur ?
(What will I tell to the fields that hide my inconsolable pain?
What would I do of the star?
What would I do of the flower?)
Que dirai-je au bois morose
Qu'illuminait ta douceur ?
Que répondrai-je à la rose
Disant : " Où donc est ma soeur ?"
(What will I tell to the morose forest that illuminated your softness?
What will I answer at the rose asking "Where is my sister?")
J'en mourrai ; fuis, si tu l'oses.
A quoi bon, jours révolus !
Regarder toutes ces choses
Qu'elle ne regarde plus ?
(I would die ;
Flee if you dare.
What is the point, days gone! of looking at all those she no longer looks at?)
Que ferai-je de la lyre,
De la vertu, du destin ?
Hélas ! et, sans ton sourire,
Que ferai-je du matin ?
(What would I do of the lyre, of virtue, of destiny?
Alas! And, without your smile,
What would I do of the morning?)
Que ferai-je, seul, farouche,
Sans toi, du jour et des cieux,
De mes baisers sans ta bouche,
Et de mes pleurs sans tes yeux !
(What would I do, alone, wild, without you, of days and heavens,
Of my kisses without your lips,
And of my tears without your eyes!)
Il suffit que tu t'envoles pour que je m'envoles aussi - Victor Hugo
(You need only take flight for me to fly too))
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