knives-and-lint · 6 years
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twistdmentality replied to your post “you distract me”
damn sabrina being a charmer
She will continue to woo those girls with her wily mortal ways. 
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chromestorms · 6 years
twistdmentality replied to your post: re. poi, since i’ve had an influx of ao3 related...
people should see the cracky ass notes for the crossover
excuse me, how dare you twit. you were my beta. you know that google document was actually a work of artistic genius in the form of shitty bullet pointed plot and character points. smh YOU KNOW BETTER.
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isagrimorie · 8 years
Spoiler-ish answer to @twistdmentality and @hatikarat
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twistdmentality answered your question “OMG THE GOOD PLACE. I DIDN’T KNOW THEY WERE GONNA DO THAT. OMG. ...”
who knew the sitcom would be delivering the plot twist of the 16-17 tv season so far
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hatikarat answered your question “OMG THE GOOD PLACE. I DIDN’T KNOW THEY WERE GONNA DO THAT. OMG. ...”
there better be
Honestly, I am so glad I watched this show in semi-real time and I just read Michael Schur’s interview with Vox about how Netflix model isn’t always a good thing and I agree because this way The Good Place episodes sits with you and when the ending happened, BAM. 
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cuddlybitch · 6 years
macerelle replied to your post “Tumblr fucking up my blog’s first/main page on desktop, so the order...”
yeah that's happening to everyone, i think it's related to posts flagged & reviewed?? or you know the site really is burning down around us
Oh. True, I just saw on my email that they reviewed my flagged posts and unflagged it. So it’s most likely related.
@twistdmentality @truthofherdreams did you guys have flagged posts that was reviewed recently? 
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timelordthirteen · 7 years
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Another year is at an end. In a couple of hours we’ll be on the flipside, and like so many things this year, I’m coming in a bit late with something I meant to do days and even weeks ago. Oops. 2017 has just been like that in a lot of ways, but it’s also been a year in which I stretched myself with my writing and my gifs, took on more responsibilities at work, and had some hardships at home. To be honest, I feel so much stronger for it all. Here’s to 2018 being a little better, a little slower, and a little kinder.
Without further ado, here are the people and blogs who make my dash a wonderful place.
@adreadfulidea @amanitacaplan @andorgyny @antennapedia @asheathes @asolitaryrose @b-does-the-write-thing @bekksrich @bettercall-gameoftywinning @cartoon-heart @cassianand00r @childofjobassa @coffeecloudy @elloette @emospritelet @frankcastle @freyamikaelsson @gallifreyan-uprising @godkller @ivicudus @jmesflint @lady-arryn @lastbluetardis @longjackets @lumadreamland @mariequitecontrarie @medinaquirin @mercwithamouth @nottheopera @oceanwitch @oodlyenough @perfectlyrose @poedameron @prissyhalliwell @professorspork @professortennant @pulledacross @queerologist @ripperblackstaff @rose-tylers @rufeepeach @rush-keating @sfiddy @shadowsonthescreen @snowhites @still-searching47 @swanqueeens @thatexactleaf @thatravenclawbitch @thechloris @thescholarlystrumpet @twistdmentality @whifferdills @wicked-chocolatine @worryinglyinnocent @zombeesknees
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rose-tylers · 9 years
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rowofstars (15%)
clarabosswald (7%)
coffeeclara (5%)
twistdmentality (5%)
straightouttathetardis (4%)
havleyatwell (4%)
winterwitches (3%)
lunaseemoony (3%)
alifeofrandomness (3%)
Incidentally, my crushes are perf.
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kirasometimess · 10 years
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artwlw · 10 years
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so this happened earlier today...
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knives-and-lint · 6 years
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twistdmentality replied to your post “set you free”
But no seriously a few lines in this had me shaking my fist in the air at you. EVIL DELICIOUS ANGST.
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chromestorms · 7 years
current music obsession
RULES: List the top 10 songs you’re listening to nowadays and tag 10 mutuals!
tagged by @cocoabuffster and i’m in a music sharing mood so let’s do et. in no particular order (except without you is def always gonna be on any music obsession list i make)
without you - oh wonder
twice - josh jacobson cover (the original is better but is also too depressing and there are enough depressing songs on this list)
dust - haelos
let me love you - raj
hold - dabin ft. daniela andrade
what happened - emilie & ogden
royal blue - milo greene
drowning butterflies - bipolar sunshine
alone made of ice - maldito
immune - groenland
tagging: @beasymphony @twistdmentality @heilstrahl and this is when i realize i dont have a lot of mutuals that’d be maybe interested in this
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randolhllee · 10 years
Now My Watch Begins
Fandom: Person of Interest Pairing: Root x Shaw Angst, Grief
Also on AO3 and FF.net.
[Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4] [Chapter 5]
If you'd like a visual for this chapter, I would highly recommend this artwork by the lovely pentheg-careny, who was nice to enough to allow me to link her work :)
There wasn’t much to go through; it wasn’t as if Shaw had ever had a lot of possessions. Root had always felt a prickling on the back of her neck, an electricity, when Shaw was in the room, and it made her presence seem permanent and solid. With that pure power gone, the spaces that had once housed Shaw were once again empty and cold. Still, there was a ritual to the whole affair, which took place spontaneously one Sunday when the static silence was particularly stifling. It started when Root took up Shaw’s things like sacraments, placing them reverently into prayerfully sealed cardboard boxes against her return. When she had finished two boxes off, with the last touches of her fingers an implicit blessing and prayer all in one, John got up without a word to join her. He carried the boxes in a long procession toward a corner of the subway, where Bear began his long vigil over the carefully stacked, tiny altar they made of Shaw’s few possessions. Harold watched over the whole process from his desk, a minor god silenced by his inability to stop the thunder roll of anything that had happened. 
The motions helped, but once the quiet service ended, Root was left without even the proof that Shaw had once existed. She started to walk at night, long, erratic journeys governed by the shadow map. If the Machine noticed that Root frequented the places she had once been to with Shaw, She remained silent about it.
She even went back to Sameen Grey’s apartment. She crouched and scuttled her way along a dank alley, her long legs finding purchase on the broken fire escape as she made her silent pilgrimage. The heavy window opened with a yawning creak of the casement, barely leaving her enough room to slip inside.
The interior was unremarkable, although Root was careful to notice the distinction between Shaw’s natural inclination towards minimalism and the necessity of making the apartment seem as normal as possible for her cover. Either way, Samaritan’s agents had taken the residence apart in their search for any clue of Shaw’s whereabouts. No one had since entered.
A light layer of dust covered everything, dulling the small gleams of streetlights that managed to make their way through the covered windows. In her mind, Root held this apartment up against her mental picture of Shaw’s previous loft. It was a picture taken in haste, in the dark, just before she tasered Shaw; she had not had the time to risk examining it more closely, lest Shaw wake to find her before she was ready to subdue the agent. In some ways, Root had always been ready for Shaw; in others, she had been caught unaware, a feeling that caught up with her and settled in her chest at night to reproach her.
She ripped the blankets off the bed and shook them out to get rid of the dust before curling up in the center of Shaw’s bed. She flipped the pillow over to reveal the cleaner side, but paused when she felt cold metal underneath. She pulled the pillow off completely to examine what Shaw kept so close to her while she slept.
Root smiled softly to herself when she saw the combat knife, more a habit than a real expression of any happiness. Even with the guns almost certainly secured to the frame of the bed, Shaw had always given herself options.
When she turned her attention to the other object on the bed, her smile flickered and died. She picked it up and ran fingers over the smooth surface of a medal, one she had never seen before. She couldn’t read Russian, but slipped it into her pocket nevertheless. Its slight weight still pressed on her stomach the rest of the night, a new question to set her mind on, if only to keep it off all the dead ends she had reached in her quest to find Sameen.
When the first dim warnings of dawn started to creep through the cracks between buildings, Root unfolded herself gingerly from Shaw’s bed to leave. She paused outside the dark window of the apartment, casting shadows on shadows, forestalling for a moment the finality of her exit. With the picture of the apartment burned into her memory and the medal burning a promise in her pocket, Root slithered down the fire escape and began her journey through blind spots back to the subway.
This is the first chapter of what will probably be a three-part fic. It will also likely become part of my (much longer) work "The Long Game," but as it would be something like Ch. 25 and I'm on Ch. 3, I thought I'd post it separately as well and get some thoughts. Please review and let me know what you thought!
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timelordthirteen · 8 years
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My Tumblr Crushes:
My fine feathered friends. <3
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cupcakesandtv · 10 years
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My Tumblr Crushes:
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rose-tylers · 9 years
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Flawless people:
rowofstars (5%)
alifeofrandomness (5%)
monicagellar (4%)
allisonaergents (4%)
twistdmentality (4%)
rosetylered (4%)
henrymorgandaily (4%)
badwolfrun (3%)
lionheartluna (3%)
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kirasometimess · 10 years
#i don't want to see her reaction to his beating#jlaw can go fucking feral#and hearing peeta cry out and seeing his blood splatter across the white floor?
except by "don't" do you really mean "a mighty need" because
that's me that's all i want
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knives-and-lint · 7 years
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twistdmentality replied to your photoset:
@twistdmentality and I are none too concerned...
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