#twinnie i hope you like it i honestly put so many things i know i want and therefore you would want in this
rayonfrozenwings · 6 years
That Shoe Fic [NESSIAN AU]
Fandom:A Court of Thorns and Roses Series - Sarah J. Maas Relationship:Nesta Archeron/Cassian Character:Nesta Archeron, Cassian (ACoTaR) Chapters: 1/? Words: 5498
Nesta has an important meeting across town, that is no-one business but her own. Dressed to the nines, she is wearing heels that could kill a man the stiletto is so on point. She bumps into Cassian and he ruins her day!
That Shoe Fic
Nesta Deep red glided across her lips, adding the finishing touch. The reflection staring back at her, glam but professional. Simple makeup that enhanced her strong cheekbones, and mascara and eyeliner to make her eyes pop. The rules she learned as a child from watching her mother always sitting in the back of her mind. Perfect for her meeting. She ran her hands through her long sleek hair one last time and exited the bathroom. Her two bedroom apartment was small but satisfactory, she had done pretty well for herself since starting this new job and had even started splashing out on a few things. A piece or art on the wall, a new end table and a full length mirror in a large white frame for the back of the door to her apartment. The two bedroom flat was becoming more than just the place where she ate and slept. Her flatmate was just down the hall and helped keep the rent down - or reasonable at least. She was making this city, this place, a permanent home. Nesta grabbed her keys off the end table and donned her wine coloured coat. There was only one thing left to make her outfit complete. Her latest acquisition. A Pair of Black patent Jimmy Choo shoes that were pure heaven. A perfect balance of comfortable and beautiful and everything she had ever wanted. A goal she never thought to achieve considering the last 5 years. It was two blocks to her meeting, not too far, she could put her flats in her bag for heading back to the office later. Back up plans were a must for a woman who loved to keep her shoes in perfect condition. So she slipped her feet into the heels and admired her look from head to toe in the full length mirror. Killer pointed stilettos, a black pencil skirt poking out underneath her oversized coat. War paint on, framed by her long dark hair and red lips. Perfect. She admired herself for another moment, a smile growing at the corner of her mouth and then her cell phone began to ring. “Hello?” she answered, the voice on the other end of the line frantic and relaying details. Her meeting had been moved forward 20 minutes, apparently traffic was actually moving today. “Thanks, I’ll be there as soon as I can, I should still arrive before he gets there, if not - keep him happy - please!” Nesta hung up the phone and grabbed her bag, time had all of a sudden sped up on her. She left the apartment and locked the deadbolts, all four of them, just to be safe, and descended the stairs to the street below. The day was a gloomy grey, clouds overhead looking down in between the skyscrapers. The streets were full of people walking to work.
Living in a city had its advantages, one being everything seemed so close, but today the traffic was moving and she couldn’t walk in between the stationary cars like she usually did. Instead she moved along the avenue and leaves fell from the trees painting her path in reds and oranges like flames licking the curb, the start of Autumn. Nesta increased her pace and moved with the crowd, getting stuck behind the slowest of walkers. Dawdling as they drank from their takeaway coffee cups, infuriating her and adding to her already anxious energy. She hated being late. One block down and she decided to change her route, there were a few alleyways and side streets she could shoot down to escape the sloths, so she did it. Ran across the street quickly dodging the cars and started to increase her pace as she flew down the alley. The concrete was uneven and her ankles rolled to the side as she skipped ahead, keeping an eye on her feet so as not to fall, or ruin her shoes. A Large red door opened into the alley and a hulking man rushed out throwing a rubbish bag into the skip nearby. Nesta gasped and stepped out of the way quickly losing her balance. Luckily for her, strong arms managed to reach out and grab her own, saving her from landing on the hard ground. Nesta’s heel had found one of the cracks between the cobbles and twisted - she felt it give way. Her face blanched, her mortification grew at being held in mid air by a stranger and that her heel, her Jimmy Choo! Was now broken. “What have you done!” the words sounding as if they had been ripped from her. The man pulled her up and held her arms, looking at her with a worrying look trying to see why she was so mad. “You!” Nesta felt the fury, she stood up and pointed her long manicured finger towards his chest. “What did you do!” The man still looked perplexed at her tone and said, “I helped you?” “Helped me! You have ruined everything!” “Sorry?” “You. Have. ruined. Everything!” The venom in her raised voice was apparent. “No, you have it wrong, I came out this door here,” he pointed back behind himself, “and then I prevented you from falling over, I am a hero.” Nesta’s eyes burned into him her arms now at her side, how was she supposed to make her meeting? How was she supposed to go to the meeting in her flats! “My shoe is bro-ken! It’s all your fault! If you hadn’t come out of that door so fast I wouldn’t have fallen!” The man looked down at her shoes and grimaced, “They look expensive” he said. Nesta looked him over; a muscled man, wearing a fitted black tee with tattoos poking out, black jeans with combat boots, long hair tied up in a scruffy style and a 5’oclock shadow on his face. Oh dear lord this man would have no idea what she just broke, no idea about the sort of person she was. Nesta opened her bag and pulled out her flats, slipping off her heels and putting her alternatives on. The Man kept looking at her. “What are you looking at?” she said. “I’m sorry, let me make it up to you?” he seemed truly concerned with her well-being, but Nesta wasn’t convinced. “I doubt you can make it up to me” she said, disdain coating every word. “Let me look at that shoe?” he offered his hand. “I hardly think so!” “Please, maybe I can get it fixed?” “Oh it will never be the same,” regret lined her voice. “Please?” he said so calmly. She looked at him again, what did she have to lose? The shoe was ruined, if he could get it fixed at least she could wear them around her apartment, it would never be worthy of wearing out again but she could still enjoy the idea of it. Nesta sighed and handed him the shoe, “It’s expensive, please be careful,” “I’m Cassian by the way,” he took the shoe from her and turned it over in his hand, assessing it completely, looking at the label and the style as well as the break. “Nesta” she replied. The heat of her words had dissipated, she felt defeated, how was she going to win over that client now. “Nesta, that's a nice name,” the smile on his face was sweet and not at all what she expected from his appearance. “Thank you,” “Let me get this fixed and i'll give you a call when it's ready, can I have your number?” “I’m starting to wonder if this is a ruse of yours,” she started sifting through her bag looking for her business card. Cassian had a sly grin on his face. Like he knew exactly what he was doing. “Just ask Lucy for me, or leave a message, I’m usually busy but she can arrange a time for you to drop off the shoe.” She handed over the card. “Lucy?” he said as he looked at the card. “My P.A., she’s good, don’t worry i’ll get your message. Anyway, I have somewhere to be. Good Luck finding someone to repair that, and if you can’t then you can just drop the shoe back.” She had to get to her meeting, no time for chit chat, she was already running late. Nesta, stepped out of his way and started sprinting down the street, well sprinting as fast as she could in her pencil skirt. Leaving behind one shoe with the man called Cassian and the other in her bag, she rushed off to one meeting she would definitely be late for now.
She rubbed her head, drank her glass of water and took her pills, hoping to neutralize the pain before it got too bad. Her week had gone from bad to worse, Monday was the shoe incident, the stupid meeting she missed and Tuesday her presentation had failed to hit the mark. Today Lucy spilled her coffee all over her papers and now they were spread out over her floor, layouts and colours all mashing together. Her organised office had turned into an art studio, full of colours and chaos and paper. Nesta sighed, how was she going to break this string of bad luck. She looked through her presentation on her laptop for the sixth time, she had to make it better than perfect since she would only get one more chance. She had missed the meeting completely on Monday, the Client did not want to wait and so Nesta walked into the room with Lucy in tears, and an empty office. Not only had she broken her shoe, but she was so flustered that she made a wrong turn at the end of that alley and went two blocks in the wrong direction before realising her mistake. Everything had been so good! Why was this week going so bad. “Lucy, did you get that replacement coffee?” her head needed caffeine to neutralise the headache since nothing else seemed to be working. “Sorry Nesta, I’ll get it now.” Lucy called back, “No its fine, look, i’m going out to get a coffee, i’ll be back soon, just call me if you need me.” she said shaking her cellphone at her, to drive the point home. Nesta walked out, today she was wearing a pair of knee high brown boots she had purchased the other week, their heel was higher than her usual boots because she loved it when a pair of shoes matched the aesthetic she was going for. Today it was a black bodycon dress to the knee with her red coat over the top as always. The boots just topped it off. Her love of shoes meant she was always being sucked into stores, like a vortex pulling her in, but right now as she walked to get coffee, she wished she had bought something more practical. Looking at the sidewalk, she walked around the corner to her local coffee place, certified fair trade, locally roasted. The smell of their beans roasting on site out the back filtered through the store and into the street beyond. She loved their coffee. Handing the man behind the counter her travel mug. He looked at the mug and then looked at her with a perplexed face. Nesta knew why straight away, “My assistant Lucy normally gets my coffee, can I please have a latte?”, “Ahh I thought I recognised it, sure thing, we’ll bring it over if you want to take a seat.” Nesta sat down and rubbed her temples. This stupid headache was taking all her patience and concentration. She loved their coffee but had rarely had time to get it for herself, and if Lucy hadn’t turned her office upside down trying to make things right then Nesta wouldn’t have come today either. She turned her body more in towards the table, turning her back to the barista and flicked through a magazine. Mor the socialite had been spotted outside Rita’s and another club infamous for its clientele, a few other names looked familiar and the person in the images was so familiar but she couldn't place her. The gossips were talking, when would they shut up! Nesta shut the magazine, she hated gossip at the best of times. In was a bad idea reading it while she was irritated, and that constant throbbing at her temple made it ten times worse. “Here you go, one latte.” a smooth voice behind her said, “Thanks,” Nesta turned and saw Cassian, the man from the alley, grinning back at her, coffee in hand. She couldn’t quite comprehend what she was seeing, today he was wearing a black singlet and had dark smudges on his face and arms, the muscles on his arms bulged and his tattoos stood out against his tan skin. “Uh Hi,” Nesta was at a loss for words, what was he doing here? He handed her the travel mug. “Long Day?” He stood with his arms crossed casually blocking her exit. He just stood there. Smiling at her. “Its been trying. In fact the whole week has. Do you work here?” she honestly wasn’t sure how to escape without being rude. “Something like that, I’m hoping to have the shoes by the end of the week.” “The shoe” Nesta corrected. “That’s what I said,” that infuriating crooked smile plastered on his face the whole time. “Right, well just call Lucy she’ll pick it up, or whatever works,” Nesta was still flustered, her head fuzzy and she couldn’t move. She twisted her legs to give him the hint. “Do you have somewhere to be?” he said, laughter in his voice. “I have work I need to get done,” she replied in as blandly as she could manage shuffling forward on her seat as far as possible without getting too close to this imposing man. “Pity, I’d love to have a coffee with you,” he seemed sincere but Nesta knew they just wouldn’t be the right fit, he might be handsome and exactly the sort of man she loved to read about in her romance novels, but she could never make it work with someone like that. Cassian stepped back and flourished an arm towards the door, the apron he wore around his waist was covered in coffee stains and marks, further cementing the idea that it would never work between them. “Thanks for the coffee, I better get back to it.” and she sidled past him and walked out of the shop and back to the mess of her waiting office.
Friday was here and everything was looking up, The presentation went well yesterday and her office was back in order and Lucy was managing to do her job right today. Everything was right in Nesta’s world - It had only taken the rest of the week for it to happen. A call came through and Lucy picked it up in record time. Nesta continued reading the contract, making sure all the t’s were crossed and i’s dotted. “Nesta, are you free for a meeting tonight?” Lucy asked. “It’s friday night Lucy!” she must have been too optimistic with her thoughts and now she was going to pay. “It seems important, but I can say no?” “Fine, just make it somewhere with food, they can pay! Otherwise they can meet me next week sometime,” Nesta began grumbling under her breath about clients expecting her to jump through hoops, maybe they can do some jumping for once. She began looking at the contract again, forgetting Lucy and her call. When she was finished reading she printed it out, signed it and put it in an envelope to be mailed, hopefully Lucy could do that without help. “Lucy who was that client that rang?” Nesta asked an hour later, trying to organise her schedule. “They said they had your card and needed an urgent meeting, I never got their name, but I told them about the food, and they said it was fine.” “Right, how am I meant to prepare if I don’t know who I’m meeting?” her voice was strained, she was going to get a new headache, she was sure of it. “Oh. I don’t know.” Lucy’s voice went high pitched as she tried to hold in her emotions, such a kind girl but she was struggling to keep up with Nesta’s demands and they both knew it. “It’s fine. I’ll be fine, I’m good at my job. I’ll be fine, but next time can you please get some more details, do you even know where I’m meeting this person?” Nesta’s fingers moved in and out across her forehead, trying to release the tension there. Her exasperation was getting harder to hide and she could see Lucy’s eyes get glossy with new tears threatening to fall. “The italian place, the one two blocks over at 8pm.” she said her voice tight. “Well,” Nesta muttered, “at least the food is good.” Lucy perked up, suddenly looking like she would burst compared to the hunched shoulders of a moment ago, “Oh, that’s because he asked what your favourite was, isn’t that kind?” Lucy said a smile lighting up her face like a puppy when when its done something right. “Great. 8pm you said, guess I’ll have to go home first,” she sighed. “Since it's Friday and I’m now working late, lets pack up and call it a day?” Lucy skipped over to her desk made a quick phone call and then handed Nesta her coat, they locked up the office and the two walked down the stairs and out onto the street, saying their goodbyes. Nesta turned and walked home to freshen up before her meeting.
The little Italian place really was her favourite, the smell, the pasta, the cheese, the garlic - All foods she loved. Plus it had a great atmosphere. The smells swept down the street past her as she walked towards the restaurant. She realised she was early and her anxiety began to mount. So she did what she always did and walked a little ways past the restaurant and paused outside a window to stall for time. The shoe shop in front of her was one of her favourites. Only darkness stared back, no lights were on to highlight the treasures within. Her own reflection looking back. Her warm coat matched a red sheer skirt poking out underneath it, gently fluttering in the breeze. The golden buckles on her black suede ankle boots reflecting the street lights. She turned and looked down the street, watching the people as they walked along… anyone could be her client. She looked down at her phone, she had a few more minutes then she could walk in and ask the Maitre de if anyone was waiting for her. Luckily it was a fairly mild evening. She heard someone walking towards her and stepped closer to the window to move out of the way, instinct kicking in but she lost her footing on the uneven pavement. A hand shot out to steady her holding her forearm and keeping her steady, “We have got to stop meeting like this, I might think you were falling for me?” his voice clearly amused. “Pardon?” she was so flustered from falling it took her a moment to recognise the stranger, “Cassian.” she said. “That’s me,” as she readjusted herself he let go of her arm and grinned at her. “I’d love to chat out here, but I have a date.” he wiggled his eyebrows at Nesta and she smiled politely back. Tonight he was wearing a leather jacket and black Jeans, not exactly dressed up for a date, but as she looked down it certainly made the most of his assets. He did have an amazing body, she looked back up at his face and noticed him still looking at her. She blushed. “That's nice, I have a meeting myself, so I guess I better be off, thanks again.” Nesta walked towards the restaurant with Cassian following one step behind. “Don't tell me your date is at Bello Italiano?” she said. “Ok I wont.” and he began to laugh. Nesta just looked at him in horror, “What is so funny?” “Nothing, see you inside I guess” he shrugged and walked past her and into the restaurant carrying a duffle bag.
It all became perfectly clear when Nesta went inside who her “meeting” was with. Cassian sat down at a table in the corner and waved at her, a shit eating grin plastered on his face. Oh she was going to kill Lucy. After taking off her coat for it to be checked, Nesta followed the Maitre de over and sat down, gave a polite smile to Cassian and waited. “So, how has your week been?” he asked. “Long and hard,” she released the breath she had been holding. “That’s what she said,” he said under his breath. Nesta stared at him in disbelief. “Look, I was under the impression that I would be meeting with a client, if you are the client can we please keep this professional. Or are you under a different impression? perhaps you can enlighten me as to why I’m here?” Nesta’s patience was wearing thin. She hated when things changed, when she wasn’t prepared for new situations. “I have a gift for you, it’s in my bag, but we should have dinner first, remember I’m paying” He looked at her up and down, his gaze catching on her red lips and the deep V of her dress. She was on full display now and she started to feel self conscious in her chiffon layers. The deep red to perfectly match her lips now felt like too much attention. Her hair was pulled back into a long ponytail, showing off the elegant lines of her neck. It was so hard to figure out what to wear for this mystery client and now it seemed she was on a date! “Fine, I can do that.” she plastered on a winning smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes. The smile she used to win over clients.
Dinner came and they stuffed their faces, Nesta eating Garlic bread and a pan fried fish dish that melted in her mouth, garlic butter dripping off her fork with each mouthful. The perks of this not being a date meant she could eat all the garlic she wanted. Cassian demolished his own garlic bread and then opted for a pepperoni pizza. Folding each slice at the corners so it was easier to eat the large homemade slices. They made the best pizza here, he had made a good choice. “So did you make it?” Cassian asked between mouthfuls. “Make it to what?” Nesta replied after finishing her own. “Whatever made you run down the street, we didn’t really get to talk at the coffee shop.” “Oh, not really, but it’s ok, we rescheduled.” Nesta continued making polite conversation but never asked about his work, she didn’t want to say the wrong thing, make the wrong assumption. They talked about the weather, the latest blockbusters movies and the joys of being in the city. When they had finished Cassian leaned over and pulled out a large box from his bag, his calloused hands ran over the parcel wrapped in red and put it on the table to the side of their empty plates. After a raised eyebrow from Nesta he said, “I thought you must like red because of your coat.” “I do.” Nesta replied, at a loss for words with him, “But you didn’t need to get me anything.” she narrowed her eyes, looked at the box and at him, things were not quite making sense, until he gestured for her to open it. “What is it?” “Open it.” “Is it my shoe? “Open it.” “Did you manage to fix it?” “Open it for christ sake.” Nesta pushed her plate out of the way and began to open the box. Pulling the paper aside she saw the shoe box underneath. “You could have just given it to Lucy you know, she’s always getting-” Nesta pulled the lid off to look at her broken shoe and see the damage. But when she opened the box black tissue paper stared back at her. She pulled it aside and saw two new black patent, pointed stiletto Jimmy Choo’s in their perfect glory. “Now,” he said, pulling her out of her stunned silence, “I do have the other shoe too, I managed to get it repaired but it just didn't look as good as it should have, so I thought the least I could do is replace them. Did you know these are Jimmy Choo’s?” he said with fake surprise. Nesta looked at Cassian, really looked. He was scruffy and worked in a coffee shop and wore combat boots and Jeans. How on earth could he afford these. “I can’t accept them” she said, her hands gently stroking the leather of a shoe that had somehow made it into her hand. “Sure you can, after all it was... all my fault.” He leaned back in his chair and stretched his arms up and putting them behind his head, the restaurant was mostly empty only a few couples remaining, strange for a Friday night. “Look it was an accident, the fixed shoe is fine, I don’t need these.” of course she wanted them but she knew he couldn't afford them, it took her long enough to afford them in the first place. “You don’t need them, but you want them. I don’t need coffee, but I want coffee, I don’t need a rude woman in my life but I sure as hell would like this one right in front of me in it.” Cassian’s sincere words hung in the air between them. Nesta said nothing, just looked at the shoes she knew she could never accept. No words coming to her, a panic over what to do next. “Why won’t you take them?” he asked, his hands came back to the table fingers moving over each other nervously as he held his hands together, he seemed worried now, like he might have offended her, what if she was offending him by rejecting them? “I know how much they cost.” she quietly said, almost ashamed at how she had treated him the other day. Lifting her eyes from the shoes to Cassian. He looked at her so intensely, like he could see into her soul as it was laid before him. Then his eyes shuttered like he had seen to much. “Look, how about we have a nightcap? I know a place not to far from here, if you change your mind I won't hold it against you.” he waited a moment to gauge her interest before continuing, “so, I'm sure you’ll change your mind about the shoes. Really-they don't matter to me, but you were so upset that I had to make it better for you. They seemed important, like they were more than just shoes.” Cassian was certainly saying all the right things, he had already won her over with his charm at the start of the date. Their easy conversation had flowed even though they were so different and now he had provided her with a gift she could have never expected. Of course they were more than just shoes, they were a reflection of her accomplishments, of how far she had come. She nestled them back into the box, tucking the tissue paper around them and replacing the lid. “I’ve never been one for dessert anyway, how about we have that nightcap?” Nesta said quietly, she smiled a true smile and began to gather her things. When the Maitre de brought over her coat Cassian helped her put it on and picked up the parcel. Leading the way out of the restaurant, waving to the waiter and said “put it on the account, see you next week.”
An amber glow reflected off the glass windows, the pavement littered with reds and golds from the leaves, the city a perfect picture in the chill autumn air. Nesta hugged herself inside her coat as she walked, until Cassian noticed and wrapped his arm around her, pulling her close. She smelled the leather from his jacket, it was as intoxicating as the smell of new shoes. How did this man know all the right things to say and do? She watched across the street, the couple in the glass windows keeping pace, a tall man in black leather and a girl in red. Surprisingly they looked good together. “So where is this place?” Nesta asked “Oh you’ve been there before.” Cassian replied. “How do you know where I’ve been?” she couldn’t help but have her questions at the ready, her sharp mind was one of the things that got her to where she was. “They make coffee, you broke your shoe out the back? Your assistant comes every day? You came on Wednesday?” He just kept throwing out moments like he knew her entire schedule. “That's not where I broke my shoe.” she said “Yes it is, I was there.” he answered back. “No! I was on….” Nesta tried to remember the exact street but couldn’t and she had gotten lost heading to that meeting. Maybe she was confused about the location of that red door. “Was it really?” she asked looking up at him. Trusting that he knew the answer. Cassian let out a throaty chuckle, and shook his head. “Oh Nesta, you are still so new to this city, one way streets, alleyways, handsome men making you forget where you are…” he looked back at Nesta and gave her shoulder a squeeze, just in case she didn't realise he was teasing her. “Ok, so we are going to... the coffee shop, why? Surely they’re closed.” “Never closed for me,” Cassian continued to speak in half sentences and Nesta was getting tired, it was approaching 11pm when they rounded the corner to the coffee shop. The lights were off and it was closed, Nesta looked to Cassian, daggers being thrown his way. He should know better, was he just playing games? Cassian understood what she was saying with her eyes. “Oh, its OK, I have the key.” Cassian walked to the door and turned the key in its lock, the door opened to stairs leading up. This was a different door to the cafe she entered the other day, more like an entry to an apartment above it. Nesta looked up the stairs then back to Cassian again, her voice raised from the quiet tones they had used walking here, “Ok, what’s the truth, where are we heading? Sorry, but I only just met you and while you have bought me shoes that cost several weeks pay - I didn’t ask you to... and I am not going to sleep with you!” the anger on her face was clear “I am not someone to be bought!” Cassian looked at her, a confused expression on his face for the longest time, like she had insulted him and his dog. Then in a very mild but exasperated tone in the middle of the sidewalk he said, “Nesta, I own the goddamn shop, I own the whole thing, I roast the beans when fucking Jared doesn’t turn up! I help out in the cafe when Missy decides she’s hanging out with her boyfriend instead of coming to work. Yes I should fire them, but they are good at their jobs when they are actually here-but that’s beside the point! I take out the trash when it needs doing, because this... this is -my- business and it's going to succeed.” He looked up the stairs and pointed inside the door before turning back to Nesta, “Up there, that's my office, my apartment, my refuge, it also contains my liquor cabinet.” He smiled at that like it was some inside joke, “So would you like to come up for a drink? Nothing more, just... a drink?” Nesta took it all in, everything he said felt like the truth. She had seriously misjudged him and she was freezing out here on the sidewalk. While she was sure she could make it home safely if she chose, she really just wanted a large glass of wine and to warm up. “Do you have wine? Red specifically?” She looked at him like her whole night relied on his answer being the correct one. “Yes?” he looked at her, head tilting slightly. “Then you best pour me a glass,” she said as she walked past him and up the stairs to his apartment above. Knowing full well that Cassian turned to watch her go, watching her long legs, mesmerised by the flowy dresses movements and her stomping her ankle boots up each step… she was almost at the top before Cassian pulled himself out of his trance and rushed up after her.
Thanks for reading - more to come. 
Also I was going to tag a bunch of people, but with tumblr’s tagging system being buggy at the moment, ill tag some people in the comments rather than the usual tag list. :D If I forget anyone I’m sorry.
102 notes · View notes
writteninkat · 3 years
ii - rubies?!
word count - 1,903
warnings - mention of scars
"he's so tall and handsome as hell. he's so bad but he does it so well."
As you waited for April to come around, you spent your remaining days working out and training your quirk on your own. You didn't want to look for your father nor did you want to bump into him- the only time you wanted to see him was during UA's sports festival where you know he'll be watching so you can rub it in his face how good your life is without him.
As you work out in your apartment building's gym, you can't keep the blond out of your head. Was he doing alright? Should you have asked for his phone number at least? Where did he study? Was he even from this area?
Your mind races and wanders around thoughts about the blond, causing you to trip on your own feet on the treadmill. Before your hands come in contact with the running deck, you feel strong arms wrap around your waist, saving you from the fall but not from the embarrassment.
You take a few moments to stop and think about what just happened, allowing the whole thing to just sink in. I almost tripped because I was thinking about some guy. Stupid mistake.
Your savior puts you down beside the treadmill, hands immediately letting go of your waist. "You okay?" Despite having such buffed-up arms, he had such a sweet voice. You look to your right, checking to see the face of your knight in shining armor.
"My name's Izuku Midoriya." He smiles widely, extending his hand towards you. You take it, smiling back. "Y/n L/n, and yeah, I'm alright. Thanks for saving me, I could have attended my first day in UA with a bandage on my forehead." You chuckled, watching the guy's facial expression turn into excitement.
"No way! You'll be attending UA? That's crazy so am I!"
Your eyes widen, finally someone I can be close to in that new school. "What class are you in?" You move to turn off the treadmill, picking up your water bottle from the floor. You unscrew the cap, taking large sips as you looked at him, waiting for an answer. "Class 1A."
The water backfires, going down the wrong pipe. You cough out the water, rubbing your chest in pain as Midoriya pats on your back in worry. "You okay? Again?"
You wave your hand at him, coughing a few more times before clearing your throat. "So am I." Your voice comes out rough and broken but still understandable.
For the rest of the day, you chat with Midoriya, getting to know each other as you helped each other work out. Like whenever you needed help with your form, he'd guide you. When he needed more weight on his back as he did push up, you were more than happy to sit on him as you scrolled through your cellphone.
As the end of the day, before the two of you part, he asks for your number so it would be easier to contact you. You kind of regret giving it to him cause he wouldn't shut up about the heroes he looked up to. He was such a hero nerd you found it funny.
When he calmed down and told you good night, you hit the sack yourself, images of the angry blond with beautiful ruby eyes filling your head as you fell asleep with a smile. And honestly, that was the best sleep you've had in years.
Tumblr media
You're walking yourself to your new school, heart drumming against your chest. The feeling was a little too nostalgic, it was the same feeling you felt back when you came to UA for the practical exam. It felt like time went by a little too fast. You calm your mind, remembering your mom's text to you earlier that morning, telling you good luck with your first day.
You try recalling your goal- to become a hero despite my father telling me I couldn't. To become a hero, to become a hero to become-
"Hey Y/n!" Midoriya waves at you, his smile as bright as the sun. It's sickening but you shrug it off, it suits his face. "Oh, I hope it's alright if I call you Y/n."
"Only if I can call you Izuku." You wink at him, smiling as you continue your way towards the building. As Izuku rambled on about how nervous he was for today that he couldn't sleep properly, your mind raced back to the thought of the school uniform being uncomfortable.
You were so used to wear pants that showing off your legs seemed taboo to you. Don't get it wrong, you like your legs, you think they're okay. But you've been wearing pants maybe eighty percent of your life that you don't like showing even your knees. You can't sit the way you want with skirts- especially if the way you want is your legs either parted apart as you sink onto your chair or your legs on the desk as you scroll through your phone lazily.
Given that it was school rules to wear a uniform, you decided to cover up your legs with black thigh high instead, cursing at the skirt for being a little bit too short for your liking.
"Here it is." Izuku points up at the board right above the classroom door that read 1A. "I just hope I'm not classmates with Tenya or Kacchan." He chuckles, reaching for the door.
"Tenya? That glasses dude who seemed like someone pissed in his cheerios the morning of the exam?" Izuku nods his head but your mind wasn't at ease just yet. Who the hell was this Kacchan?
Your mind wanders again but your thoughts clear away when you hear two people arguing.
"Take your feet off that desk now." You chuckle, recognizing that voice. You mentally send a sorry to Izuku's way.
"Hah?" And that voice too!
You look up, scanning the room and looking for your two new classmates who were arguing. Iida's back covers who he's getting mad at, forcing you to step inside the classroom to get a better look.
"It's the first day and you're already disrespecting this academy by scuffing school property you cretin."
"You're kidding me right? Your old school put a stick in your ass?"
As you thought, that voice belonged to the same guy who's been infiltrating your head ever since you met him. Day and night. However his attitude caught you off guard, he wasn't this rude when the two of you met.
"Rubies?" You say out loud, the blond, or as Izuku calls him, Kacchan looks your way, eyes widening at the sight of you in the same classroom as him. His once smug expression is wiped off his face as he stares at you, completely taken off guard.
Tenya and a brown haird girl who looked a little too much like Kirby approached Izuku and they began talking to him. You, in the other hand, are being pulled out of the classroom by the blond. His hand still as soft as you remember, his grip isn't even that tight around your wrist. Just enough to tug you to where he wanted to bring you without hurting you.
The two of you stand right outside the door leading to the back of the classroom. He turns around, smug expression completely gone and replaced by confusion.
"You never told me you went to UA." He says, stuffing his hands in his pocket as he leans his side on the wall. You cross your arms on your chest, leaning to the side as you rest most of your weight on one leg. "You never asked." The two of you look at each other in silence for a few moments, your heart going haywire in your chest as he keeps his eyes on you. Such eyes that could keep you in a cage of trance forever.
Bakugou opens his mouth but before he could get a word out, a tired voice cuts him off. "Get inside the classroom." He tired-looking man with unkept hair and peach fuzz tells you both. Was he the school janitor? Nevertheless, the both of you walked back inside the classroom, Bakugou's eyes silently telling you that the two of you were going to finish the conversation later.
You sat down on your seat, eyes following the same tired-looking man as he stood in front of the class. "My name is Shota Aizawa. I'll be your homeroom teacher from now on."
He hands all of you your PE uniforms, telling you all to quickly change into them. You follow the girls to the changing rooms and you hang your PE uniform on your locker, already unbuttoning your uniform but you stop yourself.
I can't show them that.
A girl with long black hair, similar to yours, looks at you from the side, her expression questioning. "I don't think Aizawa sensei is okay with late students. You should quickly change."
You wrap your hands around yourself, cringing at the thought of other eyes on your body. The girl's expression changes into a softer one and she smiles, "Don't worry, nobody here will judge. All bodies are beautiful the way they are."
Exactly, yeah. If these girls were going to be your second family until you graduate highschool, you shouldn't be afraid. You can trust them, right?
Slowly, with slightly trembling hands, you begin unbuttoning your uniform. Taking a deep breath in, you slip your long sleeve down your body, showcasing the many scars that littered all over your back.
You can feel the atmosphere change into a silent, much colder one and your thoughts begin to race. Was it wrong for you to show them this? You've only been together for a few hours, how could you show such a vulnerable side of yourself?
Your eyes squeeze shut, ready for the comments and snickers but instead you hear a squeal. "We have the same bra!" A pink girl squeals, pointing at her pink lacy bra. A smile creeps onto your face as the girl extends her hand towards you, "I'm Mina Ashido. Nice to meet you, twinnie!" She perks and as soon as you take her hand, she shakes it softly before pulling away.
You quickly dress up into your PE uniform, pulling your hair up into a ponytail. "Woah, L/n! The white streaks on your hair look so cool! Where did you get them done?" Mina asks, completely taken by your hair, her eyes sparkling as you flushed at her compliment. No one has ever complimented your hair so genuinely like that before, makes you feel kind of proud having it.
"It's actually natural. My dad has black hair and my mom has white." The girls begin to ooooh and soon after, you all have reached the fields. Aizawa stands beside a white square with a device in his hand, patiently waiting with lazy eyes on his students.
"You should put your hair up like that more. I think the white streaks are cool." Bakugou tells you, his eyes and face forward as he listens to Aizawa talking.
You wouldn't tell him, but his words had your stomach feeling weird things and you feel your face slowly heat up. You swallow whatever you were feeling and face forward.
"Don't tell me what to do, rubies."
You had to buy more ponytails.
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sketchguk · 3 years
💜 Hello it's April and time to spread positivity! Tag your mutuals and name one thing you like most about them! Happy April 💜
hi!! omg thank you for this!! hope that you are well an staying safe!! happy april!! 
@blushingkoo - minny may be a clown, but she is also one of the smartest people I know :’) I think we have a lot of shared values, so she’s always coming @ me with nothing but facts !! she’s also very passionate about what she does and the things she loves! I'm so proud of her for everything she does <33 plus, our conversations are definitely interesting on most days when we aren’t crying over the tannies!! 
@gukniverse - len is like a big sister to me!! she’s so caring, and she always pulls through with the best advice!! she brightens up my day with simple texts, and she makes me very happy!! Like a bundle of sunshine :-D She’s very sweet and gentle, a lot of the things that I am not, aha. I look up to her sm <3 for instance, I’m so happy that she finished school this quarter!! I hope I can graduate and be where she’s at in a few months!! 
@kithtaehyung - ryen is soo hardworking!! not only only is she a boss girl (hello, everyone, congratulate her on her work promotion), but she’s amazing at everything she does!! she needs to spare some of her talent -- not just writing, but did y’all know she sings and dances as well??!! she’s always learning new choreo or recording song covers, and I’m so excited to hear about her progress when she mentions it  :’) ryen, best girl who needs to eat her meals, and seriously just an all rounder!! 
@kitsutaes - yas is such a warm person :(( sorry I can’t quite put it in words, but it’s the best way I can explain it :’) she’s very sweet and inviting!! like I typically find it hard to keep conversations going because I’m reserved, but this girl makes me feel so comfortable <3 she’s one of my first friends from tumblr, and I luv her lots!! our conversations are natural, and they flow from one to the next. like we have a lot of the same interests (thanks to her always introducing them to me LOL), and I get excited for whenever my phone lights up with her msg!! 
@moominyg - kelda is so funny, and we vibe so well. we’re practically the same person, yet we couldn’t be as different as we are?? sometimes we have these telepathic moments, and I want her outta my head lmaooo. the only thing is that she’s more clownish :) the panini thinks it can keep us apart, but yoongi stans gravitate together >:) I guess I L word her, but you won’t catch those words coming from my mouth !! nor will you catch those emotions on my face >:( *avoids eye contact at all costs* 
@orbitmin - mirelle is the human embodiment of sunshine and comfort. some might think that the world is evil and unjust, but they would certainly change their mind once they meet mirelle! she’s sweeter than honey, and she’s honestly my safe place <3 her words make me feel warm all over, and it’s like the big hug that I desperately need. she’s the best girl, and I hope that she always feels as happy as she makes me!! 
@softguks - lauren, my lovie, nobody does it like her!! on top of having a really difficult major with painstaking work, she does all these extracurriculars. she puts in all of her effort/dedication, and I admire her a great deal!! sincerely wish I could have her ethic!! but even after all that she has on her plate, she has the ability to comfort me and cheer me up lskdjaklsdj like ma’am, why are you so kind?? can I interest you in a big hug and a kiss on either cheek?? 
@soonyoungs - cara, my dear one, has such a colorful mind!! she’s creative in soo many aspects, and it carries throughout all of our conversations!! like in her humor, she can passionately curse out soonyoung and profess her love for jaebee in more ways than I could ever imagine sksk. somehow, we’re always brainstorming scenarios about our fave idols in alternate universes, and it’s really fun. I really luv when she shares her fave quotes with me!! there’s never a dull moment with her!! 
@subvk - juno, my twinnie, I applaud her sm for always doing what’s best for her!! I think she’s brave and courageous (though I know she’s gonna be like ‘stfu you’re lying’). she doesn’t settle for anything, especially anything less than she deserves. but at the same time, she still holds a lot of compassion, and she looks out for others. for that, she’s someone I really admire <3 
@vminamjin - ness radiates so much bestie energy, y’all. she’s loyal and very kind hearted <3 a really great listener too!! overall, we make a great pair :’) I don’t know if it’s coincidental, but even our biases are besties or iconic pairings aha i.e: yoongi & taehyung, minghao & junhui, seonghwa & hongjoong, etc. lots of love to ness because she’s an amazing gal, and I’m happy to call her my friend!! 
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2020 End of Year Friendship Post
Alright, you guys know that I love to make gushing posts about people I’ve grown fond of.
Well, I’ve decided to make a big one for the end of the year. Celebrate the friendships I’ve created and/or maintained in the last year. This is obviously not EVERYBODY as I have shit memory and some of my friends have left the site (T_T) but this list will be a bit long, so I’m gonna post everything under a cut so that it doesn’t bother people having to scroll past it. (: to the people not mentioned in this but that follow me: thank you so much for supporting me & my writing adventure. I know that my blog has been through ups and downs, has changed immensely in the course of the past year, but I hope that you guys still enjoy and do not regret following it.
If you do, feel free to unfollow. I understand that some of you probably followed me for my games or events, which I no longer post here. If you do follow for my games, don’t forget I have a blog centered around writer games now!! You can find it at mywritinggames. You don’t have to follow this blog if you just followed for games. You can follow that blog. I won’t be offended. <3
Alright, enough of that. Let’s get into some lovey-dovey mushy-gushy words of adoration for all a lot of my friends!
PS here’s a list of everyone I tagged on here with comments and the paragraph number in case you want to skip straight to your mush comments:
1. Toby 2. Franka 3. Szandra 4. Raev 5. Jade 6. Lynxxie 7. Ravage 8. Andy 9. Pax 10. Keena 11. Ariadne 12. Ellie 13. Katie 14. Etta 15. Jake 16. Aurelien 17. LJ 18. Fatal 19. Avery 20. Amanda 21. Ari  22. Galaxy 23. Elizabeth 24. Dawny 25. Cat 26. Kry 27. Eris 28. Vermont 29. Erin 30. Piya
The final paragraph is a general comment to everyone, so please make sure to read the final paragraph as well! Thank you all for existing, for staying alive through a rough year, for being here for me and for being my friends. You are all amazing and deserve everything, all the energy love and positivity you put into the world. <3 I love you guys!
1. @lordkingsmith - I’ve already beaten this dead horse, but you are SO INCREDIBLE and I have no idea what my entire mentality would be if not for you. You’ve saved me from giving up on my dreams multiple times by your positivity and always knowing how to help me!! Any time something happens, you’re right there with a solution and it’s mind boggling. You’re literally the only person that can be like “here, help yourself this way” and I won’t get upset about it because I trust you in a way I trust SO few people. You are my little brother and I am so, so happy Jason Zephyr and a stupid tomato guessing game brought us together ;)
2. @franky-ts - girl... you’ll always be my twinny. Always, always. I can’t imagine life without you in it. Even through me deleting my blogs what, 3-4 times now since we met? I always come back to you. You are always the top 2-3 people I search for when I come back because you are my twinny and if I don’t get to have a tumblr experience without you, I don’t want it! <3 I love everything about you and I’m so glad to know you. I’m so grateful to have friends like you that always reach out to me and try to cheer me up when I’m feeling down. I always want to share my ups and downs with you. If not for the damned timezone difference, I probably would. Love you, sis.
3. @catharticallysarcastic - probably my favorite person I rarely speak to ;) A friendship started with writer games and the beauty of her name (Szandra for those that don’t know)... you are a remarkable and beautiful person and you deserve the world and all of your dreams with it. I wish this world was perfect so you could live in a perfect world because you, my friend, are great. And sweet. And amazing! Thank you for being a good friend to me.
4. @raevenlywrites - I know we don’t talk much anymore. I don’t really bombard you with asks like I used to, but I do still cherish you, not only as a writer, but as a person. You have a beautiful heart and are such a caring individual. You will go out of your way for other people and this world needs MORE PEOPLE like that! You are incredible and I hope you reach the absolute apex of what you think life should be. That is my 2020 wish for you. <3
5. @jade-island-lives - Jade.... Jade, Jade. Another great friend that’s been here through my ups and downs of a couple of different blogs I’ve ended up remaking. Jeez, it’s been so long I can’t even remember how we met. But I’m so, so glad we did. You are beautiful. You are so caring and kind. Your writing is amazing and your characters are just... *chef kiss* But this isn’t about your writing, as amazing as it is. This is about you. This is about how amazing YOU, as a person, are. This is about how much I love and appreciate you as a person. This is about how much I am grateful to have friends like you in my life. This about how you’ve been here for me through so much and how I can’t imagine if I’d never met you. Even though we rarely talk like we used to, I still cherish you like we talk every freaking day. Life gets busy, especially as adults. Shit happens, life gets hard. But through everything, just know I love you and am always, no matter what, here for you. <3
6. @wyldlynxx - Lynxxieeee ~ my little Nane fangirl xDDDD you are amazing. You don’t give yourself near enough credit for how awesome you are. You make me laugh and so happy to be alive. We don’t chat like we used to, which... to be fair there are very few that I do still talk to regularly. But I still love you and our friendship. I wouldn’t trade it - for you - for anything. (: I hope one day we can catch up again and start chatting more again because our chats always, always put a smile on my face.
7. @mrs-raven-writes - Ravage! My savage little Ravage!! My buddy! Hey! Hi! You are awesome. Our conversations are so unique every time. We don’t just have the typical ‘hi how are you’ talks. I mean yes, sometimes we do if it’s been a while since we chatted, but for the most part, we’ve had all different kinds of talks. My favorite is when you randomly approached me saying you almost threw down with someone because of a game. xD And finding out that even through your absence you still keep track of me? T_T I was so flattered and still am. You are amazing and you also do not give yourself near enough credit for how amazing you are. I am so glad to know you and I hope that 2021 treats you better than 2020 did because I’d love more than anything for you to message me telling me how incredible you feel and how much life has improved. I freaking love you, girl, and I want nothing but happiness and love for you. (:
8. @violetcancerian - Andyyyyyyyy~ hi!!! omg what to say... I’m not even sure how to say what I want to say. xD A friendship forged by mutual love of King Arthur fiction... turned into what it is now. Even though we rarely ever talk anymore, I still feel so close to you... and I hope that you know that you’re still a very special friend to me. ^_^ you are so sweet and so ENTHUSIASTIC! You spread so much love to others and it just makes me smile! It makes me so happy to see you on my dash, not just for the fics, but for YOU. You, as a person, are worth so much, and I hope you get everything you ever wanted because I want nothing but the best for you, my friend! Happy new year and thank you so much for being my friend. <3
9. @magic-is-something-we-create - Paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaxy!! One of my most enthusiastic friends! I always know that I can just chat your ear off about the things that have me excited because you just get so excited with me! You’re like my “pump me up” buddy because your excitement then causes me to get more excited! Instead of mocking my hyperfixations, you get enthralled with me, and I LOVE that!!! You are so encouraging and so increidbly sweet and thoughtful. You always put a smile on my face and even when it’s been weeks since we’ve chatted, our conversations are never stale. I always know if I message you, we’re about to have a fun, exciting conversation. I never get bored of our chats or of you because you’re just so FUN and put such a big smile on my face!!! I love the friendship we’ve built and I really, honestly hope it never ends because you’re amazing. <3
10. @keen2meecha - hey, buddy! We haven’t really chatted in a while but I wanted to include you because we used to chat a lot more. And it was so fun getting to know you and sharing my passions with you. I really hope that we get into touch more in 2021 because I never want to lose that bond we shared back when we chatted more! I enjoy so much talking with you and getting to know your works and sharing mine with you! I hope you have an phenomenal 2021, my friend.
11. @confundere - another buddy that I always look for when I restart my blog (which has happened an embarrassing amount of times). Ariadne is a passionate person with so much to offer this world and I cannot imagine ever restarting my blogs without contacting her. You are someone I think of frequently, even if we don’t chat as much as we used to, and I’m so glad to have met you. (: thank you for being such a great friend to me, and for being so supportive of me. I hope you have a terrific 2021. Happy new year, friend!
12. @howdy-writes - Ellieeee~ we have had many fun chats via our posts and I have massively enjoyed going from “oh what a cute blog” to “wow this girl is amazing!” I have enjoyed from going “aw how cute, she likes lesbian cowgirls” to “this girl IS a lesbian cowgirl!” You have so many incredible layers that are so fun to figure out and you are such a joy to get to know! I’m so glad I got the courage to reach out to you and talk to you because you are one of the sweetest people I’ve ever met on this site. You always have nothing but sweet things to say and I just.... I look up to you so much. Your kindness, your positivity, your love. You, all-in-all, are a role model I wish I’d grown up watching. I hope that all the youngesters following you realize that you are someone to look up to. ^_^
13. @abalonetea - you... oh, Katie, you. It still makes me laugh how long it took me to stop calling you Emily in my head xDDD you’re incredibly talented. But beyond that, you’re a great friend. Always supporting others. Always willing to be there for others. You’re a great person and deserve as much love and support, if not more, as you give. You are so kindhearted and just all around, the best kind of friend to have. Thank you for being one of mine. <3
14. @ettawritesnstudies - one of my newer friends from this year! It was so fun collabing on a positivity event with you! My hope is we can do something like that again because you were a joy to work with. ^_^ you are so kind though. So kind and so thoughtful and supportive. You are exactly the kind of friend I want in my real life. You are the kind of person I could see myself really opening up to and texting every day if I knew you irl. People like you are what make this world worth living in and people like you are what make the world a nicer, better place. I’m so grateful to know you and that you decided to join tumblr. Thank you for everything this year and I look forward to another year of friendship!
15. @homesteadchronicles - Jaaake!! Omg we don’t chat like we did when I was first recommended your blog, but I still cherish every conversation. I cherish every hi and am always sad when we have to part ways. I think about you frequently, even if we don’t always talk. I’m always wondering how you are, how your writing’s going, how your year’s going. You have been a joy to get to know and I really hope one day we can start chatting more again because our conversations always leave me with a smile on my face by the end, and I simply cannot say that about just anybody. Happy new year, friend, and I hope you have a terrific 2021.
16. @copperplatescript - Aurelien!!! I’ve probably said it before but I LOVE your name. It’s so unique compared to names I’ve heard in the past. But beyond that, there’s an amazing person attached to the name!! I love sharing things with you because interesting conversation always follows. You are so fun to chat with and you have so much interesting stuff to share! Your fascinations are so fascinating and it’s so much fun watching the progression of your projects!! I miss our chats but I know 2020 has been a hectic year for most. I just hope 2021 brings more fun and fascinating conversation and brings us closer as friends ^_^ thank you for several months of a wonderful friendship. (:
17. @ljscrawls - sheesh, I can’t believe it took me this long to get to LJ!!!! My buddy ol’ pal. Talented, sweet, fun, funny!!! Pretty much all the best traits in one amazing person. You always bring a smile to my face and leave me feeling so freaking special. There are very few that can make me laugh, cry, flattered and just so happy in one single conversation. You bring so much joy and love in my life and I just can’t imagine ever losing your friendship. And I hope I never have to because I don’t want to be without you in my life. ^_^ thank you for being such a great friend. I love ya!!
18. @fatal-blow - I know we’re not like SUPER close or anything. But I wanted to let you know that you are amazing. Not just because your talent is beyond anything I have the words to voice but... you are such a fun, passionate person to speak with and it’s fun watching you talk about things you love, especially your characters. The way that you make your characters feel so familiar when you talk about them, like you’re talking about an old friend. It’s simply inspiring. I’m so glad I found your blog and started commenting on your posts because the conversations that have ensued due to it have been so memorable. I’ll never forget you, even long after I stop being on tumblr, whenever that happens. Thank you for everything.
19. @just-a-little-bit-of-sugar - girrrrl. You’re someone that I really miss. You are so sweet, just like your name implies, and such an uplifting person to talk about. You’re so positive, and you know. I do really cherish that about you but that isn’t what makes you so special to me. Everyone has down days and I don’t ever want to make you feel like I’ll appreciate you any less for having them, like your positivity is the only thing that makes you worth friendship. Good or bad days, you are a great friend and I want to be here to celebrate the good and help you through the bad! You’ve been a great friend to me over the last year and I only hope you can say the same to me. <3 hope you’re doing well.
20. @amandahoyle - god, our friendship started with a mutual love of DARK writing. Started with my writing of Death Has a Face and other dark stories centered around death and your series I’m reading with DEFINITE darkness in it.... but it evolved into this beautiful thing it is now, that I wouldn’t trade for the world. You are a remarkable friend, always having nothing but nice words for me and I so appreciate how you lift me up during hard times. You’re always here for me and willing to help bring me out of my own personal darkness. And I love and appreciate that so much about you. You are a phenomenal friend and I just don’t want to imagine ever losing your friendship. Thank you for being so kind and so patient with me over the last several months. I’m so grateful to have you in my life, even if just virtually.
21. @leafgreen6 - Ariiiii!!!!!!! One of my earlier friends! I met you through Galaxy and our friendship kind of blossomed. The three of us together create quite a dynamic trio even if we don’t chat together like we used to. You are amazing. I hope you realize how incredible you are. You’re so beautiful, inside and out, and you are so caring toward your friends. You love and support those around you and have such a beautiful heart. You are talented af and a total badass. <3 I wouldn’t change a single thing about you. Thank you. Thank you.
22. @books-of-lunacy - Jesus! Girl, we literally never talk anymore! I hope you’re well. I miss you. We forged a great friendship that I will never, ever forget, even if it fades away. Because you’ve been amazing over the months and I’m so glad to have met you virtually. I used to imagine if we met in person many times xD and I think you’d be a fun person to like go on adventures with at midnight, when the world around us is asleep. (: I’m glad to know you and I hope that 2021 brings you joys that 2020 tried to take away. Miss you and again, I hope you’re well. Thank you for being a friend.
23. @incandescent-creativity - we used to chat sooo much when I discovered your blog, when I originally created this blog! You were one of the first people I sought out when I recreated it because you inspire me SO MUCH. Your passion for your writing and characters... your kindness when answering questions... your silliness and just overall personality and attitude, it all inspires me. Every. Damn. Day. I know I haven’t done my “ask spree” stuff I used to do frequently, which got you accustomed to my url (and was also the reason you apparently actually noticed my disappearance when I deleted my original blog) but just know that I think about you frequently. Not just as a writer and creator, but as a person. As an amazing, inspiring person that I strive to be more and more like. You are incredible. Thank you for showing the world who you are.
24. @dawnsplaceyt - I know you’ve been busy lately and life has gotten hectic but I just wanted to let you know I still think of you frequently and am grateful for the friendship we’ve built over the last year. You are such a warm person with so much passion and love and I’m so glad to have been one of the people that got to witness that. I am so thrilled that your relationship took the next step and I can’t wait to see you start the next chapter of your life. <3 I hope you’re doing well and that the end of 2020 and all of 2021 treat you well. Love ya girl.
25. @missionkitty - Jesus. I can’t believe you’re all the way down at 25. But either way, here we are. One of my favorite people that I met through the odds of an otome game we share a passion for. Your art is breathtaking. I love your style and you as a person are just as breathtaking. You are so free and passionate!! You have so much love for the things you care about and that is so admirable. I look up to you so much, especially as an artist! I strive to be more like you one day. <3 thank you for being so amazing! I look forward to another year of friendship.
26. @kryskakikomi - okay, we know each other more through games and events than we do through actual chats, but I’ve always WANTED to talk to you... and build a friendship? One of my goals for 2021 is to do more outreach toward people I have wanted to talk to but never quite got the nerve to reach out to and you’re one of the top on the list!! I’m thrilled we’ve had interactions at all but I’d be so happy if we could have more in the coming year! Hope your year goes well. (:
27. @leave-her-a-tome - uh, you’re awesome. Enough said, next! No, just kidding. xD but I wasn’t kidding when I said you’re awesome. Even just seeing you on my dash gives me a thrill. You have so much talent, yet are so humble about it and are so happy to support others. It’s quite inspiring to see someone that is so incredible be so down to earth and not full of themself. You are so fun to chat with too! Our chats are usually short but they still bring me such joy. To know that someone as amazing as you LIKES to chat with me? Humbling. And thrilling at the same time! I will never, ever forget you or the time we’ve spent talking and working together!! Thank you for everything and for the support and I hope you have a great 2021!
28. @vermontwrites​ - okay, I know we haven’t spoken much since the Prompt Pals days but I really enjoy your presence - both on my dash and my DMs. You have been through so much yet hold strong. Yes, I know some days are really hard for you but your strength and resilience are inspirational. I hope you know you’re not alone and that I’m here if you need someone to lean on, if you need someone to vent to. You aren’t alone. You don’t have to push through everything alone. You have friends that care and that want to be here for you. You are incredible and deserve love and friendship. I hope you recognize that. Thank you for sticking around and for being you. I hope 2021 goes better for you, my friend.
29. @rhikasa - okay. I know, we mostly communicate via games, but you have been such a positive force on my dash and notes in the last year. I know we don’t chat much but I do still appreciate you and want you to know that. I don’t know like if you think about me beyond the games, but I certainly do think about you and am always hoping you’re having a great day/night. You’re awesome and creative and kindhearted and I’m so appreciative to have you as a mutual. <3
30. @piyawrites - Piya!!! We haven’t really communicated in a long time but I still cherish the times we did chat. We have had so many good conversations with giggles and enthusiasm and support and I love your energy! You’re such a positive force and such a great person to know and chat with and I’m so so grateful for that. You’re wonderful and I hope you recognize the light that you shine on others lives because you do. And you deserve that same level of loving energy that you bring to others. Thank you for being a part of my online world.
Thank you everyone that is listed on this. You are are all so freaking wonderful and each and every one of you hs made a difference in my life. You all have played a big part in why I have stayed on this site and I cherish each and every one of you for all kinds of reasons. I hope you all know how loved and appreciated you are and I wish you all a very happy New Year. May 2021 show many improvements upon the last year <3
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starrynite7114 · 4 years
Boots (Angel Reyes)
A/N: Another daddy Angel Request fulfilled! I’m going to make a list of requests just so you all can see if your request is on there or not. If I missed it on accident, please do not hesitate to let me know! 
Thanks for the request Twinnie! 
Enjoy! Happy weekend!
Ahhh there were so many cute options on the list I had such a hard time choosing! Can I please request "Little one playing dress up with a grown-up set of shoes" Thank you so much Twinnie ❤️😘❤️😘
tagged list: @iambabyharry : @justahopelessssromantic : @briannab1234 : @marvelmaree : @carlaangel86 : @everyhowlmarksthedead​  : @trulysuccubus​ : @claytoncardenasbabymama​ : @ifoundmyhappythought​ : @chibsytelford​ : @whyisgmora​ : @jadert15​ : @gemini0410​ : @woahitslucyylu : @thickemadame​ : @elcococruz​ : @agirllovespasta​ : @enamoured-x​ : @encounterthepast​ : @briana-mishell24​ : @sadeyesgf​ : @summertimesadnesswithadashofsass​
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Credits to the original owners of the pictures!
Six year old Alena Reyes loved playing dress up. Her favorite article of clothing? Her father’s boots. She wanted to be just like her father when she grew up. It was quite adorable and Angel always loved seeing her walking around with his boots, even though you were worried that Alena would trip and fall. Coco got Alena a dirt bike recently and you knew it was a done deal from there. Angel and Alena always went riding on the weekends, with you and Junior tagging along. Junior was two years old now, so he couldn’t exactly ride with his big sister and father as of yet, but you know eventually, all three of them would be doing it. 
You remembered walking in one day while Alena and Angel were home alone. You had just taken Junior to his check up and found Alena and Angel playing dress up. Alena was Angel and Angel was, well Angel. It was so adorable. Alena had Angel’s mannerisms down to a tee, though you were thankful she didn’t pretend to be smoking like her father. But ever since that day a year ago, Alena’s favorite person to dress up as was a biker or Angel. Before that, she wanted to be a princess, much like most little girl’s, but ever since Angel took her for a ride on his bike, that all changed. 
Walking around the house, you followed Junior as he got the hang of walking. Alena led the way, walking in her father’s boots. She fondly told you that she would be daddy while you played mommy and Junior was the baby. It was very adorable. 
“Come on Junior!” Alena encouraged her younger brother as he followed after her.
“Lena!” He followed after her excitedly. 
You smiled, it was always so nice to see Alena and Junior play together. For some time, you thought you wouldn’t be able to give Alena another sibling. But now, you had two year old Junior and you were currently pregnant, with twins. Angel was hoping they were both girls, since he was a girl dad, whatever the fuck that meant, but it really didn’t matter to him as long as you two had another child. 
It was the biggest blessing and you two couldn’t ask for more.
Angel always wanted a big family and you did as well. The fact you two could have that? 
It was an amazing feeling.
“Alena be careful, you’ve tripped due to daddy’s boots before.” You warned her as she began to run.
“It’s okay mommy, you can fix me. And I’ll have cool scars like daddy” Alena grinned as she continued to run with Junior trying his best to catch up to her. “You’re so slow!” She exclaimed as she slowed her pace, just so her younger brother could catch up to her. “Mommy, Junior is still slow.”
“Lenny, he literally just learned how to walk, give your baby brother a break.” 
Alena thought for a moment before nodding her head in agreement. “You’re right. Come on Junior, give me a hug.” She opened her arms. Junior walked the same pace, but reached his sister and hugged her. 
His favorite word to say was ‘Lena’, for his favorite person. And for Alena, just as it has been all these years, Tio Coco was still her favorite person. You watched as Alena fixed Junior’s shirt, which had ridden up due to their embrace. She always wanted to make sure that her baby brother looked good because his big sister always looked good. Alena was such a good older sister, you couldn’t ask for anything more. 
But it wasn’t always perfect. 
Angel was Alena’s person. Junior had mommy and Alena had daddy, plain and simple as that. It was difficult at first as Alena had a hard time sharing Angel’s affections with Junior. She adored her little brother, but Daddy was Alena’s person no matter what. 
Even though Tio Coco was her favorite person. Angel was convinced that Coco must have paid Alena while you two weren’t looking, but you were certain that wasn’t the case. She really adored Coco since she admired Letty. And Coco was Letty’s father. 
“When the twins are born, we’re bound to be their favorite person right?” 
You shrieked, making Angel and Alena laugh. Alena obviously saw her father and didn’t want to bust him when he was trying to scare mommy. 
“Angel!” You smacked his stomach making him groan. “You’re literally going to cause an early birth or something.” You were currently five months pregnant and you honestly couldn’t wait for them to come.
Angel chuckled, wrapping his arms around you. “Sorry mi amor, I couldn’t help it.” He looked at his children, squatting down so they could give him a hug. “Can Daddy get some love?”
“Is Tio Coco with you?” Alena knew how to turn them against one another. She didn’t mean to hurt her father’s feelings, but she knew it bugged him when she would ask for Coco. It became a fun game of poke Angel’s heart. 
“Alena,” you warned her. 
“I’m kidding daddy, you know you’re my favorite person.” She ran to hug him, her previous words already erased from Angel’s mind. 
“Damn right I am.” He waited for Junior who made his way over, when he finally reached him, he let go of Alena and picked up Junior, giving his son a kiss on the cheek. “Look at my boy, next thing you know, you’re going to ride that mini Harley I got you.” 
“No, bikes are our thing!” Alena pouted, crossing her arms over her chest. “He can’t do it, he’s too little.” 
“Sweetie, you all can do it. Wouldn’t it be fun to have Junior with you?” You reasoned with your loveable six year old.
“No, I’m going to be like Daddy when I grow up, see, I’m wearing his boots.” She frowned and you could tell Alena was becoming upset. You wanted to kneel down, but your belly wasn’t really helping out with your flexibility or movement recently. 
Angel frowned as well, squatting down to talk to his baby girl. “Baby, you can still be like daddy when you grow up. You don’t want to share riding with Junior?”
“No, that’s our thing.” She began to sniffle and Angel knew the tears were coming next.
“Mami, it’s okay, riding will be our thing, okay?” Angel handed Junior to you, enveloping Alena in his arms. “It’s still early out, do you want to go out for a ride?”
“Yes!” Alena ran to her room to go change. 
Angel looked at you and smiled. “I just have to cherish the moments where she still likes hanging out with me.”
“Don’t start, we literally have two coming, you will always have someone to spend time with.” You knew Angel was having a hard time with Alena growing up. Alena was his first born and as much as watching her grow was a treat, he knew that someday, it wasn’t going to be like this. Whenever Alena requested for his time, Angel gave it to her. 
“She’s my first born though baby.” He wrapped his arms around you, Junior in between you two. “Next thing you know, she’s going to have a boyfriend and it’s going to be endless fights.” Angel was not looking forward to teenage Alena. She already had so much spunk. The fights were going to be something. 
“Why do you anticipate fights?” You questioned him. Though, you were in agreement with Angel. They most likely will have fights since Alena was Angel through and through. “It’s cause you were such a little shit to your parents, karma is a bitch.” You teased Angel.
“Laugh it up now, you’re going to have a headache too.” Angel narrowed his eyes at you.
“I’m sure I will, but we’re a team, nothing to worry about.” You shrugged before you kissed him.
Junior put his hand in between you two, pushing Angel’s face away.
“Mommy mine,” he declared. 
Angel held up his hands. “Alright little man,” he chuckled. “That ass is going to be mine tonight though.” He grinned mischievously.
Angel let out a laugh before giving you a quick kiss and making his way down the hall to Alena’s room. When he arrived, he found his daughter with the mini Mayans vest he got her along with a flannel and jeans. She was still wearing his boots making Angel slightly shake his head. 
“Mami, we gotta take those boots off, we’re not playing dress up right now.” Angel picked her up and the boots slipped right off. 
“No! I’m not playing dress up, they’re riding boots.” Alena tried to wiggle her way out of her father’s arms, hoping to put the boots back on.
“Baby, I know, but daddy has a present for you.” Angel carried Alena to your room, sitting her down on the bed. Angel walked over to the closet and took the bag that held Alena’s present. He was going to wait till the weekend, but since they were going out now, he was certain she would want to have it. Taking the box out of the bag, he set it on the bed, sitting on the other side of it while Alena sat on the other side. 
“What is it?” She kneeled, using the box to help her balance. “Is it the Stitch doll I wanted?” Her eyes were fixated on the box, thinking of what her father could have possibly gotten her. “Clothes? The gold bracelet? The headband with the cute bow? Oh, the backpack?!”
“Baby, when did you ever ask for these things?” Angel knew about the stitch doll, but the backpack, headband, bracelet and clothes? No knowledge whatsoever. And you usually told him whenever Alena made a request. 
“Oh, I may have asked Tio Coco and Tio EZ.” She gave him a sheepish smile. “What did you get me?!”
Angel chuckled at his daughter’s enthusiasm. She really did have all the Mayans wrapped around her fingers. He opened the box and Alena’s eyes lit up. 
“They’re your boots! But smaller!” She didn’t want to touch them, they looked so beautiful. “They’re so pretty daddy!”
“They’re for you baby, mommy and I got you riding boots.”
You were by the door, watching father and daughter as you held Junior. You were trying not to cry, but hormones were a bitch and just about anything could make you bawl. 
“Thank you!” She launched herself at Angel, before making her way down the bed and hugging you. “Mommy, why are you crying?”
“They’re happy tears baby.” You assured her. “Come on, go try them on.”
She climbed back up on the bed, and looked at her father. “Daddy, can you put it on for me?” 
“Of course princesa, I got you.” Angel helped Alena put them on. Once they were zipped up, she jumped down and ran to the full length mirror in your closet. 
“They’re so cool!” She ran back out and the absolute glee on her face made you and Angel’s heart swell. “We’re matching daddy!”
“Yes we are.” He stood up and looked at you. “You two coming?”
“Naw, we’ll stay here. Don’t stay out too late, family dinner tonight.”
“Of course not.” Angel took Alena’s hand. They both gave you a kiss as they made their way out to the truck that held the dirt bikes that the two owned. 
You loved watching Alena and Angel together. He and Alena were two peas in a pod. No matter what, Angel had Alena’s back and Alena had Angel’s back. There were a few times where Alena would side with you, but more often than not, she was Daddy’s little princess. Which made you even more excited to reveal to Angel later that you two were having twin girls. 
Angel was going to have two princesses to play dress up with and of course, his original princess, Alena Reyes. 
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qosmicentity · 7 years
Who are the best people you know here and why? (positivety we could all use)
This is true positively is like Jello there’s always room for more! By on here I am going to assume you mean tumblr over all, because lets just say this particular blog has been nothing sojourn into the bowels of this hellsite. So now answering this is tricky, I’m lying low because I felt sad and overwhelmed not just because of the drama surrounding the community my other blog belongs to, but also because these past few months have been very stressful due to circumstances offline. As a result I’m not sure I feel comfortable tagging everyone here, this might be a better question for a certain other blog (which don’t worry I’m not giving up on or deleting like I’ve considered).
With that said I’ll answer the question I just won’t give out any names or tag, also for the sake of fairness I put my list in a random list generator so that no one gets priority.First to come up on the list by pur chance and coincidence is none other then my very own Twinnie! That’s a nickname we’ve given each other because we have so much in common, from the amount of shared fandoms we have, our similar approach to writing and rping, to the fact we both get cold easily. I thank my lucky stars everyday to have met such a kindred spirit. Whenever I need to desperately talk to someone and no one’s available offline she’s the one I go to. She’s honestly like an endless fount of wisdom and comfort.
Next up is my good pal from down under. When the crap was hitting the proverbial fan, and everyone was getting anon hate and my other friends suspected it was me as the perpetrator intended, she never doubted me I might have deleted my blog then if it wasn’t for her. Eventually enough evidence was collected against the culprit and it all blew over, and well we’re still great friends today. She’s a remarkably talented artist and it makes me sad when she doesn’t value her own art. I feel so privileged when she draws something for me.Yet another person I’ve been blessed to meet is…well I’ll call them Cell’s true love. CTL is one of the kindest and most thoughtful people I’ve met. She’s another person I’ve been able to rely on for support and comfort. I’m always scared she’s going to get tired of my shit, but nope. She’s also got a great sense of humor and it’s always a pleasure to plot new rps with her. Also she is MAD talented she’s what I call a double threat, she’s an amazing artist AND writer!
Next on the list….I’ll call him Twerp. His greatest talent is understanding and saintly patience, that and having a fantastic sense of humor. How and why he hasn’t gotten tired of my BS I still don’t know. I suppose another fitting nickname for this guy would be the meme niffler (Harry Potter ref) because my god does he find the best nuggets the internet has to offer. He almost single handly man’s the meme channel on my Discord server.
Last but not least before the honorable mentions….I’ll call her “mah bro” which out of context makes little to no sense, but to someone familiar with my antics on my other blog you probably no who I mean. Rping with her is such a pleasure it’s just so easy to start with a meme and end up with a deep meaningful thread. She doesn’t know it but she’s provided me with some much needed escape when life has been rough.
Honorable mentions well there’s the blue hedge hog, such a clever and hilarious and friendly dude, I hope to chat with him more when i stop being a puss and hiding out here. Same goes for Dude (she’s got some of the best OCs I’ve seen) and Miss flame, who’s sweet enough to always send me hairless kitty things.There’s like so many others, and I feel so blessed you have no idea!
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xmelodiious-archive · 8 years
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( So I just hit 600 followers and this couldn’t have come at a more ironic time, it actually feels quite bittersweet because I’m abandoning this blog.. I love Rosa but truth is, if I stay here I’m going to lose her forever so I’m sorry to keep moving blogs but for those still interested in my baby girl, she will now be moved to XPURIITY — I just thought before I leave, why not hit two birds with one stone (ps. Rosa hates this proverb so much) and show some appreciation to the ones who stuck around with me for this long  )
art credit
                ♥«´¨`•°.. ησтнιηg уσυ cσηƒєѕѕ cσυℓ∂ мαкє мє ℓσνє уσυ ℓєѕѕ ..°•´¨`»♥              ( the treasure I’d carry over fire and water because I know they’d do the same )
My partner in crime, my best friend, my soul mate, my star ♡ where do I even begin with you and how in the world could I possibly keep this short? I think I’ll start at the very beginning, before I even knew you, I always hoped you would someday become someone special to me, they say soulmates’ hearts resonate at the same frequency and I suppose in my heart I just knew.. and now that you did become the most special, it’s hard to imagine a life when you weren’t. You are the calm to my panic, the joy to my laughter and are the most selfless person I’ve ever known and I would know because that kind heart of yours is something I get to experience firsthand before anyone else and it has never failed to protect me. I heard in a tv show once that if we’re lucky we get to have one extraordinary relationship in our life and I think, despite the world placing us seven thousand miles apart, right now our friendship is that extraordinary relationship for me. You showed me what it’s like to just think of someone and smile stupidly to myself — and every single day I’m forever thankful for the blessing that is you. You continue to inspire me every single day with your art, with your writing, with our plots and with just you being you, the bravest amazing star that dared explore the darkest depths of my heart then chose to make a home there. I love you to the moon and back, bubbles ♡ 
@inkvascular​ / @lovguks​
My little sister who needs a smack on the head for abandoning my precious Valerie, like how dare? But that aside, I don’t think anyone is ever as patient with me as you are, and not just because you are stuck with me without a choice, which you are, but that is besides the point, you have always seen me through all the good and the bad, cheering me on, encouraging me, pulling me out of that bubble of darkness I trap myself in, sometimes against my own free will at that too but you do it anyway. You are one of the most caring people I’ve met and you will find that hard to believe and maybe even shocking to hear but it’s true, I do think so, your worry is always so genuine and evident and maybe some times I want to kill you but mostly I love you and that precious rebellious heart of yours. 
@xviridiis​ / @fangirl-is-my-middle-name​
My twinny™ from another mother — or so we say yet I find it hard to believe someone as kindhearted and sweet as you would be my twin, but I also couldn’t for the life of me accept an alternate where you’re not my twin because you see, you have legit become just like a little sister to me, one I cherish and worry for so much. From the very beginning you’ve been one of my biggest supporters and then here we are, 3 or 2 years later? and you’re still as sweet as ever, as sweet as sugar. I find comfort in having you by my side and knowing you always have my back just like I always have yours. You bottle and deal with so much and still remain kind and I just wish sometimes you’d share all that weight off your shoulder simply because I love you so freaking much twinny.
We always talk about how natural Vivi and Rosa’s friendship developed, like it just happened as if it was always meant to be despite how unexpected the connection had been — and I think what we don’t mention is that just like them, our friendship is just the same, to me it was swift, natural, and before I knew it you had easily become one of the most important people to me and I couldn’t word how thankful I am that it did happen.  It’s not often that I find people I can connect with or relate to and yet despite how shy we both were the connection we have is very special, and I love how we went from that to being casually able to talk about so many things. I love you ray ray and I love how our friendship continues to grow. You say you relate to Rosa and it doesn’t surprise me, because you are one of the kindest sweetest people I know.
If I were to start speaking about how much I admire you and your OCs, I’d never shut up but I’m going to try anyway. I love how much like Akane, you are never afraid to speak the truth and stand up for what’s right, it’s very admirable tbh esp when you are very mature about it as well. It’s something I realized is quite rare to find, someone who can speak their mind without being all self entitled and it’s one of the many reasons I continue to develop huge respect for you. I’ve always loved how quickly our OCs bonded to form a sisterhood I never could have foreseen or expected and it remains one of my favorite relationships ever for Rosa but I also love how close we’ve become through the years too. You are one of the few I trust immensely and know I can count on, and I hope you can feel the same ♡ 
You always talk about how I and Rosa inspired you but how about I talk about my version of events instead, truth is when I first stumbled upon your blog I was in utter and complete awe. More often than not, when any devil fruit with mind reading abilities is given it ends up being beyond over powered but as soon as I read Sahar’s bio I could see all the development and thought put into it, all the flaws and strengths, and since then I’ve only ever watched you both grow. You were unbelievably sweet to me from the day you first joined the fandom and I can’t believe it’s only ever been a year with you around bc it’s a bit hard to remember what it even was like before you were here. You are so kind and funny and to hell with anyone who thinks you’re toxic bc I love you and I’m so lucky to have a friend like you ♡ 
I know your’re not really active roleplay wise anymore which is quite a shame because I do miss seeing you around, even if just in the Haikyuu fandom or with small one-liners and teasing crack, I loved the older brother sorta relationship both Law and Kuroo had with Rosa as they teased her and all — not to mention you, yourself remain one of the closest friends I’ve ever made on this site. We don’t talk as much as we used to and I guess it’s simply to say life got in the way but you remain one of the most understanding and least judgmental friends I’ve ever know. Always understanding what I’m trying to say, relating to my feelings without much needed explanation — I miss all our chats and hanging out together and forever love you, Kit Kat ♡  
Ellie Ellieee Elieeeeeeee ♡ Now I know we don’t talk much, well hardly at all outside of group chats but I’ve always been a believer that true friendship isn’t about how little or much you talk to someone, because reality remains every single time I’ve needed back up (for lack of better word) you have never failed to be there by my side and support me, even against all odds and that believing in me is something I appreciate beyond all words. Never doubt that I will always be there for you too, when all hell breaks loose or when you need a friend, I’ve got your back. I admire your creativity and I admire how devoted you are to said creations, with research and writing, and well, rambling aside, I love you a lot, you dork <3
Much like Ellie, we don’t talk as much as I’d like yet you, Kari, are honestly one of the most trust worthy friends I’m grateful to have — You are so geniune and kind and when we speak it’s so easy to tell how pure your intentions are and I can’t emphasize how much I adore that about you. Since we got closer you would always go out of your way to make me smile, and all I can say is thank you and I sure hope to someday be able to return that favor bc trust me you deserve all the smiles and happiness in the world.
Whether it’s late night ramblings or random chatting or whatever it is we find to talk about and whether we go days or months without speaking only to reconnect later again— there’s absolutely never a dull moment with you around and I can’t emphasize enough how much I love your randomness. Honestly, I’m not much of a speaker and I know that yet I’m always honored when you chose to come to me to talk about the most random of stuff, like it makes me unbelivably happy that you would choose that when there are probably many other better listeners out there but needless to say, your friendship is one I appreciate immensely and I can’t wait for the day I can proudly boast about how I had been one of the first blessed with snippets of your novel when it’s released and becomes a best seller, which it will. 
Ariel Bear ♡ ♡ I have always had a huge immense respect for you and initially I will admit that had mostly to do with your writing and how you portray your character with depth and gentleness but eventually and thankfully, I got to see a glimpse at the real person behind the muse and I got to be your friend and while I still adore and admire your writing, I also have huge respect for you. You are honestly so so so so unbelievably kind and understanding, no matter what is going on, you try to see both sides of the story and never invalidate anyone’s feelings. You have a sweet heart that never wants anyone to hurt or fight and I love that softness about you bc it’s quite rare to find. 
We were both such kids when we first met, I was still a teen back then and I would think roleplay blogs are those unreachable blogs who are too popular to speak to their followers but I took a chance and I spoke to you and you were the sweetest person ever, and you became my first tumblr friend ever too as well as my first rp partner and fast forward 4 years later and our friendship is still as strong. Honestly when I look at how far we’ve come, I can’t help but feel proud? not just for our bond but more specifically of you — you’ve come such a long way and just like you were the first to cheer me on, I will always cheer you on too, our little fighting champ, it’s so nice to see you back ♡ 
Just like Kayla, you were one of the very first friends I ever made, back when you had precious Ann and Lu? I was so thrilled that you would accept Rosa as a whitebeard pirate back then and agree to rp with me, you were so kind and supportive of me and my art and I was in awe of how you would draw out some of your replies. We don’t talk as much as we did back then but I still love you immensely and am glad to call you my friend because you’re so generous and adorable and I can never forget all you have done to support me all this time. 
Cherry Berry ♡ I think sweet is an understatement when speaking about you because honestly, I know you might not think it’s always a good thing but your caring heart is a true gift and that care you give everyone else, the way you hurt to see others hurt as well, you deserve as much care and love of it and tenfold tbh. I may not have much to say but I do tend to worry about you and how you’re doing so it makes me happy when you’re around and having fun, I love you and love seeing you around even if we dont necessarily interact; thank you for being here for me every now and then ♡ 
@blacklegchef / @strawhat-sanji 
Now I know you haven’t been around for a while and I know it’s hard for you to be on here much but no matter how long it takes, you and your muse will always be more than just welcome and adored here. You were there for me at times when I was at my lowest and are just unbelievably so gentle ands sweet — I suppose you’re much like your muse in that manner. It seems like a lifetime ago but I still recall how you and a few others’ writing here would push me to try so hard and improve my own and I miss all our interactions both ic and ooc but just like you always reminded me to take care of myself first, I hope you would do just that. Take care of yourself and remember there are people here who will always love you. 
The queen of fluff herself, ladies and gentlemen — now we all know how lovable Bride is but you Brit are honestly one of the most lovable people ever. I know how awkward and distance-ish I can be at times yet you’re always so patient and sweet and loving and it’s just downright adorable to listen to you talk and plot with you, it always gives me a good smile. You were honestly probably the first OC blog I ever interacted with and tbh before making Rosa, I went hunting for One Piece OCs to make sure any even existed on tumblr and I found yours and all the art of Bride, and I don’t think I ever mentioned it before but it gave me that final push I needed to go through with making my baby girl so thank you for that, and thank you for always being a squishable lovable sweetheart, skitty (yes I haven’t forgotten that this was my nickname for you)  ♡ ♡ 
I suppose you weren’t expecting this, because it’s probably been almost a year since we really spoke but truth is that doesn’t really change much for me or how I still tell people not to call me senpai because I like to think you’re still my kouhai — it’s so sweet to see you on again, like things are finally getting back to normal in the fandom and I know we have a lot of catching up to do but god I missed you, you dork and I missed your humor and your always ready to fight fiery personality. Sorry it took me a while to reach out again ♡
               ♥«´¨`•°.. ǀ ωιℓℓ нσℓ∂ уσυ cℓσѕєя, нσρє уσυя нєαят ιѕ ѕтяσηg єησυgн ..°•´¨`»♥       ( the friends / writers I appreciate, admire and respect regardless of how often we may speak )
@partinglass / @emeraldowl ♪ @shadcwhaunted ♪ @condemnedbysunset ♪ @returningrevolutionary ♪ @shatteredfang ♪ @not-a-rogue  ♪ @trafalgardwaterlami ♪ @conquiistador ♪ @kxyx-ojo-sxmx ♪ @cinderbled ♪ @dcflamingc ♪ @stxrlightkiss ♪ @unsurpassed ♪ @redeyetrio ♪ @waveringiridescence ♪ @themostfreedom ♪ @shipvvright  ♪ @heavenly-demon  ♪ @elusvepirate ♪ @flamingmarco ♪ @mediicusvitae ♪ @windsplit
               ♥«´¨`•°.. ǀ кησω уσυ ωєяє σηℓу нι∂ιηg αη∂ ǀ נυѕт ωαηηα ѕєє уα ..°•´¨`»♥        ( the followers whose presence / writing I enjoy or who have been a great support to me )
@bxttcrfly ♪ @ageless-gluttony ♪ @outjinxed ♪ @protettore ♪ @waniyarou ♪ @dokutadesu @boneavant ♪ @pxpeofjustxce ♪ @mxsicxm ♪ @blucdwarf ♪ @beastyhound ♪ @kaitouxx ♪ @itaidoshin ♪ @ask-the-three-eyes ♪ @gracephilosopher ♪ @moouda ♪ @1chijirexu ♪ @poisonxero ♪ @wittyneko ♪ @blood-batx ♪ @redcni ♪ @shibanomi ♪ @chillin-at-partys-bar ♪ @doxflamingo ♪ @cxrrot ♪ @cxmbrioleur
( I hope I didn’t forget anyone, but if someone isn’t mentioned, it’s likely bc of the following reasons a) I thought the blog was a duplicate of the same mun b) I thought the person was inactive and thus would never see this orz c ) I am dumb and forgetful and I’m very deeply sorry — Thank you all so much and have a nice day / night / afternoon )
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