#twink squad imagine
sixth-prince · 1 month
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moon-mage · 1 month
N2 Squad Slasher/Thriller/Horror Fic Stuff
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I am just embodying cringe today but I woke up feeling crap so this makes me feel better. ANYWAY!!! I was thinking about the N2 squad (aka Leona x Vil x Jamil) slasher fic this morning and the song "The Tide is High" (Originally by Blondie but I always preferred the Atomic Kitten version) and I was like OH MY GOD what if that was the theme song of this fic is just a darker/thriller version of that song. So that was just on my mind as I doodled this up. (Come on y'all...'Im gonna be your number one' like how could I not)
As far as plot, i'm leaning more of the idea it's intentional and that maybe whoever is getting them is really just trying to get to Neige/Falena. Maybe even if these peeps did their research they know how 'close' Jamil is to Kalim and want something from the Al-Asims. It's not set in stone but i like this idea.
But no matter what it's totes gonna be a slasher set up in a remote forest, psychological horror and being hunted like animals by crazy people and fun things like that. Sigh. I literally said "I WANT THESE TWINKS OBLITERATED" to me.
As for the doodles, just some ideas that I got but nothing truly set in stone. Vil on his final girl mode having to basically improvise and survive out here while constantly being underestimated. Leona getting seriously injured. I want him to have a serious injury in this but im not sure what yet...but imagine they were petty enough to try to go for his OTHER eye. Little did they know, they should have went for Jamil's eyes lol. Jamil gonna assassin ninja these mofos and become THEIR nightmare. It's really going to be fun writing for Jamil's inner turmoil for this holy cow. UGH THIS IS GONNA BE SO FUN TO WRITE.
Uh...yeah enjoy my spitballing because im gonna start writing for this soon. I HOPE to maybe have it done by Halloween. Wouldn't that be dope?
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pinkfoxsodas · 11 months
Apprentice Adam au is cool, but what about a rogue Adam au? Where he somehow escapes not by anybody from the Jigsaw squad, either on his own or outside help and the experience really changed his life but not the way Jigsaw intended. I mean John asked Adam if he was going to take charge of his life, well he took his advice and is now disrupting and sabotaging his games. At first they’re like, “Okay he’s just being a nuisance” and he’s so hard to find these days. It’s until he somehow was able to expose Hoffman earlier on, got one of their latest hideouts swatted (they barley escaped) and pretty sure he was the driver who cut them off during traffic.
John is then forced to use Lawrence to try and seduce Adam (he sensed the tension between in the bathroom). It seems to work at first, but Adam already knew Lawrence was in League with Jigsaw and was just playing him from the start. As Adam’s exposing Jigsaw’s latest location, he mentions how hot Lawrence would look in orange.
I just wrote this out of fun. I can just imagine John’s face as he thinks, “How the f**** did my life’s work get wrecked by this insignificant twink?”
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bug66 · 6 months
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Full vesper lineup that I super gave up on u_u I’ll finish it one day…
Some Design Notes under the cut
I did these before really looking at the SVT data log. I do what I want no one tells knuckles which way is north
I need to make Rusty’s hair less orange but I fucked around too much with the colours and I have no idea how to fix it anymore
Everyone is tired and has been fucked up from previous sorties. Except for Snail because he's on so much augment juice.
I need to properly design their body glove suits but they’d be made of a surprisingly thick material- probably made of some crazy patent material that’s protective and can store and purge heat well so it can be worn in all climates.
Since they looked kinda naked with just the skin suit on I liked the idea that they can put a jacket or coveralls over it when not piloting. So all those regulars don’t have to be looking at their caked or cakeless squad leader
Freud- Has the JD Denton sunglasses because my bf just imagined Freud looking like him.
Snail’s getting his own post. Snail containment, but also I draw him as a middle aged man who looks like a 30 year old twink because that’s funny.
O’Keeffe crumpled and old. I also draw him as a trans man but I’m not brave enough to post old man coochie yet…
For Rusty, I originally focused his scarring around the mouth to fit with the muzzled wolf thing, with him using an oxygen mask while piloting as well.
Hawkins dilf. That’s it.
Maeterlinck shaved head because I’m no coward
Swinburne should be giving Patches but I couldn’t make him bald… bro looked like an adult baby…
Pater small. Normal lad :)
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syncopein3d · 6 months
Pain that can only be relieved by touch, pressure, weight. I don't mean sexually. I never mean that with whump, in fact. I mean, imagine a whumpee who has been worked so hard that every muscle is agony if they even think about moving. Massage is painful at first, but as the muscles warm and loosen the pain starts to gradually ease. Now they're desperate for it not to stop, where when it started they were gritting their teeth and stifling noises of pain.
Consider a space marine from Warhammer 40k's Deathwatch. (I know a lot of y'all whump friends prefer twinks to these inhuman genefreak monsters that I love, but imagine the marines as all drawn by the great Vezimira if that makes you see the vision.) The only way you can canonically get veterans from radically different chapters to work together seamlessly is to drive them to the point of collapse.
Space marines do not tire out easily, so we're talking days to weeks of training in armor without a pause, living off the recycling systems. By the time they're finally allowed to pause they practically have to carry each other back to quarters. A Salamander might have to literally carry an Ultramarine (Guilliman is a less physical guy as Primarchs go) or an OG Blood Angel (depending on where they are in their Red Thirst progression; they probably can't stop and slurp down a Serf Capri Sun during DW training). A Templar helps haul a literally unconscious Blackshield who's some kind of comparatively smaller purple-eyed albino from who knows what ancient chapter. He hates that, hates this weakness, but he will not shame his own chapter by letting the squad fail.
So at some point all of that is over, the tech-priests have taken the armor away to be serviced, and everyone has been slapped back to consciousness and been given a good talking to by the Templar veteran and a more surreptitious word of encouragement by the old Salamander. They all stumble through scrubbing down with scouring powder in the showers, and the Salamander, every scar of achievement twinging, can finally flop facedown onto the slab in his quarters. Maybe his branding priest or priestess is there, a trusted grandchild of a niece or nephew twice removed, not the first of his extended family to perform the office and already growing old in his service. He can hear them bustling around murmuring orders to the serfs. When the first pour of hot oil hits his back a heavy muscle twitches, startling the younger ones, but with a little encouragement they roll up their sleeves and dive in. Massaging ceremonial oil into an Astartes is no easy task, but now it is made easier by the limp exhaustion of the Son of Vulkan's muscles. At first they can see sinews pop out in his jaw and temple against the pain, because they've never had an unkind word from Milord the Astartes, and he's not about to start now. But as they go along his face slowly relaxes. The middle back between the shoulders proves a bit stubborn, and at a nod from the elderly branding priest, a bigger and younger serf climbs up to kneel on the Salamander's back so he can pound on it with his two fists bunched together. They all see the sigh of relief from the triple lungs, raising and lowering the young man in place.
On his night-black skin with its network of little red cracks, the older of the whorls of paler scarring are hard to read, faded with time. They'll have to be renewed one of these days, while the priest remembers what they were. But for now the space marine is at rest, breathing easier as a dozen little weights knead at his sore body.
The ones who serve the Templar veteran are probably going to need mallets, and if he thinks any one of them is trying to spare him he'll bat them across the room. They'll die, or they'll learn. The Blood Angel's serfs are pale and listless, and at least one definitely won't survive the night, but at least he'll be unfailingly gentle and courteous with the survivors. The son of Guilliman's serfs run like a well-oiled machine. He might mumble a mild reprimand if he notices anything isn't precisely according to routine, but he's not a harsh man, only a very meticulous one.
The Blackshield has no one who is particularly his servant. They serve the Deathwatch. They handle him carefully enough, aware of how temperamental some Astartes are, but not with any affection or reverence. He wouldn't be a Blackshield, chapterless, brotherless, if he was not dishonored in some way. In the end, there will be a pile of serfs sleeping on rugs around the base of the Salamander's slab. The Blackshield will be alone.
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wordy-little-witch · 27 days
Imagine how fuckin hilarious it would be if Virgil was overprotective of Jericho.
Not like, in the sense of a demon and its host type of way - though he definitely claims it's just that - but in a kinda-sorta-maybe-pining-maybe-platonic type of deal. Like, Jericho coming out casually as agender and Virgil is WATCHING HEAVILY the whole time, sideying everyone in a hundred foot radius for so much as a twitch wrong. When Jericho gets a little more friendly, he's mildly jealous but also staring bc yeah ofc nobody is good enough for his host but if this bozo Hurts Him-
It's even worse when Jericho begins acquiring a crush. Personally, I think it's funniest to have Jericho crushing on Marius, especially given recent events where Mari point blank says he's gotten really fond of Virgil. Jericho is pining, Marius thinks Virgil could be a good ally/friend, and Virgil is on the OPPOSITE PAGE, PAL but he can't do anything to hurt this blond buffoon bc it would make his host upset.
Bonus points, Lethica very quickly picks up what's going on and is absolutely THRIVING on the drama.
Polycules can absolutely be a moon worshipping woman and her former sun worshipping blond knight, the knight's scarecrow bard boyfriend, and the bard's demonic soul roommate who may or may not be involved and refuses to answer when asked.
Briggsy is off to the side like "damn, these guys are fruity. I should text my boyfriend about this."
((Bonus, if Farryn and Yorgrim are still around, she and Virgil found the Jericho Protection Squad, which results in hog fuckin wild hijinks and later includes Adella. Yorgrim meanwhile may or may not ALSO catch some mild feelings across the party, but regardless of that, he definitely loves Jericho in some flavor - up for interpretation there. Romantic, platonic, familial - doesn't matter, this orc adores this anxious little twink. They all get matching shirts for the protection squad, but Yorgrims's fits like a torn crop top á la Gideon's Cake Chad shirt))
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chaifootsteps · 1 year
Imagine if in this AU where they don't pretend Stolas is a good person, they do finally have a dramatic battle with Stolas, Blitzo burns the grimoire (or pretends to, but really hides it somewhere so Via can pick up Stolas' duties after he's gone) to make sure Stolas can't use his strongest spells against them, and as a sign that he's done being Stolas' imp prostitute.
Stolas agrees, and decides Blitzo will just be his imp slave instead, overwhelms the squad because he's still fucking op compared to hell's lowest cast, and while he's describing all the weird censored shit he's gonna make Blitz do, Striker gets his ass with that angelic sniper rifle he showed back in the Harvest Moon episode, annoyed, confused, and quietly concerned they didn't just call him to deal with this.
It's a little cliché, especially the cast trying to fight him head on and killing him during a monologue, but dammit, I need this annoying owl twink to get his head blown off realizing his blitzy will never love him because of a semi-friendly interaction once when they were kids.
Cliche my ass, I want them to have an insane final battle with Stolas's one winged angel demon form that we saw in Truth Seekers. I want a callback to Stolas's depraved played for laughs rants about what he wants to do to Blitz, but appearing as the monster he's always been, and for it to be the last thing he ever does.
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cerosin-bis · 6 months
Do you ship Bale with anyone? I do think him and Nikto are cute, but Bale deserves someone better to me. I'm just wishing the best for Bale, honestly 🙏. (But also, I do think he's picky on who he dates, plus he's shy :))
Not specifically. He definitely deserves better than Nikto 😭 But like he's been through so much I think he'd be content with a "teammates with benefits" situation I imagine him to have occasionnally with Nikto or Rodion (or, not and). and like @modernghostfare once said but I can't find the post, "Bale deserves to get topped by this tall twink" (rodion) (rodion's not a twink but the other 3 in his squads are all absolute beefcakes so he looks like one.)
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scarlet--wiccan · 1 year
I think women can do anything they want, I'm just saying I have a really, really hard time imagining Wanda dating some demon twink that used to run with her gay son's high school dropout squad
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whumpster-fire · 2 years
I've just started Golem's Eye.
Oh my god I forgot that Nathaniel sent a couple of foliots to infiltrate the Resistance. I cannot stop laughing imagining these spirits walking around London like:
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Also: tearing up a tiny bit at Bartimaeus trying to do the stiff upper lip officer thing with his squad of low-level djinn, at least one of whom had never been in battle before. And giggling madly at (a) Patterknife roasting him, (b) Queezle "helping," and (c) Bartimaeus having the audacity to speculate Patterknife's choice of form (i.e. Roman twink with a scythe) being a result of a "twisted sense of humor" while running around as a weedy Egyptian preteen.
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snarkylinda · 2 years
No but imagine how the squad felt after Revelations- no I don't mean it on the more raw emotional "our youngest went through hell for like 2 days and almost die while we watched" trauma but rather on the more professional sense- think about it Spencer was tipping them and when they finally found him he got rid of his own torturer so like.....Bro I would just retire, the stoned Twink saved himself, what the fuck is left for me to do.
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arsenalgbt · 1 year
can i ask you your top 5 arsenal ship? 👀
(love your blog and works btw!)
it's so long grab a snack~
1.a. Aaron/Martin like, sorry I coined 'martindale' you saw it you heard it here on my tumblr FIRST. writing martindale? will be there. reading martindale? I will be there. screaming crying at their interactions caught in 4k? will be there. discussing with my fellow martindale believers? I'm in.
blame everything on Aaron mucking about Martin being the el parchio of the squad and my gunnerinnas' tags whenever Aaron says sth about Martin.
and how we all are a bit 👁👄👁 about our captain's behaviour around men 😋😋😋
1.b. Benjamin/Willo. anon I can write an essay........... but long story short, it's cuz they're such opposites!!!! visual wise and personality wise they're sooo chef's kiss.
this ship is just so VIVID in my fucking mind. older, kinda bitchy, secretly funny, definitely slutty, very cool benjamin/scary, menacing aura but looks about 5 y/o when smiling, actually younger, hilarious willo? obsessed!!! 🥰🥰🥰
(also I'll just say it again with my whole chest; I hailed willo as a babie way way before gunnerinnas began gushing about him. it was me and the thirsty twitter men. I did it. I love that now my gunnerinnas have come out supporting the babieliba agenda!!)
2. sakanelli 😭😭😭 ik I'm not too vocal about them but I rly rly rly like them, they're so precious to me hence they're second on my list. two starboys?????? imagine such iconic power couple, giggling, cuddling, nelli improving his English picking up Londoner accent because of his bestie B???---except I can and will only write G rated fics about them. sometimes soon, I hope. I remember one of my moots' tags, something along these lines; "it's so important to me that they both actually like each other" under a sakanelli post AND TRUST ME. oh the possibility. oh the 'started from the bottom now we're here' trope. they're my babies. I read a sakanelli fic on ao3 but it was so sad 😭
3. reiss/either Aaron or Jorginho....... I know. I KNOW IM SO QUIRKYYY CRIES. listen; aaron/reiss size difference? DELISH. jorginho/reiss being opposites (infuriating old man/calm, confused boy toy) PLUS reiss' babygirlism from one (1) video
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literally I haven't stopped recycling this gif as my motivation to continue writing sugar daddy jorgi/confused reiss lol
tldr; it's reiss' face tbfh. he's so pretty... like... i CAN'T let such a pretty face go to waste (not writing fics about him lol).
fuck I think that's it?? cuz I like these three equally:
xhakarteta; BUT eye think eye am just a reader. it's so hard to get their characterisations right (for the standard I set for myself lol). thus, I'm afraid/lazy to get my hands on writing actual plot for them 🫡
Aaron/benjamin; again, amazing, time proven, OG friends to lovers trope, etc etc but I'm just a reader for them I guess!!!?????? same excuse with my view regarding xhakarteta. them fics I read??? LOVE THEM. Aaron is soooooooooo whipped, so golden retriever coded. spoiler alert; I'm writing an Aaron/Benjamin/Martin threesome as we speak :O
ZINNY/GABBY OH GOSH!! Zinny is clearly so into gabby but gabby is this sexy workaholic who is never aware of the attention he gets from men (multiple). iktr.
honorary mention, I used to and still have a soft spot for giroud/ramsey. like... goddamn rambo was thirsty... and granit/ramsey as well ngl... OH ALSO; nelli/fabio lmaooo gawd these twinks...
PSA; in my hc, Aaron Ramsdale had a crush on Leno 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 OKAY NOW TELL ME YOURS! thank you for reading thanks for liking my works!!!!
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mk-the-tooka · 2 years
Okay...so hey, I rarely posted anything on tumblr but I just have to share some of my insanity because the latest episode of TBB had been on my mind all weekend and I just can't stop thinking about Crosshair (im so worried for this twink of a man).
(But seriously though any of you should probably already watched this episode, it's just too good to not get spoiled by some random post on tumblr...)
I must confessed, I made a private playlist dedicated to this man's miserable, horrible life to remind myself that he is indeed...miserable (what can I say? I like it when my favorite characters suffer).
And after shifting through songs that might fit his character I came across Muse's song "Hoodoo" AND I GASPED. This song's somber atmosphere just fits Crosshair's tragedy and the overall Western themed instrumentals is just the cherry on top. Like...come on!
Being the obsessed Crosshair simp that I am, I immediately associated this song with his freaking arc in this second season every time I listened to it. I mean...just look at some parts of the lyrics...
"Build a new reality
Draw another picture
Of the life you could have had
Follow your instincts
And choose the other path"
- Crosshair's inner self telling himself to switch sides??? Specifically when he finally came to the realization that the Empire is treating him like shit. Probably wayyyy before that when he had some conflicting thoughts working under the Empire, especially when he discovered that Commander Cody went AWOL. He's now wishing he could've instead joined his old squad back on Kamino...
"Come to be
How did it come to be
Tied to a railroad
No love to set us free"
- Crosshair is realizing that it's far too late for him to properly redeem himself. He feels trapped and hopeless after failing to save Mayday and I imagined he is welcoming death with open arms after shooting lieutenant asshole as his first and last act of rebellion. With his last thoughts being that his fate ended on that ice planet with only death to set him free.
"And I've had recurring nightmares
That I was loved for who I am
And missed the opportunity
To be a better man"
- ughhhh this last part!! It resonates with Crosshair's tragic end to his Imperial arc as he look up on the Ice Vulture circling in the sky above... Thinking back to his old squad before blacking out.
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But as we all know...his suffering doesn't end there. I just hoped he survives by the end of this season, his arc is too good for the writers to just kill him off. 🥺
(I'm probably reading wayyy into the lyrics of a Muse song. But what can I say? I'm obsessed with this man)
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thewriterowl · 2 years
I've been thinking about the fans who started shipping Luke with Din before the Season 2 finale, maybe even as early as Season 1, when Din wasn't looking for a Jedi for Grogu, and some fans were literally like, "Oh, how nice it would be if he met Luca, they really suit each other", "he is looking for a Jedi, it should be Luke, he is the strongest and best of the remaining Jedi", and imagine their thirst for the meeting of these heroes and HERE, twink just arrives and starts turning into fragments to the epic music those who recently tried to turn a potential husband Luke into a disabled person and Luke like a mad father and the husband comes to deal with the offenders of his family and then vulgarly removes the hood and I think the fans of their couple just lost their hearts at that moment lol)))
It just made sense from the start! Like they were just perfect puzzle pieces for sure.
And then he shows up and we go FERAL. Absolutely feral. Because they just make so much sense. They fit together so perfectly. Luke just coming in destroying the entire fleet of Dark-Troopers and making Gideon piss his pants, have Grogu (who seemed to "reject", in a sense, Ahsoka) reach for him through the video feed, who made the whole murder squad just gape in awe, and flips his hood back all nonchalant about how pretty he looks...it just makes SENSE
Ugh I love dinluke so, so much
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halt-kun · 1 year
Hunter x Hunter Chapter 202 - Duel
Okay let’s keep them coming, another one !
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I love them so much
look at them, still sporting 2000s fashion
Leorio dresses like my dad did when I was a kid
4 cuties
hug them all
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Netero really loves to tease people
he’s still very strong I bet, maybe a bit out of shape at this point in time but strength isn’t just raw muscle and aura
I wonder if aura weakens when you get older, after all it’s “life energy” it should wane
But there is also a mental part to it and old people usually are still improving on that front until it wanes
I would like to know how this relate to nen
Of course Netero’s muscle are weaker but in martial arts, experienced people are scary, I have firsthand experience when I was doing aïkido, one of the guy there was in his 60s and had done a lot of fighting sports like boxing and several martial arts. He was always efficient and knew how his body worked well and never used too much strength or too little. He felt in control all the time
ANYWAY next page
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really terrifying how it dwarves the ant nest
I know it’s referred as an amoeba later on and yep, Pitou’s En looks like it keeps changing and getting distracted or focused on something different, very cat like of them.
It’s also the biggest En we’ve seen up until now, Zeno was 300 meters at his best but he can’t hold it for long. Pitou’s using their En all the time
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GOOO Knov with your weirdo spatial hole
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I like that Knov has basically smuggled a giant pipe across a border, he is definitely the nightmare of border control
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Lil’ bunnies !
I love bunnies (see previous chapter)
Smoke bunnies
no brain only lil bunnies
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my serotonin is just in every part of my brain
Kittens would be the only way to make it even worse
sound would be needed though
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Pitou is definitely a vibe
like best catgirlboythingy ever
actually acts like a cat too and not just a sexy delusion of a cat
like scary playful cat
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the villain, the actual villain
I love him too but he’s a piece of shit too
it seems like he reads mind but he doesn’t
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look at him !
fabulous, perfect in every way
you just need to look at his shirt to know he’s queer
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how many days have passed ? Only one ?
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as always
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Thanks Biscuit, but Palm nearly killed you right there right now (as if she could ever do that)
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she’s terrifying
but right, what they need most currently isn’t just theoretical strength but battle experience
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Well they found him even without directions
PUPPY BOI vs tired boys
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Perfectly understandable, imagine someone telling you, you’re going to fight people
and two 13 yo appears completely void of any energy, damp from sweat
well end of the chapter
it was a pretty nice set up chapter on the two fronts
for Netero’s squad and the royal guards and the training of Gon and Killua
I’ll definitely do one last chapter liveblog but it’ll be later today
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roy-dcm2 · 2 years
Speculation - "No More Screaming Muscle Men."
I'll try to keep this short. This is pure speculation on my part, but I imagine that Akira Toriyama might have been a little sick and tired of Dragon Ball Z. What is the stereotype of DBZ - big dudes with big hair, screaming out all their attacks. I imagine he didn't want to do that again for a long time
Look at his first major manga after the end of Dragonball Z. Sandland a kid and two old men, fighting demons.
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Now consider every major character that's been added to Dragon Ball Super ever since the anime came back?
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A skinny cat. An effeminate twink. And Goku's first new transformation is to get Skinnier.
Honestly, it's better for the brand. Only the regular Z-Squad fit the old mold of "screaming, muscle men." Even the saiyans from Universe 6 are remarkably skinny.
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(New Broly doesn't count because he's grandfathered in.)
And who's the last opponent in the Tournament of Power.
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Jiren is big, but doesn't talk much, and has no hair.
Also consider everyone else in the Tournament of Power - Werewolves, Aliens, Robots, Superheroes, Magical Girls, etc. Like I said it's better for the brand.
And that's it. It's not really a theory, it's just something I notice. Granola looks like an old fashioned DBZ character, thou.
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