#twilight tarot
hibbeln · 2 months
The Moon 🌕
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I was kind of avoiding doing this one, because I don't know how to draw animals… maybe u already noticed. But I couldn't put it off any longer, so I got up the courage and did it, I hope it's not so bad.
I know I said I didn't want to repeat characters, but let's just pretend Wolfie and Twi aren't the same person ;)
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applesartt · 1 year
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witchtrix · 1 month
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tarot commission i finished for @redplaidtrenchcoat ! This is her Twilight Cleric, Mila! I haven't done an intricate painting in a while and I LOVE her color scheme, so this was fun to do! Thank you again for commissioning me! ☆ platforms & info: https://witchtrix.carrd.co/ ☆
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shinystarfishmoon · 1 year
Relationships dynamic with your fs|Pick A Card
Hi everyone welcome back to my new pac. This pac is about your relationship dynamic between you and your fs . Here fs can mean you future spouse or soulmate whatever you believe in. This reading is a general reading take what resonates and live what doesn't 💗. Also it took me ages to do this reading i would really appreciate
If you like the reading please follow and reblog 💗 also if you liked check out my paid reading
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The plies are from left to right 👉🐥
Plie 1
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Hello plie 1 welcome to your reading love 💗
Cards: ace of coins,ace of swords,ace of cups,magician, strength, king of Wands, sun ☀️.
it may seem like I am just using positive cards but I swear I am not this are the cards that you got lots of 111 , 1111 ,2112 if you are seeing this could a sign. Look up for their meanings on internate. Lets get started with your reading so a lot of aces . I don't think you have met your fs yet this is someone new 🐥. This relationship will be a new beginning for many things lots of opportunities . You both will be each others strength... Like if one person will feel down the other person will try their level best to make sure to make you smile. I am hearing action speak more than words. Some of you may in past have struggled with a person who made a lot of promises with but never showed any actions to fulfill their promises I think this person would not be like that they are going to show with their action that they are truly into you that they want you in their life and you are going to do the same for them. You both together will create a lot of things which bring opportunities like starting a buisness etc or helping you may even work with this person ( this is for some of you would) . Every down to Earth couple.Even if you achieve great heights you will remind each other where you come from and what all you have achived. Help each other stay true to them self and not let the success get in the head. Very emotionally available couple. A every secure couple. No pitty fights . You both will have a deep understanding about each other. Best friends to lover kind of situation. Where you know each other so well that you could tell just by looking at their face what other person is thinking ( this is just a example of the bonds you guys will share) . A optimistic couple always seeing something good in every situation. Great at communicating your feelings with each other . I am getting 18 + messages I would not going to it as there might be some minors reading this but you guys will have lots of fun together🫣.
This song came to my mind
Plie 2 🌹
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Hello plie 2 welcome to your reading
Cards: 3 of swords, 5 of wands, 4 of coins, hanged man ( reverse) ace of swords,8 of swords, Queen of coins,the star, 3of cups
Let's get into your reading
before meeting each other either on of you or both of you may go through a heart break ( this doesn't always have to be about relationship, though it can be but it can also represent a heart break because life Just happens sometimes) . Or it can be Just that for both of you life was not particularly easy and you never got time to look after your heart and its hurts. Because of this even after having so many things you may feel stagnant. But this relationship will be the medicine to cuts that were made in the process. healing each other is a big thing in this relationship. Knowing that you both are not perfect but ready to fight to become a better person for them and vice versa. This relationship will be a new beginning to see your life and yourself in a new light. This relationship will make you try to do your level best and improve your life for each other. It will force you both to get out of your comfort zone . Doing all this self reflection and being each others support. You both may start out as friends and gradually fall in love. They couples who everyone ships. Your friends may be also really supportive of this relationship. I also think that you guys may be different in so many ways but also very similar ( this are intuitive message I am getting not from cards).
( this Hindi song was in my mind the whole time during the relationship)
Plie 3 💗
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Hello plie 3 welcome to your reading
Cards : 3 of swords,5 of swords ,6 of swords king of coins ,page of cups ,6 of coins ,the moon
Hello there how you have been doing . Before we get in to the dynamic of you and your fs i would there are some cards that indicate a heart break and a betrayal this could be someting you or your fs may have expirenced in the past or good be a situation that you are currently in where you feel betrayed and heart broken because of someone or something and it may feel like you have broken into pieces. Which may have led you to self doubt ,I truly dont think that you are in this situation currently right now. Beacuse of the 6 of swords i think that you or your fs have moved on from what happended even though it was hard but you left what happended in the past and moved on. I really dont this heart break creating a problem in the relationship its all in the past and you or the fs may want it to stay that way . Now lets get into the relationship dynamic I see both of you may be coming from money or one of you may come from a lot of money . Old money vibes here . This could be that you have build something that like a business or opportunity that brings you in a lot of money and that's why you are a rich person I see you when you get into the relationship I do not see you struggling with money. A couple that is very generous espcialy with money . Doing Charity work feeding the homeless feeding the children's that are unfortunate opening NGO or opening and orphanage is the kind of couple that I see you both being. A very emotionally available kind of couple there is never going to be a situation where anybody in this relationship would feel like oh I am not being validated enough for I am not being appreciated enough I do not think this would ever happened in this relationship also I see you being a very happy couple a very in love couple I think what makes you relationship very from other relationships is that you don't know that nobody can be perfect and that your partner wool also have faults and they would also have in perfection but your ok with it I think you are in kind of in love with their imperfections. Also with the moon card i think for now there are some things that need to be under cover right now . I also sense that plie 3 is reading a lot of tarot reading about love girll give it a rest 🤣 (lol). Thats your reading see you next time
Songs :
Plie 4
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Cards : knight of coins, two to of coins, ace of cups justice the world tow of wands ,the hangedman
Hello plie 4 welcome to your reading, hope you guys are doing amazing 🤩.lets get into your reading . Couple how understand what going with the flow means. How to sperate their hobbies and interests and taking out time for doing something that does not necessarily makes money but makes them happy. couple that you see going to yoga classes or gym together because they just enjoy doing it. A couple who is very open with each other. You guys have Harmony in the relationship. You know they feeling when a person just simply gets you and you don't have to pretend to be your best self all the time . This is the type of couple you could be. I am hearing" You are very things I need". A lot of words of affirmation. balancing each other out. You guys together share same values . A couple who believes in fairness, grounded very humble and kind. You may meet them when you may just be starting something new. This is the relationship that may trun not something serious preety soon. This relationship would be very strong.Very grounded , very secure not very easy to make insecure even if people try they will not be able to .you guys may also meet while travelling. This is all I have for you . I am really sorry this is very short but I didnt get many messages,hope you understand 🐥
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cerame · 2 years
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So I drew a major arcana deck based on LU.
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
I’ve heard some interest in buying this deck from a few people, so I’d like to get a quick count of who’s interested. If enough people want it, I’ll go set something up and figure stuff out from there.
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gorepup · 3 months
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6 of wands
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madamlalalulu · 6 months
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ophi-chus · 2 years
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✩✩ My tarot card for the Seeker Saga Tarot ✩✩
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Mood board! Oc: Shady "Midas" Viper!
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Thank you @thatonesillyducko for the idea!
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zurgles · 3 months
Tarot Decks I Own (as of June 2024)
I got most of these (after the RWS) when I last quit smoking a couple years ago (think I made it five years) as a deal with myself - I could spend my cigarette budget on indie tarot decks. I started up again but it was a good incentive at the time.
I have also traded and given decks away so there are more that I’ve had and lost, but this is my current collection of 27 tarot decks (I’ll make a separate post for oracle and misc decks). I also tried to get these in a way that corresponded to the majors order to help limit my spending but it got pretty neurotic with swapping out deck positions and stuff so I’ve stopped worrying about that as much. It kinda helps me remember my collection though.
I put in parentheses the year I got them in, more or less. I added pictures and I'll update with links to other posts if I ever do deck reviews.
1. Shadowscapes (June 2014)
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2. Universal Waite (2016-17?)
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3. Numinous Tarot (Sept 2018)
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4. Britt's Third Eye Tarot (Oct 2018)
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5. Sakki-Sakki Tarot (Nov 2018)
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6. Ophidia Rosa (~2020, trade)
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7. Cosmic Tarot (2019, trade, trimmed)
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8. Next World Tarot (Dec 2018)
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9. Persephone Tarot (Dec 2018)
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10. Fantastic Menagerie, 2020 reprint (2021)
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11. Naturescapes Tarot (2020)
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12. Thoth Tarot (May 2019, trimmed, rebacked)
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13. Tarot of the Sweet Twilight (June 2019)
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14. Spirit Keeper's Tarot, Vitruvian edition (June 2019)
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15. Halloween Tarot (July 2019)
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16. Medieval Scapini Tarot (July 2019) (bday gift - partner)
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17. Tyldwick Tarot, first edition (August 2019)
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18. Deviant Moon Tarot borderless (Nov 2022)
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19. Golden Tarot of Klimt (Sept 2019)
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20. Cult of Tarot (participated, gift from forum creator ❤️)(2020)
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21. Tabula Mundi - Manus perfectus (2020)
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22. Tarot of Magical Correspondences (2020)
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23. Baba Studios Fairytale Tarot (Sept 2019, trade) (no guidebook)
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24. Dust ii Onyx travel edition (June 2020)
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25. Mine (doodlebob tarot) (March 2019)
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26. Spirit Keeper’s Tarot, Revelations edition (2021, unopened)
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27. Fantastic Medical Tarot (majors only deck, gift)
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lavender-at-heart · 1 month
If you are interested in:
• greek mythology
• Lana del rey
• music/fashion/everything from the 1920s-1980s
------> old movies from those decades
• Elvis Presely
• Marvel, X-men
• Star Wars
• Phantom of the Opera
• Lord of the Rings
• George Harrison
• witchcraft
• tarot
• hinduism
• spirituality
• Visual art
• horror movies (the shining, IT, The conjuring)
• poetry and writing
Please be my friend lol 🙏
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hibbeln · 5 months
Strength 💪🐐
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Sorry for the delay, this drawing put me in a art block, partly because I'm not good at drawing animals
But now I have time (a little, but it works) and motivated!
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minttulips44 · 1 year
how did u get bitten by a vampire!!
a fun, hypothetical, miscellaneous pick a pile
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pile un -•-•-> pile deux -•-•-> pile trois
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pile un ♱
you are out with your friends, having fun, possibly at the club - but either way it’s a night where you’re dancing, taking pictures, and drinking. omg okay, im getting that one of your friends bites you. a female friend specifically. if u identify as a lesbean, this is a girl u have romantic chemistry with, but who is mostly ur friend atm. and up until this point, you probably don’t even know she’s a vampyre! I’m getting that you and your friends are out on vacation, you get like a hotel or air bnb together, and one night you’re out partying, the next morning u wake up a full vamp. I’m also getting very strongly that you’ll see yourself in the mirror the next morning looking COMPLETELY different. like your appearance, but the seggsyy-ness meter turned up by 444%!! Like you will look so BOMB, your body specifically will look very bangin, and ur hair will have grown overnight, gotten more fuller, and shinier. You will barely recognize yourself in the mirror!!
pile deux ♡
out on a date!! you already knew he/they are a vampyre, but that’s what draws you to them. and they are crazy about you too, and very romantic and somewhat traditional. I’m getting this will be around the holidays, specifically Christmas - when it’s cold, snowing, and everyone is bundled up in scarves and mittens, etc. this date will be very sweet, this person has money and takes you to expensive shops for holiday treats like Tiffany’s and pastry & chocolate shops. You two will definitely be outside enjoying the night air. At the end of night, you meet one of this persons family members like a sister or something, and when you two are alone, you ask her to turn you, in which she does. At first your lover is shocked and like irritated with this happening behind their back, but deep down they’re glad you are a vampyre, after all it looks so cute on you 🥺 awww
pile trois ◌
at school!!! Omg!! im sensing that you go to a very prestigious type of university, like an Ivy League school, or maybe you study something like Law, Psychology, or Criminal Justice. you get turned at dawn. it’s SUPER early in the morning, there’s birds chirping outside, the sun has barely made an appearance yet, and you need to get ready for class. you get ready for class as normal, looking hot as always, and you leave your house/dorm with like an orange juice or ur favorite breakfast drink, and start heading to campus (walking). and ironically at this time, your neck isn’t even exposed. it’s quiet and peaceful as you’re walking, and enjoying ur breakfast drink, but little do u know there’s someone else in the bushes looking for their own breakfast drink. hastily, they seize you quickly, drinking from you, and as they begin to finish, something in them is like « aw, f it. » and they bite themselves, giving some of their own fluid to u. a few moments later, u wake up alone, and confused on the grass, and quickly realize ur going to be late to class! once you’re in class, you can’t stop itching and touching ur neck, but u don’t know what it is. u try to pay attention in class as you’re skin smoothes itself all over, every wrinkle disappearing, any ache that had ever been in your body nonexistent, and what feels…..like a toothache? right in your canines.
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thanks a bunch for reading! I sincerely hope u enjoyed. :)
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cherrytarot · 1 year
What Twilight Dynamic represents you and “____”
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hello! this is my first game 🙈! for this game i’ll give you a dynamic from the twilight series that represents you and whoever of your choosing.
•reblog this post
•follow me
•give feedback
•send an ask with your name, sun sign, trait about yourself and other perosn
•you can request up to three but send separate asks
example of an ask: “hello! here for the game. emily, gemini, im romantic and my best friend is courageous”
example of an answer: you and your best friend are edward and bella
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shinystarfishmoon · 1 year
letter to you by your heigher self
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Hi everyone welcome back to my new pac💗
I initially thought of making this about your grey side but thought my reading lately were getting too much into improving yourself and grey side.. I mean what about self love?so here We are ☺️
Also I am posting this pac Just 2 days before my College stats.. so it will take a while for other pac to come 😶‍🌫️
You can choose from the above animation of Jennie left to right . Take deep breaths and choose the plie.. ✨✨
if you like this reading follow and reblog for more such reading 💗
Non of this animation are mine . I found them on printrest
Plie 1
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Welcome to your reading plie no 1 🐥
Cards: queen of coins, the fool, 5 of cups, 8of wands ,king of Wands , the world ,4 of cups
Letter 💌
Hi sweetheart
I am your heigher self talking to you,.. I have so much to say but will start with compliments that I want to give you ... My dear your are such a good leader, it's admirable how you are really good at not only seeing how things benefits you but also considering about how they can benefit others . Your Practical approach towards the goals you have for future is admirable. But you need to understand that working is not only way that you are gonna grow sometimes you need to be having fun and enjoying your life because we may think that is not the last time that we are going to have fun or we there will be another times that we could have fun but I think that you need to start to live in the present I love that your working for your future but honey you need need to go out and need to have fun you need to be like a fool who loves life and is adventurous don't let don't play let the curiosity of a child that you have inside your heart die. You have came so far and when you look behind you will see that you have given given up so much for the things and the goals that you have for yourself at the end of the day you are making it work out but you need to know that balance is the key for healthy life and you may sometimes feel trapped because of the the overload of the work that you are doing I know you love work and you are practical about it but you need to go out and have fun touch some grass, and not always be on the laptop working . Do not feel that you are onworthy of all the things are the blessings coming your way because you have done the work you are doing the work and you are putting the effort that it needs to manifest your dreams and they are going to come true.. you need to exercise or at least to yoga or stretch your body wake up early because the bad habits of staying up all night and and not doing exercise are not good for yourself in your health so drop that bad habits girlll . Love yourself have self-care days . 💌💗
Messages: You are always loved and supported
Thats all that I have for you plie 1💗
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Welcome to plie 2😺
Cards: judgment, chalices, the express, the hanged man (in reversed) 2 of coins king of wands, strength
Letters 💌
Hello there.. you have come so far facing all the hurdles on your way and you are still afraid what are you afraid about? The thing in the past happened with you they were not something small you went through that and you still fine . What makes you think that the obstacles in future will terrify you or you are not going to make through them ? You need to love yourself to find someone who truly loves you it's not only about romantic relationships that you will be having in the future but it's also about the friendship that you are going to make , if you are not loving yourself enough you are not secure enough in yourself that will project in you manifesting people who are insecure and in you manifesting the same experience that you did in the past. You need to heal yourself and fill up your own Cup before you even start to look for love or friendship in others you need to be your friend and your lover first to find that in another people .Its not just about being loved but it's also about being able to love yourself. You need to be kind to yourself you need to say good things about yourself you need to say the things that you want to hear from your love from your friends why do you need other people to compliment you you can compliment yourself it's not crazy many people do compliment themselves and its not crazy you are not crazy!!. You are scared of changes but you still know that changes are important for you you know that changes are important for you and your still afraid of them your afraid of change is because you don't know what it brings with them you don't you are afraid of the unknown you don't have to be afraid of the changes girl it can be very beautiful why always think about the worst . focus on the good things that can happen with changes. You need to balance your life you need to find balance between being extra giving and saving it for yourself saving doesn't mean that you are being greedy doesn't mean that you are selfish no. Think about yourself before you think about others it's fine it's not selfish you this is you just balancing your life because you are a person who will think about others before you think about yourself and I really want you to think about yourself first . I want you to put yourself first and . All this will require a lot of strength and courage and I know that you have that in yourself I know you can do this I know you have that courage and strength to handle changes . Change is not always bad.
You are worthy or being loved, love yourself first, balance,change is good,
Thats all I have for you plie 2
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Hello plie 3
Cards: king of swords, queen of swords,9 of cups, Queen of wands, the emperor, 4 of swords , Queen of cups
Hi There ...so much I want to say to you right now lets get to the most imp thing first.. Stop letting people walk all over you !!!! Stand up for yoursel . if people think that it is rude of you to stand up for yourself let them think that you are rude but you need to stand up for yourself and not let people that are rude that are hurting you emotionally get away with that you need to be bluntly honest and if it's hurting someone's feelings that is none of your business they should not be rude to you when you are being so kind to them speak for yourself . You have work so hard and achieved many of you goals and you should be celebrating do not let people who are not kind to you ruin your celebrations because you have works so hard for all that you have achieved do not let them walk all over you because you deserve to be appreciated and you deserve to be successful. Successful Peoples speak up for themselves stand for themselves and do not take anybody is crap . You are really creative person who has lot of ideas and lot of things that they want to do in their life but for you to even start something you need to stand up for yourself you need to speak for yourself because without that you cannot even interact with people. In future you are going to be at many leadership roles and that's why you need this quality to make your life easier it's always nights to be a little bit rude when you are bluntly honest then to lie and be nice. We get aware of the things and the people around p around you because not all people are nice summer bluntly manipulative and not nice rude you need to have the ability to see through people's intention. And the last thing that I want to tell you is that you are doing so much and its working for you attend of they everything will be worth it but you also need to rest yourself heel yourself and do some kinds of like activities that help you dress or therapy to you it can be anything just get back into your hobbies rest for a while rest is very important. ✨💌
Speak up.! Be honest
That's all that I have for you plie 3 💗
Thank you so much for reading 🐥🐥
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cerame · 2 years
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LU Major Arcana (part 2)
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
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