#twilight new moo
skyloftian-nutcase · 2 months
For the prompts:
Eepy time for eepy Time? Time getting pillow piled? Heck, Time getting cuddle piled? Big brother Everyone? Baby brother Time?
Adventuring was such a strange mix of emotions.
When Time had been little, the thought of adventure had consumed him. He'd wanted to go explore the Lost Woods, he'd wanted to fight monsters and find his fairy companion. After his journey and fight against Ganondorf, adventuring was all he had left.
But once he'd settled with Malon... adventuring still had its pull on him, and he enjoyed it. Truly, he did. And it was an honor to fight for others and protect everyone.
But by heaven did he miss just being home.
It usually took about three days for it to really hit him. He was still a victim of the excitement of setting out for somewhere new, after all, and so the first day or so he would be fine with his new journey. But by the third or fourth day, he'd miss the warmth of his bed, the embrace of his wife, the sound of her singing, the laughter from his father-in-law, the purring of the barn cat, the sound of hooves and mooing and neighing. He missed all of it.
He missed the company. He missed his family.
This journey was a little different, he supposed. He'd never had so many traveling companions, and one of them was family. But he was in charge here, and he had to keep them all safe. It didn't quite hold the same comfort to it.
Yawning, Time stretched and tried not to think about it too much. They'd just left Lon Lon Ranch a few days ago, so he knew the ache was hitting him, but he had to focus.
It was hard to focus when he was so tired, though.
Time huffed somewhat irritably. He was certain he wouldn't have felt this drained when he was younger. Then he huffed again. It wasn't like he was that old. Not physically, at least. He just felt old sometimes.
Time yawned again and scowled at himself for the gesture. Stop that.
"Old man, I think you need a nap."
The words were good natured coming from Wild, but Hyrule snickered, elbowing Legend and commenting that Time truly was old. The eldest Link huffed a little, amused and mildly annoyed, but he just waved a dismissive hand. "Probably so. Let's set up camp, though."
He let Warriors delegate tasks to the group, assisting Wind with gathering firewood. When the little sailor tried to carry more wood than his infinitely larger and stronger predecessor, it didn't go unnoticed.
Honestly. Being older didn't make him decrepit, for Farore's sake. The gesture was sweet and endearing, but slightly exasperating. When Hyrule joined them and Wind very helpfully pointed out that their leader was tired and they should carry most of the wood, Time finally just picked up both heroes, wood piles and all, by the back of their tunics, letting them squirm and wiggle as they protested their predicament.
Twilight laughed as the three reentered the camp. The gauntlets Time wore made the boys' weight essentially nothing, but he still felt even more drained nonetheless.
This was definitely just him being homesick. That and the fact that the hadn't slept well the last few nights.
Well. Probably that more than anything. But he did miss home.
Time glanced at Twilight, smiling at him as the rancher corralled the now grumpy Wind and still cackling Hyrule towards the fire pit Four had made. He could hear Malon's laughter in the man's own, and it warmed his heart.
And then he yawned again.
All right, this is just ridiculous.
Giving up, Time waved off Wild's question about dinner, heading for a corner to unpack his sleeping gear and take off his armor. He noticed Sky had already nodded off, having been in the process of unpacking his own things and just slumped over them instead. How that boy was ever comfortable in any of the places he passed out was beyond Time.
Oh, to be young, he supposed. He could curl up anywhere in his youth and wake up fine. Nowadays if he sneezed wrong he'd pop something.
Well. Youth was fleeting, and time was cruel. There was no point lingering on the matter.
Time plopped down next to Sky, unfolding his bed roll. The boy didn't stir, snoring lightly into his own bedroll that was halfway pulled out of his adventure pouch. The elder Link felt a twinge of sympathy for the exhausted teenager, opting to help get the boy's blankets unpacked so he could rest in a more comfortable position. That would imply he had to wake him up, though.
Well, maybe he should just leave him be. Sky's sleeping habits were all over the place, but the boy made do well enough.
Time yawned for what felt like the hundredth time that day, and he carefully removed his armor. Rubbing his face, he pinched the bridge of his nose, just standing there a moment and trying to muster up the energy to unpack everything. Honestly, he was fine just sleeping on the ground at this point.
He heard movement, and he glanced over to see Sky awake, groggily unpacking Time's sleeping items instead of his own.
"Sky," Time called softly, trying not to laugh at the addled teenager. "Wrong bag."
Sky paused, confused a moment, and then laughed, shaking his head. "No, no, I meant to. You look tired. I just... wanted to help a little. I promise I didn't go through your stuff, your mat is beside you bag."
Time stared at him a moment, and Sky halfheartedly backed away a little, misreading the man's naturally stern gaze. The elder hero was about to reply when Warriors walked up behind them, chuckling.
"Sky, you're such a mother hen," the captain commented. "I'm pretty sure the old man can do it himself. But I brought you both some water since you didn't refill your supply."
It was amazing how little escaped the captain's notice. Time gratefully took the water skin provided to him, settling on the ground beside Sky, who relaxed a little at the proximity.
Twilight joined them soon after. "You okay?"
"I'm fine," Time answered. Honestly, while Warriors kept tabs of everyone in a more tactical manner, Twilight was far fussier. It reminded him of Malon again, and he felt his heart both ache and soften. "Just a little tired."
Wind skipped over, plopping his own supplies down beside Time. "You're not sick, are you? I feel like you're not usually this sleepy."
Time sighed. All this attention was getting to be too much, but it was endearing nonetheless.
Legend wandered over silently, settling close by and pulling out some mending project he'd been working on. It looked like Four's undershirt - it probably was, as the boy had torn it in the skirmish they'd had yesterday.
"I wonder if we'll see Wolfie," Hyrule noted as he made his way over to the group, still armed. "I kind of miss him. He was good at alerting about danger."
"I still wish I could hug him," Wind grumbled. "He's so soft, but he's so grumpy!"
"He's not grumpy," Twilight huffed, and Time laughed. "He just doesn't like being coddled. He's a wolf, not a puppy."
It was probably the sleepiness, but Time found himself overly sentimental. "There's always a little bit of pup left."
Twilight watched him a moment, annoyance gone, eyes a little wide with gentle surprise. He softened slowly, making his way over to Time and sitting down beside him. Time was distracted, watching his descendant, and he missed that Warriors and Sky finished setting up his sleeping arrangements until the captain started walking back towards the fire. Time turned to thank Sky, at least, and found the young knight already passed out over his partly unpacked roll once more.
How...? Time shook his head, outright laughing quietly at the kid's antics, and elbowed Twilight. "Help that poor boy, will you?"
Twilight laughed too, nudging Sky gently. Wild came next, a bowl of warm stew in hand, quietly but earnestly waiting for Time's approval as he ate it. When Time gave him a warm smile and nodded his head, the cook brightened immensely, heading back to get another bowl.
Dinner was usually spent around the campfire, but this time all the boys meandered to Time's corner. The conversations were quiet, and it took a solid hour to convince Hyrule to finally put his sword down, but eventually Time found himself unable to keep his eyes open. Sky leaned against him, steadily falling asleep, and it was somehow the last little push his body needed to shut down.
Time awoke in the middle of the night, neck aching a little from leaning against the tree as he was, his head plopped over Sky's. He couldn't escape his predicament, though, as he found himself completely surrounded. Wind was using his legs as a pillow alongside Four, Twilight was in wolf form curled up on his left side with Wild snuggled in his fur, Hyrule had settled a step away from the others, curled around his sheathed blade, Legend was at his back, eye mask on and snoring, hand ghosting against Time's tunic.
Warriors sat across from him, eyes alert and sparkling in the firelight. When they locked eyes, the captain gave a little smile and a nod.
Time sighed, smiling in return, heart warm. Perhaps he wasn't quite so homesick anymore.
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tsamsheadcanons · 23 days
Hey, just wanna share my silly Solar headcanons because he’s the best and I am totally normal about him
• Solar needs glasses. He just prefers to wear contact lenses. (If animatronics can even *be* blind that is)
• He struggles with sleep to the point of where he can’t sleep at night sometimes. Basically insomnia idk
• He found that old Twilight Sparkle sticker he mentioned that one time and keeps it to himself. Whenever he looks at it, he gets a little upset since it reminds him of Nexus somewhat
• He is severely touch starved. Like, if you hug him, he won’t know how to react, but once he’s returning it he won’t know how to let go or how he’s supposed to feel
• On the rare occasion that he can sleep, he occasionally has nightmares about Nexus killing his new family. It always ends with him waking up in tears
Okay less angsty ones now lol
• He’s still plotting revenge for when Lunar drop attacked him to this day lol
• He’s big on Pokémon. Moo—uh, Nexus, got him into it previously and now he’s hooked. He’s like one of those nerds that knows everything about the series
• Earth took him to the spa once and it was the best thing that he ever experienced. He goes with her every week now
• Those goggles stay on his head, he never takes them off
• He says he doesn’t care about shipping but deep down he hates it so much
I hope this isn’t too many of them, if it is sorry…
I love Solar so don't be sorry
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cornflowershade · 3 months
scrolling through the only boo tag realizing i'm maybe the only person who didn't think this was an ep. 11 curse?? I guess I feel like, 1) everyone was pretty in character, 2) the drama we got was very established instead of coming from nowhere as a last-minute-turn like many ep 11s, 3) i enjoyed it, and 4) some of the more one-off things ppl have complained about i literally don't even mind bc this has been such a silly happy show and i'm not taking it that serious (like the password thing for example. like yes thats not good of them but also i just thought it was funny bc of how they played it and moved on).
anyway out of curiosity does anyone else NOT feel disappointed? would love to feel some mutual positivity lol. Tbh I've watched so many royally bad ruin-the-show-for-me endings and penultimate eps lately so I feel like especiallyyy on the scale of things, this really wasn't bad. I feared much worse ngl and I think they're doing ok! (fingers crossed for ep 12). For me to call something TV-curse bad it's gotta take a awful turn, like the way Last Twilight or 23.5 did—y'know, ruin the feelings I felt prior and make me feel betrayed or un-invested. This felt pretty typical? That's not to say I don't feel really bad for moo being left alone or feel like kang should've heard him out and not blocked him away but.Still. (maybe i just like torturing characters too much idk asdf)
p.s. Moo pretty pls throw out that chicken it's time ok. kang can make u new chicken now.
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timetoeatthebread-blog · 11 months
Aphelios x Reader - Dreaming of You. (Part 1 - intro)
In this fanfiction, you get drunk and one thing leads to another and it ends with you being teleported into Runeterra, Ionia. However, someone has already foreseen your arrival, and you will be an important piece of the puzzle they are trying to solve.
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It was an episode of some kind. You didn't know which one. All you knew was that when you woke up, you felt full of energy to do something reckless. You felt the sudden need to feel alive. And you didn't have an outlet for it. It was like your body just knew what it needed and what it craved. You tried to find other outlets for the next few days, jumping from hobby to hobby. Going as far as reading each and every lore of the league champions. Along with the extra pieces and short cinematics. But, in the end, your body craved alcohol. A lot of it.  
In the end, you gave up on Friday and went to the shop to buy the cursed vodka. Along with some juice to help swallow the alcohol, since you were never a drinker, and there is no way that you will drink just vodka.  
You put in the headphones and put on some music. It was surprising deep, although it wasn't what you usually listened to. But it did help to feel a little alive. Soon, you started to drink the alcohol, hoping for it to kick in soon enough. 
Lying in bed, the thoughts started to drift, somewhere far away. Imagination was running wild as you were doing whatever you wanted in your mind, gradually putting yourself in different, more reckless and detailed fantasies. As soon as the alcohol started finally kicking in, after two or three drinks, your mind was surprisingly calm. It was like you were finally getting what you wanted. In the current moment, escaping the reality of the boring life felt like such a godsend. It was like the calm before the storm.  
Gradually, your eyes began to close as you started to drift deeper and deeper into your fantasies. You wanted to have a purpose. To go on an adventure. To experience new things. To see things unimaginable in this world. You wished for new life.  
Soon, your wish was granted as you fell into a deep slumber.  
When you opened your eyes, you were found lying in a field, a cliff not too far away from you. The flowers were strange yet beautiful. They looked so delicate yet so eternal. Various colors, shades of purple and blue were the most dominant, it seemed. It was almost like you could taste the air you were breathing, it was sweet and smelled of the unknown, yet rich and crisp at the same time.  
The sky was a mix of all kinds of colors. Beautiful, thick clouds were adoring the sky as dark colors mixed with light ones. Warm, friendly shades of yellow, orange and pink were intervening with shades of purple, maroon and blue. It gave a feeling of tranquility. The twilight was coming along with the stars, and with the stars, came the moon.  
It was big. Shining with determination. Soft, mellow rays of the moon were soon hitting your face and your whole body. It was comforting, like you weren't alone. Although the darkness was gradually taking over the night sky and the earth itself, you didn't feel scared. The whole scenery left you feeling welcomed, rather. It was something you didn't see and experience before. It was like your wishes were being granted, step by step.  
The flowers were now almost resembling the stars, in a way. They glowed. Not enough to cover everything with their light, but enough to see them, to notice them. You picked some of the flowers as you were looking around. They grazed the tips of your fingertips. Everything felt real.  
It was almost like the moon was whispering sweet nothings into your ears. It told you to stay here, to wait patiently. And for some reason, as if controlled, you stayed in the flower field.  
And soon, his form appeared. Tall, hair almost blending with the night. He was clad in layers of clothing, but the most prominent of his outfit was his big jacket. It reminded you of the moon, in a way. Not to mention the markings on his face. You knew very well who he was. It was Aphelios. You raised your brow in curiosity and tilted your head, deep in thought. 
He looked dangerous. "The Weapon of the Faithful" seemed to be a good fit for him, after all. Considering his past, he won't say anything to you. Will he try to kill you? You doubt it. But now the whole surroundings made much more sense. You were probably in Ionia, Vlonqo, since it made sense for flowers to look like that, not to mention the cliff that was located not too far away. He was probably looking for Diana, the aspect of the Moon itself. 
You stared at him; head still tilted. At this point you stood up, curious. The ever so serious assassin was staring at you, too, a few feet away. It would be good to make a good first impression, so you nodded towards him as a greeting, sill not caring to hide your curiosity. His handsome face was illuminated by the moonlight, his skin looked cold and his expression ever so serious and emotionless.  
He was under the effects of the noctum flowers. Firstly, you could tell by his eyes, dark and hollowed out, without any spark. He looked like a marionette, like he was dissociated from everything and was running on autopilot. Second, his breathing, although controlled for the most part, sometimes came out uneven, like he was hyperventilating on the inside.  
What gave it away the most, however, was Alune. She was towering over him in a protective way. Admittedly, looking more friendly than Aphelios at the moment. Soon, Alune drifted closer to him and said, "This is them, Brother, our Silver Beam." 
Aphelios didn't say anything but came closer after hearing his sister confirm your identity. Soft, shallow breaths left his mouth as he came closer.  
"What does it mean to be the 'Silver Beam'?", you said, looking straight at Alune, which seemed to surprise her. She collected herself rather quickly before she explained the meaning, "You are the missing piece of the puzzle, little moonlight. Your role is to show us the way to the aspect of the Moon. You shall show us the way like a beam of moonlight, little one." 
You got your little adventure, like you wanted.  
You nodded at Alune and Aphelios, before looking at the moon. Will it tell you something, give you a clue? Or were you supposed to depend on the knowledge of the lore? It was rather confusing. 
You didn't wait long for the enlightenment. The words of the moon were carried to you through the whispers of the wind, flowing softly into your ears. It told you to go to Wel'he, to help Diana unite all the Lunari scattered around Runeterra.  
A soft hum escaped your mouth as you thought about what to say next, but ultimately deciding on the task at hand. Questions can be asked later.  
"Diana's mission is to unite all the Lunari scattered in Ionia. The faster we help her, the faster can the Aspect return to Mount Targon and finish the war between Lunari and Solari." You explained, eyes still glued to the moon before you. It was almost pulling you in. Bringing your senses to a whole new dimension. It was like you could feel the presence of the moon and the Lunari. But then you had to continue with your explanation, "We should start in Weh'le. If we have something to carry the flowers in, that would be useful. Weh'le tattoo artists will pay a pretty penny for Vlonqo flowers. The money will be useful on our journey." 
You started picking the flowers carefully, trying your best not to hurt them as much as possible. The better state they were in, the more Silver Serpents would you receive, which would make your journey easier. Alune, the seer, agreed with you, encouraging Aphelios to pick the flowers with you.  
Alune probably was quite happy, seeing as Aphelios was her eyes and ears and she loved to experience the wonders of the world. Although closed in Marus Omegnum, she still wished to experience wonders of the world, just like you. But she couldn't. All she could depend on was her brother for company, unless Yuumi visited her in the spirit realm. Other than that, Alune only had her books and her imagination, fantasizing about rain as she read her books.  
Unsurprisingly, with how all of Aphelios' senses were numbed out because of the pain, it was no wonder that he was quite terrible at picking the flowers, no matter how slow and delicate he tried to be. Either he used too much force and crushed the petals by a complete mistake, or the stem of the flower would be squished and as a result the flower would have a hard time surviving for long enough. After all, the tattoo artists will want to identify that the flower is real, so the quality would be important.  
Although you didn't mind him destroying the flowers by mistake, you though it would be better if he just rested for a while.  
You didn't know how much they knew about you, but you knew a lot about them. Upon thinking it through, you decided to ask his sister for his and her name, pretending to be clueless. She gave the names in a heartbeat and asked for your name in return.  
As soon as you got Aphelios' name, you told him to rest, as he and his sister traveled a lot to find you. In reality, you just didn't want him to kill flowers for no reason. But keeping his sister in mind, you told him to enjoy the flowers and the sightings for a while.  
"You should enjoy the air and the scenery, Aphelios. I'll collect the flowers. I want you to rest." All that you got in return was a hollow stare, not that you minded. You knew what was up. Instead, you focused your attention on collecting the best-looking flowers and keeping in mind the variety of colors. Aphelios observed you quietly, not having much to do. He didn't even sit down. Instead, he was standing diligently. Looking at you as you picked the flowers, at the cliff or the moon, but mostly the moon. 
Soon, you've held a big bouquet of the Vlonqo flowers, nodding and telling him that you were ready. He came up to you and took the bouquet, which almost made you go into panic mode as you didn't want your hard work to go to waste. What you didn't expect, was for the bouquet to disappear slowly from his hands.  
"Whoa.. how is this possible?" You looked up at him and Alune, expecting an explanation from one of them (mostly Alune as Aphelios couldn't speak). Before Alune was able to explain her powers, you were already waving your hand where once Aphelios held the bouquet, not believing what you just saw. You knew his sister summoned weapons for him, and that she was storing weapons for him, basically. But she also had the option to carry other things for him? Was that why he didn't carry anything on himself other than his clothes?  
As soon as your thoughts were running wild, Alune finally explained that she can, indeed, act as a storage. But then another though came to mind, and it was about the money. How much can she store? You shouldn't pick more flowers, since you were worried that Aphelios would be irritated, and you didn't feel like dealing with that at the moment. But the thought of money was nice. If you could, you would have picked more flowers.  
"Oh, if I knew that you could store them somewhere, then I would have picked more flowers..." was all you could say, before pointing in the direction of the south and continuing, "We should start our journey to Weh'le. If I'll sense another Lunari, I'll let you know."  
And so, the journey started. You slowly made your way down the steep mountain and contrary to your belief, there weren't many Lunari. As a matter of fact, other than Aphelios, there was no one. It took the whole night to go down the mountains. Although you weren't openly thanking Aphelios for slowing down when he noticed you had trouble following his tempo, you still felt quite grateful for his consideration. After all, it's quite obvious you didn't go through the training he did, and you lacked the experience. And his long legs.  
At this point your legs were hurting, and the morning was slowly coming to greet you and Aphelios. Soon enough, you were able to locate a small lake which was placed at the feet of the mountain. "We have been traveling for the whole night. Can we rest and resume our travel during the evening? I don't think I'll be able to travel with the scorching sun glaring down at me." You asked, looking at Alune. She agreed and while you were collecting the firewood, Aphelios caught fish in the lake. Soon, a fire has been lit and you took the chance to wash your face in the lake and to drink the water.  
As you kneeled down before the lake, you finally looked at your reflection. Your eyes have been turned to a pale, almost silver, color. Under your left eye, there was a waning crescent, while under your right eye there was a waxing crescent. Down your neck, there was a drawing that looked similar to the drawings on Aphelios' face. An upside-down crescent was drawn under your neck and jaw, while a line down was placed in the lower part of your neck and went straight down as far as you could see. Your own appearance surprised you.  
You looked at Aphelios as he was cooking the fish under the fire. His back was pressed into the nearby tree and currently his eyes were closed. You didn't know how long Aphelios was looking for you, plus he was walking the whole night, so you understood the need to rest his eyes. 
As much as you didn't want to disturb the poor guy, you had questions to ask and only Alune could answer them. "Hey, Aphelios, I wonder... Can Alune come out? I've got a few questions." 
Aphelios opened his eyes and looked at you before moving his head to left and right, signaling that his sister can't come out currently. You had a suspicion that it was connected to the fact that the poison was gradually wearing off. 
It got publicated for some reason wtf I'm not done yet I just took a nap and closed the phone wtf Tumblr
I did the human equivalent of just leaving people on read, but I sent the message (fanfic) and you guys read it without any context and I didn't elaborate and now you guys are left hanging lmao
Anyways at least I'm done now and the first part is finished. Dunno how many there will be, but we will see
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ccupnoodlee · 11 months
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des2dream · 4 months
Three of My Favorite Girl Groups in Media💕💖💕
Sailor Moon and The Sailor Guardians (1992-1997)
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Usagi Tsukino is kind of a crybaby klutz who doesn't exactly get the best grades in school, is the reincarnated Princess Serenity of The Moon Kingdom, but most importantly she takes on the identity of Japan's hero, Sailor Moon fighting evil by moonlight and winning love by daylight! But, protecting Japan isn't a one-person occupation. She enlists the help of her reincarnated Sailor Guardians! We have the genius sweetheart Ami Mizuno (Sailor Mercury), the cool-headed but fiery-tempered Rei Hino (Sailor Mars), the strong yet well-put-together Makoto Kino (Sailor Jupiter), and the defender of love Minako Aino (Sailor Venus formally known as Sailor V). When they're not hanging out or studying for exams, they always come together to stop evil forces and reassure the citizens of Japan they'll be able to gain happiness and love. They even gain allies with the Outer Sailor Guardians and Usagi's future daughter, Chibiusa will always come back to the past to help her friends! Despite Usagi's moments of immaturity and clingy behavior towards her precious boyfriend, Mamoru Chiba (also known as Tuxedo Mask and reincarnated Prince Endymion of Earth), the group takes the good with the bad and still remain united as a group. Watch out, evil-doers! In the name of the moon, they will punish you!
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2. The Winx Club Girls (2004-Present Day)
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It all started with a girl named, Bloom! A girl on Earth who thought she was ordinary, but after an encounter with Stella (Fairy of the Sun and Moon and Princess of Solaria), she discovers that she too possesses the powers of a fairy! She then attends Alfea (the collage for fairies) in Magix where she meets her dormmates, Flora (Fairy of Nature), Musa (Fairy of Music), and Techna (Fairy of Technology) as well as Stella (of course) and they've been together since their first day of school. While learning to be full-fledged fairies, they all learn new things about each other and work through their problems while also having multiple battles with the most feared witches from Cloud Tower, The Trix. Their friendship only grows stronger when they find a friend in Layla who is later named, Aisha (Fairy of Waves and Princess of Andros) and meet The Pixies where each of the girls have a bonded pixie! Though, they're not perfect. Stella may get under the girl's skin at times, Techna struggles with human emotions, Flora struggles to come out of her shell and is kind of a mess with her plants, Musa deals with the aftermath of losing her mother along with having relationship issues, Aisha struggles with the concept of making new friends and feeling like she belongs, and Bloom can have a fiery temper. Though, they managed to work trough their problems to help each other leading to them gaining their Charmix and Enchantix. It's their teamwork that also contributes to their Convergence spells to help stop evil threats attacking their school and the magical realm. Even after graduating, they become assistant teachers and work to bring magic back to Earth with the help of a new Winx girl, Roxy (Fairy of Animals). These girls are the ultimate club! The Winx Club!
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3. MLP: Friendship is Magic's The Mane Six (2010-2019)
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In the magical land of Equestria, the almighty alicorn Princess Celestia assigns her top student (yet incredibly introverted), Twilight Sparkle and her faithful assistant (also baby dragon), Spike to stay in a town called, Ponyville in order for her to make friends. On the day of The Summer Sun Celebration, Princess Celestia is captured by the return of Nightmare Moon and Twilight rushes in to save her in search of The Elements of Harmony, but she isn't alone. She is assisted by Ponyville's residents Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie. During their journey, Twilight enjoys their company and starts to see their capability as well as learning to trust them and during their face-off with Nightmare Moon, she sees the truth of The Elements of Harmony! Applejack holds the power of Honesty, Fluttershy holds the power of Kindness, Rarity holds the power of Generosity, Pinkie Pie holds the power of Laughter, Rainbow Dash holds the power of Loyalty, and Twilight holds the power of Magic! They use the elements to defeat Nightmare Moon and revert her into Celestia's long lost sister, Princess Luna. Ever since then, this group has been inseparable! Throughout their adventures, they have always kept their elemental bond as well as their friendship despite their flaws. Such as Pinkie not giving proper boundaries, Applejack being too eager to please, Fluttershy needing to be more assertive, Rarity having her "drama queen" antics, Rainbow Dash being too cocky, and Twilight needing everything to go according to plan and going "Twily-nanas" as her brother puts it. They have a track record of reforming villains and becoming idolized by all of Equestria after every victory. They've really grown into being heroes, to teachers at their School of Friendship, to becoming honorary protectors. Twilight used to wonder what friendship could be, and now she has five true true friends who she practically considers family!
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All in Good Time
Day 1 of Zelink Week 2023 hosted by @zelinkcommunity
Prompt: Yearning
WC: 6072
Ao3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48491140
Part of my Fem!Zelink AU, this is also the only one (this week) that incorporates LU
Wild couldn’t sleep. Despite being in an insulated room inside of an actual house after weeks of dealing with rocky ground and late-night monster attacks, despite feeling like she was closer to home than she had been since she had left her own time, despite the chorus of deep even breaths and the occasional snore that would normally lull her into the comfortable darkness, she just couldn’t sleep. 
The entire day had been wonderful, she had spent a good amount of it enjoying the luxuries of an actual kitchen with appliances rather than the simple fire she was used to dealing with. Cooking was one of the few typically feminine hobbies she found herself drawn to and she was sure that if she were born a man, she’d still like the activity just as much. It was far more pleasant than cleaning the sables and the cucco coops and hauling hay around all day. 
Lon Lon Ranch felt so close to home, but at the same time, not nearly close enough. It had the same smells and ambiance as her home farming village of Hateno, she could so easily hear the mooing cows on the way to Purah’s lab and the clicking of horseshoes against the stone pathways. Even the melody Malon hummed absentmindedly to herself felt so familiar.
But it was missing the most important thing. Or, she supposed, the most important person. 
It had been an ache she had felt since stepping through the first dark mysterious portal, every time she pulled out the Sheikah slate to take a picture of something that didn’t exist in their time, every time she spotted a frog or listened to Sky’s melancholy harp serenade, the emptiness in her chest intensified. 
It was such a sappy thing to admit, but she missed Zelda with her entire heart. Every moment away was an unending physical pain that she never seemed to get used to. For years they’d snuck through the shadows to see each other, even if it was unlikely for anyone to figure out what had truly been going on between them. They’d already been separated for a century, Wild balancing on the very edge of death and her princess fighting to keep the embodiment of hatred from destroying the entire kingdom. Being thrown into another adventure had been reopening a wound that had only just started to heal to tear them apart once more. 
Not even Warriors snoring was loud enough to drown out the thoughts she found herself being drawn towards. She tortured herself with imaginary sensations of her lover's fingers combing through her hair, commenting through a smile about how long it had gotten. How she never flinched away after touching the myriad of scars that branded her skin when the princess herself possessed nothing of the sort despite fighting for far longer. How her voice rang in Wild’s ears when reading a new book out loud, desperate to share her most recent fixation with the one person who was delighted to listen. 
It was impossible to lure her thoughts away even when the backs of her eyes started to burn, no attempt at distracting herself would last for more than a few seconds and she very easily gave up on trying, but she knew that she couldn’t carry on her session of wallowing for much longer before there was going to be consequences. And though the rancher could sleep through Warriors snoring directly in his ear without a single issue, she was sure that Twilight would snap awake if she even sniffled. He seemed to have an extra sense for whenever someone was even mildly distressed. 
Perhaps it was a good idea to get some fresh air. 
Even though the room was pretty large and could fit eight heroes in it pretty easily, it didn’t leave a whole lot of floor space between them. The slight anxiety of tiptoeing between each slumbering body momentarily delayed her insomnia-fueled spiral of yearning, at this point, it would’ve been pretty inconvenient if Four woke up because of a slightly creaky wooden floorboard next to his head. 
At least the door was quieter, as long as she turned the nob at an unbearably slow pace. She resisted the urge to rush her exit knowing it would make too much noise, but only barely. 
The moment she was confident in her success, she padded over to a nearby tree, paying no mind to the fact that she was barefoot, only focusing on the chirping of the crickets hidden in the foliage. She leaned against its trunk and slid down until she had landed in a sitting position on the cool soft grass. 
The sheikah slate flashed to life in her hands as she instinctually swiped to a familiar screen. Her gallery of photographs. She ignored the stunning landscapes and the, in her opinion, hilarious images, one of which was Wolfie trying to pick up a Stalnox bone that was far too large for his mouth. She tapped on a recent image that she always found herself being drawn to.
Zelda had just cut her hair, she couldn’t stop grinning about it. She had to agree with the Great Deku Tree on this one, her princess's smile was easily comparable to the sun. It almost blinded her but she never even considered looking away. She was blessed to witness it, and even more blessed to capture it in the memory of the slate, knowing that her own could be unreliable. 
It was a beautiful image, but Wild didn’t spare a thought at the natural lighting of the sunny day, or the backdrop of the hills behind their home, not the spring flowers blooming all around her or the vibrant glimpse of blue from their pond. She could only see Zelda’s freckles, a feature she had developed since spending every daylight moment outside if she wasn’t holed up in Purah’s lab. Her sparkling green eyes that Wild swore had flakes of gold in the right lighting. How ethereally gold her hair was, as if she was forged by the most skilled Gerudo artisan. 
Ever since she’d been freed from the Calamity, she’d resolved to abandon nearly every responsibility of royalty, becoming someone free from the burdens that had nearly drowned her before, knowing that even attempting to rebuild the empire that fell was not the job for a teenager who wasn’t even quite an adult yet. Perhaps that was something she could devote her time to later.
Wild could admit, the wind in her hair and the machine oil staining most of her clothes were far more charming than stuffy dresses and heavy jewelry. But it was really the fact that she smiled and laughed far more often that really made her appreciate the decision. It was easy to forget that though Link was the Hero of the Wild, her counterpart was also deserving of the title, it was where they both thrived after all. 
Zelda would likely say something about how every action there was an equal and opposite reaction, which is what looking at the photograph while being so far away in time from the subject felt like. She loved her princess with such force that the, hopefully temporary, loss of her was just as debilitating. The perfectly warm soft memory of holding her princess in her arms was just as much a source of comfort as the lack of the action being unable to be repeated after months of wandering was soul-crushing. 
She forced herself away from the image and back to the inventory screen. She tapped the icon for her beloved's favorite flower. In a flash of ancient swirling blue light, a silent princess appeared in her hand. She wiped a bit of moisture with her sleeve before it could escape her eyes, squeezing them together in a failed attempt to keep it all in. 
She hoped that her exponentially building sobs were being drowned out by the lively nighttime sounds, but she was never that lucky. 
The grass rustled with the nearing steps of someone she was definitely not expecting. Her head snapped up to the intruder, maybe Time had spotted her through his bedroom window, or she hadn’t been as successful at sneaking away as she had thought and Twilight had come to investigate, but it was neither of them. The pale light of the moon reflected off of a disheveled head of blonde hair with a distinctive streak of pink. It was easy to imagine him wearing a long floppy sleep cap, with an old brass candle holder that has a little handle only big enough for a single finger, on top of the nightgown he wore to sleep when they weren’t paranoid about the possibility of a midnight ambush. 
“Champ? You okay?” The veteran’s groggy voice was only barely loud enough to be heard over the natural night sounds.
For a moment, she considered lying, dismissing his concern knowing that he was the least likely to pry into her mess of feelings. But she had been holding it in for far too long, and she knew for a fact that he would understand. Perhaps if it were in the daylight, when she could fully see his face, when she felt far more exposed, she wouldn’t have said anything. But the nuances of her expression were hidden in the darkness, and the exhaustion from the day wore on her judgment.
“I miss her.” She started simply but once she took the first step, she found herself tumbling down the metaphorical stairs. “I thought… after a hundred years, it would be over. We would be together and we wouldn’t have to hide anymore. We would get a chance to figure out what we wanted to be without the meddling of fate, but I guess I was being too optimistic. If dying couldn’t get destiny off my back then why would the defeat of some monster.”
“I know that it’s more likely than not that she’s safe and healthy and it’s far from accurate to say that I’ve lost her forever, it’s not like she’s dead or anything. She’s just so unimaginably far away that not even letters can reach, and I miss her. It feels silly to worry about that when there are mutated monsters trying to kill us at every turn, but no matter how much I try, my thoughts always return to her.” Wild continued, deliberately keeping her gaze away from Legends. 
“For the record, I don’t think it’s silly,” He sat alongside her, joining her in resting his back against the tree, its curvature keeping them from having to look directly at each other, it was much more comfortable for both of them that way. “But if I knew how to help you I would probably be a lot more mentally healthy myself.�� 
“I wasn’t really expecting some uplifting pep talk, you’re not Twilight. I’m just tired of pretending that I’m fine all the time. It’s worse here, I didn’t expect to be jealous of the old man reuniting with his wife. They’re just too cute with each other, I can’t stand it.” A fraction of a smile found its way onto her face, though it had no correlation to how happy she was. 
“I bet he’s cuddling her right now, the selfish bastard,” Legend spat, causing a surprised huff of laughter from his companion.
“How dare he, just look at the way he openly adores his wife! What an asshole!” Wild matched his mock outrage, folding her arms indignantly, the sheikah slate sat abandoned on her lap. 
“The audacity of some people, honestly. Who gave him the right to be happily married within my view.” 
“There should be laws against this. We should talk to his Zelda about it.” 
“I’m sure she’d hear us out, I doubt they’re even less shameless in front of the queen. It’s probably annoying to her too,”  The veteran reasoned. 
“It is decided, I’ll write the proposal in the morning.” Wild slumped her head on Legend's shoulder as the exhaustion of the day left the stage of depressive spiraling and into actual weariness. The sensation of heaviness on her eyelids far outweighed the feeling of developing tears that had overcome them only minutes before.
She unfolded her arms and lifted up the glowing flower into her direct view again. The silent princess lazily spun between her fingers, its luminous pollen sprinkling off into the gentle breeze like fairy dust. 
“Can you… not tell anyone about this? I don’t want to worry anyone,” The champion muttered after several minutes of blissful quiet. 
“Just as long as you don’t tease me for being a softie again.” 
“Then stop pretending that you don’t curl up and use Wolfie as a pillow every other night.”
“Shut up,” 
In the morning they would be found unmoved from their spot under the tree, the silent princess would be braided into her hair, and the tears would’ve long since dried. 
By the time Time awoke and would decide to check on his incarnations, and thinking of a fun way to wake them up, he would notice a blanket covering the separated duo, and he would decide to allow them a few more minutes of sleep. Though it wasn’t entirely out of the kindness of his heart, he knew they’d both complain about soreness when they woke up from sleeping in such an odd position.  
It’ll serve them right for talking behind his back. 
Sometimes it was easy to tell where the portals had taken them, they were a group of well-traveled heroes so there were many ways to determine when they had ended up. Whether that be from obvious landmarks or foliage only recognizable in one era or even just stumbling across people one of them knew directly. Hero-ing came with plenty of opportunities to network after all. 
This was not one of those times. 
Even if any of them could see further than a few feet ahead of them in the dense blizzard, it wouldn’t do much use. The snowy mountains all looked the same and not a single rock formation was enough for one to pinpoint their location. 
Normally the group's goal would be to find civilization and ask about strange happenings, but right now, their main objective was to avoid freezing to death. Their resources were already spread thin, not all of them had been prepared for the extreme change in climate. 
Four and Wind rode on Epona's back, accepting that the snow was far too deep for them to walk in without much in the way of protection from the elements. Legend and Hyrule had given up bundling themselves up separately and now shared both of their blankets in an attempt to retain whatever heat they could in the storm. Warriors scarf had migrated from his neck to being wrapped around his mouth and nose, and his hands were firmly being pressed under his armpits in an attempt to keep them from growing too cold. It turned out that fingerless gloves were only practical in more temperate environments. 
Even Time had to forego his heavy armor in favor of as many layers as he could dig out from his pack, his jaw set stubbornly in place to keep them from chattering together in the unyielding chill of the wind. Unfortunately, it was a battle he would end up losing, though he put on a valiant effort. 
Wild led them from the front of the group, as what naturally tended to occur when the world around them was treacherous and unknown. Though they were all seasoned adventurers, she had an instinct for wilderness survival that had saved their lives on many occasions. 
For several hours she had feared that she had led them in circles, the eternal blinding fog from the storm made it feel as though they had stayed stationary the entire time. While they hadn’t made many turns it felt as though the boulder they had passed was the same one from an hour ago. 
At first, they tried to spend the trek amusing themselves in one way or another, Wind tried to teach them a sailor shanty he had learned and was lucky enough not to understand the full meaning of, Hyrule started a very short game of i-spy that fizzled out once he realized that the only thing they could see was snow and the occasional tree. Four tried to quiz them on all sorts of knowledge but it turned out that what he knew was very different than what everyone else knew. 
By the end of the day they traveled silently, quietly begging for even a hint that they had made any progress in their journey, and like a trail of light from the goddess herself, they were given something even better. 
For a moment the blizzard eased up enough to see the valley they had just begun to enter. They were at the top of a familiar slope lined with balls of snow that had once been used to solve a puzzle. It took only a single glance for Wild’s hope to be reignited. 
“Good news boys! I know where we are!” She forced more enthusiasm into her voice than she had energy left in her body, “There’s a cave at the bottom and it’s not even a boring one!” 
Wild forced herself to slowly make her way down the valley to keep everyone in her sights, for the first few cautious slippery steps she was excited. She was home! She was finally in the same time period as Zelda, theoretically. Time travel could be weird but they never appeared just outside of anyone’s eras. Yet. So while recognizing a snow-covered slope wasn’t complete confirmation that Zelda was finally within arms reach, Wild decided to remain hopeful. Until she remembered how far away the hebra mountains were from Hateno. Or even just anywhere that her princess was likely to be. She couldn’t just expect that Zelda would remain stationary just because Wild wasn’t there to follow her around. 
Her heart sank in parallel with the group's descent into the ice. She had no idea where Zelda would be, the shrines had been offline for a while, it was still several days hike to get to any form of civilization and it was more than unlikely that the first people they came across would just have happened to have seen the princess wandering by.
It was best to focus on her current task instead of letting herself hope like that. Get everyone to safety. Get out of the storm. Attempt to transfer all her useless emotional energy into something she can actually use, like cooking an astronomical amount of food, or hitting something really hard with her sword. She could pretend that exhausting herself in one way or another would help but knew deep down that it probably wouldn’t.
Soon the rectangular manmade opening was visible through the snow, Wild stayed at its edge to count each Link that made it there, hoping to Hylia that no one got lost in her haste to get to safety. Two on a horse, one leading the horse, two in a bundle of blankets, one trying to give his sailcloth to another who was shivering pretty hard, and one at the end making sure no one fell behind.  
“Ready to see a really big skeleton?” Wild patted Time’s bicep as they entered the ice cave. 
“Is it prone to reanimating?” The man grumbled, and the champion nearly laughed. 
“Nope, it’s just a leviathan. Apparently, they used to be gods, but I think that anytime people see something big they say that.” Wild moved to help Wind off of Epona, normally he could jump off himself, but the ground was a little slick and it would not be fun to slam into it.
“That is a pretty big skeleton…” The old man's eye widened microscopically, for some reason, it was hard to impress him. She hoped to manage it someday. 
“Link?” almost in unison the whole group turned their heads towards the voice, but none faster than Wild. She probably could’ve snapped her neck at the speed her head spun. If she had been holding anything, she would’ve dropped it without a thought. 
Between them and the great skeleton was a modest campsite, only consisting of a fire and a bedroll, a little stool to hold a modest notebook while a white horse stood nearby, though it was none of those things that caught Wild’s attention. 
Dressed in a mix of her royal wintery whites and insulating Rito fabrics, was the one person she had been yearning to see since the moment she left. Who, only moments ago she was mourning the lack of likelihood of being able to see again any time soon. Whose absence she had cried over and whose presence followed her wherever she went in the slate that sat at her hip. 
Without making the conscious decision to, Wild was suddenly running, in moments that passed so quickly it was hard to tell if they happened at all, she had landed in her girlfriend's arms. The momentum caused them to stumble a bit but Wild somehow managed to keep standing, despite the weakness in her knees that wasn’t there a couple seconds before. 
“Hey princess,” her voice was hoarse, and she was acutely unaware of the fact that she was surrounded by her brothers. It was like they had just disappeared and she hadn’t even noticed. She could only focus on the warmth in her arms and the smell of Zelda’s hair and nothing else existed or mattered. 
“I hope you haven’t been getting into too much trouble,” Her princess teased quietly in her ear, Link could feel her smiling against her skin. 
“I think you know better than to hope for that,” Wild backed away and loosened her hug, but only a little bit. Only enough for Zelda to squirm her arms to cradle her lover's face before pulling her in. 
Her kiss was magic, or maybe it was just her. Link had spent so long holding onto the constant quiet sadness of missing her that it felt like a miracle when it evaporated from her being. She could hardly imagine knowing what sorrow was now. She could just be being dramatic, but her love for Zelda was enough to defeat a great beast made of hatred, it was a reasonable assumption to make that it was a powerful thing. 
Link was so caught up in the euphoria of seeing her princess again that she had nearly forgotten that she hadn’t come alone. Thankfully when she was able to drag her eyes away from Zelda, her brothers had all made an attempt to give them some privacy. Some of them were better at pretending to set up camp than others, Twilight just stood at Epona’s side and smiled in the way he did that made her nervous about what stories he had in mind to embarrass her with.
At least while Hyrule was working on building a fire, he only let his curiosity draw his eyes toward them a couple of times. The others were somewhere on that spectrum of trying to give them a moment while also snooping with various rates of noticeability. Warriors was definitely just fidgeting with one of the bags on Epona’s back and not planning on actually unpacking. She could tell that Wind was just itching to meet Zelda and tease Wild about their obvious PDA. 
She would’ve been nervous about their reactions, but she had hinted about her relationship for a while and they always seemed very casual about it. It had gone from agreeing with some of the others that girls were pretty, to practically stating outright that she was in a relationship with a woman. Though she never discussed it very in-depth, she still struggled with holding onto her emotions a little too tightly. 
Wild took another lengthy moment to enjoy Zelda’s closeness before she’d have to start introductions and explanations, but for now, she was exactly where she wanted to be. Zelda’s gloved thumb whipped a tear from her face, with a look so fond she just might have gotten a cavity from it. 
“You missed me that much, huh?” The princess's voice was borderline teasing but there wasn’t a hint of genuine malice in it. 
“What can I say, I’m tired of being taken away from you. For some unimaginable, crazy reason, I’m just happier when you’re around.” 
“It’s almost like you love me or something…” 
“How absurd, it’s not like you’re the smartest, most beautiful, not to mention most strong and ambitious, princess in the history of forever. Now that I’ve done some time traveling, I can actually confirm that fact.” She tried to sound serious with her voice perfectly level but she was a little too high on emotions to have that kind of control. Thankfully Zelda didn’t seem to mind that she stumbled over her words a little or that her voice was a little hoarse. 
“That’s not fair, you know I’m bad at taking compliments you…hero…” She patted Wild’s grinning cheek as a replacement for bumping her partner's shoulders or giving her a light playful punch to her perfectly solid biceps, but her limbs were being squeezed in a hug so the best she could do was pout and slap her cheek with only a few inches of built-up force behind it. 
“You could also work on making up better insults for me, but I guess we both have our faults,” the hero laughed, her princess was easy to catch off guard when it came to sudden bouts of nice things being thrown her way, even more so when it was so clear to her how genuine Link consistently was about it. Zelda was trained to always search for someone trying to manipulate her or have ulterior motives, and it didn’t help that she spent so long without much kindness being granted to her at all.   
“One of yours being that you’ve been ungracious to your travel companions,” the princess turned to the group of eavesdropping heroes, “I truly apologize on Link’s behalf, I’m sure she didn’t mean to neglect you all.” At the prompting, Wild loosened her embrace and allowed the princess to free herself, though she still kept an arm wrapped around her waist, it still felt too soon to completely let her go. 
“Fine,” Wild rolled her eyes, “Princess, these are my spiritual predecessors, Link, Hylia’s first chosen hero,” She pointed at Sky, who managed a little wave, “Link, the small one,” She pointed at Four, “Link, the hero of time, I think it’s his dark counterpart that Kilton was obsessed with, I think he’s the only one with such dramatically middle parted bangs like that…” She gestured towards Time, who raised an eyebrow but stayed silent. 
“Link, my favorite person to get lost with,” She pointed at Hyrule who smiled at his description, “Link, the pink one with too many titles and weird adventures so we just call him the Veteran,” She passed over to Legend. 
“Link, the one whose horse I legally share custody of due to magic timeline weirdness,” She gestured toward Twilight, knowing that she would have to give her girlfriend much more information on that one, but it would have to be later. There were still secrets that should be kept. 
“Link, the sailor who would be a pirate if he was less of a wuss and would let me peirce his ears,” Her smile towards Wind was not well received. 
“Well, maybe if you wanted to do it with something other than the dagger you use to skin rabbits I’d be more interested!” He defended himself valiantly, but Wild just grinned as she moved on to their last member. 
“Finally, we also have Link, the only one I don’t think we have records on but I’m still pretty sure he’s in the late era of myth.” Warriors performed a dramatic bow when Wild’s outstretched finger finally reached him. “Everyone, this is Zelda, the genius who is somehow crazy enough to put up with me. Now that that’s all dealt with, what do we want for dinner?” 
For the first time in months, when Wild was able to settle down in her bedroll, she was fully at ease. She knew she would sleep easy and that she wouldn’t spend hours awake, desperately trying to lose consciousness. She was glad to not have to rely on pure exhaustion to get her to succumb to the darkness, that she wouldn’t have to find some quiet way to spend as much energy as she could whenever she wasn’t allowed to take first watch. 
For once, she couldn’t wait to settle in and not be afraid of the potential nightmares that rejoiced in haunting her. Zelda had that kind of effect on her, erasing the recurring terror that refused to leave her mind, comforting her when no other person could. When normally she tried to hold out on sleeping as long as possible, she was nearly excited to lie down on a bed that was little more than a cocoon of cloth on a surface of ice and stone. 
Zelda’s skin was smooth beneath her fingers, her hands had wedged themself between the soft warn tunic that she used as a nightshirt as if mere contact with her was a healing force. Though, Link supposed, it very well could have a power like that. It certainly felt like it. 
The bedroll was large enough to fit both of them, just as long as they were cuddled tightly together, which would’ve only been a problem if they were stuck in Gerudo Desert or Death Mountain. But sharing heat was no issue, quite the opposite. 
Their legs were intertwined like a messy braid, their bodies offset slightly so Wild’s head rested comfortably on her princess's chest. Short nails grazed through her hair in a calming rhythm that caused her to melt into Zelda’s form even more. 
“I missed you Aryll.” her voice was soft, hushed enough to keep the name from reaching anyone else's ears. It was like a secret between them, her true name. It wasn’t as though she didn’t like the ones she was more openly called, Link or Wild, she was happy sharing a name with the heroes. She loved how it connected them and how it turned her from a person to a force of nature. It united them and showed that no matter how different they looked, they were the same in the ways that mattered. 
But Aryll… that was the name that had long died off, that only a select few had the honor of knowing. It was who she was without the baggage of being the hero, free from the chains of fame, it was the name that wasn’t whispered among gossiping townspeople below the castle who scoffed at her accomplishments. There weren’t many people left who knew of her true name, a few Zora who still used the hero's name despite knowing she had another. 
Link was the name of someone great, someone powerful and courageous that people would tell bedtime stories to their kids about, she was proud to be one of them, she wore the name like a badge of honor when it was once a row of chains. Link was the name of someone blessed by the love of the goddess and born to fight an impossible evil and even though it was a heavy burden, she knew that she could carry it and it was that name that led her to the one she loved most, whos breath she could feel rustling the hair on her scalp. 
Aryll was a closely held secret, one she was reluctant to share with even the brothers she had grown so attached to. She trusted them, of course she trusted them with her life, but she already felt different from them, it was nice pretending that she was as much of a hero as they were. Deep down she knew she was separate from them, not just through her gender but through time and her failures, the name was just one more thing proving that she wasn’t really one of them. 
She liked being one of them. 
“I’ve missed you since the moment I left, it’s nice to be home.” Wild, Link, Aryll muttered into her princess's collarbone.  
“We’re still pretty far from Hateno, nearly as far as we could get without leaving the kingdom,” Zelda commented. 
“That’s just where our house is, as cliche as it is to admit, I feel more at home with you than some house I bought to keep from being demolished.” 
“You’ve always been the sappy one, but I suppose home hasn’t been the same without you getting flour all over it. At least when I’m rambling at you, you usually hum or make some kind of noise to show that you’re at least pretending to listen. Hateno is a little lonely without your voice.” She uttered wistfully. 
“That sounds pretty sappy to me. You know you don’t have to hide it, I bet there’s a journal full of poetry of your flowery words about me, I bet you could write about my countless clumsy trips down the stairs and make it sound like the kinds of songs Kass would sing. I know you have a magical way with words that have been lost with all of the bastards who poisoned the court. I’m sure you could make me do anything with those lips of yours.” 
“Not in the same cave as your predecessors darling, you’re not very quiet on normal nights but this place has outstanding acoustics.” Zelda smiled slyly above Wild’s reddening ear. 
“You know that’s not what I was trying to say… but I guess we should try to find some time alone at some point, I’m sure I could set the boys loose on Rito Village, I don’t think most of them have seen a Rito before. It’ll keep them busy for long enough for me to slip with you somewhere, just like old times.” 
“I can’t say that I miss the paranoia of being caught, but I suppose there was a certain thrill that came with it. I’m sure we can find some dark corners to pull each other into.” 
“I’m looking forward to it. I’ve also been looking forward to this, to being with you again.” Though she was weary from traveling and the months of yearning left her exhausted when she finally had no reason to do so anymore, though she had finally found an overwhelming sense of peace that weighed her down like a hefty worn blanket, she fought to stay awake, just a moment longer. It seemed like such a waste to spend her time with Zelda sleeping when she knew all too well that it would be limited. 
“Close your eyes, my dear hero, I’ll still be here in the morning, if anything tries to take you away from me until then, they’ll be sorry.” Zelda seemed to read her mind, though it wasn’t as if this was the first time Link had remained awake in her lover's arms, as if they were about to lose each other at any moment. Perhaps she just wasn’t that hard to read. 
“Hylia help any poor soul that tries to get in your way,” Link huffed a silent laugh, though she still took a moment of hesitation before closing her eyes. There was still a drop of uncertainty. There was still a chance that when she awoke, her princess would be gone. Whether it be because this whole miracle had been a dream, it surely felt like it, or because the pursuit of dark monsters required a more rushed investigation.
“Sleep Aryll, you know you won’t be able to resist for long anyway,” Zelda rested her chin on her swordswoman's head and tightened her grip around her shoulders just a little bit tighter. 
Aryll enjoyed a slow deep inhale, relishing in her princess’s aroma that she had longed for, the only faint reminders lingered on the clothes she had brought with her but the scent had faded into nothingness. Now she was here, totally and completely consumed by it and her warmth once again. 
She couldn’t imagine wanting a single thing more. 
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annieandro · 6 months
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One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish
Richard Scarry's Find Your ABC's
Ernie's Big Mess
Bad Kitty Does Not Like Dogs
Spongebob Squarepants: Spongebob Goes To The Doctor
The Backyardians: The Mystery Of The Jeweled Eggs
Shopkins: Lights Camera Shopkins
Llama Llama and The Bully Goat
Posie The Kitten In Pink
Goodnight Sweet Butterflies a Color Dreamland
A Boy, A Dog and A Frog
Disney's Aladdin ABC Animal Jamboree
Please Mr.Panda
Richard Scarry's Please and Thank You Book
Max and Ruby: Bunny Cakes
Skeleton Hiccups
W Is For Woof A Dog Alphabet
Barefoot Bear and The Dragon
Splat and The School Trip
Blue's Clues: Blue's Bedtime
Scooter Computer and Mr.Chips: The Computer In The Candy Store
How Do You Say It Today, Jesse Bear
A Big Ball Of String
The Cat In The Hat Comes Back
Blue's Cool Idea
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shelbgrey · 1 year
Aesthetic Boards:
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Dr. Lance Sweets:
Dating mood board
My Boys aesthetic
Agent Seeley Booth:
His aesthetic
Dating mood board
Updated aesthetic of my favorite agent
Agent James Aubrey:
His aesthetic
Dating mood board
Dr. Jack Hodgins:
His aesthetic
Big brother aesthetic
Dr. Wendell Bray:
His aesthetic
Dr. Vincent Nigel-Murray:
His aesthetic
Dr. Camille Saroyan:
Her aesthetic
Dr. Arastoo Vaziri:
His aesthetic
Angela Montenegro:
Her aesthetic
Dr. Temperance "Bones" Brennan:
Her aesthetic
Emmett McCarthy Cullen:
His aesthetic
Carlisle Cullen:
His aesthetic
Husband moodboard
Jasper Whitlock Hale:
The cowboy's aesthetic
Edward Anthony Mason Cullen:
The Brooders aesthetic
Rosalie Lillian Hale:
The queen's aesthetic
Esme Ann Platt Cullen:
Mama Cullen's aesthetic
Mary Alice Brandon Cullen:
Her aesthetic
The Denalis:
Eleazar Denali:
His aesthetic
Tayna Denali:
Her aesthetic
Kate Denali:
Her aesthetic
The wolf pack:
Paul lahote:
His aesthetic
Leah Clearwater:
Her aesthetic
Seth Clearwater:
His aesthetic
Jacob Black:
His aesthetic
🗡️Once upon a time 🍎
Robin Hood:
My Boys aesthetic
Robin dating Hooks sister mood board
Killian Jones:
His aesthetic
New aesthetic
David Nolan:
My favorite prince's aesthetic
August W. Booth:
His aesthetic
Dr. Archie Hopper:
The cricket's aesthetic
Ruby Lucas:
The beautiful wolf's aesthetic
Snow White:
Her aesthetic
Dean winchester:
Dating Dean mood board
My angel's aesthetic
Dating aesthetic
Updated aesthetic
Sam Winchester:
The moos' aesthetic
My favorite Angel's aesthetic
Marc Spector:
His aesthetic
Steven Grant:
My baby's aesthetic
Tony stark:
Big brother aesthetic
Scott Summers:
His aesthetic
Dating mood board
Hank McCoy:
My blue baby's aesthetic
Dr. Egon Spengler:
My love's aesthetic
Dating mood board
Ray Stantz:
The sweet boy's aesthetic
Peter Venkman:
His aesthetic
Winston Zeddemore:
His aesthetic
🏍️The lost boys🩸
My favorite vampire's aesthetic
Mated to David aesthetic
His aesthetic
💙Random characters🩵
Ace Merrill:
His aesthetic
Richard Lawson:
His aesthetic
Cliff Booth:
His aesthetic
❤️‍🔥Grey's Anatomy🩺
Dr. Derek Shepherd:
Mcdreamy's McAesthetic
Dating aesthetic
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scoutandvioletfan · 9 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Gwendolyn The Miracle Hen
Stevie Look At Me
At Night
One, Two, Where's My Shoe
Track Picture Book
My Little Brother
ABC Of Cars and Trucks Peter's Chair
Maybe A Monster
Cluck The Captain's Chicken Moving Day For Manuel
Who Will Wake Up Spring
Welcome Roberto, Bienvenido Roberto
I Am A Hunter
Mommies At Work
Tom In The Middle
Play With Me
What Do You Say, Dear
Where Are The Mothers
Will I Have A Friend
I Have A Tree
The Story Grandmother Told
5A and 7B
The Circus Baby
Clyde Of Africa If I Had
Tony and The Toll Collector
I'll Fix Anthony
Ask Mr.Bear
Go Away Dog
Chicken Little Count To Ten
The Snowy Day
Birthday Presents
Whistle For Willie
My Friend John
Katie Goes To Camp
What Is Your Favorite Thing To Touch
What Do I Do
City In The Summer
Dear Uncle Carlos
The Cat Who Thought He Was A Tiger
Six Foolish Fishermen
A Kiss For Little Bear
Some Of The Days Of Everett Anderson
Chicken Soup With Rice
Where The Wild Things Are
The Lorax
Clifford The Big Red Dog
Thomas Snowsuit
My Funny Animal Alphabet
Alexander and The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
Insects and other small creatures
Clifford The Big Red Dog: Tummy Trouble
The Animal Alphabet Book
My Little Pony: Twilight Sparkle's Magical Journey
Horton Hears A Who
Oh The Places You'll Go
Old MacDonald Had A Farm
My Little People School Bus
Are You My Mother
Fluffy Bunnies
Chicka Chicka 123
I Can Read With My Eyes Shut
Barefoot Bear and The Ice Cream Factory
Green Eggs and Ham
The Berenstain Bears and The Attic Treasure
Goodnight Moon
In A People House
The Pigeon Finds A Hot Dog
It's Not Easy Being A Bunny
Parachuting Hamsters and Andy Russell
Mr.Brown Can Moo Can You
Care Bears: Meet The Care Bears
Little Monster At School
Rugrats: The Rugrats Versus The Monkeys
The Pigeon Loves Things That Go
My Little Pony: The Perfect Pumpkin
Pink Panther and Sons: Pinky Saves The Beach Bullies
Monchichi's ABC
Curious George and The Dump Truck
Bad Kitty
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
Big Bird's New New Nest and Other Goodnight Stories
Little Critter: I'm Sorry
The Foot Book
The Cat In The Hat
Alphapets: Bradley and The Great Swamp Mystery
Curious George At The Parade
The Jacket I Wear In The Snow
The Gingerbread Bear
Blast Off Barefoot Bear
Can I Have A Stegosaurus Mom Can I Please
Sprout's Valley Adventure
Blue Skidoos To The Beach
One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish
Richard Scarry's Find Your ABC's
Ernie's Big Mess
Bad Kitty Does Not Like Dogs
Spongebob Squarepants: Spongebob Goes To The Doctor
The Backyardians: The Mystery Of The Jeweled Eggs
Shopkins: Lights Camera Shopkins
Llama Llama and The Bully Goat
Posie The Kitten In Pink
Goodnight Sweet Butterflies a Color Dreamland
A Boy, A Dog and A Frog
Disney's Aladdin
ABC Animal Jamboree
Please Mr.Panda
Richard Scarry's Please and Thank You Book
Max and Ruby: Bunny Cakes
Skeleton Hiccups
W Is For Woof A Dog Alphabet
Barefoot Bear and The Dragon
Splat and The School Trip
Blue's Clues: Blue's Bedtime
Scooter Computer and Mr.Chips: The Computer In The Candy Store
How Do You Say It Today, Jesse Bear
A Big Ball Of String
The Cat In The Hat Comes Back
Blue's Cool Idea
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Little Bear
The Gruffalo
Q Is For Duck
Sesame Street: A My Name Is Alice An Alphabet Book
Pink Panther and Sons: Fun At The Picnic
Spongebob Squarepants: Ice Cream Time
Alpha Bugs
How Many Bugs In A Box
More Bugs In Boxes
The Day It Rained Hearts
Peppa Pig Class Trip
Socks For Stan
The Three Bears ABC An Alphabet Book
Harry The Dirty Dog
Gummi Bears: Zumi's Magic Spells
Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends: Sidekick Showdown
Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends: Go Goo Go
Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends: Eduardo Goes Extreme
Rainbow Brite: The Risky Rescue
The Care Bears Picnic
The Care Bears: The Mystery Of The Missing Dreams
Fox In Socks
Hop On Pop
Ronald McDonald Alphabet
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Wuzzles: Bumblelion's Funny Money
Wuzzles: Butterbear's Surprise Guest
Wuzzles: Hippopotamus Goes To Hollywuz
Wuzzles: Eleroo and The Brahma Bullfinch
Thomas and Friends: Thomas and The Treasure and Other Stories
Thomas and Friends: Track Stars 3 Thomas and Friends Stories
Thomas and Friends: Hooray For Thomas and Other Thomas and Friends Stories
The Bernstain Bears: Go Green
The Bernstain Bears: No Girls Allowed
The Bernstain Bears: Computer Trouble
The Bernstain Bears: and Baby Makes Five
Riddles Riddles From A To Z
3 Little Witches Trick Or Treat Halloween The Berenstain Bears and The Tooth Fairy
Spot's Halloween Spot's Halloween Party
Barbie: The Big Splash
Biscuit and Friends A Day At The Aquarium
Biscuit's Birthday
Schoolhouse Rock: 3 Ring Government Sesame Street: Oscar's Rotten Birthday
The Taxi That Hurried
The Wonderful School
You're A Good Sport Charlie Brown
Sesame Street: Grover Goes To School
Master Of The Universe: Castle Grayskull
Master Of The Universe: He Man and Battle Cat
Masters Of The Universe: The Revenge Of Skeletor
Rocky Versus Clubber Lang
Scooby Doo: Scooby Doo and The Mystery Of The Strange Paw Prints
Strawberry Shortcake and Her Friends
Pound Puppies: Fun From A To Z
Barbie: Camping Adventure Barbie: Barbie Goes To The City
Benji Goes Camping
My Little Pony: Lost In The Clouds
Halloween Cats
On The Night You Were Born
The Berenstain Bears: New Baby
Barbie: Soccer Coach
Barbie: The Missing Wedding Dress
Jim Henson Muppets: Trouble With Twins
Jim Henson Muppets: The Wonderful Wagon
Jim Henson Muppets: What A Mess
Spot Loves His Daddy
The Berenstain Bears and The Ghost Of The Forest
The Berenstain Bears and The Spooky Old Tree
Sesame Street: Big Bird Follows The Signs
Alphaoops The Day Z Went First
Sesame Street: How To Be A Grouch
Alphaoops H Is For Halloween
Sesame Street: Cookie Monster and The Cookie Tree
It's A Mystery Charlie Brown
The Berenstain Bears: Go On A Ghost Walk
Fraggle Rock: The Legends Of The Doozer Who Didn't
Muppet Babies: Gonzo Saves London
Pucasso The Cat Who Wanted To Be A Artist
Muppet Babies: Animal Go Bye-Bye
How The Alphabet Came To Be
Muppet Babies: Baby Gonzo's Treasure Hunt
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Heathcliff: Pigs Out
Little Critter: Being Thankful
Spot's Birthday Party
Robo Machine Challenge Of The Gobots: Collision Course Comet
Gobots: Battle For Gobotron
The Transformers: Battle For Cybertron
Gobots: Battle Target Earth
Fraggle Rock: What Do Doozers Do
Gerry The Giraffe
Alf: This Place Is A Zoo
Clifford The Big Red Dog: Thanksgiving Parade
Alf: A Day At The Fair
Corduroy's Thanksgiving Muppet Babies: Baby Piggy's Mermaid Tales
Little Critter: Just A Special Thanksgiving
Fraggle Rock: No One Know Where Gobo Goes
Muppet Babies: Gonzo and the Great Race
Fraggle Rock: What's A Fraggle
Muppet Babies: What Is A Gonzo
Spot Love His Mommy
Muppet Babies: Kermit The Hermit
Corduroy Goes To The Doctor
Winnie The Pooh: Pooh Can, Can You
Fantastic Four: The Island Of Dragon
Corduroy's Busy Street
Thomas and Friends: Christmas In Wellsworth
Corduroy's Day
Corduroy's Halloween Hooray For Halloween
Goldilocks and The 3 Bears
Curious George Sonny Says Sorry
The Little Sparrow
Why Anansi Has Eight Thin Legs
The Story Of Rama and Sita
Donald Duck's Christmas Tree
Biscuit's and Friends: A Day At The Aquarium
The Little Red Hen
The 12 Days Of Christmas
Little Owl: ABC and Counting
The 3 Billy Goats Gruff
The Princess and The Pea
Schaefer and The Raccoons: The Mystery Of The Disappearing Forest
The Berenstain Bears: Meet Santa Bear
Care Bears: Where Are You
Care Bears: Caring Contest
Care Bears: What Makes You Happy
Sleepy Kittens
Don't Put Mustard In The Custard
Richard Scarry's Christmas Mice
Corduroy's 4th Of July
Merry Christmas Uncle Scrooge McDuck
Spot's First Christmas The Christmas Helpers
The Poky Little Puppy's First Christmas
Thomas and Friends: Thomas and The Missing Christmas Tree
Once A Mouse
The Little Engine Could
Little Christmas Star
Winnie The Pooh: The Merry Christmas Mystery
The Little Engine That Could and The Snowy Blowy Christmas Merry
Christmas Curious George
Two Ducks and a Turtle
Shangool and Mangool
The Hare and The Hedgehog
Please Baby Please
Dinosaur Vs Bedtime
Blue's Starry Night
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acacia-may · 9 months
Snowflakes In the Window (AlBis & Fairy Tail Found Family Fic)
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Preparing for her daughter Asuka's first holiday in their new tavern guildhall prompts Bisca to remember the first holiday season she spent with her Fairy Tail guild family and her future husband, Alzack. Even though their guild family may look a little smaller and a little different than it did then, Bisca knows that there are some things that last forever.
Holiday Slice of Life and Hurt/Comfort with a Happy Ending Post-Tenrou Island Arc (set during Asuka's first holiday and a pre-canon flashback). Some AlBis Romance.
Written for the Fairy Tail Guild Awards Holiday Gift Exchange 2023. Thank you for reading!
Link to work on AO3. Full text below the cut. Happy Holidays! ❄️
“Well, that’s the last of them,” sighed Alzack setting the final box on the floor of their new guildhall. Bisca bit her lip as her brow furrowed. Referring to this tavern as a guildhall was very generous, but the bittersweet half-smile that twitched in the corners of her husband’s mouth reminded her that it was all they could afford now that Twilight Ogre had kicked them out of their real guildhall. Something twisted in her chest just thinking about it. She would never forget how they had taken one last solemn walk through their now quiet and empty guildhall, how her eyes had burned as they said their final goodbyes, or how Alzack had wiped away a tear as he squeezed her hand, but the image that was seared most painfully in her memory was Romeo’s desperate pleading that they had to stay—how would their missing guildmates find them if they moved away from the guildhall—the sobs of a little boy who couldn’t understand that they wouldn’t be coming back.
The poor kid was still sniffling now as his father, Macao, tried to soothe him. “At least we’ll be all moved in in time for the holidays.”
Romeo huffed, muttering under his breath. “It doesn’t feel like the holidays here.”
A collective sigh rang out in the room. They had all felt it—felt something missing ever since so many of their guildmates had disappeared with Tenrou Island. They were missed and remembered always but especially in the holiday season. Bisca wasn’t sure why it was that their guild felt especially empty and quiet then. Perhaps it was because she could still remember the holidays she had spent with Fairy Tail—so rowdy and chaotic but so wonderful and almost magical too. She wished that there was some way she could bring some of that magic back, if not for her and her guildmates sake then for her baby daughter who would be celebrating her first holiday this year.
Bisca’s heart ached as she caught sight of her dearest little Asuka, sleeping soundly in the nearby bassinette Alzack had thoughtfully set up for her in a quiet corner of their new guildhall. As she gently stroked the little tufts of dark hair on her daughter’s head, Asuka smiled in her sleep, and Bisca found she couldn’t help but smile too.
There was a time not so long ago when Tenrou Island had first disappeared that Bisca had honestly believed she would never be able to smile again, but even in the worst of times, there were still things to smile about. Alzack had taught her that. Just when she had thought she would never be happy again, he had shown her that she could be, and now their daughter, their beautiful little girl Bisca loved more than life itself, showed her that every single day.
As Bisca met Alzack’s eyes over Asuka’s cradle, she knew he must be thinking the same thing and must be wishing to give their little girl the world. Bisca’s expression softened, and Alzack smiled at her as if to say: “even if we can’t give her the world, we can at least try to give her some of that Fairy Tail holiday magic we remember.”
Bisca supposed this was easier said than done, but she believed in them—believed in Alzack so she curled her mouth into a lopsided half-smile, quirked an eyebrow at him. “Got any bright ideas, Al-Al?” she teased in her best attempt to lighten the mood.
While their friends’ account of their overly-affectionate Edolas counterparts and their lovey-dovey nicknames for each other had once made them incredibly embarrassed, it eventually became something they laughed about, and they even pulled out those silly nicknames whenever they were feeling playful or wanted to make each other smile.
And Alzack did smile—though Bisca had to stifle a laugh as she noticed his face also blushed a bright, crimson red. She honestly thought it was sweet how he still blushed even after all this time. After they had married and had a baby together, a lovey-dovey nickname just seemed silly and not something to get flustered over, but Bisca supposed Alzack had always been shy about his feelings just as she had been shy about hers. Even as recently as a few years ago, she would have never dreamed of teasing him like this, so maybe he was still getting used to it. Even so, it was very endearing.
Despite his flaming cheeks, Alzack nodded at her with a slight smile before he turned to Romeo and Macao.
“Hey, I know it doesn’t feel very festive right now, but I think I have an idea of something that might fix that. We just need to bring back one of our traditions and make some snowflakes to decorate.”
Romeo’s mouth twitched—not quite a smile but enough that his father sighed in relief.
“That’s a great idea,” agreed Macao as everyone gathered at the one long table that had already been set up in their new guildhall. Reedus began passing out some art supplies: paper and scissors for everyone. A smile tugged at Bisca’s lips as she carefully folded her paper and began to make the first cuts to create her snowflake. In an instant, it was almost like she was back at her very first holiday season with her guild.
“Sorry I’m late,” mumbled Bisca as she shook some snow off of her hat. They hadn’t had many snowstorms like this back home, and while it had looked pretty from a distance, she hadn’t enjoyed it very much when she got caught helping an elderly couple push their wagon out of a snowbank this morning. That’s why she was late, but it seemed her guildmates didn’t mind or maybe they had all been working so intently on whatever project this was that they hadn’t noticed she was missing.
Erza waved to her. “You’re just in time. We were just starting to make snowflakes.”
Bisca’s brow furrowed as she took a seat next to Erza. With a smile, she unfolded the piece of paper she had been cutting to reveal a paper snowflake with an intricate diamond pattern Bisca found very impressive.
“It’s our guild’s holiday tradition since the time of the first master. We all make snowflakes, then hang them up in the window of our guildhall.” Erza reached for a piece of paper which she folded into a very small triangle. As she slowly unfolded it, she made careful incisions on the edges until by the end she had created a pretty snowflake patterned with diamonds. With a smile, Bisca clapped for her and her crafting skills which made Erza laugh as she handed her some paper and a pair of scissors. “Here you can make some too.”
Bisca blinked at Erza’s outstretched hand and the art supplies. She had never really been one for arts and crafts and wasn’t sure how well her paper snowflakes would turn out, but the Fairy Tail guild had been so good to her and had given her a place to belong when she hadn’t had one—it would be wrong not to at least try to participate in some of their traditions—so she took the supplies and decided to try her best.
After several attempts which Bisca herself would have classified as failures, however, she decided this was probably easier said than done.
She huffed—blowing that annoying piece of hair out of her left eye for just a second before it fell right back down again. Frowning with gritted teeth, Bisca frustratedly pushed it out of her face with her hand. While she was no stranger to having hair in her face, her previous bangs had managed to stay out of her line of sight. Ever since she had started to grow out her hair, however, there was a pesky, unruly lock on the left side of her head that just couldn’t seem to stay in place.
She huffed again—seriously considering just chopping it off with the pair of scissors in her hand, before she noticed someone staring at her from across the table—the newest member of their guild who Bisca was pretty sure was named Alzack. He was a very quiet person and seemed shy so, needless to say, neither Bisca nor anyone had really talked to him much yet. As she glanced up and met his warm, dark eyes, her cheeks felt warm but, luckily, he looked away abruptly—almost sheepishly as if embarrassed to have been caught staring at her. If anything, Bisca felt she should probably be the one embarrassed after making a scene about her hair.
“It’s growing out…” she explained, somewhat awkwardly pushing that piece of hair out of her face again. “This piece is really annoying…”
Alzack’s mouth twitched in the corners, but his expression softened—his eyes kind and understanding though they seemed to stare off over her shoulder as he nodded.
“I’m Bisca, by the way,” she added for good measure, and he nodded again.
“Alzack. Nice to meet you.”
Strangely enough, her face grew warm again as he smiled and she glanced down at the table—catching sight of his snowflake project. The snowflakes he had made were so delicate and beautiful.
“You’re really good at that,” sighed Bisca before sheepishly scratching the back of her neck. “Mine haven’t really been turning out.”  
Alzack thoughtfully tilted his head towards her stack of snowflakes, but he smiled. “I like them.” A flush of rose filled his cheeks before he motioned towards their companions scattered throughout the guildhall making snowflakes of their own. “Everyone’s look different…”
Bisca followed Alzack’s line of vision—glancing around at their guildmates. At the end of their table, Happy was laughing while floating around Natsu, Gray and Cana as Natsu unfolded his newest snowflake with a curious tilt of his head.
“It still doesn’t look like a snowflake…” hummed Natsu before Happy swooped in and playfully grabbed it.
“No, but it does look like a delicious fishy.”
Gray shrugged his shoulders as he intently snipped away at his paper. “Give it up, Natsu,” he bantered. “Maybe you’d have better luck if we were making paper fire.”
“Or fishies,” chimed Happy, and Natsu huffed.
“You really think your ice magic makes you better at arts and crafts,” teased Cana playfully nudging Gray in the arm. Gray frowned but insisted, “Ice is basically snow, and if I can make ice magic then I can easily make some snowflakes.”
“Paper snowflakes,” Cana interjected as she added another small but pretty snowflake to her pile. “That’s different. Clearly…” she added with a playful, bantering smile as Gray unfolded his newest “snowflake” with its hard lines and geometric patterns.
Gray rolled his eyes, but a smile twitched in the corners of his mouth. “At least it doesn’t look like fish.”
“You wanna say that again,” huffed Natsu standing up from the table. Gray soon followed, but Erza, who Bisca somehow hadn’t even noticed get up from her seat suddenly appeared between them to intervene.
“Stop it. We’re supposed to be celebrating. Now sit down and finish your snowflakes.” Erza placed a hand on both boys’ shoulders and gently pushed them back down to their seats causing Cana and Happy to burst into laughter.
There was laughter coming from the other end of the table as well, and both Alzack and Bisca turned their heads to find the Strauss siblings practically cracking up as Bickslow turned his paper snowflakes into little hats for his “babies” who excitedly hovered around them. His team, the Thunder Legion, seemed less amused or at least they tried to appear that way, but Bisca caught Freed and Evergreen stifling laughter as they unfurled their own snowflakes—both elegant with curving, graceful lines. Even Laxus was trying his best to hide a smile behind the somewhat boxy snowflake he had been cutting out. The laughter was soon drowned out by applause for Mirajane’s beautiful cluster of snowflakes she had somehow managed to cut from just one piece of paper.
Bisca’s mouth curved into a smile. She supposed Alzack was right. Everyone’s snowflakes did look different, but that didn’t have to take the fun out of the tradition. Still, she didn’t want her sorry excuses for snowflakes hanging up in the windows next to the others.
“Do you think you could show me how you make yours?” she asked Alzack somewhat shyly. His face flushed, but he nodded. Bisca could have sworn his blush deepened as she leaned across the table to watch him. The movements of his hands were thoughtful and gentle as he carefully folded and cut the paper with a certain gracefulness that somehow translated to his snowflakes when they were unfurled. Bisca never could quite figure out how to make her snowflakes look like his, but by the end of the evening, she had a few snowflakes of her own that she was proud to hang in the guildhall windows beside her guildmates’ creations at the Fairy Tail holiday party later that week.
After all the snowflakes were hung, Bisca took a step back to admire them. “Thanks for helping me,” she said with a slight smile, and Alzack nodded.
“You’re welcome. Your snowflakes turned out really nice.”
“The whole display turned out really great.” Bisca tilted her head at the window. “And you’re right—they all do look different but…it’s still really beautiful.”
Alzack hummed thoughtfully before he quietly replied, “I think that’s the point...”
Bisca tilted her head towards him curiously. “What do you mean?”
“It’s almost like our guild. Everyone is a little bit different, but when we all come together, it makes something beautiful—a family.”
Bisca felt something warm spreading through her chest, and her face relaxed into a gentle smile. A family. After being alone for so long, she liked the sound of that, and from the look on Alzack’s face, it seemed he did too.
She met his eyes for just a moment, but before she could say anything that pesky lock of hair fell into her face again. She puffed at it irritably—trying to blow it out of the way before finally giving up and just pushing it off to the side with her hand again. As she tried her best to tuck it behind her ear, she caught sight of Alzack awkwardly fumbling around for something in his pocket. Bisca’s brow furrowed as his face flushed red and he handed her a small box tied with a bow.
“Maybe this will help…”  he mumbled, seemingly unable to look her in the eyes.
Curiously, Bisca carefully untied the ribbon and opened the box to find a small hairpin with a snowflake in the corner. “It’s so pretty,” she sighed—her cheeks growing warm. “Thank you, but you really didn’t have to do that. I—I don’t have anything for you. I’m sorry. I…um…” As she turned away from him guiltily, she caught sight of the job board. “Well…uh…what about a job?”
Alzack’s eyes widened in surprise, and Bisca’s face flushed as she continued, “Um…I mean…you and I are both new and don’t have a team or a partner to go on jobs with yet. Would you…”—her voice hitched but she shrugged her shoulders in her best attempt at nonchalance—“want to team up with me?”  
She didn’t look at his face as she finished her question. Surprising as it was, it was almost as if she couldn’t. She bit down hard on her lip—trying her best to ignore the palpable silence, but when Alzack finally answered, “I’d like that very much,” she couldn’t hold back her smile. If Bisca was being honest with herself, she didn’t know if she had ever been as happy as she was in that moment—standing in the Fairy Tail guildhall next her new partner surrounded by the snowflakes carefully made by her new family.
Something warm and affectionate ached in Bisca’s chest.  It really was beautiful.  
Bisca cleared her throat and wiped her now misty eyes as she turned her attention back to her snowflake project. Her detour through her memories had left her far behind her companions, especially Alzack who had a big stack of snowflakes in front of him. Bisca wasn’t entirely sure why he had made so many. After all, there weren’t many windows to fill in their new tavern guildhall. When the time came to hang them in the windows, however, she finally understood, and the realization made her breath catch in her throat and her chest grow tight.
There were, of course, several of Alzack’s delicately crafted snowflakes Bisca had come to recognize and love over the years, but in his other snowflakes she saw Erza’s diamond shapes, Gray’s geometric patterns, and Freed and Evergreen’s curving, flowing lines. There were Laxus’ boxy snowflakes, Cana’s small but pretty flurries, and Mirajane’s beautiful cluster of paper snowfall. Even Natsu’s snowflakes that looked more like fish made an appearance amid so many other unique shapes and patterns they had all come to recognize over the years. No, they weren’t exact, and they weren’t the same, but as she heard Macao gasp and Romeo start to sniffle again, Bisca was sure her guildmates saw it too. Their dear friends—their family were still represented, and looking at the beautiful window now, it was almost as if they were all together again.
As Alzack returned and wrapped his arm around her shoulders, Bisca wiped a tear from her eyes.
“What do you think?” he asked, and Bisca could see the tears in the corners of his eyes as well.
“It’s beautiful.”
“Good enough for our little girl?” he asked. Sniffling, Bisca nodded, but it was her husband who said the words she so desperately wanted to say. “I wish she could have seen them for real.”
Shutting her eyes tightly in a last ditch attempt not to cry, Bisca threw her arms around Alzack’s neck and pulled him into a tight hug. She could feel him choke on his breath, his shoulders trembling as if he was also trying not to cry. As she gently ran her hand through the hair on the nape of his neck, she whispered a painful, “Me too.”
Alzack comfortingly stroked her back. No more words were spoken, but they didn’t need to be.
Their tears had dried by the time Asuka finally woke up from her nap, and they walked her over to the window with loving smiles.
“Do you see those snowflakes, Asuka?” cooed Alzack as he held their daughter.
“Your papa made a lot of those,” added Bisca. “Aren’t they pretty?” Asuka’s eyes widened—blinking curiously at the window then at her mother and father.
“This the Fairy Tail guild’s tradition,” Bisca continued.  “It’s how we remember we’re a family.” She turned to smile at Alzack then, leaned her head on his shoulder.
“That’s your family too, Asuka,” said Alzack. “And someday you’ll get to put your snowflake in the window just like Mama and Papa.” He paused, but he took Bisca’s hand and intertwined their fingers. “There’ll be lots of snowflakes in the window again someday. You’ll see…”
Alzack was once again right—though Bisca supposed at this point she should’ve expected it. It seemed to be a superpower of his.
Just a few years from now when Asuka was old enough to cut out her own snowflakes and hang them alongside her Fairy Tail family’s, the windows in their guildhall—their real guildhall in it’s rightful place in the center of Magnolia would be filled with snowflakes once again. Bisca would once again hear the laughter of Gray, Cana, and Loke chatting over warm mugs of cider and mulled wine. She’d once again be caught in the crossfire of the Thunder Legion’s annual snowball fight. She’d once again help the Strauss siblings hang holiday garlands from the rafters. And once again she’d watch as Erza, Natsu, and Happy built snowmen together outside of their guildhall—but this time they’d make sure it was a giggling Asuka who gave the snowman his button eyes, carrot nose, and fancy hat. They would all be together again, and Bisca would hold on tightly to Alzack’s hand as they turned to look at the snowflake filled windows of their guildhall—so happy and so thankful that their family had been reunited at last.
In that moment, Bisca would wonder about the first master’s reasoning. Why use snowflakes, something so fleeting and temporary, to represent their family? Snowflakes eventually melt. Winter eventually ends, and spring comes again. But maybe that was the point all along—that it is the love of a family that allows someone to find the beauty even in something dark and cold like a blizzard.
Bisca supposed there were very few things in this world that last forever. It was sad to think that good things didn’t last, but there was hope in knowing that the worst things didn’t last either. And if there was one thing that Bisca found comfort in, it was in knowing that she had her family—the one she had found in Fairy Tail and the one she built with Alzack—to cling to through all the uncertainties and impermanence of life. No matter what happened there would always be snowflakes in the windows of Fairy Tail guild because family lasts forever.
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purpleplaid17 · 11 months
Jess Watches // Tues 24 Oct // Day 35 Synopses & Favourite Scenes
Call the Midwife (with mum) 6x03 Episode 3
Sister Ursula continues to make life difficult for the staff of Nonnatus House, while sweeping reforms place the maternity unit under threat.
All the signs were there as to what was going to happen to baby Lin but it was still so emotionally fraught. Ma Chen revealing she had lost a baby daughter in harsh conditions was had both me and my mum teary eyed. Also, loved Harriet Walter. Ursula started as a right meanie, but softened as she opened up more. With a few of the cast leaving I thought she might've stuck around for a bit longer.
Frasier (with mum) 5x10 Where Every Bloke Knows Your Name
Bored with his usual routine, Frasier shuns Niles's company and becomes taken with the "Fox and Whistle," a British pub Daphne frequents.
My gay-tumblr association with Orpheus and Eurydice helping me to understand Niles's love of the opera lol; Daphne deserves a place free from the Crane men. Maybe invite Roz next time instead; Also, I knew I recognized Young Niles! It was Michael Welch, aka Luke from Joan of Arcadia, aka Mike from Twilight.
Business Proposal (with friend) Ep 1
To appease his grandfather's wishes, Kang Tae Moo agrees to a blind date. Jin Young Seo enlists Shin Ha Ri's help to scare away her latest prospect.
Starting this the day after finishing TUC so I don't get Kim Sejeong withdrawals. This was so cheesy and lots of fun with a very beautiful cast. We were having a right good giggle.
The Power 1x02 The World Is on Fu*king Fire
As teen girls grapple with their new abilities, parents and political leaders try to make sense of a sudden rash of fires, power outages, blown electrical grids and mysterious burn marks.
Everyone starting to suspect that teenage girls have a shit ton of power yet are surprised that they could be so full of rage. Also, loved that The Chicks and Yeah Yeah Yeah's were on the soundtrack.
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annieandropinkpawsfan · 2 months
Annieandro Pinkpaws Stories Part 1
Gwendolyn The Miracle Hen
Look At Me
At Night
One, Two, Where's My Shoe
Track Picture Book
My Little Brother
ABC Of Cars and Trucks Peter's Chair
Maybe A Monster
Cluck The Captain's Chicken
Moving Day For Manuel
Who Will Wake Up Spring
Welcome Roberto, Bienvenido Roberto
I Am A Hunter
Mommies At Work
Tom In The Middle Play With Me
What Do You Say, Dear
Where Are The Mothers
Will I Have A Friend
I Have A Tree
The Story Grandmother Told
5A and 7B
The Circus Baby
Clyde Of Africa If I HadTony and The Toll Collector
I'll Fix Anthony
Ask Mr.Bear
Go Away Dog
Chicken Little Count To Ten
The Snowy Day
Birthday Presents
Whistle For Willie
My Friend John
Katie Goes To Camp
What Is Your Favorite Thing To Touch
What Do I Do
City In The Summer
Dear Uncle Carlos
The Cat Who Thought He Was A Tiger
Six Foolish Fishermen
A Kiss For Little Bear
Some Of The Days Of Everett Anderson
Chicken Soup With Rice
Where The Wild Things Are
The Lorax
Clifford The Big Red Dog
Thomas Snowsuit
My Funny Animal Alphabet
Alexander and The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
Insects and other small creatures
Clifford The Big Red Dog: Tummy Trouble
The Animal Alphabet Book
My Little Pony: Twilight Sparkle's Magical Journey
Horton Hears A Who
Oh The Places You'll Go
Old MacDonald Had A Farm
My Little People School Bus
Are You My Mother
Fluffy Bunnies
Chicka Chicka 123
I Can Read With My Eyes Shut
Barefoot Bear and The Ice Cream Factory
Green Eggs and Ham
The Berenstain Bears and The Attic Treasure
Goodnight Moon
In A People House
The Pigeon Finds A Hot Dog
It's Not Easy Being A Bunny
Parachuting Hamsters and Andy Russell
Mr.Brown Can Moo Can You
Care Bears: Meet The Care Bears
Little Monster At School
Rugrats: The Rugrats Versus The Monkeys
The Pigeon Loves Things That Go
My Little Pony: The Perfect Pumpkin
Pink Panther and Sons: Pinky Saves The Beach Bullies
Monchichi's ABC
Curious George and The Dump Truck
Bad Kitty
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
Big Bird's New New Nest and Other Goodnight Stories
Little Critter: I'm Sorry
The Foot Book
The Cat In The Hat
Alphapets: Bradley and The Great Swamp Mystery
Curious George At The Parade
The Jacket I Wear In The Snow
The Gingerbread Bear
Blast Off Barefoot Bear
Can I Have A Stegosaurus Mom Can I Please
Sprout's Valley Adventure
Blue Skidoos To The Beach
One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish
Richard Scarry's Find Your ABC's
Ernie's Big Mess
Bad Kitty Does Not Like Dogs
Spongebob Squarepants: Spongebob Goes To The Doctor
The Backyardians: The Mystery Of The Jeweled Eggs
Shopkins: Lights Camera Shopkins
Llama Llama and The Bully Goat
Posie The Kitten In Pink
Goodnight Sweet Butterflies a Color Dreamland
A Boy, A Dog and A Frog
Disney's Aladdin
ABC Animal Jamboree
Please Mr.Panda
Richard Scarry's Please and Thank You Book
Z Is For Moose
Max and Ruby: Bunny Cakes
Skeleton Hiccups
W Is For Woof A Dog Alphabet
Barefoot Bear and The Dragon
Splat and The School Trip
Blue's Clues: Blue's Bedtime
Scooter Computer and Mr.Chips: The Computer In The Candy Store
How Do You Say It Today, Jesse Bear
A Big Ball Of String
The Cat In The Hat Comes Back
Blue's Cool Idea
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byrachel · 4 years
fluffy preferences for Jacob and Seth (or the whole pack if you want!) about how maybe they would comfort their s/o being sad?
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characters: jacob black, seth clearwater
warnings: slight angst if you squint
note: i decided to just do Jacob and Seth for now, but I might add the others later on. thank you for your request :)
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J A C O B  B L A C K
Before you were actually upset Jacob would already sense something was off , keeping a close eye on you throughout the whole week. He would start with asking if everything was okay and if you needed anything, but he also knew you would never like to admit anything was wrong so it would take a while before you’d start to break. He would just wait patiently for you to come to him.
There was always one small thing that set you off, an empty pen, your laptop not doing what you wanted it to do or just simply mistyping a word one too many times. The moment Jacob heard your signature frustrated sigh he knew it was time to step up. He would immediately be by your side, asking what was wrong and let you rant for as long as you needed. His worried gaze never left your face, carefully listening to how you were sure the entire universe was working against you. 
It was only a matter of time before the tears started rolling and your sobs were interrupting your words. Then it was his turn to talk, holding you against his chest, not even caring his shirt would be totally wet by the time you calmed down. Comforting you was more about finding a solution to your problem than anything else, because he knew that was the only thing that would help. 
After your talk he would tell you to just continue with whatever you’re doing the next day so he could make sure you’re relaxing. His special made tea would be waiting for you after he sent you to take a shower to wash off all the negativity. The rest of the day you would be spending being cuddled up against him and being taken care of in any way you needed.
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S E T H  C L E A R W A T E R 
Seth was a little more clueless than the others, not because he wouldn’t pick up on the clues, but because his bubbly personality always rubbed off on you in any situation. Seeing his smile at the end of a shitty day was enough to make you forget about what you were upset about in the first place. Even if he asked how your day was you couldn’t bring yourself to tell him, because you didn’t want to ruin his mood (although he always told you he cared more about you than anything else). 
When he did catch you crying, the first thing he always said was, “why didn’t you say anything?” wiping your tears away while he thought of ways to comfort you. He didn’t like to admit it, but he wasn’t always the best with his words so the way to calm you down was through touch. He would cover you in kisses until you were laughing and giggling, telling him to stop. 
“There’s my favorite smile again.” He softly grinned, holding your hands in his before asking you what was going on. Just like Jacob he was a great listener, never interrupting you while you spoke. He was more hesitant with telling his thoughts, because he never knew what the right thing to say exactly was. You didn’t care though, the fact he tried was enough for you. It showed he cared and was always prepared to help even if he didn’t always know how. 
You would end up on the couch or in bed, watching you favorite show while eating ice cream together. You would whisper a quick thank you to your boyfriend, who would respond with a kiss to your forehead as he softly tightened his arm around you for comfort. 
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masterlist | not edited 
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volturi-imagines · 2 years
Jane Has an Admirer Part 1
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I knew nothing good could come from Alice Cullen showing up in my sister’s life and pulling her back into the supernatural world but this time, I refused to be sidelined as I had been before but seeing the two hulking figures of the Volturi guards, I was starting to regret coming.
All movement had stopped at the sound of a woman's voice being accompanied by the sound of heels clicking on the floor. A figure, dressed in solid black joined the two Volturi guards, once the figure had come to a stop the figure dropped her hood, revealing a stunning woman. My jaw fell open as I openly gawked at her, she had blond hair pulled in a tight bun with a black cloak on.
Mouthing her name, I could feel my heart about to explode as she made eye contact with each other of us before spinning on her toes and walking away, expecting us to follow her, which we all did though I was the only one that rushed to catch up with her.
I even made sure that I was the second to last one in the elevator so I could be close to Jane, which didn’t go unnoticed by her as she glanced at me. We stood shoulder to shoulder as she looked at me with her dark red eyes, my breath caught in my throat as she gave me a small smirk.
“My god. You’re even more stunning up close.”
I heard someone laugh behind me, but I ignored it as I continued to marvel at Jane, who didn’t respond to me, only looking me up and down before she faced forward again as the doors opened. 
I was right on Jane’s heels as she stepped out of the elevator, leading us past a human secretary that I didn’t even glance at, but Bella did as she started asking questions.
“Is she human?”
Edward sounded strained as he gave Bella short answers, but it didn’t deter her.
“Does she know?”
“Then why would- She wants to be.”
I finally looked over my shoulder at Bella as one of the other Volturi guards respond to Bella.
“And so, she will be.”
“Or dessert.”
My head whipped back to Jane so fast I felt like it almost broke my spine, but I didn’t care, her voice was so intoxicating.
“You could eat me any day and I would say thank you.”
Hissing in pain I held my arm as I had felt someone flick the back of it.
“That hurt.”
“Shut up.”
Alice gave me a stern look while the two guards in the back looked highly amused but lost the look quickly as Jane opened a pair of double doors.
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needleworkreve · 3 years
Spring Designer Showdown
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Every month, there’s a new build challenge over on the Sims forums called The Build n’ Share Contest. They come up with a prompt, a shell, or give you a house to renovate. This month Simtresa went all out building a ramshackle green house with overgrown garden for us to play with. This is what I came up with. 
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I love the front porch with its plants and rockers. It would be fun to sit there and watch a thunderstorm. 
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The view down from the porch is nice too. 
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When you step inside the front door to the foyer, there’s the family drop zone. To the right is a half bath and you can also access the formal living room, dining room, and kitchen through this hall as well as the upstairs. I decided to use French doors instead of arches in this build to limit temperature fluctuations in the house. 
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The main floor half bath is functional. 
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Back through the foyer into the first set of French doors lands you in the formal living room. The family is well-traveled and eclectic and like to decorate their home with their souvenirs. 
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Through the front set of French doors lands you in the music room with built in bookshelves and window seat. 
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Back through the living room though the other set of doors lands you in the formal dining room. 
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The family kitchen is the hub of the house with a door in every wall. The table is functional and sims can route around it to use the doors and the kitchen fixtures.
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The solid door leads down to the basement and has a broom and dustpan as well as the kitchen trash in there. Down the stairs lands you in the hall of the finished basement with its linen storage. The first door on the left lands you in the laundry room. The second door is a 3/4 bath. The third door is the craft room/guest room. At the end of the hall is the storage/utility/workshop room. Through the arch is the family rec room. 
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The laundry room is small and oddly shaped, but a pleasant place to spend time. 
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The basement bathroom is functional.
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The craft room is the lady of the house’s private room, though she puts away the easel and drop cloth when company is in town. There’s a murphy bed in the unit behind the couch. 
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The workshop and storage space, with it’s new furnace and tankless water heater is the pride of the husband’s heart. He mulled over all the different choices before settling on these models and fixed the electrical box himself. 
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The wife is one of those people that thought it would be funny to put a custom pub sign over the door to the family rec room. This room is something she and her husband have been dreaming about since they were still in university together. Being able to have a place like this to gather with their friends and family is a dream come true. The mirror is a nice touch so that if people are sitting at the bar they can still watch the game. 
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Back up two flights of stairs to the upstairs landing. It’s a great place to read, day dream, or do homework. 
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The older daughter wants to be a marine biologist someday and is crazy about all things ocean. 
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The baby’s room resembles a meadow at twilight
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The upstairs bathroom is small, but functional.
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The master bedroom is a nice square room that gets evening light. The light blue wallpaper makes the room feel brighter in the morning.
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The back yard is small, but pretty with space for entertaining.
EPs: BG, GTW, GT, CL, CD, Sea, IL, DU, EL
GPs: Outdoor, Spa, Vamps, Parents, Jungle, Stranger
SPs: Movie, Roamance, Kids Room, Backyard, Vintage, Moschino, Tiny, Knitting, Paranormal
Beds: 4, 3 upper level, 1 lower level
Baths: 1 full, 1 3/4, and 1 half bath
Cost: $139,971
Lot Size, 20x30
Available on the Gallery; Place with MOO; No CC
@mmoutfitters @maxismatchccworld
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