#twice jeongyeon x fem reader
residentflamingo · 2 months
Sleeping Troubles
Yoo Jeongyeon x 10th member fem! reader
Summary ———> You and Jeongyeon are placed in the same hotel room even though you both have been fighting lately. What happens when you have trouble sleeping?
AU: Platonic
Genre: hurt/comfort
Warnings: Jeongyeon being rlly mean at first 🥲
A/N: Wrote this all today... I hope you guys like it :)
Word count ———> 2,452
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*✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚
“God Y/N, why are you always in the way?”
That is what Jeongyeon said to you last before you got put into this hotel room together.
You and her had been fighting a lot recently and it wasn’t even your fault. It started with her making sarcastic comments and just laughing them off, then they just turned more snarky each time she made one of them. All 10 of you considered each other sisters, and you were bound to fight at one point.
But this was different.
You didn’t know why she was being this way. And from what you can recall, you never did anything to her to make her this annoyed at you. She has never gotten mad at anyone else like this before.
It was right after a concert, and you and Jeongyeon had just gotten back to the hotel room. Of course, she was still tired and aggravated at you. You tried to ignore it the best you could, making sure you didn’t walk in the same path as her, or talk to her unless it was absolutely needed. She did the same.
You sauntered to your bed, sighing in contentment as you plopped on top of it and nuzzled your face into your pillow. Jeongyeon could be heard making a few sounds in the bathroom, doing her skincare routine before she went to bed. She rolled her eyes, already feeling annoyed by your presence.
It hurt knowing that someone you considered your sister was mad at you like this. Especially when you had no idea what the reason was behind it. You lay still on the bed, scared to make any movement even though she couldn’t see you from the bathroom. This was the worst thing you had possibly ever experienced. Even worse than when your mom would give you the silent treatment.
You were quickly snapped out of your thoughts once you heard a light switch click, indicating she was done using the bathroom. Her feet thumped across the floor until you heard her approach the nightstand, putting her phone on the charger and throwing it down on the wooden surface. Anger was still evident in her mood. You could hear her sigh in annoyance as she tossed her covers over aggressively and slid under them. She had no intentions of looking at you once so ever.
Then when you thought she was done, she said this, “I wish Jihyo didn’t put me in this room with you. You always manage to ruin everything.”
She mumbled that under her breath, just barely loud enough for you to hear.
Her words cut like a machete. Your stomach dropped, feeling your eyes start to water, and your hand moved up to cover your mouth in shock. You never knew she could say something so hurtful. How could she say something like that?
You didn’t say anything back, just simply staying still as your body refused to move. The words echoed in your mind, forcing you to lay in your bed and think of nothing else but it. You couldn’t hold it back anymore, letting the tears fall from your eyes, and your throat tighten up from the emotional stress running through your body.
Jeongyeon’s eyes widened as she heard you sniffling from the other side of the room. But she decided not to say anything. Did she go too far this time?
A few hours later you had stopped crying, feeling as if there were no tears left to cry. Your pillow was a bit damp, showing evidence someone had cried all of their feelings out onto it. The sheets never moved an inch, still laying perfectly flat underneath your body.
Joengyeon was sound asleep, now lying on her back as her head was facing the ceiling. You took glances over at her every once in a while, feeling jealous since you couldn’t go to sleep as quickly as her. Jet lag has been terrible for you lately, making you not sleep very well, and feel just so insecure about your performances on stage since you were sleep-deprived.
The most amount of sleep you had been getting was three or four hours. Sometimes even less. Thankfully, none of the girls had noticed your sluggishness. You hated bothering them with things like that, always trying to take care of yourself. But even the toughest people like you needed sisterly figures in your life. Especially one like Jeoongyeon.
Jeongyeon’s tired voice instantly brought you out of your thoughts, making you flinch and turn your head to look over at her. She looked back at you with a… concerned look on her face?
“Hm?” You raised your eyebrows, feeling very confused since this same girl had said so many hurtful things to you the past couple of days.
“You’re still awake?” She questioned, actually sounding worried for you. Her eyes looked soft, almost as if all the hate and anger had washed away from her.
You nodded, suddenly pulling the covers over you, and making it look like you were trying to attempt to fall asleep.
Jeongyeon’s eyes widened. She slowly sat up in bed, rubbing the sleep from her eyes, and grabbing her phone from the nightstand beside her. She gasped as she read the time, “Y/N… It’s three am. Why aren’t you asleep?”
You rolled your eyes, feeling annoyed since she was now feeling concerned for you.
“Please…” You scoffed,” Why does it matter to you all of a sudden?” You said with a snarky tone.
She frowned, lowering her phone from her face and gently throwing it to the side of her bed. Guilt was flowing through her body now, realizing it must be weird for you to see her so nice all of a sudden.
“Because…” Her voice hesitated for a second, “I care about you Y/N. You’re like a sister to me.”
She quickly scooched over, laying on her side and patting the empty spot next to her.
You looked at her for a second, wondering if you should join her in bed. Was she just doing this so she could say something mean again?
“Please Y/N… I want to help you.” She practically begged you. A little shakiness was evident in her voice, almost like she was about to cry.
You looked at her one last time, then slowly stood up from your bed, hesitantly walking over to Jeongyeon. She watched you, a small smile forming on her face and her stomach nervously fluttering with butterflies. As you climbed into her bed, you turned your back from Jeongyeon, still not wanting to face her after what had happened a few hours prior.
She frowned, feeling shut out from you, but she immediately understood.
You lay there silently, not moving a muscle until Jeongyeon loosely laid her arm on top of your waist, bringing you closer to her. She nuzzled her face into your hair, wanting to be affectionate with you since she hadn’t been at all with you lately.
Your eyes widened, feeling a bit surprised since this was out of the ordinary for her. She never was a big fan of physical affection, often rejecting the members once they tried to hug her. Her constant persona of trying to act tough around everyone suddenly melted away tonight. Jeongyeon was now cuddling someone she deeply cares about, even though she had never done that before. Not even with Nayeon.
Her face moved back away from your head, gently tucking your hair behind your ears. She stared at you for a second, enjoying the moment between you two. But, she knew it was finally time to explain herself.
“Y/N…” She whispered.
“Yes?” You replied, listening to her very closely, and feeling your stomach twist up in knots.
She tucked her arm under yours, bringing you closer to her once again, and holding you a little tighter in her embrace.
“I’m sorry… I’m so sorry for everything.”
You gulped, feeling your throat start to get tingly as it did a few hours prior when you were about to cry. Those two words meant the world to you, causing so many different emotions to wash over you at once. She was so stubborn, but hearing her say sorry was something you most definitely didn’t expect.
“I was just…” A couples seconds of silence went by, hearing her hesitate to express her feelings at first. ”…I was jealous. I kept messing up with all of the choreo’s, and when I saw you doing everything so perfectly, it made me envious. I-It scared me. I don’t like being that way. Especially not to someone like you. You never did anything to me.”
Your eyes widened, soaking in all the heartfelt words she poured out to you. The irony of all of it was that when you were doing the choreo’s so “perfectly”, you were at the point of sleep deprivation. Tonight was the night you had to come clean about it, knowing you couldn’t take your current sleep schedule any longer.
A small smiled finally formed at your face, feeling a weight lift from your shoulders as you finally knew what her reasoning was this whole time for her being angry.
“And for that… I apologize Y/N. I hope you find it in your heart to forgive me.”
She sniffled, finally letting her emotions go, and feeling a couple tears run down her face.
You sighed in relief, making Jeongyeon’s eyes look at you in panic. Were you sighing in annoyance or frustration?
“Thank you Jeongyeon… I forgive you.”
She thought about it for a second, letting her mind process what you just said.
“Seriously? After all I’ve done to you?” She was hesitant, still feeling extreme guilt for the way she had talked to her best friend.
“Yes.” Your hand reached over to the one that had been layed on your hip, gently squeezing it with love, ”No matter how many times we fight, you’re always going to be like a sister to me Jeongyeon.”
She sighed, feeling a smile form onto her face and a weight being lifted off her shoulders as well. Showing her vulnerability in front of you was something she never did very often. But tonight, she knew it would be the perfect time. There was no were else she would rather be than with her best friend.
“Thank you Y/N… You’re so sweet you know that?”
You chuckled, “It’s probably because I’m so sleep deprived…”
Her eyes widened, “Sleep deprived? So you mean tonight isnt the only night you’ve been sleeping late like this?” Jeongyeon’s curiosity heightened, wondering how long her best friend had been depriving herself some sleep.
“Umm… About two weeks now.” You said nonchalantly.
She gasped, ”Y/N… Why haven’t you told anybody?”
You half-shrugged you shoulders, “I don’t know… I just don’t like to bother you guys with that stuff. We’ve been so busy with the tour lately, and the least thing I want to do is complain about my sleeping, when I know the girls are going through something similar.”
She pouted, bringing her face closer to the back of your head again, and tracing shapes onto your hip with her slender fingers, “Y/N… You know you can tell us anything. Especially something serious like that. You could die from sleep deprivation.”
“I know… I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay,” She kissed your head gently, talking in a soft and comforting voice, “Just promise me you will come to me when this happens again, okay? Or anyone else. I care deeply about you Y/N. You’re my best friend.”
You smiled, feeling your eyes water from the sweetness of her words. Maybe you no longer had to only rely on yourself for everything.
“I will… I promise.” You whispered, trying so hard not to cry.
“Good.” She said, feeling deeply relieved knowing that she had your word.
Once you gave your word, you weren’t one to break it.
A few moments of silence went by as the both of you layed next to each other, no longer feeling uncomfortable, but being comforted by each other’s presence.
“So let me get this straight… The whole time I was “jealous” of your dancing, you were sleep deprived?” She joked, finding it funny that she was jealous over someone who had been dancing on basically no energy.
You giggled, also finding it really funny, “Yeah… I guess so. You’ll have to tell Jihyo about that tomorow.”
“Noo… Let’s just keep this between us. Deal?”
She sighed, “Good.”
Jeongyeon moved around a little bit, getting herself comfy one last time before she fell asleep. She brought the covers up closer to you, wanting you to be as comfy as possible.
“Is this okay?” She said softly.
“Yes…” You nuzzled your face into the soft sheets, letting your body melt with Jeongyeon’s, “This is perfect.”
“Good. Now go to sleep Y/N. I know you’re tired.”
You smiled, now enjoying the tender tone in her voice as she worried about you.
“Okay… Goodnight Jeongyeon.”
“Goodnight Y/N.”
Her voice lingered in your mind, remembering all the sweet words she had said to you tonight, slowly forgetting the hurtful ones she had said to you a few days prior. All of those restless nights were worth it in a way, finally finding a new sleeping buddy, and sharing a night you would never forget for the rest of your life.
You fell asleep almost immediately, having a slowed heartbeat, and breathing that remained steady for the rest of the night. Jeongyeon felt so grateful, knowing she was no longer fighting with her best friend, and that she could show her vulnerable side more often. She secretly loved cuddling, but only when it came to you.
She slept soundly that night knowing that everything was resolved between you two, and that you were tight in her grasp.
The next morning
“Should we wake them?” Nayeon whispered as she tilted her head out of curiosity, standing at the foot of the bed and watching you two sleep peacefully. She noticed Jeongyeon had kept a hold on you until the morning, making sure to keep a mental note to tease you and her about it the following afternoon.
Jihyo chuckled quietly and smiled as well, “No... Let them get the rest. They need it. But make sure to take some pictures.”
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nr1chaedickrider · 15 days
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the first setting wasn't bad.
not at all.
jihyo is calm, just like usually.
her right hand is on your thigh, her left one is on the steering wheel, driving you both to a restaurant for dinner (one you always wanted to go to, even though it's a 30 minute drive from your shared apartment)
she stops at a red light, sighing at the many cars that are in front of you two, creating a long line.
for jihyo, it looks like you're mindlessly scrolling on your phone.
for you, it's like the fun part is just starting.
you change the setting from one to two.
jihyo, in response, squeezes your thigh a little, shifting in her seat.
her breath shivers a little and she can feel herself getting just a little flustered.
"baby, the light is green" you coo, putting your cold hand on top of her warm one.
she nods a little and starts driving again, trying to act like nothing is wrong.
she can handle more than that, right?
you don't wait too long before turning on the second highest setting.
(you can't lie - you get just a little impatient trying to see how she'll react)
"fuck-" she curses.
jihyo is definitely not calm anymore.
she grips the steering wheel tightly with both hands.
"why did you take your hand away from my thigh hyo?" you ask teasingly.
"shut up-" she just replies, stopping at another red light.
she starts to feel really hot, her hand going up to her neck to loosen the fancy tie she put on hours before.
her hand goes through her short black hair, a moan (accidently) leaving her mouth.
she shifts in her seat again, trying to somehow ease the tension.
"don't make us crash" you joke around, laughing a little.
jihyo hits the gas pedal a little too hard, getting a little too close to the car in front of her as the light turns green.
she curses a little more when you turn on the highest setting.
"fuck y/n!" she almost screams, pulling over to the side of the road as other cars pass her.
she breathes heavily, feeling even hotter as she throws the tie around her neck to the backseat.
"that happens when you lose a bet" you say, turning your head to the side so you can look at her.
her face is flushed, breathing like she just ran a marathon, the look in her eyes almost pathetic like she's begging you to do something.
you move your hand closer to her, tracing a line from her neck down to the buttons of her pants.
she can't help but moan, her hip moving closer to your hand desperately.
"please" she whispers.
"let's go home hm?" you ask.
(you didn't think going home means being the one that gets fucked)
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psylocke142 · 18 days
Jeongyeon x fem!reader
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synopsis: In midst of a battle reader chases after Jeongyeon. Set on catching up to her at the frontlines. Frustration and a strange feeling brewing inside her chest.
w/c: 1.6k
warnings: violence; mentions of blood; slight angst; fluff (?)
a/n: came across jeongyeon what is love pic and felt inspired. knight!jeongyeon x knight!reader plagued my mind. this was written quickly and is a bit fast-paced. first work with a happy ending whattt??? this was definitely challenging all i know is angst :) might write more of this genre 👀
The sounds of blades clashing echoed throughout the field. Your heart hammered against your metal armor as you dodged arrows and blades. Slightly stumbling as your stamina waned.
High pitched screams and wails filled your ears. The smell of metal and blood infused invaded your nostrils. Your sight, however, was locked onto a knight ahead of you. On golden, shoulder-length hair that peeked out from under their helmet.
It was your partner — Jeongyeon. She was several meters ahead of you, attacking the opposing army with brutal force. No mercy in her assault.
This was the first time in months since you’d seen your longtime friend. You had been away fulfilling other knightly duties when a message was given to you. The Chou’s were under attack. You rushed back to the kingdom, making it back in just three days.
The knight wasn’t told of your return. She’d been at the frontlines since the start of the battle.
Jeongyeon was the one to send out the message to you.
The two of you grew up together as kids. You joined the knights guard and trained side by side. Partners in every quest. Protecting the kingdom and its queen, Chou Tzuyu. Every battle you’ve fought had been fought together. You were inseparable, until now.
Sweat trickled down your eyebrow. Your grip tightened on your sword as Jeongyeon kept getting further and further.
You wouldn’t be able to catch up to her while she was on that damned horse.
Too caught up on Jeongyeon, you failed to notice the incoming spear headed straight towards your back.
Suddenly, a strong body collided with you. The new presence too abrupt for you to react in time. Bringing you both to the ground, weapons falling in front of you. Rendering you vulnerable. Out of instinct, you bounced back up and picked up your sword. Adrenaline kicking in. Ready for any strike or ambush from the one who took you down.
“Help me up you fool,” grunted a familiar voice.
“Momo?!” you observed the tall, broad knight before you. When you confirmed it was indeed Momo, you lowered your blade.
The other knight was in the middle of a brawl with another swordsman when she caught you in the corner of her eyes. Distracted by something, or rather someone. When she saw the danger you were in she acted immediately. Finding an opening to stab her opponent through the neck and sprinted your way.
“A thanks would be nice. I just saved your ass,” Momo huffed out as you guided her up, “There was a spear coming right towards you.”
Just a few inches to the side lay the mentioned spear. You looked back towards her and then at the dirt-filled ground. In disbelief of the near miss; ashamed at your lack of awareness. A certain knight overtaking your mind.
“Thank you,” you muttered.
“You don’t say,” sarcasm dripped in her voice as she rushed into the offense.
Picking up your shield and shaking off the dirt, you too rejoined the battle. You focused your attention on the combat this time. Keeping the thoughts of Jeongyeon at the back of your head. You had to stay alive if you wanted to catch up to her.
Focused on fending off enemies left and right. A squealing neigh pulled your attention.
Time slowed.
You watched as Jeongyeon was knocked off her horse. There was an ambush of arrows that soared in her direction. Her horse took the brunt of the attack, rearing upwards before collapsing — lifeless. You heard her scream in anguish as she fell.
Panic flooded through every nerve in your body. Recklessly you charged further into the onslaught. Your eyes darting everywhere for any sight of the golden-haired knight.
You swore you could hear her faint cries, but there was no sight of Jeongyeon anywhere.
Overcome with dread, you did the only thing you could. Fight.
After the battle ended, you searched everywhere for the knight.
You called out to her. Shouted her name. Running across the countless corpses that laid across the field. Fearing you’d find your partner among them.
As you continued running through the bloodstained grass, nearly tripping over your own feet, you realized something. You didn’t just feel fear at the thought of losing Jeongyeon. There was another feeling that resided deep inside your chest, hidden in the deep caverns of your heart.
It took the thought of losing Jeongyeon forever, being separated permanently, to uncover this feeling.
It was love that caused your heart to ache. That had distracted you in the midst of battle. Leading you to almost getting killed by a spear and called a fool. Love that had you charging recklessly into battle; wanting to protect and save she who claimed it.
You headed to the edge of the field, where the tree line began. Walked to the closest tree to place an arm out to lean against it.
Tears began to brim at the corners of your eyes. Body giving out to your emotions, you fell to your knees in defeat. Your love was nowhere to be found.
A hand crept out from the bushes behind the tree, attempting to grab your arm. Reflexes kicked in. You pulled out your dagger from its confinement on the side of your leg. Prepared to strike who you thought was a surviving enemy.
For the second time that day, you were mistaken.
“It’s me! It’s me! y/n please,” Jeongyeon desperately pleaded.
Instantly you recognized her voice. Discarding the dagger and the equipment in your hands. Grasping ahold of her hands you dragged her out of the bushes.
It turns out when Jeongyeon had gotten thrown off her horse, the arrows had barely grazed past her. The armor doing its job of protecting her.
Still, she wasn’t completely unharmed. During her fall she landed on her foot wrong, knee dislocating. She couldn’t stand up, the pain in her leg was too much. The already heavy armor feeling ten times heavier. Keeping her weighted to the ground.
Reacting quickly, Jeongyeon scanned her surroundings. There were several trees behind her with bushes spread around. She mustered all the remaining strength she had and managed to crawl to the tree line. Finding refuge in the bushes.
Knowing that once everything has ended, the first thing you’d do is find her.
Carefully, you took off her helmet. Your eyes meeting chestnut brown. You felt all the tension leave your body. Relieved. Allowing yourself to finally rest, kneeling beside Jeongyeon.
You cradled your love’s face with the palms of your hands. Rested your forehead on hers. Ignoring the dried sweat and blood from days of battling. A soft laugh escaped your lips,
“You fool, you could’ve gotten yourself killed.”
The knight grunted at your words, “I had to fight.” She closed her eyes momentarily before meeting your gaze again. Sigh escaping her lips. Glint visible in her eyes, “Couldn’t risk you getting hurt.”
Face to face, you stared at your partner in shock. Couldn’t risk you getting hurt? You’ve fought together for years. Injury and death were always a possibility in this line of work. What made this battle any different?
“Why, Jeong?” you whispered.
Hands laced into your own. Soft lips pressed to the knuckles of your now bare hands, ridden of your gauntlets. Your heart skipped a beat at the small gesture.
Not too long ago, Jeongyeon too had a realization. It happened when you were away.
There was talk of a knight encountering a group of bandits during a mission. She couldn’t help but think it was you, in danger. Not being allowed to leave the kingdom, the knight’s heart clenched in fear. It was then that it dawned on her, she was in love with you.
Choosing actions over words. Jeongyeon gently released your hands. Moving them up to wrap around your shoulders. She hesitated, searching your eyes for any sign to pull away. Seeing no discomfort, only tranquility reflected in your gaze, she continued.
Slowly she guided you down closer. Noses grazing each other and breaths mixing into one. She crashed your lips together. Armor clanking at the connection above.
Your arms rested on the sides of her head, sighing into the kiss. The strength in your arms slightly wavered as your lips meshed together.
Heartbeats quickened, overflowed with love. A love that was reciprocated.
Breathless and in need of air, you pulled back slightly. The girl underneath you looked up at you. Her features softened as she admired you.
“I love you,” she confessed.
A smile formed on your face. Heart swelling in joy and a warmth spread throughout your chest.
You reached up. Fingers tucking a strand of her matted bangs to the side, “I love you too.”
Wanting to feel more of the girl, you leaned down again initiating another kiss. More deep and passionate.
A throat being cleared interrupted your intimate little moment. It was Momo. The corner of her mouth tilted upwards, grin plastered on her face, “C’mon you fools. Let’s get you to the infirmary.”
She helped you lift the injured knight onto her feet. Your arm finding her waist to balance her. Both you and Momo guided her to the knight’s manor.
Jeongyeon casted a glance at you, beaming. Grateful for many reasons; you finding her, both of you being alive, and you reciprocating her love. For that she pecked your lips with a feather-like kiss.
As you felt soft lips pressed against your own, you made a promise to yourself. Never again will you separate from Jeongyeon. Follow her wherever she goes and remain by her side. Till your very last breaths. You’ll cherish and bask in this love like there’s no tomorrow.
The knight beside you two watched from her peripherals. A small smile tugged on her lips at the scene. Fools, she thought to herself.
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jyzyo · 5 months
Yoo Jeongyeon x fem!reader
synopsis: Your girlfriend loved creating content for her fans, except this time she wanted to make different type of content only for you two.
Genre: Smut
Warnings: reader is being filmed during sex, a bit of degradation, overstimulation, strap-on, unnie/mommy kink, edging, Cursing. Remember everything mentioned about idols in this post is not true or related to their true self whatsoever!
a/n: I recently saw a lesbian couple try this challenge and I thought it was cute so 😓
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You sat on the floor just in front of the couch, your back against it watching as Jeongyeon set up the camera and all her other little things — and you honestly had no idea what they were meant for.
You couldn’t help but admire how pretty she looked as she concentrated on making sure everything was set up correctly, as for you, you stuffed your hand into a Hot Cheeto bag your eyes not moving an inch off her.
The following seconds Jeongyeon finally took a seat next to you, giving you a glance in the process. “You know, you can’t eat those while filming?” She said taking the bag from your hand and rolling it up, placing it out of the camera’s view.
You couldn’t even do anything about it once she placed the bag on the rear end of the white modern coffee table.
“I’m still a little confused, What do I say?”Jeongyeon turned her head to face yours and based on her expression she thought for a few seconds about it, before slowly making her way to fix the bangs that rested just over your forehead, “Just be yourself, I want them to see how good of a couple we’re”
“Are you ready? I’ll start now” You felt her place her soft lips on your cheek before leaning towards the camera to start recording.
“Hii!” Jeongyeon's eyes beamed towards the camera as she smiled widely, waving at the camera prompting you to do the same. “So I know ‘once’ has been waiting for this for a while ever since I announced my relationship but I recently got sick so..that threw me back a few days with content”
You couldn’t help but think how amazing she was at all of this. The way she talked so casually to a camera was impressive, you would have automatically cringed if it was you saying something like that yet it sounded so normal coming out of her mouth.
“I should stop talking now and introduce you guys to my girlfriend,” Jeongyeon said with a giggle before turning to look at you.
“Um yeah..hi, I’m not sure what to say” You whispered nervously, Jeongyeon had a big fan base on YouTube which only made you feel more anxious about this whole thing.
“That’s good enough” Jeongyeon laughed, trying to lighten up the mood. “Let’s just start with this whole thing”
You scooted up to the table some more along with Jeongyeon where there were different flavored lollipops in a bowl. “I’ve recently seen this thing like all around YouTube, so basically we’ll take turns to pick a random lollipop out of the bowl and we have to guess the flavor” You could feel her fingers tracing circles at your palm under the table as she explained to you the whole concept.
“So we’ll have to kiss this whole video..?” You said, Jeongyeon was completely amused by the idea of kissing you for a video. “Will people actually watch us kissing or are you just doing this because you want to kiss me?”
“Both” She grabbed the silk blindfold bringing the ends of it around your head, her delicate fingers working at making a similar knot she had used multiple times on different occasions to keep your hands tied in place whenever you acted too bratty for her liking. She pulled it down until it rested just over your eyes, gearing her hand back and bringing it towards your face quickly to see if you were indeed completely deprived of your sense of vision.
“This feels intimate” There was truth to the comment of yours, which only made her snicker in response. “I’ll pick a flavor now” You could hear the rustling of the wrapper and the gentle noises the lollipop made against her teeth as she melted the candy in her mouth.
Jeongyeon applied a layer of candy against her lips, adjusting herself so her upper body would face you. You felt her hand placed behind your neck pulling you in place for a kiss on your lips barely giving you time to taste it.
“Wait..you’re moving away too fast” Your hands moved around blindly till they ended up at her shoulder pulling her closer until your lips touched again. Your tongue barely dragging over her bottom lip attempting to get a taste, you felt a tingle of lime at first but when you went back to kiss her it felt completely different. “What happens if I don’t guess it right?” You mumbled in between pecks.
“Uh..for every time you get one incorrect I get to post a picture of you on Instagram”
“Noo, that’s not fair you only ever take bad pictures of me” Jeongyeon grinned, it was indeed true she loved taking pictures of you when you weren’t paying attention, even more when you were sleeping. Despite you always complaining that you didn’t look good in the pictures she always thought you look prettier when you think she isn’t looking. Whenever you told her to delete any picture, she just added it to her hidden folder which meant she probably had more photos of you than she even realized.
“No, I’ll pick good ones plus you’ll probably just lose a round or two” Jeongyeon pulled away to suck on the lollipop once more before placing one last kiss on your lips. “Okay guess”
You thought about it for a few seconds before deciding to go with the flavor you felt the most taste of. “Grape?”
“That’s one less photo I’ll post of you” You could already tell she was pouting without even having to look.
The kisses progressively became more sloppy and more frequent since the first round, the roles now reversed and Jeongyeon having the blindfold on. She didn’t even care about the challenge at this point, she just wanted to keep kissing you. Her hands roamed around your body until they reached the hem of your sweatshirt that you were wearing, your hand stopping her from going any further.
“Slow down..don’t we have to finish this?”
“It’s fine, I’ll just post what we have” Jeongyeon undid her blindfold putting it in her pocket for later, moving your hand away which you soon gave up and let her do as she pleased. You could sense her fingers trailing up towards your chest, a small smirk forming when she noticed you weren’t wearing a bra, her thumb grazing over your nipple making your breath hitch.
“let’s go to the bedroom yeah?” Jeongyeon got up from the floor helping you up with her, grabbing the camera along with a new memory card she had placed aside in case the one she was currently using no longer had space to record.
“Take your clothes off and get on the bed”
You did just as she told you stripping down every single piece of clothing you had on and laying back on the bed. Jeongyeon was busy trying to find a good angle to film you two from when none were found she just slipped her hand into the strap of the camera holding it with her left hand. She took out the memory card she was using previously and placed it on the dresser before inserting the new one. She turned around to face you making sure everything was running smoothly with the recording before getting into bed.
“I’ve been meaning to do this for a while..but I’ve been too shy to ask you” Jeongyeon whispered sitting in between your legs the camera was faced down recording the white sheets. You took notice of the camera and then back at her, she looked so eager yet so shy, you hadn’t seen her this shy since the time she asked you to be her girlfriend back in freshmen year of high school.
“You want to film me?”
“I want to film us, yes. I wouldn’t dare to show anyone I promise it’ll just be for us both”
You thought about it for a few seconds. Jeongyeon was already overprotective of you, whenever you wore something too “productive” out in public or at least that’s what she called it when you wore something that showed a bit too much skin for her liking, she would keep her hands all over you making sure everyone saw that you were hers.
She hated whenever you went out with your friends because she knew what type of people they were so she always made you share locations or she would keep messaging you to give her updates on how the night was going. You always complained to her about things like that but deep down you loved how protective she was of you because it only made you feel more wanted by her. So her showing anyone videos of you naked and getting totally fucked by her was already out the window.
“I don’t mind just get my good side” You both giggled at the joke before she raised the camera getting you in the frame. The camera going lower by the second. Once the camera was capturing your lower region jeongyeon brushed her thumb over your clit. You twitched at the feeling of suddenly getting touched, you moved your hand down hoping to cover yourself up from the camera. You thought it would be much easier being recorded like this but it wasn't.
“Stop it, you look pretty” She swatted your hand away and rubbed your thigh. You were already camera shy when it came to taking pictures but now you felt vulnerable more than you ever had under a camera.
“Stop being camera shy, you look beautiful” Jeongyeon swatted your hand away again but remembered she placed the silk ribbon in her pocket for a reason.
“Hands together” Jeongyeon instructed.
“Why? I don’t want to” You pouted because you knew that whenever you had your hands tied together she would just tease you endlessly.
“Stop being bratty and hurry” You saw the way her eyebrows creased, as she placed the camera down bringing your hands together on her own. Wrapping the ribbon two times around your wrists before tying a knot.
“You’re already leaking, that's pathetic..” She slid a finger in between your folds collecting your juices and placing it in her mouth humming at the taste.
“Unnie, please?” You knew that whenever you called her unnie it would either make her the sweetest person ever or she’d just tease you more than she already was.
“No, I don’t think you deserve it” She picked up the camera showing how pleadingly the expression on your face looked.
“Please unnie..it hurts really bad”
She scoffed seeing how desperate you were for her. “You’re so horny it’s hurts?" You nodded hoping she would do something. Anything. “Hands over your head”
When you did just as she told, she leaned down and placed her lips over your nipple. Licking it slowly to get you more riled up than you already were, moans leaving with each breath you took.
“It’s h-hurts really bad” The ache in between your legs got bigger the more she teased you, grinding your hips against nothing but air hoping any type of friction would happen.
“So needy for me, princess” Jeongyeon's sat up filming her hand trailing down toward your clit rubbing circles around it. “I-I need you inside please.”
“I’ll let you get what you want baby, don’t worry” She kept the camera lowered as her fingers teased your entrance applying pressure just enough for the tip of her finger to go in and come back out, the aching feeling only got worse.
She got off the bed leaving the camera to rest and walked towards your night table opening the cabinet grabbing another piece of silk ribbon since the pack she had bought was a 2 in 1. Once back in bed she helped you sit up in order for her to blindfold you.
For a few minutes, you were left agitated craving for Jeongyeon's touch in bed. Two of your senses now gone only made you feel more uneasy the more you waited. Once finally hearing the rustling of the sheets and feeling her get into bed, you relaxed a little.
picking up the camera, against your folds she rubbed the head of the pink dildo she had attached to the strap-on which was previously bought after your second anniversary just for fun really but soon became Jeongyeon’s favorite thing to use on you secondly after her fingers.
“Do you like that?”
“Y-yes I like i-it” Your hips buckled downwards trying to finally get her inside, soft and whiny breathes leaving your body with each rub.
Jeongyeon angled the camera down finding just the perfect side that showed her rubbing on your dripping cunt, and the way your stomach flexed whenever she let the tip push against your entrance.
“You’re going to take me so good, right? Just how you always do.” She gave one small stoke to the length, then another, and then two full strokes rotating at the head.
Finally, she slid in half of the length into you letting you get use the feeling placing her right hand on your abdominal as she slid in the rest. "Does that feel good, baby? Mhm?" Jeongyeon kept the camera angled down as she started moving her hips slowly.
"It f-feels good..." you could feel her hand resting on your hip pushing herself deeper, your hands tried to grab ahold of anything and soon came contact with the top of your pillow, gripping it tightly.
“I bet you like my cock so much don’t you?” Jeongyeon placed the camera on a cushion you guys used really just for decoration, making sure the camera wouldn’t fall with all the movement she was about to cause. She adjusted herself leaning downwards supporting herself with her elbows
“I’m going to fuck you so good just how you wanted.” The grunts and moans soon filled the room, you could feel her getting more aggressive with her thrusts by the second. She loved seeing you like this, totally brain fucked even though she was barely just starting.
“I-i’m gonna cum..Mm!” Jeongyeon felt your thighs twitching around her, your body squirming on its own, she watched the expression on your face change and she took that as her sign to stop. She sat up and pulled out watching the way you clenched around nothing.
“No, no please…please unnie, i’m so close” You begged, your hands coming down to try and grab onto her but you couldn’t even reach her in the first place.
“Come on, you can beg a little better than that sweetheart” Jeongyeon grabbed the camera, holding it with her right hand now. She slapped her cock against your pussy, rubbing it over your clit. “You want my dick inside you, right? filling you up?”
“Yes m-mommy..please, I need y-your dick inside me” Your high was still there but you could feel it fading away, you wanted - needed her so badly.
“P-please I’ll do anything unnie” Jeongyeon decided to tease you some more by filming you instead of giving you what you wanted, she lifted your blindfold, and you blinked a few times to get your vision back into focus. All you saw was her towering over your body which honestly made you more wet. She took a few seconds to record your body up and down, really just taking in how beautiful you looked right now.
“Doggy” You already knew what she meant by it, with a little help you managed to turn around, burying your face into a pillow as your arms folded to rest over your head. “You always take me so good” She whispered once she was fully inside you again, starting on her medium pace once again leaving grunts every time her hips made contact with you.
“F-fuck you look so good” Jeongyeon uttered with gritted teeth, this camera angle was out of this world. The way every time she trusted her hips she saw how she came out of you only to go back in, the way your ass only looked bigger in this position, your back exposed to her eyes.
Your moans were now muffled by the pillow taking in the pleasure. Soon enough you felt Jeongyeon's hand wrap around your hair pulling you up, “Let me hear you, baby” She said as she thrusts harder.
“I’m cummi- Ngh!” Jeongyeon grinned when she saw you coating the pink of the dildo translucent white, pulling it out to stroke your cum all over its length.
“Will you be the good slut you are and take me again?” It sounded more like she was telling you then asking you, and just like that she made your high double in pleasure.
“N-ngh..i’m gonna cum again mommy..” You could feel tears streaming down your face, your legs were so close to giving out but the pleasure that Jeongyeon was giving you brought you felt intoxicating.
“Cum for me baby..cum for mommy” Jeongyeon had sweats bead forming on her forehead, pulling your hair back for one last thrust as you coated her dick entirely.
Your legs gave out once Jeongyeon pulled out which was the only thing giving you support, she helped you lay back on your back. Her finger skillfully undoing the knot to your wrist, the recent friction onto your wrist leaving red marks. She stopped the recording and then placed the camera on the night table, taking off the strap and throwing it on the floor to worry about later.
She took a moment to appreciate how you looked, Jeongyeon grabbed her phone which was placed at the end of the bed, bringing it up to take a picture of you. You didn’t think much of it - well you didn’t have the energy to protest so you just let it be.
You yawned sitting up and feeling the sudden soreness fall over your body, Jeongyeon sleeping peacefully next to you. By the darkness that radiated through the curtains, you knew you probably wouldn’t fall back asleep just yet after waking up so you looked around for your phone just to remember it was left in the living room sitting next to the bag of chips.
You noticed Jeongyeon's phone sitting on the side of the bed on the charger, you grabbed it and decided to just watch Netflix until you fell back asleep. You opened her phone with the password which was your birthday just as your password was her birthday, you groaned quietly when the screen shined onto your face.
Jeongyeon must have been scrolling through instagram before falling to sleep since that’s what you first saw when you opened it. Taking notice of the gray circle around her profile indicating she posted something on her story. You clicked on it and a immediate gasp left your body.
It was a picture of you, cheeks completely flushed, eyes glossy with tears, lips slightly swollen, and you could see you wrists resting just over your head, the red marks around them. There was no context whatsoever just the picture of you on her story.
When you slide the story up and your heart skipped a beat it already had 2 million views despite it being posted just 6 hours ago, for a moment you were about to delete it but you forgot that it was only fair since you had lost a round to her dumb challenge. So instead you just laid back not even wanting to watch anything anymore, snuggling close into jeongyeon’s arms.
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iorslvd · 7 months
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Mina as your gf. Smau?
"Love me, and only me, that's not hard isn't it?"
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the-roo-too · 10 days
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candy -> myoui mina ver
aka the fluff alphabet
admiration (what does she absolutely adore about you)- mina loves how much you love her group. you’re twice biggest defender fr. knows all the cheers by heart and uses twice songs as your ringtone lol
body (what’s her favourite body part of yours)- in my prime i read my fair share of ice queen mina fanfiction, so i’ll say hands! cause she can look all elegant and fancy and intimidating while STILL holding her gf’s hand hihi
cuddling (how she likes to cuddle)- i think cuddling happens naturally when you two are sitting next to each other on the couch for example? like watching a movie and sitting at an arm’s length turns into you half sitting on her lap while she’s half asleep lol
dates (what’s her ideal date)- i’m thinking very romantic, but simplistic. once in a while you get off work earlier than mina and come home to cook you two a yummy, candlelit dinner. that’s more than enough for her
emotions (how does she express her emotions around you)- remember when i said ice queen… yeah. but only at first! its like, you asked her out and she agreed but she was so excited for the date and tried to hard to be composed she actually freaked you out 💀
family (does she want one)- i’m gonna say yes. mina feels like the type of person who would want to settle down eventually and have a mini-me running around
gifts (what about gift giving)- mina is rich ok. rich parents, one of the most successful groups in korea… she gives you gifts casually, thinking they’re just a small thing that reminded her of you while it’s an sickeningly important watch or something lol
holding hands (does she like to hold hands)- as i said before, yes. i think she also likes to drag you around in certain situations. if you’re taking too much with one of her members for example, and not giving her enough attention, she’ll subtly grab your hand and drag you away
injuries (what would she do if you got hurt)- burn down whatever hurt you. and i lean BURN. she’s serious about her baby getting hurt
jokes (does she like to joke around)- yes BUT, you almost never expect it. mina doesn’t feel like the type to pull pranks so when she makes a harmless joke or says something ironically you usually think she’s being serious 😭
kisses (how does she like to kiss you)- gentle and calm. mindful and demure. my girl has all of the time in the world ok
love (what’s her love language)- gift giving! pushing the ice queen trope, i think mina is aware people see her as colder or more closed off so she’s actually scared you’ll think she doesn’t like you because she isn’t being as affectionate. in return, she’ll spoil you rotten. every thing that reminds her of you, even the tiniest bit, she gets it.
memory (what’s her favourite memory together)- i’ll say introducing you to her members. because they’re such a big part of her life, she waits with it until she thinks you’re really the one. her parents have met you before twice lol. anyways, the small twinkle in your eyes as you chatted shyly with her members, holding her pinky with your for mental support—that’s her core memory
nighttime (how does sleeping with her look like)- you two just sleep on your assigned sides of the bed. one way or another you’ll get entangled during the night, but neither you nor mina mind falling asleep while laying side by side.
oddity (what’s one quirky thing about her)- i think ballet is very quirky. years of practice, she subtly pokes your side every time you’re not standing straight. she just doesn’t want you to get back aches tho :((
pet names (what does she like to call you)- the most cute, tooth rotting names and i’m not even joking.
quality time (how does she like to spend time with you)- you’re playing minecraft and/or animal crossing with her, end of discussion
rush (does she rush into things)- nope. as i said before, she has to get used to you. you were the one to ask her out so she has to get to know you on that level now, then get to know the other you while you slowly warm up to her too
secrets (how open is she with you)- not very open. through your relationship, she slowly unravels her secrets to you, but it takes time and you have to be patient with her.
time (how long did it take her to confess)- you asked her out, so there’s that. but confess her love? man i’m gonna say a couple years lol
upset (what’s her reaction when you’re upset)- if you’re upset after a fight, she’s upset too and then she just apologises the next day, tired of sleeping in bed without you. other than that, she’ll be surprised and try to immediately console you
visibility (is she afraid of the public opinion)- not really. if you’re in love, she doesn’t see your relationship as something the public has a say in
warrior (how often do you fight)- only when you’re tired after work. and it’s stupid stuff too. you placed your shoes on the spot she usually uses so you two banter about it for two minutes until you’re both in bed, laughing about how stupid that was
x-ray (is she able to read you)- yes! someone has to bffr. mina knows you like the back of her hand lol
yes (how would she propose to you)- remember the dates when you come home early and cook dinner? she takes a day free and when you get home early for your date, she surprises you by taking you out to a fancy restaurant instead. she’s so nervous too 😭 but you’ll say yes, right?
zen (what makes her feel calm)- playing games with you! stressed mina will absolutely drag you to your pc room (because you do have that) and sit you down with her to build a cute house in minecraft
part of [the fluff series]
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asapjens · 8 months
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You and Nayeon have been dating for two whole months, so you thought it was time to take her to the house you grew up in.
When you arrived at your parent's house, the first thing you did was show Nayeon your old room. You showed her your posters, the books you used to read, and your old CDs.
While you were discussing your vinyl collection, your mom called for you to help her with some things downstairs. You told Nayeon that you'd be right back and she was welcome to explore the rest of the house if she wanted to. You kissed her and exited the room.
Nayeon was looking at your One Direction poster when she heard a sound. She looked around the room and was surprised to see a little cotton ball on the edge of the bed.
The bunny hopped in Nayeon's direction and she couldn't help but try to hold it. The bunny found its way into Nayeon's arms and hugged her. Nayeon noticed a little ribbon on the white bunny's neck with an "N" engraved on it.
"Nayeon!" a little girl who looked just like you said, appeared in front of her and gazing at Nayeon's arms.
"I've told you not to leave my room!!" the mini you said.
Nayeon was confused. "Sorry?" she asked.
The little girl looked at her with wide eyes and her mouth in an "O" shape. Nayeon smiled awkwardly.
That's when you entered the room. "Hey baby, my mom wants to know what your favorite dessert is cause she's going to the grocery-"
“Oh hey Olivia, Mommy wants to know if you'd like to go with her," you told your sister while messing with her hair.
"Who is she?" Nayeon heard your sister whisper. You smiled and said, "She's my girlfriend, remember? I told you about her."
Your sister nodded and introduced herself, "Hi! I'm Yn's favorite sister, Olivia." The little girl went to hug Nayeon.
"You're my only sister," you said.
"Hello, I'm Yn's favorite girlfriend, Nayeon," she said, smiling at your sister. Olivia's eyes widened. "Wow! You and her share the same name!" Olivia said, pointing at the bunny that was still in Nayeon's arms.
"I guess we kinda look alike," Nayeon said, petting the bunny.
"Yes! Yn picked her name!" Olivia said, petting the bunny.
Nayeon looked at you with a smirk. "Hey! That's not entirely true. You asked for names and Nayeon just happened to pop into my brain!" you said trying to defend yourself.
Olivia just rolled her eyes and asked Nayeon if she wanted to see the bunny’s clothes.
"Olivia! Are you coming, sweetheart?" you heard your mom's voice. "Can Nayeon come?" "I think Nayeon and Yn want to be together, baby!"
"She means the animal, Mom," you said. "Oh yeah, alright, bring her," your mom said. "Yay!" exclaimed your sister.
Nayeon passed the bunny to your sister. "Bye!" she said, leaving the room happily. "Oh, nice meeting you, Nayeon! You're really pretty!" After that, your sister left to go downstairs.
You gave Nayeon an embarrassed look.
"So... Nayeon, huh?" Your girlfriend laughed.
"I'm sorry! I couldn't think of anything better and she's so impatient. I have no imagination when it comes to naming! I just say the name of someone I love! Like Olivia here, my parents made me choose my little sister's name. And do you know why I picked Olivia?"
Nayeon shook her head.
"She's named after my favorite One Direction song! You know, the song 'I live for you, I long for you, Olivia'?" You said, singing the last part.
Nayeon couldn't help but laugh and then kissed you.
When your brother told you he was going to visit you for a few weeks you couldn't help but ask him to bring his lovely dog.
He wasn't surprised at your request since you've always adored animals.
So when he finally arrived at your house you couldn't help but spoil the not-so-little labrador retriever. You couldn't wait until you introduced her to your cute girlfriend.
Jeongyeon planned a cozy evening with you at your place, she ought to surprise you. She bought all your favorite snacks and made a list of movies to watch at home.
She was arriving at your house when she heard a loud bang on the door. She pressed her ear on the door and heard the loud noise again.
She opened the door closely and when she did she felt a heavy weight on her arms. She gasped at the feeling then she heard a loud “Jeongyeon! Come here!” Jeongyeon was confused but relieved when the weight stopped.
“I'm sorry” a male voice called. Now Jeongyeon was even more confused.
“Mhm..” The girl said, then saw your brother closing the backyard door and she relaxed.
“Oh hey, Luke” The blonde greeted your brother. “Hey Jeongyeon sup,” he said hugging the girl.
“How have you been?” Said Jeongyeon, “How was your flight?”. “I've been great, thanks, the flight was good they even gave us those delicious gummies”
“The Red ones or the multicolor ones?” asked Jeongyeon. “Both!” exclaimed the boy with a big smile. “No way,” said a shocked Jeongyeon. “Way”
Your brother and Jeongyeon were talking about trivial things. “So where’s yn?” said the girl sitting on the kitchen counter. “Oh, she went to buy some toys for Jeong-“ your brother was interrupted by the door.
“Jeongyeon baby I’m home where are you sweet girl?, come here and give me a kiss” Jeongyeon blushed at your words and smiled at your baby tone.
When Jeongyeon got up and made her way to you, she felt a heavy force push her to the wall. Jeongyeon gasped at the feeling. Confused, Jeongyeon looked to her right and saw a blonde tail moving with force.
Then she saw how you pet the owner of the tail. And heard your adorable voice praising the big blonde labrador in front of you.
“Look at all the things I found for you!” you exclaimed in a high tone. When you finally looked up and saw your girlfriend with a surprised face in front of you. You smiled and went to kiss her.
“Baby!, you didn’t tell me you were coming. I wanted you to meet Jeongyeon on a special occasion.” You sounded a little disappointed. Jeongyeon smiled at you.
“Meeting who?” she asked, putting her arms around your waist. “Jeongyeon!,” The moment the name left your mouth it followed a loud bark from the cute dog.
“She’s Jeongyeon my brother’s labrador retriever” Jeongyeon heard the (dog) Jeongyeon making snorting sounds. “She’s excited,” said Luke.
“Dude we were talking for like an hour, why’d you never told me about her” said your girlfriend. Your brother just laughed “She would've killed me” Said Luke pointing at you.
“I wanted to be special since you guys share the same name. I know it's kinda silly” You said.
“It's cute,” Jeongyeon said, wrapping your lips around hers.
"Omg," Momo heard your voice and became worried at your tone. "Baby?" your girlfriend asked.
"What's wrong?" Momo asked, concerned. "Look at this!" you exclaimed, passing your phone to her. "My parents found this raccoon on their porch!" you said.
"Wow, are your parents okay?" the short-haired one asked. "Yeah, but my dad freaked out when he found him," you laughed.
"Wait," you said. Momo looked at you, sensing some seriousness in your voice. "He kinda looks like you!"
Momo gave you a sharp look. You burst into laughter at her reaction. "I swear! You guys look like twins." Momo rolled her eyes at you and threw herself on top of you.
You started to giggle when Momo began tickling you. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry. You're way cuter than that raccoon," you said through tears of laughter. Momo just tickled you harder.
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It was a chill date for you and Momo. You both walked around the city, holding hands, and Momo bought you anything you said was cute, you guys were just admiring the city lights.
That's when Momo found a pet store that was giving kittens up for adoption. Knowing your love for cats, Momo pointed in that direction. When you saw what your girlfriend was pointing at, you almost collapsed onto the floor.
Momo smiled at your reaction and started pulling you towards the kittens.
"They're so cute!" you said with hearts in your eyes. Momo melted at your reaction. "Hello! They have all been rescued from the streets and have been vaccinated. They're ready to go home with you!" said the girl behind the kittens.
"You heard that, baby? They're ready to go home with us!"
"They are really cute," said Momo, trying to pet the cats. Some of them were scared and backed away a little bit, but after a few minutes, the cats were all around Momo. "They're so cute I'm crying," she said.
You noticed a black little kitten in the back and called for her. You were surprised when she came right to you. "It's purring!" the girl behind them said. "He’s kinda shy. People have been here all afternoon and he never left the corner."
Your and Momo's hearts melted at the statement. "Can we have her?" you asked Momo with puppy eyes. Momo couldn't say no to you. So that's how you two ended up buying all the things for your new roommate: food, a bed, some toys, etc.
"Everything is ready. Congratulations! Do you two have a name yet?" the employee asked.
"Yes, Momo!" you said, petting the baby cat. "What?" Momo asked, confused.
"Baby, it's the perfect name!" you told your girlfriend. "Are you teasing me?" Momo raised her brow.
"What? No! Look at her, she has 'momo' all around her. I love you, I love this kitten, so why not?"
"He's actually a boy," the girl called out.
Momo gave you a sharp look. "Momo is a name for both sexes!" you exclaimed.
"Pleaseeeeeeee," you begged with big puppy eyes that you knew Momo couldn't resist.
"Alright, yeah, Momo it is!" She gave in.
"Yay!" you said, pulling your lips onto Momo's.
You and your girlfriend, Sana, were visiting your hometown to see your mom. Your mom had planned activities for Sana's visit, and she was really excited since it was her first time in your hometown. She admired everything with adoration and made cute comments about everything you guys visited or saw.
One of the activities planned was a trip to the zoo, and Sana couldn't have been more excited. You both took pictures with the animals and fed them, and Sana even bought giraffe headbands for you and your mother.
As you were about to leave the zoo, you spotted some funny-looking little animals and grabbed Sana's hand, pulling her towards them.
"Aren't they cute?" Sana said, looking at the little creatures. "Wait, Sana, look!" you said, pointing in a specific direction.
Sana turned and followed your gaze. "That white one looks like your friend!" you exclaimed. "That ferret?" Sana laughed at your comparison. "Yeah! He looks like the guy from your company, the one who drew us that one time, remember?" you said, giggling. "Hyunjin?" Sana asked, laughing along.
"Yeah!" you said, still giggling. “They do look alike!" Sana said, looking at the ferret. "Right," you laughed, kissing Sana's cheek.
You both spent some time looking at the hedgehogs, ferrets, and hamsters. That's when you saw some guinea pigs and turned to Sana. "Look! That one's named Sana," you told your girlfriend.
Sana looked at the rodent and laughed. "She looks like me!" Sana said, excited about the similarity.
"But don't worry sweetheart, you're even cuter," you told Sana. She laughed, and you both kissed.
"Baby, I'm home," Jihyo called as she entered the house. She took off her shoes and walked toward the kitchen to leave the takeout food she had bought before coming home.
"Honey?" she called for you again. "I'm in here!" Jihyo heard her girlfriend's voice from the living room. Jihyo walked to the living room, excited to see you since she had been working the whole day.
"Hey sweet girl, I've missed you so much," she said, going to hug you from behind and closing her eyes.
"Me too, baby. How was practice today?" You felt Jihyo's breath on your neck. "It was good, but I'm kinda tired babe," she said as she opened her eyes.
When her eyes were fully open, she gasped and quickly backed down, almost falling to the ground.
"Why is there an owl in our living room?" Jihyo said, sounding scared.
You laughed a little and then said, "You know how my brother is obsessed with Harry Potter, well, since his birthday is coming up, for some reason, my parents thought of buying him an owl, just like Harry's," you said, giving some food to the white owl.
"Wow, your parents are really thoughtful," Jihyo said, giggling. "What's his name?" she asked as she put her arms around your waist and hugged you from behind again.
"He is actually a she. And we're waiting for my brother to name her, but he's an 11-year-old Potterhead with a white owl, so I bet 5 bucks it'll be Hedwig," you told your girlfriend as she turned your face to kiss her.
"We'll see," Jihyo said, laughing.
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A few days passed, and your brother's birthday finally arrived. You and Jihyo, along with the owl, drove to your parents' house for the party.
You guys ate some Harry Potter-themed food, watched the kids break a big piñata, and took some cute pictures of each other—everything you do at an 11-year-old's party.
When the little kids got picked up by their parents, you guys entered the house. "Mom, Dad, can I open my presents now?" your brother asked loudly.
Your parents nodded, and the little one started jumping. "You can't really 'open' the present that Daddy and I got you," your mom told him. Your brother looked at them puzzled.
"And this isn't just a present, baby. You have to take care of her, just like a human being. She's not just some toy. We're giving you this because we think you're ready to have a pet," your mom said.
Your brother started jumping and hugging your mom when he heard the word 'pet.'
As your brother smothered your mother, your dad gave you a look that meant 'bring her now.' You got up and went to get the owl that you had been owlsitting the whole week.
When you entered the living room once more, now with the pet in the cage, your mother pointed at you, and your brother gave you a big gummy smile.
"An owl! Thank you, thank you! I've always wanted one, and she's just like Harry's! I can't believe this! Thank you so much, Yn, you're the best sister ever!" your brother said, hugging your legs.
Jihyo couldn't help but smile at you and your brother's interaction. She thought it was the cutest thing ever.
"So, how are you naming her?" your dad asked.
"Jihyo!" he said, excitedly.
Jihyo blushed at that, while everyone turned to him, confused.
"What?" your mom asked. "Since Yn gave me this awesome present, and since Yn loves Jihyo, and I love this owl!" your brother said, petting the white owl through her cage.
Everyone looked even more puzzled. "Actually, this gift is from Mom and Dad. My gift and Jihyo's present is the Minecraft card," you told him.
"I'm naming the card Jihyo too!"
Jihyo couldn't help but laugh at your brother. "But wouldn't you like to name her Hedwig, I mean, just like Harry's!" Jihyo tried to reason with your brother.
"No, Jihyo is way better," your brother said, unbothered.
"Well, Jihyo it is," you said, looking at your girlfriend. Jihyo laughed a little, feeling a bit embarrassed.
“Why don't we show Jihyo where she'll be staying” your dad told your brother. “Okay!” he said carrying the owl out of the living room.
You sat down with your girlfriend once again. Both of you made eye contact and burst into laughter. “It was kinda cute,” you said. And Jihyo just laughed even harder.
“You own me 5 bucks”
You and your girlfriend Mina were having dinner at your grandparent’s. You guys were having a great time since all your family loved and appreciated Mina and loved how special she made you feel.
Everyone was laughing at a joke your grandfather had said, Mina's hand was resting on your thigh. After you guys finished laughing, she asked you for directions to the bathroom. You offered to take Mina to the bathroom since it was a big house. Mina smiled and took your hand, allowing you to guide her.
You guys got up and entered the house, holding hands. When you guys arrived in the living room, you stopped when you saw a big fishbowl with big and small fish swimming around.
Mina followed your gaze and pointed at some multicolored fish that was eating.
“That one looks like you," you pointed at a big-eyed yellow-orange fish that was fighting for some food. Mina rolled her eyes at you.
"Really! You have the same eyes," you exclaimed, smirking.
"Yn! That's enough. Stop teasing Mina!" your mom said in Mina's defense. "Look, I'm telling you, she loves you more than me! When someone teases me, she just laughs along!" you whispered to Mina.
Mina just laughed and wrapped her arms around your shoulders, kissing your forehead.
"The bathroom is just down there," you pointed out.
"I'll be waiting here with the other Mina," you told her.
"The other Mina?" the original Mina looked at you confused. You smiled, pointing at the fish. Mina rolled her eyes, smiling.
After dinner, you guys offered to take your mother home. "Oh honey, do you remember my cat Meredith?" your mother asked as you were driving.
"Oh yeah, what's up with her?" you questioned, focusing on the road. "She gave birth! We gave away some of the kittens, but there are still some around the place!"
"Aw! I can't wait to see them," you said happily.
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"Mina, would you like some tea?" that's the first thing your mother said when you guys arrived at her house.
"Yes, thank you, Mrs. Yln," Mina said as you guys sat on the living room couch. Before you could sit down, your mother called for you to help her pour the tea. You sighed and walked towards the kitchen.
"Wait," you heard Mina's voice. You turned around and met Mina's lips. You laughed and softly pulled away. "I'll be right back," you winked at your girlfriend.
While you were gone, Mina started looking at her phone until she heard a ‘meow’ near her. She looked at the rest of the couch and found a little white kitten with big almond eyes. Mina melted at the little animal.
"Hi, baby," Mina said, pulling her hand towards the cat. The cat backed down a little, but with some encouragement, the kitty felt confident enough and got into Mina’s hand. Mina thought she was going to die from cuteness.
When you and your mom put down the teas on the table, you turned to Mina with something white in her hand. "Oh, so you've met Snowy," your mom said.
"You named her Snowy?" you said teasingly. "Well, I was waiting for you to name the rest of them!"
"I think she likes you, Mina," your mom said happily. And it was true, the kitty was all over Mina, and Mina was more than happy, smiling and petting the cat.
"We should name her Mina!" you said. Mina turned to you with wide eyes. "Well, she loves you, baby, and you two are the cutest things ever," you said, kissing Mina's head.
"Oh, I love it!" your mother said.
Mina smiled at you and caught your lips in a quick kiss.
You loved your job at the zoo. The way you cared for the animals and connected with them was truly admirable. However, there was one aspect of your job that always made you a bit apprehensive - the snakes.
You had an intense fear of snakes. Just the thought of them would send shivers down your spine. But you realized it was time to overcome the fear, so you decided to face your fear head-on. You came up with a unique idea - you would name one of the snakes after your girlfriend Dahyun.
Your co-worker thought it was a brilliant idea and agreed to let you take care of the snakes for a day. As you timidly approached the enclosure, you locked eyes with a beautiful python. With a deep breath, you mustered up the courage to hold the snake, reminding yourself that it now shared your girlfriend’s name.
Surprisingly, as you spent time with the snake named Dahyun, you started to feel a strange sense of comfort. You realized that your fear was slowly dissipating, replaced by a newfound connection with the reptiles you once dreaded.
Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. You continued to care for the snakes, especially the one named after your girlfriend. You learned about their unique characteristics, their gentle nature, and their importance in the ecosystem. With each passing day, your fear diminished further, replaced by a growing sense of admiration and respect for these creatures.
One sunny day, Dahyun decided to surprise her girlfriend at work. As Dahyun entered the zoo, butterflies fluttered in her stomach.
As she approached her girlfriend's station, Dahyun's eyes widened in awe. There her girlfriend stood, confidently handling the snakes, her smile radiant and her body language relaxed. Dahyun couldn't help but feel a surge of pride for her girlfriend.
When you finally noticed her presence, you walked over with a smile. "Surprised to see me here?" Dahyun said.
"But I'm even more surprised to see you so comfortable with the snakes now. How did you overcome your fear?" Dahyun asked
You chuckled and took Dahyun's hand. "It all started with you, my love. I named that snake after you to help me face my fears. Every time I handle the snakes, I think of you and how you make me feel safe and loved. It gave me the courage to embrace these little guys."
Dahyun's eyes welled up with tears of happiness. She never expected her simple existence to have such an impact. They shared a tender moment, surrounded by the snakes that had brought them closer together.
As Dahyun glanced at the snake named after her, she couldn't help but feel grateful for the reptile since it had transformed her girlfriend's fear into a symbol of love and bravery.
As you stood outside the studio's door, you impatiently waited for Chaeyoung to open it for you. Your hands were full, making it difficult to open the door by yourself.
But before coming here, something ‘unexpected’ happened. You had thought about buying some food for Chaeyoung since she had been really busy at the studio. However, as you were walking to Chaeyoung's favorite bakery, you noticed a box just outside the store. When you looked down, you saw a black puppy inside.
You couldn't leave the puppy there, so you picked him up and immediately took him to the vet. The vet assured you that he was fine and gave him some vaccines. He also mentioned that you could bring the puppy for adoption next week, but for now, the little dog needed a place to stay.
Finally, the door opened, and Chaeyong’s Co-worker let you in. You hid the puppy behind your back.
"Thank you," you smiled and went inside.
Chaeyoung spotted you from inside the studio. She took off her headphones and came out to greet you with a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
"What are you doing here?" she asked, a big smile on her face.
"I thought I would come to visit you. I got you... something special," you replied.
She nodded, a little confused. "Okay, close your eyes," you told her, feeling a bit nervous. With anticipation, you unveiled the puppy in front of her. Unexpectedly, the puppy licked your girlfriend's nose.
Chaeyoung opened her eyes in a hurry. "Who's this little guy?" she said, petting the dog.
"His name is Chaeyoung, and he has had all his vaccines. We could take him for adoption next week, but if you spend just a few minutes with him, you'll never want to let him go, and-"
Your girlfriend's laughter interrupted you. "Honey, you got me at his name," she smiled, kissing you.
"Oh, will you look at that!" you heard your mom's voice as you came downstairs. "What are you guys watching?" you said.
"Keira's rabbit just gave birth," your sister told you, excited.
"Who's Keira?" you asked, confused, trying to see the pictures of the bunnies on your mother's phone.
"My best friend!" your sister exclaimed angrily. "Sorry!" you apologized, sticking your tongue out at your sister.
"Look at the bunnies," your mother passed you the phone.
They were really cute, looking like cotton candy fluffy balls. You wanted to eat them. "This one looks like Yn's girlfriend!" you heard your sister's voice as she pointed at a cute brunette bunny. You examined the fluffy ball, and it was true; it looked just like Tzuyu.
"You're right," you chuckled at the thought. "Is Keira keeping all of them?" you turned to your sister.
"Her parents just let her keep two; the others are going to live at her grandma's," your sister told you as she took the phone out of your hands.
"Tell her to keep the Tzuyu one," you said, laughing.
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You were baking with Tzuyu, making some cakes. You loved baking, and Tzuyu loved watching you do things you love, and she got the privilege of licking the spoons!
As you put the cake in the oven and set the timer, you heard your phone ringing. "Sweetie, it's your mom," Tzuyu said, passing you your phone.
You murmured a "thank you, baby." "Hi mom, what's up?" While you were talking with your mom, Tzuyu started washing up the dishes and the things you guys used.
"Hey, so my mom wants me to pick up my sister from a play date. I'll be right back, or do you want to come?" you asked your girlfriend.
Tzuyu nodded at you with a big smile. It had been a long time since she saw your little sister.
You drove in the direction your mom sent you, and you guys arrived after 10 minutes. When you were about to knock on the door, you remembered that you forgot something in the car and told Tzuyu you'd be right back. Before leaving, you gave Tzuyu a quick kiss on the lips.
Before Tzuyu could knock on the door, it opened, and she saw two little girls - one was your sister, and she assumed the other was her friend. "Tzuyu!" your sister hugged her. "Hi!" Tzuyu exclaimed happily. "How have you been?" Tzuyu asked, petting your sister's hair.
"Great! I've missed you!" Before Tzuyu could answer, the other little girl interrupted, "Is her name Tzuyu, like my bunny?" the other girl said.
"Yes! I told you to name her after my sister's girlfriend, remember?" your sister told her friend.
Tzuyu blushed at the comment and laughed. "Your bunny's name is Tzuyu?"
When you arrived at the door once again, you were surprised as the door was opened. You entered your sister's best friend's house and gasped when you saw Tzuyu petting her bunny self. When Tzuyu saw you, she just smiled at you.
"You’re so cute," you murmured.
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cry4mina · 6 months
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My name is B (They/She)
Anon Hall Of Shame <- this is where degenerates end up
Nr1chaedickrider Hall of Fame
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⛧ Cis-Men DNI
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You can put in requests for fics you’d like to read from me in the future! However, please understand that I might not write it quickly (if I decide it’s something that falls into what I want to write)
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Underage or large age gaps.
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insomniakisses · 2 years
Our Cute Puppy
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Requested? yes. 
Reader type;  Puppy!Hybrid Reader, GN!reader
Warnings/Notes; Hybrid au, Polyamorous Twice, Member x Member x Reader, Fluff
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Being an idol was hard on its own, but being one of the very few hybrid idols was even harder. You battled with hate from people who didn’t understand hybrids, or care enough about the difference of hybrids and animals. In addition to that you put so much extra pressure on yourself in order to hopefully avoid extra attention that your anatomy didn’t already do.
The girls always worried that you would overwork yourself, so much so that they always mad sure to baby you a little extra. Not because they see you as less than then but simply because they found you so cute and they loved you just like they love each other as partners.
Today was just like any other day for you, practically passing out in the practice room after staying hours longer than the rest of the group. It was almost 4 am when you got back, shuffling through the dorm as quiet as possibly halting when you say the TV on ears flicking on your head at the low noise yet still audible with your ears.
“Hello~” you whisper into the darkness of the living room, your yelp being muffled into Chaeyoung’s shoulder as she hugged you.
“Shhhh Y/n, Nayeon needs her beauty sleep” she winks while you both giggle quietly.
“C’mere!” She cheers quietly, well as quietly as the baby beast can, while pulling you into her lap. You cant help but stare at her while she wraps a blanket round you smiling when she changes the channel to your favourite movie, rubbing your ears and lulling you to sleep.
When you woke up there were hands on your ears and tail and a pair of arms wrapped tightly around your waist. Lifting your ear up you heard the giggles of Nayeon and Sana, opening your eyes you were met with Sana brushing your tail out while Nayeon rugged at your ear. Chaeyoung still fast asleep you knew you couldn’t move yet, so with a sleepy smile you nuzzled back into her arms.
“Morning you two” you smiled at them both, ears perking up as the smell from the kitchen finally met your nose. Tail wagging uncontrollably, you felt chae wake up all three giggling at your love for food.
Jumping up you rushed into the kitchen where Jeong was making you a coffee, passing it to you with a kiss to the ear and scratch to the other. Sitting next to Tzu you leaned your head on her shoulder kissing it as she began to rub and scratch your ears.
After a breakfast you all went to go get ready, climbing out of the shower and throwing on your sweats you called in Jihyo to help comb out your tail. Coming inside she smiled softly at you, sitting behind you to softly comb your tail out knowing how painful it sometimes can be. Once it was all over she’d give you a kiss for each cheek and hug you while playing with your ears to calm you down.
Practice long and hard as usual, the girls making sure to take regular breaks. About half way through Momo and Mina made sure you sat in between them for a break knowing you wouldn’t take one yourself. You still squirmed around and tried to cut your break short so you ended up in Momo’s lap her placing kisses on your neck to distract you, your tail wagging softly. Hitting Mina knee with every wag causing her to giggle lean over to kiss your cheek.
After practice you all opted on a movie night, having tomorrow off there was no need for an early night. Dahyun had claimed you, pulling you into her arms and demanding cuddles and stealing kisses now and then not that the others minded as they were all doing the same with each other.
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a/n; T^T theyre so cute
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luvmyoui · 1 year
six - out
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previous masterlist next
gp!myoui mina x fem!reader
warnings: cursing
word count: 1,732
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the constant buzzing of your phone roused you from your slumber, you tried to ignore it but the buzzing hadn’t gone away like it usually would. with a huff you sat up and received the call without checking the caller. 
“what?!” you said annoyance clear in your tone.
“check twitter, right now!” camila’s stressed out voice exclaimed from the other end of the phone. 
“okay, okay, gosh what terrible thing happen-” you fell silent when the twitter app loaded on and displayed a linked article stating a question along with a picture. 
the article went on to explain how an anonymous source had sent a picture of the ‘happy birthday isla’ banner that hung behind you, you were squatted on the floor with isla’s cheek squished into yours. seeing the picture you immediately recognized it as one that was definitely taken the day before. you could only curse yourself for letting that man help bring that package into your home and forgetting to close the door. apparently there had been paparazzi waiting outside of your house and took pictures of the decorations while your door was open. 
“y/n? you good?” camila's worried voice pulled you out of your regretful thoughts. 
“y-yeah, just shocked. the thought of this happening never even crossed my mind.” you said, still in disbelief that this could’ve happened. 
“look at the comments though, we can go along with them and lie.” hearing this, with curiosity you scrolled down to see the replies to the tweet. 
sixtharmony4ever: why can't you people just mind your own business omg, leave my girls alone!!!
camilasolostan: wtf??? was y/n a teen mom?! iloveyn: so what if she was, its her life not yours.
laurenmll: why are you idiots acting like she can't have nieces😭😭 user872349: are you stupid, she doesn't have any siblings💀💀 laurenmll: are you? you're acting like she cant have any cousins☠️ laursss: girl lets be real, thats 100% y/ns kid camziezz: literally, cuzns arent twins💀💀
sixthharmonizerrr: these paparazzis seriously need to get a life and let celebs live theirs.
twice4lifee: guys why does that baby look exactly like mina😰😰minaluvzme: IM SAYINN once4ever: NEW SHIP???
minariii: *image attached* cannot tell me they are not the same person, literally give that kid a haircut and its mina.
lovey/nnn: why does the baby look like that one girl from that kpop group?!
harmonizeronce: does mina have a secret brother? twcmina: she literally said in multiple interviews she was an only child. harmonizeronce: thats why i said secret smartass.
seeing people defending you brought a smile to your face, you loved your fans. though you couldn't help the anxiety creep up your spine, what if they found out about mina. rather than worrying for yourself, you worried for mina, it might break her career if it's found out that she has a kid. you knew that the kpop industry was much less forgiving when it came to things like this. feeling another buzz in your hand caused you to look at the incoming call from your manager larry. 
“mila, larry’s calling so i’ll hang up now okay?” hearing a ‘kay’ from camila you hung up and accepted the call from your manager. 
“deny having a kid, say it was your cousins or something and that you hang out with her kid alot. I honestly don't care what you say, just make sure no one knows that it's your kid.” he said as soon as you had accepted the call
“and if i don't want to?” 
“that’s not an option.” he stated. 
“I'm not going to deny my kid, can I just stay quiet? i won't ever deny that isla’s my daughter, i'm not and never will be ashamed of her. sure i had her young but i don't regret it at all.” you responded with finality in your voice. maybe this was a stupid decision, but one parent had already left isla and you refused to disown her by saying she wasn't yours.  
letting out a sigh, knowing nothing he said would change your decision, your manager let out a fine and hung up the call. you let yourself fall back into your bed and just laid there hands and legs sprawled out. hearing the creak of your door opening made you lift your head a bit to see isla standing there. she ran over to your bed, when she reached it she proceeded to lift one of her legs up trying to get onto the bed. you smiled down at how cute she looked, stopping her struggles, you sat up and pulled her onto the bed next to you. with her small hands she pushed you down onto your back and jumped onto you, cuddling her face into your neck. 
“when will i get to see mommy, i only see hew in pictuws.” isla said into your neck, she was very clearly distressed, and you could only think of the day before when she had questioned mina’s want to even see her. 
you honestly didn't even think mina wanted to see her, sure she sent gifts but you doubt she’d want to see isla. she always thought of the child as a burden, as something that you were supposed to care for. the thought brought a frown to your face, you wished for mina to see isla and acknowledge her as a daughter. 
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chaos had ensued in the twice dorms, although mina only shared a dorm with nayeon, all the girls were currently at the dorms. as soon as they had seen the tweet they rushed over, hoping that it wasn't as they thought. 
“so what, you just left her alone with a kid?!” jeongyeon exclaimed, clearly upset at the mere idea. 
“uh- well it wasn't like that, i wanted to pursue my dream and she was holding me back. also i send them money and gifts and pay for the apartment, i’m fulfilling my role as a parent.” hearing this, all of the girls continued their attack, throwing objects at mina. she tried to dodge but there were too many coming and too fast. 
“god i knew you were a douche judging by the amount of girls you bring home, but this is just unbelievable.” momo said, followed by a shoe being thrown at mina’s head. 
“you guys are unbelievable, i'm your member, not her. plus, are you forgetting the part where i literally send gifts, money, and pay the bills?! also she didn't want me to follow my dream!” mina exclaimed, why couldn't they understand her side?
“yeah, and are you forgetting the part where you got her pregnant. whatever she says doesn't matter, as the person who got her pregnant you should have taken responsibility.” jihyo voiced out, clearly annoyed by her excuses.
“I do take responsibility! how many times do i need to say that i give them money, i spoil them incredibly!” mina cried out in exasperation, how many times did she have to say it for them to understand?
the yelling and throwing of things was stopped the moment the door to the dorm opened, their manager walking in. “mina, there better be a good explanation for this.” their manager said, glaring at mina. 
“uhm- there really isn't one, it’s exactly how it seems.” 
“how do you even know y/n?!” their manager exclaimed, not being able to wrap her mind around this situation.
“we uh- we were high school sweethearts, we dated throughout almost the entirety of highschool.”
“what?!” everyone exclaimed, not knowing that they were in that serious of a relationship. 
“wait, so do you know any other celebrities?” chaeyoung asked in disbelief, she had been a fan of the group's music for a while and couldn't believe mina knew them.
“uh- yeah, shawn mendes, he was my best friend since middle school and camila, but she was y/n’s best friend. and i mean camila never really liked me.” 
“you knew shawn mendes?!” chaeyoung exclaimed, being best friends with shawn mendes was insane to her. 
“yeah, i still talk to him from time to time too.” mina said, scratching the back of her head as she explained. 
“mina, i hope you know that we will be going to the US for the billboard women in music awards. and sixth harmony will for sure be there.” their manager said to mina.
“what!?” mina exclaimed, the thought that she might run into you again was now starting to eat away at her. she didn't want to see you, but at the same time she wanted so desperately to. 
“oh yeah, i was gonna tell you.” jihyo said, everyone surprised that mina didn't know. 
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everyone had left by now, and it was only mina, nayeon, and the two beer bottles on the coffee table in front of them. mina usually didn't drink, her intolerance for alcoholic drinks being the reason, but after today she just needed a drink. 
“what do you think? do you agree with everyone else, you think i'm an asshole?” mina asked, not offended but wanting a genuine answer.
“I mean what you did was very assholey, but i mean it’s never too late to change you know? i mean i’ve lived with you for like how long? three, four years? and i mean i think i know you best, and i can say with confidence you’ve had at least a little character development.” nayeon said, taking a swig of her beer. 
“but what do i do? I feel like what me and y/n had is broken by now. I don't think she’d even want me to meet isla.” mina said, she would never dare say her true thoughts. and i mean, could you blame her? 
all she knew about this kid was that she was 3 years old and that it was hers. she didn't even know what isla looked like until she saw the picture on twitter. she felt terrible for even thinking it, but she didn't really care all that much for this kid. you on the other hand, she had known you for a long time, she loved you, she had a kid with you. she didn't regret pursuing her dream but she wished it didn’t include losing you. 
“just talk to her, when we meet her. try to just talk it all out.” 
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taglist: @moon-ellie @lisas-earlobe @cocojy @second-daughter-of-clexa @runassimp@eliii1sblog @yvsvrn send an ask if you want to be added to the taglist!
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residentflamingo · 2 months
Outlaw Jeongyeon Headcanons
Yoo Jeongyeon x fem! reader
AU: Wild West 🌵🏜️
Genre: fluff, smut, and a pinch of angst
Warnings: violence, mentions of guns, blood, sexual themes, and cursing
A/N: Once again... this draft is also one that has been sitting in my drafts since last year ☠️ But, I'm just glad my passion for writing has come back again. Let me know if I should write some fics following up with these headcanons! I would absolutely love to do it. Thank you for reading this, and any of my other fics you might have read! Your support is always appreciated <3
Word count ———> 4,468
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Who is this girl?
Jeongyeon is a feared outlaw in the west 
Nobody dares to mess with her 
Her nickname is Jeongyeon the Ruthless
She is well known for being a fast gunslinger, and showing no mercy when it comes to dealing with criminals
She had a sinister death glare that gives criminals chills down their spines
Everyone knew, that once she started glaring at an enemy during a fight, they were dead right where they were standing 
She is somewhat of a psychopath
Doesn't mind shooting anyone unless they are innocent townsfolk
If she needs information out of someone and they don't give it, onto the train tracks they go
Is also known for torturing people if they cross her
Jeongyeon is very confident in her abilities, but most of the time she stays quiet, adding to her already intimidating exterior
She’s the 2nd boss alongside Jihyo, with a gang called, “Demonios Neuve"
Also known as "The Nine Devils"
They're famous for eliminating infamous criminals off the map, and being excellent bounty hunters
But they also weren't ones to follow the law either
Demonios Nueve are so close with each other, since there's only 9 of them all together
They knew Jeongyeon was a lesbian, but they swore to never tell anyone else since she could be killed for it
When Jeongyeon confessed to them that she was more attracted to women than men, they were stunned, but immediately accepted her and told her that she was the same person to them no matter what
They love teasing her when they see hot girls that might interest her 
She gets so annoyed, but is so thankful she has supportive friends 
After Jeongyeon and the gang became popular for their good deeds, people would notice her everywhere she would go
They would stop her for autographs, and ask how she became such an excellent gun slinger
Eventually, she got tired of all the attention and decided she didn’t want go out in public very much anymore
But one night when her members begged her to go somewhere with them, she finally gave in and admitted she was bored anyways
Which is how she ended up at this saloon
How you guys met 
The saloon was lively, being filled with drunken townsfolk, and outlaws coming in to play cards. Jeongyeon was sitting at a table with some of her gang members, listening to them bicker over a serious round of poker. She had her hat tiled low to cover part of her eyes, a toothpick in her mouth, a glass of whiskey that she was twirling around in her hand, and her boots rested on top of the table.
The whole night she hadn’t been interested in gambling, or socializing at all for that matter. She was a quiet but deadly outlaw. For a good while, she had been looking around and scanning everyone in the saloon, making sure no threats were present. While observing, Momo suddenly bumped her on the shoulder, and it immediately caught her attention. “Hey, who’s that hot chick?”
She quickly adjusted her hat and moved her head up, looking at you for the first time. Jeongyeon was so enthralled by your beauty that she couldn’t take her eyes off of you. It was love at first sight. You had walked into the saloon, not expecting much but to get a drink and ease the stress that had been building throughout the week. You were wearing a beautiful floral dress that complimented your curves well, and your hai had been touched up a bit too. You had caught the eyes of everyone in the saloon that night.
But a couple of those sets of eyes weren’t planning on being welcoming.
After Jeongyeon had eyed you up and down a couple of times, she leaned over to next to Jihyo and whispered, “Hey do you know who that girl is?”. Jihyo quickly turned her attention away from the poker game going on in front of her, and focused on Jeongyeon.”Hm?”. She looked next to her, then let her vision scan across all of the people at the bar, eventually landing on you.
She smirked and whispered back to Jeongyeon, “Ah. No, but you should go try talking to her.”
She wiggled her eyebrows at her, then turned around to the other members, smiling devilishly. Jihyo whispered to the others, “Looks like our girl J has a crush on that pretty girl over there.” Jeongyeon’s stomach dropped and she panicked, worrying that you could have heard Jihyo. She looked at the others with a death glare, and signaling for them to shut up.
But to your dismay, you had no clue this was happening behind you, as you were too busy ordering your drink.
“Can I get a whiskey with a lime please?” You ordered, practically having to the bartender attempting to shout over all of the commotion inside the saloon.
Jeongyeon quickly got herself situated once she heard your voice, and was even more infatuated when she heard your order. “Wow… the same thing I always get.” She thought to herself.
She most definitely had to talk to you now. But god she was so nervous about it. Talking to gunslingers and cowboys was one thing, but talking to girls? Terrifying. She scoffed, thinking to herself, ”What the hell is wrong with me, I shouldn’t be this nervous.”
Jeongyeon thought about it for a minute, wondering what she was going to say to you. But before she knew it, someone else beat her to it. A drunken outlaw had come up to you, asking if you wanted to “shack up” with him that night. You politely declined, but quickly found out that he wasn’t taking no for an answer. He grabbed your wrist and kept a firm grip on it, making sure you couldn’t run away. He was saying nasty things like “I could please you real good” and “you’ve got a nice ads to squeeze.”
Jeongyeon watched in disgust and before she knew it, she was already up and out of her seat, walking over to the outlaws. She ghosted her hand over her pistol in her holster, making sure she was ready in case either one of them decided to start a gunfight. Then she went up in front of you and the man saying, “Darling are these men bothering you?”. You quickly looked up at her relieved and getting ready to say something, but the outlaw did it for you instead. “She’s fine. We know her well.” He said with a disgusting smile on his face, making Jeongyeon contort her face in disgust.
She quit moving the toothpick around in her mouth and leaned her face closer to the outlaw. “I don’t remember asking you the question.” She said coldly, making the outlaw scoff and grip your wrist tighter. “Mind your own damn business you whore!”
Jeogyeon bit the toothpick harder in anger, making her break it in her mouth and spit it on the floor. The outlaw and his other goons laughed, making her turn her head over at you. She immediately noticed how terrified you were, and her eyes softened as your gaze connected with hers. You gulped and mouthed out quietly, “Help me.”
She gave a simple nod, ensuring that your safety was now her priority.
In the blink of an eye, she whipped her head back around and grabbed the outlaw’s hand, squeezing it so hard that he cried out in pain. Her face remained stoic and focused, showing no empathy for the man in front of her. Then she brought the hand closer to her in an agonizing motion, making a few of his bones crack, and his grip falter from your hand. You let yourself free and got up from the stool, quickly standing back and watching the drama unfold in horror.
By this point, everyone in the saloon had been watching in suspense, including the Twice’s Devils, making sure thy at their member was okay. The leader named Jihyo, went up to you discreetly and checked on your hand, surprising you a bit. She asked you a few questions, then told you that you were going to be okay since you were being protected by the best gunslinger in the West.
When Jeongyoeon brought the outlaw’s arm closer to her, his eyes were wide in panic. Then she leaned closer to him again saying, “It is my business actually.“ She used her other hand to grab the pistol, bringing the barrel up to the side of his skull. “The next time you even think of touching her, I will not hesitate to put a bullet through your fucking head. Is that clear?”
His body shook in terror, looking at the gun barrel pointed next to his head, and trying to stutter out an answer. She grew impatient, deciding to crack some bones in his arm again. He cried out in pain, and she dug the gun deeper in his skin. “Is that clear?!” She shouted. He nodded vigorously, “Y-yes ma’am! Please let me go I have a family- AH!”. She ground her teeth in rage, cracking his arm for the last time before she shoved him to the ground. “Your poor family…” She said, putting her gun back in the holster. Then she looked up at his terrified minions with a death glare, chewing the inside of her cheek as a replacement for the toothpick. “Get the fuck out.” She said. “Before I shoot every goddamn one of you’s.”
They nodded rapidly, “Y-yes ma’am!” and then carried the outlaw out in a rush, taking him to the nearest medic in town. She scoffed, watching as they ran out for their lives. “Damn. I didn't even get to fire my pistol."
After that incident, you guys introduced yourselves and got to know each other a little better
It was awkward at first because she had just broken someone's arm in front of you
But, you really admired her for her courage and willingness to stand up for you against the outlaws
As you two got to talking, you learned that she was an outlaw herself, and one that was in a gang
You were shocked but surprisingly not scared of her
Jeongyeon had also learned herself that you were currently working at a horse stable
You guys had perfect chemistry, being able to relate to simple things like your shared love for horses, and dealing with other cowboys
Later on that evening when you two parted ways, Joengyeon promised she would have her gang visit your stable every now and then
You agreed, wanting nothing more than to speak to have more time to speak to her
After that night, a friendship had blossomed
And possibly even more
How you became her crush
Jeongyeon kept her promise
She came to visit the stable more often when the gang passed by the town, and helped you clean/ feed the horses
The chemistry grew even sweeter, resulting in you two sharing stolen glances, and learning to enjoy each other's company as good friends
But was it really just friendship though?
Overtime she fell in love with your personality and your special love for animals
She also loves how sweet you are with others, always giving your time and never hesitating to help someone out
Jeongyeon could feel her heart start to soften a bit just from being around you for the past couple of months
She tries very hard to keep her feelings on the down-low, but sometimes it slips out
"You look pretty today Y/N."
Glares at other cowboys when they look at you
Tries to impress you here and there by lifting heavy things, and doing cool trick shots with her pistols
She always thinks about you when she's off traveling with the gang
You fell in love with her loyalty and her easy-going personality, wondering why people were so scared of her in the first place
Overtime you would catch yourself looking at her too, paying extra attention to her muscular arms
The feelings you started developing for her really threw you off at first
She was known as an outlaw, a terrifying one at that
Was she just faking her personality around you? Would she be as ruthless to you if you ever got into a relationship with her?
It was really confusing, but no matter how hard you tried to suppress your feelings, they just kept growing with each kind gesture she would do for you
The confession
One day she came in bearing some cuts and injuries from a gunfight
"Jeongyeon what the hell happened?"
You somewhat panicked to say the least
She felt embarrassed to say the least, knowing she was sitting in front of her crush all bloody and injured
"I was ambushed... Jihyo had to come to rescue me."
You sighed, quickly rushing to the back and grabbing medical supplies
"Here, come sit down.
She begrudgingly sat down on the stool, looking up at you as you started tending to the wound on her face
A few minutes of silence went by, and the only thing that could be heard was her wincing in pain as you dabbed alcohol on the open wounds
"Ow ow Y/N! Dammit, that hurts..."
"I know I know just sit still. I'm almost done."
"Mmmm... Y/N you should just leave it like that so I can get a cool scar."
The stupid smirk on her face immediately pissed you off, knowing she was trying to completely disregard what just happened to her
"Shut up..."
"I said Shut up! It's not funny Jeongyeon."
She was completely taken aback, definitely not expecting you to raise your voice at her like that
"Y/N? What's wrong? I didn't mean to-"
You stepped back, taking a few seconds not to tend to her wounds for a second
"What's wrong? I tell you what's wrong. It's the fact that you're not even worried about the fact that you almost died out there!"
She looked down, feeling a little guilty that she didn't take it too serious
You sighed, covering your face with frustration
But as you tried to speak, your voice came out shaky, tears threatening to fall from your eyes
"I worry about you Jeongyeon... "
Her head immediately shot up, and she looked at you like she had just seen a ghost
"Wait... Y/N... You worry about me?"
You moved your hands from your eyes and nodded, taking a step closer to her so you could move the hair away from her face
"Yes. Everyday. I worry that you won't come back to me, and I'll be alone all over again."
Jeongyeon couldn't believe it
"B-but why?"
Your voice went to a low whisper, "Because... I love you Jeongyeon."
Her eyes widened, realizing that someone in this world as great as you truly loves her
"You do?"
You nodded, feeling a bit nervous because you could either die for telling her such a thing, or she could reciprocate those feelings
"I love you too Y/N. More than anything in this world."
It was your turn to be surprised
Your hand faltered from her face, dropping down to the side of your waist, and your frown slowly turning into a smile
"You do?"
Jeongyeon stood up, towering over you with her huge height difference, and moved the hair out of your own face like you did to hers earlier
Then she leaned in, wrapping her strong arms around you and bringing you into a hug
Your body froze, your mind froze, everything froze
After a couple seconds, you hugged her back, burying your face into her chest and squeezing her tightly
Happiness surged between the both of you, blossoming a new relationship in the world full hate and uncertainty
Jeongyeon was the first one to pull away, wearing a warm smile on her face that you could never forget
"You should've told me earlier silly." You said breaking the silence
She chuckled, bringing her hand up to gently caress your cheek with her thumb again
"I could have, but the wait was worth it."
A bit reserved at first, but opens up more once she gets to know you better
You soon find out that the terrifying outlaw, was really just the biggest teddy bear behind that serious demeanor of hers
She's not really a big fan of cuddling, but when you guys do end up doing it, she secretly likes being the little spoon
Her favorite thing is going to sleep with you
She loves being able to hold you in her arms and guarantee that you're safe with her
"I love you... Sweet dreams Y/N."
Loves to hug you from behind and sway with you in the kitchen or wherever you two are standing
Kisses you at the most random times
You'll be standing there talking to one of her gang members about something, and she'll just walk by and kiss you on the forehead
One of her favorite things is making you flustered or seeing you shy when she kisses teases you about something
In public she never shows any affection
She's terrified of something happening to her or to you
It kills her inside when she can't hold your hand while shopping, but endures it for your safety
Speaking of safety, being with her is like being protected by ten people
Is friendly to NO ONE
Sometimes you'll try to remind her to smile so she doesn't look so scary
But she refuses most of the time
"I'm not smiling for these bastards."
It's almost impossible for her to fake her emotions around people
She will not hold back when someone flirts with you
"Do you really think she would choose you over me? Pathetic."
Extremely protective of you
Gets anxious even if you get something as small as a paper cut
"Are you okay Y/N? Let me see."
Is a very good caregiver surprisingly
Learned how to cook while you were sick so she could make some chicken noodle soup for you
Would absolutely do anything for you
Even if it meant declaring a war against the government
Has some anger issues
She learns to tone down her anger quite a bit once you two start dating
As busy as she is, she always makes it her top priority to spend some quality time with you
She teaches you how to ride a horse, and you guys have many horse riding dates where you ride off into the sunset
But when she found out you couldn't ride a horse, she couldn't quit laughing
"So you're telling me that you work at a horse stable, but you don't know how to ride a horse?"
Hearing her laugh was so cute, but also so annoying since she still brings that up to this day
Also teaches you how to handle yourself in a fight
Training with her was very interesting...
She was a little bit hard on you, but only because it was a serious thing, and she wanted you to be able to fight
Has a terrible smoking habit
But all it took for her to quit was seeing you cough once from the smoke she accumulated
She immediately threw out her whole stash the next day
Takes on you on trips with her quite often when the gang has to move around
Lets you wear her hat every once in a while
Loves to have deep talks every night with before you go to bed
You find out about her past, and why she’s tge way she is
She’ll tell you other stories of being out on the frontier, and she still feels so lucky to be alive
Jeongyeon is not much of a talker, she’s more of a listener
Will listen to you for hours on end because of how much she loves your voice
Is so so whipped for you
Calls you princess <3
Her eyes light up every time you walk into a room, or when she hears your voice
You always help her with target practice, often spending hours watching her in awe as she hits multiple bullseyes
She doesn't think its that big of a deal though
Refuses to drink any alcohol around you
You've told her plenty of times you don't mind it, but she still insists
Her reputation to you is very important since she's terrified of you thinking she's an evil person
But to her dismay, you don't think of her that way at all
Is insecure about the way she looks :(
She hates the scars on her face and the ones on her body, often wearing long sleeve shirts and never taking off her hat unless she's alone with you
"No Y/N... It shows too much of my face."
You reassure her most days, telling her she looks absolutely beautiful in your eyes
Over time she starts to feel a little less insecure, getting the courage to roll up her sleeves every now and then
To your surprise, she's actually very intelligent
(Back then education wasn't really a thing in the west, so most were illiterate or couldn't write)
"Y/N have you read this before? I heard it's a really good book."
"Wait, you can read?!"
"Yeah... Doesn't everybody know how to do that?'
Teases you like crazy
You guys bicker back and forth like an old married couple
But it's all in good fun <3
If she realizes she's losing the argument, she'll back down and let you take the win
One thing about this girl is that she's extremely stubborn
If the whole world were crashing down on her she still wouldn't budge
"I am not wearing that dress Y/N."
The ONLY exception is that if it's something that makes you happy, then she'll begrudgingly do it
Looks at you like you're her whole world
She’s very very loyal
Thinks about marriage every now and then, but is too afriad to attempt it because of the homophobia floating around
Brings you back a diamond ring one day that she got off of a bounty target
“Did you get this from The Windy Willy?”
“Yeah… Of course Y/N. A dead guy can’t really have much say in the matter. Besides, I think it’s time I consider you my wife anyways.”
Jeongyeon is by far the best outlaw to date, and would stay with you until her final days
Her favorite memory of you is when she first met you at the bar <3
In the Bedroom
(mentions of fingering, strap-ons, pussy eating, & degrading)
She's on the rougher side
But never does anything you're not comfortable with
Ties your hands together so you can squirm beneath her
Leaves little hickeys and bite marks as she kisses you all across your body
Likes to slowly slides her fingers into your pussy and see how easily you take them in
"You take my fingers so well princess."
Afterwards when you cum on her hand, she makes you clean it up by licking it off her fingers
"Look at you being so dirty for me Y/N... What happened to you being so innocent hm?"
Her dirty talk is elite
Loves just walking up behind you while you're doing something innocent, and makes you flustered with something she says
Also like to randomly smack your ass when she walks by you
Will secretly stare at you from afar and basically eye fuck you
She’s definitely the type to get jealous
But doesn’t really get mad at you for it
Unless you try to rile her up on purpose
Once a cowboy was flirting with you and touching your arm, and you let him do it, seeing what Jeongyeon would do
Let’s just say… you never thought of doing it again
Leaves the biggest hickeys on your neck to show that you’re mysteriously taken by someone
When she’s jealous she gets very aggressive
Picks you up with her strong arms and manhandles you
Uses her thick strap on and doesn’t even give you time to adjust
“Mmm you like this dont you? Of course you do you whore… Trying to get me mad on purpose huh?”
Doesn’t let you cum till the very end
Slaps your ass multiple times as punishment
When she goes up to your core to eat you out, she starts with tiny kitten licks, trying to get you as riled up as possible
You practically have to beg her to go harder, or else she won’t do it until she knows you’re at your limit
Pinches your nipples so she can hear a few moans from you
Each time you make a sound or say her name, it always motivates her to go harder
“Yeah? Feel good princess? Let everyone know who’s fucking you like this. Making you feel so good.”
When the punishment is over she’ll kiss you all over, and tell you that she didn’t mean any of the things she said
Her favorite place to make love to you is out in the desert
Not exactly what you’re thinking though
She likes to set up camp all the way out in the middle of nowhere, where no one usually travels, and likes to do it from there
Has you bend over on a table say she can thrust into you from behind
Her favorite position is downward doggy ofc so she can see your bare ass
Or she has you lay down on your back so she can eat you out
“Good job princess… You did so well for me.”
She takes sex very seriously, and doesn’t really ever laugh during it
But afterwards she’s all smiley and smothers you with kisses
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nr1chaedickrider · 8 months
call me at midnight
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momo misses you - but in a completly different way than you thought.
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I got a special inspiration for this >_<, something short bc im working on lots of other things ; phone sex ; bottom!momo (omg what????) ; degradation ; praising
men dni.
Twice's fifth world tour through many countries, almost all continents and even more cities.
Of course you're happy, it's incredible that her group is so popular.
But you are someone who misses other people very quickly.
Momo is no exception to this.
You lie awake in your bed, the clock reads 9 pm.
You're scrolling through social media when you decide to call Momo.
Even though she's on another continent and there's a big time difference, that doesn't stop you.
It rings once, twice, three times, and before it can ring a fourth time, she answers.
"Y/n!" she says, and you can tell from her tone that she has a big smile on her face.
"How are you?" you ask her, hoping not to interrupt anything important.
"Fine, we have several hours of rest, so I'm resting in the hotel room," she answers.
"Good for you" you say.
The two of you make small talk, Momo tells you funny things she has experienced - you listen.
But the mood begins to change a little (or completly) when you begin to compliment her.
"I've seen videos of the tour, you dance really well," you say, hearing her giggle.
And you know you've hit a nerve, you know how her brain melts when you compliment her in any way.
"Thanks," she says, but you don't stop.
"I wish I was here with you to show you how much I enjoyed your performance," you say in a lower voice with a flirtatious undertone.
You hear Momo start to breathe more heavily.
And you know exactly what she's doing when she says -
"Please keep talking."
Her voice is high as she finishes her sentence, her breathing not in time, but irregular.
"Why should I?" you ask, feeling the smile that comes to your lips.
"I need it," she answers, you are silent.
And Momo realizes that she knows what you want to hear.
"I need you," she says, a whimper at the end of the sentence.
Your smile widens as you laugh a little.
"You're really pathetic, Momo, you know that?"
You hear a moan, more unclean and heavy breathing.
And even though it's obvious what Momo is doing, you still ask -
"You're touching yourself, aren't you?"
She answers with a moan and you feel your cheeks turning red.
"You got horny because I complimented you?" you ask teasingly, stressing the complimented.
"Mhm-...y/n please," she replies.
"How pathetic that you get horny so quickly, Momo," you say with a little laugh.
You hear more whimpering, more moaning and more heavy breathing.
"I love it, honestly, what would the others think if they saw you like this? See how you immediately start touching yourself when I just say a few things to you?" you tease.
You smile as you hear her breathing quicken as she whispers "please-" and "I'm close-" several times.
"That fast?" you laugh.
"Do I make you that horny?" you ask, even though you know the answer.
"You're a little perverted, Momo," you say, and she moans louder.
You stop talking and listen to her.
"Please - y/n... fuck-..I'm -"
Your cheek gets redder and redder, and you feel yourself getting wetter and wetter, but you decide to ignore it.
You listen as she gets louder, her sounds getting higher and higher as she cums.
It's quiet for a few moments as she calms down.
"How was it?" you ask.
"Good, very good," she answers, still slightly out of breath.
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minasattic · 7 months
“it’s you, silly”
yoo jeongyeon x fem! reader; fluff
synopsis: Valentine’s day is just another day that reminds you of the fact you’re single, until your best friend introduces you to her cousin; aka the girl you’ve been crushing on. overall just a cute silly little fic
warnings: reader is lowkey dense, cursing, not proofread, rushed ending, i’m not a very good writer </3
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a/n: my first fic! slowly healing the jeongyeon drought. ALSO HAPPY VALENTINES DAY !!!
wc: 2.1k
You’ve always hated Valentines Day. To you it was just time for happy couples to brag and remind you how you’ll be forever alone. However, this year was differe-
“Earth to Y/N!” A hand waved infront of your face. You push it away with a playful scoff. “Gosh, Sana! I was just zoning out…” “Okay, well i don’t care. I want to introduce you to someone!”
You tilt your head, confused. “Um.. okay? Who-“ You stop mid-scentence, mouth hanging in the air. Your best friend had her arm around none other than Yoo Jeongyeon, the girl you’ve been admiring for the past month.
“This is Jeongyeon, my cousin! Y/N, Jeongyeon. Jeongyeon, Y/N!” Sana exclaims cheerfully, gesturing to us.
You stare in silence, mouth still open. Why has Sana never told you that Jeongyeon is her cousin? I mean, it’s not like you told her about your little crush, but still! You catch Jeongyeon staring, and realize that you must look like an idiot right now.
“O-Oh!” You reach your hand out. “Hi, nice to meet you!” You breathe out, relieved you were able to atleast get that part out without stuttering. Jeongyeon looks down at your hand, then shakes it awkwardly. “Hi.” She says, looking back up.
You pull your hand away instantly, embarrassed. God, Y/N! You’re such a weirdo. It’s 2024 no one shakes hands anymore!
You look up to see Jeongyeon laughing, hand covering her face. “You’re blushing, Y/N.” You instantly blush more. Thankfully, Sana comes to your rescue. “She does that all the time, don’t worry about it Jeongyeon.” She says, moving to put her arm around your shoulder.
The bell rings, signaling the next class. “Ah, shit. I gotta go.” Jeongyeon says with a sigh. “Y/N, can i have your number?” She asks, holding out her phone towards you. You quickly grab it, saying “Sure!” You type it in, then hand the phone back to her. “Thanks! Talk to you later.” She says, winking then walking off to her class.
You stand there, blushing uncontrollably and rethinking all of your life choices up to that point, but Sana interrupts your thinking once again.
“Don’t mind her Y/N, she’s just a flirt-“ She turns towards you, only to find you as red as a tomato, looking like you’re fighting demons in your head.
“Oh you totally like her.” Sana says, smirking at you.
“No! No I don’t! Like you said, I just blush a lot!” You exclaim, trying to defend yourself.
“Mhm… whatever you say! You know, I can put in a good word for you~” She nudges your shoukder pkayfully. You groan and start to walk off, Sana following closely behind giggling.
You sat at your desk in your pajamas, eating popcorn and playing minecraft on your computer. While you mindlessly gather materials, your phone buzzes. You pick it up, a look of confusion forming on your face. “An unknown number..?” You open the text.
Unknown - 11:36
Hey, is this Y/N?
Y/N - 11:37
Yeah? but who is this?
Unknown - 11:37
damn, you already forgot me? i feel hurt! it’s me, jeongyeon.
You gasp. You quickly save her contact to your phone, then hold it with both hands while you try to think of a reply.
Jeongyeon - 11:41
Y/N - 11:41
Sorry, I had to do something!
Jeongyeon - 11:41
Lmaoo, it’s okay. wyd rn?
Y/N - 11:42
playing minecraft!
Jeongyeon - 11:42
no way?? i LOVE minecraft.
fuck. should i ask if she wants to play…? woudk she think i’m weird??? my fingers ghost over the keyboard. whatever.
Y/N - 11:44
really? do you want to play with me then?
Jeongyeon - 11:44
fr? you’ll let me?? hell yeah!
Y/N - 11:44
okay, just call me when you’re ready!
you sit in your chair, staring off into space. minutes have passed since you asked her if you wanted to play, yet it still hasn’t hit you yet that she actually agreed.
“Oh my god. Oh my god.” You quickly stand up and stuff your face in your pillow as you scream. “IM GOING TO PLAY MINECRAFT WITH YOO FUCKING JEONGYEON. WHAT THE FUCK?”
The phone on your desk buzzes, so you stand up and rush to grab it. You quickly answer, but not before you make sure your camera is off.
“Hello?” You hear Jeongyeons voice from across the line.
“Hi.” You say, internally screaming. Her camera is on and you can’t help but admire how pretty she looks, even without makeup. “It’s not fair that I have my camera on and you don’t..” She whines, “Turn yours on, Y/N”
You hesitate, but then after quickly checking yourself in the mirror on your desk, you turn you camera on and give her a sheepish smile.
“You’re blushing again, Y/N. Cute.” You don’t respond. Instead you look towards your computer screen, blushing like a madman. “I’m making the world, join me.” “Okay, Y/N-nie” Your face heats up at the nickname while you try to focus on the game.
That night, the two of you talked for 5 hours, and you enjoyed every second of it.
“So, Y/N. Jeongyeon told me about your little minecraft date on friday~” Sana says teasingly.
You almost spit your drink out. “What? It wasn’t a date?- wait, did she call it a date??” You ask curiously, face beet red.
Sana laughs, “No, silly. But i bet you wish she did.” She winks, and you sink back into your chair sighing. “Speak of the devil,” Sana says, looking behind you, “Hi, Jeongyeon!”
Jeongyeon takes a seat next to you. “Hi Stupid, Hey Y/N!” You wave at her while Sana complains about the silly nickname.
Suddenly, Sana shuts up (which is a first) “So Jeongyeon… Valentine’s day is in 2 days, do you have any plans?” Sana inquires, sneaking a wink at you. You silently pray to god that she’ll stop, but Jeongyeon speaks up. “Yeah, I have something in mind. I met this girl recently and i think i’ll ask her.”
Your heart drops. Another girl? Who is it? Is it Mina? The girl Jeongyeon always hangs out with? Sana interrupts your train of thought. “Y/N? What about you?” She says, smirking.
“Huh? Oh… um? I don’t really know right now…” You say, averting your eyes from the two. Jeongyeon nudges your shoulder. “Better hurry, or all the good ones will be taken.” She shoots you wink. You’re the good one, and apparently you’re already taken.
The bell rings, once again ending your time with Jeongyeon. You all say your goodbyes and you watch as Jeongyeon walks the opposite direction of you and Sana. “Y/N, you should ask her to be your Valentine.”
You turn your head, staring at Sana with a “You can’t be serious” face. “You’re crazy. I’m never doing that! You heard her anyways, she said she has her eye on someone already.”
Sana smiles with a mischievous gleam in her eyes, but you don’t catch it. “Don’t be a scaredy cat, Y/N. The worst she can say is no!” You sit down in your seat, then turn to her, making gestures with your hands as you talk. “Exactly! The worst she can say is no! My whole life would ruined!”
Sana grabs your arms and gently pushes them down. “Here, how about this,” You calm down, listening intently, “I’ll help you. I’ll give her some hints, you know?.” You look down, contemplating whether or not it would work. “Okay… you do that. Fuck, i’ve got to make her a card.” You grab your bag, slinging it on your shoulder as you turn towards the door. “Y/N where are you going?” Sana exclaims. “I’m skipping! I need to get the stuff for her right now!” You say, running out of the class and making your way out of school.
You’re walking down the sidewalk, bags full of art supplies and candies in hand. you weren’t looking where you were going, too focused on trying to think of how you want to decorate her card, when all of a sudden you bump into someone. the bags fall onto the ground, the contents spilling out.
“Shit.. I’m sorry! I wasn’t looking where I was goi-“ The person starts laughing. “Gosh, Y/N. Were you always this clumsy?”
You r heart speeds up. Jeongyeon stands infront of you, laughing. “Whatever…” You say, blushing. You begin to pick up the art supplies off the floor. Jeongyeon bends down and picks up the heart stickers you bought.
“Oh? You decided to ask someone? Who?” She asks curiously. You blush, “I can’t say..” Jeongyeon nods then puts the stickers in the bag you’re holding. “She’s one lucky girls I bet she’ll love it.”
Your heart swells. If only you knew… You thought. You thank Jeongyeon before turning to leave. “Y/N, wait.” You turn around. “Can you meet me here, Wednesday, at 5?”
Valentine’s day. she wants to meet you on valentine’s day. I mean, you were already planning on asking her to meet, but her asking changes the whole thing. “Y-Yeah, sure.” “Okay, see you later, okay?” You nod, watching her walk off. You look around, making note of the tree that overlooks the sidewalk and the bench sat next to it.
Okay. Here. 5 o’clock.
Saying you’re nervous is an understatement. There isn’t words to explain how you feel right now, standing under the tree that Jeongyeon told you to meet at 2 days earlier.
You’d spent the last two days making her a handmade card, a paper bouquet with her favorite candies inside, and writing a letter confessing your feelings to ner. Sana has been non-stop hyping you up, and you’re grateful for that. But now, you’ve been waiting for what feels like hours under this tree, and all the encouragement she gave you has worn off.
Your palms are sweaty and you’re positive you’re pale. You’re contemplating just leaving, but you hear a voice call out to you.
“Y/N!” You turn, hiding the card behind your back. Jeongyeon walks up to you out of breath, hand behind her back. “I’m sorry i’m-“ she huffs, “I’m late, i had a last minute thing to attend to.”
“It’s okay” You reply, fidgeting with your jacket zipper with your free hand. “I asked you to come here because i wanted to tell you something.” She says. You speak up, “I actually have something to ask you, can I go first?” You ask, praying she says yes. You wanted to make your feelings known before she told you whatever she had to say. She nods.
You pull the card out infront of you, holding it out and bowing your head. Your eyes are closed, face towards the ground. “I know you’re planning on asking someone else to be your valentine already, but i had to ask. it’s totally okay if you reject me! ever since sana introduced us- no, before that, i’ve really liked you. i just wanted to shoot my shot and give it a try, you know? so will you be my valentine?”
You take a deep breath. there’s silence, then there’s laughter. You look up, confused. You’ve done it again Y/N. Embarrassed yourself infront of the girl you like. “I’m sorry… i’ll go-“ You turn to walk away but a hand on your shoulder turns you back around.
Jeongyeon brings the hand behind her back out to reveal a bouquet of tulips with a card stuffed inside. “Y/N, will you be my valentine?” Now you’re the silent one. What was happening? You begin to think out loud. “You’re asking me? What about the other girl you were talking about Monday? The one you were going to ask, isn’t it Mina-“
Your rambling is cut off with soft lips against yours. The kiss is short and sweet but it’s everything you’ve been wanting and more.
Jeongyeon pulls away, then looks into your eyes. “It’s you, silly. I wanted to ask you. I was talking about you that day. Not Mina. Besides, she’s with Chaeyoung. I like you.”
You’re speechless, and you’re sure your face is beet red. You try to formulate a response, but your brain isn’t working. So instead, you press your lips to hers again, pulling away with a smile. “I was so worried you were going to say no.” Jeongyeon laughs. “Y/N, i don’t know if anyone’s ever told you this, but you’re super dense. I’ve been hinting at it since we met. Even Sana has!”
You blush, the puzzle pieces connecting in your mind. You feel stupid for not realizing it before.“Whatever… Lets go?” Jeongyeon smiles down at you. “Yeah, let’s get dinner. Then, we should have a minecraft date!” The two of you laugh together, walking down the sidewalk with intertwined fingers.
Suddenly, Valentine’s day didn’t seem that bad anymore. Not when you had the girl of your dreams by your side.
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seulblade · 11 months
can’t stop thinking about dom!jeongyeon so i need to get these thoughts outtttt
you were made to serve, and that’s exactly what jeongyeon expects from you. from cooking to cleaning, you serve her in any way possible. it’s a loving relationship, you take care of her and she takes care of you, in more ways than one.
you can remember the first time you two made eye contact, the energy surging between you two was too powerful to ignore. her smoldering intensity and dominant aura dragged you into that bedroom before she even laid a finger on you. stripping you down to your bare essentials, jeongyeon made you into her slut with only a few words;
“i want to taste your desire.”
you melted in her hands, feeling the fire burn across your skin from her warm kisses and licks. leaving a trail of marks from your neck all the way to your sensitive nipples, sucking and licking on them with fervor. she made your tits feel magical, her mouth showing them so much love and affection. in between kisses she whispered the nastiest things in your ear;
“you’re just a naughty slut, look how easy you are.”
“i can’t wait to make you cream on my dick*, you deserve that.”
after a while she began to show the same attention to your burning pussy, lapping away at your juices and suckling on your swollen clit. the sensory overload was too much, and your orgasm was so intense it almost surprised her. covering her nasty mouth in your cum was a dream come true. if it wasn’t for the fact that she was determined to make you cream all over her, she might’ve thanked you for the meal..
*(she calls her strap her dick)
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peachesfather · 9 months
omg a black reader blog and u write for jeongyeon !! a dream come trueeeee
if its not too much trouble could you write a fluffy smut fic about reader learning about jeongyeon’s praise kink and teasing her with it? ty in advance 💖
- thanks for this request !!
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Strawberries Night kisses
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Jeongyeon x fem! black reader
Warning:+18, grammar errors, pure fluff, smut, pussy eating, fingering( j’s receives), ends with a bang of aftercare. Not Proofread !!
“there is no need to be nervous, right now?”
I was on top of jeongyeon caressing her chin, she was hiding herself from me and I was very confused on why.
I removed her hands from her face so I can see her, she resisted to look at me but I heard a whimper from her that made me feel warm inside.
I forgot my knee was in between her crotch part, I moved it more to see more sides of her, she whimpered and grabbed my thigh to continue.
I kept rubbing my knee on her, I felt my ears started warm up from seeing how a mess she looked below me, I need more of her immediately.
I grabbed her face, and gave her peck on her lips, and quickened my pace of rubbing faster on her crotch while she was lying down in bed. “I am going to…cum y/n” she said while rolling her eyes back to catch her orgasm, I stopped and snickered at her when I stop mid way at her orgasm.
“You look so beautiful while doing dem lil whines of yours, they turn me on so badly”
She was too stunned out her mind of hearing me say that praise out of my mouth, she squeezed her legs together. I knew what she hiding and I wasn’t letting her not let her hide it. I told her to take off her skirt, she obeys and took it off slowly my eyes remain on her.
I got down between her legs and kiss her thighs, she whines and slightly closes her legs a lil. “Don’t close your legs bby, focus on me”
I started to suck on her bud of her clit, latching onto her wet cunt that made her squirm her body. Focusing on her while i look in her eyes when sucking her folds. she stared down to see me looking at her and tried to close her legs in a mix of it. i hold her thighs tightly so they wouldn't spread from each other.
"don't piss me off, baby or i will glady stop" i said with no emotion at all that made her whimper in response. "i gotta hear you" i said while I started to slowly finger her cunt.
"please..right there" i smiled in return and continued fingering her till she moaned loud and left babbles as a crying mess below me. I went back to latching onto her cunt while fingering at the same pace.
"Im bouta to cum..mm fuck!" she said while shaking by her orgasm coming. "you're doing so good for me, cum for me ma" i praises, she puts her hand on my braids then roll her eyes in the back of her head while release.
I get off the floor of the edge of bed and went on jeongyeon’s lap and grab her face. I gave a sloppy kiss her on the lips and we both touched heads and comforted each others. I huddled on her and held her whispering sweet praises of how well she did for me.
The end. (You can hate on this one idc)
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ryupages · 2 years
twice reaction — you self harming.
members - oldest line + sana
requested - yes!
genre - angst
warning(s) - blood, suicidal thoughts, cuts / cutting, depressing themes
note - the requests i’ve gotten for me to write sh reactions with different groups, is bittersweet. i’m glad u guys find comfort in it, but i also hope you are ok. i hope you are healthy and take care of yourself <3
nayeon — 나연
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it was too much to handle. nayeon knew you struggled with self love and acceptance, she held you whenever you had nightmares about your troubled past. that part never bothered nayeon, she loved to be the one you seek comfort from.
so now, to be standing here, eyes never leaving the scars on your arm.. it was too much. for the first time, she just didn’t know what to do. she never realised how long she was staring until you softly spoke.
“nayeon?” her head snapped up to look at you, realising how anxious you were.
she didn’t want you to think that she was judging you; that’s far from what she was doing. after what felt like forever, you watched as she left the room. you felt more anxious, wondering if you pushed her away. you sat on your shared bed, wanting to cry. you always appreciated the times she was there for you, but what if this is her breaking point?
after maybe fifteen minutes, nayeon returned. arms filled with snacks, bandages, and extra blankets, she smiled as she wobbled her way to you. she set everything down on the bed, before plopping down next to you.
“we are going to watch your favourite movies, and if you wanna talk about anything, we can do that too.” nayeon gave a big smile, and you couldn’t help but mirror her expression.
you spent the rest of your night in nayeon’s hold, feeling at home in her arms. even with this, she never looked at you differently, and you loved that. you knew you were gonna be okay with nayeon next to you.
jeongyeon - 정연
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jeongyeon completely understood your struggle to accept yourself as the way you are. she knew it wasn’t an easy journey to learn to love yourself, so she always made sure to let you know how beautiful you are.
but, even her words weren’t enough sometimes. you tried to do anything to fight the urges, but the thoughts you had about yourself never left you alone. you fought with yourself, trying to everything but pick up the blade. in the end, you caved in, going into the bathroom to find a razor.
you looked at your arm, now covered in new scars. you felt nothing but shame as you began cleaning yourself up. but the sound coming from downstairs made your heart drop all the way to your stomach.
your girlfriend was home.
you panicked as you quickly rushed into your shared bedroom, looking through the closet. you grabbed and threw on the first hoodie you saw before rushing downstairs to greet your girlfriend. you felt the panic leave your body as you saw jeongyeon, your smile growing as she noticed you and had a smile of her own.
“hi, my love!” you beamed, opening your arms to jeongyeon.
she smiled even bigger and began to move towards you, but halted immediately. you began to grow confused, looking at her eyes and trying to see what she was looking at. for the second time that evening, your heart fell to your stomach.
you had spots of blood on your hand.
“what happened? did you accidentally hurt yourself?” you stayed silent, your arms instantly dropping to your sides as your fingers played with the sleeves of your hoodie. it all began to hit jeongyeon like a brick, and she already felt tears form in her eyes.
“y/n..” she said, barely above a whisper as she slowly approached you.
she tried to lift up your sleeve for a better look, but you pulled your arm back instantly. she winced, unsure of what to say. she took you in her arms and spent the rest of the night tending to your cuts, thinking of ways to get you help before it’s too late.
“i love you so much, y/n. you’re not alone, i promise. bear with me, just a little longer.”
momo — 모모
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after dating for a long while, about two years, you had confided in momo about your history of depression and self harm. she was shocked, to say the least, but she never wanted you to feel uneasy or uncomfortable around her so she pushed away her shock and reassured you that she understood, that she still loves you.
what she didn’t know was that you were still doing it.
“y/n, can i ask you something?” you looked up from your book, noticing the serious look resting on momo’s face.
concerned, you quickly nod and carefully watch as she plops on the couch next to you. your mind was running laps as you waited for her to speak.
“so.. i was washing your clothes and i noticed some blood on the sleeves of your sweater.” you didn’t notice that you had stopped breathing for a moment.
momo took in your reaction, which confirmed what she was thinking. she ripped her eyes from you and stared at the ground. it was silent for a moment, with you not knowing what to say and momo trying to recollect herself and her thoughts.
finally, she looked up at you again, blinking away any tears that dared to fall. she smiled gently as she grabbed your hands, her thumb massaging your knuckles.
“next time, if you ever feel like.. you know, you can tell me.” momo spoke softly, her grip on your hands gentle yet firm. “i don’t care if i’m out doing something or if it’s 2 o’clock in the morning.”
the floodgates finally broke open, and momo pulled you closer to her and let you cry onto her shoulder. you mumbled the words “thank you” repeatedly as she rubbed your back soothingly.
you never felt more grateful than right now. at least you had a little bit more hope that you were gonna be okay.
sana — 사나
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her positive and cheerful demeanor made it impossible for you to open up to her. she spreads smiles wherever she went, you don’t even remember the last time you saw a frown on her face. you thought that if you told her, she’d crack and lose that warmth she possessed; so you decided against it.
sana left for practice not too long ago, so with the coast clear, you headed into your closet. after rummaging through clothes and shoes, you found the blades you were looking for. a tight, bitter grin fell onto your face. you walked over to your bed, sitting on the edge as you lift up your sleeve. thoughts begin to swarm in your head, making you feel numb as you place the blade on your arm.
“hey, y/n! is my bag in our room?”
your stomach tightened in fear as the door opened, revealing your girlfriend, frantically looking around your shared bedroom.
“i completely forgot my bag, have you seen—”
sana’s eyes finally laid upon you, her breathing coming to a halt as she scans the scene in front of her. you only watch in terror as her face falls as she keeps staring at your arm and the blade in your hand.
“y/n.. what is.. what are you..” she was so lost.
why? why were you doing this? how long? why didn’t you tell her this? were you ashamed? embarrassed? sana had so many questions that she wanted answered. but looking at your tearful and scared expression, she figured those questions could come later.
sana made her way over to you, gently taking the blade out of your hands and placing it on the nightstand. she sat next to you, grabbing your waist and lifting you onto her lap. she rocked you back and forth, whispering sweet nothings in your ear and reassuring you that you’ll be okay, that she’s here to help you and that it’s not your fault.
it broke her heart that you were struggling with this on your own, and she didn’t even notice. sana mentally promised to you that she would help you, that one day you won’t feel the need to do this to yourself anymore.
“i love you, y/n. please never hide something so delicate again.”
a/n :: gifs are not mine!! credits go to those who created them <3
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