#twelve days of kink-mas
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interlagosgrl · 4 months ago
🎃 kinktober - day twelve: dupla penetração com pipe otaño & blas polidori.
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— aviso: um pouco de size kink (não tem como não ter nér), oral m!receiving, dupla penetração, sexo desprotegido, creampie.
— word count: 2,4k.
— notas: pipe fuckboy mais uma vez + blas sub. ai q tesao
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"você ficou maluco?" o tom de voz incrédulo que envolvia as suas palavras era tão dramático que Felipe não resistiu à vontade de revirar os olhos. sabia que o que tinha feito era errado, mas não iria admitir com tanta facilidade.
"foi apenas uma brincadeira. eu e o Blas apostamos, eu perdi e agora vou ter que pagar." Otaño explicou pela milésima vez. se arrependia profundamente de ter aceitado apostar com o Polidori num maldito jogo de FIFA depois de tantas cervejas. "é só um beijinho, nena. nada demais."
"quem em sã consciência aposta a própria namorada, Felipe? você perdeu o juízo?" suas mãos estavam nas cinturas, demonstrando toda a sua raiva e impotência. se pudesse, já teria esganado o namorado há muito tempo. "e quem disse que eu quero beijar o Blas? o que eu quero não conta?"
"estávamos bêbados, foi bobagem do momento. você sabe que o Blas sempre teve um crushzinho em você antes de nós dois começarmos a namorar." era verdade. vocês todos eram do mesmo grupinho na faculdade e Blas sempre fora louco por você. você o via como um amigo e nunca conseguiu corresponder aos sentimentos dele, depois começou a sair com Felipe e a paixãozinha de Blas tinha evaporado. pelo menos, para você. para Otaño, ele ainda era tão apaixonado quanto antes.
e era exatamente por isso que Felipe se divertia tanto em provocá-lo. gostava de falar sobre você ao redor de Blas e vê-lo se dedicar para escolher as palavras certas ao responder. elogiava cada pedaço seu perto do amigo, que corava com certos comentários. Pipe te amava, é claro, mas era repleto de um sentimento infantil de querer mostrar o que tinha. "o meu brinquedo é maior e mais caro que o seu".
"eu não 'tô nem aí. você vai cancelar essa aposta ridícula." você bateu pé. achava a ideia absurda e estava chocada como Otaño tivera a capacidade de tratá-la como um objeto, como se ele fosse o seu dono e pudesse trocá-la com quem desejasse.
"se eu não cumprir vou ter que pagar em dinheiro, e é muito caro. colabora, nena."
"eu vou fingir que não ouvi isso e você vai dar essa bobagem por encerrada. ouviu?"
além do ultraje que corria nas suas veias, tinha que admitir que havia um resquício de pena também. imaginava como seria maldoso beijar Blas, que gostara tanto de você numa época remota. beijá-lo, só para lembrá-lo que você era a namorada do amigo dele e ele não teria nada mais do que aquilo, um beijo trocado em uma aposta.
ao contrário do que você pensava, Blas tinha se sentido muito animado com a ideia. odiava-se por isso, já que odiava a maneira com que Felipe havia lhe oferecido com tanta facilidade. se você fosse namorada dele, ninguém teria permissão para nem mesmo respirar ao seu lado.
"se eu ganhar, você paga meu cartão de sócio-torcedor do River." Felipe decidiu, assim que concordaram em apostar. as palavras estavam emboladas pela quantidade de cerveja que haviam tomado, mas ainda falava sério. "se você ganhar, você beija a minha namorada."
Blas tinha negado no início. disse que não ia jogar caso não apostassem sério, mas Felipe insistiu que estava falando muito, muito sério. que se o Polidori ganhasse, teria o passe livre para beijar a namorada dele. "eu sei que você quer, boludo. não precisa mentir para mim."
a raiva tinha virado vergonha e a vergonha tinha virado desejo. e, mais tarde, deitado em sua cama e encarando o teto que rodopiava pelo alto teor de álcool em suas veias, viera a angústia. o desejo encontrando a censura. mas, em um lugar recôndito da sua mente, estava o prazer naquela ideia absurda do amigo.
Felipe insistira pelo resto da semana que seguiu. você tentou de todo modo parar com a loucura, mas parecia que Otaño estava tentado à ideia. você se perguntou milhares de vezes se aquele não era um fetiche de Felipe, e foi a única explicação que encontrou para justificar tamanho delírio.
"você quer me ver beijando o Blas?" você disparou após Felipe pedir milhões de vezes para que você cumprisse com a aposta.
"eu só quero cumprir com o que eu prometi." ele deu de ombros, as bochechas ficando vermelhas conforme avançavam no assunto.
"você está muito insistente nesse assunto. acho que a ideia de me ver com outro homem te excita." você deu continuidade, sem papas na língua. "é isso?"
Felipe deixou uma risada confiante preencher o ambiente. fez com que não com a cabeça e jogou os cabelos bonitos para trás.
"mi amor, por que eu gostaria de ver você com outro se eu sei que sou o melhor?"
"e se o Blas for melhor que você?" seus olhos brilharam. se ele não cederia àquela ideia maluca por bem, cederia por psicologia reversa. "e se eu beijar e acabar gostando?"
"então, se eu chamar o Blas pra passar o fim de semana aqui e pagar essa aposta estúpida, você não ficaria com medo?" você virou a cabeça para o lado, transpassando uma falsa inocência enquanto as palavras escorriam pela ponta da língua.
"eu confio no meu taco, bebe. fique à vontade." Felipe sorriu largamente. aquele sorriso que indicava que ele havia ganhado e, mais uma vez, você tinha feito o que ele queria. deu dois tapinhas na sua coxa antes de se levantar da cama em que vocês estavam, pegando o celular. "vou avisá-lo da sua ideia maravilhosa."
você não teve a vontade costumeira de correr atrás dele e pedir para voltar atrás. deixou que ele ligasse para o amigo e, enquanto ouvia o tom de voz animado de Felipe enquanto conversava com Polidori, decidiu que faria aquilo. provocaria o namorado e o faria provar do próprio veneno. o deixaria louco, assim como ele estava deixando você nas últimas semanas.
o fim de semana chegou mais rápido do que você esperava. quando se deu por si, era sábado e Blas estava sentado no sofá do seu apartamento, vendo alguma partida de futebol junto de Felipe. ambos riam e discutiam o jogo animadamente, como se sua presença fosse um mero detalhe.
permaneceu sentada, bebendo sua cerveja enquanto tentava focar no livro que lia. vez ou outra encontrava os olhares ansiosos de Blas, que corriam por suas pernas desnudas devido aos shorts jeans e acabavam no seu rosto, admirando o quão bonita você era. ele sempre desviava o olhar quando você retribuía, o que lhe arrancava sorrisos. se sentia lisonjeada pelo carinho de Blas, carinho que Felipe quase nunca lhe dava.
as coisas com Felipe eram mais físicas que sentimentais. ele tinha os seus momentos de carícias, onde dizia que te amava e te enchia de beijos. mas, ele preferia manter os sentimentos em ordem. não era de se expressar com tanto afinco.
no término do jogo, vocês já estavam tontos. os garotos tinham virado uma dose para cada gol do time que eles torciam e tinham te arrastado para o meio. cada um tomou três shots de vodka em comemoração.
quando Felipe colocou uma música baixinha para que vocês entrassem no clima, você soube que o jogo estava começando. Otaño encarou os seus olhos profundamente, afirmando o poder dele sobre você. você, no entanto, não se deixou abater pela demonstração fútil. com seu melhor sorriso, encarou Blas, que estava perdido no seu celular.
"eu fiquei sabendo de uma certa aposta entre você e o Felipe." você ronronou, chamando a atenção do Polidori. "e fiquei sabendo que você ganhou."
"ah... eu achei que o Pipe tinha deixado isso de lado. achei que era só de sacanagem." Blas comentou, um pouco desconcertado. você não pôde de sorrir ainda mais largo.
"eu levei muito à sério." você assentiu, como se confirmasse o que dizia. se levantou da poltrona em que estava, indo até Blas. o empurrou contra o estofado do sofá, colocando cada coxa ao redor dele antes de se sentar. "é claro... se você ainda quiser."
"é sério isso?" Blas olhou de você para Pipe como se esperasse uma confirmação.
você puxou o rosto de Blas de volta para si, deixando um selar carinhoso nos lábios avermelhados. foi o suficiente para que ele correspondesse, segurando a sua cintura com força enquanto capturava os seus lábios mais uma vez. a língua era quente, cuidadosa, quase tímida ao explorar cada canto da sua boca.
a sensação de calor que surgiu no meio das suas coxas te pegou de surpresa, assim como o volume dentro da calça de Blas. não conseguiu evitar o gemido que escapou dos lábios quando roçou o ponto sensível do seu sexo ao dele.
seus lábios se partiram quando Blas deslizou os beijos pelo lóbulo da sua orelha, descendo por todo o pescoço e pelo colo. seus olhos encontraram os de Felipe, que encaravam toda a cena com extrema luxúria. estava sentado na poltrona que, minutos antes, você ocupava.
Polidori retirou a sua blusa com facilidade, agradecendo por você não usar sutiã enquanto admirava os seus seios. a boca voltou à sua pele, sugando um dos mamilos enquanto as mãos grandes buscavam pelos botões dos seus shorts. você ainda rebolava no colo dele, propositalmente, aproveitando os gemidos arrastados do argentino.
você se levantou para retirar os shorts e a calcinha rendada e aproveitou da posição para retirar a calça de Blas, além da cueca boxer preta. o pau dele havia lhe impressionado. assim como ele, era grande e não deixava nada à desejar. levemente torto para direita, com uma gotinha de pré-gozo escorrendo pela extensão.
se pôs de joelhos quase de imediato, envolvendo o membro com a boca enquanto empinava bem a bunda para que ele pudesse admirá-la. saboreou o gostinho salgado da lubrificação alheia, deslizando a língua quente ao redor da glande rosada e inchada. Blas estremeceu, o que a fez sorrir. quando começou a colocar toda a extensão para dentro, o argentino não se conteve e a agarrou pelos cabelos. você continuou, engolindo tudo até que sentisse a cabecinha bater no fundo da sua garganta. há muito tinha se acostumado com o tamanho avantajado de Felipe, o que tornava Blas muito mais fácil.
não se demorou ao chupar o argentino. queria que ele provasse muito mais do que só a sua boca. foi só quando abriu os olhos e se levantou, que percebeu que Felipe tinha se sentado no sofá ao lado do amigo. estava nu, assim como ele, punhetando o pau enrijecido. você ergueu uma das sobrancelhas, claramente brava.
"que porra é essa, Felipe?" você indagou, nervosa.
"não achou que eu ia te deixar foder meu amigo enquanto eu ficava só olhando, né?" ele riu, os olhos azuis te tirando do sério. "tenho cara de corno manso?"
"tem cara de corno insuportável. 'tá empatando a foda dos outros." você rebateu, o que fez as bochechas de Pipe queimarem. sem um pingo de gentileza, ele a puxou pelo pulso e a colocou sentada no colo dele.
"relaxa, que não vou empatar a sua foda." Felipe a segurou pela cintura, obrigando você à empinar a bunda. quando ele se posicionou na sua entrada, você entendeu o que viria à seguir. "sou tão bonzinho que você vai ganhar pau em dobro."
Otaño deslizou para dentro sem maiores dificuldades. era fato que você já estava encharcada, e ele não precisou repetir isso para você.
quando Blas se levantou e se posicionou na sua segunda entrada, você viu os olhos do seu namorado brilharem. te encaravam como se quisessem provar que ele controlava toda aquela situação, apesar de todo o seu teatrinho.
"se doer, eu paro." Blas te tranquilizou, antes de cuspir nos dedos e lubrificar a sua entrada.
"não precisa parar. ela já 'tá acostumada em levar por trás." Pipe contradisse, fazendo suas bochechas esquentarem. Blas riu atrás de você, incrédulo com a situação.
Felipe estava certo. vocês eram grandes adeptos do sexo anal, e por isso não foi muito difícil aguentar quando Blas se empurrou para dentro de você. foi mais demorado e dolorido do que Felipe, mas você aguentou tudo sem demonstrar um pingo de desconforto para o seu namorado.
quando os dois começaram a se movimentar, você jurou ver estrelas. fechou os olhos para controlar os batimentos cardíacos que tornaram-se uma cacofonia no peito. respirou fundo para que não gemesse a cada segundo, mas não resistiu. quando percebeu, estava há muito gemendo pelo o nome de Blas. só o de Blas.
Felipe se divertia vendo você tão sensível e indefesa. a visão de Blas metendo forte em você, fazendo sua bunda pular a cada investida era como uma obra de arte para ele. até sua voz manhosa gemendo o nome de Blas, em vez do dele, eram como um presente. você não sabia o quão excitado ele estava, embora pudesse sentir.
em certo momento, a coisa pareceu virar uma competição. Blas e Felipe competiam para decidir quem metia com mais força ou mais fundo, arrancando gemidos e gritos dos seus lábios. os vizinhos teriam de perdoar os seus barulhos.
suas paredes e esfíncteres contraíam, sobrecarregados pelo prazer que lhe era dado. os olhos tinham desistido de ficarem abertos, aproveitando a escuridão para que pudesse focar apenas nas outras sensações. ambos os homens gemiam ao pé do seu ouvido, lhe arrancando arrepios e suspiros.
os corpos quentes anunciavam o quão empenhados os três estavam na tarefa. todo o tesão se convertia em suor, escorrendo por entre o vão dos seios e pela nuca em gotas gélidas.
quando você anunciou que iria gozar, Blas e Pipe anunciaram de imediato que te acompanhariam.
"goza pra gente, perrita. mostra para o Blas que você gostou muito de ser fodida por ele." Felipe incentivou.
"eu realmente gostei muito, Blas." você jogou os longos cabelos para o lado, encarando o garoto alto sobre o seu próprio ombro. "eu adoraria repetir a dose. quem sabe a sós."
as bochechas dele adquiriram um tom rubro, enquanto Felipe rosnou sob você. uma risada escapou dos seus lábios no exato momento que você atingiu o orgasmo, o corpo colapsando acima de Felipe. ambos os garotos levaram mais alguns segundos para terminar, enchendo ambos os buracos com o líquido quente e espesso que você tanto gostava.
"aposta paga?" você indagou, a voz trêmula.
"já te contei que apostamos você hoje, de novo?"
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theshinazugawaslut · 4 months ago
/ this is my first time taking part of kinktober, if anyone has any ideas they'd also like to see, i'd be more than happy to add them. will be arranged into a proper masterlist soon!
Day One: - Shinazugawa Sanemi / Phone sex + voice kink / "Why'd You Only Ever Call Me When You're High?"
Day Two: - Katsuki Bakugo / face fucking + brat taming - Shigaraki Tomura / tentacle sex - Sanemi Shinazugawa / forced proximity
Day Three: - Shoto Todoroki / temperature play + praise kink - Sukuna Ryomen / bathing - Sanemi Shinazugawa / arranged marriage + fae
Day Four: - Muzan Kibutsuji / sex work + oiran - Shinazugawa Sanemi / vampire + longing - Sanemi Shinazugawa / ghost + haunted house
Day Five: - Shinazugawa Sanemi / omegaverse + scent kink - Katsuki Bakugo / werewolf + chasing and hunting - Aizawa Shota / villain roleplay + choking
Day Six: - Michikatsu Tsugikuni / vore + endless hunger + demon transformation / "I have been hungry." - Gyutaro Shabana / overstimuation + hand job - Sanemi Shinazugawa / piercing
Day Seven: - Levi Ackerman / virginity loss - Shigaraki Tomura / yandere and mind break - Sanemi Shinazugawa / somnophilia
Day Eight: - Kai Chisaki / medical roleplay - Izuku Midoriya / mutual masturbation + restraints/bondage - Sanemi Shinazugawa / dacryphilia
Day Nine: - Katsuki Bakugo / anal sex - Dabi / thigh fucking - Sanemi Shinazugawa / titty fucking
Day Ten: - Toga Himiko / face-sitting + squirting + blood - Keigo Takami / double pentration + bondage + praise kink + degradation kink + breeding - Sanemi Shinazugawa / yandere + paraphilic infantilism (treating/dressing someone like a child)
Day Eleven: - Shigaraki Tomura / Sex Tapes + Humiliation + Blackmailing - Sanemi Shinazugawa / dark fantasy + non-con
Day Twelve: - Douma / Vore + Period Sex - Isaac Foster / Predator-Prey + Murder + dubious consent + amokoscisia (mutiliation of women) - Sanemi Shinazugawa / teratophilia (deformed or monstrous people) + dark fantasy + reality/dream warp + mind break
Day Thirteen: - Shoto Todoroki / stalker + begging + delusional + needy - Hantengu clones / foursome + over stimulation - Sanemi Shinazugawa / Sanemi fucking a doll he made of you
Day Fourteen: - Touya Todoroki / 'Hate Sex' + loss of virginity + drunk sex - Uzui and his wives / free use - Sanemi Shinazugawa
Day Fifteen: - Kagaya Ubuyashiki / aphrodiasics - Muzan / necrophilia - Sanemi Shinazugawa
Day Sixteen: - Kagaya Ubuyashiki / CEO + exhibitionism + dick sucking - Sukuna Ryomen / party games + cockwarming + young love - Sanemi Shinazugawa / Goddess + agalmatophilia
Day Seventeen: - Touya Todoroki / Hades and Persphone + dubious consent + religous symbolism - Sanemi Shinazugawa / shower sex + lazy sex - Sanemi Shinazugawa / siren
Day Eighteen: - Shigaraki Tomura / Emetophilia (vomitting) - Sukuna / Exhibitionism + Sex slavery (of sorts) + Stockholm Syndrome - Sanemi Shinazugawa / hand fetish + lactophilia (breast milk)
Day Nineteen: - Genya / voyeurism + humiliation - Dabi / best friend's brother + forbidden love + tension - Sanemi Shinazugawa / cock and ball torture
Day Twenty: - Sanemi Shinazugawa / Courting Death / Grim Reaper AU + Suicide + Psychotic
Day Twenty One: - Cop!Sanemi / gunplay + brat taming + spanking + caning - Sanemi Shinazugawa / Wife Becomes a Man / Anal Sex (Nemi!Recieving)
Day Twenty Two: - Dabi / Delusion + yandere - Katsuki Bakugo / Barbarian King / feeding + stuffing + size kink + cock bulge - Sanemi Shinazugawa / orgasm denial
Day Twenty Three: - Genya / Mummy Kink - Sabito / treating you right kink - Sanemi Shinazugawa / pregnancy kink
Day Twenty Four: - Sanemi Shinazugawa / Son of Snow White x Daughter of the Evil Queen - Dabi / Beauty and the Beast AU
Day Twenty Five: - Muzan / Humiliation + Master/Slave  - Uppermoons / Gloryhole + Cum inflation -- Sanemi Shinazugawa / monster fucking 
Day Twenty Six: - Dabi / character study (doesnt want to end up like his parents but does worse) + branding + mafia + knife play + daddy kink + infantalisation - Sanemi Shinazugawa / lingerie + fisting 
Day Twenty Seven: - Izuku Midoriya / collars + sensory deprivation
Day Twenty-Eight: - Shoto Todoroki / soft sex + praise kink + bulging - Rengoku Kyojuro / loss of virginity + arranged marriage + passion - Sanemi Shinazugawa / Popstar!GF x Stylist!Sanemi 
Day Twenty-Nine: - Muzan Kibutsuji / CEO + Blackmailing + Classism - Mitsuri Kanroji / pillow princess + secret lesbianism + misogyny
Day Thirty:  - Sanemi Shinazugawa / doggy style - Ultraviolence / toxic!BF Katsuki - Sanemi / Loud + dick riding + gagging Sanemi
Day Thirty One: - Levi Ackerman / Quiet sex + Semi public  - Kai Chisaki / Brat taming + Corrective Dubcon - Sanemi Shinazugawa / Body Worship + First time + "I made you feel this good?"
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macchiatosdumptruck · 2 years ago
AhahhHahahaha tis I 😈
It’s been awhile.
I had one done for New Years and forgot to ask it 🤦‍♀️
in honour of St. Valentine’s Day tomorrow - Terri/ Dani smutty Valentine HCs - go.
Their first one or after they’ve been together a long time.
I’m thinking first one or maybe second if they hadn’t been together very long for the first one.
Terri hasn’t completely corrupted her yet - not for lack of trying though.
Dani is nervous / about her plan for tonight - for their first Valentine’s (or their first real one as they still were in that not defining it phase for the first)
Terri usually initiates everything, and it’s that Dani doesn’t want it as much as the older women - far from it. She has becomes quite insatiable - “my greedy little girl” Terri says sometimes in that mockingly affectionate tone. But it seems to be the dynamic they have fallen into - Terri with the roving hands, Terri arranging her how she wants, Terri’s hands on the inside of her knees spreading her legs - and Dani isn’t complaining - neither is Terri, but it still kind of irritates her, that Terri gives her so much and Dani gives so back so little - she doesn’t understand yet that Terri doesn’t see it like that - if anything Terri knows the girl gives too much - she can’t help it, she’s so earnest and good and Terri will take take take, as long is up on offer:
Dani’s not used to being doted on - taken care of or spoiled with so much wealth.
Still, Dani does hates these occasions BECAUSE she knows Terri is going to go all out - the twelve dozen blood red roses this morning were just the beginning. She has to get the older women something, even if Terri insists that Dani being Dani is enough. It’s not that she hates having to give Terri things but - what do you get a women who has everything she could possibly wants and can get whatever she wants with the snap of her fingers. This is why she hates these occasions - anything she gets Terri already has plenty of or what she gets won’t be as good as what Terri probably already has.
Besides, oddly enough, despite the wealth - the houses and cars and and showing off when necessary, Terri isn’t an overly materialistic person.
Her Ma, in the rare times she’d talk about Dani’s father, would always say it was the little things - even a small gesture to show how much he cared - that meant more to her than anything.
Teri does seem to enjoy the little things - even when they’re on some extravagant trip it’s Dani’s company she seems to enjoy the most.
(Terri for one, is only just discovering her domesticity kink.)
Dani has attempted to cook for her a few times but that seemed to really do something for Terri and the food always ended up burned l, and Dani hates wasting food above all. Remembering times when she wouldn’t be quite as full as she needed to be but she would refuse the portion her ma would try to give her, knowing it meant she would be going without.
She thinks about fancy chocolates but Terri doesn’t really have a sweet tooth / her vices lie elsewhere, mainly in bed with Dani.
Terri is a carnal person by nature, so maybe Dani should focus on that in terms of a present, even if she feels silly when she tries to be sexy.
Fancy lingerie? but Terri buys her those like candy - and although she used to lay out what she wanted Dani in - now she lets her choose it some nights when she wants something specific she lays out a couple options for Dani to choose from.
Maybe some new toys but she’s too embarrassed to go by herself, hell she’s too embarrassed when Terri took her, the only thing keeping her from not bolting was the woman’s hand heavy on her back, keeping her grounded and in place. She knew she would get in trouble if she did - she found that she rather liked being in trouble for some things but it was disappointing Terri that she loathed.
Dani catches sight of some of Terry’s silk shirts, hanging on the back of the door, back from the dry cleaners just not put away yet.
She knows the older women loves her in her clothes …..
Maybe a little strip tease ……
Maybe she got the idea after the memory of how they ended up at some business thing that ended up being an excuse for debauchery than business - with high class strippers - more on the burlesque side of things.
She had seen Terri glance at a few of them - never mind they were all the brunettes on the smaller side - and maybe she overheard a few people talking about Terri - her ears seems attuned to the name now. But it was about how she usually never showed such restraint at these things - and how she had left early with two of the most beautiful women in the place on her arm last time - BUT Dani had stalked off in a huff before she could hear them lower their voices to gossip how it must mean that she was serious about this new one. No one had warmed Terri’s bed for that long - kept her attention that long. Terri was never that soft with anyone (well her brand of it anyway).
And okay maybe Dani got a bit jealous and a bit sulky and was more of a brat than normal that night - and she had paid for her behaviour - which Terri forgave as she knew it was born out of insecurity - some day her girl would know her worth in Terri’s eyes - but now it’s giving her ideas.
She goes over holding it up, and her doubts creep in.
This thing is still new - so is Dani’s newfound sensuality / in the sense that she never had much experience before and here she is trying to be sexy - enticing - for the older women who just exudes raw sexual energy and power. Will she just look ridiculous?
A chuckle from the door - “do you want me to buy you some?” And Dani puts it down, trying to play it off, least the older women know what she’s planning (ever if she seems to just know everything where Dani is concerned).
Up on tiptoes to distract the older women and it’s not long before she’s fact down on their bed, Terri’s face between her legs as she muffled her screams in the pillow - so now more thought is given to it.
She does decide to go through with it, swallowing her nerves - she’s got not more ideas. She even buys some cute underwear though / and thigh high socks, with lace drill at the top and a red bow to match.
She snags Terri’s red lipstick too - she remembers fondly how much Terri liked the red stains she left on her strap that one time - and it’s something she wanted to revisit - although she still doesn’t get what Terri gets out of Dani essentially going down on the strap but there’s a lot of things about Terri she thinks she’ll never understand.
She’ll go along with it always - nothing if not eager to please the older women / seeking out her praise and affection like a flower in the dessert during the rain.
Does Terri maybe take her out to a fancy restaurant to show her off? What would people say if Terri didn’t show off her prize on Valentine’s Day after all?!
They get home and Dani fixes Terri a drink telling her to close her eyes - and Terri is full of fondness, does as Dani asks (and what she wouldn’t do for her girl if she only asked).
The lipstick doesn’t go on as smooth as when Terri does it - Whenever Terri wants her dolled up for something, she sits on a chair, Terri between her legs, holding her chin in a large hand as she carefully applies it. Also maybe Dani’s hands aren’t too steady, her tummy full of nerves.
Terri’s too large red button up blouse on, slightly messy red lips, her thighs highs as she gives herself a glance in the mirror.
What’s Terri’s reaction? Her eyes probably go to the silk making her girl’s nipples hard, visible through the shirt. Or do they fall to the stockings, eyes slowly creeping up her girl’s body / and oh she is asking for it (and Terri will give it to her).
Does she get very far in her little strip tease - it’s awkward but fortunately Terri finds everything about her girl endearing (and a turn on - although Dani just breathing does it for Terri) - before Terri pulls her onto her lap, hand smoothing up those thigh highs until she hits bare skin.
(And Terri is already making a mental note to get her girl a garter belt).
Imagine Dani holding out the strap as she drops to her knees, Terri stepping into it before Dani helps push it up Terri’s legs into place.
It’s usually Terri picking out the size of the cock she wants to see her girl take, but tonight Dani has chosen.
The strap in place, Dani licks a stripes up it before putting in in her mouth, hollowing out her cheeks, feeling large hands in her hair moments later, and she gags a bit.
Maybe she doesn’t even put it inside Dani / not yet - Dani whimpering that she wants to ride the older women’s thigh and who is Terri is deny such a pretty (desperate) breathy plea.
Thoughts on Valentine’s Day smut basically.
Sat on this for a bit.
Wrote this in some sort of fugue state on my phone.
This got Very Long. It's less than a proper fic but more than a drabble and some headcanons. And why would I waste perfectly good smut?
Terri has a corruption kink.
Terri taking Dani long to upscale nightclubs with high class strippers trying to get her to be more open with her sexuality? Dani would never be as comfortable with those type of environments as Terri.
Sometimes she compared herself unfavorably to the other more "exciting women" they met.
The shirt only gets half undone but that's more than enough with the way it slides off her shoulders. With every button undone the neckline slips further down her shoulders exposing more and more of her collar bone, her petite tits, her breast bone. The fabric pools around Dani's waist and elbows, but isn't taken off, despite no longer functioning as any kind of covering.
It's awkward and charming in the deadliest way. The girl can't make direct eye contact and her moves are a dichotomy. They have a naturalness to them, the way she moved her body, but then it's as of the girl gets self conscious, pulls back, restrains herself in an attempt to seem in control. Sometimes Terri can catch her hands shaking slightly.
It's unbearably charming. It makes Terri want to hold her close. The innocent and unsure thing that she is, and shield her from the world only for Terri to break her differently, better, more beautifully.
It doesn't matter that it wasn't a full strip tease. Terri likes knowing that Dani was that impatient for it. That new to this, unaware of her own charms.
Terri reaches out and grabs Dani's hands in her own she brings them up to her lips and kisses the girls fingertips, nibbles on one or two. The girl is still standing. Terri gives her no warning. No gentle push. She takes.
All at once Dani goes from standing in front of Terri to kneeling before her. Terri hands Dani the strap that they've decided on using.
Dani picked it out though.
And maybe this is one that Dani had been apprehensive to try before. Terri always made it good when she fucked her but sometimes the stretch was more intense than she was ready for. Sometimes the toy would hit her deeper than expected. That spot where she knows her womb is. It would push against her in that distinct pleasure-pain.
The one Terri is placing in her hands now is the biggest yet. It isn't that much longer, (it's long enough. Dani knows how deep it will hit) but it is thicker.
Terri gives the girl the strap and tells her to put it on the older woman. I'm imagining Dani's thin hands holding on to strong thighs, smoothing up the skin as she stares up at Terri. She gets a perfect view. That's gonna be inside of her.
But back to sucking cock, it's the power Terri likes. Dani would never suck cock for anyone but her. She likes it when she tells her girl to open her mouth and stick her tongue out. And even though she blushes through it the girl always eventually does as she's asked.
But the girl's pink lips always look so plush with something in them. Terri's fingers usually. They looked even better around something bigger.
Dani would never suck anyone else's cock. They weren't worthy. She would never put such a dirty thing in her mouth. But Terri she worships. Terri she lets slide in as far as she can.
Terri opens Dani's mouth with a few of her fingers, before nudging the cock I to her mouth. Dani starts by sucking the tip of it. Even though there's no need. Terri runs her hands over the girl's pretty face as Dani slowly works her way down the shaft.
And Terri gently thumbs away the wetness gathering on Dani's lower lash line as she struggles to relax her throat and let it in.
Eventually she slides in as far as she can, knowing that if she pushes too much further Dani will start to gag. Maybe she'll teach her how to deep throat one day. Terri has already taught her so many other ways to use her mouth.
Dani's eyes are wet and red as Terri takes her by the back of the head and slowly fucks her face. Dani is patient and takes it, eyes moving up to look pleadingly at Terri.
She folds one of her legs underneath her and starts grinding her cunt against her own calf. Terri decides she's had enough. The idea that Dani enjoys this so much as to get turned on by it, wet. She has to reward her.
She pulls the girl onto her lap roughly and in her shock she sits like a pretty little doll. Terri grabs Dani's thighs and spreads them around her waist. Dani whines beautifully. Her hands on her hips keep Dani from what she wants. She wants skin on skin contact.
Dani used to be embarrassed by how good she got off on this. She felt childish, immature, desperate. But that's what Terri likes about it. She likes seeing Dani take her own pleasure.
"I guess it's my fault I made your pretty little cunnie so hungry for it. But keep the panties on. I want to see you soak them."
Looking down Dani can see and feel the cock pressed up against her stomach as she ruts on Terri's thigh. It's gonna be so deep.bthe both of them know that if Dani gets off like this before they get started it's more likely to go in easier. She'll be slick and relaxed.
Dani pushes her face into Terri's neck and breathes in her scent as she closes her eyes and focuses on the warm feeling building in her hips. The lace gives an extra bit of texture for Dani to rut against, but it also dulls the sensitivity on her clit some.
After some minutes, the girl breathes hot and heavy against Terri's neck as she starts to whine pitifully. Too worked up to do much else rather than jerk her hips back and forth. The constant pressure of the toy against her front gets her extra wet. Shivering in nerves and excitement.
"oh, do you need help?" Terri asks meanly. She's got that tone of voice she gets sometimes, condescendingly sweet. It always makes Dani feel even smaller in her presence.
The girl thinks about her answer.
Dani can do it herself but she doesn't want to. She's been spoiled after all. Even if it is Terri's present. She nods fervently as Terri grabs her hips.
"just hold on." Terri says. It's crazy how easily Terri moves her, as if she weighs nothing at all. Dani is jostled back and forth as Terri grinds her thigh hard up into her cunt. The woman could do whatever she wanted to Dani. The thought makes her hotter than she wants to admit.
"Make yourself come for me. Make yourself a mess for me."
Dani can't help but to obey. Her slick cunt twitches as she's worked through her orgasm, leaving a sticky mess behind on Terri's thigh.
Terri runs her fingers gently over the girl's panties. Sudden she's hungry, starving for her girl. She wants to tear her apart. Make her shake apart and cry.
Terri stands up, lifting Dani easily in her arms. It's a short walk to the bed with Terri's long legs. And Terri throws the girl onto the bed. She mouths over Dani's soaked panties, eager for a taste. She yanks the girl's hips up and strips her soaked panties down her legs before pushing her thighs apart and crawling between them.
Dani tries to hide her face in the sheets but Terri grabs her by the hair and tips her head back to rest on Terri's shoulder. Terri's clit is throbbing. She wants badly to get off. She wants even more badly to hear Dani fall apart. To hear her whining and crying. That's what gets Terri closer than anything.
She knows once she finally comes, listening to her girl fucked out and over sensitive, it'll be worth it.
"Tell me you want my cock baby."
It's not enough just to give it to Dani, she's gotta make her crave her own defilement. To admit to her baser impulses. She doesn't get to play innocent in this game.
Terri knows. That Dani wants it. Dani knows that Terri knows.
And she does. But she's shaking slightly with apprehension. It's a natural response, it comes with testing her limits. Dani needs to trust that Terri will get her safely to the other side.
"I want it." Dani mumbles, blushing furiously.
" Big girls use their words." Terri moves forward between Dani's legs. "Do I need to help you again?"
Dani bites her lip, suddenly shy. How she can manage that after everything the two of them have done astonishes Terri. Hopefully,maybe that'll never fully go away.
Terri nudges the head of her cock between Dani's wet lips, pushes them aside with her fingers to let the hard cock rub against her clit.
Just when the friction starts to feel good Terri moves it back down to her cunt, teasing her by rubbing against her hole, not hard enough to push in. She pulls back, rubs hard up and down Dani's folds again, teases her clitz and one she's just the tip inside.
Again and again Terri repeats this process, the maddening cycle of the slow build of delicious pleasure only for to take it away.
"tell me what you want baby?" Terri tries again.
"I want you to fuck me." Dani admits with a gasp.
"with what."
And Terri knows she's being mean, but right now she doesn't care. She wants to hear it. The exact words.
Dani bites her tongue. Shakes her head. Whipsers. "With your cock."
"What was that?" Terri teases.
Dani grinds her hips back against the strong gold Terri has on them, finally breaking.
"I want you to fuck me with your cock."
"good girl." Terri says. And she slides in, in, all the way in, in one long thrust.
Dani chokes on an open mouthed moan. She hangs her head and digs her fingernails into the sheets as Terri holds her still, pulling her back to grind on the cock that is so far inside.
She can't escape it. But Terri doesn't let her move. Her hands and knees are rubbed raw on the sheets ineffectually trying to move. Towards what Dani doesn't know. She's got nowhere to run.
It isn't quite painful, but it's just... A lot. All at once. There's so much inside of her that Dani feels stuffed. There's no way she can move where Terri isn't pressed into some sensitive spot.
Dani tries to hide her face in the sheets as she adjusts, but Terri just uses that to her advantage to make the girl's back arch even more.
Terri leans over Dani, resting her hands on either side of the girl's flushed face as Terri grinds in deep, still refusing to move properly.
"who would've guessed such an innocent little girl wanted to be bred so badly." Terri teases. Dani chokes on a humiliated whimper.
Eventually Terri starts putting more power to her rocking, slowly pulling back just a bit to rock in once again. She maintains the slow and steady pace until Dani is breathing heavy, shivering underneath her.
Terri moves one hand from the girl's hips and grabs her by the front of her pussy, pushing her knuckles in hard against Dani's clit.
"work yourself on me. Show me that you want it." Terri says.
Dani starts grinding her hips back into Terri as the woman pushes in. Soon enough the two of them are fucking like animals.
Terri's top is still hanging on somehow, as the springs creak and groan. The sound of the girl's wet pussy as Terri's hips slap against her ass is obscene. The woman can tell Dani is close. She went to get her to squirt, the girl is always so charmingly embarrassed when she does so.
Terri presses her fingertips in hard to the girl's clit, rubbing in cruel, slow circles. The pressure is building in Dani's cunt when suddenly, Terri stops. Dani cries pathetically at this. But Terri only stops long enough to reposition herself so the head of her cock is pushing deeply into that soft spongy material in the front wall of Dani's cunt that makes her come so hard.
Dani hadn't been sure the g spot actually existed before Terri showed her where hers was with such long, thick fingers.
It's so much. The stretch of it all leaving Dani feeling frayed at the edges. She feels used and she knows it's not the end of the night yet. Terri still needs to get hers. Dani hopes she won't try to get it from rubbing their counts together. At least not when she's this sensitive. she doesn't even know if Terri will stop once she gets what she wants, or if she'll try to work another one out of the girl. Embarrassingly enough, the thought of her body being played so easily is what finally gets the girl to come. It's hot and messy and she doesn't know when she started crying, but she can hear Terri's thrusts breaking up her moans, causing her voice to stop and start again.
God. She's a mess. She's beautiful. Terri keeps both her hips and her fingertips moving until she works the girl through every last bit of her orgasm and is sure she's not going to tip into another one.
When Terri gently slides out of her Dani winces slightly. As soon as the woman lets go of the girl she collapses as if her strings have been cut. Terri gives her a few minutes to recover knowing that she fucked her nearly unconscious.
She leans back and admires her work, as Dani blinks blearily up at her as Terri pulls the strap down in a hurry to get at her own cunt. Looks at the heaving of Dani's chest and the twitching of her pussy as it tries to close after being stretched open. The woman replays the girl's broken moans in her mind as she quickly rubs out her own orgasm, knowing that the night isnt over.
Random ideas that I had written down that didn't fit into this:
Dani's small hands and thin fingers working quickly over Terri's clit she slips her middle finger inside, crooks it, and grinds her palm up into her cunt.
Terri puts Dani on her knees again and spreads her own legs, this time guiding the girl straight to her cunt.
"are you hungry for it." The woman asks.
"I just want to make you feel good. "
"good girl. "
She makes her keep going until Terri has caught up with her in orgasms. Then Terri is on Dani again. After letting her get some reprieve she knows Dani can go again. And she wants to know how many she can wrestle out of her before the girl taps out.
Dani doesn't usually partake, but she takes just a small bump of Terri's stash, sniffing it right off the woman's fingers.
She's slightly tender as she moves and so Terri decides to kiss it better. She's curious how sensitive the girl will be after already being fucked open.
Dani offering a threesome?
Terri grinding her cunt into Dani's after she has already made the girl squirt to see how much wetter it is? Dani is crying from the over stimulation but the high she gets from the praise is worth it.
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ao3feed-destiel-02 · 2 months ago
The Twelve Days of Stuff-mas
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2JL1h8i by Anonymous Cas thinks that with a little determination and a whole lot of food, Dean would make a perfect Santa Claus. Words: 863, Chapters: 1/14, Language: English Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Dean Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural) Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester Additional Tags: Stuffing, Belly Kink, Belly Rubs, belly stuffing, Weight Gain, Belly Bulge, Feedism, Kinky, Praise Kink, Dean Winchester Has a Praise Kink, Marking, Blow Jobs, Face-Fucking, Anal Sex, Hiccups, Farting, Burping, fat kink, Grinding, Degradation, Dom/sub, Dom Castiel/Sub Dean Winchester, Light BDSM, Lingerie, Body Worship, Oral Sex, Hand Jobs, Overeating, Food Kink, Smut, Porn With Plot, Top Castiel/Bottom Dean Winchester, Bloating, stuffed belly, gassy - Freeform, Teasing, Gluttony, Feeder/Feedee, Fat Dean Winchester, Feedee Dean Winchester, Feeder Castiel (Supernatural), Santa Roleplay, Christmas Cookies, Christmas Smut read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2JL1h8i
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celestialvoid-fanfiction · 4 years ago
Listening Through the Walls
The pack heard a lot of noise coming from Derek’s bedroom last night, now they want answers.
For @imagine-sterek 12 Days of Kink-mas – Day 1 (December 12th): Dom/Sub
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“Hey, Derek?”
Derek looked up from his book, lounging across the armchair with his legs hanging over one side and his head resting against the other. He met the young man’s gaze, lifting his brow as if to ask him what he wanted.
“Who were you with last night?” Isaac asked.
“Why do you want to know?” Derek replied.
“Because whoever it was they were making a lot of noise,” Erica said, walking into the lounge room with a cup of coffee in her hand. She climbed over the back of the sofa and sat down on the cushion with her legs tucked under herself.
“The walls are thin,” Boyd added as he made his way over to Erica’s side, sitting down on the couch and laying his arm around her shoulder.
“So, who’s your pillow princess?” Erica asked.
Derek ignored them, letting out a sigh as he returned his attention to his book.
Stiles made his way into the room, sipping at a cup of coffee. He sat down on the other armchair.
“Come on, Derek,” Isaac pushed. “There’s no need to be embarrassed; judging by the amount of noise they were making, you’re good.”
Derek let out a tense sigh.
“More, more, more~” Stiles mimicked, moaning with ecstasy.
The pack burst into laughter.
Derek’s cheeks were coloured by a soft rosy pink blush.
“That’s close, but not quite it,” Erica said.
“Oh, no. That was exactly it,” Stiles replied, levelling his gaze on Derek. A mischievous smirk turned up the corner of his lips. “But I wasn’t the one begging.”
The pack fell silent, their eyes widening with shock as they glanced between Stiles and their alpha.
Derek’s blush darkened to a deep red.
Stiles’ smirk grew as he winked at Derek.
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imagine-sterek · 4 years ago
Imagine Derek gets Stiles a new collar. It has a deep blue velvet band with black lace that stands out boldly against his skin and a circular ring positioned to lay flat against his throat, the golden metal making the golden tones of his dark brown eyes stand out.
Derek smirks as he reaches forward, hooking his finger through the loop.
“Blue looks pretty on you,” he whispers as he brought their lips together in a tender, sweet kiss.
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cyancherub · 3 years ago
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video girl | hayakawa aki
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PAIRING.  aki x fem!reader (established relationship)
LENGTH.  2.5k
NOTES.  mappa aki has me acting unwise......
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SYNOPSIS.  aki misses you so much when he's away for missions, especially when you start sending him suggestive texts on your lunch break. good thing he has a folder full of videos of you stashed away, right?
CONTENT.  18+, pwp, sexting, nudes, filming, exhibitionism (ish), pet names (baby, princess, sweetheart), solo (m) (he watches a vid the two of you made together): creampie, cumshot, ass play, daddy kink, breeding kink (light), multiple orgasms (m + f), begging; flashbacks/references to: oral (m rec), oral (f rec), facial, anal, solo (f), toys; reader wearing a skirt; a touch of codependent aki because i simply luv that for him <3
A/N.  all my love always to my akiwife mystic @uppermocns for a few of the ideas that went into this and for thirsting for this man 24/7 with me!!!!
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Aki gets back to the hotel midday, after a long overnight shift, and the first thing he thinks to do as the door clicks shut behind him is text you.
Hi, baby. I just got to the hotel.
He tosses his phone on the bed while he’s waiting for your reply. There’s tension in the back of his neck; he rolls his head over his shoulders for a second, before loosening his tie and unbuttoning his shirt. Once the fabric’s shrugged off—discarded in the growing pile of equally bloodied work shirts sitting in the corner of the room—he pulls a pack of cigarettes from the front pocket of his slacks and sits at the edge of the bed, leaning forward to light the smoke he places between his lips.
His hair, pulled free from its usual knot, falls forward into his face and tickles his nose. But he barely notices the sensation; his mind’s numb with exhaustion. He takes several drags from the cigarette, studying the cuts on his hands and forearms absently.
I’ll have to get more gauze soon, he thinks in passing. Peroxide and cigs, too. But other than that, he’s too tired to think of much else. Except, of course, you.
The nicotine kicks in just as his phone chimes with your reply.
I’m glad you’re back safe. How was your shift?
A little long. Now that the main mission’s over we’re just taking care of some of the smaller Devils still loose in town. Just a few more days of work and I’ll be home.
Those twelve hour shifts must be killing you, babe. Make sure you’re resting enough.
He flicks ash into the tray on the bedside table before typing, Nevermind me. How’s your day going?
It’s good. I’m on my lunch break, got a few minutes left.
I’m glad I caught you before your break’s over.
Me too. I can’t wait for you to get home. Denji and Power keep whining about missing the lunches you make for them. They say my cooking’s like cardboard. Those kids would eat dirt for a snack, and they draw the line at my cooking?
Aki laughs. Those brats. You’re a top notch chef, sweetheart. Save the leftovers for me. I’ll take them for lunch when I get home.
I will.
And then another message from you, right afterward: I miss you.
His chest aches. This mission hasn’t been a particularly long one, and he’s grateful for that, but it’s hard even when he’s only away for a little while. To be near, to hold you close—those things are only natural. Aki feels most secure when the things that are most important to him are tangible. Within reach. His security comes in providing such for others; if he could, he’d keep you with him all the time. So when he’s away, he doesn’t just miss you. He’s constantly thinking about you. He’s craving you: something like the withdrawals he’d get if he tried to quit the smokes.
I miss you too. I can’t wait to see your pretty face again.
There’s a short lull in your replies, and he uses it to settle in. He lays back on the pillows, spreads out on the white sheets; the comforter’s cool to the touch, plush. You’ve always liked hotel beds. Maybe he should’ve brought you with him—he could’ve let you stay in one of the beds you like so much during his shifts. You’d miss him so much by the end of them that you’d pull him right into bed with you as soon as he got back. He’s sure he’d get through the shifts just fine if you were here waiting for him; in fact, he’d come back with energy to spare, just for you…
His phone chimes, and he peers down at the message on his lock screen.
Is there anything else you want to see?
Suggestive. Aki smiles around the cigarette. He knows exactly where this is going.
During his trips, he’s come to learn that you crave him just as much as he craves you. If he’s not home to fuck you to sleep every night, you get frustrated. Needy. But Aki loves being needed, and he always plays along.
I guess that depends on what you’re willing to show me, he replies.
Whatever you want, say the word.
His smile widens. He’s already starting to get hard. At work, baby? That’s risky.
I’ll be careful.
Think you’re careful enough to show me what you’ve got on under your skirt?
He takes a drag of the cigarette, feeling his dick stiffen against his thigh as he waits for the picture he knows you’re going to send.
It comes in just a few moments afterward, but his slacks are already uncomfortably tight by the time he receives it: a shot of you on your leather office chair, with your conservative, work-appropriate pencil skirt hiked all the way up, and your thighs spread open so he can see the pretty panties he bought you, and the soaking wet spot right in the middle of them.
Aki ashes his cigarette, freeing one hand to grab his stiff cock through his slacks as he zooms in on the picture with the other.
The damp cloth hugs the shape of your pussy, gives him a vague glimpse of something he’s spent a lot of time burying his face in. He’s so familiar with you that he can taste your pussy on his tongue just from looking at it.
Another chime.
See how much I miss you, daddy?
Aki inhales through his teeth, his cock throbbing at that—Daddy. And then he’s letting go of his cock to undo the button of his slacks and pull his zipper down, texting you back with his free hand.
Your pussy’s so perfect, baby, I wanna put my face in it. You always taste so good.
His hand’s down his boxers by the time you text back.
No one makes me feel like you do. I can’t touch myself the way you touch me. I need you.
He wraps his fingers around his cock and strokes it slowly, thinking about catching a flight. He’s dying to show up at your office; he’d stretch you out right on the desk, make you drip all over it, fuck you until the surface beneath your ass was all slippery with your squirt.
Wanna go in the work bathroom and call me, princess? I’ll talk you through it.
Give me a few minutes. I have to wait until I can sneak away, but I want you to keep going. Watch something while you're waiting for me.
You know him so well. You know all about the videos he keeps in that locked folder on his phone, a whole stash of them that he saves for times just like this. When he needs to sate a craving for you—at least for a little while.
I will. Call me when you’re ready for it, baby.
After he sends it he goes right to that folder and pulls his tented slacks down until they’re mid-thigh, and he can feel his cock dripping precum onto his lower stomach. He enters the passcode, bringing his other hand up to spit into his palm. With his stomach knotted up and his cock throbbing, he scrolls through the thumbnails.
There are tons of them. His eyes catch one thumbnail, and then the next; they can’t seem to decide where to settle. You’re alone in some of the video snapshots—your fingers stretching your pussy; you riding a dildo with your ass facing the camera; you pressing a wand to your clit, your thighs glistening. But in most of them, he’s there too. He sees your pretty face next to his cock, your tongue out, running up the side of it; you on your knees, with both hands on his dick as a rope of his cum paints your face. He sees your body bent over the kitchen counter, with your back arched and his dick in your ass. He remembers the whine in your voice; in his head, he can hear exactly how you sounded when you begged for him to fuck it deeper.
He can’t even count how many times these videos have made him cum. But there’s one he hasn’t seen yet.
It’s the one he took the night before he left. You’re always extra needy on the nights preceding his trips—anticipating the deprivation, starved for him; he gives you one orgasm after another and you still want more. And you want all of them on tape, so you both have something to tide you over until he gets home.
That’s the video he taps on.
In it he’s fucking you in the dark, keeping the phone’s flashlight on your pussy as he sinks his cock into you. When he pulls back out the light reflects on the slick coating his dick, makes it glisten. It looks so wet, sounds so wet—sticky, with each thrust into you. He remembers just how it feels; he imagines that he’s back home, fucking you again; that his fist is your pussy, and the spit lubricating it is the wetness that’s drooling out of you on camera.
He can see how tight you are—the way your pussy grips the shaft each time he pulls his cock out, greedy for him. Just like you.
The two of you were supposed to be quiet—you were supposed to be careful not to wake anyone up. But your moans are louder than he remembers; so is the way you say, breathily, between gasps, Right there, I’m so close. Your fingers slip over your clit, each movement sloppier, and your whimpers heighten, competing with the wet smack of his skin on your ass. He remembers the mess between your thighs: all the wetness he fucked out of your pussy dripping down your ass. He remembers feeling it there, rubbing his fingers (all lubed up with the juices from your pussy) over your asshole, the way it clenched, and then relaxed for him.
He can hear his breaths behind the camera turning into soft moans, just as you say, I’m gonna cum, keep fucking me, I’m gonna—
You let out a strangled little whimper that makes his breath hitch, each stroke of his hand over his dick feeling more pleasurable as he watches you cum. That night, he’d had his eyes on your face—so pretty when you cum for me, he’d said, watching your eyelashes flutter—but he’d kept the camera pointed between your thighs the whole time you were cumming. Now, he gets to watch his cock sink into your twitching hole, fucking you faster and faster. From behind the camera, he hears his own voice again: That’s right, baby, get my dick wet.
You cum hard; he watches your clit pulse under your fingertips, his cock a little messier each time he pulls it out. That feeling’s always so good—rush after rush of wetness on his dick, the clenching of your walls; it’s hard to last.
Your pussy’s gonna make me cum, baby, fuck.
You have the same effect on him now—just watching you on camera makes him want to cum just as bad. He’s dying to be back there, fucking you again, especially when he hears your voice say: Cover me in it.
His dick’s already spurting cum when he pulls it out. It shoots all over you, coats your chest and paints your tits; more of it shoots up onto your throat. Aki digs his heels into the white comforter, trying not to cum. There’s just something about seeing you covered in it, watching it drip down your body; it’s like an affirmation—a reminder that you’re his.
If that wasn’t making it hard enough for him to hold back, you give him another reason to grit his teeth, swiping a finger through the cum on your chest before popping it into your mouth.
Tastes so good. I want more of you, daddy, put it back in.
Daddy. He feels the same way hearing you say it now as he did then. He wants to make it real for you. On screen, he pushes into your pussy again, with his cock still twitching from his orgasm. (It was sensitive, some halfway point between pleasure and pain that made him shudder.)
Wanna make me a daddy? his voice murmurs. Take more cum, I’ll turn you into the prettiest little mommy.
If you were in this hotel room with him right now, sitting on his cock in this bed, he’d shoot this load into you, and however many more you wanted. He’d give you whatever you asked for.
Aki watches the space between your bodies close a little as you lock your legs around his waist.
Fill me up this time, daddy, I want your kids.
His eyes are fixed on the screen; he’s fucking you sloppier, this time—now that he’s letting himself chase the high he’s so close to. Now that he knows he can stay inside, he doesn’t have to restrain himself so much.
Aki strokes his cock faster, watching through heavy eyelids as his breaths pick up. It feels so good, watching you take his dick; you looked so good that night. You sounded so good, begging for his cum like that—Please, I need it so bad—give it to me, I’m about to cum again—
He watches himself bury his cock into you, a deep thrust all the way in accompanied by a shudder, and then he’s watching the two of you cum at the same time, thinking about how your walls felt pulsing on his dick. Then it’s all coming to a head—fast strokes of his hand over his cock as he watches himself fuck you, fast breaths; his stomach’s all knotted up from watching you; he needs a release; he needs to feel your pussy again; he needs to fuck another orgasm out of you; he needs to cum—and then he’s going over, too. His eyes roll back; his head drops back onto the pillow, and he feels his cum shooting all over his stomach and dripping down his knuckles.
He comes down just as the video cuts off, and he’s raising his head to look blearily at the mess on his body when his phone starts to buzz.
He picks it up after one ring—“Yeah, baby?”
“Sorry it took me so long to get away, but I’m finally walking into the ladies’ room.”
“Good,” he says. “Are you ready to get started?”
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starstruckkittensweets · 3 years ago
Chapter LIX (“AWWW”)
A/N: I’m so sorry this chapter is a week late! I took a few days off from writing because my family got sick, so I had to help them out while they focused on getting better. But now I’m back - and with an extra long chapter! (This one was only supposed to be around 8-9k long, but it turned into...this. Eh, I have no regrets! But I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! :)
Fandom: Attack on Titan  Pairing: Levi x Mia (OC) Words: 15.6k 
Warnings: 18+ only (minors please DNI), NSFW content, oral sex (female receiving), face-sitting, vaginal sex, very light breeding kink, possessiveness, dirty talk, scratching, and a little bit of...headboard breaking
Taglist: @omg-lexiloveyou, @ataraxia101, @super-peace-fangirl, @mr-robot-x, @unusversuscanicula, @cyborgnate, @saltypancakes 
If you want to be added to the taglist, just let me know and I’ll be happy to add you on! 
As the weeks passed, the days grew longer. The air grew warmer, the leaves sprouted a healthy green color. And before I knew it, we were halfway through June—the fifteenth, to be exact. And Hanji let me know the second I saw her in the morning, dragging myself out of my office and towards the mess hall:
“Happy birthday, Mia!” She threw an arm around my shoulders, pulling me into her chest in one swift yank. “You feel any older yet?”
“No more than I did yesterday,” my voice was muffled through the yellow fabric of her shirt, “but even if I did…is it a good idea to throw me around like that?”
“Aw, don’t tell me your bones are starting to ache! I’m gonna have to start calling you an old lady if you keep this up, ya know!”
“Hey, you’re the one who’s older than me! You’ll be whining in September about how your knees ache when you get up, I’m sure of it!”
The two of us were shoving each other back and forth, all the while giggling uncontrollably. Almost as though we were cadets again, twelve years old and full of stupid ideas, as Ben and Leyna watched us fool around from the sidelines.
The thought of my siblings made me smile. I’d sent a letter to Leyna in the past few days, making sure that it would arrive in Mitras before today. It was her birthday too, after all, as well as Ben’s. The three of us used to send letters back and forth before meeting up at home back in Shiganshina, where Ma would be waiting for us with a homemade cake, and maybe even a few muffins and cookies to take back with us if we were lucky. She always made sure to send us on our way with stuffed bellies and some extra food, as though we were children going to a friend’s house for a sleepover again.
And in the years Dad had still been alive, even though he wasn’t always in the best state of health, he always made an effort to prepare a gift for us, whether it was little trinkets from the market or handmade gifts he’d carved out of wood. He’d taken up a light hobby of woodcarving after retiring from the Scouts, just to keep his hands busy as he stayed within the house. One particular year he had made all three of us little carvings of wolves, with each of our initials engraved on the bottom.
I miss you. On instinct, I slid my hand around the little wolf charm that dangled from the cord around my neck. All of you.
The base was practically empty by the time Hanji and I left the castle. The soldiers were either still in bed or holed up in the mess hall, still blinking the sleep from their eyes. I was the same, more or less (the night owl to Hanji’s early bird)—which is why I nearly shrieked out loud when something slammed into me from behind.
“Oh, I’m sorry, captain!” Gretel’s hair was unusually messy, her eyes wild and her cheeks flushed red. “I didn’t see you there! But actually, I’ve been meaning to ask you something, now that you’re here…”
I could already feel my eyebrow inching up. Why is she so hyper today? It’s not even fully sunrise, so why is she so damn excited?
“What is it, Mayer?”
“Evan and I were talking a couple days ago, and Reggie and Emily are okay with it if you are—but we want to have a little celebration for Murphy’s birthday tonight!”
My jaw dropped; my eyes went as wide as they could go. Hanji was snickering beside me, although I couldn’t tell if it was because of me or what Gretel had said.
It’s Murphy’s birthday today? So soon?
And sure enough, I recalled glancing at his form in just the last couple weeks, stating that his birthday was coming up soon. At the time I’d smiled and thought nothing of it (none of the kids on my squad did anything special to celebrate their birthdays anyway)… But now I was starting to feel particularly stupid.
“What a small world!” Hanji’s arm was back around my shoulders, as she clapped Gretel on the back so hard the poor girl almost stumbled over. “It’s Mia’s birthday, too!”
“Wait, it is?! I didn’t know, captain! How—I mean, happy birthday!”
“Thanks,” I mumbled, sending a glare in Hanji’s direction. “I don’t really like to advertise it, but this one makes a point of letting everyone and their mother know about it.”
“Of course.” Hanji made no effort in concealing her smirk, as she mussed up my hair with a rough hand. “Actually, now that you mention it… Mayer, can I have a quick word for you?”
“Um… Okay, Section Commander. But why…?” She glanced from Hanji to me, and then back to Hanji—and suddenly she was nodding eagerly, her lips laced into a smile. “Oh, of course! When would you like to talk?”
“Right now, actually. The sooner the better, don’t you think?”
“Yeah, I couldn’t agree more!”
It was hard to ignore the churning feeling in the pit of my stomach, as I watched my best friend and my cadet huddle close together, their expressions already saying much more than words ever could. And as Hanji started to lead her away, she glanced at me from over her shoulder and smirked, “Don’t wait up for me, this might take a while!”
Of course it will. But all I could do was hope that Hanji wouldn’t go overboard with whatever she and Gretel had planned.
Breakfast had gone by rather smoothly. None of the other Squad Leaders made a fuss over my birthday—at least, not like Hanji had. Mike and Nanaba had kept it simple, wishing me a nice day as they stood up to refill their plates. Erwin had smiled and encouraged me to make some time for myself at the end of the day, to which Levi scoffed at from over the rim of his teacup. The two of us snickered to each other, avoiding eye contact as we sipped our tea, as Erwin quirked his eyebrow at us. Poor oblivious Commander…
Levi was already well aware of my plans for today, and once we were alone the two of us headed out to the stables. A comfortable silence settled over us as we saddled up our horses, with Mischa giving my hand a friendly nuzzle as I passed her stall.
As I took Edel’s reins and began to lead him out of the barn, a familiar tuft of reddish-brown hair caught my eye. Huddled in Misty’s stall was Murphy, whispering sweet nothings into her ear as he brushed her down. I smiled when I saw how her coat shone in the early morning sunlight; obviously Murphy took great pride in taking care of his steed.
“Good morning, Enns.” The boy smiled at me before turning back to his horse. “Oh, and happy birthday!”
Poor Murphy—the tips of his ears burned scarlet as he stumbled over his words, nearly dropping the brush and startling Misty in the process. He gave a nervous laugh, threading his fingers through his hair as he struggled to look me in the eyes.
“Ah, t-thank you, captain—but how did you…?”
“Mayer let it slip this morning.” I was careful not to mention the celebration she was planning with the rest of the squad. It was their secret to share, not mine. “I take it you’re like me and don’t make a big deal out of it, huh?”
“I…I guess so.” He kept his eyes on Misty, as she lowered her head to nibble on a bit of hay. “It’s just…easier that way.”
Yeah, it is. I knew the feeling all too well.
“I get it. Still, you have to make the best of it, alright? It only comes once a year, so enjoy it while you can!”
“…Yeah, you’re probably right. I’ll try to enjoy it, captain.” He reached over to brush Misty’s forelock out of her eyes. “Maybe we’ll practice some jumping today. What do you say, girl?”
And he was lost in his horse again, just the way I’d found him. With a gentle tug on his reins, I started to lead Edel towards the exit once more. The clopping sound of his hooves bounced off the walls of the barn, followed by the sound of Mischa’s hooves right behind us.
“Oh, and happy birthday to you too, captain! I hope you enjoy your day, too!”
Edel’s ears pricked forward at my gasp; I nearly tripped over my own two feet while getting him out the door of the barn. I could hear Levi snickering from behind me, and even Mischa was grunting and bobbing her head as though she were laughing.
Damn it! I guess word travels fast among the kids, huh?
“Thanks, Enns…”
I could hear him laughing from the barn as I swung myself up into Edel’s saddle. And as I gripped the reins, I gave Levi the fiercest glare I could muster—I was not enjoying the smug look on his face.
“Not one fucking word, captain.”
He remained silent, even as the two of us began to ride away from the base, but the smirk on his face said much more than any words could.
The road to Trost was long but familiar. The trodden paths through the forests, the little streams that dotted the outskirts of the town, and even the occasional rabbit that leapt out from the bushes, seemingly unaware of the two large horses in their line of sight. Neither of us said anything on the way there—not even when we headed towards the old hill at the edge of the district, far away from the rest of civilization.
Edel’s hooves were heavy against the grass. The reins were slick in my hands, my fingers cramped and sweating. I could feel my heart in my throat as I halted Edel just for a moment, only to swipe a small bunch of white flowers from the little grassy patch beside the trail.
They’re not edelweiss flowers, but they’ll do the job. I think he’ll like them all the same.
The cemetery was just over the hill, in the northwest direction of Trost District. There were countless cemeteries within the Walls, plenty of resting sites for both fallen soldiers and civilians alike. They were usually buried in separate sections, depending on the districts that watched over them, but after Wall Maria had been lost to the Titans about four years ago, they were now buried alongside each other: civilians, Scouts, and Garrison soldiers. Such was the case with this particular cemetery, with the soldiers’ headstones bearing the emblem of their branch.
Levi and I left Edel and Mischa at the edge of the cemetery, where they could graze in the meadow nearby. I held the bunch of flowers to my chest, twirling my fingers around the stems. Now that I could see them up close, I realized they were myosotis flowers, with the faintest splash of blue on the petals.
Something warm brushed against my hand. Levi kept his eyes forward as he pressed his palm to mine, sliding his fingers through my own.
“You alright?”
I swallowed hard. “I’ll be okay.”
Together, the two of us began to walk through the cemetery, careful not to disturb any headstones or gifts that had been laid out. We had visited cemeteries before, especially after the winter expedition of 847, to pay our respects for the soldiers we’d lost. But neither of us had been to this one in years—and especially not together like this.
The eastern side of the hill was dedicated to the Garrison soldiers lost throughout the years. Some who had lost their lives in the fall of Wall Maria, and some who had passed away countless years before that. But they were all the same in the end, just like us Scouts. They had all worn those twin roses on their backs with pride, just as we did with the Wings of Freedom sewn into our cloaks.
A familiar silver headstone came into view. On instinct I tightened my hand around Levi’s, and he gave my fingers a gentle squeeze.
I’m here. It’s okay.
It was the last one in the twelfth row on the hill. Faded and sprinkled with moss, with the roses of the Garrison carved into the surface. I knelt down to the headstone, well aware of Levi’s eyes on me, as I grazed my hand along the words written against the stone.
Benjamin Wolf, Sergeant of 18th Squad, Shiganshina District
June 15th, 821 – June 22nd, 845
The little white flowers looked so out of place next to the headstone, an odd splash of color against the mossy ground. I could feel my throat closing up as I pressed my palm to the surface of the stone, and the memories of my brother’s face flooded before my eyes.
The way the wind would tousle his messy brown hair. The way the sun would turn it a faint shade of red. The mischievous sparkle he would get in his eyes, the one he’d always had since he was a little boy. The warm bear hugs he would crush me with, the rough palm mussing up my hair as he laughed. The way he said my name, either in happiness, disappointment, or sheer disbelief. Despite our close bond as kids, even he couldn’t always defend me and every little thing I did. There would be times where I would come home practically dripping in mud, to my mother’s horror and my father’s disappointment (and my sister’s smug delight), and even Ben couldn’t find it in himself to speak in my defense. He would just shake his head and tell me later on, once we were all cleaned up and tucked into bed, “I thought you knew better than this.” And as usual, I would only roll my eyes and shrug him off. “Next time it won’t happen, I swear.”
I miss you. Even after all these years, I still miss you so much.
“Mia.” A gentle hand on my shoulder, bringing me back to the world around me. I gazed up at Levi, whose mouth was set in a hard, tight line. “You okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine.” I gave him a smile, albeit a bit forced, and squeezed his fingers softly. “I just want to stay here for a bit.” Besides, if I didn’t want him to accompany me today, I wouldn’t have asked him in the first place.
He nodded once before taking a few steps back, allowing me a bit of privacy as he turned his gaze to the horses at the end of the hill. I cleared my throat and turned back to the headstone, touching my brother’s name once more.
“…I just wanted to say happy birthday, Ben.” The tips of my ears burned as I spoke; you would think after all my years of being a soldier, I would get used to talking to headstones in the cemetery. “I know I couldn’t visit you last year, and I’m sorry about that. I had some stuff going on in the capital—you know what that’s like, huh?”
It was just another thing the two of us could bond over: our personal distaste for the air of Mitras, and the interior of the Walls in general. Neither of us could see why or how Leyna loved it so much; to us, it was just a dingy, crowded place filled with nobles who would kiss up to you one minute and talk about you behind your back another.
“Anyway, I won’t stay for too long. The kids are supposedly planning something for Murphy’s birthday later tonight, so I have to be there for them. You’d like them all, I think. Evan has your brain, and Murphy looks just like you did when you were his age. And Reggie and Gretel are growing up to be such fine soldiers. And Emily—I haven’t told you about her yet, have I? She’s the newest member, I picked her out once she graduated earlier this year. She could be a fantastic medic with the right training, but I don’t know if she wants to be one. I’ll have to ask her about it later on…”
A soft breeze fluttered past the hill, knocking my hair off my shoulders. With a tight swallow, I kissed the tips of my fingers and pressed them to the surface of the stone, right above Ben’s engraved name.
“Happy birthday, Ben. I’ll come visit you soon, alright? I promise.”
I pushed myself off the ground, leaving the little white flowers beside the headstone. Levi was at my side at once, wrapping his hand around my own as he kissed my temple softly. He was silent as he began to lead me back down the hill, keeping his fingers laced through my own.
As we reached Edel and Mischa and began the trek home, a gust of wind flew by—and suddenly I heard it. Light and soft, but it was there. A familiar voice, carried by the wind, a promise of love and family. A gentle goodbye, a soft kiss on the cheek.
See you soon, Mia.
My brother’s voice echoed in my head the whole way home, filling me with a warmth I hadn’t known in years.
It was just past sunset when Gretel came knocking on my door. As per her meeting with Hanji earlier, she had refused to let me in on what she and the others were planning for Murphy’s birthday. So I was in the dark as much as he was, unfortunately.
“Meet us at the edge of the woods. And you’re not allowed to ask any questions! Section Commander Hanji’s orders, of course. Oh, and you don’t have to worry about bringing your horse. We’re not going too far, anyway.”
I could feel my eyebrows knitting together with every word she spoke. Hanji’s in on it now? That’s not a good sign… What in the world could those two be planning?
So I left my office as fast as I could, still in my uniform (minus the jacket) and the straps of my gear, with my cloak thrown over my shoulders. It was unusually breezy tonight, as the remnants of spring blew through the base. Tomorrow summer would officially begin, and the days would grow longer and hotter and borderline unbearable.
Might as well enjoy the cool air while it lasts, right?
Murphy was waiting at the edge of the forest, along with an impatient Evan and Gretel. The two of them smirked at each other before leading us towards the trees, with a tiny lantern swinging from Evan’s grasp.
“This way!”
The two of us followed them through the trees, dead twigs crunching beneath our boots. The path was one I knew all too well—the same one Edel and I rode whenever we wanted to get some extra practice in. Indeed, just ahead on the road was the fallen tree he had jumped over perfectly just a few weeks ago.
Gretel suddenly quickened her pace, with Evan right at her heels. Suddenly I knew why, and already I felt the urge to swaddle myself up into my cloak and disappear into the dirt below.
A small campfire had been built in the tiny clearing of the forest, the flames licking the bottom of a silver pot. Two brown horses were lingering beside a small wagon a few yards away, with a couple of crates resting in the back. (They must’ve wheeled it out here before someone let them loose to graze.) Hanji waved at me from her spot beside the fire, with Nanaba and Erwin sitting on either side of her. But they weren’t the only ones seated around the fire.
Oh no—there were so many more.
Reggie and Emily were talking to Nifa and Petra, as Oluo tried to listen in on their conversation in a not-so-subtle way from Petra’s side. Eld and Gunther turned and smiled over at Gretel and Evan, who practically raced to their spots between Reggie and Nanaba, with Evan dragging poor Murphy along by his wrist. Moblit gave me a somewhat apologetic smile, as Mike threw a smirk at me from over his shoulder. Even Levi was seated among them, in between Eld and Oluo as he sipped his tea. My face burned as he smirked at me from over the rim of his teacup.
“So glad you guys could make it!” Hanji was kneeling over the pot at the fire, swirling a spoon against the silver. “Why don’t you take a seat? The stew’s almost ready. I hope you’re hungry, because there’s a lot of it!”
As much as I wanted to sit by Levi, I knew it would only lead to more teasing from Hanji and Mike (and maybe even a few uncomfortable looks from our squads). So instead I slipped in between Nanaba and Murphy, who had not stopped blushing since we arrived at the little site.
“…What’s all this, anyway?”
“A little celebration,” Gretel was quick to answer, clearly sharing Hanji’s enthusiasm. “For both you and Murphy. Hanji decided we combine our little parties and celebrate them at the same time!”
“It’s nothing too fancy,” Nanaba said with a smile, “but at least it’ll give us some time to unwind. And you two deserve a break every now and then, right?”
Well, when you put it that way…
So that’s what Hanji and Gretel had been so excited about earlier. They were secretly plotting against our backs, fixing up this little get-together just to celebrate our birthdays. While neither of us cared for the extra attention, it was hard to stay mad at them for making such a sweet gesture.
Murphy was starting to loosen up as the night carried on, too involved in telling Evan and Reggie about what he’d accomplished in his extra training with Misty today. Gretel was huddling herself in her jacket in a desperate attempt to keep warm, as she listened to Nifa and Emily halfheartedly arguing about which one of them was going to ascend the ranks quicker. Petra was tugging on Oluo’s ear, chastising him for putting on a show just to try to impress the captain, as Gunther laughed and told her to ease up. Mike was starting to pass around a jug of water for everyone to fill their cups, while also subtly nudging a bottle of wine into Moblit’s side.
“Not with the kids around,” I growled, and Erwin chuckled behind his cup. I’ll be damned if any of them try to drink when the kids are here. No one needs to see Mike or Moblit when they’re drunk.
“Ever the responsible one,” Hanji sighed, as she began spooning the stew into the little bowls at her side. “You’re no fun, you know! You’ve always been like that, ever since we were kids.”
“And I’ll continue to be like that until we’re both old women.”
It wasn’t until I started passing the bowls down the line that I saw Evan’s eyes on me, a frown etched on his face.
“If you don’t mind me asking, captain… What was growing up as kids like Section Commander Hanji like?”
My fingers quivered around the next bowl. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t stop myself from smiling, from smirking as Hanji’s jaw clenched ever so slightly. This is my chance—payback’s a bitch, Zoë!
“You think she’s hyper now? Well, she was much worse back when we were kids! Couldn’t sit still for five minutes, even for a lecture. Remember how Duvalier was always yelling at us because we kept talking during training?”
“So what if I do? You never stopped me, you know!”
“Because every time I tried you would always drag me back into your silly antics!” By now Nanaba was trying so hard (and failing) to hide her laugh behind her palm as she sat between the two of us. “Should I tell them about the time you got your hair twisted in the ODM gear on the second day of training?”
“Don’t you dare!”
“Wait—Section Commander, you had long hair at one point?”
I nearly laughed out loud at the baffled expressions of Eld and Reggie, as they stared at Hanji with their jaws to the ground. Hanji was pouting with her cheeks puffed out, angrily swirling the spoon in the pot of stew in front of her.
“Yeah, she did. Ended up falling flat on her face with her hair caught in the wires!”
“You keep talking about that, and this stew’s gonna end up on your head!” Hanji threatened, waving the spoon back and forth in her fist. “Fine, then. Kids, wanna hear what your captain used to do when she was younger?”
My fingers clenched around the little bowl Nanaba had handed me. Oh, I can only imagine what she’s going to bring up!
“She used to sneak outside to sit on the roof of the barracks, so much so that Duvalier had to wait outside for you with a lantern, just to make sure you wouldn’t leave! And you think I was the only one to act up once in a while.”
“Once in a while? Do you wanna be the one wearing this stew, Hanji?”
“Alright, alright, not in front of the kids, you two.”
Nanaba was quick to hold out her arm in between us, although everyone around the campfire knew neither one of us would ever raise a hand to each other in malice. I couldn’t imagine ever going after my best friend like that, even if she annoyed me to no end sometimes.
Soon enough, and with Hanji sticking her tongue out at me in a final gesture of defiance, everyone began to fall silent as we dug into our dinner. The stew was surprisingly tasty, made of potatoes with some extra seasoning sprinkled in. Hanji didn’t really cook all that often, but the few meals she knew how to cook were always satisfying to both the eye and the stomach. Before I knew it, I was already halfway done with my bowl, and I could see Murphy and Gunther eyeing the pot for possible seconds. Even Levi seemed to be enjoying it, his shoulders sagging just a bit as he paused for yet another sip of his tea.
“There’s plenty more to go around, so have as much as you want!” To Hanji’s delight, both Gunther and Murphy (as well as Petra and Nifa) held out their bowls to her. When they were finished, I held out my own bowl to her, and she refilled it with a little prideful smirk.
“Thanks for putting this together, Han.” And for making such delicious stew. “You guys really didn’t have to do this, but thank you.”
“Yeah, thank you!” Murphy added, and his face went scarlet as he wiped his mouth of any leftover stew with his sleeve.
“Ah, it’s no big deal!” Hanji waved us off with a smile and a twinkle in her eye. “You guys deserve to be spoiled a little bit. It’s not every day we get to celebrate two birthdays on the same day, you know! Besides, it’s not much out here, but at least it’s better than being inside a stuffy restaurant in Mitras, huh?”
She winced as soon as the words left her mouth. My spoon clanked against the side of the bowl, the only sound in the air besides the crackling fire. Someone cleared their throat softly; by the sound of it, it was either Oluo or Evan.
She didn’t mean it. No, of course she didn’t. She would never try to hurt me intentionally, that just wasn’t like her. It was an honest mistake, something that didn’t even have to be forgiven.
Still, no one had openly mentioned my current ban from the capital city in almost a year. And while I wasn’t angry at Hanji for accidentally bringing it up, I was angry at myself for even letting it happen—for letting it get that far in the first place.
“…Honestly, good riddance.” That was Reggie’s voice, as he leaned back in his seat with a sigh. “It’s not really that fun over there, anyway.”
“Yeah, it kinda sucks,” Gretel added with a shudder. “Bunch of old people with too much money on their hands. I’d be glad to be banned from that place—that means I wouldn’t have to go to those stupid meetings and gatherings every few months.”
Evan and Emily were nodding in agreement, with Murphy shrugging his shoulders in approval. And sure enough, the other kids were following their lead, looking much more relaxed than they had been before.
“Mitras is…a bit boring, I’ll admit,” Petra said with a laugh. “For something that’s so admired by everyone, I was expecting it to be at least a bit beautiful… Honestly it was far from beautiful when I went for the first time!”
“And it probably won’t change all that much in the next few years,” Eld replied, “so it’s not worth worrying over.”
“You’re right,” Nifa chimed in, taking another bite of her stew. “Why bother worrying about stuff we can’t change? We might as well make the best of it, right?”
My fingers trembled around the hilt of the spoon. I could feel my eyes growing warm, my vision suddenly getting blurry—but one quick swipe of my sleeve across my face, and I was smiling into my bowl of stew like an idiot.
Thank you, you guys.
Suddenly it was much easier to breathe, to look my fellow soldiers in the eye as they conversed all around me. As the hours crawled by, and the pot was licked clean of any stew left, we ended up laughing and talking just as always, with the crackling fire in between us.
And for a moment, I didn’t see them as my fellow soldiers. I didn’t see Reggie and Emily and the others as my kids. I didn’t see Hanji and Nanaba as my best friends, Mike as my fellow Squad Leader or Erwin as my Commander, or even Levi as my lover. Right now, under the moon’s glowing rays, and the summer air blowing through our hair…we were just people. Human beings with dreams, passions, goals, fears, and everything in between. We didn’t have titles or power over each other. We were simply seventeen people who were swept into the same lifestyle as our comrades, who were enjoying a well-earned night of peace after so many months of turmoil. And for the first time in months, maybe even years, I saw them all, both young and old, cadets and veterans, enjoying themselves with beautiful smiles on their faces.
Somehow we got on the topic of sharing childhood stories with each other, ranging from our lives back in our home districts to our first expeditions beyond the Walls. And before I knew it, most of us were doubled over laughing as Eld spilled the beans on his friends: that both Oluo and Petra had soiled themselves the first time they went beyond the Walls.
“You swore you’d never speak of it again!” It was hard to not laugh at the shrill tone of Petra’s voice, her amber eyes flaring with fury as her fingers twitched at her sides. If it weren’t for Oluo and Levi sitting between them, I would’ve put money down that she was going to strangle poor Eld.
“It’s alright, it happens to all of us at some point.” As always, Moblit was the supportive one, as he offered her a sweet smile from across the fire. “Nothing to be ashamed of, really!”
“You’re one to talk,” Mike chuckled, and immediately Moblit’s face began burning a bright red color. “Didn’t you have a similar accident when you were sixteen? I remember, you were in my squad when it happened!”
“Aw, cut it out, Mike!” Hanji was quick to defend her friend, despite her uncontrollable laughter. “Like you never had that happen to you…”
“As a matter of fact,” Erwin’s voice was cool and calm as he smirked at Mike, “I seem to recall you hurrying off to the barracks after our first expedition together. It really does happen to everyone, doesn’t it, Mike?”
The look on his face was absolutely priceless, the final nail in the coffin for everyone around the campfire. We were gasping for breath, some of us wiping tears from our eyes, clutching our sides as we struggled to breathe once more. In all the years I’d known them, I didn’t think I’d ever seen Murphy and Gunther, and even Nanaba and Hanji, laugh as hard as they did that night. And the rest were no exception—hell, even Levi of all people managed to crack a smile at that.
It was pure, unbridled bliss. Surely a night to remember.
But the moon was starting to wane, its rays growing weaker against the shadows of the trees. It was getting late, far too late for a handful of kids whom I knew had training the next day. But before I could even say anything on the matter, a firm but warm hand came to rest on the top of my head. I glanced up at Levi as he mussed up my hair, as well as Murphy’s from his place beside me.
“Might as well start heading back.” He was speaking more to mine and his squads, rather than our little group as a whole. “I don’t want any of you whining about not getting enough sleep tomorrow.”
Upon seeing the deflated faces of Evan, Emily, Eld, and the rest of the kids, I half-expected them to put up a fight, just as I would’ve done when I was their age. But none of them did. Instead, Reggie was the first to stand up, followed by Nifa and Emily, and then Gunther and Oluo.
“You’re right, captain. Do you want any help cleaning this up?” Reggie motioned to the pot in the center of the group, as well as the collection of dirty dishes stacked on top of it.
“We’ll take care of it. Just get yourselves to sleep, don’t wait up for us.”
One by one, the cadets began to disburse. Emily and Nifa were side by side, hands brushing one another’s as they trailed behind Eld and Gunther. Reggie took up the rear with Oluo and Petra, as Evan and Gretel went on ahead yawning loudly. Murphy was the last to leave, but before he turned away, he gave our group a thankful smile, his cheeks a beautiful rosy shade.
“Thank you for this. It was a lot of fun. …Oh, and Section Commander, you’re a really good cook!”
Hanji puffed out her chest and gave the kid a smirk. “Why, thank you! I’d be happy to make you some more home-cooked meals once in a while, if you’d like!”
Murphy nodded eagerly, his amber eyes shining beneath the moon’s rays—and then he was off, scurrying after his friends and squadmates.
A few moments of silence passed. Eventually their footsteps faded into the forest, leaving the rest of us completely alone. And wordlessly, the seven of us moved closer to the campfire, with Levi settling himself beside me in the grass.
“…Now can we start drinking?”
I rolled my eyes and held out my cup to Mike. “Fine, but pour me some while you’re at it!” No way am I letting you and Moblit keep it all to yourselves.
Mike slid the wine bottle from earlier out from under his jacket (he had made sure to keep it out of the kids’ line of sight after I’d scolded him for it) and began filling our cups one by one. I only wanted a little bit—alcohol still wasn’t my favorite, but this was a special occasion—and Levi refused it altogether, opting to stick with his tea instead.
“They’re good kids,” Mike suddenly said, catching me off guard. His face was unusually soft, his brown eyes warm behind his shaggy blond bangs. “You’re lucky to have ’em, you know.”
I thought of Emily’s calm and collected nature; of Reggie’s natural talent as a leader; of Evan’s incredible mind in the field; of Gretel’s snippy nature, as sharp as her blades; and finally of Murphy’s love for his comrades, and the beautiful glimmer of his eyes in the sunlight.
Would Rosalie and Emmett approve of them? No doubt about it, they would probably get along the moment they saw each other. Gretel would be too busy challenging Emmett to arm-wrestling matches and silly training games in the forest, just to see which one of them was stronger. Rosalie would be poring over books and battle strategies with Evan, but I could also see her training Emily with her horse, just as Murphy usually did. And Reggie would be the balance between them, keeping a watchful eye on all of them just to make sure there weren’t any accidents (or injuries), but being proud of his little family all the same.
No, our little family.
“…Thanks,” my voice was no more than a mumble as I sipped my drink, the taste of wine burning my throat. “I guess I am.”
The seven of us settled back in our seats, sipping our wine and gazing up at the moon between the clouds. Levi’s hand draped across my own on the grass, his warmth sending shivers down my spine. It was tempting to lean over and kiss him right on the mouth, or maybe even his cheek, but I was not going to deal with endless teasing from Hanji and Mike.
“So,” Moblit sighed and lowered his cup, “another year down. You feel any different?”
“Not yet. What am I, twenty-eight already? It’s kinda hard to keep track nowadays…”
Huh, twenty-eight years? Am I really that old right now?
It was nowhere near the age of some of the citizens within the Walls, especially those in the interior and Mitras. But it was an impressive feat for a member of the Survey Corps; most soldiers didn’t live to reach twenty-five. The numbers had been a little better in the last couple of years, but it was still a far cry from the rest of the population within the Walls.
That means Leyna’s twenty-eight, too. I wonder if she feels the same way? …Probably not. It’s so different over there in Wall Sina. She’s probably already planning the next ten years of her life over there.
“Ah, never mind all that stuff!” Hanji had that mischievous twinkle in her eye again, that smug smile that made my stomach flip over on itself. “Time for your presents!”
Wait, presents?! “Hanji, I don’t—”
“Hey, no arguing!” She was already rummaging around in the wagon with Moblit at her side, before giving the two horses nearby a quick pat on their necks. And I was horrified to see Mike and Nanaba, and even Erwin doing the same beside her. “It’s tradition, so you have to grin and bear it! So suck it up and deal with it, alright?”
I knew better than to argue with her on this. Hanji always came out on top in these spats, insisting on the importance of gift giving on one’s special day. I had no problem giving gifts to my fellow soldiers, but it was something entirely different when it came to myself. Especially when it happened to be my birthday.
At least Levi stayed nestled against my side, lacing his fingers through my own against the grass. At least he’s not working against me here. He merely shrugged his shoulders and took another sip of his tea, but not before clanking his cup against my own in a silent toast.
Nanaba was the first to hand me a gift, as she and Mike settled in the grass beside Levi. It was small enough, wrapped up in brown parchment and tied with a thin white string around the top. “From both of us,” she said with a smile, motioning to the smirking man at her side. “Hopefully you’ll be able to get some use out of it.”
I tore at the paper, eager to see what was inside. And when I finally did, I couldn’t help but smile at the two of them. Inside were a pair of gloves, made of rich leather that felt smooth to the touch. And when I slipped them on, I was surprised to see they were a perfect fit; most of the gloves they sold within the inner districts only came in sizes suitable for taller and bulkier soldiers like Mike and Erwin, not for petite ones like myself.
“You could wear them during training, so your hands don’t bleed from the blades.” I glanced up at Mike as he spoke, as he took another swig of his drink. “I have a pair myself and they seem to be working quite well so far.”
“Well, I’ll definitely try them out tomorrow during training. Thank you!”
It was sweet of them to not only get me a gift, but get me something I was sure to use in my everyday routine. Besides, after the lengthy breaks from training I’d taken, what with my injury and the whole mess at Mitras, my hands were no longer used to rigorous training with the ODM gear and the blades. I could use all the help I could get in order to get myself back to where I had been.
Moblit was the next to give me a gift, the tips of his ears burning a bit in the light of the fire. The paper crumpled at my feet as I ripped it apart, and I could feel my chest tighten as I held up the gift. It was a box set of three books from an author I knew all too well. A trilogy that I often caught my mother reading at the kitchen table, back in our little home in Shiganshina; she always told me I would be able to read them when she passed the books down to me and Leyna, and I was convinced they were lost back in the rubble of Wall Maria until we could find a way to reclaim it. But now I was holding it in my hands, all three books (in perfect condition), tracing my fingers across the title: Where Mom Lives.
“Thanks, Moblit. I’ll have to make time to read these later this week; they were some of my mother’s favorite books!” I hugged them to my chest, smiling as I watched his cheeks flush a dark pink color.
“No problem, Mia.”
I didn’t have much time before Erwin passed me his own gift: a brand new leather bridle with silver stitching embroidered in the reins, proudly spelling Edelweiss. My mouth fell open at the gentle leather, the gorgeous stitching, the sight of my horse’s name printed into the surface…
“And there’s a matching saddle in the barn, as well. I hope it’s the right size for him—not too tight or anything.”
“It’s perfect, Commander. Thank you so much!”
Erwin and I were always giving each other little horse-related gifts, for both our birthdays and Christmastime. While his own white horse was the largest one within the Survey Corps, Edel was a close second, which led to us both passing tack and equipment back and forth with each other. From curry brushes to blankets to even special shampoo to wash their manes and tails with—if it had to do with our horses, Erwin and I would be the first in line to know about it.
And I know Edel will absolutely love it. The bridle he’s wearing is already so worn out. Besides, he likes looking handsome whenever he goes out for a run!
Hanji was nearly bursting at the seams as she shoved her own gift into my arms, her eyes glimmering in the firelight. “Come on, open it already! Don’t keep me waiting!”
So I did. And just like with her gift for Levi’s birthday a couple years ago, she managed to catch me off guard, but in the best possible way.
She had gotten me a dress—not a heavy one, like the women in Mitras and Wall Sina wore on a daily basis, but not quite as long as the ones the girls in Trost and Shiganshina used to wear, either. It was small and light, reaching down to my knees with little ruffles around the edges. The collar crossed at a V-shape, with one flab of fabric folded over the other, and the sleeves cut off just above the elbow. And to top it off, the dress was a gorgeous light green color, with little bits of lace sewn into the sleeves.
I didn’t make a habit of wearing dresses all that often, especially as of late with all the training I had to make up, but looking at this little outfit made me want to save it for one of my rare days off, to let my hair down and feel the summer breeze blowing through the little ruffled skirt.
“It’s so pretty, Hanji! How did you know green was my favorite color?” I added with a little smirk.
She reached over to flick the collar of my shirt, just above the straps of my ODM gear. “Just a lucky guess. I’m glad you like it! Now you’re gonna have to wear it one of these days, I’m sure you’d look so cute in it!”
I hope so. And by the looks of it, Levi was thinking the same thing, as he unhooked the chest strap of his ODM gear.
Speaking of Levi…
“Alright Shorty, it’s your turn! Where’s your gift to your girlfriend, huh? What’re you planning on giving her?”
He scoffed and sipped his tea once more. “None of your business. That’s between me and her.”
Wait, don’t tell me he got something for me too!
“Aw, come on! Not even a little kiss? For the birthday girl?”
“Hanji, I swear to—”
Something light and warm twisted into my hair, bringing my head to the side. Before I knew it Levi’s lips were pressed against mine, his fingers keeping my head in place, the unbuckled ends of his chest strap brushing against my shoulder.
My cheeks were flushed, the light of the flames bouncing off my eyelids. I could feel everyone’s eyes on me, on Levi, watching us kiss, oh my God Hanji will never let me live this down—
Levi’s fingers were firm against my hair. A silent message: Don’t worry about them. It’s just you and me right now.
I raised my hand, fingers trembling against his cheek, as I eased myself against his body, savoring every bit of his sweet kiss.
He pulled away far too soon, his cheeks glowing in the firelight, his fingers still swirling in my hair. While he looked a bit bashful under the watchful eyes of our friends, he didn’t seem ashamed of what he’d done. Instead he inched closer to me in the grass, draping his arm across my shoulders as I snuggled into his side.
“Fuck off,” he snapped, before Hanji could even open her mouth. But she only leaned back and crossed her arms over her chest, a shit-eating grin plastered on her face.
Great, she’s going to hold this over my head forever…
The rest of the night carried on, with the seven of us making small talk and sipping our drinks. The air was getting cooler as the moon rose to its peak in the sky. I curled my cloak around myself, mindful of Levi’s arm stretched along my shoulders. With the others too busy talking amongst themselves, the two of us snuggled closer to each other and clanked our cups together, before Levi’s lips came to rest on the top of my head.
But the alcohol was starting to wear off, and we were starting to get a little sleepy. Nanaba barely managed to cover her yawn with her palm before she leaned into Mike’s side with a smile. Moblit’s eyelids were beginning to droop as he took another swig, and even Erwin was looking a little tired around the eyes. And before I could even say anything, I was yawning into the crook of Levi’s neck.
Time to go to bed.
Despite our offer to help, Hanji waved us off and assured us that she and the others could take care of the dirty dishes back at the base, as well as the horses that Moblit was starting to hitch up to the wagon.
“We’ll be fine, you guys go get some rest.” But one quick wink from my friend told me that she suspected the two of us were going to do anything but resting once we got back to our room.
But we weren’t about to argue with her. So I tucked the three books Moblit had given me under my arm and slung Edel’s new bridle across my shoulder, and began the short trek back to the castle. Levi followed close behind as he carried the summer dress and leather gloves as well, holding them at bay as I snuck into the barn to hang the bridle on the edge of Edel’s stall. I’ll have to have him try it out tomorrow.
A soft light from the window of the mess hall caught my eye; when I peeked inside, I couldn’t help the warm glow that pooled in the pit of my chest. The kids hadn’t gone to bed at all—instead they were sprawled out across the floor and benches of the mess hall, fast asleep, still in their training uniforms. Reggie and Petra were the only ones sleeping semi-normally, with their heads in their arms as they sat at one of the tables. Eld was leaning against one of the benches with his head slung back, with Evan’s head resting in his lap, and Gretel’s arm stretched across his chest. Murphy was curled up in the center of the floor, his leg sprawled out across Emily’s waist, as she slept peacefully with her arm brushing against Nifa’s. And Gunther and Oluo were lying flat against the floor, with a thin line of drool slipping from Oluo’s open mouth.
I pointed to them, and Levi scoffed. “Dumb brats.”
Silly kids.
On the way to Levi’s room, I made a quick detour into my office, to drop off the gifts in my arms. I placed the trilogy of books from Moblit in the empty space on the top row of the bookshelf, and the leather gloves from Mike and Nanaba next to my father’s journal on the desk. I took one more longing look at the dress Hanji had given me, at the gorgeous floral pattern and soft colors, before dipping it into the laundry basket in the corner of the room. I’d have to wash it later, before I wore it—
Wait, what’s that?
There was another small box resting on the chair of my desk, wrapped up in brown parchment with a note stuck to the top. Two names were written below, and I grimaced as I took off the top to peek inside.
Just a little something for your special night. Hope you like it!
Love, Hanji and Nanaba
I made sure to hide it from Levi’s sight, keeping the box close to my chest. Inside was a lacy set of lingerie—of fucking course Hanji and Nanaba would get me something like that. A pair of panties and a matching bra, both a beautiful shade of light red with bits of lace sewn into the sides. I shivered at the thought of wearing them—it must be so fucking cold…
Oh well, might as well get some use out of it, right?
Levi was already at the door, his hand twisted around the knob. “Ready?”
With a smile, I hid the red set into my cloak and pulled it against my chest. “Whenever you are, captain.”
His fingers were warm against my own, as he led me down the shadowy hall towards his office. The moonlight was soft in the windows, spilling against the floor and bouncing off his midnight hair. The urge to kiss him was bubbling in my throat, flooding from the top of my head all the way down to the tips of my toes. My stomach flipped, my hand squeezed around his own.
Fuck, why does he always have to look so handsome?!
The two of us stepped inside, with Levi locking the door shut behind us. As I slid my cloak off my shoulders (with the red lingerie set wrapped up inside), I began to head for his bedroom—but he was standing there in front of me, his arms outstretched, a leather folder placed delicately in his hands.
“For you,” his voice was no more than a mumble, and I could already see the flush of pink across his cheeks. “For your special day, birthday girl.”
I snickered and took the folder from him, but not before pressing a kiss to his heated cheek. “Thank you, Levi. You didn’t have to do this…but I’m glad you did.” He only shrugged, hands clenching together at his sides, his eyes dropping to the floor below.
I thought back to the last present he’d given me for a special date like this: the sketch of myself and Edel in the snowy lands beyond Utopia District. He’d given it to me as a Christmas present, and from the looks of the folder, I could only assume this was a similar drawing. Maybe that’s why he looks so nervous.
I opened the folder—and all of a sudden, the world froze around me.
Instead of looking at a sketch of myself and my horse, or even myself and Levi…I was looking at my family. All five of them (including myself): my father, my mother, my sister, and my brother.
Dad was sitting in his special chair, the one with the wheels on the bottom, with a brown blanket thrown over his lap. He was looking up with a smile, his hands resting across my mother’s hands over his shoulders. Ma was standing behind him, a sweet smile on her face, with her hair pulled up in her usual messy ponytail. Both of them looked just as how I remembered them: Dad’s little freckles across his face, the little scrunch in Ma’s nose, the wear of my father’s hands, and the softness in my mother’s eyes. For a moment, I thought I was actually looking at them in real life, as though Levi had somehow taken a memory of mine and plastered it on paper.
And my siblings were no different. Leyna was standing beside my parents, her arms crossed over her chest, her long blond braid falling over her left shoulder. She was glancing off to the side, smirking at me and my brother, who was mussing up my hair with a smile. I was startled at how much the drawing looked like Ben; everything about him was on point, from his reddish-brown hair, the quirk of his lips, to the stray piece of hair that always stuck up on the left side of his head. For someone who always liked to tease me about my messy hair, he sure wasn’t that big on keeping up on his own.
But the thing that struck me, besides the beautiful illustrations and vibrant colors, was the fact that Leyna, Ben and I were all the same age. We weren’t kids, we weren’t teenagers. We were adults, happy and smiling with our parents. Our parents, our father, who had never seen us fully grown up like this. Our mother, who had probably never smiled like that since Dad passed away in our little home in Shiganshina. And our brother, my Ben, who had barely scraped twenty-four years of age when he died. Here we were, all happy and content with our lives, and finally together again.
Something small and warm splashed onto the corner of the page. I shrieked and held it away from me, just in time to avoid more droplets from getting onto the parchment.
“Levi,” I was sobbing right now, struggling to smile through the veil of tears in my eyes, “Levi—fuck, how in the… I mean, how did you…?”
I could feel him slip the parchment through my fingers, placing it gently on the desk before taking me into his arms. His lips were gentle against my forehead; even through the sobs, I could feel him smirking against my skin.
“Why do you always burst into tears whenever I give you a drawing?” But there was no malice in his voice, only softness. “It’s starting to mess with my confidence, brat.”
“B-but—” I was blubbering like a child, staining the collar of his shirt with my tears. “…How? I mean—it’s gorgeous!”
How could he create something so beautiful? I knew of his talents as an artist, of the beautiful things he could bring to life with a stroke of his pen. He proved it time and time again with his drawings of myself and Hanji, and even Furlan and Isabel, if he was in the right mindset to draw them. But how could he draw my family so accurately—when he had never met any of them other than my sister?
I peeked over his shoulder at the drawing on the desk. His fingers were tangled in my hair, his lips still lingering on my forehead.
“Your sister helped me out. Told me what they looked like, and all that shit. Kept sending sketches back and forth to make sure they looked how she remembered them. So did Hanji and Erwin; Moblit helped me out with it, too.”
Oh, of course.
Erwin had been a cadet when my father was still active in the Survey Corps, so he knew what his face looked like. Hanji had visited my parents countless times over the years, snickering behind Leyna’s back when she scrutinized us for being a little strange during our time together, and laughing along with Ben as they both teased me about my height and messy hair. And of course Moblit, being the best artist within the Survey Corps, would chip in to help Levi. No doubt he wanted this gift to be absolutely perfect, so he probably wanted all the help he could get.
And to think, he did it all for you, Wolf.
Another tear slid down my cheek. “Did Leyna get to see…did she get to see that before you gave it to me?”
“Not this one—I sent her another one a couple weeks ago, when I finally finished it.”
Knowing my sister, she would be absolutely enamored by the drawing, even if it did come from Levi. While she wasn’t as vocal about it, it was clear she had a deep love for me and the rest of our family. At least she had a similar drawing back in Mitras to look back on whenever she wanted. And Levi was sweet enough to make one for her… Just thinking about it made me want to cry again.
“So,” he cleared his throat, pulling away and tilting my chin up with his fingers, “you like it?”
“I… I absolutely love it.” I leaned up to kiss him, smiling through the salt of my tears on his lips. “Thank you so much, Levi. I’m going to keep it right here—right in that drawer, with Dad’s journal. I just…I can’t thank you enough for making it—”
“Don’t worry about it,” he mumbled against my mouth. “I can spoil you a bit for your special day, sweetheart. I’m just glad you like it.”
The way he said it, with a slight sigh and tired smile, had me wondering if he had been truly scared I wouldn’t love whatever he’d drawn me. As though I would have a problem with him and his artwork, or any of the beautiful sketches he’d created just for me.
“Of course I do. And I’ll always love whatever you draw, no matter what.”
I kissed him again, pressing my palms to his flushed cheeks, sighing as he wrapped his arms around me. His body was warm and firm, so familiar and comforting and suddenly I knew—I knew I was completely safe. I always would be, as long as I had him at my side.
I wiped my sleeves across my face, catching the tears that fell before leaning in for another kiss. This time his hands lingered at my forehead, brushing stray pieces of hair from my face, curling them together at the nape of my neck. A burst of heat exploded in my chest; suddenly I could feel my stomach churning, the tips of my fingers flooding with energy, the rush of adrenaline in my veins.
I wanted him. And I wanted him now.
So I shoved myself into his chest, nearly knocking him into the door of his bedroom. But he caught himself quickly and opened the door, before slamming it behind him with his foot.
There was nothing outside these four walls. No Titans, no humans, not even a world beyond the Walls. It was just me and Levi, lost in our own little world. Our home, the one we had made together, safe and sound from everybody else. Nothing could ever hurt us again, as long as we were in each other’s arms.
“Mia,” my name was a lullaby on his tongue, as he took a seat on the edge of the bed, still pawing at my hips as I propped a knee on the mattress beside him, “are you sure you want this?”
“Of course I do.” I leaned up to kiss his cheek, before pressing my mouth to his ear. “Do you want this?”
He groaned, tugging me into his lap—and already I could feel the outline of his cock pressing against my thigh.
“Shit, sweetheart—fuck, you know I want this.” Another kiss to my lips, his fingers carding through my hair. “Wanna take the lead tonight?”
“For a little bit. Let’s see how it goes first, okay?”
“Fine by me.”
The two of us were relentless, moaning and kissing and ripping at each other’s clothes. I thought back to the lacy red lingerie waiting for me on the chair back in his office, and how much better I would look with it instead of my plain white bra and panties. But I was too desperate to stop and go change. I finally had him in the palm of my hand, a surge of confidence flooding my body, and I wasn’t going to let this opportunity slip through my fingers.
The straps of the harness were always the toughest to get off; my fingers trembled around the buckles, leather slipping through metal with a groan, before the heavy backplate finally clattered against the floor. As Levi kicked off his boots and shoved his harness to the floor, I slid my hand around the back of his head and pulled him in for one more kiss. My face was burning, my thighs quivering as I took a seat on his lap, slowly moving my hips back and forth. He cursed under his breath, panting against my mouth as I felt his cock harden against my thigh.
“Fuck, sweetheart, come here—” Suddenly I was on top of him, cradling his head in my arms as he flopped against the mattress. “I want you to sit on my face. Let me taste that pretty pussy. Think you can do that for me?”
The two of us moaned as I brought my hips down on his again; already I could feel my panties starting to stick to my skin. With one hand propped on the mattress to hold myself up, I slid my other down my pants and into my panties—and I gasped when I felt the slick dribbling from my folds, my clit burning with need.
Fuck, I haven’t been this wet in months.
It was a good sign, at least. I wasn’t shying away from him or inching away from every touch. Instead I relished in the warmth of his body, his skin and sweat and beautiful burning eyes. That had to count for something, right?
“I want you to.” I was panting hard as I slid my hand from my panties, my fingertips coated with slick. And when Levi opened his mouth to taste them, I could feel my head start to spin. “I want to ride your face, captain. I want to cum on your tongue—please, make me cum on your tongue…”
He palmed at my ass through my pants, dragging my hips against his, sweat dotting along his brow. Fingertips ghosted over the hem of my shirt, and without missing a beat I straightened myself up and pulled my shirt up and over my head. His hands were everywhere at once—my stomach, my breasts, and finally the back of my neck, as he pulled me down to nibble on the shell of my ear. I whimpered against the crook of his neck, head spinning and face burning and chest heaving and—fuck, I was loving this.
“Get rid of these pants, sweetheart,” he murmured, tugging the waistband of my pants down ever so slightly, “and you can ride my face as long as you want. As hard as you want.”
So I did. Within moments my pants and panties were strewn across the floor, and Levi was bringing me down to sit on his face. My fingers quivered against the wooden bars of the headboard; my clit was practically throbbing, begging to be touched and toyed with. But Levi was a tease—he only brushed his nose over it, before sliding his tongue through my soaked folds.
A mewl danced off my tongue at the first lick. Soft and light, I thought I’d imagined it at first. I rocked my hips back and forth on his face, searching for any bit of friction I could find, just to ease the burning ache in my clit.
But then he was pushing me back down, keeping my thighs locked around his head, lapping at my sex like a starved man.
I was gasping for breath, leaning over the headboard, clawing at the wood with all my might. Eyes squeezed shut, heart pounding hard, I moaned out his name into the darkness, completely helpless to the way he was rocking me on his face.
“Levi!” My fingers fisted into his hair, and he groaned against my clit. When he wrapped his lips around it I could’ve sworn I saw stars. “Levi! Please, I can’t—ah!”
That familiar coil I knew all too well was starting to spiral in my stomach. With every lick, every suck, every light nibble on my clit, he was driving me closer and closer to my peak. And all I could do was sit there and take it.
Suddenly he was lifting me off his face, his lips stained with my juices, his eyes as dark as the night sky above. I fought to catch my breath as I smoothed out his hair on the pillow below.
“Tastes so good, sweetheart.” He pressed a kiss to my clit and smirked when I let out a whine. “Fucking beautiful. You like that, huh? You like when I play with your pussy?”
He reached up, dipping the pads of his fingers into the slick, moaning at the way I clenched above his face.
“What would you say if I did this?”
Suddenly his middle finger was inside of me—I could feel myself clenching around it, throbbing lightly at the stretch. At first I winced—I forgot how long and thick his fingers actually are—but it only took me a few seconds to ease up. And once I did, I was rocking myself back and forth on his finger, whimpering and whining and begging for more.
“Again,” my voice was borderline raspy as I clutched at his hair, “again. Another one, please—”
“Tch, so fucking greedy, aren’t you?”
But he obliged, sliding a second finger inside me, followed closely by a third. My hips were frantic at this point, nails digging into his scalp as he sucked at my clit, letting me ride his fingers and face until I was screaming his name so loud I was sure everyone in the Walls could hear me.
“Fuck! Captain, I wanna—please, I wanna cum! Make me cum!” Tears were leaking out of my eyes as the coil wound itself tighter and tighter. “Levi! I want you to make me cum!”
He flicked his wrist hard and fast, curling his fingers into me as he kept his lips around my clit. Once or twice he would pull away, tongue darting out to lick at my clit.
“Good girl, cum for me.” His other hand grasped my ass, keeping me balanced while also bringing me down hard on his fingers and face. “Such a good girl. Ride me all you want, sweetheart—I’m all yours.”
I tore at his hair, clenched my eyes shut, and suddenly I was screaming his name into the darkness, gushing all around his fingers and down his face. He was quick to lap up the remains, his tongue catching every last drop I could offer. It was only when I whimpered from his nose against my oversensitive clit that he began to lift me off his face, settling me down against the mattress below.
I’m all yours. All yours.
The words kept spiraling around in my head as I laid there on the bed, with Levi panting beside me. It was a simple phrase, commonly uttered in the heat of the moment. Plenty of women had heard it from men in their lives, especially those they had dedicated their hearts and souls to.
But this was Levi, who wouldn’t say anything unless he was absolutely sure he meant it, even during sex.
He’s mine. And I’m his, forever and ever.
“Until the day we die.”
“What?” He cocked his head in my direction, the back of his hand splayed out along his forehead. “What’re you talking about, kid?”
I glanced up at him—and suddenly, I knew. Even with the scent of sex in the air between us, the messy bedsheets beneath us and the crumpled clothes strewn along the floor, it all became so clear to me.
He was the one I wanted to die with. He was the one I wanted to grow old with, to settle down with and have children with. He was the one I wanted to slide a pretty ring on my finger when this war was over. He was the one I pledged my heart to, my body and soul, my entire life to. And in return, I knew he would do the same to me.
Not anyone else. Not Mike or Moblit, or Erwin or Blaise, or any of the other men I knew in my life. The only one I wanted was him, and for better or worse, the two of us were stuck together for the rest of our lives.
His eyes went wide as I climbed back over him, straddling his lap and fiddling with the buckle of his belt. My thighs were already aching, but I didn’t care. My attention was focused on Levi, who was still fully dressed, save for the cravat that was currently resting on the nightstand beside the bed. I can fix that in no time.
His voice held a warning in it, although he didn’t stop me as I dragged his pants and boxers down to his ankles. Not even when I wrapped my fingers around his aching cock, thumbing over the flushed tip.
“Are you sure you want this?”
It was like I was a virgin all over again.
I smiled and gave him a kiss on his forehead. “Absolutely. What about you?”
His hands came to rest on either side of my face, nose brushing against mine, lips dancing over my own.
He made quick work of his shirt, practically tearing the buttons apart before throwing it off to the side of the room. Now the two of us were completely bare, holding each other in our arms. I dragged my fingers along the planes of his chest, just as he began to massage the skin of my hips.
His hands were there, ready to catch me if I fell too far, to keep me safe and bring me back to him. I reached over to kiss his lips again, taking his cock in my hand. Little droplets of precum were already sliding down the tip; he groaned when I smeared it along the head and gave it a few slow strokes.
Fuck, I’ve missed his cock. I’ve missed holding it in my hands like this.
Another kiss, a silent nod, and his fingers were laced through mine, as I sank myself down on his cock.
I shuddered at the stretch, at the burn between my thighs as I clenched around his cock, struggling to adjust to his size. But before I could reach down to play with my clit, Levi was already reaching for it, stroking his thumb across the little bundle of nerves. I gave him a lazy smile, already too far gone for words.
He didn’t make a sound as I stayed there, his cock buried to the hilt inside of me, as I tried to ease up around him. No teasing, no begs to go faster—he was just staring up at me, his silver eyes tinted with lust. Lust and love.
I love you. Fuck, I love you so much, captain… You’re mine, as much as I’m yours. And I’ll love you until I take my last breath in this hellish world.
I took his hands in mine, pressing them to the mattress beside his head, as I lifted myself off his cock. As steadily as I could, I began to ride him, savoring every inch he had to offer—every bit of warmth his body gave me. My mouth fell open, my fingers tightened around his, and suddenly that coil returned to the pit of my stomach, begging me to go faster, to ride him and make him feel good, to make up for lost time.
“I missed having you inside of me.” My voice was no more than a whine, strained and desperate in my throat. I could see his jaw clenching, his chest heaving as I began to pick up the pace. “Levi—captain, oh fuck… I missed this so fucking much…”
How many nights had I gone to bed unsatisfied, too afraid to take that next step with him? How many nights had I belittled myself for acting like such a whiny little virgin, even though I told myself to just get over it already? How many nights had I laid beside Levi as he slept, fisting my shirt into my mouth, driving my fingers into myself, hoping that the scent of his clothes and shampoo would somehow be enough to get me off? How many nights had he offered to guide me through a round of sex, only for me to brush him off with a nervous laugh?
The last few months had been torturous, for both myself and for Levi. Too many tears, too many nights screaming ourselves awake at memories that grew foggier with every passing day. Too many scars that held terrifying stories, both on our bodies and in our minds.
But we’d picked up the pieces and carried on. We took care of each other, just as we always had. We held each other and kissed each other, let one another cry on our shoulders or into our chests, nestled into each other’s sides as we tried to sleep the nights away. We were slowly getting better. Slowly, but surely.
And now I could hold myself over him like this, fully aware that I was with someone I loved with all my heart. I could trust him with my body and my heart and never regret giving them to him in the first place. I could trust him to keep me safe, even in the darkest of times—and in return, he could trust me to keep him safe, as well.
I gasped when his cock brushed against that special spot deep inside of me—the one that made my vision blacken with stars and my fingertips tingle with pleasure. My jaw dropped, my head fell back as I scooped my hips into his again, and I moaned a little louder when I felt him hit that spot again.
“Mia,” Levi’s voice was husky, his fingers dancing along the underside of my breast, “I want you to ride me. Give me everything you’ve got.”
My eyes shot open. “E-everything?”
“Yes. Now ride me.”
I didn’t waste a single moment. My captain had given me an order, and I did my damned hardest to follow it.
I was gasping for breath, moaning his name over and over as I slid myself up and down on his cock. Every thrust of my hips sent another bolt of bliss coursing through my veins. Every moan from his lips, every hiss between his teeth gave me another reason to pick up the pace. And suddenly I was bouncing myself on his cock as hard as I could, moaning and whining and drunk on him—his scent, his touch, his kiss, and everything in between.
Levi, my precious captain, the one who holds my heart—
“C-captain!” My nails sank into the planes of his chest, keeping me grounded as I rocked myself back and forth on his cock as hard as I could. “Levi! Levi, Levi—”
You are my one and only, the one I want to live with. The one I want to marry. The one I want to have kids with. The one I want to die with.
“Mine!” The word was out of my mouth before I could stop it—but I was too lightheaded and drunk on pleasure to correct myself. “You’re mine! My Levi, mine…”
My hips stuttered against his; I was getting tired, still worn out from coming on his face earlier, from riding his tongue and fingers as though my life depended on it. But just as I started to slow down, Levi’s hands were grasping at my hips, lifting me up and down on his cock at his own pace, and suddenly I was screaming out his name again.
“Yours, huh? Fucking right,” he growled deep in his throat, and a shiver trickled down my spine. “I’m yours—and you’re mine. My Mia. You’re my good girl, aren’t you?”
I called out his name as he punctuated each of his words with a thrust, hard and deep inside of me.
“Yeah, you are. My good—fucking—girl.”
I couldn’t get enough air, my chest felt as though it were about to burst. I leaned down to Levi, brushing his sweaty bangs out of his eyes, smiling lazily at him as he pounded into me with everything he had.
“Tired…take over, please?”
He flipped us over on the mattress in the blink of an eye, sliding his hand against my thigh, wrapping my leg around his waist. I could only lean back and watch as he began to thrust into me, and the coil in my stomach only wound tighter and tighter.
I arched my back off the mattress, fists curling into the sheets below, as Levi peppered my breasts with sloppy kisses. He was relentless with his thrusts, set on making me scream his name over and over until everyone in the castle knew that Captain Levi was the one fucking me, the only one who could ever hope to make me feel this fucking good.
His name danced along my tongue, between moans and breathless whines, against the salt of his skin and the warmth of his tongue. He moaned into my mouth, whispering the word “Mia” over and over again, his cock brushing against that special spot deep inside of me.
My hands curled around his shoulders, nails digging into the muscles of his back. At the same time he stretched his arms toward the headboard, nipping at my bottom lip as he gave a particularly harsh thrust.
I gasped his name—“Levi!”—and suddenly my whole body was on fire.
My nails dug into Levi’s shoulders, raking down the soft planes of skin below, just as the headboard fell apart in his hands. Some of the wood fell onto the pillow beside me, but Levi was quick to sweep it off with a wave of his hand. A part of me wanted to stop and check his palms for any splinters, but his weight kept me pinned to the mattress, his hips slamming into mine at a ruthless pace.
I was babbling at this point, kissing every inch of his face I could reach, pulling him closer as he drove me to my peak. And from the looks of his face—his sweaty brow, slack jaw and glazed eyes—his own release was close behind.
“Levi—oh fuck, Levi! Levi!”
I screamed his name into his mouth as I tumbled over the edge, clenching my thighs around his hips, locking my ankles around his lower back. Fuck finishing on my stomach—I want him inside of me.
Levi groaned, gritting his teeth, throwing his head back as he continued to thrust into me. Soft moans were slipping through his lips; he was breathing hard through his nose, cursing under his breath with every thrust. He was getting sloppy with his pace, desperate and needy as he leaned over me and cradled my head in his arms.
“Mia—I want you—fuck, so bad—” Another moan, and I could feel his cock twitching inside of me. My nails scraped against his shoulders once more, and suddenly his hips still against my own. “S-shit, oh fuck—Mia!”
He growled into the crook of my neck as he spilled himself inside of me. I held his trembling body against mine, carding my fingers through his sweaty hair, tasting every bit of salt on his skin. I winced as he started thrusting into me again, at a much slower pace this time, and he was quick to give me a soft kiss on my mouth.
“Mia,” he moaned against my lips, as his cum trickled out of me, “I fucking missed this.”
I smiled at him, wrapping my hands around the back of his neck. “I missed this, too.”
The two of us held each other, skin slick with sweat and grime, as he lazily thrusted into me. I kept my ankles around his lower back, keeping him in place as he moved against my body. And although I knew I was up to date with all my pills—Lina had made sure I had been kept on my regular schedule over the past year or so—a part of me wished I wasn’t.
A part of me wished for a different life, where the two of us could be safe and happy and blissfully in love, as my stomach grew swollen with our child.
“Levi, I want—” The words were already pouring out of my mouth. “I want a baby…”
I winced as soon as I realized what I’d said. What a way to ruin the mood. And while he’s still fucking you, no less. Nice going, Wolf—you fucking idiot.
But he only smirked at me, chest rumbling with a soft chuckle, as he brushed my hair away from my face. Perhaps it was the post-sex hormones, or the lingering bliss of being together, but he didn’t seem worried about what I’d said in the slightest.
“Not now, but someday.” He pressed a kiss to my forehead just as he scooped his hips, and suddenly I was clawing at his back again. “Fuck—I’ll get you pregnant someday, I promise. Would you like that, sweetheart?”
The thought of carrying his child within me, our child, and feeling his arms around my swollen stomach as he leaned down to kiss it and whisper sweet nothings to our unborn baby—it was enough to drive me wild. I was nodding frantically, panting his name over and over again as he brought me to the edge one more time.
“Yes! I want your baby, Levi—I want our baby—”
And suddenly I was whining again, throwing my head against the pillow as I reached my peak once more. My clit was throbbing at this point, painful but oh so pleasurable all the same.
Levi kissed me again, and one, two, three more thrusts and he was filling me up again. His hands were warm beneath my thighs, his cum hot and sticky as it dribbled onto the sheets below.
The heavy weight of exhaustion was starting to settle in my bones; even as Levi began to untangle us from each other, I found myself fighting to keep my eyes open. Something warm and pleasant pressed against my forehead, and the soft scent of mint brushed along my nose.
“Shower first,” he reminded me in a raspy voice. “Then sleep.”
So I forced my eyes open and sat up on the bed. I glanced over my shoulder at the ruined headboard and—holy fucking shit. He had fucking obliterated that poor headboard, tearing a chunk of wood right from the bars. A few splinters were gathered at the top of the pillow, and even more were starting to spill onto the floorboards.
“W-what did you do?” I glanced at his palms, searching for any open wounds in the skin. Luckily I found none—just a few bruises from the wood.
“You should talk, brat. My back hurts like a fucking bitch.”
He turned his body halfway, and my mouth fell open at the sight of bright red marks embedded in his skin. Thin trails of blood were starting to well, stretching from his shoulders all the way down to his back. Immediately I grabbed a corner of the sheets and began dabbing at the scratches as gently as I could.
“I’ll wash them off when we get in the shower. Fuck, Levi, I’m so sorry—I didn’t realize—”
“It’s fine,” he mumbled, a smug smile on his face. “It’s just that strange power you told me about back then, right?”
Suddenly I remembered: the warm spring night before the first expedition I’d ever attended with my brand new squad. Levi and I had spent the night training with our ODM gear, as he instructed me on how to effectively use my speed and newfound strength to my advantage to bring down a slew of wooden Titans in the forest.
I’d mentioned my weird adrenaline rush to him after some prompting, when he pointed out the similarities between our fighting styles in the fields. The raw and choppy movements, the wild look in our eyes, the sudden understanding of everything around us, and knowing exactly what had to be done and how to do it. The two of us had experienced similar rushes, despite coming from completely different parts of the Walls.
That had been the last time we’d mentioned it out loud. I can’t believe he still remembers that…
“Then that means yours must’ve kicked in, too.” I nodded over to the ruined headboard with a laugh. “So I guess I’m not the only one with a strange power, huh?”
“…No, I guess not.”
Whatever it was, it was beyond our comprehension. At least, for now. But we could worry about that all in the morning; right now, the two of us were in dire need of a shower, a fresh set of sheets, and some well-earned sleep.
With shaky legs, I followed Levi to the bathroom and settled into the tub with him. I slid myself behind him and began to wash out the cuts on his back. I couldn’t help but wince at the angry red marks on his skin, a clear sign of the rough, almost primal sex the two of us had just experienced.
“Quit staring at them, sweetheart.” He gave me a tiny smile from over his shoulder as I rinsed them out with water. “If I didn’t like it, I wouldn’t have let you do it in the first place.”
Yeah, maybe you’re right…
Once the wounds had been cleaned out, the two of us began to wash each other. His fingers were light and soft against my hair, down my breasts and finally between my thighs. In return I smoothed some soap over the marks on his neck, against the planes of his chest, before leaning in to kiss him on the lips.
It wasn’t until we were out of the tub, all rinsed off and drying ourselves with a pair of towels, that I finally found the courage to speak again:
“…Did you mean it, out there? About…having a baby with me?”
Perhaps it was just something spewed out in the moment. Perhaps it was what men promised their lovers in the spur of sex, hot and blissful and almost mind-numbing. Perhaps Levi was regretting it now, as he glanced down at the floor rather than my eyes.
The two of us had never discussed the subject of children with each other, especially concerning this little relationship of ours. The topic had always been forbidden, what with our lives as soldiers and the promise of death lingering over our heads. This was no place to raise a child, not with the Titans currently scratching at the stone of Wall Rose. Not with the weight of our soldiers’ lives on our shoulders, both past and present.
For the last few years, I’d told myself that bearing children of my own wasn’t an option. At least, not until the Titans could be eradicated from this world altogether. But they were always hiding in the deepest, darkest corners of my mind, waiting for me to think about them once again. My own children, a son or a daughter, looking like myself or maybe Ben and Leyna, or even my future husband.
I still wanted them so fucking badly—and I wanted them to look like myself and Levi.
He cleared his throat, swiping the towel through his messy wet hair. Finally his eyes were on my own, as he wrapped the towel around his shoulders and began to make his way towards me.
“Someday. If you want a baby, we’ll have a baby. But…not right now.”
His hands came to rest against my cheeks, his lips ghosting over my forehead as he spoke. I quivered beneath his touch, swallowing hard before wrapping my arms around his waist in a tight hug.
“Someday,” I agreed, burying my face in his chest. “It doesn’t have to be now. But someday.”
“Right, brat. Someday.”
That was enough to tie me over for the time being. Besides, the two of us weren’t ready for such a heavy conversation like that. Not with everything else going on in our lives.
I could wait until he was ready. Until we were both ready to talk about it.
As I brushed out my hair, I watched Levi change the sheets on the bed, and I giggled as he grimaced at the broken headboard above. The wood splinters had been scooped up and tossed away, with the huge chunk of wood thrown on top of the pile in the wastebasket. But just to be safe, Levi propped an extra pillow against the headboard, to prevent any stray splinters from falling on us in the middle of the night.
“I’ll mention a replacement to Erwin in the morning.”
“You think he’ll be wondering how you managed to break it in the first place?”
He glared at me, and I only shrugged my shoulders with a smile. “As if I give a fuck. Bed was fucking old, anyway.”
Uh-huh, sure it was. “Maybe we should invest in a metal headboard, just to make sure it doesn’t happen again.”
He huffed in agreement as the two of us climbed beneath the covers. I tucked my head under his chin at once, sighing in relief as I felt his arms coil around my waist.
“Although I have to admit…it was kinda hot seeing you break it like that.”
He scoffed as I snuggled deeper into his chest, drumming my fingers along his shoulders. “Don’t get used to it; it was a one-time thing. I’ll get us a new one as soon as I can. Now go to sleep.”
“…Next time, we should try breaking the whole bed.”
“Tch, be careful what you wish for, brat.”
He leaned down and pressed a kiss to my lips, soft and sweet and warm. And finally, with my limbs heavy from exhaustion and my face pressed against Levi’s chest, I closed my eyes and allowed myself to relax against his body.
But before I dozed off, I could hear his voice against the shell of my ear: “Sleep well, birthday girl.”
Thank you, Levi. But I was out like a light before I could even respond.
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thetuesdaytapes · 3 years ago
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“A VERY UNUSUAL X-MAS SONGS MIXTAPE” 1) PRINCE > Another Lonely Christmas 2) ERLEND ØYE > Last Christmas 3) LCD SOUNDSYSTEM > Christmas Will Break Your Heart 4) NEW ORDER > Merry Christmas from The Haçienda 5) HUSBANDS > Tomorrow Never Snows 6) BASEMENT 5 > The Last White Christmas 7) ESSENTIAL LOGIC > Do You Believe in Christmas? 8) X RAY POP > Fuzzy Christmas 9) THE PRETENDERS > 2.000 Miles 10) JAKE BELLISSIMO > If I Die on Christmas 11) MIRANDA DALI > Happy X-Mas (War Is Over) 12) THE DICKIES > Silent Night 13) TIMBUK 3 > All I Want for Christmas 14) PLAN 9 > Merry Christmas 15) SAINT ETIENNE > Come On Christmas 16) SWINGING BUILDINGS > Praying for a Cheaper Christmas 17) TUXEDOMOON > O Tannenbaum (Weihnachtsrap) 18) ALAN VEGA > No More Christmas Blues 19) WAVVES > Christmas Time Is Here 20) TBC POUNDSYSTEM > Losing My Sledge 21) SANDY MARTON > Merry Merry Christmas 22) MIKADO > Message de Noël 23) COCTEAU TWINS > Winter Wonderland 24) PAISLEY REICH > Sonic Santa 25) SECTION 25 > Jesus Sweetly Sleeps 26) THICK PIGEON > Jingle Bell Rock 27) BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN > Santa Claus Is Comin’ to Town 28) THE THREE WISE MEN (aka XTC) > Thanks for Christmas 29) WINSTON TONG > The Twelve Days of Christmas 30) CRASS > Merry Crassmas 31) CLAUDINE LONGET > I Don't Intend to Spend Christmas Without You 32) SAINT ETIENNE > I Don't Intend to Spend Christmas Without You 33) STIFF LITTLE FINGERS > White Christmas 34) THEY MIGHT BE GIANTS > Santa’s Beard 35) PANSY DIVISION > Homo Christmas 36) MANIA D > Stille Nacht Goes Disco 37) THE RESIDENTS > Santa Dog 78 38) AZTEC CAMERA > Hot Club of Christ 39) THE KINKS > Father Christmas 40) ANTENA > Noëlle a Hawaii 41) S.CAREY (aka BON IVER) > Still, Still, Still 42) THE RAMONES > Merry Christmas (I Don't Want to Fight Tonight) 43) (THE GHOST TRACK OF CHRISTMAS PAST…) (plus friendly appareances from David Bowie, Paul McCartney, Yoko Ono, Winona Ryder and many, many more…) Ascolta su MIXCLOUD Ascolta su SPREAKER Guarda su YOUTUBE
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nemorps · 5 years ago
Title: The Twelve Kinks of SidGeno-mas December 15: Sex Toys Rating: Explicit Ship: Sidney Crosby/Evgeni Malkin/Anna Kasterova Tags: Mpreg, Threesome, Polyamory, Magical Realism, (they’re still hockey players), Multiple Orgasms, Forced Orgasm, Belly Kink, Sex Toys, Panties, Temperature Play Summary: Geno buys a few nice things to share with his lovers. Anna helps. Sid approves. Sid approves a LOT. Inspired by @zhenyabest‘s kinky advent calendar Notes: So, this became less about toys, more about lingerie and belly kink, but there ARE toys involved. XD Hope you enjoy, and please let me know what you think ;3 Though this is a chapter series, and these stories are all linked narratively, There's…. Not really a lot of plot going on here XD If a given day’s kink doesn’t work for you, you should be able to skip it without losing anything XD However, mPreg and polyamory will be making consistent appearances in every chapter, so if those aren’t your bag, this isn’t your bag ^.^ mkinykato 
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avaliveradio · 3 years ago
'Christmas on Our Street’ by Alan Garmonsway describes how people the holiday so differently
Have you ever noticed how people celebrate Christmas so differently – some active, some passive, some noisy, some quiet, all with their different habits and customs - even though people may only live a few doors from each other on the same street? 
‘Christmas on Our Street’ by Alan Garmonsway has a bit of fun with this! We’re fast approaching the Festive Season, so I thought I’d write a song for all those Christmas playlists! Christmas songs always remind me of my teens, being brought up in the UK on annual offerings from the likes of Slade, Greg Lake and later Chris Rea and George Michael.
Artist: Alan Garmonsway
New Release: Christmas on Our Street
Genre: Pop, Rock
Sounds like: : The Kinks, The Small Faces, Blur
Located in: : Newbury, UK
I found a chord riff that very much reminded me of the 60’s Kinks and Small Faces vibe. Being able to use any house number in the lyrics gave me tons of rhyming options, so it was about picking the right ones to accentuate all the differences in what people get up to. It’s the first time I’ve used the words ‘sociological’ and ‘psychological’ in a song, let alone the same one, but that’s part of the craziness of Christmas! That approach gave the song a bit of attitude and fun, but, on the other hand, I also found time in the final verse to consider the more serious side of Christmas – humility, kindness, sharing, and generosity of spirit, reflecting on those essential aspects as well.
I’ve spent most of this year developing my writing and recording techniques, whether performing, mixing, or producing. ‘Christmas on Our Street’ is no exception, and I based the sound a classic pop group line-up – electric and acoustic guitars, bass, drums, and organ. It was written originally on electric guitar so I think that style of playing came through as it was being multi-tracked. As the song developed, it started to take on a bit of a feel like Blur’s ‘Park Life’, which I welcomed, and I just let the recording take me to wherever felt good.
I asked a longstanding friend who is now an artist, Ali Davis, to create a Christmas card feel for the release visual, and she picked up on many of the lyrics of the song in her artwork – take a look and see if you can pick out some of the characters! Thanks, Ali, and similarly Henry Smithson, who has mastered everything I’ve produced in the studio since I ever started recording! I’ve collaborated with Ali on my songs – we’ve known each other since school days - and I find it really nice to involve people I’ve known for years. For me, the song is part of the whole package that’s released, and finding the right visual vibe for the track is just as important.
I’ve just released an album called ‘Onward Journeys’ which is available on Amazon and was a pleasure to make. That took up a fair amount of 2021 (as again I pretty much played everything myself, recorded and produced it) and had twelve very varied original tracks, with a guest performance from Diana Stone playing violin on a couple of them. I’ll be playing these at a live performance in mid-December, so I’ve been rearranging them for just guitar or keyboard plus vocal for my solo gigs. ‘Christmas on Our Street’ is available on a range of the usual streaming and download platforms, and it will be good to see how it is received. There are many early-stage songs in the pipeline for next year, and I’m also trying out a couple of new songwriting collaborations.
About the Artist...
Music runs in my family – church organists, pianists, violinists, cellists, and saxophonists - so I was playing piano and doing music theory from an early age. I’ve played and recorded in rock and acoustic bands, mainly keyboards and 12 string guitar, bass, and some percussion, supported some top bands, and played blues on keyboards at some well-established blues clubs in Chicago, Vancouver, and others places.
When the bands (and my career) ran their course, I did some solo performing and also focused more on writing and recording, which is my main preoccupation nowadays. I like exciting song arrangements and am continually inspired to make music because you can make a statement or observation through the music and get it out there for the whole World to hear.
https://open.spotify.com/album/6uKzJiLn4eJObeRJMgc6KU https://twitter.com/alan_garmonsway https://www.facebook.com/alan.garmonsway https://www.instagram.com/alan_garmonsway
Featured on Playlists:
🔥Best of the Holiday Christmas Playlists
🔥Release Radar New Music Playlist https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2JOBcgSYgGmV2g27N1CUXx?si=PQFpAPUbQ0m4ByZEbtBtLg
🔥JAX DAILY Morning Coffee Playlist:
11.26: Facebook Christmas playlist promotions:
Twitter Christmas playlist promotions:
https://twitter.com/avaliveradio/status/1464224290765742086?s=20 Featured Post @avaliveradio 
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ao3feed-destiel-02 · 2 months ago
The Twelve Days of Stuff-mas
The Twelve Days of Stuff-mas https://ift.tt/aebTHwU by Anonymous Cas thinks that with a little determination and a whole lot of food, Dean would make a perfect Santa Claus. Words: 863, Chapters: 1/14, Language: English Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Dean Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural) Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester Additional Tags: Stuffing, Belly Kink, Belly Rubs, belly stuffing, Weight Gain, Belly Bulge, Feedism, Kinky, Praise Kink, Dean Winchester Has a Praise Kink, Marking, Blow Jobs, Face-Fucking, Anal Sex, Hiccups, Farting, Burping, fat kink, Grinding, Degradation, Dom/sub, Dom Castiel/Sub Dean Winchester, Light BDSM, Lingerie, Body Worship, Oral Sex, Hand Jobs, Overeating, Food Kink, Smut, Porn With Plot, Top Castiel/Bottom Dean Winchester, Bloating, stuffed belly, gassy - Freeform, Teasing, Gluttony, Feeder/Feedee, Fat Dean Winchester, Feedee Dean Winchester, Feeder Castiel (Supernatural), Santa Roleplay, Christmas Cookies, Christmas Smut via AO3 works tagged 'Castiel/Dean Winchester' https://ift.tt/1YEDCur December 11, 2024 at 08:57PM
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celestialvoid-fanfiction · 4 years ago
Derek is a new deputy and he’s sent to the Sheriff’s house to pick up some files that he had left at home. When he gets there, he finds a man inside the house. He pins him against the door, holding his body against stranger’s to keep him still.
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He calls for help and Parrish arrives and starts laughing at the sight of Stiles handcuffed and sitting on the couch with a small smile and a look on his face that says ‘this has happened before’.
Parrish introduces Stiles--the Sheriff’s son who’s visiting for a few weeks. 
Derek’s face turns bright red. He apologises as he uncuffs Stiles.
Stiles brushing it off and teasingly says, “The next time you pin me against a wall, you’d better be ready to do something more.”
Derek looks him up and down before meeting his gaze with a small smirk and asking, “Is that an invitation?”
@imagine-sterek​ 12 Days of Kink-mas
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imagine-sterek · 4 years ago
12 Days of Kink-mas
@imagine-sterek 2020 Christmas event - you can blame @loveyprophet for this one.
Sorry for the late notice on this one, I was going to skip the Christmas/New Year’s event this year, until LP came up with this idea and roped me into it...
This is an open event—anyone can join in; you can write fanfiction, draw fanart, make edits, or whatever you like about whatever you like; it does not have to be based on the prompts below. These prompts are only here if you need a little inspiration or some ideas to get you started. If you don’t like any of the prompts, you can do whatever you feel like doing.
it does not have to be NSFW or smut. It doesn’t have to be Christmas themed or anything like that--we’ll be wrapping this event up on Christmas Eve and then will post a whole lot of Christmas stuff on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.
You can use multiple prompts and submit multiple fanfics, fanart, edits, etc.
    Submissions on Tumblr and AO3 will be open December 12th 2020 – December 24th 2020, and left open for everyone to read and for anyone to submit at any time. There will be an AO3 Collection set up and I will post the link closer to the date.
You can post on other sites, but please send me links when submissions open so that I can share them as part of the event.
If you submit on Tumblr, please tag @imagine-sterek and/or message me with a link so that I can find your fantastic works and share them.
    12th December - Dom/Sub
   13th December - Bondage 
Ropes, chains, whips, gags, handcuffs and all the good stuff.
    14th December - Clothes 
Crossdressing, androgyny, boys in skirts and dresses, clothed sex, stockings and knee-high socks, lacy underwear, etc.
   15th December - Spectrophilia 
Spectrophilia (noun) is sexual attraction to ghosts or sexual arousal from images in mirrors, as well as the alleged phenomenon of sexual encounters between ghosts and humans.
    16th December - Voyerism/Public Sex
    17th December - Sensory Play 
Blindfolds, wax play, scratching, biting, etc. Toying with taste, touch, sight, sound and smell. 
(If you’re going to do scenting, please avoid urine as a means of such)
    18th December - Roleplay or Cosplay
   19th December - Lithophilia 
Lithophilia (noun) the love of rocks
   20th December - Praise Kink
   21st December - Pet Play and Collars
   22nd December - Toys
   23rd December - Free For All 
Open prompt for you to do whatever you like.
   On the 24th, I’ll be wrapping up all the events so that we can post a whole bunch of Christmas stuff on Christmas eve and Christmas day. 
Please note that you can do whatever you will like for the event, but I will not be reblogging things that make me uncomfortable or which are inappropriate (i.e. non-consensual, abuse, piss play/urine play)
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wordsofasinner · 8 years ago
One Rainy Night
Rain poured down outside the rustic inn, soaking the men who’d just arrived. Six horses pranced and pulled against the reins as the innkeeper took them to the stables. Their hooded and cloaked riders strode into the taproom towards the fire, and shouted for food, ale and beds for the night. The storm was too wild to continue further and the horses were exhausted.
The travellers looked around the empty inn at several long tables with benches on either side of them. They sat down at the table closest to the roaring fire, shaking the rain off their cloaks as they sat. Timothy and Gladys, the innkeeper's adult children, managed the bar and served the drinks and food to passing travellers.
The innkeeper’s wife climbed the stairs to prepare the two guest rooms for the six guests. While the innkeeper was stabling the horses, his guests, now sitting by the fire, filled their bellies with ale and pie.
The travellers were raucous and rowdy as they drank, ate and shared jokes and stories. They were unshaven and wrapped in fur coats with gambesons underneath. Their boots had spurs attached – too expensive for ordinary folk, since they were a modern invention – but these looked custom made. The travellers were well armed with swords, axes and in one case a bow and arrows. It was necessary for folk carry weapons in the tumultuous times of the civil war.
Gladys approached the rowdy group, ale jug in hand, her nostrils quivering as she drew near to the ripe odour of their steaming cloaks. She trembled as she approached the circle of large, travel-worn soldiers to refill their cups. Gladys was a short and skinny girl with dirty-blonde hair and rosy cheeks. She was average looking, neither beautiful nor ugly, though her dark purple eyes were striking. She looked down, not daring to meet their eyes as she served the ale. The six men by the fire ignored her, holding their cups out, but not acknowledging her otherwise.
“Wait....so you were there for the siege of Grasswitch?” Rowyn asked, one eyebrow quirked, “I can’t imagine it!”.
“Aye, I was there!” Cikra snarled, as Gladys refilled his cup. He was a large man with spiky bristles, and short scruffy hair covering most of his head apart from the balding crown. His eyes were baby blue, a surprising contrast to his rough appearance.
“Was it as gruesome as folk say?” Wyr queried, as he waved his cup around, jabbing it towards Gladys. She poured ale into his cup, her hand shaking so she spilled a few drops, and then moved to the next man.
“None for me,” Owen barked, standing up, “I need a piss.”
“Outhouse is by the stables,” Gladys murmured, rosy cheeks afire.
“I swear I've never seen so much blood. In all the raids and battles I’ve fought, nothing compares to what I saw that day. It was the first time they used the new full-plate armour in a full-scale battle. The fight was more brutal, without technique or finesse. It was a free-for-all of bodies wrestling the enemy down to plunge a dagger into a weak spot. At the end of the battle the pyre of the dead rose to the rooftops and burned for days. There was a heap of used armour for plunder afterwards.”
“Where were you?” Rowyn asked.
“Oh, I was in one of the watch towers. I saw the whole thing. Only time I’ve ever been thankful I wasn't in the fray. I could count the vanguard survivors from both sides on two hands, a couple of fingers to spare.”
“You’re exaggerating!” Trevor barked. He moved closer to the fire to let the warmth seep into his bones. Cikra stared at him, a deep furrow between his brows, “Have you not been listening? I swear, the only battle in history with a higher death toll was the battle of Eastdale. That was when those poor sods had to confront the Haethyrr.”
“Know anyone who's fought with one of them and lived?” Jase asked, his mouth full of pie. Crumbs of pie sprayed from his mouth and stuck in his scraggy beard as gravy dribbled down his chin. Cikra eyed the spectacle of masticated pie and grimaced. .Jase was an unsavoury character. His bald head shone as it reflected the fire and his broken nose snuffled as he ate. His fierce grey eyes focused on his meal, scoffing it with no regard for table manners.
“I've come across a few who've lived to speak of it. But the Haethyrr are the least of our problems now. They're no longer the top predator in these lands. If there's any good to come out of the war, it's that they stay away from men now. They’re huddled in their caves deep within the mountains of Haethred, too scared to come out.” Cikra scoffed.
“With good reason, I'd say. Even with their tough leathery skin, sharp fangs and ferocious hunger, they are no match for the organised bands of warriors around these days. They always depended on surprise,” Wyr added.
As Wyr finished speaking, the door crashed open and hit the wall, startling everyone. The men jumped from their seats, weapons in hand, as they turned to face the door. They looked in silence at the dark silhouette that came into view. Out of the darkness came a man, hooded and cloaked, long hair protruding from his hood.  Clad in black full-plate armour, he had a crossbow hanging by his hip, attached to a string over his shoulder. From the front it looked as though he had a massive northern claymore on his back.
“Close the damn door! You're letting the rain in!” the innkeeper’s son shouted over the howling of the wind. The hooded man glared at him for a second, before turning around and closing the door.
“What's with the sword?” Jase whispered, to his cronies.
From behind, they could see the broken blade of his sword, around twelve inches long. Over the sword hung a sallet helmet with a damaged decoration on either side at the earflaps. But all that was left of the broken decoration was a small patch of sliver metal on either side of the black helmet.
The hooded man sat alone by the table closest to the door, leaving his hood on. Gladys approached him, “Can I get you something to eat?” she asked. No reply. “Ale?” she asked. He nodded, so she brought him a cup, and filled it. “Anything else?” she asked. Again, there was no reply. It was as if she didn't exist after she poured him the ale.
“....Okay then...if you need anything...” she murmured, as she turned and walked away.
Gladys returned to stand behind the bar next to her brother, who was wiping the bar table. “He's polite!” quipped her brother, a wry smile on his face.
“Well, I prefer him over the others. I'm sick of listening to gruesome stories and lewd jokes.”
“As long as he doesn't cause trouble, I don't care,” Timothy replied. Timothy was fifteen, one year older than Gladys. His hair was dirty-blonde, like Gladys, but cut short. He topped her height by a little, but was chunkier. His chubby cheeks were as rosy as his sister’s, and his eyes were the same shade of dark purple. Like his sister, he was plain looking, other than the eyes.
“Ma'll need to make up another bed,” Gladys complained, refilling her jug of ale.
“Better tell her sooner than later, while she’s upstairs,” her brother suggested.
“I'll do it now,” she huffed, set her jug down and headed for the stairs.
“Da's taking a long time with the horses,” Timothy commented, frowning, as he pulled another pie out of the oven.
“Bout time! Over here lad!” Cikra called.
Gladys entered the second sleeping room and leaned against the doorframe. She was the spitting image of her ma, albeit less careworn. “Ma, we got another guest,” she said. Her mother sighed. “Only one?” she asked, as she stood up to ease the kinks out of her back.
“Yes, ma,” Gladys replied.
“Good. I've been on my feet all day, and I don't think I can manage much more. Is your father back from the stables yet?”
“He wasn't when I came upstairs,” Gladys replied.
“He must be as weary as I, taking so long,” she sighed, and bent down to continue her task.
“Maybe he's back now,” Gladys soothed.
“Well, you go back down and prepare a meal for him. None for me though, I'm too tired to be hungry.”
“Yes, ma,” Gladys whispered, leaving her mother alone to prepare one more bed.
By the time she came back down, Cikra had finished the pie Timothy had given him.
“Owen sure is taking a long time,” he complained.
“You don't think he had any trouble?” Rowyn asked.
“Nah. How hard could it be?” Cikra scoffed, “I wouldn't worry about it.”
“The hooded fellow over there is making my skin crawl,” Wyr grumbled.
“Relax,” Jase said, “He's just one man....armed with a broken sword. What harm could he do, outnumbered six to one?”
“Ma's making another bed for our new guest” Gladys told Timothy. She glanced at the hooded man. His hood shielded his face, and he hadn’t finished his first drink. “Has he said anything yet?”
“Nope. He's just been sitting there the whole time,” Timothy said, “Creeping me out.”
Gladys looked at him for a moment, her curiosity growing, then shivered and avoided his eyes.
“Ma said to make Da some food for when he gets back,” she told her brother.
“He's taking an awful long time. I'm gonna check on him.” His actions mirrored his words as he put on his cloak and headed for the door. But before he reached the latch, the door swung open. Timothy took two quick steps back. “Da?” he asked.
The man who stepped into the light was not the innkeeper, but Owen, his face void of expression.
“Is it done?” Cikra asked.
Owen lifted his right hand to show them his bloody knife, “Aye,” he drawled, and wiped the blood off with his cloak. The colour drained from Timothy's pink cheeks. “Gladys...go upstairs...” he ground out in a hoarse whisper, as if there was sand in his throat. The shock wore off his frozen muscles and Timothy edged away from the door towards the bar. The five men by the fire all stood up, “Oh no...you stay right where you are,” Cikra drawled.
Gladys began to understand what was happening, her face a pasty white. She froze, unable to speak, staring at the knife in Owen’s hand.
“Wyr, go upstairs and show the wife our gratitude,” Cikra ordered.
Gladys managed a shriek. “Maaaaaaaaaaa!” she screamed. Jase and Rowyn rushed over and grabbed her. Timothy turned to help her, but before he even moved, Owen grabbed his arms and pushed the dagger against his neck.
“Gladys?” her mother called, as she hurried down the stairs to see what was wrong. She saw the men holding her daughter. “Gladys!” she cried, but Wyr caught her and pressed an arrow against her jugular, hard enough to break the skin. Thin trickles of blood oozed down her neck and stained the white collar of her dress.
“I think everyone's aware of what's going on here,” Cikra drawled, “This is a robbery. You have no chance of escape, and no one's coming to help you. My associate, over there, has made sure of that,” he grinned, pointing at Owen.
“What did you do.....What did you do?!” Gladys' mother shrieked, her eyes wide and her skin parchment white.
Cikra smiled, as he looked at her with eyes like chips of ice, then turned his glance to Gladys, “Da's not coming to help you.”  Gladys' mother gave out a scream that ended in a wail. Gladys’ screams blended in a loud crescendo with her mother’s. “You bastard!” Timothy cursed, but Owen pushed the dagger harder against him, cutting into the skin.
“One more word from you, and I'll have him slit your throat!” Cikra spat. Timothy stopped talking and winced, a trickle of blood running down his neck. “Now...here's what's gonna happen. We're gonna look around this nice inn of yours for anything worth taking. If we have to, we'll kill you...” Gladys screamed again, “Shut up!” Cikra roared. His shout echoed then faded into silence, and soundless tears rolled down Gladys' face. “As I was saying, we’re gonna stay here until we're bored with this place. Now, if you don't struggle, you may survive this. But if you give us any trouble, we'll butcher you like we did your father,” he said, staring at Gladys. He gazed at her, his head tilting this way and that. She was nothing special, even plain, why did she keep drawing his attention? He couldn't pinpoint what it was. “Trevor, check under the bar table for any weapons....” he ordered, before getting distracted by Gladys once more.
“What is it?” he asked. “Why are you so fascinating?”
Gladys said nothing, but looked down and shied from his unwanted attention. Cikra tilted his head to the side again. “Bring her closer,” he commanded. Jase and Rowyn gripped her tighter and dragged her forward.
“That's right,” Cikra said, “Let me have a better look at her...”
They were face to face and Gladys trembled, her face white and strained. Then Cikra grinned a bone-chilling smile. “Ahhh” he said, “That's it.”
“What's it, Cikra?” Owen asked.
“It's your eyes,” Cikra crooned, to Gladys. “Purple eyes. I've never seen the like....mesmerising.”
Gladys squirmed, but Jase and Rowyn tightened their grip.
“Hold on...” Wyr exclaimed, turning Gladys' mother's head to face him. “The mother has them too! Purple eyes!”
“Well I'll be...” Cikra said, “It runs in the family.”
Timothy chafed against his captor’s grip, but Owen pressed the blade deeper into his neck until another pinprick of blood beaded at the knifepoint. “What's your name?” Cikra asked the young girl. She said nothing, too petrified to move. “Your name!” he shouted. “G-Gladys...,” she stuttered.
Cikra smiled again, “Gladys....well...we're gonna have some fun, Gladys,”
“Don't you touch her!” Gladys' mother snapped, before wincing, as the arrowhead pressed harder against her throat. “You'll be next,” Cikra smirked.
He turned to Gladys again, “Oh, Gladys...we're gonna have a lot of fun. And after I'm done with you, and all my men have had a turn...I'm gonna take those eyes of yours.”
Gladys’ eyes widened, and she screamed and thrashed around. Cikra growled then punched her in the gut, so she dropped like a stone. Rowyn, and Jase picked up her still form by the arms. “Bend her over the bar table and make sure her family watch,” Cikra ordered, and he began to unbutton his trousers.
“Cikra...what about him?” Trevor asked, motioning towards the hooded man, who was taking another gulp of ale. Cikra paused for a second, “I'd forgotten about him.”
“He hasn't moved at all,” Owen scoffed.
Cikra shrugged, “He doesn't seem to care. If he moves kill him. If not, let him mind his own business.” He shouted to the hooded man, “You can stay for the night if you behave. You might come out of all this alive, out of respect from one traveller to another. Now...” he said to Jason, “Lift her skirt.”
“You're no traveller,” a voice said. The men froze and watched their leader who’d fixed his eyes on the hooded man.
“What did you say?” Cikra demanded.
“You're no traveller,” the hooded man repeated. The six outlaws looked at each other, eyes wide and shrugging shoulders, waiting to see what Cikra would do.
Cikra scoffed, and re-buttoned his trousers. He took a couple steps towards the hooded man. “Then what am I? Enlighten me,” Cikra smirked.
“Couple other words come to mind. But not traveller.”
“Is that right?” Cikra asked, but he received no reply. He looked around at his men before looking back to the hooded man. “Well? We're waiting!” he demanded.
“Robber, Murderer, Rapist, Scum, shit on the heel of my boot....,” the stranger drawled, raising his cup to his lips. But before he could drink, Cikra swiped his cup out of his hand. The cup hit the wall before landing, empty, on the ground. Cikra’s face reddened and his eyes bulged, “One more word from your mouth, and I’ll kill them!” he warned.
“You think I care what happens to those people? It's you who's got my attention,” the man replied. Cikra looked at his men, frowned and scratched his head. They shrugged back, watching their leader.
“You spilled my drink. I was just giving you my opinion before, but now you've spilled my drink. Before, you were a piece of shit in my vicinity, but now I have to kill you.”
Cikra's eyes widened, before he burst out in laughter. Following his lead, his men also roared with laughter. “You! Kill me?” Cikra jeered, “How on earth, do you plan on doing that? With that useless thing!” he bellowed, pointing to the broken blade on his back.
The man remained silent. “Nothing more to say?” Cikra asked, “Good, coz I'm bored with you now. Trevor, kill this asshole,” he barked, and turned his back on the man. “Now where were we?” He unbuttoned his trousers again.
Trevor pulled out his dagger and strode towards the hooded man. He grabbed the seated man’s hood, his dagger raised. Before he could reach the stranger’s throat, there was a crash, as his dagger hand hit the table, forced down by the hooded man. Before he could respond, Trevor's face crashed into his own dagger, killing him. Cikra turned as Owen released Timothy and lunged at the hooded man. Before Cikra had finished turning, the man had pulled out his broken sword with his left hand, and sliced in an upward motion cutting Owen's hand off. Then, in a downward motion, the broken blade sliced Owen's neck, cutting through the jugular.
Cikra looked on, frozen into inaction by the suddenness of the attack. The hooded man turned to face the rest of his opponents and raised his crossbow in his right hand. No one had noticed there was a bolt ready. He fired it and the bolt hit Wyr in the right eye. The innkeeper's wife pulled free of his hand as his lifeless corpse tumbled down the stairs.
All this had happened in a matter of seconds. Cikra drew his sword while Gladys wrestled with Jason and Rowyn. Rowyn let go of her and pulled his axe out of his belt as he followed Cikra's lead. Jase held onto the struggling Gladys, who jerked her knee up to kick him in the gonads. He gasped and released his hold, doubling over and retching. Gladys shot back, away from him. Before he recovered from the agony, Jase jerked and yelped at another sharp pain, deep in his back. Timothy had grabbed Owen's dagger and plunged it into the groaning form on the floor. Gladys looked down at the dying man, purple eyes wide, watching his lifeblood pool on the floor beside him.
“Die!!” Cikra screamed, lunging towards the hooded man. Rowyn got to him first, axe raised in the air. The hooded man's broken sword clashed with the axe, as Cikra lunged. The hooded man dodged the lunge and kicked him in the gut. Then, with his right hand, he smashed the crossbow into Rowyn's head and stabbed him in the chest with the broken blade in his left hand. The blade slid right through the gambeson and into his heart. Rowyn fell to the ground, just as Cikra slashed his blade into the hooded man's torso. But he had forgotten. The hooded man was wearing plate armour, and the sword did no damage. Slade dropped his crossbow, so it hung beside his hip. Then with his free right hand, he grabbed the blade of Cikra's sword, and struck him in the face with the cross-guard of the broken blade. Cikra let go of his sword as he hit the ground. Before he knew what has happening, the hooded man was on top of him. He punched Cikra in the face, knocking out some of his teeth. Then again, and again.
Then the hooded man stopped and looked over at Gladys, who was huddled against the wall in the embrace of both her brother and mother. The hooded man then grabbed Cikra by the ear and hoisted him up to his knees. “You.....,” Cikra spluttered, “You son of a...”
“Gladys, right?” the hooded man asked.
Gladys nodded, afraid to say anything. “Come here,” he coaxed, as if to a timid deer. Gladys hesitated at first, but then drew away from Timothy and her mother's embrace, and edged towards him. The hooded man untied a string under his chin and pulled the hood back, revealing his face.
Gladys bit her lip as she laid eyes upon his features. Long black hair concealed a clean-shaven, but battle hardened, face. He had sharp features and one brown eye; the other was yellow with a scar running through it, marring his face.
“This life isn't mine to take,” he said, at last. Gladys looked at Cikra's beaten face, then back at the man's.
The man sheathed his broken blade and then pulled a concealed dagger from his boot. He held it out to Gladys. She looked at it for a second, before turning her gaze on her attacker. Cikra's gaze was on her. He smiled a toothless grin. “You won't...,” he said, “You won't be able to-,”
Before he finished talking, Gladys grabbed the dagger from the man's hand and slit Cikra's throat. He looked at her with vacant eyes, as he spluttered, choking on the blood. The man let go of him, and he fell to the ground. Gladys' heart raced, and the dagger dropped from her nerveless fingers. Both Timothy and her mother rushed over to her and hugged her to them.
They all looked at the man, who had walked past them, and taken a seat by the fire. He pulled out a pipe, along with some herb, then lit it using a burning stick, and inhaled a deep puff of smoke.
“Who.....who are you?” Gladys' mother asked.
He didn't respond with a name. Instead he took his pipe out of his mouth, looked back at them, and drawled, “I'm assuming I can stay here free of charge. Right?”
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headoverhiddles · 8 years ago
Moonlit [Lafayette x Reader]
Pairing: Lafayette/Reader
Genre: Smut 
Words: 4.8 k
Synopsis: You’ve been working at summer camp, Camp Rochambeau, as a counsellor for a while with your closest friends and boyfriend. One night, you and Laf can’t keep your hands off each other... so you’ll have to find a way to sneak something in in the dark of his bunk.  
Warnings: Daddy kink, oral sex, fingering, dirty talk... I think that’s it, lol. Enjoy the sin! 
It's a day like any other at Camp Rochambeau, wilderness overnight summer fun camp. Alexander, John, and Hercules had just come back from the junior camping trip, Thomas and James were supposed to be teaching intermediate swimming, but you were pretty sure James was too sick to even come out of Cabin 6 (and Thomas was too worried to leave his side), Aaron and Charles were on first aid duty, Eliza and Maria were overseeing junior arts and crafts, Angelica and Pegs were doing intermediate archery, which left you and Laf... to the sailing.
"Good day for sailing, at least," you mumble, the breeze blowing your hair, "The lake'll get some good wind power."
"Mmm... I'm sorry, did you say something, ma chou?" Laf whispered, leaning in, "I was distracted by the little juncture of your jaw and your neck, where I always make you squeal." You let out a laugh.
"Lafayette Motier, you frisky fuck!"
He grins, and picks you up while showering a billion kisses over your face. You soon get to thinking about last night, when you two had sneaked out of your cabin once you were sure everyone was asleep to stargaze on the docks. The water bugs were out, as were the fireflies, and it was all so romantic... you half expected Hercules, John and Alex to pop out from the reeds to sing 'Kiss The Girl'. Laf, of course, needed no prompting in that department- he certainly delivered with his lips, as per usual. But, as Washington had a zero tolerance policy on horny teenage antics at his camp ("I've seen Friday the 13th and Sleepaway Camp, I know what y'all are up to behind my back!")  you hadn't gone anywhere with it last night. After an hour or so of simply cuddling beneath the stars, you had somehow gravitated to his lap with your back to his chest, his sweet voice whispering the most beautiful things you had ever heard in french in your ear... and, Laf being Laf, had two fingers up your skirt. You had come so close to the touch, almost tugging your panties down, when you two heard a splash across the lake. Fearing a total slasher flick moment, you had kept yourself huddled behind Laf, who had since put on the macho act and vowed to protect you. The two of you made your way through the forest (which was actually quite creepy at night), and over to the site of the splash... only to find three twelve year olds, peer-pressuring each other into skinny dipping.
"Off to bed with you!" Laf had barked, scaring the children senseless. You tried to appear angry, but just ended up laughing your head off. The disturbance of what has since been christened the Great Pre-Pubescent Foley Of Cabin 8 (John and Alex's cabin; figures) prevented you from finishing anything with Laf that night. Needless to say, you're looking to fix that.
"A little lost, cherie?" Laf smirks, and you direct your attention back to him as he sets you down. You had finally made it to the docks through the forest path, the warm mid-day sun shining over both of you pleasantly. There were three shores on the small lake, that were each used for different purposes; this one, had a beaten up sign that read "Delaware Beach."
"Hm? No, I was just thinking, babe," you reply swiftly with a smile and a quick peck to his lips. You remove your shirt to reveal the camp uniform over your red bikini, the beach shorts purposely loose so Laf could catch a glimpse of the string of your tiny bottoms pulled tight over your hipbones. His eyes roam your body, and stall at your breasts that are quite visible under the white shirt... that's when you know you'll have to formulate a real good excuse as to why you can't walk tomorrow.
"(y/n), (y/n)! Are we going to learn how to steer boats?" Theo, a cute junior kid who'd been coming here forever, asks you. You nod.
"You betcha, hun."
"Like Moana?!" Philip asks excitedly, bouncing around and almost falling off the dock. Lafayette steadies him.
"More like Hai-hai in your case, mon ami," he deadpans, and you quickly string up the sails.
"All aboard, lifejackets on and secured!"
The children get on the sailboat, and you make sure to bend over in full view of Lafayette's line of sight- he'd get the same view tonight, of course. You hear his breath hitch, but when you turn away, he reluctantly starts the lesson.
As you're sailing past the east shore of the lake, Vernon Point, you find Thomas and James making out in the water, their kids laying belly up and tanning on the dock.  
"I see you're taking the swimming lesson seriously," you smirk, and Thomas breaks away from his boyfriend's lips temporarily to snark back at you.
"A little sun'll do 'em all good... pasty little fuckers."
"I'm telling Director Washington you called us a bad word!" someone shrieks.
"Do it and die, Susanne," the southern counsellor shoots back to the little girl, which seems to promptly shut her up.
"And I see you're feeling better, James," you remark, and James turns around, lips swollen.
"Significantly," he croaks, and Thomas growls ferally, going back in for another kiss. You laugh and shake your head, floating past on the boat. Laf is still up there, giving the rope lesson... what you wouldn't give to have him tie you up with those same ropes, the harsh tug of the material against your raw, sensitive wrists-
"Would you like to take over, (y/n)?" Laf asks with a wiggle of his eyebrows, and you rip your eyes from his crotch. How did they get there in the first place? Shit.
"Oh! Y-yeah! Okay, so the knot is absolutely key, um... George Eacker, stop trying to knock Philip off the bow, you know he can't swim!"
The rest of the day is agony. Torture. Nothing you had ever asked for. Lafayette's rippling muscles are getting in the way of everything you try to formulate speech-wise, and you can see the outline of his dick beneath his uniform swim trunks... he's so fucking hung that even soft he's prevalent.
The warmth pooling between your legs is even more intense by the time the evening campfire comes around.
"Alright," Hercules says, resting his elbows on his knees as the glow of the fire illuminates his features, "What I'm about to tell you is so scary... so terrifying... so utterly shocking that you'll have to sleep with the lights on tonight! This is the story... of-"
"Jefferson's hair!" Alexander cuts in, wiggling his fingers around and making ghost noises. The campers seem to find this hilarious, but James and Thomas are not amused where they sit with their group.
"The story of the Woodsman," Hercules finishes properly.
"Isn't that the guy from the Wizard of Oz?" Philip whispers to Theo, who shook her head.
"No, that's the Tin Man."
"Are you sure we should really be telling them this story?" Aaron asks, knitting his brows, "It's a little... adult, don't you think?"
"Shut up, Burr," Laf calls, "You are the worst!" John joins in, heckling their friend as Alex laughs into his sugary mug of coffee. Aaron just sighs, throwing up his hands. He was probably the only good counsellor here, who took his job seriously. The children all huddle up and lean closer as Herc begins the story.
"It all started back in '84, when a dude named Jimbo Jones got into a wood-chopping accident..."
As you listen to one of your best friends tell the story in grave, (unnecessarily gory, as only Herc would) detail, you feel Lafayette shift on the log beside you. As Hercules continues to describe the deranged psychopath that stalks the woods of Camp Rochambeau for revenge, you suddenly feel Laf's hand brush the skin of your bare thigh, and wander a little higher. Thankfully, there's a giant blanket over you and a few other counsellors, so nobody can see... Judging by his ministrations, he's getting restless.
"And they say he can jump out of the woods at any time..." Herc looks around ominously, squinting at all the quivering kids, "Yelling his chilling last words-"
"SHOWTIME!" John yells with a maniacal laugh, jumping out from behind a tree swinging a prop axe right into Charles Lee’s head. Charles lets out a bloodcurdling scream, whipping around to glare at his fellow counsellor and mortal enemy. Philip faints into a shaking Theo's arms. Herc has his head in his hands, tears of laughter rolling down his cheeks- even Maria looks a little startled. Alexander high fives his boyfriend, and Laurens sits back down with a dumb grin on his face. Lafayette gives an appreciate chuckle and you both high five Herc. The group settles down.
"Alright- GWash wants y'all in bed in ten minutes!" Hercules calls, then pauses, looking around at everyone. "But we won't tell if you won't." The kids cheer, and you watch Aaron facepalm.
No wonder parents complained about this god damn camp.
"No more marshmallows though, everyone," you say, "That goes for everyone." Thomas stops dead from across the fire, three stuffed in his mouth. You roll your eyes, and Herc speaks up again.
"You know who tells great ghost stories?" he grins. "'Liza does."
Eliza flips her long hair over her shoulder, smiling. "Well... I do know one. But..." she sighs dramatically, peering off, "I don't think you kids can handle it."
"No, no, it's just too scary."
"Nooo, please-!"
"Well..." she laughs, "If you insist. But Peggy'll have to help me, cause she knows this one- the Blue Baby Bonnet."
As two of the Schuyler sisters begin to act out the legend, you feel Laf's hand move even higher, barely grazing the sensitive spot on your inner thigh that gets you tingling. You let out a tiny moan, shifting ever so slightly. At this, he leans in, turning his face away to whisper in your ear, "Hmm, does ma princess need her daddy?"
You suck in a breath, maintaining your smile for appearances and the children around. You clap every time Eliza needs thunder in her story, but you're also invested in what the salacious frenchman beside you has to say.
"I assume you do... why else would ma cherie be so dripping wet?"
"Laf," you breathe quietly, and you feel his long fingers graze dangerously close to your panties, under your shorts. He evades the hem of the shorts, and goes straight for your clit, rubbing small circles through the fabric.
"Ahhh," you moan softly, and Eliza turns to you.
"Well... I mean, that's not exactly the noise her mother made when she came back to find what had happened, but close enough!" She goes on with her story as Lafayette leans in again.
"I wonder how hard I can make you beg for my thick, long cock... how badly do you want it?"
"I want it so badly," you mumble, his beard scratching your cheek as he hums again.
"What do you want, cherie?" His lips ghost over your ear, down to your jaw. You seriously hope no one's watching- it's dark, with lots of shadows cast from the fire, so you're probably good.
"I..." you bite your lip, "I wanna ride your thigh, then ride your dick. I want you to make me cum so hard the whole camp knows it's you who fucked me," you whisper back with a blush, and Lafayette casts his gaze down, chuckling at what might appear to others as a joke you told him.
"In due time," he promises, letting up on his rubbing, and you groan in disappointment. John looks over to you, and sees your face... he knows what it's like to have lots of semi-public sex, courtesy of his kinky shithead of a boyfriend, so he can immediately tell what's going on. He stifles a laugh, and James speaks up now.
"Bedtime, everyone."
Thomas interjects. "Nah, y'all little shhh...oelaces gotta get into bed, so we can too," he corrects himself quickly. James sighs.
"Yes. Remember- wakeup call is seven AM sharp, and Washington makes no exceptions."
"Takes no prisoners, more like," Angelica yawns.
"He sure as hell doesn't," Alexander mutters, "Not even for us big people."
"Oui oui, off to bed," Laf says, clapping his hands, almost a little too eagerly, and you join in with a little send-off.
"Sleep tight- we'll all be in to check on our cabins once we get the fire doused and the pit cleaned up, so brush your teeth and get going." The kids get up sluggishly, moaning and groaning about having to go to bed, so you cross your arms. "Do you really want the real Jimbo Jones to get you?!"
The kids quickly disperse, chatting nervously amongst themselves about the plausibility of the legends they had just been told. Lafayette smirks your way, and you literally cannot even wait until you're off your feet, in his arms, and in his bed. Heading back to the cabin you're supposed to share with Peggy (you switch with Herc whenever she wants to sleep with her boyfriend and you want to sleep with yours), you grab your night stuff, and oversee the bedtime preparations for the kids.
"What's Laffy Taffy doing here?" one of your cabin kids asks you. It's kind of cute how they call him that.
"He's just saying good night to me," you smile, tucking her in.
"Ohhh," she looks over to her friend knowingly, "Does this mean Hercules is coming over to be our monitor again?"
"Uhhh..." you murmur, unsure of how much she knows.
"My mommy says when people like each other a whole lot, they like to hug all night when they go to bed. Is that what you're doing with Laffy Taffy?"
"That is exactly what we are doing, ma petite fleur," Laf comes in behind you with a little boy hanging off his leg, "I love to hug (y/n), more than the world. Do you have anybody you like to hug a whole lot?" You can't contain the smile- your boyfriend is adorable.
"Well, I like to hug my mommy, my mama, my grandpa, my granny, my friend Jessica, my uncle, my dog, my cat, my hamster..." she trailed off, yawning and falling asleep. You look back at Laf.
"Thank god you know how to do that." He flashes you a kiss.
"I have many tiny cousins back in France." He then turns out the light once everyone's in bed. As you're leaving Cabin 10, Herc shows up at the porch, fist bumping you and Laf with a wink.
"Don't be too loud, though," he warns, "Wash's got eyes and ears everywhere."
"Merci. We will keep that in mind, mon ami."
Herc nods. "Got you, fam."
Glancing around conspiratorially and fixing his coat, Herc slips into your cabin to find Peggy in the dark. You giggle, and Laf leads you down the beaten path, illuminated by a plastic battery-run torch kept outside every cabin in case of emergency. Your favourite part of summertime at Rochambeau, while you love being around the kids and the fun outdoor activities, is the shenanigans you get up to after hours. There's nothing more thrilling than sneaking through the brush in the middle of the wilderness to go get down.
When you finally make it to Cabin 4, you sneak in quietly with Laf, making sure not to step on a board or anything that would wake the kids. Thankfully, the bunk for the counsellors in every cabin is placed in the main entrance, so the three rooms that house the rest of the inhabitants aren't immediately near.
Laf takes your hand, easing you on top of him on the bottom bunk.
"Shouldn't we do this on the top?" you breathe, his hands already hurriedly undoing your bra, "In case someone walks in on us?"
"Ma cherie, if we fucked up there, we would break it," he whispers back with a low chuckle, and you laugh, beginning to massage him through his shorts. He responds with wandering hands, feeling down your shoulders and to your hips. Your bra slips out from under your shirt, but before you take your top off, you think of something.
"I'll keep it on, just in case," you murmur, and though Laf looks a little disappointed, he nods. You smirk. "Don't fret, baby... you can still touch me all you want." Lafayette eyes you hungrily, as if he wants to devour you, and you lean down into him, letting his lips latch onto your neck. He groans, admiring the deep purple mark he left on your collarbone.
"How are you going to cover that up tomorrow, mmm?"
"Lots of concealer and an out of season scarf," you grin, and push him down, taking his bottom lip between your teeth. After making out for a few minutes, you start feeling so hot you can barely breathe. Lafayette is dry humping you from beneath, his cock, which has filled out nicely by now, slotted between your legs and providing some stunning friction to bounce back against. But you don't just want to grind against him- you need him inside you.
"You've been such a good girl for me, hm?" Lafayette mumbles affectionately, playing with your hair, "Such a good kitten for daddy."
"Yeah, I've been good," you repeat, letting out a little whine. You want to taste his dick so bad that you begin to mouth kisses down his chest, to his stomach, down to where his penis is restricted tightly against his abdomen in boxers.
"Ahhh, tres jolie," he whispers, watching you slide down, and his eyebrows shoot up when he sees you going down on him.
"I want to taste you for hours," you grin back up, "I wanna watch your face when I take you in my mouth and put these lips to good use." Laf groans.
"(y/n), what you do to me..."
"Try not to moan too loud," you smile, and throw the covers over your head as you settle between your boyfriend's legs. You then take him out of his boxers, feeling the heavy weight of his erection in your hand before giving a tiny lick to his tip. His head falls back into the pillow, a sharp puff of air escaping his lips, and he lets his thigh slide between your legs, so you can ride it. Slowly dragging yourself against him and humming, you continue to take him in your mouth, this time all the way down to the base where a few dark curls tickle your nose. Laf's own nose scrunches up as he pants your name softly.
"So thick," you comment, "You've got such a nice cock, Laf... mmmm...." Closing your mouth back around him, you hollow out your cheeks, taking time to trace your tongue along every vein and unique dip on the underside. A few more minutes of this, the quiet slurping noises under the sheets and bounce of your wet panties against his knee arousing you both, Laf grimaces, rubbing a soothing hand down your head.
"Ma chou, I... ahhh am so close... I do not want to leave you unsatisfied."
Suddenly, you both hear a very small voice emerge from one of the rooms, and see a little kid come over.
"Laf? Herc?" they ask meekly. You stall your movements, hoping the kid can't see the lump under the sheets in the dark. Lafayette swallows, closes his eyes, fakes rousing awake, and smiles warmly.
"Andrew," he says, yawning, "Hercules has gone to get some tea from the mess hall. Are you alright?"
You listen in as the kid explains that he misses his family, and that he is homesick. As Laf is formulating an answer and relaying it to the child, you take him all the way in again, feeling him hit the back of your throat.
"Yesss, I completely understand," Laf tries, biting his lip hard, "H-Have you tried thinking of what they are doing now? Perhaps your mere or pere are sleeping... perhaps they are watching a film?"
Andrew smiles, and from where you are, you hope he doesn't want to go home. That would require Laf getting up and taking him all the way to the nurse's office at the other side of the camp, which poor Martha ran 24/7, to call home.
"Are you alright then, petit ami?" Laf asks, and he has to suppress a moan as you lick him obscenely. After a minute, Andrew answers.
"Yeah. I'm gonna go back to bed. Thanks."
You both exhale a sigh of relief, then Laf waves to the kid as he toddles back to bed.
"That was close," you hiss as Laf pulls the blanket up. He gives you a stern look, and you giggle a little, letting him pull you back up to him.
"I was going to come all over your face without warning," Lafayette whispers to you with a growl, "What a surprise that would have been, non?"
You grin wickedly. "Not an unwelcome one." You continue to giggle, surging forward to capture his lips in a kiss. Laf's head falls back to the pillow so that your body is completely resting on his. His hands find the back of your head, threading through your hair and whispering his intentions to you.
"I am going to fuck you until you cannot move," he growls, soft, innocent personality momentarily broken, "I am going to make you come so hard you will scream my name and wake the whole camp."
"Get down to doing," you whisper back, and roll your hips down against him.
"You are wearing too much, ma cherie," he hisses, and flips you over, making you squeal. He kisses your neck again, pulling your panties down. Tossing them completely off, he brings his fingers to rest on your inner thigh, teasing the soft skin there with little tickling circles. Shivers run up to your core, and you groan quietly, wiggling your hips to try and get him to touch you properly. He smiles, and patters his fingers even closer.
"Is... this what you want, ma fleur?" he asks, eyes wide and innocent. You nod feverishly, and he barely grazes your clit with his thumb. "Oh, this? Are you quite certain?" You glare down at him, and he laughs. "Excuse moi... I think I do, in fact, know what you need." With little warning, he slides two fingers into your pussy, curving them up and eliciting a soft, breathy sigh from you.
"Laf..." you gasp, "Lafayette..."
"Could you come on two of my fingers alone, ma cherie? I bet you could if we tried very hard..."
"Laf, please," you encourage, and he chuckles again, adding a third. You let out a string of not-so-hushed moans, light and airy, and though Lafayette is adjusting himself so that his boner gets a little friction, you marvel at his self control. He was always a gentleman in the bedroom, though- almost disregarding his own strong sex drive for your pleasure first. When you're sure you're going to come, he pulls out his fingers, leaving your chest heaving and fists clenching in the blanket. You look down in disappointment, and all you can see in the dark is his frizzy bun by your stomach.
"Shhh... we don't want to wake the Woodsman, do we?" he teases, and you swat him as he finally tosses one leg over you. Spreading your legs for him and wrapping them around, you reach under the mattress and feel around for the stash of condoms... pulling one out, you pass it to Laf, and he rolls it on, the crinkle of the foil plus the crickets outside the only sound you can hear for miles. Laf tries to prop your leg up higher and spread himself out a little, but ends up half-slipping off the bed... you have to stifle a laugh at his disconcerted little frown; you always have problems with this- the beds were cramped, mostly because they weren't made for two. George's horny teenage proof cots strike again.
"There, I have figured it out," Laf whispers triumphantly, "If you put your right leg over my shoulder, and I keep my left leg down at the foot of the bed, we can do this." You do as he says, and he slowly eases himself inside of you, the slide easy with how wet you already are. His girth increases as he buries himself further, stretching your walls, and it feels so fucking good you feel you could come on his cock right there.
"Move, ahh, daddy, please," you murmur, taking in a sharp breath, and he draws out, pushing back in even deeper. Lafayette continues to thrust in and out of you, carefully and masterfully rubbing circles around your clit, and you trace patterns down his naked, muscular back.
"Dig them in," Laf whispers in your ear, "Go ahead and mark your daddy, (y/n), ma chou, for I am yours." You cry out softly, scraping your nails up his back, and Laf groans at the stimulation, quickening his thrusts. After a few seconds of moaning, he begins to really pound into you, babbling in french as you squeeze around him and arch your back into his arms. Adding to the already amazing mix of sensations, his hard chest is pressed tightly against yours, massaging your breasts between the two of you and sending sparks of pleasure down to your core.
Suddenly, his foot slips, and it lands on the floor off the bed, but that only spurs him on faster, using his footing for more power and leverage. Driving into you like you need it more than air, Laf whispers all the things he's feeling to you as your breath comes out in short, gasped out puffs.
"Je veux te donner tout mon sperme... tu es à moi, mon amour, tu es la plus belle créature vivante que j'ai jamais vue, j'ai besoin de t'entendre gémir pour moi..." (I want to give you all of my cum... you are mine, my love, you are the most beautiful living creature I have ever seen, I need to hear you moan for me...)
"Laf," you shudder, and he bites down into your shoulder as you come hard around him. He makes sure you have hit your climax before releasing himself, his warm seed shooting into the condom. His body shivers with oversensitivity and exhaustion, the muscles in his arms keeping him up threatening to give out. You ease him down over you so that his head is buried in your neck, and your breath steadies as he makes little noises that resemble a cat. You turn over in preparation for some rest- you had to sleep, as you had to wake up fifteen minutes earlier than the others to switch back beds. You smile, patting his head, and he kisses your earlobe.
"Je t’aime," he murmurs sleepily, tugging off the condom and tying it off blindly. You breathe in the scent of french lavender in his curls as his big arms wrap back around you.
"Je t’aime plus que le monde," you mumble in reply, kissing him on the lips one last time.
The next morning at 7:30 AM in the Mess, Washington looks utterly fatigued.
"What's wrong, sir?" Alex asks, walking by with a monstrous coffee mug, "You look like somebody just ran you over with a double decker tank."
George blinks at him, sighing. "I appreciate that, Alexander."
"Nah, but you do look a little loopy," John tilts his head, throwing one leg over the bench seat, "You good, sir?"
"I was up very late last night, John- some animal near the lower cabins was making a racket. I tried to go out and search for it in the forest, so I could shoo it away, but..." He rubs his temples. "It just kept going."
Lafayette plops down beside you, peeling the lids off the six tapioca pudding cups he had nabbed from the kitchen. "Mon general," he nods, because that's a name that just kind of stuck for George since you had been coming here.
"Lafayette," he nods, "Did you happen to hear the strange creature lurking around your cabin last night?" You pause, and Laf's eyes widen earnestly, reply not skipping a beat.  
"Oh, monsieur, I'm afraid I did not... but I think I did hear an awful disturbance around Cabin 6. Thomas?" he smirks at his close friend, and Thomas and James blush furiously.
"We didn't-"
"There wasn't-"
"I didn't hear any-"
"Well," George nods, "I'll sure have to keep my attention on that cabin. Don't want any of those raccoons."
"No we don't," Thomas grits out at you two, and you and your boyfriend collapse into giggles as George gives you a knowing look- nothing gets past that man.
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