A Long Forgotten Love
For the first time in what felt like eternity, Mag finally got some sleep. It was a strange feeling to sleep,especially now. But, at the same time, it felt relieving. Of course, she couldn't do it without her ex. Not only because of her autophobia, but because of the fact that she missed the sound of his hearts. Those four beats she could never get out of her head. With her old wedding ring back on her finger, she slept soundly with her head on The Doctor's chest. Holding on to him like a scared child, afraid of losing him again.
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muliersecretorum · 11 years
Sick as a Dog. | | Open
      {How long had it been since she felt this way? Who knows! It was so spontaneous! She didn't even remember how it all started, mater-of-factly. All she remembered was waking up from a never-really-taken rest and feeling such a terrible pounding in her head. She knew it wasn't the drums. It was a migraine. Something she only got in her human form. Weird. She walked to the bathroom and nearly collapsed before she even made it there. Her vision was so altered and her body, so weak. Not to mention the coughing and hacking that the vomit left her doing.}
         How long is this going to go on for? {She thought with a groan.}
        {When Amy managed to drag herself into her bedroom, she dragged her little trashcan and a box of tissues behind her and plopped herself on the bed. Her stomach turned and twisted, her head pounded, her throat scratched with whatever voice she had left.}
         "I'd rather someone take a knife to my chest than go through this. This feels like pregnancy and labour put together." {She mumbled as she prayed for it to be over.}
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cristinatheincredible · 11 years
The Doctor and Ghostface (Horror Movie AU)
Cristina hadn't slept all night, after the murder of the perky blonde girl in her English, she was on edge. Rumor had it that she had received a call from her killer who had a charming and gravely voice. Cristina had gotten a call just like that from someone who asked her about her favorite scary movie. She didn't notice the large blue telephone box in front of her, to which she walked right into it and hit the pavement. "Ouch."
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hellburnsmymind · 11 years
Humanum Daemonium
Karla watched in horror as the Doctor gagged and twisted, as he fell to his knees, she held him up by his underarms as he started to heave, cough and splutter. The timelord collapsed on to her. He groaned, moving a little away from her. 
"Did somebody call for a Doctor?"
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Karla instinctively backed up away from him, fear in her eyes; breathing faster.
"Oh no, no, no, dear, don’t be afraid."
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Karla hesitated before moving forward and poking him. "Why should I trust you and don't say 'Because I'm the Doctor', I want the truth."
He smirked, suppressing a chuckle. "Who said you should trust me? Can I not do a little teasing?”
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"No, I don't like being wound up or teased." Karla huffed.
"Ah, that’s too bad. I quite like it." He smiled, watching her every move.
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"Hello Doctor." Karla teased back, eyeing him.
"What’re you looking at me like that for?" The smile turning into a smirk.
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She decided to play innocent, "Like what?" She asked as she edged closer to him.
"Oh, don’t play dumb with me." He grumbled, annoyed.
"Oi!" Karla softened her tone, smiling. "How's the head?"
"Just fine… Why d’you ask?" The demon started to twitch, nervously.
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"Well you... um... changed, so the head might hurt..." The girl sighed. "I'm boring you aren't I?" She inquired, sitting herself down.
"Oh no, I’m fine. Just peachy. You won’t have to deal with that daft old Doctor of yours now that you've got me." The smirk/smile was back on his face.
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She shook her head. "Y' still daft dear." Karla chimed, smiling. "So, what's like? Having all that knowledge in your head?"
"Oh, it’s a wonderful thing, being so clever. The things I could do with this knowledge! I could even wipe out you humans. But your dear Doctor won’t like that now will he?"
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No he wouldn't. He'd probably kill you over it." The girl shuffled forward. "Is the knowledge the reason why you possessed him?"
"Him? Kill me? Ha! I’d like to see him try. The knowledge is part of the reason. The second reason is I can do whatever I want, and since the Doctor is such a goody-goody and is just so popular, no one will try to stop me.” His smirk just continued to grow.
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"Be careful there. Overconfidence and cockiness are not good qualities." Karla warned as she edged forward slightly, she plastered on a smile. "What will you do? Possess and seduce others, hmm?"
"Oh, don’t get your hopes up! I'm not here to pull off a one night stand, I'm here to wipe out you humans."
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"One night stand? Excuse me!" Karla was disgusted, "and after you've wiped us out what then? You could just possess us." She raised an eyebrow, glaring a little. "What's your name anyway?"
"Or, better yet, you all could join me upon returning to Hell. And oh yes, it is as bad as you think." A devilish smirk crossed his features, black eyes dead as a corpse. "My name is Erikor. Hello!"
Karla bit her lip. "Well then Erikor. How are we supposed to join you in Hell, if you've wiped us out? How do you know what I think, are you bluffing?" She watched his dead eyes, carefully trying not to make eye contact.
"A demon never bluffs, my dear. And it’s simple really, I bring those who I think will make it down to Hell and wipe out the rest. You humans should really learn to use those brains of yours."
Karla scowled, offended. "You weren't very clear Erikor." Her tone was curt. "I'm using my brain more than most humans these days. I never said you were bluffing, just curious if you were." She adjusted self on beanbag so she didn't fall off.
"Is that all you needed to know? I've got more important things to do than make small-talk with some human." Erikor responded bored.
The girl rolled her eyes at the demon. "Now, it's not my fault I was here when 'poof' you possessed the Doctor. He is not going to be happy with you. ...You can't take a psychical form by yourself - that's why you possess people, and that's also why you possessed the Doctor: he is the mind is the one that houses the most knowledge. Am I not wrong? What are demons doing on earth anyway?" Nothing but a hell hound. Should I punch him? She breathed out then stood up.
"So what? ‘M not afraid of ‘im. What can he do to me?" Cocky smile fading, his expression turned hard, black eyes staring at the female. "No, you’re not wrong! And why the hell should I tell you? You’re just a fleshy human - what can you do?!”
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"He can beat you." Karla snapped as she punched him, giving him her strongest right hook.
Erikor gave a laugh, taking the girl’s fist in his, pulling her closer to his face, “That bumbling idiot wouldn't hurt a fly. As for you, you better watch it, Little Miss.” An evil grin curled his lips, “Where is your Doctor now?”
Her blood ran cold, her right fist trapped with his. "In that head somewhere." She felt a bit light headed. "He killed his whole race, so 'won't hurt a fly' is an understatement." She steadied herself, trying to twist her fist out of his grip.
"Yes, but he didn’t mean to do that, killing someone purposefully is against the old man’s boundaries. As for him defeating me you can just forget it. He may still be up in my head but I've got control of the body. I've been lurking in his mind, he seems to love you humans. This should be fun.”
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"Erikor..." Karla was starting to struggle to stand on her feet. "...I never said anything about defeating you. He's been with humans along time, so of course he's getting attached. Why do you hate us?"
“‘S just in my nature, dear. When you’re born and raised in Hell, it’s instinct.” Smirking a bit, he tightened his grip on the girl’s hand, forcing some of his energy into her body. She was the only human in sight so far and he wasn't about to pass up the chance to take her.
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Karla felt something push through her veins, making her feel weaker, which eventually made her fall to her knees. "Erikor..." She mumbled - as her head started to burn, dark white hot heat started to burn her mind, opening its doors to something new her mind spun, spiralling out of control until; her mind fall into darkness. Something was morphing and twisting her very being and known existence - everything was changing. She coughed and spluttered, struggling to breathe, her chest tightening  reduced to wheezing gasps. Everything stopped, swirling with little or no motion, glimpses of light being snuffed out - these motions were dragged and sent in infinite directions; all coming back to the same point within the centre. They continued to dragged with time they eventually stopped again.
Crawling back to reality, Karla had collapsed in his lap. She murmured, looking up at him. "Erikor?" Karla straightened herself to her knees. Slowly she carefully glanced up at Erikor, her now black eyes echoing the darkness that blossomed in her demon mind.
"Wakey, wakey." He greeted in a singsong voice, chuckling darkly. "I like this look much better on you, I have to say." Erikor marvelled at the girl, proud of his work. Sure, it was only one human, but soon enough, more were to come.
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Karla snapped to attention, blinking. Slowly she straightened herself up, her right fist still within his. "Thank you Erikor. You have freed my mind, I am still Karla - the girl who tried to punch you. But now I understand the 'why'. With time the human goals will melt and be replaced with goals that have proper structure. I am forever in your debt." She bowed her head.
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