#humanum daemonium
woossexyponytail · 4 years
Shadow Born, Chapter 4 The sleep demon.
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Breakfast was quiet this morning as I drank my tea, Yunho had his earphones in lightly bobbing his head.
Auntie came down with a newspaper in hand placing it on to the table infront of us "Terrible news my dears, two of your classmates were rushed to the hospital last night. A Kim Jungwoo and A Mark Lee, do you know them?" She pointed at the newspaper.
"Nope doesn't ring a bell." Yunho said taking an earphone out to pay attention to auntie. "I heard something about them being expelled from school." I shrugged.
"Hmm, so what did you want to use my spiders for last night?" Auntie asked looking at Yunho.
"Oh nothing really, just somthing to do with my science class." He told her shrugging looking down at the table.
"You know what's weird those two kids who were sent to the hospital, they were found tied to their beds with this really fine webbing, almost like spiders wrapped them up and started bitting them." Auntie explained to us.
"How horrible." I said taking a bite to eat, "Yeah they obviously did something to the spiders for them to do that." Yunho said smirking over at me.
"Well they don't like big, buzzing, blundering bees." I said laughing lightly Yunho joining in.
"Quite, anyway just be careful how you hex in the future okay." Auntie said leaving the kitchen and heading upstairs. I looked over at Yunho his eyes wide with shock.
"How did she know?" He asked, at that I rolled my eyes at him. "Really, she can see the future, and your not great at lying you know" I told him. After breakfast we both packed up ready to go to school.
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Getting to school Hongjoon was standing outside of the school gates talking to Yeosang. They both looked over at us waving as we walked up to them.
"Hey guy's, did you here about Kim Jungwoo and Mark Lee?" Yeosang asked, as Wooyoung, San and Jongho walked up to us as well. "Yeah how freaky is that!" Wooyoung yelled even though he was standing right next to us.
"I swear this place isn't that weird okay" Hongjoon told me, I shrugged my shoulders "It's okay I actually like spiders" I said walking off in the the building, the guy's following behind.
"Dude, your sister is so weird" Yeosang whispered over to Yunho as he just rolled his eyes "You just now realise?" Yunho told him sighing.
"She's still hot" Wooyoung whispered to Yeosang, then they both nodded agreeing. Yunho watched them in disbelief "You two are gross" he shivered. I scoffed at him punching his shoulder.
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Day's turned in to weeks, week's in to month's and it lead to today's date October 31st the best day of the year, at least in my opinion.
"Good morning my lovelys, Happy Halloween. I brewed you some tea. I put a bit of cinnamon in it this time." Auntie said placing the cups down on the table.
"So what's the plan for tonight? Up to any mischief?" Auntie asked, I looked up at her thinking. Yunho looked between auntie and myself then shrugged.
"Haven't really thought about it to be honest" I told her as I picked up my cup and took a sip.
"Well by the time you get back from school and you still don't have any idea, I might have something you'll enjoy" she told us smiling and clapping her hands together.
Thankfully we were all in good spirits for today, as Yunho and I grabbed are bags and headed off to school.
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I was standing with the guys outside of the gate talking, the only one missing was Wooyoung who was late again.
"MORNING GUYS!" Wooyoung yelled running up to us, Yeosang rolled his eyes as Wooyoung couldn't stop in time and bumping right in to him. Yeosang quickly pushed him away.
"HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!" Wooyoung carried on yelling, we all just gleared at him, while Hongjoon put's his finger to his lip shhing him.
"I found this book in the library-" Wooyoung started looking through his bag, "You went to a library?" San asked eyes wide in disbelief.
"That's the scariest thing I've ever heard" Yeosang said laughing causing the rest of us to laugh, Wooyoung looked up pouting at us.
"Shut up! Anyway I found this and it's all in a different language see" he said bring the book out and showing it. The book was black and very old a strange symbol on it with the word 'convocatis itaque daemoniorum'.
I looked over at Yunho as we both looked in disbelief at the fact Wooyoung found the book.
"It looks like Latin" San said taking the book for a second and having a look through it.
"Well I was thinking since it's Halloween and Friday, we sneak in to the school tonight and see if this book really works!" Wooyoung said as he started to jump around us.
"You want us to come to school at night read a book in a different language and hope to what? Summon a demon?" Yeosang asked scoffing at him. "Yes" Wooyoung said nodding his head.
"I'm in, it sounds fun" Yunho said chuckling, I slapped his arm and shock my head, knowing it was not a good idea.
"Yeah, I'm in too" San nodded a small smile on his face, Yeosang sighed "sure, I've got nothing to do later" he said.
"Fine" Jongho said shrugged not really caring. "Well someone has to keep an eye out for you lot" Hongjoon replied getting a few whines from the guys.
The guys turned to me waiting for my answer. "Nope not happening" I crossed my arms. The guys whined again starting to beg for me to come, so I just walked away.
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At lunch I pulled Yunho to the side to have a talk with him. "You seriously can't be serious about going tonight are you?" I asked him glaring.
"Yn, I'm not going to summon anything, I won't even hold the book. Okay?" He told me, I just sighed at him being so stubborn.
"You better not!, they should never know what we are. Got it!?" I told him, he just nodded then laughed hugging me then running back to the cafeteria.
I have a really bad feeling about tonight, but hopefully nothing happens.
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Yunho's POV:
Morning turned in to night as I made my way back to school leaving Yn at home with auntie. Walking up to the school gates that are now closed I noticed Wooyoung and Yeosang already there.
"Hey Yunho!" Wooyoung waved as I jogged up to them. "So we just waiting for the others?" I asked looking around.
"San and Jongho are already here, their trying to open the door, we just waiting on Hongjoon" Yeosang explained, I nodded looking around seeing Hongjoon running up to us.
"Right we're all here let's go" Wooyoung said as he started climbing up the gates, the rest of us following behind him.
Getting to the front San and Jongho finally opened the door, we walked in to the empty building. Hongjoon put the torch on from his phone, the rest of us did the same as we walked around the halls.
"Wow who knew school could be even creepier at night?" Wooyoung said as he was looking at the picture on the walls.
"Right where should we do this?" San asked looking between us, Wooyoung got out the book from his back pack handing it to Hongjoon.
"Uh maybe the cafeteria?" Hongjoon asked we all nodded making our way around the school and to the cafeteria.
"Who is going to read it?" Jongho asked as Hongjoon placed the book on the table and opened it, flipping through the pages.
"Wooyoung you wanted to do this, so you read it" Yeosang said pushing the book to him. Wooyoung sighed squinting his eyes to try and read it.
"Et.. v...venient Summon..eas Bangungot de somno ego daemonium et humanum est causa chao mundi?" Wooyoung said, I couldn't help but roll my eyes at him.
'And Yn was worried that something bad would happen' I thought trying hard not to laugh.
"Nothing happened" Wooyoung said looking around the large room. "No sh*t" Yeosang sighed grabbing the book and reading himself, but once again nothing happened.
"San you read it" Hongjoon said passing the book to him. San picked the book up following the line with his finger, after doing it a couple of times he finally started reading it out loud.
"Et venient Summoneas Bangungot de somno ego daemonium et humanum est causa chao mundi" San said, we all stood waiting patiently.
Just then I noticed a purple smoke lifting from the floor and rising, my eyes widened at the sight before me, looking at the guys they all hadn't noticed yet.
'How in the Satan did San end up summoning a demon?' I asked myself starting to freak out.
"WHO SUMMONED ME HERE?" the voice said as the smoke disappeared and left a demon standing watching us.
The guys finally noticed freezing at the sight on the scared face of the demon, I breathed slowly walking infront of them to protect them.
"Oh, a shadow born, with humans? Very interesting" the demon chuckled at us, I could hear the guys whispering between themselves asking what was happening.
"DEMON, I BANISH YOU!" I yelled clapping my hands together, but nothing happened the demon was still standing there and started laughing.
"I can't be banished that easily" it said as it started to walk towards us, I quickly turned around and faced the guys. They still stood frozen in place.
"RUN!!" I yelled at them as we all ran out the room and to the front door, San grabbed the handle and tried to open it but with no use.
"It's locked!" He panicked, Hongjoon took out his phone, "No signal, what do we do?" He said freaking out. We turned to Wooyoung as he was pacing back and forth.
"Why are you all looking at me?" He asked stopping infront of us, "your the one who wanted this, what's the plan?" Yeosang asked him.
"WHAT?!, I didn't know a demon would appear, and your the smart one, you think of something" Wooyoung yelled pointing at Hongjoon.
"GUYS?!, Stop yelling we're already being hunted by a demon, we need to find a place to hide then I need to get in contact with Yn" I explained as I started to walk quickly looking for a place to hide.
"How are you going to contact her? There's no signal and what she going to do about a demon?" Jongho asked walking along side me.
"I'm gonna astral project to her, now come in here quickly and quietly" I told them as I pushed them in to a class room and quietly closed the door.
The rest all sat down around the room or looking out the window, I sat down on the floor and focused on Yn.
"What the hell is he doing?" San asked watching me, I snapped my eyes open and gleared at them, "Quiet, let me focus" I told them, they all shut up after that.
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I was sitting in my room watching a horror movie while Stolar sat next to me on the bed. The time was quite late and I wondered where Yunho was, but then focused back on the movie.
Just then Yunho appeared in my room, probably astral projecting, I sat up straight not liking why he was astral projecting.
"YN!, We have a problem, there is a demon chasing us, we need help" he told me. "What kind of demon?" I asked looking through my desk to find something.
"I don't know, a demon-demon. A scary demon!" He started to panic, "Calm down. Focus do you remember the name?" I asked finding the book and looked back at Yunho.
"Bangungot" Yunho said remembering the name of the demon, I looked through the book to find the demon information. "Well, this is simply perfect." I sighed closing the book.
"It's a sleep demon, go back and keep safe I'll be there soon." I told him Yunho nodded thanking me as he disappeared. I ran down the stairs to talk to auntie.
"What the devil is going on?" Auntie asked as I ran up to her, "Not the devil, Auntie, a demon!" I said I explained what Yunho told me.
"Hmm the embodiment of nightmares, Yn, you have to be clever, you have to trap it." Auntie told I nodded "How?" I asked.
"What is a nightmare, but a dream gone bad? A dream gone sour? You have to trap a nightmare the same way you trap a dream." Auntie explained "A Dream catcher" I said to myself.
"Ooh, my familiars can help." She said nodding over to her spiders, I grabbed a jar getting a couple of the spiders and heading out the door Stolar and Salem running behind me.
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Getting to the school I heard talking, the demon was able to find the guys I quickly ran to where they were.
Finding the guy's trapped in a classroom the demon stood in the doorway laughing at them. I let the spiders out as they crawled over and around the doorway.
"Your not that powerful shadow born" the demon said to Yunho, "He might not be, but I am" I said getting the attention of the demon. "Yn!" The guys yelled happy to see me, some of the others looked worried.
"You think those spiders can save you? Not even the Dark Lord can save you." The demon said noticing the spiders around it.
"That's but a plaything in your inexperienced hands." It told me seeing the string in my hands, I smiled at the demon.
"Telas araneae tuum, daemonium fugit in captionem Bangungot." I chanted wrapping the string around my hands like a web. The spiders tied up the demon in their webs catching the demon.
"I banish thee, Bangungot." I yelled just then the demon caught on fire as it disappeared in to the floor. "Sometimes the best magic is the oldest magic" I said looking down at the string.
"Yn!" The guys yelled again running up to me and giving me a group hug. I looked over to Yunho glearing at him.
"I told you not to summon-" I started scolding him but he quickly stopped me, "It wasn't me, it was San!" He freaked.
I turned around and watched San, not expecting him to be able to summon, that means he has some magic in him?
"Well, I think you guys need an explanation then, come on auntie can explain" I said as we all walked out of the school and headed back home.
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euandricinis · 6 years
Bonum Vesperam
Euandri Cinis es nomen meum. Ego natus MDXCIX. Sum daemonium. Sum vampire. Nunc discipulus universitatis sum. Ego cum in amorem Virginiae humanum. Volo custodire eum, et quasi homo fragilis, et in saecula saeculorum diligit illum. Hoc erit mihi commentarius. Malo desolatum. Tua quaestiones respondit ut sit.
Placere me solum relinquatis.
~Euandri Cinis
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hellburnsmymind · 11 years
Humanum Daemonium
Karla watched in horror as the Doctor gagged and twisted, as he fell to his knees, she held him up by his underarms as he started to heave, cough and splutter. The timelord collapsed on to her. He groaned, moving a little away from her. 
"Did somebody call for a Doctor?"
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Karla instinctively backed up away from him, fear in her eyes; breathing faster.
"Oh no, no, no, dear, don’t be afraid."
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Karla hesitated before moving forward and poking him. "Why should I trust you and don't say 'Because I'm the Doctor', I want the truth."
He smirked, suppressing a chuckle. "Who said you should trust me? Can I not do a little teasing?”
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"No, I don't like being wound up or teased." Karla huffed.
"Ah, that’s too bad. I quite like it." He smiled, watching her every move.
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"Hello Doctor." Karla teased back, eyeing him.
"What’re you looking at me like that for?" The smile turning into a smirk.
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She decided to play innocent, "Like what?" She asked as she edged closer to him.
"Oh, don’t play dumb with me." He grumbled, annoyed.
"Oi!" Karla softened her tone, smiling. "How's the head?"
"Just fine… Why d’you ask?" The demon started to twitch, nervously.
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"Well you... um... changed, so the head might hurt..." The girl sighed. "I'm boring you aren't I?" She inquired, sitting herself down.
"Oh no, I’m fine. Just peachy. You won’t have to deal with that daft old Doctor of yours now that you've got me." The smirk/smile was back on his face.
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She shook her head. "Y' still daft dear." Karla chimed, smiling. "So, what's like? Having all that knowledge in your head?"
"Oh, it’s a wonderful thing, being so clever. The things I could do with this knowledge! I could even wipe out you humans. But your dear Doctor won’t like that now will he?"
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No he wouldn't. He'd probably kill you over it." The girl shuffled forward. "Is the knowledge the reason why you possessed him?"
"Him? Kill me? Ha! I’d like to see him try. The knowledge is part of the reason. The second reason is I can do whatever I want, and since the Doctor is such a goody-goody and is just so popular, no one will try to stop me.” His smirk just continued to grow.
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"Be careful there. Overconfidence and cockiness are not good qualities." Karla warned as she edged forward slightly, she plastered on a smile. "What will you do? Possess and seduce others, hmm?"
"Oh, don’t get your hopes up! I'm not here to pull off a one night stand, I'm here to wipe out you humans."
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"One night stand? Excuse me!" Karla was disgusted, "and after you've wiped us out what then? You could just possess us." She raised an eyebrow, glaring a little. "What's your name anyway?"
"Or, better yet, you all could join me upon returning to Hell. And oh yes, it is as bad as you think." A devilish smirk crossed his features, black eyes dead as a corpse. "My name is Erikor. Hello!"
Karla bit her lip. "Well then Erikor. How are we supposed to join you in Hell, if you've wiped us out? How do you know what I think, are you bluffing?" She watched his dead eyes, carefully trying not to make eye contact.
"A demon never bluffs, my dear. And it’s simple really, I bring those who I think will make it down to Hell and wipe out the rest. You humans should really learn to use those brains of yours."
Karla scowled, offended. "You weren't very clear Erikor." Her tone was curt. "I'm using my brain more than most humans these days. I never said you were bluffing, just curious if you were." She adjusted self on beanbag so she didn't fall off.
"Is that all you needed to know? I've got more important things to do than make small-talk with some human." Erikor responded bored.
The girl rolled her eyes at the demon. "Now, it's not my fault I was here when 'poof' you possessed the Doctor. He is not going to be happy with you. ...You can't take a psychical form by yourself - that's why you possess people, and that's also why you possessed the Doctor: he is the mind is the one that houses the most knowledge. Am I not wrong? What are demons doing on earth anyway?" Nothing but a hell hound. Should I punch him? She breathed out then stood up.
"So what? ‘M not afraid of ‘im. What can he do to me?" Cocky smile fading, his expression turned hard, black eyes staring at the female. "No, you’re not wrong! And why the hell should I tell you? You’re just a fleshy human - what can you do?!”
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"He can beat you." Karla snapped as she punched him, giving him her strongest right hook.
Erikor gave a laugh, taking the girl’s fist in his, pulling her closer to his face, “That bumbling idiot wouldn't hurt a fly. As for you, you better watch it, Little Miss.” An evil grin curled his lips, “Where is your Doctor now?”
Her blood ran cold, her right fist trapped with his. "In that head somewhere." She felt a bit light headed. "He killed his whole race, so 'won't hurt a fly' is an understatement." She steadied herself, trying to twist her fist out of his grip.
"Yes, but he didn’t mean to do that, killing someone purposefully is against the old man’s boundaries. As for him defeating me you can just forget it. He may still be up in my head but I've got control of the body. I've been lurking in his mind, he seems to love you humans. This should be fun.”
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"Erikor..." Karla was starting to struggle to stand on her feet. "...I never said anything about defeating you. He's been with humans along time, so of course he's getting attached. Why do you hate us?"
“‘S just in my nature, dear. When you’re born and raised in Hell, it’s instinct.” Smirking a bit, he tightened his grip on the girl’s hand, forcing some of his energy into her body. She was the only human in sight so far and he wasn't about to pass up the chance to take her.
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Karla felt something push through her veins, making her feel weaker, which eventually made her fall to her knees. "Erikor..." She mumbled - as her head started to burn, dark white hot heat started to burn her mind, opening its doors to something new her mind spun, spiralling out of control until; her mind fall into darkness. Something was morphing and twisting her very being and known existence - everything was changing. She coughed and spluttered, struggling to breathe, her chest tightening  reduced to wheezing gasps. Everything stopped, swirling with little or no motion, glimpses of light being snuffed out - these motions were dragged and sent in infinite directions; all coming back to the same point within the centre. They continued to dragged with time they eventually stopped again.
Crawling back to reality, Karla had collapsed in his lap. She murmured, looking up at him. "Erikor?" Karla straightened herself to her knees. Slowly she carefully glanced up at Erikor, her now black eyes echoing the darkness that blossomed in her demon mind.
"Wakey, wakey." He greeted in a singsong voice, chuckling darkly. "I like this look much better on you, I have to say." Erikor marvelled at the girl, proud of his work. Sure, it was only one human, but soon enough, more were to come.
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Karla snapped to attention, blinking. Slowly she straightened herself up, her right fist still within his. "Thank you Erikor. You have freed my mind, I am still Karla - the girl who tried to punch you. But now I understand the 'why'. With time the human goals will melt and be replaced with goals that have proper structure. I am forever in your debt." She bowed her head.
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