#twd neganxreader
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boredw69 · 1 year ago
Only In His Office- Ch.4 Negan X Readert
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Y/n is 19 year old Senior in high school who is particularly quiet but that's only because she always takes the time to write in her notebook filled with.. thoughts about someone imparticular, but its not who you expect it to be…
◇There is a age gap in this book so if you are not ok with that or if it makes you uncomfortable then you do not have to read, it's your choice.◇
Warnings: Age gap, Sexual themes, Cursing, (Bad writing :O, didnt proof read. Oop
Word Count: 1358
The next few days went on as normal, and it was Friday before I knew it. It was already mid day and I was in the gym sitting on the bleachers for the free period.
Try outs were after school today; and for once I had an ounce of positivity about it. Maybe getting out and playing a sport actively with help with my odd addiction to writing. 
The squeak of a shoe echoed across the gym floor. I looked up to see Negan approaching me.. Of course; I was naive to think he would be too busy planning tryouts to notice me in the corner of the bleachers. I folded up my notes and shifted to sit up a bit.
"Well; So obsessed you had to come visit me on your free period?" He smiled.
I choked out a small laugh. 
"Excited for tryouts?" He asked sitting down next to me.
"I suppose.."
He tilted his head trying to get a better look at my face. "She speaks." he let out a chuckle
"Psh.. Yea.." I mumbled.
I looked out over the gym, things had already been laid out for try outs. Small areas taped off on the floor, cones placed in different patterns, and oddly enough the hoops were lowered. Negan followed my eyes to the basketball hoops and cleared his throat.
"Makin' it easy for ya" smirking he looked back to me.
"Your joking right?" I stood from my seat and walked around the gym to the closest hoop. I looked up and laughed. This was too easy; So easy that someone who had never played could dunk it.
Negan stood now walking over to me and stretching his arm up to touch the rim. "Maybe your right" sarcasm was laced through his words. "Think we should give it a test run?" he looked down on me. 
I bit down on my lip thinking for a minute. I was at a small disadvantage.. But practice is practice. "sure".
Negan held back a smile as he nodded. Heading over to the ball rack he palmed a ball passing it between his two hands before chest passing it to me roughly.
I caught it with a huff. "ouch." I spat.
I began to dribble the ball practicing passing the ball on and off both hands.
Negan didn't seem to waste any time fucking around coming around to smack the ball out of my hands before I ran with it across the court. I slowed down at the hoop going in for a lay up.
The ball circled the rim before falling off into the net. I rebounded the ball and dribbled once before realizing he was already on top of me. Nowhere to go I simply held and defended the ball. I turned against him.
"shit." I whispered. 
"Yea." He leaned down against me whispering against my neck.
Still not pressed fully against him i panicked. What if someone saw us this close? This is dangerous; But being this close is nice. His chest was so close to my back, and I could feel one of his legs pressed onto me. 
Lost in my train of thought he grabbed the ball and held it over his head and shot it from across the court; it circled the rim and fell off the side. 
"Worth a shot." He said cockily.
I stood up normally, turning to face him, still weirdly close. He looked down smiling. 
My face got hot, and my body too. I was doing it again. 
"I should get back to studying" 
He huffed; "Studying? You mean writing away in that little notebook of yours?" He questioned.
My breath caught in my throat. "What- No. I have school work to do." I fumbled on my words.
He burst out laughing, "Yea, yea of course."
My expression flattened, unmoving, bored with the joke. I turned back and started to head towards my things.
"What'do ya say we go talk about try outs in my office?" He didn't follow me he just stood with a lean in the middle of the court.
I slowed in my pace trying to make out what he had just said. 
He began after the ball that was slowly wandering the court floor. Picking it up and dribbling it slowly back to the rack. As I picked up my things I turned back to face him. 
"Hell' Bring that book of yours.. Maybe we could brainstorm a new page for ya." He teased.
My heart skipped a beat and I began to feel.. Aroused? again.. I nodded unsure of where this was going.. But where ever it ends up I'm sure it will be worth taking chances.
I nodded simply, and with a smirk from him we walked back to his office.
He sat down in his chair and patted the desk; "Lay 'er out and we can get to brainstorming" He continued on.
I sat down in a chair just in front of his desk now digging in my backpack for the notebook. 
Not entirely sure why I was just simply doing what he asked I placed the book in front of me and he flipped it to a random page.
"Why don't you read it allowed.?" He leaned back in his chair.
My eyes trailed down looking at the book; Then slightly up now seeing the tint in his gray pants. 
No way this was happening. 
"I- Erm. I can't." I cleared my throat.
Negan shifted in his seat looking me over head to toe; "How come?"
"Its.. embarrassing."
He scoffed, "Hell yea it is." Leaning forward in his chair he looked at me eye level; "But from what I read." He paused, "You're into that."
My heart was racing. What do I even say..
My skin pricked uncomfortably from how hot I was getting. I crossed my legs trying to settle the excited feeling. I looked up as he pushed the book closer.
"His hand gripped around my throat stifling my breathing as his hips..-" I gulped, "Rutted into my ass.." stopping I looked up to him. He was watching me with hungry eyes.
He nodded signaling me to continue.
"The water from the shower ran over us both our skin beginning to redden from the water pressure."
Negan stopped me. "So detailed." He stood up making me settle into my seat as I followed his movements. "Where do you come up with these settings?" he asked.
"I'm not sure.. I just use my imagination I guess."
He slid in front of me, my sightlines just above his belt. He leaned down close to my face. I swallowed my saliva nervously as stared me down.
"What are you thinking right now? Hm.?" He whispered.
"I want to kiss you.." I say bluntly.
He stifled a smirk. "Yea.?" voice arrogant in tone.
Leaning closer I closed my eyes.
Our lips brushed against one another his beard poking at my chin and upper lip. I closed the gap moving closer to kiss him. 
 He kissed back leaning down further to grab behind my neck and guided me to stand up. My hands fell to his hips resting on his leather belt.
I could feel as his fingers laced into my hair, he gripped down hard pulling lightly at the roots. As we kissed my legs rubbed against each other yearning for any sort of friction. Slowly getting closer to him simply just wanting to feel more. My chest pressed against his ribs and He broke the kiss with a deep breath. I could feel him looking down to me as he groaned.
My heart fluttered; I suppose I never thought of him as a verbal man.
He grabbed at my shoulders slowly pulling me away from him; "Shit.."
I looked up trying to gauge his expression.
"We should probably slow down" He licked his lips huffing before going back behind his desk.
I grabbed my book awkwardly shoving it back into my backpack and heading towards the door.
I cleared my throat, "I'll see you at try outs".
Tryouts went normal and everyone was sent home with a small pamphlet readying us for first practice dates and uniforms.
Sitting in the passenger seat of my dads truck I finished the paperwork, confirming my shoe, pants and shirt size. I signed the bottom and folded it up.
"How did it go?" My dad asked nonchalantly 
"I think it went good." I held back a giddy smile.
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integra1127grimmreaper · 2 years ago
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The One That Got Away 
The Reader returns back to her hometown after many years, old flames soon start to rekindle. She now finds herself battling with a guilty conscience as she tries to fight temptation.
Part One
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nina-wrote-this · 4 years ago
Mercy - One Shot
Pairing: Negan x Grimes Daughter!Reader
Summary: Negan needs to give you a terrible notice about your family.
Word Count: 965 words
Warnings: Sadness; Depression; Anxiety; Death;
A/N: Hey, everyone! So, this is my *first time* posting my writing, and I'm SUPER exciting about it. I hope you guys enjoy and If you find any typos, please let me know. English is not my mother tongue.
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You were stuck in Sanctuary since Negan decide you would be his new toy and one more way to persuade your father, Rick.
Could not leave with Daryl, when you two had the chance, broke you and this made you didn’t want to do simple things like eat, sleep or even get out of your room. You did not die, but life has been gone for you since you left Alexandria.
Sometimes you felt Negan had a kind of pleasure seeing you that way, maybe because he knew it this would make Rick go nuts or just because he is a fucking crazy asshole. Staying away from your family was like to have a huge hole in your chest; you miss them every moment and do not know what could happen to them, kills you more and more.
“Negan want you in the meeting room.” Simon shout getting in on your room. “Now, Y/N!”
You stand up from the bed a bit dizzy, but curious with what Negan would want this time.
God help me. You thought
“What he wants this time?” You ask following the old man through the big and dirty Sanctuary’s halls.
Of course he didn’t answer, what makes you feel more angry and angst than you normally were. Most of the time, when Negan asked to see you, was to try to make you became his wife, or for do little mental games with you.
Please, let me go… This wish screamed inside you.
You think in try again, but Simon just grabbed your arm and threw you into the meeting room. And there he was, the man, your daily private hell. Negan was waiting for you staring the big glass window while whistling sadly, you couldn't see his face, but you felt something was wrong.
“You want me here… Here I’m!” You cross your arms across yourself, trying to not exhaling fear.
He immediately stopped the sad melody and turned to face you, and you saw how difficult that little movement was for him. He seems to be frustrated, tired ... in pain.
“Negan?” You try again, but he couldn’t look at you. He took a long and deep breath and his voice scratched your ears.
“Rick call me on the radio.” Your head mess up and you frowned in confusion. “Your brother… Carl…”
“What did you do with him?” You shout out angrier them never, tears already jumping off your eyes. “Did you fucking kill him, you freak?” You advanced on him, striking his chest.
His eyes fixed on your small figure.
“He was bitten, Y/N.” His hands danced through his beard in frustration. The world stopped while you was trying to understand the situation. “He was out of the gates, trying to help someone… I’m sorry, doll!”
This isn’t happen… God, please!
The tears dropped out quickly, your face was already wet. Your throat muffled the sobs who tried to get out. You never wished so much to be with someone, neither when your mom died, either when you lose the prison, or when Negan took you out of Alexandria.
The only sound in the room was your own crying, you felt Negan’s look over you when your knees failed, and you meet the floor. He approached little by little coming to meet you, trying to own you like you’re an animal.
Your head hurts, your thoughts run over your mind – this is not possible, this is not happening again – while the memories from you and Carl come over. You would never see him again; your little brother was dead. Gone forever. Faded away like ashes. A loud scream run away from your throat, but anything would make you feel painless.
In the middle of that chaos, cold arms hugged you, and you smell his perfume, When your eyes opened again you saw him trying to help you, but just make you angrier and disgusting about it, you know, in a way or another, it was his fault.
“Don’t fucking touch me!” You crawled away. “I don’t want, and I don’t need you mercy!”
His eyes go down to the floor.
“Fuck…” More tears from your eyes. “All of this is your fault, Negan.” You whispered. “If I were there, with him, this would never have happened. He would still be alive, fighting for Alexandria, fight against you… God, you’re taking every fucking thing from me. Even my last moments with my brother, Negan. Congratulations!”
This was the only thing you were capable to speak before your tears fell down one more round.
Negan approached again, but this time you let him. You were so down in your feelings that doesn’t matter anymore. He put your head against his chest and hug you.
“I… I just… I just want my family back.” His shirt were completely wet now. “I just want my dad… Please, let me go back home.” You asked like was your last wish.
He looked deeply into your eyes, gently stroking your face with his fingers.
“Now you know how it’s fells to be alone, babe.” You saw a little shy tear dropping out the corner of his left eye. “Now you know why I can’t let you go back…”
At a little moment, his pain met yours and you two completed each other.
“I’m sorry, doll! I really am.” He surrendered his ego, kissing your forehead.
Negan wasn’t your safe harbor, either your home. But, just for now, he could be enough. And, maybe, with time, you could learn how to make him complete you.
Maybe you don’t wanted, but you needed his mercy. 
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trashcanband4 · 4 years ago
Therapy Sessions Ch. 3
Ch. 1   Ch. 2
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Pairing: NeganxOc (Kelly). Setting: The Sanctuary. Warnings: Ooc Negan.
Three weeks went by. She would sleep on the other side of Negan’s bed. Wake up to him gone, do a morning work out, eat whatever small amount of food was left on a plate on the table then wait for Negan to come back just to be prodded with what he called get to know you question’s. These questions were so pointless and superficial that she swore that Negan was simply trying to bore her to death. Frankly she was getting tired of it.
It was after the twentieth or so question of the day that she asked, “Why are you wasting time and resources on me?” finally snapping, raising her voice at him for the first time. “Why are you dead set on this?” she stood up and looked down at him.
He glared up at her. “I don’t know. I just know I need to.”
“God, you are so…” she started but stopped, not being able to think of a word that described him.
“Charming,” he said as she stood up, looking down at her, “handsome, generous, drop dead fucking sexy as hell.” He finished with a smile and a slight lean back.
“Annoying…ass-hole…arrogant… bastard.” She spat the words at him then moved to turn around, but he grabbed her by her arm and pulled her back around to face him. Her eyes traveled to his hand on her sleeved upper arm then back up to his glaring, dilated eyes.
“I have taken it easy on you, Dead Girl.” He warned her. “Talk to me like that again and you’ll join Daryl on easy street.”
“Good, do it, it has to be better than do you like this, do you like that, when did you lose your virginity, when did you have you first kiss, blah blah blah blah blah.” She said in her best deep Negan voice. “If your goal is to drive me fucking bat shit crazy then congratulations you’ve won! The fucking gold metal goes to surprise, surprise, you! Asshole of the year everybody!” she was yelling at him and finally lashing out, but it wasn’t enough for Negan, he needed more.
So with glaring eyes and a strained grin Negan he wrapped his long fingers around her neck and shoved her back until her butt hit the edge of the table causing glasses to rattle then pressed his lips to hers. He was actually surprised that she started kissing him back and placed her hands on his sides. As her tongue snaked its way into his mouth she slid one of her hands up to rest on his chest. His hand on her throat relaxed as his eyes slipped closed. Feeling him relax she swiftly, slid her hand across his chest and used her forearm shove him back with all her might.
He stumbled back, hand still in there air where it had been on her neck as his eyes slowly opened. As he saw her panting with flared nostrils and fire in her eyes, a smirk spread across his lips. “Well, I wasn’t expecting that.” His words had no effect on her. “But that, right there,” he motioned to her face, “I did. You fuckin’ look like you want to murder me right now, Darlin’.”
“I fucking hate you.” she growled still seething in anger.
“According to that kiss, you fucking love me.” He said with another cheeky grin and a jerk of his chin.
“Don’t flatter yourself.” She told his as she walked around him. “It was a distraction tactic and it worked.” She grabbed her plaid shirt off of the bed and shrugged it on.
With her back still to him she drew in a calming breath then held it a few seconds. “Holy shit, he just fucking got to me. He fucking did it. I felt pure…raw rage for the first time since Markus left me. Oh my God, is that when all this started, when he left me? Is that when I started shutting down? And whoa, that kiss. I had thought about Negan kissing me before, when he first brought me here and I thought that sex is what he wanted from me, but holy fucking shit was that good.” After silently panicking she let the breath out. “What’s next, you gonna try to make me cry?” she asked as she turned around and walked past him and sat down in her dining chair on the left side of the table. “Boo hoo hoo my children died and my husband left me. You murdered two good men and took me away from my people. You made Kelly angry waah.” She rubbed under her eyes as she pretended to cry then dropped them from her faced and let her face turn sarcastic. “I don’t cry anymore. In order to cry you need to hurt and I can’t get hurt anymore.”
“Getting hurt is part of living.” Negan responded. “Shutting down like you’re doing is hurting you.”
“I can’t feel anything.” As she spoke her eyes fell to the floor. “What I’m doing is self preservation.”
“No, what you’re doing is selfish.” He countered.
“How so?” she asked.
“By not letting people in, you’re robbing them of the pleasure of knowing you, of having a friend in you. Hell you are drop dead fucking gorgeous.” She rolled her eyes at him. “Seriously, I’m surprised some poor fucker hasn’t turned just from lookin’ at you. If that kiss is any indication I’m sure you’re a good fuck too.” He was trying to get under her skin again.
“None of that is true.” She said with a head shake. “As for being a good fuck…I don’t even remember what I’m like.” She shrugged then leaned back in her chair, crossing her arms over her chest.
He moved to straddle her outstretched legs. Her eyes took in his big hands that gripped the arm rests of the wooden chair she was sitting in before she let them travel up his plain white t-shirt covered chest, his neck, his lips then his eyes. “Do you want me to help you remember?”
“No.” Negan was surprised to see that all that rage he had seen before was now gone and she was back to her cool calm collected self. “I may be mentally broken…but I still have morals. I’m not your wife.”
“Would putting a ring on your finger get you to open up to me…let me in?” he asked, still leaning over her, staring her down in the chair.
“Tell me why not.” He said leaning down a little more as if that would get to her, “Explain yourself.”
“If you didn’t have other wives…If I knew making a vow and putting a ring on my finger would make me something special to you, then maybe it would help. Maybe, but you’ve already admitted between the lines that you don’t see them as real wives. So why would I want that for myself?”
“I guess as you see it now you wouldn’t.” he stood back up and moved to sit in the chair across the table from her. “But you’ve already got one advantage over them. I don’t allow them to sleep in my bed. I don’t give anyone anything without expecting something in return. Most people here, they work for points and those points are spent on what it takes to keep them alive and comfortable. My wives, they earn their keep by keeping me happy. Then there are the people that are good for nothing but working the fences.” He explained a bit of the inner workings of the sanctuary to her. “What have you given me to earn what you have been given? As I see it you are in negative points right now which is not a good place to be.”
“I didn’t realize that’s how it worked.” She said quietly, hating the fact that she was now in debt to him. “I’ll earn my point’s… Just tell me what to do and I’ll do it.”
“All I want you to do for now is let me help you.” he answered.
“I don’t know how to do that.” She whispered more to herself than him. “I can handle being thrown into a room to be isolated and abused. I can even handle physical torture, but I have spent years building up these walls that you’re asking me to break I…” for the first time in a long time she felt her eyes water, but she didn’t let the tears fall. “What if I break?”
“That’s what I’m here for.” He told her as he leaned up and placed his arms on the table. “If you break, it’ll be because I made you. So I’ll pick up the pieces and put you back together.”
“And how do I know I can trust you?” she asked sitting up to mimic how he had his arms cross on the table. “How do I know that you don’t intend on breaking me and leaving me that way? How do I know that you don’t get some sick sadistic pleasure out of breaking people?”
“Blind faith?” He answered and she shook her head no. “Do you know why I chose you?” he asked and she shook her head no again. “I’ve seen a lot of people with the same void look in their eyes and it never bothered me before, I never cared before. But something about you, something about how you looked at me, made me care. I care too much about you to break you indefinitely. I can’t find out what has drawn me to you until you are alive and care about the people in your life.”
Kelly sighed and let her head fall onto the table, her forehead pressed into the cold wood as she covered her head with her arms. “You might as well stick me in the cell next to Daryl. There is no fixing me. I’m too damaged…”
“You don’t have a choice, sweetheart.” His whispered, soft words made her pick her head up and rest her chin on her arms that she folded on the table. “I’m gonna fix that fucked up head of yours rather you fuckn’ want me to or not.” He stood up and locked the door and chained it shut. “You’re goin’ to stay right here. You can fight me every inch of the way, but it happenin’ darlin’.”
The fire was back in her eyes for a split second. So it surprised him when she said, “Fine.” And just like that the hatred in her eyes was gone, replaced again with emptiness. “Do your worst.” She said as she stood up and walked over to stand chest to chest with him. Her boldness also surprised him. She kept doing that, surprising him when he thought he had her figured out. “Try to make me feel something other than rage, but it won’t work. I…feel…nothing good.”
If he was being honest, she had him riled up, harder than a rock the way she kept glaring at him, her chest pressed against his. He wanted to grab her and this time push her against the door and take her right then and there, but he knew that wasn’t the way to go about getting to her to truly open up to him. Instead he bit his lip and nodded then walked around her to sit back down at the table. Her eyes followed him curiously. “You know, Daryl’s been asking about you. Every time someone goes in to feed him he asks where you are and what I’m doing to you. He’s threatened to kill me several times if I lay a hand on you.”
She sat down on the bed and pulled her knees into her chest. Negan noticed her start chewing on the inside of her lip as she stared at the floor. She had never done that before, but Negan had never spoken about how Daryl was doing before. He had mentioned here and there about what he was doing to Daryl and how he intended on breaking Daryl, but never had he mentioned Daryl’s side of things. Kelly had cared for Daryl at one point a long time ago. He’d saved her on more than one occasion and in more than one way.
“No comment?” he asked making Kelly’s dark eyes snap up at him. “Do you care about him?” he watched her suck her lip into her mouth and shake her head as her lips slid between her teeth. “Could’ve fooled me.”
“I cared about him…past tense.” She answered as she dropped her legs to hang off the edge of the bed.
“Tell me what you think about Daryl.” He told her as he leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms over his chest.
“No.” she shook her head, her brown frizzy waves slapping her in the sides of the face.
“Why not?” he asked, trying to not let his aggravation show.
“Because I’m not going to give you ammo to use against him.” She answered.
“What is said between us in this room stays here in this room.” he told her and she just stared at him. “As soon as I walk out of that door I will forget whatever you may tell me. We can’t talk about your past for forever. We need to talk about the here and now. The people you surrounded yourself with and what you think about them will tell me about you. So talk to me.”
“Fine.” She said as she leaned back to lay on the bed. “What I think about Daryl.” She sighed as she stared up at the ceiling. “He’s a damn good man. Loyal to a fault. Protective of his people. He’s saved me a lot, even when I didn’t want him to. We were close before I fell away from everyone.”
“What about Rick the prick?” he asked as he stood up and took off his leather jacket.
“God where do I start with Rick?” she scoffed. “He’s a leader, hardheaded, strong. He doesn’t take shit from anyone. He doesn’t always make the best choices, but his heart’s always in a good place when he does. He’s pissed me off more times than I can count, but he’s still a good guy.”
“What about that guy…Spencer?”
“Arrogant, entitled asshole not worth the air he breaths.” She answered quickly.
“Good to hear that, because I killed him yesterday.” Negan answered causing Kelly to sit up and look at him.
“Why?” she asked flatly.
“He was trying to weasel his way into my good graces…trying to play me and I saw right through it.” he answered.
“Stupid.” She said making Negan think she was calling him stupid for killing Spencer. He glared at her, making her realize how Negan took her word. “Spencer, not you.” she clarified. “So you’ve been inside Alexandria?” she asked and Negan nodded. “Have you met Judith, Rick’s daughter?”
“Yep, she’s a sweetheart. I made her and Carl dinner then rocked her to sleep while I waited for Rick the prick to come home. Speaking of home, you guys have it made there, electricity, running water…”
“I know I’m in no place to make requests, but can I ask that you don’t hurt Judith?” she asked quietly.
Negan stared at her for a second. “I’d never hurt a toddler.”
As he thought about Negan rocking Judith to sleep, she remembered that when she was brought to the doctor, one of Negan’s wives was leaving the office and the doctor threw away a negative pregnancy test as Kelly walked in. “Can I ask you something?” she asked and Negan motioned for her to talk. “Do you like kids?”
“I love kids, they’re the future. I worked with them before the turn.”
“Do you want kids?” she asked and Negan just stared at her for a second, trying to figure out what she was getting at.
He smiled a little, showing off his dimples before he finally answered. “I would love to have a kid one day.”
“Is that why you have all those wives? To try to have a kid before you bite the dust?” she pulled her knees to her chest again and wrapped her arms around them, thinking he was going to get mad or lash out at her.
“Hadn’t thought about it like that, but yeah, I guess that’s one of the perks.” He said with a smile on his face at the thought of having a kid. It didn’t matter which one of his wives was the mother. He just loved the idea of being a father.
After a while of sitting in silence, which was odd given that Negan was in the room, Kelly dropped her toned legs, clad in black yoga pants, from her chest and stood up. “Am I ever going to get to see what else is out there besides the doctor’s office and showers?” she asked as she walked over to the counter in the room and poured herself a glass of water. She took a drink as she turned and leaned her hips against the bar.
“The day you truly open up to me will be the day you see something other than these four walls.” He answered and she swallowed then nodded. “Oh, I almost fuckin’ forgot.” He said as he jumped up and walked over to her. “The doc. pointed something out to me today. Mentioned you might be needing these soon.” He took the glass out of her hand and replaced it with a stack of pink wrapped sanitary napkins. She wrapped her hand around the stack and dropped her hand as she looked up at him to see if he was embarrassed. Most men would be in this situation. The inner workings of the female body tended to make most men squeamish. Negan however looked amused. “Felt like a dumb ass walking around with those in my back pocket all day, just so you know.”
She smirked at him a little and simply said, “thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” He gave her a small smile in return. “Lucille used to make me go get those things all the time. She always got really sick during that time of month.” He said as he turned his back on her and walked away a bit.
As she scanned his back, taking in his broad shoulders, covered with a white t-shirt, slim waist and his ass, clad in grey pants, she felt the urge to touch him. “Fuck. This isn’t happening.” She told herself as she started chewing on the inside of her lips again. “I’m not starting to feel something for him. I just…I find him attractive, that’s it, plain and simple. I don’t like him or want him.” She reassured herself.
“You hungry?” Negan asked getting Kelly’s attention. “I’m fuckin’ starvin’.”
“I could eat.” She answered with a numb nod, Negan noticed the distracted look on her face, but decided to drop it for now. “What time is it?”
Negan looked at his watch then answered, “Six twenty-five.”
She realized then that she was actually starving and had missed lunch. “Time flies.”
“I’m gonna go grab us some dinner.” He said as he put his jacket back on and walked out of the door without another word.
When Negan was gone, Kelly pulled the sanitary napkins out of her pocket and looked at them, then around the room. She’d been there for almost a month now and in this world if you stayed in one place longer than that you started to call it home. Here felt nothing like home and as she looked at the napkins she realized they were the only things she could call her own here along with the necklace on her neck.
For the first time since she had gotten there she thought about Alexandria, about home. The old folded up photo of her kids that probably still sat on her night stand. The pictures they had drawn her that was still taped to the walls. Her clothes that hung in her closet. She missed having her own room and her own things. She didn’t think she ever would miss Alexandria.
With a sigh she tucked the napkins back into her pocket and took her necklace off of her neck. It had been so long since she opened it that she feared that it wouldn’t, but after sticking her thumbnail between the pieces, it popped open. The faces of her husband and children looked back at her. Her old life flashed before her eyes and before it could get to her, she clipped it shut and took a deep breath. She pushed back the tears before they could make it out of her eyes. Negan had really done a number on her when he pissed her off.
She was letting the breath out when Negan opened the door with a tray in his hand and a reusable shopping bag in the other. She hopped up and took the tray from him to place it on the table. “So what’s for dinner?” she asked as she turned back toward him.
“BLT’s and fresh fruit.” He answered and her mouth instantly watered. “But first I went shopping for you.”
“What?” she asked, a little confused.
“Here.” He handed her the shopping bag with a recycling symbol on the side of it and she hesitantly took it from him.
“What is this gonna cost me?” she asked still not looking in the bag.
“It’s on the house.” He answered causing her to glare at him. “It’s not a trap, I promise. I just figured you could use a few things of your own.”
“Okay…” she drawled as she set the bag on the bed and started taking things out. A hair brush with hair ties wrapped around the handle, bobby pins were hooked on the elastics, a notebook and a few different colors of pens, a Mac cosmetics lip balm that changed color depending on the ph of lips, a Too Faced black eyeliner and mascara set, deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste, a compact mirror, tweezers, nail clippers, a nail file and a small tube of bath and body works hand cream. “Are you sure there’s not a catch? This is a lot of stuff and not cheap stuff I might add. The makeup alone is like, eighty bucks.” She knew she was making a good case for him to take the stuff back, but she didn’t want to owe him anything.
“Really, those three things are worth that much?” he asked disbelievingly and she nodded at him. “Well they’re worthless to me so take them.”
“Okay, if you insist.” She said with a nod.
While she put the things back into the bag, Negan started taking the lids off of their food. When she turned around she saw that he had found her necklace that she’d left on the table. She froze, as she saw that he had opened it and was looking at the pictures. When he looked up at her their eyes locked. “I’m guessing these are you kids.” He said as he looked back down at the pictures. “And this is your husband.” He pointed to the picture of Kell’s husband. “What are their names?” his tone told her that she had no choice but to answer the question.
“Darcy and Xavier were my kids. Markus is my ex husbands name.” she answered wondering why he cared what their names were.
“That’s what I thought.” He sighed making her cock her head at him in confusion.
“What?” she asked as he snapped the locket shut and handed it to her.
“Markus isn’t at Hilltop or The Kingdom.” She stared at him, wondering what he was getting at. “Markus is here. He's one of my men.” Negan said quietly.
Kelly just stared at him, a million thoughts flying through her head. Would he tell Markus that she was here? Would he use him to try to break her? She couldn't see Markus again, not when he was the cause if her shutting down in the first place. "Are you going to say something?"
"I don’t know what to say." She whispered as he took in the look of pure fear on her face.
"Do you want to see him?"
"NO!" Kelly answered louder than she meant to and Negan cocked his head to the side. "If I see him again I will not hesitate to kill him or at the very least re-break his nose."
"That is something I'd like to see." Negan told her with a smile then remembered that Markus's nose was broken when he first came to the sanctuary. "Wait, you broke his nose before he left Alexandria?"
"I told you things got ugly between us." She answered with a shrug.
"Elaborate." He told her as he picked up his sandwich, but when she didn't answer he looked her over a little closer and noticed her hand on her stomach. Seeing that she was so upset she couldn't eat he changed his mind. "Never mind. Calm down, eat your supper and well cover that topic in the morning."
Eventually her nerves untangled enough that she could eat and as soon as she was done she crawled into bed before Negan then quickly went to sleep.
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smcc212 · 5 years ago
Just a little love- part two
Pairing- Negan x fem! Reader
Word count- 574
Warnings- cheating, little fluff, tiny bit of angst
A/N- soooooo...... I wrote this a long time ago and thought I uploaded it, but apparently not, so here it is. I hope you enjoy!!
If you want to be tagged in any TWD and/or Peaky blinders fics, let me know!! Xoxox
After what Carol had said, you did what you always did and went to see Negan. You saw Carl on the way, but when he tried to talk to you, you told you had somewhere to be. Unlike Carol however, Carl didn’t look at you in disgust as you made your way to Negan’s cell; Carl looked at you in pity.
You stormed into the outer part of Negan cell and sat down at your side of the bars, your back against the wall. Negan didn’t speak as he sat down beside you, interlocking your fingers together. You sighed, looking into his gorgeous eyes as he gazed back at you.
“They know. Carol saw us kiss yesterday and she’s gonna tell everyone.”
“Baby girl, I’m so fucking sorry to hear that, is there anything I can do?” His voice was sincere and all you wanted in that moment was to hug him, but of course, you couldn’t.
“Yeah, there is, just... be here for me?” You asked.
“Of course. You know, I care about you way more than I should; more than I thought I could after Lucille.” He squeezed your hand reassuringly.
“I care about you the way I should care about Daryl,” You admitted quietly, but Negan definitely heard.
“(Y/N), are you trying to say you love me?”
“No, Negan, I’m trying to say I’m falling in love with you,” you giggled. A large, genuine smile spread across his face. You both leaned against the bars separating you from each other. “I hope you’re good in bed.” The tiniest curl appeared at the sides of your mouth.
“Trust me, baby, I am.” The cocky laugh that came from Negan affected you more than you wanted it to.
“I love you, (Y/N).”
“I love you too. Negan.” You smiled at him, both of you relishing in the short-lived moment.
“Really, (Y/N)?!” Daryl seethed loudly. “Of all the fuckers in Alexandria, you had to go for him? You remember what he did the Abraham?! To Glenn?! Or does that not matter to you?!” Daryl was fuming, rightly so, but you couldn’t help but feel your anger rise.
“I know what Negan did! I was there when it happened fucks sake! I watched it all happen; I watched as he killed people I loved and took you away from me!” You shouted. “But it’s been years, many years, since that. And, whether people want to accept it or not, that wasn’t the real Negan, he loves me and-“
“He’s fucking using you, (Y/N)!”
“And you’re not?! Did you really expect me to stand by you when you cut me off?! When you stopped talking to me?! Hmm?!” You couldn’t help letting your anger out, it’d been building for too long to hold or make any longer. “You fucking used me, Daryl! Sure, we loved each other once, but that was a long fucking time ago! You don’t give a fuck about me, but you know who does? Negan. He loves me. I’ll be at the town meeting that I’m sure has been called over this, I know people will hate me, but I don’t give a fuck! I want someone that cares about me, that loves me, and that not you Daryl!”
Daryl huffed and stormed out, you held Negan’s hand tightly, this was going be rough meeting, but you’d do it a million times over to be with man you were in love with.
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hellcaster901 · 5 years ago
Leather Dreams Ch 3
Chapter 3- The Finding
Summary: Bonnie and her group are new to Alexandria. Rick and his people letting them in during a war they didn’t know about, being thrown in as extra people to fight. But as she sees the man they despise, she can’t help herself feel drawn to him, and he can’t either.
Warnings: Swearing,
Author’s Note: it’s getting there.
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It’s been two weeks since Negan came, since Negan almost killed Tony, since I promised Negan I’d do anything for him.
These last two weeks have been...peacefully. Something me and my group haven’t experienced in a while. I’ve grown to know more people here, becoming friends. I began becoming closer friends to Rick than any other person here. I enjoyed his company, and I could tell he did too. The way he smiled at me, the way he talked to me was enough to show me that he cared.
I pulled the plaid shirt up, getting ready for the run. After these weeks, I was finally able to go out and help. Look for something for this community, put in my contributions. I walked out the door, ignoring Tony who sat there on the steps, watching me walk away without a word.
“Hey.” He spoke up quick. I ignored him and kept on walking. “Bonnie.” He said, catching up to me. He grabbed my arm, turning me quickly to face him. Before he could say a word, my hand swung, landing a slap on his face. He groaned, grabbing his jaw. “What the hell was that for?” He muttered, rubbing his cheek. I was still pissed about him acting like he knew what he was doing when it came to Negan, Acting like he was bigger and stronger than him. We all knew, looking at Negan for the first time, that he could fuck us over if he wanted to.
“You need to step back before I slap you again.” I gritted. “You have no right to talk to me after the stunt you pulled.” I was pissed, I had every reason to. This man did the most stupid thing anyone could do, and he almost died from it.
“The stunt? I tried protecting you. I tried protecting your honor!” He yelled, his face getting closer to mine. “And apparently you don’t fucking understand why.”
“Why then? Is it because you think I’m a weak princess who can’t take care of herself?” Where the fuck did this come from? Tony acting like he’s my protector.
“Cause I fucking love you, don’t you get that?” He yelled, grabbing my arms and pulling me close. “The only one who gets to see you naked, or touch you is me.” He growled. I pushed him back, raising my hand to slap him again. He caught my wrist, pulling me close again.
“Don’t fucking touch me.” I yelled, tugging my arm.
“I’m not letting you go on this run.” He growled again.
“You don’t get to tell me what to do.” I shoved him again, kicking him in the knee before he let go. I shoved him kicking him in the groin. He fell to the ground, holding himself. “You don’t get to act like this towards me. You have no fucking right.”
“Bonnie!” I looked back, seeing Rick running towards me. Confusion written on his face. “What happened?” Tony looked up at me and Rick, still holding himself.
“Nothing. Nothing happened.” I said, looking down at Tony. I crouched down, looking at Tony. “If you ever fucking touch me again, I will do more than hurt you.” Tony looked at me, before smirking.
“Did you learn that trick from your fuck buddy Negan?” Tony whispered. I huffed at him, before standing up and looking at Rick.
“I’m ready.” I nodded, walking past Rick, towards the gate.
I sat in the car silently, Tony’s words and actions in my head. I couldn’t believe that happened, what he said to me, what happened between us. Whats gotten into Tony that he felt he needed to say this to me. He acted like I was his property, that I was his for the taking. The way he said he was the only one to ever see me naked. Saying he loved me.
It was a lie.
I knew he didn’t care for me, I knew he didn’t love me. He was only trying to collect notches on his belt. And when he realized that I wasn’t going to be one of them, be got obsessed, protective of something that wasn’t his.
“Are you okay?” The words snapped me out of my thoughts, I looked over at Rick, his right on the steering wheel, his other rubbing his chin. “You seem out of it.” He continued. I nodded, looking out my window, seeing the trees go by.
“It’s just been a lot lately.” I answered. “Tony acting like an idiot, settling into a new place. Being apart of said new place while there’s a war going on. It’s a lot Rick.” He sighed.
“I’m sorry we got you into this mess. We need the people.” Rick explained. I rubbed my eyes, sighing, nodding. I understood his words, and my people and I were more than willing to help. But we didn’t know what price we were going to pay for it.
“I’m sorry about the other day.” I mumbled, embarrassed at what happened. I peak over at Rick, a blush settling under his beard. “Negan wasn’t going to leave. I didn’t know what to do. It felt like the only option”
“It’s fine. Really. It’s fine.” Rick mumbled, not looking over at me. “You did what you had to do.” I studied his profile, enjoying the view. Rick’s an attractive man, anyone could see that. The roughness of his face, the way he let his hair grow out, the way his beard looked. Everything about him screamed sex appeal. I would either be blind or stupid if I didn’t think that Rick’s an attractive man. “What are you looking at?” Rick grinned, looking at me.
“Just enjoying the view.” I smiled, still staring over at Rick. He looked at me, his eyes looking over my face, and down my chest. “Are you?” He didn’t have to say anything, I could see it in his face. He enjoyed this just as much as I did. He enjoyed looking over me, like I was a piece of meat to him. Without a word, he pulled over to the side. Putting the car in park and shutting it off. “What are you doing?” I asked, looking around. All there were trees in our area, not a walker in sight. Rick looked at me, his eyes racking my body as I sat there. He leaned forward, a hand coming up and touching my cheek. His rough hands caressing my cheek, his blue eyes staring right into mine. “What are you doing?” I asked again, this time, my voice was a whisper as we stared at each other.
“Do you want me to?” Rick whispered, his thumb rubbed my bottom lip, tugging on it slightly as he stared at them. I was surprised, amazed that he was doing this. Amazed that he was this close to me, wanting to kiss me. Did I want him to kiss me? Or was I just caught up in the moment and this just feels right, right now? Fuck it.
“Yes.” I whispered, reaching up and grabbing onto his wrist. He closed the distance, his lips touching mine. The feeling of his beard rubbing and scratching against my face. His lips moved against mine, his hand reaching into my hair and grabbing tight. I groaned, his grip in my hair tighten at the noise. I rubbed my thighs together slightly, trying to give myself something to work with. Rick chuckled against my lips, noticing my legs rubbing together. His hand trailed down to my neck, squeezing softly, ripping another moan from my lips. I grabbed onto his shirt, pulling him closer to me, running my hands up to his hair, tugging.
Rick pulled away, resting his forehead on mine, his lips bumping against mine as we tried to catch our breaths. I traced his lips with my finger, enjoying how plump they look. If someone had told me that I would be making out with Rick, I’d wouldn’t believe them, but damn I would think about it all the time after that.
“What now?” I whispered, tugging softly on his bottom lip. Rick opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by a loud scream. He pulled back, looking out his window. “What was that?” We sat there for a moment, waiting to see if that was just something else. When another scream was heard, Rick stepped out from the car, shutting the door behind him. I watched, a little frantic before I followed suit.
I shut the door, grabbing my knife, looking around to see if there was any indication to which way it was coming from.
“Someone help!” We heard the scream, a woman yelling for help. Rick ran, and I chased after him. “Someone please.” The woman cried. I ran faster, passing Rick as I saw a tent, surrounded by walkers.
“There.” I yelled, seeing about 5 walkers. I stopped in my tracks, watching as they grabbed and moved against the tent. “Oh my god.” They haven’t noticed us, and I looked around, seeing if anything could grab their attention. “Rick, distract them, and I’ll get to whoever is in that tent.” I whispered to him. He nodded, seeing a few empty cans. He grabbed them, before tossing them against the tree. The walkers, looked over at Rick, they’re growls getting louder as they saw new game. I stepped around them, one noticing reaching for me. He lunged at me, it’s arms up. I winched at how horribly damaged it was. It’s jaw dislocated, hanging by a thread. I held it back, my hand on it’s throat.
I stumbled back, the walker reaching for me, it’s blood dripping on my hand as I pushed hard on it’s throat. I quickly swung, stabbing the knife into the side of its head. It’s body went limp a final moan leaving its body before tugging my knife out, falling to the ground.
Most of the walkers were following Rick by now, their attention on him. The woman stopped screaming, realizing that the walkers were leaving, her tent covered in blood marks. I ran up to the tent, trying to find the zipper to it.
“Please help me.” The woman begged, her voice shaky and small.
“I’m right here.” I whispered back. She gasped, hearing me outside. “I’m right here.”
“Please. I’m hurt.” I pulled at the zipper, opening it and seeing her. It was a young woman, around my age, mid to late 20s. She sat there, her eyes wide, her hair disheveled. A baby in her arms, her hand covering its mouth as it cried.
“It’s ok. It’s ok, I got you.” I whispered, reaching a hand inside, looking down at the young baby in her arms. She shook her head quickly.
“Not me. I’m hurt.” I looked back, seeing Rick a little ways away, the walkers still onto him.
“It’s fine.” I whispered, looking back at her. “We have medicine, we can help you.” She shook her head again, mumbling a sobbed ‘no’. She reached up to her shoulder, pulling down her blood soaked shirt. I watched as she cried, revealing the walker bite. One of the walkers got her, leaving a deep wound. “When did this happen?” I asked. I kept checking over my shoulder, making sure there weren’t any stragglers.
“Just a little bit ago.” She whispered. “A group of them came to my camp, and I was too slow at coming in here.” I looked at the bite, it being too high on her shoulder for us to do anything about it.
“I’m so sorry.” I whispered back. Her baby cooed, wiggling in her arms a bit.
“It’s ok.” The woman whispered, tears running down her arms. “Momma’s got you.” She cried as she calmed her child, rocking the baby slightly. She looked up at me, shaking her head. “I can’t leave her here. If I leave her here, I’ll turn…” She stopped, tears falling down her face faster. “I can’t do that to her.”
“I know, I know.” I told her, “Come back with us. We can give you a spot where you can… leave peacefully.” She shook her head again, crying even more. She moved her arms, holding her child up in front of her.
“I love you. Don’t ever forget that.” She whispered to her child. She looked at me, before holding the child to me. I shook my head, telling her that she'd be fine. “Don’t lie to me.” She gave me a sad smile, holding her child. “I can’t take care of her. Not like this. She’ll die out here. Please, take care of her.” She whispered. I shook my head, trying to think of some excuse as to why this child will still have her mom. “Please.” She yelled, making both me and the baby jump.
The baby began to cry, wiggling in her mother’s hands. “Please.” I grabbed the baby hesitantly, taking her in my arms. The mother smiled, watching as I held the crying baby. I shushed her, rocking her slightly. The baby calmed down instantly, looking up at me with beautiful chocolate eyes. “She likes you.” The mother watched, smiling.
“What’s her name?” I asked, looking down at her.
“We didn’t give her a name. We didn’t have the time.” She explained. “She was born 3 months ago, and we still don’t have a name for her.” I looked at her, her expression at watching me hold her child was heartbreaking.
“What’s your name?” I asked her. She smiled softly.
“Emma. My name is Emma.” I nodded to her, looking down at her child.
“Emma is a perfect name.” I smiled. Emma let out a sob, holding her hand over her mouth.
“Thank you.” She whispered. She looked at us, at her daughter. “Tell her when she’s old enough that I love her.” She said. I nodded, “And give her this.” She whispered. She reached up to her neck, winching as she moved her shoulder. She unhooked a silver necklace, she reached for my hand, placing the necklace in my palm. It was a gorgeous silver heart locket, small designs on the front. “There’s a picture of me and her father.” She explained, reaching forward and opening the locket. I smiled, seeing her smile with a handsome man, looking happy and in love. “He didn’t make it.” She told me, closing the locket and closing my hand around it. “Was taken from me a month before she was born.”
“I’m so sorry.” She shook her head, a smile still on her lips.
“I’ll be with him soon.” She sat back, looking at her child again. “Tell her when she’s old enough, that I love her, with all my heart.” I nodded, looking down at the baby. I looked back up at Emma, her face covered in tears, and a sweet smile. Before I could stop anything, she reached behind her, pulling out a pistol. I couldn’t even stop her or even register what was happening as she cocked it and put it under her chin, and pulled the trigger.
I stood there, shocked at what I saw. The baby in my arms crying from the loud boom of the pistol.
“Bonnie.” Rick yelled, running towards me. I stood up, the baby crying in my arms as I stared down at its dead mother. “Bonnie?” Rick questioned. He stopped, looking at me and looking at the situation at hand. “What happened?” He walked towards me, a hand on my arm, staring down at the baby.
“I… I don’t know.” I whispered. “I opened the tent and she was here, with her kid. And… she was bit.” I told him. “She gave me her child, and then killed herself.” I stood there, shocked, a baby in my arms wiggling and crying. Rick looked down at the baby, it’s little face covered in tears. He reached up, wiping away tears on my cheeks. I was shocked, staring at his hand, I didn’t even realize that I was crying.
A few branches snapping turned us around, walkers coming up from between the trees.
“We have to go.” I whispered, holding the baby close to my chest.
“Lets go.” Rick growled, grabbing my arm and pulling me.
We sat in the car, Emma in my lap. I held my knees together holding her up. She stared up at me, her big brown eyes watching me. I unwrapped the blanket from around her body, pulling it off her head.
I chuckled, seeing a full set of hair, this 3 month old baby had the most gorgeous black hair on her head. “You are gorgeous.” I whispered, pushing back her hair. “You have so much hair.” She kicked her legs, her arms going. She gave me a big toothless smile. “Look at you go.” I giggled. Rick chuckled with me, watching her go in my lap. “You’re active.” I chuckled. She had one a white onsie, a few stains on it, nothing crazy. “We gotta find you some new clothes.”
“She can use some of Judith’s old clothes.” Rick smiled, looking down at her. “We can also see who can take care of her back at Alexandria.”
“No.” I told him, my voice sounded almost desperate. “I’m taking care of her. Her mother gave her to me to watch. I’m honoring that request.” I told him. He only glanced at me, shaking his head.
“You don’t even know the first thing about taking care of a baby.” Rick went on. “You don’t understand the toll.” I rolled my eyes, looking back down at Emma.
“I’ll learn.” I told him, tickling her sides. She giggled up at me, her laughs filling the car. “And that’s it. I’m not talking about it anymore.” He sighed, looking back at the road. “I’m taking care of her.”
It was silent between me and Rick as he drove. The weight of having this baby with us, and the kiss we shared before was heavy in the air. We didn’t get what we wanted on this run, the disappointment with that, was rough. I knew we needed supplies to give to Negan, and all we found was a baby.
“God damn it.” Rick growled. I looked up, seeing trucks outside of Alexandria, the gates open, and people standing guard.
“Negan?” I asked. Rick nodded, gripping the steering wheel tighter. I wrapped the blanket around Emma again. She fussed, fighting against the blanket. “It’s okay. You’re okay.” I whispered, picking her up, holding her to my chest. “What do I do, Rick?” I asked, remembering what I told him last time. Rick remembered too.
“We’ll figure it out.” The guards at the door saw us. One of them called out. I shook a little bit, scared to see Negan, but also excited. “You’ll be fine.” I nodded, holding Emma tighter to me. We stepped out, and I watched as them men watched us walk up. We got into Alexandria, the people looking at us, knowing we didn’t leave with a baby.
“Holy shit.” I heard. I froze, glancing at Rick as he clenched his jaw. “I was wondering where you were at.” Rick turned around, seeing Negan standing there, bat in hand, over his shoulder. “I began to think you ran off while you were on your run.” Rick looked at me, looking down at Emma.
“Get to the house.” He told me. I nodded, beginning to walk.
“Now hold up.” Negan yelled, I stopped in my tracks, hearing Negan walk up. “Don’t think I forgot your promise.” He laughed. I nodded.
“I didn’t forget.” I told him. I could feel him behind me, a few feet away.
“Turn around.” Negan ordered. I tense, and stood there. “I said, turn around.” Negan said again, his voice harder, and rougher. I turned around, the baby wiggling in my arms. I could see Negan’s eyes widen as he saw what I had in my hand. “Holy shit.” He laughed, looking down at the baby. “You two got freaky deanky and made a damn baby.” He yelled. I sighed, my hands on Emma tightening. He came closer, holding his bat out to Rick. Without saying anything, Rick grabbed it, holding it with a grimace. “Let me hold her.” He held his hands out, one leather glove covering his right hand.
“No.” I whispered, clenching onto Emma. Negan’s face got hard, the sudden change in his facial expression made my knees buckle. Damn him for being attractive.
“I said, let me hold her.” He said again, a firmness in his voice. I took a deep breath, grabbing Emma and holding her out to him, the blanket slipping from her set of hair, her face exposed to Negan. He smirked, grabbing the baby and turning her to face him. “My my.” He smiled looking at Emma. . “You are one gorgeous girl.” Emma cooed at him, wiggling her arms and legs. “You’re one little bad ass, aren’t you?.” Negan laughed, watching her legs go. I held onto the blanket she had, clenching it tightly as I watch Negan like a hawk. I didn’t know him, I didn’t know what his morals were. From what I knew from Rick, he was a fucked up person.
Negan moved her, holding her in his arm, supporting her on his hip. “Now, I know you didn’t have a child the last time I came here.” He arched an eyebrow at me.
“We found her.” I told him, watching her as she stared up at him, her hands coming up and messing with his beard. “We went on a run, and we pulled to the side to look around,” I lied, eyeing Rick for a moment. “We heard screaming and there was a woman in the tent, and she was bit. She told me to take care of her.” I could tell Negan was good with children, the way he held her, the way he talked to her, and the way he was with her. It was an attractive quality.
“And you think you can take care of her?” Negan smirked, looking at me. I grew hot, anger rising in me at his question. What’s with it with these men asking me if I can handle a fucking baby?
“I do.” I answered truthfully. “She’s mine now. I’m watching over her.” Negan nodded, still holding onto her. He held out his gloved hand, Emma wrapping a finger around his pointer. Negan took a step forward to me, the closer he got the more nerves I got. He leaned down, his face coming inches from mine.
“Do you have what you need?” He asked, looking down at me with sincerity.
“I don’t know. I was just about to see what we have for her.” I answered truthfully, taken aback at his sudden change. I don’t even know if we had a crib for her. “I don’t know what we have for her.” Negan nodded, leaned back up, handing over Emma to me.
“Alright, boys, you know what to do.” Negan yelled, yanking his bat from Rick’s hand. I watched as the men scattered,watched as they walked up to houses, going in and taking whatever they wanted. I watched with disbelief on my face. This was unbelievable. Emma yanked on my hair, my head snapping down to her direction.
“Emma, stop.” I mumbled, reaching up and grabbing her little hand. She let go, laughing at me as I struggled with taking my hair out of her drooled covered hand. “Real funny.” I switched her to my other hip, holding her to me tightly as the men walked around. “You’re trouble.” I whispered to her. She only laughed, kicking her feet.
“You still planning on entertaining me, or are you planning on babysitting?” I looked up, Negan’s eyes on me. I shifted, rubbing Emma’s leg. “Cause I really fucking hope you’re planning on entertaining me.” I rolled my eyes, about to give him an answer. “It’d be a shame if you didn’t, I could just imagine what I would do to that boyfriend of yours.” I tensed, realizing he wasn’t giving me a choice. Tony has been an ass lately, but that doesn’t mean he shouldn’t live. I looked over at Rick, seeing Claire and Jenny standing there, looking at me with wide expressions. Either at what Negan said, or at the baby. I glared at Negan as I walked past him, going over to Claire and Jenny.
“See what you can find for her. Anything that’ll help me take care of her.” I asked, handing Emma over to Claire. “I’ll take care of Negan.” I whispered to them. I could see they wanted to protest against my decisions and ask me about this child, but I shook my head. “Let me know what you find for her, if there’s not a lot I’ll go on a run and see what I can find. “
“Will do boss lady.” Jenny whispered, grabbing Claire and walking away. Emma looked back at me, her hand reaching out for me. Not even a day, and this baby is attached to me. I took a deep breath turning out to see Negan waiting for me.
“Let’s get this over with.” I mumbled, seeing Negan laugh as he followed me to my house
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ammesaep · 5 years ago
TWD Preference - How they fall in love with you...
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Negan -
Negan would fall in love with you during his first visit to Alexandria. He’d flirt with you a little bit but actually get to know you because he hasn’t felt this strongly about someone, even his wives. “Well, well, we’ll, look at you! Where have you been all my life, beautiful? What’s your name, sweetheart?”
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Rick -
Rick would fall in love with you after seeing how well you get along with Carl. He didn’t think he would love another woman after Lori but you changed his mind. He’d get the courage to ask you out one day. “I didn’t realize how good you were with kids. I could use your help more often, if you don’t mind.”
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Glenn -
Glenn would fall in love with you after saving him from walkers. He’d have butterflies in his stomach everytime he saw you after that. He hadn’t ever had such feelings for someone before. “Y/N! Wow, you look really beautiful today. Uh...I mean you look....nice.”
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Aaron -
Aaron would fall in love with you when he first sees you in the barn with Rick and the others. When he gets some alone time with you, he tries to get to know you a little bit. He’s a little shy and awkward at first but you help to release the tension. “Uh hello. What’s your name? I’m Eric..Uh..I mean Aaron! I’m Aaron.”
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Daryl -
Daryl would fall in love with you when you joined Ricks group and introduce yourself to him first. He couldn’t help but enjoy your company with your wonderful personality. He couldn’t help but start to fall in love with you. “I ain’t ever met someone like you before. I like you Y/N, I really do.”
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Eugene -
Eugene would fall in love with you when he realizes how much you both have in common. He felt happy to have someone to talk to about his interests especially since he felt a little bit like an outcast. He felt more comfortable around you and eventually developed feelings. “Y/N! I’m really happy to see you! I’ve been thinking about you all day! Oh uh, I mean...”
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Carl Grimes -
Carl would fall in love with you when he meets you at Alexandria. He hadn’t met a girl his age for the duration of the apocalypse so he couldn’t help but have a little crush when he met you. He would try to impress you only to get teased by Michonne and Rick. “Oh this? That’s just my missing eye. Pretty badass right?”
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pourininthebisquick · 7 years ago
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“And what do I come back to? You, laying in my bed, touching and playing yourself like a bad girl, when I specifically told you not to.”
You felt your lips fall into an apologetic pout. “I’m sorry. I promise I won’t do it again.”
“Good, that's good babygirl.But as you and I both know, these things can’t go unpunished. Now get that ass over here.” Negan hissed.
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negams-blog · 7 years ago
do what you do best. [negan]
IMAGINE; you unintentionally find yourself telling negan what to do and ends better than you expect.
lowercase intended || originally posted on wattpad.
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your hands traced patterns on his much large hands, his eyes were glued to yours as you sat over him. you were wearing once his large t-shirts over your small petite body and you had also spent the last hour beneath his satin sheets and now you had spent half an hour, listening to Negan talk about his new problem at hand--a new group making him want to pull out his head of hair and Lucille a couple of them.
"why don't you just do what you do best--corner them when they least expect it, wait till there out in the open and trap them into your hold, then you line them up like you usually do and taunt them, making them fumble with fear and nervousness, do what you do best."  the words had fumbled from your lips quicker than you had thought of them, you almost wanting to jump off the bed and collide head first into cement--no one had the nerve or aducity to tell Negan waht to do and you had literally done that, people never lived long after telling him what to do.
"are you telling me what to do, doll?" negan smirked, you had no idea if it was his seductive or sadistic smirk, negan had many smirks and you knew everyone but in that moment, you had no idea which one it was.
"I--I am no--" you stutter nervously, your heart was beating against your chest hard and you could've sworn it was going to come out and dance on the floor.
he didn't say anything, negan, just stared up into your eyes like he was looking straight through them and into your soul but you were pretty certain you had no soul when you were with him.
with no words spoken between either of you, negan effortlessly got himself out from under you and spun you down onto the mattress, now, the tables were turned and he was above you just you were with him previously. negan teasingly and seductively held your arms above your head and his face came down to yours, his lips mere centimeters from your own and you could feel his breath hitting your skin--sending all kinds of feelings through your body.
"you know sweetheart, the best thing I can do is you."
if you would like an imagine, don’t hesitate to ask me!
here is the list of characters/actors I am happy to do for you (please don’t ask me to do an imagine for someone who isn’t on the list, I have my reasons why they aren't on there.)
please be specific about what you’d like done I'm happy to do anything you request for the characters/actors listed above!
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boredw69 · 1 year ago
Only In His Office- Ch. 3 Negan X Reader
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Y/n is 19 year old Senior in high school who is particularly quiet but that's only because she always takes the time to write in her notebook filled with.. thoughts about someone imparticular, but its not who you expect it to be…
◇There is a age gap in this book so if you are not ok with that or if it makes you uncomfortable then you do not have to read, it's your choice.◇
Warnings: Mentions of anxiety, drinking, age gap, Sexual themes, angst.
Word Count: 1419
I wake up in a panic. A small tickling feeling crawling up my leg.
I jump up and smack at my leg frantically coming to the realization that it's a tiny spider. I flick the bug's dead body off my leg and look around still feeling itchy and gross. I turned over to see Julien sleeping on the blanket I brought. We were still under the slides... we must have fallen asleep. I reach over shutting his laptop and then reaching into my bag for my phone.
4:53 AM "Damn" I whisper under my breath peeking around the slide to see the faint orange sky creep up into the night sky. I slump over onto the end of the blanket and sigh loudly.
"Julien." I grumble, "wake upppp" I drag out my words tiredly.
I hear them shuffle around, "What time is it?"
"It's like 5 in the morning dipshit, can't you see the sun coming up" I laugh.
They sighs abruptly, "You should get going before your dad realizes your gone" He sits up looking at me.
I start to pack up my things and pick up our trash, "yea.. hopefully he's passed out-". I get up and grab the edge of my blanket waiting for Julien to get up and help me.
"Oh, sorry" they say stumbling to get up.
We laugh it off and continue to pack everything up. I help them get their things into their backpack and we both walk over to the picnic area to throw our trash away.
They plops down on a bench. I follow sitting and resting my head on their shoulder. "Thanks for hanging out with me." I paused and they looked over at me slowly. "I had a rough week, it really made me feel better..."
They leaned over and hugged me, "you don't need to say it, I get it."
I laughed getting up and waving him goodbye. The sun had already made an appearance peaking just above the landscape. It was already getting so bright. I squinted my eyes as I walked down the sidewalk. Early morning workers' cars whizzing by as I went to cross to my house.
I jog across the crosswalk waving at the cars that kindly stopped for me.
I creeped into the house quietly placing my things down. Everything seemed to still be in place, so he didn't come looking for me last night, good.
I changed my clothes and packed my bag for school and creeped out into the kitchen. I was looking everywhere, but i couldn't find him... Weird, but not unusual.
The bus would be here soon so I had some time to pack my lunch. I shoved some snacks in a brown paper bag and quickly shoved it into my backpack that was already stacked full of books. I looked over at the clock, 5:38. I had till 6:30 till the bus came, meaning I had time for a shower, which was for the best of course seeing as I quite literally slept outside last night. I zipped up my bookbag throwing it onto the couch and fast walked into our shared bathroom starting a hot shower and taking my clothes off. I wrapped a towel around my body and went out to my room to get some clean underwear.
Just as I rushed out of the bathroom I bumped into someone. My dad. I looked up gripping the towel harshly.
"(Y/n). What are you doing?" He asked as I backed away trying to make my way around him and into my room. He sounded very drowsy, his eyes were bloodshot and he could barely hold them open. 
"I was just taking a shower.. Before school." I said walking away from him and into my room. I snatched a pair of panties from my drawer and wadded them up in my hand, trying to save the embarrassment. He stood in the same spot only turning his frame to watch me as I walked back into the bathroom.
He grunted as a response and walked off. 
I let out a sigh as I shut the door and threw the towel down. I stepped into the shower and let the water run over my naked figure. I didn't want to think of the day before, but it was hard not to. Every time my thoughts ran back to the same notion; The same.. impure thoughts. His hands, his fingers.. Everything about him. How he would feel; how he could touch me so differently than I could myself. I continued my dirty thoughts as I washed myself. I made quick to finish and throw my clothes back on just doing what I would do every morning. 
I strutted out of the bathroom and immediately looked up at the time. 6:11. I turned the corner to the couch and went to reach for my bag being startled by my father who sat in his recliner snoring loudly. I scoffed at myself and swung my backpack over my shoulder and headed out for the bus.
I yawned as I strolled down the sidewalk to the bus stop on the corner. I mentally rolled my eyes now noticing the middle schoolers that also stood goofing around at the stop. I kept my distance standing just off to the side of them. I pulled my phone from my pocket and scrolled through Instagram solely just to keep from looking over at them.
It wasn't too painfully long before the bus came to pick us up. I awkwardly shuffled through the isle looking for the first spot that was empty plopping down by the window and just keeping silent. I was just a few stops after the first one so there was a fair amount of people, unfortunately mostly middle schoolers and freshmen who could care less about me. Fair enough though, it gave me lots of time to pop my earbuds in and listen to some music. I kept to myself as usual, avoiding any drama or conflict that arose. My eyes stayed glued outside as the trees, cars, and buildings shot by. I took a deep breath preparing for the long day ahead. I was dreading the mental toll hours of sitting and listening was going to take on me.
    The day went by as normal, just sitting in class for hours taking several notes until my wrists hurt. The time rolled around for our extra classes, the time of day I had dreaded. I didn't know if I could even be in the same room as him after yesterday, of course there was nothing I could do other than hope it wouldn't be as awkward as I imagined it. My hopes were low considering I had the worlds worst anxiety. Although I was secretly wishing that wasn't our last interaction. 
The bell rang and the room filled with students shuffling aggressively to the exit. I sat patiently not wanting to get caught up in the crowd. I picked up my books holding them tightly to my chest now following everyone else.
After dropping things off at my locker; Learning from my mistakes. I made my way to gym just before the bell rang.
As I stepped into the gym Negan's wandering eyes landed on mine seeming to look relived. I avoided his gaze and began stretching like all the others.
Gym continued on as normal.. Our eyes catching here and there. The bell rang and everyone rushed out once again.
As I started for the door he called my name.
I stopped and turned slowly to face him.
He took long stride up to me and smiled immediately. "I wanted to talk to you about the other day."
My heart skipped a beat. "What about yesterday?" I mumble.
"Try outs? I seen you signed up. I'm pretty excited to be your coach kiddo." He joked.
I let out a small sigh of relief, "Pshh, Yeah. Totally." I managed to let out a small laugh.
He patted my shoulder; His touch lasting a tad bit longer than it should. "What'd you think I wanted to talk about huh?" he leaned back with a smart-ass look on his face.
I didn't bother answering; It seemed to be a trap anyways.
"I'll see you at tryouts. Don't be late miss. y/n" He turned on his heels and wandered off to clean up some cones laid around the gym.
I took a yet another deep breath and started off to History class.
'Fuck. Me.'
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arwaaxxi · 8 years ago
Why me?
Summary- Having Daryl confess his feelings for you, was the only thing you ever wanted in this ruined world. But what happens when Negan shows up and everything changes. 
[Next part]
 Characters pairing - Father!RickxReader. DarylxReader. NeganxReader. 
 Note- it's going to be a series. 
Warnings- Smut in future parts, maybe? Violence. Abuse. Death
 Number of words - 1258
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"Y/n, I want to talk to you about something." Daryl spoke to me, as he rubbed his neck nervously. He was a man of few words and when he spoke I made it a habit to listen carefully. "Sure, D. What do you want?" I asked him, a smile plying on my lips "What is this about?" "I wanted to talk to you about us." He said slowly. "What about us?" I asked nervously, is this really happening? "I thought... I thought if you aren't busy tonight maybe, you know, we could... sit and have dinner? Together" he rushed the words out of his mouth. Of course he could kill several walkers together but ask me on a date? Oh no that gotta be so hard! "Like a date?" I asked nervously, hoping I wasn't reading into things "Yeah, whatever!" He said as he removed his hair from his face "Sure" I smiled at him and he nodded. "Daryl, are you coming?" My dad yelled as he walked towards us. "Yeah, Rick." Daryl said looking at him "Where are you two going?" I asked looking between both men "Hilltop!"
Maggie was really sick. And she had to see a doctor, only problem is they needed the doctor in the hilltop for this job and that was a long drive. I love Maggie, in fact I love everyone here and I know they love me too. But they see me as Rick's daughter and not the grown up women I want to be seen as. They keep all the heavy work far, far away from me, which is ridiculous! I shoot guns just as well as my dad, if not better. And I can handle my cross bow just as good, Daryl was my teacher after all. Rick and Lori had me when they were in high school, so as much as you had guessed, they have kept me a secret for so long. But when all hell broke lose, I found Lori, and shocking news- I saved her and Carl. Before Sean showed up of course.
Carl was the best thing in my life, and so was Judith! I don't care what dad thinks, she is his daughter in my eyes and she is my sister no matter what.
And here I was sitting playing and kicking off some pebbles as I saw them load everything in the van, preparing to transfer Maggie to the hilltop, I hope she gets well soon. Everyone was going except me, Dad wanted me to take care of Judith, he still didn't trust Gabriel that much, Gabriel knew I was baby sitting him. He wanted to do anything to get Rick's trust back. I get it, Gabriel isn't as strong, dad simply bullies him whenever he gets the chance.
"Take care of Judith, Y/n" dad said as he patted me on my back and headed on his way with the others
Me and Rick were more of best friends, than father daughter. When he found us, me and him hit it off. I was of course angry that he and Lori, left me. Like I was nothing, but I got over it. If anything the dead teach you, it's that there is nothing worth fretting about.
So what if your parents abandoned you? For half your life? One of them was dead now anyway, everyone has their flaws!
"Y/n!" Gabriel said rushing to me, Judith in his hand crying. I got alarmed, what happened? "What's wrong?" I asked as I stood up "I don't know, she has fever and won't stop crying." Gabriel said, panic filling his voice. "Let me see." I said as I placed my hand on Judith's forehead. "She is burning up!" "I know." "I will go to hilltop, catch up with the rest and get her some medicine and get back fast." I sad as I started walking towards my motorcycle, Daryl have found it and gave it to me. It meant so much to me and he knew it.
Daryl, the guy who I fell in love with the moment he opened his stupid mouth, I saw him crush over everyone, but not once did he crush on me, I hope tonight goes well. The universe was smiling at me, at last!
"You can't leave us here!" Gabriel said as he walked behind me "Gabriel, Rick barely started trusting you, leaving Judith to get sick wouldn't do you any good, now would it?" I said as I got on my motorcycle and wore my helmet "But Rick left you here to protect us!" Gabriel said nervously "Thank you for thinking so highly of me" I chuckled "But I need to to help Judith and I trust you to keep everyone here safe till I get back, I won't be late. I promise" I said as I turned on the motorcycle and started driving.
It's been only couple of hours, so dad and the rest must have reached hilltop by now. I hope Dad won't be pissed cause I left Judith with Gabriel. Gabriel was trying to change, and i know the look in his eyes, the same look I saw in Rick and Lori's face.
I have been driving for not so long but then, something was wrong. Something didn't feel right. I stopped my bike and got down, I know I shouldn't but I couldn't shake this awful feeling I had. Shit, that was the van that they left in! I ran towards the van and nothing was there, it was empty. I got out and I could see small light far away, I walked slowly towards it and the light grew bigger.
Everyone was kneeling, even dad. I reached down for the gun behind my back, the first gun Rick ever gave me. There were a lot of people, all had guns, Daryl... oh my god Daryl looked miserable, I think he is shot. There was this guy, everyone's attention was on him, he had a baseball bat with him, who the fuck is he. Oh god, that guy with half burnt face, i know him. Me and Daryl encountered him before, that mother fucker was holding his crossbow.
My grip tightened around the gun, everyone was so engrossed listening to him, no one noticed me sneak behind the big van that was there. Carl was the first to see me, his eye went wide. I placed a finger on my mouth, telling him to be quite. He looked panicked and scared. Maggie looked in so much pain. Glen looked so hurt, he was crying. Who the hell was this guy? And why was everyone so afraid of him? I'm gonna kill him for scaring everyone. No one scares or hurt my family, not even this asshole with a bat.
"But, you killed my people!" the man with the bat snickered. his people? who are his people? "A whole lot of them, more then am comfortable with!" he said as he raised his hand to his chest.
This is Negan. we killed his people. But I thought we killed him, killed everyone of them. Fuck!
"So now, I'm going to beat the holy hell out of one of you." he said, Like hell you are!
I clenched my gun tighter, my knuckles went white. I started planning my attack.
"This is Lucile" he waved the bat in dad's face. I clearly dont like this guy.
Taking a deep breath, I jumped and ran as fast and as quite as i possibly could.
"All this, just so we could pick out, which one of you get the honors" he said as he marched to Abraham.
"How about, you!" I said as I pressed my gun to his head.
Everyone gasped. his men drew their guns fast. everything pointed towards me
"Y/n!" many voices said.
Negan laughed.
I'm fucked.
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pattysfics · 8 years ago
Laundry Girl
Warnings: Cuss words. Negan. SMUT. unprotected sex. 
Request: Haha! No prob ur writing style is awsome. I would like the reader to be a normal laundry worker at the sanctuary with a huge crush on negan that makes everyone else think she's crazy. When negan's jacket ends up in her laundry pile she goes to give it to him personally. I want it to end with negan catching her in his room wearing his jacket. She's lost the second he calls her baby doll. I would like it to be sweet smut. Please and thank you! - @irenewolfland
A/N: I hope this is to up to everyone’s satisfactory level! It was really fun to write! 
Continue to send in your request! I didn’t have school, I’ve been writing all day! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
You’ve been at the sanctuary for some time now, working in the laundry earning points to stay alive. You had the biggest crush on the head savior and everyone that knew thought you were totally insane. You couldn’t help but get turned on every time he walked into the room. Your cheeks would get red, and look away. Thank God he never talked to you would of been just standing there eyes wide, trying to speak but only be blubbering out incoherent sounds. 
You were just about done folding your basket of clothes, when your hands hit a smooth leathery fabric. For a moment, your breath caught in your throat. There was only one man that wore a black leather jacket in this place. Why would his clothes be in here? Doesn’t he have someone do them for him. But here it was. The head honcho’s signature leather jacket lay in the bottom of your basket. 
You reached down to grab it, you were astonished. “(Y/N),” you heard, “what are you doing?” asked Taylor, a fellow laundry worker asked. She clearly didn’t see what you were holding. You turned to face her, still unable to form words. 
“Ohh. Really? You can’t function over a jacket? Give it to me.” She tried to grab the jacket out of your hand, but you turned away just in time. 
“Nah ah ah,” you chided. “I’ll be delivering this to the head savior myself.” 
“You can’t even function around him, how do you expect to give him his jacket?” Taylor rebuked playfully. 
You scoffed. “I’ll get over it. See you around. Yeah?” you asked taking the jacket and walking out of the room. You were beyond excited. You’d never talked to him personally. He would walk into the cafeteria, shout some things, then turn on his heels and leave. You heard stories about his wives. He never stayed around very long, but the times you did see him it was magical, for you at least.
You walked down the hallways towards his room. Everyone here knew where his room was. That cherished leather jacket draped over your arms, some people stared at you others didn’t even notice you as you walked closer to his room. 
When you arrived, you knocked waiting for a gruff come in or the door to fly open and reveal him standing there staring at you. Neither of which happened. The only response you got was silence. 
You turned the door nob and to your surprise the door cracked open. “Hello,” you called out. If he was asleep and you walked in on him, he’d probably kill you with Lucille given the chance. No answer came. You were alone, standing in his room. He wasn’t here. 
You grinned walking deeper into his room. It was gray. The walls were littered with a few photos and items that looked negany. 
You slid on the large leather jacket. It engulfed you. Shivering feeling that leather on your arms. It seemed to add a certain type of badassery to your persona. This was the same jacket that Negan walked around every day in, well except today. 
You had spent so much time browsing around the room that you didn’t notice it was starting to turn dark. You heard the door squeak open. It was to late. You were trapped. 
You heard him whistling as he walked into the room. That whistling died off when he walked deeper into his room and he saw you. “Well, hello there. Just what the fuck do you think your doing in my damn room?”
You whipped around to face him. The fear was clear in your face. “I...I...I..I wa...I was....bring your jacket,” you finally stuttered out. 
“Doesn’t look like you were bringin’ me my jacket. Seems to me, you are wearing my goddamn jacket,” he sounded angry. Shit, you hadn’t taken the jacket off. You were going to end up on those stakes outside the fence wasting away. Maybe he’d just iron your face, sure it would hurt like hell but it’s better then dying. Hopefully he’d make it quick one hard swing of Lucille and you’d be gone. 
You started to slip the jacket off when you heard his gruff voice say “Stop.” He glided across the room till he was right in front of you. “Why haven’t I seen you around here before? Been hiding from big bad Negan?” he questioned. 
You gulped. You opened your both to try to speak but no words came out. You shook your head ‘no’, you haven’t been avoiding him. If anything you wanted to be around him. You craved anything from him. 
“Come on baby doll, don’t be scared now.” ‘Baby doll’ what the flying shit. You looked up at him. He just stood there watching how you’d react. He looked down at you. His big brown eyes capturing your (y/e/c) ones. His hand found its way to the side of your face, lightly brushing your cheek. 
He leaned his head down and you meet him halfway. Your lips meeting in hot, fiery passion and lust, nothing you’ve ever done had ever felt more right. His tongue licked your lip and you quickly allow him entrance. You moan into his mouth, as your tongues danced together. 
You grinded your cotton covered hips into his, you felt his arousal start to grow. He let out a shaky moan. He leaned his head back granting you access to his neck. You broke the kiss, going for his neck. You left soft kisses all over his neck until you found his soft spot and he let out a groan. You attacked his neck more until he pulled you away, reclaiming your lips guiding you back towards his large bed. 
 He broke away for a moment. “You sure about this baby doll? I’m not forc-” he started but you cut him off claiming his lips. He peeled the leather jacket off of you, letting it fall to the floor. His hands find their way to the hem of your shirt and he pulled it over your head quickly before kissing you again. Next his hands ventured further down and started to unbutton your jeans. He skillfully lowered himself as he worked your jeans down along with your panties. 
On his way back up he unclasped your bra sliding it off and tossing it aside. Just as soon as he was gone, he was back this time shirtless. His chest covered in dark curly black hair. He pressed both your lips together again, his tongue easily finding the rhythm he had earlier. 
He laid you down on the bed instantly covering your body with his. Your hands found their way to his hair, fisting his dark locks in your hands. You wanted more. Hot damn you wanted more. You whimpered against his lips. 
“Shhh baby doll. I’m going to take good care of you.”
He leaves your body for a second, just long enough to push his jeans and boxers to the floor before he is back on you. No foreplay is needed. He can tell you are already wet enough for him and he was more than ready for you. 
He reached down, rubbing his tip against your folds, teasing you enough to cause you to whimper. He lets a chuckle before you feel him start to ease himself in. 
“Holy shit,” you unexpectedly cry out as he bottoms out inside you. 
He doesn’t say anything, he just watched you wither under him. He held himself still just long enough before beginning to move slightly in and out of you. 
“Jesus Christ,” he growled. “You are so fuckin’ tight.”
He started to pick up his pace slowly sending you closer to the edge of ecstasy also pulling him along with you. You wrapped your arms around his neck pulling him as close as possible. Your gasped and twisted his hair earning a groan from him as he hit your g spot with each thrust of the hips. 
“Right there.. Shit.. right there,” you cried. 
“Like this?,” he asked punctuating the question with a snap of the hips that only tightened the coil in your belly. 
“Baby doll... I’m so damn close,” he moaned dropping his head in between your head and shoulder. You felt his beard scratch your neck with each thrust. 
“Me too. Keep going.” He happily accepted you request. 
“Let it go doll. Let it go. I’m right with you,” his husky voice level with your ear. That was all it took. You clamped down on him going over the edge, pulling him along with you. He thrusted a few more time working you both through your orgasms. 
He laid on top of you for a few minutes, you fingers still tangled in his hair. Once he was fully recovered he slipped out of you and rolled off of you. 
“I’m going to need you to wear that jacket a lot more, but only for me. You got it?” he said playfully. 
You laughed as you rolled over. He was laying there eyes close. Thanks to you his hair was severely disheveled. His breathing was even. 
“You can either lay here, cuddle up and sleep or go back to your room.”
You smirked. You had him. After being such a total shy ass, you had him and you weren’t going anywhere. 
If you’d like to be added/removed from the tag list, please let me know!!!
tag list:  @ohmyneganimagination-twd @negans-network @starbabysparkle @thedeadwalks @its-bri19 @jasoncrouse @ryangoslingstanktop @aalexandra2712 @namelesslosers @elinyaes @zoesmama2024 @kylorenlover15 @miiraal @toxic-ink @mwesterfeld1985 @myladytitania @sweetsweetpeach @memphisgirl1977
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trashcanband4 · 5 years ago
Therapy Sessions Ch. 2
Chapter 1
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Pairing: NeganxOc. Setting: The Sanctuary. Warnings: None other than Negan being OOC. Summary: Negan begins attempting to get to know the OC (Kelly.).
The next day she woke up to an empty bed and a note left on the dining table. As she picked it up she read aloud, “You are to stay here until I return. Make yourself at home but touch my stash of food and you will be sorry.” She scoffed and tossed the note back on the table.
“Right, so what am I supposed to do here all day?” As she looked around the room she spotted a few books, a small stereo and some CD’s on a shelf sitting to the right of the door, but none of them peaked her interest. Finally she popped a cd into the stereo and started working out.
She had just finished doing cool down stretches when Negan walked in. Lucille propped up on his shoulder. “Good morning.” Negan told her seeing that she wasn’t still in bed like he expected she’d be given the events of the previous night and how late they went to sleep. If he had the chance to sleep in he’d definitely take it, but he had a community to run.
“Mornin’.” She answered as she sat down on the foot of the bed, leaving the dining chairs at the table for Negan. He walked into the room and leaned the sparkling clean Lucille against the bookshelf by the door then sat down in the dining chair crossing his legs at the knees.
“So what’s in store for me today?” she asked bringing her socked feet up onto the bed to sit cross-legged.
“You and I have the rest of the day together and I intend on spending every second of it picking at your dead little soul.” He replied as he sat down in the armchair.
“Why?” she asked, emotionlessly, as usual.
“Because what’s dead doesn’t stay dead these days.” He replied with a cocky smile.
“You think you can bring me back to life?” she asked, her voice turning hard as she crossed her arms over her chest. She wanted to tell him that the walls she had built up, walls constructed from the fallen bodies of her loved ones, were impossible to tear down. However she kept her mouth shut, because telling him that would be letting him in and that wasn’t going to happen.
“I’m going to try.” He answered finding it ironic that while he was going to attempt to fix her, Daryl was being held in a tiny room in which Negan intended on breaking the man.
“Good luck with that.” She shrugged and dropped her arms from across her chest.
“Tell me about who you were before the world got flushed down the shitter.” He told her as he uncrossed his legs and leaned forward placing his elbows on his knees.
“And if I don’t want to?” she asked flatly.
“Then I’ll ask you to tell me what you did for a living.” He countered.
“And if I say that I don’t want to answer that question either?” she asked already getting tired of him and his pointless questions.
“Then I’ll tell you that I am being very generous keeping you in here with me. I could easily put you in the room next to Daryl’s where you can listen to him screaming and crying as fucking Easy Street play’s on loop and you will be fed the same shitty as fuck dog food sandwiches as him.” He told her as his face turned cold and his eyes glaring.
She sighed and crossed her arms over her chest again. “Fine, before the dead came back to eat the living, I was a wife and mother. I was chasing two kids around a three bedroom house, changing diapers and getting baby food thrown in my face. My husband worked two jobs to make ends meet. Things were hard, but I wouldn’t and couldn’t have asked for a better family.”
“Do you have children back at Alexandria?” he asked and she simply shook her head no. “What happened to them?”
“Near the beginning my youngest was taken from me by a virus that spread through our community like wildfire. We didn’t have the resources to handle it. The poor baby didn’t stand a chance. He’d always had a weak immune system. He was three.” She answered not looking at Negan, but at her hands in her lap as she picked at her cuticles. “My oldest, was taken from me by some ass holes that called themselves the wolves. I was helping stock the pantry and my husband was out on a supply run when they attacked. She was home alone. The wolves slit her throat.” She glanced up at Negan then back down to her hands. “She was nine.”
“So is that when you started shutting down?” he asked quietly.
“No, I felt every single bit of that shit.” She answered honestly.
“You mentioned a husband. He dead now?” Negan pressed.
“After we lost our son things between us became…strained. We only stayed together because of our daughter. So when we lost her-” she cut herself off not wanting to elaborate too much. “Let’s just say things got really, really ugly. He eventually left the community. I don’t know where he went and I don’t care to.” The whole time she answered his questions her voice stayed the same, flat, uncaring tone as usual.
“Damn… that all sucks.” he sighed and rubbed at his chin.
“The world sucks now.” She shrugged one shoulder.
“You’re not wrong about that.” He replied as he leaned back in the chair again and brought his booted foot up to rest on his knee.“Let’s lighten things up a bit.” He said and Kelly stopped picking at her cuticles. “Coffee or tea?”
“French Vanilla chai tea.” She answered quickly.
“I’m a black coffee guy myself. What TV shows were you into before?” he told her information about himself even though she didn’t ask.
“The Big Bang Theory, South Park and as embarrassing as it is to admit, The Bold and The Beautiful.” She answered.
“The Bold and The Beautiful was that shitty soap opera right?” he asked and she nodded. “I wasn’t much into tv myself. Did you have a celebrity crush?” He picked up a baseball that was on the floor next to the dining chair and started tossing it in the air and catching it.
“It was always a tie between Channing Tatum and Jensen Ackels.” She answered and for the first time Negan heard what he thought was a smile in her voice.
“Seriously, Jensen Ackles?” he asked as he stopped tossing the ball and cocked a brow at her.
“Hey, dude was hot as hell.” She argued with a small smile that was no where near reaching her eyes, but it was a start. “Just saying.”
“You know Lucille used to tell me that Jensen reminded her of me what I was younger.” He commented quirking Kelly’s interest for the first time.
“You’re bat talks to you?” she asked and he knew she meant it sarcastically but the tone wasn’t there.
“Lucille was my wife. My real wife… before all of this.” He explained and Kelly just made an “Ah” face. “Dog or Cat?” he asked going back to this or that questions.
“Dog, you?” she asked figuring that if he was going to get to know her and keep her in his room for the foreseeable future, she should start getting to know him too.
“Dog. Cats are too fuckin’ moody.” He replied. “Toast or eggs?”
“Eggs.” She answered then motioned for him to answer. He smirked a little, thinking it a good thing that she wanted him to answer his questions too.
“Toast.” Negan answered than asked, “Cardio or Weights?”
“Cardio. Stamina matters these days.” She answered.
“Weights.” He smirked again.
“Cake or pie?”
“Neither. I don’t do sweets.” She answered.
“What’s the matter with you? Sweets are what make life worth living.” He asked dramatically with a shake of his head.
“I’ve never had a sweet tooth. Even as I kid I didn’t eat a lot of candy.” She said with a shrug.
“So what did you do on your birthday, stick candles in a pot roast?” he asked and she cracked the smallest of smiles.
“I had a cake, I just didn’t eat it.” she answered as she dropped her feet to hang off of the side of the bed, not quite touching the floor. “What about you, cake or pie?”
“Classic apple pie with the sugared lattice on top.” He answered. “So you don’t eat sweets at all, none, ever?” he asked stuck on the sweets thing.
She sighed and tilted her head back, people always had this reaction when she told them that she never ate chewy or hard candies or cake or cookies. “I will eat mint chocolate chip ice cream every other blue moon, but that’s it.”
“Mint chocolate chip? Out of all the awesome ice cream flavors you chose the most disgusting one.”
Kelly just rolled her eyes at him. “Okay so out of all the awesome ice cream flavors what’s your favorite Mr. Judgmental?” she asked sarcastically.
“Butter pecan all the way baby.” He answered with a shit eating grin that showed off his dimples and perfect teeth.
“Now that’s disgusting.” She said with a point at him. “Bath or shower?” she flipped things around and asked him a question. He didn’t seem to notice, too caught up in the conversation.
“Shower.” He answered.
“Same, I never understood how someone could soak in a soup of their own filth.” She added and he smiled at her, thinking the same thing. “Hamburger or taco?”
“Hamburger.” He answered without missing a beat.
“Yeah you look like a hamburger guy.” She said giving him an appraising gaze.
“Let me guess, tacos?” he asked and she nodded. “Most important quality in a partner, Intelligence or sense of humor?”
“Why can’t I have both?” she asked and he shook his head at her. “Fine, sense of humor.”
“Intelligence.” He answered “Cups in the cupboard right side up or up side down?”
“Up side down. It’s more stable and causes fewer chips.” She answered. “Toilet paper on the dispenser facing up or down?”
“Down, what kind of psycho puts it on facing up?” he asked with a smile.
“My ex-husband. It drove me absolutely batty. That and leaving his socks right next to the laundry basket instead of in it.” She said getting more rapped up in the conversation than she had meant to.
“Well, as you can see I’m a pretty tidy guy so we should get along just fine.” His statement brought her back down to earth, remembering that she was once again going to be sharing a bed with this man. A man she hardly knew anything about. Noticing her sudden silence and her eyes that stared down at the floor he stood up from the chair and moved to sit next to her, a few inches of space between them. “What are you thinkin’ about, Dead Girl?” he asked as he bumped his shoulder against hers as if they had been friends for years.
“I…am… thinking about how I don’t think you’re going to be able to…fix, me. I know I’m fucked up. I watched you turn two men’s head into tomato soup and yet I still have no problem sharing a bed with you. A normal person, someone in their right mind, wouldn’t have willingly climbed into your truck, slept in your bed, or be sitting here with you like you couldn’t be the literal death of me.” She finally looked across her shoulder at his bright hazels looking at her as he listening closely. “If you can’t fix me will you at least make my death quick and painless?”
“I’m not going to kill you, darlin’. I refuse to except that you are un-repairable.” He replied.
She sighed and fell backwards onto the bed. “I hate this, you making me remember my past, trying to get into my head…”
“Well,” he started as he turned around and threw one of his legs over hers, straddling her, “there could be perks for both of us.”
She bit her lip as she placed her hands on his chest then slid them up to rest on each side of his neck, making him smirk cockily. “You can get into my head, or you can get into my pants. You can’t have both.” She patted him on the shoulder then slid down off of the bed, her nose brushing the crotch of his pants as she did. “Sorry Charlie.” She said as she stood up then turned to face him.
“Okay, then I’ll ask you some more questions.” He said as she moved around to sit in the middle of the bed.
“God, you’re borning.” She groaned then sat down in the dining chair to answer more pointless, boring questions.
Tags:  @jodiereedus22​​ @mtngirlforever​​ @zzeacat​​ @winchester-angel​​ @moodygrip​​ @hells-mistress​​ @lighthope08​​ @sapphire1727​​ @luisadontcurr​​ @ilkaeliseb​​ @twdeadfanfic​​ @ravengalaxia​​ @1lluminaticonfirmed​​ @my-current-fandom-is​​ @coffeebooksandfandom​​ @lonewolf471​​ @gruffle1​​ @mblaqgi​​ @calumstuffs​​ @beltzboys2015-blog​​ @neontiger007​​ @sourwolf-sterek32​​ @dixonluvv​​ @dotslabyrinth​​ @kayln97​​ @art-flirt​ @cbarter​​ @chocolatealmondmilkk​​​ @chocolatealmondmilk-blog​​​  @daryldixonandfrogs​​ @feartheendlesssummer​​ @brooklynalpha​​ @topsykretts926-blog​​ @lonewolf471​​ @baseballbitch116​​ @felicisimor​
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smcc212 · 5 years ago
Twelve Days of Ficmas- Day two
Warnings- p in v, unprotected, daddy kink, creampie etc...
Prompts- lighting a fire/daddy kink
Word count- 553
A/N- Hello again, horny bastards! So I know I’m the rules it says if the story contains more than five hundred words I need a read more function, unfortunately my laptop broke so I have to use my phone and you can’t put a keep reading function on using mobile(or at least I don’t know how to hahahah), so yeah... sorry... Anyway, I really hope you enjoy this!! Merry motherfucking Christmas!!
If you wanna be tagged or removed please let me know!!! Xoxox
You and Negan were roaming around, trying to find your way back to Alexandria when night fell. The two of you cleared out an old, abandoned cabin Negan found, it was cold and dark but it was safe.
“We really should get a fire going,” Negan suggested as he turned on his flashlight.
“Yeah, good idea, I’ll go get some wood,” You said before heading out to gather the wood. Negan followed behind you. The two of you wondered through the forest looking for somewhat dry wood. “You know, this isn’t how I imagined spending Christmas,” You mumbled.
“Yeah? How did you imagine it? With all your friends while your boyfriend rots in his cold dark cell?” Negan asked.
“No, I imagined I’d be sneaking down to your cell and spending Christmas with you, and hopefully, I would’ve managed to steal the keys to your cell,” You explained, picking up some more wood.
“Oh... okay, that does sound a bit better than this... Oh shit!” Negan shouted, you turned round and saw he was being attacked by a walker. You drop the wood, grab your knife out of its holster and ran to safe him. “Thanks,” Negan mumbled.
“No problem, I think that’s-“ You pointed at the wood on the ground. “-enough, we should head back to the cabin.”
“Yeah, good idea.”
You sat on the old couch watching as Negan tried to light the fire. He tried over and over again until finally it lit.
“Thank fuck,” Negan huffed out, making his way towards you, pulling you into his strong arms. “I know how much you love Christmas and I’m sorry I couldn’t make it any better for you, baby,” Negan mumbled, looking at his feet.
“I think this is perfect, daddy.” That one word that you and Negan knew meant you wanted to fuck. A wolffish grin appears on his face.
“Well, daddy thinks he can make it better,” He drawled, carefully pushing you on your back. His hands roam your body before the two of you race to undress. The second your clothes are off, Negan’s lips are all over you.
“Daddy, stop teasing me, please?” You begged, Negan smirked, lining himself up with your entrance. Slowly, he pushed his way inside of you. The pain of his cock stretching you open was almost unbearable, but he’d dealt with this before. He reached down and rubbed your clit with his rough thumb.
“Don’t worry, baby girl, you’ll get used to daddy’s size in no time.”
“I hope so, daddy,” You moaned as pleasure began to ravage your body, your hips meeting his as grumbles of pleasure fell from his mouth. You could feel the tightening in your stomach; it was getting tighter and tighter as Negan pace spend up, as did his thumb. Your coil was about the break and so was his. “Fuck, daddy!” You cried, finally coming undone. Negan followed shortly after you.
“Fucking hell, baby girl! Daddy’s all tired out after that,” He breathed out, falling back before opening his arms out, inviting you to cuddle into him. Someone you found the strength to cuddle towards him. He wrapped his arm around you as you played with his chest hair.
“Merry Christmas, daddy,” You mewled, enjoying the aftermath of your orgasm.
“Merry fucking Christmas, baby girl.”
@jamiekingofmen @khloekiddo @negansseventhwife @gamingaquarius us @negan-morningstar @chloejanedecker1 @negans-lucille-tblr @the-minus-four
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anodyne-sunflower · 8 years ago
The Crown weighs heavy (Ch.19)
Pairing: NeganxReader
Rating: M overall
Chapters: 19/?
A/N: I knowwwww it has been years since I have updated this story. Inspiration has just been way lacking for me in the Negan area :( It’s not the longest but since it has been a while I decided to update it with this anyway.
The sound of voices around you sounded slurred and distant in your muddled state, and all you could do was sink back into the strong arms that carried you off. Your head was pounding, and the wound from being grazed by a bullet was stinging wildly. One day, that’s all you asked, one day to relax and not be in harm’s way. You regretted all those times you ached to be back out here, yet somehow you still weren’t all too willing to go with the saviors. Perhaps it was the day’s events, but you just wanted to be alone. Yet, the comforting warmth of the man carrying you was making you forget everything.
“Sir, do you want-“
“I don’t give a fuck what you do, just look around for the pricks that caused all this goddamn mess.”
The savior nervously nodded at Negan, grabbing his gun and taking a few others with him as he ran off into the thick forest. Negan sighed heavily, cradling your limp body in his arms as he walked to the truck. He ordered Simon and his men to salvage what they could from the supplies riddled across the highway, and he opened the passenger side door to his vehicle. Betraying his usual brash demeanor, he gently placed you on the seat, going so far as buckling you in for safety. You groaned deeply at the pain, eyes screwed shut as you tried to will away your headache.
The leader of the savior’s glanced at you, scowling at the current situation and mainly your injured state.
“Don’t worry your pretty little self, darlin’. I’ll fucking bash the mother fuckers heads in when we find them.”
The pit of your stomach felt heavy with guilt, and you had to wonder why you’d lie and protect a complete stranger like that. Yet, you were sure if Negan had gotten his hands on Aaron, he’d be a dead man. You simply nodded at him, staying quiet as he closed the door and got back into his seat. He started the truck, waving a hand at Simon as he did a quick U turn and headed straight for the sanctuary.
The movements of the truck made you shift around in your seat, and you fought hard not to give in to your exhausted body. But, you were growing far too tired, and the soft vibrations of the engine were slowly lulling you to sleep. The wheels drove over a pothole, making you fall over, your head softly landing on Negan’s shoulder.
“Hey…” His deep voice fell on deaf ears as you succumbed to the exhaustion you felt. Negan scoffed, gripping the steering wheel tightly as you slept silently next to him, your hair fell over your face, and all he could hear was your soft breathing.
“Sweetheart…get the fuck up already.”
You whined softly as someone nudged at your shoulder, and you opened your eyes slowly to see Negan standing next to you outside of the truck. The sound of his men talking behind him made you fully sit up, and you struggled to hold yourself with your arm as you moved to get out of the vehicle. He grabbed your arm, pulling you out of the truck himself when you clearly weren’t able to yourself.
“Come on, Darlin’.”
“Okay…” You grumbled, slightly frustrated with Negan’s persistence. He dragged you along, shouting orders to some of his men along the way. Something wasn’t quite right with him, and he wasn’t even scolding you like you had expected. Sure, you lied about the circumstances of the wreck, and loss of supplies, but you still expected some form of punishment for fucking up even after promising not to.
The doors to the sanctuary opened, and he turned the hallway pulling you up and along the stairs. You tried pulling yourself away from him but his grip was tight.
“Negan, what are you-“
“You’re barely fucking walking on your own, sweetheart. You got fucking blood dripping down your leg, and your face looks like goddamn Lucille got a hold of it. So tell me again how you can fucking do this on your own?”
His tone made you go silent, and you had to wonder if he was actually…but, there couldn’t possibly be anyway he was worried about you. For some reason, the thought of him actually rushing out in the middle of the night to even find you was heartwarming. Had he sat there for hours wondering where you were? Was he adamant that he and his men go find you? You glanced up at him, a soft blush on your face as you continued to analyze this entire situation. Things between you both had been more than confusing lately, and you struggled with trying to define your feelings for the man. He was everything you thought you hated in this world, but now, now there seemed to be somewhat different side to him that you never thought possible.
Negan opened the doors to your bedroom, helping you sit on the couch as he scowled down at you. “You’re developing a habit of disappointing me.”
“It’s not like I flipped the truck on purpose.”
Perhaps you let off a bit more attitude than necessary, but between your illness, and your current injuries you just didn’t have the energy to deal with him being angry. Negan just clicked his tongue at you, resting Lucille on the side of the table as he fished through his jacket pockets. He pulled out an orange bottle, the sound of pills clacking around making you look up at him.
“Antibiotics?...” You opened your mouth, staring in slight shock. “Where did you…”
“Does it fucking matter? You thought you could hide how goddamn shitty you were feeling, sweetheart? You were missing for hours, took a ride to fucking Hilltop, and found out you left, and considering the time of day, you should’ve been back already. Then…” He took a seat on the coffee table, leaning for towards you as he clasped his gloved hands together. “Then I fucking find out you took a different route to get here. Took us 5 hours to find your sorry ass!” With every word his tone grew louder, and you shrank back instinctively into the couch.
“You’re fucking sorry?!”
Negan chuckled at that, rubbing his beard as he sighed deeply. “You know you got one hell of a set of balls, sweetheart. Lying to me about the goddamn extent of your illness, taking one of my trucks out there, and then wrecking the holy hell outta it.”
“I already told you-“
He threw the bottle of pills into your lap, glaring at you from his seat. That flattered feeling you had before was completely gone by now, and you couldn’t help but be angry with him. Lie or not, it really wasn’t completely your fault. It’s not like you planned to faint, and crash a vehicle full of life saving supplies. What happened to the man who seemed worried not so long ago? Was he only concerned for the items he lost? You gripped the bottle in your hands, biting your lip and looking down at your lap as he continued to scold you like a child.
“You’re not leaving this fucking room. You wanna throw more of your fine ass speeches about trust to me, be my fucking guest, Darlin’. But, you bet your sweet ass you’re not getting out of here.”
He rose from his spot on the table, scoffing down at you as he started to walk away. You never looked back at him, but you still spoke your mind even though your instincts told you not to.
“Just when I started to like you, you go and be a dick like you always are.”
It came out rather scathing, but you didn’t care. It was the truth after all. Every time you thought there was another side to him, he changes that completely.
Negan stopped dead in his tracks, his boots scraping against the floor of your bedroom. He laughed a bit at your nerve, but you could tell he was going through a frustration of his own. “You really love to piss me off, don’t you?”
You groaned as you got off the couch, holding your side as you limped over to Lucille that had still been resting against the table. It was so unlike him to ever leave his precious bat behind, but that only furthered your theory that something was off with him. You grabbed Lucille by her end, struggling to life the heavy bat in your current state.
“Aren’t you forgetting something?”
You lifted his bat towards him, frowning at him as he turned to glare at you. Negan slowly stalked towards you, dark eyes never leaving your defiant gaze. He reached a gloved hand out, grabbing Lucille from your weak grip. You just squinted your eyes up at him, not wanting to back down from the man who constantly gave you headaches. You moved to turn, heading back to the couch to rest but a strong grasp on your arm stopped you. Negan turned you quickly towards him, his arm wrapping possessively around your waist as he leaned down and captured your lips in a hard kiss.
Your eyes widened, and it was as if your heart had suddenly stopped beating. Your mind couldn’t even began to comprehend what he was doing, and your hands were raised up, barely brushing the leather of his jacket. His lips were warm against your own, and if it wasn’t for the confusion and anger you felt, you might’ve actually melted into the kiss, instead you stood motionless not responding at all to his touch. When your senses came back to you, you pushed him off and took a step back staring at Negan in complete disbelief.
@jeffrcy @nohatarek17 @manic-mamma @namelesslosers @deadlywinters @aestheticimagines @happyblondeflower @myrabbitholetoneverland @12noboundaries13 @evangalinerose @miiraal @pinkpinkdonut @xomissi
If any of you stopped keeping up with this and want me to not tag you again please let me know! I would totally understand lol
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nina-wrote-this · 4 years ago
Thanks everyone for the likes ❤ hope each one of you enjoy this and my next one shots, fanfics, series...  
I'm so happy 🥰
Mercy - One Shot
Pairing: Negan x Grimes Daughter!Reader
Summary: Negan needs to give you a terrible notice about your family.
Word Count: 965 words
Warnings: Sadness; Depression; Anxiety; Death;
A/N: Hey, everyone! So, this is my *first time* posting my writing, and I'm SUPER exciting about it. I hope you guys enjoy and If you find any typos, please let me know. English is not my mother tongue.
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