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boredw69 · 1 year ago
Only In His Office- Ch.4 Negan X Readert
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Y/n is 19 year old Senior in high school who is particularly quiet but that's only because she always takes the time to write in her notebook filled with.. thoughts about someone imparticular, but its not who you expect it to be…
◇There is a age gap in this book so if you are not ok with that or if it makes you uncomfortable then you do not have to read, it's your choice.◇
Warnings: Age gap, Sexual themes, Cursing, (Bad writing :O, didnt proof read. Oop
Word Count: 1358
The next few days went on as normal, and it was Friday before I knew it. It was already mid day and I was in the gym sitting on the bleachers for the free period.
Try outs were after school today; and for once I had an ounce of positivity about it. Maybe getting out and playing a sport actively with help with my odd addiction to writing. 
The squeak of a shoe echoed across the gym floor. I looked up to see Negan approaching me.. Of course; I was naive to think he would be too busy planning tryouts to notice me in the corner of the bleachers. I folded up my notes and shifted to sit up a bit.
"Well; So obsessed you had to come visit me on your free period?" He smiled.
I choked out a small laugh. 
"Excited for tryouts?" He asked sitting down next to me.
"I suppose.."
He tilted his head trying to get a better look at my face. "She speaks." he let out a chuckle
"Psh.. Yea.." I mumbled.
I looked out over the gym, things had already been laid out for try outs. Small areas taped off on the floor, cones placed in different patterns, and oddly enough the hoops were lowered. Negan followed my eyes to the basketball hoops and cleared his throat.
"Makin' it easy for ya" smirking he looked back to me.
"Your joking right?" I stood from my seat and walked around the gym to the closest hoop. I looked up and laughed. This was too easy; So easy that someone who had never played could dunk it.
Negan stood now walking over to me and stretching his arm up to touch the rim. "Maybe your right" sarcasm was laced through his words. "Think we should give it a test run?" he looked down on me. 
I bit down on my lip thinking for a minute. I was at a small disadvantage.. But practice is practice. "sure".
Negan held back a smile as he nodded. Heading over to the ball rack he palmed a ball passing it between his two hands before chest passing it to me roughly.
I caught it with a huff. "ouch." I spat.
I began to dribble the ball practicing passing the ball on and off both hands.
Negan didn't seem to waste any time fucking around coming around to smack the ball out of my hands before I ran with it across the court. I slowed down at the hoop going in for a lay up.
The ball circled the rim before falling off into the net. I rebounded the ball and dribbled once before realizing he was already on top of me. Nowhere to go I simply held and defended the ball. I turned against him.
"shit." I whispered. 
"Yea." He leaned down against me whispering against my neck.
Still not pressed fully against him i panicked. What if someone saw us this close? This is dangerous; But being this close is nice. His chest was so close to my back, and I could feel one of his legs pressed onto me. 
Lost in my train of thought he grabbed the ball and held it over his head and shot it from across the court; it circled the rim and fell off the side. 
"Worth a shot." He said cockily.
I stood up normally, turning to face him, still weirdly close. He looked down smiling. 
My face got hot, and my body too. I was doing it again. 
"I should get back to studying" 
He huffed; "Studying? You mean writing away in that little notebook of yours?" He questioned.
My breath caught in my throat. "What- No. I have school work to do." I fumbled on my words.
He burst out laughing, "Yea, yea of course."
My expression flattened, unmoving, bored with the joke. I turned back and started to head towards my things.
"What'do ya say we go talk about try outs in my office?" He didn't follow me he just stood with a lean in the middle of the court.
I slowed in my pace trying to make out what he had just said. 
He began after the ball that was slowly wandering the court floor. Picking it up and dribbling it slowly back to the rack. As I picked up my things I turned back to face him. 
"Hell' Bring that book of yours.. Maybe we could brainstorm a new page for ya." He teased.
My heart skipped a beat and I began to feel.. Aroused? again.. I nodded unsure of where this was going.. But where ever it ends up I'm sure it will be worth taking chances.
I nodded simply, and with a smirk from him we walked back to his office.
He sat down in his chair and patted the desk; "Lay 'er out and we can get to brainstorming" He continued on.
I sat down in a chair just in front of his desk now digging in my backpack for the notebook. 
Not entirely sure why I was just simply doing what he asked I placed the book in front of me and he flipped it to a random page.
"Why don't you read it allowed.?" He leaned back in his chair.
My eyes trailed down looking at the book; Then slightly up now seeing the tint in his gray pants. 
No way this was happening. 
"I- Erm. I can't." I cleared my throat.
Negan shifted in his seat looking me over head to toe; "How come?"
"Its.. embarrassing."
He scoffed, "Hell yea it is." Leaning forward in his chair he looked at me eye level; "But from what I read." He paused, "You're into that."
My heart was racing. What do I even say..
My skin pricked uncomfortably from how hot I was getting. I crossed my legs trying to settle the excited feeling. I looked up as he pushed the book closer.
"His hand gripped around my throat stifling my breathing as his hips..-" I gulped, "Rutted into my ass.." stopping I looked up to him. He was watching me with hungry eyes.
He nodded signaling me to continue.
"The water from the shower ran over us both our skin beginning to redden from the water pressure."
Negan stopped me. "So detailed." He stood up making me settle into my seat as I followed his movements. "Where do you come up with these settings?" he asked.
"I'm not sure.. I just use my imagination I guess."
He slid in front of me, my sightlines just above his belt. He leaned down close to my face. I swallowed my saliva nervously as stared me down.
"What are you thinking right now? Hm.?" He whispered.
"I want to kiss you.." I say bluntly.
He stifled a smirk. "Yea.?" voice arrogant in tone.
Leaning closer I closed my eyes.
Our lips brushed against one another his beard poking at my chin and upper lip. I closed the gap moving closer to kiss him. 
 He kissed back leaning down further to grab behind my neck and guided me to stand up. My hands fell to his hips resting on his leather belt.
I could feel as his fingers laced into my hair, he gripped down hard pulling lightly at the roots. As we kissed my legs rubbed against each other yearning for any sort of friction. Slowly getting closer to him simply just wanting to feel more. My chest pressed against his ribs and He broke the kiss with a deep breath. I could feel him looking down to me as he groaned.
My heart fluttered; I suppose I never thought of him as a verbal man.
He grabbed at my shoulders slowly pulling me away from him; "Shit.."
I looked up trying to gauge his expression.
"We should probably slow down" He licked his lips huffing before going back behind his desk.
I grabbed my book awkwardly shoving it back into my backpack and heading towards the door.
I cleared my throat, "I'll see you at try outs".
Tryouts went normal and everyone was sent home with a small pamphlet readying us for first practice dates and uniforms.
Sitting in the passenger seat of my dads truck I finished the paperwork, confirming my shoe, pants and shirt size. I signed the bottom and folded it up.
"How did it go?" My dad asked nonchalantly 
"I think it went good." I held back a giddy smile.
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