#twd comic remixes
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twdmusicboxmystery · 2 years ago
in relation to the anonymous hate towards Beth, I think it's a whole, Beth was known for her suicide attempt, twd has many strong female characters and is what is considered "normal". So seeing this "weak" character I think annoyed the audience, personally I think Beth was such a human character because we saw her development on screen, unlike Michonne for example who was already rude from her first appearance. I don't know if Hershel was "judged" for going off drinking and leaving his daughters alone and being "weak" (which to me is also a human action, crying and grieving for your lost loved ones). I feel like male characters are "forgiven" for being human but in this case Beth is punished. 🤷‍♂️
Pasando a otro tema, en el cómic Lori muere cuando el gobernador ataca la prisión. ¿Sabes la razón por la que en la tele tomaron la decisión de matarla en el parto? ¿Y convertir a Beth Judith en la cuidadora principal en el proceso? Sinceramente, creo que querían darle tiempo de pantalla.
En cuanto a las filtraciones de Daryl, prefiero creer que en esas fotos en las que aparece la actriz vestida de monja y Daryl delirando, Daryl está viendo a Beth, no tengo pruebas pero tampoco dudas. Daryl es conocido por sus alucinaciones.
Y finalmente, ¿viste las historias de Instagram de Emily? 🤯
For non-Spanish speakers, here's the translation of the Spanish part:
Moving on to another topic, in the comic Lori dies when the governor attacks the prison. Do you know the reason why on TV they made the decision to kill her in childbirth? And make Beth Judith the primary caretaker in the process? I honestly think they wanted to give her screen time.
As for Daryl's leaks, I prefer to believe that in those photos in which the actress appears dressed as a nun and Daryl delirious, Daryl is seeing Beth, I have no proof but no doubt either. Daryl is known for his hallucinations.
And finally, did you see Emily's Instagram stories?
I agree with what you said about her not being a strong character at the first, and since the audience is used to strong characters, they got a little annoyed. I can see that. But I think that was Gimple's point. A lot of people really would be puddles of goo if the zombie apocalypse truly happened. He wanted to show someone who started out weak but then became very strong. It's the ultimate character arc to go from a place of weakness to a place of strength.
In terms of Lori, they were always remixing things in the show as compared to the comics. The only thing they did 100% the same way was Glenn's death. And that's because it was so iconic. But other than that, they almost never did things the same way because they didn't want the show to be too predictable. They wanted to make it their own, and I'm glad that's the case.
As for Beth, I talked about this a few days ago (HERE). About how from the very beginning Gimple didn't simply make her the babysitter because he didn't know what else to do with her. He did it to foreshadow a future arc that had to do with children, especially kidnapped children, and babies. So, I believe he had major plans for Beth's arc, even back then.
I love the idea of Daryl being delirious in those pics and seeing Beth! I could see that, and it would be super interesting, wouldn't it?
I see most of Emily's stories, but you'd have to be more specific about which one. She posts a lot. 😉
Thanks for all your thoughts, Nonny. Xoxo! ☔️💕
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wolfwhiteflowers · 6 years ago
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angelthefirst1 · 4 years ago
Beth repeats everywhere.
Okay so I'm back and excited about the upcoming episodes and while bummed we didn't see Beth in 1016. I am super excited about where this is heading...
Even the title names are in your face Bethyl at this point, I mean... Home sweet home?
If the spoilers are accurate-it's actually a good thing...
*Ducks for cover (please don't throw things at me) 🥴🤕
So after a long but very needed break (The world falling apart kinda made analyzing TWD seem very unimportant) I have decided to climb out of my cave to weigh in on the current spoilers that have everyone acting like they just sat on a cactus. 🌵
If correct, these spoilers confirm to me that Beth is just about to be reintroduced and also confirm what i have been saying about how the story is told in TWD for years.
Season 9 and 10 especially has been repeating, major Beth season 4 and 5 plot. And, there is a reason it's getting more and more blatant. It's coming to a head...
We've seen Beth's story on repeat using other characters to remind us of the past, and show us the future to a degree too.
It's called predicative programming, showing a shadow of what's coming before it actually does.
So this Leah...even if she is "real" (more on this a little later) IS BETH showing aspects of the past to subconsciously remind us of past Beth, and aspects of what's to come for future Beth.
On the topic of what's real and what's not, there is a very good case to be made, that this is all in Mr Dixon's (And ultimately Rick's) head.
A bit further on I will go through some of the blatant repeats in the story to remind you just how 'in your face' the repeats from season 4/5 have become in season 9,10.
But first I want to talk through what I think is most likely happening with these potential spoilers.
I see a few possibilities out of this, but none of them are actually bad.
Scenario 1. Leah is real and her and Daryl have a relationship in that cabin.
Why isn't this bad?
This maybe a difficult concept for some to grasp as they see all the characters separately, but...the writers make the characters all one, by moving them in and out of repeating rolls.
So as I stated above, Leah is a Beth fill in and the reason we most likely won't actually see a full Leah and Daryl love scene on screen, is because it's shadowing the real love scene to come which will be with the main fulfillment, Beth.
Leah is the shadow reminding us of Alone and Still, but Daryl's memory, desire and hope are all about Beth, not Leah.
I mean come on... A Cabin? A Dog? Them not getting along to start but then hints of romance? They eat together? She leaves and is never mentioned until years later? and a note? In your face Bethyl.
And this leads into scenario number two...
I've often wondered if all these characters actually originate out of the 'real' Rick's mind (yes i know the comics don't end that way, but that doesn't mean the TV show isn't going down that road potentially)
While unconscious in his hospital bed, the character of Rick comes alive in his mind.
Some might not like this concept, but It does make sense of the constant repeats in story. Which can be likened to a dream state and inception.
If we have been in the character Rick's mind all this time, then once Rick's character "left" in the helicopter season 9, it became "Daryl's" mind we entered (He became the last man standing) and that's when the story shifted and became extremely Beth heavy.
We possibly entered into Daryl's subconscious instead of Rick's and instantly started getting HUGE Beth symbolism.
Why would Daryl's mind/subconscious be showing him in an almost identical setting to what we saw him and Beth in season 4, in Still and Alone but with someone else instead?
Because it seems he has suppressed her memory as much as possible to cope (Leah not being mentioned all this time is another clue that this is actually about Beth), but it's building and building to a climax, which should soon end in the truth exploding from his subconscious and finally revealing that Daryl loved and desires Beth.
Rick's story started and ended with "finding his family"-that was his repeating story.
And until he left and handed the reins over to "Daryl's mind" we were never going to access Daryl's subconscious enough for the truth about Beth to be revealed.
As soon as it becomes Daryl's characters mind in control, we immediately start seeing major Beth repeats beginning.
I'm going back over some major repeats from 9/10 to show you how obvious the repeating story has become.
This became long and it's only the really obvious stuff that I'll cover, there is way more that could be included, and it will become extremely obvious by the time we reach the end, that this IS Beth’s story, just remixed.
Further down i will also explain scenario number 3.
Repeats: Starting with season 9
As soon as Rick's helicopter files away over a barn (which is very similar to the barn Daryl weeps over Beth next to)
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We see Magna who has been a major Beth fill-in with her blond hair and prison tattoo, and in a relationship with a dark haired archer.
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We then meet grown up Judith with her braid and sheriffs hat.
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We first see Daryl in season 9, as he comes across Carol and Henry in the woods
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And he suddenly has a dog.
The camp site is a repeat of Beth and Daryl's "Suck-ass camp" from Still.
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But having Dog there shows Daryl's desire to have Beth there. He desperately wanted to get her that dog in Alone.
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Daryl kills a snake in suck-ass camp number 2 (it’s black and hanging around his neck)
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Just like in Still...
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Carol asks Daryl to take Henry to Hilltop because he wants to learn blacksmithing.
Daryl says he doesn't want to babysit. Repeating the sarcastic line Beth says to Daryl about being her chaperone.
Beth going to get something she wants (get alcohol)
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Is Henry going to learn at the Hilltop blacksmith. In both cases Daryl does go with them even tho he initially protests.
Before they leave Henry hurts his ankle in a trap and Daryl provides an ointment to help it heal, a repeat of Beth's ankle in Alone and Daryl bandaging it for her.
Soon after we see Jesus get killed in a dark misty graveyard, Daryl's the one to immediately kill Jesus's murder. This was a combination of the Alone graveyard and Beth/Dawn at Grady.
We then see Henry get drunk on moonshine at Hilltop, and when Gage says they should have some more fun, his idea of fun is showing disrespect to the dead walker they trap in a pit. Henry kills it- just like Beth killing the walker in Still that Daryl was "having fun with".
Because of the moonshine Henry gets stuck in the cell block with Lydia (think Daryl saying "home sweet home") and in Still and Beth says "if we are going to be trapped (prisoners) again, might as well make the best of it".
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We find out Lydia was abused like Daryl, and Henry keeps saying Lydia is a good person. Just like Beth and Daryl.
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Henry and Lydia are young Beth and Daryl, who bond during this time in the cell block, they get separated due to the prisoner exchange with Alden and Luke.
The introduction of Alpha (An evil twisted Beth) who looks like she is dead. Same with Beta being Daryl with his double knives and who would follow Alpha anywhere. Their roles are reserved in that he is the musical one with a singing career and has released albums (sounds familiar to Emily right?).
Alpha is referred to as Mother by Lydia, and the whisperers refer to themselves as a pack (symbolic of wolf's) which is fulfillment of the song at the end of Still about 'Mother being absent' and a 'party when the Wolf comes home'.
We see the prisoner exchange (Luke and Alden for Lydia) from a nomad group and a fixed community. A repeat of Grady
We then see a Henry, Lydia rescue mission from Connie and Daryl in a building with a elevator shaft that Daryl pushes Beta into (Grady) repeating Beth pushing the officer down the elevator.
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As Daryl and Beta fight, Daryl stabs him where Beth stabs Dawn.
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Beta keeps yelling at Daryl "Where is she?" Daryl then stabs Beta in the same spot as Beth stabs Dawn. Repeating Daryl's desperate search for Beth from season 5 and how it ends.
Just before Beta gets pushed into the elevator he says "All I want is the girl", referring to Lydia but it shows Daryl's subconscious desire when going to Grady was just wanting the girl too (Beth).
The song at the beginning of 914 when pregnant Michonne is looking for Rick, is about dream catchers and dreaming. Which could be a hint at this being a dream state.
The episode also repeats the theme from the Grove, messed up children (Lizzy) willing and even happy about killing (Mica). The episode focuses on children killing dear just like The Grove and Josalin teaches them they must be strong, not weak just like Carol taught the kids in season 4. The timeline in this episode includes Henry getting his leg patched up at Alexandria with Lydia (another repeat of Beth's ankle injury) which would have happened around the same time as the events in the Grove.
We see Miles and Hilda running from walkers through the woods, him wearing plaid and her a cardigan just like Beth and Daryl in Still/Alone
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They just happen to come across somewhere safe (Hilltop) but that eventually leads to her being scalped and Miles gets his face turned into a whisperer mask so he effectively ends up "walking around like a dead man" which is a reminder of what Len says to Daryl in season 4 referring to Daryl being miserable due to losing Beth.
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Connie and Kelly fight about Connie not saying goodbye when she leaves with Daryl to rescue Henry. A reminder of  Beth and Daryl's conversation about not saying goodbye at the prison.
When next we see Beta and Daryl realises he survived being pushed into the elevator shaft.
Beta says to Daryl "You just had to give me the girl, no one else had to die, now that deal is done".
Same theme and mentality of Daryl when planning to rescue Beth from Grady.
He wanted everyone to go home and no one to die so he rejected Rick's plan of quietly slitting everyone's throats and hoped for a peaceful trade . But once Beth was lost to him, that deal was done and he instantly opens fire on Dawn.
The whisperers then kill Henry and the other's by quietly sneaking into Kingdom, taking them, and eventually slitting their throats and cutting their heads off.
All because they couldn't get Lydia back. The tactics were reversed. And in both situations the main Dr was not killed (Edwards and Siddiq)
Henry is killed and Lydia is miserable enough to almost commit suicide while the group is traveling through a snow storm from Kingdom to Alexandria. This is a repeat and reverse of the group traveling from Alexander in a heat wave and drought while Daryl was miserable.
Season 10
We see Siddiq keep having flashbacks about those that were killed at the fair.
Negan in prison at Alexandria is a repeat of Beth as a prisoner in Grady.
In 10.02 (1010) we get Alpha and Beta's back story from 7 years earlier. They are both in a addiction treatment Facility with hallways reminiscent of Grady, Beta has written on the walls 'Why am I STILL ALONE'. hint much?
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Alpha tells Beta that she doesn't die easily. A repeat of Beth telling Daryl that even tho he looks at her like just another dead girl, she isn't.
Alpha starts singing/humming when she hears Beta humming and he tells her to stop singing and never do it again. Repeating Daryl yelling at/mocking Beth about her singing in Still, and a reverse of Alone when he tells her to keep on singing.
Beta asks for Alpha's name and she responds with "The dead don't have names". Reinforcing the theme from Still of Beth telling Daryl that she knows he sees her as just another dead girl, and that's why he's afraid to get too close to her.
We see the introduction of the whisperer sisters (twisted versions of Maggie and Beth from season 4/5) one of which-a blond, has just lost a baby (Beth and Judith) and she eventually dies.
Beta and Alpha talk about what the dead feel, Alpha says "nothing" repeating Beth yelling at Daryl "Do you feel anything?"
Later we find out Beta's brother was being treated in that facility for addiction, repeating Daryl telling Beth about Merle and how he was always high. Alpha is the one to kill Beta's brother, repeating Beth telling Daryl "You got away from it" meaning Merle and his influence, and Beth's insistence on him staying who he is, kept him from becoming his brother.
The very next scene is current time and shows Beta telling Alpha (Just after the satellite hits) that he saw smoke at the boarder. Insinuating the fire from the satellite also represents the fire from the cabin in Still which was also right after Beth and Daryl's talk about Merle and how he got away from him.
Alpha and Beta then interlock fingers just like Beth and Daryl in Alone.
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The Whisperer sisters also have a conversation about how Alpha killed Lydia (which she lied about) and Alpha told them that she didn't shed one tear when Lydia died. One of the whisperer sisters says "She is Alpha, she doesn't cry."  repeating Beth's "I don't cry anymore Daryl".
Beta finds out Alpha lied about Lydia being dead and yells at her "she is never coming back, she is GONE! Alpha." Repeating Daryl and Rick's conversation about Beth being just gone.
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The beginning of 1003 shows Alexandria get wave after wave of walkers because of the fire from the Satellite (Sill cabin) which is a repeat of the walkers being drawn to the cabin while Beth and Daryl are still watching it burn. 413 opens with Maggie, Sasha and Bob fighting waves of walkers in the fog, and the Grove episode which happened on the same timeline showed burned walkers coming to the cabin Carol, Ty and the girls were in.
It's repeating that era.
The fighters at Alexandria are exhausted and Gabriel tells Aaron he has to use Negan to fight because they are low on fighters, he says pointing to Negan then Aaron "Peanut butter meet jelly" repeating the peanut butter Beth eats in Alone and Jelly Daryl eats.
Carol, Daryl and Michonne stay the night at Barnett academy home of the foxhound. Repeating the dog theme from Alone.
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The description of the episode says "The group stays at the academy but Carol falls into a trap." Once again Repeating the Alone/foot trap/dog/Grady/trap theme.
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Carol calls for Daryl to help her once she steps in the trap.
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This trap causes Carol to fall and hurt her arm badly repeating Beth's arm injury from season 5 when she wakes up with her arm in a cast.
Rosita and Eugene have an argument about how he loves her, and he says that he wished she would would re-zone him into love town, and hoped she'd changed her mind. (Changed your mind? Love? Yeah not spelling this one out for you)
This same episode Carol "wakes up" smiling but actually dreaming of domestic bliss with Daryl preparing her food, they have run out of jam/jelly. Probably because Daryl ate it all lol (once again Alone on repeat)
1006 Carol and Daryl go looking for Negan (the missing prisoner) a repeat of consumed 506 with Daryl and Carol searching for Beth.
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At the same time we see a focus on the doctors/medical ward of Alexandria due to the contaminated water making everyone sick. A reminder of Grady.
We also have Eugene on the radio broadcasting to try and reach a new community, which eventually leads to him and the others in 1016 ending up at the end of the train tracks with train cars and the meeting of a new group.
Which is repeating terminus, who were broadcasting on the radio too.
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He is on a mission to meet the new potential love of his life (Stephanie) at the same time Daryl and Carol are out on their search for the missing prisoner.
We see the whisperer doctor (Dante) plant himself into Alexandria and he eventually kills the second doctor (Siddiq) repeating but twisting the Grady story of Dr Edwards using Beth to kill the new doctor that comes into Grady.
Before he kills Siddiq however, Dante uses poison and kill another whisperer who gets put in the jail cell at Alexandria, he then blames the mistaken medication that killed the whisperer on Siddiq. Repeating Dr Edwards poisoning the new Dr that came into Grady while blaming Beth.
Lydia runs away from Alexandria during the time Dante kills Siddiq.
While Lydia (the girl) is missing and no one knows where she is, father Gabriel oversees Siddiqs funeral. Repeating Ty's funeral from season 5 while no one knew what became of Beth. The funeral scene emphasizes the sprinkling of dirt into the grave just like we saw with Ty.
Next we see a father Gabriel watching a video log of Dante when he first arrived at Alexandria
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repeating the groups from seasons 4/5 arriving at Alexandria and doing video logs with Diana.
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Aaron and Gracie are seen taking about vehicle registration plates and the different states, repeating Aaron and Eric's obsession with collecting them all in season 4/5
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While searching for Alpha, Carol almost steps in an animal trap and Daryl saves her. Another repeat of Beth's animal trap.
Soon after the animal trap, Carol then runs after Alpha leading the group into a trap in the cave, repeating her running into the trap at Grady and being hit by the car and the leading of the group to Grady.
While in the cave we see a bird cage, like we see in Beth's cell back at the prison, the bird cage representing her at Grady.
Carol is rash wanting revenge and stupidly drops the explosive causing the group to think Connie and Magna are dead. Beth at Grady rashly stabs Dawn, causing the group to think she is dead.
We next see a depiction of resurrection when Beta comes out the grave while sneaking into Alexandria.
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Daryl and Alpha fight, Alpha after fighting with Daryl wakes up from passing out, she is reborn stronger.
Eugene takes to Rosita about the probability of never seeing Father Gabriel and the others from Alexandria again because Alpha's horde is coming to Hilltop. Rosita tells Eugene to stop, repeating Beth and Daryl's argument in Still about never seeing Maggie again and Beth yelling at him to stop.
Eugene and Rosita then share some alcohol (moonshine) depicting Beth and Daryl doing the same.
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Rosita tells Eugene he has no romantic game which we all know applies to Daryl too.
Before the fight/fire at Hilltop, Daryl tells Judith that he is afraid a little bit. With Beth he wouldn't admit he was afraid of losing people, he cared about.
We then see Hilltop get drenched in a clear flammable liquid (tree sap) and set on fire (The Hilltop fire represents the cabin Daryl and Beth Burn)
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The episode with Virgil and Michonne is fascinating and aspects in it, could well be repeated with Daryl and Leah. This episode could be a foreshadow of: Scenario number 3. It's in part a hallucination.
In the Virgil/Michonne episode we see Michonne get drugged and she sees what the past would have been like if she'd chosen a different road. She describes what she saw in her hallucinations to Virgil, as losing her family and that it was Hell to see.
Virgil has taken the drugged tea before and he describes it as heaven because it reunited him with his family and he hoped it would do that for her. After coming out of the hallucination, Michonne spares Virgil's life and that act, ends up leading her to Rick's boots
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And the phone with the picture of her and Judith on it.
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The end of the episode ends in Michonne going to "Find him."
So the theme at play is: a Hallucination, then having mercy could lead to clue of a lost loved one finding the other. Interesting...
The note Daryl apparently leaves Leah says "Find me".
If Daryl is in some kind of drugged state during this episode, it could combine his immediate situation (Leah actually being there) and his memory and desire of Beth in a similar setting (Alone). If this scenario plays out Leah could take something of Daryl's and the follow on effect may well lead Beth to a clue about Daryl, leading to her finding him.
Just putting this idea out there as the hallucination theme is reinforced in season 10 with Siddiq and in the very next episode when Carol hallucinates Alpha, just after Alpha has been killed. Princess also mentions not being sure if she is hallucinating or not when she meets Eugene, Ezekiel and Yumiko, and wonders if they are real. And Beta hallucinates the walkers all looking to him and saying "this is the end of the world".
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So the Leah events maybe half true, half hallucination and this might be what leads to a clue and eventual reunion just as we assume Michonne's clues will eventually lead to a reunion with Rick.
After this episode the repeats in Bethyl themes get even more obvious.  
Beta takes Alpha's head and goes off on his own to listen to music (Emily's song, a love song with lyrics about going to Hell to find your missing girl) Beta makes a mask of half her face. She's with him even when she's gone.
The last words Beta says to Alpha are "Thank you, I see now, thank you". Repeating the thank you note and how she taught Daryl to believe there are still good people.
Eugene's group going into the city and then on to meet the new group at the train yard, is a mix of the group traveling to Atlanta to get Beth and also traveling to Terminus. Both times at the train tracks with train cars and the group ends up surrounded and with weapons pointed at them.
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The hospital location in 1015 and 16 or "Tower" as they call it, and what happens especially with Judith and Daryl, is in my opinion the biggest clue we are close to her return.
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The hospital is in your face Grady and it's meant to remind you of that time.
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In the hospital we see Lydia patting cats
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A reminder of the claimers and Joe the claimer leader asking Daryl if he was a cat person, just after losing Beth at the funeral home, but before Grady.
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Lydia has just lost Henry, repeating that time. Also if you recall in season 4 just before the Daryl meets the Claimers, Michonne and Rick were separated he was injured and she eventually finds a clue to him and Carl. Michonne is currently looking for Rick again due to the clues she finds with Virgil.
Luke is working on fixing up a speaker system to play music. Music/Beth inside the hospital.
Outside the hospital, in the woods Judith finds Daryl and tells him she doesn't like it inside it smells like cat pee (another reminder of the claimers era) she then tells Daryl she wants to learn what he does.
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Just like Beth learning to track, we even get Judith tracking and identifying what she tracks as a walker while Daryl looks on proudly.
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The group's whole plan for 1016 is to safely get "The music" speaker system out of the tower/hospital, to lead the huge horde of walkers surrounds them away.
Exactly what we didn't get to see in the aftermath of Grady. Getting Beth (music) out of the hospital.
Carol putting the knife up her sleeve is repeating Beth putting the scissors in her cast.
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Carol ends up getting her revenge without getting killed (Unlike Beth with Dawn) but ultimately it's Negan and Daryl that do the revenge killing for Carol and Beth. Carol says to Negan regarding killing Alpha" What took you so long", where as Daryl's reaction was instantaneous, in a split second and he had put a bullet in Dawn's head.
We also see Negan go down the elevator shaft with a rope, just like Beth did.
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The music they play to get the walkers away from the hospital is "Burning down the house", another repeat of the Still cabin.
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When Negan comes across Beta, Beta runs at him immediately to kill him. Pushing him down he pulls out his knife and is about to kill Negan as he say "For Alpha". Beta Repeating Daryl's instant revenge on Dawn.
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The title of 1016 is A Certain Doom, which is actually what Coda should have been called, considering this episode actually went to plan (mostly) for our group. Hardly anyone dies, only Beatrice from Oceanside and they get rid of Beta and Alpha's horde.
Beta dies as Daryl kills him before he can kill Negan. As Beta dies we see Alpha flashbacks of her telling him, he is not broken, that they love nothing, fear nothing, feel nothing and it makes them free. This is the exact opposite of what Beth taught Daryl. She called him out on being afraid of feeling and loving/caring about others.
Season 9 and 10 culminates with Lydia (Daryl) saving Carol (Beth) from certain death, by not letting her go over the cliff with all the walkers.
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And standing on the edge of the cliff watching the horde fall down-along with Alpha's mask, Lydia and Carol interlink hands, just like Daryl and Beth in front of the grave. The Grave Beth and Daryl stand in front of says Father, while Lydia and Carol are looking at the end of Mother (Alpha)
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Hopefully soon we get to see the original version of all this, and not just a repeated shadow of Daryl unknowingly doing something that helped Beth survive in the aftermath of Grady.
The upcoming episodes have me itching to see, I'm already seeing more repeats from Alone, Coda and 510 to name a few.
Beth is absolutely spilling out of the story right now through all these parallels, I haven't even covered them all here but just the main standouts of season 9 and 10.
So no matter what happens with this Leah character, Beth is still coming back and it's going to be massive
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anudash · 6 years ago
So the Lydia and father figure Daryl stuff. Lol. All the ‘baddies’ have tried to recruit Daryl in some way or other as they think they see something in him. We know Daryl always wants to be the best he can be, for Carol, so it’s not going anywhere. Negan will take his spot in the limelight as per comics. Do you think Carol setting fire to Saviours over Henry was foreshadowing though? Maybe she’ll finally get scene with Negan. That’s if ANYTHING is true! *Bites finger nails for four months*
lol Yeah Daryl will be father figure to Lydia... 👀 I think 1 week back it was connie baby. Judith ,RJ ,Hershel jr were also in the list anyone but not Carol’s kid towards what the show is heavily implying 
It was very clear that father figure comment was for future Daryl Henry bonding. Whoever didn't get it that time must have realised it was Henry in 907. I believe skybound has also said Daryl character will further change because of his responsibility to protect his best friend’s adopted son , so yes he will be his best to protect Henry and later I would say Lydia will come with the package. I would actually like Daryl-Lydia bonding for future but it's not what they are showing and it's not possible if Henry dies, he will not trust himself enough to take another responsibility 
Carol-Negan scene would be a welcome both JDM and Melissa are so good with dialogues and many have ask for this, so it's possible as Kang is doing some fan service, However story wise it should be Daryl or Michonne with whom he already had a dynamic. My guess the Rick Negan part from comic will go to  Michonne and the Rick Alpha part is going to Carol/Daryl. Daryl will also get the Dwight part of forming militia for the war when they will wear walker mask like whisperers and infiltrate that's what was foreshadowed with Lydia comment to Daryl in trailer 
A lot depends how they would like to change, since Kang is a comic fan like Gimple, they would not change much of story just do some remixes appropriate for the TV show 
Yes months of nail biting but this is my first time being active in TWD fandom and I like speculation and theories lol, m kind of enjoying it until the Henry spoiler came
Thanks for the ask, have a nice day 
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d-j-marlowe · 6 years ago
Warning: TWD spoilers ahead. Read at your own risk.
Ever since the spoiler came out last week about the impending/probable death of Jesus on the TV show I`ve had time to do some thinking. At first I was angry and wanted to just leave the fandom, but I have realized that I can`t leave it completely. I love the Desus part way too much and feel that right now I can`t live without it. I`m extremely disappointed the TPTB at AMC have made this shitty decision in a long string of shitty decisions. How do they expect to keep on going when Andrew Lincoln, the heart of the show, is choosing to leave? What did they think would happen when they killed off Carl? Lauren Cohan is leaving, too. There are rumors of Ezekiel getting the comic book pike death. Yeah, he and Carol are finding some happiness, but that doesn`t last long in TWD universe does it. Danai Gurira`s contract is up at the end of Season 9 and since she has a lucrative movie career going for her would not find much reason to return. Norman Reedus may be getting a raise and a bit of a promotion, but I don`t think even Daryl can save the sinking ship. Even though one can appreciate his loyalty, it`s a bit of a fool`s paradise. I don`t know of a lot of people interested in watching ‘Ride With Daryl and Negan’. Negan is non-redemptive, unless you believe the Negan worshippers. (Nothing personal on JDM here. Just on the character of Negan.) He should have been killed off. Like I said--string of shitty decisions.
So I have to reconcile myself as to how I am going to approach my Desus fan fiction. I`m in the middle of writing one now, a sequel to my latest one on Ao3. I have always been a writer first so I can`t stop on something that I love and have taken very much to heart. I am hoping I will be able to continue to write Desus fan fiction because I see it as my escape and my retreat. It will be delving into AU a bit because I will be going off-canon. What is the “canon” of TWD universe anyway with all the remixing between comic and TV show? It`s confusing at times. So I feel comfortable in exploring the alternative pathways that “canon” refuses to go; or, more accurately, the lazy writing of the writers and showrunners refuse to go. I won`t be watching the show when Jesus exits, I don`t feel it deserves my loyalty anymore. I will remember the great interactions between Tom and Norman both on- and off-screen. I would like to think they would do a project together outside of TWD universe to bank on the chemistry they have between them, even play boyfriends. 
I will continue to celebrate Desus. I haven`t read a lot of Desus fanfic by others because I didn`t want to be influenced while I was in the writing process. (It`s a hard and fast rule of mine.) Someday when I take a break or just want to read more than write, I will catch up. The few tidbits I have come across are quite good and I`ve seen recommendations from others. Please don`t delete them from Ao3! I wish Tom all my best in his future endeavors. I also wish Norman the best in a difficult situation.
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mugsywrites · 7 years ago
If you were a TWD writer how would you make Desus canon in season 9?
Short answer: Similar to Fables. Desus bond over rebuilding Hilltop/living together, sex, gay panic, and one of them being in peril! making them confess their feelings.
Longer answer:
So I’m afraid to get my hopes up that Daryl will be living at the Hilltop next season/spending the majority of his time there. Hilltop is more contained and it’s harder to avoid each other, plus being “on his own” away from the majority of TF would make him reach out to fill that void. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mean to imply they’re bad for him or are “holding him back”; he just seems like a tough nut to crack romantically. Equally important is that Jesus has resolved to stay with Maggie at Hilltop and make himself part of the community, so he won’t be running off as much. So all of my semi-plausible ideas for a canon relationship involve Daryl living at the Hilltop, and eventually moving into Jesus’ trailer.
In “Fables” my excuse to keep him there was he was hurt and needed time to heal plus Glenn needed help. In canon he’s not {physically) injured and Glenn is dead, but he’s psychologically in a pretty bad place and Maggie/the baby need him. So if I were writing season 9 Daryl would find healing through rebuilding the Hilltop, helping take care of the baby Rhee, and bonding with Jesus. Since he’s physically capable I’d have a big part of that involve Jesus and Daryl going on runs together, fighting zombies, etc. If they introduced the Whisperers it could be like a remix of the comics--some Hilltop people are missing and Desus go looking, get attacked, fight, discover that these are nutjobs in zombie suits. Just...let Jesus lose! Show the audience what a badass he is! Him being a badass is part of why I think he’s good for Daryl!
In “Fables” Daryl had to deal with some jealousy over Alex, since he doesn’t exist in the show I’d have him be jealous of Aaron. Like Tom said in an interview, it would be fun if everyone thought Jesus & Aaron should get together because they’re the last two gay guys even tho they’re not that into each other. Maybe Daryl starts to think they should get together himself because of some inferiority issues.
Just get more of Jesus in general--show his skills fighting, if they’re plotting against Negan highlight his stealthy skills, have him talk about his past, give him a bottle episode. Have him bond with Daryl over shared childhood trauma. Jesus grew up in a group home, whatever the reason for that it was an unhappy way to grow up and he’s still having trouble leaving that behind and making connections with people. Daryl was abused and has trouble leaving *that* behind and believing he’s worthy of love. It would be nice to see them understand each other and help each other grow.
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animentrohetaliate · 7 years ago
Honest Thoughts About The Walking Dead Fandom
Something I really can't stand about this fandom... 1. People who want the show to diverge from the comics so it can be creative and unpredictable. If you want a zombie drama show like that go watch Fear.... I'm getting sick of hearing "if you want the comics read the comics." I don't want the comics. I want a live-action version of an amazing story. [also getting tired of people complain about how the show sucks now that it's following the comics when the problem about seasons 7 and 8 is because they AREN'T following the comics and when they do it doesn't make sense because they took out or remixed the parts that would have explained why x happened. When asked, most people's favourite moments come straight from or are remixed from the comics. Seasons 1 and 4-6 were pretty close to the source material and most people liked those seasons. The best parts of 7-8 were adapted from the comics and the worst were completely original. Also, TWD is supposed to be an adaption of a comic about the lives of Rick and Carl Grimes. Out of these two one was always meant to be killed off before the end. No, not Carl. Rick. The one-handed, old man with a bum leg and walks with a cane. Yeah, that guy. TWD is Carl's story. You can't call something The Walking Dead and kill him off just before "A New Beginning" and expect comic fans to be okay with it. Especially with Daryl Dixon somehow still existing. [Trivia: Daryl was a character created specifically for Norman. He wasn't originally in the story, comic or show. He was also supposed to die in Season 1 but then the writers changed their minds] Especially since you're killing Carl to save Negan. Diverting from the comics in order to follow the comics... Basically killing your protagonist to save your antagonist. Not to mention Carl's personality 180 and the way the story makes no narrative sense. It's clear something fishy happened behind the scenes. And you absolutely cannot give arcs meant for the main character to a TV-only character a season *coughDarylcough* after you killed the main character after sidelining him for four seasons (5-8). It's insulting to the actor you fired [oh don't get me started on the way Chandler was treated. I'll never end this section of my rant] and the source material and the comic fans. I'm sick and tired of hearing TV-only fans call Rick the main character of the story when it wasn't Kirkman's vision. And now I'm going to have to listen to it until this show ends or Andrew decides to jump the sinking ship and Norman Reedus is forced to be the leading actor... oh, God this show will be terrible. 2. People who hate Carl or think he's unimportant. For the reasons above. Like, if I ask someone who hates some other character why they hate them I get a reason that makes sense. Usually. Not always. And the reason will pertain to something that happened within seasons 6-8. With Carl it's because of his hair, or because he got Dale killed, or because he's a 'pussy' 1. Boys can't have long hair? Also Carl's hair is the way it is because of his bandage. They needed to grow it out to hide it. [Daryl's hair is probably because Norman's a little self-conscious about his eye because of what happened in that accident. So I hate when this is said about him too. Don't quote me on that because I could be wrong about that] Dale can't be blamed on Carl. Dale wasn't supposed to die that season but Jeffery Demunn quit (sort of. He changed his mind but they didn't want to spend more money on reshoots or something) Also, Dale's death is stupid. He goes walking at night in an open field almost completely empty and the walker... Sneaks up on him? Honestly, I'm starting to think that walker-related deaths past season 1 on this show only happen to people who weren't supposed to die/asked to leave or other behind-the-scenes drama [Sophia, Dale, T-Dog, Andrea, Carl] or are redshirts. As far as I remember, everybody else died during a war directly because of the war, at the hands of a person, or during the flu arc. With the exceptions of Tyreese, Bob, and Noah... [what do these men have in common?] I'm starting to think that walkers are used as a way for this show to kill people lazily if they need a death last minute. Anyway, back to Carl killing Dale. I also don't blame Carl for Dale's death because I hated Dale so I could care less if he did or not. [yes, I'm aware this sounds petty] Dale, the hypocrite, was like "we can't kill Randall but I won't tell anyone that I saw Shane try to snipe Rick I'll just look at Shane and become a meme" and was really nosy and judgmental for like, his whole time on screen. And Carl... A pussy? [ I'm not going to talk about the word pussy... Gosh, I hate that word. Anyway, not the point.] First of all, this kid at twelve years old was forced to watch people horrifically die in front of him and the world collapse. For about a month he thought his dad was dead. And he was shot through the stomach on accident. Blamed himself for Dale's death. Then he had to put down the zombified form of Shane, a father figure to him. Then at thirteen he had to watch his mother die and shoot her himself. And his dad went crazy which left thirteen-year-old Carl in the care of basically himself. He also killed his first person around this time. At fourteen, he lost his home, thought his infant sister [who he promised his mom he'd look out for] had been ripped apart by walkers. Almost had to shoot his zombified Dad after loosing his whole family in less than six months [right after yelling his brains out about his dad being a failure] was sexually assaulted and almost raped, had his eye shot out [probably lost his memory temporarily just like in the comics, though the show skipped his recovery arc for some reason] almost had his arm chopped off by his own father, and almost had his brains bashed in [while his father did nothing but basically give Negan the go ahead. I headcanon that Rick was calling Negan's bluff after a season of Negan doing nothing to Carl.] And then, when honouring his mother's last words to him... He gets bit while saving Siddiq. Instead of crying about it and giving up on life... Instead of collapsing at the fact that he has hours to live and curling up into a ball... He continues on his mission to bring Siddiq to refuge and bravely saves the Alexandrians. [While his Dad is out playing with the garbage folk.] Carl Grimes isn't a "pussy" he's an inspirational teenager who survived through more than most people would ever have to and never gave up no matter what life gave him. And that's just TV Carl. Anyway, another thing I hate about the fandom is the people who insist that their ship will be canon. Not like "x ship will rise" stuff or "please make x canon." I mean to the point that they act like, say, Daryl and Carol is the only thing that makes sense and any other routes are preposterous. [I'm only using these guys as an example due to how big the Caryl fandom is. It's a problem no matter what ship or fandom] These two characters have spent almost no screen time together since season 5. Tbh, I don't think the writers are planning this ship [I'm not sure they ever were, but if they were I don't think they are now] And if that's the case, the ship baiting from the TWD social media accounts needs to stop because it's pissing both Carylers and non-Carylers off. [again, my interpretation might be wrong and they may make them a thing, but I don't think it's happening, I think Carol is getting Michonne's comic arc and Daryl is getting *pukes* Carl's comic arc. I'm not a Caryler but I'd prefer Daryl and Carol to Daryl and TV-show Lydia] This "my ship is better than yours and yours makes no sense" stuff is annoying no matter who does it.
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siancore · 8 years ago
Hey, Sian. I just debated about TV Michonne and Comic Andrea with some guy on YT (I really need to stop doing this to myself). He said they are "nearly identical" and send me a link to TWD page from where he took the statement. IMO, TV Michonne had very unique experiences that changed her into someone that is not Comic Andrea or Comic Michonne, even though the storyline since Alexandria is similar. In your opinion, what are the main similarities and differences between them?
Hi @gizasousa. So sorry I didn’t get to this sooner. I agree 100% with you and you put it so well.
My issue with people (like this guy) saying that Michonne is taking Andrea’s story line from the comic books, or that Michonne is the ‘New Andrea’ is that it takes away from who Michonne is as a character in her own right. It detracts from her TV story, background and who she is.
I’ve heard people say Andrea’s scenes with Rick from the books were played out by Richonne on screen. No. That’s a simplistic way of looking at it, and quite frankly, disrespectful to Michonne and her background as well as her development. For example, the ‘We’re the ones who live’ speech. That was not a ‘We don’t die’ remix. That was Michonne being KEY in getting Rick to see that they needed to fight. That scene worked because of WHO MICHONNE IS to Rick and their journey as best friends to lovers. NOT because Andrea said something to Rick about not dying so they did the same for TV Richonne. Also, Michonne’s language was more positive and the more I analyse the scene, the more I see how it was specifically catered to Michonne and not a remix. That scene was important to Richonne and worked so well because of who they are, what they went through, and what they mean to each other.
TV Michonne does not need to take any other comic book character’s story. The way she relates to others is because of her journey. I don’t see similarities between her and Andrea the same way others claim there are. Honestly,  there is also not a lot in Michonne’s arc now that even reflects her comic book counterpart (with the exception of being close to Rick).
TV Michonne has been afforded the opportunity to heal, love, and be loved; something that was kept from her in the books. She is in a healthy, stable relationship with Rick that developed from their close friendship (something that RK did not do in the books, regardless of how much sense it would have made).
The only similarities between TV Michonne and comic book Andrea is that their significant other is Rick. TV Michonne is a far better character than the others, in my honest opinion. Comic book Michonne still had more build-up in her friendship with Rick than Andrea had, yet Andrea ended up being his romantic partner. TV Michonne had comic book Michonne’s arc with being Rick’s best friend. The difference is that Scotty G had the good sense to build on their closeness as friends and pair TV Richonne romantically, where RK did not.
Now, there are some instances where the plot has been adapted from the books to suit what is happening on-screen. that is because the show is still an adaptation. But I don’t believe Michonne is anyone other than who she was meant to be. Rick and Michonne got the best friend narrative on TV and it progressed naturally to where it should have been i.e. them being canonically romantic and in love.
While the narrative is at points similar, because it is based on the source material, Michonne is not the ‘New Andrea’ just because they are both Rick’s lovers. Their stories are most definitely not ‘nearly identical’. Richonne on TV is what Richonne in the comic books should have been. Michonne is a leader in her own right. She is her own person with her own story arc, but certain fans out there just cannot help themselves and try to take that away from her.
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goeshinae · 8 years ago
I keep hearing stuff about TWD's 7x16 "tower scene", from what I gathered, Rick or Michonne gets hurt or dies? Do you know anything about this scene?
Ok so I'll try to explain you, but I'm not that good with English so I hope you will understand ! In the comics, Rick is with Andrea. When they fought Negan, there was a moment when Andrea was on a tower fighting someone and the person fell. Rick thought that was Andrea so he began to go crazy and wanted to give up the Battle because he thought she was dead.In 7x16 we will see a remix of this scene with Rick and Michonne when he'll think she fell. I don't really know if she actually fall or not, but I don't think so tbh.
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twdfan-1-blog · 8 years ago
***SPOILERS***TWD*SPOILERS*TWD*** 👊*SPOILERS*TWD*SPOILERS*TWD*👊 *****TSDF OFFICIAL SPOILERS***** Members! We have waited a while to find out what is going to happen in Season 7 part 2. Thanks to TSDF Army we have a lot more answers and I am excited! This is their total breakdown of S7B..Enjoy!....Ree Out Episode Breakdown - 7B The following is a breakdown of the episodes in 7b. This is a compilation of filming info and educated speculation that we have gathered throughout the season. It does not cover everything that happens in each episode. While we believe most of this information is accurate, please note that anything can change by the time the episodes air. Huge thanks goes to the sources that helped us with info this season!!! You are the BEST!!! As a friendly reminder, absolutely DO NOT share information from this breakdown on nonspoiler sites. If you are caught, you will be booted with no one exceptions. If you choose to share this with other spoiler sites please make sure you are giving proper credit. Episode 7.9 Characters: Rick, Carl, Michonne, Daryl, Maggie, Rosita, Aaron, Eric, Sasha, Enid, Tara, Jesus, Gregory, Father Gabriel, Ezekiel, Morgan, Carol, Richard, Ben, Jerry, Simon, Tobin, “Garbage Pail Kids” (New junkyard group) and finally…Penis Tree. Location: Hilltop, Kingdom, Highway, Alexandria, Woods Highlights: * Team Family has a meeting with Gregory about fighting the Saviors. He will most likely turn them down. Maggie’s potential leadership is looming. * Jesus leads Rick, Carl, Michonne, Tara, Rosita, Sasha, and Daryl to the Kingdom to meet Ezekiel where Rick tries to convince them to join the war. Rick’s attempt fails and they leave. Daryl stays. * Rick and Co. encounter a herd on the highway and also find explosives (likely the same ones seen in the promo pics). Should be an explosion in this scene. * Father Gabriel encounters the mysterious “Boots” from episode 8. This is speculated to be new character Tamiel from the Garbage Pail Kids. We are supposed to find out her identity in a later episode. “Boots” is rumored to take Father G along with a bunch of Alexandria’s supplies back with her. * Saviors, led by Simon, go to Alexandria, likely looking for Daryl. * Rick, Michonne, Aaron, Tara, and Rosita go looking for Father G and encounter the new junkyard group (and the penis tree). Episode 7.10 Characters: Rick, Michonne, Tara, Aaron, Rosita, Father Gabriel, Daryl, Carol, Morgan, Ezekiel, Morgan, Richard, Daniel, Jerry, Ben(?), Jadis, Brion, Tamiel, (NEW!) Garbage Pail Kids Location: Kingdom, Carol’s Creepy House of Horrors, Junkyard Highlights: * Rick’s group goes back to the new group’s headquarters at a junkyard. Rick is forced to fight a crazy spiked walker in their junkyard fighting pit. This is supposed to be some kind of test to prove Team Family’s worth. Rick wins… * Rick tries to make an alliance with their leader Jadis in order to help grow his army against the Saviors. By the end of their encounter a deal is made. Rick is asked to bring the GPK more guns in exchange for their assistance. * Richard is still desperate to fight the Saviors. He devises a plan which involves leading the Saviors to Carol and baiting them into killing her. He thinks her death could encourage Zeke to agree to war. Daryl supposedly goes along with this plan until he learns Carol is the target. This is supposed to trigger a fight which can be seen briefly in the trailer for 7b. * Daryl finds where Carol has been staying and visits her. The two share a hug or two and talk. Carol cooks for Daryl. We do not believe that Daryl tells her what happened with Glenn and Abe. He ends up leaving the house and goes back to the Kingdom. * It’s rumored that Daryl makes “friends” with Shiva. Episode 7.11 Characters: Negan, Dwight, Eugene, Dr. Emmett Carson, Negan’s harem, other Saviors Location: The Sanctuary, Dwight’s former house(?) Highlights: * Most of the episode appears to take place at the Sanctuary. * Eugene cooperates and is put to work for Negan. He supposedly gains status, which grants him access to some amenities. His experience at the Sanctuary should be much different than Daryl’s. * Dwight visits a house, which belonged to him and Sherry before the ZA. We think something will happen here that might be the start of what will become Dwight's turncoat arc from the comics. * It will be revealed who wrote the note and helped Daryl escape. (Sherry) * It’s speculated that Dr. Emmett Carson (the Doc at the Sanctuary) will take the fall for Daryl’s escape and be killed. Episode 7.12 Characters: Rick, Michonne, Tara, Father Gabriel, Rosita, Sasha, Judith, Garbage Pail Kids Location: School (with carnival), Alexandria, Junkyard, Woods, Hilltop Highlights: * Rick and Michonne go scavenging for guns at a school which happens to also have a carnival set up there. Military trucks and tents were also at the filming location. Rick and Michonne will share some sexy times as well as moments of levity in this episode. * Rick has a close call while fighting a large group of walkers and almost doesn’t make it out of alive. * Rick, Michonne, Tara, Rosita, and Father Gabriel make a visit to the junkyard, presumably to turn over guns they scavenged as per their agreement. * Rosita visits the Hilltop to enlist Sasha’s help with something. Episode 7.13 Characters: Maggie, Daryl, Sasha, Eugene, Rosita, Negan, Simon, Jesus, Enid, Gregory, Dr. Harlan Carson, Saviors Location: Hilltop, Sanctuary Highlights: * Sasha and Rosita apparently go rogue on a mission to the Sanctuary. Seems like they are on a suicide mission to take out Negan on their own. * There’s a scene where Rosita and Sasha set a car on fire. Then later another scene where a few Saviors are herding walkers into storage containers, using water jugs to cover their heads. Rosita and Sasha take out these Saviors. * Sasha makes it inside the Sanctuary while Rosita does not. * There are rumors that Eugene gets an opportunity to be rescued but turns it down. What’s goin’ on there, Eugene? * Saviors come to Hilltop and take Dr. Harlan Carson. Maggie and Daryl have to hide and are almost discovered. * There's whispers that it will be revealed that Jesus is gay. Episode 7.14 Characters: Carol, Ezekiel, Morgan, Ben, Richard, Jerry, Daniel, other Kingdom people Location: Kingdom, Carol’s house, other outside areas Highlights: * According to information listed in casting calls and other rumors that have surfaced, both Richard and Ben die in this episode. * At this time, we think Ben’s death will be caused by some shady dealings from Richard during a supply drop. We’ll call it “melon-gate.” It’s believed that he will stir up a conflict between the Saviors and the Kingdomers as another attempt to get Ezekiel to fight back. But Ben will end up paying the price with his life. * Morgan was seen dragging Richard’s body. We believe Ben’s death will trigger Morgan to regress back into “crazy mode” and he will kill Richard as a result. His life wasn’t all that precious, was it Morgan? * It's speculated that Morgan will go back to Carol and eventually tell her what happened to Glenn and Abe. Carol filmed at the Kingdom, so it appears she goes back to encourage Zeke to fight. Episode 7.15 Characters: Rick, Michonne, Carl, Tara, Father Gabriel, Jesus, Daryl, Maggie, Aaron, Negan, Sasha, Gregory, Tobin, Eric, Natania, Cyndie, Rachel, Beatriz, Kathy Location: Sanctuary, Hilltop, Oceanside Highlights: * Tara ends up breaking her promise to Cyndie and tells Rick about their group. They travel to Oceanside along with a large group of Alexandrians. * Since they brought such a large group to Oceanside, it seems that their initial meetings might not be entirely peaceful. We suspect there will be conflicts and the Oceanside women might not agree to fight. However, Team Family does appear to get a hold of their weapons. * Supposed to be some really cool ocean walkers in this episode. * Sasha will become Negan's prisoner. Very possible we could see a remix of that comic Holly scene where a Savior makes an aggressive advance on Sasha. Probably won't end well for that Savior. Episode 7.16 Characters: Rick, Michonne, Carl, Daryl, Maggie, Sasha, Rosita, Tara, Negan, Eugene, Jesus, Dwight, Simon, Father Gabriel, Aaron, Eric, Enid, Carol, Morgan, Judith, Ezekiel, Scott, Tobin, Jadis, Tamiel, Brion, Jerry, Daniel, Dianne, Eduardo, GPK, Saviors Location: Sanctuary, Hilltop, Alexandria Highlights: * Negan catches word about Rick gathering an army and heads to ASZ with his Savior troops. Sasha and Eugene are also with him. From what we have heard, Sasha does not arrive alive. * There's rumors that Michael Cudlitz came back to film for the finale. Most likely a flashback/ dream sequence involving Sasha's death. * The Garbage Pail Kids are also at ASZ and filming reports suggest that they do fire at Team Family. Looks like they double crossed our heroes and fight alongside Negan. * Episode is basically a chaotic battle, LOTS of gunfire, smoke, and possible explosions. * Rick and Rosita are supposedly shot. Injuries do not seem serious. * Eugene tells Team Family they should surrender. Appears to be siding with the Saviors. (Come on, man!) * Whispers of a possible remix of the second line up scene from the comics. We are hearing it will be much smaller and might only involve Rick and Carl. Negan might attempt to Lucille Carl, only to be saved by the Kingdomers (Shiva!!!) at the last second. Hilltoppers eventually join in on the fun when they arrive a little later. *Michonne filmed on a large crane during the finale. This appears to be a remix of the Andrea tower scene from the comics, only it will involve Michonne and a member of the GPK. * Saviors and GPK were both witnessed retreating during filming. The battle has been won and war has officially begun! Reports of speeches, chanting, and cheering during filming. Looks like the end of the episode will be everyone (ASZ, Hilltop, Kingdom) rallying together, ready for all out war.
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wolfwhiteflowers · 6 years ago
Something different and similar from the comics that I wanna point out. Parents and kids.
you know Richonne is similar to comic-Rick and Andrea. You know the show went so different by now. Anyways, it’s interesting to see Richonne having a child together. Comic-Rick and Andrea didn’t have a child together. Andrea also died after the Whisperer War. So, RJ on the show is all new and different from the comics.
 The grieving comic-Rick is similar with grieving tv-Michonne. I still don’t know why comic Andrea died storywise yet. I do think tv-Carl’s death was similar to hers. So Idk why but I kinda wished comic Rick and Andrea had a child together. But whatever Kirkman’s reasons. Must only be only Rick and Carl Grimes? I think they can still be an important duo while another family member is added, imo.
 Instead in the comics, it seems like Kirkman introduced Mikey, Carl’s friend who recently lost his only parent. Mikey and Rick befriended and grieved together. (Carl living his life in Hilltop) I feel like Mikey will be adopted to the family but Idk it could be just that arc only. Then there’s comic-Michonne, at the same, went to Commonwealth and found her missing daughter, Elodie (tv!Rick). It’s something I noticed, I’m biased I pay attention to them mostly. I see comic-Rick with Mikey and then Michonne and Elodie. Something about main characters or parents with kids. Then there’s also new character Commonwealth’s governor, Pamela and her son Sebastian, but Idk what it all could mean for the story. (Some fans already ship Rick with Pamela, ugh. zzz)
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bethgreeneishopeunseen · 8 years ago
She’s Waited at the Tunnel Gates
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For over a year, it has been argued that Sasha was partially responsible for leaving Beth behind. All of this goes back to 4x01. In that episode, after the infamous “damn romance novel” line, she and Tyreese placed black crates with white crosses into the back of a car. Then after Coda she suffered a severe emotional decline, for obvious reasons, going so far as to have flashbacks in 5x13. One of these included her seeing Daryl carrying Beth’s body out of Grady (at 14:40: X). Her P.T.S.D. had also manifested as her being driven to put down walkers and to bury them. Then in 5x16 Gabriel accused Sasha of “sacrificing her” (X) (X), claiming that her brother was “apart of it.” Going by the flashes in 5x09, Tyreese was likely the one carrying Beth when the men were running with guns. Abe has also been linked to Beth, because of him being the heart of the D.C. mission, and because in the comics, he wanted to put Maggie down when she appeared to be dead. That plot point was referenced via an easter egg in Slabtown. Marketing has also tied Sasha and Abraham to a Beth walker that appeared several times leading up to season 6 and which appeared in AMC promotion (X) (X) (X). I consider them (Tyreese, Sasha, and Abraham) to be the Trinity of those missing 17 days, the three people most directly tied to Beth being left behind. 
Recently, @bethgreenewarriorprincess​​, @allatariel​, and I have been discussing the Trinity in relation to Beth’s return. Something we noticed awhile back is that Beth, Ty, Sasha, and Abe all had their names on the tunnel title card at one point or another. After Tyreese’s death, the tunnel card should have been removed, like Steven’s pocket watch card. TPTB update the credits as they go, yet they have kept the tunnel card, giving it to Abe/Michael Cudlitz intermittently in 5b before passing it to Sasha/SMG in season 6. Every character whose name has been on that card has died, except for Sasha.
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Below the read more are potential spoilers for the season finale.
For a long time, I’ve speculated that Sasha would die. She and Beth have many parallels, from both losing their older brother and their two boyfriends, to being the recipients of several comic!Andrea traits/plot lines. Over the summer hiatus, I thought Sasha might commit suicide after Abe’s murder. It would make sense that she would die, closing the circle on the characters connected to the tunnel, bringing it back to Beth.
Well, two weeks ago reports came out that Sasha will possibly die in the finale, “sacrificing herself in a failed attempt to take out N3gan”. Even though TPTB claim SMG can film the Star Trek show and stay on TWD (X), it’s not likely, and show-people have lied before in order to keep a secret (X). 
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(Source: X; pg. 1, 26)
The report of a dream/flashback sequence piqued our interest as Tyreese and Sasha’s deaths would bookend Beth’s resurrection. While Tyreese and Sasha aren’t twins, they are siblings and twin imagery was heavy in 5x09. It would close the mirror arc, allowing Alice to come back through the looking glass. Gimple has also been treating the seasons like religious days (X) (season 5 Good Friday, 6 Holy Saturday, and 7 should Easter Sunday), and so it would be one death per day. Tyreese died on Good Friday, Abe on Holy Saturday (as his death was presented via flashback in 7x01), and Sasha on Easter Sunday. Three die in the tunnel, and one comes back to life. The Trinity opens the door, since they were the ones who shut Beth in.
Furthermore, spoilers indicate that there will be a great battle in the finale, and it is the perfect opportunity for Beth to fully come back into the narrative. As Christy and I have discussed (X) (X) (X), Beth will likely come through the Alexandria gates as a mirror of Sophia’s death and the end of Coda. It goes back to the season six premiere, which was very meta with Emily arriving late to the event. She came in the middle, and she came to even out the girls’ side, even though TPTB could have used Tovah Feldshuh (Deanna).
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 We have constantly speculated that Beth would return during a time of conflict. Andrea and Team Family discovered each other when Team Family infiltrated Woodbury, and Beth should as well, her arc mirroring Andrea’s. Beth also first disappeared from her family during the battle in 4x08. When it comes to Beth’s return, I keep going back to the music box’s resurrection. Maggie and Sasha were in a confrontation with a man from another group, and the music disrupted them. Beth's existence is a disruption in general, but her return will disrupt the entire narrative. If she returns in the finale, she will likely return during the battle, after Sasha’s death, and she will help Team Family fight the Saviors. It would mirror 4x16 and Rick reuniting with most of his family in Terminus, as the Savior arc has mirrored the Terminus arc. Rick having his family gave him the numbers he needed to escape Terminus, and Beth would be another ally he could use, especially if she has a group. In 6x10 he even remarked that “[t]he law of averages has gotta catch up”. Lastly, Beth returning at the beginning of the All Out War arc (AOW) fits the war themes/imagery that has been heavy in the show since season 5 and Morgan’s arc since Gimple (X) (X) (X). In # 47, Andrea returns to the prison during the Governor’s attack, riding atop the RV, shooting at his people. I could see a remixed version being applied to Beth.
Interestingly, the rumored dream sequence also relates to an interview Michael Cudlitz gave right before the season premiere (X). He gave two truths and a lie:
1) Every episode will be one hour long. 2) Myself, Daryl, Merle, and Hershel are going to go on an awesome adventure, and you'll be invited. 3) There will be sixteen episodes produced.
We know that #3 is true, and #1 isn’t, as some of the episodes have run into Talking Dead’s airtime. The writer of the article dismissed the second statement, chalking the interview up to “two lies and a truth”. The attitude comes across as presumptuous as the show has utilized various dreams, flashbacks, and hallucinatory techniques in order to illuminate a character’s psychology. 
Ghosts from the past went unresolved during filming for 5 and 6. Scott Wilson was spotted on set June 2014 and noted as acting by a fan; there was also speculation that Scott Wilson filmed with Emily last summer (X).
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Scott was supposed to be at a con the weekend of June 19th to 21st, 2015 (X), but he canceled about a week before: “While Scott Wilson who played Hershel Greene on The Walking Dead was forced to cancel his appearance due to filming, there are still several great reasons to attend the 2015 Wizard World in Sacramento.” At the time he had nothing coming out in the near future, and he had season 2 hair and a trimmed beard. Christy uncovered eggs hinting that Beth would end up at a farm, and there is a missing farmhouse set from filming earlier in season 6 production (X). Emily’s This is War Tour had a weeklong gap from June 18th to June 24th (X), and while she was on the west coast at the time of the shows, she disappeared during the gap. She posted about the tour on June 18th, and on the 20th, she posted a concert latergram.
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Source (X) (X).
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Source (X) (X)
On the 21st, she posted a picture of a book, and reexamining the picture, something caught my eye. The flooring seemed familiar, so I reviewed other pictures Emily had posted. (While this could be a table, she photographed objects she placed on a floor before: X. Emily is very sneaky when it comes to social media, as I’ll show in a bit.) (It also is plausible that she would have a book in her trailer, as she would have downtime to read.)
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Source (X) (X).
The flooring above resembles the flooring on the right side in the picture below, believed to be Emily’s TWD trailer. (@magaretgreene wrote a meta about the school post, connecting it to another cast member’s post: X.) 
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Source (X).
(The left side flooring resembles the flooring seen in the picture below, the one that Emily posted on November 17th, 2014, the day Bethfoot was documented. It looked like Emily was in her trailer.)
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Source (X).
On the 23rd, she posted a picture of her and her two sisters, captioning, “Me sis, big sis, lil sis. Best phone catch up with sis 2night. 😊 Troubadour 2morrow. 🎶🎸😎…” The picture implied she wasn’t in Georgia or likely even on the East Coast, as she was with her sisters. 
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Source (X) (X).
While going through her Instagram pictures, I came across a picture from September 6th, 2014, nine months earlier. It was an almost identical picture of her and her sisters, except for a different filter and her older sister having her sweater buttoned. Emily could have held a phone conversation anywhere, but she wanted to make it look like she was out West with her family. If she wanted to include a picture of her and her sisters, to go with the post, she could have used a newer one. Instead she used an older, generic one that could match any time of the year. 
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Source (X) (X).
So Emily disappeared for several days during TWD filming and latergrammed throughout the gap between her shows, hiding her location.
All of this might seen a bit excessive, especially in terms of storytelling, but Beth is on a Heroine’s Journey. It is a storytelling structure focused on the internal, feminine experience instead of the physical achievements of the Hero’s Journey. Hers is a story of identity, coming-of-age, and transformation.The Tunnel represents that transformation. It goes back to the Heroine’s Journey because the tunnel, as a setting, descends from classic literature. The tunnel, like the traditional forest or mountain top, is a liminal setting where the protagonist undergoes a change before returning to their “home”, concluding that segment of the story. Examples include the Cave Luke enters in Empire Strikes Back and the Room of Requirement in Harry Potter. (For more reading on the Heroine’s Journey, I highly recommend this two-part meta: X, X.) (You can read more about the tunnel here: X.) Emily hinted at this in an interview post-Coda, describing Beth’s character arc in season 5:
“Beth, when she was at Grady, was becoming a different person. It's like when you go to college and become a different person and then you go back home and try to fit in again.” (X)
In the Heroine’s Journey, the protagonist hits the Death stage at stage 6, and it functions as a symbolic death for the protagonist. This stage pushes the protagonist to accept humility and to be reborn. Coda, as stage 6 in Beth’s story, fits this mold. Beth supposedly “died” because of a moment of “overconfidence”. In the meta I linked above, the author describes the Death stage thusly:
“Note that both Death scenes in Tangled and Dragon Age 2 are not at the climax of the story, as you might find in a Hero’s Journey. They’re in the middle. That’s a huge, huge difference between these two narrative structures, and one that I personally find far more applicable to real life. Hitting rock bottom, and climbing out of that pit, is never really so simple as it’s presented in the Hero’s Journey. It’s ugly and time-consuming, and backsliding occurs, and it’s never really the end of change, but the midpoint.” (emphasis mine)
Leading up to Coda, many Beths fans were theorizing that Beth would have a fakeout death, as she was nearing the Death stage. None of us expected such a real fakeout though. It’s one of the reasons Coda seems so ludicrous; it happened in the midst of Beth’s arc, as she was growing. Because it happened in the middle, it came without any closure.
For a long time, Christy and I have speculated that Beth would become the central character of the story after her return. The story shifting focus to her makes sense. She is the new sheriff in town, and she is the Christ figure, the savior. Beth is likely immune/cured of the virus, as hinted in her Grady arc (X) (X), and she will go on to help find a cure. Such a storyline would help break the show’s from the rut it’s fallen into, and the storyline could carry the show for seasons. The Trinity were the price to have Beth back (a reoccurring theme at Grady and in 5x09). It should be noted that all three of them were the traditional warrior types, Abe and Tyreese two of the physically strongest men in the group. As Morgan said back in 3x13, the weak will inherit the earth. We just have to wait for that day, when Beth reaches the end of the tunnel. There she’ll find her family, including Daryl, up the road.
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wolfwhiteflowers · 6 years ago
Characters from the tv show suddenly adopting traits/story arcs, even personalities of a different comic character confuses me. If you’re a Comic Michonne fan - who do you stan on the TV??? TV Michonne or TV Carol?! Weird way to develop your television show if you ask me. It’s hard to follow or relate to anything!
Hey. I made a long. I hope this helps. It’s confusing. It’s also that I go with the flow and flip flop my speculations too.
 I’m mostly or was a fan of the show. I read the comics around when s6 ended. The show is adapted from the comics. It’s always a bit different from the comics. Kirkman likes that it’s a bit different. Like Daryl is an original character. There’s also some comic plots that were changed or comic events happening earlier or later in an arc. Like Shane died at Hershel’s farm in s2 but not in s1 when that’s like when comic-Shane would’ve died.
So I just see the comics as original story and tv show as it’s own story with some comic similarities. I think it’s fun to speculate what will happen in the show based on the comics because the comics are ahead and bit different. The comics are like a blueprint for the show. Like we know s9 will have a time jump and whisperers will be introduced…and heads on pikes.  It is hard to speculate on characters and what they will do. The comics had Andrea for a long time and also like idk 6 core characters. The show has a huge cast of characters, no Andrea but parts go to some other characters (Sasha, Carol, Michonne). Plus original characters like Daryl, Sasha, Tara. Sometimes the show’s stories/characters are better than comics and sometimes not. 
But I do think idk since s6, the writers are making their tv characters based on comic characters/plots too wacky. (s3 was so different than the comics too) The characters are not evolving naturally. Plots that don’t make sense, imo. Like ehh Rick with Jessie. It didn’t flow right like the comics did. Rick was already bonded closely with Michonne. They just want the chop scene. Carol going to the Kingdom in s7 and now, I’m okay with it but I hate that she’s not part of the main storyline or never interacts with team family. I’m guessing they want to introduce Kingdom and Zeke(who knows?) on the head on pikes like what happened with comic-Michonne. And imo, they never really make tv-Carl angsty like comic-Carl. Some argued about Michonne just being a love interest, but she’s also is like a mother and co-lead like comic-Andrea.  And now since s8, the show is really different than the comics. We will not have Rick and Carl in the show. The show is gonna be more like a spinoff show.
So for me to speculate the show and comics, I speculate on how the story is going with the characters. So far I think Carol is taking a lot on comic-Michonne.  Daryl is pretty similar to comic-Dwight. I think Michonne and Daryl will be more like comic-Rick in s9. Idk s9 is gonna be harder to speculate the characters’ doings based on the comics. (I mean there’s a s9 msf death spoiler, that was so not from comics.) Also, even though it’s “Carol is like comic-Michonne” it doesn’t mean Carol is comic-Michonne. Carol’s story isn’t exactly the same way as comic-Michonne’s. Even Michonne’s story isn’t the same as comic-Michonne. (lost her son, Andre. Not two daughters.) Carol is Carol. Both comics and show have their own stories and are not finished. 
I take the comics and tv show as two different stories. I love comic-Michonne in the comics. I stan mostly Carol in the show and love Michonne too. I stan Carol before I read the comics. I think it’s more like I like these different storylines. I guess Carol and Michonne(s) are similar and I guess that’s why I like them all. I started seeing Carol taking comic-Michonne parts or being as one of the main characters in the show is when Carol have this bond with Rick, the banishment, Carol saving team family, and keeping a gun in ASZ with Rick. I feel like she was Rick’s #3 person or wherever the number on the list like on the comics, MIchonne is Rick’s bff/#3(?). Also she had close relationships with Tyreese, Morgan, and Zeke.. I do not think Carol is like comic-Michonne when she’s with Zeke now. I think that’s a weird way for anyone to say that. It’s weird..I guess writers eventually went like yeah Carol take comic-Michonne’s parts and some original parts. And imo, then they went weird with it and make her be with Zeke in s9. (Imo, if they want to do it naturally, why not have Carol romance with him in s8 like the time when comic-Michonne did?) Tv-Michonne is more like comic-Andrea right now. Andrea died in s3 ..but even in s3, tv-Michonne was really bonded and had more chemistry with Rick and had comic-Michonne’s parts too. Though she didn’t romance with Tyreese and she was like more open up by being with the Grimes than comic-Michonne (she’s angstier…sadder..she misses her daughters).
  So to speculate on Carol and Michonne on s9, it’s really hard because there’s so many changes like with Rick and Carl being gone and Maggie maybe being gone.  Carol will be like comic-Michonne but happier and not on a boat. But Zeke will be dead? Idk. Tv-Michonne is like comic-Andrea but Rick will depart or die, so will she go on a boat, be like comic-Rick, or have original storyline.  I also don’t know if Danai will do s10 too. There’s also an article from Danai that she would like the storyline of Michonne’s child being found,…if that happens. (Comic Michonne found one of her daughters, Elodie at Commonwealth.)
Idk i guess it’s all about interpretation and speculating. I’m already tired of weird writings and Idc about s9/TWD show anymore. Since there’s no Grimes boys in the show. I’m wondering how the story will go by reading spoilers.
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wolfwhiteflowers · 7 years ago
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Issue 175 thoughts and speculations, and tv show’s remixes.
*Michonne  *Richonne
> TWD comic spoilers
> TWD tv spoilers
(keep reading. vvv)
---------------------the comics
-OMG! Issue 175 had been out for awhile and I’m just still shocked about Michonne and that she’s on her way finding her daughter(s?).  I did not see this coming. It’s like I should have known. Because yeah it was kinda obvious or I just didn’t think it would happen at all. lol
In issue 168, I think, when Michonne decided to lead the Ohio group for Eugene, I was wondering why Michonne have to leave her bff Rick when he’s grieving over Andrea(wife) and alone in ASZ. I thought this was some plot that was setting up for Rick and Negan to parallel or get Rick downward spiral or something. I thought maybe Michonne didn’t want to be around Rick like maybe she have feelings for him. Idk or Michonne wants change, something new. But instead, Rick kinda adopts Mikey. He’s doing alright rn. I guess that’s ..also.. the point Kirkman wanted on Rick’s side of the story. We’ll see. My main point is that the reason why Michonne went to Ohio wasn’t all about making Rick alone (Jesus/Aaron at Hilltop. Carl at Hilltop). Kirkman wanted Michonne to leave ASZ to get to the story plot of her finding her missing daughter(s)! I did not see that coming. I think others thought of that but I was like ehh Michonne didn’t find them in Oceanside so? She grieve it out and was like feeling better lately. So yeah, now she gets see her Elodie soon and perhaps Colette!
-So this issue was such a big deal for Michonne. OMG Ok. Michonne is my fave in the comics. I don’t really trust Kirkman and sometimes doubt his writing, but I’m surprised he did this...or not. I mean I feel like this is what it suppose to happen. Make Michonne a mother again. I think her character journey is all about not finding her daughters and dealing with that pain, slowly letting it go and being more open with her past lovers, being close with the Grimes boys, being more human. And now she’s finally getting answers and closure to what happened to her daughters and ex-husband. She may even be a mom again to Elodie. This moment is something that I wanted before Kirkman would someday decides to finish the comic book or kill off Michonne. This was what I want and hope for her and her character’s journey, and so I’m like idc what else happens. I got what I wanted. (unless Kirkman screws up something else or I want more stuff. whatever. no can trust writers. lol)
-I am starting to think around issue 175 and on, is the beginning of the end. It seems like everyone’s getting closure or something. Maybe the end is not coming but everyone’s getting new chapters in their journey. Eugene and Siddiq learned the truth of Rosita, Jesus loves Aaron & wants to stay with him, Negan is changed, Maggie got closure, Michonne will find her daughter or what happened. idk about other characters. Grimes boys are changing..Rick is a widower and adopts Mikey?,Carl is starting to lead, Dwight wants to lead?..
-Even communities are changing. They’re all rebuilt from the Whisperer War but there’s this a whole new community, Commonwealth that is really protected, strong and huge. Idk if they’re safe or the good guys, but Kirkman including Elodie makes us fans interested in the community! I really wonder what will happen next with the Commonwealth in OH and other communities in VA.  Will the main characters leave Hilltop, Sanctuary, ASZ, Kingdom? Will Commonwealth and other communities become like an east coast territory being led by a higher rank group or person? Will our main characters even want to live in Commonwealth? idk I mean like Rick would he even want to go there ...maybe he would want to stay at ASZ where Andrea is buried at. Anyways, it’s gonna be interesting to know what will happen.
-There could be other potential drama to it with Elodie and Michonne, and the communities/people. Like what if Michonne is all excited about finding her daughter and everything’s great but she’s like I want to go back home. Elodie be like why? What is home to you? Then Michonne realizes she got another family back in home, VA. Riiiiiiiick. ok lol idk. Maybe the Ohio traveling group can’t leave Commonwealth or something. Maybe there will some civil war with all the communities against Commonwealth, or Rick or Carl will be president some day(of the east coast..like Falling Skies show). IDK i just want Mikey and Elodie to meet and be like some crossover ship-name thing with Stranger Things. El and Mike.
It’s crazy how in issue 175, comic-Michonne found her daughter(s) (Jan.) after in the show where tv-Michonne’s (and Rick) will lose her second son, Carl(Dec.). It was just all emotional to think of those two stories. It’s also reminds me of this speculation or theory that I did long ago that seems like ..I was right or will happen or something like that. :P
My old-ish theory of the comics (issue 169, before s8 happened) and TV show. My theory or speculations are about tv-Richonne and comic-Richonne. #twd remix theories  I was trying to think of ways on how tv-Michonne will still live on after comic-Andrea died. Like how tv-Michonne still be Rick’s wife and perhaps adapt to comic-Michonne as well. *If only the tv writers wanted Michonne to live on and NOT take comic-Andrea’s death too. If Rick will not lose both Carl AND Michonne.  So, future stories are gonna be hard to remix or they will be a couple. My point is, my theories of tv-Richonne/comic-Richonne might not even work out and it’s kinda impossible. I’m not sure about comic-Richonne becoming a couple. Though they’re one of the leading characters and best friends.
But......one of theories? right now is that the TWD show writers killed off tv-Carl like how comic-Andrea did, so that tv-Michonne can live. And, since Michonne will lose another son, maybe Michonne will do what comic-Michonne did in future stories based in the comics; leave ASZ(pirating or Ohio traveling trip) to grieve or something else.
Here’s a bit of my old post of my old theory....
* Instead of miscarriage, it’s death of Carl. *Carl’s death = Negan redemption.
So far I got an idea that popped in my head and it’s instead of Michonne dying based on comic Andrea’s death, maybe Michonne would have a miscarriage or they lost their child from walkers/enemies. So it’s all angsty and tension between Rick and Michonne. It’s hard for parents to deal with their death of their child. idk why I thought of this :( …overthinking is bad (ok I’m kinda thinking Fringe’s final season with Peter and Olivia dealing with their issues since their daughter went missing). …Oh I know..I kinda was thinking of something that Rick and Negan could bond or whatever Kirkman have in mind later on in the comics. In the comics, they lost their wives recently-ish. I think Kirkman wants Rick and Negan to bond or something really in common in the story right now.
*Michonne left because she wants to. Later, Kirkman had in mind to have Michonne finding her daughter(s).
I am also thinking of comic michonne’s storyline. Right now, comic Michonne left with a group to check out Ohio/another community(ies). She said she has to go. We don’t know why, it could be just Kirkman wanting Rick to be alone and go crazy…
*more speculations
….So with that thought, Michonne’s leaving Rick and my thought of how tv show adapting it with loss of their child, it’s like tv-Michonne needs a break and think about her life and grieve her own way and stuff and same with Rick. And then…Michonne comes back home, ASZ, and Richonne are able to move on and still be in a loving marriage. (And like… comic-Richonne happens after Michonne comes back from the Ohio trip.)
I guess I was thinking of this because of issue 169. Andrea died and I think it develops to another plot with Rick and Negan. Then Michonne left. Like how does tv show do it without tv-Richonne being over.  I know there’s many other scenarios. Like maybe tv-Michonne wouldn’t go to Ohio.
So, I guess it’s like I’m saying Michonne will leave ASZ for awhile to do the pirate arc or Ohio trip or anything. But!.... I think the whole “Michonne leaving ASZ” part doesn’t matter or it’s a need in the story. Because, Carl died during All Out War and we already know Oceanside from Tara, Carol being away in that house, and Siddiq. So, I think there would be other remixes. Like someone else will take comic-Michonne’s part of going to Ohio or to the sea(Morgan?).  Plus, s8B and on will be more different than the comics. Anything could happen in the show. It’s just a theory.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Michonne’s child remix~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I feel like Idk anymore. lol  Some stories are already remixed and happening, so some stories aren’t needed. ..Now that comic-Michonne will most likely see and be around Elodie, Idk how TV show will do it. Maybe things will make sense later on when we get more comic-Rick story and other stories, later.
I don’t think tv-Michonne will find Andre again. We’ve been told Andre is dead. Unless Michonne is also totally surprised like us if we see see Andre alive and found again.
It’s also doesn’t quite be the same as comic-Michonne’s story. I think this is so comic-Michonne’s thing…like ever since. I think for her not knowing where her daughters are and if they’re alive, was what made her who she was/is since she was introduced in the comics. Comic-Michonne is like tv-Michonne in s3 but for a long time. I don’t think any TV character is that way, imo. Tv-Michonne and Carol isn’t like her. I’m saying how comic-Michonne found out about her daughter and the emotional impact of it, wouldn’t be the same in the show, imo. So I don’t think this plot will happen..to Michonne or about Andre.
It can be done similarly, I guess. Like Michonne can’t find Judith for 3 years and Richonne split or something. Like Carol adopting Henry but can’t find him for 3 years. Oh, it’s like repeated misery for the characters. I feel like that’s too much for those characters. Like Michonne just lost Carl, had a child with Rick or Judith went missing in short time. That’s just so sad. Idk..so I think it’s better if a new character was introduced and was always grieving their missing child or someone. Like (for a couple) Desmond reuniting with Penny from tv show Lost.
So yeah so much is happening for the comics and the show in 2018. Speculating is crazy and fun to do ..and confusing. overthinking is bad. I think the show will be even more different than the comics now because of tv-Carl’s death and comic-Elodie’s return. (and with Kang showrunning in s9) Also, who knows how long the show will be on air.  
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wolfwhiteflowers · 7 years ago
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issue 123 - I think there’s other issues’ panels that explain better about Rick’s leadership and his dream of better future & ASZ. Like issue 125 but that’s really spoilery. The things that TV-Carl had said in s8 reminds me of comic Rick in AOW. I think in the finale Rick will be back like comic-Rick (..in AOW) or following what TV-Carl had said. 
Adding this. It’s also like after TV-Carl’s death..I guess more similar. A lil glimpse of that. Basically saying Rick to keep going. It reminds me of how TV-Rick now has a different motivation or so. He’s doing it for Carl. Whereas Rick he’s doing it for Andrea...and comic-Carl who still lives.
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wolfwhiteflowers · 7 years ago
8x09 and the comics rn + overthinking
 Carol and Henry (Kingdom group) relationship and Rick grieving over Carl’s death, is reminding me of the comics right now (after ww/nwo). It’s odd because the show is behind storywise from the comics.
 Carol and Henry is kinda reminding me of comic-Rick and Carl but, also reminding me of comic-Michonne and her daughter plot right now-a new parent/child relationship into the story. That’s all. But if Henry becomes important in the story and Carol becomes his guardian.
And with Rick, he’s grieving like comic-Rick over comic-Andrea. Both Ricks are grieving over a Grimes. They also seem like alone and Carl isn’t there but (..comic-Carl is at the Hilltop.) So I guess Judith is like comic-Mikey. Anyways...I’m glad tv-Rick have tv-Michonne with him right now.
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