#tw.bugs mention
Agent Yoric Headcanons
yoric headcanons that for some reason I never fucking did despite him being one of my top blorbos-scrungly hybrid.
Heads up. It's long because I have a lot of lore and thoughts about him.
For some reason, Yoric is hard to perceive. Unless he's the one calling you or standing directly in front of you, it's hard to notice his presence. He's like a walking anti-memetic.
Because of this, he's a really, really good agent for undercover missions, stake outs and espionage.
The only reason why he was found by the Foundation was that he accidentally got into one of their vans and while escaping through a door, walked right into someone.
His difficulty to perceive also extends to David's clairvoyance. When David tries reading into Yoric, all he gets is very muddled and darkened vision with nothing identifiable.
Despite being a mere level 2, Yoric knows a lot more than his rank. The nepotism in the Bright Family is a factor but also because higher ups favour sending Yoric to gain intel due to his ability.
Jack and Clef are the only people who can fully perceive Yoric like normal. Jack because he functions outside of the universe (SCP-963 reasons) and Clef because he's a Reality Anchor.
Yoric also has a lot of skills that he picked up while trying to blend into a crowd. He can speak over 8 different languages, play 5 different musical instruments and can also do acrobat and juggle flaming knives.
Really into entomology and insects! He keeps a few bugs around his apartment. He's got an ant farm, 3 different tarantulas, a scorpion, a giant centipede and some roaches.
He also has taxidermy insect collections. Specifically beetles.
Yoric wants to keep some bees but they're not really suitable for a two-bedroom apartment in the middle of a city so it's something he's looking forward to when he gets his own house.
He's tall and very skinny. It's a wonder how he gets into places, especially the vents, with those fucking noodle arms and legs.
Despite his knowledge and skills, this man has nothing in his brain. It's empty. He's very stupid and reckless. Zero braincells. Gets into trouble a lot. On accident though!
Has a pretty big beetle tattoo on his back (wings out and coloured). It was the first beetle he ever caught and raised. Sadly it's dead and couldn't be taxidermied so Yoric got another way to remember his first bug.
He's Asian descendant and mostly human. There's a theory one of his parents is of a fae which is why he's hard to perceive (the whole name-identity-curse-thing.) (This is totally not because of my OC Not at all. Nope. Nu-uh. I definitely don't have an OC here which explains his thingy. Nope. What are you talking about?/j)
Family cryptid. Not as much as TJ but still a cryptid. Also his eyes slightly glow in the dark. Slightly. Yes, it means he can see better in the dark too.
He was actually raised in the Chaos Insurgency where he met Claire once. That's how he found out he's part of the family. He then left the Chaos Insurgency around his late teens and went around before joining the Foundation in his 20s
It's not that he's distant with Jack, his grandfather. I mean, he visits and helps him frequently and they're definitely on good/casual terms but there's this weird gap between them that they don't really want to work on. They both have issues. Well technically, the whole family have issues.
He's chatty with Sera and doesn't mind having her around too. Thinks she's refreshing from the other Brights and they have an understanding on being raised by an Organisation.
Has a particular sharp eye on shiny objects. Can spot pennies on the ground from far away and tries to get his hands on many shiny things. His jacket and coat has a lot of metal and enamel pins on the inside.
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