voidartisan · 2 months
Rebel Dashboard Simulator
🦎 lekkuhaver
😎 free-dantooine-deactivated-7976-994-5
this galaxy is so humancentric it hurts. "humanoid" this "near-human" that. don't care if they're the most abundant species overall they make up less than forty percent of sentient species. i hope you all realize how kriffing stupid you sound
🙍 steela-gerrera-lives Follow
i mean op makes a good point but aren't they also an order 66 apologist???
😎 free-dantooine-deactivated-7976-994-5
when will you idiots realize the Jedi were created to uphold the status quo. they were no better than stormtroopers and the galaxy is better off without them. fks
🚀 podracing-analyst Follow
the Jedi were a religious order???? not law enforcement???? stop spreading misinformation if you want ppl to take you seriously
the Jedi did have powers of arrest but that was because they were diplomats and bodyguards. they were arresting assassins, corrupt officials, mercenaries, slavers and crime bosses (y'know, people who were actually actively upholding and profiting off of oppressive social conditions), not shoplifters or protestors. the only reason that they came under Senate authority in the first place was because they were actively attempting to prevent themselves from becoming too powerful.
they were also second-class citizens in many ways (unpaid for their labor, no rep in the Senate despite depending on it for support, etc). stop slandering minority religious groups.
🦎 lekkuhaver
also here to say that even if the Jedi were law enforcement, the purge was still a genocide. they had centuries (if not millennia) of history, art, religious practice, and other culture that's just been completely erased. not to mention that literal CHILDREN were slaughtered during knightfall. kids incapable of what you're attributing to them.
#i mean I pretty much agree with the first point being a twi'lek myself #but can we stop misrepresenting the Jedi for two minutes??? #also don't go in the notes it's a bloodbath in there #tw:genocide #tw:child death #discourse tag #lekki talks
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🎨 spectre-spraypaint
thinking about dyeing my hair again but there are too many options
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🎨 spectre-spraypaint
😺 jabba-calrissian Follow
help how do I spumblr
🎨 spectre-spraypaint
this my little brother btw. you should welcome him with your bestworst anon hate
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🐈‍⬛ tooka-pics-daily
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#tooka #lothcat #cute #photography
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🏔 queenofthehills
🏳‍🌈 gay-holofilm-society Follow
idk maybe i've been archiving suppressed clone wars records for too long. but. is it just me or is this shot of the Jedi general of the 3rd systems army kinda 👀
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🌛 gungan-conspiracy Follow
holy force are there rebels young enough to not know who kriffing. obi-wan kenobi is
🎤 rebotastic Follow
great maker this image is giving me flashbacks to the jedi rpf discourse
🤖 protocol-droid-rebellion Follow
remember when that one spiktoker got investigated by the GAR during the clone wars for apparently including part of a classified holovid in one of their edits? those were the days
🧑‍🎤 myastromechromance Follow
you wouldn't last an hour in the asylum where they raised me
#FRRRRR #i still remember when rpf with him got popular #all of stewjonblr was flooded with asks about pet names in "stewjonian" #as if there's just one language and clan kenobi isn't incredibly large #encompassing multiple dialects #like girl even if i wanted to help you i couldn't #are u even sure he speaks his native language anymore. he was inducted as a toddler #anyway its too bad I got sick of his face seeing as he's a planetary treasure and all
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🥫 redrationbars
🔫 shabuir Follow
does anyone even like jogan fruit tho
🐐 tauntaunonhoth Follow
hey op who did you have to kill for that url
#mando heritage post #queue
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⚔ snips-in-space
ngl I totally forgot this account existed
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🦎 lekkuhaver
🌆 coruscant-official Follow
Don't forget to visit the lower levels during your time with us! The garbage piles and casual violence due complete neglect by the planetary government are part of the charm!
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🥫 redrationbars
hey so what's up with this empire thing
#outer rim posting #this is satire to be clear
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🖋 set-vere-red-string
people on here really need to learn how to use a readmore link. I don't want to have to scroll past your entire bail organa x reader fic to find posts about the man's politics
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👬 clone-posting-central
☄ venator-class-hyperfixation Follow
if I didn't want clones fraternizing with civilians then I simply would not clone the hottest man in the galaxy. rip to the kaminoans but i'm different
🌄 tatooine-sunsets Follow
hey bez not to kill the joke but. do you know what happened to kamino
☄ venator-class-hyperfixation Follow
what do you mean. what. what happened
🪙 keepingupwiththepapanoidas Follow
investing at twenty notes
☄ venator-class-hyperfixation Follow
#we are pretty good looking huh :)
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🙈 bytenebrousthiscantbehappening
🌌 hyperdrive-engaged Follow
look. i've worked in a shipyard for a long time. i've seen a lot of stuff. but what the KARK is this
Read more
🔎 identifying-starships-in-posts Follow
looks like a YT-1300 light freighter. older correllian model, highly prized but not super common. it does have some uhhh interesting mods
#i LOVE yt-1300s #too bad you have to be either rich or a chronic gambler to get one these days
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🖋 set-vere-red-string
🧑‍🎤 myastromechromance Follow
anyone else seen this recording of palaptine tripping over his own robes yet
🏵 rebel-scum Follow
omf no that's hilarious
📕 hero-with-a-lot-of-fears Follow
old prune had it coming
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firespirited · 3 years
Might write a full essay someday but if you or your parents are church goers protestant or catholic: your tithe money went to residential schools, goes to fake pregnancy clinics, goes to abusive foster homes and carehomes, supports outreach that is not about helping people without conversion, money gets used for personal luxuries coverups and lawsuits. You can demand change from your church by withholding tithes (get them to butt out of secular matters such as schools and hospitals) or you can change denominations. This isn't your ancestors, this is your family giving a tenth of their money to people who commit crimes against humanity. Your family will resist change, your beloved church will either stall with false promises or push you out. If you have any faith or any self respect you'll push the boundaries and find out what kind of empty gestures your church does in the face of dead kids.
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loycos · 4 years
Genocide in the context of SU
“THEY COMMITTED GENOCIDE” is a claim i hear a lot when discussing the Diamonds, and it has always confused me. I get that some people really can’t tell the difference between dictatorship and nazism (both are bad, of course) so they call the Diamonds “nazis” and by that association assume that like the nazis they committed genocide.
first of all, aside from earth, we dont know how many intelligent life gems encountered in their galactic colonization. so we’re only looking at the only example we have: Earth and its residents.
second of all: What is genocide, really?
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two things:
1. The Diamonds and gemkind in general are aliens, and artificially intelligent ones at that. they clearly dont see any organism that isn’t a gem as intelligent or even capable of conceiving complex thoughts and ideas. We saw it with Blue Diamond when she chatted with Greg. 
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We saw this in early interactions between Greg and Rose.
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 we saw it in the main CG throughout most of the first few seasons. and it goes on and on, every interaction between a HW gem to humans or other organisms is coming from that place on imbalance. Gems think theyre superior to organic life, and its not just The Diamonds.
2. Gems use the planets they colonize to create more gems, and promise their own species’ growth. They take away everything, leaving no life behind, just to secure their own kind’s success and survival.
Does this sound familiar?
This is what us humans do to other organisms on our OWN planet.
We ruin habitats, to build new places for humans to live. We wipe out natural populations of animals for our consumption. we grow plants and raise animal for the sole purpose of our consumption. because to humans, the first thing that matters is to make sure our species survives, even if we lost sight of how much we consume, even if at this point the balance is thrown off significantly. All in the name of self-preservation.
Can we really point a blaming finger at the Diamonds, and other gems for that matter, for doing the same? the is a very human way of thinking.
Do you call the mass extinction of marine life by humans ‘Genocide’? do you think about it when you eat a salmon? are you a contributor, just by living on this earth during this time?
Listen, im not vegan nor am i trying to force that lifestyle on you. but this is whats going on in current times. we humans have consumed the planet, shaping it to fit our needs, and will continue to do so until there’s nothing left to exploit. we are the real world’s gem kind, but we cant move on to a different planet after we’re done. The gems view humans on SU the same way real life humans view something like a chicken. alive, but not intelligent, and therefore disposable for the greater cause.
What im saying is: ‘Genocide’ is not the right term to describe what’s going on with Gemkind’s method of expansion and its relation to humans. Genocide is DELIBERATE, not a byproduct, has to be done on a group of the same species as you, and is motivated by active hate and cruelty. using that word in this situation is belittling to any nation that went through an actual genocide. We aren’t like fucking chicken.
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araeph · 5 years
Hello! I love Zutara yet I am bothered how someone pointed out that the pairing would have insensitive implications, especially this 2018, to POC and nationalities who were victims of war and genocide. Any thoughts?
In my opinion, the ideathat Zutara is insensitive is quite offensive in itself. First of all, sinceZutara isn’t canon, it can be portrayed in fanfic in any number of ways, so theonly thing reason for there to be something intrinsically insensitive about thepairing is a) for there to be something wrong with their canon friendship or b)for there to be something wrong with one person from an oppressed people beingin a romantic relationship with a member of the oppressor group.
I have already addresseda) in the previous ask. As for b), whatexactly is their position—that interfaith or interracial couples are inherentlyunhealthy? That their families are invalid? That wounds of the past can never heal, not even with a newgeneration of teenagers who are trying their best to put the world backtogether? I should hope not, and if so, they probably shouldn’t be watching Avatar.
I suspect what they arereally worried about is that the outside world would force an unhealthy powerimbalance within the relationship itself. So while I’m here, let me correct amisconception about canon: that Zuko would somehow have substantial power overKatara because he is Firelord or Fire Nation. In actuality, as Firelord of thelosing side of the Hundred Year’s War whose nation faces serious internalunrest, Zuko is on razor thin ice andKatara’s displeasure could, at any moment, undo his entire reign. Heck, in thecomics, she actually sanctions hisexecution should he get out of line, which, while out of character for her,does an excellent job of showing how Zuko’s status does not affect the balanceof power in their relationship in the slightest.  
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nerdybloke · 3 years
Just felt the need to share Shaun’s excellent response to the absolutely awful transphobic “article” by the BBC on October 26th.
I’d heard this article was bad, but Shaun definitely does a much better job of putting into perspective exactly how bad the article is and how it was initially much worse before they had to remove the contributor Lily Cade who used her position to call for the mass murder, rape and lynchings of Trans folks on top of the fact that she herself was the perpetrator of reported sexual assaults.
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dignitywhatdignity · 7 years
A lot of people are saying Tr*mp is the Worst President Ever, and he's terrible, easily top 10, don't get me wrong, but Andrew Jackson did two separate genocides so he still wins for now.
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whiteorblack · 4 years
Veritaserum: What is one truth you have wanted to get off of your chest?
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I think this war is absolute bullshit and if I had the power to I would rather just everyone try and talk it out cause what differences do we really have. But then the other side is literally calling for genocide so I have to fight even if I hate the idea of a fight.
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I love the Star Wars fans that just don’t seem to get Star Wars Rebels.
“I don’t care if there are PTSD-ridden survivors of genocide on the crew! If you have cute loth-cats and space whales, then it must be a kiddy show with no real drama whatsoever! You can’t have a universe with happy and sad things!” 
I don’t know. Our universe seems to manage it just fine.
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//20, 8, 1, 2 and 3
Pitch has no recollection of his family, and as 1, 2, and 3 are questions concerning family members, there isn’t much to say about the subject. He doesn’t remember them. As far as I know, it wasn’t mentioned that Kozmotis had any siblings (I need to read the books more thoroughly), but I’d have to imagine he had a good relationship with his parents and that they were a positive influence on his life. Maybe I’m totally wrong. I had never gone so far as to write headcanons for Pitch’s former life.
8. How does your character feel about religion?
Pitch holds to no particular belief system. He has seen many wax and wane over the centuries -some longer lasting and more widely accepted than others, but in his opinion all equally fragile and inadequate at explaining the most fundamental question ever asked. Something great is at work, certainly, but he doesn’t pretend to know what, nor does he readily seek an answer. The only thing he is sure of is that such a creator must be indifferent. Why else would such suffering be allowed?
20. What were the most deeply impressive political or social, national or international, events that they experienced?
Pitch has been on Earth for a long time. He has seen countless tragedies; wars and disasters, plagues and famines, massacres and genocide, but the most resonating by far were those that claimed the lives of millions of humans; most particularly, the slaughter of the Native Americans, and World War 2. Pitch sometimes wonders why mankind fears him when they themselves are capable of such atrocities. 
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snarfaty · 10 years
trigger warning: rape, death, genocide, infanticide, bloodletting
Anger is a feeling you have in your head, but it’s such a physical state too. It’s debilitating. I can feel it in the way I posture myself, the way my feet feel heavy, the way my arms don’t gently sway at my sides because I’m holding them so tensely. My jaw is set in a permanent grimace, my face scrunched up, my eyes narrowed. I probably look sick. I feel sick.
I have been privileged enough to receive a primary education. I have been privileged enough to buy a secondary education. I have prided myself on learning that which is tough to stomach, hard to see, and I want to take it and change the way our world works. I want this more than anything I have ever wanted, in my entire existence. I’m sure of this.
So when I see such glaring silence, my reaction is always anger.
I am jewish. I went to Hebrew school and learned extensively about the Holocaust. I took AP World History in high school, I learned about it there too. I have visited the international Holocaust museum in Israel, Yad Vashem. I considered myself well-versed in Holocaust knowledge.
And yet my knowledge is so basic. Just in these past few days of my Gender, Genocide, & Trauma class, I have reaffirmed so much of my knowledge. And I have learned new things too. And these new things I have learned all have a common theme. That genocide is gendered, and so much of the silence around the Holocaust is the silencing of women’s experiences.
Let me ask you something: Gisella Perl; do you know this name? She was a Jewish doctor deported to Auschwitz, and then commissioned to work in the camp as a doctor. And she saw horrors I had never known, the hardest to hear about being the practice of infanticide and bloodletting in the camp. This woman, at risk to her own safety, snuck pregnant woman (often raped by Nazi guards and fellow prisoners alike) out of the barracks and into the latrines to give birth in the secret of night. These women were anywhere from five to nine months along, and Gisella Perl, without any instruments, induced labor by breaking the amniotic sack (with her bare hands), delivered the baby, patched to woman up, and sent her back to work so she could survive another day. And what did she do with the live births? She smothered the baby and destroyed the evidence. Gisella Perl killed babies, and why? Because she saw what happened when pregnant women were discovered and left to the Nazi’s disposal--being beaten, ravaged by dogs, and thrown into the crematoriums alive. And the bloodletting? Near the end of the war, when blood was scarce and desperately needed on the front lines to save German soldiers, young, healthy women (men were spared this dude to the need for labor) were selected out and lead to an obscure part of the camp, shrouded in mystery. After four weeks of about 700 women being held there, doctors were called into this area, having no idea what lied beyond the doors. What they found was the women were being held in cages, and repeatedly drained of blood then nourished only a minimum amount to keep them alive. When Gisella Perl opened the doors, she saw 100 women lying on the floor, emaciated and dying from blood loss. And there was nothing she could do. All of these bloodletting victims eventually died.
I have heard countless stories of the atrocities committed during the Holocaust, I have heard this story over and over again. Why, as a twenty-year-old educated Jewish woman, is this the first time I have ever heard Gisella Perl’s name? Because it has been censored from the literature. She has a memoir, one you can’t get anymore in it’s entirety because it was forced out of print. This part of the history of the Holocaust has been silenced. Genocide affects women in a different way than men, and we are not taught this. Just another example of the patriarchy at work, another example of the censorship in our educational system.
I am angry. And this is why I fight.
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ajani · 10 years
God im still so mad about that having been on our campus like
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medzyeghern · 11 years
"The Eyewitness": Pain for kidnapped Mother has never abandoned 100-year old Arevaluys Amalyan
11:08, 18 June, 2013
The Armenian Genocide initiated in the Ottoman Empire during the World War I in the beginning of the previous century is one of the biggest crimes against humanity. Advancing the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide the new project introduced by "Armenpress" news agency is dedicated to the story of the eyewitnesses and survivors of the calamity to prove the world one more time that our demand for the recognition of the Armenian Genocide is fair and justified. This time the project is dedicated to the story of 100-year old Arevaluys Amalyan from Arabkir. In her memories the Armenian Genocide and loss of her mother are directly linked with each other.  
YEREVAN, JUNE 18, ARMENPRESS. 100-year old Arevaluys Amalyan is not fond of recalling 1915 and her birthplace Arabkir. The eyewitness has her reasons not to respond questions regarding the Armenian Genocide and the Turks. "The Turks murdered Arevaluys's father in 1915 and took her mother with them on one condition – that thus they would spare her family. She survived along with her brothers, grandfather, aunts and uncles, but her mother, who was a very beautiful woman, had to marry a Turk," Arevaluys Amalyan's daughter in law – Varduhi Grigoryan stated.
The kidnapping of the Mother enabled the family a chance to stay in Arabkir until 1926. After they moved to Batumi and then reached Yerevan on train. Here they received arable land and settled in Armenia permanently. Few years later Arevaluys married a blacksmith called Sargis, who was also from Arabkir. Sargis was 6 years old during the Genocide. Arevaluys's elder son Levik Amalyan told us: "My father also was a person remarkable for longevity. He passed away at the age of 99. He used to tell us about the atrocities of the Turks. He told us how the Turks lined up 300 Armenian on the bank of the Euphrates River and in order to save bullets killed them by hitting them with canes, thus throwing them into the water."
Years passed, and Arevaluys's mother – Vergine, who was but 25 years old, when the Turks kidnapped her, managed to find her sons, who were in Syria in 1980s, notwithstanding Arevaluys refused to see her mother…
Among other things Varduhi stated: "Vergine said that she did not want to remain a Turk for life, she mentioned that she wanted to die as an Armenian. Vergine met her sons in Aleppo, but Arevaluys had no wish to see her mother, as she did not forgive her marriage with a Turk even at the expanse of their lives."
In addition she said that even the media referred to the fatal meeting of the mother with her sons. The 117-year old woman, who was forced to marry a Turk and give birth to four children, managed to preserve her Armenian identity to some extent.
Today Arevaluys Amalyan is surrounded with four children. She has two sons and two daughters. Her elder daughter is 82-years old. The 100-old woman from Arabkir has 67 grandsons, great grandsons, and great great grandsons. (THE FULL VERSION OF THE ARTICLE IS AVAILABLE IN ARMENIAN)
Article by Tatevik Grigoryan
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candiedrust · 11 years
*keep's stabbing people* hAHAHAHAHAHAH,
Tav! 9n y9ur 20!
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abcd-epik · 12 years
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Between April 1915 and October 1915 the WWI Central Powers (Germany, Austro-Hungarian Empire, Ottoman Empire and the Kingdom of Bulgaria) imposed a tight news embargo regarding the forced removal and deportation of Armenians throughout Turkey. It was through the information provided by American missionaries, US Consulate officers and the American Ambassador that information was secreted to the news media of the era, including the Boston Globe. For those who don't know about the Armenian Genocide i suggest you read and share this post.
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innsmouthconsul · 12 years
I remember the exact date I lost my faith in humanity
It was 8th grade and we were on a three week lesson plan focusing on the Holocaust
that day we were talking about the various execution methods used my the nazis, and I remember the exact moment I lost all faith in humanity was when we were talking about gassing.
The exact fucking moment
I broke down sobbing in class...
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manticoreimaginary · 10 years
My dash was covered in all this 'yeah but gal gadot supports genocide' stuff and I had no idea where it was coming from. So I googled.
Dammit, girl. I was supporting you so fucking hard.
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