#tw: assault attempt
normaltothemax · 8 months
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"I'm Okay" Responses "What happened?" (Jeff @ max, probably completely ignoring the 'I'm OK' LOL)
“Nothing. I’m fine.”
The answer was automatic. Snappish. A scared dog snapping its teeth at the reaching hand. Maybe if she said it enough, just kept on saying the words ‘I’m okay’, she’d eventually believe it. She could still feel his hand on her thigh moving higher, higher. Hot breath on her ear, saying things that made her all kinds of uncomfortable. She felt shaken and panicky even though nothing had happened.
Nothing had happened.
So why did she still feel like this?
With a shaky breath, she tried to focus on her hands. Anything other than the piece of shit that’d…
Her hands were trembling, even though she balled them into fists to try and still them. The right one hurt like a motherfucker, knuckles bruised and bleeding from where she’d split them open on that dick’s teeth. Shit, it’d been years since she’d gotten into a fistfight. She’d been doing so good. Her therapist was going to be all kinds of disappointed in her.
Fucker deserved it, though. Asshole was still sitting on the other side of the bar, an ice pack to his face, teeth and nose bloody. She could hear him, talking to his buddies, the words crazy bitch echoing loudly across the room.
Just like that, Max was back on her feet. The fucking giant of a man that’d pulled her off of him in the first place the only thing stopping her from storming over and kicking the shit out of him. Again.
“Hey, fuck you, asshole!” And now she was shouting at him from across the bar. Awesome. That totally wasn’t going to help with the crazy bitch accusation. “You wanna talk shit? Why don’t you tell everybody here what you put in my drink, huh? Why don’t we talk about that?” Her voice was cracking, unshed tears stinging at her eyes and…she couldn’t breathe. Fuck, she couldn’t fucking breathe. Christ, this night just kept getting worse.
@everymanism (x)
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holylulusworld · 2 months
Compensation (1)
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Summary: No one messes with Walter Marshall.
Pairing: Mobster!Walter Marshall x fem!Reader
Warning: angst, mentions of being attacked/attempted sexual assault, mentions of violence against the reader (not Walter), scared reader, blood, gore, implied character's death, injured reader
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He’s a gruff man, tall and bulgy. His expression is unreadable, but there is a hint of anger in his eyes when he roams your body. He crosses his thick and strong arms over his wide chest, making him look even bigger.
“Do you know why you are here?”
He cocks his head and looks you up and down. You must look ridiculous in your worn-out shirt, bleached jeans, and old sneakers. Usually, you wear a maid's uniform and try to stay invisible. Walter Marshall is not the kind of man whose attention you want to draw toward you.
“Y-ou wanted to see me, Sir, Mr. Marshall,” you murmur, afraid to speak louder in his presence. He’s an intimidating sight. His curly neck-length hair makes him look a little softer, but you know, he’s far from being a soft teddy bear. “Miss Chase told me so.”
“Hmm…” He nods thoughtfully and uncrosses his arms. He steps toward you, forcing you to back paddle because his size is even scarier up close. “You’re the maid causing trouble.”
You move your hand to your throat, touching the bruises one of the guests left. Walter follows the motion, and you drop your hand to your arm, only to wince again.
“Take off your shirt and pants,” he casually says. His eyes glued to your face. “You will soon find out that I do not like repeating myself. Shirt and pants off.”
You whimper. This is the worst-case scenario. If only you shut your mouth and forgot about your attacker. Now you’re in trouble even though, it was not your fault the man believed he could have everything inside his hotel room. Including you.
Eyes dropping to the ground you kick your old sneakers off. You unbutton your jeans and shove them down your legs. Walter follows your every move. You slowly take your shirt off, dropping it on the ground. Your arms wrap around your trembling form out of instinct when Walter steps closer.
“Hmmm…” he moves his large hand to your throat, carefully touching the bruises. He moves his hands to your bruised arms, before dropping them. Walter circles you and suddenly jerks his head toward Rachel. “I want you to inspect her thighs and ankle.”
He points at your bandaged foot.
“Yes, boss,” she says and hurriedly moves toward you to slide her hand over the bruises the man left on your thighs. She crouches down in front of you, touching your ankle. You yelp, and whimper in pain.
“That will be all, Rachel,” Walter grunts. He points at your clothes and sneers. “Take this with you. Bring it to the room.”
Your eyes fill with unshed tears. You try to not cry, knowing this will be the last day of your life. “Yes, boss.” She grabs your clothes and hurriedly walks out of the room.
“Doctor, take care of her ankle. Susan, get her new clothes. Something comfortable,” Walter barks orders at his employees while you're standing there, frozen to the spot. You don’t know what’s going on but having Walter Marshall’s attention can’t be good.
While Susan, a woman you never saw before flits out of the room, another woman, steps toward you. She asks you to sit on the sofa and helps you lift your leg onto the couch.
You clamp your lips shut when the doctor removes the bandage to examine your foot. She tries to be careful, but it hurts, nonetheless. “Definitely sprained. She needs a rest; ice and I’ll prescribe painkillers.”
“Doctor,” Walter nods at the doctor. “Susan, what do you have for me?” He sighs when Susan carries two dresses inside the room. “Susan, I said comfortable, not—” He points at the dresses and huffs, “this…whatever it is.”
“I thought…you like your women in sexy clothes,” Susan stammers, fear written all over her face.
“You’re dismissed for today,” Walter waves the woman off. He looks at you sitting on the couch for a second before he takes off his warm and comfortable knit sweater, leaving him in his white undershirt. “Here put this on.”
Your eyes round watching Walter step toward the couch. He sighs as you simply stare at the fabric in his hands.
“Fine, let me do it.” You whimper again when he helps you put the sweater on. He hums when you look at him with teary eyes. “I need you to tell me what happened two days ago, at that hotel room in my casino.”
You nod and cringe as another painful noise leaves your lips. The doctor started to bandage your foot while you stared up at Walter.
“I was making my round like every night. Chanel called in sick, and I had to handle more rooms. The last room left was 128,” you sniff, and look away. “I believed the room was empty, but I knocked to be sure. No one answered, so I entered the room and started cleaning. I had to change the sheets. They were dirty. I fluffed the pillows, refilled the mini-bar, and wanted to start to vacuum the carpet when the guest suddenly emerged from the bathroom.”
“He shouldn’t have been there,” Walter rubs his beard. “If you hear the chambermaid knocking, or entering your room, you let them know you’re there.”
“I apologized, and asked if he wants me to leave,” you choked on your words. “He smirked and stepped closer. I stepped away because he was only wearing a towel.”
Walter squares his jaw when you tell him that the man grabbed you by your arms and forced you on the bed. “I can’t…please…”
You shake your head, refusing to tell Walter more. “How did you…escape?” He questions, and you fear all he’s interested in is to make things up to his wealthy guess.”
“He had his hand around my throat, and I tried to fend him off. I grabbed the lamp and hit him,” you sniffle. “He tried to…” You whimper. “I didn’t mean to hurt him, but he wanted to hurt me.”
“You broke the lamp,” Walter grins when you look at him with wide, fearful eyes. “Thank you for it. It was one ugly lamp. My ex chose them. Now, I have a reason to replace them all.”
“What? I…” You don’t know how to react. “I can pay for the lamp.”
The usually broody man laughs at your words. “I want you to let the doctor fix your ankle. After she fixed it, you’ll come with me.”
You nod. What else can you do? He’s your boss and one of the most dangerous men walking on this Earth. For the public eye, he’s a successful businessman, owning a casino, clubs, and several restaurants. In secret, he’s the head of the local mob.  
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“Mr. Jacobs,” Walter waltzes inside the room, still in only his white undershirt. He guides you inside the room, smirking as your eyes land on the man restrained to a chair.
It’s the guest attacking you. He looks like someone put him through the wringer. The man is slumped in the chair. His eyes are swollen, and his nose looks like it’s broken.
Blood covers his bare upper body. Someone carved a sign you've never seen before into his chest. He coughs heavily, as he looks in Walter’s direction. The man can barely see anything but tries to show respect to Walter.
“Sorry for the wait,” Walter smirks darkly at the man.
“I’m sorry…” the man begs. “Sorry…so sorry.”
“You see,” Walter says and wraps his thick arm around your shoulders. “You came to my town and touched one of my best employees. If you wanted a whore to suck your cock, you call the service. We have ladies waiting at the bar to be at your service.”
“Sorry…” the man babbles again. “Sorry, Mr. Marshall.”
“You are not forgiven,” Walter growls. “No man touches a woman in my town against her will. Especially not under my roof, you piece of shit.”
The man only whimpers. Avoiding looking at the man you drop your gaze only to see more blood on the ground, along with three teeth.
“He’ll never hurt you again, Princess,” Walter murmurs in your ear. “He dared to sniff around your apartment too. Can you believe that bastard? He comes to my town and dares to touch what’s mine!”
You don’t know if Walter punished the man attacking you because he hurt you or for his ego. All you want is to forget about what happened and curl into a ball on your bed. Maybe hide from the world for a while, or like ever.
“My men found him in your bedroom. He dared to touch your underwear,” your boss yells at the man. “What do you want me to do to him? Name it, and I’ll do it.”
“I want to go home,” you murmur. “Please.”
“Princess, this man was in your home. He touched all of your things. You cannot go home. Who knows what he did? I want you to stay in the room I prepared for you. The doctor wants to check on you later too. No discussion.”
Clamping your mouth shut again, you nod. He doesn’t give you a choice. Men like Walter Marshall never do. He’s used to ordering people around. If you want to keep your job, you’ll just follow his order and get through this. You survived worse.
“Get rid of the leftovers,” Walter casually orders the death of your attacker. He guides you out of the room, murmuring your name as you are too scared and confused even to think. Why would a man like him kill someone for you?
Part 2
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vinomino · 1 month
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Great Prey Get Eaten
Amber eyes; too sharp, you bleed out. [A tale of coupling with an oni.]
Featuring: Takiishi.C x f!reader
Contents: NSFW MDNI, historical au, Oni!Takiishi x human!reader, death, assault&attemtped murder(not by Takiishi), Endo tried to kill rdr once, angst, unprotected sex, blood, biting, gorey descriptions, monsterfucking(?), creampie
WC: 3.6K
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Humane, adj. Having or showing compassion or benevolence.
The ladle clacks as you rest it on the little saucer. Breakfast is plated on the table, you walk towards the master bedroom– Takiishi’s bedroom. One knock. Two knocks. Three knocks. No response, so you reckon he’s still sleeping. The hinge rattles as you slide the door open, poking your head in, a sleeping form is under the blanket. Red ombre hair sprawled out on the futon. Stepping in, you head straight to the shutters and push them open, revealing the engawa* and garden.
Sunlight streams in. “Takiishi, it’s morning.” You head over to the irori*, the sunken hearth, the surface is now cool to the touch. He sits up and you can hear him rustling about, turning around you see that his black nemaki* is open and has slid down, exposing half of his toned torso. His hair is in disarray and his cat-like eyes zero in on you. Immediately, you focus back on the hearth, fiddling with the ashes. Without a word, he gets up and strides out of the room. He’s headed to the dining table, you don’t need to ask.  
It’s been almost two years since you started living with Takiishi. 
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A young stranded child who was taken in by a man who expected nothing in return. That man became your father and took care of you, but then he started ailing and quickly passed away. Shortly, a drought and famine hit the village. The crops were wilting and the newly planted ones refused to sprout. Everyone was restless and began whispering behind closed doors. 
In this village, lived an Oni– a demon. At the estate where the last chief resided, it made that place its dwelling. They murmur that the oni must be upset– seeking revenge. To quell its anger, they collectively agreed that a gift would be needed. If what they offer could subdue the oni’s rage, they would be willing to do anything. Food? Gold? Land? Or a human? 
One of the older ladies clasped your hands in hers, “Dear, would you be willing to go ask the Oni?” She smiles at you, but her underlying intent seeps its way out. A group of bodies surround the two of you. They mutter to each other. She still hasn’t been wedded. It should be fine if she dies. No one is going to miss her anyway. No one in this village cared if you made it back alive– no, they wanted you to be the sacrifice. If you didn’t agree, would they drag you into the mountains? You had nowhere else to go. With a shaky smile, you respond, “Alright, I’ll do it.” 
Deep down, you were hoping the Oni would kill you the moment it saw you. Nobody would miss you and you’d be with your father. A branch snaps beneath your foot as you ascend towards the estate. Going empty-handed, there was no reason to bring anything to your death. The trees clear away, revealing a gateway. Vines are scribbled on the walls. Digging your nails into your palm, you enter the Oni’s house. Glancing around, the grass was a bit overgrown– the place hadn’t been tended to in a long time. A low voice slices through the air. 
“Who are you?” 
Snapping your head to the right of the engawa, there sat a man smoking a kiseru* pipe. Dressed in an all-black kimono. Long bright red hair with the ends a lighter more yellowy color– it resembled the burning sun. You can pick up the scent of tobacco burning. He was so beautiful, that you almost mistook him for a god instead.
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Takiishi sits across the table, your knees dig into the cushion as you raise your chopsticks. It clicks along the side of the ceramic as you try to catch the last rice grain. Glancing up, he’s raising the rim of his bowl to his lips to drink the soup. Takiishi was an enigma, he was supposed to be a demon, and yet he sits here sharing a peaceful breakfast with you. Takiishi wasn’t human, you know this because he has sharp claws for nails, fangs for teeth, and slit pupils for eyes. You’re lucky he took a liking to you. In exchange for your life, you help him with his daily needs. Your eyes travel to his fingers, the color on his nails is starting to fade. 
“Should I dye your nails again?” 
He doesn’t up at you, “Alright.” 
Enough time has passed to allow you to pick up on his likes and dislikes. Which he has a lot of. Takiishi doesn’t like bones in his fish, he likes jewelry, he doesn’t like skin on his apples, and he likes his nails colored. You take it upon yourself to paint his nails and trim his hair every so often. Takiishi gave you a place to live. In return, you took up all the housework. You did the cooking, washing, cleaning, and tended to the garden. If there was anything you didn’t know, you could ask him and he’d tell you. Sometimes you question how he’s lived until you came along.  When you first entered the house, it was dirty, and dust packed into every corner. 
Uncapping the container, you take the colored mixture of beeswax, gelatin, and egg whites and apply it to his nails. Taking a wet cloth, you hold his hand, cleaning up his cuticles. Takiishii stays silent, watching you meticulously work. His hands were soft and smooth, they always were, the first time you painted his nails, your fingers kept trembling. But he didn’t yell at you, instead, he told you to calm down and you could resume the task the following day. Tales including demons often mention that they have a propensity for murder and violence, but you never saw Takiishi act that way. 
“I’m finished.” You let go of his hands, he raises them to inspect your artwork. A deep dark red, after a few hours it’ll stain and leave its color. 
“Looks good.” A blunt response, he gets up and heads into the halls. 
When he leaves, you get up and start cleaning the table. Placing the last dish down to dry, you wipe your hands on a cloth. 
“Who’s this?” An unknown man’s face is shoved up close to yours. You yelp and flinch backward. 
“Aw, you scared her!” Another male enters the room, he’s widely grinning. “Don’t be scared! My name’s Shakushi Chihiro and he’s Tarumi Seitaro!” In the blink of an eye, he’s right in front of you. Nose to nose. Shakushi gets grabbed by the back of his collar, “Hey, she’s Takiishi’s.” Endo Yamato. “Why are you guys standing here, go bring the stuff in,” Endo instructs the two other men who follow his order and go outside to lug bags. As they do that, the tatted man turns towards you. “Here’s this week’s groceries,” he laughs, “you know, I’m glad you’re here. Takiishi’s a real mess.” You nod, Endo’s the one who brings in supplies and food, he does so without fail every week. You’re not fully sure if Endo’s a human, but what you do know is that he faithfully serves Takiishi, almost to the point of worship. 
Shakushi and Tarumi wave to you and depart, leaving Endo and you alone. Endo hums and chews on a piece of dango, wiggling the wooden stick in his fingers. He notices you staring, “Oh! Do you want some?” Endo then proceeds to hold it out to you, there was only one piece left. “If you don’t mind…” you accept, taking the stick from him. He grins as you do. 
“What are you two doing?” The both of you turn around and see Takiishi in the doorway. 
“Takiishi! How have you been?” Endo gushes, and his cheeks turn a slight red. “Came by to drop stuff off— you’re still as beautiful as ever.” His blue eyes shine as he continues to look at Takiishi, who ignores him. Takiishi catches sight of the dango in your hand, “Where did you get that?” He knows you couldn’t have gotten it yourself, since he had forbidden you from leaving the estate grounds. “Endo gave it to me.” You reply, looking at him with curiosity. With a few steps, Takiishi’s in front of you, he snatches the stick out of your hands and bites the last piece of dough off. He tosses the empty stick away and leaves the kitchen, Endo follows behind him. “There’s a lot I wanna tell you!” You hear Endo speak from down the hall. Endo was also a mystery to you. 
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“Who the hell are you?” Endo’s hand tightens around your throat, threatening to break your airpipe. You kick your legs trying to find the ground, your eyes feel like they’re about to bulge out of your head from the lack of oxygen. Tears slither down your cheeks as you try to speak. The man stares at you with a deadpanned expression, he never planned on hearing your response in the first place. When your arms start to feel weak, you crash into the floor. Air rushes into your lungs as you hurriedly gasp. Endo had been thrown a few feet away from you. 
“Hey.” You raise your eyes to see Takiishi crouched in front of you. His pupils contract as he accesses your condition, the bruise on your neck actively starts to darken. The pounding in your head continues as choke on your sobs, you’re not fully conscious when Takiishi tugs you by the arm into his chest and pats your head. The last thing you remembered was the scent of blood. You woke up in your bed and Takiishi told you that Endo would never harm you again. 
When you saw Endo again, he apologized. You know it was fake. 
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In the garden, you tend to the vines of grapes. Plucking a purple orb, you pop it into your mouth. It’s not as sweet, it should take a couple more weeks to fully ripen. A rustle comes from a nearby bush and out pops a rabbit. Small, dainty, and fluffy. Cute. Its pearly black eyes look at you before it turns and hops back into the leaves. You tread towards the bush and bend to find where it went. 
“She’s still alive.” You snap your head to where the voice came from. A group of villagers had ascended the mountain. Some held gardening tools. “Why are you still alive?!” You step back as they proceed towards where you stood. Your soul rattles inside you and a bitter taste blossoms on your taste buds. 
“Why are you here?” Your tone wavered, they were all too scared to come here themselves, so they sent you. Each pair of eyes held animosity, it made your skin crawl. Your nerves are set on fire as they don’t answer your question.
We’re still suffering because of you!
You were supposed to appease the Oni.
It’s all your fault that we’re still dying!
Why did my son have to die instead of you?! 
How can you live knowing we, who raised you, are struggling?!
Suddenly, a man rushes to grab your wrist. You know him, he’s the brother of the man who took you in. “You’re an Oni too, aren’t you?! You killed my brother!” 
“Stop it– let go of me!” You rip your wrist free, clutching it. “If you don’t leave, you’re all going to die.” A baseless threat since you’re still not sure what Takiishi thinks of the villagers or if he even thinks about them. But the threat worked, they stopped in their tracks and glanced amongst themselves, until a voice shouted, “We’re all going to die anyways if we don’t kill her!” You don’t waste any time on turning and running away, they were going to martyr you. 
Kill her. Kill her. Kill her. Kill her. Kill her. Kill her. Kill her. Kill her. 
You can now see the house. Sweat forms on your skin as you feel the villagers trying to catch you. “Takiishi!” You pray that he can hear you and just maybe, come to your rescue. Unfortunately, you stumble on a rock, and that split second allows someone to grab your clothes. You crash down onto the rocks, scrapping your chin and palms. Hold her down! She has to die! Death to the evil!
Panic pours out of your core and into every pore. “Stop!” They heed no mind, pining your arms and legs down. You watch them place the wooden stake right above your chest– your heart. “Stop— don’t—!”
“How dare you make my place a pigsty.” You feel the weight above you vanish, the man gets sent flying. Tilting your head up, you can see Takiishi and Endo. 
“A bunch of filthy humans.” Endo sneers, he had the same expression on his face back when he was about to break your neck in two. 
“It’s the demons!” Half of the villagers run to flee down the mountain while the other half run to attack the two Onis. 
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Snapping awake, you shoot upright and glance around. You’re in your bedroom, tucked into your futon. “Takiishi?” You spot the man standing against the wall. “What–” You were going to ask what happened after you passed out, but you see the blood on his kimono when the moon tilts, light moving to expose him to your vision. Scrambling out of bed, you tug at his kimono, “Are you hurt?!” He had to have fought the villagers. The man doesn’t move, allowing you to pull his clothing apart. You freeze when you see his pristine skin, without a single blemish. You let go of the opening of his kimono, finally breathing when you know he’s not injured. Your palms are unsoiled, Takiishi must’ve healed you. “What are you thinking about?” He places a finger under your chin to lift your head. 
Takiishi was the second person in your life to treat you kindly. The only person alive who cares for you. He allowed you to have seconds– something you could never have before, he never yelled when you broke a dish– only telling you that it was fine. Takiishi was the light you had found again after losing your father. You didn’t care if he wasn’t human– if anything everyone in the village was less human than he was. You don’t know this ache. 
“I–I won’t have anything– if you abandon me– if you throw me away,” your throat clenches up. “I caused such a mess…I–” a sniffle ruffles your nose. “I’m sorry–so, so, please don’t kick me out. You’re all I have left–” By now, you’re full-on crying; wet cheeks, snot clogging your nostrils, and hiccuping. He drops his hand, “I’m not going to kick you out.” 
At first, it was a whim, the deathly boring days stretched out. A human girl stumbles into his den, already prepared to die. For a being whose instinct is hunger, he was too much of a cynic to understand, but he found it amusing that the humans sacrificed one of their own to stop something he had no control over. Takiishi thought you might entertain him, so he decided to warm you, feed you and care of you— since you now belong to him. Unlike him, you were diligent, the reason for the improvement in his quality of life. So, he began to watch you closely. 
He grew a desire to devour you, he didn’t know where to put these feelings. Takiishi wanted your blood, your bones, your organs, everything that bound you together. He harbored something beyond love, beyond reason. His pupils dilate as he watches you cry, he questions if human tears are actually salty. The gaze he had for you, was one a predator had to its prey— it’s grotesque– it made him ill if he didn’t eat you right at this moment. 
You dig the heels of your palms into the socket of your eyes until you see stars, trying to stop yourself from flowing out. The rain beats against the roof, clawing at the shutters.
With a dark voice, he spoke. “Why don’t you warm my bed tonight?” 
His face portrayed that he was being serious— Takiishi was always direct with what he wanted. 
“Takiishi–” He cuts you off, pulling you down on his lap as his mouth meets yours. Your fists tighten at the fabric hanging off his shoulders. He led the kiss– the fiery dance he invited you to. The futon crumpled underneath the two of you tangled together. Your eyes flutter open when you taste something metallic– blood. His sharp fangs had nipped your lip, causing blood to trickle out. Takiishi sticks his tongue out and laps it up. 
“You still haven’t told me your name.” 
That’s right, you only told him your family name. When you first met him, you felt no need to tell him your given name, trying to place a wall between Takiishi and you. In return, he didn’t tell you his first name either. The wall is long gone, so you tell him your name, the one your father gave you when he found you alone and hugging your knees. Takiishi repeats it, your name sounds foreign like it belongs to someone else, and you’ve forgotten the last time anybody called you by that name. 
“What’s yours?” 
“Chika, Takiishi Chika.” 
Those two syllables rolled off your tongue smoothly, “Chika.” 
He brings his hand to the back of your head to push you down, to meld and sear his lips to yours. The metallic taste is long gone as he lays you on your back. Takiishi steadies himself above you, his hair cascades down, tickling your cheek. He slips a hand under your kimono, sliding his palm upwards along the bare skin of your thigh. “I’ll take you now.” 
Laying inertly underneath him naked, you moan out painfully when he presses the tip of his cock into you. He catches your hand, pinning it underneath his, pressing his fingertip to fit into yours. The stretch was unbearable, spearing you wide open. “Breathe. I’ll be gentle.” Takiishi stills himself, and you suck in a large breath at his word. “Chika–” You twitch when he rubs at your swollen clit, sending your nerves haywire. You shed tears when you peel your eyes open, finding his amber ones, you raise your hand to tuck his hair behind his ear. Knuckles caress his chiseled jawline. You’d go to hell with him– to the deepest pits, to the hottest fires. 
Takiishi pushes his hips, burying himself into you, all the way to the hilt. He lets out a breathy exhale. Your bottom lip trembles as he leans down to lick the liquid off the corner of your eyes. He was correct, it was salty. “Chika, you can move.” You sigh out, the sensation of being stuffed up has melted you. He nods, pulling out, leaving only the tip catching onto the entrance of your hole before he thrusts all of himself in at one go. You gasp, sucking your ribcage in, and throw your head back, but your eyes are still on him. Studying the way his brows furrow together and sweat glistens on his forehead, you want to burn it into your memories. 
“Chika, hah!” You tremble, whispering his name like a fervent prayer. Takiishi curses, he said he’d be gentle, but he doesn’t care anymore. You practically scream when he picks up the pace, making your breasts bounce. He needs to be closer— to unzip you open and crawl inside. Your spine arches off the sheets when he hits your sweet spot. “There?” He angles himself to hit it with every thrust, “Your pussy spasms when I thrust here.” The corner of his lips curled up, you couldn’t say it was a pure smile because it felt monstrous. He dips his head to capture your nipple in his mouth. “Ch–Chika–” You choke on what he’s giving you— the pleasure that wrecks your body.
He was strangling you, gently like the rain dripping outside and you’re letting him. “Mmm— feels weird…” You’re rapidly approaching your peak, Takiishi wraps his arms around you. “Cum as much as you want.” He murmurs directly into your ear. If he was a human, he could’ve met you earlier, cried and laughed alongside you, and embraced you without this desire. He can’t describe it— this frantic hunger. 
Clenching down on his cock, your gummy walls push out a white cream, it forms a ring around his base. Takiishi grips your hips— he’s going to fill you up, cum into your pussy. You feel him throb inside you. 
The skin above your womb burns and you peer down to see a mark forming. “With this, you fully belong to me,” he digs his claws into your flesh, enough that tiny blood droplets form. “Only I can satisfy you— you won’t be able to live without me.” 
“Where would I go?” You’re smiling so much that your tears blur your eyesight. “I love you, Chika.” It was a curse and a blessing at the same time. 
A sharp bite into your supple neck, he licks at the wound. Savoring the taste of you. “Say it again.” You do. I love you, Chika. “Again.” You repeat that sentence until it’s all you can say. His cock fucks your cunt into remembering it. Your heart was beating in your head. Your heart was beating everywhere— in your knees, legs, toes, shoulders, arms, hands, and fingertips. No wonder you were shaking against him. All you can see is red, orange, and yellow— all you can see is Takiishi Chika. Your nails press into his biceps. Pretty soon, you’ll break and cum again. 
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“Father, you should be resting in bed.” You step towards the stumbling man, wrapping your arms around his own to steady him. You were very small when he took you into his home, but now you almost stood taller than him.
“Child, I want you to marry someone who truly loves you. When I die, leave this place. Go wherever the wind takes you. That man is not here.” 
He looks at you with soft eyes, placing his wrinkled hand over yours. The world was vast, enchanting, and free. You laugh, one that makes your insides seize up, “I’ll do as you say, but don’t leave me so soon.” 
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Takiishi isn’t humane— he isn’t human. He’s incapable of having and offering compassion— mercy. He laughs, a cacophony of hollow sounds. Takiishi’s devouring you, like brute cannibal— eating your flesh right off the bones. Crunch.
Notes:  Irori- Sunken hearth fired with charcoal Nemaki- Nightwear  Engawa- Edging strip located outside the building, resembling a porch Kiseru- A Japanese smoking pipe
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vodika-vibes · 5 months
“you’re mine“ for alpha 17 pretty please 😮‍💨🙏🏻
All Mine
Summary: Alpha-17 is a possessive man and everyone knows not to touch when he considers his. It’s unfortunate that the new trainer didn’t get that memo. Well. Unfortunate for him.
Pairing: Alpha-17 x F!Reader
Word Count: 1446
Warnings: Attempted SA. It isn't shown in detail, and it's more hinted around, but please be careful if you think it might trigger you.
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: Alright. So this is, quite literally, the oldest ask in my inbox and I'm so so so sorry that it took me so long to get to it! Please forgive me!
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Alpha-17 stretches his legs out in front of him from where he’s sitting in “his” chair in her office on Kamino. His chair, in the sense that no one else sits in it. Partly because the only time people come to this particular office is when they need tech support.
Not that he minds. It means that he has plenty of time to be alone with his cyare.
And he can never have enough of that.
He watches her work for a moment, her gaze focused on the pile of datapads stacked on the desk in front of her. She mentioned, earlier, that these needed to be formatted for the up and coming cadets, and that she’d be working on it all day.
It is her way of informing him that she’s not going to be able to give him a lot of attention while she’s working. Her way of suggesting that he spend the day doing something more worthwhile than watching her work.
Alpha knows that she worries about him getting bored.
As if he could ever get bored when she’s in his line of sight. Even if she’s wearing the formless uniform that the Kaminoans require.
“You’re staring at me, Alpha.” Her voice is light, though she doesn’t look up from her work.
“You don’t want me to stare then you shouldn’t be looking so pretty.” Alpha counters.
She finally lifts her gaze and shoots him an amused look, “Alpha, I’m wearing a formless uniform, and my hair is pulled into a bun, and I’m not even wearing make-up.”
“And yet you’re still stunning, if you were wearing make-up and did your hair no one would ever get any work done around here.” Alpha teases with a crooked grin.
“You’re not getting any work done anyway,” She points out, with her own teasing smile.
“It won’t kill the cadets to wait a little bit before their training starts.”
“They’re not cadets, Alpha, they’re up and coming ARCs and you’re going to give them anxiety.”
“Good. It’ll keep them alive.”
He grins at her, “Don’t worry, cyare. I’ll get to them before they get into any trouble.” She looks doubtful, and his grin widens, “What? Don’t you trust me?”
“Of course I trust you, but I also know you, Alpha-17.”
He chuckles and pushes to his feet to cross the room in several long strides, before ducking his head to drop a kiss to her cheek, “I’ll see you this afternoon, cyare.”
She turns her head to favor him with a warm smile, “It’s a date.”
Alpha chuckles and takes her hand to press a kiss to her knuckles, before he releases her and saunters out the room, pausing only long enough to tug his helmet over his head.
Wouldn’t do for the little shits to see him in a good mood, after all. He does have a reputation to keep.
Several, very long, hours later—somehow the ARC Cadets seem to get more and more annoying by the day— Alpha keys in the door code to his cyare’s suite and stops just in the door to strip off his armor.
She might not mind having his armor pressed against her, but he doesn’t like the bruises that she gets from the hard ridges of his armor. Not to say that he minds bruising her, because nothing could be further from the truth, but he wants to do the bruising manually.
Does that make him an asshole? Yeah. Probably.
“Cyare, I’m back!”
She pokes her head around a corner, and flashes him a bright smile, “Welcome home, I’m making pasta for dinner.”
“How you manage to work all day and still have time to cook a homemade dinner is beyond me, cyar’ika.” Alpha says with a wry smile as he walks further into the suite and follows her into her “kitchen”, which is really more of a kitchenette, as he’s heard her complain on more than one occasion.
“I am a talented woman,”
“You’ll get no arguments from me,” Alpha agrees, as he bumps his hip against the counter to watch her work. She changed out of her work clothes, and is wearing leggings and one of his shirts, which is curious.
Normally she dons tank tops when she’s relaxing at home, or tee shirts. Never long sleeves.
“Hm...what’s this about?” Alpha asks as he lightly plucks the collar of the shirt, “Since when do you wear long sleeves when you’re relaxing?”
There’s a flicker of something on her face. Not fear, because she’s never been afraid of him in her life, but uncertainty maybe.
Alpha’s eyes narrow, “What happened?”
“Don’t lose your cool-”
“Cyare. What happened?”
She hesitates a moment longer, and then sighs and sets the wooden spoon down on a paper towel. “Before I tell you, I need you to know that I’m fine. Colt stopped...well. Colt helped.”
“Not. Helping.”
“Sorry, sorry.” She tugs up the sleeve of her shirt, revealing a series of bruises on her wrist and up her arm.
Bruises in the shape of hands.
Gently, Alpha takes her arm in his hands and he brushes his fingers over the bruises. They’re smaller than his hands, smaller than any of his brothers too. “What happened?”
“Well, you know how the Kaminoans reached out to a new Mandalorian trainer?”
Something unhappy slides across his face, “Yes.”
“Well...he thought...um...he felt-” She trails off, “Colt stopped him. That’s the important thing.”
Alpha doesn’t say anything for a long time.
“Are you mad?”
“I’m kriffing pissed,” Alpha finally replies, though, as his free hand comes up to caress her cheek, it’s so very gentle, “But not at you. Never at you.”
She presses her cheek into his hand, “I didn’t do anything to encourage-”
“I know, ad’ika. I know.” His voice is low and reassuring before he leans in and lightly brushes his lips against hers, “Why don’t you let me treat this, before we eat dinner, hm?”
She scans his face, “You’re not going to do anything...dramatic? Are you?”
His smile is soft and reassuring, “I will react in a very reasonable way.”
“Reasonable for me, or reasonable for you?” She asks.
Alpha hums thoughtfully, before he brushes his thumb across her cheek, “You’re mine.” There’s a hint of something quietly possessive in his voice, “Don’t worry, ad’ika. He won’t touch you again.”
“...you’re going to kill him, aren’t you?”
Alpha meets her gaze evenly, “Do you really want me to answer that?”
She’s quiet for a long time, and then she smiles softly, “Would you like garlic bread with dinner?”
“I would love some garlic bread with dinner.” Alpha replies, before he drops one more kiss against her lips.
Alpha treats her injuries with a gentle reverence that makes her look at him with adoring eyes, and he remains at her side while they eat dinner, and watch a holo.
In fact, he doesn’t slip out of her quarters until she’s fast asleep in bed, curled around his pillow.
Only then does he drop a feather light kiss to her temple, pull on his armor, and slip out of her suite to deal with the situation.
He runs into Colt first. The younger man straightens and stares at him for a moment, before he produces a blaster and offers it to Alpha, “This blaster vanished from inventory six weeks ago.”
Alpha chuckles as he takes the blaster, “And it’s going to vanish again after tonight?”
Colt shrugs, “It happens.” He steps around Alpha, and then pauses, “Also, there’s been a bug in security. Everything is down for the foreseeable future.”
“Good man.”
“We look after our own, vod.” Colt’s smirk is dark, “Eventually they’ll figure it out. Shoot me a comm when we finish. I’ll help you clean up.”
“Copy that.” The two men go in different direction, Alpha heading deeper into the Trainer’s wing, while Colt headed towards the Cadet Barracks.
The next day, it’s reported that the new trainer has run off, taking all of his belongings and a crate of weapons from storage. It’s also reported that he sabotaged security so no one would see him escape.
When Alpha hears the news, he’s sitting next to her on her bed dressed in his armor.
A smile, slow and dark, slides across his face, and then he’s pressing a gentle kiss against her lips, “Have a good day, Alpha.” She says, soft and sweet, as though she’s not aware that he murdered a man for her the night before.
“I intend to, ad’ika.” He presses one more kiss to her lips, and then he’s gone, it’s time that the ARC cadets learn what it means to be Vod’e.
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harveywritings92 · 1 year
[Slasher! Au: Ghost jams his hunting knife into the tree trunk next to R/n’s head, He kisses her roughly as his body keeps her small frame pinned up against the tree as her legs wrap around his waist.] 
Ghost, pulls away from her: It’s okay now, love.
[The tortured screams of fear and agony can be heard all around them as König takes his time slaughtering the men that dared put their filthy hands on their Bunny.]
Ghost: They won’t hurt you or anyone like that again...
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lulubelle814 · 3 months
A Marriage of Convenience - Part 4
Part 5
A Marriage of Convenience Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Any trigger warnings are listed in the tags.
1 year into the fake marriage
Although today was a holiday, Loki still had to go into the office because of some big project and turned down Eva’s offer to come and help.  He’d been a bit distant the past few days, but work was also a mess.  She used this time to herself to walk to the nearby bookstore and browse their collection.  It was a unique kind of bookstore called The Reading Nook.  The store had a comfortable, homey feel that she loved.  Looking around the store, her eye caught a book with a pretty cover: The Invisible Life of Addie Larue.  Reading the description, it sounded intriguing.  A girl who makes a deal with a dark god to have her freedom with a catch: once she’s out of sight, she is no longer remembered by whomever was around.  There were other details she found interesting and decided to buy the book after reading the first few pages.
One other book caught her eye: Neil Gaiman’s Norse Mythology.  He was a favorite author of hers and thought Loki might like it, seeing as his namesake is in more than one of the stories.  Up at the register, Clark scanned the books and bagged them.  Hopefully it would at least give him a bit of a laugh.  
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On the walk back home, she had an idea, something his mother had mentioned, one that might help cheer up Loki after having to work on one of his few days off.  Stopping by the store on her way home, she unbagged everything and turned on the oven to preheat.  Picking up her phone, she started one of her playlists almost at full blast (not wanting to disturb any neighbors who might be home).  Pulling out the big pot, she followed the directions his mother had given her a while back.  While the stew simmered on the stove, she started on the dessert: lemon bars.  
With the loud music, she didn’t hear the front door open, nor did she notice Loki having found her in the kitchen, leaning against the wall watching.  He pulled out his phone to take a couple of pictures quickly as well as record a short video of it; however, she saw him as he was taking the video and got her squeaking in embarrassment on video.  “You can’t sneak up on a girl like that!”  She threw a kitchen towel at him which hit him in the chest as he laughed.  “I couldn’t help myself, darling.  Are you making stew?”  Eva smiled and nodded.  “I got the recipe from your mother a couple of weeks ago.  I know you’ve been stressed with work and thought you’d like some comfort food.”
Loki couldn’t hold himself back from enveloping her in his arms.  He kissed her on the cheek before pointing to the other thing she was working on.  “Are those lemon bars?”
“They are!  I know how you like your sweets, and I found a recipe I wanted to try.”
He lightly gripped her arms, giving her a quick kiss on the mouth.  “You really are the best.”  As he went to take a closer look, her hand touched her lips, thinking about the unsolicited kiss.  Sure they’d kissed before, but it was always in public and always as part of the charade, but no one else was here.  Was he even aware of what he’d just done?
She turned to see him swiping a bit of the lemon filling on his finger to taste and lightly smacked his hand.  “Oi! Not until after they’re done you silly man.”  Loki laughed at her response, holding up his hands in defeat.  “Yes, ma’am.”  Slowly, his good mood faded, and the sound of his voice turning sour.  “I have to go on a business trip Monday.  I’ll be gone a few days.”  
“I’m sorry.”  Then she suddenly remembered.  “I got something for you.  You could take it on your trip if you’d like.”  His eyebrows scrunched.  “You didn’t have to get me anything.”  It only took a moment to remember where she’d put the book bag and pulled out the norse mythology book, handing it to him.  When he saw it, a grin spread across his face.  “I love Neil Gaiman!”  He hugged her, kissing the top of her head.  “Thank you, darling.  I can’t tell you how much I appreciate all of this.  And this book is definitely coming with me.”
She stepped back, leaning against the counter.  “How long will you be gone?”
Another sigh.  “Most of the week.  I should be back no later than Friday though.  I wish I didn’t have to go at all, but Odin isn’t feeling well.  Apparently that’s why he had me go into the office today.”
“I’m so sorry.  I hope he feels better soon.”  Eva turned back to the stove to stir the stew.  Loki came up and held her from behind.  “Yeah, but you’ve made this day so much better with all of this.  I haven’t had this stew since I was a boy.”  She held up a spoonful for him to try.  “What do you think?  Does it need more salt?”  The smile on his face said everything.  “It’s perfect.”
While she finished up and placed the lemon bars in the oven, Loki set the table, pulling out bowls and spoons.  The soup was poured into a nicer container, one that had a lid and could be put into the fridge later.
Loki was gone for a few days on a business trip.  Eva got so used to having him around that it felt lonely with him gone.  So she tried to keep herself occupied like she had before this contracted marriage: reading books, watching a bit of tv, etc, but none of it held the same joy that it had before.
Things at work continued to go well.  With Loki on the business trip, her days were less busy, and she was eager for Loki to come back, not that he felt the same way about her.  In the time they’d been cohabiting in this ruse, her deep seeded crush was turning into requited love, and she was doing what she could to squash it: going to movies by herself, running errands alone, and the like.  Distractions were good.  Distractions helped keep her mind off it.
Meanwhile, Loki was getting bored in the meetings he was forced to attend on this trip, his mind wandering back to that weekend, the soup, the sweets, and the book.  He kept looking at the pictures on his phone of her dancing in the kitchen and watching the video on mute. A small smile formed across his face as he spaced out thinking about it.  When someone asked for his comment on a matter, he pretended he was listening but didn’t understand what they’d said, asking them to clarify.
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Back in the main office, Steve noticed Loki was gone for the week and used the opportunity to get closer to Eva, becoming bolder than he had before, touching her hand when purposefully going to reach for the same thing, brushing against her back in the breakroom.  The further into the week they got, the more aggressive he became.  She did everything she could to avoid being in the same room as Steve.  When Thursday came around, he made his move, finding her alone in the supply closet.  Closing and locking it behind him, he pinned her against a set of shelves by her neck.  “Get off of me!”  She tried to push him off of her, but he was stronger than he looked.  “Nah nah, baby girl.  I’ve seen how you are in the office.  You like me, admit it.”
Shaking her head, tears started to fall.  “I don’t!  I’m married to Loki.  You know this.”  She tried to show him her giant engagement/wedding ring.  Instead, he grabbed the hand, using it to help pin her.  “If you really didn’t want me, then why haven’t you reported me?”  A spin chilling grin spread across his face.  Pulling her other hand up, he held both with one hand while the other started groping her.  The dam holding her tears back burst.  “Stop!”  This time, her voice was louder, hoping someone would hear.  It didn’t stop him.  In fact, he started kissing around her face as his hand wandered further down her body.  As he reached her nether region, he fondled her folds through her underwear.  “You know you want this, baby.”  Shaking her head, she cried loudly, continuing to protest.
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Downstairs, Loki arrived back early, the meetings having gone well.  He knew his wife would still be at the office and thought he’d stop in to offer her a ride home.  Not sure where she was assigned that day, he started towards his office.  While walking down one of the hallways, a terrifying sound interrupted him from his thoughts.  Someone was screaming for help.  Following the sound, it was coming from the supply closet.  Trying to open it, he found it was locked.  The screaming and crying inside continued.  Rather than demand the door be opened, he followed his instincts and kicked the door down, finding his wife being assaulted.  All he could see was red, ripping Steve away and punching him in the face.  He continued to kick him when the assaulter fell on the floor.  With the door now open, the sounds reached farther in the office, people running to see what was going on.  Two gentlemen who came had to pull Loki off of Steve before he killed him.  Another held Steve so that he couldn’t run.  Someone called the police and said they were on their way.  
Loki shrugged the two men off to check on Eva.  He moved gently so as to not scare or startle her.  “Darling, are you alright?  Did he hurt you?”  He scanned her to see any signs of injury and spotted the bruises showing up on her wrists and neck.  Just as he turned to take his rage out on her assaulter, the police arrived.  Steve was swiftly arrested, and the detectives took statements from both Loki and Eva.  Eva had a hard time trying to tell them, feeling so overwhelmed and broken that they called an ambulance for her.  Loki went with her to the hospital, holding her hand gently the entire time.
At the A&E, a female doctor was assigned to help her, to help minimize the trauma.  Loki refused to leave her side but looked away out of respect when they inspected her more delicate areas.  Thankfully there were no other injuries to be found.  Eva was given something to help her calm.  “This will help, but it will very likely make you fall asleep.”  True to their word, she was asleep a few minutes later.  They wrote a script for Xanax, advising Loki that she’ll likely need it over the next few days at least and released her to go home.  He was able to get the script filled at the hospital so that she wouldn’t be alone even for a few minutes in the car, feeling she was safer in the A&E while he got it done.
When they arrived home, she was still completely knackered from the sedative.  He didn’t want to leave her alone and laid her down in his bed rather than her own so he could be there should he have nightmares, or at least to be there whenever she woke up so she’d know she wasn’t alone.  When she awoke later that night, the first thing she saw was Loki and was flooded with relief.  Starting to cry again, he held her close, stroking her hair and telling her over and over that it’s okay, that he was right there and wouldn’t leave her alone.
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From that night on, she spent more time sleeping in Loki’s bed, feeling safer with him so close, and her things slowly migrated into his room, not that he minded one bit, even making room in his closet and drawers for her.
Dividers by @jiyascepter
Taglist: @vbecker10 @eleniblue @msdjsg7 @lovingchoices14
Taglist is open!
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elysianholly · 5 months
The First
So I’m in Season 3 of my Buffy rewatch and just passed Amends, and holy cow, is this ever an informative episode.
We have the first appearance of The First, who will go dormant again for four years until emerging as the Big Bad in Season 7. The entire conceit of this episode is The First understands Angel’s desires and weaknesses and tries to manipulate those to its own end.
And what is Angel’s desire? Buffy, obviously.
The First knows Angel has the capacity to hurt Buffy. He's done so already, after all. More than anyone else has at this point in the series.
And in fairness to Angel—he is trying very hard in this episode. He’s being tormented by visions of his victims, most prominently the visage of Jenny Calendar. These visions weaken him to the point where he shows up in Buffy’s room specifically to tell her to “stay away from him.” But he can’t stay away from her—even Buffy points out that he’s not making any sense.
And there is Jenny Calendar in the background, saying:
“She wants you to touch her. What are you waiting for?” “She wants you to taste her. Think of the peace. You'll never have to see us again.”
Essentially making the “she was asking for it” case to goad Angel into SAing Buffy. This wouldn’t be nearly as telling on its own, without Angel’s admission at the end of the episode:
Angel: It told me to kill you. You were in the dream. You know. It told me to lose my soul in you and become a monster again. Buffy: I know what it told you. What does it matter? Angel: Because I wanted to! Because I want you so badly! I want to take comfort in you, and I know it'll cost me my soul, and a part of me doesn't care.
Now, it’s important to acknowledge that despite this desire, Angel did not give in. He did not SA Buffy. He did not try to touch her. He chose death instead. It is equally important, however, to acknowledge that the reason he was so tormented in this episode is because The First was appealing to an existing desire that he was trying to suppress, specifically the knowledge that:
He could do this
He has done this
Some part of him still wants to do this
The “Because I wanted to” admission is everything. Without it, The First has no hold on Angel. Remove the Buffy of it all and The First could taunt him with victims past, sure, but its goal was very specific: get Angel to go bad. And failing that, get Angel to remove himself from the equation. I’m sure it would have also accepted “get Angel to violate Buffy and spiral even further” because, as we see at the end, the Powers need him to believe in himself. The best way to get Angel to not believe in himself is to make him responsible for harming Buffy.
Anyway, skip ahead. Like four years ahead.
We have almost the exact same situation. Spike is newly souled and tormented by both his past victims and especially what he did to Buffy. We have The First now appearing AS BUFFY to Spike, Spike incapable of discerning what’s real and what’s not, and confirmation that The First definitely has plans for him. Plans that will position him in opposition to Buffy, weaken her, and essentially kill any chance that she will do exactly what she ends up doing.
It’s also important to note that Spike is much less mentally sound than Angel was when The First starts fucking with him.
So what does The First do? It brainwashes him. It notably does not try to convince Spike that Buffy “wants him to touch her.” It does not play on an existing desire to cause Buffy harm. It does not attempt to appeal to the part of Spike that assaulted Buffy in the bathroom the way it appealed to the part of Angel that spent years happily assaulting women before he was cursed.
And this is important because if that desire existed, there would be literally no reason for The First not to use it. Are we expected to believe The First evolved in the years since it attempted to goad Angel into attacking Buffy because “she was asking for it?" That orchestrating another assault wouldn’t further isolate Spike, if not drive him to do what Angel nearly did and remove himself from the equation entirely? We know from later in the season that The First is fine with Spike killing himself. Hell, we're shown that if The First can't use Spike, it wants him dead and is willing to manipulate others to see that realized.
But The First literally had to brainwash Spike to get him to do anything it wants, and the second it unleashes him on Buffy, he snaps out of it. She brings him back to the light. She says she'll help him.
And The First is noticeably pissed off. This was not what it wanted. Spike under Buffy's care was dangerous to its goal.
So why didn’t it try to manipulate Spike into assaulting Buffy again? Make sure she'd never invite him back inside her home? Why didn't it appeal to his worst urges the way it did Angel?
Angel: Because I wanted to!
Like I said, Amends is an informative episode. It shows us how The First operates (doubled down in S7 with its manipulation of Robin Wood). Even more, how The First interacts with Angel compared to how it interacts with Spike tells us a lot about who these characters are as men, as vampires, and specifically men who have hurt Buffy.
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attink · 1 month
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i’ve tried to make this comic several times over the past year and tonight it found its way out
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Round 3
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TW: child abuse, emotional abuse, mass murder, manipulation, attempted murder, drowning, sexual abuse, rape
Titania propaganda
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Cordelia propaganda
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aftgficrec · 4 months
Can't believe I caught this open. I love your page. Was just wondering about fics centered around medicated Andrew. Like the foxes realizing that the drugs were more harmful than helpful. Thanks!
Medicated Andrew is an AFTG hot button theme with a good amount of fandom meta, discussion, and umbrage to be found. Some fic writers go the fix-it route with time travel aus or canon divergent stories with different or zero meds (here's the ao3 unmedicated Andrew tag). When Andrew is on the problematic medication it’s usually Neil who wants it gone, but sometimes other foxes see it too. We also found aus with unexpected people wanting Andrew off the meds…can you say Tetsuji Moriyama or Fox!Harry Potter? We have a good amount of Andrew’s pov, and fanart that’s like whoa. What I’m saying is, buckle up for a wild ride, rabbits. -A 
previous recs:
Andrew’s meds here
‘They All Burn the Same’ here (updated)
‘take two’ here
‘Deals With Devils’ and ‘The Sun Still Rises’ here (both updated) 
‘The Sphynx and the Hare’ here (completed)
‘Hope Was A Dangerous, Disquieting Thing’ here (updated)
‘i'd die for you (that's easy to say)’ here
‘California Drifting’ here (updated)
‘Of Ocean Tides’ series here
‘This Is What Hollows’ here  (completed)
andrew pov:
‘The Court-Hole Fox’ (completed), ‘Fuck the Game’ series, and ‘oh be cautious, do not stand too near’ series, plus ‘Monster’ and ‘Monster 2.0’ (both updated) here
‘Fold me in your palms’ here
‘Therapy session’ here
‘Odd Eye’ here
‘Stranger To Stay’ here (updated)
‘The Real Thing’ here
‘And we’ll be running’ here
‘One More Time (With Feeling)’ here (updated)
‘we destroy everything we need’ here
you may also like:
post easthaven andreil reunion here
foxes revise opinion of Andrew here
‘Live Once More (This Time Will Be Better)’ here
‘Inked Truths’ series (parts 1 and 2) here
‘The Unkindness of Ravens’ here (updated)
I hate your smile by PateticabutBunny [Not Rated, 2066 Words, Complete, 2022, Locked]
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Good Men Lie Too by heybabyricecake [Rated M, 100678 Words, Complete, 2024]
Me: Andrew and Neil are perfect for each other <3 their love story is iconic and they are otp and it's a crime to ship them with anyone else!!!!! Also me: Anyways here's a KevNeil fic :) Canon reimagined as if it were Kevin and Neil falling in love!! I take some of the story line from the original series but there's also very different plot points for Kevin and Neil for obvious reasons! Not Kandriel sorry. This fic answers the question: What happens when two Exy obsessed idiots fall in love???
tw: implied/referenced abuse, tw: nightmares, tw: nonconsensual drug use, tw: vomit, tw: canonical character death, tw: recreational drug use, tw: implied/referenced torture, tw: homophobia, tw: involuntary outing, tw: assault, tw: blood, tw: attempted rape/noncon, tw: kidnapping, tw: alcohol abuse/alcoholism
Glow In The Dark by Anonymous [Rated M, 20984 Words, Complete, 2024]
If Riko Moriyama is Exy's number 1, Kevin Day is number 2. But, if Riko Moriyama is King of Exy, Andrew Minyard is the opposing pawn who’s crossed the board to become Queen. Andrew has spent far too long denying Riko what he wants and Riko has spent far too long fantasising about the day Andrew finally breaks to leave things as they are. And if you want a job done right, you really do have to do it yourself it seems. So RIko invites Andrew to Evermore for the holidays.
tw: graphic depictions of violence, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced csa, tw: implied/referenced self harm, tw: implied/referenced medical abuse, tw: threatened rape, tw: abuse, tw: torture, tw: blood, tw: emotional abuse, tw: nonconsensual drug use, tw: nonconsensual restraint, tw: nonconsensual nudity and photography, tw: internalized homophobia
Vivid by Anonymous [Rated M, 6884 Words, Incomplete, Updated Feb 2024]
Andrew returns to Palmetto State after his spending his winter break at Edgar Allan. And he's fine. Totally fine. Obviously. Hello. Welcome or welcome back. Vivid is finally here and got longer than I expected. So technically, this is a sequel to Glow In The Dark but you don't need to have read it to understand. Everything important is either there in the summary or will be explained in the fic.
tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced torture, tw: implied/referenced self harm, tw: implied/referenced medical abuse
A collection of Andreil one-shots by Auviic [Rated E, Collection, Incomplete, Updated Jan 2024]
Chapter 1: Andrew Minyard's mistakes [6567 Words] Andrew and Neil find themselves amidst a zombie-apocalypse.
tw: graphic descriptions of violence, tw: blood/gore, tw: implied/referenced suicide, tw: gun violence, tw: drug addiction
Chapter 3: Tongue tied [5125 Words] Nathaniel Wesninski is paired with a new partner.
tw: graphic depictions of violence, tw: torture, tw: blood/gore, tw: implied/referenced abuse
Sunrise by DeeLeBee [Rated E, 26499 Words, Complete, 2023]
Part 1 of Sunrise, Abram, Death 
Listen. All fans of All For The Game hate this fucking series just as much as they love it and I am no exception. Nora's writing doesn't make sense in so many parts, there are plot holes, WHAT ARE ANDREW'S MEDS ABOUT, and Nora was a coward because she planned to make Kandriel a thing but chickened out. (Love you , Nora.) Anyway, I am here to remedy all these ailments.
tw: violence, tw: implied/referenced torture, tw: implied/referenced abuse, tw: recreational drug use, tw: nonconsensual drug use, tw: nonconsensual kissing, tw: canonical character death, tw: self harm
We work well with crazy. by MBlack93 [Rated E, 45145 Words, Incomplete, Updated May 2024]
Neil is on the run for his serial killer father and apparently a Yakuza family with delusions of grandeur. Harry is on the run for the Dark Lord, the Light Lord, and practically the whole Wizarding World, except for the Goblins. Because Goblins are awesome.
tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: implied/referenced csa, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced food withholding, tw: homophobia, tw: implied/referenced torture, tw: implied/referenced human trafficking, tw: nonconsensual drug use
Andrew pov:
A Monster, A Defender, A Psychopath (You Maniac) by Lytta323 [Not Rated, 1953 Words, Complete, 2022, Locked]
Andrew has a bad psychotic episode due to his medication and gets the help he deserved sooner.
tw: self harm, tw: blood/gore, tw: mania
What if I’m the Monster? by 0bsessednerd [Not Rated, ​​1130 Words, Complete, 2024]
The pills sat on the counter taunting him. He really didn’t want to take these. But when had Andrew ever gotten anything he wanted in his life? It was his fault he had to take them. That’s what everyone told him. If he hadn’t gone too far, if he hadn’t been a problem he wouldn’t have to be on these. He wouldn’t have to be high out of his mind every fucking day. He wouldn’t have to give in to the addiction. He wouldn’t have to go to therapy. He wouldn’t have to be reminded he could never be free. He wouldn’t be a monster. ~~~ Andrew taking his medication for the first time and how he felt doing it. And how he felt after the effects kicked in.
tw: implied/referenced hate crime, tw: implied/referenced violence, tw: negative self image
a foxhole collection: on possibilities and digressions by vicariously kingly (pelted) [Rated T, Collection, Last Updated 2016] 
Chapter 21: andrew minyard in wonderland [734 Words]
for the prompt: pre-andreil snippet. in summary: andrew on drugs.
Feet Don't Fail Me Now by freefromenvy [Rated E, 56824 Words, Incomplete, Updated May 2024]
Neil was an exceptional runner until his past caught up with him. After years on the run, he was taken back to the Nest where he had to learn how to survive all over again. After Neil helps Kevin and Jean escape the Nest, Riko sends Neil to Palmetto to inform the rest of the Foxes that he will keep attacking their team, just like what happened to Jamie Smalls, unless Kevin and Jean return to the Nest. If Neil fails in his task, the Moriyamas will giftwrap, and hand deliver Neil to his father after he is released from prison. Neil has always known he has lived on borrowed time. He lived Alex's life, Stephen's life, James's life, and many more. Now all he wants to do is to be able to die as Neil and not as Nathaniel Wesninski.
tw: violence, tw: abuse, tw: blood, tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: implied/referenced self harm, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced torture, tw: implied/referenced human trafficking, tw: blood/gore, tw: mutilated dead animal
Apathy by Marquee [Rated G, 144 Words, Complete, 2023]
Andrew thinking about people in his past. Including but not limited to awful foster homes, people who him on the drugs, people calling him crazy, just yucking people in general
tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon
Love Bites, Hate Bleeds by kongruenz [Rated M, 6286 Words, Incomplete, Updated May 2024]
Andrew's at juvie with nothing to look forward to, no life, no passion, just the constant need to be numb and bury what happened, to forget. Until Coach Wymack, Kevin Day and Neil Josten appear in his locker room to recruit him to the Palmetto Foxes. _ An AU in which Neil joined the Foxes before Andrew, and Andrew looks at Neil for protection instead.
tw: implied/referenced self harm, tw: implied/referenced torture, tw: violence
I don't want to by The_7th_Void [Not Rated, 3017 Words, Complete. 2024]
Andrew runs late night errands with Neil and tries to fight his drugs. Neil is confused but helps him anyway. Or Neil lies. Andrew is honest.
tw: vomit, tw: addiction
I took the pills for these empty nights by All_for_the_andreil [Rated T, 6013 Words, Complete, 2022]
He gazes at Neil and thinks about all the questions he’s too afraid to ask. Would you still want me when I’ll be a mess? Would you stay even after you see how fucked I am? Would you hate me if I stopped playing exy for good? And perhaps the most important one: Will they kill you if we fail this season because of me? -or- Andrew gets diagnosed with bipolar disorder and is prescribed medication. Given his history with that, he has some issues.
Träumerei by Sashe [Rated E, 12038 Words, Incomplete, Updated May 2024]
Andrew never planned on joining the Ravens, not when Riko and Kevin demanded it, but Coach Moriyama is willing to bargain. And he sees right through Andrew in a way no one ever has before. He’s offering Andrew a home, people who believe him, a family who will never abandon him, and a chance at something to build his life around – something to live for. All he has to do is play Exy for him for five years.  or Just another Raven!Andreil AU
tw: graphic depictions of violence, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced torture, tw: implied/referenced self harm, tw: emotional/psychological abuse, tw: implied/referenced child abuse
We will survive to live by Whyreme [Rated M, 20663 Words, Incomplete, Updated April 2024]
Andrew had been a Spear since the age of thirteen. He endured a lot, but he had a mother, a father and a home. Until it all fell into ashes and his world was turned upside down. He fought back and lost everything, earning himself mandatory medication in return. So when Riko Moriyama and Kevin Day offered him a tempting deal, he couldn't refuse. He'd be a Raven, but that was a bigger cage than his alternative, right? or AU where Andrew never met Aaron and Nicky, was adopted by the Spear and has a very good reason to be a Perfect Court member. (Raven!Andrew and Raven!Neil AU)
tw: dark, tw: graphic depictions of violence, tw: hallucinations, tw: horror, tw: blood/gore, tw: implied/referenced child abuse and neglect, tw: implied/referenced csa, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced self harm, tw: medication addiction, tw: torture, tw: murder, tw: vomit
The Avarice Never Ends by stuntinf8 [Not Rated, 1341 Words, Complete, 2022]
Andrew liked Neil Josten in the way that a cat might like a mouse: easy to tousle by the tail, quick to fuss, simple enough to rattle. The meds made it even easier. (OR A medicated Andrew reflects on the anomaly that is Neil Josten.)
fandom thoughts and meta:
Dependence and Addiction in All for the Game meta by @the-greater-grief [Tumblr, 2022]
I need to talk about Andrew's medication meta by @deadliestpieceontheboard [Tumblr, 2021]
if Andrew wasn't on anti-psychotics, what was he on? meta by @amiandthechaos, @sinistercacophony [Tumblr, 2021]
why abby was so vehemently against committing andrew to rehab early? discussion by @bookmarkmyword, @deadliestpieceontheboard [Tumblr, 2022]
Andrew -Medication or Incarceration ? meta by @lemonboyjosten [Tumblr, 2021]
thoughts about Andrew…his mental issues and medication? by @palmettomonsters [Tumblr, 2017]
Andrew’s meds make me so fucking angry by @kazzyboy [Tumblr, 2021]
Happy Pills by Weathers song analysis by @meanie-boy-minyard [Tumblr, 2019]
Alien Blues art by @fortheloveofexy, on ao3 here
“It’s a cruel world” art by @swarenar
Put on a happy face :) art by @allfortheslay25
bloody smiles art by @rhyva
meds art by @/rhyvva on twitter
I'm not okay art by @creekgods
apathy is a tragedy art by @doesephs
medicated Andrew art by @yolkylemon
sober vs medicated Andrew cosplay by @/csplyxeva on tiktok
aftg-tober day 4 art by @i-did
31 notes · View notes
wildly-empty · 8 months
holy shit do NOT read or listen to “borrasca” if you haven’t had a TW attached to the start. It was an interesting story at first until I realized the twist before I actually read it, yet I kept reading until I saw where it was headed. The ooh spooky ooh so scary twist at the end is frankly disgusting, and is the worst form of shock value. This is the type of shit in that gross “playground” book that was popular a while back. Abuse and assault CAN be in horror and CAN be written well but “borrasca” is not it. Pointless and nauseating 0/10
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Not a parent hc post like I said I would do, but here is a one-shot I couldn't get out of my mind of Keith being a badass husband to Pidge in a traumatic time of need.
Semi-inspired by that one scene of Superman & Lois where Clark confronts Emitt in the diner.
TW: Violence, attempted assault
"Hey Katie, you home from the lab yet?" Keith called out as he entered the front door. "Sorry I'm a little late, I decided to stop by Olkari before reentering the system, some of the human colonists took these grape looking things and made some wine, thought it might be nice for us to- oh, hey Matt. Sorry, didn't know you were here. Katie around?" He asked, looking around the entryway.
"Yeah, she's in the other room. But she asked me to come in here before you saw her and panicked."
"Panicked? Why would I panic? What happened?!" Keith asked before trying to walk past Matt.
Matt put his hand out to slow his brother-in-law down "She's okay, for the most part. She had a run-in with some people, we think it was an attempted mugging. We've already got authorities looking into it."
Keith's eyes went wide as he pushed past Matt and into the living room where he saw Pidge on the couch, Romelle comforting her as Sam and Colleen sat next to them.
"Keith, I-" Pidge went to stand up before Romelle eased her back down as Keith interrupted her.
"What happened, are you okay?!" Keith's mouth moved faster than his brain, it took a moment before his eyes registered her appearance.
Swollen cheek, the very corner of her mouth had a busted lip, her wrist red and he noticed she was holding her side with her other hand.
"What happened?!" He demanded again.
"Last call, sis, sure you don't want me and Romelle to give you a ride home?" Matt asked as the two left their lab and Romelle greeted the two.
"Nah, I'm good. Keith's coming back home tonight after a few weeks away from home. Going to go shopping to buy somethings for our 'reunion'." She chuckled
"La-la-la, not listening!" Matt over exaggerated his yelling as he covered his ears.
Romelle chuckled as she took his arm into her own, and they walked back to their vehicle "Well, you two have a lovely evening. We should all get together for dinner after he's settled back in, I'm sure your parents would appreciate it."
"Definitely! See y'all later, and don't forget the blueprints again!" She laughed as her brother got into the car and they sped off.
It didn't take long for her to walk from the Garrison to the town, the once easily shopping strip now fully repaired from the ruins of the war. She bought the two food for dinner, and a went by to get a new lingerie set to treat him.
As she walked out of the store she noticed a few men tailing her. 'Nothing too strange,' she thought, this is the most direct way to the residential district. But still, she always kept them in her peripheral vision, which she thanked herself for.
"Excuse me, missy, you lost? Need some help?" One of the men called out, go which she ignored. "Hey," he said as he ran up and grabbed her wrist a little *too* tight for her liking "I asked you a question, a pretty single girl like you doesn't need to be all alone."
Pidge raised her hand and flipped the man off, showing off her ring, the metal being a blend of luxite gifted by the Blades and solid gold. The gem was a fairly sizeable emerald as the centerpiece, with the sides being embezelled with rubies . "Not single. Don't need help. Thank you, but I'll be leaving now."
The man tightened the grip he had on her wrist, and though she's felt much worse, the pain was still surprising. "No need to be rude. Let us see that ring again."
"What have we got here?" The other man asked as he looked into the bag and pulled out her planned evening attire. "Look, the ring isn't all, she's got something else for us."
Pidge reached into her lab coat behind her back and summoned her newly created bayard, it may not be upto the standard of the original created by Alfor, but it's good enough.
She quickly jabbed it into the side of the man holding her wrist and electrocuted him before slashing at the other assailant and cutting his chest through his shirt.
The men cursed as the first man backhanded her across the face and the other managed to unfortunately get a hit into her gut.
Pidge dropped to the ground as she desperately gasped for air, it's been too long since her days of battle. She internally cursed herself out for being slow, these two should not have gotten the drop on her. She grit her teeth as she looked up at the assailants
"You good?" The first man asked as he kicked the bayard out of her hand.
The second dabbed his hand across his chest to wipe the blood away "Yeah, come one she's more trouble than she's worth."
"No, not yet." The first said as he kicked her in the side, as she curled up in pain he took the ring off her finger and picked the bayard up off the ground. "These shoukd fetch some good money, now we can go."
"Oh... oh shit, dude look at her coat. She's Garrison! What the fuck did you get us into?!" The second said in a panic as he ran off.
"Calm down, we'll be long gone. Come on, let's go that Sal's place before ditching town." He said as he followed after.
Pidge managed to sprawl herself out from the pain and she reached into her pocket for her phone.
"Matt..." she sobbed. "I need you to come get me..."
"Oh god..." he said as he dropped to the ground and laid his head to her lap, tears edging at the corners of his eyes. "God, Katie I'm so sorry. If I was home sooner, I could have picked you up-"
"No, don't worry about it. It hurt at the beginning, but honestly it looks worse than it is." Pidge told him as she ran her fingers through his hair.
Within seconds, Keith's regret turned into anger as he quickly rose to his feet. "You said they mentioned Sal's?"
"Keith, no-" she begged as she stood up before grabbing her ribs in pain.
Keith looked back at his wife, and he grit his teeth in anger. He began marching out of the room before Matt tried to stop him. "Hey, slow down. I'm pissed to, she's my baby sister, but like I said, we already have authorities looking into it."
"Matt, you can either move. Or I'll make you move." Keith threatened in a deadly even tone.
Matt knew he was serious, and he knew realistically he couldn't stop him if he tried. So he relegated himself to the side.
"Keith! This isn't a time for the leader of Voltron to be a hero again!" Pidge called out.
"The leader of Voltron isn't going." Keith said as he ripped her labcoat of the coat hangar and slammed the door behind him. Everyone inside heard his hoverbike rev up as he sped off.
"Come on, help me follow after him. He's not in his right mind." Pidge said as she slowly walked out.
"I'm not so sure we should, I say let the boy handle it." Sam said.
"Dad, if he goes there, he's going to kill them. He's too emotional when it comes to his loved ones. Now dammit, someone take me after him!"
It didn't take long for Keith to reach the center of town at the speed he was going, and it took even less after that to reach Sal's. He landed his hoverbike and threw his helmet to the ground.
"Hey, Kogane!" James Gfiffin called out as he, Nadia, Ryan, and Ina approached. "Long time no see, we were just grabbing dinner-" Griffin cut himself ff as he saw Keith's expression. "Everything all good?"
"Nope," Keith said flatly as he marched into the building.
The four all exchanged worried looks as they followed in after him.
Keith looked around the area before he saw two men sitting at the bar, one looking stressed and the other excitedly waving the bayard into the air. Keith took a step before he felt a tug on his wrist.
"Keith-" Pidge started as Matt, Romelle, and the others stood around her.
"That them?" He asked, cutting her off.
Pidge nodded as Keith pulled his hand away and approached. The second man caught him out of the corner of his eye, and his face turned to panic just as Keith threw the balled up labcoat at the first man.
"Hey! Did you do that to my wife?!"
The man turned his seat around to face Keith and smirked. He downed his drink and stood up in front of him. Physically speaking, he was bigger than Keith and at least *looked* stronger.
"Yeah, and the both of you are lucky that's all I did. If it went further, she wouldn’t be wanting you as a husband anymore after me."
Pidge shuddered in her place as Romelle and Nadia comforted her, Matt finally had enough and took a step before James grabbed him by the arm and shook his head.
"Give me back the ring and weapon, and I just may let you live."
The man laughed before throwing a punch. Keith caught it in his hand, surprising the thug. Keith then open-handed slapped him across the face, forcing the man to reel back in surprise and spit the blood out of his mouth. "Stronger than you look..." the thug lunged, and Keith weaved out of the way, landing a few punches into his back and pushing him face-first into the bar he was previously sitting at.
Keith then rushed over, grabbing the man by his hair and slowly forcing his face into the hardwood counter. The man struggled and was unable to lift his head up.
"Y-you're too strong! You ain't human! Come on, man, help me! Get him!" The man begged his friend who was still paralyzed in fear in his seat, and the glare from Keith only made him more committed to stay as perfectly still as possible.
"Katie!" Keith shouted as he yanked the man's head up and slamming it back into the counter.
"Which hand did he slap you with?" He asked.
"Which hand?!"
"His left."
Keith grunted in acknowledgment as he took out one of his Blades-issued knives and slammed it through the man's left hand, pinning it in place.
The man screamed in pain as he kept trying and failing to escape.
"Which foot did he kick you with?"
"His right..."
Keith then took his remaining knife and stabbed it through the man's kneecap, being sure to twist it for good measure.
"Now, I'm going to let you live. But I want you to know one thing."
"Anything man, anything!"
"Not only do I have the entire Galaxy Garrison at my disposal, but I have more resources than you can imagine. If you ever come near my wide again. I'll kill you. If you ever hit another woman again. I'll kill you. If you even think about another despicable crime? I'll kill you. They will never find your body, their will be no record of your miserable existence. Understand?"
The man was crying in pain as he nodded his head. "Yeah, yeah man. Understood. You'll never hear of me again. I won't ever do this shit again! I promise, man, I promise!"
Keith grunted as he twisted the knife in the man's hand to cause even more damage. He then pulled the man up by his hair and punched him in the face, knocking him out and to the ground in one motion.
"You..." he started as he turned to face the second man. "Don't think you're getting off easy either."
The second man raised his hands in a panic as he tried backing away and fell to the ground.
"Keith, that's enough, you proved your point!" Pidge shouted at the top of her lungs.
Her shout finally shook him out of his bloodlust. "Get your friend out of here, I don't ever want to see you two again."
"U-understood!" The man said as he crawled over to his friend and began to drag him away.
"Come on, let's go home..."
Hours later back at their house, and after everyone else left, Keith sat unmoving on the porch as if he were waiting for someone else to show up and harm his wife.
"You coming in? It's time for bed."
"Go ahead, I'll be up later."
Pidge sighed and shook her head. "Let me rephrase that, come inside and lay down with me in our bed. This is the first night in weeks I get to share a bed with my husband, and I'm not spending it sleeping alone."
Keith looked around one last time before coming inside and locking the doors behind him and carefully testing all windows before going to their bedroom.
As they crawled into bed, Keith wrapped himself around her and pulled her in as close as he could.
"I'm sorry about today..." he whispered.
Pidge moved one of his hands from her waist and kissed it before resting on her cheek. "Like I said, it's not your fault."
"It's- It's not just that... I couldn't control myself when I went after him. I didn't listen to you... I'm so, so sorry, Katie..."
Pidge turned to face him before giving him a kiss. "While I do think you may have took it to far, you did it for me. You did it so those assholes will never do to anyone else what they did to me. I will never hold today against you."
"I don't deserve you, I don't know how I got so lucky to be with you." He smiled softly before kissing her forehead.
"I think I'm the one who should be saying that to you. I love you, Keith Kogane."
"I love you to Katie, more than I'll ever be able to say.
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iydiamartinx · 3 months
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𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗼𝗻𝗲 | 𝒌𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒅 𝒃𝒚 𝒅𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒉
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Poly!Godric x OC x Eric Northman
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❝ 𝘮𝘺 𝘯𝘢𝘮𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘩 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘦𝘯𝘥 𝘪𝘴 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦...❞
— 𝐣𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐮𝐬
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“Here, kitty kitty!” A voice called out tauntingly. “Come out, come out, wherever you are!”
Her entire body trembled from both fear and the cold. Her hand gripped the rough bark of the tree she was hiding behind tightly, ignoring how splinters of wood cut and pierced her skin. By this point, the cold had seeped into her skin, so she could feel nothing but prickles and numbness.
The forest around her was eerily silent, save for the crunching of snow under the foot of her hunter and the occasional creaking of branches from a gust of icy wind that would blow through unforgivingly, sending shivers down her spine and leaving her teeth chattering uncontrollably.
The snow had soaked through her flimsy nightgown, turning the silken fabric sheer, hiding nothing as it clung to her body. Each breath she took caused a visible puff of mist in the frigid air.
It wouldn’t be long now until frostbite set in, and she knew she needed to keep moving, find shelter, and safety before that could happen. The thought of a warm bed and a crackling fire seemed like a distant dream, a luxury she never truly appreciated until now.
She hadn’t planned on escaping, as much as she dreamed of it. Yet, the events of tonight had left her with no choice, and she had finally done what she dreamt of doing for so long. Only she hadn’t quite thought things through and now found herself hunted and lost in the sprawling woods of her family’s estate in the middle of one of the coldest winters in Texas.
“Come on out, Katherine,” His voice sounded closer, and the taunting tone had been replaced by annoyance. “You’ll die before you manage to find your way out of these woods.”
That might have been the case, but by this point, she was ready for death. With that realization, she steeled herself, every muscle in her body tensing before she took off.
Her bare feet raced across the snow-covered forest floor. Her lungs burned for breath, the crispness of the winter air adding to her discomfort. Still, she pumped her arms, pushing herself to go faster. However, she didn’t get far as strong arms wrapped around her frame, hauling her back.
“Got you,” he breathed, the heat of his rancid breath caressing the shell of her ear.
“No!” She shrieked, her legs kicking out in protest. Her limbs flailed, and her body squirmed, trying to slip out of his hold. Her head snapped back, managing to connect with his nose, and he let out a grunt of pain, his arms loosening just long enough for her to slip out of his grasp.
She stumbled trying to once again take off into the thicket of trees but before she could his hand grabbed a fistful of her hair, sharply yanking her back. Another shriek of anger and pain fell past her lips as she felt the burn in her scalp and this time she didn’t hesitate to whip around and rake her nails across his face, leaving behind bright red marks.
A harsh yell tore through his throat but he didn’t let go. His grip tightened, drawing out a whimper of pain from her as he forced her head to strain up to look up at him. Her previous defiance began to wilt the longer she stared into the depthless voids of his cruel gaze. “I was going to show you mercy, but after your little stunt, you deserve nothing.”
His hand struck her across the face, sending her careening into the snow. Dark spots momentarily covered her vision, and she could feel a stinging warmth spread across the spot where he had hit her.
Something wet slid down her chin, and the red droplet that stained the pure white snow below her made her realize he’d hit her so hard that he’d cut her lip.
A cry tore past her lips as she felt his boot connect with her ribs, again and again, until she felt something crack. She was ready to give up and give in, anything to just end her suffering. But when she heard the first sounds of his belt buckle being undone, panic once again roared up inside of her.
She began to weakly crawl away.
“Oh, no you don’t,” He grunted, leaning down to grab her, only for an audible crunch to be heard as her elbow connected with his nose.
A string of curses fell past his lips. “You fucking bitch!” He screamed, clutching his face. “You’re going to pay for that!”
Another whimper fell past her lips as she scrambled back, staring at him in horror as he removed his hand to reveal his bloodied face. His dark eyes were livid, filled with the promise of revenge, and she knew if she didn’t find a way to escape or end this now, he was going to make her wish that she had died.
He stalked forward, and she tried to kick out her leg, hoping to keep him back or even hit him again, but he merely caught her leg, using the grip on her ankle to begin dragging her closer.
Her nails raked through the snow, trying to find anything she could use as leverage to keep from being pulled. Her fingers ended up brushing against something smooth and hard, and she began clawing and trying to grab the item, only to let out a sob as it slipped from her grasp. Frantically looking, she saw it was a rock, just a few inches too far.
She could feel his heavy weight settle across her back, and she let out a screech that sounded more like a caged animal than a human, as she began to buck and thrash wildly, trying to slip out of his grip.
It was a matter of life or death. Her last chance. Fighting against his hold, she lunged for the rock, her fingers curling around it just in time as he moved to completely pin her down. She twisted, the hand holding the rock cracking against his temple, sending him careening to the ground.
She didn’t hesitate to follow his body, hitting him again. And again. And again. A feral scream tore past her lips as she kept hitting him until he stilled. Until she could no longer recognize the monster’s face.
Only then did she let the rock slip from her fingers and allow herself to collapse beside him, all her energy drained.
At one point, she thought she might’ve drifted off because the next thing she remembered was that it began to snow.
Her heavy breaths had slowed to shallow, labored gasps. Each breath sent a dagger of pain through her chest from where he had no doubt broken her ribs. Everything inside of her hurt, yet something also stilled in peace as she stared up at the moon peeking beyond the trees.
She was ready.
She let her eyes slip closed, but a sudden presence had them fluttering open. In her haze of pain and fading consciousness, she thought she saw Death himself. He was beautiful, with skin so pale it looked as if it were kissed by the snow, contrasting sharply against raven-black hair. But that wasn’t what held her captive. It was his eyes, bluer than the Mediterranean Sea itself, filled with curiosity.
“Are you death?” She rasped out.
He cocked his head, those blue eyes flashing with intrigue, yet otherwise remaining utterly still, almost preternaturally.
“Death is one of the names I’ve been given,” He finally answered, his voice soft and hushed, reminding her of a gentle whisper of a breeze caressing the forest.
She blinked up at him in a daze. “But…you’re so young.”
He looked no older than her, his bone structure sharp and cutting but softened slightly by the youthful appearance of a boy on the cusp of manhood.
The barest hint of an amused smile curved at his lips. “I can assure you, I’m not.”
A small laugh fell past her lips, which quickly dissolved into a pained wheeze. Her head briefly lolled to the side where her uncle’s body still lay. “Is he…?”
“Dead,” Death confirmed.
“Good,” She whispered, her gaze falling back to him, part of her wondering why he still hadn’t claimed her soul.
“You know…” He began, “I watched you tonight. I’ve only ever seen one other fight with the same fierce fire you showed.” He began to smile, revealing a pair of sharp canines. “A beautiful little warrior.”
She wanted to protest that she wasn’t that small, but instead, she found herself saying, “Not as beautiful as you.”
Her words drew a surprised, dare she say a bashful laugh from him and something in his eyes softened.
Her eyes fluttered for a moment, finding it harder to keep them open. “I think…” She drew in a soft breath, each word becoming harder to articulate. “I think I’m ready now.”
She watched as his brows drew in slightly, his head tilting as he stared down at her contemplatively before kneeling. She let her eyes close and readied herself, but instead of pain, she felt a soft caress against her cheek. Her eyes once again found his.
“Could you be a companion of Death?” He finally asked. “Could you walk with me through the dark? I could teach you everything that I know, and you would never have to be alone again. I would be your teacher, your family, your protector.”
Only one word managed to slip past her bloodied lips, “Why?”
“To give you the one thing you’ve been deprived of…” He whispered, his voice sounding further away. “Freedom.”
Her lips curved up at the word as the world began to turn dark. “Freedom.”
Death had finally claimed her soul, and she welcomed him with open arms.
Kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep.
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banner credits: saradika-graphics & reveriesources
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Round 1
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Propaganda under the cut, but feel free to add yours in the reblogs
TW: child abuse, sexual abuse, rape, manipulation, attempted murder, drowning
Esther Mikaelson propaganda
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Cordelia propaganda
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