#tw: affairs
ninjastormhawkkat · 1 year
The Fall of Fair City - Chapter 23
Everyone in the courtroom gasped with shock. "Wait what?" The Butcher and Mrs. Botsford said simultaneously in utter surprise. "Y..yes. Well I looked over the evidence again and there are a lot of..inconsistencies, uh..contaminated evidence, problems with witness statements." Judge Homesfield justified, all the while twiddling his thumbs under his desk. He then looked more composed. "The point is I looked over the evidence and it appears The Butcher should be let go. I'm sorry for wasting the jurors and everyone else's time with this trial. Butcher you may leave." Judge Randall Homesfield banged his gavel which made his proclamation final for those in attendance. The Butcher just blinked in surprise at the judge. "So your letting me go now, no charges." The Butcher stated. Judge Homesfield nodded. "That's correct. You may leave." "WOOHOO!" The Butcher exclaimed in excitement as he stood and pumped his fists into the air. "Thanks judge. I'm free! See you around Mrs. Botsford. I'm a free man!" The Butcher cheered as he elatedly walked out of the courtroom and into the city streets. He didn't take noticed of the shocked looks everyone was giving him. The Butcher was happy for this stroke of luck and was not going to look a gift horse in the mouth. He didn't fully understand that phrase but knew it meant if something good happens to you, just embrace it. Back in the courtroom, Sally Botsford finally snapped out of her stunned shock. She turned to Judge Homesfield with a look of confusion and outrage. "What in the world was all of that about Judge Randall Homesfield? All of the evidence that was collected at the bank clearly proves The Butcher was responsible for the bank heist a few days back. The evidence was strong and flawless, this should have been and open and shut case that would punish The Butcher for his crimes." Randall ignored Sally's statement indiscreetly picked up the vanilla envelope and stuffed it's contents back inside. He then got up from his chair. "I'm sorry Mrs. Botsford but you were given flawed evidence. The Butcher is freed from his alleged criminal actions at the bank. That is my final say so please drop this topic. Now if you excuse me, I plan to return to my chambers to catch up on other important matters in privacy. Good day." Judge Homesfield exclaimed in a commanding tone before turning his back to the stunned and appalled district attorney. "Wait Judge Homesfield!" Mrs. Botsford called out, but the judge had quickly retreated to the direction of his chambers before she could stop him. Judge Randall Homesfield raced quickly but with composure back to his private chambers passed his secretary Elena who had worked for him for more than 20 years. He hastily opened and entered the room before shutting the door behind him with a quiet thud. Homesfield's panicked and horrified expression returned as he pulled out the contents of the envelope once more. He shakily placed them on his desk. He stared in silence at photos of him and Elena together at what he thought were discreet and private locations where no reporter could get too. There were photos of him and Elena together having a candlelight dinner. One was where he and Elena stayed in a singular room he booked at private hotel. Another was of him kissing Elena in his own private chambers! 'How could someone get all of these photos in just a few days?' Homesfield couldn't help but wonder. His eyes then landed back onto the letter that was attached to the photos. The letter that may have costed him the biggest blunder in his career as a judge. "If you don't want your family and Fair City to see what you and your secretary do after hours, pardon The Butcher from his crime. Make up an excuse to let him go. - PT" @melodythebunny @dualnaturedscientist
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politijohn · 1 year
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deunmiu-dessie · 3 months
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imagine being the babysitter for the price family, ur meek and quiet around john and mainly communicate with mrs. price. but ur absolute fun with the kids; they just adore u so much and ask about u all the time even when ur not scheduled to watch them :(
though u always thought john never cared for u in the first place— i mean, his wife said they needed a sitter while she went back to work and he provided the money. the two of u had never talked much before, small greetings and thank u’s but that was it.
but one day, out of the blue he comes home early when ur watching the kids, ‘nd he's touchy :(
his burly body caging you against the counter as u make something for the kids to eat. his hands at ur waist as he reaches to grab something from above u, brushing against u when u pass each other in the hall. ‘nd u swear u can hear him breathe in ur perfume when ya’ll are close, a rumble in his chest. but u didn't think much, mr. price was good man.
but then he becomes bolder, large hands groping at ur thighs, bulge pressed against the curve of ur ass, invading questions about ur sex life. ‘nd u should feel scared, disgusted, u should tell his wife– but he hasn't rlly done anything. i mean, he’s just teaching u how to kiss— his mouth dominating and tongue bullying ur own, saliva dripping down ur chin…. but it’s for later purposes, when ur in a relationship. just practice.
he hasn't rlly done anything worth telling. he’s just teaching u how to touch urself, how to work ur fingers on ur clit. just teaching u how to properly deepthroat, his balls flush against ur chin as he bottoms out down ur throat. just teaching u how to have sex the right way, the safe way— his thick cock, covered in a condom inching its way into ur sloppy, virgin cunt :(
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nicsnort · 3 days
Hello Neighbor
NSFW 18+ male werewolf x female reader Contains: vaginal sex, knotting, mentions of breeding, going into heat, desperate sex
Word count: 3,401 Lore Prompt
You're part of a study using an experimental skin cream. The effects have been interesting, but suddenly take a turn for the horny. Luckily, your werewolf neighbor is willing to help you out.
“Thank you,” the researcher said as she finished rubbing the experimental cream into your skin. “As always, contact us immediately if there are any sudden changes in your mental state or physical concerns. Please return for your next application next week.”
“Of course,” you replied with a smile. It had been four months since you started the trials, and you know the drill now. Honestly, this had been one of the best choices in your life. When you first saw the ad on social media looking for volunteers for a body-enhancing topical cream based on monster science, you thought it was a scam, especially when you saw that they were paying a hundred a week with a bonus of two thousand for those who completed the full six-month trial. But you took the risk, and damn was it paying off. All you had to do was be slathered in a topical cream every week, do a finger prick blood test daily at home, and submit a five-minute check-in about anything strange you noticed about your body or mind at the end of the day.
You weren’t sure what they were exposing you to; they couldn’t tell you as it could interfere with their results or something. Initially, you had experienced some mood swings and increased aggression. Still, it had settled down, and now the only noticeable effects were your sense of smell and hearing becoming more sensitive. It was sometimes annoying, given that you lived in an apartment complex, but it was not a huge hassle. 
Before heading home, you swung by the grocery store to pick up some milk and meat. That was something else; you had been craving meat a lot since this started. While walking around the grocery store, you noticed a minotaur and a naga looking at you with interest. A blush came to your cheeks. Could they smell the cream on you? Usually, you went right home after an appointment, so you had never been out in public - and certainly not around monsters. They have been increasingly common in the area since the segregation laws were overturned, allowing humans and sentient monsters to mix freely. The older folks who remembered the Great Incursion hated it, but you didn’t mind too much. Most monsters are just like humans, merely with different physicality and cultures…and magical powers half the time.
With groceries gathered, you quickly headed home. Walking towards your building, you saw your next-door neighbor—a werewolf. He moved in six months ago for work and spent most of his time in hybrid form. Apparently, he was from the other side of the Rift, so he never had to use his humanoid form. Honestly, you never understood how people said they found monsters that didn’t look human attractive until you met him with his thick mahogany fur, piercing golden eyes, full tail, and broad chest that was barely contained by his human-style clothes…you could have sworn he was flirting with you the first couple of months after he moved in. Yet, his interest fell off a few months ago. He stayed friendly, though.
“Good day, neighbor,” he greeted with a smile. “Need help with those?”
“Thanks, Darrick. That’d be great.” Maybe it was because he wanted to prove he wasn’t a threat, but Darrick was extremely friendly. According to the DMA guides, werewolves were very social monsters due to their pack instinct, so maybe it was just that.
He took the heavy meat-filled shopping bag from your arms while you carried the milk. As he did, you noticed his large, wet nose flare and his pointed ear turn forward with interest. Another blush came to your cheeks. He could smell that cream on you, couldn’t he? Though you had to admit, his scent today was marvelous. A deep, musky scent caused your blush to travel across your body, transforming into an aroused flush.
Entering the building, you were deeply aware of his presence behind you as you climbed the steps to the second floor. Even more so, with each sway of your hips, you were aware of how deeply aroused you had suddenly become. Your swollen lips rubbed against the cloth of your panties with each stair. You had been feeling sensitive the past few days, but why did your arousal spike now?!
You stopped outside your door. As you fumbled for your keys, you heard Darrick sniff rapidly, his hot body leaning over you, caging you against the door. Glancing back, you saw his long tongue flick out from behind his sharp teeth as though tasting the air. Your mind instantly flashed to what that tongue would feel like between your legs.
“I got it from here, thanks,” you told him, desperate to get away before you did something you regretted as the scent of his musk filled your nostrils.
Your voice seemed to jolt something in him. “Right, of course,” he bent down and put the bag down on the ground. But that was a mistake. His muzzle was right at your crotch now. The scent of your arousal certainly reached his wolven nose.
On instinct, Darrick pressed his nose against your crotch. You could feel his damp, heated breath through your jeans. His chest rumbled with a low growl, the vibrations reaching down his snout to your aching mound. A pleasured, wanting moan escaped your throat. You leaned against the door, your hips tilting up, legs spreading slightly, humping his muzzle lightly. His pointed canine teeth, barred together, provided a teasing friction against your clit.
You jumped at the sudden sound. Darrick had driven his claws into the wall, breaking the drywall. He wrenched his snout away from you with a pitiful whine, standing quickly and moving back. “I am so sorry! I wasn’t trying to stake a claim.”
“What,” you asked hazily, trying to shake your head of the lust. “A claim…”
“It has just been months since I have been around a woman in heat, and I lost control,” Darrick continued, not hearing your response at first. Then he paused while backing up a bit more. 
“Darrick, what do you mean by ‘a woman in heat’?” Even as you spoke, your eyes were drawn across him. There was a massive bulge straining his pants. Your inner walls clenched with desire.
“Sorry,” you apologize, tearing your eyes away and fumbling once more for the door. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I think it’s the cream. I need to report this to the researchers…”
Finally, you managed to open the door. Stumbling inside, you barely made it to the fridge to put away the milk. Shit, the meat. Heading back to the hall, half bent over in a vain attempt to avoid aggravating your burning crotch. Darrick was standing in the doorway, a look of concern fighting lust on his face. Not that you saw that for long as your half-bent over position put you right at his bulging groin. Your mouth parted in desire at the sight. The scent wafted to your nose. If it weren’t for Darrick catching your shoulder and holding you back, you would have desperately rubbed your face against the bludge.
“Control yourself, Darrick,” he growled to himself, pushing you back inside the apartment while bringing your groceries in and shutting the door. “You’re not a pup anymore.”
“Noooo,” you whined as he forced you to sit on the couch and stepped away to put the meat on the counter. As you watched him, your hand grabbed your breast through your shirt, massaging it. “You have to leave. If you stay, I’ll end up begging you to fuck me.”
As desperately horny as you had become, the admission did not embarrass you one bit. Darrick breathed out slowly, trying to control himself. “Where is your phone? I will call your mate. He shouldn’t be leaving you alone during your heat.”
“Mate,” you questioned. That word alone resonated with you. Yes, you wanted to mate. Fucked raw like an animal.
“Or husband, whatever term humans use. Whoever is the irresponsible wolf that has marked you with his scent so thoroughly and left you alone to deal with your heat.”
“I don’t know any other werewolves, Darrick,” you told him. The term heat was finally jogging your memory. “You’re the only one I’ve ever met. And humans don’t have a heat. I think whatever is happening has to do with the study I’m participating in. Some cream to enhance my body or something. They said arousal could be a side effect, but I didn’t think like this…”
Your hand wandered down to your pants. It slipped inside as you stroked yourself, trying to cool the ache there. Darrick stood stock still, completely focused on you, as your fingers stroked wildly. “You smell so good, Darrick. Please, you gotta leave before I jump you. Or else fuck me. I’ve dreamt about you bending me over my bed so many--”
Like a dam breaking, Darrick rushed over. His tall, fur-covered body bent over the couch, trapping you on it. “One last time,” he growled, barely able to restrain himself. “For clarity. The scent on you is this cream? Another werewolf has not mated you? And you want me to mate with you?”
You answered each question as he asked him. “Yes…No…Please, yes, fuck me, please!”
Without a spoken response, Darrick scooped you up in his arms. He carried you into your bedroom and dumped you on the bed. His chest heaved as took in deep, steadying breaths as though he was trying not to pounce on you immediately. Even as he did, his hands roamed over your shirt as he roughly tugged it off you. “I’m sorry, I’ll try to be gentle.”
“I don’t want gentle right now,” you told him, kicking off your shoes and hurriedly undoing your jeans. “I want you to fuck me with your fat cock until I’m satisfied.”
A primal growl of want escaped his throat. In two short movements, he removed your bra, his claws slicing it off, and tossed it away. Your skin was flushed with desire, nipples already hard with want. Darrick’s large paws covered your breasts, massaging them as he pushed you down against the bed. His long, hot tongue met your neck as he licked you ravenously. Every so often, you felt his pointed teeth scrape across your skin.
You moaned his name. Thrusting your hips upwards, you both tried to finish removing your jeans and gain friction on your needy hole. You managed the first one, but as your hands went to your dripping core, you found a better target. Darrick’s bulge strained against his pants. With deft fingers, you undid his pants and were just about to slip your hand inside his underwear to free him completely when he grabbed your hands. Pulling them above your head, he pinned you down, causing you to whine with displeasure.
“I need to mask that other scent first,” he growled. “Don’t want to smell another wolf. I need to cover you with my scent before I claim you.”
As desperate as you were to be fucked, his words touched a primal part of you, and now nothing sounded better than being marked by him. Inside and outside. Completely and utterly claimed. You wanted any creature who met you to know who you were mated to. That you were his.
Darrick’s muzzle slid down your neck to your chest. With one hand still pining your hands down, the other pressed between your legs. His rough fingers began to stroke, giving you both relief and teasing you as he avoided where you wanted him - his cock - the most. Sharp teeth delicately held your breast as he drew it into his mouth, his tongue lapping across your sensitive nipple. The thick pad of his thumb rubbed against your clit, the claws of his hand pressing into the flesh of your butt. 
A needy whimper escaped your throat. With the little space he left you between the bed and his hand, you lifted your hips invitingly.  “Please.”
“By Seluna, I need you,” he swore, pulling back. His nose twitched, the scent of your lust overriding any further complaints he might have had about the scent of the cream. You tried to follow him, pull him back down but his burning golden eyes pinned you in place.
Eyes hazy with lust, you watched him pull off his shirt. In his rush, his dangerous claws and sheer strength tore it off. Grabbing his already undone pants, he finally stood completely nude. Your eyes honed in on the long, red, throbbing cock between his legs. The tapered head glistened with precum in the sunlight peeking through your shades. Your core clenched with want.
“On your hands and knees,” he commanded, his words barely recognizable through the thick growl of want in his voice. Without hesitation, you turned around. Settling in the center of the bed, you were on your hands and knees, the aching desire between your legs presented to him.
A long moment passed where all you heard was the huff and puff of his breathing behind you. Then, a cold, wet nose pressed itself against your lower lips. You moaned. Darrick’s broad tongue lapped at the swollen flesh. Panting moans left you as the pleasure built. You were so close. Suddenly, his tongue slipped inside of you.
With a cry of pleasure, you came on his tongue. It wiggled inside of you as your body clenched around it. Finally, he withdrew, his muzzle covered in your juices. “Good mate,” he praised. “So, fertile and willing.”
He shook his head, barely returning to his senses enough to add, “You should take some night tea after, 'cause I’m gonna breed you now.”
“Yes,” you panted with joy. The orgasm took the edge off, but you needed more. Being bred sounded like the best thing in the world. Filled with his thick creamy cum.
Your bed dipped with his weight as he climbed on, positioning himself behind you. You felt the heat radiating off his turgid cock even before its heavy weight rested upon your hips. 
“Inside,” you pleaded, rocking your hips. His hands gripped your hips, claws digging in ever so slightly. 
“Spread,” he told you, and even in your current state, you could tell from his tone he was barely restraining himself. Eagerly, you obeyed, spreading your knees further apart. Darrick kept a firm grip on your hips as you did, forcing you to lower yourself onto your forearms. Now, you were fully presenting your dripping hole to him.
You felt the magnetic heat of his cock as he lined it up. As his thick length pressed inside, you whined with pleasure. “Yeesssss.”
The prick of his claws was barely enough to keep you from orgasming with just the tip of his cock inside of you. Inch by inch, he slid inside. You tried to press yourself back on him to take in more, but his strong grasp on your hips stopped you. “You’re gonna make me...” 
“Please, Darrick, breed me!”
With that plea, he snapped. Pulling back until just the tip was left, he slammed his hips forward. You screamed in pleasure. Unleashed, Darrick pounded into you wildly. Spurred on by the hormones of your heat, he rutted into you with only one thing on his mind: breeding his mate.
With each wild thrust, you could feel your body accepting more of him. His cock filled you up each time your inner walls stretched to take in more. You were moaning and panting with ecstasy. You weren’t even sure if you were orgasming, but the pleasure was overwhelming your mind. You could think of little else but his cock inside of you.
Releasing your hips, Darrick bent over your back. His large hands resting on either side of your head, holding your hands in place. The weight of him pinning you beneath him with no hope of escape - not that you wanted to. His hot breath caressed the sensitive skin of your neck and ear. The growl of his voice reverberated across your whole body. “I’m gonna knot you. Ruin you for human men. You want that, don’t you?”
You gave a whine of pleasure-drunk consent, unable to form words.
With a powerful thrust, you felt him hilt within you. His pointed cock pressed against your womb. Then you felt it. As the glands of his cock expanded, he stretched you. Thicker than anything that had been inside of you before. Yet, the pain of the stretching only added to your pleasure. Your nails dug into your sheets. It was too much. You were so close to breaking. You were…you were…
Your body exploded with ecstasy, juices gushing over his cock. Low, long moans, almost like howls, issued from your throat as you threw your head back. Your inner walls clenched powerfully around his knot, locking it within you.
Then it came. What your body was craving. Darrick threw his head back in a true howl as his thick hot cum filled your womb, searing its claim inside of you. His cum spurred your orgasm to even greater heights. Your eyes rolled back in your head, tongue lolling out, inner walls still clenching around him, drawing in every last ounce of cream. There was so much cum, you thought it would never end. You never wanted it to end. Yet, eventually, your bodies were spent.
Darrick’s knot still firmly resting inside of you, he rolled you both on your sides. His arms were around you, cradling you as you came down from the ecstatic high. His long, wet tongue tiredly but comfortingly lapped at your shoulder and neck.
While you still felt aroused, being filled with his cum and having a knot in you satisfied your primal urge to breed for now. After a few minutes, your mind started to return. What the fuck did you just do? What the fuck happened to you?
“Are you alright,” Darrick asked before you could voice your own concerns.
“Yes…I’m just confused…that’s never happened before. What is that cream doing to me?”
Darrick’s grip tightened around in comfort. “I think I know…there is this story the Elders tell. The first werewolves were created before the Division when our worlds were one. They were humans; warriors granted power by the spirits of nature to temporarily wield the spirit of the wolf to defend their homes. After the Division, the wolf's spirit was permanently bound to us. But we needed mates; most werewolves then were men, and the few that were women could not keep our populations going. So, the moon goddess Seluna took pity on us and let us transform others through sharing our essence…at first, all it required was for us to bite a human, but the sudden merging of wolf and human spirits drove many insane. Therefore, Seluna’s wife, Noctune, goddess of the night, took inspiration from her wife’s slow transformations each night. Sharing our essence would slowly introduce people - our mates or others we deemed worthy - to the wolf spirit so their humanity could adjust before it was made permanent. This also gave humans a chance to change their minds.”
“That’s a lovely story. So, you’re saying this cream is introducing me to werewolf essence? Wait, what is werewolf essence?”
Darrick chuckled a bit nervously. “Blood, saliva, and…” He gently thrust his hips, indicating his cum.
“Wait, so they’ve been covering me in werewolf - I hope - saliva? And that’s been changing my body?” You reeled at this new information. “Wait, so this is actually a heat?”
“Yeah. Usually, the exposure would be done by your mate, and you’d know what was going to happen, and they would help you through it.”
You were silent for a moment. “So, does this make us mates?”
Darrick chuckled nervously again. “We have mated, sure, and you’re going to need help getting through your heat. So, we can do it again. But, I mean, after, we don’t need to be…I mean, I think you’re pretty great. I was really disappointed when I thought you’d been claimed and--”
“I wouldn’t mind trying to date after you finish helping me through this,” you told him, cutting off his adorable ramble. “If you want.”
There were several loud thumps behind him as his tail wagged happily, hitting the bed. “I would like that.”
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larrylimericks · 3 months
Some your-names said Louis’s a slag; In Mexico, gave him a shag. Ten or more touched the sky! He sparked up to reply: Fuck your rumors and also jet lag.
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chaotic-mystery · 8 months
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Pairing: dbf!Joel x reader
Summary: it’s my take on what illicit affairs means. Every time I listened to it I imagined Joel, specifically dbf Joel. I hope the swifties go *easy* on me and pls don’t say anything if you didn’t like it.
Warnings: angst. And more angst. Swearing, forbidden relationship, arguing, fwb, alluded age gap but not specified. Use of nicknames (kid, baby……don’t look at me ok I didn’t do IT), reader is not physically described, no use of y/n. I think that’s everything but tell me if I’ve missed something! || wc: 1.8k || a/n: I love you @planet-marz1 for beta reading this & all my babies who held my balls and pushed me through this <3 thank you thank you thank you. ||
He was someone you should have never been attracted to. Your parents’ friend, a family friend. Someone they trusted to watch over you if they left town, to check on you as if he cared about you. No one noticed the lingering stares frequent more and more with each stop at your parents home. No one noticed the way you returned the gazes at him, the longing feeling of wanting to feel his mouth all over your body with his hands not far behind to get any spot he missed. It all came together when your dad had a party, the champagne coursing inside you and giving a little liquid courage. Joel couldn’t keep his eyes off of you and it didn’t feel wrong, no matter how much you tried to convince yourself it was. Nothing more was going to come from this, it was just a fling for the night and you’d go right back to how things were. At least that’s what you told yourself when you kissed him in the laundry room, the soft orange glow casted over you two from the street lamp outside.
Yet here you are months later, telling everyone you were going out for a walk, already covering up your demeanor for when you return. Joel parked down at the end of the block and you found yourself reciting that you can always stop this whenever you wanted to. He’s careful not to sit there for too long after you get inside his truck.
“Did anyone see you?” He asks, wiping over his mustache quickly while he looks in the rearview mirror about a dozen times.
“No, they didn’t see me.” You mutter from behind your hood. You reached out to grab his hand from his thigh, tucking your fingers between his palm and the fabric of his jeans.
“Okay, good. Good. Missed you.” He says as he pulls into the same vacant lot as last time. It wasn’t always like this, parking here behind the abandoned mall. He used to book hotel rooms for you two so you’d feel safe with him, feel special. The red rose petals scattered everywhere on the floor and the bed no matter how cheesy it was, you liked it. It was a scarlet colored secret between only you two and it was thrilling to keep, in a way. The more you met up with Joel, the less distance he put in between your town and the lucky room for the night. Nights turned into a couple hours, which slowly morphed into quick meetings here, in this empty parking lot to an abandoned mall.
“Thanks for not wearing that perfume this time, doll. Almost got caught last time because I smelled like you.” He tries to lighten the mood as he shakes your thigh gently. It was the perfume he used to love when you’d wear it, the one you had on that night the first glance he took of you started this entire affair.
It became harder and harder to not hide your scent on him when he’d come over to your parents house as if he wasn’t just with you. Your dad would ask why he smelled of your perfume, Joel turning to you so you have to lie and say you greeted him outside before letting him in. Couldn’t leave a trace of you in his little world no matter how badly you wanted to. To desperately leave a subtle token of you on him, that he was yours, that this older man wanted something to do with you.
Joel wastes no time getting your navy blue hoodie off your torso and his lips on your neck, telling you once more that he missed you all day. The same words he spoke before suddenly didn’t make your heart flutter after the hundredth time hearing them. The smile doesn’t form as wide as it once did when he calls you ‘baby’. Funny how that works, finally getting what you wanted to hear him say and it wasn’t holding its weight anymore like in the beginning. They were just words you were taking for what they were; sweet nothings. You two developed a look to share while with others, a little nod of your head towards outside when you needed to speak in private and say what you couldn’t in front of anyone else or just needed to be close to one another. Those moments kept you wanting more from him, every single time.
Behind closed doors seemed like the only time you were everything to Joel, it was the sliver of time you got validation that he even liked you. He grew paranoid and tended to be cold when he was around your parents, no eye contact, hardly any conversation shared with you. When you were alone in the backseat with the sweat drying on your back as you laid against his chest, you were the one he wanted to be with…until it was time to come back to reality and get dressed like nothing happened.
“You don’t even look at me anymore when my parents are around, you’re acting too suspicious, Joel.” You mutter, dragging your thumb across his shoulder as you stared into the fabric of the seat behind him.
Time and time again you so desperately wanted to go public with Joel but every time you mentioned it he got upset, telling you that would be the dumbest thing to do. According to him, it was best to keep meeting in the back of his truck for a half hour and being dropped off with one less piece of you each time. You no longer felt like his baby anymore no matter how many times he called you that. Not a single thing he mutters to you while he’s on top of you in the truck replays later as you try to sleep like the early days. It was becoming more and more diluted with each quick goodbye kiss.
Joel pulls away and sits up straight, moving his hand to your thigh and giving a squeeze.
“Don’t do this right now, kid. C’mon, you know how I feel about ya.” His head hangs for just a moment as if you scolded him. Pulling his head up to look at you in the eye, Joel cups your face softly before speaking again.
“I’d lose so much if I told everyone about us, you know that right? You’re dad would probably beat my ass and never talk to me again, I don’t think any of our friends would honestly. I’d lose so much if everyone knew, not just you.” He sighs tiredly and lets go of your face and sits straight up in his chair before putting a hand over his mouth and the other on the steering wheel as he looks out the window to the empty lot, rain clouds scattered above and turning everything gray.
Was that all he was worried about, losing your dad as his friend and the other so called friends he had? Really?
You wait for what feels like forever before you scoff and sit back in your seat, arms crossed over your chest, feeling like nothing but a godforsaken mess for putting yourself in this situation.
“I thought you liked this..” He waves his hand back and forth between you two without turning back to look at you. “...This works, this is easy and it’s safe. Why do you wanna ruin somethin’ like that, baby?” Joel chews on his cheek waiting for your response, hoping somewhere in his words that it clicked in your mind to keep this between you two.
“I did like this, Joel. I liked being your little secret in the beginning. Learning our little unspoken language and how to find you during parties when you wanted to see me, staying out all those nights with you and we’d talk about everything and you’d drop me off in the morning before my dad woke up to see me sneaking in. I did…like being your secret. We started doing things that couples do, real couples. Why is it so wrong of me to want tha-?” You ask firmly, feeling your heart beating in your throat when he cuts you off with his booming voice.
“Because we can’t! We just can’t! I’m sorry, kid. You know we can’t do more than this. I’m sorry. You’re a beautiful and talented human being, you can g-” Now it was your turn to cut him off.
“Joel, don't even give me that shit. I don’t want to hear that.” You turn in your seat to fully look at him, eyes not leaving his face for a second.
“Do you understand how much I would lose if we went public with this? I’m willing to throw all of that away to be with you. That is how much you mean to me. You mean more to me than my dad potentially not speaking to me ever again, possibly being kicked out, shunned, all of it. I don’t want anyone else but you, okay?” You had found your voice halfway between your counter argument, and damn did it feel good.
“Kid…we just can’t. I’m sorry. We can still be friends and I’ll always be around if you need me. I just, I think I put you in too deep with this.” His eyes flick between himself and you. The only noise audible was the rain pattering down on the windshield, thunder booming softly after a few seconds.
The tears sting your eyes and cascade down your warm cheek.
“Baby..” Joel coos and tries to wipe your tear away but you turn away before he can get close.
“Don’t call me that. Don’t call me kid, don’t call me baby.” He sighs with obvious frustration at your words and tucks his hand back next to his side. The hurt mixes with rage and the tears keep rolling down your face, Joel sits there unsure of what to say.
“Look at me, Joel. Look at this idiotic fool you’ve made me. Sitting here begging someone to be with me and love me so loudly, all the while it’s not reciprocated. You don’t want to show everyone how much you want to be with me, you just want to keep me a secret. Take me home, I’m done.”
You grab your sweater off the backseat and put it back on before buckling up once more.
“Kid, I’m-“
“Don’t call me that! Take me home, or I’ll walk.” You shout, the crack in your voice making your tears flow faster. Joel looks away and turns the truck on, driving back to your street in complete silence. He barely turns the corner at the end of your block and you get out without another word spoken to him. It was the one and only time he watched you get inside the house.
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cassi-misc-art · 4 months
Love And Dragons
We had names. Strong ones, glorious ones. Proud, beautiful names, that no one will remember.
We had been practicing for months. It would be a difficult ruse to pull, but we were confident. So long as they could maintain the illusion of chastity in public, none would suspect their affair.
Our affair.
It wouldn’t have been such a scandal if I weren’t involved. An embarrassment, yes, and a great one at that. But their kingdom saw my kind as nothing but monsters, so a monster I would be. I would snatch her away in public, and when he “attacked” me to “protect” her, I would snatch him away as well.
He was noble, dashing, deeply concerned with honor but moreso with justice. She was elegant, graceful, courteous but not condescending. And I… I just wanted a family.
We’d been practicing for months, going over every possibility we could think of. Evading arrows, deflecting blows, moving as fast as we could. We were going over the possibility of an attack from above, but armor and tree climbing don’t mix. He fell. I caught him. He hadn’t let go of his weapon.
He pulls the sword away, throws his helmet off, staring up at me. He can’t even speak, but on his lips I can read “I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” the only words he seems to know anymore. She can barely hold herself up as she runs to us, tripping more in those few meters than I’ve seen her do in years. She can still speak, and when she makes her plea, I can see in their eyes that they have made their decision.
I have enough strength to grant their request, and when it is done, I curl myself around their bones.
If we cannot be together in life, death will do just as well.
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thebusylilbee · 15 days
what's even fucking crazier about the Mazan serial rapes case is that everybody is already so shocked by the basic facts of it (Dominique Pélicot drugs his wife for 10 years and gets her raped while unconscious by 73 men or more) that the medias literally often forget to mention that DNA testing suggest that the husband is actually a whole ass killer who killed and raped at least one woman in the 90's before getting married to Gisèle Pélicot
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one-time-i-dreamt · 2 years
Shrek had died, Puss in Boots hopped on a plane and flew to Peru to escape the cops, and in that time Lois Griffin from Family Guy and the Dragon from Shrek had an affair and ran away together to get married.
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seductive-suffering · 1 month
I place my hand on my chest.
Still beating.
I brush my fingers along my lips.
Still breathing.
I look to the sky.
I still see.
So why does it feel like I’m dead since I last seen you.
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Stiles and Scott are in the throes of a passionate and non-amicable divorce.
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shysheeperz · 3 months
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Mɪssɪᴏɴ: Yᴏᴢᴀᴋᴜʀᴀ Fᴀᴍɪʟʏ🌸 Oᴘᴇʀᴀᴛɪᴏɴ 10: Tʜᴇ Yᴏᴢᴀᴋᴜʀᴀ Fᴀᴍɪʟʏ Mᴀɪᴅ/Aғғᴀɪʀ
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I know I'm going to get ratioed so hard on this one but mostly I just want to see who else is like me.
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phoenixyfriend · 7 months
Possible verbiage for calls to senators and representatives, emails to the same, and public calls to action:
This past weekend, an American service member, active duty, self-immolated in front of the Israeli embassy in Washington DC. We are told that this man, Aaron Bushnell, age 25, truly believed in the ideals espoused by the US military, that he truly believed in liberty for all and a person's right to self-determination. What he did was not an act of mental illness, but rather an act of protest. It was premeditated. It was clearly stated. It was public, and recorded, and he has died making a statement, and it is truly inappropriate to try and dismiss it as simply a matter of mental illness.
It's a tragedy, but he is someone who has made choice to follow in the footsteps of many who have come before. Self-immolation is, after all, a protest tactic that has been in use for centuries, including in the US. If you have any true care for military personnel and veterans, as you and so many other politicians claim to, then you should be asking yourself, "What it is about this war that has caused such a choice in someone who really and truly believes in the ideals that the US claims to uphold? What it means that someone in this military, in this country, cannot stand to continue being part of that institution, in light of what the United States is enabling with aid packages to Israel, and refusal to enact any kind of censure?"
What caused the death of Aaron Bushnell was not a mental health crisis. It was a humanitarian one.
If you claim to care about protecting children, Israel must be censured. Israel must be sanctioned. Israel must be stopped.
We are seeing Israel seed the beginning of its own future devastation. It has created thousands, if not tens of thousands of orphans, and has reportedly disabled the majority of the children in Gaza, from what we are hearing. Israel has also demanded the dismantling of UNRWA, is even now blocking aid trucks and has been for weeks, despite the fact that the agency is currently the only thing that appears to be standing between the children of Palestine and death, between everyone in Palestine and a death by mass starvation. We know, have now gotten confirmation from the World Health Organization, that a famine is in progress. If you care about any power that the United Nations should have to prevent atrocities, then Israel must be stopped. Aid must get to the children, and to all the civilians of Gaza who are currently dying of bombing, and hunger, and disease.
Civilians are exiting to Egypt, a country that is already unstable, not yet having recovered from the Arab Spring. The economy of Egypt is already under strain, from the Civil War, the new administrative capital, the reduction of traffic in the Suez, and they have not yet cleared themselves of the Muslim Brotherhood. Will those orphans Israel created be found by extremists who share many of the same goals as the one that Israel claims to be trying to extinguish? Will Israel start a war with Egypt when those children they have orphaned in Gaza grow old enough to seek revenge? What of its other border, where Hezbollah has increased attacks, or the months of impact by Yemen on international trade? Israel is not extinguishing the threats to its people, but increasing them. If you care about Israeli civilians, as you claim, then Israel must be stopped.
Recently, in Russia, a political opposition member died in an arctic prison under mysterious circumstances. This was very high-profile, and the US enacted sanctions within a week. Those sanctions were deserved, yes, but it is a very poor look on behalf of the United States that we enacted sanctions on Russia for the death of one man, but nothing on Israel for the death of nearly thirty thousand, half of which are children. If you care about the reputation that the United States has on a world stage, Israel should be under censure.
And finally, if you care about your own party and your own hide, Israel must be stopped. You are losing Michigan. You are losing Georgia. You are losing Arizona. Some of these states won us the 2020 election. Some of them won on the power of the Arab-American vote. We cannot afford another four years of Trump.
Even if you don't have the heart to care for the hundreds of thousands of children that are dead or dying, you should have the brain to care about Michigan.
A member of the Air Force died to make you listen. A loyal soldier to the US decided that rather than die for his country fighting a war, he would die to stop one.
Listen to him, and to all who tell you that the US cannot be complicit in what, every day, is more likely to be remembered forever as a genocide.
(Call your reps)
(A more general post on how to talk to your reps)
This has not been proofread but I keep rolling phrases around in my mind and had to get at least something down in the page.
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fragilestorm · 5 months
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Melara Tyrell + Helaena Targaryen
Tag list: @arrthurpendragon @eddysocs @stanshollaand @bravelittleflower @nikosasaki @hiddenqveendom @foxesandmagic @waterloou
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softpine · 1 year
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so be it, i’m your crowbar
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