#tw ng tube
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Dew's elemental transition damaging his vocal chords beyond repair
Dew who can no longer sing
Dew who can only communicate through small clicking noises
Dew with vocal chord paralysis so bad that he can no longer eat or drink and has to get an NG tube inserted
Rain, who comes out of the pits immediately so enamoured with Dew that he secretly learns sign language so he can teach Dew, so they can communicate whenever they need to, even on stage.
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I saw in tags of that post that you're okay with people asking questions.
Does a NG tube hurt? Can you take a shower with a feeding tube? Any tips for someone who's about to get a tube?
Totally okay with questions!
For me, my NG tube didn't hurt. It was pretty uncomfortable to get it placed because of the sensory experience, but it wasn't painful. Getting it placed felt really weird, because your body isn't really used to the feeling of having something like that in your nose and throat. The hour after getting it placed was the worst, and even though I totally could breathe, I felt pretty panicked like I was struggling to breathe, was sort of nauseous, and the feeling of it in my throat was really noticeable. For the first three days the tube felt noticeable and caused me some sensory issues, but after that, I couldn't even feel it and it totally was okay to live with.
Yes! There's no issues showering with a ng tube. You'll just want to make sure the tape is secure and to cover the end of the tube.
Definitely recommend cough drops for the first couple days, it can help with irritation. If you're running 24/7 or night feeds, it can take a while to get used to sleeping with the tube, and having a wedge pillow so you can be sleeping a little bit more upright helps. There's a lot of fun types of skin safe tape out there on etsy to decorate if you want that. Make sure someone really explains to you how to use your pump, or if you're using alternative methods like gravity feeding etc, that you know how to run feeds. Getting something like the flying squirrel feeding pump holder and an adaptive backpack can be an easy way to carry around your feeding pump and bags so you can be more mobile, instead of having to be attached to an IV pole. Overall, I definitely just want to reassure that living with a feeding tube is totally manageable, and that you'll still be able to do all the things you're used to doing in your life.
Wishing you the best of luck anon, and feel free to send in more asks if you have any other questions! if any other followers who have had feeding tubes have advice, feel free to add on.
#asks#feeding tube#ng tube#tube feeding#emeto tw#just for the description of it getting placed#disability tag
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Another short story i hope you all kinksters enjoy ;)
Tw: pretty sexual, lots of medical fetish
(Again, male protagonist and not self insert… or maybe yes hahaha)
Everything was foggy and distorted as i opened my eyes heavily. Took me a while to focus my gaze, i could only feel a thousand sensations going on in my body. When my heavy eyes finally cooperated… al i saw was a mirror above me.
What i saw was my naked reflection, completely covered by every apparatus you can imagine. My bare scalp was a mess of taped wires, i had tree tubes going into my nostrils plus a large nasal cannula also connected to it, three other tubes were in my mouth, it was all beauyifully taped to my cheecks and around my mouth. My chest was equally wired but it was definetly not as hardcore as what my sex looked like. My penis, with various stimulation electrodes sticked to it and a catheter, and my ass… my poor anus was connected to a huge electro plug, and equally tubed by another two tubes coming out. Surrounding the bed there were like a million different machines, all of which i was connected to. It was looking at the equioment when i realized there was a girl laying in a bed next to me. She looked exactly like me, tubes and wires and tape and machines going everywhere, i saw her pussy and anus in the reflextion, with the same electrodes stuffed into them. Just two big plugs with four wires hooked up to them base, plugging those sweet pleasureholes.
A voice came suddenly out of somewhere.
- so, now that we are prepped, ill start your treatment. You are going to receive different currents of electicity through the pleasure machines you are connected to, all while we study your fluids and adminidter different drugs. You are expected to be orgasming for a while during the duration of the trearment.
- Every orgasm you have connected to those machines is a step for science.
I could very much feel the pleasure in my holes. I quickly achieved orgasm, same as the other subject. I could see that all the tubes that came out of our bodies were interconected above us, wich i knew what meant, our fluids were being recicled.
A nurse came as i achieved my fourth orgasm, high from the drugs. She runned a soft hand theough the wires in my hair. I barely registered tho, everything felt far away and disconnected
- mhm such a good job… you are soo good… keep it going, juuust like that.
- mmmhm, your little pucker pulsating, she said tapping down into the wired plug.
She came back to my head, caressing me with a soothing hand, fixing the tubes in my nose, and adjusting the equipment around me.
I could clearly hear messy moans from my partner, laying in the bed next to me… that only got me even more aroused.
- Uuuu ill go to check on you now pretty girl, are those dry orgasms??? Sooo good, very good.
She left my side, going to attend the orgasming girl, just as my eyes rolled back and a wave of convulsions hitted my weak and drowsy body, loosing it everything in the pleasure.
#tw fetishization#medfet#medical experimentation#medical kink#bd/sm kink#electrodes#electrostimulation#nasal cannula#icu#ecg#ng tube#ecg monitoring#tw sex mention
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Example: NG Tube Placement in Humans

This is for a future project that I will not reveal just yet. In the Splatoon universe, though. The second option is probably the most painful, but may work for the horror setting. And add additional complications, of course. Which might work. Especially if the first option is chosen.
#splatoon#NG tubes#gastroenterology#autistic activities#though I dunno much about splatoon anatomy stuff so maybe it’s not as bad as I think#Youtube#tw medical#my polls
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Ng tubes fucking hurt
#idk what to tag this as#ana rexx#crying throwing up#vent#ugh i hate this#ng tube#self h@rm#tw overdose
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I'm getting a NG tube placed and I'm really scared...do you or any of your followers have any tips for how to deal with it?
Hey anon!
I can totally understand feeling anxiety about getting a feeding tube placed, especially since it's something you might have never experienced before and there isn't always a lot of info out there. It is something that you will get through, and it honestly was really easy for me to adjust after a few days.
For me, getting the tube placed was kind of difficult, but not awful. It wasn't painful at all, but had a lot of sensory discomfort. The nurse had me sip water through a straw while she placed it, and that helped. For the first couple hours after the tube was placed, it felt really noticeable and like my throat was irritable. I had a hard time talking and even though I could absolutely breathe easily, it just felt kind of hard. Having cough drops on hand really helped, as well as drinking water and just taking it easy.
The next three days were kind of an adjustment. It still felt noticeable, but much better than the first couple hours. Definitely still have cough drops and water on hand, and also expect your nose to run a lot.
After three days, I honestly couldn't even notice it anymore and the only annoying part was that sometimes the tape would get itchy. I used duoderm tape as a base and that helped a little bit.
Other things that can be helpful is getting a wedge pillow to sleep with, especially if you have continuous overnight feedings. Learning to sleep slightly upright was hard for me, but pillows helped.
I don't really have any tips for managing the flushes or pump because I wasn't in charge of managing my own, but if any followers want to add on please do.
Know that all your feelings about it are valid, and also that the first three days are the hardest and you can get through it! I don't know how long you'll have an NG tube in, but you totally can still do all the activities you're used to doing. There's some things that will be an adjustment, but overall I started having a ton more energy when my nutrient needs were being met.
Please feel free to ask any other specific questions, anon, and wishing you the best!
#feeding tube#ng tube#asks#emeto tw#just in case idk#ng tube tw#medical stuff#chronic illness#tubie#disability
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⚠️ Whiny Post Alert ⚠️ tw, food talk, ED mention (no description)
Having gastroparesis has destroyed my life. It's getting closer and closer to the year mark of when things started getting really bad with it - when my intake decreased significantly because I couldn't tolerate food, I was nauseous and in pain all the time, I spent all my nights crying. I eventually got my NG tube, got that changed for an NJ tube, got a PICC line. Things just kept getting worse, but I kept hanging in there. Then a month ago I finalllllyyy had a surgery I thought was going to change things around, but it's fucked things up worse. The initial recovery of it was SO bad that it sparked anxiety in me around food AND the NJ tube.... my therapist and dietitian are putting a possible diagnosis of ARFID on the table. I'm miserable. I'm surviving, but just hardly. Honestly, I'm impressed that my body hasn't just given up at this point - that hasn't stopped me from begging it to some nights. Things are hard. I'm tired. It's 10:14 pm on a Monday night. I'm using Tumblr as my journal even though I already wrote in my journal about most of this stuff earlier, but screaming into that void didn't cure the heaviness in my soul, just like I know posting this isn't going to cure the heaviness either. Definitely an over-share of a post....
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1: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f g h i k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y 34/36 (24/26) (10/10)
2: 00 04 05 08 10 12 13 15 16 17 21 24 25 28 31 33 35 36 39 41 42 43 44 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 63 68 69 71 75 77 79 80 82 83 84 87 89 90 92 93 94 98 ac ag ai al an ap ar as at ay ba be bi bo bp bs bu ca ce ch ci cl co ct da de di ds du dv ea eb ec ed ee ei el em en ep er es et ev ex fa fi fo fr ga ge gh gi gl go gs ha he hi ho ic id ig ik im in io ir is it iv ke ki le lf li ll lo ls lu ly ma mb me mi mo mp ms mu my nd ne ng no ns nt ny ob od of og om on oo or os ot ou ow pa pe pl po pp ps pu qu ra rc rd re ri rm ro rr rs rt sb se sh si so sp sq ss st ta te th ti tl to tp ts tu tw ua ub ud ug us ut va vd ve vi wa wh wi wo xc xe xp ye yo yt yw 217/1296 (167/676) (50/360)
3: 000 056 087 104 105 108 128 131 136 152 179 212 213 256 283 313 315 392 421 433 443 482 483 493 516 550 569 639 680 715 775 824 835 843 900 941 989 ach aga ain alf all als and ant any app are ari ars art asi aso ati bas bee bei bel bin bob bpa bsp bsq but cal cen cha cis clu com cte ded der din div dua dvd eac ear eas ebo ece ect een ein ele elo emi ent epa era erc ere eri erm ese esp esq est ete ets eva exc exe exp fal fir for fro gai geb gep ges get gin gle goo hal har hat hem her hes hin his hit hos hou how ica idu igi ike ime ind ine ing int ion iou irr irs ise ite ith iti itl itp its ive ivi kin les let lev lik lin lit lly low lse lso lud man mbi men mes min moo mpl mut nda nde ndi ned nes nge ngs not nte nts nyw obp obs ogl omb omp ond one ong ons ood oog ord ori orm ose osi ost oth oug ous out pan pea pec per ple pon pos ppe put qua ral rci rde rds reb rec rel rem rep res rig rim rin rio rms rmu rom rre rst sbo sea see shi sic sit son spo squ ssp ssq ste tat ted ter tha the thi tho tim tio tit tiv tle ton tpo tps tsb tss tub two ual uar ube udi ugh uta utu van var ves vid way wha wit wor xcl xer xpe yea you ytp ywa 285/46656 (248/17576) (37/12960)
4: 1056 1087 2131 2569 3136 3152 4212 4824 4835 6392 agai ally alse also ants anyw appe areb arep ares ario asic ason atio basi been bein belo bine bobp bobs bpan bspo bsqu call cent char cise clud comb comp cted deri ding divi dual each ears easo ebob ecen ecte eing elev elow emin epan eral erci eres erim erin ermu espo esqu este evan excl exer expe fals firs form from gain gebo gepa gesq gets goog half hart here hese hing hitp hits hose houg ical idua igin imen imes inda inde indi ined ines ings inte ions ious irre irst iter ithi itio itiv itle itpo ives ivid kind lete leva like line lite ludi many mbin ment mind mood mple muta nded nder ndiv ngeb ngep nges nter ntsb ntss nywa obpa obsp obsq ogle ombi ompl onde onge oogl orde ords orig orms osit othe ough outu pant pear pect peri perm plet pond pong posi post ppea quar rall rcis rder rebo rece rele remi repa resp rest rigi rime ring riou rmut rrel sbob seas shit sica siti spon squa sspo ssqu sted tati tera tere that them ther thes thin this thos thou time tion titl tive tles tpos tsbo tssp tssq tube uare udin utat utub vant vari vidu what with word xclu xerc xpec xper year yout ytps yway 231/1679616 (221/456976) (10/466560)
5: again antsb antss anywa appea arebo arepa aresp ariou asica ation basic being below bined bobpa bobsp bobsq bpant bspon bsqua cally chart cludi combi compl derin divid eason ecent ected eleva emind epant erall ercis erest erime ering ermut espon esqua ested evant exclu exerc expec exper false first forms gebob gepan gesqu googl hings hitpo hough icall idual iment inded indiv inter irrel itera ithin ition itive itles itpos ividu kinda levan lines liter ludin mbine minde mplet mutat nderi ndivi ngebo ngepa ngesq ntere ntsbo ntssp ntssq nyway obpan obspo obsqu ombin omple onder ongeb ongep onges oogle order origi ositi other outub pants pears pecte perim permu plete ponde ponge posit ppear quare rally rcise rderi rebob recen relev remin repan respo reste rigin rimen rious rmuta rrele seaso shitp sical sitio sitiv spong squar sspon ssqua tatio teral teres these thing those thoug times tions title tives tpost tsbob tsspo tssqu uareb uarep uares uding utati utube vario vidua withi words xclud xerci xpect xperi years youtu 172/60466176 (172/11881376)
6: antsbo antssp antssq anyway appear arebob arepan arespo arious asical ations basica bobpan bobspo bobsqu bpants bspong bsquar cludin combin comple dering dividu elevan eminde epants erally ercise ereste erimen ermuta espong esquar exclud exerci expect experi gepant gesqua google hitpos ically indivi intere irrele iteral itions itives itpost ividua levant litera luding mbined minded mplete mutati nderin ndivid ngebob ngepan ngesqu nteres ntsbob ntsspo ntssqu obpant obspon obsqua ombine omplet onderi ongebo ongepa ongesq orderi origin ositio ositiv outube pantsb pantss pected perime permut ponder pongeb pongep ponges positi ppears quareb quarep quares rderin recent releva remind repant respon rested riment rmutat rrelev season shitpo sicall sition sitive sponge square sspong ssquar tation terall terest things though titles tsspon tssqua uarebo uarepa uaresp utatio variou vidual within xcludi xercis xpecte xperim youtub 133/2176782336 (133/308915776)
7: antsbob antsspo antssqu appears arepant arespon asicall basical bobpant bobspon bobsqua bsponge bsquare cluding combine complet dividua elevant eminded erested eriment ermutat esponge esquare excludi exercis expecte experim gepants gesquar hitpost individ interes irrelev iterall ividual literal mutatio ndering ndividu ngepant ngesqua nterest ntsspon ntssqua obpants obspong obsquar ombined omplete onderin ongebob ongepan ongesqu orderin osition ositive pantsbo pantssp pantssq perimen permuta ponderi pongebo pongepa pongesq positio positiv quarebo quarepa quaresp rdering relevan reminde repants respong rmutati rreleva shitpos sically sitions sitives spongeb spongep sponges squareb squarep squares ssponge ssquare tations terally tereste tsspong tssquar uarebob uarepan uarespo utation various xcludin xercise xpected xperime youtube 105/78364164096 (105/8031810176)
8: antsspon antssqua arepants arespong asically basicall bobpants bobspong bobsquar combined complete dividual ermutati excludin exercise expected experime gesquare individu interest irreleva iterally literall mutation ndividua ngepants ngesquar ntereste ntsspong ntssquar obsponge obsquare ondering ongepant ongesqua ordering ositions ositives pantsbob pantsspo pantssqu periment permutat ponderin pongebob pongepan pongesqu position positive quarebob quarepan quarespo relevant reminded responge rmutatio rrelevan shitpost spongebo spongepa spongesq squarebo squarepa squaresp terested tssponge tssquare uarepant uarespon utations xcluding xperimen 72/2821109907456 (72/208827064576)
9: antsspong antssquar aresponge basically bobsponge bobsquare ermutatio excluding experimen individua intereste irrelevan literally mutations ndividual ngesquare nterested ntssponge ntssquare ongepants ongesquar pantsspon pantssqua permutati pondering pongepant pongesqua positions positives quarepant quarespon rmutation rrelevant spongebob spongepan spongesqu squarebob squarepan squarespo uarepants uarespong xperiment 42/101559956668416 (42/5429503678976)
10: antssponge antssquare ermutation experiment individual interested irrelevant ongesquare pantsspong pantssquar permutatio pongepants pongesquar quarepants quarespong rmutations spongepant spongesqua squarepant squarespon uaresponge 21/3656158440062976 (21/141167095653376)
11: ermutations pantssponge pantssquare permutation pongesquare quaresponge spongepants spongesquar squarepants squarespong 10/131621703842267136 (10/3670344486987776)
12: permutations spongesquare squaresponge 3/4738381338321616896 (3/95428956661682176)
anyway that put me in a Mood, and combined with my other recent post it reminded me of an experiment I’ve been pondering for years
google hits for the various permutations of ordering the individual words within ‘Spongebob Squarepants’:
Spongebob Squarepants - 35,900,000 but that one’s kinda expected, not what I’m interested in. Squarepants Spongebob - 843,000 but see below Bobpants Spongesquare - 3,680 Spongepants Squarebob - 2,550 Squarebob Spongepants - 989 Spongesquare Bobpants - 516 Bobsponge Squarepants - 443 Bobsponge Pantssquare - 433 Bobsquare Spongepants - 128 Bobpants Squaresponge - 104 Pantssquare Bobsponge - 83 Squaresponge Bobpants - 55 Pantsbob Squaresponge - 54 Spongepants Bobsquare - 53 Bobsquare Pantssponge - 36 Pantsbob Spongesquare - 33 Spongebob Pantssquare - 10 Spongesquare Pantsbob - 7 Squaresponge Pantsbob - 6 Squarepants Bobsponge - 5 Pantssquare Spongebob - 5 Pantssponge Bobsquare - 3 Squarebob Pantssponge - 1 Pantssponge Squarebob - 1
Squarepants Spongebob gets a ton of false positives from things like The Origin of SpongeBob SquarePants. SpongeBob SquarePants: The Complete First Season (DVD)
also literally like half of these are the titles of YTPs or other forms of youtube shitpost
here’s a chart of all the positions and how many times each word appears in them though (again, excluding those first two lines for being basically irrelevant to this exercise):
1 2 3 4 Sponge 3136 941 4835 283 Bob 4824 1087 715 2569 Square 1056 775 3152 4212 Pants 179 6392 493 2131
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First Victory
Alpha Toji x Omega Reader
Part Two Of Purchased
TW: Omegaverse, use of NG tube, kinda force feeding, use of alpha voice, Toji “training” the omega

Once Toji had gotten you home, he proceeded to place you in his bed before grabbing a pair of restraints and attaching your ankle to the footboard. This was to ensure that you wouldn’t be able to leave the bed if you woke up while he was gone, which he doubted, but it made him feel better anyways. After making sure that you were safely secured and still asleep he went to place the few bottles of liquid meal replacement into the fridge. He stopped as he was putting them away to look over what they were,
“1.5 fucking calories per ml that’s…. 750 calories and I’m supposed to give her two of these a day so 1,500 in total. That’s the daily recommend so I guess it’s perfect.” In all honesty, he wasn’t totally sure how to feed you like this, but how hard could it be?
It took him around twenty minutes to put everything away before he made his way back to the bedroom. He observed your sleeping for a moment, making sure you were still out cold from the sedatives before changing out of his clothes, and crawling into the bed behind you in only his boxers. He carefully wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you against his body, taking in a deep breath making sure to fully inhale your scent. It was even more intoxicating at such a close proximity. He found himself falling asleep to the thoughts of scenting you.
He awoke a few hours later to feel you shifting in his arms. He could tell that you were coming to and Toji relaxed his grip around you. He paid close attention to the flickering of your eyelids and the way you scrunched up your face before finally opening your eyes. You took in the surroundings briefly before the panic set in. Where the hell were you? You could feel your heart rate speeding up, your breaths became quick and panicky as you smelled the overwhelming scent of an unknown alpha. Your scent turned sours as your survival instinct set in and you started trying to escape. Toji just sighed and wrapped his arms around you tightly pinning you to his chest restraining your movements until all you could do was wiggle lightly like a worm.
“Come on now ‘mega, don’t struggle.” He allowed a bit of his alpha voice to show through. Your movements ceased. That was the power of the alpha voice, it was incredibly hard for an omega to go against it.
“If I let go of you, you promise not to thrash around? I’m getting up to make your breakfast” You bit your lip upon hearing his words, torn between the voice in your head telling you to fight back, and the slight pangs of hunger you were feeling. Toji took your lack of response as a sign that you would do as he said and not attack him. He gently released his grip from you. You rolled into a fetal position, burying your face from view in his sheets.
You hated yourself for liking the alpha’s smell to a point where you wanted to be back in his arms to smell it directly. Toji looked back at you as he walked out of the room to get your “breakfast”. He would offer you the option to drink it instead, he decided, so it would really be up to you how this meal time went. He returned 5 minutes later, drink in one hand and a 500ml syringe in the other. He could tell from the faint scent of blood in the air and by your position, that you had been pulling against your restraint. He sighed quietly, hoping that you hadn’t hurt yourself too bad. He placed the items on the bedside table, before sitting himself down next to you on the edge of the bed.
“I’ve got your breakfast here, are you going to be able to drink it like a good omega, or am I going to have to use the tube?” You grumbled into the mattress,
“I’m not hungry.”
“That’s not an option” he tried to keep the tone of his voice flat as he spoke,
“We can either do this the hard way or easy way. The choice is yours.” Toji waited to see what your response would be, but when all you did was turn your face as far to the other side your could, he knew you had made your decision. He quietly drew up the shake into the syringe, making sure that he got all of it, not bothering to push the air bubbles out before he attached it to the little port of your ng tube.
“You chose the hard way,” he said as he began to push down the plunger, sending the thick liquid down the tube. You shot up straight that sudden sensation, moving to actually try and pull out the tube. Toji grabbed both of your hands, holding them together preventing you from meddling with the tube in any way. Toji continued to apply heavy pressure, emptying the syringe into your stomach in 2 minutes flat. The pressure in your abdomen from the rushed tube feeding had you whimpering.
“Why did you do that so quickly, do you hate me.” There was a tinge of anger in your words.
“You chose the hard way ‘mega, meaning you brought this upon yourself.” Toji’s words were cold but effective. The tummy troubles you had for the rest of the day severed as a reminder that he was the one in control and you were not getting off easy. When dinner time rolled around you made the cautious decision to drink the shake of your own accord rather than having Toji cause you any more pain. He smirked as he watched you sip on the concoction. He would consider that his first win or your relationship together. Little did you know that he had crushed up half of a sedative and mixed it into your dinner. He hoped that it would allow you to fall asleep with ease.
“I’m tired and you whined,” a little more than halfway through the drink “My stomach hurts as it is.”
“You need to finish all of it, that’s not up for debate.” His voice was stern and the heavy feeling of his scent let you know just how serious how he was. You took a deep breath and gulped down the rest of the drink. You knew you’d probably regret it later, but right now you were just glad to be done with it all.
“Good girl.” His words made your inner omega swoon. You laid back against the pillows as a wave of exhaustion settled over you. Toji pulled one of his t-shirts out and brought it over to the bed.
“Change into this.” He tossed you the shirt. You took it, but instead of making any move to put it on, you snuggled your face into it, inhaling the scent that clung to it. Toji wasn’t sure whether to feel more pride at the fact that you were cuddling his shirt or more frustrated at your apparent inability to follow simple instructions. He worked to pull down your pants, eventually giving up and unclipping your ankle cuff to take off your bottoms before reattaching it. He’d tend to your “wounds” tomorrow when he bathed you. Next, he pried his shirt from your grasp, resulting in a few sounds of protest. This was followed by pulling your top over your head and pulling his t-shirt onto you. He felt like he was dressing a doll. After he had made sure that you were fitted in the top, he pulled off his excess clothing, leaving him in only his boxers. He quickly crawled into bed, this time not making a direct effort to cuddle you. He was curious to see what would happen.
“A-alpha” you stuttered, “I can’t fall asleep, my tummy hurts too much.” You felt so embarrassed admitting this, especially after you had been so defiant. Toji didn’t say a word as he moved to spoon you just like last night. His large hand resting on your tender abdomen, thumb rubbing small circles on your skin in a comforting manner.
Win number two he thought to himself as you drifted off in his arms of your own accord.

Honestly I wanted to do more with this fic, but it took so long to get here that I really just wanted to post it. I hope you guys can understand!
#tw omegaverse#tw ng tube#tw forced feeding#jujutsu kaisen toji#jjk toji#toji fushiguro#alpha toji x reader#alpha toji#jujutsu kaisen omegaverse#toji fushiguro x reader#jjk omegaverse#tw training#jujutsu kaisen x reader
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I made a meme about what happened this afternoon :)
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Out of the hospital after 5 days and nights
I thought I had a stomach bug, after three days I was getting worse and had horrible stomach pains, and couldn't keep liquid (didn't try solids) down. Went to the ER after 4 days of that, got admitted, and found out that my small intestine was so inflamed it made a blockage. So I was getting sick because I couldn't digest anything so everything I took sat in my stomach til it was so full I'd throw up. 2 and a half days with a tube down my nose sucking up extra fluid, then horrible diarrhea while I'm recovering. They think it's Crohn's which 2 of my cousins have. Shitty week
#hospital#hospital stay#bowel obstruction#tw vomiting#tw diarrhea#nose tube#ng tube#stomach bug#dehydration#er#Crohn's#Crohn's disease
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🖊 Post a snippet from a current WIP.
Direct continuation of this.
tw: darkfic, depression, stockholm syndrome, NC touching / medical exam (non-graphic).
"No," he says eventually, mumbling into his pillow. He can’t remember the last time he spoke aloud. "I’m fine. I don't need a medic. Just sleep."
"You have done nothing but sleep for some time, young one. You scarcely leave this room. You rarely eat. You will let the medic examine you."
Luke sighs, curling up tighter in response. Vader stands after what feels like a full minute, and another man takes his place at Luke’s side.
"Hello, Luke," the man says. Luke lays still, waiting. "My name is Kix, I’m the chief medical officer assigned to Death Squadron. I need you to roll onto your back for me.”
Summoning the will to turn over takes an eternity. Vader moves to intervene, impatient, but Kix holds out a hand to stall him. When Luke finally manages to roll onto his back, Kix begins the exam, poking and prodding him, inserting various instruments into various orifices. He doesn’t have the energy to feel invaded, not even by this. It’s just a body. Just one more thing.
When the exam is done, Kix turns away, speaking to his father like Luke isn't there.
He’s grateful.
"My Lord, it's just as I told you," Kix says. He sounds almost impatient. Irritated, even.
Vader sounds equally so. "You said it sounded like depression. Like malnutrition."
"It is depression and malnutrition.”
Vader’s modulated voice comes out nearly as a growl. "Fix him."
"Clinical studies suggest that that would require addressing the root cause, my Lord. Shall I fix that?”
"Mind your tone, Commander. You know the answer to that. You will medicate him.”
Silence stretches between the three of them, heavy, into infinity. Luke closes his eyes.
"I would advise you to think very carefully before you consider disobeying me,” Vader says darkly. "I have no patience for your ethical concerns. He needs medication."
"More importantly, sir, he needs to eat."
His father snarls. “I have tried, Commander. Repeatedly. He refuses to eat without my intervention, but I do not have four hours a day to coax him through each bite."
Kix sighs, a quiet, defeated sound. "If you insist, my Lord, I will set him up with an NG tube. But I have to warn you, they’re uncomfortable. Unless you leave him immobilized, he will try to pull it out."
"No. If I command him to leave it in, he will."
His father says that last part a little louder, pointed. Luke doesn’t move.
"Very well," Kix says, his skepticism audible. "I will have Emdee bring the necessary supplies if you wish to do it now. As I warned you, it’s not a comfortable process — I will most likely need your help holding him still."
"He will cooperate," Vader says.
Kix makes a somewhat rude noise, brazen, then says, "Listen, my Lord, despite what my fellow troopers think, there are in fact some things in this galaxy that are out of your control."
"That is not what I meant, Commander,” Vader replies, softer now. His voice drops in volume. "Luke is… good. He is a well-behaved boy, he's just sick. He will cooperate."
A long moment passes between them. Then Kix says, "As you wish, Lord Vader. Help me sit him up."
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Ninjago FA prequel: Restart Chapter 3: What He's Done
~~~3rd Person PoV~~~
"Hello, stranger, it's me again, Aniela. Sorry for not visiting you yesterday, but my friend Bethany broke her wrist and I had to work an extra shift… But don't worry, I am here now." The woman paced a little closer to the hospital bed, covering the patient's left arm. She carefully sat down on the edge of the matress, running her hand up and down the thin, white blanket. After taking a deep breath, she decided to continue her little speech. "I feel infinitely sorry for you. Whatever happened must have been undeniably painful. I hope you can forgive me for my decision, but there was no other way to save your life. But better this than dead, am I right? I know how much of a change this will be, perhaps even a good heap of trauma, there was just no other option. Though I wish there was, I really do…" Emilia started tearing up after looking at the patient once again. The smaller wounds and scratches have healed up really fast, but some things still will never be the same again. All those tubes and cables aren't really helping the sight, either. "It's been three months since I found you in the park… since you fell from the sky. I wonder what was going on before it all happened, the injuries you were suffering from were clearly not caused by the fall. If you evere need someone to talk to, I am right here to listen." The visitor held her hands up to her chest, giving her a good idea. Her hands were lead around her neck once, just until they reached the hook of a thin metal chain that was hanging down to right about her chest. It was a small rose-golden necklace with a red heart made out of stained glass, a gift given to her from her father right before he has passed away from cancer. It was used as a lucky charm ever since, though the stranger propably needs it more than she does now.
The pendant was carefully placed around the man's neck, Emilia just had to make sure to dodge all the important stuff. Now all she could hope for, is that this was not a useless act of kindness, but actually helping.
---Acronix's PoV---
Darkness. That's all I've been seeing for the past... I don't even know how long I've been here for. I guess the woman who visits me every day said something like 3 months... Is my condition really this bad? I really hoped it wasn't. Though I wasn't able to regain control over my body, no matter how hard I try. The void looks different too. Usually it has a comforting gray tone, but now it was pitch-black and I couldn't see my body, just my astral shape. Unlike everything I ever experienced within this space, that constant and monotoneous ticking of a clock is new. There was no clear source of the sound, it was everywhere and nowhere at the same time, but I can tell it's not just all inside of my head. Whatever this is, it slowly makes me go insane. I gotta get out of here! Maybe that merging technique can help, the one my mother taught me when I was little.
Despite the moderate difficulty, I managed to get into a possition that allows me to meditate and focus on nothing but my own body. The Void is a timeless place, though while my soul is trapped here, my body in the outside world keeps its ability to age, though that obviously depends on how much time passes there. Less gravity means less Time-Dilation, and less Dilation means less aging. And in spaces with zero gravity like the Vortex and the Void, including their position outside time and space, aging comes to a halt completely.
My eyes where darting around quickly, my disoriented mind slowly catching up with reality once again. I crossed my legs and streched them out again, over and over again until I found the perfect position. Everything needs to be perfect. Despite my rusted language skills, I somehow managed to get the phrase together perfectly. "Tawana ohala wo. Nakisa nala to." (ng-TW: "Let them merge. Body and Soul.") My astral figure was slowly dissolving into a colorful dust, colors that appeared to have washed out over time, as slowly, the black void turned white and regained shape that resemble the real world.
My vision was still blurry, but i can tell that I was back to consciousness. I felt a rush of electricity run through my entire body, my Elemental Powers. they didn't activate, they just reacted to my living state. For the first time, was able to see Aniela with my own eyes. While I was stuck in the void, her pressence would be announced with a faint pink light. The lady in pink is just as pretty as I imagined her to be judging by her voice. She is probably a little older than me, but that might also just be caused by my slower aging.
Her black hair is worn in a flowing bob, her dress was a certain shade of pink, I assume #de5d83 Blush, my sister's favorite color. The straps and belt were a less certain color, just a normal shade of cyan. But the color complimented her blue eyes quite nicely. just like mine, her skin was tanned, yet ways brighter. Her smile was warm and friendly, pointed right at me. She must be very happy seeing me awake.
It didn't take long for a Doctor to arrive, a face that I was a little to familiar with. It was Liberty, the Elemental Master of Lightning. She has always been one of my closest friends back in the day when the Elemental Alliance still existed. Though it ceased to exist once my brother and I turned our backs. How I wish to have never done that in the first place. I truly do regret everything, but now, things can never be undone. But now that I have the chance to write my future anew, I can finally get rid of what pains me. I can finally let go of my old self. I was kind of relieved to see a familiar face, but the time I am in can not possibly be the future. I am in the past.
Despite my brother's and my initial travel forward, I must have somehow ended up here instead. I know that my father once told me about the living of the Elemental Power of Time, that it will help you if all hope is lost. Maybe this is the safest option. My eyes quickly scanned their surroundings, but except my Battle suit and my father's Pocket Watch, everything seemed brand new. My fathers watch? It was glowing differently than usual, just like my Powers, it reacted to me being awake. Some of it's Power must have been transfered to me back when I was fighting my brother. just like padre said, the Element knows when you are in danger, it saved my life.
My mouth and throat felt dry, the ability to speak was taken away from me. While Libery was gone to get me a glass of water, my mind arrived in reality. I lifted my left arm to wave at Aniela, but the lower arm was missing almost entirely. If I was able to speak, at least now I would be lacking all of it. "There was simply no other way-" I just nodded quietly, I have heard what she was talking about while I was stuck in coma, I may not be mad for her decision, but this naturally came as a shock. Aniela had moved from all across the room all the way to my bed within the matter of a second, holding my weakened body in am embrace I was not expecting. Tears were flowing, the realisation that this was all my so-called brother's fault, what he's done to me… and Freedom. Yes, despite the unspoken hate towards Krux, I was also happy to finally be free. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, the dark tunnel I once called my life. All this was finally over. This is something I don't want to miss out on.
Aniela and I hat been sitting like this for a while longer, just until the Master of Lightning came back with a glass of still water. Though I was still not able to speak after drinking the entire thing, so it was more than just soreness. "It is completely normal to lose certain abilities after coma, they should come back after a while. You may have to relearn them, though." My hand was lightly stroking my face, the area where my face paint would usually be, now there was nothing. It had become the signature look of Krux and I, but despite this, that never really bothered me. It has even been my own suggestion to add it. Not to hide our identities, but to embrace our roots. Typically Tawali markings, usually worn by hunters and warriors, but they stopped doing these things ages ago, and wore it simply to accessorize. I guess your point of view about some things change if half of your people died in a genocide…
Trailing a bit further down, my hand reached my neck, finding something unfamiliar, appearing to be some sort of necklace. "It's my lucky charm. But it's yours now, it has served me well." My face formed a smile, nobody has ever been this nice to me before, well, with a few rare exceptions.
My body felt incredibly weak, I was barely able to stay awake. This might be caused by al of my injuries, but since most of them have already healed up almost completely, I suggest a weakened state in combination of me having new Elemental Powers, that should go away once I am used to them. Curiousity has struck my mind, I wonder what else I can do with them. But these thoughts faded just as quickly as they appeared, Elemental Powers are not toys, especially not mine. It kind of sucks, to be honest, other Elementals do not carry the burden of an entire Timeline on their backs at all times. But a Keeper of Time's gotta do what a Keeper of Time's has to do.
The five remaining fingers on my right hand formed shapes in the air, I don't know much, but I was quite lucky that the Inventor has taught me Sign Language. Only fingerspelling, but it was better than nothing, especially now that I only have one hand to use. "L-I-B-E-R-T-Y" Just one tiny word and the Doctor was left in shock. "How do you know my name? I never introduced myself..." I asked for pen and paper. reading should work better in this case. We fought together in the Serpentine War. Don't you remember me? I am an old friend of yours. Well, before my brother forced me to turn away and switch sides. I am sorry for what happened, but I had no choice. I promise, one day I can make up to my mistakes. "I am sorry, but I have no idea what you are talking about. my name is Liberty, but you must be mixing me up with someone else. And we never had a Serpentine War. We are at good terms with them." You are Liberty Mclaughlin, married to Cliff A. Gordon, Elemental Master of Lightning. You train alongside some other Elemental Masters in the so-called Monastery of Spinjitzu, all of you part of the Elemental Alliance. "Okay, tell me who you are RIGHT NOW!" My name is Adonis Rivera González, Elemental Master of Time. Speaking of it, what is the current date? She was visibly and audibly confused, but still decided to answer my question. "August 29th 10765. Today is a Saturday." I knew exactly what I had to write, despite knowing that she will probably think I am crazy. I am 25 years from the future. And now I know that I am from a different Timeline as well. A timeline, where we once called each other Best Friends.
It only took me a small demonstrations of my powers to make her believe me. I guess it's easier to believe someone with Elemental Powers if you have one yourself. There is still so much that I don't want to talk about though. Simply because I myself haven't really learned how to cope with it. My brother was really about to kill me, and he would have succeeded if it wasn't for my savior, Aniela. I lost my arm because of him, all of my friends, my family. I have lost everything. But now that I am here, I have the chance to start anew, in a place where "I" did not even exist until now, but that's the good thing. Since there is no other me in this timeline, I can do whatever I want without having to fear disrupting the Time-Space-Continuum. I am free to do whatever I want. I AM FINALLY FREE! All these years in fear of my life and now I can finally be free. A feeling that I never expected to experience again. All this torture finally has an end. I have finally reached the end of the tunnel. I remember, not so long ago, I wanted to end it all, all my suffering, but I knew it wouldn't change anything. The will to not give in and the hopes to change my brother's heart had somehow kept me going. Though soon after entering modern time I knew all help was lost and I got back to where I was before, but now… Now that there is nothing to worry about, I can finally see the hope within myself again. One that I once had given up upon alltogether.
It is finally over.
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Hey! I've loved your blog for a long time and I have some pictures that I was maybe thinking of submitting, is that OK? It's mostly ivs, a picc line, and ng tube stuff (I wouldn't submit any with my face though). I have sh scars in some of the pictures too idk if that changes it (I also wouldn't submit anything with recent cuts)
hello! that’s super, submissions are gladly received. s/h scars are ok as long as they’re healed and not the main focus of the picture. fyi to followers I’ll tag that stuff with ‘tw self harm’. thanks for the ask :)
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