mediumatt · 3 days
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( zach roerig. 18. human / medium. ) MATTHEW "MATT" DONOVAN, you’ve been haunting mystic falls’ streets with your desire to GET A HANDLE OF THESE NEW ABILITIES. it’s only a matter of time before your DIRECT & GULLIBLE tendencies prove to be your own undoing; unless your FORGIVING & RESILIENT nature helps you obtain allies before it’s too late.
what are your character’s goals? do they have any present allegiances? just to navigate this new world and (continue) to survive it. his new abilities are taking up most of his focus, whether he wants them to or not, so he's taking it day by day. for allegiances, that's going to RAPIDLY change and highly depend on the intel his little ghost friends give him... but he will always put his family and friends first and foremost! vicki, elena, bonnie, and yeah, caroline too. he will continue to be reluctant to trust vampires, but he's getting more comfortable around magic & witches in general.
what has your character been up to before/during the start of our group, at the beginning of tvd season 3? he got mordored. and then he was brought back. and now he hears (and sometimes sees) ghosts. maybe even gets possessed by them, idk. boy's got a real whoopi goldberg sitch going on.
what songs do you associate with your character?
have you altered anything about your character’s canon? nothing YET but i have to remember all the dumb shit he's gotten into in the past seasons so we'll see what i decide later on. or ask me about specific things/relationships.
do you have any other random headcanons worth mentioning? NOT REALLY A HEADCANON but it's a COOL GIMMICK with his blog!!! people can send in anons as GHOSTS! want to torment him? DO IT. wanna spill some tea? YES PLS. wanna just be annoying? HELL YEAH, BABY.
is there anything you’re potentially interested in exploring romantically for your character / what do you, or could you, ship? i'm here for pretty much anything, i *like* what they were trying to do with the whole rebekah/nadia thing but i think.......... we can do it better. i don't believe it makes sense for him to step UP to an ancient woman to where she is, i would rather explore the way he makes them feel, yk. does he make them feel human again? is he an escape for them, not the other way around? he likes his little life! he loves his small town persona. and he is happy there. he can bring someone into it.
what sort of current or future connections/plots are you looking for? no idea. GIMME IDEAS.
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vamprxism · 6 days
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(   shelley hennig.  19/21.  vampire.   )   VICKI DONOVAN,  you’ve been haunting mystic falls’ streets with your desire to LEARN HOW TO CONTROL YOUR VAMPIRISM.  it’s only a matter of time before your IMPASSIVE & RECKLESS tendencies prove to be your own undoing; unless your PASSIONATE & UNYEILDING nature helps you obtain allies before it’s too late.   (   layla.  27.  she/her.  est.   )
She never hurt anyone— she may have turned her life around, but you! You didn’t even give her the chance.
Redemptions don’t come easy, they’re not handed to you on a silver platter. They’re a glass floor, and she’s watched it shatter beneath her one too many times. A few of her own undoing, where closed fists and tightened knuckles had taken a hammer and smashed it.
Addict. Unreliable. Selfish.
It’s burned into her, like a brand. She can’t get away from her own insuffering. From the moment she was born, Vicki was difficult. She cried a lot as a baby, an unusual amount if anyone would have paid enough attention. Some might say maybe it would have eased, if she’d gotten enough attention from her mother. A woman whose mirror she’d grow into, someday. And that wasn’t necessarily a good thing. Kelly Donovan was a bad mother, at least the first time around. The second time wasn’t much better, but at least Matty had her attention— whether he wanted it or not. No matter what Vicki did, it always seemed to be the wrong choice. She was too loud, too violent, too passionate, too much like Kelly. And sooner or later, she realized that no matter how far she acted out, it would never earn her the love she’d craved. That desperate attempt for affection manifested, and it grew big and ugly, and jealous. She wasn’t good enough for her mother before she died, and the rest of Mystic Falls would love to throw her into a category she’d had no choice but to fulfill. Why try to be good enough? They all saw her as Kelly’s demented daughter, destined to grow into her. She was just a fucking kid— she never had a chance.
Her teenage years were reckless. She inherited her mother’s bad taste in men, and Matty had the golden ticket. He was sweet, and smart. He was a football star for Mystic Falls, and he was best friends with the most loved girl in town. God, Vicki couldn’t help it. The white hot jealousy that streaked through her. What it must have felt like, to be loved that much? Elena Gilbert had everything. And it was cruel of Vicki to think the death of her parents was finally a crack in her perfect life. What a horrible thought. What a horrible person, right? And was it? Horrible? Or broken? Was there even a difference? Nobody cared long enough to figure it out. Nobody cared at all. Certainly not the Lockwoods, who just loved keeping her behind closed doors. How many times would she fall in love with the wrong people? The wrong crowd? Everything she always did was wrong. Until, eventually, she did something right.
Jeremy Gilbert, he was the first right wrong choice she’d make in a series of events. It was a fling, that’s all it was meant to be. Something to pass the time, to not make her feel so shitty about Tyler. Maybe even a gimmick to ruffle the perfect princess Gilbert’s feathers a little, too. And then, slowly over time, it became something else. It was short lived, the night of that stupid graveyard party. And Damon Salvatore. A little blood loss, wavering out of death’s hands, and some compulsion— next thing she knows, she’s waking up in a hospital bed. Animal attack, go figure. Nightmares plagued her, she couldn’t sleep. The sound of teeth ripping into her neck— the flash of blue demented eyes. Before she knows it, her downward spiral would have her hitting rock bottom. Partying, drinking, drugs. That’s what she was good at— and if the older Salvatore wanted a party of two, she wasn’t going to say no. God, she rarely ever did. Misguided, and in love— it was a toxic chemical for the Donovans. Their downfall, or rather maybe it was hers. How long had she been at the Salvatore home? It’s not like she had anywhere to go back to. Matty was tired, and moping in his own melodramatic drama— he didn’t need her. She didn’t want to be his burden right now. And Jeremy.. Well.. they had a fight. She didn’t feel like confronting that either. The answers were right there in her face, and she didn’t even remember what Damon had done. She didn’t remember the rooftop, either. How long she’d been missing. All the compulsion.. her mind was a haze these days. And yet, she was drawn here— like she’d seen him before. More drugs, vampires— but the fear was gone the moment she looked at him. More compulsion. More drinking all spiraling out of control, her body intertwined with his and the lure of something familiar.. until— snap— and her body thudded against the floor.
When she woke up, it all came flooding back. Her feelings for Jeremy, they were choking her now. Whatever affliction she had for drugs before, was all manifested into one thing. Blood. She’s spent even more time with Damon now, bloodsharing again even now that she was turned, it left her dazed and hungry for more. And more than anything else, she wanted to see Jeremy. She had to see Jeremy. She didn’t mean to hurt anyone. It wasn’t her fault she was like this. But now they could be together forever, it was a fleeting thought— one induced by raging emotions, blood hunger, and hopelessness. She knew what everyone already thought of her— when Stefan found out what had happened— she didn’t stay there long enough to figure out what their solution was. The moment the sun set, she ran straight to the Gilbert family home. All she had to do was convince him, it was scary at first but then he would understand. He’s understand and finally, things would work out. She loved him, and she was ready now. But things turned dark quickly, her hunger was uncontrollable. That night, she’d couldn’t stop. There was too many people— too many lights and the sounds— she could hear everything all at once. She wasn’t going to hurt him, she didn’t mean to hurt him. But everyone kept getting in her way. Nobody was listening to her! They all thought she was a monster, or that she’d become one. And Jeremy’s life, the brother of Miss Perfect, was far more important than a drug addict, who did nothing but hurt people even when she was alive. At least— she made herself believe that. The only thing that stopped her that night was a stake shoved through her chest— and Damon’s shitty aim. When she woke up again, she was in his car. How many times had he killed her now? Whatever this wake up call was, it’d been the only thing that worked.
Unable to stand the taste of animal blood, she’d prefer it fresh from the vein. But she was careful, she’d drink from blood banks at first. At least to control the urges, to figure out how to drink from the vein without causing too much damage. It made her stronger. It gave her more control. Consider it rehabilitation— Damon wasn’t exactly the best sober coach. In fact, she’s probably tried to kill him more times than she could count. Especially in the beginning. But she was determined, separate herself from Jeremy. From Matty. Isolate and recover, be a better person— God some better version of whoever she was. Get better, and get sober— and then she could explain it all to him. She could be good enough for him. Only.. it didn’t work like that. She’s compelled him before she left— told him that.. she was going to be gone awhile. She compelled him to be happy. But she didn’t expect that happiness to be without her. What was the point of getting better, when he’s already moved on? She could relapse, or she could keep trying. Keep getting better. All she really wanted, was to be belong somewhere, to something.
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bittenlore · 14 days
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(   logan lerman.  1,000+.  original vampire.   )   HENRIK MIKAELSON,  you’ve been haunting mystic falls’ streets with your desire to REUNITE WITH YOUR FAMILY.  it’s only a matter of time before your AVOIDANT & MOODY tendencies prove to be your own undoing; unless your FORGIVING & SELF SACRIFICING nature helps you obtain allies before it’s too late.  
B A S I C S 
full name: henrik mikaelson. nicknames: rik. gender:  cis man. pronouns:  he/him. sexuality:  homosexual. age:  1,000+. date of birth:  unknown. zodiac sign:  unknown. birthplace: present day mystic falls. current location: mystic falls. species:  original vampire. occupation:  unemployed. languages spoken: english, french, spanish, latin, german, norwegian, danish, old norse.
faceclaim:  logan lerman. height: 5'8. build:  toned and lean. eyes:  blue. hair:  dark brown. piercings:  none.  tattoos:  none. other distinguishing features:  n/a. style:  casual. 
traits:  (+) forgiving, self sacrificing, protective, independent , observant. (-) moody, avoidant, quiet, self deprecating, insecure.  mental health: abandonment issues.  physical health:  superior. likes:  reading, literature, art, traveling, nature, technology, swimming, music, magic, witches.  dislikes:  being antagonized, being perceived, liars, hunters.  fears:  werewolves (due to his human death), his father, the death of his siblings. 
henrik is the youngest mikaelson sibling and during their human years, was often babied and doted on by his older siblings and mother. however, he was closest to his older brother, klaus and considered him to be his best friend despite the differences in their age.
he was a very sweet and friendly child. he loved to make friends with people and his kindness ran very deep. very empathetic towards others and wanted nothing more than to make his family members and other people around him happy.
during his latter teen years, henrik spent even more time with klaus, which unfortunately led to his own death. on the night of the full moon, the two brothers went into the woods to watch the wolves transform. regretfully, that decision ended with henrik being attacked by a werewolf and dying.
upon his lifeless body being carried back to their village, esther decided then and there that she didn't want to risk losing any more of her children and set a plan into motion. she cast a spell to tie henrik's soul to his body so he wouldn't pass on, and then went on to cast the spell that turned the mikaelsons into vampires.
assuming that her magic failed, esther and the rest of his family had his body laid to rest, only for henrik to wake up hours later in the midst of his transition.
confused and obsessively thirsty, henrik fed on the first human he came across, before hiding away in the shadows until nightfall. it took him some time to make his way back to the village, him being confused and overwhelmed by his new nature. and he didn't want to risk harming his family either, whom he had no idea had transitioned just like him.
when he finally made his way back home, the mikaelsons had already left to begin their new lives as vampires, leaving henrik alone.
so he traveled by himself for centuries, hiding away in the shadows, feeding and erasing people's memories of him so that he could fly under the radar as best as possible. eventually he learned that his siblings and father were still alive, and wanted to reach out to them, but feared that they had long since forgotten and gotten over his death. he also avoided them because he didn't want to cross paths with their father.
it's not until recently that he's finally gathered the courage to face his family again. he used his own resources to track them down as best he could without drawing attention to himself, and has traveled to mystic falls to (hopefully) reunite with them.
personality wise, henrik is the most calm of the originals, as well as the friendliest and most level headed (minus elijah). he can be rather moody at times, but he rarely resorts to violence or anger unless pushed to that point. he has a very disarming physical appearance, which works out in his favor most of the time. he'd rather be underestimated and have people not expect much from him than have people think they can challenge him.
what are your character’s goals? do they have any present allegiances? henrik's main goal right now is to reunite with his family. his only allegiance is to the mikaelsons.
what has your character been up to before/during the start of our group, at the beginning of tvd season 3? ( feel free to play with or mix up canon events as you like ! ) henrik's been traveling and staying off of everyone's radar.
what songs do you associate with your character? when the party's over by billie eilish, demons by imagine dragons.
have you altered anything about your character’s canon? henrik is a little older, he didn't die (permanently) and he's an original vampire.
do you have any other random headcanons worth mentioning? he takes after klaus when it comes to his love of artwork. he's an animal lover. even though it's impossible for him to die by their hand (unless they happen to have a white oak stake), henrik has a deep fear of werewolves and doesn't trust them.
is there anything you’re potentially interested in exploring romantically for your character / what do you, or could you, ship? i would love to explore romance for henrik. he doesn't have much experience in that department because he's avoided making deep connections with people during his existence, but it's something he's always wanted to experience. he sometimes gets jealous seeing couples out and about because it's nothing he's experienced for himself before. i'm open to any ships.
what sort of current or future connections/plots are you looking for? honestly, anything and everything! i'm open to anything.
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ofcvrnage · 21 days
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      𝑐𝘩𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟⧸𝑓𝑖𝑙𝑒 : nikolina  ››  hybrid  ››  danielle rose russell .
❛❛   aesthetic.  ❜❜   ⸻   ◜   ❏  . ⸻ there’s a wildness in her eyes that you just know there’s more animal in her than human , the smell of g cherry blossom & sandalwood , bare feet walking along decaying woods , there's a hint of devil in her eyes . ⸻   ◜   ❏  . ⸻  →
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🇦​🇵​🇵​🇱​🇮​🇨​🇦​🇹​🇮​🇴​🇳​ ​​ ››
*   ⸻   ◜   ❏  . ⸻  &.  →   nikolina, you’ve been haunting mystic falls’ streets with your desire to protect her brother . it’s only a matter of time before your abrasive & animalistic tendencies prove to be your own undoing; unless your loyal & clever nature helps you obtain allies before it’s too late. . ⸻ ◜ ❏ . ⸻
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🇧​🇦​🇸​🇮​🇨​🇸  ››
full name : nikolina .
age : 21  .
date of birth : unknown .
occupation : being one of klaus' hybrids .
species : hybrid ( werewolf / vampire ) .
language(s) spoken : universal .
hair color : brown .
eye color : blue with hints of green .
notable scars : n/a .
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🇮​🇳​🇹​🇪​🇷​🇮​🇴​🇷 ​ ››
positive : loyal  ,  clever .
negative : abrasive  ,  animalistic .
moral alignment : chaotic .
deadly sin : wrath + lust .
hogwarts house : gryffindor .
element : earth .
emotional stability : it’s there .
alcohol use : socially .
prone to violence? : yes .
habits : n/a .
drives / motivations : her brother .
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🇫​🇦​🇲​🇮​🇱​🇾​​  ››
father : ansel .
mother : gisla .
siblings : niklaus mikaelson ( half-brother ) .
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🇧​🇮​🇴  ››
―  born a couple years after her brother , nikolina was a blessing for ansel and gisla . Yet as fate would have it , gisla would die during childbirth , leaving ansel with a daughter to raise . Longing for his own kin and son as well , ansel named her after niklaus . names he had chosen and hoped that one day they would all unite .
―  unfortunately , that day would never come and in learning so , he raised nikolina as best as he could. Nikolina at times were left to her own devices . Considering she triggered her own genes when she killed her mother when she was born , nikolina grew to be more in touch with her inner wolf than the others in her pack .
―  once she learned of klaus , the girl would often watch over her half-brother . yet she was never allowed to go near him nor reveal themselves in who she is. ansel would often times drag her back home in fear of her impulsiveness . Once having a scare when nikol almost attacked mikael for hurting klaus , stopping her before they were seen .
―  still, nikolina tried to do her best when it came to klaus. leaving berries for him to make colors, looking for things he would want and just about anything. Wanting the relationship he had with his other siblings .
― But when mikael discovered esther's and her father's affair that resulted in klaus was the night he came for them all.  Nikolina was the last one to die that night and promised herself to take revenge if she ever had the chance .
― nikolina now stood on the other side . watching over her brother and his every deed . Meeting the woman named Tatia, who would sometimes also watch the mikaelsons .
―   so when esther started pulling tatia from the other side to the world of the living , nikolina took her chance and held on to the viking brunette . Esther's witches practically revealing her plans to tatia , nikolina took this chance and attack . Escaping with the brunette before she left mystic falls in order to find klaus .
―  this is where her story starts in which many would simply think , nikol is a simple wolf from the pack he slaughtered and refused to turn . Sole survivor who said yes . playing the role she took up , nikolina knew this was the only way to be close to her brother and protect him even if he never finds out who she truly is .
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expt12144 · 21 days
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(   michael malarkey.  135.  vampire.   )   LORENZO "ENZO" ST. JOHN,  you’ve been haunting mystic falls’ streets with your desire to GET EVEN.  it’s only a matter of time before your CYNICAL & VIOLENT tendencies prove to be your own undoing; unless your CHARISMATIC & HOPEFUL nature helps you obtain allies before it’s too late. 
what are your character’s goals? do they have any present allegiances? baseline goal is always keep out from under the knife and stay off the table. that isn't always so easy though, so he fantasizes ways that would release all the tension that's built up. he trusts no one and will likely never, but he has a parasitic allegiance to wes maxfield; wearing many hats like errand boy, attack dog, petri dish, among others. enzo has been infected with a blood disease that needs treatment every week, or his veins clog and he cannot function. insurance policy! as long as he behaves and shows up for his treatments, he's allowed on his merry way. if there isn't a new virus to test, of course—but that can easily be remedied by bringing his doctor a new subject to play with instead.
what has your character been up to before/during the start of our group, at the beginning of tvd season 3? only recently has this latest insurance policy been implemented. stalking whitmore was boring but it was better than cold concrete & steel, he still enjoyed the handful of nights; few sprinkled over the last 6 months. they were purely to test the speed in which his polycythemia vera would progress, and how willing he would be to play. with the commotion in mystic falls, it is the perfect opportunity to do a longer field test, stretch his legs and wet his fangs. what he doesn't know is how intimately he's going to know the residents of the town, or how he'll manage his anger going forward.
what song(s) do you associate with your character? hide and seek by imogen heap
have you altered anything about your character’s canon? maggie doesn't exist as she was. i would love for another character (canon or oc) to have had a maggie-similar relationship with enzo. whether they were with augustine for benign research or what, they treated him with respect and then had to leave / chose to. open to all kinds of ideas! the main thing is i wanted to open up the timeframe in which this could have occured. enzo has been in captivity since 1943 and the whole damon thing happened '53-58. for reference. :)
do you have any other random headcanons worth mentioning? IT'S GAY, BABEY. enzo trauma bonded with damon and had it down down baD. he would have, and had, done anything for that man and when he needed him most, HE VANISHED. so all those really gay ass things he said in season 5? he was being fr fr they was pookies and damon up and ruined it.
is there anything you’re potentially interested in exploring romantically for your character / what do you, or could you, ship? i am here for anything, my bisexual disaster has shitty taste in men obviously and let's be real, he needs an outlet. soft? hard? evil or good, i don't matter, if anyone can get that close to him without him snapping his fangs at them, let's gooooo. i just wouldn't expect a lot of genuine emotional vulnerability, at least not EASY. he will pour his heart out to anyone willing to listen but it isn't necessarily an invite for you to scoop it up in your hands, you feel?
what sort of current or future connections/plots are you looking for? honestly, nothing specific. the main connections are obviously people will some sort of ties with augustine: elena gilbert, for example. daddy absolutely had to have done a lil zappity zap to enzo so he's going to struggle with that. i have zero idea how he's going to fit in these growing empires, so seeing where that goes and who scoops up and helps (or hurts??) enzo is going to be good. i would love the maggie-esque character. maybe other old cellmates?? how did they get out, idk.
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stefanoasalvatore · 12 days
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(   paul wesley.  one hundred and sixty-five.  vampire.   )   STEFAN SALVATORE,  you’ve been haunting mystic falls’ streets with your desire to escape the demons of his past and start fresh.  it’s only a matter of time before your SELF DESTRUCTIVE & UNPREDICTIBLE tendencies prove to be your own undoing; unless your PASSIONATE & HEROIC nature helps you obtain allies before it’s too late.
what are your character’s goals? do they have any present allegiances?
stefan's major goal is to outrun the past - he doesn't want to be stuck living his life on repeat with nothing but a promise of death and pain inevitably. it's why he came back to mystic falls, to build a new life, which was simple enough in theory.... and then everything became a mess. now with werewolf/vampire hybrids, the mikaelson's, katherine, and even his own brother in town... he doesn't see himself having any peace any time soon.
what has your character been up to before the start of our group? 
honestly? wondering how everything has gone so sideways. through seasons one and two i'm mostly sticking to tradition canon, including stefan struggling with his bloodlust and falling off the blood bag wagon but trying desperately to get back on - especially with the added stressors in mystic falls.
what songs do you associate with your character?
cardigan by taylor swift
never let me go by florence and the machine
two birds by regina spektor
arcade by duncan laurence
the exit by conan grey
loml by taylor swift
before you go by lewis capaldi
smells like teen spirit by nirvana
traitor by olivia rodrigo
brother by kodaline
hold on by chord overstreet
this side of paradise by coyote theory
sweater weather by the neighborhood
take me to church by hozier
i don't wanna live forever by zayn and taylor swift
stronger by prismo
is there anything you’re potentially interested in exploring romantically for your character / what do you, or could you, ship?
i DO THINK stefan is one of the characters in the universe that has chemistry with everyone he is on screen with, and i'm open to any and all possibilities! soft and sweet? i'm here for it. canon ship? willing to test the waters! crackship? give it to me. also - i'm not a coward like the vampire diaries writers, stefano salvatore is a raging and unapologetic bisexual.
what sort of current or future connections/plots are you looking for?
i'm looking forward to expanding relationships with the friends and foes - the mikaelson's, his complicated family, the mystic falls gang, the fellow doppelgangers, heretics, witches, vampires, werewolves - while in the show we had seasons to explore these dynamics, everything has been tossed in a blender now and we're pressing pulse. when everything collides, it's going to be a hell of a ride, and i'm dying to dive in!
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fcte-stolen · 20 days
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(   candice king.  18.  vampire   )   CAROLINE FORBES,  you’ve been haunting mystic falls’ streets with your desire to KEEP HER MOM AND HER FRIENDS SAFE, WHILE HAVING THE BEST SENIOR YEAR. it’s only a matter of time before your INSECURE & NEUROTIC tendencies prove to be your own undoing; unless your STRONG & FEARLESS nature helps you obtain allies before it’s too late.
What goals do your character have?
Keep her mom and her friends safe, while having the best senior year.
2. Any present allegiances?
Obviously her allegiance is currently to Bonnie, Elena, and Stefan
3. What has your character been up too?
She has spent the summer preparing for her senior year of high school.
4. What song(s) do you associate with your character?
The Archer by Taylor Swift
5. Have you altered anything cannon about your character?
She never started dating Tyler, just helping him with coming to terms with triggering the werewolf curse.
6. Do you have any other random headcanons worth mentioning?
She has been compelled by Klaus to throw Elena a birthday party
7. Is there anything you're potentially interested in exploring romantically for your character/what do you, or could you, ship?
Klaroline, Forwoods, and really anything that has chemistry im just a girl.
8. What sort of current or future plots/connections are you looking for?
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evangelaux · 7 days
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(   savannah lee smith.  21.  vampire/werewolf hybrid.   )   EVANGELINE "EVAN" MALRAUX,  you’ve been haunting mystic falls’ streets with your desire to TO PROTECT YOUR 'PACK' FROM KLAUS.  it’s only a matter of time before your STUBBORN & IMPULSIVE tendencies prove to be your own undoing; unless your FEARLESS & LOYAL nature helps you obtain allies before it’s too late.
what are your character’s goals? do they have any present allegiances? evan's main goal is to blow up to protect brianna (her current 'pack') as well as protect the sanctity of the malrauxs back home. like SOME people, she is definitely envisioning a future where she isn't under the thumb of a madman, and she is free to rediscover what it means to be a wolf through the trauma that is being a dead, blood sucking monster. but her current allegiance is klaus mikaelson, unfortunately.
what has your character been up to before/during the start of our group, at the beginning of tvd season 3? adjusting to vampire life while simultaneously enjoying the fact she can shift whenever she pleases. she was turned to save her life, and she's wrestling with the consequences of it all.
what songs do you associate with your character? jenny by nothing more
have you altered anything about your character’s canon? evan is the niece to keelin, but i'm not fleshing out that relationship until i have to (someone picks her up, etc) and she grew up with her father. he wasn't triggered, but he wasn't ignorant, so when evan came out of that party with a body count, he was there from day one to help her through her transition. dad is still alive but she is afraid to talk about him, or to him, not after and not about all of this.
do you have any other random headcanons worth mentioning? evan hates hunting humans for blood and tries her damndest to only use bags. she is a lot more damaged than she lets on, with a rough childhood and plenty of human skeletons in her closet. after triggering her curse, she buried all of them away. being a wolf saved her.
is there anything you’re potentially interested in exploring romantically for your character / what do you, or could you, ship? evangaline is a she/her non-binary mspec lesbian. which pretty much means anything's possible, but men are on thin fucking ice. as much as she shows up, authentically and unapologetically, she is afraid of real intimacy and WILL shut down if she starts catching feelings. that being said! someone help her, please. see below too!
what sort of current or future connections/plots are you looking for? any wolves, honestly. she can't help the respect and love there, it's in her nature. BUT if she could connect with a vampire? that'd be the real kicker. give her something, or someone, she can relate to and help her come to terms with who she is now.
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andromedacho · 9 days
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(   adeline rudolph.  one hundred fifty+.  heretic.   )   ANDROMEDA CHO,  you’ve been haunting mystic falls’ streets with your desire to avenge those she's lost.  it’s only a matter of time before your MANIPULATIVE & VOLATILE tendencies prove to be your own undoing; unless your RESOURCEFUL & CLEVER nature helps you obtain allies before it’s too late.
what are your character’s goals? do they have any present allegiances?
with the only true family she's ever had tucked away in a prison world, and the man she loved missing for nearly a century now.... her allegiance is to herself and herself only as she explores her options for avenging her love and her family - and, if possible, getting her family back. she'll do anything to make it happen - no matter the cost.
what has your character been up to before the start of our group? 
born into a coven that could never overcome the fact that she was born without her own magic, she never quite felt like she fit in anywhere. not until she found the other siphons, and not until lily salvatore made them a family and gave them what they'd been missing all along at the minor cost of their mortal life. in her immortal life she had everything she'd ever craved - magic, a family, and she even found love - though it would never last long enough. her family was taken away first, and then her partner, and she was all alone all over again. having had eighty years to stew and plot and plan, she's out for blood - and mystic falls is in her path.
what songs do you associate with your character?
seven devils by florence and the machine
which witch by florence and the machine
the fruits by paris paloma
holy by pvris
glory and gore by lorde
history of man by maisie peters
me and the devil by soap&skin
labour by paris paloma
family tree by ethel cain
all the good girls go to hell by billie eilish
pretty poison by nessa barrett
skin and bones by david kushner
hope you're miserable until you're dead by nessa barrett
can't catch me now by olivia rodriguez
i scare myself by beth crowley
slovely by billie eilish and khalid
what sort of current or future connections/plots are you looking for?
i'm looking forward to expanding relationships everyone! - the mikaelson's, for obvious reasons - klaus' hybrids because i believe that could provide interesting dynamics, the other members of the gemini coven, the mystic falls gang and everyone in between! give me friends she's made along the way, enemies, people she's manipulated, people she's siphoned!
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jolaughlin · 20 days
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(   jodi lyn o'keefe.  thirty-nine.  witch.   )   JOSETTE LAUGHLIN,  you’ve been haunting mystic falls’ streets with your desire to right the wrongs of the gemini coven.  it’s only a matter of time before your STUBBORN & GUILT RIDDEN tendencies prove to be your own undoing; unless your CONFIDENT & INTELLIGENT nature helps you obtain allies before it’s too late. 
what are your character’s goals? do they have any present allegiances?
currently, with free time on her hands and a clock ticking loudly in her ear, josette laughlin has decided to dedicate herself to saving her surviving younger siblings from the fate that awaits them - whatever it takes, even if it means letting kai out of his cell. not that that's a problem anymore.
her present allegiance is to the general good, though she's selfish in more ways than she'd like to admit.
what has your character been up to before the start of our group? 
up until recently she was serving as an army medic, where she developed and patented a wildly successful battle field medical clamp, only recently setting up roots at whitmore college and hospital in her retirement. of course, the gemini wasn't just coming to town for a job opportunity - she came to town to be closer to the only bennett witch she knew was still alive - bonnie bennett.
what songs do you associate with your character?
over my head (cable car) by the fray
wrong side of heaven by five finger death punch
doubt by twenty-one pilots
remember everything by five finger death punch
family line by conan grey
tolerate it by taylor swift
gilded lily by cults
the exit by conan grey
let me go by three doors down
labour by paris paloma
you're gonna go far by noah kahan
have you altered anything about your character’s canon?
not necessarily altered, but these are key points to know about my intepretation of jo
she was born and raised in the gemini coven where she survived not thrived for twenty-two years until she was made a pariah in the aftermath of may 10, 1994
she had a full ride to a prestigious school on the east coast at eighteen and almost jumped ship then - but she couldn't leave her brother behind so she stayed and attended community college
when their mother died in 1992, jo became a pseudo mother and head matriarch of the family, juggling taking care of the house, six kids, looking after her brother and attending school even as she grew more and more anxious and lost faith in what the coven stood for
four of her siblings were murdered when she was twenty-two and she was impaled by the person she trusted the most. making the decision to go along with trapping her brother away wasn't a choice she ever wanted to make but she saw no other way to protect the two innocent children she had left. she has been haunted by this day for the rest of her life.
a twinless twin in the gemini coven and a walking liability and a pariah, joshua was faced with two choices: cut off the loose end ensuring kai could NEVER find a loophole to exploit and take the coven from him or leave and not return - and he let jo live, and so she left, stealing away the ascendent as a last way to protect her brother and moved to the east coast and finished medical school, immediately joining the military as a medic upon finishing medical school and constantly put herself in dangerous situations to silence the nightmares and memories for as long as she could.
is there anything you’re potentially interested in exploring romantically for your character / what do you, or could you, ship?
i'm pretty open but it'd have to be a member of the older crowd and it's not a priority for her - jo has previously had flings with men she's come across in her life - typically older but as long as it's age appropriate... anything is possible! also, she's a bicon and you better not forget it
what sort of current or future connections/plots are you looking for?
any and all !!! give me patients, students, people over the age of twenty... give this (currently) depowered witch ALL the dynamics !!!
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johngilbertii · 21 days
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(   casey deidrick.  thirty-four.  human / hunter.   )   JOHNATHAN  ‘JOHN’ GILBERT II,  you’ve been haunting mystic falls’ streets with your desire to protect mystic falls to protect his daughter.  it’s only a matter of time before your INTOLERANT & RECKLESS tendencies prove to be your own undoing; unless your LOYAL & OBSERVANT nature helps you obtain allies before it’s too late.
what are your character’s goals? do they have any present allegiances?
as the gilbert family tree is hanging on to a single remaining unsteady branch and leaf with a penchant of trying to rip itself off said branch, and mystic falls is at the mercy of some of the most diabolical supernatural creatures alive... his focus is on protecting the town to keep elena safe.
as for allegiance, john is staunchlyanti-supernatural, but when push comes to shove... he's pro elena above all else - not that she'd know that.
what has your character been up to before the start of our group? 
fucking around and finding out mostly - he's been out hunting and getting things together as he tried to process his brother's death. recently he came back to town to look after his daughter niece and nephew, looking to return mystic falls to it's prior more peaceful existence so that they can grow up to do better by their children than he did his own.
what songs do you associate with your character?
can't hold by by you me at six
champagne problems by taylor swift
pains like cold water by noah kahan
everything you want by vertical horizon
worst in me by unlike pluto
take what you want by post malone and ozzy osbourne
unstoppable by gizzle
hayloft by mother mother
paul revere by noah kahan
double by blackbear
blood // water by grandison
carry your throne by jon bellion
is there anything you’re potentially interested in exploring romantically for your character / what do you, or could you, ship?
john has a habit of making himself emotionally unavailable - mostly because he falls in love deeply and gets emotionally wrecked easily SO he does try to avoid that. still... mans hot, he's got needs, and he likes to feel needed, and he's a whore. plenty of opportunities for flings, romances, and i'm open to opportunities as they arise!
what sort of current or future connections/plots are you looking for?
i'm looking for antagonstic relationships - people he's tried to kill, people with negative associations with the gilberts, vampires, werewolves, exes, people he pissed off, i want DRAMA. he's an asshole, and he's a damn good hunter... man is MESSY and i can't wait to see it play out on the dash.
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vamprxism · 4 days
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( crystal reed. 19. hybrid. ) ANGEL CARMICHAEL, you’ve been haunting mystic falls’ streets with your desire to LIVE. it’s only a matter of time before your TRUSTING & BLINDED tendencies prove to be your own undoing; unless your LOVING & TRUSTWORTHY nature helps you obtain allies before it’s too late.
[ 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐚 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞 , 𝐡𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐤𝐞𝐞𝐩 ]
Her parents never wanted children, she couldn't pretend that she hadn't heard it. Hadn't felt it. And when they fell pregnant young, sixteen and full of love, they hadn't expected that love to dwindle so quickly. Adulthood came with roaring responsibilities, and an extra mouth to feed. Angel had been diagnosed with a life threatening illness at a very young age. Three. Imagine being three years old, and told you'd never grow up like the other kids did. You'd always be different, always in and out of hospitals, immunocompromised, and inciting debt on parents that could already barely stand to be in a room together. Luckily, your mother came from wealthy parents, they had people to tend to you. Nannies, maids, whoever was there at the time. And luckily for him, your father worked long and late hours alongside the mayor of Mystic Falls. The Lockwoods and the Carmichaels were family friends, and it went back generations. Certainly, nobody expected it having to do with the fact both families, were cursed. And yet, Angel never received her father's temper, no matter how many nights his voice echoed from the walls. No matter how many times her mother's dwindling age and beauty, had her glare spitefully at her daughter.
Her parents died when she was sixteen. Animal attack. Except, it wasn't, was it? Somewhere, somehow, her father's temper had gotten the better of him. Somewhere, a vampire decided he spoke a little too much, too harshly. And so, they were both gone. Together. Their estate, everything that they'd worked for, nothing was left in their daughter's name. Was it selfishness? Or the crude pride that they should have outlived her? Either way, Angel was shipped into foster care, as if being a teenage wasn't hard enough. As if she didn't have enough bills and worry and less time to worry about. That's when she met Klaus, somewhere along blurred lines. She couldn't just trigger her curse, she'd never survive it. They needed doppelganger blood, Klaus needed to complete the ritual, in order for her to figure a way around death. Call it whatever you want. Pity, kindred souls, or intentional. Klaus saved her life when he made her a hybrid, and she intends to stay.
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bittenlore · 19 days
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(   paul wesley.  2,000+.  immortal.   )   SILAS,  you’ve been haunting mystic falls’ streets with your desire to REUNITE WITH YOUR ONE TRUE LOVE, EVEN IF IT MEANS IN DEATH.  it’s only a matter of time before your OBSESSIVE & UNHINGED tendencies prove to be your own undoing; unless your DETERMINED & DEDICATED nature helps you obtain allies before it’s too late. 
B A S I C S 
full name: silas. nicknames: n/a. gender:  cis man. pronouns:  he/him. sexuality:  pansexual. age:  2,000+. date of birth:  unknown. zodiac sign:  unknown. birthplace: lebos (present day greece). current location: mystic falls. species:  immortal. occupation:  unemployed. languages spoken: english, ancient greek language, latin.
faceclaim:  paul wesley. height: 5'11. build:  toned and lean. eyes:  green. hair:  light brown. piercings:  none.  tattoos:  none. other distinguishing features:  defined jawline. style:  casual. 
traits:  (+) determined, dedicated, quick thinking, confident , humorous. (-) obsessive, unhinged, possessive, sarcastic, morbid.  mental health:  n/a.  physical health:  superior. likes:  amara, magic, dark humor, getting revenge, toying with people.  dislikes:  qetsiyah, having to drink blood, his doppelgangers, vampires.  fears:  never seeing amara again. 
everything regarding silas is pretty much the same canon wise, but i have changed the timeline of when he was awakened from his entombment. atticus shane found another witch besides bonnie to trick into freeing him, and ever since then he's been on a desperate search to find his love.
what are your character’s goals? do they have any present allegiances? silas' one and only goal right now is to reunite with amara. and his only allegiance is to himself and amara.
what has your character been up to before/during the start of our group, at the beginning of tvd season 3? ( feel free to play with or mix up canon events as you like ! ) silas was freed from his entombment a few months ago and has been frantically searching for ways to find amara ever since.
what songs do you associate with your character? follow me down by the pretty reckless
have you altered anything about your character’s canon? nothing's been altered.
do you have any other random headcanons worth mentioning? silas is very into modern technology and advancements. he also has a very sick and dark sense of humor.
is there anything you’re potentially interested in exploring romantically for your character / what do you, or could you, ship? pls, silas doesn't want anyone but amara.
what sort of current or future connections/plots are you looking for? i'm open to anything anyone wants to plot out with him!
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ofcvrnage · 21 days
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     𝑐𝘩𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟⧸𝑓𝑖𝑙𝑒 :   davina alice claire   ››   witch   ››  danielle campbell  .
❛❛   aesthetic.  ❜❜   ⸻   ◜   ❏  . ⸻ the  first  snowfall  spouting  layers  of  ivory ,  lazy  mornings  curled  up  in  black  silk  sheets  with  messy  curls  and  lacy  lingerie ,  she’s made up of silk , blood , and rose water . ⸻   ◜   ❏  . ⸻  →
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🇦​🇵​🇵​🇱​🇮​🇨​🇦​🇹​🇮​🇴​🇳​ ​​ ››
*   ⸻   ◜   ❏  . ⸻  &.  →   davina claire, you’ve been haunting mystic falls’ streets with your desire to stay hidden from the ancestors & live her life. it’s only a matter of time before your tempered & unpredictable tendencies prove to be your own undoing; unless your fervent & strong-willed nature helps you obtain allies before it’s too late. ⸻   ◜   ❏  . ⸻
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🇧​🇦​🇸​🇮​🇨​🇸  ››
full name : davina alice claire .
age : 18 .
date of birth : december 21st .
occupation : on the run / unemployed .
species : witch .
language(s) spoken : english  ,  latin  ,   french  .
hair color :  brown .
eye color : green .
notable scars : one faint white scar on her upper thigh. davina wandered off on her own to the woods and got lost when she was 8. She had to climb up the tree to see if she could see her home or the road and slipped where a sharp tree branch went into her leg. she tried pulling away to get the pole out but it just tore through her whole leg, before she passed out due to blood loss . if it wasn’t for ( wanted con. ) davina would have probably died of blood loss if not the cold exposure of the woods . X
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🇮​🇳​🇹​🇪​🇷​🇮​🇴​🇷 ​ ››
positive : fervent  ,  strong willed .
negative : tempered  ,  unpredictable .
moral alignment : chaotic neutral .
deadly sin : lust .
hogwarts house : slytherpuff .
element : fire .
emotional stability : it’s stable on the darker side .
alcohol use : socially .
prone to violence? : when provoked .
habits : losing her temper .
drives / motivations : herself .
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🇫​🇦​🇲​🇮​🇱​🇾​​  ››
father : unknown .
mother : cordelia claire . †
sibling(s): darla claire † , celeste blackwell ( half-sister )
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🇧​🇮​🇴  ››
davina growing up :
―  Born and raised in NOLA to a mother who was controlling as she was, she only cared about the coven. never paid any attention to davina unless it was beneficial to her. because having davina was not part of her plans.
―  Her father is out of the picture but the coven hated him because he did magic against him and did expression. that’s all she knows about her father.
―  When the coven choose her, davina’s mother was finally proud. For the first time davina saw her smile. But not because of her…But because of the power davina would bring. She never cared about davina living or dying , she only cared about the magic that would fuel the coven.
―  So when the harvest finally came, davina’s excitement and pride of being there turned to fear when they were being killed on sight.  Davina witnessed her three friends, Monique, Abigail, and Cassie all being sacrificed in the ritual, but she was with the powers she gain from all 3 she managed to kill some of the witches ( including her own mother and sister ) when celeste interfered , davina was skeptic at first but soon later revealed that she is her half sister . thus they were soon both on the run and ended up in mystic falls .
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fcte-stolen · 20 days
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(   nina dobrev.  18/538.  vampire   )   KATHERINE PIERCE,  you’ve been haunting mystic falls’ streets with your desire to SAVE YOUR SELF, NO MATTER THE COSTS it’s only a matter of time before your MANIPULATIVE & RUTHLESS tendencies prove to be your own undoing; unless your CHARMING & SELF-PRESERVING nature helps you obtain allies before it’s too late.
What goals do your character have?
Get out from underneath Klaus' compulsion and bring back the original witch, and Mikael to get rid of Klaus for good.
2. Any present allegiances?
Currently Kai Parker and Damon Salvatore (It's complicated)
3. What has your character been up too?
She has spent the summer with Damon Salvatore and Klaus Mikaelson as his personal blood bag while he travels the country creating his hybrid army.
4. What song(s) do you associate with your character?
imgonnagetyouback by Taylor Swift
5. Have you altered anything cannon about your character?
Yes, that she didn't save Damon from the werewolf bite and that Klaus can use her blood to create hybrids so she hasn't escaped him
6. Do you have any other random headcanons worth mentioning?
Not yet
7. Is there anything you're potentially interested in exploring romantically for your character/what do you, or could you, ship?
Datherine, Kaithrine, and literally anybody who can match her crazy fr
8. What sort of current or future plots/connections are you looking for?
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vamprxism · 4 days
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( daniel gillies. 1000+. original vampire. ) ELIJAH MIKAELSON, you’ve been haunting mystic falls’ streets with your desire to BRING HIS FAMILY TOGETHER AGAIN AND MAINTAIN NIKLAUS. it’s only a matter of time before your STOIC & UNYEILDING tendencies prove to be your own undoing; unless your NOBLE & LOYAL nature helps you obtain allies before it’s too late.
[ 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐝 ]
What goals do your character have?
While he strives to keep the bloodshed to a minimum, what Elijah wants most, is the full of his family together again.
Any present allegiances?
Sure, he's a man of his word. If he makes a deal, he will stand by it. He's been seen doing so in the past more than once, when it benefits his overall goal. Though, his alliance is to his family.
What has your character been up too?
He's been on the road the last several months of the summer. While an informant let too much information slip about the travelers in the east, carrying a white oak stake. He killed the informant, and all that were linked to it. Now he's in possession of the only weapon that could potentially end an Original's life. Though he will not allow others, even his family- for their own safety, to know that.
What song(s) do you associate with your character?
Cry Little Sister by Gerard McMann. Tainted Love by Soft Cell. Dragula by Rob Zombie. (Don't Fear) The Reaper by Blue Oyster Cult.
Have you altered anything cannon about your character?
He is pretty canon, just up into his TVD verse though.
Do you have any other random headcanons worth mentioning?
Elijah seems to have a complicated relationship with any of the doppelgangers he comes in contact with. Consider it a soft spot. He also never knew where Klaus was hiding his siblings, as that information was often used to keep him in line through the centuries.
Is there anything you’re potentially interested in exploring romantically for your character/what do you, or could you, ship?
I'm literally just a girl, I ship everything. EVERYTHING.
What sort of current or future plots/connections are you looking for?
Drama, revenge, love, heartbreak, betrayal.
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