mr-mattdonovan · 9 years
Still Got Game ||Maroline
Matt grins throughout the duration of his conversation with the beautiful brunette in front of him. Since his divorce with Lexi, Matt had only been on a handful of dates. He’d only gotten to a second date with one and others may have only been one-night stands that he couldn’t remember their names the morning after. Mainly because he was worried what his children would think if he moved on from their mother. Would it have been too quickly? The divorce had happened a while ago and it was time to move on. “Alright then. Well it’s a date. I’ll pick you up tomorrow at seven.” He said in a soft tone. As the girl walked up, he gave himself a little cheer. He turned his attention to the blonde that he didn’t know he was now in front of. “I..Oh wow. Care. How much of that did you see?” He looked away from here. “Don’t look at me like that. I’ve still got game.”
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b-saltzman · 9 years
Ben & [Open to Tagged]
After being in the area, Ben had decided to stop at the Mikaelson residence, hoping Liz was there, but when someone else opened the door, he was taken aback slightly. “Oh, uh, sorry,” he said, not sure why he was apologizing. “I was wondering if Liz was home?”
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[ freddie-mikaelson barbiefxrbes alice-mikaelson randle-mikaelson longlivethehybrid ] 
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My mama is my hero. She’s beautiful, smart, and funny and I can’t imagine my life without her. She’s taught me so much and everything a mother should be. I hope I can be even just half the woman you are. You’re a perfect wife, a perfect mom, a perfect grandma, and an even more perfect friend. Thanks for being you, and thanks for being mine. bewitching-care
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allylockwolf · 10 years
Caroline and Ally
“The more of these I read, the less excited I’m getting about this whole thing,” Ally said with a sigh, the pregnancy and parenting book flopping down on her face.
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Enzo & Caroline
"Don’t worry, gorgeous, I won’t say a word about how much you missed me and my pie if you don’t."
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Caroline || Liz
“Mom? Hello? Are you home? Jesus, there you are. Did you forget you have a cell phone? Matte of fact did you forget you have a daughter?” She frowned, crossing her arms across her chest. “Just because i’m a mom doesn’t mean I don’t need mine.”
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allylockwolf · 10 years
Caroline and Allison ~ Awkward Conversations
"So... I'm sure you have enough people talking to you about Niko... but this is different. I'm Allison Lockwood... his girlfriend."
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xmsbonniebennett-blog · 10 years
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"Care I'm on my way to your house, I really hope you're not busy because I haven't seen you in days and I miss you and yeah." Bonnie left her best friend a voice mail before heading to her house. When she got there she knocked on the door waiting for Caroline or someone to open it.
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mikaelsonnprincess · 10 years
"I think I’ve officially seen too much of my aunt…"
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cian-mikaelson · 10 years
Sweet Child O' Mine || Klaus, Caroline and Cian
Cian had just been admitted to the Intensive Care Unit at Mystic Falls Hospital and was in a coma. He had just had a scan and nothing to bad showed up. There was a bleed that the Doctor's hoped would resolve on its own but if it got bigger, they would operate. He was hooked up to all sorts of machines. A machine monitoring his heart rate, blood pressure, Oxygen Saturation. Another checking his inter-cranial pressure and drips into several cannulas to feed him medication. They hadn't put him asleep for anything so the Coma was something that Cian would have to wake from on his own. He had told his parent's he didn't want them to feed him blood. He had cannula's up his nose feeding him oxygen and his hip and pelvis was bandaged up after being dislocated and needing to be put back in. 
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xmsbonniebennett-blog · 10 years
✌ ✌ ✌ ✌ ❤ ☣ ⚠ ⚠ ☾ ✈ ✴ ✴ ✴
✌ - I lwove you Cwroile forbesss.✌- youre so pwetty, why why preety?✌- Get Yur blond booty to mine lenashere were having girl nite✌-omf care im so drink❤ - Caroline you are the light that makes every one of my days a little bit better. This may seem random but I wanted to let you know I love you. Never change.☣- Your husband's an asshole.⚠ - Care... I'm kind of dying right now.⚠ - Don't panic but I'm in the middle of the woods covered in my blood and I have no idea what happened. Oops?☾ - I just had a dream about you. We were in a field and... I forgot the rest.✈ - I'm on my way to yours. Thought I'd warn you to save awkwardness. There are some things I never want to see.✴ - CAROLINE WHERES MY LIPSTICK.✴ - I'm going to stake your ass if you don't answer your phone✴- this is important Blondie. CAROLINE!
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burnbook-tvdf-blog · 10 years
What are your thoughts on some of the people standing out to you as of recently?
Katherine’s been standing out to me, and not for anything good. I’m seriously bored of everyone cheating on each other. Can nobody keep it in their pants?
Caroline, who’s been overly angry at Klaus for leaving when she’d abandoned her children for the last couple of weeks. Two words; pot kettle.
Really it’s the parents more than anything who need to sort themselves out. And I thought the kids were screwed up.
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thedevil-indisguise · 10 years
I'm not giving up on you || Klaus + Caroline
Klaus walked up to the Church doors, noticing that the funeral was over now and most people had left. He opened the doors quietly and watched as his wife sobbed near the alter. His heart clenched and he walked through, approaching her slowly - it was hard to tell what she wanted in this situation. Comfort? Or distance from him? 
''Your mother... She was a great woman.''
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elenagilb-rt-blog · 10 years
Elena & Caroline/Lilim
Walking into the Mikaelson home like she had done a million times before, Elena cleared her throat, hoping that somebody would hear that she was there before she walked further inside. “Caroline?” She called out, her boots clicking against the floor as she walked a few steps further into the main living room. Her voice was almost wary and uneasy as she called out for her friend. Ever since Bonnie had pointed out that Caroline had been different lately, Elena had been meaning to pay her friend a visit and find out what exactly was going on. “Care, you here?”
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