Adam || Liz
“Knock, knock.” Liz knocked but walked in anyways, with a grin on her face. “There you are.” She jumped on the couch next to him, laying her head on his leg. “You’re giving me that look again.” She huffed, leaning up to poke his cheek. “Yeah, yeah- you’re not happy with me but... i’m still me.”
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hybrid-mama-blog · 9 years
Adam || Hannah
“Oh, Adam. I can’t thank you enough for taking care of Pongo while I was away. He really likes you, right boy? You like Adam a lot, don’t you buddy?” She asked, petting her dalmatian. “You’re great with him, Adam. Seriously, my own kids couldn’t handle taking care of him.”
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mikaelsonnprincess · 9 years
are you in love with adam
I don’t know if I’m in love with him but I think I’m falling and this hasn’t happened to me before ever so I’m really not sure what I’m experiencing.
But don’t tell him that please.
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divine-wretch-blog · 9 years
✆ / ⁇ / ø / # / % / $
MORNING: Where is the best place to get breakfast? Too lazy to cook right now. Tired too, if I’m being honest.
DRUNK: whah dId You kNow tHt lettERS feel rejEctEd bC thY r nOt cApitaLized iF yAh fEel mE?????????????? 
LATE NIGHT: Can you like do me a tiny little favor and come over? It’s too quiet. Netflix and chill sounds nice, right?
RANDOM: Oh wows. Are you a book person? I hope you are. Listen to be fangirl over Paper Towns and basically all John Green books. I HAVE COOKIES FOR YOUR SERVICES!!!
CURIOUS: How does one discover their witch abilities? Bc freaky stuff is happening to me… I’m so confused.
ACCIDENTAL: Just fucking kill the bastard! Clearly he doesn’t understand who you are. Idiot…. SHOOT! Wrong person. I don’t mean legit kill, of course. Angry friend might tho… Gotta go 
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Adam || Cristina
“Wow this town is so cute. Aww look at these flowers, the blue one’s pretty.” Cristina muttered to herself not realizing that there was anybody around listening to her. She turned around to look at something else and saw a boy right in front of her. “Oh, hi. Sorry, I must sound crazy talking to myself.”
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b-saltzman · 9 years
♘ $
♘ - for a questioning text
So, how many more times do I have to say that I care for Liz for you to understand that I mean it?
$ - for a lying text
I’m not sleeping with her, don’t worry. Not yet, at least...
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owen-mikaelson · 9 years
♘ ❂ ☽ $ ⊙ ♬ ★
♘ for a questioning text
TEXT:  Are you with my sister?
❂ for a text about another character
TEXT: Liz is in her room crying come over and cheer her up.
☽ for a sleepy text
TEXT: I’m tired you need to turn the volume down on the TV.
$ for a lying text
TEXT: You and Liz would be a terrible couple I said with no conviction
⊙ for a reaction to your muse’s nudes text 
TEXT: Not bad Adam... Not bad.
♬ for a music rec or lyric text
★ for a dumb meme or inside joke text
TEXT: so when are you and my sister going to just resolve all that unresolved sexual tension?
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mikaelsonnprincess · 9 years
Miss Mystic - Lucy and Adam
Lucy let her hands idly twist back and forth as she waited for Adam to arrive. She couldn’t quite walk into the ballroom just yet, not without her escort. Smiling when she saw him pull up, she made her way over to him, her heels clinking on the floor. “You look great,” she said with a smile. “One of Esther’s suits?”
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[ itsadamsalvatore ]
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tvdf-burnbook · 9 years
I am glad Lucy and adam broke up because I always wanted Lucy with Rick and I wanted Adam to myself.
Do you actually think Lucy and Rick would work? For the drama,yes I agree.I’d love to see them attempt a relationship. I’d also love to see the brothers go at it,and see the cousins go at it.As for Adam, he’s all mine.Back yourself up,please.
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Back to the start- Adam || Liz
“Alright so.” Liz spoke right as she walked inside Adam’s house holding a bag which held a liter of dr. Pepper. mountain dew, cheetos, and cheddar and sour cream chips, a case of beer, and a few movies. “I’m wearing my flannel pajamas, and my hair is in a messy bun so there is no chance we’re leaving the house- I don’t care if you want more junk food. I brought enough.” She marched into his room, setting the bag down then jumping onto his bed beside him. “Liz and Adam slumber party...the reunion.”
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tvdf-burnbook · 9 years
What Adam needs instead of them there dogs, is some cats. Why? The dude needs some real PUSSY in his life.
Pussy is so overrated.Yukhhhhhhhhhhh.
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the-vicdonovan · 9 years
I like you // I love you // You’re one of my best friends // You’re like family // You are family // I dislike you // I hate you // I’d kill you if I got the chance // I’m scared of you // I would adopt you // I’d date you // I’d sleep with you // I’d marry you (lbr though, who wouldn’t?) // I’m worried about you // You confuse me // You’re annoying // I pity you // I respect you // I feel protective of you // I’d invite you with me to parties // I’d lend you my money // I’d borrow your money // You’re good-looking // I’m suspicious of you // I’m hiding something from you // You’re fun // You’re boring // You’re nice // You’re mean // You’re smart // You’re stupid // I look up to you // I think you’re a better person than me // I think I’m a better person than you // I want to apologize to you // I wish I’d never met you // I never want to forget you // I want to get to know you better
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b-saltzman · 9 years
✘ //
If you text me one more time about how you’re getting laid I swear to god I’m going to rip your head off.Not you Adam, please ignore that.
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