#tvd 04x12
When a Good Plan Backfires
kol mikealson x reader
summary: elena had it planned to a T. she was going to lure kol to her house where jeremy would be stationed to kill him, not only ridding him from their lives, but also completing the hunter's mark. most everyone was in on the plan, too, and had their own roles. well, everyone, except for you. she had left you out on purpose, fearing you'd interfere to protect the original. what she didn't know, though, was that not warning you would make her whole plan backfire miserably.
tags: major character death, angst, no happy ending, secret relationship, sire bond, TVD s04e12
word count: ~1.9k
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Stefan revs his motorcycle before asking Elena to repeat herself. He’s almost in disbelief at her plan. “What did you say?”
“I want Jeremy to kill Kol. He just attacked Bonnie at the school, but now the three of us are planning this out. Bonnie can hold him down, and she can distract Klaus, too. We just need you to dagger Rebekah so she doesn’t come after us.”
“You want to kill an original?”
“I think Jeremy can. Plus, it’s the fastest way to grow this mark so we can find the cure. Just… tell me you’ll handle Rebekah?”
“I can’t dagger her, Elena.”
“Well, why not?”
Stefan doesn’t answer her question.
“Just distract her somehow, please.”
“I’ll try. Hey, does Y/N know about this plan?”
Elena sighs, “we haven’t told her.”
“You really should. Not that I care about Kol, but we all care about her. I think she deserves a warning, at least.”
“I know,” the girl bites her lip, “but I don’t want her to sabotage this to save him.”
“I’m not going to interfere with your plan. If you want to kill Kol and not tell Y/N, fine, but know she might never talk to you again.”
“I don’t want her to hate me, but… he’s going to kill Jeremy, and will try to kill Bonnie again if we don’t do this. And killing him would break Damon’s compulsion, too. Plus… we all know she’ll be better without him in the long run. He’s not a good influence on her; she’s only going to get hurt. This is better for everyone.”
“I agree with that part, I’m just worried about her heart. I’d hate to break it by killing her best friend, especially without her knowledge. She’s still human, it’s not like she’d be able to turn off her humanity to deal with it.”
“Maybe that’s for the better, too. The less bloodthirsty vampires around here, the better. Which is why this needs to happen. Damon needs to be free, Rebekah needs to be handled, and Kol needs to be gone. I’m going to call Matt next and have him try to keep Y/N at The Grill tonight past closing. We can reveal everything afterwards.”
Stefan takes a deep breath, “alright.”
When Matt gets the call, he understands Elena’s point of view. He’s never liked how close you’ve gotten with Kol, and shares the same fears that he’ll hurt you eventually and you, who always loves so deeply, wouldn’t be able to survive it. That, or worse, Kol would snap one day and kill you. So when the girl begs him not to tell you, he agrees with the plan. 
“We’ll all ask for forgiveness after,” he tells her. Elena likes this thought, then hangs up the phone. 
“Hey, Y/N, can you help me a little later tonight? I want to make sure everything is cleaned and stocked well for the morning. I was a little slow by myself last night.”
“Of course! I don’t mind,” you smile, eyes sparkling. You usually get off at eight, but with the plan in effect, Matt wants to keep you at least an extra hour. 
“Cool, thanks!”
Despite agreeing with Elena, working with you that night and knowing what’s about to happen is killing him. The fact that your best friend is about to die - not only just daggered - and you can’t say goodbye to him feels so wrong. He takes a deep breath every time you smile at him, trying not to break. 
Though at nine-thirty, he starts to crack. 
“Hey, Y/N?”
“Mhm?” You turn to face him, dish in hand. 
“Are you and Kol still… friends?”
You smile at the mention of his name, and Matt feels a pang of regret. “Yeah, why?”
“No reason, just curious.”
A giggle escapes your lips, “I actually was with him this morning. He came by early and we made pancakes.” Matt doesn’t answer, though you continue. “I know he’s been a little shit lately, going after Jeremy, but I just… I know how badly everyone wants the cure, but if Silas is as bad as Kol says he is, I don’t blame him for wanting to prevent them from finding it. And I know going after everyone who threatens to raise Silas is wrong of him, but he’s really scared and doesn’t know how else to deal with it. You know how dysfunctional that whole family is; they’re like the vampiric version of mine,” you joke. 
“You really think he’s being honest about how bad Silas is?”
“I do. Especially considering that the dude’s been cemented for so long, he’ll probably go on a killing spree just to feel alive.”
Matt shifts uncomfortably. “Y/N… I have to tell you something.”
He’s cut off by a series of coughs from you, “sorry. I think I might’ve inhaled some pepper,” you mutter, hitting your chest for relief.
“You okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” you clear your throat. It helps a little, but there’s still a bothersome tickle. “You were saying?”
“Elena and Bonnie are-”
There’s a loud crash as you drop the plate you were holding. It shatters into pieces on the ground. You’re not far behind, falling to the floor, but you catch yourself on the counter with a weak grip. 
“Y/N?!” Matt rushes to your side, “are you okay? What’s happening?”
“I don’t know,” you cough some more, “I feel dizzy. Everything’s blurry. I,” a third series of coughs take over. They strain your body, making it harder to stand. Matt panics when you lose your grip and fall to the floor. Your body starts to shake, almost like a seizure. “What’s wrong with me?! Oh my god, help!”
“Stay right there! Let me call for help.” He grabs his phone, “shit! I’m calling 911!”
“No, please! Call Kol. Matt, I need him. He can help me.”
“Y/N, I can’t.”
“Why? His number’s 70-”
His lip trembles, “I can’t, I’m sorry.”
“A doctor can’t help me, please, you need to call him! Matt, I’m… he…” 
“I’m going to call Elena, okay?”
“Why? What’s going on? Why can’t I see Kol?” More coughing stops your questioning. 
You hear her voice over the phone, “it’s over, Matt, K-”
The blond cuts her off, “Elena, wait! Stop! I need help, Y/N’s coughing and shaking. She just collapsed on the floor, I don’t know what to do!”
“Call 911, get her to the hospital!”
“She’s asking for Kol, Elena. She’s saying a doctor won’t help. I… I don’t know. I think-”
“Oh god,” she whispers. “Um, shit… bring her here.”
“But if he’s still-”
“Matt, just bring her here. Please.”
“I’ll get there fast.”
As soon as he hangs up, Matt carries your limp body into his truck and speeds off to the Gilberts’ house. You’re too weak to ask questions, and he’s too afraid, making for a silent trip, aside from your coughing. Your limbs are still shaking, jittery, as if you’ve had too much coffee. Though something tells him coffee’s definitely not the problem. When he pulls into their driveway, he turns to you.
“Yes?” Your voice is fragile. It honestly sounds like you’re dying.
“Close your eyes for me, please? You’ll be okay. I’ll guide you.”
He helps you walk, calling for Elena as he nears the doorway. She opens it right as you reach the threshold. Immediately, your state pales her, “oh my god! What’s wrong with her?!”
“I don’t know! She said not to call the police, and she’s been coughing the whole way here.”
“Bring her inside, let’s-” Elena drops her sentence as she watches the scene before her. Matt had tried to bring you into the house, but an invisible barrier is keeping you out. “Y/N?”
“I’m sorry,” you mutter. “I…”
Matt tries again, but the doorway refuses your entry.
“Y/N,” Elena clears her throat, “please come in.”
This time, when Matt takes a step, you’re able to follow. 
“No,” the girl is hit with a sudden, horrible realization. “No, no, no, no… it can’t. You can’t.”
“Elena, I’m sorry.”
You take a deep breath, “this morning.”
Matt, Elena, and Jeremy all stare in shocked silence. 
“Who turned you?” Jeremy finally asks. Matt already knows; tears fall from his eyes. “Matt?” The boy questions his friend. 
Before you can answer, a voice from behind interrupts, “love?”
Your heart jumps when you hear your nickname. Unfortunately, though, the sudden change in your heartbeat makes you even weaker. “Kol? Are you here?” Against Matt’s wishes, you open your eyes. 
“Love, I’m here. I’m sorry.”
“Oh my god!” You use the last bit of your energy to make it to his side. He’s on the floor, shallow breaths keeping him alive. You can tell, though, that he’s nearing his last. “Baby, what happened? What’s-” you look around for answers, but receive none. In a last ditch effort, you put your wrist to his lips, “come on, feed. Please.”
“It won’t work, sweetheart. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have…” he tries to take a deep breath, “shouldn’t have been selfish. Should’ve left you alone. Human.”
“No, no, no… Kol, I wanted it. Wanted you. I still do, and I always will. You can’t die on me. Please.” You bite your wrist anyway and let a few drops fall, “come on, please! You can’t die, and I don’t want to die, either.” Panic is taking over your body; tears fall faster, coughs are more frequent, hands shake violently. 
Elena’s the first to intervene after the three piece the puzzle together. She rushes over to you, grabbing your shoulder, and biting her wrist. “Y/N, drink.”
“If it won’t work for me, it won’t work for her,” Kol mutters.
“Y/N, I’m sorry,” the girl pleads. “We didn’t know. I’m so sorry. Somebody call Stefan, now!”
Matt starts to fumble with his phone again, while Jeremy mutters that he’s going to call Bonnie. 
You don’t answer either of them. Instead, you cup your best friend’s cheeks and lean down to kiss his lips. “I need you, Kol. I love you.” He kisses back, but he’s so weak that it’s as if he’s a ghost. “I’ve had this fantasy, I’ve wanted to share with you… us leaving together. Let everyone here find their stupid cure, raise Silas, whatever, because we’d be thousands of miles away. We could keep each other safe, and we wouldn’t have to deal with all the drama here anymore. I wouldn’t have to live in fear of losing you, and we could just be happy.”
“Love…” he blinks back a tear, “look at me.” You do, and he continues, “take a deep breath. Relax.” Immediately, you calm down until you’re content and listening to him. “I love you so much. I promise I’ll find you wherever we end up. If there’s any afterlife at all, I won’t stop searching until we’re together. But for now, I want you to be at peace, just until your spirit can move on. Let it rest, love. We’ll be okay.”
You nod, all panic eased, and lay down beside him. “I love you,” you repeat.
“There you go. I love you, too. We’ll find each other again.” He kisses your hand, and then his chest rises and falls one last time. 
“Kol?” You know he’s gone, but can’t help but ask anyway. The silence tears your heart in two, but you don’t cry. You don’t cry, you don’t yell, you don’t even move. You just stare, stone cold on the outside, yet with a heart full of emotion. 
“Y/N?” Elena gets your attention, “are you alright?”
“I’ll be okay.” You smile up at her, then look back down at Kol. “We’ll be okay.” A second later, you too, draw your last breath. 
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