#tuxedo knux…
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sonicshipbattles · 11 months
Round 2
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This poll is for Knuckles/Julie-Su/Rouge vs Tuxedo Knux/Sally Moon, both ships from the Archie Comics All ships included were submitted to us. This tournament does not accept insults towards either ship - use propaganda to uplift your fave, not put down the opponent
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spiderman616 · 2 years
SSS #8 but better
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Zeep. "Zonic."
The aforementioned Zone Cop was his home zone, the No Zone- a place 90 degrees to the side of everywhere else in the multiverse. Why, you might ask? He was bored.
"-Gah! Why does the alert sound exactly like an alarm clock?"
"Never mind that. We have an unplanned zone breach into the Prime Zone. That's your area of expertise, think you can handle it?"
The Prime Zone was the name of the zone that the one and true Sonic, Sonic Prime, resided in. It was the zone that all others stemmed from. Which also meant it was a hot item- something that the Zone Cops, the inhabitants of the No Zone dedicated to maintaining the right balance of order and chaos in the multiverse, had to defend.
"Well, who am I dealing with? You know this would be much easier if I had access to the logs myself." Zonic began putting his heavier gear on; it was obvious he was going to go out into the field.
"Nice try. Ivana Robotina, Luna Zone. Currently engaged in combat with Sonic Prime."
Zonic swore under his breath. Sonic Prime!? That threw a wrench into things. Now Zonic needed to try and make sure Prime didn't notice his interference while still detaining the threat. Through gritted teeth, he responded to his superior before cutting the communication line.
"Consider that problem solved. Over."
Now, he can't very well go up to Dr. Robotina and fight her alongside Sonic. Although that would be pretty fun. Ideally, Prime inhabitants were to never know of the Zone Cops' existence. It was far too risky. Although this was the first breach into Prime in a good while, not counting the ones Zonic had a hand in himself. The Ultimate Annihilator incident, or the UA event as it was being called now, was facilitated by the higher ups. But it seemed to be causing a whole lot of side effects.
Right. Back to the current problem. Zoop!
A bit of dimensional alteration here and there, and boom. Sally Moon, the sworn enemy of Dr. Robotina, along with Chibi Rose, had just gotten teleported to the Prime Zone through her scepter, and none were the wiser. None, that is, except Zonic. But that's a given.
"Oops- almost forgot one."
And in another flash of light back with our hero, (Sonic the Hedgehog, fellows. Don't forget.) a flying rose pierced the enchantress, and vanquished her with a flourish. That, of course, was thrown by none other than tuxedo Knuckles.
"I trust that you're okay, Princess?" Tuxedo Knuckles held Sally Moon in his arms.
"Now that you're here Tuxedo Knux..." She was this close to swooning.
"WHAT?!" And it seemed like the Hero of Mobius had finally came to his senses. And he was not happy with what was going on.
"Well, there's your cue, officer. It's probably not a good idea to revel yourself like this- but then again, it's also not a good idea to leave things as they are now."
Weighing the options, Zonic teleported himself over to Prime. Hopefully they wouldn't be too freaked out by his whole- sideways thing.
"Wow, Sonic. Way to interrupt a tender moment."
Yeah, he was gonna try not to freak anyone out. Didn't mean he couldn't also have some fun.
Ah. A good first reaction.
"Not to leave you hanging, Prime, but-" Zonic warped away the three visitors before turning back to Sonic once more, smirk still firm on his muzzle. "Duty called."
"Alright sideways wise guy, I want answers. Now!"
"Sure, kid! I'm from a sideways zone. The No Zone. And it's my job to make sure everything's running smoothly. Nobody gets into places they're not supposed to."
Sonic crossed his arms at the officer, who was significantly taller than Sonic in his clothes.
"Yeah, right! I've been to plenty of zones, and nobody's stopped me-"
"On the contrary, I sent you there."
Wow, he sure was using that line a lot.
"Come on, Sonic. Think. You thought portals would just pop out of nowhere? Zoop-" He snapped his fingers. "And there you were, wherever you were needed? When you went to the Special Zone, when you met your evil counterpart, when you've travelled through the cosmic interstate, and all the other times you've helped out? That's not just dumb luck, Sonic. Getting to the right time and place is a feat in and of itself."
The blue hedgehog stood there for a while, mouth agape.
"...Wow. That's a lollapalooza of a doozy. You mean to tell me if I hadn't gone to those zones-"
"Lots of bad stuff woulda' come down. I know. You can thank me later, though. I'm on a schedule."
"B-but why always me? Why not send someone else, or heck- do it yourself?" Sonic tried to ask Zonic his questions before the officer had entered a portal he just created.
Zonic grinned, and flicked the other hedgehog's nose.
"Because you're Sonic Prime. The one true Sonic of every dimension. Destined to save the multiverse and a whole lotta other stuff you don't care about. Chao."
And without letting Sonic get in another word, Zonic hopped into his portal and it closed behind him.
Sonic looked out into the distance for a good while, before responding to nothing.
"Oh, yeah? Well, a whole lotta good that's doing me!"
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knuxtiger4 · 5 years
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Nux (Tabby) and Lil’ Cato (Tuxedo)! These guys are a bonded pair of siblings me and my BF adopted from one of my coworkers. They have been adjusting nicely and are learning to leave Leo alone.
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freshroyalmspaint · 5 years
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mobius-prime · 5 years
118. Sonic Super Special #8
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Zone Wars: Prelude
Writer: Dan Slott Pencils: James Fry Colors: Josh D. Ray
So this story is kind of infamously hilarious, but it also introduces a rather important concept. Sonic is racing around the hills, avoiding blasts of magic from a bizarre being that basically just looks like someone put boobs, pigtails and fishnets on Robotnik and who is apparently known as Ivana Robotina. A figure that appears to be standing sideways, called Zonic, gets a report of this happening from another zone and heads out to investigate. Before Zonic can get there, however, a few more people arrive on the scene - Sally Moon and Chibi Rose, who look like exactly what their names imply, that is to say Sailor Moon characters. Then Robotina is knocked out by a rather flimsy blow from a rose, and another unexpected figure makes his entrance - Tuxedo Knux!
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Don't worry, Sonic, we're all just as baffled as you are.
At this point Zonic arrives through a portal and ushers everyone back through it, back to their home zone called the Luna Zone. He explains to Sonic that he's a Zone Cop, coming from a parallel dimension that runs 90 degrees through all other dimensions, allowing them to effectively police any attempts to travel to alternate zones. Sonic challenges him, saying he's been to plenty of other zones, but Zonic informs him that he deliberately sent Sonic there from his home zone, Mobius Prime (eyy, blog title drop!) to help restore order.
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Oh c'mon Sonic, we're only like a third of the way into this comic. You have plenty of time to win Sally Prime over! (Well, technically, he already has, but don't tell him that!)
Running on Empty
Writers: Roger Brown and Nelson Rebeiro Pencils: Nelson Ribeiro Colors: Frank Gagliardo
Sonic and Amy are hanging out on a hill overlooking Knothole, admiring the view, and when Amy gets cold, Sonic races down to the buildings and back in a fraction of a second to retrieve her coat. When she compliments his speed, he decides to tell her about a time it almost got him killed. One day a few months ago (at least that's what I'm assuming, since Sally wears her trademark blue vest throughout it, and she didn't always have that near the beginning of the comic) Sonic thought he heard Sally calling for help, so he rushed to the gazebo where she appeared to be standing. However, his hand went right through her like she was a hologram, and then Snively, hiding behind the structure, activated his trap, zapping Sonic.
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Ooh, dramatic. Sonic rushed back towards Knothole and encountered Rosie roaming the woods looking for an apple grove. Sonic rushed to lead her to it, trying to catch one of the apples before it fell from the tree, but suddenly found himself unable to stop running and smashed into the tree, dropping a whole heap of apples onto his head. At least this helped Rosie collect the apples she wanted, but on the way back Sonic noticed a Robotnik surveillance drone above the trees and decided to run back to Knothole to warn his friends. However, again, he was unable to stop running in time, and what's more, his sheer speed created some kind of vacuum behind him, sucking up tons of junk and depositing it directly on top of his hapless friends.
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Rotor offered to run some tests to figure out what was causing Sonic to suddenly be able to run so fast that it was causing him problems, and had him run on a treadmill, which of course quickly overloaded and exploded. The data Rotor collected before it was ruined informed him that whatever had zapped Sonic had given him super-super speed, but along with it, every time he used it he aged further, causing him to quickly turn into a feeble old man. Everyone (except a fearful Antoine) teamed up to infiltrate Robotropolis and find the machine Snively used to cause this effect, hoping to get it to run in reverse and turn Sonic back into his former fifteen-year-old self. Once they got inside the city, Rotor discovered that although he was able to alter the machine to run in reverse, they needed a security code to actually activate it. However, as you might expect, at this point Robotnik and Snively, along with a host of swatbots, entered and sprung an ambush. Sonic was determined to save the lives of his friends, so despite his decrepit state, he used his speed one last time to destroy all the bots and kick Robotnik out of the room.
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Exhausted from his feat, he collapsed, and his friends still didn't have the code needed to save his life. Sally, thinking fast, grabbed the gloating Snively and put her acting skills to use.
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And just like that, the aging process was reversed, and no one ever thought to try to reverse-engineer that to help anyone else suffering from age-related problems ever again! Back in the present, Amy is pleased with the story, and asks for more, which Sonic happily obliges. It's nice to see that despite her obvious crush on him, Sonic is quite friendly with her in this universe, considering that in other canons he's often been shown to be somewhat callous toward her feelings.
Den of Thieves
Writer/Pencils: Frank Strom Colors: Barry Grossman
It's time to see what ol' Monkey Khan has been up to lately. He's been residing in a village called either Lau Kar or Leung Kar (it's called both over the course of the story, for whatever reason), along with two Mobians who… well, I can't tell what animal they're supposed to be by sight, but the wiki tells me they're rabbits, and they're brother and sister, named Liu Fang and Liu Chi Mei respectively. One morning they're distraught to find the Temple of the Golden Lotus being robbed by some bat ninjas of the Yagyu Clan, and call for help, which comes in the form of, you guessed it, Monkey Khan. He beats on the ninjas for a moment, but then they pull the smoke bomb trick and vanish, to his surprise.
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Khan, Fang, and Chi Mei head up to the lake, where they're predictably ambushed by several more Yagyu ninjas. They try to get to higher ground, perhaps hoping to imitate their favorite Jedi Master, but find themselves dropped through a trapdoor into an underground room.
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Okay, first of all, that does not look like a dragon, that looks like Godzilla with stegosaurus legs. Second of all, it's obviously a robot and not a mythical terror, something which Khan focuses in on right away. The "dragon" attacks him, hoping to steal his headband to become another piece of the Yagyu's stolen treasure collection, but Khan beats it back and then attacks its circuitry, confusing it and causing it to turn on the Yagyu ninjas instead. As it chases the Yagyu away, Khan, Fang and Chi Mei collect all the stolen treasure - fifty years worth of it, in fact - and take it back to their town, triumphant. Good to see Khan's found himself a place in the world, huh?
Ghost Busted
Writer/Pencils: Jay Oliveras Colors: Frank Gagliardo
This story is actually a retelling of an episode by the same name from the SatAM TV show, told from the point of view of Tails. Sometime in the past, he had gone out into the wilderness with Sonic and Antoine for some good old fashioned roughin' it in the wilderness, when Antoine, supposed to be hiding so Tails could practice tracking him, fell screaming down a muddy slope into the water below. He claimed that he had seen a ghost, but Sonic and Tails brushed him off, saying there's no such thing. That night, Sonic kept Tails and Antoine up late by telling ghost stories, including one about the "Headless Gopher" who was cursed by a stolen gold medallion. Antoine irritably (and somewhat nervously) demanded Sonic stop talking so he could sleep, and feeling tired, Sonic and Tails joined him. However, in the middle of the night, Tails found himself awakened from creepy dreams to something even creepier…
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Tails was certain that he'd seen the Headless Gopher, and what's more, Antoine was now missing. Sonic decided to humor him and they split up to search the immediate area. However, Tails hadn't gone far when he circled back around and to his horror, saw Sonic standing right next to the fiery ghost, appearing to be working together with it to find him! He tried to fly away to find Sally and get her help, but ran smack into the ghost…
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I don't know about you, but I'd love to find a bush like that, 'cause a bush that perpetually glows like it's on fire sounds awesome. The next morning, Tails, emboldened by his scary nighttime experience, asked Sonic for some more ghost stories as they packed up to leave. Sonic offered to tell some more later, but just then, Tails noticed a shimmering gold medallion on the ground near their camp… and thus, the three brave souls ran away screaming their heads off, certain that they really had gotten a visit from the Headless Gopher in the night. And ever since, it's been their little secret that they've never admitted to anyone else. Great job, guys! Truly a tale worthy of the legendary Freedom Fighters!
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punkcherries · 7 years
i cant believe they went with the name ‘tuxedo knux’ when they COULD have called him knuxedo mask like yOU HAD A PUN PRACTICALLY GIFTWRAPPED FOR U AND U CHOSE NOT TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT,,,,,
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sonicshipbattles · 11 months
Round One
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This poll is for the Knuckles/Sallyship vs Tuxedo Knux/Sally Moon, both ships from the Archie Comics. Note that Sonic isn't included in the ship, he just happened to be on the image All ships included were submitted to us. This tournament does not accept insults towards either ship - use propaganda to uplift your fave, not put down the opponent
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sonicshipbattles · 11 months
Round 3
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This poll is for the general concept of Knuckles/Espio across any of their shared media vs Tuxedo Knux/Sally Moon from the Archie Comics All ships included were submitted to us. This tournament does not accept insults towards either ship - use propaganda to uplift your fave, not put down the opponent
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sonicshipbattles · 11 months
Round Two
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It took a bit longer to get to than expected, but here are the match-ups for Round Two! This round will be posted on Wednesday 25th October and last for 24 hours. It's a bit of a long wait, but by that point my entire house-moving situation will be over with, so it just seems like the most sensible time to do this to avoid interruptions Match-ups are below the readmore:
Knuckles/Sonic (General) vs Knuckles/Werehog Knuckles/Sonic (Frontiers) vs Knuckles/Sonic (Sonic X) Knuckles/Sonic (Post-SGW Archie) vs Knuckles/The Master Emerald Knuckles/his hat (OVA) vs Knuckles/his hat (TMoStH)
Knuckles/Mighty (Classic) vs Knuckles/Mighty/Sonic Knuckles/Relic vs Knuckles/Porker Lewis Knuckles/Espio (General) vs Knuckles/Silver Knuckles/Julie-Su/Rouge vs Tuxedo Knux/Sally Moon
Knuckles/Rouge (General) vs Knuckles/Rouge (Sonic X) Renegade Knucks/Rebel Rouge vs Knuckles/Rouge/The Master Emerald Knuckles/Shade/Sonic vs Knuckles/Sticks (Boom) Knuckles/Sonia vs Knuckles/Barry
Knuckles/Shadow (General) vs Knuckles/Blaze Knuckles/Jet vs Knuckles/Shadow/Sonic Knuckles/Amy (General) vs Knuckles/Shade Knuckles/Amy/Rouge/Shadow/Sonic vs Knuckles/Amy/Sonic/Sticks (Boom)
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sonicshipbattles · 1 year
Preliminaries + Round One Match-ups
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These images are quite daunting to look at, but don't worry, the full list of matches (along with notes about the match-ups) is listed below. Also, there are only six preliminaries this time and these will go live later today, though I'm not sure what time yet. All matches in the prelims and round one will run for 24 hours
[Winner of preliminary] vs Knuckles/Sonic (General) Knuckles/Chili Dogs/Sonic vs Knuckles/Sonic (OVA) Knuckles/Sonic (Boom) vs Knuckles/Werehog Knuckles/Sonic (Frontiers) vs Knuckles/Sonic (IDW) Knuckles/Sonic (Sonic X) vs Knuckles the Dread/Sonic Knuckles/Sonic (Pre-SGW Archie) vs Knuckles/Sonic (Post-SGW Archie) Knuckles the Dread/The Devil's Lighthouse (aka the blue Prism Shard) vs Knuckles/The Master Emerald Knuckles/his hat (Modern) vs Knuckles/his hat (OVA) Knuckles/his hat (TMoStH) vs Knuckles/no one
[Winner of preliminary] vs Knuckles/Mighty (General) Knuckles/Espio/Mighty vs Knuckles/Mighty (Classic) Knuckles/Mighty/Shadow/Sonic vs Knuckles/Mighty/Sonic Knuckles/Relic vs Knuckles/Surge Knuckles/Morain vs Knuckles/Porker Lewis [Winner of preliminary] vs Knuckles/Espio (General) Knuckles/Espio (Archie) vs Knuckles/Espio/Silver Knuckles/Espio/Mighty/Silver vs Knuckles/Silver Knuckles/Julie-Su vs Knuckles/Julie-Su/Rouge Knuckles/Sally vs Tuxedo Knux/Sally Moon
[Winner of preliminary] vs Knuckles/Rouge (General) Knuckles/Rouge (IDW) vs Knuckles/Rouge (Song lyrics) Knuckles/Rouge (Sonic X) vs Knuckles/Rouge/Sonic Knuckles the Dread/Batten Rouge vs Renegade Knucks/Rebel Rouge Knuckles/Rouge/Shadow vs Knuckles/Rouge/The Master Emerald Knuckles/Shade/Shadow/Sonic vs Knuckles/Shade/Sonic Knuckles/Sticks (Boom) vs Knuckles/Sticks (Modern) Knuckles/Maki Nishikido (Love Live) vs Knuckles/Sonia Knuckles/Barry vs Knuckles/Mike the Ox
[Winner of preliminary] vs Knuckles/Shadow (General) Knuckles/Shadow (Archie) vs Knuckles/Shadow (Sonic X) Knuckles/Blaze vs Knuckles/Blaze/Shadow Knuckles/Jet vs Knuckles/Metal Sonic Knuckles/Rouge/Shadow/Sonic vs Knuckles/Shadow/Sonic [Winner of preliminary] vs Knuckles/Amy (General) Knuckles/Amy (Boom) vs Knuckles/Amy (Post-SGW Archie) Knuckles/Amy/Rouge/Shade/Shadow/Sonic vs Knuckles/Shade Knuckles/Amy/Rouge/Shadow/Sonic vs Knuckles/Amy/Shade/Shadow/Sonic Knuckles/Amy/Sonic vs Knuckles/Amy/Sonic/Sticks (Boom)
Match-up Notes:
Different variations of the same ships have been grouped together as best as I could. Where there were preliminaries, versions of the ship that received low nominations were included in the preliminaries. The reason for grouping them together is so that the strongest version of each ship will go furthest (also to stop a single ship sweeping all corners of the grid lol)
As the most submitted ship, SonKnux has been placed on the top left side of the grid
As the 2nd most submitted ship, Knuxouge has been placed on the bottom left side of the grid
As the 3rd most submitted ship, Knuxadow has been placed on the bottom right side of the grid
As the 4th most submitted ship, KnuxMighty has been placed on the top right side of the grid
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sonicshipbattles · 1 year
Final(?) Ship List and Notes
A few updates on this tournament. Voters have decided that Knuckles/Tikal and Knuckles/Cosmo won't be included. For our crossover ship, no one had any objections to Knuckles/Maki Nishikido (Love Live) by the deadline, so that ship will be included Also, here's a list of ships that I don't have images for yet
Therefore, we now have what is potentially the final list of ships that will be included in the tournament. But I want to be sure of that before making the bracket, since in the past I've had people object to stuff after the bracket's been started and it's annoying shuffling stuff around at that point. So, I'll be sharing the list now and you have until Wednesday 11th October to share any concerns about ships included. After that, the list will be locked in and there won't be any edits List under the read more:
Knuckles/Amy (General) Knuckles/Amy (Boom) Knuckles/Amy (Post-SGW Archie) Knuckles/Amy/Rouge/Shade/Shadow/Sonic Knuckles/Amy/Rouge/Shadow/Sonic Knuckles/Amy/Shade/Shadow/Sonic Knuckles/Amy/Sonic Knuckles/Amy/Sonic/Sticks (Boom) Knuckles/Barry Knuckles/Blaze Knuckles/Blaze/Shadow Knuckles/Chili Dogs/Sonic Knuckles/Espio (General) Knuckles/Espio (Archie) Knuckles/Espio/Mighty Knuckles/Espio/Mighty/Silver Knuckles/Espio/Silver Knuckles/his hat (Modern) Knuckles/his hat (OVA) Knuckles/his hat (TMoStH) Knuckles/Jet Knuckles/Julie-Su Knuckles/Julie-Su/Rouge Knuckles/Maki Nishikido (Love Live) Knuckles/Metal Sonic Knuckles/Mighty (General) Knuckles/Mighty (Classic) Knuckles/Mighty/Shadow/Sonic Knuckles/Mighty/Sonic Knuckles/Mike the Ox Knuckles/Morain Knuckles/no one Knuckles/Porker Lewis Knuckles/Relic Knuckles/Rouge (General) Knuckles/Rouge (IDW) Knuckles/Rouge (Song lyrics) Knuckles/Rouge (Sonic X) Knuckles the Dread/Batten Rouge Renegade Knucks/Rebel Rouge Knuckles/Rouge/Shadow Knuckles/Rouge/Shadow/Sonic Knuckles/Rouge/Sonic Knuckles/Rouge/The Master Emerald Knuckles/Sally Tuxedo Knux/Sally Moon Knuckles/Shade Knuckles/Shade/Shadow/Sonic Knuckles/Shade/Sonic Knuckles/Shadow (General) Knuckles/Shadow (Archie) Knuckles/Shadow (Sonic X) Knuckles/Shadow/Sonic Knuckles/Silver Knuckles/Sonia Knuckles/Sonic (General) Knuckles/Sonic (Boom) Knuckles/Sonic (Frontiers) Knuckles/Sonic (IDW) Knuckles/Sonic (OVA) Knuckles/Sonic (Pre-SGW Archie) Knuckles/Sonic (Post-SGW Archie) Knuckles/Sonic (Sonic X) Knuckles/Werehog Knuckles the Dread/Sonic Knuckles/Sticks (Boom) Knuckles/Sticks (Modern) Knuckles/Surge Knuckles the Dread/The Devil's Lighthouse (aka the blue Prism Shard) Knuckles/The Master Emerald
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sonicshipbattles · 11 months
Round 3
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This round will begin... in a few minutes! And run for 24
Knuckles/Sonic (General) vs Knuckles/Sonic (Frontiers) Knuckles/The Master Emerald vs Knuckles/his hat (OVA) Knuckles/Mighty (Classic) vs Knuckles/Porker Lewis Knuckles/Espio (General) vs Tuxedo Knux/Sally Moon
Knuckles/Rouge (General) vs Knuckles/Rouge/The Master Emerald Knuckles/Sticks (Boom) vs Knuckles/Barry Knuckles/Shadow (General) vs Knuckles/Shadow/Sonic Knuckles/Amy (General) vs Knuckles/Amy/Sonic/Sticks (Boom)
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knuxtiger4 · 7 years
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You wanna go Sushi?!
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