#tutorial renna
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mercurialmalcontent · 4 months ago
I started that second Elden Ring character as a warrior and gave @rainbowbarnacle an introductory tour of the game, which she enjoyed, and in the process found that I miiiight want to swap to a dex build, double scimitars are too much fun.
I was also amazed at how far I've come, as when I started the game I constantly fumbled rolls and backsteps and ran into enemy swords more than they ran into mine -- that tutorial 'boss' soldier of Godrick kicked my ass! I think it took me three tries to beat him, and only made it because I swapped to halberd vagabonds get as one of their starter weapons. The bats outside? TERRIFYING. Now I breezed through it. Despite how much trouble I have (and/or think I have) with hand-eye coordination, this is some nice, solid proof to the little gremlin in my head that yes, I AM learning this game, I'll be able to finish it myself.
I was also very interested to hear some of the dialogue again. I'd forgotten what all 'Renna' says to you, partly because I had no context for it, but now... "How long will it be, I wonder... Before the Tarnished tire of obeisance to the Two Fingers?"
OH???? 👀
Anyway, good times. I will probably dink around a bit more on that character before I swap back to Iolis, who was just about to go to the festival at Redmane Castle...
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superpiefestivalpatrol · 1 year ago
renna natalizia fai da te tutorial con cartamodello gratuito
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universodonna-official · 4 years ago
DECORA LE TUE UNGHIE CON PICCOLE IMPRONTE DI RENNA SU UN SOFFICE MANTO DI NEVE! MATERIALE NECESSARIO Kit per semipermanente con Lampada UV LEDCleaner e padsBufferSilk TopSP BiancoSP NudeGel Finish BiancoPolvere acrilica biancaPennello per nail artDotter PROCEDIMENTO 1.Fate una passata di SP Bianco su tutte le dita tranne l’anulare, e catalizzate in lampada.Fate una seconda passata solo su…
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leam1983 · 3 years ago
Elden Ring - Impressions
From Software have a specific formula for these things. It sort of goes as follows:
The world has gone to shit. Its appointed custodians are shirking their duties or they've switched sides, and the Lore-Specified Ritual of Putting Stuff Right demands conditions that can't currently be guaranteed. The world consequently falls back on The Nobody as its designated savior, and explains away the relative lack of allies or resources as well as the generally crumbling locales you'll work through. You might as well call this Every Souls Game Ever. For other titles like Bloodborne, you can copy-paste the same info in a new field and then add "Oh, and it's all caused by Eldritch monstrosities the locals have taken to worshipping".
For better or worse, Elden Ring is very much a coalescing of everything SoulsBorne to have been released under Sony and Bamco's auspices, like a Greatest Hits compilation of ways in which game designers might go about brutally murdering their test players. It's also an unabashed love letter to titles that usually settle somewhere on the opposite end of ithe difficulty spectrum, like Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild or The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. It's cherry-picked these last two games' sense of openness and the notion that anything that's visible to you can be physically reached with some effort. In doing so, it also opens up the usually confined playspace of your typical Soulsborne, and lets you effectively pick your battles and rethink your angles of approach as you'd like, which is entirely new for the genre. We typically were set on clearly defined paths and in environments that were at least somewhat linear, but now the Lands Between are effectively open to you from the moment you leave the tutorial area. It doesn't mean areas further removed from your starting point will be as easy as Limgrave's first few hills and valleys, however, with the game adequately using design and scale as a means to indicate an enemy's relative toughness.
With a little patience and some natural progression, you'll attract the attention of Melina the Finger Maiden, whose job it is to serve as any other Soulsborne-mandated points bank. Give her Runes, this game's variant on Souls, and you'll be able to invest in your character's statistics. Upon returning to the Church of Elleh (which you can't miss), you'll also run into Renna, a witch that offers to bestow upon you the power to call forth Spirits. The first one calls forth a pack of three wolves, which are great at harrassing enemies to give you time enough to recuperate or reposition, and there's a fair few others to collect, each with their own pros and cons. This results in a difficulty system that very quickly turns granular and also substantiates the designers' claims about creating an approchable, if challenging experience.
With the amount of gameplay-related prosthetics inlaid in the game and lore proper, you're left with systems that'll help newcomers and tantalize series veterans, and that also democratize the "feel" of a Soulsborne multiplayer experience for players stuck offline or with unreliable connections. These Spirits might surprise veterans with how effective they are, compared to other Soulsborne titles' own plot-dictated ethereal helpers, but they're also not so versatile as to completely de-emphasize player skills. To put it simply, it just speaks to From having realized that some people love their lore, but simply don't have the time, patience or inclination to git gud, as it were. You can count me as one of 'em, for instance. I love Miyazaki's usual framing devices, but I can't be assed to figure out my i-frames, if you catch my drift.
The end-result, to put it simply, just works. That is, the gameplay and intentionality of the title both work as intended. The PC version, though? It's nowhere near Cyberpunk 2077 before its latest patch, but it does occasionally struggle to maintain a consistent framerate, and it dips at frequencies that don't exactly feel like it's a hardware issue. My current rig outclasses the Recommended specs, and I'll still occasionally notice my FPS counter dipping from the mid-sixties to the low thirties at max detail in 1080p resolutions. That blip then resolves itself and comes back at random some time later, no matter if the game is rendering an open field or a pod of six enemies howling for my blood while wind physics makes the local grass sway. I've also got a bone to pick with the game's Brightness slider, seeing as no amount of fiddling with light or contrast undoes my initial impression of the Lands Between looking a bit washed out, if not unusually yellowish in tone. I'm getting decent color grades everywhere else, so it doesn't look like a monitor issue.
As ever, this isn't a review. I'm just glad to have made it to Level 14 with my starting Wretch (I just found pants! Huzzah!) and I'll keep chipping away at the Lands Between until one of the suzerains reponsible for the Shattering falls beneath my blade. Considering how shit I am, it'll probably take a while.
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pvbrett · 4 years ago
Renna Bales makeup tutorial for that perfect date with a demon by @princessmorpheus for #TheDesertPrince #ARCcontest #demoncycle #nightfallsaga #RennaBales https://www.instagram.com/p/CPBsxMxD_-v/?utm_medium=tumblr
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festiamoshop · 5 years ago
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Vuoi giocare con #babbonatale 🎅 ed i suoi amici? Vuoi divertirti creando bellissime ghirlande o trasformandoti in una renna? 🦌 Allora vieni a trovarci a Bordighera al Teatro Palazzo del Parco Bordighera. Sotto all' #alberodinatale 🎄ci troverai pronti ad aspettare te. 🤗 #festiamoshop #lavoretti #tutorial #christmasworkoutchallenge #animazioneperbambini #santaclaus #christmastutorial #festiamostoregenova #festiamostoresanremo (presso Teatro Palazzo del Parco) https://www.instagram.com/p/B50EE8UAScH/?igshid=1mu0z2k6uvlmk
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lafavolaincantata1997 · 6 years ago
DIY: Tante idee per creare la calza della Befana
“La Befana vien di notte con le scarpe tutte rotte, col vestito alla romana, viva viva la befana!”, ricordate questa filastrocca? Io la canticchiavo sempre in prossimità del 6 gennaio. Ho parlato al passato? Mi correggo… canticchio.Anche alla veneranda età di 59 anni, in salotto, sistemo con cura un’adorabile calza rossa con la stampa di una renna.Infantile? Può darsi, ma quando si tratta di fare scorpacciate di dolci, non c’è età che regga.
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Per tradizione, la Befana, una donna anziana a cavallo di una scopa, riempie di leccornie le calze che i bambini appendono sopra i camini o vicino alle finestre.Dimenticavo… se non ti sei comportato bene durante l’anno, riceverai solo del carbone.Questa eventualità, però, non mi ha mai spronato a comportarmi meglio perché ho scoperto che dal carbone derivano i diamanti. Un’ottima consolazione, direi!
Bene, credo sia giunto il momento di svelarvi alcuni metodi per prepararsi all’arrivo della Befana.
Calza di stoffa
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– cartoncino, matita e forbici– stoffa colorata– ago e filo– manualità!
Il primo passo è scegliere almeno due stoffe con dei motivi o delle stampe natalizie.
A questo punto, dovrete disegnare sopra a un cartoncino la sagoma di una calza e in seguito ritagliarla. La sagoma dovrà essere più larga e più lunga rispetto al risultato che volete ottenere alla fine.
Seguendo i contorni della sagoma, disegnate la forma della calza su entrambe le stoffe, per due volte, in modo tale da poterle sovrapporre e unire cucendole.
Le immagini del tutorial vi chiariranno le idee, infatti, capirete l’importanza di creare due sagome speculari, affinché una stoffa rivesta l’esterno della calza e l’altra l’interno.
Dovrete compiere lo stesso procedimento per due volte e poi cucire insieme le due parti. Per concludere create una sorta di svoltino sulla calza e attaccate un piccolo gancetto per poter appendere la vostra creazione.
Calza di feltro
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Se con ago e filo o con la macchina da cucire ve la cavate poco, c’è sempre il piano B!
Seguiremo lo stesso procedimento che abbiamo messo a punto per creare la calza di stoffa, ma questa volta utilizzeremo il feltro (del colore che preferite) e la colla a caldo.Un metodo pratico e veloce e che vi consentirà di preparare anche delle decorazioni, ricavate da altri fogli di feltro colorato!
Le (IN)solite calze…
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Non hai molta voglia di costruire delle calze personalizzate? Appendi al tuo caminetto delle calze pulite, colorate, natalizie e soprattutto capienti così la Befana le riempirà con tante caramelle e dolcetti!
via Blogger http://bit.ly/2Fgm3yV
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itssoniacolarullo · 7 years ago
Goodmorning, 😀reindeer tutorial! Paper pattern on youtube, Buongiorno con il tutorial per fare la renna in feltro o cartoncino! Cartamodelli completo sul mio canale youtube! #pattern #reindeer #felt #paper #paperreindeer #feltreindeer #suyoutube #youtuber #lamaestrasoniayoutube #christmasforkids #christmaschildren #rennarudolph #tutorial #condividere #share #lecreazioni #creations (presso Lucca, Italy)
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senzalinea-blog · 7 years ago
Tutorial in PDZ:da Frozen ecco Sven la renna!
Tutorial in PDZ:da Frozen ecco Sven la renna!
  Giorni di freddo, tanta neve e atmosfera romantica tutti intorno; perfetto per fare una torta con la bellissima Elsa e i suoi amici!!
La settimana scorsa abbiamo fatto Olaf: un tutorial semplicissimo e veloce, per fare il pupazzo di neve più dolce del mondo!
Questa settimana ci concentreremo su Sven, la renna amica, con un tutorial tutto da scoprire, semplice, ma occhio ai particolari!!
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perfiloesegno-blog · 7 years ago
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Un nuovo tutorial vi aspetta sul canale YouTube #perfiloesegno Il copri tazza renna è realizzato con diversi filati di @lanemondial Tutti i dettagli li trovate sotto al video nell'info box😉 #cozycupcrochet #copritazza #ideeregalo #nataleiscoming
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universodonna-official · 4 years ago
DOLCISSIMA RENNA DI BABBO NATALE FATTA A BISCOTTO, PER UNA WINTER MANICURE GOLOSA E ACCATTIVANTE! MATERIALE NECESSARIO Kit per semipermanente con Lampada UV LEDCleaner e padsBufferSilk TopGel Color Mellow RoseSP Choco MuffinSP ArancioneGel color Pure WhitePolvere acrilica biancaPalette per nail artPennello per nail artDotter PROCEDIMENTO 1.Stendete due mani di Gel Color Mellow Rose,…
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universodonna-official · 4 years ago
UNA TENERA E PICCOLA RENNA ACCOCCOLATA FRA LE TUE DITA, CON TANTO DI ORME E FIOCCO DI NEVE! MATERIALE NECESSARIO Kit per semipermanente con Lampada UV LEDCleaner e padsBufferSilk TopRock GlossSP NudeGel AzzurroSP MarroneSP RosySP NeroGel Finish BiancoGel Finish NeroSpider Gel WhitePolvere acrilica biancaPalette per nail artPennello per nail artDotter Questa splendida Manicure Invernale…
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