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They are doing...well
#my art#miraculous ladybug#miraculous disaster au#kwami swap#ladybug#lion blanc#gato noir#plagg#aquamarine#turtle!stephan#turtle miraculous#stephan petrov#marinette dupain cheng#chris duval#reverser
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Danídia/Bomb Daughter (she/her) and David/Heart Son (he/him)! - Adoptive children of "YKWG Guy" and "Companion" ("Hey, you know who's gay? Us")
Stephan/Steph (he/him)! - Adoptive son of Leet and Rad! ("I'm gonna do an internet!" x "It's taco tuesday!")
Zurita/Zuri (she/he/they)! - also known as "The unique", is the mine turtle pet of Danídia/Bomb Daughter!
Finally finished those ones!! I worked so hard for this, hope u guys like it!
Maybe i will write an asdfmovie about them... idk i'm not good at comedy lol
(edit: i edited Stephan's image cuz i forgot his parents lol)
#asdfmovie#asdfmovie fanart#asdf movie#tomska#fanchild#fanchildren#oc#original character#mine turtle#digital art#firealpaca#asdf fankids#cherries art stuff#cherryverse#mannn i love them sm/pos
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My Reading List
Fortunately, the Milk - Neil Gaiman
The Book of Mythical Beasts and Magical Creatures - DK
Queen Charlotte - Julia Quinn
The Midnight Library - Matt Haig
Turtles All the Way Down - John Green
Katt vs Dogg - James Patterson
Cursed - Thomas Wheeler
Batman: Under the Red Hood - Judd Winick
Batman: A Death in the Family - Jim Starlin
Batman V3: Death of the Family - Scott Snyder
The Witch of Portobello - Paulo Coelho
Carrie - Stephan King
BFG - Roald Dahl
Waiting for Godot - Samuel Becket
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days - Jeff Kinney
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: Original Screenplay - JK Rowling
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul - Jeff Kinney
To The Lighthouse - Virginia Woolf
Looking for Alaska - John Green
The Fault in Our Stars - John Green
The Sun is Also a Star - Nicola Yoon
A Clash of Kings - George R.R. Martin
A Game of Thrones - George R.R. Martin
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Old School - Jeff Kinney
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Last Straw - Jeff Kinney
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules - Jeff Kinney
Diary of a Wimpy Kid - Jeff Kinney
The Hunger Games - Suzanne Collins
Catching Fire - Suzanne Collins
Mockingjay - Suzanne Collins
#booksbooksbooks#john green#turtles all the way down#diary of a wimpy kid#hunger games#looking for alaska#fantastic beasts#jk rowling#george rr martin#a song of ice and fire#waiting for godot#to the lighthouse#Batman Comics#queen charlotte a bridgerton story
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Greek drachma of Aegina. Obverse: Land Chelone / Reverse: ΑΙΓ(ΙΝΑ)and dolphin. The oldest Aegina chelone coins depicted sea turtles and were minted ca. 700–550 BC. ギリシャのエギナのドラクマ。表面 ランド・チェローネ/裏面 ΑΙΓ(ΙΝΑ)とイルカ。最も古いエギナのチェローネ硬貨はウミガメを描いたもので、紀元前700年〜550年頃に鋳造された。

Silver tetrobol (4/6 of drachma) from Massalia. Obverse: Artemis wearing stephane. Reverse: ΜΑΣΣΑ[ΛΙΗΤΩΝ] (of Massalians), lion standing right. マッサリア産銀貨テトロボル(ドラクマの4/6)。表面: アルテミスはステファンを身に着けている。裏面: ΑΜΣΑ[ΛΙΗΤΩΝ](マッサリア人の)、右に立つライオン。

Tetradrachm from Olympia. 105th Olympiad, 360 BC. Obverse: Head of Zeus. Reverse: The nymph Olympia, inscription: ΟΛΥΜΠΙΑ. オリンピアのテトラドラクマ。第105回オリンピア紀元前360年 表面 ゼウスの頭部。裏面: オリンピアのニンフ、銘:ΟΛΥΜΠΙΑ。

Silver Drachma of Philip III Arrhidaios, minted at Babylon. Obverse: Head of Herakles. Reverse: Zeus Aëtophoros. バビロンで鋳造されたフィリッポス3世アルヒダイオスの銀製ドラクマ。表面: ヘラクレスの頭部。裏面: ゼウス・アエトフォロス
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Ancient drachma - Wikipedia
ドラクマ - Wikipedia
ドラクマ(ギリシア語: 単数形 δραχμή、複数形 δραχμές または δραχμαί、英語: Drachma)は、古代ギリシアおよびヘレニズム世界で広く用いられた通貨の単位。同時に近代に入ってから復活し、ユーロが導入される前のギリシャで用いられていた通貨単位でもあった。
ドラクマという名前は「つかむ」という意味の動詞「ドゥラットー(ギリシア語: δράττω)」に由来している。これはもともとドラクマが手のひらいっぱいの量の金属塊にあたる6ゴーコスに相当したからである。オボロイ(単数:オボロス)は、紀元前11世紀以降使われていた通貨単位である。 紀元前5世紀以降、アテネでつくられた四ドラクマ硬貨は、アレクサンドロス大王以前のギリシア世界でもっとも広く用いられた硬貨であった。このコインでは、表にかぶとをかぶったアテナ女神の胸像が彫られており、裏にはアテナの使いフクロウの像が彫られていた。通常この硬貨は、フクロウを意味するグラウカイ(ギリシア語: γλαῦκαι)と呼ばれていた。この裏面は、ギリシアの1ユーロ硬貨の意匠にも用いられている。 アレクサンドロス大王の東征の後、ドラクマ硬貨は大王の征服した中東諸国で広く流通するようになった。ディアドコイたちの諸国でもこれは引き継がれ、プトレマイオス朝エジプトでも用いられていた。���スラム教以前の中東諸国で用いられていた通貨単位であったディルハム(アラビア語: درهم)もドラクマの名に由来するものであることがわかっている。ディルハムはモロッコとアラブ首長国連邦ではいまだに用いられている。アルメニアのドラムという通貨単位もまたドラクマに由来するものである。 ドラクマは、紀元前3世紀以降ローマ領の地域でも流通した。ドラクマは長期にわたって広大な地域に流通したため、現代の貨幣価値への換算は難しいが、紀元前5世紀の1ドラクマは、1990年の25ドルに相当するという研究がある。研究者たちは、ローマ帝国の初期には1ドラクマは労働者の一日の賃金であったという。 ドラクマ銀貨が、ローマ帝国の領域内で広く用いられたことは、新約聖書にドラクマの名が現れることからもわかる。たとえば『ルカによる福音書』15:8がドラクマ銀貨に言及している[1]。また『マタイによる福音書』17:27[2]で、イエス・キリストの一行が、神殿税として魚から取り出すのもドラクマ銀貨であると考えられる。
聖書の貨幣 - Wikipedia
銀貨30枚 - Wikipedia
マタイによる福音書第26章15節に現れる語(ἀργύρια、argyria)は単に「銀貨」というだけの意味であり[10]、学者たちの間でイエスの代価として使われた銀貨は何であったかについて意見が分かれている。 ドナルド・ワイズマンはその候補として、ひとつは一般にティルスのシェケル銀貨(Tyrian shekel)と呼ばれるティルスのテトラドラクマ(銀品位94%、14グラム)、もうひとつはアウグストゥスの肖像を刻んだアンティオキアのスタテル銀貨(銀品位75%、15グラム)を示唆している[11]。 この他、プトレマイオスのテトラドラクマ銀貨(銀品位25%、13.5±1 グラム)ではないかとする説もある[12]。 2016年12月12日の銀スポット取引の終値 1トロイオンスあたり17.06ドルを用いると、「銀貨30枚」の価値は185ドルから216ドル程度となる。
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♡ My Intrests ♡

There is a lot and it changes so much some of them might not be on here. You can always ask!
Horror Movies
Horror Games
Masquerade Balls / Outfits
Kubz Scouts
The Moon / Stars / Space
Lakes Rivers Creeks
Fantasy worlds
Crows and Ravens
Clowns / Jesters
Object Heads
Puppet Combo
The Backrooms
The Last Unicorn
Madness Combat
I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream
My Little Pony
Mia's World
Warrior Cats
Wings of Fire
How To Train Your Dragon
Stephan King
The Arcane
The Arcana
House for Alesa
Doki Doki Literature Club
Five Night's at Freddy's
Bendy and The Ink Machine
The Manedla Catalog
The Walten Files
Dead By Daylight
Jekyll and Hyde
Happy Tree Friends
Unicorn Wars
Captian Underpants
The Phone Booth
Black Butler
Made in Abyss
The Long Long Holiday
Red Dead Redemption 1 and 2
Cry of Fear
Sons of the forest
The Last of Us
Marikin Online 3 and 4
World of None
Salad Fingers
Age of Ultron
The Lorax
Rainbow Friends
Fear Street
Crypt TV
Powerpuff Girls
Until Dawn
COD Zombies
Papers Please
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (any ver)
Lego Monkie Kid
Gravity Falls
Just Shapes and Beats
Invader Zim
Subway Surfers
Criminal Mind
Law and Order
Obey Me
Love Nikki
Hazbin Hotel / Helluva Boss
Alternative Rock / Rock Music
Alternative Music
Scene kid Core
Goth Core
Cyberpunk core
Medieval Core
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I talk about the turtles a lot, and I’ve talked about it from a whole bunch of points and ideas and views
I’ve just finished watching the 2014 documentary ‘Turtle Power’ and I just want to talk about my love for the franchise from my perspective as a Mainer
Firstly no one under the age of 50 living in Maine wants to live in Maine. Across the state there is this culture of “getting out”
Famous people aren’t from Maine (with the exception being Stephan King) it’s not like California or New York or Tennessee or Texas. We very very rarely hear of people actually leaving and becoming successful.
Yet sometimes it feels like it’s all people talk about, especially young people. Everyone dreams of traveling, everyone wants to move to Boston or out west.
Every year kids go off and out of state for college, but a few years later there always back in the town they started in.
So the story of the TMNT and Kevin Eastman is incredibly inspiring
People tend to hold celebrities or famous or successful people to such high levels. Like there seem as something else, as so much more, as a character or brand of a person. It’s a terrible habit to get into, but I think we’re all guilty of it to some degree. To me Kevin Eastman is just some guy. But he’s some guy who was able to not just get stuck. To actually do it, to go out there and live life and be successful in the way everyone says they will
And have it be from this absurd, punk, alternative, indie comic thing that’s turned into what it is today
It’s just amazing
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Is Necessity an Excuse for Murder?
By Catherine Kavalauskas, University of California Davis Class of 2026
October 22, 2023
R v Dudley and Stephens is a leading English law case that is renowned throughout the law world. The premise of this case stands on the idea that necessity is not always a proper defense against murder. The case involves cannibalism that occurred while being stranded at sea.
The Mignonette ship took off on May 19, 1884. The crew of four men met bad weather halfway through their voyage. On the night of July 5, a large wave struck the yacht resulting in the crew having to evacuate onto a 13-foot lifeboat. According to sources (1), the crew watched as the ship sank, it was completely submerged underwater after only five minutes. ��
The crew was stranded onboard the lifeboat for a total of three weeks. During this period, the crew endured horrible conditions, they ran out of food sources after three days, fought off sharks, killed sea animals for food, drank their urine for water, etc. Furthermore, Richard Parker (17 years-old) fell seriously ill after drinking seawater. According to sources (2), he was thought to have fallen into a coma.
As the weeks went on, the crew became more starved and in need of food. Tom Dudley (the captain) began to discuss killing someone for food around July 16th (about ten days after they had first been stranded). Dudley argued, "it was better that one of them die so that the others would survive” (3). He also argued that Parker (the 17-year-old cabin boy) would probably die anyway because he had fallen ill. Therefore, about twenty days after being stranded at sea, Dudley and Stephans agreed to kill Parker, Brooks (one of the other men onboard) later testified that he did not know of this plan. One man held his legs together while the other made a cut with a penknife through his jugular vein, killing him. They fed on his body for four days and on the fourth day after Parker’s murder, the men were rescued. While they were all found alive, they were ultimately in a horrible state of physical and psychological health.
Timeline of the Crew’s Time Stranded at Sea:
May 19, 1884: Set sail from Southhampton
July 5, 1884: Less than halfway into the trip, on this night the crew hit bad weather 1600 miles northwest of the Cape of Good Hope (South Africa). - A rogue wave smashed into the yacht destroying its bulwarks (the front pointed side of the boat).
July 8, 1884: Finished eating the first tin of turnips.
July 9, 1884: Spotting a turtle, they caught it, and ate it, including its bones (yielding about 3 pounds of meat per person).
July 17, 1884: The turtle and the second tin of turnips were all exhausted.
July 25, 1884: Killed Cabin Boy Parker.
July 29, 1884: Remaining Crew Rescued. (4)
Shortly after their rescue, police sergeant, James Laverty, questioned the men about the circumstances surrounding Parker’s murder. Following their interviews, Laverty took custody of the murder weapon and sought warrants for the men’s arrest. All three of the surviving crew members were arrested and held in custody for the murder of Parker. On September 8th, the men appeared in court. The defense argued the “necessity” to kill the boy; the court was faced with the overruling argument of whether necessity allowed an excuse for the crime of murder (5).
The prosecution argued that temptation and necessity are no excuses for murder. Stating that the victim must be a danger to someone’s life to be murdered “justifiably.” Additionally, the prosecution claimed that hunger does not justify murder. Furthermore, they emphasized that Stephan and Dudley targeted the youngest and weakest to murder; his life is no less than any of the other men on board. Lastly, the prosecution argued that Dudley and Stephan should be charged with murder because killing Parker eliminated any chance that he had at life – Parker could have survived with the rest of the men. At the end of the trial, the court ruled that “necessity is not a valid defense for murder” (6). Ultimately, using one person’s life as a sacrifice to save others does not hold up in the court of law.
Stephans and Dudley were charged and sentenced to death. However, because of the unusual and harsh circumstances surrounding the case, the men’s story became renowned throughout the UK; moreover, the Queen of England, Queen Victoria, reduced their death sentence to six months in prison (due to the sympathy the case gained from the public). The surviving crew reunited with their family, wives, and children but Parker’s family never forgave the crew for the murder of their son (7).
Moreover, ending an innocent life to save others does not justify murder, no matter how harsh the circumstances are. The argument of “necessity” to justify murder does not always hold up in a court of law.
(1) Wikipedia. “R v Dudley and Stephans”. 8 Oct 2023. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/R_v_Dudley_and_Stephens . 20 Oct 2023.
(2) Wikipedia. “R v Dudley and Stephans”. 8 Oct 2023. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/R_v_Dudley_and_Stephens . 20 Oct 2023.
(3) Wikipedia. “R v Dudley and Stephans”. 8 Oct 2023. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/R_v_Dudley_and_Stephens . 20 Oct 2023.
(4) Bob Farley. US. “Regina v. Dudley and Stephens Case Brief Summary”. http://www.bobfarley.us/0300lawclasses/315businesslaw/cb10.pdf . 20 Oct 2023.
(5) Bob Farley. US. “Regina v. Dudley and Stephens Case Brief Summary”. http://www.bobfarley.us/0300lawclasses/315businesslaw/cb10.pdf . 20 Oct 2023.
(6) Wikipedia. “R v Dudley and Stephans”. 8 Oct 2023. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/R_v_Dudley_and_Stephens . 20 Oct 2023.
(7) Bob Farley. US. “Regina v. Dudley and Stephens Case Brief Summary”. http://www.bobfarley.us/0300lawclasses/315businesslaw/cb10.pdf . 20 Oct 2023.
(8) Wikipedia. “R v Dudley and Stephans”. 8 Oct 2023. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/R_v_Dudley_and_Stephens . 20 Oct 2023.
(9)Wikipedia. “R v Dudley and Stephans”. 8 Oct 2023. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/R_v_Dudley_and_Stephens . 20 Oct 2023.
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I made a t shirt with Maturin because I wanted to make my neck hurt and my hand cramp up for 4 hours.
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Ladies and Gentleman: Him
After reading a post from @critical-thinking-is-mandatory, which was essentially about Adrien having an antagonist who is a model, I decided why not? All Adrien has to do is breath and he gets all the girls, wealthy or not. So this is my take on an Adrien antagonist, who is a model, rich, a bully (somewhat), hates Chat Noir’s guts, knows how to dazzle an audience (like Liar Rossi), and has feelings for Marinette because we all know that if Marinette had a bully for a love interest like Adrien does and she protects him even though uwu, sunshine boy is clearly ~suffering~, the fandom would have her executed. Ugh. Just. Ugh.
Stephan Vladislav expected many things when he transferred to Francois Dupont from his previous high school in Russia. That didn’t mean he wasn’t ready for anything. He did his research and found that many of his classmates were high profile individuals.
Adrien Agreste: The son of Emile and Gabriel Agreste. A well known model just like him.
Alya Cesaire: Creator of the Ladyblog which has become the number one akuma battle news source in Paris.
Nino Lahiffe: Founder and creator of his own film website, Turtle Pictures.
Chloe Bourgeois: Daughter of Style Queen and the Mayor of Paris.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng: Daughter of the best bakers in Paris, the well known fashion designer MDC, publicly endorsed by the Style Queen herself, Jagged Stone, Nadia Chamack, Clara Nightingale, and many other high profile celebrities.
The list went on and on. Francois DuPont was certainly different from his previous schools. He attended the most prestigious schools for most of career. The students there, while rich and influential, were flimsy, lazy, snobbish to anyone they deemed less worthy than themselves. The fact that many of them were untalented spoke volumes of how they expected their status to get them through life (what morons).
But they weren’t even a challenge to Stephan, as what looked like a fight to the rest of his schools was, in reality, a one-sided massacre. Students who at the top of the food chain when he arrived were left broken, alone, and friendless by the time of his departure.
He wasn’t a bad person per say. Stephan just liked winning by his own talent and merits. He was the son of the famous Russian luxury fashion designer Nicolas Vladislav and his mother Laurice Vladislav, a dark skinned woman who was a famous photographer and known for discovering many of the famous models and actresses we see today.
His new school may be filled to the brim with competition, but the Vladislav family thrived off of opposition and he had a lot going for him. If it was grades, he would work tirelessly to make sure he was at the top of the class. Sports? He had a knack for baseball and archery. Music? The flute as well as drums come easy to him. Art? Say hello to his shelf displaying all the trophies and certificates he won from several art competitions. Extracurriculars? He can speak Russian, English, French (obviously), German, and Mandarin. In depth understanding in photography, fashion, and the business world. Not to mention he is a very well known model. They’ve got nothing on him!
Standing in that classroom, Stephan realized he had been wrong about his class.
Instead of the hardworking, ambitious, and goal driven classmates Stephan had been looking forward to competing with (and winning against), he was met with a literal zoo of students screaming, crowding around one Italian looking student, and sending harsh glares over at a few students in the back who looked embarrassed at their classmates‘ behavior.
He hadn’t even been in there for five minutes and he could already list everything wrong with his new class.
First off, the teacher (Ms. Bustier he would later learn), had no control of her students whatsoever. Her eyes would frequently go to the back of the classroom to a blue haired student as if begging her to make the class listen even though she was the teacher. Pathetic.
Secondly, it seemed the class was catering to what could only be a chronic liar. Seriously, all it took was a simple google search to disapprove her lies. Not to mention all her stories contradict each other if anyone bothered to use their brain. The only ones not fooled were the four students sitting at the back of the room (Alya, Nino, Marinette, and Chloe).
And no. Just no. He won’t even get into the topics of the class’ lack of critical thinking skills, their herd/mob mentality, and blatant disrespect to anyone with a different opinion from them, specifically pertaining to one Lila Rossi.
And to think he prepared every trick and every tactic in the book crush the others on the his to the top.
It took seven minutes top for the red-haired “teacher” to get the rowdy class under control.
Madame Bustier gestured to his person when the class finally noticed his presence with a plastered smile on her face.
“Class, please welcome your newest classmate and transfer student. He’ll be studying with us from now on,” she clasped her hands in front of her and sent Stephan a smile, “Why don’t you introduce yourself?”
Snapped out of his pondering, the Russian stepped into the classroom completely from his spot at the doorframe. He strode confidently to the center of the class with his head held high.
”Hello, everyone. My name is Stephan Vladislav. I’m from Russia and I enjoy modeling, and art”. Judging from the shocked looks from most of Bustier’s class and dawning recognition on others, they very well knew who he was. He spotted an Italian girl sitting next to a very uncomfortable Adrien Agreste looking at him with a greedy look in her eyes. He knew that look well and it was always crushed when he destroyed the girls whom they belonged to.
Though one student seemed to be looking at him in confusion. Marinette’s eyes roamed the new boy with fixed concentration from her spot next to Alya, where her bestie had been sentenced for not believing Lila along with her boyfriend Nino, and enemy turned sort of ally Chloe.
The bluenette swore she had her the name Vladislav before. The new certainly looked like a model like he had so boldly mentioned.
She was certain Stephan really was Russian, as his French was heavily accented by it. He had dark skin, close to Alya’s complexion, probably biracial. Curly black hair that fell over his eyes slightly, sharp and calculating bright hazel eyes which contrasted against his happy-go-lucky expression. He wore a light green leather jacket with ‘Vlad‘ embroidered onto his top right breast pocket, a black dress shirt made of what looked like silk, light blue jeans, and boots that matched his leather jacket to complete the look. He seemed nice, but she knew better than to judge from appearances.
Everyone else thought he and Adrien would get along great because of their careers as models.
”You think he’ll get along with Adrien?” Alya leaned over to her bestie who had been studying Stephan before she answered.
”What do mean? Who even is he?” She whispered back to Alya.
Nino joined the conversation with a look of disbelief on his face, “You really don’t know who Stephan Vladislav is, Dudette?”
When Marinette shook her head, Alya whipped out her phone, typing something into the search engine.When the results came up, she showed Marinette, “He’s only one of the most well known models there is. He has influence that eclipses Adrien’s. His father is Nicolas Vladislav, a fashion designer even more wealthy and successful than Gabriel Agreste. How could you not know who he is?”
Nino chuckled, “We’re talking about the girl who had no clue who Adrien was despite his face being plastered everywhere.
”Ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous,” Chloe muttered playfully.
Marinette was so busy trying to defend her self against her friends laughing at her expense, that she didn’t even notice Stephan making his way towards her. That was until a shrill, high pitched, unwanted voice interrupted them.
”I wouldn’t sit back there if I were you,” Lila said in her sweetest fake voice.
Chloe and the others glared at Stephan, expecting him to believe her, only to take them by surprise.
”Well you aren’t me. I don’t appreciate you telling rpms what I should or shouldn’t do,” Stephan flipped her off.
Lila immediately started the water works, “How could say that. I’m only trying to warn you about the others in the back. They’ve had it out for me ever since Marinette got expelled.”
”How could you say that about Lila!? She just wants to help!” Sabrina protested.
”We know you’re knew and all but that’s no reason to be awful about it,” Ivan agreed.
”Lila is right thought. Those four have been awful to her,” Mylene comforted a crying Lila. The Russian boy could tell that she enjoyed the sympathy and attention.
”Shut up. We’ve been avoiding Lila like the plague for over a year,” Alya snapped back.
”Don’t lie! Lila showed us the text messages you guys send her. You’re nothing but bullies who scorn her just because Marinette got expelled.
Expulsion? Stephan tucked that in the back of his mind to investigate later.
Seeing Marinette wilt under the scrutiny of the class, Nino backed his girlfriend up, “You mean her unjust expulsion with flimsy evidence and no investigation!”
”As if I would concern myself with a girl that has such an ugly hair style. Ridiculous, utterly ridiculous,” Chloe dismissed them as Stephen examined her nails.
This went on for about five more minutes before Bustier finally began the lesson. Stephan sat in the chair across the staircase next to Marinette on her right. The lesson moved peacefully at first. This gave him hope that Bustier wasn’t a failure on all fronts. That hope was promptly crushed when Rossi interrupted the lesson to prattle on about how she was a descendant of Socrates after Bustier covered famous philosophers in Ancient Greece. The wasn’t true as everything that had come out of her mouth since he‘d arrived had been nothing but a lie.
Subtly, he leaned over and whispered to Marinette, “Is it always like this with them?” He casted an annoyed glance at the class.
Turning towards him, said bluenette sighed, “Yes. They hang off her every word. Especially if it’s promises of connecting with people to jump start their dreams. I don’t even think that things will go back to normal even after they find out the truth. They called me a bully and ended their friendships with me with only word of mouth as their proof.”
The young Vladislav just sat there as the pieces clicked into place. It was clear the class didn’t really care about what Lila did, but rather the promises of what she could do for them. They didn’t ditch Marinette because they thought she was a bully. They did it to gain Lila’s favor and thus a golden meal ticket. Coattail hangers. The lot of them.
”Well it seems that they won’t take the truth very well. Especially since she lied about celebrities that could help them,” Stephan faked a concerned voice. He couldn’t care less about those gold diggers.
Marinette turned to face him completely and Stephan’s first thought was, she blue really be that blue? The bluenette had lovely Raven locks that looked muted against her pale skin. Cute frekles over so slightly decorated her cheeks and the bridge of her nose. And her azure eyes almost seemed to glow.
”Yeah, well, they don’t like hearing what they need to hear.”
Stephan forced himself to look away from her pretty face and looked at his plain notebook page. Ms. Bustier hadn’t said anything noteworthy, therefore the page remained blank. “Most morons don’t,” he muttered and Marinette laughed.
He had to force down the growing blush on his cheeks.
It was about two months into his attendance at his school when Stephan decided that very few people were worth his time.
Competing for best grades was dull since the class as a whole sans Chloe, Alya, Nino, and Marinette had the IQ of a pencil. He reached the top in no less than three weeks much to the robot geek’s humiliation.
Being the best in sports was essentially useless as Alix and Kim stopped entering contests, instead choosing to hang off of Lila’s promises of connecting them with big shot Olympic athletes.
Music was practically nonexistent as the band “kitty section” comprised of some of his… classmates hadn’t preformed a gig in almost a year, he learned. Not to mention that their lead guitarist Luka, he heard from Marinette decided to go solo to save himself the embarrassment of failed performances.
Adrien was as good as a wet napkin, so the Russian didn’t even try to one up him in extracurriculars.
Stephan knew how to pick his battles, and as such, he refused to fight any of his classmates if they refuse to even try. Otherwise it would just be some delusIonal one-sided fight and he was anything but delusional. He had far too much pride.
Found with a lot of free time, the Young Vladislav decided to fill it in by spending time around Marinette and her friends and found that it kept him sane in the asinine situation that is their class.
He even began looking forward to hanging out with them. The fact that they were goal driven, witty, and intelligent was just a bonus.
Alya was an aspiring journalist, respected by all of Paris? He would swoop in and get better footage of akuma attacks. The two would often one up each other with their recordings and shove it in each other’s faces. Neither knew when the other would strike so their little war kept them on their toes. But it was all in good fun, and neither wanted to back down.
Nino’s website Turtle Films was the go to place for short films? The two males would challenge each other’s ideas, editing plans, and scripted writing. They high-fived over Nino’s newest film which took the media by storm. They combined their ideas and collaborated on their master piece. Stephan was surprised to feel the thrill of success while working with someone else was refreshing compared to achieving it all on his own.
Chloe was thinking about enrolling in online business management classes? Both blonde and ravenette were relieved to find someone who spoke their language. Even if their business jargon ended up with multiple broken dishes, ripped paper, and screaming matches.
Marinette had the attention of many celebrities? Stephan took better photos of her produced clothing. He had a knack for photography, something he inherited from his mother. Both sets of photos always went on her website at the end of they day. And when they weren’t doing that, they were having a baking competition every other week.
But despite being so competitive with them, the one thing they allied together against was the lying shrew Lila Rossi.
Their fist encounter ended up being their last. Lila began telling lies about her achievements to impress him knowing who he was. It was very likely that she liked the idea of two models vying for her attention. She would not allow Marinette and friends sway him over to their side. If she could date the Stephan Vladislav, a well known model whose father had even more money and popularity that Gabriel Agreste, her name would be in lights and her fame would be garenteed . Except he did not react they way she expected him to.
He called her out on being fake. He mocked her for the fact that she had such an unfulfilling life that she had to pretend to be someone she’s not just so people would like her. Stephan pointed out that her lies were unbelievable at best and desperate at worse.
The young Vladislav then reiterated the tale of a girl from his past who shared many qualities with Lila.
Angela Voss.
She, like Lila, was a desperate liar and wanting fame, attention, and all the boys in the school. She was known for bullying anyone who called her out on her lies or tried to sabotage her goals. Angela tried flattery to get Stephan to date her, but he publicly rejected her. She became the joke of the school for weeks. In her humiliation, she spread rumors about him, meaning to sully his reputation but it only served to provoke his ire. After the very clear declaration of war, he used every trick in the book to be rid of her.
Including but not limited to manipulation, slander, libel, sabotage, destruction of property. He dragged her name through the mud so far that even her parents grew tired of her. The final nail in the coffin was a subtly placed enrollment paper regarding a boarding school in Switzerland and she transferred out fasting than he could have dreamed. On her last day, he made it his personal mission to make it absolute hell by throwing her shattered kingdom into her stupid face by spreading her “rumored“ departure around the school. The look of shock on Angela’s face was sweet, but her tears of devastation and her humiliating fall from stardom left a smile on his face for the rest of the month.
He told a pale and shaking Lila that she had better watch who she messed with and made it a point to tell her just how easy it would be to destroy her as well. To threaten her a bit more, he casually added that one word from him could have her blacklisted from ever working at even the smallest of fashion houses and crush her modeling career before it even started. Stephan emphasized the fact that Angela was a daughter of influential Russian politicians and he still managed to win. What would happen to Lila if he were to use the full force of what he did to Angela on Lila? Some girl who was the daughter of a woman who was barely the secretary of an ambassador.
Finally, he warned her to stay away from Marinette and any and all transgressions would be met with no mercy.
The threat was clear to Lila and Adrien, the latter having over heard the conversation.
Lila better back off or Stephan will make her back off.
She scurried away from him in fear and the look of horror was priceless. However there was no backtracking from this. The Italian was smart enough to know that whatever she, she would always remain on Stephan’s ‘harm eventually’ list. Dammit. She just had to go and piss him off.
Stephan snorted. He was willing to reckon Rossi never experienced being threatened before. Well he’ll show her the difference between a cat and a spider.
When a certain blonde appeared from the corner of the hall where he had been listening in, Stephan didn’t even bother to look up when he addressed him.
”What do you want, Agreste?”
Adrien on the other hand, was disappointed. He could tell Stephan wasn’t buried in Lila’s deceit like the rest of their classmates but he never said anything, which was good. Just when he thought he wouldn’t have to deal with another person trying to expose Lila, the Russian up and threatens her career over a few silly lies. Clearly, Adrien needed to have a discussion with him about taking the high road or he’ll cause tension in the class.
”Don’t you think you were a bit harsh with her?” the blonde strides over to Stephan and stops a few feet away from him.
“It’s not my fault Rossi thought her flattery and fake achievements would fool me. It‘s high time someone told her she is it as amazing as she thinks she is,” Stephan sniffed at the blonde model with distain and placed his hands on his hips.
”Lila is just looking for some friends,” Adrien ignored Stephan‘s haughty snort, “If the truth gets out, the class will ostracize her and she’ll end up friendless and alone,” he ended with the same disappointed glint in his eyes that made Marinette back down.
Hazel eyes just stared at the blonde like he was stupid. He had a few suspicions about Adrien‘s true character and this confrontation was just proving them.
“And when the truth gets out and the class realizes that she basically took advantage of them and played them for fools for who knows how long, how do you think they’ll feel?” Stephan stated becoming annoyed with the conversation at hand.
”I’m sure she’ll realize that she’s wrong and apologize. Then everything will go back to how it was before,” Adrien said brightly.
But the Russian knew better. After being a model for so long, he could practically smell a fake person, and Adrien was covered in that particular stench.
”Oh really?” The young Vladislav raised a perfectly trimmed eyebrow, “Things will not ‘go back to normal’. After seeing how quickly their so called friends were willing to turn on them and how easily they’re swayed by promises that will solidify their careers, there’s no doubt in my mind that Marinette and the others will not just roll over it.”
Adrien crossed his arms over his chest and his lips thinned, not liking the way the other model stared at him condescendingly.
”Sure they will. After all friends don’t stay mad at each other. I know it’s been rough for them, but if they hadn’t kept antagonizing Lila they would still have friends. Especially Marinette,” he ended with a disappointed scowl when he mentioned the bluenette like he had every right to.
As far as the ravenette was concerned, that was the last straw of this ”conversation”.
Hearing him talk about the Asian girl that way made his blood boil like nothing he ever experienced. If he were emotionally inclined, Hawkmoth would have a field day.
It took several weeks of hanging out with Marinette from the beginning of his transfer to now to realize he developed a crush on her. It was strange at first, especially when he never looked at anyone romantic feelings in mind.
Trying to sort out his feelings, he spent the next few days planning out how he would ask Marinette out and came across an interesting discovery.
From one of Alya and Nino’s conversations, he was made aware of Marinette’s crush on Bratdrien. His mood was soured as he glared at Agreste every chance he got, attempting to figure out just what Marinette saw in the blonde.
In conclusion, he had miffed feelings about Agreste before his miserable attempt at lecturing him about the high road. Stephan gathered that Adrien was, for a lack of a better term, a self righteous prick who was willing to gaslight and scapegoat anyone he viewed as morally lesser than him. Before this, the Russian hadn’t planned on ruining Adrien despite really wanting to, but now? The idiot sealed his own fate the second he thought it would be a good idea to reveal his true colors to Stephan.
Stephan continued to internally seethe all while keeping his stoic and uninterested mask as Adrien continued his prattling, “Honestly, if she had done what I said, the class wouldn’t be so full of tension and-”
His line was cut off when Stephan introduced his back to the right wall of the hallway. The Russian’s death grip on either side of his shoulder kept him in place and the blonde had a sinking feeling that was validated when he saw the dark scowl resting on Stephan’s features. Adrien felt his knees shake as the Russian addressed him.
”Looks like the sunshine of Paris has come to the delusional conclusion that I’ll let that happen,” the young Vladislav hissed with venom lacing every word, “You think you’ve got everyone fooled with this angel facade wear everyday. Honestly I shouldn’t be surprised at the level of deceit displayed by Gabriel’s son. But it wasn’t enough to fool me. I can see you for what you truly are. I’m sure you think that you’re such a saint and therefore have the right to lecture and project your disappointment on to people you feel don’t live up to your moral standard. But you’re not. You’re just a coward with no backbone or force that you could be mistake as a puppet or doll. You won’t do anything about Lila because on some conscious level, you know what she’s capable of”.
Adrien’s eyes widened in fear as he tried to come up with a rebuttal, but any comeback he had quickly died on his lips when he saw the intense look in Stephan’s eyes as he continued his threat. He wasn’t about to let Agreste get a word in.
”So you decide to kill two birds with one stone. You used your “good boy” reputation as a means to appease bullies and trouble makers while seeming nice and benevolent but in reality you don’t care about giving second chances or about helping be better because it’s much easier to defend the bully rather than stand up to them isn’t that right?” The Russian smirked cruelly as he watched Adrien‘s expression morph into one suitable for a fish.
”That isn’t it at all!” Adrien splutterred at Stephan’s bold accusation, “I’m not trying to save my reputation. Making a bad guy suffer won’t change them into a good guy!”
Adrien tried to say more, but Stephan’s low and even voice rang with power and stabbed hI’m with authority that demanded nothing less than silence and attention, “Bull.Shit. Please, if I didn’t know any better, I’d almost think you like the attention bullies give you. Female bullies that is”.
”Woah! Since when was Lila a bully?”
”Don’t play dumb with me, aphid. You know well, how Lila has alienated Marinette, Alya, Nino, and Chloe from the rest of the class with fake tears and false tales. You just choose to ignore it because it’s better they become scapegoats in the name of keeping false peace. For God’s sake, I heard she got Marinette expelled even if it was redacted. How have you not realized Lila has it in for Marinette and anyone who sides with her by now?” Stephan narrowed his sharp eyes at the clearly uncomfortable blonde. Pretend what he may, it was obvious he knew on some level that Lila was a bully who didn’t what to change.
Adrien fumbled for an excuse that didn’t sound bad, “Well- I didn’t want to risk losing my friends over this,” he admitted meekly and winced as Stephan’s grip on his shoulders tightened.
”Ha! Friends? You have the audacity to claim they’re friends when you’re letting them get manipulated and used? And lets not forget the whole sad boy with daddy issues. True, your father is controlling and over bearing, but you use that as an excuse to avoid the others or make them feel bad for you. Gives the sunshine trope more merit. And when you aren’t being Sadrien Depreste, you find ways to guilt trip and emotionally manipulate the class into forgiving people who are harming them, like with Chloe” At this point, Stephan was practically snarling the words like a panther ready to strike.
”You’re really making me the bad guy? I hope you aren’t planning to expose Lila. Listen-“ Adrien tried to get a word in Stephan’s tirade, but the ravenette was more annoyed than he thought.
”No, you listen to me, Bratdrien,” the Russian model said menacingly, having enough of beating around the bush. “Here’s what will happen. You will stay out of my way and continue being a wet napkin. Something you excel at. Stay away from Marinette. If I catch you trying to guilt trip, gaslight or scapegoat her into catering Lila’s whims, I will expose the liar as well as the fact that you knew and didn’t bother to say anything.”
Chills ran down Adrien’s spine as he finally seemed to register the danger he was in, “Y-you can’t do that. You have no proof!” He wasn’t sure if that was true, but the blonde felt like he had no choice but to say that.
“I have my ways,” the ravenette responded nonchalantly. “Know this. I have the power to make you miserable. If you even cross any of the lines I’m setting up by a hair, I can have you gone like that. Turning your classmates against you with your past reactions to Chloe’s bullying will be a walk in the park. I have an even more influencal position in the modeling industry than you. I won’t even have to lift a finger to boot you out of the spotlight if I wanted to. And winning Marinette’s affection? I’m not a coward, I have a sort of sense of justice, I can speak multiple languages, I have extracurriculars that will actually help me get by in life, I have my own standing not just my parents son, and I know a lot about the world of fashion and business. It’s clear that I’m the one Marinette will choose”.
”What does Marinette’s affection have to do with anything?” Adrien’s fear was momentarily replaced by sincere confusion.
Stephan rolled his eyes at the blonde’s naivety, “It’s pretty obvious that Marinette has a crush on you. Or has. From what I’m seeing, it’s dwindling by the day. Chloe also had a crush on you and Lila is currently vying for your attention. I’m fairly certain that Chloe and Lila liked you because they knew you wouldn’t go against them, and in Marinette’s case, she was fooled by your appealing visage and was unaware of the rot lying underneath”.
Stunned, Adrien could only gape at his model counterpart. Marinette had a crush on him? Suddenly all of the stuttering, falling over herself, and blushing made sense. But if she liked him, then why wasn’t she following his high road advice? Maybe he could use her crush to remove the cotton from her eyes and make her see reason…
Stephan’s eyes sharpened into slits as if hearing Adrien’s thoughts. “See, DuPont High School will be mine. I get to decide who succeeds or who fails. Who thrives and who will get crushed. Only those who follow the rules will be spared. So, Adrien, if you don’t follow those rules, we will have a problem. So what’ll be? Either you keep your head down and mind your own business or you stand in my way and get destroyed,” Adrien tried to placate him. That it didn’t have to be this way but Stephan just continued, “You don’t have to answer right away. I’ll give you till the end of tomorrow”.
Stephan finally released his grip on Adrien and stalked away.
And Adrien watched him go because what was he supposed to do? If he took what the Russian had said about Angela Voss into account, this wouldn’t be the first time he’s destroyed someone.
Gulping, Adrien finally walked away.
It took exactly a day for Lila to recover from Stephan’s threat.
She smirked before breaking down in fake tears reiterated a tale, accusing Marinette of stealing her designs and selling them as her own.
There was no way anything Stephan said could be true. Sure he might be more assertive than Adrien, but Mr. Vladislav must have him on a tight leash like Mr. Agreste does Adrien. So the threat didn’t scare her for long.
”How could you, Marinette?” was heard from Rose as she stared at said bluenette in disappointment.
”It’s one thing to bully Lila but another to steal her hard work and pass it off as your own,” Kim seethed.
”Totally low,” mumbled Juleka as she added her own thoughts.
There were more voices of disapproval.
Lila felt a thrill of vindictive pleasure at Marinette’s shocked face as she tried to defend herself. Chloe, Nino, and Alya hadn’t arrived yet so there was no one to vouch for her case.
Just then Adrien stood up and urged the class to quiet down. Lila felt rage rising as the blonde looked prepared to defend the Asian girl. Quickly hiding her expression, she put on the beginnings of a hurt facade.
”Come on guys. You know Marinette would never steal Lila’s designs,” Hope over took Marinette’s face until Adrien said, “She probably mixed them up and took Lila’s by mistake. We all know how clumsy she can be”. And just like that, Adrien sealed his fate.
Adrien knew Lila would make a scene if he defended Marinette, so he came up with a way to blame Marinette’s clumsiness. It was mean but she would get over it. Lila was just sensitive and wanted attention.
”That would be highly unlikely,” a familiar snooty voice added in.
Several students whirled out to see Stephan, standing at the top of the stairs near the back of the classroom with his phone in hand and a scowl on his face. Both Lila and Adrien shuddered at the long look he casted at the two of them.
”Yeah? What would you know,” Ali’s was the first to sneer, prompting similar responses from the others.
The Russian just stared them down impassively before speaking as if they hadn’t interrupted him.
”As you can see, Marinette uploads videos of her design process and tailoring procedure to the very detail. The idea of Marinette who is a designer noticed by Jagged Stone, Audrey Bourgeois, and Clara Nightingale, stealing Lila’s designs is impossible. Not to mention we’ve never witnessed the harpy design anything,” Stephan browsed through a selection of Marinette’s clothing, clearly displaying videos attached to each one, proving plagiarism to be unlikely.
The students of Madame Bustier’s class shifted uneasily as Marinette’s innocence of stealing was proven, while Marinette looked at Stephan as if he were an angel, and Adrien had to keep himself from scowling. Didn’t Stephan realize how close he came to exposing Lila?
The young Vladislav focused his gaze on Lila, and with his gaze she could see her career, her dreams of ruling the fashion world with Adrien being flushed down the drain.
After class, Stephan caught up to Adrien and walked in stride with him. With a smug smirk and a raised eyebrow he declared war, “Looks like you’ve made your choice Adrien. I’ll make you and the class of pathetic sheep miserable. I’ll expose Lila and make sure the class knows that you were aware the whole time. And I’ll make Lila seem like a saint compared to me. Watch your back,” the Russian whispered that last part threateningly.
Before the blonde could respond, Stephan smiled innocently and caught up to Nino and the others as if he hadn’t just declared war on him in broad daylight. Which was a lot more bold than anything Lila had ever done.
Adrien Agreste had a bad feeling that he had made the biggest mistake in his entire life.
That following Monday was the start of Stephan’s wrath.
Lila received a phone call from Mr. Agreste, terminating her modeling career and black listing her from Gabriel.
Still, she hoped Adrien hadn’t been notified so she could still use that to cow the boy.
That plan was buried next to her terminated job as she came face to face with the ravenette and she knew he was behind this.
Apparently he had brought up Gabriel’s newest muse with his mother. Laurice than raved about how the Agreste patriach had made a mistake in hiring Lila Rossi in front of a social gathering. Not to mention her sausage hair was horrendous.
The video went viral with people agreeing with her to the point where Gabriel had to fire her to save face.
Needless to say, the ordeal ended with an akuma. Though Ladybug couldn’t understand why Chat was so eager to blame Stephan. (Especially when she herself agreed that Lila was a disgrace to fashion). The leather wearing boy claimed that the Russian was nothing but trouble and was determined to hate him.
When Lila tried to pin the blame of a lost career on Marinette and Alya (the reporter was the one who recorded the whole ordeal with Laurice Vladislav), who tried to defend themselves, Adrein and Bustier pressured them to apologise to Lila, Stephan decked out a knew plan.
Outraged and seething, Nino, Chloe, and Stephan convinced Alya and Marinette to resign from their positions as deputy and president respectively.
Bustier held another re-election to which none of Marinette’s friends participated in. When no one stepped up on the claims of being too busy, Bustier shot an expectant look at Marinette and Chloe, both being former class presidents and asked them to reconsider. Chloe vehemently denied it with her usual “ridiculous utterly ridiculous,” while Marinette piped up that she was too busy.
Adrien asked Marinette what could be so busy with that she would ignore her duties when Stephan chimed into the conversation and suggested that Adrien should try his hand at being the class president with Lila as his deputy.
The blonde in question paled as he tried to state that he was too busy but Bustier and the class latched onto that idea. They knew his dad was controlling but maybe he would lessen his load if Adrien was class president.
Chloe caught onto what Stephan was doing and smirked viciously at the paling pair, “Yeah. With so many connections, I‘m sure Adrien will rock as class president.”
The female blonde had been disappointed in Adrien ever since she had discovered that he knew Lila was lying and just sat there and watched as they were ostracized from the class. What kind of friend does that?
The job Adrien had tried to force onto Marinette and Chloe was a lot harder than he thought. This was something that his extracurriculars just couldn’t help him accomplish.
The Halloween mingle was bust. He had forgotten to book a reservation for a revenue as well a caters since the old ones were unavailable (Marinette’s parents). Chloe invited Alya, Marinette, Nino, and Stephan to her own Halloween party with the rest of the school.
School trips were either boring or canceled completely. Turns out Adrien hadn’t know how difficult fundraisers were. His father refused the fund the trips and Lila was no help at all. After going to Marinette’s place to request that she do the bake sale, he was told to take a hike. Stephan took his friends out for fabulous trips around France.
He ended up doing the bake sale himself. Most of the students and even Bustier began avoiding him after his pastries gave several of them food poising and started a small fire.
This put him at odds with the others as he found himself snapping at them more often. About if he was such a bad president then they should get off their high horses and do it themselves.
Despite it being completely true, the akuma class was known for taking criticism as a personal attack. He found himself being invited to outings less and less and they didn’t attend his photo shoots anymore. All Adrien could do was grit his teeth and bare it.
Add in his constant modeling shoots, his rabbit diet, and forced extracurriculars, he found it harder to sneak away to become Chat Noir to battle akumas. Eventually, the stress had become to much and it was beginning to show during his photo shoots. After finding the source if his son’s faulty modeling, Gabriel demanded that Adrien quit being class president.
The blonde happily did so, much to the relief of the class. They all unanimously agreed that he was a horrible president. Lila was forced into the position despite being utterly useless with Rose as her deputy.
It ended in a disaster.
Stephan enjoyed it every second of the blonde’s misery. And the best part? He didn’t even have to lift a finger. The ravenette completely underestimated just how reliant the class was on Alya and Marinette, that things ended in catastrophe if the weren’t in charge. It was pathetic really. Nino agreed.
Due to Marinette’s rising popularity as the very much demanded designer MDC and the fact that numerous A list celebrities were battling for spots on her commissions list like children, Gabriel instructed Adrien to get close to Marinette and thus weasel her into the company, much to Audrey Bourgeois‘s dismay.
Stephan caught Adrien cornering an uncomfortable Marinette trying to convince her to apply for an internship at his father’s company. Sensing the opportunity to once again thwart the blonde’s plan, he gave subtle recommendations to Nikolas Vladislav to check out Marinette’s website.
Impressed by what he saw, he emailed the bluenette and offered her an internship that would look very good on her college application. As expected, Marinette accepted it in a heart beat, not wanting to deal with seeing Adrien too often. Her crush had completely soured by this point and she wanted nothing to do with him.
The Russian boy was thrilled as this meant he could spend more time with her and shove it in Gabriel and Adrien’s faces. After a week of interning with Mr. Vladislav (who had a similar appearance to Stephan except he had fair skin, blonde hair, and blue eyes), Marinette ran into Laurice. Immediately after taking in the Asian girl’s appearance, the dark skinned woman practically flew over to her and suggested she should try modeling. Apparently, Laurice Vladislav had a taste for rare mix racial models of all shapes and sizes. Italian-Japanese, Spanish-British, Brazilian-Haitian, German-Swedish, and African American-Russian (Stephan’s nationality) to name a few. Laurice mentioned that she had never met someone who was a mix of French and Chinese.
Stephan was all for letting Marinette model. He understood why she was never. This was Laurice Vladislav they were talking about. She was a world renowned photographer, responsible for launching the careers of many S ranked models of their era. She had the power to make or break a person. After seeing Lila’s humiliation and ruined modeling career, it’s understandable that she would be hesitant.
Only one model shoot was what Marinette bargained. After it aired, all of Paris went crazy. Who was this gorgeous bluenette posing with the equally gorgeous Stephan Vladislav himself? Many people were demanding that she be sponsored in another shoot and that’s how Marinette’s side job as a model began.
Chloe told the young Vladislav that Gabriel Agreste had been furious to lose Marinette to the even more successful Nicolas Vladislav. He gave Adrien the cold shoulder for days.
That was when Adrien‘s suffering at Stephan’s hand truly hit home.
After all, what Stephan wants, Stephan gets.
I’m going to end it here. What do you think?
#mlb adrien#adrien salt#marientte dupain cheng#nino sugar#alya sugar#mlb prompts#mlb post response#critical thinking is mandatory#lila salt#class salt#Male antagonist
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Lady Fox, Sun Guard, Tartaruga Noir
The trio unified with their main and the first miraculous they find.
#my art#miraculous ladybug#miraculous disaster au#kwami swap#unification#marinette dupain cheng#chris duval#stephan petrov#lady fox#sun guard#tartaruga noir#fox miraculous#ladybug miraculous#lion miraculous#bee miraculous#cat miraculous#turtle miraculous#fox!marinette#bee!chris#turtle!stephan
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Over the Hedge: The Big Heist is an American computer-animated heist comedy film loosely based on the comic strip of the same name by Michael Fry and T. Lewis. Produced by DreamWorks Animation and distributed by Universal Pictures, it is the sequel to Over the Hedge (2006). The film is directed by Joel Crawford and co-directed by Karey Kirkpatrick from a screenplay written by Paul Fisher, Bob Logan, and Kirkpatrick and produced by Bonnie Arnold. The music for the film was composed by Heitor Pereira and songs were written by Ben Folds.
In the film’s ensemble voice cast, Steve Carell, Wanda Sykes, Thomas Haden Church, Allison Janney, Eugene Levy, Catherine O’Hara, Avril Lavigne, and Omid Djalili reprised their roles from the first film, with the exception of Bruce Willis (who retired from his acting career in 2022), Gary Shandling (who passed away in 2016), William Shatner, and Nick Nolte, all of whom are replaced by Stephen Stanton, Drew Massey, and Jess Harnell.
Based on the storyline of the 2006 tie-in video game, the film follows RJ, Hammy, Verne, and the gang, who feel that they need to have more things for the log. This leads them on a wild romp through six different areas to snatch different things while avoiding the Verminator during their heist, who tries to defeat them by using a mind-controlled vermin he has captured as his henchmen.
A sequel to Over the Hedge was first announced, with Karey Kirkpatrick returning and Joel Crawford helming the project. As with DreamWorks' previous films The Bad Guys and Puss in Boots: The Last Wish, the inspiration for the film's animation style came from Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, which gives it a visual style that resembles storybook illustrations. To make the film look like a comic strip, the team focused more on a Peanuts Movie style design by using new technology, different than what it was in the first film, which utilized the realistic style like Shrek (2001).
The film received positive reviews from critics, with praise for its animation, voice acting, writing, and humor, with many deeming it superior to its predecessor.
Steve Carell as Hammy, a hyperactive American red squirrel.
Wanda Sykes as Stella, a short-tempered, sassy stripped skunk.
Thomas Haden Church as Dwayne LaFontant, an over-zealous, middle-aged pest exterminator nicknamed the "Verminator".
Allison Janney as Gladys Sharp, the president of the El Rancho Camelot Estates Home Owners Association.
Eugene Levy as Lou, a North American porcupine and Penny’s husband.
Catherine O’Hara as Penny, a North American porcupine and Lou’s wife.
Avril Lavigne as Heather, a Virginia opossum and Ozzie’s teenage daughter.
Omid Djalili as Tiger, a Persian cat and Stella’s fiancé.
Stephen Stanton as RJ, a duplicitous, selfish, con artist, and extremely intelligent raccoon, and Ozzie, a Virginia opossum and Heather’s father.
Drew Massey as Verne, a naturally cynical ornate box turtle and leader of the foragers.
Jess Harnell as Vincent, a murderous, sadistic and conscienceless American black bear.
Shane Baumel, Sami Kirkpatrick, and Madison Davenport as Spike, Bucky and Quillo, Lou and Penny's three identical children. They appear through the use of previously-recorded material from the first film and the 2006 tie-in video game.
Brian Stephane as Nugent, an excitable Rottweiler whose only spoken word is "Play!". He otherwise communicates by barks.
Charlie Schlatter as Milton, a mole who is mind-controlled by Dwayne LaFontant.
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Study Me - Stefan Salvatore Smut
Your hand squeezed around the highlighter you were using to study as you grew frustrated more and more by the second.
“Stupid, stupid...just fucking stupid.” You muttered to your textbook full of your scribbled notes and formulas. You tried taking a few deep breaths, but your anger refused to subside. “I can’t fail, I can’t.” You whispered to yourself while simultaneously putting your head in your hands.
“Having trouble?” Stefan asked you. You probably were bugging the shit out of your boyfriend by studying in the same room as him. However, you noticed earlier that he would sneak looks at you and sometimes just stared at you.
“You know it!” You spoke with sarcastic enthusiasm in your tone. You kept your face in your hands, trying so hard to collect yourself.
“What is this again? Chemistry? Calculus? Maybe an English course?” He asked.
“Fucking Anatomy 306.” You heard him get up from his desk and make his way closer to you.
“I mean, I could always compel you to remember everything you’ve read for this final.” His hand rested on your shoulder as you sensed a smile in his voice.
“Haha, so funny.” He responded with a deep chuckle and you felt him lower his chin onto your shoulder.
“Well, you could take a break from studying this and you could...study me.” You removed your hands from your face and stared blankly at your textbook for a bit. “Maybe all you need is a step back.” You felt his lips connect with your cheek and you surrendered.
“Move it, Salvatore.” You demanded as you rose from your chair. His beautiful face had a grin plastered to it as he grabbed you by your hips.
“I love you.” Your lips molded together perfectly and his hands went to your shirt to lift it over your head.
“I love you too.” You rushed out before his lips covered yours once more. He pulled your body with his and he abruptly turned your bodies around so he could place you on your rear on his desk. His arm reached around you and cleared the desk with a single sweep. His fingers fiddled for a moment with your bra clasp, but it was off before you knew it. His shirt followed in the removing process.
“Lay back.” He spoke after he pressed a kiss to your forehead. You followed his order and watched as he pulled at your leggings. His fingers danced around the hem of your underwear as his face lowered to your stomach. His plump lips placed tender kisses to your skin.
“Stefan...I need something.” You whispered impatiently. You needed pleasure, relief, something to let go. He smiled and trailed his kisses up the valley of your breasts to your neck. His mouth began pleasurably sucking and nipping on your favorite spot. “Mmm...better.” You moaned and wrapped your arms around him to run your hands through his hair.
“Your skin is on fire.” He murmured against your skin before continuing his work. You could feel it as well as you felt the contrast of Stefan’s skin against yours. His cool skin prompted your nipples to rise and press into him. You moaned at the sensation and Stefan definitely noticed. He chuckled once more and moved back down to your breasts. “Cold?” He asked, looking up at you with a smirk.
“Warm me up?” You nodded and pleaded.
“That could be arranged...” His eyes kept with yours as his mouth encased one of your breasts. Your jaw dropped as a moan left your lips. His tongue swirled around the cold nipple and that visual made your eyes roll back.
“Stefan.” You whimpered as his fingers pinched to opposite nipple. He quickly alternated to the abandoned nipple with his warm tongue. Your lover paid it with equal attention before kissing your boobs lovingly.
“You’re so beautiful.” He spoke loud and clear before removing your panties at lightning speed. He showed no sign of slowing down by moving to his knees. That same mouth dove right into your heat.
“Oh! Oh fuck!” Stephan’s fingers moved to spread your lower lips apart, so he’d have full access to you. He hummed loudly against your clit, knowing exactly what you needed. “Yes, Stefan!” You cried out and reached out with your right hand, wiggling your fingers. He knew that you wanted his hand and he granted your wish by intertwining your fingers. His other hand held you open for him still.
“Mmmm.” He groaned against you before beginning to quickly lick your clit.
“Stefan! I’m gonna cum!” You cried, squeezing his hand hard. If he was a human it might’ve hurt. You instinctively bucked your hips up into his mouth as your thighs shook uncontrollably. However, he pulled his face away just as you were ready. “I would kick you if I didn’t want to cum so bad right now.”
“Oh you will.” He chuckled and licked his lips before standing up. “Relax for me.” He cooed as his fingers ran down your heat. Your body shivered and you squealed.
“Stefan!” You came and it felt like you had been blessed. Stefan’s eyes widened as you came down, breathing hard.
“That wasn’t relaxing, Y/N. But it was pretty hot.” His hands unbuckled his jeans and he pushed his boxers and pants down in one go.
“Think you can stop me from cumming, huh?” You sassed him, while preparing yourself mentally for him. He laughed and smirked once more while he pulled your thighs closer to his erect length.
“Actually, I think I’ll be the reason you won’t stop cumming.” He raised his brows at you, as if he was challenging you. However, you were not ready for that kind of challenge.
“Stefan-fuck! Stefan!” You tried to calm him, but he thrusted deep inside of you before you could say anything.
“So wet...this for me, huh?” He mimicked you while gripping your thighs tighter against himself as he rocked into you repeatedly.
“All for you, baby.” You responded softly and gripped the sides of the desk as his thrusts sped up.
“Who tells you when to cum?” He leaned down so his mouth was right up against your ear and his hands moved up to your ass so he had more control over his thrusts meeting your core.
“Y-you!” You cried, feeling his nails dig into your cheeks. You loved the slight pinch with the pleasure he was currently providing.
“When will you cum?” He asked before grunting loudly. The noises he made during sex turned you on more than anything else.
“When you, tell me to.”
“And if I want, if I want you to cum, again?” He whispered in between grunts.
“I will! Fuck, I will, Stefan! Please!” You latched your teeth onto his bare shoulder as he pistoned into you relentlessly.
“Not yet, patience.” One hand left your ass and it went to rub your clit in circles. You let go of his shoulder and shrieked.
“I can’t!” Everytime you tried to breathe his thrusts would knock it away from you.
“You can, you can, listen to my voice.” You squeezed your legs harder around his body and dug your nails into his back. “That’s it, squeeze on me now, c’mon.” You threw your head back and arched up against his body as your pussy clamped repeatedly around his length. “Shit, good girl. You want to cum, right?” You squeezed your eyes shut.
“Please! Please, please Stefan!” You begged, the sensitivity was clouding your mind, and it was only a matter of time before the pleasure on your clit made you explode.
“Let go.” He grunted harshly as he gave you a final rough thrust and stilled inside of you. You squealed, moaned, groaned, literally everything as you came for the second time. “That’s my girl, mmm.” He pressed his lips against yours as you ground up against his member, riding your high out.
“Shit, Stefan.” You let your head fall back against the desk and tried catching your breath. He smiled at you and slowly pulled himself out of you.
“Damn!” He seethed at the sensation of your walls fluttering around him as he released himself of your clutch. You bit your lip and shrugged.
“Your fault.” He playfully growled and scooped you up into his arms.
“So are the bruises all over you, you have fun wearing a turtle neck and pants tomorrow.” He nearly giggled as you pouted.
#imagines#chillassimagines#stefan salvatore#stefan salvatore smut#tvd#the vampire diaries#tvd smut#the vampire diaries smut#salvatore#smut#one shots
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Just letting you guys know.
Just to let you guys know, the posts I just did on Megan Fox and Stephan Amell about their performance in the movies are NOT hate posts at all. In no way in shape or form do I hate them or their acting. I'm just simply stating my opinion about how they did the movie. I would never make a post to bash a celebrity, character or anyone period. And yes I know some people will not agree with me or think I'm being a bit harsh but I point out the good stuff and flaws I see in these movies. I love these actors I think they're great it's just they're performances in the films haven't been to good for me. But I just wanted to put that out. Thank you for your time.
#tmnt#teenage mutant ninja turtles#tmnt 2k14#tmnt oots#tmnt out of the shadows#tmnt 2k16#megan fox#stephan amell#tmnt april o'neil#tmnt casey jones
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My WVUD playlist and stream, 7/31/2021
Ambika Devi - Elegua / West Africa Popp - Myna Saphileaum - Ta UMA - Pilgrim's Sigh Peace Flag Ensemble - Hilma Af Klint in Ab Red Ribbon - Hold Departure Lounge - Flying Home Tarotplane - Shatner's Bassoon Alice Coltrane - Pranadhana Venus Volcanism - The Eagle Vangelis & Irene Papas - Le Fleuve Moby - We Are All Made Of Stars Hybrid - Carry Me Home Tones On Tail - Lions Bebopovsky And The Orkestry Podyezdov - Red Planet Blues Bohren & Der Club of Gore - Verwirrung am Strand The Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble - The Nothing Changes Phantom Jazz Wizards - The Heb-Sed Ritual (excerpt) Jon Durant & Stephan Thelen - Fractal 5.7 System 7 - Batukau (World Turtle Mix) Ashra - Sunrain
(listen on Mixcloud)
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I know you like weird asks so... Can you pick a spirit animal for each MotoGP rider 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺?
Pecco Bagnaia EIN PAPAGEI, a parrot, quite smart, learn from his entourage, posess vivid colour
Stephan Bradl : a bee, working hard for his hive (Honda) and having difficulty to exist just by himself
Cal Crutchlow : a lizard, you can cut part of him, he will still manage to race, high resistance to pain
Andrea Dovisiozo : a donkey, nice but doesn’t like to be taken for an idiot and will not let people walk on his feet, smarter than the horse, he have a bigger view of the event and thus better strategy
Aleix Espargaro : a dog, friendly but loud, can attack easyly when feel threatened, protect the one he cares about
Pol Espargaro : an hippopotamus, seems friendly but become dangerous if he feels is he attacked, lack a bit of subtlety
Andrea ianonne : a peacock, which likes to show off
Iker Lecuona : a caterpillar, which accumulate strenght and experience for the day he will become a beautiful butterfly
Alex Marquez : a turtle, slow on earth but faster in water + again like in La Fontaine know that it should start on time and is actually faster on earth than we will know. Quite wise as well.
Marc Marquez : a cat, agile, fast, with good eyes and which knows what he wants. Almost always end up on his feets.
Jack Miller : a horse, is friendly but not always the smartest, take a lot of place and tends to go a bit too much forward
Joan Mir : a snake, charming and cold blooded, when he attacks during a race his prey/competitor can not defend themselves.
Franco Morbidelli : a tiger, at first he looks just like a big cat, and can be quite lazy as well, but he can also be extremely dangerous
Takaaki Nakagami : a squirell, which race after race take the points and the experiments the same way a squirell will start his supply of nuts for the winter.
Miguel Oliveira : an eagle, have a great vision and is ready to grab the best opportunity like in the Red Bull ring, may have a little bit of disdain for the other due to his habits to be high on the sky.
Danilo Pettruci : a polar bear, in danger of extinction, looks like you can hug him but isn’t always nice an know how to take out his claws
Fabio Quartararo : a cheetah, really fast but may lack in endurance
Tito Rabat : a raven, smart, witty, looking with extreme attention at everything which happens next to him. Stay in the dark but when visible, stole the spotlight.
Alex Rins : an elephant, good memory, will always remembers who hurst him but also who helps him, a social animal but sometimes a bit clumsy
Valentino Rossi : a fox, smart and able to charm the world similar with happen in LaFontaine tale with the raven
Bradley Smith : a termite, like the bee works more from his team and doesn’t really exist by himself
Maverick Vinales : a frog, can goes from uninteresting to beautiful just by magic, can be poisonous some time but also extremely harmless on other time.
Johann Zarco : a wasp, is actually quite misunderstood (it has an utility) but there is a reason why people started to be scared of her
#ask game#sorry it took me quite a time#I had a hard time finding some#Do you agree#if not who is different?#I'm not 100% happy for all them#Like Danilo I'm not sure#thanks for the ask ❤️#And I don't know what you mean#liking weird#tss#motogp
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