littleikan · 1 month
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thebashfulbotanist · 6 months
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This cute little plant is Turnera callosa, an endemic of Mexico. It's found in seasonally dry tropical habitats, and, accordingly, has some fairly large underground structures to survive these conditions. Although it doesn't look like the Passiflora we're probably all most familiar with, it's actually in the passionflower family, Passifloraceae!
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faguscarolinensis · 1 year
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Turnera diffusa / Damiana at the Museum of Life and Science in Durham, NC
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springsteens · 6 months
herbal teas guide —
🌿🍃 having conversations with my mutuals all over the world, i was stunned to find out that not every country/culture practices drinking herbal teas for health issues. as a slavic person i decided to create this little guide because – and i'm saying this as a skeptical person who hates superstitions – they really work. 🍃🌿
mint tea (mentha piperita) is for digestion and relaxation chamomile tea (matricaria chamomilla) is for digestive system horsetail tea (equisetum arvense) is for skin, hair, nails condition, remineralization and circulatory system linden tea (tilia cordata) is for a cold lemon balm tea (melissa officinalis) is for relaxation and sleep nettle tea (uritca dioica) is for urinary tract sage tea (salvia officinalis) is for when your throat or teeth hurt fennel tea (funiculum vulgare) is for digestive system white mulberry tea (morus alba) is for carbohydrate metabolism pansy tea (viola tricolor) is for clean skin and body detox purge tea (cistus incanus) is for immunity hawthorn tea (crataegus monogyna) is for heart and circulatory system damian leaves tea (turnera diffusa) is for anxiety and libido dandelion tea (taraxacum officinale) is for liver, stomach and digestion st john's wort tea (hypericum perforatum) is for emotional balance, good mood, digestive system and kidney function
🌿🍃 to create this guide i was using a booklet from my pharmacy store. if you google them, you will find out that each of these have even more usage methods than the ones listed. 🍃🌿
🌿🍃 if you're from a different country/culture and you know more herbal teas like these, feel free to add them. 🍃🌿
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nickstanley · 2 years
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Turnera ulmifolia
Title based solely on an image search, please correct me if I’m wrong.
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do you know of any herbalism resources specifically for mood swings/hormonal related mood issues?
Hi dear! First of all, the mandatory reminder that I am not a doctor so you should always pair your consultations to traditional authorities and folk healers (curanderos, yerberos, rootworkers, etc) with a visit to the corresponding doctor or licensed medical professional.
Also, always, always research each of these herbal allies before consumption and look for dosages, contraindications and drug interactions. You need to be making educated choices regarding what you're drinking and why, and how it's going to affect your body. Check with a professional when in doubt, describe to them your goals and why you want to use said herbal ally.
With that being said, yes, I have some recommendations. If you're the type to enjoy tea (and who isn't!) you can try drinking adaptogens in the morning, that is, herbal allies that help your body deal with inner and outer stressors and normalize everything. There's an immense variety of them, my personal favorite is mate (Ilex paraguariensis), which is common here in south america but other popular choices are ginseng (Panax ginseng) and ashwagandha (Withania somnifera).
Depending on what the other symptoms are (if you're anxious, depressed, have headaches or bleeding between periods, etc) there's different herbs that may help to adress the source of each of those issues. St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) is common for depression, irritability and anxiety related to hormonal and reproductive health issues but has many drug interactions so consult with a doctor first. Chamomile works better for me personally, and has almost to no side effects or contraindications, but it is milder than st. john's wort and works in your body differently too. Each person's needs are different. Damiana (Turnera aphrodisiaca, Turnera diffusa) is a good hormone balancer and nervine, but it's not recommended for long-term use. Hoffmann recommends Vitex agnus-castus as a overall hormonal normalizer regardless of what hormone is causing issues, but says any bitter tonic can help, and there's many depending on which systems and symptoms you want to adress alongside the mood swings.
Basically, we'd need to see what other symptoms alongside mood swings you have and what the source of the issue is (if it's a specific hormone or stressor or what's the trigger to the problems you're facing, so we can know which systems we need to be addressing more holistically), while also being careful to not cause any harmful interactions with drugs or medication you may already be taking for these or other issues. Hope that helps!
Sources: Medical Herbalism by David Hoffmann, The Art and Practice of Spiritual Herbalism by Karen M Rose. Disclaimer: This information is for educational purposes only and is not meant to diagnose or treat any illness or symptoms, and should not be taken as, or instead of, professional medical advice.
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00queasy00 · 11 months
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Plant boys got new fancy homes :,)
Left: Xiao (Turnera)
Right: Venti (Aglaonema)
We also got another Turnera not shown, but he’s being dramatic rn and so he doesnt get a pic. The dramatic Turnera (Regular Fit) has a cylinder-like clay pot, no design.
Tagging: @st-lady , since you wanted to see :3
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blablapret · 4 months
Mumpung masih kecil, ajak ngobrol!
Belum lama ini saya dapat curhatan dari ibu senior yg anak sulungnya udah masuk kuliah, anak bontotnya usia SMA. Ibu ini curhat karena merasa bingung, anak2nya udah pada susah diajak ngobrol :')
Yang sulung kuliah merantau, tiap pulang ke rumah sibuk sama hp. Begitupun anak bontotnya, sekolah full day, pulang2 udah ga mau diajak ngobrol. Alesannya udah capek sekolah, di rumah cuma pengen santai2 aja main hp. Sedangkan ibu ini ngerasa anak2 makin gede kok makin merasa kesepian ya, padahal kan kangeen banget sama anak2 yg udah jarang di rumah. Duh kebayang ya :')
Waktu main ke keluarga Sali, kami bahas obrolan menarik tentang generasi Fatherless. Betapa anak2 yg kecilnya ga deket sama ortu (terutama ayah), pas gedenya, tiap ketemu ayah, bingung mau ngobrol apa? Saking clue-less nya. Bingung mau bahas apa. Saking ga nyambungnya. Sedih ya :')
Dan hari ini, saya dapet insight dari buddy2-nya Supertabi. Tentang betapa berharganya waktu "ngobrol bareng" saat anak2 masih kecil. Sesederhana nontonin hujan yg turun saat berteduh di pelataran indomar*t. Semuanya bisa disambungin ke Asma Wasifat Allah. Kalau menghafal Asmaul Husna yg 99 itu sulit, kita coba dr yg lebih sederhana, yaitu 20 sifat wajib Allah.
Pak Arif Parenthanks bercerita, anaknya, Hawwin yg sekarang kls 4 SD sama sekali ga susah disuruh shalat. Tiap denger azan langsung bergegas. Bahkan kalo bapaknya telat shubuh, Hawwin yg bangunin. Masyaa Allah kok bisa gini? Ternyata sejak anak umur 2 thn tiap hari ga pernah luput dari dialog iman.
Pak Arif kasih contoh cerita menarik. Kebetulan di depan halaman rumah ada bunga pukul 8. Seperti namanya, bunga unik ini cuma mekar di jam 8 pagi. Suatu hari anaknya pernah tantrum ingin suatu benda yg belum bisa diberi ortunya. Pak Arif bilang,"nak, coba lihat bunga pukul 8 itu. Walaupun kamu nangis guling2 karena ingin bunga itu mekar di jam 12 malem, ga akan bisa. Karena Allah udah menentukan waktu mekarnya. Seingin apapun kita terhadap sesuatu, tapi kalau menurut Allah waktunya belum tepat, ya Allah belum kasih". Dan setelah itu anaknya berenti nangis.
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*Bunga pukul delapan putih, Turnera ulmifolia 
Masya Allah, emang bener namanya ga salah. Arif = Bijaksana. Nama keluarganya aja ParenThanks, agar terlahir anak2 yg penuh rasa syukur. Dan masih banyaak contoh2 dialog iman yg bisa kita contek2 inspirasinya.
Apa parameter Dialog Iman ini berhasil? Sampai anak bener2 cinta sama Allah. Cirinya? Ridho dengan perintah syariat. Ga merasa berat menjalankan ibadah, terutama shalat sehari 5x. Dan ini modal yg penting banget utk persiapan masa Baligh.
Jujur insight hari ini nabok banget sih, karena kami masih ada PR di dialog iman. Tabina ga sat-set kalau denger adzan berkumandang, cenderung santai, bahkan suka menunda2. Kadang nyuruhnya sampe drama, mulai pake suara lemah lembut ga mempan, kudu naik pitam dulu baru deh mau wudhu. Padahal anaknya udah 8 tahun. Bentar lagi mau 10 tahun. Duh mana anak sekarang Balighnya cepet banget T_T
Udah pernah konsultasi jg ke kakak Guru, kami dikasih PR utk memperbanyak dialog iman di rumah. Tuh kan, jadi inget PRnya ga tiap hari banget dikerjain :'\ Oke play with daddy harus difokuskan ke sini. Panggilan kepada Abba~
Ini nih serunya jadi warga CBE Whitebee. Kalau udah ketemu keluarga2 yg satu frekuensi, langsung dapet banyaak banget inspirasi yg bisa direnungi. Dapet ilmu gratis yg mahal. Ayok putus generasi fatherless. Yok Bisa Yok! Belajar dari Nabi Ibrahim, Nabi Ya'Qub, Nabi Zakariya, dan Luqman Al Haqim - yg dialog antara BAPAK sama anaknya diabadikan dalam Al Quran. Dialog iman memang lebih efektif dari Ayah. Kata2nya irit, tapi menghujam ke dalam dada.
Baik ayah atau ibu, keduanya harus berperan dalam dialog iman. Tapi ibu2 itu kan terkenal bawel ya. Kata-katanya segalon. Padahal intinya cuma dikit. Anak udah keburu kabur duluan :))
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bergeronprocess · 1 year
I've watched the first two episodes of *inhales deeply* My Daughter Left the Nest and Returned an S-Rank Adventurer. (I've seen folks call it S-Rank Musume for short.) I'm enjoying it so far! Sometimes it looks like the lovely drawings from a picture book, especially the backgrounds in the quaint village of Turnera. With the vaguely medieval setting and magic and issues with demon stuff, I'm getting a bit of a Slayers vibe, and I love Slayers so that's a good comparison.
I feel very much like they're about to get Angeline and her dad reunited, what with the table setting of the demon lords becoming an issue and the understaffed adventurers guild having to call in retired staffers. Plus the opening and ending BOTH show them together lol. So I don't think Ange will just be pining for her good ol' pop that much longer. I do like how all of the noble sisters knew about him because Ange blabbed about him so much. Also lol the oldest sister is named Helvetica. What, didn't wanna name the other two Arial and Calibri?? 🤣
Plus it's neat that most of the characters have been women. Again judging by the opening and ending, it looks like a few more men are about to join the cast, but it's cool to see lots of women characters who have different talents!
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poisonerspath · 2 years
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NEW FORMULA 🌹 larger size ❤️ Turnera diffusa, or damiana is a herb that is warming and stimulating. It creates a euphoria and is used as an aphrodisiac. Use in rituals requiring sexual energy and stamina, ecstatic rites, or enjoy with a partner. Cacao has similar properties. It is warming and relaxing and is beneficial for the energetic and physical heart. - - - #sexmagic #sexmagick #babalon #sacredwhore #sacredsexuality #aphrodisiacherbs #plantmedicine #plantspiritally #lovewitch #lustmagic #damiana #turneradiffusa https://www.instagram.com/p/CkglDF6rvXL/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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donospl · 2 months
Kurt Rosenwinkel "The Next Step Band (Live at Smalls, 1996)” 
Heartcore Records, 2024 Najnowsza publikacja wydawnictwa  Heartcore Records sięga do archiwalnych zasobów, prezentując koncertowe nagrania Kurta Rosenwinkla sprzed niemal 30 lat. Album dostępny jest na Bandcampie Zarejestrowany w roku 1996 podczas występu w nowojorskim klubie Smalls występ prezentuje Kurta Rosenwinkela w towarzystwie saksofonisty Marka Turnera, kontrabasisty Bena Streeta i…
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ejadabjgrahams · 5 months
Healthy Living
Damiana, also known as Turnera Diffusa, is a shrub native to Central and South America. It has been used for centuries for its medicinal properties and is known for its potential health benefits. What are the key benefits of Damiana? 1. **Aphrodisiac properties**: Damiana is believed to have aphrodisiac effects, which may help improve libido and sexual function in both men and women. 2.…
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petnews2day · 6 months
New study shows association of historical housing discrimination and shortfalls in colon cancer treatment - News
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/SFSOw
New study shows association of historical housing discrimination and shortfalls in colon cancer treatment - News
Mortgage lending discrimination in the 1930s is still geographically associated with inequities in colon cancer care today. Colon cancer often can be treated successfully if detected early. Qasim Hussaini, M.D.,Photography: Jennifer Alsabrook-TurnerA nationwide study of 196 cities shows that housing discrimination from 90 years ago still casts a historical shadow of inequities in colon cancer […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/SFSOw #PetFinancialNews
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cyberwellnesscare · 7 months
Five Easy Means To Include Damiana In To Your Daily Routine
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Integrating Damiana into your everyday schedule can supply a series of prospective advantages, coming from advertising relaxation and minimizing worry to enriching sex drive as well as sustaining general wellness. Damiana is actually a vegetation indigenous to Central and also South United States, traditionally used for its own therapeutic qualities.
Five Easy Ways to Integrate Damiana:
Damiana Tea
Among the easiest ways to appreciate the benefits of damiana is actually by brewing it in to a great tasting tea. Start through delivering water to a blister, then add one to 2 tsps of dried damiana delegates to a cup. Allow it to high for about 5-10 moments, relying on your intended stamina. You can boost the flavor by adding a piece of lemon or even a dash of honey. Enjoy this calming herbal tea in the early morning or even night to rest and relax.
Damiana Tincture
An additional handy way to integrate
turnera diffusa into your daily routine is by utilizing a tincture. Tinctures are strong organic essences that could be quickly included in water, extract, or even tea. Simply follow the dosage directions on the product tag, typically a couple of drops taken one to three times daily. Tinctures offer a convenient and also effective technique to experience the advantages of damiana, whether you're at home or on the move.
Damiana Capsules
If you like an additional simple technique, think about taking damiana in capsule kind. Pills deliver a convenient and also subtle way to include damiana in to your regular regimen without the need for developing tea or preparing tinctures. Follow the suggested dosage on the product label, commonly one to pair of pills taken one to three opportunities each day. This allows you to quickly integrate damiana into your supplement program, supporting total wellness.
Damiana Infused Oil
Damiana infused oil may be used topically to nurture the skin and ensure leisure. To create your very own damiana instilled oil, simply integrate dried damiana entrusts a carrier oil such as olive oil or even almond oil in a glass jar. Tape the container securely as well as permit it being in an amazing, dark place for about 4-6 full weeks, shaking it occasionally. Once all set, strain the oil using cheesecloth or a great screen strainer and also transmit it to a tidy glass bottle. Administer the instilled oil to the skin as needed to have, rubbing it gently to market absorption and relaxation. Look at https://blowie.nl for a selection of natural products, consisting of damiana, renowned for its reputed aphrodisiac as well as leisure homes, enriching sensual expertises naturally as well as holistically.
Damiana Smoking Cigarettes Blend
For those that take pleasure in natural cigarette smoking blends, incorporating damiana in to your mix can easily provide a pleasurable as well as sweet-smelling knowledge. Damiana leaves behind could be dried out and blended with various other natural herbs like mullein, pepper mint, or even violet to develop a delicious smoking blend. Just grind the dried out damiana leaves behind and combine all of them along with your preferred herbs in the intended ratio. Outlet the go an impermeable container as well as utilize it as an alternative to tobacco for a relaxing and also soothing smoking adventure.
Including damiana into your day-to-day program may be a basic as well as pleasurable method to experience its many benefits. Whether you favor it such as herbal tea, tincture, pills, instilled oil, or smoking cigarettes combination, there are actually lots of possibilities to match your tastes and way of life. Explore various techniques to find what works better for you, and appreciate the relaxing and uplifting impacts of the versatile herb.
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poisonerspath · 2 years
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❤️ in a 📦 - shipping now! This collection is an assortment of venusian, aphrodisiac and heart related formulas. Love magic is about much more than attracting a desired partner. It is a lifelong journey with the self, and there are a number of plant allies that will support that journey. Cacao Powder Rose Petals Venus Ritual Oil - made on Friday in the Hour of Venus with full moon in Leo energy Jezebel Oil- a traditional hoodoo formula for influence, sexual domination, personal power, persuasion and more Damiana and Cacao Elixir 30 ml tincture of damiana Turnera diffusa and Theobroma cacao, two aphrodisiacs that pair well together. One stimulating and one relaxing. Foxglove Flower Essence 30 ml: foxglove is one of the most powerful heart medicines and in this energetic formula we can safely work with this plant spirit Aphrodisia Loose Tea/Smoking Blends: made with damiana, rose petals, vanilla bean, and passionflower. #aphrodisia #arsaphrodisia #cacao #foxglove #poisonpath #plantmedicine #banefulherbs #veneficium #arsvenere #sexmagic https://www.instagram.com/p/CoaMxgsr4Mo/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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joshuahareturner · 9 months
Over the years, Joshua's reputation as a skilled and reliable fisherman grew. He was not only an expert angler but also a captain who understood the nuances of the sea. In 1995, he acquired a larger vessel, the "Ocean Wanderer," and with it, he expanded his fishing operations. Joshua became known as a captain who put the safety and well-being of his crew above all else. He was renowned for his knowledge of the ocean's currents, its unpredictable moods, and the best spots for fishing.
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