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bikersbrasil2017 · 4 years ago
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@nett.mtb This is my front wheel, there are many like it, but this one is mine 😁🚲 #bikers_brasil #turnbartuesday @cyclesdevinci #devinci @leatt_mtb #leatt @sixthelementwheels #sixthelementwheels @absoluteblack.cc #absoluteblack @themudhugger #mudhugger @invisiframe #invisiframe @vistadrinks #vistadrinks #outdoorsgirl #liveeveryday #mtb #mtblife #mountainbikelife #getoutsidestayoutside #ridelikethewind #ridelikeyoustoleit #ridewithpride #loveforbikes #rideday #goadventure #rideeverywhere #shreddinit #shredthegnar #prettygnarly #mtbstoked #ridemoremtb #pittuka_cat #kikohay https://www.instagram.com/p/CFMvmPwsEFo/?igshid=76ma8gkycty
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totalmtb · 6 years ago
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Great shot taken by @davepricephoto #turnbartuesday 👌🏻👌🏻 at last year's @tidworthb1kepark Hooper Hoohaa! @fendog_1 • • #TotalMTB @TotalMTB • Follow, like and tag us in your MTB photos on Twitter and Facebook for a share! YouTube: TotalMTB Patreon: TotalMTB Twitter: @TotalMTB_ Facebook: /TotalMTB Strava Club: /total-mtb • Product Reviews & Shop on our website • Main Partners @JEJamesCycles @AussieGritApparel @MarinBikesUK @Paligap_Ltd @EBWatches @KilpiSport ‘TotalMTB15’ for 15% off @VeloForte ‘TMTB20’ for 20% introductory discount @IGL_Coatings_UK @Steadyrack @DamsonGlobal ‘DAMSONMTB’ for 10% off on orders over £40 @FiveTen_Official @SquirtLube_UK @AssSavers ‘TotalMTB10’ for 10% off @661Protection @AntinaturalUK ‘TOTALMTB20’ for 20% off @SchwalbeTyresUK @AdroitCycleWorks @OlfiCamera ‘TotalMTB10’ for 10% off @KingudProducts 'TOTALMTB10' for 10% off @LifeStraw @CharityNoPanic @UtopiaDM • Discounts @Restrap 'TOTALMTB' for 15% off @QuadLockCase 'TOTALMTB10' for 10% off @BrokenRiders ‘TOTAL20’ for 20% off on orders over £10 @ProvizSports ‘MTB15’ for 15% off @FibraxUK ‘TotalTwenty’ for 20% off @ReaperGuards ‘TOTAL10’ for 10% off @HiplokLocks 'TOTALMTB15' for 15% off @asssavers ‘TotalMTB10’ for 10% off @PolarisBikeWear ‘TOTALMTB15' for 15% off @booicorestore 'TOTALMTB10' for 10% off @GlowAndSee ‘TOTALMTB’ for 15% off @3DPrintMyRoute 'TotalMTB10' for 10% off @Veloeye ‘TotalMTB’ for 20% off • #mtb #mountainbike #bike #downhillmtb #downhillmountainbiking #downhillbiking #bikepark #instabike #bikestagram #bikeride #cycling #itsaboutmtb #badassmtnbikes #bikestable #stravacycling #mtbmag #gopro #goprouk #bikeporn #mtbporn #cyclinglife #freeride #outsideisfree #baaw #fromwhereiride #jejamescycles #ukmtb #ukcyclechat https://www.instagram.com/p/Btiz-BaFLzF/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=8jxie8pw7w2d
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theprostandard · 7 years ago
@justinmclintock - Finally mastered the turn bar as shown here in this Grill Mount POV through #fodtrails a few weeks back❗️ . . . . #bmx #bmxtrails #bmxdirt #turnbartuesday #grillmount @theprostandard
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