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Turkish sunflower seeds are most consumed and planted dried nuts all over the world. Turkish sunflower seeds are high quality, good taste and besp price. We are turkish sunflower seeds wholesaler and exporter company form Turkey
ITC NUTS COMPANY www.itcnuts.com whatsapp: +90 533 2460404 email: [email protected]
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Turkish sunflower seeds are most consumed and planted dried nuts all over the world. Turkish sunflower seeds are high quality, good taste and besp price. We are turkish sunflower seeds wholesaler and exporter company form Turkey
ITC NUTS COMPANY www.itcnuts.com whatsapp: +90 533 2460404 email: [email protected]
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Roasted Turkish Sunflower Seeds
Roasted Turkish Sunflower seeds are the fruit of the plant called sunflower. Turkish Sunflower seeds belongs to the daisy family. It is an agricultural plant with yellow flowers produced for its seeds and oil.
Turkish Sunflower Seeds
Turkish Sunflower seeds
is one of the most important oil crops in the world as well as in Turkey. In the most widely grown in the Marmara region in Turkey, especially in Thrace region. There are more than 60 varieties of sunflower seed in the world.
Some Turkish sunflower seeds varieties have striped leaves. Turkish sunflower seeds come in two varieties, black and striped. Black type sunflower seeds are used to make oil and snacks. Sunflower oil takes the first place among the vegetable oils used for cooking and preferred in terms of quality.
The outer surface of the sunflower, which is the fruit of the sunflower plant, is shelled. The real eaten part is located inside. It contains a lot of oil. For this reason, it is widely used in oil production.
Lightly Roasted Turkish Sunflower Seeds Is A Good Snack
What Are Turkish Snacks Seeds
There are many kinds of Turkish snacks seeds. Turkish sunflower seeds are the most preferred Turkish snacks seeds. The main product which is mostly preferred from the customer. Turkish people generally consume Turkish sunflower seeds as roasted with salt. They also like to consume Turkish sunflower seeds as mixed dried nuts with pistachio, Turkish hazelnuts, roasted chickpeas and other dried nuts.
roasted sunflower seeds
Turkish Sunflower seeds are also widely consumed as a snack. Sunflower seeds consumed as a snack is lightly roasted. Roasted Turkish sunflower seeds are diversified with salty, unsalted, peppery and all kinds of sauces. Thus, it appeals to every taste. Another consumption form of Turkish sunflower seeds is bakery production sector. Roasted sunflower seeds or unroasted sunflower seeds are using inside of baked goods.
Turkish Sunflower seeds consumed as snacks are grown in Kayseri, Erzurum, Sivas, Kırıkkale, Yozgat and Central Anatolia. However, sunflower seeds of good quality are produced to be used mostly in the nuts sector in Denizli Çivril Region. Sunflower seeds, one of the most consumed snacks in our country, are known by different names according to the regions.
Nutritional values (for 100 g):
Dietary fiber 12,6 g Protein 27,8 g Fat 31,2 g Saturated Fat 2.6 g Carbohydrate 23,7 g Energy value 512 kcal Type Of SunflowerSeeds And Regions sunflowerseeds with shell roasted sunflower seeds with shell The most common roasted sunflower seeds offered to consumption by roasting are:
Sunflower Seeds in White / Pajamas (White Sunflower Seeds)
Dakota Sunflower Seeds
Black Cyprus Sunflower Seeds
Karaduman / Village Seed (Sunflower Seeds for Oil)
Inner Sunflower Seeds
Benefits of Sunflowerseeds To Human Healths
buy sunflower seeds Since sunflower seeds are a nutritious product, they also have healthy effects on humans. It containes good oils, antioxidants and minerals. It is also a vitamin store. Twenty-eight grams of sunflower seeds meet seventy-six percent of the daily vitamin E need. Thus, we can say that the right consumption of sunflower seeds is beneficial for the skin and delays skin aging.
In studies on nutrition, it has been concluded that sunflower seeds are super foods along with onions, garlic and broccoli. These superfoods help prevent chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer. Sunflower seeds contain B vitamins in natural form. This vitamin helps the formation of new cells, DNA and RNA and also plays a role in preventing cancer-causing changes in DNA.
It helps to increase good type of cholesterol , it lowers the unhealthy cholesterol. In addition, thanks to its protein content, it helps the development and protection of muscle and tissue in the body. Twenty-eight grams of sunflower seeds meets twelve percent of your daily protein need.
INGREDIENTS OF SUNFLOWER SEEDS sunflower seeds bulk sunflower seeds bulk Sunflower seeds also contain high amounts of copper, zinc, iron and fiber. Thanks to these minerals:
Oxygen is carried to the whole body,
Produces energy,
The immune system is protected,
Blood sugar and blood cholesterol are kept in balance,
It also helps prevent constipation.
The benefits of zinc contained in sunflower seeds:
Effective in healing wounds,
Help prevent acne,
Strengthening the immune system,
Helps to eliminate recurrent infections,
Provides taste and odor acuity,
It is important for the increase of sperm movements.
We are manufacturer, wholesaler and exporter of Roasted Sunflower Seeds from Turkey. Please feel free to contact with us.
Email: [email protected]
Whatsapp: +90 533 2460404
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how to bake bread with turkish sunflower seed kernels
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Turkish Snacks Seeds
ITC nuts company is wholesaler and exporter of Turkish snacks seeds. We are exporting Turkish snacks seeds to many countries. We exports Turkish snacks seeds as raw or roasted. Raw snacks seeds are packed in 50kgs of bags. Roasted snacks seeds generally packed in carton boxes or pe bags of 20kg each.
Turkish Sunflower Seeds
Turkish sunflower seeds is best selling of Turkish snacks seeds. Our customers mostly demand Turkish sunflower seeds as raw. Sometimes our customers demand it roasted. We sell them whatever they want.
Turkish Pumpkin Seeds Other Turkish snacks seeds is Turkish pumpkin seeds. There is good demand for Turkish snacks seeds. We generally export it as raw packed in 50kg of bags.
Please feel free to contact with us
ITC NUTS COMPANY www.itcnuts.com whatsapp: +90 533 2460404 email: [email protected]
Graines de collations turques
ITC Nuts Company est un grossiste et exportateur de graines de collations turques. Nous exportons des graines de snacks turcs dans de nombreux pays. Nous exportons des graines de collations turques crues ou grillées. Les graines de collation crues sont emballées dans des sacs de 50 kg. Les graines de collations torréfiées sont généralement emballées dans des boîtes en carton ou des sacs en pe de 20 kg chacun.
Graines de tournesol turques
Les graines de tournesol turques sont les graines de collations turques les plus vendues. Nos clients demandent principalement des graines de tournesol turques brutes. Parfois, nos clients l'exigent torréfié. Nous leur vendons ce qu'ils veulent.
Graines de citrouille turques Les autres graines de collations turques sont les graines de citrouille turques. Il y a une bonne demande pour les graines de collations turques. Nous l'exportons généralement sous forme brute emballée dans des sacs de 50 kg.
N'hésitez pas à nous contacter
SOCIETE ITC NUTS www.itcnuts.com Whatsapp : +90 533 2460404 email: [email protected]
Samen für türkische Snacks
Die ITC Nuts Company ist ein Großhändler und Exporteur von türkischen Snacksamen. Wir exportieren türkische Snacksamen in viele Länder. Wir exportieren türkische Snacksamen roh oder geröstet. Rohe Snacksamen werden in 50-kg-Säcken verpackt. Geröstete Snacksamen werden in der Regel in Kartons oder PE-Säcken zu je 20 kg verpackt.
Türkische Sonnenblumenkerne
Türkische Sonnenblumenkerne sind die meistverkauften türkischen Snacksamen. Unsere Kunden verlangen meistens türkische Sonnenblumenkerne als Rohware. Manchmal verlangen unsere Kunden es geröstet. Wir verkaufen ihnen, was sie wollen.
Türkische Kürbiskerne Ein weiterer türkischer Snack-Samen sind türkische Kürbiskerne. Es besteht eine gute Nachfrage nach Samen für türkische Snacks. Wir exportieren es im Allgemeinen roh verpackt in 50-kg-Säcken.
Wenden Sie sich bitte an uns
ITC NÜSSE UNTERNEHMEN www.itcnuts.com WhatsApp: +90 533 2460404 E-Mail: [email protected]
Semi di snack turchi
La società di noci ITC è un grossista ed esportatore di semi di snack turchi. Stiamo esportando semi di snack turchi in molti paesi. Esportiamo semi di snack turchi crudi o arrostiti. I semi di snack crudi sono confezionati in sacchi da 50 kg. I semi di snack tostati sono generalmente confezionati in scatole di cartone o sacchi di pe da 20 kg ciascuno.
Semi di girasole turchi
I semi di girasole turchi sono i semi di snack turchi più venduti. I nostri clienti richiedono principalmente semi di girasole turchi crudi. A volte i nostri clienti lo richiedono arrostito. Li vendiamo quello che vogliono.
Semi di zucca turchi Un altro semi di snack turchi sono i semi di zucca turchi. C'è una buona domanda di semi di snack turchi. Generalmente lo esportiamo crudo confezionato in sacchi da 50 kg.
Non esitate a contattarci
AZIENDA ITC NUTS www.itcnuts.com WhatsApp: +90 533 2460404 e-mail: [email protected]
Semillas de bocadillos turcos
ITC Nuts Company es un mayorista y exportador de semillas de snacks turcos. Estamos exportando semillas de bocadillos turcos a muchos países. Exportamos semillas de bocadillos turcos crudos o tostados. Las semillas de snack crudas se envasan en bolsas de 50 kg. Las semillas de snacks tostados generalmente se envasan en cajas de cartón o bolsas de pe de 20 kg cada una.
Semillas de girasol turcas
Las semillas de girasol turcas son las semillas de bocadillos turcos más vendidas. Nuestros clientes demandan principalmente semillas de girasol turcas en bruto. En ocasiones nuestros clientes lo demandan asado. Les vendemos lo que quieran.
Semillas de calabaza turca Otras semillas de bocadillos turcos son las semillas de calabaza turcas. Hay una buena demanda de semillas de aperitivos turcos. Generalmente lo exportamos crudo empacado en bolsas de 50 kg.
Por favor no dudes en contactarnos
EMPRESA ITC NUTS www.itcnuts.com WhatsApp: +90 533 2460404 correo electrónico: [email protected]
Семена турецких закусок
Компания ITC Nuts является оптовым продавцом и экспортером семян турецких закусок. Мы экспортируем семена турецких закусок во многие страны. Мы экспортируем семена турецких закусок в сыром или жареном виде. Сырые семечки расфасованы в мешки по 50 кг. Жареные семечки обычно упаковывают в картонные коробки или полиэтиленовые мешки по 20 кг каждая.
Турецкие семена подсолнечника
Турецкие семечки - самые продаваемые семена турецких закусок. Наши клиенты в основном требуют турецкие семечки в сыром виде. Иногда наши клиенты требуют жареного. Мы продаем им все, что они хотят.
Турецкие тыквенные семечки Еще одна турецкая закуска из семян — это турецкие тыквенные семечки. Существует хороший спрос на семена турецких закусок. Обычно мы экспортируем его в сыром виде, упакованным в мешки по 50 кг.
Пожалуйста, не стесняйтесь связаться с нами
ИТЦ ОРЕХОВАЯ КОМПАНИЯ www.itcnuts.com WhatsApp: +90 533 2460404 электронная почта: [email protected]
بذور السناكس التركية
شركة ITC للمكسرات هي تاجر جملة ومصدر لبذور الوجبات الخفيفة التركية. نقوم بتصدير بذور الوجبات الخفيفة التركية إلى العديد من البلدان. نقوم بتصدير بذور الوجبات الخفيفة التركية الخام أو المحمصة. معبأة بذور الوجبات الخفيفة النيئة في أكياس 50 كلغ. تعبأ بذور الوجبات الخفيفة المحمصة بشكل عام في علب كرتونية أو أكياس بلاستيكية سعة كل منها 20 كجم.
بذور عباد الشمس التركية
بذور عباد الشمس التركية هي بذور الوجبات الخفيفة التركية الأكثر مبيعًا. يطلب عملاؤنا في الغالب بذور عباد الشمس التركية على أنها خام. في بعض الأحيان يطلب عملاؤنا تحميصه. نبيعهم ما يريدون.
بذور القرع التركي بذور الوجبات الخفيفة التركية الأخرى هي بذور اليقطين التركية. هناك طلب جيد على بذور الوجبات الخفيفة التركية. نقوم بتصديرها بشكل عام كمادة خام معبأة في 50 كجم من الأكياس.
لا تتردد في الاتصال بنا
شركة ITC NUTS www.itcnuts.com WhatsApp: +90533 2460404 البريد الإلكتروني: [email protected]
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Roasted Turkish Sunflower Seeds
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Sunflower Seeds Wholesaler Company
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Roasted Turkish Sunflower Seeds Manufacturing and Exporting company For more details please call us. LIKE SHARE COMMENT ITC NUTS COMPANY www.itcnuts.com whatsapp: +90 533 2460404 email: [email protected] https://www.itcnuts.com/blog/roasted-sunflower-seeds/ #sunflowerseed #sunflowerseeds #sunflowerseeds🌻 #sunflowerseedbutter #sunflowerseedsnack #sunflowerseedbread #sunflowerseedmilk #sunflowerseedflour #sunflowerseedsfordays #sunflowerseedcheese #sunflowerseedsbutter
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Turkish Sunflower Seeds
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Turkish Sunflower Seeds, first quality, white or black type. Best quality, best price. For more details please feel free to contact with us
whatsapp: +90 5332460404 email: [email protected]
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ITC NUTS COMPANY wholesale roasted salted sunflower seeds to all over the worlds. Exporting sunflower seeds is our business. Roasted Turkish sunflower seeds are the fruit of the plant called sunflower. Turkish Sunflower seeds belongs to the daisy family. It is an agricultural plant with yellow flowers produced for its seeds and oil.
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Turkish Pistachio Wholesaler
Awesome Roasted Turkish Antep Pistachio Wholesaler, Ready For Export From Turkey. High Quality, Best Price, For More Details Write Us,
Whatsapp: +90 533 2460404,
email:[email protected]
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Roasted Turkish Sunflower Seeds Manufacturing and Exporting company For more details please call us. LIKE SHARE COMMENT ITC NUTS COMPANY www.itcnuts.com whatsapp: +90 533 2460404 email: [email protected] https://www.itcnuts.com/blog/roasted-sunflower-seeds/ #sunflowerseed #sunflowerseeds #sunflowerseeds🌻 #sunflowerseedbutter #sunflowerseedsnack #sunflowerseedbread #sunflowerseedmilk #sunflowerseedflour #sunflowerseedsfordays #sunflowerseedcheese #sunflowerseedsbutter
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Roasted Turkish Sunflower Seeds
Roasted Turkish Sunflower Seeds Manufacturing and Exporting company In Turkey Other products include Authentic Turkish delight pistachio , Turkish baklava pistachio , roasted Turkish pistachios and other roasted nuts. For more details please call us.
www.itcnuts.com whatsapp: +90 533 2460404 email: [email protected] https://www.itcnuts.com/blog/roasted-sunflower-seeds/ #sunflowerseed#sunflowerseeds#sunflowerseeds🌻#sunflowerseedbutter#sunflowerseedsnack#sunflowerseedbread#sunflowerseedmilk#sunflowerseedflour#sunflowerseedsfordays#sunflowerseedcheese#sunflowerseedsbutter
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