#turbine mention lol
prinzunderground · 3 months
silly stuff
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slytherinshua · 9 months
genre. fluff. kiki's delivery service au-ish. a lil mutual pining. warnings. reader is basically kiki and sohee is basically tombo lol. some psychic magic mentioned. it's mostly just them being whipped for each other. osono cameo cause she's mvp fr. pairing. sohee x witch!reader. wc. 2.5k. a/n. the riize brainrot is SO REAL. idk why i felt sohee would fit the role of tombo so perfectly hes just sooo 💔💔 i love him guys 🥹
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Sohee was 97.62436% sure that he was going crazy when he first saw you flying on a broomstick through the city. Of course, the other 2.37564% that had gone completely insane was fascinated, excited, and probably (definitely) head over heels in love.
He lived in a small town. One where the word went around like a whirlwind as soon as anyone new moved in. It was the most exciting thing that could happen for the residents there, especially when the newcomer happened to be a very pretty girl from a rich city. 
Most people would move out of the town when they reached 20 or so to discover themselves. Yet they always seemed to find their way back when they were a bit more settled. It was a rite of passage— a route to adulthood that almost everyone assumed the youth of the town would take. Sohee liked his town, though, and didn’t feel any need to move away. He had already discovered himself enough to know what he wanted to do with his life. 
There were exciting things to do that he doubted he would be able to do anywhere else. Visiting the town’s grandpa that ran the old antique shop, getting free candy from the young lady who ran the candy store after the old owner had passed away, seeing every new addition to the art gallery from the aspiring painters and sculptors in town. And, his favourite activity: investigating the old junk yard for spare parts to make his newest models.
Sohee liked to call himself an inventor. It felt spiffy and official. He showed off every new creation he pieced together with rusted tools and even rustier bits of metal like it was the next world-changing invention. He could spend hours in his dad’s old workshop working with nuts and bolts, seeing what the pieces could make once they came together.
He had been determined to make a flying vehicle for years now. After finding a beautiful old wind turbine in the junkyard when he was 14, he had started planning mock-ups for a bicycle. He would attach the turbine in front of it so that when you pedalled, the turbine spinned. The hope was that with enough inertia, you could eventually lift off the ground with it. He was skeptical that it would actually work, though.
He hadn’t officially talked to you yet. You had been in town for a couple days now, staying with the couple that ran the local bakery. Sohee thought you were absolutely beautiful from the moment he first saw you. He had been riding his bicycle past the bakery on his way to the carpenters to pick up some tools. One glance at you through the window had him abruptly pushing on the brakes, eyes going wide.
Maybe it was a bit of an exaggeration, but you looked like an angel. Or a goddess. Or a fairy. Sohee couldn’t decide which one, but he knew that you were the most stunning person he had ever seen. Since that day, he kept running into you in town, but his own nervousness had stopped him from talking to you properly. He had held a few conversations; enough to know your name and age, but clearly not enough to know that you could fly through the air.
Now, he was staring wide-eyed at the clouds, watching you soar just beneath them so effortlessly. He craned his head to watch you as long as he could before you disappeared behind the clock tower.
“Woah…” He whispered, jaw dropped in an awestruck expression. 
“She’s quite the girl, isn’t she?” 
Sohee turned to the side, nodding in agreement with what Osono, the bakery lady, had said.
“She’s amazing. Do you know how she does it?” He asked with a grin.
“Haven’t you heard by now, Sohee? She’s a witch! She chose our town to do her witch training.” Osono explained.
“That’s incredible! I didn’t even know witches actually existed! Do you know what she’s training in?!” Sohee felt like his brain was spinning at a speed incomprehensible to mankind. He kept thinking of more and more questions about you. He’d never seen anyone quite like you before, and the more he learned, the more intrigued he became.
“She said she’s still figuring it out— but she’s interested in love readings. For now, she’s using her flying skills to help me and the town. She’s an excellent delivery girl!” Osono beamed.
“Love readings…?” Sohee pondered the idea on his way back home. The next day, he found himself at the town’s library, scanning through the small section on magic and witches with more focus than he had put to almost anything.
“Miss witch, I’d like to get a love reading!” He announced happily, swinging open the door to the bakery where you were seated at the counter, seconds away from falling asleep due to the lack of customers. You jerked up at the sound of Sohee, immediately knowing that it was him from his playful nickname for you— miss witch.
“Really!? You want one!?” You jumped up from your seat and rushed around the counter to be face to face with him. Sohee had become your first friend in town. After he had seen you fly that day, he discovered the key to talking to you without being awkward. You could fly and he wanted to fly. There was a perfect common interest.
You loved talking to Sohee. He was infinitely more interesting than the kids back at your old home, most of which were stuck up and rude. Sohee was bright and kind and full of imagination and dreams and inspiration. He never got bored of you talking about being a witch, and you never got bored of hearing about his new inventions. You had never clicked so well with someone before.
There was also the fact that he was the prettiest boy you’d ever seen. But that was… less important. You had a bad habit of crushing on boys without it ever going anywhere. You were determined not to repeat that disaster a sixth time.
“It would be my great honour to be your very first customer.” Sohee said dramatically, making you giggle with excitement. 
“Well, then, dear client, shall we go to my witch lair? I can’t perform the reading anywhere else.” You responded, matching his dramatics perfectly. He grinned and nodded and you grabbed his wrist to lead him upstairs.
“It’s a bit messy— give me a second!” You rushed around your small attic space that Osono had been so kind to let you stay in for free. You hurriedly put away the food that you had gotten for breakfast and shoved some odd trinkets under your bed so that they were hidden. Sohee just watched, his heart racing. He really needed to get that under control.
“Where’s my witching supplies- Aha! Here it is!” You held up a small purple box, bejewelled with gold ornaments. It looked ancient and rusty— exactly the type of artifact that Sohee loved.
You set down a thin blanket on the wooden floor before taking out the little baubles and setting them in the middle of the fabric. Sohee sat on one end, and you on the other. 
“Alright, mister… I have a series of questions, but for this to work, you must answer them completely honestly. If you lie even once, the whole thing will be messed up!” You had put on your mother’s joke witches had for fun. The sight made Sohee laugh, especially when you deepened your voice to sound old as you explained how things would work.
“I got it. I’ll tell only the truth.” Sohee promised.
“Once you answer all the questions, I’ll flip over this blank card. If everything works out, the name of the person you love the most will slowly appear before your eyes! Now… Are you ready?” You quirked an eyebrow, staring seriously at him even though on the inside you were about to burst with excitement. It was your dream to open your own love reading business. You just weren’t completely sure if you were good enough at it yet.
Sohee nodded eagerly, a mix of excitement and nervousness stewing inside of him. He wasn’t sure exactly what to expect, so he carefully followed along with what you did to make sure he didn’t mess anything up. You closed your eyes and he followed suit.
The questions you asked started out simple, without Sohee needing to deliberate before delivering the honest answer to you. But as they went on, they got more complex and more personal. Sohee had never doubted your abilities as a witch, but he hadn’t expected you to be able to see right through him.
“Last question…”
“Mhm?” Sohee could feel his stomach twist in nervousness, but he breathed steadily to try to calm his nerves.
“Do you believe yourself to be in love with someone at this current moment?” 
Sohee swallowed slowly, his mouth and throat feeling parched all of a sudden. He took his time to think through it, though the answer was almost painfully obvious. He had never been more in love in his entire life.
“Yes.” He finally answered with certainty, a slight burden lifting off his chest. It was almost as if he was confessing to you in a way— and though he didn’t say it directly, it still eased some of his anxiety. He opened his eyes hesitantly after answering to see your face scrunched in concentration.
“No way-” You opened your eyes as well, frowning in confusion and looking up to Sohee with a questioning gaze. “By any chance are you…?” 
“Huh?” Sohee blinked, confused at your actions. You shook your head quickly and stared down at the blank card.
“Are you ready?” 
The air felt a little tense as you slowly flipped over the black card. You held your hand over it for a few seconds, shielding it from Sohee’s curious view. You lifted your hand carefully once you were sure it had worked and watched as the name slowly appeared on the card.
You sat in frozen shock once you read the name on the card, struggling to process what you had seen. Your name was displayed on the card, clearer than ever. There was no way that anyone could possibly mistake it or misread it, but you just couldn’t believe it.
“It- we- we must’ve messed it up somehow! There’s no way that’s- It must’ve got me confused, right!?” Sohee spluttered helplessly, his entire face a bright shade of red. Somehow in his calculations, he didn’t expect for the card to expose him that horrendously, right in front of you as well.
“I don’t think we did it wrong, though… Everything felt… right.” You said quietly. “Do you… like me?” You could barely get the words to come out of your throat. 
There were some parts of your magic that you still needed time to trust completely. Flying had always been easy in that aspect; you either flew or you didn’t. But when it came to love readings, you wondered how likely it was that your magic had gotten messed up. You liked to be whimsical and believe that your love readings could be completely accurate, but your confidence had never been as low as in this moment. 
However nervous you were feeling, it was a thousand times worse for Sohee. You had a small inkling of hope— hope that he would say yes. But for Sohee, he could only think of the possible rejection. Or the even worse possibility that this would tear apart your friendship.
“Yes…?” Sohee whispered out to you. You had never heard him this nervous or quiet before.
“Really? Are you sure?” You asked again, this time with a little more voice and hope surging in you. Sohee must have picked up on the hopeful tone, as he answered yes again, this time with more certainty. 
“Then the reading wasn’t wrong?! You actually like me?” Your hand clasped over your mouth before you could ramble anymore in your state of disbelief. 
“What about you? I mean… you probably don’t, right? But maybe…?” Sohee couldn’t help but be hopeful for your response, but he held himself back from being too expectant on the response he was dreaming for. 
“Do I like you back?! Of course I do- It wasn’t obvious before now?” You stuttered in disbelief.
“I mean- I hoped you did, but I couldn’t be sure.” Sohee clarified. The tension in the room had completely dissipated by now, and your smiles were slowly coming back as the reality settled in. 
“I’ve liked you since I moved here, I think. Didn’t you ever question why we kept running into each other before we became friends?” 
“No? I just thought it was a lucky coincidence.” Sohee admitted with a laugh.
“It was because whenever I spotted you biking around town, I’d land in a street nearby and pretend like I was always walking that way just to cross paths with you!” You corrected stubbornly. Now that it was clear that the feelings were mutual, you wanted him to know the effort that you went through to get closer to him.
“I also started going past the bakery on my way home. It added an extra 5 minutes to my route, but it was worth it to see you working through the glass window.” He scratched the back of his neck shyly, mirroring your smile when your eyes brightened at hearing his confession. 
“So… what now?” You questioned suddenly after a prolonged silence of both of you trying to stare at the other while simultaneously trying your best not to look obvious.
“Would you go out with me?” Sohee asked excitedly. “Oh shoot- I should’ve gotten flowers first. Wait here- I’ll be quick!” He stammered, rushing out of the room before you could stop him. He was gone only long enough for you to giggle in delight while you cleaned up the supplies you had laid out. Your witching skills had come in handy in the best of ways.
He was out of breath by the time he burst open the door again, but his eyes had never glimmered any brighter. He held a bouquet of pink and white roses, a little squished on one side from the rush he had been in. 
“You know you didn’t have to go buy these…” You bit back a smile, taking the pretty flowers from his hands.
“My mom always said the best way to charm a lady was with flowers.” He panted and grinned at you cheekily when you shot him a look. You smiled as you sniffed the sweet scent of the roses. Sohee was about to say something else, but you pulled him into a tight hug before he could start, the unexpected gesture knocking all words he had into another dimension.
“I really like you, Sohee.” You whispered, your smile twinkling as you rested your head on his shoulder. 
He took a second to get over the shock of you hugging him before he was wrapping his arms around your frame as well, mumbling back, “Me too.”
↳ riize taglist: @eternalgyu,, @kangtaehyunzzz,, @weird-bookworm,, @haecien
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echoequinox · 8 months
Just flew on a plane for the first time in a few months and forgot how much I love them and I took notes about her the whole time, waxing poetic about how beautiful and graceful she is
She's flexing her little wings before takeoff :) Making sure she's ready
Latios and Latias arent enough we need a sexy plane woman Pokemon, like those planes the furries wanna fuck
The little narrow struts on the undersides of her wings... little aerodynamic things with antennae like quills
We're passing a truck yard for like, construction equipment and they're the kobolds to my big plane dragon wife
Magical draconic runway in the shape of a big rune that eases in traveling dragons while also serving as a landing strip
The rumble as we take off, that ROAR of hers. She's so beautiful and powerful. The speed that pushes you back in your seat and pops your ears and shakes you around and then the DIP as you take off and that feeling of disorientation but she's fine. She loves it. And in SECONDS, the ground is like toys, like ants beneath us. It took less time than writing this for cars to be the size of bugs. The world is so small to her. She's so beautiful and strong and carries us aloft with such grace. I love you plane
Oh those little struts I mentioned move as we do!! They help guide her just a little bit! Probably help with banking and shit
Cartography wizards (cartogramancers? Lol) astride enormous dragons who keep note of all the changes in the landscape below. Listing every road, every footpath, every river, scribing it into an endlessly long magical atlas. Noting how the roads below form glyphs and runes, how they mirror the natural magic of rivers and tributaries, how homes and castles are built in the most defensible - or beautiful - positions and seeing vistas groundbound humans could never dream of seeing. The beauty of it all.
Fantasy alternate history ww1 where biplanes are replaced with steampunky dragons
Walter White looks up and sees two dragons fucking *lighthouse awed face meme*
This is getting away from airplanes and more toward dragons, I love the plane I think that a machine with the sole purpose of holding people tight and carrying them to far away places to see loved ones and new experiences is so beautiful, it's such a FASCINATING marvel of engineering prowess. This thing is BUILT on math and that's so cool. Every inch of her frame, every cubic centimeter of metal and plastic and cloth, are all accounted for in every flight equation. It's amazing. She's amazing.
I could *feel* her start to dip. That's another amazing thing - every single thing she does is NOTICEABLE. Every dip, every shudder, every increase or decrease in speed. My heart is pumping in time to her turbines, the electricity that runs through her veins is nearly palpable as we prepare for our descent
I'm polyamorous the way a plane is, compared to private jets and shit - they want to please everyone, they just want everyone to be happy and loved and safe, they want to deliver them with speed and safety and warmth and just. I love u miss plane
When my dog first came home with us, only a couple weeks old, he'd sit in the yard and look up at the sky as planes went by and made noise and he had a sense of total awe. I wonder how many dogs are looking up at me now while I look back down at the ground with equal splendor
Very funny to still see those pizza huts with the red rooves
The lights come on as we descend. She's been half asleep, coasting on air currents and pointing herself where she needed to go and now that we're dropping she's awake and aware. She's circling the landing strip like some kind of predator, watching and waiting for an opening so she can swoop down and attack the tarmac
Seeing the way cities are laid out, in perfect little beautiful grids, is so relaxing. Suburban sprawls packed with strange, enormous lives in little blocks of land, chunk by chunk, eventually touching residential, long strips of business and economy, commerce and trade and social lives, into the large, messy, chaotic industry beyond that. Infrastructure is beautiful. The leylines upon which planes were borne.
Water towers are so funny, why the hell did we refurbish an outdated means of water reservoirs, surely there could be a way to store more water more efficiently in treatment plants. Are they just for the Fun Cultural Aesthetic? Are they REALLY still that useful as a buffer?
Those little struts *are* at least partially used for banking but I think they're probably more like communications arrays combined with.. ballast isn't the right word. Counterweight? Idk. Beautiful regardless. Still love the little antennae
A little boat skims across a river, under a bridge where a highway passes over. I can tell it's moving fast, even from this high up. Tiny ecosystems exist beneath the hull, trillions of microbes, so far down beneath me now it's hard to make out any details other than the trail of white foam spray behind the boat.
Another water tower.
And another. Wild.
She rumbles as she drops, like she's grumpy, like she doesn't want to be on the ground. Silly girl, you can't fly forever. You need fuel and new passengers. She's flexing the little bits along her wings again, preparing for true descent now. The whistling is getting lower and lower pitched as we lose speed. I'm sure she isn't happy about it, but it's only going to be probably a half an hour or less before she's up in the air again. Calm down, girl.
One last roar as we slow. Beautiful. 💖
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moinsbienquekaworu · 1 year
@ivory-coronet I've kept playing TotK and oh my god do you want to hear literally every thought out of my head on the topic?
First I love all the little newspaper quests they're silly but they're fun and it's pretty nice going everywhere doing random shit that in like a third of cases are just the Yiga trying to fuck with you. I'd say Penn is useless but actually I think we're splitting the work pretty well: I do all the fieldwork and he writes the articles and gives them to Traysi! Great partnership. I just need the Gerudo Stable and I'll be done, but Ihope you can do stuff with him once the questline is over.
Also I can't help but notice you have way more of an impact on the world in a way? The NPCs remember you, they know who you are more often, I saw the two horse researchers and since I'd already talked to Malanya I got to tell the one who was interested in him that he did indeed exist, it's really really cool. And the rebuilding quests!! The Rito Village bridge! The Lookout Landing mini-stable!! The monster-control crew stuff!!! I really feel like I'm not just doing random sidequests for a reward but that I'm actually contributing to the world and the world knows it.
On the topic of the Wind Temple: it was great, you were right it didn't feel like an annoying dungeon! More like a traditional dungeon but not annoying like they usually are to me. It took me uuuh humiliatingly long to realise you had to use Tulin's gusts of wind on the turbines even though the Sage just straight up tells you to do that lol. The Sages stuff is incredible and I'm absolutely delighted by the fact that I've done a quarter of what was the main quest in BotW but I still don't know what's going to happen at the end of the game. In BotW you just knew where the final boss was and how things would more or less go from the end of the tutorial but here I'm still kind of at a loss. Like there's the Sages but there's also the Depths and the ruins in Kakariko! That said one of my friends who's also playing it said he stumbled upon the Mastersword and the final boss at random just exploring so uh. That must have been weird.
Plus on the topic of the Rito I need to be insane about this to as many people as possible because I was a Revalink kinda girl and I won't forget my roots: when Tulin gets the Great Eagle Bow after the temple... Babe that's MY bow!!! Give it to me it's MINE!!! It does 3x28 damage and it has a great design!!! I got it by beating the dungeon and saving your village almost alone last time!!!! I knew Revali and I wam/am a Champion too!!!!!! IT'S MY BOW GIVE IT BAAACK!!! Make your OWN bow Tulin!!!!! No for real I would be so happy to make a new group for the Sages and Link and make some fabric we can all wear and he can put it on his own bow someone made for him/helped him make but you gotta hand that back baby it's mine!!!!!!
Also I've been to see the Zoras as well and I'm at the entrance of the temple but not there yet so I won't say anything about the dungeon itself but 1) god Sidon.... dreamy sigh. Also 2) Yona isn't that ugly people are just mean. She's great she's sweet and she grew on me real fast. And 3) I really do not care about Finley's appearance relating to her quest in BotW I think it's some fun background stuff but I'm disappointed they didn't give her an older model like they did for Kass' kids. Like she's been waiting for that growth spurt for years now Nintendo just let her gain a few inches!!
Anyway what I want to talk about is the way they handled BotW's existence & a little bit its themes, which I personally think is the biggest flaw of the game. No mention of the Divine Beasts no mention of the towers or the shrines there's some stuff about the Calamity but it's rare I'm sooo mad like I was there for all of it!!! Why are you not saying anything!!!! We can't be forgetting history like three-five years after it happened!! I know they didn't want new players to the franchise to be lost but it's offensive Purah doesn't mention Sheikah tech when explaining the towers it's offensive the Zora chest armour's description just goes 'made by a Zora princess for her future husband' like the Zora princess in question wasn't Link's childhood best friend and he wasn't supposed to be the future husband it's offensive there's no mention of Revali anywhere except the landing is still called Revali's Landing when he had extremely similar powers to Tulin and Teba spent his childhood talking about the legendary champion to him and he has his damn bow in his back!!!!!! I'm so mad!!!! Why Nintendo why!!!
And when I said themes I meant that I'm sad the Sages are all descendants of the original Sages. Cause see the new champions all occupied the same roles as the old champions (greatest Rito warrior, Zora royalty, Gerudo chief, Goron boss (to be)) but while the others all were descendants of the OGs Teba wasn't. It said something about the characters and their villages and what they all valued. And now we're totally forgetting Revali when he's relatively recent (100 years compared to like 5 000) and had similar powers because "what if the player hasn't played BotW". Honestly it made me feel like the shitty 180 the Star Wars sequels pulled with Rey where the message was that whoever her family was didn't matter because she got to decide her own path and - oh wait no her grandpa was Palpatine it was always meant to be fuck off. Like none of them need to be related to the OG Sages but if Sidon or Riju are it's at least coherent with the fact their tribes (?) both seem to have a hereditary thing going on with their leadership. But Tulin really doesn't!! The Ritos don't work like that!! The point was hard work!!! I'm so mad about this one. Note that I don't say anything about Daruk and Yunobo because Yunobo is sweet but Daruk's personality is flatter than a sheet of paper in BotW, especially compared to AoC. I guess at least Mipha's statue is still there and they namedrop her once really badly :)))
Anway I also went to the Depths because I need that camera and it caused me worse stress than walking around Central Hyrule at the start of BotW. So. Not hyped to have to go there more.
There that's it I think but if you have more stuff to chat about don't hesitate to answer or to hit me up 👀 👀👀
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u2fangirlie-blog · 1 year
Post-Op Humor: Commentary and Dark Humor After Surgery
I had surgery to correct my deviated septum and reduce turbinates bilaterally on 19 Jun. 2023. Following are the dankest, funniest observations and bad jokes about rock salt.
This post is long.
Forgot to tell everyone: I promised my mother I would wear clean underpants with no holes in them. I kept my word. LOL! - 20 Jun. 2023
Before surgery, I asked the anesthesiologist if he knew about Neil Gaiman's Sandman graphic novels and the character Morpheus, aka Dream. I said, "You put people to sleep for a living, so I hope you know about the Lord of Dreams." He said yes! Then I said, "Good! Then I can do business with you." LOL! My sister Heather looked at me weird. I said "That's how I get to know people, Heather." LMAO! Any anesthesiologist worth their job should know about Dream. My sleep doctor - the type of doctor who does sleep studies and treats apnea - did not know about Sandman. I strongly recommended to him that he read it because his job is literally helping people to get better sleep, and he needs to know about the Lord of Dreams. - 20 Jun. 2023
"Mouth breather!" LMFAO! That's me now! One of the things they didn't mention about the surgery. Dry mouth and dry throat are extremely unpleasant. Accompanied by GIF of Eleven from Stranger Things saying "Mouth breather." - 20 Jun. 2023
ICE CREAM TIME! Good kids get ice cream after surgery. - 20 Jun. 2023
One thing they didn't tell me about post-op care, I'll just say that saline sinus irrigation in the bathroom sink can look a bit like an episode of serial killer series. - 20 Jun. 2023
Trivia help needed: Is there a version of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy where the Vogons wear spit buckets under their chins? Wearing this dang drip pad under my nose is reminding me of this. Not sure if it was part of Douglas Adams' version or if it was mentioned in Eoin Colfer's sequel "And Another Thing." - 22 Jun. 2023
SALTY. That's something they neglect to inform you. When you irrigate your sinuses with 8 ounces of saline every 4 to 6 hours, everything will taste and smell salty. EVERYTHING. IS. SALTY. - 22 Jun. 2023
I'm going to turn my skull into a geode and grow rock salt inside all the cavities. - 22 Jun. 2023
After 5 days of brining, does that make me a salt-cured ham? - 24 Jun. 2023
After all the saline irrigation, I'm brainwashed. Stockholm Syndrome has set in. I love my little blue bulb syringe and the salt water. Is this what surfers experience in the ocean? LMAO! - 25 Jun. 2023
Since surgery a week ago, I have been unable to sleep more than 2 or 3 hours at a stretch for a variety of reasons. I'm hoping today that I can get some good sleep. May Morpheus, the Sandman, King of Dreams, Prince of Stories, Lord Shaper, the Oneiromancer, grant me sweet uninterrupted sleep. - 26 Jun. 2023
Morpheus delivered real REM sleep this morning, finally. Sweet relief. Visit more often, Lord of Dreams. While sleep was interrupted a few times by a hungry cat and feeling hot and needing drinks and a bathroom break, I was able to go back to sleep right away. - 27 Jun. 2023
Rest in peace, little blue bulb syringe. Our relationship was short-lived, but you forced me to love saline solution. Your seal cracked and you no longer function. Now it's time for me to move on to the next torture device - the 8-ounce irrigation bottle. - 27 Jun. 2023
The nasal irrigation bottle comes with a 32-page color instruction / health education booklet / product catalog. It has information about 10 devices and accessories for nasal irrigation and aspiration (squirt bottles, neti pots, electronic pumps, cleaning and drying tools, and manual and battery powered aspirators) for adults and children, at least 8 to 10 various saline (powders, sprays, gels, and bottled and canned liquids) and decongestant (sprays and nasal inhalers) products, and lastly an earwax removal kit. Who knew the variety of sinus and nasal cleaning products was available? - 27 Jun. 2023
If salt is used for purification and to create a barrier of protection, then my nostrils have to be impervious to demons by now. I'm flushing the evil spirits out of my brain. LMFAO! - 2 Jul. 2023
Post-op appointment with the surgeon today. I'm healing nicely. Everything looks good. No rock salt crystals were found in my skull. However, a few nose goblins were suctioned out. Then stitches were removed. I can return to normal activities, including sleeping without the wedge pillow. Follow up again in 2 weeks. Now it's time for ice cream! Good kids get ice cream! - 5 Jul. 2023
I told the surgeon my joke about brining myself for a week with saline solution, if that makes me a salt-cured ham. He said I should be well seasoned now for people to eat for survival like in the movie Alive. We both laughed. Good one, doctor. - 5 Jul. 2023
Four weeks post-op. Doctor says I'm healing perfectly. He doesn't need to see me again. The elevator was out of service in the clinic, and I was able to walk up 4 flights of stairs (after using my rescue inhaler first) with little shortness of breath today! Best news is I don't have to water board myself twice a day anymore!!! He recommended to use saline as needed to control allergy symptoms. I don't have to use Afrin anymore. (OMG Afrin is vile shit. I'd rather saw off my head than use it willingly. They use it in office visits along with lidocaine so the scope can go up your nose.) My skull has not turned into a geode full of salt crystals. I asked. He checked. I've noticed increased airflow. When I have an allergy or asthma attack, now my airway is less constricted and I recover more quickly. (That's code for I don't feel like I'm going to die during an asthma attack.) - 17 Jul. 2023
Posts are reruns from Facebook.
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deliriousbug · 2 years
Okay, imagine with me lol, idw Optimus is in a kinda bad predicament, auto bits are fighting some bad guys and are out numbered ALOT, then, Optimus’ s/o descends from the heavens and helps turn the tide in their favour
Gender Neutral S/O, like always :)
Not far from Tarn, Optimus Prime and a small group of Autobots were attempting —and failing— to weed out a clutch of loyal extremist Decepticons. Their informant had said the remaining group was small and an easy target. He didn’t say that the group of two hundred mechs were sitting on a prewar weapons cache that had never been used. How that was even a possibility was beyond Optimus. And so, he and his little crew were pinned down, taking heavy fire and waiting on desperately needed reinforcements. 
Optimus had managed to get himself separated from the rest of the group. His blasted ambition left him dodging blows from a fragging one percenter, bleeding out of a ruined vent and barely able to put pressure on his left leg. He rolled out of the way and grimaced behind his battle mask when the ball joint in his shoulder dislodged and jammed into one of the gears. 
At last, the sound of turbines could be heard humming through the thick layer of clouds that darkened the afternoon sky: aerial reinforcements. Optimus’ hope was dashed just as quickly as it had been inspired. From the roof of the Con’s base rose an electro cannon large enough to fry every last circuit in a mech’s core processor, not to mention the heat damage inflicted from a direct hit. Optimus was too distracted watching his reinforcements being shot out of the sky to react properly to the next attack. White hot pain fritzed his neural network as his opponent’s blade pierced straight through his stomach and lifted. 
Optimus hunched forward over the blade, pedes kicking as he struggled for solid footing. His energon soaked his enemy’s arm and he fought to hold back the black spots in the corner of his optics from taking over. He had to stay awake. If he lost consciousness now he would never wake up. 
The Con finally threw Optimus and he slumped where he landed. A group of smaller mechs pounced on him, raining down blows that he could only take. He had just enough energy remaining to lift his helm. Laying in a pool of his own energon, he wasn’t sure if was hallucinating or not when his conjunx endura’s jetmode dipped low enough to be seen through the clouds. They zipped around the sky, artfully dodging the cannon shots until they hovered just above said cannon. 
Transforming midair, they dropped through the sky, wisps of cloud clinging to their frame and trailing it like smoke as they descended. The image was purely ethereal, like something from the long lost Golden Age murals. With their sword raised above their helm, they looked nothing short of an angel of death. They brought their sword down on the barrel of the electro cannon, slicing it in half and landing into a roll. As the cannon backfired, they were popping up a safe distance away and running in Optimus’ direction. The ensuing explosion outlined their frame in harsh white light, catching and reflecting on every stunning curve and unforgiving edge. They were so beautiful Optimus was certain he was halfway gone. Never had he longed to be so wrong, if only it meant actually seeing his love one last time. After all, they were the only reason he had to keep going day in and day out. He couldn’t imagine dying without them, but as his helm dropped to the ground, he could have sworn that the number of fists clawing at his plating lessened. A moment longer and gentle servos were hooking under his arms and hefting him up and onto a steady shoulder. 
“What were you thinking,” someone grumbled.
That voice was oh so beautifully familiar and Optimus managed to turn his helm enough to look at them. His sparkmate, his love, his partner. They really were there. There, and saving his sorry aft.
They tsked at him and shifted to carry him in full. “Stay awake, doll,” they said, voice commanding obedience. “And keep pressure on that wound.”
If Optimus had the strength to, he would have objected, would have told them to put him down and go fight. But even as he thought of it, the remaining reinforcements dropped out of the sky and took care of the predominantly grounder Decepticons. 
“I told you,” his partner said, “that you should have brought me in the first place. And now you’re bleeding out you old fool. Don’t you learn?”
Optimus coughed and it felt like his actuator was going to plop into his palm. He sighed when the coughs subsided. “I’d say I love you,” he groaned, “but you’d lecture me.”
They grinned down at him. “Damn straight I would.” They pecked a kiss to his forehelm. “Next time just listen to me, sweetspark.”
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f1nalboys · 3 years
the collection live post thing lol
-i like this opening scene way more than the first one i’ll say that
-also asa is literally just going 😡🔪🪓🧨 like go do ur job
-just waiting for everyone in this party to violently die
-asa thot dropping on the light fixtures he’s such a whore
-where’s my sexy man arkin
-there he is <3
-ooooh i like how they show the traps in this one ALSO THE FUCKING TURBINE SHIT??,, BAD ASS
-douche canoe gets to live w only a pinky cut off? 🙄
-this bitch didn’t help arkin like ??? what else can u do????? annoying as mf
-again how does asa even find the time/energy to make these traps?
-why would she stay there while he friend gets crushed to death? id hate to see that
-do car alarms just not go off when someone lands on them LMFAO
-ok so why did they handcuff him? my man was KIDNAPPED
-taken meets the avengers
-this mf breathes like he’s 89 years old and an avid smoker
-arkins accent heheh heheheheh
-lmk when a bra strap can actually open a fucking chest
-asas kind of stupid
-asa more like assa amirite
-this guys a douche when is he dying
-‘you already abandoned the girl once you gonna do it again?’ man go fuck yourself SHE ABANDONED HIM FIRST U CUNT
-be nice to arkin or asa will kill u
-i wanna reas the wiki you see if paz dies so badly i love her
-can they just fix the mfing lights already!!???? I CANT SEE W THE FLASHING U BITCH
-my sister can’t watch this bc of the flashing lights so now i’m gonna have to do a play by play
-arkin what is with u man you were in this fucking place for however many months why r u not looking where u walk and put ur hand 🙄 i love my men stupid
-we got arkin in that sexy grey undershirt now 😝😝 i would drink his sweat sorry idk who said that i was hacked
-asa is a little bit of an artist as you can see
-asa is so mean can’t the man give it a rest for just a second
-also he’s stupid as hell arkin was literally not even 2 feet away from him and he somehow misses him 😐 i think this guy likes the chase
-go find paz u bitches
-these mfs could’ve been saved if they had listened to arkin just sayinggggg
-don’t trust abby that bitch she’s a liar
-can lucello die already i want paz to live forever and ever
-question r we supposed to care abt elena or whatever her name is? bc i don’t
-i like abby i feel bad for her
-abby is a cunt nvm
-haha she died literally quick as all hell hehehe
-damn rip the dogs my bitches haven’t done anything wrong
-tubi is giving me too many ads 😐
-would the third collector movie be called the collected 🤔
-elena was a little too happy to break arkins arm 🤔
-asa is such a bitch like man let them leave 🙄 he rlly killed paz and for what????? bc she was a girlboss??
-arkin get tf up and get outta there let the other mfs die idc abt them
-paz should’ve lived i hate asa
-stab him in the FACE don’t punch him
-i was talking to arkin abt u asa god damn
-genuine question here, asa LITERALLY caught on fire so how did he survive?
-arkin dropping to his knees abt to die in the fire us so dramatic king u could’ve jumped over the fire but at least elena was literally thinking at all
-ok i didn’t realize how far away from the door he was LMFAO ur forgiven babe
-damn arkin been through a lot :/ i don’t give a single fuck abt elena or her storyline i care abt arkin am i a misogynist
-so annoying that asa somehow made it out of there it rlly makes no sense but i’ll let it slide bc if the end scene
-yesss arkin beat his ass!!! lock him in the trunk king!!!!!! i hope the collected 3 is arkin torturing asa like he deserves <3
-oooh was asa the little boy that they mentioned on the radio? abt the dad going crazy and killing the family and setting them up at the table for thanksgiving bc he ingested chemicals from taxidermy???? interesting
-‘you here to kill me?’ boy get in the trunk
-nice punch arkin babe 😝 do that to me while we fuck
-hacked again sorry
-the stupid animalistic growls asa lets out r so funny to me
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wadbot · 2 years
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desth.wad: Destroy Hell MAP09: The Turbine (291, 1653, 100) Author: Matthias (AKA enkeli33) Date: 2021-04-23 Description: Maybe you're asking - why did I upload such a shitty megawad on /idgames? Let me explain the story behind this one: When I was in elementary school, I made my very first Doom megawad (two actually) in WadAuthor. Of course, the maps were poor quality (nothing much changed since then, lol) because I was —ahem— a child and had no experience with level design and I barely understood the Doom engine and the editor. I have never uploaded my first maps on /idgames nor showed it to the world. The only place I uploaded it was a rather less known website that was owned by my friend Kelvin. The website doesn't exist anymore. But for some reason, the megawad was later uploaded to https://www.wad-archive.com (not by me, no idea who uploaded it there). Later on, someone sent me an email telling me he likes the megawad. I didn't speak English back then, but I put together something and sent it. Recently, I did a little research and I realized the person was Jean-Yves Delpech aka Jive. His wiki page: https://doomwiki.org/wiki/Jean-Yves_Delpech_(jive) Unfortunately he died of cancer in 2011. Too bad. He also added couple of his edits and comments in the .txt file. Let me copypaste them here: *** - I made the Bex file for GZW on 6 sept, 2006 - I made the picture "CWILV21.bmp" which was forgotten - Map31: the last bridge was wrongly designed and gave an OpenGl artefact which was horrible. - Map25: some walls were using the unknown texture "REDWALL1". I replaced it with "REDWALL" some walls were using the unknown texture "LITESTON". I replaced it with "LITE3" Many others were in the same case... Obviously, a set of customized textures was forgotten... What is strange is that it's the only one map using customized textures!!! - Map28: the bridge was wrongly designed and gave an OpenGl artefact which was horrible. *** Anyway, the megawad disappeared from https://www.wad-archive.com. The only trace of it is a message, which reads: “Sorry, downloads for destroy-hell.wad cannot be provided as there are no links available or it is a commercial WAD.” I was glad, because the megawad is a huge cringefest and should be forgotten forever. Or not? For some reason, I have received a couple of emails during the last decade from people looking for it. Well, if they want it, I’ll send it! I also tried to Google “Destroy hell” and I realized it was mentioned couple of times on many places, including Doomworld. Eventually, I decided to publish it. You know, just to preserve the history. Just to make my body of work complete. I also fixed couple of (very serious) bugs and made a couple of changes, but not much. Not only because I am too lazy to do some bigger rework, but also because I want to keep the megawad as it originally was. So this is Destroy Hell.
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mando-abs · 2 years
I’m avoiding making notes for my journal (bc I’ll probably do all my journaling on the plane ride back home just to distract me bc I know I won’t be sleeping a wink) SO, I’m gonna list things that have surprised me so far while I’m England as a Southern US gal.
I’ve already told some of this to @honestly-shite (resident Englander) but I thought I’d make a post to help wind me down to bed.
OK! Here we go.
1) Wind turbines - There’s so many! I’ve never expected there to be any in England, mainly bc nobody has mentioned it. And that makes a lot of sense for England’s climate! So, way to go England. (Note: Yes, America does have wind turbines but not very many in Southern states im afraid. This was my first time seeing one)
2) The grass is greener - For the most part that is. Obviously cities and some moors are excluded. Idk if it’s the time of year? But it does rain a lot in England so…maybe that’s why.
3) Cars - better quality cars in England. Do people pride on their cars here? There’s been quite the many luxury cars on our excursions. That and there aren’t as many beat up cars on the highways (apologies, “carriageways”, which I am never letting y’all live down, just say highways, so pretentious).
3.5) Manual - So many cars are manual here. Y’all are already driving on the wrong side of the road. How much more dangerous do y’all have to be? Please, more automatic. I’m begging. For my nerves’ sake.
4) THE NORTH - why do your signs for Northern England say THE NORTH? Rude.
5) Cheers - Did not expect the constant use of “cheers” instead of “thank you.” I hear both, of course, but I think I hear cheers more often. I like it. You go you funky lil English. I would say it too, but it doesn’t sound right
6) Food - Ok yes, I will agree England makes some… choices when it come to English food. HOWEVER, the quality of food is significantly better. Yeah, I’m sure if I went to a run down spot, I’d get some bad food. But I’m talkin about fast food places, grab and go stuff. Most of the stuff is local and not as mass produced and stored in industrial freezers like it is in America. I could be wrong, but I get the sense this is the case. Especially when I eat at fast food places. Man. So good. Less guilt. Amazing.
7) Sprite - What did y’all do to my poor Sprite? Jail!!!! Immediately!!!!!!! Taste some American Sprite and then get back to me. Unbelievable.
8) McDonald’s- A lot more McDonald’s than I thought. And, it isn’t any better than it is in America. But! It is the same. So there’s a comforting thought for English McDonald’s lovers
9) Gardens - I knew gardening culture was bigger here but like…I didn’t expect it to be THAT big. So many gardening commercials lol. But, America has lawn/grass culture so I can’t say much on that.
10) THE NORTH Part 2 - Ok but Northerners are sweethearts 🥺 So friendly. I felt really safe in the towns I went to. Even York! It was nice for a change. Also, the mountains up in the North remind me of home 🥹 Except we have more trees. And more mountains. Oh, and the Lakes District 💕💕💕💕💕 Beautiful
11) Toilets - Damn. Y’all weren’t kidding around when you said y’all have better toilets. Color me impressed. I might miss them as much as I’ll miss cheese and onion toasties.
12) The Queen - Ok, I know y’all don’t talk about the Queen ALL the time. But I thought I’d hear a lot more about her because of the big jubilee coming up. Y’all really aren’t bothered aren’t you? (The Revolutionist in me is cackling hehehe) Today was the only day I’ve heard someone refer to her, and it was in liturgical church. I’ve heard more about Boris Johnson than I have in my life though. Brought to my attention how little America talks about British politics 😶😶😶…sorry.
13) Ukraine - Which reminds me, I’ve seen Ukrainian flags everywhere. Your overwhelming support for Ukraine in such a dark time in their history is very admirable, and it’s something I wish America would take initiative as well.
14) Daylight - Man. It gets dark LATE. Don’t know whether to be happy or mad at that.
15) Stores closing - I get why shops and restaurants close early. You’ve got lives and family. But, you just can’t do that to a confused hungry college student who thinks things are open because it’s still daylight 😭😭😭 Please, let me eat your food! Don’t make me go to pubs during prime drinking hours as a foreigner! I want your business! I swear!
16) Rest stops - Phenomenal. 10/10. They’re like if American rest stops were on steroids and actually had what you wanted.
17) KRISPY KREME!!!!! - Y’all have Krispy Kreme?!?!?!?! I love that shit bro!!!! I thought it was more of a local thing. Yet, I can barely even get any where I live. You lucky dogs you. Dang.
Alright, that’s all I can think of off the top of my head. There’s probably gonna be a part 2.
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kingncp · 3 years
Yeah, since you mentioned him in response to my ask, I think Le Paradox is utterly pathetic as far as villains go, he should’ve been slapped to death and thrown into the streets. Or sucked into an exploding jet turbine (I swear there’s a version of Sly 4 where that happened! I can’t be the only one who remembers it!). He was pathetic.
I remember him being hit by a plane, which caused the parachute he stole from Sly to fail... leaving him stranded in the River till police came.... but I think you might be adding the Scene from The Incredibles in with it lmao. As for the Villians... La Paradox was EASILY the worst... Arpeggio isn't much better though lol
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prinzunderground · 3 months
Collection of mostly Psyké-related drawings + towers guys
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Well the last time more than shit hitting the fan it was like diarrhoea hitting the wind turbine, jesus everything was brown and ugly (we even died, again, but like jesus 3 days later we revived, again) so now that the dust has settled and the fecal matter has gone down the drain, what awaits for adastra's future?
I'm sorry but Amicus looks like he has a gray pimple on his chin
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and in the great machinations of literary and dialectical irony, we have reached the relationship stage of pet names
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that would get you committed
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let's not forget that this botched plan led to your death, twice
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I know you're trying to be conforting, but it's not
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oh god, the parents turned me into robocop
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some grade A bullshit I tell you, mostly the parents fault
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please put that on my tombstone when I die for like, the third time in my lifespan
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ok it has been a while since we've taken something out of context hasn't it?
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And it only took what, for you to say this?
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I'm not even going to comment
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press X to doubt
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Once again I'm reminded why I like Virginia
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Have I mentioned how much I like her?
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because they are assholes, haven't we made this clear enough?
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welcome to the borgs, resistence is futile
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lol let's talk about long distance relationships
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yeah, "free"
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twice, may I add
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I mean we all know we're gonna choose yes. The Parents know too, they are just presenting the illusion of a choice
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broken bones and a broken dignity, nothing new for you I supose
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yes, exactly that
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oh wow, you're capable of those?
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And I say let him, we all know that without Cassius and Virginia Amicus would lead a terrible empire
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that we did, touché
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Cassius: Goodbye, I'm going to have kinky sex with Alex.
Amicus: He tried to kill you and sabotage your empire!
Cassius: That's why I said kinky Amicus.
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now that is true love
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well if it's ghosts, you know who to call
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and his dick is back
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much like I've grown to tolerate their underwear
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why am I not surprised?
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huzza for feminism
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I mean, it's not fair but at the same time it is fair
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I wonder what Cassius and Alexios do to celebrate it. I'm sure that they trade highly classified governmental secrets
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Parents breaking into the scene in 3... 2... 1...
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I guess we wont know :)c At least not today :^)
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atamascolily · 5 years
lily liveblogs “terminator: dark fate,” part five
HEY, time for our industrial end sequence!!  This time, it’s on a dam because we had fire and machinery in previous films, and we’re switching to a different element.
(this means that the next film would have ended with a FOREST fight scene, right? Right.)
[parts one, two, three, four]
The NPCs run for cover. I have no idea what dam this is supposed to be! It looks like Hoover, but I honestly have no clue where they are at this point.
Carl and the chassis are fighting in the water. Then the oozy metal part comes up and grabs him from behind! I hate it when they double-team like that.
Wow, they just barely keep from going over the edge there. Oh, wait, too soon...
Sarah dislocates her shoulder. Ow. Grace pops it back in. Sarah gets another "Fuck!"
The Rev-9 vaulting out of the water is just like in the beginning....
"No, no, Grace, really...?" YES GRACE. She yells back at them to wear their seatbelts!!! WOW... Sarah snarks back at her because what good is it if you can’t get a one-liner in right before you go over the edge into the abyss and certain death?
OH my god the Rev-9 on the windshield is so fucking scary right there they are UNDERWATER in the DARK aaaaaaaaah.
Okay, I'm not sure how if they would have survived that in real life, but fuck if that underwater fight scene isn't as cool as hell.
A legit complaint I've seen is that the bulletproof vests would weigh them down too much to get to the surface with the air they have, but... I mean come on, if that's your only factual complaint about this movie, I think they did a good job.
Cut to them on top of the dam again, wow that was fast. This scene with the three badass women battered and bruised and clinging to each other.. MY HEART. MY POOR HEART!!
Ah, here it is... Grace's power source! The EMP substitute I’ve been waiting for. Then Carl shows back up.. with a weapon for Sarah. Triumphant theme music. The whole family is here. Oh, and meds for Grace. YAY. wouldn’t want to pass out halfway through the climactic fight scene.
Wow, this functionally dysfunctional found-family is only together for like half a day and I need a million TV episodes about them STAT.
Oh, of course it's a hydroelectric dam...so generators!
Oh, hey, Grace gets her chains from the poster! Nice.
Murderbot bonding time! The Rev-9 talks to Carl: "You and I were built for the same purpose. And Legion is the only future." SO MANY FEELS ABOUT THIS.
"I know she's a stranger to you. Why not let me have her?" POLITICAL QUESTION OF THE MOMENT, KTHANX. But also proof that even though the REv-9 is good at mimicking humans and predicting humans, it still doesn't UNDERSTAND humans.
"Because we're not machines, you metal motherfucker," Sarah snarls. And I think we're up to six fucks for Sarah at this point? I've lost count.
Have I mentioned that the splitting Terminators are creepy? Have I? HAVE I? Because they are.
Oh, dear, Sarah Connor confronting her nightmare of flaming death murder skeletons again.
Geeeeee, I wonder if that turbine will do anything...
Oh, Grace is stabbed, I guess she's gonna pull the power source out and take him down with her... or not. But at least now Dani’s going to object way less about self-sacrifice, since she’s already doomed.
I don't know why the REV-9 goes back to one; I feel like he's stronger and fights better in two parts? But you do you, I guess.
Pretty sure it's not over yet because Dani still hasn't done anything against the REV-9 herself. Oh, good, and Sarah gets to relive yet another nightmare of a metal skeleton stalking out of the flames. ONLY THIS TIME IT'S ON FIRE, TOO. (I guess that's the polyalloy bits melting away??)
Yep, Grace is gonna sacrifice herself to save Dani from the REV-9 and remove her power source. Oh, wow, Dani has to stab her and pull it out herself. That's gonna cause some more trauma. Another round for everyone!  
Dani gets to go after the REV-9... but it goes badly, because drama. Sarah yells for Carl to wake up, and it works!! He distracts the REV-9 long enough for Dani to stab him in the eye with the power source and... I guess that sets it off???
[why the hell didn't they augment Grace with more than one of those things? Maybe Dani will fix that in the future when she gets there. maybe that's something to add in fix-it fics. And where did they get them? Did they take them from destroyed Terminators and weld them into humans?? What happened?? ]
Carl and the REV-9 fall into the abyss together, because OF COURSE THEY DO, because just when Sarah has learned to forgive/accept Carl as he is, she has to lose him because RULE #1: SARAH CONNOR MUST ALWAYS SUFFER. And the REV-9 rips his flesh off and they both die when the EMP goes off, and it mimics the lightning flash in the beginning.
Oh, so yet again, Sarah Connor has to stand and watch a Terminator she cares about die in a fire. GOOD JOB PACKING ON THE ANGST, PEOPLE.
The difference between this and the first film is that Sarah isn't alone at the end. The difference between this and the second film is that Sarah and Dani are... not equals, exactly, but they are more equal than Sarah and John were at the end of T2. They're veteran and leader, not mother and son. Dani and Sarah understand each other in a way that no one--not even John--can because of what they've suffered and lost. The cycle repeats, and yet it’s subtly different each time
cut to Grace as a kid on a playground, oh now there's some loaded symbolism in this francise, lol. And there's Dani looking through the chain-link fence at her right on cue, like Sarah looking at her might-have-been kids in T2. Is this where the filmmakers got the idea that Dani is Grace’s “mother”? LOL, nice try, guys.
She walks over to the car where Sarah is waiting for her. It's a Jeep, just like the one she drove to Mexico in at the end of T1. She tosses Dani the keys and moves over to the passenger seat AND IF THAT AIN'T A STATEMENT, I DON'T KNOW WHAT IS.
"I won't let her die for me again," Dani says. "then you need to be ready."
Dani puts the car in gear and they drive away down the eucalptyus-lined streets of the California suburbs where everything is green and tranquil and beautiful, and while the movie ends perfectly here as is, I can also see how they would have linked it into a trilogy like they'd originally planned. But alas, this is probably the end until the all-but-inevitable next reboot.
And THEN the credits roll, and we get the main theme at the end, and I jut have to say, it's not the same as in the other movies, where we had to listen to the whole thing first THEN we heard it in the film itself. But nobody has the goddamn patience for credits anymore, which is why Marvel started sticking bonus scenes in theirs to keep people in their seats.
...but wow are these credits long. Oh, well, the music's good and I learn random tidbits this way, like how the writers have little imagination when it comes to naming minor characters, and just give them the same name as their actors (Diego, Gabriel, Alicia, etc). 
sadly, all the deleted scenes and bonus content is on the blue-ray and not the DVD sigh.
So. Was this a perfect film? No. It was written by committee, and I think it shows. Did it deliver what I hoped for--Sarah Connor being a badass, snarky dialogue, and cool action sequences? Yes. Did I enjoy watching it? HELL YES. Will I be thinking/ranting about it for a long time. YOU BET.
Was it "necessary"? Of course not-but is ANY piece of art ever really "necessary"? Who cares! It was fun, and it was thoughtful, it was interesting to me, and it was wayyy better than most of the recent rounds of sequels and reboots. 
And to be honest, if they can make a bajillion Fast and Furious movies, and James Bond, and John Wick, and Mission Impossible and Karate Kid action flicks featuring men (not to mention Star Wars and remakes of every single animated Disney film AND a three-part Hobbit movie trilogy), I think I can enjoy a female-led action movie with zero guilt whatsoever without having to justify its existence to anyone.
(I can’t think of a single other action film with three badass female leads, who have complete character arcs and aren’t sexualized for the male gaze... and if there is, I want to watch it STAT)
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ask-glados · 5 years
GLaDOS Liveplay [Part 2]
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Something I forgot to mention in the last part is that in The Final Hours of Portal 2 eBook on Steam, the developers said that the reason behind the 50,000 year time skip was because they wanted to separate Portal 2 from the events of the Half Life universe. I personally think connecting the two universes could be pretty epic, so I don't understand why they're so against it. 
Here’s the quotes from the eBook:
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So, apparently they have giant laser beam generators somewhere and they just portal those lasers over to each test chamber, for some reason. That's Aperture for ya, lol.
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This test chamber is actually another one from Portal 1. When you walk in, GLaDOS moves the old High Energy Pellet Launcher out of the room and replaces it with a Thermal Discouragement Beam (a laser). She replaces the receptacle too.
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[from Portal 1]
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GLaDOS gets her first dose of that solution euphoria as you solve the first test, and she suddenly sounds more laid back. She tells you to pace yourself because she needs to keep you busy while she fixes up the facility and figures out how to replace you with less dangerous test subjects. She doesn't want to keep you around too long because you might try to escape the testing track and kill her again.
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She definitely sounds more relaxed now, her initial rage wearing off as she becomes more comfortable in running the facility and being in control again. Also, apparently she was planning to replace the High Energy Pellets with Lasers back in Portal 1.
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GLaDOS is still trying to corral all these panels back into line. They even appear to have little hints of personality to them, some of them spinning around playfully, and they all have round circular lights that seem to indicate an AI core. In fact, a lot of things around Aperture seem to have AI cores. It's even mentioned by GLaDOS in CO-OP that she made Atlas and P-Body out of cores she took out of scientific calculators, so apparently Aperture just puts AI cores in everything. I'll point some of them out as we go along. It'll be like a game of 'spot the AI core'!
This also ties into another thing I wanna comment on. I’ve seen people theorize about the panels and other things in the facility being like a part of GLaDOS’s body that she can feel through, and I disagree. Throughout several chambers, you can see these panels goofing off and acting as if they have a mind of their own. I think it’s only her chassis that acts as her body, and while she IS hooked up to the rest of the facility through wires, I don’t think stuff like panels being broken actually ‘hurts’ her. Let me put it this way: Her body is her chassis, and all the things in the facility connected to her chassis are like tools she’s holding. It’s like a million arms she has spread out across the facility, holding tools. So if you break one of those tools, it doesn’t hurt her, it’s just taking that tool away from her or ripping it out of her hands.
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Now, she's moved past telling you how much you made her suffer and trying to make you feel sorry for her, and has moved on to try taking hits at your self-esteem and trying to make you feel guilty for it.
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This elevator room looks much better since GLaDOS is fixing up the facility. There's less broken screens and you can see a much clearer view of their weird portaling laser thing, lol.
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GLaDOS fixes up another test chamber just as you walk into it. She can barely keep up with you with how fast you're solving them.
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And naturally, she takes another shot at your self-esteem. She doesn't actually think you are fat, she's just trying to get under your skin and upset you, because she knows that ‘weight variances’ can upset humans. She even says so in CO-OP:
"Did you know humans frown on weight variances? If you want to upset a human, just say their weight variance is above or below the norm."
She actually has protocols on how to mess with test subjects psychologically that involve taking shots at their self esteem to keep them compliant. Notice she is following the protocols listed for "orphans" when it comes to Chell. 
"Shame-based psychology." "Opportune moments to obliterate [self-]esteem." "Scorn [and] flattery used in an ironic context and naked contempt." “You’d perform this test better if you had parents.”
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This is from an interactive website ApertureScience[.]com that was run by the developers before Portal 2's release. [ half-life.fandom[.]com/wiki/ApertureScience[.]com ]
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She can still barely keep up with you since she's multitasking — trying to rebuild herself and the facility, as well as keep you at bay in test chambers. Once again, she tells you to slow down.
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Another attempt to taunt you and lower your self-esteem.
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She's still barely keeping up with you to clear your path in time and have the chambers ready.
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Now she's just being petty and trying to make you feel discouraged and depressed.
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Once again, she's trying to guilt-trip you by saying how she has to do all the work around here while you get to have fun with the test chambers. This is always something she's bitter about — how she does all this work and no one gives her any credit for it. Obviously, it's because she terrorizes people, but she doesn't realize that. She thinks she should be treated with intense respect, regardless.
An interesting thing to mention about the "wing of glass" she mentions here is that there is actually a deleted Cave Johnson line where he mentions building a wing of glass.
"Now, the lab boys were adamant that I do not give you any hints on these tests. To be honest, they think I'm spoiling the results just by talking to you. Hizenstein Uncertainty Principles and so forth. I’ll give ‘em something more practical to be uncertain about: their next paycheck. Anyway, overruled. If you think I'm affecting your decisions, in any way, don’t be afraid to speak up. I’m not made of glass. That reminds me: Caroline, do we have a wing made out of glass yet? Let's get on that, Caroline."
I think that makes it that much more hilarious that Caroline is now here in AI form, cleaning up his mess years later. XD
[ tcrf[.]net/Portal_2_(Windows,_Mac_OS_X,_Linux)/Unused_Lines ]
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She's still trying to keep up with you and move the panels out of your way in time. She's slowly but surely catching up.
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She's still taking shots at your self-esteem, and she couldn’t even bear to be subtle about it, so she literally explains the insult just to make sure you got the metaphor.
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And she’s still trying to make you feel guilty for killing her.
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The Companion Cubes were created to test how test subjects could gain an emotional attachment to an inanimate object. At the end of the Companion Cube chamber in the first Portal, you were forced to "betray" your inanimate "friend" by incinerating it. So, here GLaDOS tries to get under your skin by destroying the cube multiple times and calling it worthless, implying that you don't deserve friends and that any friendship you thought you had in any Companion Cube is worthless.
Also, a neat little detail: if you listen closely, the Companion Cube plays the tune of "Cara Mia."
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She's still having trouble fixing up the facility, but she's getting there. She's been working on fixing the nuclear reactor core, which was nearing meltdown back at the beginning of the game, as mentioned by the Announcer in the Relaxation Center. The reactor core splits atoms to boil water into steam, and that steam turns the turbines, which are what power the generator to create electricity, which is why you see the lights flicker when the turbines start giving her trouble. The turbine's fan blades are likely heavily corroded, rusted, or gunked up after all this time, so she has to leave to attend to that. She manages to find a quick way to taunt you by pretending to give you a sped-up hint that she knows is beyond a human's hearing comprehension — just another way to flaunt her superiority as a supercomputer to you.
What she actually says is a quote from the very first paragraph of Moby Dick:
"And methodically knocking people's hats off. Then, I account it high time to get to sea as soon as I can."
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This could be a subtle fat joke because whale = fat. But Moby Dick is also a tale about a man's obsession with revenge against a whale who bit off his leg, and GLaDOS is clearly obsessed with revenge, so I wouldn't be surprised if this was a favorite book of hers that she decided to quote from. Also, if you look at the context of this line in the paragraph it comes from, it's talking about this guy saying that when he gets angry enough to "knock people's hats off," he knows he has to get to sea and hunt that whale to vent that rage.
GLaDOS isn't there to comment when you beat this test because she's busy fixing the turbines, which ends Chapter 2, and also Part 2 of this Liveplay! I really hope you're enjoying it! :D
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sim-lush · 4 years
Off-The-Grid Eco Mansion | The Sims 4 House Tour | No CC
This is a mansion I build recently of an actor, a musician, their daughter and their dog.
This house will fully function as a normal house if you set the lights to auto, but if you turn on all the light and play with the house the solar panels and wind turbines will not generate enough power, unless maybe you want to add more of solar panel and wind turbine.
It has every eco houses need, a recycling machine, solar panels, wind turbines and even 4 of dew collectors.
I really like how this house look like and I kinda proud of it lol
Chateu Peak, Del Sol Valley (64x64) Residential Lot 
Celebrity Home, Off-the-Grid, Eco Lot 5 Bedroom 7 Bathroom Barbecue Area, Home Recording Studio, Money Vault,  Spa, Gym & Swimming Pool 
943,467 Simoleons
Requires: Pretty Much All the Packs
No CC!
Placed with bb.moveobjects on 
Download : Patreon (no ads & free)
Please don’t re-upload and claim as yours. Mention me and share your version of my builds :)
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burorahoshikein · 7 years
Sky Company
Pairing: Namjoon x reader (feat. Yoongi)
Genre: fluff ??
Words: 1,678
Warning(s): f-word and yoongi got exposed for saving adult vids lol
Gif below is not mine, all credits goes to the owner.
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     “So you’re going home this holiday, sweetheart?” It’s going nearer to the end of the year, you have spent 2 years abroad and leaving your family behind for college, but you never let a holiday spend alone without going back home. The hope in your father’s voice could be heard through the phone, and you’re certain your mother is standing next to him, with curiosity in her face waiting for your answer.
     “I don’t think I can, father. I’m sorry, but these college things, assignments and all— I gotta finish them.” You’re actually planning to surprise them with your sudden presence. As the fact that disasters could come anytime, anywhere, you contacted one of your cousins first before actually arranging the plan.
     “Oh… Shame… But alright then, we both understand. We hope the best for you, love.” Joy in his voice turned to disappointment very quick. You try your best to hide the smile away – even though they can’t see you smiling – and the excitement from your voice, you play pretend to be heard as if you’re very exhausted and on the verge to cry.
     “Thank you, father, for your support. Tell mum I really miss her apple pie. Alright I gotta go, talk to you later, dad! I love you!” You hang up the phone after they shout ‘Goodbye’ really loud. In the speed of light, you open your laptop and reserve a flight ticket to your hometown, the departure date, 23rd December… crap it’s expensive, 20th… okay, perfect. You mumble to yourself with your eyes focused on the screen, not realizing your friend, Yoongi, is standing by the door.
     “You keep on talking by yourself but yet you always told me you’re not insane. You good at lying, y/n.” His sarcasm is beyond your level, and sometimes you can’t even tell if he’s being sarcastic or angry.
     “Shit—you scared the heck out of me. What are you doing here? I don’t have more porn videos.” One time, you caught him saving an adult movie on his laptop while you were borrowing it for printing your assignment. 
     “God, can you stop talking about it? True or false; everyone watches porn, including you. Don’t lie to yourself.” Yoongi getting pissed is your biggest mood of all time, probably your favourite.
     “Well at least my kinks are better than yours,” you let out a mischievous laugh. “I don’t know, can you stop being sarcastic and pop up out of nowhere unexpectedly?” Once a fire is off from you, it made him actually stop talking and buzzing some nonsense words. He takes a sit on your bed and observes your laptop screen.
     “Coming home near Christmas… Typical.” His back falls harshly to your bed, letting out a sigh as his eyes focusing on the sunrays shining to the ceiling through your blinds. He doesn’t need to reserve a ticket and travel miles away like you, since his parents’ house is still in the same area with the university. 
     “So you’re going from when ‘til when?” He grabs a tiny bounce ball from the drawer beside the bed and throwing it to the wall in front of him.
     “20th December until… still deciding, probably on the first week of January. Hope you don’t miss me for going away that long.”
     “I’d rather die than missing you.”
     “If I see your name on my phone log then you have to treat me.”
     The date finally arrives. You have packed for everything, not forgetting the plane ticket and some snacks for you to eat on the cabin, you know, the food up there is pretty overpriced. Waiting for your name to be called got you hungry. Don’t want to eat all of the snacks you bought, you open a pack of chewing gum, you have this theory if you chew a gum until your jaw is tired, hunger is cancelled. Your eyes wander around the room, scanning for something interesting, all of a sudden your phone vibrates, a text coming in
     13.43 | Mean af Yoongi      “Good flight. Don’t get lost by the sea or you’ll going to vex the whole population of the world.” “Unbelievable.” You mumble.
     13.44 | You.      “Oh fuck off.” This prick… Switching the phone off might help.
     Continuing from the last spot your eyes were scanning, you overheard a conversation between someone who’s around your age and his parents.
     “Promise me you’ll come home every Christmas, okay? Take care of yourself, don’t cause trouble, don’t drink, don’t go cl—“ The tall boy cuts off his mother’s words – she seems to be his mother, who else would worry that much than a mother?
     “Ma, don’t worry, I’ll be good. I promise I’ll come back every holiday. Even if I get the chance to I’ll definitely come home.” The boy holds his anxious mother’s hands tightly and places it right in front of his chest. His father standing behind his mother begin to give him some man advices and tapping on his son’s shoulder several times.
     Finally, they call out the passengers to board the plane. You hurriedly repack the things you unpacked before and walk to the gate where the flight attendants check your ticket. In front of you, stood the boy whose conversation with his parents you overheard on. Damn he’s taller than me. As soon as you enter the cabin and found your seat, you struggled to place your bag on the bag storage above the seat.
     “Here let me help you.” Your head instantly turn to your left, where you see that boy giving you his hands and the warmest smile you have ever seen. Refusing his help seems a bad idea at this point, so you give him your bag and go to your seat, letting him set your bag’s position by himself. And surprise, he turns out has his seat next to you.
     “Thank you very much, uh what’s your name?” You lift one eyebrow.
     “It’s Namjoon, Kim Namjoon. Oh, don’t mention it, I just like to help people.” He seems a shy boy, he smiles from the beginning until the end of his sentence.
     “That’s very nice of you. By the way, I saw you earlier on the waiting room, having some talk with your parents about life, eh?” Does that sound too straight off to the point?
     “Oh… yeah. You know, parents’ anxiety when they send their child off for college.” One habit of his: rubbing his hands when he’s talking.
     “I know that feeling really well.” You let out a small chuckle. “So you’re just starting your college?”
     “Yeah, I started late though.” He pulls his lips to one side, making a deep dimple on his left cheek. “By the way, I don’t know your name…” 
     “Oh yeah, I haven’t introduced myself yet. My name is y/n. I’m a college student too, year 3.” Isn’t that unnecessary?
     “Wow you must be really experienced. How does it feel like?” This b— guy, is really talkative. Throughout the long flight, he always has new topics for maintaining the never-ending conversation, it only stops if one of you had to go to the lavatory, then resume where it left. The more he opens his mouth, the more you know about him; from his family to how he got the name God of Destruction from his friends. 
     The ‘eternal’ conversation eventually comes to an end where he decided to take a short nap, and to be honest, you need a nap too thanks to the longest conversation you’ve ever had. Usually, it needs some time for you to sleep on a plane since your ears pops easily and the turbines sound disturbs you, but this time is worse – Namjoon, who is already in his dreamland, snores loud as hell. You really wanted to stop the snore, but as you turn your head facing him, he actually looks cute with his headband holding his hair back, his arms inside his jacket pockets, and his head keeps on falling. You can’t help but laugh quietly, until he wakes up by himself.
     “Are we here yet?” He quietly asks you with his husky voice thanks to sleep.
     “No, approximately,” you took a closer look to the small TV attached to the seat in front of you. “47 minutes more.”
     “What—did I sleep that long?” His eyes got widen as if he’s really surprised.
     “No, you didn’t, we had that long conversation, remember?” You say, almost whispering while staring into his beautiful monolid eyes.
     “Oh… yeah, we did. I almost forgot about that,” he flashes a dimple-y smile before saying another word, starting another conversation. He even expresses his passion for rapping and he really shows you his rapping skill, which is no joke. This guy is really amazing, you thought, he got the brain, the talent, the looks, what’s more he could ask for?
     The time flies so fast, the plane finally lands safely. Have to admit, you actually don’t want to say goodbye to Namjoon. You never really do this before, but you straight up ask him for his number, even gives him your address if he needs something – you even ask him to have dinner on your house. 
     “That’s a nice idea, you know, I’m free tonight, so I’ll come to your house, can I?” You never expect a guy – a cute one – to come to your house, having dinner with you.
     “Of course. Dress nicely, okay? First impression is important.” You joke around. First impression, who is he? Your new boyfriend? Why did I say that?
     You turn your phone on to call your cousin that you have landed safely, but 1 second after turning it on the notification screen is filled with Yoongi’s text, and – wait what is this? One missed call from him?!
18.10 | You “Get your wallet ready, cause you’re going to treat me. By the way, I think I’ve found someone cute, he’ll come to my house tonight for dinner. I’ll tell you how it’d going to be.”
21.22 | You “He’s taking me out tomorrow.”
See my other works
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