mmmthornton · 2 years
"I got you, dude"
The Freedom Pals finished their route by taking out some sixth graders that were hassling kids outside the movie theater. One of them landed a kick on Tupperware's torso that cracked the container under his left arm.
He was starting to walk away when Toolshed tapped him on the shoulder. "Hey! I got something for that. May I?"
Almost before Tolkien knew what was happening, Stan slapped a neat stripe of high-quality duct tape up one side over the crack. "Oh man, thanks Toolshed!"
"Yeah man, I got you! Here, lemme get the other side so it looks like a style choice."
Some days later, most of the guys were waiting in Tolkien's living room for their various rides. Stan was standing around talking with his friends and was about to walk outside where it was snowing...in just his Toolshed t-shirt. Toolshed felt a tap on his shoulder.
"Hey man, you need something going out there, its cold out. Take this!" and Tolkien pushed a jacket into his hands.
"Aw, I don't need it, I'm across the street anyway Its no bi-"
"Just put it on man, you can't fight crime if you get sick."
Toolshed relented, and zipped the jacket over his shirt. "Thanks man. ... Hey, it kinda goes with the look."
"If you like it it's yours. I uh, got two jackets for Christmas." Human Kite noticed out of the corner of his eye a shopping bag stashed near the door that looked like the same brand as the jacket.
"Cool, thanks dude!"
Yeah, I got you."
While working on an upgrade to the Tupperjet, Tupperware nearly broke a window trying to remove a stripped screw. "Damn....Hey, 'Shed, do you have a pinhammer I could use to get these out?"
"Yeah, I got you, one sec."
"Thanks dude!"
"Tupperware, I need some protection for the wrist drill attachments; I can block when they're not retracted but otherwise the track gets janky. Got anything I could use?"
"Sure, I got you! My mom made spaghetti last week and we've got plastic thrown out in the recycling bin."
"Sweet, thanks 'Tups!"
Professor Chaos' minion set off a self-destruct that just caught Tupperware in its wake. He's shoved backwards by the blast and waves his arms vainly, falling backwards-
-and one hand finds Toolsheds glove, solidifying into an iron grip. The handyman hero hooked his measuring tape to a tree and caught them both in time before they went over the edge.
"I got you, dude!"
Mosquito came running up, grabbing Tupperware's other arm and pulling them both up to stable ground. He complained later to Super Craig how Tolkien didn't even LOOK at Clyde when thanking him for the rescue. His attention was occupied on someone else.
The meth-addicted hobos that had ambushed the team on a mission to the old mall parking lot weren't the brightest enemies they'd faught, but their blind druggie rage packed a powerful punch and all of them were feeling the effects. Toolshed knocked away two in one blow with his drill ground attack, saving Mysterion from yet another messy death. In the process however, he didn't see the one coming up behind him from under a tarp...
"I got you, Toolshed!"
...Before Toolshed knew what was happening, he was standing near the other side of the mostly-cleared battlefield as an electric *hum* and soft blue light faded around him. He saw where he'd been standing, Tupperware was surrounded by the same glow as his advanced shields met the druggie attack and deflected it to a harmless rattle. Moments later, The Coon pounced claws-first and finished the fight. Toolshed didn't react when his chubby friend in a fursuit commented that he needed to do better at watching his ass...and then murmured that he was more concerned with someone else's. Ass, that is.
"...So anyway, with the 3D Printer my dad just bought, we have basically limitless options for supplies and gear! Toolshed and I found a site that translates manufacturer specs into three dimensional plans for easy customizing and building. We printed a logo that attaches to Professor Timmy's wheelchair wheels that doubles as a shock absorber. How cool is THAT?"
Around the table of the Freedom Pals, everyone clapped politely except for Toolshed. Toolshed grinned widely and clapped the loudest, proud of their shared achievement.
After the meeting, Kite, Mysterion, and Coon approached Professor Timmy's chair.
Kyle cleared his throat.
"Heyyy, Professor...Would it be possible for you to help us with something?"
If it is within my immense telepathic and psychokinetic powers, and doesn't get me in trouble with my mom, of course heroes. What do you need that my powerful brain can help you obtain?
The Coon leaned into Mysterion's ear. "I know Timmy's head was big to begin with but geez..."
"Uh, yes, thank you Professor!" Kite continued. "See, we are friends with, um, Toolshed and lately he's seemed...distracted. Could you maybe use your powers and tell us what exactly his - er, deal is?"
There's silence, and Timmy's gaze turns to the other side of the room. Tolkien is out of his Tupperware suit and is leaning over a drawing Stan is showing him. "So, I got to thinking after seeing the 3D printer at work, maybe I can incorporate some kind of glue gun attachment? I have the heating elements already installed like so, and maybe-" The conversation continued in depth as the two boys excitedly went over plans and ideas that their shared knowledge and ability could actually make possible.
Timmy turned back to Kyle, not even bothering with the telepathy. Instead, he rolled his eyes at the three friends. "Timmy?" He gestured with his hand at Tolkien laughing at a joke Stan made, and the way he visibly seemed to glow brighter when Tolkien's hand clapped his shoulder. ".....timmy."
Kyle sighed and crossed his arms. "Yeah...I guess we didn't really need your powers either."
Cartman put a hand to his face. "God, that rich asshole better not Yoko our crew here."
Mysterion shrugged, and smiled from deep within the cowl of his hood. "I mean, who wouldn't fall for them baby blues?"
The other boys all nodded sagely. "Timmy timmy. Tim-may."
"That was beautiful Professor."
"Yeah, well-said," Coon leaned forward to check on The Human Kite's expression. "Well? Should we interfere?"
Human Kite for a moment didn't seem to hear his companion. A few seconds passed however, and he smiled. "Nah, I think he's got this."
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thatsmyassbrostop · 2 years
TupperShed's hero ship potential is off the charts bc it's basically a cyborg and his engineer. Imagine all the tension from fixing Tupperware, it'd be astronomical
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mmmthornton · 2 years
Finished with work, but its a cool rainy day and i don't wanna do chores. I'm tempted to write a tumblr post for that TupperShed idea i had, orrrr some of the nsfw older Kyman stuff on my other blog. >:)
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mmmthornton · 2 years
I'm just sayin; if Stolkien happened what else would that mean? Superhero game AU Tuperware / Toolshed baby. Tuppershed nation rise.
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