ellanainthetardis · 3 years
The mastertag list is intact PRAISE THE LORD 
I had a heart attack when I realized it wasn’t there anymore. 
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morlanwen · 6 years
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Danae di Tiziano Danaë by Titian
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ellanainthetardis · 3 years
What is it with replies being SO delayed on posts? Since last night every time I answer someone in repiles it takes half an hour for it to appear... 
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ellanainthetardis · 4 years
and on today’s list of WHY... I just got on computer and owuld love to know why tumblr is all of a sudden with a white background... Is that xkit or...
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ellanainthetardis · 3 years
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I posted 5 319 times in 2021
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4271 posts reblogged (80%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 4.1 posts.
I added 6 407 tags in 2021
#the queue to the stars - 3413 posts
#effie glam stuff - 485 posts
#random - 445 posts
#ask - 417 posts
#thg - 375 posts
#anon - 332 posts
#hayffie - 332 posts
#btvs - 221 posts
#lmao - 211 posts
#stargate - 176 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#if you think i am not still thinking about that one time i did or said something dumb 10 years ago in that one situation everybody already
My Top Posts in 2021
Something I love about the 74th Reaping: 
Sure you can take it straight as Katniss tells us and conclude Effie is just a bubbly dumb empty-headed drone and Haymitch is just a drunkard who’s “disgusting” and pathetic but... If you read between the lines... 
I don’t think Effie is flustered because she doesn’t know what the protocol is for a volunteer or because she doesn’t know what to do. I think she is flustered because she’s really good at reading situations and she can feel the situation is about to slip out of control (and Haymitch is drunk, which means she’s on her own because I don’t think she would trust the mayor to help and she’s responsible for the Reaping going smoothly probably since she’s the Capitol representative here) which is why she reaaaally goes slick on the bubbly cheerful act. To me, she doesn’t read cheerful, really, she reads a little panicked. She’s good at reading the room and 12′s audience isn’t exactly supportive or happy. 
As for Haymitch, he only steps forward and makes a big spectacle of himself when the tension is at its paroxysm and everyone in 12 is doing the fingers salute, refusing to applaud, being very quietly rebellious... He steals the spotlight from Katniss, makes it all about himself, brings the eyes on him, goes as far as attacking the Capitol by pointing straight at the camera... And then promptly falls off the stage, breaking the tension off, making himself the comic relief, turning himself into the joke victor of Twelve, offering the perfect distraction for Effie to spring the rest of the Reaping along... Even drunk, he knows it’s too dangerous and Katniss is going to be in the Capitol’s bulleye if this goes on too far... I’m so 100% sure he did all of that on purpose... 
So, yeah... One interpretation is to take the text as literal but, honestly, you can’t convince me that it wasn’t Effie and Haymitch playing the games, doing what they do best, being a team. 
No this post had no other point than gushing over my favorite characters...
And we’re not even talking about how the first thing haymitch does when he goes on stage all confused (probably because he was dragged there by peacekeepers instead of his escort) is to hug effie like it makes perfect sense to his confused drunk brain. “a big hug”, Katniss says. I say it must have been a hell of a hug to tilt that wig to the point she has to hold on to it later XD Oh the lectures that must be happening off stage later on... 
62 notes • Posted 2021-03-26 18:03:07 GMT
Prompt: Ohhhh I love your fics with katniss’s family and Effie but what about tiger mama Effie with Peeta’s parents and brothers?!
A New Home
The silence was awkward as they all loitered outside the house Katniss had picked for herself and her family. They had all toured it together in front of the cameras, his hand locked in Katniss’ because that was the game they were expected to play.
The moment the camera had shut down, Peeta had rushed outside. His family had followed him, probably feeling just as out of place inside with the Everdeens, Haymitch and Effie as he felt.
He watched each of them now and he wasn’t sure what to say, how to bridge the gap. What did you say to people who hadn’t bothered to care if you came back or not? Who had chosen to support the competition more than their own flesh and blood?
Rye, only one year older and now definitely safe from Reapings, had kept his hands in his pockets ever since they had greeted him at the train station, unable to meet his eyes. Peeta knew why, of course, for the same reason he hadn’t been able to come into that room at the Justice Building all those weeks earlier and say his goodbyes. With Katniss having volunteered for her younger sister and him not having raised a finger. Well…
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39 notes • Posted 2021-05-19 08:31:07 GMT
Prompt: Please may I prompt a fic where either effie or haymitch accidentally massively slips up in an interview with Caesar (or in some sort of public forum) and says something that very heavily implies hayffie are in a relationship? I could totally imagine Caesar over analysing every single thing his guest says so I imagine he’d notice instantly if one of them said something that they just couldn’t possibly have known if they weren’t dating 
Mention It All
Haymitch hated the losing Districts interviews.
It was a filler program when nothing much was happening inside the arena and they generally had little to do with the Games themselves – unless no victor or escort had juicy gossip to dissect, then it was all about analyzing tributes’ actions but, in this city, there was always juicy gossip. The interviews were live and Caesar was always in fine form and Haymitch had lost track of the conversation because they had been talking in circles for what felt like hours.
Well, Caesar and Effie had been talking in circles for hours. It was too fucking early in the morning, Haymitch hadn’t expected to be dragged out of bed so early. He was still drunk from the night before and from the healthy amount of moonshine he had slipped in his orange juice while his escort was puzzling over what he should wear. Their appearance was a last minute decision apparently, and the sobering pills she had forced him to swallow hadn’t kicked in yet. His head felt like it would burst but given that it was currently filled with cotton, he wasn’t sure how that could hurt.
Mostly, he had been sitting on the settee next to Effie since the interview had started, staring into the audience, progressively slouching until a well-placed accidental nudge of her pointy elbow reminded him to sit straighter. They had done the slouching-nudging routine at least ten times by then.
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38 notes • Posted 2021-09-22 09:10:26 GMT
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It’s the end and I’m sad lmao. I didn’t realize I wasn’t ready to let this story go so easily... Well... I hope you enjoy the epilogue!
EPILOGUE – 5 years later
Haymitch watched Caleb run after his brother, looking out for the warning signs of an asthma attack.
They often hiked up to the lake for picnics but it was harder on Caleb in springs. His asthma could be bad enough to warrant trips down to the clinic in town. It had certainly panicked Effie and him more than once in the last five years. He had always been the most fragile of the three…
The toddler seemed fine though, despite the pollen in the air.
“I have the inhaler in the bag.” Effie told him quietly, always attuned to his thoughts.  
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36 notes • Posted 2021-01-22 09:58:41 GMT
Prompt: I have a prompt request (in case it hasn't been done already). I'd love to read about how Haymitch argued with the game makers about Katniss' plastic surgery, and Haymitch and Effie dealing with the consequences of the game together before the kids woke up.
A Real Woman
Haymitch was very familiar with the white corridors of the Games Clinic for having spent enough times in there over the years. It was the first time he ended up arguing with the doctor in the corridor though.
It would have probably been easier if he had been talking to the usual doctor, the one who had been there forever – since before his Games – and who had taken care of every of his little problems ever since. He felt like he knew the guy well enough to be reasonable with him. The guy in front of him? He was young, arrogant and he was sneering down at him like…
“What is the matter?” came the familiar sing-song voice of his escort, quickly followed by the hurried click click sound of her heels on the tiles. “Haymitch, I can hear you shouting from Peeta’s room!”
The rebuke was delivered in a chiding tone but the hand that she slid around his arm, nails digging into his flesh, as soon as she reached him was more of a warning.
“How’s he?” he asked immediately.
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35 notes • Posted 2021-07-07 09:03:22 GMT
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ellanainthetardis · 3 years
it doesn’t show on the post anymore when it’s pinned? I don’t see the little green thing...
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