#tumblr log off protest
lazarus-lazuli · 1 year
“we should do a tumblr blackout!!” y’all DO know the reason the reddit blackout was so effective was bc the entire site is literally just forums run by individual groups of unrelated mods who were able to shut over half the site down for 48 hours, right? it was not just singular users who decided to Not use the website for a certain period of time.
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mangedog · 1 year
tumblr blackout proposal
tumblr mobile has steadily become near unusable these past few updates. not just from a user experience perspective (which is important enough in itself) but also from an accessibility perspective.
examples include the new way the image viewer works (if you can call it "working"), the tumblr live button replacing the profile button, and that newly created blogs will be forced to have their main dashboard tab be the 'for you' page.
the demands of the protest would be along the lines of:
reverse the recent image viewer update
scrap the new users 'for you' page default setting
let us turn off tumblr live indefinitely
increase efforts against spam / porn bots
make reporting abuse and hate speech as easy as reporting as reporting spam
let us go nuts show nuts again... for real this time
remove flashing ads, including not accepting blaze campaigns for posts with flashing in them
commit to improving usability and accessibility, and listening to users!
(suggestions welcome!)
to protest against these usability issues, and inspired by the recent reddit blackout, i propose a 48 hour blackout (where you don't use tumblr at all). preferably of both mobile and web (since web has problems too) but mobile is the focus here.
[edit: a 'blackout' is when you don't log in, or interact with the site at all, for [x] amount of time.]
I suggest from the 30th of June.
this marks the end of pride month (for the "queerest place on the internet") and the start of disability month (since accessibility is a massive issue here).
tumblr office is in San Francisco, USA, so the times and dates will be calculated using their time zone (PDT).
you can find out the times and dates for your timezone here.
i can't afford to blaze this post so please spread it around as much as possible! protests only work if significant numbers show up!
edit: tumblr rejected the blaze campaigns for this post because they know it would hurt them. let's make this an indefinite blackout - it's the best way to get results.
edit 2: plain text version of this post
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phantomrose96 · 1 year
At the risk of having an opinion on Tumblr, that post about having Tumblr do a 48hr blackout like the Reddit one is... kinda just dumb.
Reddit communities going dark was based on well-defined demands against a well-defined new thing the company was doing. Reddit would start charging $xyz amount for API access. This would kill 3rd party apps. The protest was "we want Reddit to renegotiate the API cost to a lesser more reasonable rate that won't kill 3rd party apps."
The tumblr post just seems to be a hodge-podge of every popular tumblr complaint currently, including things staff themselves would clearly like to fix. Like one of the demands is to increase efforts against the spam bots. Buddy tumblr would love to get rid of those things because "your website is infested with sex bots" is not a good look to advertisers. Clearly they don't have a good way to get rid of them otherwise they'd be gone by now. Some 48 hour protest is not gonna make them suddenly better at it.
Other demands include bringing back "go nuts show nuts" which is just straight up not possible anymore. The current CEO made a long post about it a while back explaining why it can't happen. Some of the gripes are just annoying things like Tumblr Live, which tbh would be nice if it was gotten rid of entirely but having it be one bullet point in a random 2-day log off protest isn't gonna do it... You're better off sending thought-out feedback on why it's a problem.
Also like... even if Tumblr said "We're selling all the world's puppies to the factory that tests the efficacy of pepper grinders on animal flesh" which would be a pretty good thing to protest, the Tumblr format itself just can't be organized the way Reddit is. Reddit is made up of a bunch of town center bulletin boards that announcements can be pinned to, with moderators who (for better or worse) can make decisions for a whole community. Tumblr is just everyone's random blogs. Most of you probably don't even know what post I'm talking about cuz it never circulated to your dash. Which version of what post ends up on your dash is a complete clown show. This format doesn't let us organize for shit.
Also parting thoughts, Reddit was able to actually shut communities down and they have better advertiser pull so a missing chunk of the userbase could potentially catch the ire of advertisers. Tumblr is a mud pit and I doubt half the advertisers even know they're advertising on Tumblr.
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postplus-protest · 1 year
Okay! So, management “clarified” yesterday’s post by saying that the chronological dash (algorithm free!) isn’t going anywhere. With that being said, there’s still a lot of concerning stuff and major disconnect between management/staff/users going on. Management is still looking for ways to make tumblr the next big thing and to turn a profit. Which, can’t say I blame them cause bills need to be paid, but enshittification in the spirit of Twitter/TikTok/Reddit/meta isn’t the way to go. Management has also known to be a liar sometimes so keep that in mind.
A lot of people are asking me about protests. What we’re dealing with isn’t something that can be solved with log offs. Right now the things I really really really recommend you do is to go into your settings, export/backup your blog for your own use later. Also, set up and then link a Carrd to your current tumblr with links to any other socials (I’ve got personal livejournal and dreamwidth accounts ready to go) you might use to keep in touch with friends/mutuals. That way if tumblr goes down and/or there’s a mass exodus, you’ll be easier to find.
I want tumblr to stay around for as long as possible. Yet, I don’t want tumblr to just another TikTok clone. The hellsite is going through some awkward and frustrating growing pains that I hope doesn’t bring down the house of cards.
Until something else happens, this is what’s going on.
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he-goes-down · 9 months
0. There Was A Time
fic chapters/warnings/disclaimers/ect
Tumblr media
Mentions of drugs/ sex ect.
English is not my first language
POV changes
x reader
inconsistent updates
time line is not perfect or accurate
Character may also not be accurate
I'll also be posting this on wattpad and maybe ao3
So if you see it wasn't stolen<3
Also i dont know how tumblr works and how to link chapters together(someone send help)
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The studio was warm in the coldest night of this Autumn, warm yellowish light and the red carpeted floor made it feel like a cosy log cabin. A full drum set with a few too many ride cymbals and windchimes sat close to the middle of the fat bare bricked wall, with a small metal bucket that had the remains of broken splinter drumsticks. A rack of guitars and two bass holders stood next to the right wall where an old armchair sits, a few different sized amps scattered round the square room. Right in front of the glass that separates the control room from the studio three mic stand in a line with noise cancelling boxes surrounding each of them.
In the control room there is a strong smell of weed and other smokeable herbs, "No! You can't take Runaway Blues off the album!" A man with short shoulder length brown hair and a moustache protested as he puffed on his cigarette as he lied back on the couch, his dark glasses fell back on his face as he tilted his head back. "I agree with Jake. It shows how good we are even when we're shit faced." The man with long curly hair, a gorgeous ethnic nose, stood up – towering over the other 4 people in the sesh – and began to roll another blunt on one of the control panels. The one that started this debated piped in, "Thanks Dan for taking my side." He said sarcastically, his curly mullet was like a solid cloud on his head, and he has a moustache like Jake. "We'll our wonderful manager and producer here," A man that looked like Jesus pointed to a woman that sat next to Jake on the couch. "Was the one that wasn't shit faced, I think that's why it was actually good, Joshua." He finished. "Hey, hey, I'm not saying it's shit because of you, please believe me y/n!" Josh dramatically pleaded to y/n. She was looking up at the ceiling. Pupils dilated. Blunt in hand. "Just, make it shorter." She said confidently, waving her hand a bit. Still not looking at anyone and head craned back. "You have the answer to everything." Danny said his mouth slightly gaped that such a simple solution didn't register in any of their minds. Or he's just on a psychedelic trip and can't spark up a brain cell.
The following week the band had dates in LA since they were still doing there 'Dreams in Gold' Tour. The band was already at the venue setting up, some still sleeping in the bus. Y/n had some business to attend to in their studio in New York before going down to LA. She decided to walk down the infamous Sunset Strip, as a historic music place like this could not go untrekked when having the chance. Wearing a black turtleneck, dark blue flare jeans with dark brown boots and a satchel bag hanging from her shoulder, a small suitcase's handle in the other hand while the silver case dragged its wheels on the floor. As she caught the sight of the colourful sign of The Rainbow, a voice called to her. "Y/n?" A older man, short blondish hair, leather jacket, sunglasses.
Axl Rose.
And like the trigger of a gun being pulled,
A life was lost.
(or misplaced)
Y/n's POV:
Everything stood still,
I stood still.
Then it all went dark. It was a black lifeless void.
Falling backwards but being physically still.
Time was reversing.
A previous life. My life?
Memories rolling past like an old film.
My head spiralled.
I can't comprehend this. What is happening to me?
My first years of school, late 60's early 70's. That's not right. It was the early 2000's.
Falling in love with music, Queen, Elton John.
Highschool was trip. My parents being stricter than anyone else's, they didn't believe I could have a job as in the music industry.
Studying music in college then going on the Uni and taking a science course to get my folks off my back.
One of my most successful record deals was Mötley Crüe and Bon Jovi.
Before they even started writing lyrics for their songs, I knew it off by heart and helped them gain success with it and recording went like dream.
Now I was searching the East Coast for a new band to sign.
March 1985, The City of Angels.
A flash of light, and my eyes flickered open.
It a cold night, dark but the city light was somewhat comforting.
It was the Sunset Strip, but something was...
(Band at the beginning is greta van fleet )
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fandomfluffandfuck · 2 months
i have to scream ab this somewhere bc ive just posted the first chapter of a new fic and im SO. EXCITED!!!!!
as well as this, i wanted to know - are you working on anything right now? if so, maybe you don't mind sharing a couple lines of dialogue as a teaser (bc i miss your writing alot especially after you can('t) teach an old dog new tricks)!! think of it as an ask game that i unofficially started lol.
hope ur doing good! xx
I just saw the post you made on your writing account for that, yeah!
I've had a very busy day, so I was hyped to log back onto Tumblr and see that! Hopefully, I can carve out some time to read it soon. It looks so, so good!!
"espresso" by bvckysarm
(Everyone better go read 😤)
Hell yeah, I'm always working on something 😏
Although, admittedly, it's nothing as long or grand as You Can('t) Teach An Old Dog New Tricks. I'm having fun messing around with short (for me) one-shots after spending, what,, five or six months on that series? I love it to death, I do, but, Jesus, yeah, over the length of the average novel, and half a year of writing (more than, behind the scenes, I'd been planning and researching for much, much longer)... I am relishing in noncommittal one-offs, haha.
Here's your teaser 😘
“Aw, you miss me, Stevie?” He needlessly teases, gripping his waist hard enough to bruise him like a soft, overripe peach.
“Uh-” Steve starts to answer him, but he’s cut off by a reverberating moan when Bucky shoves him back and viciously re-spears him on the fake cock he’s got suctioned to the wet, wet tile wall, “-huh.”
Steve stays slumped forward against him, clinging to him, shaking all over still, but now he clings harder; his blunt nails dig into Bucky’s skin and he hisses, enjoying the heat that shudders through his veins from the other man’s touch.
“Missed my cock, that’s what you missed,” Bucky husks into his ear, grabbing his little hips meaner, digging his fingers into his flesh, pushing him back tight onto the toy, making him fucking take it.
He gasps so cutely, so obscenely when his ass thickly presses to the cold tile—taking that toy to the wide, wide base, swallowing it whole—how could he not do it to him? Bucky just wants to fuck. ‘im. up. Vicious.
“M-missed, uunnhh, missed all a’you,” Steve protests weakly, pawing at him uselessly, not as weak and sweet as he thought. Not as weak and limp as he wants to get him—he wants to make him so fucking fuck-dumb.
“Nah, I don’t think you did,” Bucky’s grinning so wide, the muscles in his face already are starting to ache, sharp, “I think I’m just a cock with legs to you,” he tweaks one of Steve’s peaked nipples, just to admire how he shudders, “aren’t I? Isn’t that how it’s always been? Could barely get you off of my cock when you were smaller, Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, I never understood where you put it even though I could see it, bulging through your tummy, so tight and little around me.” Bucky presses his palm there now, dragging his nails down from the swell of his tits to his clenching abs. With the right angle, he can still do it, sometimes, he can spear Steve on his dick and bend him up in a cute little knot and see his dick through his stomach. Bulging. Thick and deep inside him, fucking him until he forgets how to beg for more.
Fucking him until he forgets his own name.
“Still, fuck, I couldn’t ever believe you could fit it in that tiny hole.” Bucky shakes his head, half in disbelief, half in predatory instinct, wanting to bite Steve and tear through him, shaking his head like a fucking dog with a toy, ravenous and slobbering, “then you went and got yourself all big and your need just got bigger, didn’t it, honey?”
“S-so did you, you guh-got bigger, too!” Steve whines, trying to retort but falling flat when he starts to pant, overwhelmed.
“I did,” Bucky purrs, grinding into his hip leisurely, enjoying how hot and feverish he is, God, he really worked himself up into a mess, didn’t he? “And ain’t that good for you, honey? Anything else and you’d’a died, ‘cause you need cock like you need air, don’t you, dollface?”
I hope you're excited for the rest 😈
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waterberry-strawmelon · 10 months
if tumblr ever rolls out a forced algorithm or forcibly removes chronological order from this website, we need to be prepared to boycott. im not fucking joking, tumblr's user interface is getting closer and closer to the same carbon copy bullshit used by tumblr, twitter, and to an extent tiktok, and if we actually have a problem with it—and we all VERY MUCH DO—we need to be prepared to group protest. the reddit "strike" was only 24 or 48 hours, with a set start AND end date. because of this, reddit's ceo openly admitted the strike would not affect reddit's new user changes because the protest was not a big enough threat to reddit's business.
but im fully prepared to log off indefinitely until tumblr shapes up their act. all these dashboard un-fuckers are a lifesaver, yes—but they're really just band-aid solutions, and eventually, tumblr's going to start changing things that can't be solved with a firefox extension.
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hopelessromanticme · 4 months
I'm totally fed up.... A Desi guy's guide to personality annihilation...
Yaar now im actually fkin confused bhayy... Like on one hand ik for sure that hell nah nobody can destroy Me, only Me can destroy Me but on the other hand bhayy when i go out and i see the world that shit is actually depressing and downright fked up... Like this Tumblr ki duniya is like a giant rabbit hole of all the good things and happiness aur humour aur love... Aur if you'll outside of it bahar ki duniya is full of misogyny, misandry, toxicity, patriarchy, matriarchy... And all those bullshitery likeee SHUTT UP PEOPLE FFS.
I WANNA SCREAM ON TOP OF MY LUNGS SOMEWHERE QUITE.... I'm done with this societal norms aur uski bakchodi bhai... People think that I'm going mad... Well ofcourse koi bhi sane person would be mad... Have you seen the hatred people hold against other religions and castes... Kyunn hai itni hatred saalo tumhare aander... Mat rakho naa itni buraai dusro ke liye... Shaanti se raho na bey pyaar se... I'm sorry for my language but yeh bkl ab meri sarr ke paar jaa rhe hai... Nobody gives a fuck about what's going on Manipur or the farmer's protest but Maxtern aur Elvish ki news aa rhi hai... Like have we gone completely mad... Pagal ho gaye hai kya sab... Dosto se baat karta hoon toh wahin Hindu-Muslim aur Women ko objectify karna.... Abe sab ke sab saale chutiye pagal ho gaye hai... Mere ko maa kasam bhagwaan ji kal ko utha le gaye naa toh main Khushi Khushi chale jaunga... Itni si bhi positivity nahi bachi hai yaar iss duniya mein... Aur yahan Tumblr pe alag he Utopian Society bana ke baithe hai sab... Abey pagal ho kya tum log... Where the fckk is BALANCE BHAYYY... Either I'm here toh I'm super happy and lovey-dovey aur either I'm bahar toh I'm super sad and depressed as fck...
Mujhe moksh chahiye yaar... Kyun na karun main suicide bata... Haan royenge sab 2 din 4 din 10 din... Fir... Fir kyaa... Fir toh society wahi rahegi naa...
I'm out here assassinating my persona because i wasn't able to find a perfect person to love... Like that how depressing this shit is...
And fckkk practicing Stoitism aur following Sigma Male and Andrew Tate... Fckk them all... Bish I grew up reading Srimad Bhagwat Geeta and Purans... We all are humans we all have flaws... Nahi bann sakte ho tum perfectooo... Nahi hote hai sab ladke 6'0 feet nahi hoti hai sab ladkiyo ki zero figure... Kyaa chal raha hai duniya mein kaunse idols hai bhai sabke...
Have they ever read any sane text either their holy books or anything related to wisdom... This new world I HATE IT... I HATE EVERYTHING ABOUT IT... I HATE WOH PINTEREST KE CUTE COUPLES... YES I'M SALTY AUR HAAN PAGAL HO GAYE HAI HUM...
Yaar... All I'm saying is "Love Me". I need some kind of compassion and female touch... Yes im going insane and soo is this fucked up world... I'm sorry for everything... Sorry for wasting your time reading this note... But at the same time No I am not really sorry...
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Either I'll die in this journey... Or will become a lifeless corpse... Shit im not a philosopher but istg if, i not become one in the future...
can't say she was wrong here...
Meri toh kitni kam expectations thi life se... Aur self love kitna he kar lunga... Main toh thak jaata hoon sometimes yk fake scenarios create karte karte... The manifestation of love is the sole reason of my depression...
But idk what should i do... i never loved myself... i always try to love people... maybe because of the lack of love i never got, i don't want to happen the same to them.... I once read on Tumblr on one girl's blog where she wrote "When you are not served love in silver spoons you learn to lick it off knives". Kinda says alot about today's society and people... Doesn't it ...
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salora-rainriver · 4 months
Alright look.
You don’t need to be famous!
You don’t need to be a content creator.
You don’t need to have a hundred thousand followers.
You don’t need to make a massive impact on the world.
It’s okay to fucking EXIST in the world. To make a small impact. To have normal friends and a normal obscure life, like everyone else on this planet.
I get it if you’re lonely, I get it if you feel like there’s no point to life, but fame isn’t the answer to that problem.
Yes I am talking about James fucking Somerton. Hell, I am talking TO James Somerton, motherfucker if you’re reading this, somehow, despite me literally being a nobody on tumblr, then- wow! What are the odds! What the fuck is wrong with you. Also don’t fucking do it. Please log off and live a happy normal mediocre life. Please.
But I’m also talking to every 20-something (me included) who thinks “gee i want to be like those fancy content creators and filmmakers and artists who make stuff and everyone looks at it.”
And I’m not saying don’t dream big. “Dream big” can mean all sorts of things, and none of them have to be about fame. Entertainment and academia are like 10% of the full breadth of human experience.
You can garden. Knit. Raise animals. Go scuba diving. Join a book club. Play sportsball. Dance at a club. Dance at a park. Learn tango! Paint pictures for small local galleries and people who want something crazy on their walls. Have sex. Go to concerts. Volunteer. Write poetry. Learn an instrument. Learn a language. Go hiking! Biking! Run a marathon! Collect coins, collect shells, collect bones. Find god (any god). Be the guy who hands put water bottles at protests. Join a tabletop gaming group. Play trading card games.
I’ve been saying for a real long time that someone like James Somerton is just not fit to write video essays, he’s not fit to be a content creator - James if you’re still here, we all saw your ‘measured response’, if you were telling the truth about those memory issues and ADHD and they genuinely are so bad that you can’t properly cite your sources- you can’t be a video essayist. I’m sorry. It’s part of the job description.
and look. that’s okay. because there’s so much other stuff he can do with his life. Stuff that doesn’t require him to, you know, make proper citations. Write creatively. Manage a film production company. Those things. The things he evidently can’t do competently.
The idea that he’d rather die than have a normal life, a peaceful life out of the public eye, working a job that he can actually be good at, having his hobbies and his real life friends and maybe even a family… there’s no other word for it than “sad”. That’s so fucking sad, and I don’t even mean that in an insulting way. I know I hate the dude, but jesus.
And I just. If you’re reading this post and the idea of someone absolutely who’d rather die than be normal resonated with you - first of all, do you need a hug, second of all,
This post is for you.
Please take care of yourself and just find joy doing what you want to do. Don’t try to Be Famous. Please.
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albertserra · 4 months
Leave it to tumblr to start discussions that a logged off person would never even dream of. Like genuinely… speculating on Aaron bushnell’s gender, to the point of looking for his twitch username and making multiple posts about how that makes you think he was transfem, would have never in a million years occurred to me. Instead of like, talking about the significance of his protest or taking that time to read a book by a palestinian or going to a march or watching a palestinian documentary. literally anything. and then saying people taking issue with that are infighting or distracting or participating in needless online discourse. come on
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fokron · 11 months
Tumblr staff says twitter-dash here to stay
Hey all, I made a support ticket earlier trying to politely complain and let staff know that I (and many of us) are not happy with the dashboard layout change. I suggested perhaps being able to toggle it off, not getting rid of it entirely (referencing that blog/dash customizability seemed to be important in tumblr staffcon2023) and this was the response I received
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💀 💀 💀 
for reference, here's what I wrote in my support ticket undercut + some other thoughts. also hi if y'all could boost this to get ppl talking that'd be great thnx <3
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perhaps if enough of us complain and are annoying about it (NOT rude, but persistent), some kind of toggle-able feature will be made but *shrugs*. Or if we could actually organize a tumbr log-off day or smthing adjacent in protest? idk. Honestly I wasn't even expecting a response back for this ticket LOL.
I'm not familiar with xkit but I downloaded xkit rewritten + new xkit but couldn't figure out how to revert dash back even after messing with it...if anyone could point me in the right direction for that IF there is a current fix, that would be lovely ; w ;
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howelljenkins · 6 months
Kinda rubs me the wrong way that u only spoke about Palestine to only talk about the Percy Jackson tv show on Disney (even when ppl said that it’s pirated). Like where were u this past entire month when the crisis was at its deadliest? Or do you only speak to act holier than thou?
u can scroll down both my blogs and see i’ve been reblogging! i’m just not on this account often i rarely log back in but i logged specifically in here bc ive seen the pjo show gain traction and this was my pjo account. tumblr reblogs are fine and dandy but ive been focusing on providing real life support by attending protests as well as providing monetary support directly to palestinian families I have personal ties to in order to help their families get out. I was going to be annoyed and answer your question with a pissed off “not everyone lives online” but i’m trying not to alienate people from the cause; rest assured Im doing everything I can even if its not visible to you bc im not active on this account.
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mangedog · 1 year
tumblr blackout proposal
tumblr mobile has steadily become near unusable these past few updates. not just from a user experience perspective (which is important enough in itself) but also from an accessibility perspective.
examples include the new way the image viewer works (if you can call it "working"), the tumblr live button replacing the profile button, and that newly created blogs will be forced to have their main dashboard tab be the 'for you' page.
the demands of the protest would be along the lines of:
reverse the recent image viewer update
scrap the new users 'for you' page default setting
let us turn off tumblr live indefinitely
increase efforts against spam / porn bots
make reporting abuse and hate speech as easy as reporting as reporting spam
let us go nuts show nuts again... for real this time
remove flashing ads, including not accepting blaze campaigns for posts with flashing in them
commit to improving usability and accessibility, and listening to users!
(suggestions welcome!)
to protest against these usability issues, and inspired by the recent reddit blackout, i propose a 48 hour blackout (where you don't use tumblr at all). preferably of both mobile and web (since web has problems too) but mobile is the focus here.
[edit: a 'blackout' is when you don't log in, or interact with the site at all, for [x] amount of time.]
I suggest from the 30th of June.
this marks the end of pride month (for the "queerest place on the internet") and the start of disability month (since accessibility is a massive issue here).
tumblr office is in San Francisco, USA, so the times and dates will be calculated using their time zone (PDT).
you can find out the times and dates for your timezone here.
i can't afford to blaze this post so please spread it around as much as possible! protests only work if significant numbers show up!
edit: tumblr rejected the blaze campaigns for this post because they know it would hurt them. let's make this an indefinite blackout - it's the best way to get results.
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hematomes · 2 years
Bestie I'm scared what's going on with Ayato
oh it reached tumblr, sweet
ok so basically there's a creepypasta going on, that's kinda called "faceless ayato". it goes like this: a russian diona main downloaded gi from an unknown source bc the official website wasn't working, and when they logged in there was a glitched ayato model, with void instead of his face. they also found itto, raiden and ayato in a mondstadt’s tavern, and later on saw ayato push itto off a cliff.
it turned into a whole story and im still trying to piece it all together bc creepypastas are fucking neat but it’s also very messy so it might be PAINFUL to read. it’s just what ive seen on tiktok
here’s the lore (summarized) utc. tw for disturbing content, multiple characters dying and unreality
- ayato was part of a secret mission, the goal was to kill off the arataki gang. he effectively murdered kuki and itto’s men, but itto wasn’t there. he came back to his whole gang slaughtered, and decided to get revenge: he hunted down every man involved in that mission, until he discovered that ayato was not only involved, but was literally the one who instigated it. which hurt, because he considered ayato a friend, a brother even.
- itto followed him until he could find the best time to kill him. it happened on a cliff near the kamisato household, with itto shoving ayato off of it.
- when itto went down the hill to check whether ayato was indeed dead, he found him crawling on the floor, legs broken and chest heaving. so itto tried to finish him off with his bare hands, but ayato had the most manic smile tearing his face open - and itto snapped. he slammed ayato’s face with his claymore, until all that was left of it was bits and pieces of bloody flesh.
- when ayaka learns about that, she decides to contact hu tao’s funeral parlor to organize a proper ceremony for her brother. yanfei tags along essentially because of kuki’s death, but zhongli stays behind.
- hu tao tells ayaka about the aura of an evil spirit haunting the house, and ayaka tells her about her brother’s mission to kill arataki’s gang + the fact that itto remained. hu tao and yanfei contact heizou to investigate, which leads them to the cliff where ayato was killed.
- when they reach it they find itto. he appears alone for heizou and yanfei, but hu tao sees ayato’s faceless ghost staring right back at her.
- ayato throws itto off the cliff. it looks like he jumped on his own for yanfei and heizou, but the ghost tilts his head and waves at hu tao afterwards. itto falls face first, and when they check his corpse, his face is disfigured and unrecognizable. he’s holding a hydro vision - yanfei picks it up, despite hu tao’s protest.
- later that night, hu tao has a nightmare. she dreams of itto screaming, ayato’s ghost clawing and ripping his face. she wakes up with a start when dream!ayato rushes towards her, and finds yanfei hovering above her bed. she’s holding a hydro vision.
- yanfei, seemingly possessed by faceless ayato, strangles hu tao to death.
that’s all i have for now!! but it’s funny. i might tweak it to be more coherent at some point bc the posts ive read on tiktok were frankly a mess. good ideas tho
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postplus-protest · 5 months
Hey, only just learned that you were leaving the day just before the asks turned off. While I'm sad to see this blog leave, I completely understand it. The goal has been completed. The paywalls were avoided. Live is now shutting down. The efforts of the protests have been reaped. The log-off worked.
Thank you, truly. My whole life up until that point when Post+ was finally taken down, I wasn't convinced that social media could make a difference. "No one's going to care, not enough people will commit." But people commited. People cared. Changes were made because of our efforts. This blog allowed me to see that social media CAN cause change, and even if the changes are small, they can lead to larger ones. Larger ones that more people will see. Larger ones that CAN'T be ignored. I used to think any form of social media, even Tumblr sometimes, ultimately wouldn't make a difference to anything on a wide scale level. But then I got to see the efforts of a protest that I and many others participated in. I'm seeing the changes other forms of social media are achieving right now.
So thank you. Thank you for helping me change my perceptions. Thank you for helping me start get rid of certain stigmas I had surrounding social media, even if I'm not quite done yet. And thank you for being a vital part of Tumblr's history.
This feels more like a letter than an ask, but I guess I had a lot to say before you said goodbye. Hope you do well wherever you go after this. I may have done the bare minimum here, but I'm glad I got to do something all the same. So, thank you, and goodbye ♥
Thank you for sharing this with me. Even if I could help the tiniest bit, my journey here was completely worth it. We all underestimate the sheer power of a community forging ahead together but it's a fantastic thing. Even if it's only a millimeter, we can still move mountains together.
You're doing amazing and I hope you have the best.
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womanlifefreedom · 2 months
account restored
I'm writing with an update: my account was terminated weeks ago without warning, notice, or reason. My main tumblr was wiped out and because of that, I couldn't log in to update this one. My account appears to have been reinstated (for now). In case I am booted off again, please know that I appreciate everyone sharing information about what is happening in Iran <3
My time away from Tumblr also made me reevaluate my relationship to this platform so to be honest, I am not sure that I will continue this blog. But for now, I do wish to share news that the rapper Toomaj has been sentenced to death. There are ongoing protests worldwide in addition to the celebrity support and I would encourage readers to seek out further actions. On that note, I also have some more personal thoughts under the cut.
As I write, people around the world are mobilizing against a genocide in Gaza and we are witnessing an undeniable sea change in international solidarity. It's a change that may prove to be more disruptive to our current global system of nation states and capitalist exploitation than the covid-19 pandemic. I am seeing a stronger level of rigour and structure from organizers who may be responding to the bitter lessons of the leaderless and spontaneous uprisings of the 2010s - many of which resulted in increasingly authoritarian governments taking power (Egypt, Brazil, etc.).
If the Iranian Revolution of 1979 teaches us anything, it is this: that horrific things can and will take root in the cracks that a revolution causes and that would go against all revolutionary demands. When a power structure topples, there will be power grabs and those who know that the surest and fastest way to seize power from the masses is to sell us seductive fantasies of safety, order, belonging, dignity and everything that capitalism strips from us by alienating us from ourselves. Such groups will leverage everything at their disposal - religions, art, technologies, science, psychology, weaponry - to benefit themselves and those useful to them while exploiting our fear of uncertainty and stoking our distrust of each other. They will come from all directions and we must remain vigilant.
The thing is, the world cannot be made safe. Especially the world we live in today, a world that is convulsing in the grips of a climate catastrophe. The only solid ground we have now is a willingness to acknowledge our radical dependency on each other and to embrace how one's own fate is intimately bound to the fate of others and that of the world...
Thanks for reading and please take care 🙏
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