#tumblr keeps crashing an its throwing me off ToT
sunsblaze · 1 month
[From @the-moonbreather-rp ]
"How are you... still alive?"
 Standing in front of Kokushibo, he saw his brother's old, decrepit form standing before him. His skin was lined with deep wrinkles, his hair was as white as silver—not a single black strand of hair; and his hands appeared skeletal. The man he once knew as his little brother.. was now this pathetic, old, and ugly creature. He almost felt a chuckle rise within him at the sight, but he didn't at the given circumstances—he had survived. 
He had survived the mark. The very mark, which had killed all the previous pillars who bore it. It was very much like a ticking time bomb attached to your very lifeline. It was like slowly but surely drowning in quicksand— it was like drowning in the middle of an ocean where there would be absolutely no hopes of saving you. It was a fate from which no one could escape.
So.. how did he manage to survive it? Why did he survive it? Why did it always seem to be him— favoured by the gods themselves?
 Kokushibo remained there; his eyes were still slightly widened at the shock of seeing his brother. The light of the crimson moon illuminated the scene, casting a soft glow as the gentle breeze played with his hair and everything around him. The air was filled with anticipation.
That question was one he wished he had an answer for himself.
Why was he still alive? Living on past the expiration date this mark cast upon the ones who manifested it, watching those he had grown to care for drop like flies while he had to carry on living, breathing without it. It was all painful, from then on he refused to help others manifest their marks any longer, he would not continue to cast slayers to their inevitable death- though not many were willing to gain that power at the cost of their lives, not anymore.
Now he stood before Michikatsu whos image had been twisted, perverted, tainted by the blood of the father of demons…how sad the sight was, it weighed on his aged heart to see just how far his twin had fallen from his path.
Yoriichi could no longer see the world as vividly as he one had, Kokushibo’s form was a blur before him, time had stolen away the majority of his sight, though he had no need for his vision, his other senses had been sharpened, fine tuned enough for him to navigate the world with ease.
His mask of stoicism remained unchanged, however, tears began welling in his eyes, he was heartbroken, it strained his old body.
“I cannot say,” a short pause, “the will of the gods remains unattainable to us who walk the mortal plain.”
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mercurial-madhouse · 4 years
Five Favs of 2020
Four beautiful souls, @lululawrence @harryanthus @hadestyles and @tomlinvelvetfics tagged me for this one! You know how much it means to me to be tagged, thank you! 🥺🥺🥺
RULES: it’s time to love yourselves! choose your 5 (ish) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome work.
1) Three Days in February: Could I truly pick any other? This wee sleeper cell  (yes, the pun is intended) Larry brought the most amazing people into my life and made it onto four top fics of 2020 lists despite being my first fic. I spent two days sobbing my eyes out about that one. I’m quite terrible at trying to sum up my own stuff, but @hadestyles ranted at me about this one:
“The plot is so unique and the fandom has always been ginger with toying with rare tropes but you crashed in with an out of the box fic with a slow burn, hitting head to a wall angst, I will strangle you idiots level of pining, please stfu before I die laughing banter, god they’re fucking ridiculous and relatable characters and then the mystery!!! There’s also the stifling sexual tension...at one point I had the urge to just throw them in a room and make them fuck it out. And YOU COULD WRITE IT BUT STEPHEN KING COULDN’T WRITE CH 13.”
I’m also still finding out that half the things I put in here as part of the story have actually happened in some form or another!? I’m mildly concerned about that.
Everyone who has given this beautiful darling a chance, you have my undying gratitude and likely a lot of tears and snot on your shoulder now from my overwhelmed wailing. But with luck, you were also too busy snorting out so much laughter to notice!
🖌 📜
B) Event Horizon: This one is my writing style at it’s most unrestrained. It’s only 4k because it’s so intense even I couldn’t handle more than that. Not only that, but I put a massive plot twist in this one that as far as I know got everyone!!! \o/
I love magical realism and messing with tropes, so this one flips the soulmate trope on its head while still having a happy ending. I’m quite proud of that. As @harryanthus described it: “Along with a soulmate you gain powers that you have no control over and no one teaches you how because it’s different for everyone and when you find someone who is supposed to stay by your side and help you face it, you just depend on them. In the thrill of being in a relationship healthy boundaries get blurred and it is hard to admit that you need HELP, so H and L admitting that they cannot do it alone and need help is brave.”
I’d love to see the idea turned into a full feature-length fic too. Not necessarily my universe, but the idea! Any takers? 👀
🖌 📜
III) Christmas Idiots : Wrote this one on a whim for the 1DChristmasFest and almost scrapped it too! It has my brand of action in it, but it’s also the softest and fluffiest thing I’ve written to date. My favorite about this one is that I wanted to create a fic you could curl up with in front of a fire all cozy and just enjoy the winter feelz. From what I can tell, I’ve succeeded in that! I also absolutely love that everyone calls it Christmas Idiots, because that isn’t even the official title! 🤣 
🖌 📜
Then) Fractured: Officially the first fest for me, ToT! Only 666 words, if you’ve read and seen the word count on TDIF, you’ll see why that’s such an accomplishment. It was my first foray into Louis’s POV and I managed to pack so many clues and emotions into this one and I’m just super proud of how it turned out. 
🖌 📜
Finally) Interlude: One Night In March : This is the closest to a complete PWP I’ve come. All my fics straddle fine lines ( 😉 ) and this one is no different. Even this one has clues and twists because all is not what it seems and that makes me so happy!
Ah, the tags. You know me. I want every single content creator out there posting their pride in their work. And I want to see it and share in your pride! So I’m tagging every creator off the top of my head that has come across my tumblr whether this is a first time tag or I tag you even though you’ve never interacted. I still want to support you. Please, please if you see this and I missed you (It’s really hard keeping track of an entire fandom of creators), do it anyway and tag me!!! There are some people I can’t tag although I’d love to, so please pass this on to @cupcakentea @jaerie and @thepolourryexpress for me, at least so they know I was thinking of them too?
@2tiedships2 @allwaswell16 @absoloutenonsense @beau-soleil-louis  @bearmustard @chrysopon  @becomeawendybird @brightgolden @chloehl10 @crinkle-eyed-boo @dinosaursmate @disgruntledkittenface  @doncasterkitten @falsegoodnight @haztobegood @hiccoops @homosociallyyours  @jacaranda-bloom @kingsofeverythingmain @larryissocute @laynefaire @lesbianiconharrystyles @lil0 @londonfoginacup @louandhazaf  @local-troubled-writer @louloubabys1992 @loustarlight @louistomlinboo  @mizzhydes  @outropeace @persephonelouis @quelsentiment @raspberryoatss @rosewithdagger @runaway-train-works  @scrunchyharry @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed @soldouthaz @solvetheminourdreams  @tempolarriefix @theisolatedlily @twopoppies @uhohmorshedios @vintageumbroshirt  @whenthebodiesspeak  @yvesaintlourent @zannithinks
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