gym-leader-stahl · 8 months
Moved to @steel-type-stahl
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gym-leader-stahl · 8 months
[image of a young Skarmory playing with a shiny Bronzor]
I haven't posted much about them, but Skarmory is growing nicely and my shiny has integrated into my group very well :D
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gym-leader-stahl · 8 months
Being a new gym leader is tough. People keep forgetting about me and have to come back at the end of their journey to get my gym badge :(
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gym-leader-stahl · 8 months
I feel like if you have to specify that it isn't poisoned there's already a problem
i've just realized! if we just specify that the mochi isn't poisoned, then we should be in the clear! it seems like it's tapering off, anyway...so! berry mochi should be back on the menu in a few!
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gym-leader-stahl · 8 months
hi hi!
ooh, steel types! i always thought they were cool, even if i haven't seen that many before.
what's it like being a gym leader? what exactly does one do? sorry if that's a simple question- it's the first i'm hearing of such a job!
~cove (@apricorns-and-pokedolls)
First time hearing about a gym leader? That's interesting, I figured most people knew of them…
Well, in case you don't know about gyms in general, I'll explain those too. Basically, the Gym Challenge is a challenge people, usually kids between 10 and 16, can participate in. They go from city to city to different Gyms where they battle other trainers and solve puzzles to get to the gym leader. Then they challenge the gym leader to a pokémon battle!
The gym leader gives the challenger a badge if they win, and if the challenger collects all the badges from that region they can challenge the Elite Four and potentially the Champion!
It's really quite exciting. Anyone can participate at any time, but it's most popular with teens.
As a gym leader, I oversee a gym and battle challengers on a regular basis. I also regularly test the trainers working in my gym to make sure they're up to par with the gym challenge. I also have to make sure they're not too strong.
My gym is a scrap yard and its puzzle features grab claw excavators which pick up caged platforms and move them to another area of the maze. We also only use steel type pokémon in our battles.
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gym-leader-stahl · 8 months
Could the science side of Rotomblr please explain why fidough are so cute????
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gym-leader-stahl · 8 months
//Uh! So! I think it'd be cool to interact with people with this blog, but I don't know who'd be comfortable with that! Just because they're silly little guys and I'm socially awkward. :/ So!
Reblog/reply if you'd like Cove and Haru (the characters running this blog!) to send you an ask! It could be about life, Pokemon, jobs, trying to convince you to buy something...etc! Yea
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gym-leader-stahl · 8 months
((wow i was expecting to click on the website link and get like, a rickroll or a bulbapedia page or something but no you deadass made a website. kudos))
// lol yeah, it's 100% a thing that exists! I've actually inspired a few other people over on neocities (the site that hosts my website(s)) to make pokemon irl sites too, which is super cool.
Mine (steel type pkmn irl site)
Kinesis (psychic type pkmn irl site)
Ballonlea (Bede pkmn irl site)
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gym-leader-stahl · 8 months
📹 - An old photo of the muse when younger
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I was probably 13 here? Me and my klefki!
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gym-leader-stahl · 8 months
((Rotomblr ask game: old is new))
📹 - An old photo of the muse when younger
🦕- The muse talks about their very first pokemon
🖋️ - The muse shares an old embarrassing/funny story about themselves
🫂 - The muse talks about someone they haven't seen in a long time
🏰 - The muse talks about a place they haven't been in a long time
💌 - The muse talks about something from their past they hope they'll always remember
💔 - The muse talks about something from their past they wish they would forget
(( Don't forget to send an ask to who you reblog from!))
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gym-leader-stahl · 8 months
Reblog If You're OK With IN-CHARACTER Anon Hate!
//Note this is SPECIFICALLY IN CHARACTER. Attacks against the muse(s) are fine and all in good fun. Attacks against the mun are harassment and are NOT okay.
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gym-leader-stahl · 8 months
i never see anyone talking about the inherent horror of fucking. steel pokemon. or how dangerous normal pokemon can be. or what a grass type is able to do to you. why does it always have to be fairies and ghosts.
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gym-leader-stahl · 8 months
i almost got hit by a car today.
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my klang toyotathon jumped in the way and saved me. hes a very good boy.
(art by @realpokemon )
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gym-leader-stahl · 8 months
OK Honedge and Doublade are up! I'll do Aegislash soon!
If you have a specific pokémon request or a question feel free to send me an ask ♪(´▽`)
// Website is mobile-responsive and works on any size screen :D //
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gym-leader-stahl · 8 months
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Next article will be on Doublade!
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gym-leader-stahl · 9 months
Latest Poké care page is up! It's about Klefki!
//Website DOES work on mobile! please check it out!//
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gym-leader-stahl · 9 months
Pokéblr Ask Game
General Questions 1-20, Pokémon Specific Questions 21-40
What region are you from? What town? 
What’s your Unovan horoscope? 
Have you visited other regions?
What region would you most like to visit if ever given the chance?
Thoughts on the legendaries of your home region?
Thoughts on the legendaries of another region?
If you were a gym leader, what kind of gym would you run? If you are already a gym leader or gym trainer, what’s your gym like?
Which do you prefer, competitive battling or battling for fun?
What type of battle strategy do you tend to use with your Pokémon? If you do contests or something else with your Pokémon, what is your preferred approach to that?
Favorite Pokémon League champion?
Favorite gym leader?
Give us a random celebrity (gym leader, tv personality, musician, etc.) you can’t stand and why.
Thoughts on your home region’s Pokémon League?
Weirdest recent local news story?
If you had to pick a Pokémon to represent you, what Pokémon would you pick? 
Favorite evolutionary stone?
Do you prefer to hand decorate your Pokéballs? Do you have a preference for any specialty Pokéballs?
Do you think Rock and Ground are distinctly different Pokémon types, or largely the same and incorrectly categorized? 
Do you think Grass and Bug are distinctly different Pokémon types, or largely the same and incorrectly categorized? 
Do you think Water and Ice are distinctly different Pokémon types, or largely the same and incorrectly categorized? 
Do your Pokémon wear any fun accessories?
Does your Pokémon have a favorite item?
Do your Pokémon battle? 
Would you ever enter one of your Pokémon in a contest? Which one?
What type of food do your Pokémon prefer? What flavors?
Pokéblocks, Poké Puffs, Poffins, Poké Beans, Curry, or Sandwiches?
Who was your first Pokémon? How did you get them? How long have you had them?
What is your most recently obtained Pokémon? 
What is your favorite Pokémon type? 
What is your least favorite Pokémon type?
If you could have any Pokémon in the world to add to your team, what Pokémon would it be?
Have you encountered any rare or unusual Pokémon?
Have any of your Pokémon evolved? If so, what was in your opinion the most difficult one to evolve? 
Do you have a Pokémon that refuses to evolve?
Did any of your Pokémon have temperament issues when they first evolved? How did you handle it?
Which Pokémon took you the longest to bond with?
Do you have a naming convention for your Pokémon?
What Pokémon did you grow up thinking was rare only to find out they’re common elsewhere?
Do you and your Pokémon have any badges or contest ribbons? Which one are you most proud of?
Favorite thing about your partner Pokémon?
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