#tumblr is a very self centered website that thinks it has far more impact than it does
Explore tagged Tumblr posts
milfygerard · 2 months ago
honestly i think some of the posts abt american teens and 20somethings moving to red note are kind of missing the point bc like the ppl who are going to red note are not like tumblr users raised in progressive communist circles and in fact have never had their preconceptions of china that theyve learned from media and culture questioned outside of maybe watching a chinese romantic drama show or whatever. like seeing posts that are like "we've been telling you guys about the misinformation spread about china the whole time" no you havent bc these ppl have never and will never see yr blogs or even see tumblr posts off of tiktok and instagram, the ppl impacted by this change are the ones who use tiktok to keep up w friends and celebrities and like to be entertained by hauls not faux progressives who sometimes accidentally learn things while bickering back and forth about politics they barely understand on a slowly dying microblogging website thats only real use in any sort of organizing seems to be the ability to spread fundraisers and even that is limited considering this site isnt exactly popular with the rich and powerful.
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The Impact of the Tumblr Discourse Community on the Harry Potter Series
Since the first Harry Potter book was released in 1997, the series has been a cultural phenomenon. Thousands of people lined up to purchase each new book and see each new movie. They dressed up for premieres, bought all different types of merchandise, even held Potter-themed weddings. The franchise is considered “one of the most financially and culturally successful enterprises in entertainment history” (Brummitt, 2016, p. 114). Despite the fact that the final book in the series came out ten years ago and the last movie was released six years ago, Harry Potter still thrives and remains relevant in pop culture, as evidenced by the success of the 2016 stage play, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. Now the question is, how has Harry Potter retained, even grown, its fanbase over time? I will argue that the discourse community surrounding the Harry Potter series – aka the “Harry Potter fandom” – has allowed the series to maintain popularity over time, even after the conclusion of the book and movie series.
Let’s start with the obvious question: what is a fandom? A fandom refers to the collective and active groups of superfans surrounding any given topic. Often, these fandoms have unique names and those in the Harry Potter fandom call themselves Potterheads. Potterheads are an extremely large and diverse group of fans stretching around the globe.
Potterheads make up their own discourse community both in person and online. Though there is significant overlap between the “physical” and online Potterhead discourse communities, for this essay I will focus on the online discourse community, specifically that of Tumblr. As Catherine Tosenberger (2008) writes, the online “Potter fandom is an invaluable repository of the creative and critical responses of the series’ most dedicated and engaged readers” (p. 200). The fandom uses their discourse to contribute to the fandom and the series as a whole. Fan contributions to the Potter universe–whether fanfictions, parties, or blog posts—keep Harry Potter relevant, even years later.
I focused on the website Tumblr for this project. While the fandom is active on many different websites, Tumblr is the central hub of fandom activity. To take advantage of the Tumblr platform, I incorporated it into my project, highlighting examples of the Potterhead discourse community. I utilized the “tag” feature to group different genres of discourse into the blog. As Power states, “Built-in audiences… are linked by the ever-crucial tagging element” of Tumblr (2014, p. 91), and thus tagging is essential for the discourse community. The goal of this project is to submerge the reader into the Harry Potter discourse community on Tumblr.
 Why Tumblr is the Fandom Hub
Tumblr has gained widespread popularity due to “its accessibility to users and the important factor of community interaction” (Yunus & Salehi, 2012, p. 388). Essentially, Tumblr easy and customizable. One user can have as many blogs as they want, and typically each blog centers around a unique fandom or theme. Thus, it is easy to follow and interact with blogs connected to specific interests. Longtime Potterhead Jacqueline Gordon states that Tumblr “lends itself to fandom discourse” compared to other social media sites that are “geared towards self-promotion” (personal communication, 2017). Blogs are generally anonymous and tend to focus on the blog’s content, not the blogger. Compare this to websites like Facebook and Instagram where each profile is entirely centered around a person. Furthermore, the tagging feature allows users to easily search for posts relevant to their fandom community. Additionally, “many Facebook and Instagram posts that focus on the Harry Potter fandom borrow content directly from Tumblr, often in the form of screenshots” (J. Gordon, personal communication, 2017). While there are many Harry Potter posts on various websites, most of them come back to Tumblr. 
Beyond setting up a prominent presence for discourse on Tumblr, the fandom has developed its own vocabulary unique to the discourse community. Potterheads naturally incorporate unique vocabulary and phrases into otherwise common genres, creating their own language. People take words created for the series and add deeper meanings to them that people not in the fandom would never know. An outsider may understand the difference between a Gryffindor and a Slytherin, but they don’t question the greater meaning behind these things. Does Dumbledore symbolically represent death in the Peverell story? Should the relationship between Barty Crouch Jr. and his house elf be considered healthy or hostile? Was Harry justified in using unforgivable curses? The fandom takes words that were created and only used in the Harry Potter series and uses them to discuss greater and more important topics in the fandom.
Combining its unique fandom vocabulary with Tumblr’s specific website features, the fandom perpetuates Harry Potter’s relevance by creating different genres to appeal to a wide range of community members. I identified six main genres in the community: memes, informative posts, photosets, fanfictions, headcanons, and Q&As.. All of these genres incorporate the fandom’s unique forms of discourse. Though these genres are still very much unique to the Potterhead community, they help the series to stay relevant by recognizing a spectrum of fans, from those who know lots of details about the series to novices.
 The first genre, memes, appeal to by far the widest audience. Memes are comedic photos with written captions and are usually just for entertainment. These posts are often found on other social media platforms and though they require that the viewer have a basic understanding of the Potter universe, they lack the same depth as some of the other genres I will discuss. They are brief, clever, and “shareable” and make the discourse community visible to those less invested in it.
 Like memes, informative posts and photosets appeal to both highly invested and less-invested fans, but are not generally comedic. Informative posts simply contain facts both about the series and about other things in the fandom. They can be anything from logistics related to an upcoming fandom event to descriptions regarding a character in the story. It is common for them to look like an announcement or a list. This genre is used by the vast majority in the fandom. Photosets are mainly picture collages mixed with limited discourse. Any words are usually used to describe the photos. These generally appeal to a wider variety of Potterheads, those who may not know every Potter factoid but have a basic understanding of the series and vocabulary surrounding it. Additionally, these photosets generally are formed out of images from the movies, making them more recognizable to those who are less familiar with the books.
 For those more involved in the series and the discourse community, fanfictions and headcanons offer a niche. Fanfictions are fan-authored stories based upon the Harry Potter franchise. These can be very loyal to or stray heavily from the book. Some may take place at Hogwarts and some may take place at an ordinary “muggle” high school. Headcanons are similar to fanfactions in that fans create unique content based off of the series, but these headcanons are usually short (2-5 sentences). It’s common for a headcanon to be a made up conversation between two real characters. Unlike informative posts and photosets, fanfictions and headcanons appeal to a somewhat different audience, those who are more invested in the fan community.
 And lastly, for those most dedicated members of the fandom, Tumblr’s built-in Q&A feature appeals to them.. Users can ask a blog owner a question and when the owner responds, the entire Q&A is posted to the blog. In the Harry Potter fandom, these questions usually have to do with a person asking another about their views on something. Q&As generally cater to the most intense Potterheads, those who spend time and energy thinking out plot nuances and theories and debating them. Again, if you look in the top right corner of this Tumblr blog, there is a button for “Tags”. From that, select any of the genres listed and you will be shown examples of that genre.
 These various genres allow for different views and interpretation of the series. Potterheads can add in their own ideas and opinions of the series through the genres. One extremely interesting example that I would like to highlight is a headcanon. The first example in the headcanons section of my blog is a photoset. Somebody reimagined aspects of the series to take place in the present day instead of the early 1990s. This is one individual reimagining the series literally keeping it relevant to modern times. The genres on Tumblr offer a place for fans to contribute to the series and also allow access to any level of fan. Instead of creating an insulated group of super-fans, the various genres
 How Tumblr Has Increased Harry Potter’s Popularity
 We’ve talked about Tumblr Potterheads as a discourse community and also why Tumblr is a hub for fandom activity. But the community on Tumblr has done more than just house fandom activity: it has helped the fandom grow overtime, even after the end of new books and movies. One reason is that the posts, blogs, and conversations on Tumblr are constantly increasing. So there is more information out there in the fandom. Members into the fandom are increasing because people can see new content. These unique ideas blending together allow the series to grow over time. Essentially, the series grows with the audience. The more that the fandom contributes to the series over Tumblr, the bigger the series becomes. Whatever the background of the Potterhead, whether grizzled, old fan or just a Harry Potter moviegoer, Tumblr offers something for everyone, from shareable memes to outlandish headcanons. 
 Even more importantly, these fandom members on Tumblr insist on new content. They want to see new angles in the series and what happened to characters after the books ended (epilogues). When persistent enough, these new angles have the chance to continually shape the series. After the series ended, author J. K. Rowling “announced that Hogwarts headmaster Albus Dumbledore was gay” (Tosenberger, 2008, p. 200). Fans are torn as to whether or not this is actually canon in the series. It is common belief that “Dumbledore’s homosexuality… may be connected to her awareness of slash fans” (p. 201). Slash fans are members of the fandom who actively seek out homosexual relations in characters in the book. Not only did these fans help the series stay relevant in pop culture through engagement in the discourse community, but it is possible that fan pressure pushed the author to alter her vision of the story.
 The Harry Potter fandom is its own discourse community because members communicate largely over social networking. They use vocabulary and diction that are unique to the Harry Potter series. People reading their blog posts that are outside of the fandom would not know what is trying to be communicated. Tumblr is essential to the Harry Potter discourse community as most other social media websites refer back to Tumblr. The fandom’s various genres allow for personal interaction with Harry Potter content. This allows for a constant growth in information about Harry Potter to spread, thus making the series relevant even after it has ended. What’s more, the Potterheads’ influence upon the Harry Potter series expands to people even outside of the fandom. When utilized properly, Tumblr acts as a great hub for any fandom, or even any group of people with shared beliefs. It is easy to spread your ideas across a wide variety of audiences. If there is enough noise behind you, you may just influence something great, as Potterheads did with Dumbledore’s sexuality.
Brummitt, C. (2016). Pottermore: Transmedia Storytelling Authorship in Harry Potter. The Midwest Quarterly, 58(1), 112-132.
Power, J. L. (2014). Tumblr. Journal of Access Services, 11(2), 91-96.
Tosenberger, C. (2008). “Oh my God, the Fanfiction!”: Dumbledore’s Outing and the Online Harry Potter Fandom. Children’s Literature Association Quarterly, 33(2), 200-206.
Yunus, M. M., & Salehi, H. (2012). Tumblr as a Medium to Improve Students’ Writing Skills. Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 8(1), 383-389.
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reviewnvvx977-blog · 7 years ago
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tpohappiness-blog · 8 years ago
Days of Happiness: Day Twenty-Four
New Post has been published on http://thepursuitofhappiness.me/days-of-happiness-day-twenty-four/
Days of Happiness: Day Twenty-Four
Days of Happiness: Day Twenty-Four
The 30 days of Happy Thoughts series is inspired by the International Day of Happiness (March 20th, 2017).
Today’s Motivational Video
  Today’s Happy Thought
National Nutrition Month® Tidbits
March is also National Nutrition Month®! Eating healthy is important to your happiness too!
Check out this week’s game here.
Check out this week’s NNM video here.
Day of Happiness Celebrations: Q&A
Happiness means different things to different people, what does Happiness mean to you?
For me, happiness is mostly about freedom, learning, impact, and gratitude. It’s really about your perception of your situation. Two people could have the exact same experiences but have very different perceptions of whether they had freedom, were able to learn, able to make an impact, or experienced things worth being grateful for.
  Do you believe happiness is an emotion or more of a state of mind?
A state of mind – your perception is your reality. You can actively reframe how you see situations to find happiness in areas you previously hadn’t. Finding gratitude in tough situations is a great way to make lemonade out of lemons.
  Do you consider being happy important to you? Why?
Definitely – my definition of happiness could also be called my definition of success (freedom, learning, impact, gratitude). I definitely want to consider myself successful!
  What do you consider a fundamental barrier to Happiness in your life?
The biggest issue is time – finding time to try to have it all. That’s part of why I look at happiness as a state of mind – you can’t put more hours in a day, so how can you instead be happy with what you were able to do in the hours you were given?
  How important is wealth and money to your own happiness?
For how much I talk about money on my blog, it actually isn’t a huge part of my happiness equation. Wealth and money are tools to achieve freedom but beyond that, learning, impact, and gratitude are all things I can do without extra money or wealth. I would be doing those three daily even if I were broke 🙂
  How important is health and wellness to happiness?
More than money 🙂 Without health and wellness, it’s hard to have an impact and hard to have freedom.
  What has been the happiest moment in your life?
I think it’s too tough to rank them against each other – I have a lot of great ones. My happiest moments are the ones where I’m with my wife and kids and we’re out adventuring.
  Do you have any specific goals or resolutions for 2017?  If so, would your share your top two that directly relate to your own Pursuit of Happiness?
Our family took on a “Nothing New” challenge for 2017 with a short list of exceptions. We’re working hard at it and doing well so far. By focusing on buying less and buying used, we hope to have more gratitude for what we have, be better stewards of the planet, and get closer to debt freedom.
  Do you consider giving to others or charity work an important part of your own Pursuit and why?
Definitely – this is a part of gratitude and impact. We are diligent givers (financially) but I hope to do more in the future in terms of giving our time as well.
  What 2 things have you learned in your own pursuit that you would like to share with others?
Don’t get caught up in the money game – money a means to an end, not an end itself.
I’ve heard of studies that said only 10% of your happiness is due to external factors. That means 90% is in how you look at the world. Find gratitude even in the tough situations by being thankful for the opportunity to demonstrate strength, grow, and learn.
  If you could recommend only three websites/books/articles to anyone reading this, what would they be, and why?
– Book: The Four Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss – Tim is a huge advocate of lifestyle design and self-experimentation, both of which have been important parts of our pursuit of happiness.
– Book: Man’s Search for Meaning by Victor Frankl – If you want to understand how to find happiness and meaning in life in even the toughest circumstances, there’s a lot you can learn from a holocaust survivor.
– Website: Mr. Money Mustache (http://www.mrmoneymustache.com) – If only for the mindset alone, this is worth your time. Don’t live life the way the world tells you to – challenge yourself, challenge paradigms, and live better.
  What is your blog/website address and theme (if you want to share) for 2017?
I blog at Keep Thrifty (http://www.keepthrifty.com) about our journey to debt freedom as well as thoughts on financial independence, frugality, tools, and spreadsheets.
  Need more Happy?
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