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uppastthejelliclemoon · 2 years ago
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listen y'all know even if i completely forget that it's kittens' week i'm still 100% going to post for my boy's day.
and since it's tumble day ofc it's a no brainer that i had to put together a lil post of some of my favorite tumbletta content!!!!!!
top row: both by @sillybub
middle row: @storyweaverofgondor
bottom row: both moodboards by me!!!
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uppastthejelliclemoon · 1 year ago
this is one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen!!!! i’m so in love with this, you’ve done the most amazing job!!!!!! thank you thank you ♥️♥️♥️
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Tumble and Hestia in the Nutcracker
Merry Christmas, @uppastthejelliclemoon! I think this is one of my favorite pieces I've done. I'm so proud of how it turned out. I hope you like it! <3
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Tumbletta moodboard for @uppastthejelliclemoon!
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uppastthejelliclemoon · 2 years ago
Tumbletta for the dream cast thingy :>
Kade Hughes and Georgina Pazcoguin my beloveds
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It’s literally no secret that Kade is my favorite Tumblebrutus. He just embodies everything I love about the character, his design, his dancing, his personality, just absolutely everything. I love him so so much, and every single time I think of Tumblebrutus, or I imagine him while writing, it’s always Kade’s Tumble.
And Georgina is just… she’s one of my favorite Cats actresses overall, and the video of her performing the Conjuring Turns during that one performance when Ricky was injured pretty much cemented her as my dream casting for Hestia because the Conjuring Turns become one of Hestia’s signature moves, just like her papa! The way she’s so graceful, her interpretations of Victoria’s character, I just know she would be the most perfect choice for my girl.
And the two of them together just 😭 i know they’d do Tumbletta the justice they deserve
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uppastthejelliclemoon · 4 years ago
the way I can’t stop thinking about ✨them✨
4A for Hestia and Tumblebrutus if that's alright?
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ya know, I've never drawn tumble before but I'm warming up to him lately
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uppastthejelliclemoon · 2 years ago
"mary's song (oh my my my)" by taylor swift is THE tumbletta song, it is THE childhood friends to lovers anthem, the two of them being best friends and slowly falling in love after tumble moves back to the neighborhood and reunites with hestia
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uppastthejelliclemoon · 1 year ago
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"i believe in you, tumble."
"you do?"
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uppastthejelliclemoon · 3 years ago
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There's a field a little ways away from the Junkyard, an area that's clear of any junk or trash. There's a small stream that sometimes runs through it, and in the springtime, wildflowers bloom all around, creating a sweet, soft place to rest. Tumblebrutus likes taking Hestia to the field whenever one of them gets overwhelmed or they just want to spend time together. It's their spot, a place where they can cuddle, talk, or take naps in the sun.
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uppastthejelliclemoon · 5 years ago
oh my gosh T_T 
these are all so perfect, thank you!!
“I Got Rythm” is not a song I’ve associated with Tuggoffelees, but now I realize that I have been a complete and utter FOOL because it just fits them so well!
And I honestly was just thinking about “A Million Dreams” and how well it would Hettie and Tumble since they’re childhood sweethearts, so I’m so happy you included it for them!!
Hestia/Tumble and Tuggoffelees?
Here we go! I'm gonna tag you for @uppastthejelliclemoon, since this is CATS related
More Tuggoffelees!
•Peng!33•This is my idea•Communion cups and Some one's coat•The word of your body(reprise)•Gay Love•I got rhythm•Can’t help lovin’ dat man•If I didn't have you Hettiebrutus:
•Time After time•Upside Down•For Guinevere•Love and some verses•That dress looks nice on you•Suddenly•No matter where you are•A million Dreams•Feels just like home
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uppastthejelliclemoon · 3 years ago
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"A perfect happy ending, that's how it should be!"
in which Tumblebrutus, Hestia, and Pouncival look up at the same moon, and imagine what life could be if things were different, if they were together as a team once more, if Tumblebrutus came home...
this hasbeen an idea stirring in my head since i made this post a little while ago, and i've been listening to "who i'd be" pretty much nonstop since then lmao.
i'm planning on writing a companion short for this, but for now, i'm just so happy with how this turned out!!
tags below the cut:
@storyweaverofgondor @queen-with-the-quill @hufferysnuffery @the-metaphorical-jellicle-cat
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uppastthejelliclemoon · 3 years ago
uppast's playlists
i've decided to put together a masterpost of all the playlists i've made for characters! i'm hoping to make more, so i'll be linking this in my pinned post!
feel free to send me a song from any of these playlists, and i'll explain why i've included them!
Ship Playlists:
Tumbletta (Hestia x Tumblebrutus)
Seruggoffelees (Serafina x Tugger x Mistoffelees)
Platonic Playlists:
Tugger and Munkustrap
Hestia and Jubilee
Tuggoffelees Family
Single Character Playlists:
Hestia the Hearth Cat
Serafina the Tragic Queen
Quasi the Henchcat
Old Deuteronomy
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uppastthejelliclemoon · 3 years ago
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patches and firecracker but make it pride 💖💜💙
because sometimes you have a shitty day and your friend's ask makes you want to draw your oc and her boyfriend at pride since you're not able to go
@queen-with-the-quill this is bc of you <3
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uppastthejelliclemoon · 2 years ago
oc x canon cats content makes my heart SO happy
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holding these two SO very gently, my beloved darlings <3 (art by @sillybub)
I love OC x Canon Cats content!! I love making Jellicle OCs for the canon Jellicles to smooch!!
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uppastthejelliclemoon · 3 years ago
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reorganized my phone and ofc i have to have my favorite artworks 😤😤😤
top row of tuggoffelees, tumble and their favorite girl: @storyweaverofgondor
hestia and jubilee bc they’re not allowed to be separated: @soh-da-meatball and edited by me
quasi: @hufferysnuffery bc that’s still my favorite art of my boy!!!!!
miela: @rainbowratsstuff
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uppastthejelliclemoon · 3 years ago
demestrap, casslonzo and tumblexhesita who take the longest showers
Munkustrap takes super long showers near the end of the week, because it's his wind-down time, when he just gets to sit and take a few deep breaths!
Cassandra, esp. when it's a hair-washing day for her. Plus, I just feel like she'd be the type of person to have at least a twelve step shower routine, and honestly i love that for her
Hestia, ESPECIALLY when she and Tumblebrutus get their own place. the poor girl had to share a bathroom with six other girls and never got time for a nice, long shower
however, if it's around dance show season, they both take very long showers because the hot water helps their muscles relax after a day of dancing!
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uppastthejelliclemoon · 2 years ago
Happy anniversary to Hestia, the oc that brought us together and was the start of a beautiful friendship ❤ For the questions, what parts of Hestia's character have you changed since creating her? What is your favorite headcanon regarding her and her dads, along with Tumble and Jojo?
always grateful to hestia and jubilee for bringing us together <3
Hestia's changed quite a bit over the past three years, and this year really feels like the time where all the pieces fell into place and she felt like a completed character!
When i first started creating her, she barely had any magic, and the only actual characteristics she had were "shy and macavity's daughter". i also, when i first created her, paired her up with Pouncival! This was because Hestia was based off of another OC i had made for a crossover fic, so it was really just taking that character and making her into a Cats OC
i mean, now, my girl has a WHOLE lot more to her!! i actually gave her specific magical abilities, which then ofc gives her a lil internal conflict about her parentage and everything!! she's also got a lovely little host of siblings that she's adopted bc her hugs are magic <3
her and Tumblebrutus' relationship has been my favorite thing to elaborate on and explore, especially since i've realized how perfectly they parallel Tuggoffelees! of course, i don't make them identical, but there are little bits of how i hc Tuggoffelees acting within how i write Tumbletta!
now for favorite hcs!!!!
Hestia has a little chest of drawers in her den where she keeps her gifts from Tumblebrutus. He loves finding sparkly or shiny things, like pretty rocks or beads, or little discarded piece of jewlery. he'll clean them up and bring them to Hestia with a beaming smile, and she'll tuck them away in her drawers. When Charon and Anthea are born, she takes out a few of her favorite little gifts and puts them onto collars for their kids, and it absolutely makes Tumble cry when he realizes what they are!
Hestia was the CLINGIEST little kitten. She was so spoiled by her dad and papa, because they absolutely indulged her and carried her around everywhere. It was partially because she was such a little kitten, partially because of the trauma surrounding her birth and how she was found, and partially because she was just so adorable. Tugger loved cuddling his little princess, wrapping her up in his arms and tucking her into his mane to keep her warm. Mistoffelees would curl up around her, especially if they were in the den, just tucking her against him and keeping her entertained by letting little sparkles float around her head.
Hestia and Jubilee absolutely have books that they read together! At least once a week, they go into the library together, and curl up on Jubilee's little window seat. Sometimes they read longer books together, other times they'll read shorter books, but it's their special time. They'll giggle over the characters together, point out which characters remind them of their toms or their fathers, and just enjoy each other's company. Sometimes they'll read separate books, but still stay curled up together, occasionally pointing out something to the other in their own book. They don't mind sitting in silence, because they care more about each other's company than any filler conversation <3
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