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skunkes · 9 months ago
What brush did you use on the last doodle you posted? It looks like it has a shape of something but I can't tell
a brush that i made that ill be sharing wit everyone soon! it's not like one of those brushes that uses an amogus png as a brush tip or anything (said as a response to the "shape of something" part), its just spikey on upward strokes
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revvethasmythh · 2 months ago
I have that user blocked for WEEKS because they just have the worst takes on CR, but also a good majority, Veth and they kept appearing on the tag
Just the most insane takes, i genuinely do not know how you you can watch the same show and get it THIS bad, im sharing your rage
Yeah, it took me a second but i recognized their url because they'd had some AWFUL meta in the Veth tag i got mad about like. a month ago that was so bad i publicly commented about it. I probably should have just blocked them then, but like. WOW. I mean, I won't lie and say i haven't seen those sorts of takes scattered around (what orb are some people watching???), but they sure are all condensed into one blog with this person and it is. it is AWFUL
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utilitycaster · 2 years ago
Feel free to answer whenever you feel like, but i just saw an ask you've answered where you said " FCG's attitude towards the Changebringer is Jewish, Imogen's attitude towards the gods is Goyish. "
As Goy myself i really would love to hear you expand on this because i never thought about it like that until now but i can kinda see it (??)
Ok now this is something i realized mid-writting this ask and, if this is something Sam thought of doing on purpose, maybe the lose cables or "hair" on FCG is a convenient way to introduce a more obvious bit of Jewish analogy by introducing an Exandrian Kippah equivalent (??)
So...this requires a lot of context that to be fair I think a lot of people might not have.
The *Lenny Bruce voice* is a reference to a comedy routine by Lenny Bruce, a Jewish comedian from the 1950s and 60s, in which he would just go through like...random things or people and assign them "Jewish" or "Goyish" based on vibes. Like...he sorts different cigarette brands as Jewish and Goyish. He calls Ray Charles (not Jewish irl) "Jewish" and Al Jolson (Jewish irl) "Goyish". It's like when people on Tumblr say "oat milk is a girl to me and almond milk is a boy" or whatever. It's cultural rather than religious, and worth noting that Goyish in this context is often equated more with WASP attitudes than with Christianity on the whole. (For more, see some brief commentary here).
This is actually based on broad philosophy and not specifics, and actually the kippah example you give is kind of specifically the sort of representation I tend to oppose, because it's frequently the representation given. A lot of Jewish representation in fiction takes surface-level elements and is like "cool! Jewish character created! Done," because they threw a kippah on someone or had them leave a small rock on a gravestone. In the Christmas episode, they'll have one character who has never engaged with Jewish culture in any other context be like "don't you mean...Happy Hanukkah?" and then that's the last you've heard of it. You can make a character who smashes a glass at their wedding until you're blue in the face but, as I've said many times, one of my favorite forms of "representation" in media remains the comic version of G. Willow Wilson's run of Ms. Marvel, a Muslim character. Because that actually understood my high school experience! That had the complexities of being in a public high school but needing to miss events due to religious obligations the Christian majority did not have, or not being able to eat the pepperoni pizza my friends ordered! That actually captured my day-to-day lived experience, rather than being like, a weird archaeological dig into "Jewish Ritual Objects And Practices" that are then pinned onto a character like they're Jewish Barbie. A Kippah placed on a character who has an otherwise extremely Christian mentality is just a hat on a guy.
So anyway the reason FCG's coin strikes me as a very Jewish practice is not because it's literally indicative of any specific Jewish rituals. It's because it's very much a dialogue with a higher power that provides a lot of room for interpretation and even disagreement. And it's very focused on the here and now - FCG comes to the conclusion that the details of the Changebringer are not going to be answered and are not technically relevant; what matters is their actions in this time. Like, the decision FCG makes in episode 53, to go into the Grand Disc to see if they can help, is explicitly "if we cannot get a direct answer from a deity, we need to focus on living out their values and helping people." Meanwhile, Imogen's initial attitude towards the gods doesn't really grapple with the idea that people have free will and actions ultimately speak far louder than words, which is antithetical to the Jewish philosophy. Like, Judaism doesn't really have a solid idea of the afterlife (there are multiple vague concepts with no real consensus other than 'really not the most important thing to focus on') and while it does have a concept of souls it's sort of like...the divine within us all. The Ruby Vanguard ideology is remarkably consistent with (for example) Calvinist predestination and presumes a monolithic attitude with little room for questioning or free will that is entirely foreign to my upbringing, and even considering it for a second feels bizarre to me. Which isn't to say it's bizarre for Imogen to do so because, well, she's not Jewish, but it is philosophically incompatible with pretty much any Jewish worldview.
This was a very long way of saying "Jewish representation for me needs to be about ongoing day-to-day lived experience and philosophical outlook and as such most representation fails because it's single moments in time - a specific holiday or custom used as a lazy shorthand for an entire diverse religion and subculture. Within a world that is always going to be incompatible with the basic tenets of Judaism re: ethical monotheism and six thousand years of highly specific historical events, what I find most relatable is attitudes towards the divine that I find compatible. And FCG's attitude towards the divine is compatible, and Imogen's is not."
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junimo-hexed · 8 months ago
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my mass attack! for the following:
@hccupit , KurosTheFrog, DragonMousei, Papoompala, DragonCatArts, Jetsam, RowingInSand, PastelPixl, Herba_, Naspyta, @tucutucus, Ratt_Dad, ShifterShenanigans, @captenki , AshTheHellcat, Reh_am_Fenster, @calico-heart , redlemons, SillyKatie, @ghoulishhusbandart , Laodnek, @dessasterlabs , SkooOnKazoo, @heysye , @naxken , SixtyFeather, @bash-the-molegirl , graphicducky, @animatedzombie , @squid-johnson , WillsyBubs, @froggyfroo-art , @aardpark , Rigo_Mald, St4rB0n3z, @aviandisaster , QueenBestGirl, @ollifrog , @maddiekat15 , alonelylimes, @isecubeart , tranquiltanager, @qing-fey , Larkie, MidnightThunder, @fervourous-inkubus , @cubed-melon , cowpy, @tshortik , kit-kuak, yamsTM, @d-feng , nuttyducky, @tiernablue , @brenilla , @veskarts , CelticCryptid, citriccenobite, @barksona , Ronnie1107, @toadette-gal , NullSunday, LinoftheValley, @breathinginsulfur , SherryMlerry, GiaMarieee, CeasingHornet40, KyleSkrtSkrt, Chincoteague, mrseb, Narna, SunnsetCadett, @periwinklehipo , @taniqetil , @nanamikiicreations , @kito-kat , @blgfrogs , rowboat, AussieSophie, @janitoad , Dinosaurwithwings, Kuvari, sprigpIantar, lluminarii, @kazel-04 , ashenwater, LonelyCat, Jackameblob, HelleboreTea, @tealacted , Starseeii, TurquoiseMoon, @smfstardust , @frogfan985 , @pankomako , M0DERND0C
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roll-a-troll · 1 year ago
You're Bombyx Sayzug. You're lime. You masquerade as Blue; Scorrius is okay enough to hide as. At 32 sweeps, you've made a life for yourself. Prince suits you. You're bisexual, you use they/them . Fuck it, you ball. Your tucutucu parent raised you well. Would you trade your life for anything else? No, you adapted well enough. You wish lived just a little longer. When you had the time, you did marbles, and you weren't half bad, and it kept the time moving.. Barbwire, your well-serving weapon, is your everyday companion, you can't imagine life without it. You use the handle terribleAddressor on trollian. When you type, you have a bad habit of freudian slips, but only when you're comfortable. via roll-a-troll https://ift.tt/FNwbdu4, do as you please
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homestuck-human-generator · 10 months ago
Name: Sai Noah Abelli Color: Sand #D8b863 Symbol: Hand-painted Skull Strife Specibus: stungunkind Handle: circumspectGumshoe Animal: tucutucu Pronouns: she/her Age: 44 Birthday: April 26, which was a wednesday. Sexuality: irrelevant Interests: amusement park visiting and tether car Dream Moon: prospit Classpect: Bard of Mind Land: Land of Frost and Company, a foreboding place, with pleasant Black-headed Python consorts. It is a place full of lava and cities. Adrastea lurks in this land's canals. Instrument: glockenspiel
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cieloenlospies · 2 years ago
tucutucu 🦤
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tucus-arts · 2 years ago
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Commission for SleepsleepMr on Twitter
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gorgynei · 3 years ago
Man.. could we have a private chatroom were we talk about how the overall fandom does a disservice to almost all characters? From VM to BH, the fandom has almost no nuance, or have a view of the characters viewed with "fandom glasses" if you know what i mean. Its annoying and sad really
you're so correct. the fanon interpretation of any CR character is basically always just abysmally boring compared to who they actually are. its so ugh. the wider CR fandom needs go to basic literature classes but until then the normal people just hang out in our little circles and ignore everyone else
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rotten-dan · 2 years ago
AAAA Happy birthday Dan!!!! Hope you have a wonderful day!!!!
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tHANK U THANKU AND BOY I know! I have the best twin in the world
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ebonytails · 2 years ago
Ohh!! Happy birthday Jonah!! Hope you have a wonderful day!!
omg hi!!! ty!! we had a rlly good dy!! We wnt out 4 dinnr in a plce we've nevr been, n 2bh it ws 2 of the bst dys we've hd ^_^!!
N we gt 2 hng out w our prtnr 4 half of the dy, whch mde it so amzng :^)!!
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bravenot · 3 years ago
Honestly same. Kinda liked Ess/eek after the traitor reveal but man, Ca/eb deserves better, and that better is the Brena/tos and always has been
big agree 😔 it doesn’t bother me as much now, knowing that other people feel similar ways!
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utilitycaster · 2 years ago
Went to check your Fjo/rd post and hell yeah i fucking agree
I am generally (as far as C2 is concerned) a Veth stan through and fro, but when the campaign was active i had my lil fandom cubby hole with other Veth stans and Fjord stans because of that same perspective on the fans of other characters (so far in C3 are Chet fans the ones i trust the most)
Thanks! right back at you; in terms of Campaign 2 characters especially, the people who I feel have my favorite takes in general and a good pulse on what makes a character fun in particular are Fjord stans; Veth stans; specifically the Caleb stans who are into him because they just really fucking love mages and who would count the moment where he falls flat on his face in the Chantry of the Dawn cathedral as one of his greatest moments; and the like, 3 Laura Character (general) stans in this fandom.
I do feel, and I'll answer this at more length in another question I have, that for some reason consistent fans of Sam's characters and consistent fans of Travis's characters do tend to like, understand this need to let characters be goofball losers and tragic heroes at the same time, and I think it's honestly in part because they consistently play less popular characters within the fandom so weirder takes are allowed to thrive, and because I think Sam and Travis have the most consistent thematic and mechanical throughlines (vs. other cast members who have consistent but less complete touchstones - Laura and selfishness, Taliesin and arrogance and what your origins actually mean, Liam and tragedy - and more variety in what they choose to play). I honestly often struggle with Sam's characters because the theme he goes for isn't one that I relate to, but I do typically come around on them in the end.
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bravest-notts · 5 years ago
People are giving Matt shit because the assasins attacked at night and was rigged agains the players, forgeting or bending rules for armor and sleeping and other bs. Just rulebook snobs forgeting that the DM is allowed to do that, and that he is human. The only thing that i would say im suss about is the 4 Nat 20s against Fjord, which he is still allowed to do for story reasons
my WoW guild uses a d100 format (bc ingame /roll command is natively 100 so it’s easier) and there have been nights where, as a DM, i haven’t rolled below an 80. it’s happened often enough to the point where there’s a guild meme where if a DM rolls very high consistently, they have “the M dice” that night. (my main’s name is M.) so it really does just happen like that sometimes. i don’t think matt would ever fake a roll, either for his own benefit or others’. the most he’s ever gone is giving himself an advantage roll for narrative reasons, like when veth killed the manticore’s baby in front of her. which makes sense.
it’s so wild that people expect matt to be some kind... DMing robot. like, god, i’ve had massive scale fights before with 21 players in attendance and it took all my concentration to make it work. and that was in the comfort of my own bed, slumped down and in pajamas. not on stream, having to keep things snapping along while juggling eighty thousand other balls in the air. and our system is muuuuuch more simple. i genuinely cannot imagine doing what matt does and boy i could not pull it off a quarter as well, boy howdy.
--vaguely off topic, but i always forget he also runs the sound effects and music while doing everything else. like. how. how does he do all of that.
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roll-a-troll · 2 years ago
Name: Citizen Ataxia Tavros Ancestor: The Keysmith Strife Specibus: hockeystickkind Blood Color and Sign: Gold; Gemcen Handle: exhaustedAlbatross Lusus: tucutucu parent Pronouns: he/him Age: 36 sweeps Interests: auto racing and sailing Sexuality: queer Class: Muse Land: Land of Dust and Waste, a quaint place, with stupid Rattlesnake consorts. It is a place full of rivers of drool and casettes. Oceanus is lonely. via roll-a-troll https://ift.tt/9iBMcET, do as you please
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homestuck-human-generator · 2 years ago
Name: Mx. Rory Tanaka Color: Purpureus #9a4eae Symbol: flower Strife Specibus: sawkind Handle: caliginousTactics Animal: tucutucu Pronouns: che/hap/han/hans/hapself Age: 15 Birthday: 275th day of the year Sexuality: asexual Interests: art and mathematics Dream Moon: prospit Classpect: Sylph of Life Land: Land of Wither and Stain, a poised place, with amusing Brazilian Rainbow Boa consorts. It is a place full of comely deserts and geysers of bile. Tethys loves this land like her own spawn.. Instrument: sarangi via homestuck-human-generator https://ift.tt/tY34Khj
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