tubietips · 3 years
Help - my NG/ hurts! Is that normal??
Tube pain is no fun, to say the least! Sometimes I've even found it unbearable but don't fear; it doesn't always happen and if it does, there are a number of things you can do.
Here will be a series on pain of different types in different places and what troubleshooting or even prevention can be done. If you are waiting to get a first tube in, please don't panic! It might not hurt at all and for the most part, they're actually ok and my more recent ones DON'T HURT :-D I barely even notice they're there - and I'm someone with pre-existing chronic pain near the site!
My aim is that people reading this (professionals - that includes you too!) will be able to prevent problems I've experienced and solved myself. I found not much information available when I had these so I'm sharing with the intention of helping others.
I will talk about:
- Tube discomfort
- Insertion pain
- Nose pain
- Face pain
- Throat pain
- Neck pain
- Jaw pain
- Tummy troubles
And what you can do or what I've used to prevent or relieve these. If you've tried everything including everything I'll cover, don't lose heart: there may be many more solutions I haven't discovered, after all, I'm ONE person. Feel free to get in touch with any more remedies and solutions you've discovered :-)
Of course, I hope you don't experience any pain or problems!
With Love,
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does anyone know where that “just killed a woman. feeling good” line is from. I have a feeling it’s from those mcytcymcyty youtubers and if it is im gonna be so embarrassed
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riiroh · 3 years
A couple hours of writing, a couple hours of googling stuff to figure exactly how many tubeses are going into MC at what various places to facilitate her being in a giant test tube being experimented upon. Good times. Not quite at word goal, but scene is ongoing and she’s not quite yet out of the tube. I also wish the word for a slim intravenous tube and a giant somewhat larger than a human tube had different words. What else would they be?
oh I went with the epic-sized fallout fic, at least to start with. If I have a tricky day or something I’m perfectly willing to just straight up ramble about another story entirely. Such is life.
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virtualbluesky · 2 years
Brand Name: DCOVORPower Type: ElectricMaterial: Quartz tubeSize: 999999 FlashesModel Number: IPL EpilatorItem Type: EpilatorUse: BikiniUse: BodyUse: FaceUse: UnderarmVoltage: AC100-240V,50-60HZLevels of power: 1-8 levelsMain function: Hair removelWavelength: 500-1100mnFlashes: 999999 FlashesAddtional function: skin rej
999999 Flashes New Laser Epilator Permanent IPL Photoepilator Hair Removal depiladora Painless electric Epilator
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donpyle · 8 years
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meireviewproduct · 3 years
Home: https://mei-review.com/tubeserp-review/
TubeSerp is a NEW, invigorating and staggeringly critical 'cloud-based' YouTube movement programming that will assist your video with arranging the annals higher in YouTube, and draw in more perspectives. You will get these 'secret' words that YouTube is searching for while picking WHERE to put your video in their inquiry things.
It's a 100% guaranteed, white-cap and evergreen programming that doesn't depend upon transient specifications, or maybe risky frameworks to help you with acquiring pull, "worthwhile" video rankings.
What's more, it outfits you with a sensational approach for developing TubeSer your rankings inducing that it will not fight with different procedures or programming that you're as of now finishing.
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Howdy, welcome back to my another Tools & Software,
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Check more:
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mangowall · 3 years
Description:Item Name: Engine Glass TubeSize:  Inner Diameter:17mm  Outer Diameter:20mm  Length:73mm Weight: 20gMaterial: ...
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arinazan · 7 years
Aku sekarang jualan lhoo. wkwkwk. Alhamdulillah ada kemajuan dalam memanfaatkan waktu gabutku yang Masya Allah banyaknya :)) Eh padahal ada tubes lho.. kok iso gabut? Hambuh ig.. kok gabut ya? Emang tubese wes bar? Durung. Bahkan...bahkan..yang paling ndak selesai :’) Suka zedih si kadang. Tapi lebih banyakan bahagianya si.. Sedihan ditinggal kamu tahu mas :’) Eh nggak deng. wkwk
Berawal dari aku pake krudung saudia ke kuliah, trus temen temenku pada nanyain..
“Zan.. aku pingin punya krudung kayak punya mu tau.. Kamu beli berapa?”
“Beli di Jepara aku. 18 ribu..”
“Zzumpaah??” (Eh ndak “zzumpah” si, tapi dia bilangnya “sumpah?” ini biar mendramatisir aja sebenernya)
“iya. Mau nitip?”
“Pingiin zan. kok murah. Di tembalang 20 an..”
“Ishh. calon emak emak emang. Selisih 2 ribu aja di perjuangin nitip sampe jepara.”
“Yo kan nanti belinya banyak..Luamayan lah”
Trus.. aku cerita tu sama bapakku kalo temen-temenku pada pingin nitip krudung. Saat itu posisi aku di Jepara. Nah.. bapakku itu ternyata antusias bing bing ._. Beliau bilang..
“Wah zan.. diniati to.. Jualan krudung. Bukak jalan. Bagus itu..” Begitu kira-kira katanya.
“Jangan modal nekat. Modal tekad. Modal bissmillah.”
Bapakku ini sampe mau nganterin aku ke Kalinyamatan. Padahal jauh lhoo.. Sejam an kira-kira. Tapi alhamdulillah bisa dapet yang harganya murah di deket-deket.
Akhirnya, sore itu aku sama mbakku pergi ke toko itu. Milih milih krudung.. beli 20 dulu.. tapi berhubung masih newbie..yah gimana ya.. belum mahir. Belum tahu selera pasar. Jadi aku milih warna sesuai seleraku. Trus waktu itu aku juga bilang to my self.. “Rapopo zan.. Rapayu rapopo. Kan iso dinggo dewe too.”
Setelah itu, aku pulang trus aku mikir.. ini gimana ya cara promosinya? Jujur aja. aku maluuww wkwkwk.. lha ndak pernah jualan blas og.. Trus dengan modal snapgram, aku menjajakan daganganku ala kadarnya, dengan modal.. “ngko nek sejam an raono seng ngrespon, tag hapus.” Lagi-lagi alhamdulillah responnya lumayan wkwkwk.
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marcusssanderson · 6 years
50 Quotes On Stress and How To Handle It
Our latest collection of stress quotes to help you manage it better.
Regardless of what status you hold, life can get stressful at times. Sometimes we have to deal with financial setbacks, health problems, workplace challenges and all sorts of difficulties.
But no matter what stress we might experience, we cannot allow it to make us crumble. Just like mentally strong people, we must be able to thrive regardless of any added tension.
In order to handle stress effectively, we have to accept that stress is part of life, accept that we cannot control everything and maintain a positive attitude. We have to put our stress in perspective, replace negative thoughts with positive ones and be proud of our achievements, no matter how small.
When stress takes over, it can be really challenging to return to your happy state. To help you get back there, here are some inspirational, wise, and uplifting stress quotes, stress sayings, and stress proverbs on how to manage it.
Inspirational quotes on stress and how to handle it
1.) “It’s not stress that kills us, it’s our reaction to it.” – Hans Selye
2.) There’s a lot of stress… but once you get in the car, all that goes out the window. – Dan Brown
3.) Problems can be experienced as… a chance for renewal rather than stress. – Marilyn Ferguson
4.) When I’m under stress, I do yoga. It’s when I’m happiest that I have a problem with junk food. – Britney Spears
5.) Don’t let your mind bully your body into believing it must carry the burden of its worries. – Astrid Alauda
6.) The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another. –  William James
7.) Stress is the trash of modern life we all generate it but if you don’t dispose of it properly, it will pile up and overtake your life. – Danzae Pace
8.) “Trying to be a perfectionist brings increased stress and hinders performance.”  – T. Whitmore
9.) “One of the best ways to reduce stress is to accept the things that you cannot control.” – M. P. Neary
10.) “I think one of the biggest things that sleep does is help with emotional stress.”  – Joe Zeller
Quotes on stress and how to manage it
11.) I enjoy an evening stroll. It helps me to reflect and eases stress. – Blac Chyna
12.) I’ve chosen to treat my life more like a party than something to stress about. – Martin Short
13.) “In times of great stress or adversity, it’s always best to keep busy, to plow your anger and your energy into something positive.” – Lee Iacocca
14.) “Over-thinking causes unnecessary stress and worry, and tends to blow things out of proportion.” – Melissa Eshleman
15.) “Laughter helps bring balance to a stressful situation.” – Kala Stevenson
16.) “Much of the stress that people feel doesn’t come from having too much to do. It comes from not finishing what they’ve started.”– David Allen
17.) “Doing something that is productive is a great way to alleviate emotional stress. Get your mind doing something that is productive.”– Ziggy Marley
18.) “If you treat every situation as a life and death matter, you’ll die a lot of times.”– Dean Smith
19.) “Rule number one is, don’t sweat the small stuff. Rule number two is, it’s all small stuff.”– Robert Eliot
20.) “There is more to life than increasing its speed.” – Mohandas Gandhi
Inspirational stress quotes to calm you
21.) “Set peace of mind as your highest goal, and organize your life around it.” —Brian Tracy
22.) “In a year you’ll barely remember why you felt so stressed, so why stress about it now?” – Unknown
23.) “Stress can actually help you focus better and can be positive. Having small amounts of stress can stimulate you to think. Being able to manage your stress is key.” – Frank Long
24.) “… some stress is necessary in our lives when we want to stimulate creativity, or to promote learning.” –Christian J. Borg
25.) “Each moment of worry, anxiety or stress represents lack of faith in miracles, for they never cease.” ― T.F. Hodge
26.) “Sometimes we can focus so much on nothing that we make it a big something of nothing” ― Ricky Maye
27.) “Today I refuse to stress myself out about things I cannot control or change.”- Anonymous
28.) “Stress spelled backward is desserts.” – Loretta Laroche
29.) “Stress, anxiety, and depression are caused when we are living to please others.” – Paulo Coelho
30.) “Gratitude can reduce your stress and anxiety.” – Bree Miller
Quotes about stress in life
31.) “You must learn to let go. Release the stress. You were never in control anyway.” ― Steve Maraboli
32.) “Reality is the leading cause of stress amongst those in touch with it.” ― Jane Wagner
33.) Stress is nothing more than a socially acceptable form of mental illness.? – Richard Carlson
34.) Stress is like spice – in the right proportion it enhances the flavor of a dish. Too little produces a bland, dull meal; too much may choke you. – Donald Tubesing
35.) Pressure and stress is the common cold of the psyche. – Andrew Denton
36.) “Much of the stress people encounter is derived from dishonesty. People first lie to themselves and then to others.” – David DeNotaris
37.) “Give your stress wings and let if fly away.” –Terri Guillemets
38.) “Make jokes. No stress. Love. Live life. Proceed. Progress.”  – Lil Wayne
39.) “Sometimes the most productive thing you can do is relax.” –Mark Black
40.) “A good way to overcome stress is to help others out of theirs.” ― Dada J. P. Vaswani
Other inspirational quotes about stress
41.) Stress is an ignorant state. It believes that everything is an emergency. – Natalie Goldberg
42.) Sometimes the most important thing in a whole day is the rest we take between two deep breaths.~Etty Hillesum
43.) We must have a pie. Stress cannot exist in the presence of a pie.~ David Mamet
44.) In times of stress, the best thing we can do for each other is to listen with our ears and our hearts and to be assured that our questions are just as important as our answers.~ Fred Rogers
45.) Our stresses, anxieties, pains, and problems arise because we do not see the world, others, or even ourselves as worthy of love.~ Prem Prakash
46.) When you are stressed on mind…to pour it out, is the behaviour, most kind!~ Sujit Lalwani
47.) Where there is a lack of rest, there is an abundance of stress.~ Lysa TerKeurst
48.) Everyone is struggling under stress and fear. Only with right attitude we can avoid regrets.~ Kishore Bansal
49.) “The human body can be placed under huge stresses before death will result.” ― Steven Magee
50.) “The stresses and strains of life mould us into our mature selves. The key to life is to accept the wisdom of our later years while maintaining our youthful enthusiasm and curiosity for the world.” ― Stewart Stafford
Which were your favorite stress quotes?
Stress is a part of life. Stressful situations are bound to arise at some point. When they do, it’s upon us to continue thriving despite the added tension.
No matter what stress and challenges life throws at us, we have to be mentally strong in order to be successful. Hopefully, these stress quotes will help you cope with whatever stressful situation you might be facing.
Which are your favorite quotes on stress? Do you have any other stress quotes to share with us? Tell us in the comment section below. We would love to hear all about it.
The post 50 Quotes On Stress and How To Handle It appeared first on Everyday Power.
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free--therapy · 3 years
Recognizing Your Limits
Adapted from Recognizing Unhealthy Patterns by Donald A Tubesing
Another factor that is important for us to recognize when it comes to ensuring the balance of our overall health remains as such, is learning the ability to recognize our limitations.
It's difficult to make healthy balance decisions because life presents us with more options than we can go after. It's very easy for us to get caught up in the illusion that we can take care of the needs of others while also caring for ourselves at the same time. It's impossible because we are limited by our time and energy forces us to have to compromise and make choices.
What makes having a healthy balance so difficult to attain for us these day is the fact that we've been led to expect that we can have it all. We've unfortunately been coaxed into believing that we can do whatever we'd like and maybe even everything too. Obviously this is not the case and we've been deluding ourselves with the idea that we can, but this ends up keeping us from accepting the limits that we have and making proper choices.
Ignoring our limits makes us miss out on the ability to set priorities based on what we value as most important, and then we don't end up activating those values by making clear commitments. This leads to us trying to pack so much into our lives as much as we can, instead of choosing to spend ourselves where we can make the most difference--spending ourselves where it counts the most.
We alone decide on what we do with our time and energy on any given basis, however we can't actually respond to every opportunity that comes our way. Our choices on how we spend ourselves end up being forced since when we spend ourselves in one way, we end up neglecting other options. We all have the same 24 hours in the day and the choice to choose how we spend them is entirely up to us. We can't make more time exist or save time. We can only spend it and doing so should be spent focusing on healthy patterns.
Here are some questions we can reflect upon for our own balance patterns:
How am I most likely to get myself out of balance?
Which of my beliefs and limits must I recognize and adjust before being able to regain my balance?
What strategy would help me get myself back into a healthy balance?
List all your desires and hopes for regaining and maintaining that balance. What would you like to increase? Decrease? Change?
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theacupunctureloft · 6 years
Organic Scar Serum 25ML
Organic Scar Serum
The White Lotus organic scar serum is designed to work with the Lotus Roller or other forms of skin needling to improve the visible appearance of scarring. It is an ideal substitute for an often ineffectual scar cream.  The ingredients in the Organic scar serum have been scientifically proven to -  1.    Regenerate skin cells (1) 2.    Improve wound healing (2) 3.    Increase the healing of radiation burns (3) 4.    Increase micro circulation 5.    Repairs UV induced burns (4) Skin needling breaks down old damaged collagen, and creates a whole new layer of collagen by creating micro trauma below the surface of the skin. Applying the organic scar serum increases the production of new healthy cells and assist the derma roller to increase collagen production. Improving wound healing also ensures that the new skin formed is smooth and healthy. Increasing the micro circulation insures that there is ample skin nutrition in the area to ensure correct wound healing and that any toxins formed during the healing process are rapidly removed.
Expert Dermaroller Advisor to the UK’s LARGEST beauty association
Products developed by the author of the INTERNATIONAL Bestseller  ‘Holistic Microneedling’ 
UNIQUE techniques repeatedly demonstrated on National Television
Like all White Lotus serums the organic scar serum is 100% natural and contains on preservatives, sulphates, parabens, fillers or additives. It is safe for internal use and therefore safe with the increased absorption produced by skin needling. It can be used alone or to improve the effects of the derma roller Benefit today from the best quality natural scar serum available! For those interested in skin needling please also see the Scar reduction Pack.
 1. Medical College Of Georgia. (2003, April 25). Green Tea Linked To Skin Cell Rejuvenation. ScienceDaily. Retrieved May 25, 2016 
2. Klass, B. R., Branford, O. A., Grobbelaar, A. O. & Rolfe, K. J. (2009). The effect of epigallocatechin-3-gallate, a constituent of green tea, on transforming growth factor-beta1-stimulated wound contraction. Wound Repair Regen. Jan-Feb, 18(1), 80-88. 
3.Pajonk, F., Riedisser, A., Henke, M., McBride, W. H. & Fiebich, B. (2006). The effects of tea extracts on proin ammatory signalling. BMC Med. Dec 1,4,28.
4. Elmets, C. A., Singh, D., Tubesing, K., Matsui, M., Katiyar, S. & Mukhtar, H. (2001). Cutaneous photoprotection from ultraviolet injury by green tea polyphenols. J Am Acad Dermatol. Mar, 44(3), 425-432. 
Organic Scar Serum 25mL
•    Vegan Society approved
•    Made in the UK
•    Camellia sinensis oil – Green tea oil
•    Olibannum gummi - Ru Xiang (Frankincense)
•    Panax notoginseng - San Qi
•    Commiphora molmol - Mo Yao (myrrh)
•    Camellia sinensis leaf – White Tea
•    Carthimus tinctorius - Hong Hua (Safflower)
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virtualbluesky · 2 years
Brand Name: DCOVORPower Type: ElectricMaterial: Quartz tubeSize: 999999 FlashesModel Number: IPL EpilatorItem Type: EpilatorUse: BikiniUse: BodyUse: FaceUse: UnderarmVoltage: AC100-240V,50-60HZLevels of power: 1-8 levelsMain function: Hair removelWavelength: 500-1100mnFlashes: 999999 FlashesAddtional function: skin rej
999999 Flashes New Laser Epilator Permanent IPL Photoepilator Hair Removal depiladora Painless electric Epilator
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mangowall · 4 years
CNHL Ø50MM Heat Shrink Tube for Lipo Battery 1M / 3FT 3.37 INCH for RC Drone Specification:Brand name: CNHLItem name:  Heat Shrink TubeSize: 1m / 3ft 3.37inch Package Included:1 x Heat ...
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madisondotcomblog · 7 years
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Know Your Madisonian: Don Tubesing helps others carve a new life
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free--therapy · 3 years
Recognizing Unhealthy Balance Patterns
Adapted from Recognizing Unhealthy Patterns by Donald A Tubesing
A factor that is important for us to recognize when it comes to ensuring the balance of our overall health remains as such, is learning the ability to recognize our unhealthy balance patterns.
As we struggle to find that healthy balance pattern for ourselves, we need to pay attention to the underlying values, beliefs, and the inner critic's messages that guide us in making our choices. There are three unhealthy patterns that are most common and frequently keep us off balance:
We can get so caught up in our own self-care that sometimes we can become self-centered, preoccupied, and stubborn in our attachment to what we think is the "perfect" lifestyle that makes us feel good.
When we get hooked on taking care of ourselves in order to feel good about ourselves, we have little time or inclination for reaching out to others. The problem with this excessive attention to caring for ourselves is that it may end up taking too much energy and focus that there won't be much left for when it comes to building relationships with others, showing others compassion, or investing ourselves in meaningful work.
Opposite to self-absorption, there are some of us who can often prioritize the needs of others, so much so that we forget about ourselves. Our antennae are usually turned outwards towards others and whenever others are in need, we are prompted to respond.
Care giving is extremely fulfilling and rewarding, plus it also feels good to be recognized as caring, special, and loving. Helping others feels so satisfying that it can make us addicted to that experience and the sorts of sensitive, warm, and loving feelings we get from it. Unfortunately if we are caring so much for others, we often shortchange ourselves over the course of a period of time.
Getting hooked on helping others makes us neglect our own needs and can make turning off that need to help incredibly difficult. This can make us particularly vulnerable to stress exhaustion and when we spend so much time caring for other people without caring for ourselves, we can burn out. It'll then leave us feeling empty and bitter too.
Working is definitely an important aspect to participating in society. Accomplishments and successes can feed our confidence and allows us to contribute in a positive way to our world. Hard workers take their responsibilities seriously and are usually rewarded for their efforts with either praises, raises, promotions, etc. We live in a culture where productivity is admired and praised.
For some of us, working hard for success can become addictive. Our personal worth becomes dependent upon how much we can get done and how successful we become because the fear of failing is driving us. This can then lead to going from one success to the next because we need to keep feeding that addiction. Unfortunately adopting this kind of pace will only create a life full of distress.
By accelerating our tempo by trying to do more and more in less time, we are pushing ourselves to accumulate status or possessions, continually competing not only with others, but ourselves. This can create energetic, strong-willed, and independent people, however it will cause them to neglect their own personal lives. We end up being caught in our own self-made trap of attempting to hold everything together, and will eventually be faced with the question, "was it all worth it?" The stress of overworking can make us awaken to well-earned heart disease or ulcers, affairs, delinquent children, or maybe even being fired from the very job that we "sold" our lives to. It can make us victims of an enlarged sense of duty gone absolutely wrong.
Recognizing which unhealthy balance pattern we most associate with (it can be more than one too) helps us to begin to understand why we are feeling the way that we do and why it's not helping us in the long run. We can also see how by being more inclined to one pattern, we are neglecting other aspects of our lives that need to be rebalanced.
When it comes to problem solving, the first step is to identify the problem. By learning more about ourselves and where we may be lacking in our lives, we can begin to figure out which areas need working on, where we excel, and how to develop our weaknesses into strengths.
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