#ttte duke x smudger
Te's Narrow-Gauge Ships in a Nutshell
Skarloey x Neil (Neilloey):
Starcrossed lovers who decided to call themselves married the night before one of them disappears during the war. Skarloey and Neil had always been close, ever since Skarloey had arrived on Sodor. When WWI broke out, the two decided to be married, with their loving crews tying ropes around their buffers in an approximation of handfasting as Robert Sam officiated their ceremony. They promised each other that they would live through the war, but even though they both did, once the war ended, Neil's whereabouts were unknown. Luckily for both of them, Neil had ended up in the back of an abandoned warehouse, and through a series of connections, is unearthed in the modern day. He's taken by the SR, restored, and finally, FINALLY, Skarloey has his other half back, the only engine other than Rheneas he can be vulnerable around, the one who grounds him when he gets bouncy, the one who feeds into all of his schemes and jokes. Neil is grounding; easy-going; calm, kind, and collected; and just what Skarloey needs when he doesn't need to FIX the problem--just vent about it. Skarloey, for his part, is sprightly, energetic, insightful, and clever, and Neil always appreciates the joy that Skarloey brings to each and every day. His laughter colors Neil's entire world, and being back together gives them both a sense of rightness that they were both deeply missing.
Rheneas x Stepney (Rhenney):
Lovers who could never last. They met in the summer of 1962 when Stepney came to Sodor and Rheneas had gotten back from the works. Stepney had just been entered into preservation and was being paraded as a mascot; Rheneas had just returned to his railway after being overhauled. Both of them feel like fish out of water; for Rheneas, the last time the line was this nice was when it was new, almost 100 years ago, and he's never had permanent co-workers before. He's home, but... home is more crowded than he remembers. Stepney gets that; for Stepney, he's not used to being on such a short line. There's a sense of adjustment that they're both struggling to navigate, and with Stepney being on Sodor, the two of them finding another engine that they can deeply relate to in this way is incredibly meaningful. It's not hard to fall in love with the other, really; they mirror each other, a standard-gauge engine out of place among his fellows, a narrow-gauge engine feeling the same. The right place at the right time. But it could never last, could never be anything more than a sweet summer fling; Stepney can't stay, and Rheneas can't leave. But for that one sweet summer, they have found their other halves, and that summer will remain etched in their minds forever, captured only in the letters that their supportive drivers pen on their behalf. This is the relationship most likely to be queerplatonic versus romantic, but I do rather like the extra layer that the romance adds, particularly if Rheneas only realizes it's love while listening to his driver read Stepney's letters and hearing the adoration buried in between the lines.
Sir Handel x Peter Sam:
Wholesome lovers who are one specific flavor of the grumpy one loves the sunshine trope, but also have depth beyond that. These two are quite sweet together--even as they're teasing each other about their various upgrades, Sir Handel can also be vulnerable around Peter Sam and knows that he can trust him with his life. He can trust Peter Sam with his vulnerabilities and fears. If he's being serious, Peter Sam won't laugh or put him down. He'll just listen and support him. And for Peter Sam, he loves Sir Handel because despite Sir Handel's arrogance and ego getting in his way (even if it eases up later), Peter Sam can see the good in him. The pride that pushes him. The ability to admit and reflect on his mistakes. The willingness to learn from other engines, such as Skarloey. The desire to do well even when he claims he hates working (and frankly, I don't think he does; I do think that as the express engine of the Mid-Sodor, he's fearful of messing up at the beginning and lets his preconceptions about what he should be able to do override the reality of having to navigate a new railway, new coaches, and new coworkers, so because he doesn't want to fail, he claims he doesn't want to work). Peter Sam has seen him become a better engine over the course of their tenure at the Skarloey Railway, and he absolutely loves that about him.
Rusty x Duncan:
Another flavor of grumpy/sunshine, but different from Sir Handel and Peter Sam. Rusty is calm and kind and has a heart of gold, as well as a strong work ethic. Duncan, of course, is rude and brash and prickly. However, once Duncan overcomes his initial distrust of Rusty, I feel that they warm up to each other quite quickly. Rusty makes Duncan feel safe in a way that he's not quite used to, but can't get enough of. He's the odd one out on the Skarloey for multiple reasons, including his factory work and the fact that he's not from Sodor, but being around Rusty makes him think that such things don't really matter nearly as much as he'd thought. He can let his guard down around Rusty; with the little diesel, he can rest. As for Rusty, I think Duncan is their closest friend in a lot of ways. Skarloey and Rheneas have been running the railway by themselves for so long, and are mentor figures to all the younger engines on the railway (including these two). Sir Handel and Peter Sam knew each other long before coming to the SR. Thus, Rusty and Duncan are the two "new engines" on the block, and this brings them closer together. Rusty also loves how fiercely Duncan both loves and lives his life, and while he can certainly be grumpy, Rusty is the only one privileged enough to see his softer side.
Duke x Stanley (Smudger in the TVS):
Another doomed love, with the potential of a redemption arc. I have often imagined that Stanley's attitude toward carelessness and spills concealed worries of inadequacy, but the Mid-Sodor management decided to give a rather draconian punishment for his actions, and he ended up abandoned in a flooded mine. Stanley was remorseful after he lost his wheels and was turned into a pumping engine, and if able to be rescued, I can imagine him trying to repair his relationship with Duke, especially if Duke was initially against him for his apparent carelessness. However, after seeing the Mid-Sodor's punishment for him and seeing how his defiant personality softened into something more genuine and remorseful, Duke decided to try getting along with Stanley and would ask to be parked near the shed so that Stanley would be less alone. After a few years of late-night talks, they became incredibly close, with Duke appreciating Stanley as an equal rather than him being another granchuff like Sir Handel and Peter Sam. It was only after Stanley was put in the mine that Duke realized the extent of his feelings for the other engine, but by then, it was far too late. It was only thanks to fate's meddling that the two were reunited in the 1970s, with Stanley barely able to believe that Duke remembered him, much less petitioned the management of the SR to rescue him. Duke's granchuffs, of course, know full well how much of a stubborn bulldog Duke can be when it comes to not letting go of his loved ones, so really, this is par for the course. But either way, Stanley is mistrustful of the SR and everyone on it at first, butting heads with some of the more fiery personalities, but once it becomes clear that the SR really is as much of a found family as they seem, he finds himself being dragged along by their pace until he feels right at home. What Duke loves about Stanley is that he brings out Duke's less elegant side. With Stanley, he can laugh loudly and let loose in a way that he's not comfortable doing in front of most others. He takes great pride in his knowledge of etiquette and elegance, to the point that it can be hard to bond with others when they want to be more casual, but with Stanley, it feels easy. He's seen the real Stanley, beneath all the bluster, and finds that this is an engine that he can truly be comfortable around. For Stanley, Duke is his confidante, his closest friend, the one who always cared about him even when he was at his worst. He didn't see Stanley's punishment and think that he deserved it; he saw Stanley's punishment and was compassionate instead.
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ask-sentient-vehicles · 4 months
Who do the narrow gauge engines think is best pony?
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(I kinda hate scrolling through MLP on the internet cuz the fandom's horrible -_-)
so many tags wth
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steam-beasts · 1 year
Hello and welcome to my Tumblr page!
My name is Steam and I am a 17 yr old TTTE fan! I don't do commissions unfortunately, but I DO answer any questions that you may wanna ask about my TTTE au and fanfic rewrites I may be doing (currently TATMR). Just a heads up that I am a slow drawer and writer, so please don't instantly expect me to do things in a week.
Inspiring TTTE tumblr blogs that I know
Check out these guys! They do wonderful art so please consider giving their blogs a visit as well!
Favourite TTTE characters
The entire Steam Team
Donald + Douglas
Logging locos (don't judge me, AAA–)
Diesel 10
Rex, Mike, Bert
Fanfics I'm currently working on;
Thomas and the Magic Railroad;
Favourite Ships 😏
None, I'm a multishipper lol
But..i mainly do Thomas x Lady, Donald x Duck, Edward x Emily, James x Molly, Toby x Henrietta, Percy x Rosie, Douglas x Oliver, Luke x Millie, Gordon x Rebecca, Henry x Nia
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sodor-spirit · 2 years
Alright, soo... Duncan x Rusty is a thing in your AU ❤️. Are there any other NG relationships going on? Crushes count too, and unrequited as well. Just curious. (Also while Thomas x Oliver doesn't count for this, I still love the dynamic you gave them like... Aaaahhhh❤️)
Besides Duncan and Rusty in a committed relationship; Bertram/Smudger has a crush on Duke who often gets annoyed when the former calls him ‘Dukie’ but also blushes quite a bit when he’s around the other spirit. 🧡💛
Sir Handel and Peter Sam on the other hand, aren’t exactly thrilled that their cool and weird mentor is trying to get with their strict, rigid mentor and father figure. And…dunno if this really counts; there was a time in the early 1900s that Skarloey was in secret relationship with his original driver until the latter retired and left the railway. (But like I said: I don’t know if it actually counts, since Skarloey’s original driver is an oc instead of a Narrow Gauge and he’s already dead from old age.) ❤️💔
Plus, thanks for saying that you like the dynamic between Thomas and Oliver share with each other. They didn’t get together immediately on the dot, despite Thomas being the first one to develop feelings, instead they both got to know each other better by hanging out, getting to know each other’s interests and getting comfortable to the point, they’re able to talk to each other about anything. It took an adventure which involved the Mainland and being hunted by Frankie and Hurricane that they finally got the courage to kiss and confess. 💙💚
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greendreamer · 4 years
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Traintober Day 25 - Wartime
Rumour has it, during the early 1940s local vampire, Duke, had had a workplace romance with one of his fellow workers.
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defencebeetle · 3 years
So, a while ago I ran across a fan made movie poster for a "The Adventure Begins" style TTTE special based on the Narrow Gauge engines.
And then, yesterday, my brain randomly decided to summon it back into remembrance and refuse to put it down till I wrote up a concept for how this could work.
Warning, it's long.
(and not well written, I might come back to fix it later)
A "The Adventure Begins" style TTTE special centering on the Narrow Gauge engines, particularly Sir Handel and Peter Sam. The movie will use the "Duke the Lost Engine" as bookends for the film, while filling in the middle section with various Railway Series (and 2 famous/infamous TTTE original) stories.
The way I've written this out, it can be viewed as a sort of coming-of-age film for Stuart and Falcon.
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Stuart/Peter Sam
Falcon/Sir Handel
Thin Controller/Mr. Percival
Duke of Sodor
Ms. Jenny
Brief introduction as Stuart and Falcon learn they have been bought by the MSR.
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Act I:
Introduction of Peter Sam and Sir Handel to Skarloey and Rheneas.
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Sir Handel begins his bastardization arc, actively shaping himself into what he fancies is a combination of Skarloey and Gordon, but really only taking on their worst traits. Meanwhile, Peter Sam is just plain busy, while occasionally getting into minor scrapes.
Possible stories here:
Sir Handel
Peter Sam and the Refreshment Lady
Special Funnel
Old Faithful
Act II:
(Imply the passage of time)
The SKR is doing better and with all its engines back is looking forward to considerable expansion. They plan to open more branches to their tourism lines. These plans are put on hold however, when nearby mines (once part of the MSR) are found to still be quite rich in [mineral].
Duncan and Rusty are brought on (Duncan for extra roadwork, Rusty for rail restoration and maintenance).
Restoration of the mines begins. An interplay of "Rusty and the Boulder" and "Duncan gets Spooked" plays out.
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Rusty is worried about safety in some of the mining areas (he knows what he's talking about, he's done similar work before).
A soft re-opening of the mines is set as a celebration for when the Duke of Sodor will visit in [X] months.
Peter Sam and Sir Handel are delighted to be back to part of the MSR (I assume they never visited this part of the line, they didn't run this far out, and the mines were closed several years before the MSR as a whole).
Some incidents happen, Duncan showboats. Peter Sam and Sir Handel decide to pay him out.
They get a ghost story off Skarloey (it doesn't have to be the exact same one as in "Duncan gets Spooked", but if it can fit all the better), modify it as if they knew the engine and it happened on the MSR.
They play the prank on Duncan, while he's at the mine alone, he swears other stuff happens (bolder face scare, falling rocks, cracking ground) that simultaneously acts as set dressing and foreshadowing.
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The prank plays out as usual.
Construction continues, the Duke's arrival draws near.
The boulder incident occurs, shutting down the mine project.
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Sir Handel has a character moment and is one of the engines to buoy up Mr. Percival in the aftermath, suggesting that they go back to building the loop line. All the engines gather together, and are determined to make the most of the situation.
What they have salvaged from the mines helps balance out some debts. Other assets from the project are ripped back to use on the completion of the tourism line.
Everyone pitches in. (Everyone pitches into big project trope/mandate fulfilled).
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They run a few promotional trains and then have the celebration with the Duke opening the line. Everyone's happy. Everyone should be happy, but Peter Sam is not. Being back on a part of the MSR, failing to restore it, and thinking about loss has brought back his worries for Duke.
Peter Sam makes the awkward interruption of the speech, asking if he's the real Duke and why he hasn't asked about his engine. The Duke is obviously confused.
Queue the Bittersweet Act 4.
The movie takes a sad turn. Eventually, rail enthusiasts, including the clergyman band together and launch the expedition to find Duke.
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In the RWS, the Arlesdale Railway is used to get back to the old MSR. In the version, I propose that Peter Sam and Sir Handel get to take the expedition back through the mine pathway and further into the hills.
Queue an expedition montage. Sir Handel and Peter Sam get back to the old line, cutting to some flashbacks of back when they ran on the rails and the rails were new.
Bonus: if we can slip the Bulldog story (even a reference) into the story before, have a flashback of the incident--just for a second--as Sir Handel goes through the same tunnel.
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I originally didn't want any diegetic musical numbers in this. But as I though of this scene, I thought of a little ditty for them to sing during the travel montage, hitting the final note as they pulled into the main yard where the sheds used to be.
They make it back to the yard, and can't seem to locate the shed (everything is overgrown after all). The search party splits up and begins searching.
This scene has similar feeling to those sad fake-out deaths shoehorned into the end of all sorts of movies (which I am sick and tired of but I think those emotions work here).
Triumph over bad guy = Pulling into the old MSR yard.
Oh no, main character has passed out, I think they're dead, moment of silence. = Realizing that the shed is nowhere to be seen.
Eyes crack open. Main Character lets out a wheezy "...farfanaludingus...?" Everyone celebrates the miraculous recovery. = The Fat Clergyman falls into the shed and we hear Duke's voice. "Excuse me... Are you a vandal?".
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They bring Duke back to the SKR.
The movie cuts out as they pull back to the return journey.
Maybe some mid or post-credit sequences of Dukes repairs and such, or interactions with the SKR fleet.
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greendreamer · 4 years
Traintober Day 3- Memories
Welp, it turns out that I’m not just doing art for these prompts after all. I felt that this prompt would work a little better in fanfic form. Fantasy!AU, implied DukeXSmudger.
— — — — — — — — — — — — 
Golden light seeped through the leaves above, a slow breeze danced in between the tree, there was a crunch to each step. The old forest brought back so many memories for the old vampire.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
“Hey, Dukie! This looks like a good spot.” It had been nearly dusk by the time they had set out to the forest. They had agreed on a night truths and debunking myths.
"Hold on youngin!", Duke trailed behind. Arms full of sticks and branches, which soon clattered onto the grassy ground.
"Are you sure this will be alright?" Smudger inquired as he helped Duke to set up the campfire.
"Of course, the tourists do this time" the vampire added, " Don't worry, we won't get caught."
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
It wasn't long before they had a bright fire going, sparks danced into the dark sky. Night had not long appeared. Stars twinkled in the sky, a bright contrast to the darkness around them. The human and vampire sat in silence, neither one knowing what to say.
Smudger was the one who broke the cold silence. "If you're a vampire then... how come have I never seen you get burned? I mean you're a vampire, vampires usually get burned by sunlight, and you're always working during the day!".
Duke chuckled, "Well, some do, but just like how there are different types of dogs, there are different types of vampires, in the case of my kind we not weak towards sunlight, yeah we have our own weakness, but they are not severe."
Smudger nodded. "So, do you still need to drink blood?"
"Well," Duke grinned, flashing his flangs, which how somehow didn't intimidate Smudger, unlike before, "I usually do, but it's not necessary, actually I don't mind a lot of human food." Duck side with a wink.
Did Duke just flirt with me? Smudger thought surprised, cheeks heating up.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
They continued to chat way into the night. Sharing stories, telling tall tales and generally having a good time. Eventually falling asleep against the glow of the campfire.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Duke smiled, reminiscing on the memories. He sighed as he wiped a tear from his face.
"Hey, Grandpuff, where have you got to?" came Peter Sam's voice as he skipped into view. "Falcon won't stop complaining". Another voice sounded, but it was too far away for Duke to work out what they were saying.
"Don't worry youngins. I'm on my way, I was just thinking about the glory days".
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greendreamer · 4 years
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Traintober Day 12 - Lonely
With Smudger gone and Bertram given to a better home, there was nothing left for Duke. Soon he was packing up the rest of his life.
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greendreamer · 4 years
Is 2020 the year I reunite Duke and Smudger? We'll have to wait and see.
After all this year, so far, has had a lot of moments that make you go "wait, what year it is?".
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greendreamer · 6 years
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So recently there has been a slightly tend in the fandom of people showing their ships. So here is mine. Although these are the only the ones that I have gotten a design for both of them or are canon in my fantasy!AU. Not including any from the extended part of the AU.
DukeXSmudger “Passage of time” - A human and a vampire brought together by a potion. What started out as a curiosity, became a fascination, then soon friendship and finally love. However, that soon came to an end. All because of a bite and a potion. In the drawing Duke is finding out the full effects of the potion (yes. Smudger is pregnant, much to Duke surprise and happiness).
ThomasXRyan - This pairing may not have a shipping name. Mainly down to the fact I don’t really have a story for them. But that doesn’t bother me. They have a long distance relationship. This 
DieselXDerek “Unusual Love” -  What started out as a one-night stand and guilt ended up as a shapeshifter and a half-demon raising their son. Of course along the way they learn more about each other. Although the topic of love is complicated for them.
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