angelplummie · 2 years
the trials and tribulations of falling in love with an unstoppable slut
CHAPTER ONE : the break up
beta readers: @justallmybnhabrainrot @loveexxdovee
masterlist next (coming soon)
cw: f!reader, bf undermining, slut bakugou, shitty bf izuku, sexual vibes, lowercase cuz i think it looks better and it’s just easier to read
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you are sick. sick and tired. he brings you to a party where you know no one, and then totally ditches you for his ‘girl best friend’. bullshit. you know they hooked up freshman year, and you’re not dumb enough to actually think that was the only time. now you’re stuck looking like a loser, sat on a bean bag in the corner of a room where everyone else is having fun. you angrily take a sip of your vodka and something, and cringe at the taste of it. this drink is shit, everything is shit.
and it would be one thing if this was the first time he’s made u feel inferior, but this is getting ridiculous. like the other day, when he came into the room and hugged her first, then you. or when he totally ignored you when you were with his friends. or how weird he gets when you want to wear heels, because he’s only an inch taller than you and cannot cope with being even a little shorter than you. oh yeah, or that time his girl best friend sat on his lap right in front of you, which he insisted was completely normal. sometimes you think he does this kind of thing to ‘keep you in check’, treat ‘em mean keep ‘em keen or something like that. but maybe he just really doesn’t care. he’s always like “aw baby, you know i love you” “baby don’t be weird about this ok? you’re overreacting” “baby would i lie to you?” you just want him to shut up. baby this, baby that. his excuses sound rehearsed. he never calls you baby that much normally. he’s always ignoring you, looking at other girls, talking to them like he’s not taken. he just doesn’t care, that’s it. you always care more. why do you always care more. you finish your drink, and slump back miserably.
and you tried to look so pretty tonight too!! you wore your favourite dress, and did your makeup real pretty, and paid extra attention to your hair. all izuku did was say “nice” and stare at your tits. it didn’t even feel like he was your boyfriend, just some guy you were hooking up with that could do as he pleased, but you couldn’t. whatever.
you scan the room, sweaty people dancing to drum and bass, either too fast and too slow. you were far too sober for this, everyone just looked stupid. you spotted izuku and his girl best friend, and unconsciously scowled. apparently she was being hilarious, because he was laughing hysterically. couldn’t have been that funny, you think. then he bent over to whisper something in her ear, and you look away.
you laugh, but it’s more of an indignant disbelieving scoff. either way, you are so over this. it’s not that you don’t have feelings for izuku, but you’re so done with his games, the way he strings you along. maybe you’ll get into an argument with him on the way home, maybe tomorrow morning. you know you have to break it off soon, but you’ll just have to grin and bear it for the night though.
or that’s what you thought, because something has suddenly caught your attention. or rather, someone.
vivid red eyes lock onto you, and you recognise him immediately. bakugou katsuki.
bakugou is famous on campus, basically a man of legend. he’s a senior, the year above izuku and two years above you. he’s incredibly smart, having the highest grades in all his classes, but what he’s really famous for sleeping with about half of the school population. boys, girls, he didn’t mind. as long as you were pretty, he’d have you.
of course he’s drop dead gorgeous too. his cool blonde hair is longish and fluffy looking, like an almost-mullet, unkemptly perfect and framing his face beautifully. you imagine he spent hours curating his sexy bedhead look. his face is angular and yet soft, he smoulders perfectly. he’s kinda got this bad boy thing going on too, he smokes, tobacco and pot, and he’s got 9 piercings. a septum, a stud on his left eyebrows, 2 on each ear. but most notably, his belly button, with a little pink jewel on the end, and his nipples, you can see the metal poking through his white, tight cropped muscle tee. you’d feel guilty for noticing if bakugou’s whole thing wasn’t being noticed.
he’s also kinda a bad boy because you’ve heard he can be a little rude, particularly to men, but he sleeps with them too, so maybe guys like that kind of thing and it’s a tactic. or maybe it just happens when you sleep with like a hundred guys girlfriends.
his body isn’t skinny, not by any stretch of the word, but he isn’t enormously bulky and overwhelming. he’s built, but there’s a sort of lankiness to him, his arms being big but not too big, thighs thick but not too thick. he was muscular and pretty, that was it. he’s muscular in a shapely way, tiny waist and nice, strong yet pretty shoulders. and he is tall as hell, the kind of tall that made girls freak the fuck out. taller than you by maybe 8, or even 9 inches.
it was strange, by nature he’s intimidating, and yet there was an approachability to his build, a lean confidence and welcoming. he’s the type of person that you wouldn’t ever approach, but if he approached you, you would do anything to keep him talking. he is.. so fine.
and he is fixated on you. you don’t know this, but he’s been watching you all night. watched you try to talk to your boyfriends friends, watched you give up and flounce on the bean bag. he had watched you seethe for as long as 30 minutes before he caught your eye, a first for him he must admit. he usually got peoples attention much faster, but he saw you were different right away.
he has been studying you for a while now, and he knows he wants you. he likes your face, pretty lips in a slight permanent downturn, big doe eyes framed by striking eyebrows. he likes how pretty you’ve done your makeup and how much he’d like to ruin it. he likes your waist, and how your stomach pouches in your skin tight dress. he likes your hips, and how your thighs look thicker because you’re sat. he likes how you keep having to look down ditzily to make sure your titties aren’t falling out that tiny, tiny dress. he likes your tits too, how he can see you’re not wearing a bra, how he can see them jiggle with the tiniest of movements. he likes that you chose to wear such a small dress, he wonders if you wore it to get your boyfriends attention. he wonders what perfume you’re wearing, or if it’s a body spray. he thinks about what shampoo you use and how it would smell.
he likes that youre boyfriend isn’t being right to you, that you’re pissed off. hot girls like you usually get nasty when they’re angry, and he would die to see that come from you. everything you do turns him on, something about you is pulling him to you. you’re so fucking hot and he can’t help but watch your poor sweet face stare into nowhere. he wanted you to look at him, but he knows a guy like him has to make the first move, so he waited.
suddenly, you feel awkward. like you’re sat weird, like your legs are too long and sprawling, like your face is resting in a weird way. you wish you had your lip gloss, your lips don’t feel like they look their optimum, an unforgivable sin. your throat dries up as you stare at each other and you feel a flutter in your stomach. as soon as you make eye contact, he gives you a small smile, a friendly yet overwhelmingly hot smile, and takes a swig of his beer, never moving his eyes from yours.
to be honest, people like him made you insecure. it was nothing he did, you had never spoken to him. just his existence stressed you out. maybe it was because he was so unabashedly sexual, so ready in pursuit of who he wanted, that it made you want to keep your distance. because what if you were around him and he didn’t pursue you? could your ego take that kind of hit? you weren’t sure. oh, and you stayed away from him because you have a boyfriend. whatever.
for a split second you forget izuku, and imagine talking to bakugou and flirting with him and wooing him with your imaginary and immaculate social skills and be a cool girl that he would fuck and brag about it to his friends. that was probably the best you could hope for anyway, but it was something. something where you don’t feel totally useless, unwanted. but you do remember izuku, and you remember who you are and how likely it is that bakugou would sleep with you, and you are the one to look away, of course, darting your eyes off to nothing in particular. you didn’t want him to think you thought he was checking you out, in case he really wasn’t and you looked self obsessed or something. alright, that was that. you were just going to be pissed off for the rest of the night and think about breaking up with izuku, knowing you don’t have the balls to actually-
“can i sit?” a deep raspy voice asks you from above, and you crane your neck. holy shit it’s him, it’s him, it’s him, it’s him. he’s even taller now he’s stood above you, and you feel a shudder run down your spine.
“yeah, sure,” you breathe. there’s no way he heard you over the booming music, but you shift on the bean bag to make room for him, so he sits down. his thigh grazes yours and neither of you move, and you feel a little jolt of surprise when there’s a heart beat in your p- when you feel something.
“what’s your name?”
and you tell him, quietly again, but he seems to hear it, muttering something about ‘nice name’
settling in the bean bag, he sighs.
“and i’m bakugou. so,” he says,”what’s got a girl like you, dressed like that, lookin’ so down?”
he peaks down at you from the corner of his eye, watching your chest heave slightly, your eyes widen. man, the things he would do to you.
your heart thumps in your temple, and you feel a burst of euphoria. a girl like you? dressed like that? like what? what does he mean? does that mean he thinks you’re pretty? does that mean he wants you? should you let him? oh for fuck sake, you forgot about your stupid boyfriend. why does he have to ruin everything?
“it’s-it’s nothing it’s just…” you say, louder now, leaning into him so he could hear you better. the bare skin of your arm presses up against the bare skin of his, and he’s humiliated when his c- he twitched.
“don’t like the music? the people? weird smell?”
you sniff out a laugh. you can’t believe bakugou katsuki is actually talking to you. and he’s like, interested. bizarre.
“just stupid boyfriend problems.”
music to his ears. you were too pretty, too cute and too alone to pass up. he was having you, and he was having you tonight.
“ah,” he said understandingly, and the bass in his voice and the proximity make you falter inside.
his voice had a nice boyish rasp to it, making him terrifyingly hot and relatable at the same time.
“tale as old as time. what’s he done?”
bakugou seems to be trying to make himself less intimidating for you, and it’s working. you throw back the rest of your stupid cocktail, and you close your eyes.
“man, i don’t know. he’s just stupid.”
your head tilts back until it hits the wall and you sigh. bakugou follows the curve of your neck with his eyes and swallows.
“like, ok, he brings me to this party,” you trust in his interest in you enough that you can complain, just for a little, and he’ll still talk to you,”and i don’t know, like, anyone, apart from his,” you sigh exaggeratedly,”adorable little best friend, but like not well enough to talk to her.”
you’re rambling, but bakugou just listens, intently too. poor, poor girl. silly little boyfriend, doesn’t know what he’s got.
“and he just-just leaves me. like all alone for like ages, and fucking- and obviously he’s talking to her all night. he always does shit like this.”
“hm,” he hums disapprovingly, “who is this boyfriend anyway?”
you straighten up, and lean to the side to try and find him, making the bean bag crunch with your movement.
“there,“ you gesture over to where izuku is sat, yucking it up with bitch face.
“oh my god,” bakugou snorts, “izuku midoriya is your boyfriend?”
“yeah, you know him?”
“well, he’s in my bio class.”
bakugou takes biology?
“and to be honest, i think he’s a fucking loser.”
you snap your head to look at him scornfully, but you waver. he is kinda a loser, now that you think of it. he only hangs out with his other nerd friends, and the only cool friend he has is the stupid girl best friend that invited you to this shitty party. man this sucks, you have a boyfriend when bakugou katsuki is trying to get in your pants, and he thinks he’s a loser.
“really?” you say weakly.
“i mean, no offence,” he laughs raspily, putting his arm behind you head. he thought you wouldn’t notice, but you did, “but he’s… i mean he’s a suck up, and a try hard, and he sounds like a dick if I’m hearin’ you correctly.”
his eyes flit to your face, gauging your reaction to him insulting your boyfriend. a faint, embarrassed smile is on your face. good.
“well… i guess he is a loser.”
bakugou shifted so his torso was facing you. you looked gorgeous in the dim, coloured LED lights.
“what about me? you think i’m a loser?” he said, mischievous glint in his eye.
bakugou was different than to what you heard. he was intimidating, but people made him out to be like… a mean horny machine. he seemed horny, but not mean. maybe that just came from when he was wilder, you’d heard stuff about him from highschool. fist fights, suspensions, drugs, shit like that. but he was older now, he had to have calmed down. he was different to what you imagined, he was better.
and still, you were sickeningly nervous. you laughed anxiously, giving yourself time to think of something to say. it was funny to have the most well known guy at the school ask you, you, the girl that’s been to 4 parties for the two years she’s been at college, if you thought he was a loser.
“i don’t know if i have any authority on that to be honest, bakugou,” you giggle, and your face feels red hot.
his stomach flipped when you used his name, and his sultry eyes fluttered involuntarily. your shy flirtiness is having an affect on him, he doesn’t meet a lot of people like you at parties like this. or in general.
“well, what’s that supposed to mean?” he adjusts the chain round his neck as he speaks, reminding you of his huge hands.
“it means,” you say, a smile irremovable from your face, ”that i would be a hypocrite if i called anyone a loser, let alone you.”
“let alone me? you heard about me then?”
you steal a glance at him, he seems quietly pleased about this, relief.
“it’s hard not to.”
“so what do you think of me then? do i live up to the rumours you heard?”
“no,” you say softly,”you’re not as scary.”
your eyes meet once again, and bakugou gives you a smug smile.
“and do you think i’m as pretty as they said?”
your cheeks heat and you break the eye contact.
“i mean, yeah,” you said, giggly lilt to your voice.
when you turn back, bakugou’s face is closer.
“prettier than midoriya?”
you laugh, for the umpteenth time tonight, and bite your lip nervously. yes, you think. but can you really say that?
“you can be honest with me,” he says after you don’t answer for a little while,”i won’t tell him.”
you pause, and nod dumbly.
“is that so? well, from the sounds of it your loser boyfriend doesn’t know how to treat a girl like you. isn’t that right?”
you blink at him, eyes widening. you’re so cute, he just wants to eat you up. and out, but that’s not his point.
“so no?”
you sigh, and straighten up.
“no, not really.“
“and, you think i’m prettier than him?”
you gulp, not daring to look away.
“yes,” you breathe. you should feel guilt but you don’t, you just don’t. he scoots closer.
“i think you’re pretty too.”
his eyes glide all over you, shamelessly staring at your chest. you’ve never been more thankful for not wearing a bra, you swear to god.
“you do?”
“the prettiest,” he purrs, eyes going back to your face,”too pretty to put up with some lame ass boyfriend.”
your pussy skips a beat, and it’s electrifying when his hands touch your skin. he cups your face now, drawing closer and closer.
“do you need me to show you how he should be treating you?”
your brow furrows as you process what he means, but it clicks after a few milliseconds. oh, he wants to fuck you. his confidence never wavers, he just stares you dead in the eyes and waits.
oh my god oh my god oh my god.
right, ok, right, so.. you want bakugou. you want him bad. more than you’ve wanted izuku for a long time. but, you’re still technically with izuku. you’re so done with him, but you can’t give in before at least mentioning him, or you’ll look like a horrible person.
gently, you take bakugou’s hands and pry them off your face with little resistance. you let go off them and look down, so as not to get distracted by his face.
“I, well- ok, so, don’t get me wrong-“
but he takes your chin between his long fingers, forcing you to look again. bakugous smile makes you falter.
“you’re worried about your little boyfriend aren’t you?”
you nod.
“do you think he’s worried about you?”
and tilts your head to where izuku and girl best friend are fucking grinding to the shitty music. a stone drops in your gut, and you can feel your hand gripping the coarse material of the bean bag.
“you’re fucking kidding…” you murmur, but bakugou turns you back to look at him.
“i wish i was,” absolutely not, he’s ridiculously happy this happened,”but it’s true. he gets to have fun, why don’t you?”
you’re fucking raging, you can’t lie. your eyebrows tilt angrily and you think, alright, that’s it. you’re fucking this man whether it’s right or wrong. you’re so so over izuku and all his stupid drama and gaslighting and you’re so horny for this blonde man whore, you don’t even care what happens.
you were going to break up with him soon anyway, this just makes it ten times easier for you to move on.
“alright, alright. just- uh, gimme a second.”
you huff and pull your phone out from where it was wedged between your thigh and the bean bag, and shakily try to find izukus contact. you’re not drunk, but it’s enough that your motor skills are hindered. bakugou watches you clumsily look for your boyfriend on your phone, a stupid grin on his face.
you find it, and type:
i’m breakibg up w u. soz
and send.
bakugou peaks over your shoulder to see what you’re doing, and he barks out a laugh. he gets closer to you, tucking you under his arm, and he leans down so his soft lips graze the lobe of you ear, and you feel a heat down between your thighs.
“you’re funny,” you know he could feel that little shudder that ran down your whole body, but his attention was to intoxicating to care,”now we’re both single, what do you wanna do?”
at this point, you’re too angry to be nervous, you just want him to touch you hard and you want him to let you touch him hard. you swallow, mind racing. the rush from breaking up with izuku, and the light buzz of your cocktail, and being graced with the intrigue of a hot, hot man is euphoric, you feel like you could do anything. anger and liquid courage push your mind into action. it’s time to be brave, you think. make a move. instead of letting him kiss your neck or feel you up, or whatever his plan is, you get up on your knees and throw one across his thick thighs, straddling him. your arms hang around his neck loosely, and you can feel how soft his longish hair is. maybe he doesn’t use product, maybe his hair is just perfect. maybe he’s perfect. immediately, his big hands find your waist, the little dip just above where your love handles swell out. you sit yourself so you’re eye level with him, glaring and smouldering into his face. your pussy is right on him, only separated by your panties, but they’re just flimsy white lace.
he smiles at you again, a warm genuine smile. it is a bit of a horny smile, but he can’t help that. the thought that you broke up with your boyfriend to have him, that your doing this with your now-ex just across the room, it drives him wild. he grips you tighter to him, pulling your hips closer. he cautiously presses his lips against the junction between your jaw and your neck, keeping his eyes on your face, your pretty little face. well, so much for being brave. at least you’re on his lap.
oh, he can feel something. a little bu-bum bu-bum, right where you’re sitting on him. he laughs to himself, and you don’t dare ask what he finds so funny, too lost in the physical affection. now that you think about it, when’s the last time izuku did this kinda thing? when did he touch you just to feel you, just to make you wet? even when you were just starting out? he only ever touched you when he was fucking you, or was immediately about to fuck you. now that you realise how nice it feels just to be touched, you realise how much you’ve missed it, how much you’ve craved it.
you feel small in his lap, and it’s not often you get to feel small. like, little and malleable and precious. not like with izuku, no. he seemed insistent on reminding you how similar you were in height, how you were basically a man because of how tall you were. but with bakugou, you really felt like he could do what he liked with you, make you feel little, even think you’re little. you wonder if he was even conscious that you were taller than a lot of girls, if he enjoyed the aesthetic. he seemed to be enjoying your aesthetic at least, and that gave you another rush of dopamine.
slowly, bakugou leaves a trail of kisses down your throat, and then back up on the other side. you make little gasping noises when he does especially wet ones, and his hands slide down and up slowly, keeping you completely focused on him. your fingers do something similar, sliding into his hair and then back down to his neck, until you’ve both set a natural rhythm, and subconsciously started grinding on each other.
to your dismay, you’re a little bit noisy, you keep feeling his thick thighs press up against your clit ever so lightly, and you can’t help but moan and grip his hair slightly. it’s all music to bakugous ears though, and he can feel the heart beat getting harder, so he grinds up on you to, keeping you down with his large hands. when bakugou finishes peppering you with his spit, he brings his face up and kisses your cute, open little mouth, slipping tongue in right away. you moan, surprised, and he hums, satisfied, tasting your watermelon lip gloss, tracing the softness in your mouth with his tongue. you kiss back almost immediately, savouring every second of his touch. your head moves in sequence with his, kissing deeper and deeper. you always seemed to be the one tilting back, he keeps moving forward, into you like he was gonna swallow you and whole. maybe you’d let him. you kiss good, he notices, gentle but desperate, like you’re too scared to ask for more, but refuse to pull away. but trust, he’ll give you more.
it’s all going very nicely, until you hear an indistinct shout from behind you and sense someone coming behind you. you pull away, and bakugou follows you until he can’t anymore and a trail of spit connects your lips.
“what?” he asks, but your head is turned, so he just goes back to kissing your neck.
you’re not so care free, as a pissed looking izuku pushes through the crowd to get to you. for christ sake, why hasn’t he fucked off to shag his little bestie yet? did he not get your text? did he get your text and that’s why he’s come over? so boring.
“oh jesus christ,” you breathe, turning back to bakugou,”we need to go, like right now.”
you hop up off him, and immediately he yearns for you to touch him again. he gets up too, as if by a magnetic pull that draws him to you. you grab your phone again from the bean bag and pop back up anxiously.
“my ex-boyfriend found me,” and you roll your eyes.
he nods in understanding, making a little ‘yikes’ face, and takes your hand. he leads you away from the bean bag and to a door that you hadn’t noticed before. his hand was warm and big, and it held yours tightly. he pulled you through the door, into a fluorescent light lit dorm hallway. the shouting and the party noises dim, until all you can hear distinctly is bakugou’s soft breathing, and the thump of your own heart.
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angelplummie · 2 years
the trials and tribulations of falling in love with an unstoppable slut : TAGLIST
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