#tsubasa chronicle scenario
completeoveranalysis · 8 months
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skayafair · 2 months
Theseus' Ship/Swampman, the original and the copy
Wolf 359 brought my attention back to this philosophical problem and I realized I've already answered this for myself, but with another podcast and with very specific circumstances (so I don't mean the whole thought experiment in general).
If the being in front of you looks like person A, talks like person A, remembers everything person A remembered, feels the same - but you know person A is dead and this is a perfect replica of them, is there a difference?
Wolf 359 leads to a "no" - doesn't say so, mind you, but leads nonetheless. With all Lovelace's "I try to be her", with all the double crew when no one could tell a replica from the original, least of all them themselves. Technically, there really is very little difference.
In Syntax (SPOILERS UP UNTIL EPISODE 44!) there is a theory that Cassius died and the one we hear in the beginning of the episodes is a shifter - that's why they don't remember a lot of things. But the personality imprint is there, so how much differencee can it be?
I understood it with clarity when the thought occurred - there's ALL the difference. Because I've got really attached to these characters, and the very possibility that the Cass we knew all along died hurt. Even if their replica could have been "brought back" (it works differently but can be used this way either I guess), the fact would still remain. Cassius would still be dead, their experience would be over, and very painfully and hopelessly so. A copy can be 100% accurate - but the copy didn't die. It's a new, different being entirely, memories or no memories. It's hard for me to articulate why exactly, to ground this in logic, but the feelings say this loud and clear: it's not the same.
The whole personality/"soul" transfer into a new body (let's take this random scenario) is a different thing though. It's the same existence in a different vessel. Even if the memories are lost, it's still the same existence that can change into a new personality, but the "life line" doesn't get interrupted. (Like John Doe in Malevolent had been the King in Yellow until he remembered it and decided he didn't want to anymore, although the "transfer" is very debatable here).
I guess the main difference can be felt from the inside, not outside.
Ok, but what if the OG and the Copy get to live simulteniously and both have all the memories and are exactly the same, like in Wolf 359? This is a very interesting scenario - a very excruciating one, too. I believe it would be the best for them to try and go separate paths - physically, live as far away from each other as possible. Otherwise it's easy to slip into the "evil twin" scenario like in The Sheridan Tapes with the Echo my beloved. If you feel like a certain person or became like them in every aspect, it's only natural to want to live their life, because it's your life, too, isn't it? So much hatred and bitterness and general misery can come out of this if you're denied it. Hello Sync from Tales of the Abyss! he had many other vary valid reasons tho, but this one too
So it's on both the OG and the Clone to decide what they're going to do, and they have to be VERY mature about it if they both want to live. Both will most likely have to give up something, change some other things. It's a cruel scenario, but I believe even it can become a happier one with enough effort and kindness.
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ryuichirou · 9 months
It’s been a while! Being productive at the end of the year is truly one of the most difficult things in the world… But here are some replies~
simplydlightfuldestiny asked:
Whenever I look at the shroud brothers or specifically Idia, I kept thinking: I wonder if he would be hooked of angelique layer?
It's an old series made by CLAMP (card captor sakura, tsubasa chronicles, etc..)
But basically it's a battle of figurines that's linked to your mind and teamwork. I think he may have gotten inspired by it when he first made ortho.
You know, I also wonder what kind of anime Idia used to like as a kid and which ones he likes now. He seems to enjoy the “cute girls doing random things” genre, but he’s also definitely a man of culture that has a lot of favourite titles of all kinds of genre. He definitely would like something from CLAMP.
I haven’t seen Angelique Layer, but BATTLE OF FIGURINES!! That’s fun.
Maybe he did get inspired by it to some degree (he absolutely got inspired by anime, let’s be honest), but I can also imagine Idia realising the similarities later, maybe when he rewatches it together with Ortho.
Anonymous asked:
What would be one example of Azul and Idia being affectionate with one another
What are you talking about, Anon? They're always affectionate.... 🥹
But I’ll answer your question properly as well!
It’s very difficult to catch these two being affectionate with one another due to their condition (“being allergic to being emotionally open and vulnerable”), these instances are quite rare, but also completely depend on Azul’s mood. Idia just prefers not to do anything; the most thing you’d get from him is that sometimes he won’t tease Azul for being affectionate. Sometimes he might even kiss him back or push his cheek against Azul’s in a surprisingly cute way. But for that to work they need to be alone and frankly to shut the fuck up. And once again, Azul needs not to feel bitchy and pissy that day.
But also, these two are the most passionate for each other when they do something together and it works. Especially Azul. If something that he and Idia have been working on works exactly how they’d planned it, he’ll get so overjoyed that he’ll hug and kiss Idia, scaring the shit out of him…
Anonymous asked:
Do you think if Jamil died then Kalim would turn out like Prince Soma in Black Butler? Go from happy to angry-despair?
I honestly believe that Kalim would overblot if something happened to Jamil. I say it every time we’re getting asked about Kalim’s possible overblot (which I find almost impossible, unless something happens to Jamil lol).
But if he is defeated and calmed down, it’d definitely affect his disposition for quite some time. A lot of it also depends on just how Jamil died in this scenario… But even if there is a culprit, I feel like Kalim would be more sad than angry.
Which doesn’t mean that he won’t brutally punish the culprit (which really goes against his morals, so it’d be extra painful), and also doesn’t mean that his mental state won’t progressively get worse and worse. Maybe he’ll become apathetic, maybe he’ll become even more self-indulgent, but deep inside he’ll mourn Jamil forever.
Anonymous asked:
Any thoughts on Ruggie x Idia?
“Oh Ruggie deserved it” was my first thought lol please give him all the S.T.Y.X. money. Azul would have to fight the hyena boy yet again!!
But in all honesty, that vignette where Ruggie saw Idia stalking Jack during the PE class and didn’t tell on him was quite nice. Even though it was for Ruggie’s own benefit, I like how he prefers to build connections instead of immediately trying to blackmail Idia for some perks.
+ I really like the fact that Ruggie seemed to be aware that Idia Shroud is _that_ Shroud, while the rest of the cast seemingly either didn’t think much about Idia at all or believed that he just happens to have the same last name as that rich and powerful family. It just shows who really pays attention lol
In general, even though they really don’t have all that much in common, at the same time both of them have this pragmatic side and “mind your own business” side, so I think they could get along or at least have interesting interactions. One thing that they definitely would have a conflict about is the fact that Idia clutters his place with merch and stuff, and Ruggie absolutely wouldn’t understand the idea of collecting useless items (we’ve seen this conflict during their Glorious Masquerade interactions)… So there is a lot of “food” for this ship if you think about it.
So yeah, we’re not deeply into them, but we definitely aren’t opposed to them as a ship.
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I think the first series to have ever introduced me to the concept of multiverses was Tsubasa Chronicles: three guys and one girl traverse different dimensions to gather feathers that contained a piece of the girl’s memories.
And yes, I am imagining the Pines in a similar scenario despite the differences: the Pines promote familial/sibling love while in Tsubasa Chronicles, the girl and one of the guys love each other romantically and there is so much gay undertones between the other two guys, you can choke on it.
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dreamy-selkie · 7 months
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Finally got around to do a little character inspiration I've seen time to time for MTaS!Nerida; in order (from left-down to right-down):
Celica (Fire Emblem Echoes)
Like Celica, Nerida is kind and gentle but at the same time held their emotions back for various reasons; they both even had lost their mother (Celica) and father (Nerida) at a young age with little or no memories of them. Also I headcanoned Nerida's voice claim to be Celica's VA, Erica Lindbeck, but shhh
Yuna (Final Fantasy X)
Loyal, polite, and see the good in people, but while Nerida isn't devote to the teaching of Church of Light, like how Yuna is to Yevon, she took some of its teachings to heart and like Yuna Nerida's faith in the Church of Light would be shaken when certain events in the story happen. And at the end Nerida would find her spark once again similar to Yuna's new lease on life in X-2.
Annie / Protagonist (Story of Seasons)
Both Nerida and Annie moved to a new town thanks to the flyer that are in need of builders and farmers respectively.
Lydia Carlton (Hakushaku to Yousei / Earl and Fairy)
Probably the one with the most inspiration; Both would not hesitate to help those in need, independent, and suffer from self-esteem issues. Nerida and Lydia both have experienced heart-breaking scenarios where it made them afraid to fall in love, the former experienced rejection from her long-time crush and the latter was given a love letter by someone that did it on a dare.
And of course, the two would end up getting engaged / wedded to their male love interest with blond hair and different occupations.
Sakura (Tsubasa Chronicles)
Sakura and Nerida's smile has been compared to the sun and light respectively, although they also let their emotions bet the best of them despite their optimistic front. Nerida, like Sakura, would also garner strong attachments to the people of Sandrock- especially Ernest.
Hinata Hyuga (Naruto series)
Who doesn't like an underdog story? While Nerida isn't shy like Hinata, her injury stopped her from becoming a civil corps member thus having no faith in herself (like how Hinata's lack on confrontation stopped her from becoming an heiress). When both Nerida and Hinata joined Sandrock's Civil Corps and Team 8 respectively their whole view shifts and began to change for the better- gaining that fighting spark that was extinguished.
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novelmonger · 2 months
For the Random Asks Game: 3, 4, 8-10, 12, 14, 20, 22, and 23, please?
Wheeeee, lots of questions! 8D
3. traveling by train or by plane?
Train, if at all possible. I've been in far too many planes for my taste, and trains tend to be more comfortable. You don't even have to wear a seatbelt! It stays level, it's reasonably safe because it's not like there's tons of chaotic traffic every which-way, and depending on the train, there might even be a dining car! Sleeping in a train isn't much better than trying to sleep in a plane, even if you get a sleeper car, but pretty much everything else is superior other than the travel time.
4. have a scenario: you have to break someone out of prison, and you are allowed a squad of four people. they can be real or fictional. who are you picking?
Hmm...Yelena Belova, Victor Sullivan, Eilonwy, and Edward Elric. Because they all have experience related to getting someone out of prison, and because I think it would be hilarious to see them all interacting XD Eilonwy and Ed would be bickering the whole time, Sully would keep trying to hit on Yelena, and she would be the one reminding them all they have a job to do, while throwing plenty of shade herself.
8. themes and/or character dynamics in media that you are a sucker for?
BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS. But you know this already! Brothers who are also best friends, best friends who are basically brothers, brothers who would die for each other, especially when they say something along the lines of "we're all we've got..." ooof, I'm gone! x.x
I'm also a sucker for father-son relationships, and older brother-younger sister relationships, which for some reason are much rarer to see.
9. favorite ship? doesn’t have to be specific, could just be favorite kind of water/spacecraft.
I have zero opinions about water/spacecraft, sorry.
But for characters, my OTP is and has always been Royai <3
10. name a song with impeccable vibes.
(Okay, just to narrow it down, I'm going to have to go with the classical definition of "song" as one with words. That...doesn't narrow it down terribly well, but whatever.)
Ohhhh, there are so many to pick from, but one that just popped into my head and made me gasp just to think about it is "Kaze no Machi he" from Tsubasa Chronicle. When the music picks up around 2:30 and the other voices join in...chills. Every time.
12. favorite book sequel?
As I said with movie sequels, the best book sequels are the ones that I like even better than the first installment. And there are several of those I can think of, but one that comes to mind is Castle in the Air by Diana Wynne Jones. Everybody talks about Howl's Moving Castle, and rightly so; it's amazing. But my favorite is the second book, not least because it does such a good job of capturing that Middle Eastern, Arabian Nights/Aladdin feel that I so love.
14. describe your current dream house.
I'd want the outside to be blue or brick. Bonus if there's ivy or other vines climbing up. Pretty flowers, maybe some fruit trees, outside. There will be mourning doves roosting in the trees. Preferably a tower room, or at least a window seat. The inside will have interesting colors on the walls, not just white or that drab neutral beige/tan everybody paints new houses these days. There won't be any major issues with plumbing or mold or vermin. I'd have my own room with purple walls, and there would also be a wood-paneled library with floor-to-ceiling bookcases, maybe with those sliding ladders even? Comfy chairs and a chaise lounge for reading, and one bookcase doubles as a door to a secret room - either for the extra-special library, or maybe that's where the video games would be. The other thing I would love would be for the house to not be...regular, exactly. There would be all these steps going up and down and weird little hallways, so you never know quite how far off the ground you are at any given time unless you look out a window. (Basically, if you've ever read a description of Bleak House, I want a modernized version of that.)
20. if you had to pick a country to live in outside of your own, which would it be?
There's a range of countries I feel reasonably confident I could learn to live in without too much trouble if I had enough of a reason to move there. There's all the English-speaking countries, of course, like Canada, England, Australia, New Zealand.... I also feel like I could live in [redacted country I grew up in], Belgium, or Japan. There would be a bigger adjustment, and again I'd want to have, like...a job in place ahead of time before moving there, and the culture shock would probably be more severe, but I think I could do it.
But if I have to pick just one? Canada, where I will be getting a house to live with @rainintheevening - at least until she meets her cowboy in shining armor truck :D
22. favorite ice cream flavor?
Bride's Cake. The only brand I know that has it is Blue Bell, and they don't always have it in the stores, so I always pounce on it when I do see it. It's vanilla ice cream with chunks of white cake, and it all has this angelfood flavoring that elevates it even beyond the various chocolate flavors I like.
23. say you are taking a trip to the zoo, which exhibit do you visit first?
Realistically, I start with whatever's closest. But I always like watching the primates. I don't believe that we're descended from apes, but it's easy to see why some people do, because monkeys look so much like people, a little to the left.
Random Ask Game
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ellayuki · 1 year
we're all made of glitter and nightmares (and baby, we thrive)
Tsubasa Chronicle Month 2023
- Day 10: KuroFai
"Hah," Kurogane laughs, incredulous amusement filling his chest (alongside a sense of curiosity that he pushes down and away because there’s just no way). "As if those skinny twigs you call arms could actually lift me up, mage. They’d snap in two if you even so much as tried."
Fai lifts an eyebrow at that. Takes a pointed sip from his saké cup. (Tomoyo muffles her giggles against her sleeve on his other side, though Kurogane ignores her.) 
"Is that so?" he says, too flat to be an actual question. Something in the back of Kurogane’s mind starts screeching loudly, something like a warning alarm, but he ignores that, too. 
Yes, the mage is strong, in more ways than Kurogane can count. 
But Kurogane has a full head in height over him, and more muscle weighing him down than Fai's nimble, wiry figure, so there’s no way he’s able to comfortably lift him without use of his vampiric strength (and that’s gone as far as they know) (unless the mage is keeping things from him again, though Kurogane doubts it. They're past that now). "Absolutely."
Fai looks at him, eyebrow still raised. "Alright," he says, and the smile on his face takes on a sharp edge. (The alarm in the back of Kurogane's head grows louder, more urgent). "If I can princess-carry you out of this room, Kurorin has to do as I say without complaint for an entire week. Sounds fair?"
Kurogane snorts, still confident in his assessment.
From the side, Tomoyo pipes up with a delicate, if pointed clearing of her throat. "And if Fai-san cannot? A bet should go both ways, afterall." 
Fai shrugs, smile going a touch softer as his eyes turn to her. "Then I do what Kurorin says without complaint for a week."
Tomoyo nods. "Fair enough."
"Since that's settled," Kurogane says with a roll of his eyes. Trust the damn mage and the damn princess to discuss this like some sort of treaty, instead of the random, pointless bet of the month it is. 
Before he can say anything more, Fai moves. 
And Kurogane's world tilts sharply.
Because they haven't even stood up.
No, Fai just. Shifted his weight, reached over and dead-lifted Kurogane like he weighs absolutely nothing. Kurogane's hands reach for the lapels of Fai's kimono before Kurogane can even process what's happening, in an unconscious bid not to fall over. 
But Fai's arms are steady around him, Fai's legs are steady under them as he stands bearing Kurogane's full weight and taking a step forward, and then another. And then continues to walk straight for the door. (He did day he would carry Kurogane out of the room. He seems like he'll carry him all the way across Shirasagi Castle to their rooms, fuck, okay.)
Tomoyo muffles a giggled "oh, my,", and Kurogane knows that the entire royal court will know this by morning. Fuck.
(And if his body reacts to the display of strength on the mage's part, and if his mind starts supplying all sorts of… scenarios in which to make use of this strength… 
Well, Kurogane's not going to volunteer that information.)
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faydingrain · 2 years
Flung into a new world away from his brother, Subaru finds himself at the other end of a deadly barrel. Owen and Ruby find him in their hideout, not nearly convinced he isn't bad news. Perhaps the two can make a truce—they're both looking for people after all. But in a world where strange fungal infections reign, Subaru will soon discover threats far worse than being in the sights of two paranoid survivors. Kamui once faced an apocalyptic scenario alone; maybe it's Subaru's turn to struggle through a world where life borders extinction. Zombies and survivor drama ensues.
Guess who posted her cringe fanfic starring the vampy twins?
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thecrazyanimegirl · 6 years
Could you write a prequel to the Tsubasa Chronicle scenario with Syaoran x shy & short! dancing (Princess Tomoyo's sister) S/O, about how they met as children when Syaoran and his father first came to their kingdom? From Reader's POV? Please?
I stood still for a moment, trying to remember the moves
I’ve been taught, positioning my legs for a better stance. I remembered the
melody I like the most, playing it over in my head, moving my feet and body in
rhythm. For a while I managed to follow the steps, following the notes
perfectly. I love this feeling the most, when I dance I almost feel like my
feet don’t touch the floor. I let myself get lost in the music as I swirled.
Round and round, the room was spinning around me.
But when I tried to release myself from the spin and
continue the dance, my feet didn’t’ seem to want to stop, they stumbled and
made me lose balance.
“Not again”, I sigh. Why
does this always happen?
“Are you okay?” a voice asks me.
I jumped startled and trip again, this time falling towards
a boy I have never seen before.
This is super embarrassing. First he sees me failing
miserably in dancing and now I’m throwing myself at him!
“Watch out”, he moves quickly and I’m back on my feet
without even realizing it. What just happened?
“Are you a ninja?” I ask looking at him to see if he is
suspicious, but even still I’m blushing from the embarrassment.
Who is he? Not everyone is allowed in the palace and I don’t
know him. I don’t think he means any harm, but I can’t let my guard down. I am
princess after all.
“Yes. I just came to this kingdom with my father”, he pauses
to eye me. “Are you the princess?”
“You probably mean my sister. I’m the younger princess”, I’m
feeling a bit self-conscious when he is looking at me.
“I was looking for you”, he gives me a half smile. Does he
not smile completely?
“For me? Not my sister?” his words are confusing. Why would
he look for me?
“Yes, I was given a task of protecting you.”
He was what?
“Are you sure?” I ask slowly.
“Yes. I was told to come here and meet the princess I’m
supposed to protect. They told me I would know it’s you when I see you
“It was more of falling on the nose trying to dance. For
some reason I can’t control my magic”, I can feel my cheeks turning warm from
the memory.
“It was still beautiful”, his eyes are sincere. For some
reason I feel like I can trust him.
“How could it be beautiful?”
“Because you looked like you were really happy dancing like
that”, he smiles at me. This time his smile is a bit bigger then the last one.
“And I’m sure you could control your magic once you train enough.”
I never thought someone’s words could bring me such happiness.
He is stranger and yet here I am almost crying.
“Thank you…” I pause realizing I don’t know his name.
“Syaoran”, he offers me his name.
“Thank you, Syaoran, and I’m looking forward working with
you”, I give him a big smile.
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keykidpilipili · 3 years
I wish KH did FF references more like FF14 does, like the implications of GOD Kefka being a (most definitely sentient) heartless and freaking comedy relief Gilgamesh being one as well! You can’t just throw that out there and do nothing with it!
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yukikathesnowflower · 3 years
Masterlist [Updated on 28.05.2024]
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<Banner pics source from: YuumiYorin@pinterest>
All right reserved ©yukikathesnowflower
This should be kept only within Tumblr and Ao3
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The magician and the moon princess [Updated on 27.01.2022]
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GENSHIN IMPACT [Updated on 28.05.2024]
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completeoveranalysis · 11 months
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HUGE FAN of Fujitaka’s expression in the first page here. That shocked stare! THAT HARSH EXPRESSION. Mentally cutting this picture out and sticking it my little scrap book. Love this for him. 
But also the elaboration he gives that makes it clear that the pool is somewhat sentient? And just continued the ritual because it just really likes Sakura? And that the water is like ACTIVELY CHOOSING to let the ritual happen each time? Water-san is an actual character and I instantly love them. Just letting Sakura get away with things because they like Sakura so much? The most relatable. Wouldn’t we all?
I ALSO find it somewhat hilarious that the rules are something like “no-one else in the world can go into the ruins during the ritual” but because Lava Lamp technically isn’t someone in the world he can just kind of do it. 
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Even more points for Fujitaka being an active and responsible adult and saying “Um actually you’re like 6 or 7 I can’t let a child go into a dangerous situation”. WILD that this stands out to me as an unusual thing in fiction. We love a trustworthy responsible father figure!
Though of course Lava Lamp interrupts to say that he’s absolutely going anyway. He is a Syaoran after all.
(Is this the thing that ruins things? Is it the fact that he’s there, or was it going to happen either way?)
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kuromokochan · 4 years
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Tsubasa Chronicle Month - Day 19 - Video Game
When you only have one switch and you have to share your island with the whole family.
Team Raymond? Team Pietro? Were you able to collect all the cherry blossom recipes? Do you have a resource hoarder? 
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mizukixtsukiyomi · 7 years
I really loved that cute Clow Princess! Kagome and Syaoran (Tsubasa Chronicle) scenario where Kagome is Syaoran's long-time childhood friend and crush. Could you write a sequel to the scenario, where Syaoran and Kagome suddenly finds the Clow Cards book (instead of Kagome losing her memories)?
Hmm, I had real trouble with this one. Mainly because well, the Clow Cards in Tsubasa is a tricky thing to add, but I hope it is still enjoyable.
“Kagome-hime…we are not supposed to be here.” Watching as book after book was piled over others in the nearby tables, Syaoran sighed as he took the time to observe their surroundings. Never in a million years did he think he would get the chance to enter the royal sacred library.
“Don’t worry.” Kagome whispered as she tried to look for the books Syaoran needed. “I have authority, too.”
Although that was true, it did not change the fact Sesshomaru or the other high level authority demons and monks could come in and kick him out. He had no permission to enter the purified forest, but that still did not mean Kagome could bring him here. Noticing the many books on demons being placed on the table, Syaoran raised a brow at a red book with gold details around it.
Grabbing it in his hands, he stared at what looked to be a griffin but with the head of the lion still attached rather than the eagle. Syaoran raised a brow upon eyeing the small lock at the end.
“What did you find?” Kagome asked. Having not heard his objections in a while, she was curious if something had caught his attention. As she made his way towards him, Kagome’s eyes narrowed slightly upon seeing the small gold aura pulsing around the book in Syaoran’s hands. “What is that?”
“Huh?” Syaoran looked up. “Oh, you put on top of the other books; the cover interested me.”
Slowly, Kagome came to grab the book out of his hands. “I sense a weird aura around it.”
“Aura?” He blinked back. He was aware of Kagome’s spiritual abilities, but her skill was detecting abnormal auras that were not necessarily human, like demons. His eyes lowered back to the book to see the miko trying to open the lock. “Maybe a key is needed, Kagome-hime.”
Kagome pouted as she glared at the red book. There was definitely something fishy about the book. “Hmm…let me try something.”
“Try what?” Syaoran questioned. “Wait, if it requires a certain key, maybe we aren’t supposed to open it, Kagome-hime-!”
“Well, they know better than to lock things from my curiosity.” Kagome smirked. Deciding not to listen to the archeologist, she cautiously placed her palm over the lock. If demonic aura surrounded the lock, then maybe her reiki could purify it.
It was worth a shot.
Syaoran’s shoulder dropped knowing he had lost the debate. He knew better than to fight her curiosities. His eyes landed on the small pink glow coming off her palm to surround the lock. No matter how many times she demonstrated her skill, he was always amazed by it. If anything, it awed him to see such a beautiful light coming from a human.
There was a reason she was kept safe inside in the palace; demons wanted what the jewel had given her.
A small click broke him off his inner thoughts.
“Oh…,” Kagome blinked before turning her head to him, “it worked.”
Carefully opening the book, Kagome’s interest died the second she saw nothing but long red cards with the same gold symbols from the front. “Cards?” She questioned. “That’s it?”
As Kagome grabbed one of the cards, Syaoran took the book as it was being handed to him. “I guess they are a special treasure if they were locked…”
“I guess.” Kagome shrugged. Turning the card, the miko’s lips parted slightly at the beautiful female creature painted like a goddess. Her eyes dropped to the words below, “The Windy…?”
Immediately, a gold glow erupted from below her feet; Syaoran took a step back the second the glow blinded him. Dropping the book, Syaoran’s eyes squinted to get the clearest view of the glow. “K-Kagome-hime!”
Kagome’s eyes slowly widened as an image of different worlds and demons resembling those of the card she held appeared in her head.
“Kagome-hime!” Syaoran shouted again, reaching out to pull her away from the circle forming below her feet. A sudden explosion of the cards caught their attention to see them flying and disappearing through the ceiling and walls of the library.
“T-That cards!” Kagome took a step forward only to notice a small creature emerging from the cover of the book. “W-What the…”
They were in big trouble.
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oooo here’s a prompt for ya! how about high-energy shouta?
i have no idea where this is coming from but yes i will update shouta's guide eventually i promise *sobs uncontrollably* *gets a papercut from my tsubasa chronicle manga*
(PS i think someone else must have reblogged a prompt thingy?? because i don't think i have)
high energy shouta is the kind of person who would steal all your cats for himself in a high energy heist kind of scenario. he employs izuku as the long range lookout with blackwhip for defence and all might as their sniper and mirio as the clean up crew cause we all know mirio is an arsonist and can get rid of the evidence. anyway shouta comes down your fireplace but he isn't leaving presents he's stealing presents he's the grinch but for cat owners
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crescentmoonrider · 5 years
Fics I sorta want to write, sorta don’t want to, probably never will (a non-exhaustive list)
Of the inequality of palindromes
What it is : A canon divergence in which Noatak and Tarrlok leave together, build the Equalists much earlier, and the world once more descends into war. Avatar Aang is killed, Equalists occupy most of Earth Kingdom and spread the mercy of the Spirits-sent brothers who will make all equal, and a young Korra is raised behind the walls of the Northern Water Tribe. Also Jet is here, somehow, and would probably be one of the PoV characters, maybe along with Tarrlok ?
Why I want to write it : Lots of potential here for a lot of stuff, I’ve always loved Tarrlok and Noatak’s story, I already made a few sketches after the inciting dream and I kind of like what this all looks like. Lots of situations, lots of characters, lots of trauma. I feel like it could work with a non-chronological storytelling - or at least less chronological than A viper-lizard’s tales - and I’m curious to see how I would go about structuring that.
Why I don’t want to : The Timeline Is Fucked !!! I seriously have no idea what would be going on with the dates and ages of most characters and just trying to figure out and make sense of that stuff is killing me. Also, it would be Long, and Viper-lizard will probably have exhausted me by the time I finish it, so starting another long fic would be. HHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Ace Attorney
I will fill your thermos with Worcester sauce or so help me
What it is : A canon divergence in which bratty prosecutor Miles Edgeworth and Diego “I think I am a good person but I’m barely there” Armando somehow join forces to take down Dahlia. They’re both douchebags who despise each other. It’s a great collaboration. They meet one young and innocent Phoenix Wright at the legal library and it’s all downhill from there.
Why I want to write it : Douchebag duo !! Reluctantly working together !! I want these two to interact and to barely resist kicking each other in the shins like the little brats they are. And well, I’ve already made Content(TM) for this, so I’d say it speaks to how much I like the idea. There is a scenario somewhere in my mind and in the sketches I did.
Why I don’t want to : I’m barely in this fandom anymore (if I ever really was) and I don’t like research. What the fuck is a legalese and do I need to know it to write about lawyers ? Whatever the answer may be, I’ll have to look shit up, and it will take time, and I’ll get distracted, and the fic will never write itself.
Hannibal (NBC)
Ode au pêcheur (long ver.)
What it is : A role-reversal AU, in which Hannibal is not a cannibal but still a psychiatrist, and Will is a teacher and profiler with a, uh, taste for uncommon meats. They still meet during the Shrike case, which is what the current Ode au pêcheur is about, and this would be the following events.
Why I want to write it : For one, I already wrote a short piece for this verse, so jot that down. But also I want to explore the change in dynamics, and also Hannibal being completely fucked up but in a different way. And writing Will as this kind of mysterious and fascinating being through Hannibal’s eyes... yeah, that’d be good.
Why I don’t want to : I spent hours reading the scripts, deciding what I would and would not keep, how to phrase it, for a 878 words standalone. I do Not want to know what I’d do with a long fic.
Six Sibylline Books (oracles willfully blind)
What it is : A Psycho Pass AU, with Will as an Enforcer specializing in profiling, having been declared a Latent Criminal since he was 6, because of his high empathy. He lives in fear of the day his Coefficient will reach 300. Hannibal is, of course, criminally asymptomatic, and working as a therapist for the government.
Why I want to write it : Let’s be honest, these two in the Sibyl System would be a fucking mess, and I for one am here for it. Mostly I want to see Will struggle with his place in this world, and watch what his Becoming would be like. Hannibal as a worse version of Makishima who just does shit for fun is terrible too, I love it. He probably wouldn’t even try to do a revolution and pretend to help people, the asshole.
Why I don’t want to : I Would Die. Two very complicated shows with literary references and philosophy mixed in just about every sentence, and a very well-rounded world as the setting ? Instant death. Or a very slow one, induced by the constant need to reference every little detail.
Kekkai Sensen
Fallen Hellsalem
What it is : A noir AU in which Daniel Law is a hardboiled detective who has been looking for answers regarding the disappearance of his younger twin brother for the past three years. A two-parters (by which I mean, two fics of consequent length, or a Huge fic with two very long main arcs), with the first case introducing the world through Steven A Starphase being accused of murder and needing Daniel’s help to find the real culprit. Turns out he didn’t do This murder but is also a crime lord involved in the disappearance of many other people, reigniting Daniel’s quest for answers. The second case is actually much more focused on the actual investigation surrounding Marcus’ disappearance, with Daniel gaining an apprentice in the person of Leonardo Watch, and learning to let go of the past a little.
Why I want to write it : I made a 5 page comic of the very first scene in 20 days. I just really like the noir aesthetics, and also Daniel. I have something resembling the beginning of an actual plot. I love Daniel. Did I mention I love Daniel ? It would be very interesting to have to actually think things in advance and build a case that makes sense.
Why I don’t want to : It would be so much work !! Two parts ?? Two fics for one story ? Or even just a Mega Fic - I would just fucking die. Also, while having to figure out how to build a case that makes sense is a fine challenge, it’s also a Lot of work, especially when I’m more the type of writer to figure stuff out as it comes, or to plan for Big Emotional moments and then turn the plot around it so that it all works organically. I’m not really a planner of plots, more of scenes. Plots kinda just happen. And that doesn’t fly for detective stories if you want it to be decent.
Psycho Pass
The blind Sibylla (long ver.)
What it is : A canon divergence directly following the events of The blind Sibylla (in which Akane shot Makishima during episode 11). Makishima didn’t die but is injured, still somehow escapes ; meanwhile Akane is kind of scouted by Sibyl because she shot a guy with the intention to kill him and her Crime Coefficient didn’t rise, and she considers the offer. Kogami gets a phone call that leaves him sick to his stomach, and he too has to make a choice.
Why I want to write it : I mean, I already wrote two short chapters on impulse, so it’s more of “why I want to continue it”. Anyway the answer is that I’ve got ideas and I want to see where they go. Also if I can get Kagari and Choe Gu Sung to stay alive that would be swell.
Why I don’t want to : Psycho Pass Is Complicated. The worldbuilding is on point, but that also means fucking it up is incredibly easy. Also the literary references. It would be a lot more work than I am used to putting into my writing and I really don’t feel like memorizing the wiki and constantly rewatching the series just to get everything as accurate as possible.
The illusion of love and the reality of hate
What it is : A TYL 186918 story about Hibari and Mukuro navigating their hate-relationship and trying to make it work. Especially after Mukuro was thought to have been killed by Byakuran. Would involve Mukuro asking Ryohei for advice because he is literally the only person in a stable relationship who has any idea what he’s doing, and also he knows what Hibari is like. A contract is drafted. I’m not saying Mukuro and Hibari get hate-married but. They get hate-married. Kind of.
Why I want to write it : I’ve wanted to explore a full-blown, healthy blackrom for a while now, and these two are one of my oldest ships, and also one I’ve written a lot for in the past. Love me a good mix of fucked up shit and humor. And boy would there be fucked up shit between these two.
Why I don’t want to : Two words : Sex Scenes. I can’t imagine this story (or this relationship, for that matter) without sex, as it would be one of the most primal way they have of communicating with each other, along with fighting. But I’ve never written smut in my life. Also I barely remember the TYL arc (better than the later ones, but not by much) so I’d have to look that up again, and probably more (likely re-reading the whole thing), but that’s a minor issue.
Red Raven
Cave Canem
What it is : An early canon divergence in which Ricardo gets lost in the panic of the five days of blood and is believed to be dead, while Walter meets Calogero at Castor Arte and decides to follow him around out of a mutual hatred of the Scaggs. Anyway Ricardo joins the Red Ravens because he believes he was abandoned and can’t trust the mafia anymore, while Walter more or less gets adopted by Calogero and becomes Laura’s right hand.
Why I want to write it : I just. I love this manga so goddamn much,,,,,,, Also Walter and Ricardo are very similar while being pretty different, and the changes in dynamics a switch would make are. Pretty darn interesting. I made sketches. I want to see what would stay the same and what would go differently. I want to send more Red Raven content into this world.
Why I don’t want to : This fandom is comprised of three people and a crow, and I know myself well enough to be certain I’ll have trouble staying motivated in these conditions. Also this would be Long, I can feel it. And I don’t really have a scenario planned, so that’s that.
Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle
Snow blossoms
What it is : A canon divergence (?) in which Fai (the dead one, not our Fye) is a dream-walker and meets child Kurogane a few times this way. At one point, Kurogane promises to find Fai and Yui and to help them, no matter what. Later, the then grown Kurogane is eternally confused by Fye’s presence for one more reason.
Why I want to write it : It’s an old headcanon of mine that Fai is a dream-walker, I figured I might as well do something with it. Also I want to write this kid !! Give him some life !! And of course the KuroFye angst might just triple from this. Also, the truth is that I started this one (in January 2018...), and it looks promising. I already have a structure for the first arc, so that’s neat.
Why I don’t want to : For one, it would be Long, and as mentioned earlier in this post, I don’t think I’d have the strength to go through this again. For two, TRC is a cool story that I like a lot, but I hardly think about it anymore most of the time.
Whispers under my skin
What it is : A canon divergence in which Cedric (still in his kind librarian skin) seduces Matt as a way to get to Will, and it backfires horribly when he realizes he is loved by this human and Phobos will never love him like that, and he will never get what he really wants. So at the final battle in Meridian, instead of going full Super Saiyan Lizard, he betrays Phobos. He gets badly injured, but he also gains a half-freedom as thanks from Kandrakar, in the way of a human life (plus some minor magic if the girls allow him to) and a duty to help the Guardians in their mission.
Why I want to write it : Like many of my dream-inspired things, it is very weird, and for once I think it’s a very good thing. Yes I had a dream in which Matt and Cedric had A Thing, no don’t ask me how that happened I don’t control my brain. Anyway, I’ve always liked Cedric and I want to explore his character, and the dynamics he could form with the girls in such different circumstances. Also, I’d get to play around with the magic system, which is very cool.
Why I don’t want to : I re-read my w.i.t.c.h. comics maybe once every two years, and while some of them still make me cry (why did you have to die you filthy lizard man), it’s probably not enough of a basis to start a Long Fic. Also it would be Long and I am tired. And ! I don’t have nearly enough references at home and that means I’d have to look shit up, and the wiki is Not Great, from what I’ve seen.
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