#tsubame oh tsubame what are you going to do
Magical Girl Tsubame: I will (not) save the world! ends next week
What will I do without them. One chapter left and still no idea how the end is going to be. The world won't be saved, we've known that from the start, but.. how
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scryarchives · 8 months
𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬 - 𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐢 𝐲𝐮𝐮𝐣𝐢
after an interview, yuuji can't help the bubbling feeling in his chest.
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my masterlist | vogue collab masterlist !
✭ pairings: itadori yuuji x oc actor! au
✭ warning: pining. fluff. actor au.
✭ word count: 2.9k words
disclaimer: i’m not of japanese descent and am unfamiliar with japanese honorifics, etc. feel free to correct me!
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Blinding lights and interviews. Those were the two words Itadori Yuuji thought of whenever he considered his life as an actor. He smiled, sitting on a couch with his three fellow cast members, Fushiguro Megumi, Shu Tsubame and Kugisaki Nobara as the former answered yet another interview question with ease.
Yuuji smiled at every question tossed in his co-star’s way, laughing along when Nobara responded with a silly or funny face at an intrusive question.
He couldn't resist his smile as he sat next to one of his closest friends, Tsubame, as she let out a bubbly laugh along with Nobara in response to a question he zoned out on.
“Itadori Yuuji, you have been picked for the role of the main lead for the popular manga-turned-anime ‘Jujutsu Kaisen’. What are your thoughts on the show so far?” The interviewer leaned closer in curiosity.
The pink-haired teen snapped out of his daze before he hummed in thought, answering with ease with a small laugh escaping his lips, “Well, we did just finish season one, and it was fun but the script really was something. Lots of tears on my part, but I can’t say more than that since I’m not exactly allowed to disclose what’s happened in the plot.”
Megumi nodded in agreement, the interviewer smiling as she pulled out the next question, a wide smile ever-present on her face.
“How do you think each of your characters contrasts with your real personalities?" She asked quickly, her mic in her hands. “And what would the difference be?”
The four teens looked at each other, deciding amongst themselves who would go first, Nobara taking the mic as she began to speak, Tsubame and Yuuji grinning at each other as they did a little rock-paper-scissors match to determine which among the two would go right after Megumi.
Seeing that Tsubame won – Yuuji secretly let her win, but he would never admit to that – the youngest of the four smiled widely as Megumi passed her the mic. Yuuji rested his chin in the palm of his hand, his elbow resting on the armrest of the couch as he watched her speak excitedly.
He zoned out halfway, more interested in her little mannerisms, like the little fidgets of her fingers when she stuttered a little, and in an instant, his hand reached out to hers, rubbing soothing circles on the back of her hand to soothe her nerves.
Tsubame looked lost in thought for a minute before squeezing Yuuji’s hand a little, sending butterflies through his stomach, “I think for me, what I admired most about my character is how different we are, but we both have the same ideals where we would do anything for our family. It’s just that the way we process situations is different if that makes sense – and I admire the way she’s set on achieving her goals, in other words, her motivation.”
The interviewer nodded, making small noises of agreement as she listened, “That’s interesting, now I’ve got to ask, you’ve mentioned how different your character is from your entire personality, what exactly do you mean by that?”
“I wouldn’t say we’re super similar,” Tsubame laughs shyly. “But my character’s more closed off, definitely more guarded than me. Oh, and she’s super stoic but I feel like I’m… I’m more…”
“Bubbly?” Yuuji smiled, finishing her sentence as she nodded with a giggle.
“Yes! Exactly, I’m so much more bubbly than her so it was tough having to keep a straight face on set for long takes.”
“She couldn’t stop smiling, you know?” The pink-haired teen beside her grinned. “And she kept playing Taylor Swift’s ‘New Romantics’ on loop while dancing around on set.”
Tsubame giggles again, Megumi and Nobara smiling over at their young friend who they saw as a little sibling. Megumi laughed a little, “And we had non-stop karaoke sessions off-set, so that was fun.”
“Anyway Yuuji, what do you think was different between you and your character’s personality?” Tsubame hummed in question as the four teens grinned at the memories.
Tsubame gently handed the mic to Yuuji as he hummed in thought at the interviewer’s question, “What differences were there between my role and I? I’d say that he’s a little more hyper than I am, so it’s like I have to boost my energy up just a little bit more to keep up with him. It’s always fun because just being with everyone is enough to excite me.”
His three other friends smiled up at him widely, the four of them glad that they had such a close bond, Nobara laughing as she pointed at Yuuji playfully.
“You’re such a softie, Itadori!” Nobara laughed, leaning over Megumi to lightly punch Yuuji’s arm.
Seeing this, the interviewer grinned, “It seems like you all are close, why don't you describe your off-screen relationships with each other, considering that you all are one friend group in both the show and real life?"
The four of them looked at each other before Yuuji began, “Megumi and I just sort of instantly clicked in a sense? Like he’s my best friend, and I’d trust him with my life. Nobara’s like a ridiculous, but sassy older sister, and Tsubame’s just a really, really sweet person overall.”
“Aw,” Tsubame smiles, squeezing Yuuji’s hand tighter in a comforting manner. “Yuuji’s super sweet too, he’s selling himself short, everybody knows him as the sunshine boy.”
“You both certainly have some chemistry,” The interviewer laughed, Tsubame and Yuuji laughing with pink cheeks as Nobara and Megumi smiled knowingly.
“But I think we can all agree that Tsubame’s like the little sibling we’d protect at all cost,” Nobara shrugs. “We all get along on set, and she pretty much pulls us all together with the copious amounts of energy she has.”
Tsubame smiled with a small shrug, releasing Yuuji’s hand as he chuckled at her reaction. The interviewer smiled at the sight, thanking the four teens, “That concludes today’s interview, but it was wonderful to have you all on set today! ‘Jujutsu Kaisen’ will be streaming on all platforms soon…”
The voice of the interviewer faded away as the four teens waved, the cameras soon cutting, bright lights fading. Tsubame sighed softly in exhaustion, leaning against the couch as Megumi chuckled at her reaction.
“That was tough,” Tsubame laughed a little, Yuuji placing a hand on her shoulder reassuringly.
“You did good,” He smiled, Nobara humming as she stood up, pulling her junior up with her.
“Yeah, what Itadori said, now c’mon, let’s get some bubble tea!” Nobara grinned widely, pulling Tsubame along, winking over at Yuuji as soon as Tsubame’s back was turned.
The two girls left the boys behind, Yuuji and Megumi following a fair bit away from the two girls ahead of them.
“So no luck?” Megumi began, snapping Yuuji out of his daze as the four stars walked down the hallways of the broadcast show’s building.
“What? Oh– yeah, no luck so far,” Yuuji shook his head. “How’d you know?”
“You still have that pining look on your face.”
Yuuji felt his cheeks turn pink, his eyes focused on the floor before they found Tsubame’s figure again as she laughed alongside Nobara. His heart thumped in his chest, and he bit the inside of his cheek nervously with a sheepish smile.
“Am I really that obvious?” He whispered, Megumi giving a face at the boy he so adored.
“The interviewer did say you both have chemistry.”
Yuuji blushes hard with a little smile, “The fans are gonna go wild, huh?”
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“Yuuji!” Tsubame grinned, walking over to her best friend with a little grin. “Whatcha doin’?”
Yuuji’s eyes widened as he felt Tsubame sidle up to him, smiling as she sat beside him on the little couch in their shared hotel room – a temporary fix until they completed their next interview.
“Tsu, hey,” Yuuji grinned softly, scooting over a little to let her sit next to him.
He let her lean closer to him, letting her peer over his shoulder as he scrolled through the instagram app on his phone.
He shrugged nonchalantly, “Just going through the comments on my newest post.”
Instantly, he felt her smaller frame lean more into him as he scrolled, his cheeks heating up the closer she neared him. The smell of her shampoo suddenly smelled strong as lavender, sandalwood and rose scents filled his senses. The pink-haired teen struggled to hold back the urge to just pull her into his arms and smother her face with little pecks.
“Wh– hey is that a picture of me?”
His body tensed the slightest as her big coffee-coloured eyes looked up at him, her eyebrow raised in amusement as she smiled cheekily, spotting her image among his little collage of slides.
He laughed softly, smiling at the picture he snapped of her. It was the three of his closest friends on the beach, but as Nobara and Megumi were far out in the background, the focus on the image was of Tsubame in her white sundress. A matching white sunhat sat on her head as a pink ribbon flowed in the wind, a wide smile on her face as she held the hat down to prevent it from flying away.
Just the sight of her wide smile made a smile of his own grow. There was something about how peaceful and comforted she was to smile so freely that just made his heart beat harder in his chest at the sight of her genuine joy.
“Yeah, of course?” He chuckled, pulling her into a hug. “Why wouldn’t I include my favourite picture of my favourite person here?”
She grinned, and it was enough to make his heart flutter like a wild bird in his chest, aching to break free of its cage of ribs, “D’aw, I’m your favourite person?”
“Obviously, you’re so cute and squishy and perfect to hug,” He laughs, squeezing her tighter as she squeaks a little at the sensation of his arms tightening around her waist, Yuuji gently pulling her onto his lap.
“Please, easy on the ribs, Yuu!” She giggled, “You always hug me so tight.”
He only laughs at her in response, nuzzling his nose into her neck and letting her pick up his phone as she scrolled through the comments. He didn’t care about what she did, as long as she enjoyed herself in his hold.
“Wow… the comments are really piling up,” She whistled softly in amazement, and Yuuji only hummed in acknowledgement, just savouring the moment he had to cuddle her before she pulled away, his feelings as unsaid and unrequited as before.
She continues to scroll through the evergrowing comments, eyes widening at the top comment as she gently brings the phone to his face buried in her neck.
“Yuu, you should read this,” She smiles a little. “People are talking about you, you know?”
Yuuji cracks one eye open, resting his chin on her shoulder as his hazel eyes scan over the little white text as he quickly reads the comment.
“You know, they’re not wrong, we would make an incredibly cute couple,” Yuuji grinned, and the proximity between them caused Tsubame to blush the slightest as she felt his whisper against her cheek.
She giggled softly again, “Yeah? You think so? I’m surprised you’d agree so easily.”
His eyes widened and he couldn’t help the way he felt his heart drop the slightest. Had he been reading the signs wrong? Was his affection truly to be unrequited?
“Why? What’s so surprising about it?” He asked softly, his face leaning closer to hers in genuine curiosity, but he didn’t miss the way her already pink cheeks turned red. It caused his heart to soar with pride and joy to know that he made her blush.
“W-Well, I mean,” She looks away for the briefest second, gently pushing her hair behind her ear, “We didn’t really… I-I mean, we’re not dating, and we’re best friends, Yuu.”
His heart officially dropped to his stomach, his smile disappearing as he whispered a soft, ‘ah’. He loosened his grip around her waist the slightest, but something bubbled up in his chest. The truth of his feelings towards her lingered on his mind, and he didn’t like the way he fidgeted, knowing that he wouldn’t be satisfied until he at least tried to tell her how he felt – it didn’t feel right otherwise.
Gently, he picked up one of her hands, his thumbs gently running over her knuckles as he focused his gaze on her smaller hand in his as he felt his cheeks warm, “Tsubame, there’s… there’s something I want to tell you.”
“What’s up?” Tsubame tilted her head, placing his phone aside as she gave him her full attention.
“Tsubame, this whole process with you, being your colleague, your co-star, your best friend… it’s all been an amazing experience,” He smiles fondly at the memories they’ve shared. “And the more I spend time around you, the more I see the real you, and the more I feel my heart beat faster when you smile, and the more I want to be the reason that little spark appears in your eyes when you look my way.”
His amber eyes met her widened oak ones, his emotion so strong, so present that she couldn’t help the way her breath hitched the slightest. He took her silence as a sign to go on, seeing that her eyes were solely trained on him and not on the way his phone vibrated beside her.
“I know it’s a stupid comment on an instagram post, but I can’t imagine being anywhere but by your side. And if you don’t feel the same, I’ll understand as long as we stay friends… so please, Tsubame, let me just say this that I… I love you.”
Those three words. Those three little words finally escaped his lips, his heart pounding in anticipation, but he could finally breathe, feeling a weight vanish from his chest. He watches every little reaction on the face of the girl he loves, from the way she now breathed softly to the way she looked at him so gently.
“You… you love me?” She whispers, and he nods without any hesitation, now holding both of her hands in his larger ones.
“From the moment I met you, from the moment you smiled at me with that little excited wave of yours. Cupid struck me with its arrow right then and there,” He smiles breathlessly. “Now I need to ask you, and don’t be afraid to speak your mind, please… do you feel the same?”
A heartbeat. Then two. Then–
Yuuji couldn’t believe his ears, his eyes widening as he saw a smile grow on her soft-pink cheeks. He felt his own cheeks warm as he saw that little shine in her eyes that he adored, even if her dark brown bangs covered most of her left eye.
“Y-You… Did I hear you right?” He whispered softly, his heartbeat picking up. He smiled when he saw her nod, her own gentle smile growing as she blushed at the feeling of his hands holding hers.
“Yes,” She smiles, a giggle growing in her chest, “Yes, Yuuji. I love you, too.”
He smiles wider, pulling her close as he laughs softly, “You mean it? You really mean it?”
“Duh!” She grins, leaning closer to him as she squeezes his hands back, “I really thought I was being obvious ever since our first karaoke…”
“Not one bit. I didn’t have a clue,” He laughs, pulling his hand away to cup her cheek, his forehead resting on hers. “God, we’re blind.”
Tsubame laughs along, her warm cheeks mirroring his own, “The blindest.”
His thumb gently strokes her cheek as he looks at her with the softest glance and touch, as though if he held her any harsher, she would vanish in a cloud of dreams, and he would wake up all alone, without her in his arms.
He lowered his voice, his caramel eyes darting to her upturned lips, and his heart thumped at the thought he had in his head.
“...May I– Tsubame can I kiss you, please?”
Yuuji adored the way her cheeks exploded into a warm shade of red, her smile changing into one of bashfulness. Finally, she whispered back, giving him the pass he so desperately longed for.
He leaned in just as she leaned up, her lips just softly pressing against his as he felt his chest explode with butterflies. Tsubame smiled widely, her heart beating faster as their lips locked, softly pressed against each other – pure and innocent, just like their moment.
When they finally pulled away, their faces were covered in a scarlet hue, shy smiles and little giggles escaping them as they enjoyed their moment. Tsubame smiled at him lopsidedly, resting her head on his shoulder as he grabbed his phone.
“Say cheese!”
The camera snapped, Tsubame giggling as Yuuji pecked her cheek, the flash flickering on and off as Yuuji grinned at her bubbly laugh. When he lowered his hand, he posted the image on his instagram story, adding a little caption.
“Thanks for the little encouragement!” He hummed, tagging the girl in his arms before posting it.
After a minute or two, a message from Nobara appeared, and it made Yuuji chuckle at it.  It was as if he were hearing her tone through the text, as though she were right there to express her exasperation.
“Finally! It’s about damn time.”
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taglist: @mooncleaver @underwateredwrld @mcmisbehaving @neteyamrealgf @khany2026 @tinkerbelle05 @iheartamajiki @sad-darksoul @yunymphs @saelestia @cheriiyaya @ladyth
< comment/dm me if you’d like to be on the taglist! >
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kenkaodoll · 3 months
Kamiya Dojo Monogatari Tale 78 (JUMP SQ 24/07)
About Kamiya Dojo Monogatari:
Tales of Kamiya dojo is written by Kaoru Kurosaki and published along with the “Rurouni Kenshin Hokkaido” arc in JUMPSQ. The tale involves the Rurouni Kenshin character in daily life that takes time between Kenshin and Kaoru marriage until the epilogue chapter in the original manga before the Hokkaido Arc. Until this month (June 2024) there are a total 78 chapters in Tales of Kamiya dojo. This is an unofficial translation. 
Previous Story: https://www.tumblr.com/kenkaodoll/750191530648748032/kamiya-dojo-monogatari-tale-77-jump-sq-2406
Kenshin leapt from the railing and first he swung down one bouncer on the bridge with the wet tablecloth on his hand.
Clang. The tablecloth hit the bouncer in the face. Kenshin landed on the bridge, kicking another bouncer who held a sword. 
The man whose face was pasted with a cloth was covering his face with his hands and groaned, "My eyes...! The other man who had been kicked was screaming "Aaaah" as his kicked sword fell under the bridge.
In no time at all, the two men on the bridge were out of combat.
“I owe you!” Mikio said to Kenshin and ran off across the bridge to somewhere else. It’s typical of him, a person who did not hesitate to run away.
Kenshin looked straight at Suwa. He was in the middle of washing dishes, so he had no reverse sword. How far could the opponent go against him with his bare hands and Kenji on his back?
“Tch. He is just a baby sister, what are you doing? Hey guys!"
Suwa backed up and looked at the three men who were waiting for him.
 The men step forward to protect Suwa and hold their swords ready.
Kenshin was standing on a narrow bridge over a waterway which was used for daily life. With the two men who were unable to fight and Kenshin himself, it was already cramped.
The three new men couldn’t attack Kenshin at once.
“Ah.. this…” Kenshin spoke to Kenji on his back.
“Yahiko once asked me about a way to fight multiple enemies by yourself.”
“This situation is similar to the strategy we talked about then.”
That strategy to make the opponent come to himself one-on-one had come by chance on this narrow bridge.
Without a sword and with Kenji on his back, Kenshin had no choice but to play it safe and deal with the situation one-on-one.
“What’s wrong, hey babysitter? You talk to a baby. If you want to beg for your life, come to me."
Suwa wondered if it was a coincidence that Kenshin, who didn't have a sword, had knocked them both off the bridge at once. He completely underestimated Kenshin, who was carrying a child on his back.
“It’s an important old story between father and son, that it is.”
Kenshin took a fighting stance.
“Shut up, you’re a mess!”
 One of the men flashed a white blade at Kenshin, with all his might.
Meanwhile, a little while before that.
“I'm really sorry to bother you on such a big day… Oh, why on the first day of the cafe's opening,” Shino was talking to Megumi in a tone that sounded like she was asking for advice.
“What's wrong?”
“My stomach's just getting contractions…” Shino smiled helplessly and rubbed her stomach.
“Since when?”
“A little while ago. I was planning on asking a midwife near the tenement house to help me, but... ouch…”
“Then let's go back to the tenement house and get ready for the birth.”
“What if the baby is born now?”
Megumi encouraged the anxious Shino, “It'll be fine. The baby won't be born so soon. Anyway, where's the manager? By the way, I can't find him anywhere. Where is he?”
The only person who can take Shino home is her husband, Mikio. Megumi looked around and asked where Mikio was.
“Um, you see... he was called by a customer earlier and left. He hasn't come back since…” Tsubame said with a troubled look on her face.
“He's not here when he’s needed!” Megumi was irritated but still gave instructions,“So, where's Ken-san?”
“I just checked the washing area outside, but he wasn't there,” Yahiko reported immediately.
“We need a man! Oh dear! It can't be helped. I can't let Shino-san walk back to the tenement house, so I need to carry her on a two-wheeled-cart.”
“If Shino-san gives birth, it's a major event for the Nagaoka family... so... um, I'll do my best,” Tsubame offered.
“With your weak arms, it would be quicker for Shino-san to walk,” Megumi flatly refused.
“Ah... okay,” Tsubame retreated sheepishly.
“There's not enough strength here…” Megumi glanced at Kaoru.
"I'll do it! Got it. I'll borrow a handcart from a neighbor."
Kaoru rushed out of the store.
“I'll help too.”
“Me too!” Yahiko and Misao shouted.
“You guys stay here,” Megumi gave instructions to them .
“Since we won't have any adults here, don't let any new customers in from now on.”
“I got it!” Misao replied cheerfully.
“Then, once the customers who are currently in the store leave, we'll close up the store, a little earlier than planned.”
“We can run the store on our own.”
Yahiko pouted. He didn't want to close down the store early, which it's been going well.
“We deal with money and food, so when something goes wrong, we can't just say, 'The kids took care of it.'”
“We're not children.”
“If this was a shop that had been established for years, we'd leave it to you. Even though we're adults, we still don't know what to do…”
“Well, I guess there's nothing we can do,” Yahiko reluctantly agreed to Megumi's words.
“But... We'd have to turn away customers who want to come in... It’s regrettable…” Tsubame responded.
Misao made a suggestion, “If we close the shop, we'll have some leftover baked goods prepared for today, so why not give them out as an apology?”
“That's a good idea! If the cakes are delicious, maybe they'll come back again,” Tsubame smiled.
“It'll also be good advertising,” Yahiko nodded.
“Let's do that. The manager is not here to help us make decisions, but we can't ask permission from someone who's slacking off, so it can't be helped,”Megumi also agreed with the idea of ​​handing out baked goods.
And so, the group split up into a storekeeping team and a childbirth team.
“I've borrowed the two-wheeled cart!” Kaoru, who had rushed out earlier, jumped in.
“Leave the rest to us.”
Kaoru and Megumi put Shino on the platform of the two-wheeled cart.
“I'm so sorry... I wish my husband had been here.” Shino seemed to be in pain, so she obediently let herself be put on the two-wheeled cart.
“If you say that, this is a crucial time and none of our staff are here... Anyway, let's do our best!” Kaoru put in a lot of strength and pushed the cart. This thing was hard to start moving at beginning, she needed to put all her strength.
“Leave the cafe to us!”
“Please be careful!”
“Take care!”
Yahiko, Misao, and Tsubame sent them off until the cart was out of sight, then changed the "Open" sign hanging at the cafe’s entrance to "Getting Ready."
Not long after that,
“Oh, are you closed already?” A middle-aged male customer came in and asked regretfully.
“Yes. I'm sorry, sir. Please take this as an apology,” Tsubame handed him a baked cake.
“It's the first day of business, why are you closing so early?”
“Ojisan, today is an auspicious day for the opening of the café, but we have something even better to celebrate!” Misao blabbered on about the manager's wife giving birth.
“Oh, that's great! Then I think I'll share the sweets with my eldest son's wife, maybe she’ll get some luck.”
"That would be great."
Thanks to Misao's customer service skills, what she learned from Aoiya, even the customers who couldn't get in the store received sweets and left with smiles on their faces.
And then…
Something noisy started going on inside the store.
“Where is it? Where…?”
Mikio came in through the back door and was making a big fuss inside the store.
“Damn, what the hell is that guy doing here just now!”
 Yahiko returned to the store, leaving Misao and Tsubame to give out the sweets.
“Hey you! Where's the sakabato?” Mikio’s face was pale and he was searching for the sakabato.
“What? There's no way someone like you would touch Kenshin's precious sword. You should keep talking in your sleep!”
“Shut up, I really need it! Ah, there it is!” Mikio found the sword on his own, grabbed it, and  left through the entrance of the store.
“Oi, wait! Hey!” Yahiko tried to stop Mikio, but unfortunately...
“Excuse me, can I have the bill please?” 
A customer who was still in the store called him. Yahiko couldn't ignore him, so he served the customer.
“Mikio-sama?” Tsubame, who was handing out sweets at the entrance, noticed Mikio but she didn't quite understand what happened to him.
“Hey you! There’s something important!” Misao tried to tell him about Shino, but Mikio ran past as fast as he could, as if that wasn't the time for him.
“Hey! Listen to what I’m saying!” Misao called out, but Mikio only showed his back as he ran away and her voice didn't reach him.
“This is getting messy”
One of the men flashed his white blade at Kenshin with all his might.
The blade almost hit Kenji if Kenshin didn’t dodge it in time, so he jumped back and landed behind the bridge.
All he had left as a weapon was the tablecloth in his hand. He put some distance between himself and his enemy, buying himself some time to think about what to do. At that moment...
"Here you go! Now there's no debt!” Mikio's voice rang out as the Sakabato came flying.
Kenshin caught it with his hand.
“Kyaa kyaa!” Kenji cried out happily.
“Hey! But what's the point of handing a sword to some babysitter?” Suwa still underestimated Kenshin.
Kenshin quickly pulls out his sword.
Blood drained from Suwa's face.
“That's a reverse-blade sword... A cross scar on his cheek... That babysitter, I can’t believe this…”
*sakabato: reverse-blade-sword
.…..to be continued in chapter 79……  https://www.tumblr.com/kenkaodoll/757126529274806272/kamiya-dojo-monogatari-tale-79-jump-sq-2408?source=share
TLnote(1): translating Japanese is so hard because the sentence structure is very different compared with English. Also the style of writing is different, plus there’s a lot of figurative, poetic language and things that don't make sense if it’s directly translated into english. So forgive me if this is very weird to read, and please tell me if you want to give corrections. 
TLnote(2) I will provide the original Japanese text for correction if any of you who read have better knowledge of the Japanese language. Just dm and I’ll send the file.
TLnote(3) Dtninja had translated some earlier chapters on his website. You can go and check on there
Read the rest of the story here: https://at.tumblr.com/kenkaodoll/kamiya-dojo-monogatari/5dqxxnmq29m0
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*In Chiaki's therapist room*
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Okay... so this is where we are left off, alright... I think I understand everything...
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Oh... seems someone is here...
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Hey Chiaki, um... I'm here to talk...
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Oh Mahiru... hello, seems you made it, how about you sit down and we can start where we left off...
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Sure thing... *Mahiru went to the seat and sat down*
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So... where was I again?
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I believe you were talking about the Nijimas and how the marriage was call off, right?
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Yeah, that... I remember we were all setting up for their marriage, I show them my photos which they seem to like, we started working on their marriage for a month...
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Until it was call off, it was the bride actually...
Date: January 15th, 2011
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*Mahiru walks back home* Okay I need to do some groceries shopping-.
*As walking by she notice something*
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Oh... it's Taro and that Tsubame women, wonder what they are talking about...
*Mahiru walking over, she spotted a young girl crying*
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Ts-Tsubame, they... they were so mean, why did they say that stuff...!
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Oh Yasuho, I'm so sorry that happen; I suppose leaving you with those 2 was a terrible mistake...
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As you can see, I wish to call off the wedding post-haste; I don't want to be related to the Nijima if they made my younger sister cried.
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I see then can you tell me what occur?
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Simple, our families were meeting and my former in-laws were alone with my younger sister and then I heard them insult her, calling her various things from 'mentally challenge', 'slow-witted' and...and...
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Sorry but I don't wish to repeat what they say, I walked in to see them throw a various amount of degrading insults to my younger sister and I rather call the marriage off if that is how they'll be towards Yasuho let alone my child if they were autistic, so I call off the wedding.
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Ts-Tsubame, I'm... I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to cause all this; if I just ignore them then you'd be married to that guy...
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It's fine, I feel me and father don't want you to be upset so please don't blame yourself but can you do that, Mr. Kurosaki - I'm terribly sorry we wasted your time.
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No no, it's fine; I think if anything this was a warning and you made the right choice and thankfully we didn't get everything set yet so it's fine so you don't need to pay anything.
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Thank you, I'm sorry for wasting your time and I hope things go well, see you then.
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Yeah, see ya mister!
*the duo walk away as Mahiru walk over*
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Hey Taro... I overheard everything, I guess the wedding's call off?
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Indeed, seems Miss Amami didn't want to be related to her fiancés in-laws so she call it off, probably it was a good thing she did and probably seeing that before they got married was for the best.
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Yeah that's good to hear then, sounds like those are pretty strict.
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Still, I'm annoyed that fiancé of hers didn't say anything, seriously if your own family is being jerks, you should say something!
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Maybe but I did talk with him, it did sound like he doesn't have much control in his life and his parents did make a lot of choice for him so probably he has a hard time saying anything to do.
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But maybe it was for the best, if this is how her in-laws would act towards her sister; I can't imagine what they be like towards their grandchild if they had a mental disability if that is how they'll behave.
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Yeah, I... I guess your right, still I think he should of say something but maybe this is for the best...
'Hearing that, I did start to realize that not all men are bad and felt bad for him honestly...'
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sleepdepravity · 10 months
DISTRUTHS - case 5
Immediately, everybody swarms Akane with questions. Akane becomes a very limited infodump machine, because like, well. Guess she ought to.
In terms of why they’re here, well. Long story. As they know, they were all chosen to go to this weird prestigious school. The first year was pretty normal. The second year, though, something happened where there were suddenly riots going on outside. The public had turned against the school for reasons Akane doesn’t really know, and then things just kept Getting Bad, and so the headmaster, like a sane person, relocated every student to her huge secret base she apparently has??? (This is the base they’re in.)
They were meant to continue school here, but given all the stuff that had gone down, the students in general were just kinda losing hope and drive. So the headmaster, like a sane person, decided that the best way to resolve this was just have everybody forget all the nasty business outside. She enlisted certain students to help carry this out, which included Akane as the surgeon. Since Akane couldn’t do surgery on herself, she couldn’t undergo the operation.
The day the murder game started, she hadn’t even been aware there was something wrong until it clearly was (Shinobu shouldn’t have been here, and then it turned out everybody had lost a Lot of memories, the headmaster wasn’t around, etc.) and she felt it was safer to just say nothing for now.
Seki didn’t seem particularly bad, but Akane hadn’t hung out with her much. She did seem more dour over the course of the year though.
Yes, Mori is the headmaster’s daughter, she didn’t go to the school but she kept hanging around. Her and Yuu were an item, actually. She also hung around with Seki. Akane thinks she’s a creep.
Akane doesn’t know anything about the chips or how they work, all she knows is how to put them in people’s brains and, hypothetically, take them out.
Hypothetically, because she doesn’t know what the chips will do if she just. Takes them out. Or how it’ll affect them.
Everybody has to take some time to digest this. And then, oh shit, what about Tsubame, where did she go
They try looking around upstairs again, and in the headmaster’s office…there’s a phone and what looks like a master key that hadn’t been there before.
Matsui recognizes it as her phone. When they check it out (after a lot of back and forth about whether it’s a trap or not) they find that they can’t make outside calls or access the internet or anything. Some sort of limited network thing going on, it seems. It does have more pictures of their school life, though, which is a bit hard to go through, considering.
Weirdly enough, Matsui has new texts. Recent ones. From Tsubame.
When they start trying to see if they can text back, Monobear suddenly appears, asking what the heck they’re up to. They hide the phone and key and are like, “oh nothing, just checking this place out and seeing if we can find a way to find out where you are and/or escape, darn, looks like we can’t, oh well, let’s go guys”
Everybody crams into Matsui’s room, which is the closest, then tries to text Tsubame. The text goes through, and they’re able to have a quick convo with Tsubame that boils down to, “I’m fine for now I’m just hiding, only text me when Monobear can’t see, I found the key in the office after I broke in and the phones came from the room across from the office, you should check it out”
The room across from the office seems to be a storage where all of the student’s belongings were locked up. This includes mounds of Noboru’s notebooks, which he is immediately eager to go through. Monobear makes an appearance again, looking like he’s going to try to chase them out, but then he changes his mind, figuring that it doesn’t matter anyways at this point.
The only items that were locked in the room seems to be anything that was related to the outside world or that would have hinted at whatever was wrong outside. So this includes newspapers, magazines, and photos.
There’s also a trash chute in the wall.
The key also unlocks the remaining doors. The top right corner of the second floor is a high tech computer room. None of them are connected to the internet, but they seem to be connected to the camera feeds.
There’s another door inside the room, painted with a Monobear design, which seems to imply the mastermind is inside. When they discuss whether they should try to storm in, Monobear immediately shows up and says, if you do, I’m killing you outright. No jokes.
One of the computers also has a weird file system or program or something, that has folders with each of their names that are filled with files of an unknown type, all named with long, incomprehensible strings of text. The only people without folders are Akane and Noboru.
The implications of this are also not lost on everybody, but Akane quickly says that they really shouldn’t mess with anything here it would be extremely stupid.
The last unknown door on the first floor turns out to go to a basement. The basement is mostly a wide, open space. There’s a deep pit, with ladders carved into the walls. It connects to large, steel doors.
There’s a button that clearly opens the doors, and when they try it out, a bunch of alarms start blaring and the doors open…and a bunch of water rushes in. They close the doors immediately.
Akane says she doesn’t know what’s up with that. She’s never been in the basement before. She also doesn’t even know where this “secret base” is located, since they were transported by (as far as she knows) armored trucks, and thus she couldn’t see outside.
The basement also is connected to a large freezer. They find previous bodies in here and immediately leave again.
Another door turns out to lead to the courtroom, where they don’t linger.
Now that they’ve seen the whole place, they retreat to Matsui’s room for another private discussion.
Katashi immediately says he doesn’t trust the phone, it’s too convenient. Either the mastermind put it there during the trial or Tsubame is actually in cahoots with the mastermind.
The counter argument is that the mastermind giving them a master key is way too helpful.
Meanwhile on the phone, Tsubame asks for some medical supplies. Akane agrees because in this case it doesn’t matter if it’s the mastermind or not. If it’s the mastermind doing a trick, then there’s no harm. If it’s Tsubame and she really needs help, they need to do it.
Tsubame tells them to drop the supplies down the trash chute. She apparently has escaped down there. There are apparently lots of tunnels that she’s planning to explore and see if she can find a way out.
Next few days, there’s a lot of Monobear taunting and petty remarks and threatening stares. Also, continued texts from Tsubame. Since it’s Matsui’s phone, she’s the one who talks to her the most and relays any info. Kotone and Katashi also tries to keep involved.
Matsui in particular seems to cling to Tsubame very strongly.
Tsubame asks them to drop trash in different chutes, since that would tell her where certain places lead. Also will chat and give encouragements. If confronted with distrust, she’ll fully admit that that’s valid and doesn’t necessarily defend herself, just let’s them conclude what they will.
Monobear makes his next move by heavily implying one of them is his spy. Everybody (including Tsubame) concludes this is absolute bullshit.
Then Monobear makes remarks that when someone broke into the office, they stole some important documents, and it doesn’t seem like whoever it was has shared those important documents. Wonder why that is, hm? What’s up with that????? Hm????????
It’s pretty clear that Tsubame was the one who exploded the office open, so she’s the likely culprit for any stolen documents. She says that while she did blow up the office, she didn’t have much time for stealing documents, then implies that she did have an accomplice helping her. Then says that the accomplice shouldn’t say who they are.
Why not? Because it could be dangerous, this sort of sounds like a Monobear trap. If the accomplice did manage to steal important documents though, it would be a good idea to pass them along to her.
The idea is to leave the master key in a hiding spot everybody knows, then the accomplice can use it to get in tsubame’s room and drop the papers down the trash chute (also everybody’s room has a trash chute). The accomplice can do it whenever it feels safe.
Everybody decides to follow along with this. The next few days, tsubame reports that the papers haven’t come. Sometimes wonder if the papers don’t exist.
One day, everybody wakes up to find Tsubame’s door open, and also, Noboru’s body halfway out.
Brief freak out about whether he’s dead or not, but there’s no body announcement discovery, so thankfully he’s alive. Then someone notices someone else in Tsubame’s bathroom, and it’s tsubame. Who is definitely dead. And now they have to investigate her death.
It’s now clear that, yeah, Monobear messed with them with the whole phone thing, and he gloats about it for a bit. Rude.
Noboru wakes up, overall fine, but his notebook has pages ripped out, which he freaks out about. Because essentially, the notebooks are his memories, and having them destroyed is distressing.
Matsui is pretty despondent during the whole investigation.
Tsubame’s body had been placed in the tub, submerged in water. There’s dried blood in her mouth. One of her wrists has been slashed open. The other one has old scars.
She also has some clear bullet wounds and has been pierced through in places, and bits of her clothes are singed.
There’s also red hair found at the scene, which is strange because nobody has red hair, not even Seki.
Papers that were presumably meant to be delivered have been dropped at the door. They’re about…I don’t know because I hadn’t made it up.
That’s basically it. Not much to investigate.
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kiwikiwikiwisstuff · 1 year
Ryoko: Well? What did you think of those arrows, Serpent Hashira? (She was giggling a little while she kept up with her partners) (Obanai fell, he was stuck by the arrows and mutteringly tried to free himself from them) Ryoko: Don't worry, they're just ordinary arrows! For the demons we have other things, but… (she quickly approached Uzui and blew some kind of dust in her eyes) you should be more careful with my friends, giant shit~ (Uzui let go of Yuuko's wrist, complaining about the burning in her eyes) Shinazugawa: Don't be a crybaby, don't you see that they are escaping us? Uzui: And what the fuck do you expect me to do if they just threw stinging powder in my eyes, idiot? (The eight boys who were there continued running away and laughing while throwing Uzui's small cloth bag at each other. The Hashiras continued chasing them until a scream was heard nearby: the woman's language was not native to that area, perhaps from a Middle Eastern country, however, the young people understood what he was saying, announcing that a man who had just left the brothel had fallen dead with foam at the mouth in the middle of the street… the artists screamed in euphoria )
Kaito: We'll have more money than just this bag of shit, guys! Enko: Oh, we can buy something else other than just food. Yoru: Maybe we could buy some good sake and celebrate. Tsubame: You finally move your neurons for something interesting, Yoru Hiroko: Hey, Tsubame, I think his neurons do work. Yuuko: Without him, we wouldn't have carried out that poison. Ryoko: Without any of us, we were able to carry out a shitty formula and have a successful job. Ren: Nothing matters now! WE WILL HAVE MORE MONEY FOR TWO MONTHS, PEOPLE! (While the guys laughed, the Hashiras were more shocked by what they were talking about, they were supposed to killing demons, not humans)
Rengoku: Are they confessing… to murder? (his voice was inward) Obanai: So it seems… Uzui: HEY! WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK? Enko: Oh, they're still there. Kaito: Can we help you with something?~ ( ´ ▽ ` )/ The Hashiras: … ["Are you serious?"] ["Do they act this normal after confessing what they did?"] Yuuko: Hey, they didn't kill him… it's my pride to have done so. Rengoku: That's what you were doing! Yuuko: While you were making out with my sister, do you want a repeat?~ (Rengoku was red as a tomato) Rengoku: (shake his head) THAT'S NOT THE TOPIC! THE THING IS THEY KILLED SOMEONE! Tsubame: (appearing next to him) You should lower the volume of your voice, there's a reason we had disguises… because now we're on our way to a hostel in the next town… if we don't stop and we've run at this speed, it's because " we are on our way"… we have an alibi by our own means Ren: Besides, you guys didn't even bother to hide your faces in the brothel (he said while he whistled) Yoru: You should thank the girls though. Ren: And Ren~ Yoru: (rolled his eyes) and to Ren for being able to help them even if it is with a small alibi (The Hashiras were bewildered, they felt that every word that came out of their mouths made no sense) Shinazugawa: STOP CONFUSING US, CRIMINAL BASTARDS! Kumiko: Oh, do you really think that about us? (Kumiko jumped in front of them, opening the way) Kumiko: Sorry for the delay~ Beast Tamers: Finally, Miko Hiroko: Why the delay? FLASHBACK Kumiko: (trying to get the "tan" off her, in a very sassy way) oh, shit, guys, this isn't working and we're running late, oh, Ryoko, what the hell did they put in this? Ryoko: I don't even remember, but we needed what was necessary because you are very... pale.
(Kumiko squealed) BACK TO THAT MOMENT Kumiko: ["That wasn't very dignified of me at the time…" ಠωಠ] Just minor delays, by the way, the use of weapons is not necessary… now… (to Shinazugawa) What did you say about my family, Sanemi?
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tvrningout-a · 1 year
❔ since I've added new muses, and you revamped !
send ❔ and i’ll list a couple muses that i’d like to throw at yours! | always accepting!
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tsubame & yubari: i was reading up on tsubame and may i say i love her to pieces oh my gosh?? and i have to offer you one river deity to befriend her and who maybe could be convinced to help with her situation!! or maybe there's even a situation similar to spirited away in which tsubame accidentally finds herself in the spirit realm? and yubari's like um? little human you need to go home or you'll never return and have to remain a spirit forever?? but he gets attached to tsubame so it's very bittersweet actually :' ) bc while yubari can walk among humans, he's still a god. he'll never age, never die of natural means. though! if she's half-dryad, i dunno how that affects her lifespan? so maybe it doesn't have to be sad uvu
tengen & suma & ahmya & all of the uzui's asdf: obviously i'm gonna wanna keep writing the uzui family ( very excited to see hina and makio on your list! ) bc i love them and i wanna write those dynamics all day, but i really do wanna see how ahmya fit into the dynamic during the time she trained tengen! and i also wanna see them visiting each other, taking care of each other ( does she share her curse situation with them? do they find out?? AH ), worrying for each other and just!! very much like thinking about them. i also need to see carletta and tengen training together and bantering pls and thanks <3
tanjiro & kaigaku & hyouka: listen. i'm convinced that kaigaku never met tanjiro in canon bc the lad is too good and helping others grow and heal and i'd give all of my left shoes to write that dynamic uvu and ofc i want hyouka to befriend tanjiro and give him a bunch of heart attacks bc she's incapable of being careful ( and maybe he can help her be more considerate of her sister's feelings since he, too, is an older sibling ).
zoro & hyouka: for the record, i really don't know much about one piece save for what i remember from watching it when i was younger, but i don't see it being too difficult to figure a verse out for some more interactions! it'd be very much a hyouka thing to do if she saw zoro wielding multiple swords and immediately went " pls teach me? pretty pls? oh look i'm following you everywhere while you're docked in this city like an incessant fly :) " and ofc satsuki would probably come into play at some point to stop hyouka from causing too much trouble :' ) that's just the first idea that pops into my mind bc zoro was a favorite character of mine back in the day asdf but i'd 100% be willing to cook something up for other characters, too!
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medea10 · 3 years
My Review of Trapp Ikka Monogatari
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Chances are you are quite familiar with the story of the Trapp family of Austria. Whether you read the memoirs of Maria von Trapp or if you watched any version of The Sound of Music…
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More than likely, it’s the latter. Yes, The Sound of Music is one of those musicals just about anybody has seen. Even me! Whether on stage, the Julie Andrews & Christopher Plummer smash hit movie, or that abomination live for TV with Carrie Underwood, you more than likely have seen something along the lines.
But did you know that Japan had its own take on the story? In 1991, Japan’s World Masterpiece Theater released “Trapp Ikka Monogatari” or The Trapp Family Story. World Masterpiece Theater had several animated stories loosely based on books like Anne of Green Gables, The Swiss Family Robinson, and in later years Les Miserables.
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Maria Kutschera arrives in a little Austrian town to become a nun and asks to be put in the strictest abbey there is. At Nonnberg Abbey, Maria was a bit of an odd-duck there (and that’s putting it lightly). Maria’s a bit of a wild child and is constantly getting in trouble with the head sisters of the abbey. And worst of all, she whistled! Gasp! How do you solve a problem like Maria? Well, the sisters decide to have Maria stay with a family for nine months to a family with seven kids. Maria is to be a governess to one of the children but she eventually hits it off with all seven kids. That’s right, Rupert, Hedwig, Werner, Maria, Johanna, Martina, and Agathe.
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Oh, I’m sorry! Do those names sound foreign to you? Well unlike The Sound of Music, this adaptation found it necessary to use the REAL names of the von Trapp children.
BETWEEN THE SUB AND THE DUB: As it turns out, only a few animes part of Japan’s World Masterpiece Theater has been dubbed and released in North America. And this was not one of them. On top of which, this anime is not available for streaming purposes. Not even on Retro Crush. Sigh. Someday, dammit! The sub cast, holy shit I am familiar with literally the entire cast. Yes, it’s because most of them were from Pokemon or Sailor Moon. I know many seiyuus are able to sing, but there were several people I was blown away with, especially Masako Katsuki. Here’s what you might recognize these folks from.
*Maria is played by Masako Katsuki (known for Cassidy on Pokemon, Michiru/Neptune on Sailor Moon, Tsunade on Naruto, Cecile on Kyou Kara Maou, and Sheffield on Familiar of Zero)
*Georg is played by Katsunosuke Hori (known for Fu on FMA: Brotherhood, Fersen on Rose of Versailles, and Tsuneyoshi on Tokyo Ghoul)
*Rupert is played by Shinobu Adachi (known for Aunt Daryl on Little Witch Academia)
*Hedwig is played by Maria Kawamura (known for Dr. Fennel on Pokemon BW, Eudial on Sailor Moon S, Mamiya on Revolutionary Girl Utena, Naga on Slayers, and Asuka’s mother on Evangelion)
*Werner is played by Yuuko Matsuoka (known for Bertha on Pokemon DP, Madame Christmas on FMA: Brotherhood, Queen Metalia on Sailor Moon: Crystal, and Alvida on One Piece)
*Maria (von Trapp) is played by Yuri Shiratori (known for Roxanne on Pokemon AG, Charlotte on Berserk, Yukina on Yu Yu Hakusho, Noriko on Golden Boy, Sayo on Negima, Tsubame on Rurouni Kenshin, and Mei on Love Hina)
*Johanna is played by Hiromi Shikawa (known for Bugsy on Pokemon)
*Martina is played by Saori Sugimoto (known for Sanae on Green Green)
*Agathe is played by Naoko Watanabe (known for Chi Chi & Pu’ar on DBZ)
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DISLIKED CHARACTER: Well folks, at the beginning of the series I had quite a few characters that left a bitter taste in my mouth! I let Hedwig go early on. I can’t blame her for her disgust and distrust of new adults.
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Then we go to Matilda! I’m on a half and half with her as she wants the children to be safe, but she’s often looking out for her own best interest than what’s best for the children. She does mean well. Except for a few times! One is when she’s telling the children what’s best and whenever Maria intervenes, Matilda constantly brings up that Maria is nothing more than a governess and to butt out. She brings it up at every opportunity. And then there was this sucking up to Lady Yvonne (who we’ll get to in a second) to a point where she’s literally forcing the children to do this and that for this woman.
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And now let’s talk about Lady Yvonne. The atypical soon-to-be step-mother to children who put their birth mother on a pedestal! Rightfully so! No matter how much Yvonne looks like the von Trapp children’s dead mother (because they are blood cousins), no way in hell could she ever replace her. Yvonne has no interest in being tied down by Georg’s seven children. I’ll betcha anything she has no intention of having any of the children live with her if the marriage is to go through. Probably ship them off to a boarding school knowing her! Several episodes down the line and I was right. Believe it or not, there’s something worse than Hedwig on the rag, Matilda on her high-horse, and Lady Yvonne. That answer is…
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The Nazis! Worst characters in damn-near every show, book, anime, or what-have-you!
SHIPPING: Much like the real life account of Maria Kutschera, they’re definitely going to cover her eventually marrying the patriarch of the Von Trapp family, Georg.
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But before that, we’ve gotta get through this engagement between Georg and Lady Yvonne. Because Georg isn’t after her vast wealth, her father approves of this marriage. The deal-breaker was unfortunately the seven children. Yvonne has no interest in being a mother and even gives the children extravagant gifts to win them over. She really wants a nanny to take care of all the children or send them to a boarding school and just have an empty house with Georg. But kudos to Georg for sticking with having all 7 children decide for themselves and not be sent off against their will.
Another strike against this match came when Yvonne tried to get on the youngest Von Trapp child (Agathe) good side. That went as horrible as you would expect. Yvonne even tried to show Maria that the children think nothing of her. That went even worse! All of the children love Maria. And as for Yvonne, they never really warmed up to her and she finally noticed it. Finally, Yvonne confronted Georg on what we started noticing after episode 20. Does Georg love Maria? Come on dude, she’s like 20 years younger than you, she’s barely an adult, she’s like four years older than your eldest son! But yeah, he admits it! Surprisingly, Yvonne accepted it. The engagement was called off and she ends up with some random wank.
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Okay, we’re finally going to get Georg x Maria happen, right?! Throughout these nine months together in the house, they really didn’t have as many ship-worthy moments as one would think. After all, Georg was engaged throughout that time. But they both had some blush-worthy moments that make you think, oh yeah, they’re gonna hook up. After Yvonne and Georg called off their engagement, it was around the time Maria was supposed to head back to the abbey as her nine months at the Von Trapp household were going to end. But the kids were all in an agreement that they don’t want Maria to leave and that they love her. Georg felt the same way and he ends up asking for Maria’s hand in marriage. But did Maria really love Georg? It sort of felt exactly like what the real Maria wrote in her memoir. She stated that she loved the children the most and she learned to love Georg later on. But I didn’t see Maria upset or angry during the wedding ceremony. Whatever!
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HEY! IT’S A MUSICAL: Don’t expect to hear the songs from Sound of Music or anyone to have the voice of Julie Andrews. But what we’re given isn’t half bad! Maybe it’s the over two decades I spent watching anime that I’m fine with any Japanese songs. When I say that it’s a musical, I don't mean the characters suddenly bust out singing like in the Sound of Music. Usually, all the singing was just Maria and the children bonding and later it became something bigger.
Now, here’s something you might not know. When Japan was first broadcasting this series, there was an opening sequence featuring Do Re Mi. You remember Julie Andrews teaching those kids Do Re Mi? Unfortunately, I’ve been unable to locate an actual video of the opening and just the audio. In later broadcasts and releases to the anime featured the song “Hohoemi no Mahou”. But Do Re Mi still ends up on the CD release. I do believe that’s the only song that is similar to the musical.
ACCURATE OR NOT?: Here we are again! The crappiest spot in the world where we nitpick people’s works and compare it to the original sources.
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*The children’s names! If you’re a big Sound of Music fan and watch this, you might be thrown off by the names of the children. That’s because all of the children have the correct names of the real von Trapp children. Again, they are Rupert, Hedwig, Maria, Werner, Johanna, Martina, and Agathe.
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*The children’s names might be all correct in this version, but the ages and positions are changed a bit. Hedwig and Agathe are kinda switched around. Agathe, the baby of the family is really the eldest Von Trapp daughter. And Hedwig was actually the fifth child (just ahead of Johanna and Martina).
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*The dates are severely different from what they were in real life. I wasn’t entirely sure of what year the anime was in with this retelling until episode 36. That’s when we were all certain that this is 1938 with the annexation of Austria and Hitler’s takeover. Now if the anime stayed true, all the kids would be much, much older. Because originally, Maria came to the house in 1926, was married in 1928, and had her first child with Georg in 1929. The children might be a year or so older than when the anime began by the time we reach March 1938, but that’s it.
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*Lady Yvonne exists! In the anime, it was clear that Georg was procrastinating or putting off meeting with her. In real life, it was the other way around. But everything else was pretty accurate about her as she was indeed a cousin of Georg’s late wife Agatha. I’m not sure if the anime said anything about her status in the world. In Maria’s memoirs, she referred to her as a princess. I just think she was a socialite of some sort.
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*This is more of a swipe at the musical, but Georg was not a hard-ass on his children who hated merriment, fun, and singing. Yes, he does have some PTSD of losing his first wife and seeing things that brought her joy give him misery, but that’s just normal. Surprisingly, the only time Georg snapped in the anime was when Maria found his wife’s old sewing machine. It was more of the Baroness of the house that put restrictions on the children, telling them they must be quiet, not make a ruckus outside, and do what they are told. Despite Georg having status in the world, he doesn’t act like it because he was not born into that status, he was given the status after serving in the military. So he still believes the children should be children to an extent.
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*Maria actually had three children with Georg. In the series finale, we see a baby. Now I’m not sure which one it is as the series doesn’t say. Every place I looked online says the baby was Johannes. And that does make sense as it is 1939 at the end of the series and that’s when the real Johannes was born. If that’s the case, Johannes is actually the youngest child of Maria and Georg. But in real life, they actually had two daughters before Johannes. Eleonore and Rosmarie were not featured in the anime. It would make sense due to the dates lining up as the Von Trapps escaped Germany in 1938 and Johannes was born in 1939. Then again, the anime doesn’t really follow year protocols until the 1938 incidents.
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ENDING: The Von Trapp family experienced some hardship shortly after Georg and Maria got married. The bank Georg’s money was in went bankrupt and he had absolutely no money. They decided to turn their huge home into a boarding house. Mostly students and men of the cloth were the ones stopping by. But it wasn’t until the visit of famous opera singer Lotte Lehmann came to stay and noticed Georg’s children singing and suggested they enter a choir contest [true story btw]. This was kind of a domino effect for the family as they kept getting gigs. Georg was highly against doing this for money and that singing as a family is a thing they liked doing but wasn’t going to make a career out of it. But we all know how that’s going to go! Things started looking up for the family and then March of 1938 happened!
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Austria had been taken over by the Nazi’s. Georg was loyal to Austria and hoped that one day Austria would break from Hitler’s grip. Everyone was frightened at what was happening. And everyone had to assimilate to their new overlords or risk being imprisoned or sentenced to death. Seriously, it was illegal to sing Austria’s national anthem. And the kids had the worst time back in school. All of their teachers were replaced with Nazis who are teaching the children that they must salute “Heil Hitler” every morning. I do find it funny that Werner had the rest of his siblings say “Tail Hitler” when they’re forced to do the salute.
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But yeah, the Von Trapp family was uneasy about everything happening around them. Georg’s anger was visible to all the children involving this situation. And to make matters worse, there is a traitor in the household. Georg’s head butler Hans is a flippin’ Nazi! He was downright giddy when Hitler took over Austria. Things were getting harder for Georg and his family. Certain liberties they’ve taken for granted were suddenly taken away by secret police. Especially when Maria gets ill and the doctor they’ve relied on for so many years was taken away by the secret police. Because he was Jewish! Add to that, the secret police came to Georg’s home several times. Once because he didn’t hang the Nazi flag outside his home, another time to give him a special request from the German army to man a special submarine, and finally to have the Von Trapp children sing for Hitler’s birthday.
On the plus side Maria’s pregnant. There is no plus side. There’s never a plus side when Nazis are involved. Georg, get your family the fuck outta Austria!
Georg had to be careful planning as Hans couldn’t be trusted anymore and he could have spies. That also means leaving Franz the farmhand and Rosy the cook behind. Those two were very nice characters and you just wish they could have been saved too. So the story goes, they tell Hans that the family is going to go hiking in the mountains. Not too suspicious as that’s something they normally do. The family packed their things, gave their goodbyes to Franz and Rosy and head off to the bus station. Trouble did arise when meeting up with Rupert (who’s been away at a medical school) as he missed the connecting train. But everyone was able to meet up again near the Swiss border. The family stayed with Mimi (a former maid for the Von Trapp’s) and her husband.
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Their escape was a nail-biting experience to watch. Mimi’s husband borrowed a funeral hearse to transport the family across the German border into neutral territory. And wouldn’t you know it, the secret police came searching and asking questions. Good on Georg to speak in Italian as he was in real life an Italian citizen at one point in his naval career. Good on you, anime! I was scared they were going to open the casket as a lot of the kids were hidden. Thankfully, they eventually made it to neutral territories and eventually the United States before war broke out all over Europe. During one of the singing competitions, they made a connection with a gentleman from New York. And that was their destination. Their escape was successful and in 1939 Maria gave birth to…I’m pretty sure it’s Johannes. The end.
Love it. Love everything about the story (minus the animation). Hey, Japan’s World Masterpiece Theater is great and all, but the character design isn’t the best. That was one of my criticisms of Les Mis and even then that was still in the top tier category for best adaptation. Now do I like it more than the Julie Andrews musical?
I can’t bad-mouth the musical. Julie Andrews is a bleeping goddess. Her voice brings the sunshine in every room. Music wise, it’ll hands down go to Sound of Music. You just can’t beat Julie Andrews and Christopher Plummer. In terms of the story itself, I do like this adaptation a smidge more than the musical. A three hour musical vs. a 40 episode anime series! Let’s just say, I really liked how Maria was able to connect to ALL of the kids on a deep level. In the musical, yes Maria did connect with the children, but I felt there was more of a connection between Maria and Lisel than any of the other kids. Not only that, but there were several episodes where we delved into Maria’s past.
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The anime however had a lot of episodes so that Maria was able to learn more about the seven children individually. Originally, she was there to only be a teacher to Maria Von Trapp, but she also became a teacher to Johanna. Despite being only a Governess, she was able to help a lot of the children with their problems. Yes, these episodes are technically fillers, but some were worth it. In one episode, Maria helped Rupert decide what he’s going to do in the future and ends up wanting to become a doctor. Perfect choice as the real Rupert Von Trapp really became a doctor. In another episode, she’s stuck trying to help Agathe through a rebellious phase which connected to the arrival of Lady Yvonne’s surprise visit. Those episodes showed us who the children love and trust and who was trying too hard to become their new mother. And we even get an edgy episode where Hedwig gets her first period.
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Oh yeah, this anime went there!
If you are able to find and/or download this anime, I say take a chance and watch it.
Okay, now we go back to my list of unlicensed gems…which is filled with unwatchable hentais! Be kind to me, Randomizer-kun!
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Oh, thank you God! It’s another story from World Masterpiece Theater. Although, it’s a story I know absolutely nothing about. Wish me luck!
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siren-dragon · 3 years
Do Androids Bleed Silver? (Ch.1) -- The Cat Returns fanfic
Hey everyone, I wrote another story and this time it isn’t a one-shot but a chaptered one. Yay! This is my first time doing a sci-fi story, so if it seems a little strange or odd, I apologize but I wanted to get something out before I go on vacation. Anyway, hope you all enjoy it! Also tagging @catsafarithewriter because they have been a wonderful support and inspiration.
Ao3 story link
Summary: Cyberpunk/Android AU
‘Next stop; Shibuya Station. I repeat, next stop Shibuya Station.’ The automated voice sounded over the train intercom, ‘please wait until the train comes to a complete stop and stand away from the opening doors before disembarking.’
Looking down at the half-crumbled note in her hand, Haru took hold of her frayed but well-loved duffle bag and stood from her seat. “I guess this is my stop,” she muttered aloud before the exiting the train and out of the station.
In the year of 2207, the use of androids and cybernetics had advance to a level where their use was a common practice and the backbone of modern society; even in her much smaller hometown. But after entering Shibuya Crossing- Haru felt her backwater home was definitely not on the same level as Tokyo. The famed metropolis was well regarded as the forefront of robotics and cybernetics throughout the entire world but the invention of CREATIONS was the achievement that truly put the city into a category all of its own. Though technically possessing a robotics classification, many who’ve had the chance to see a CREATION regarded them as so life-like, it was almost as if their creator had conjured life itself….
And it was part of the reason why Haru wanted to study robotics in Tokyo; as the only robots that her hometown possessed were generic models of the Alpha and Beta-Classes. She wanted to see the daily technological wonders always taking place in Tokyo. But in truth, the real reason Haru wanted to go was because she loved to help others and repair problems. It was why she decided to study robotics and cybernetics in the first place- with the exception of her apparent talent in the field.
At first, many had viewed the cheery but ultimately clumsy brunette to be a bit of a hazard; and it wasn’t exactly a secret to Haru herself either. She could remember constantly stumbling on her impromptu runs to high school after having slept in- or when she once tripped cleaning the trash disposal unit in the classroom and ended up spilling the contents everywhere. But the moment she sat behind the small desk in her bedroom among the clutter of spare parts and tools, her once graceless movements sharpened and Haru would smile as she’d begin to skillfully repair whatever tech the residents of her hometown brought her. So, with the encouragement of Hiromi and Tsuge, she applied for various internships everywhere in Tokyo in the attempt to join someone’s Workshop team.
And it seemed that only one person was willing to give her a chance…
Walking further into the depths of Shibuya Haru gazed in amazement at the 3D holographic displays and looming skyscrapers that was a far cry from her small hometown. The streets were littered with people possessing a variety of enhancements the young woman had only seen before in adverts that managed to be broadcasted back home. Quickly shaking off her awe and hurryingly pulling out her note of directions once more, Haru began the walk away from the train station and towering skyscrapers while weaving her way through the small alleyways, the brunette teenager came to a halt once more on a rather isolated street. Glancing down once more at the paper in her hand, Haru glanced up at the sight before her with a bit of surprise.
“This… is the Bureau?” Haru spoke, looking at the old, neon green sign that flickered slightly with a smaller neon sign saying the Workshop was open beside an open doorway that was partially blocked by a dark noren curtain. Next to what was meant to be the entryway into the shop was a pair of roll-up garage doors- one of which was already lifted up to reveal the illuminated Workshop within. Tools ranging from chisels and wrenches of all sizes to a designated soldering station, making her maple-colored eyes glow with delight.
“If you don’t have any business Chicky, keep walking. This isn’t a museum.” A gruff voice sounded, causing her to jump slightly.
Standing up from beside what, to Haru’s surprise, was an AeroCycle on a hydraulic lift was probably the largest man the young woman had ever seen. He was tall and rather stout with ivory crew-cut hair and a dark stubble about his mouth and chin while dark brown eyes gave her an unimpressed stare as he crossed his arms; with the left being a robotic prosthesis baring a shade reminiscent of a dark coffee. As the man took in her short height, petite frame, and slightly disheveled ponytail; Haru only hoped he didn’t immediately send her back home based on looks alone- after all, she knew her appearance didn’t exactly scream ‘mechanic’.
“Well? Do you have business here or not Chicky?” He asked again, a hint of impatience coloring his tone.
“Sorry sir, my name is Haru Yoshioka… I’m the intern assistant you made the offer to.”
It was here a skeptical eyebrow lifted as his hands soon went to his hips. Haru mentally scrambled for a way to defend her skills should this man end up turning her away, but he only asked one question. “Can you cook?”
“…Yes?” Haru answered, still a little confused.
“Show me; head up there and make something then bring it over. We’ll talk after.” And with that said, the man returned to his work on the AeroCycle without another word.
Haru could only stare with a slightly dumbfounded expression before letting loose a soft sigh and followed his brief and general directions. Up a set of steel stairs lay a large viewing window, which oversaw the garage, and another door that lead into the living quarters that was surprisingly clean; if a bit cluttered. To the left lay a small kitchenette while the right had a simple living room and a corridor that led further into the flat. Turning to the kitchen and figuring not to keep the man who’d likely become her boss waiting, Haru was quick to fix a lunch from a hamburger steak with a fried egg on top and rice (it was either that or one of the instant ramen containers nestled in the pantry) and returned to see the stout man now talking to a customer while gesturing to the AeroCycle. “Next time learn to drive properly bird-brain.”
“And I told you before, lard-ball, it crashed during a chase!” The customer, who was dressed in a police officers’ uniform, snapped in response all the while glaring at the mechanic.
The mechanic merely grinned savagely, as if he was used to the explosive behavior from the officer. “While you were chasing what? A nearby bird.”
“As if you’re one to talk, you over-sized marshmallow. I’m surprised you can even climb the stairs to your flat without them snapping from the strain.”
“You say that again, you big chicken!”
“Umm… excuse me,” Haru spoke up, causing both men to swerve their heads to her immediately. “Is everything alright? I’ve got the lunch ready.”
“Thanks, Chicky, I’ll just take that off your hands.” The larger of the two men spoke, retrieving the succulent smelling meal with a gleam in his eyes, “and congratulations- you pass my test; welcome to The Bureau. The name’s Muta and this idiot here is Bird-Brain, a regular.”
“The name is Officer Toto Tsubame, nice to meet you and please, ignore this fatso.” Toto replied instead, bowing in greeting with a kind smile. “Are you new to the district? You are a bit young to be on your own…”
While Muta was large and hefty, Toto was his complete opposite with a slim frame and long, layered black locks tied into a small ponytail at the nape of his neck; reminding the brunette of a bird’s feathers. His skin was a tad darker than the larger mechanic and his clothes the standard dark navy-blue police uniform with the exception of knee-high shock absorption boots and a black carbon-fiber and titanium woven shirt that rested under the uniform with the cuffs rolled to his elbows. But what truly caught Haru’s attention was the unique dark-grey coloration of his eyes that she had only seen a few times before in holo-books or advertisements. “Oh wow, you have an optical upgrade on your eyes, I’ve never seen that before. That’s really cool…”
Here Toto gave a good-natured laugh, “you’re definitely new to Tokyo if this is your first time seeing something like that, but well spotted. My eyes have been altered with increased monocular vision and can see with UV and Infrared, alongside night vision. Plus, the color is a rather nice aesthetic as well- but that’s enough about me; what brings you here to the city Miss…”
“Haru. Haru Yoshioka, and it’s nice to meet you too.” She smiled, giving a bow of greeting in return. “I am here for an intern job at the Bureau. But, I’m not sure what cooking really has to do with robotics and engineering.”
Muta bit into the hamburger steak and sighed happily as he devoured the plate of food while Toto groaned at the mechanic’s table manners; or lack thereof. “I didn’t want some assistant who couldn’t take care of themselves, I’m not a babysitter. Besides, if you weren’t skilled enough to be here, I wouldn’t have offered you the job in the first place.”
“O-Oh, thank you.” Haru beamed, more than relieved that though he seemed to be rather rough and intimidating, Muta wasn’t that bad- arguing with Toto aside. “I promise I’ll do my best, and thank you for your help Moo-ta.” Haru quickly gasped, raising her hands to her mouth in horror as if attempting to prevent the words from being heard, but it was too late.
“What?! Did you just say Moo? Like I’m some kind of fat cow!”
“No, no, you’re just fat! Oh- um…”
Toto, meanwhile, had lost all pretense of professionalism and started laughing with tears of amusement threatening to spill from his eyes. “Bahahaha! Oh, you’re going to fit in here quite well with nicknames like that Haru. I’m definitely going to be using that one.”
“Yeah, yeah, laugh it up bird-brain.” Muta grumbled, glaring at the still chuckling policeman, “and you Chicky- you got anything to say for yourself or to me, your boss?”
Haru gave a nervous smile, “I’m sorry Muta, it really did slip out. Would you accept an Insta-Pudding with my apology?”
The ivory-haired man stared down at her with an irritated look before sighing, “make it an Angel Cake from Osono’s bakery down the street, and we’re even.”
“Coming right up!” The young woman chimed before quickly making her way toward the aforementioned bakery.
Toto and Muta both watched her leave with the former giving a thoughtful hum, “Yoshioka huh? I don’t suppose she wouldn’t happen to be related to Hayata Yoshioka, would she?”
“His daughter apparently, if you’re that curious. And she’s only a few good years younger than you and me, idiot.” Muta answered, releasing the AeroCycle from the hydraulic lift while wiping the oil and grease from his hands. “I didn’t know he had a kid, and thought the name was just a coincidence till I saw the resume file Haru and her friends sent me. She was apparently fixing Alpha-class mechs at 11 years old.”
Toto gave an impressed whistle, “well, she’s certainly her father’s daughter if that’s the case.”
"I thought that too, but it was the fact that she has no personal cyber-enhancements that really sealed the deal." Muta added, that information causing the slim police officer to splutter in shock. "So I thought ‘why not?’ and decided to give her a shot; and it wasn’t like I was going to turn down the help- so here we are. But the fact that she can cook is a definite bonus.”
“Do you ever not think from your stomach?”
“Shut up, bird-brain!”
Toto sighed, “well, just try to keep an eye on her, alright? Not everything is exactly safe here, so if you ever need anything give me a call.”
“Thanks… you big chicken,” Muta answered before giving a devious grin and holding out his hand. “Now for the repairs, that’ll be 3,500 credits.”
“What?! That’s daylight robbery!”
“Is that so? And here I was giving you the ‘Friends and Family’ discount. But if you would rather pay full-price, who am I to deny you that.”
By the time Haru returned to the Workshop, she could hear Toto and Muta starting to argue once more and was glad she decided to buy two cakes in order to pacify both parties. Though slightly nervous about her new job, Haru couldn't help the feeling of joy at the upcoming work ahead of her.
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yellowbluemoonshine · 3 years
Do u think akito can cook? i think shes just like ei blasting the kitchen imgine saki hearing a exploding sound in morning while shes sleeping,her yelling "NOW WHAT DID YOU TRY TO DO" akito responding" *silence* I JUST WANTED TO MAKE SCRAMBELLED EGG FOR MY BEAUTIFUL WIFE *more silense* OKAY IT'S NOT MY FAULT" okay its not your fault now give me a kiss says saki NO*FLUSTERED* says akito,i think shes super blushy when saki try to tease or geniunly ask for kiss(akito cant differentate)
Awww so nice.
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Hana-Akito dynamic might be like Yae-Ei dynamic.
Yae and Hana would be really fond of their loved ones and love to tease them (but not manipulate and control). And Akito and Ei are cold from outside and very childish sweet inside, they are cat like characters, not tsundere type but they would blush in certain situtitions.
Not sure about Akito's being clumsy but lets say she did it and Yae and Hana would be so used to it. 'Oh my...'. And you can imagine Akito and Ei's embrassment, lol. And yes, they would hug each others for comfort.
@ tsubame-go
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abyssalandromeda · 3 years
2, 4, 5, 14, 23, 34 for the oc ask??? ówò
All answered under the cut because this one's a LONG one!
2. Do you have a personal favourite among your OCs? Surprisingly, this one doesn't go to any of my magia record OCs, but it goes to one of my oldest ones:
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Serachi here is due for (yet another) redesign, but she's always been my favorite! She's one of my first ocs as well- having followed me through fandoms for about...well, has to be over 10 years now, since she was originally created before I even made this tumblr! She was originally a warrior cats oc, fun fact!
4. A character you rarely talk about? That goes to Acrahni here:
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But that's largely because A) she's also in desperate need of a redesign and B) I keep forgetting what her role in the story is because I...may or may not keep forgetting to write it down. She's supposed to be an alien magical girl who lives in the depths of a volcanic planet, but she still looks...too human to be alien. Also the more I look at this old art (think it's from around 2018? 2019?) the more I realize how SMALL I made her head good lord.
5. If you could make only one of your OCs popular/known, who would it be? Oh, this one's a tough one! I love all of my children very much and I'd love for them all to get attention, but I'd really like for it to be...
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Morwen! Or really, any of my Magia Record OCs. They just have a really neat found family dynamic, and I love them to bits!
14. Introduce an OC with a tragic backstory
Alright everyone, let me introduce Melodia Noctis:
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Her backstory is that she is comprised of the souls of two dead twins that eventually gained its own consciousness. The body she resides in belongs to only one of them, and is stuck in a permanent state of near-death, only kept from dying because of magic. Her current state of existence is the result of cruel experimentation, and the scars on the head, arms, and abdominal area are due to multiple vivisections. She is turned against her home planet due to brainwashing, and she is convinced that they are holding her 'sister' hostage (even though she is her own sister, not that she's fully aware). Also this:
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23. Introduce OC that has changed from your first idea concerning what the character would be like?
That actually goes to Flicker here!
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Flicker was originally supposed to be this bright, shining character who was like...extremely fun and outgoing and just wanted to be there for everyone, but she eventually just ended up becoming this tough, secluded character who only positively interacts with her 'twin', Morphe!
34. Do you have any twin characters?
So with my Magia Record OCs, I've got twins who only consider themselves twins because they came from the same book (Hera and Thanatos, Etoile and Morwen, Flicker and Morphe) (all those names link to their toyhou.se pages!) But, if you're referring to actual biological twins: Aria and Symphonia (Melodia's 'components')
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Emelio and Perita (I hit the image limit here, so I'm just going to link to their images on their toyhou.se pages as well!), Lillian and Diantha, Margarita and Rosalia, and Suzume and Tsubame!
They're all identical twins when not transformed EXCEPT for Lillian, Diantha, Margarita, and Rosalia, since they're robots and their mother/creator, Melodia, allowed them to choose their own appearances (which is why Margarita and Rosalia are both. Like That:tm:)
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kenkaodoll · 7 months
Kamiya Dojo Monogatari Tale 74 (JUMP SQ 24/03)
About Kamiya Dojo Monogatari:
Tales of Kamiya dojo is written by Kaoru Kurosaki and published along with the “Rurouni Kenshin Hokkaido” arc in JUMPSQ. The tale involves the Rurouni Kenshin character in daily life that takes time between Kenshin and Kaoru marriage until the epilogue chapter in the original manga before the Hokkaido Arc. Until this month (February 2024) there are a total 74 chapters in Tales of Kamiya dojo. This is an unofficial translation. 
Previous Story: https://www.tumblr.com/kenkaodoll/739415334563577856/kamiya-dojo-monogatari-tale-73-jump-sq-2402
“Small failure led to great success. Isn't that what life is all about?” Suwa told Mikio.
“I see…”
Mikio agreed with Suwa, but he could not wholeheartedly agree with the idea of stealing into Usagawa's house.
“But,” he said, “Usagawa-san is very nice to me. He trusted me enough to hire me as the manager of the Rabbit Café. I can't betray someone like that.”
“You said you trusted me.”
Suwa sighed, he couldn’t understand Mikio.
“Usagawa-san is just using you to do his own business, isn't he? If he really trusted you, he wouldn't be using the Nagaoka family's son to do his bidding. In the Edo period, it would be unthinkable for a merchant to put a samurai family member to work. If they really trusted him, they would have given him money. But you...”
Suwa stared at Mikio's appearance from top to bottom with a sarcastic glare.
“You’re dressed in Western clothes that don't suit you at all. As a member of a samurai family, aren't you ashamed of yourself?”
“Ugh…” Mikio snarled. Suwa’s words hit right where it hurts. He also realized that western clothes won’t suit him.
Neither Shino, his wife, nor Kaoru and the temporary waitress at the café, had ever criticized Mikio's Western-style attire. Tsubame even praised him, but it was because their families had a master-servant relationship before. So he didn’t take her word seriously.
“Oh, it doesn't suit me after all…”
“Yeah,” Suwa nodded.
Mikio decided that from now on, when leaving the café, he would change into his own kimono so he could go outside without any hassle.
“Now, we’re not talking about whether the western clothes suit you or not,” Mikio’s feeling had them drifted from the main topic and Suwa brought them back.
”Usagawa-san had already been poisoned by the new era. As a merchant he doesn't have any sense of propriety. How can he put a samurai member to work like that? He is a lowborn who doesn’t respect the family's lineage and traditions.”
”I… see?”
Although Mikio agreed, he was not convinced by Suwa's assertion that Usagawa is a lowborn.
“But Mr. Usagawa is a good person…”
However, he also did not have the words to reverse Suwa's argument.
“It's not good to trust people blindly. Do you know the word ‘charisma’?”
“Karisuma? No, not at all…”
“‘Charisma’ is a German word used to describe a person who has the natural ability to attract and impress people. Usagawa-san is definitely a charismatic person. After all, how can you, the son of the Nagaoka family, so easily be coaxed into doing something such a lowly thing as labor?”
“No, that's... I just told him that Shino got pregnant and I needed the money, so Usagawa-san was very understanding. It's not like I was coaxed into it or anything…”
“Then you said you wanted to become the manager of the rabbit cafe? No, right?”
“Ah... Yes. That’s right. I didn't say that I wanted to be a manager by myself.”
“I know right! I don't think it's something you really want to do. Take care of the rabbits that you finally let go of, and then come back to see them again.”
“Indeed!” Mikio hit his knee. “I was so relieved I got free from rabbits, and now I have to deal with their shit again. I guess I got sucked into the whole thing.”
“Be careful of someone with charisma. They have a natural talent for attracting people, so you can't help but do what they say. Don't just take the words from a charismatic person like Usagawa-san. It would be very easy to listen to what they said and it seems like a good idea to leave the judgment to someone who seems to be amazing, like jumping onto a big boat. However, if you don't think for yourself and trust people too much, that's a very bad thing.”
“What happens if you don’t think for yourself?”
“For example, if the Rabbit Cafe continues to run into a large deficit, you will be held responsible for it.”
"No, that's..."
“Then, on the other hand, when the Rabbit Cafe becomes profitable, wouldn’t most of the profits go to Usagawa?”
“No, that's…”
 A large bead of sweat dripped from his forehead. Because Mikio had no idea what was going on about those contracts.
“You think Usagawa-san will treat you well, don’t you?'”
“No… It’s because Usagawa-san believe the blessing from the rabbit, so he probably won't do anything that...''
“I was talking about ‘charisma’ earlier. There are many ways to attract people. For example, in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Liu Bei's charisma is based on his high status, Kongming's charisma is based on his military genius, and Guan Yu's charisma is based on his…”
“No, I don't know anything about the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.”
“Really? It’s an interesting story. So, back to the topic, Usagawa-san believes in rabbits, and his charisma is based on the supernatural thing, that he would not do anything bad for the rabbits.”
In the end, their conversation was too difficult for Mikio to think about.
“Can you believe in rabbits like Usagawa-san does?"
“No, not a bit!” Mikio immediately replied, “Rabbits are just depressing nowadays.”
“Even Usagawa-san doesn't know when he might start to think rabbits are depressing.”
To be honest, he didn't understand all the talk about the Three Kingdoms and charisma because it was so difficult, but he understood this one right away.
“So you mustn't put too much faith in Usagawa-san.”
“I see. I understand.”
Suwa manipulated Mikio's heart by mixing difficult stories with easy-to-understand ones, and he also skillfully used simple questions that could be answered immediately.
“So here it is.”
Suwa placed the clay back in front of him again.
“No… but…”
“Don’t you think you will need it when Usagawa-san betrays you?”
“In order to succeed in life, you must have a long-term target.”
“Long-term… target?”
“You could say it's about planning. A baby is going to be born to you. As parents, you and Shino-san will prepare underwear and diaper clothes even before the baby is born, right?”
“Before preparing underwear and diapers, I called the mid-wife first, and I even thought of names.”
“That's great. That's what I call planning. The baby hasn't been born yet, so you don't know if it's a boy or a girl. So you think of names for both sexes.”
“I guess so. Gods in heaven are right on this one. I'm looking forward to it.”
“When you don't know which way things will turn out, you prepare for whichever way things will go. This is also called planning.
“You have a plan. That's a good thing.”
“Heh, I see.”
Mikio was a little embarrassed by Suwa's praise, but was honestly pleased.
“Prevention is better than cure. Because you never know how Usagawa-san will treat you. There is nothing better than making a clay mold of the storehouse key.”
“Indeed, you're right,” 
Mikio accepted the clay with a smiling face.
“I know you are smart, Suwa-san.”
“No, no, you're smart enough to understand what I'm saying.”
Mikio was in a good mood after receiving more praise from Suwa.
“I hope the baby that's born will inherit some of your cleverness.”
“Yes, I hope so! After all, he is descended from the Nagaoka family. I hope he is a smart kid.”
“But cleverness alone is not enough. There are many people in the world who think too much and fail to act. In that respect, you are also outstanding in your ability to take action. I value action more than cleverness.”
“Heh heh heh.”
Mikio was elated.
Holding the package of clay under his arm, he headed home.
The next day.
The Rabbit Cafe was still in preparation. Mikio waited for the waitresses to say something clever. Tsubame is the first one who arrived.
“Hey, Tsubame! Do you know what charisma is?” Mikio asked, even though he just knew about that word yesterday.
“Kari? Is it hunting?… Suma…? Is it from The Tale of Genji?”
Of course there was no such passage in The Tale of Genji.
“That’s wrong…Charisma is…” when Mikio tried to explain, he realized that he couldn’t remember what Suwa said. Yesterday, he said “I see”, “Indeed”, and he thought he was convinced, but he didn’t understand. 
“Er…What is it?” He mumbled as he tried to remember. He regretted he did not tell his wife, Shino, last night after he returned when his memory was still clear.
“The Romance of Three Kingdoms! You know? Liu Bei is charismatic.”
“I’m sorry… I don’t know much about The Romance of Three Kingdom,” Tsubame apologized.
“Well, I guess I can’t help it then. Let’s not talk about this.” 
Mikio felt relieved inside, but he bluffed that it was because of Tsubame's ignorance that they couldn’t continue the conversation.
The next one who came to the store was Kaoru.
Mikio decided to say something clever to Kaoru as well, he remember his conversation with Suwa last night.
“It's not good to trust people too much, you know.”
“Is that so? I don't think so,” Kaoru straightly objected.
“You have to think for yourself.”
“That's true, that may be important.”
Inside, Mikio was pleased that he could replied Kaoru’s objection as well.
Then, he suddenly came back to himself. He really thought to himself, should he bring home the clay?
Notes: Romance of Three Kingdom: is a 14th-century historical novel attributed to Luo Guanzhong. It is set in the turbulent years towards the end of the Han dynasty and the Three Kingdoms period in Chinese history. Liu Bei: was a Chinese warlord in the late Eastern Han dynasty who later became the founding emperor of Shu Han. Kong Ming : Zhuge Liang, also commonly known by his courtesy name Kongming, was a Chinese statesman, strategist, and engineer who lived through the end of the Eastern Han dynasty and the early Three Kingdoms period of China. Guan Yu, courtesy name Yunchang, was a Chinese military general serving under the warlord Liu Bei during the late Eastern Han dynasty of China. Kari: 狩りmeans hunting (that’s why Tsubame asked if it’s about hunting) The Tale of Genji: also known as Genji Monogatari is a classic work of Japanese literature written in the early 11th century by the noblewoman, poet, and lady-in-waiting Murasaki Shikibu. The work recounts the life of Hikaru Genji, or "Shining Genji", who is the son of an ancient Japanese emperor (known to readers as Emperor Kiritsubo) and a low-ranking concubine called Kiritsubo Consort. 
.…..to be continued in chapter 75……  https://www.tumblr.com/kenkaodoll/745210446270889984/kamiya-dojo-monogatari-tale-75-jump-sq-2404?source=share
TLnote(1): translating Japanese is so hard because the sentence structure is very different compared with English. Also the style of writing is different, plus there’s a lot of figurative, poetic language and things that don't make sense if it’s directly translated into english. So forgive me if this is very weird to read, and please tell me if you want to give corrections. 
TLnote(2) I will provide the original Japanese text for correction if any of you who read have better knowledge of the Japanese language. Just dm and I’ll send the file.
TLnote(3) Dtninja had translated some earlier chapters on his website. You can go and check on there
Read the rest of the story here: https://www.tumblr.com/kenkaodoll/686193523858538496/rurouni-kenshin-tales-of-kamiya-dojo?source=share
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Taro’s an awesome guy that also wins the giga chad awards.
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Yeah... I guess he can be, honestly he taught me quite a bit about wedding photos which was quite fun to enjoy...
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But... given what happen with him and Tsubasa...
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They... died together at least but still... it hurts to think about...
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I does seem that you value Taro as a friend, he must of been important to you.
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...It was, honestly I did learn a lot from him and I think I did start to change my views on boys as well, especially when a wedding that got cancel happen...
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I mean seriously, what type of parents goes and makes a kid cry?
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Hm? You remember another wedding...?
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Yeah, it was a few days after Hatomi confess to me, Taro ask me to come in and bring some photos for the couple and their parents, honestly it made me annoyed as well...
Date: December 15th, 2010
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*has a set of photos as she walks in* I do wonder what Taro wants, I guess he wants to show my photos to the bride and groom?
???: So are you certain your photographer can capture our wedding? I just want to make sure...
???: Indeed, especially given that you mention you attended Hope's Peak Academy...
TARO: I can assure you sir...
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Oh seems the meeting has started, I hope I don't intrude... *Mahiru opens the door*
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Hello Taro, I've arrive. Do you want me to come in?
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Ah Mahiru, your timing is impeccable as always - I was just talking with the bride, groom and the father-in-law of the bride.
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Oh... is this the photographer you spoke of?
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Hello there, I'm sorry we had to call you on short notice, I'm Tsubame Amami and this here is my father, Otohiko and my future husband, Mamoru.
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Hello there, it's nice to meet you!
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Hello there, as say here are the photos I took that could help if you want wedding photos done or not. *places the photo on the table*
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Hm... So I take it your an Ultimate then?
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Uh... yeah, I am... why?
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Nothing in particular; just noticing how you and Mr. Kurosaki got into this school through nepotism... I just question why we go to them.
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... (Wow, all I did was just bring in photos and now I'm getting insulted by this guy, how rude.)
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0 notes
miqo-tales · 3 years
Endwalker Job Actions video thoughts pt.2
Looks like song duration has been increased, at least for Wanderer's Minuet and Army's Paeon. Both of those start with 45 instead of 30.
The BRD does Rain of Death, then a new attack, then Bloodletter. Unsure if that new one is connected to those other two. I'm kinda hoping that new attack is unique to Army's Paeon, cause would make that song a bit more interesting for me.
Oh, alternatively, it could be an upgraded version of Quick Nock.
New song you get after playing the other three. So it looks like a buff, and since they didn't put another character nearby in this part, I'm guessing it's a self-buff only.
I'm not sure if they use Malefic IV or a new V. The effect looks different to me.
Looks like Lord of Crowns is back to doing damage again. The bomb enemy noticeably flinches when the AST uses it. Judging by the size of the visual effect, it might be AoE.
And I think Lady of Crowns is back to being a heal. But again, AoE now.
Also you don't convert a card to Lord or Lady.
New animation for Divination. The visual effect is not as big.
Followed by what looks like Gravity 2? And then a starfall ability. The latter ability can probably only be used when under Divination's effect, but possible that applies to both.
After that is what looks like two new abilities, but I'm not sure. I think they're actually just new visual effects for Celestial Opposition and Celestial Intersection. Either way, one looks like a shield, and the other a heal or maybe regen.
A new ability that's an AoE version of Yukikaze. Gives 10 kenki like the other AoE abilities.
Taking damage during Third Eye gives 10 kenki. Wonder if that's just an addition or if they've removed Merciful Eyes and Seigan.
Meikyo Shisui appears to get a second charge? (Cause sure, why not)
And of course the second Iaijutsu charge that I believe they mentioned. (I'm trying not to be annoyed at what SAM is getting)
Finally a new flashy ability. It doesn't use kenki or Sen, but it does give a stack of Meditation. I'd guess it either has a long cooldown or you can't use it unless you do Tsubame-gaeshi twice.
Looks like they get a Glare 2.
Also looks like Divine Benison will get two charges.
OK, so lets try to figure out this next part...
WHM puts down the water tulip. Then as the enemy is starting to attack, the WHM does a new ability on the PLD. What's annoying is that at this point, a lot happens at once. The enemy attack goes off, the tulip does what looks like a AoE heal, and the WHM does another ability on themselves.
So, I'm fairly sure the tulip just works on its own and wasn't triggered by anything that happened there. It seems like it's kinda sorta a WHM version of ASTs Earthly Star.
From there, I think the ability used on the PLD proc'd when the enemy attack went off, and that allowed the WHM to use another ability on themselves. But what that does, I don't know. Course knowing WHM, it's probably yet another heal.
After all that, we get what looks like Holy 2.
Fight starts with the new ability that grants Huton.
Nothing new for a while until the NIN does Shukuchi to move backwards. Then we get a new ability. They said NIN would get new actions related to Raiton, Doton, and Huton, and this is probably the Huton one.
Then the NIN uses Raiton, and two Raiton related abilities, including a gap closer.
I've watched it a few times and nothing looks like a Doton related ability.
What's interesting is that the NIN doesn't cast Huton, but does a Huton ability. But they do cast Raiton and follows up with those two Raiton moves. So do you have to cast the spell before you can use these new moves? Was the new ability at the start that grants Huton enough to use that Huton move?
BLM is another job I play sparingly, so bear with me. I had to go in-game and play with it to recognize some of these.
Looks like we start with Blizzard 3, Blizzard 4, Fire 3, and then three Fire 4s.
When the BLM uses Fire 3, you can see something new light up on the BLM job HUD next to the Umbral Heart arrows. It's blue and red and is showing you can use the new fire+blizzard spell.
And speaking of, after the Fire 4s, we see that new fire+blizzard spell (hm, Antipode?). Note that it refreshes Astral Fire.
Despair, then a new Blizzard spell (Blizzard 5?), Thunder IV, then Freeze. Freeze gives three Umbral Hearts here instead of one.
The fire+blizzard move again, and this time it refreshes Umbral Ice.
A new Fire spell. This is probably Fire 5 or High-Fire or whatever. Three of these, and the first cast of it swaps Umbral Ice to full Astral Fire.
Anyway, after new fire spell, BLM uses Triplecast, casts two Flares, Manafont, one more Flare, then Foul and Xenoglossy. Nothing new here.
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kiwikiwikiwisstuff · 1 year
(Rengoku, Uzui, Obanai and Shinazugawa followed the group of circus performers to the outskirts of the brothel, taking advantage of all the commotion of the fight. They looked towards the roofs and at least six of the ten young men, without their costumes and revealing their identity, running upstairs at full speed, so the four of them jumped up to chase them) Tsubame: (looking back, next to Ren and Hiroko, half annoyed but mocking) Tsk, did you fall out of the crib when you were born that you are stupid from birth or are you, Ren? Now we have that little group following us! Ren: the work they gave us now was boring and slow, we needed a little action, even if they are mortal, Tsubame~ Hiroko: I don't know why youtake it lightly, guys, demon slayers and high-ranking people are following us, what a nuisance! Tsubame: Shhh… not everyone knows the existence of that, Hiroko Hiroko: Explain to me who the hell will listen to us if we're running on the roofs like it's nothing! Ren: (turning his head) HEY, IDIOTS! Are you following us for this?~ (he said in a sing-song voice, making the Hashiras even more furious) Shinazugawa: GIVE ME MY MONEY BACK, YOU SON OF A BITCH! Ren: Do you talk to your mother with that mouth? Shinazugawa: MY MOTHER IS DEAD, DAMN IT! Ren: (to the girls) Oops, this time I lost my bearings~ Uzui: (to Shinazugawa) Hey! It's still not your money ["At least he's helping me get my bag of money back"] Rengoku: keep up with him to reach them, there are only three in front. (Suddenly, Kaito, Enko and Yoru jumped next to the Hashiras, they were laughing at them and grinning)
Enko: Wow, wow~ What do we have here? People who were in the audience want more show? Kaito: What if the three of us fight, guys? It doesn't matter if they are one more, I'm sure we can Yoru: Kumiko gave the order that we should not fight anyone and unless we shed blood, Kaito Kaito: How boring… then we'll have to stop them Enko: But we can mess around without any problem~ Yoru: HEY, REN!! PASS IT ON!!
(Ren threw the bag of money at Yoru and together with Kaito and Enko they deviated between mocking laughter. The Hashiras began to chase them, already annoyed by the new boys next to them) Obanai: Give that back, motherfuckers. Enko: Oh~ excuse me, but my mom had an honorable job, how about yours, guys? Yoru: I couldn't tell you, I didn't know my mother. Kaito: At least mine too, how about yours, new guys? (laughs) YORU, HERE! (The boys separated and Yoru threw the bag to Kaito and had Uzui and Shinazugawa at his sides) Kaito: Wow, he's the guy who tried to flirt with Kumiko at tonight's show (his tone was mocking but jealous) Enko & Yoru: ["Are you seriously going to think about that while we have this chase?"] Shinazugawa: WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? Kaito: Oh, plus you have an attitude… strangely she likes guys like that, but the vacancy is filled Shinazugawa: SHUT UP AND GIVE ME THE BAG Kaito: You should put a muzzle or something on your friend the mad dog (this time he was talking to Uzui) Uzui: (for the first time in all that time, his face lit up and he laughed) HAHAHAHA HE'S RIGHT THAT YOU LOOK LIKE A MAD DOG, SANEMI! (Kaito continued running and turned around, with the bag in hand and doing pirouettes to get away from the group faster and smiled at Uzui) Kaito: Well, I'm quite right~ Uzui: To be stealing from me, you have a very elegant and flamboyant style. Kaito: Oh well, thank you, it's part of the show to have grace, style and be handsome… but we're not stealing, we're borrowing Uzui: What? Kaito: God will provide~ ENKO! (he threw the bag to his friend and whistled)
Shinazugawa & Uzui: OH C'MON!
(Enko received the bag and laughed, behind her was Rengoku) Enko: I can't believe they're doing all this for a bag of money. Rengoku: It's my friend's money. Enko: Your boyfriend? Rengoku: MY FRIEND AND COMPANION Enko: It's just a couple of borrowed coins Rengoku: I don't care! Just by carrying out the act they would be considered criminals! Enko: (laughing out loud) Did you guys hear that? Now the law is officially looking for us but with demon hunters! (While his companions laughed, the Hashiras looked bewildered) Hashiras: How do you know who we are? Enko: Oh, it's a long story, like for a cup of tea or something else… Hey, Kaito! Did you call Toshio too? Kaito: I called everyone, Kumiko and the rest still don't show up (Quickly, about five monkeys and a falcon appeared next to each one, throwing each of the young rebels a sword guard, although they were very different from each other… Enko received a Masakari, but the material was not common and ordinary) Rengoku: (widening his eyes, he was stunned) nichirin katanas? A Nichirin Masakari? Enko: (grinning) That's right… you are not the only demon slayers in this chase~
0 notes
capsicrew · 3 years
semi-live reactions to the LL;
Okay well, I think I'll just summarize.
All notes below the cut.
As expected, the live letter is focusing on job adjustments and additions. -They're trying to make major abilities across all jobs maintain a 60 or 120-second cooldowns, with some exceptions. With the intention being to align more of those "burst windows," in parties, especially in endgame raiding/content. -They re-emphisize that not all abilities will be on these 2 timers and YoshiP specifies Ley Lines will remain 90 seconds and regrets BLM being "neglected" lmao. "Everybody gets their burst, then I come in 30 seconds later with my lay lines"
Okay, job action video before they get into specifics, lets see what I can spot lmao;
[originally I had all my reactions to the trailer here, to keep organized, I'm combining that with the specific job notes]
That was a lot, sorry lmao. I think instead of typing more, I'll just add notes about the jobs as they go in depth after my first impressions above ^ Sounds like Summoner has the most hype with the audience. They made a comment that Summoner is now Ultima Weapon lmao.
Job Class notes: Tanks; -I guess using certain buffs in combination with certain skills increases their benefit? Not very specific, but I guess an incentive to think more about which cool downs you use and when and in concert with other skills. -Combo chains will no longer be broken when using ranged attacks. Nice! Sounds like this is being added to melee dps as well. -Looks like both Phys and Magic Damage will differ and be an important aspect? They sure talk a lot about this but I'm not sure the practical application. I guess just in determining to use tank skills that decrease either phys damage or magic damage? I guess they just adjusted some stats through the game and are just saying the numbers will be different so raiders don't piss themselves.
YoshiP is a cat boy lmao. Yoshi-nyan dskjfl lmao "I'm 48 years old!"
-Paladin: Trailer: [Looks like updates to skills and attacks with new graphics, or just new skills. Don't know PLD well enough to say for sure. Looks like Passage of Arms also included an attack of some sort while the PLD was immobile. 3 new attacks that look like AOEs that rain swords down on the enemies in various forms.] -Requiescat is no longer depending on MP value. -Ah, the sword-rain is a new 3-part combo starting with Confiteor (the level 80 PLD skill) -Gap closer is now 20y instead of 15y. -No drastic changes otherwise. About what you can expect from ShB with just other tweaks to match overall gameplay changes.
-Warrior: Trailer Reaction: [Has a cooldown that gives you little fire embers aesthetically. Looks like base combo attacks might get buffed.] -Abilities that increase damage are now extended (and even triggered) by the AOE combos. (instead of having to weave-in, like, Storm's Eye in the middle of a combo, especially for AOE combos) -Onslaught and Upheaval no longer drain the Beast Guage. They're now on a charge-use basis, I guess? And Onslaught will have a new combo move. -New skill being added when using Inner Release. Inner Release now has 60s cooldown, increasing use-frequency.
-Dark Knight: Trailer: [New/updated aoe attack, and can cast a shield on a single party member. Frey summon looks more in synch, but I haven't used that a lot so idk if that's different.] -Salted Earth will now just be placed at your feet (instead of being a placable aoe), and now combos into a new move. YoshiP admitted to having a macro to do this pre-EW, so they all decided that was silly. -lmao, Fray/simulacrum will also be sure to learn new skills as the player does. -Single-target defense buff. -Delirium cooldown decreased to 60s. -Gap closer also increased to 20y, like PLD.
-Gunbreaker: Trailer: [Either I don't play GNB enough or most of it looked the same except one cartridge aoe skill at the end lol. They do have a 3rd cartridge that can be stored, though.] -The Gnashing Fang+Savage Claw+Wicked Talon (lvl 60 skills that use a cartridge for the first skill) combo will now be reduced to a single action that switches between the 3 skills, to reduce the space it takes on the hot bar. -Continuation will now (only?) follow Burst Strike. I'm not 100% sure if they're saying Continuation is getting an additional action to follow Burst Strike and will also combo with the Gnashing Fang combo, or if it's JUST Burst Strike, now. -Getting a 3rd cartridge, as I noticed. -Gap closer also increased to 20y.
Melee DPS: -Feint will now decrease both physical and magical damage on the target, but the physical debuff will be more potent. (sounds like Addle will get a similar change) -Again, combos will not be broken by using ranged attacks. Consideration for when phys dps needs to move away from targets for aoes and such.
-Dragoon: Trailer reaction: [Got some flasy moves that look like new aoes, but mostly just new attacks looks like. Summons two dragons for some kind of ultimate end-combo move. And has a flowery attack that reminds me of FF9's dragoon flavor with Freya] -Increasing the AoE rotation. A lot of jobs could use this, so this was on my hopes list for EW. -Adding new actions if you do your base rotations right. lmao They comment on how flashy they are, which is true. -Sounds like many skills are being increased in power rather than adding a bunch of new skills to fill our hotbars. -Blood of the Dragon will now be a trait, rather than a skill that needs to be kept up constantly. (nice!) -Spineshatter Dive (DRG's earliest gap closer) will now have 2 charges instead of the one use, for increased mobility. -Lance Charge (self damage buff) has recast time decreased to 60s. Battle Litany (party crit buff) recast decreased to 120s.
-Monk: Trailer: [Has a new gauge added to its other, but no greased lightning gauge. Collecting more stickers ala BRD and SAM. Looks like their gap closer was updated to stack or be used multiple times quickly. Impressive looking attacks and aoes, but I don't play MNK enough to comment much lmao. Hope its less tedious!] -DAMN LOOK AT THAT JOB ART -Greased Lightning gone forever, so; -Chakras unlocked at a lower level. -New system; After using Perfect Balance, the player can use a new skill called Masterful Blitz. How the Blitz executes and what it does will change depending on what skills the player uses while using Perfect Balance. (much in line with Sabin's Blitz skill in FF6, it sounds to me). -Sounds like the player needs to use skills with some thought to maintain a balance of yin and yang chakras. Sounds like the translator is trying her best, but I think it'll come across better with some practice or seeing it in action better than the job trailer. -Oh, they are going to show a video-- -Showin off Thavnarian a little bit, lol -Each skill seems to have a specific association when used in Perfect Balance, that then add to either Yin or Yang (not final names sounds like). And if you get a charge of each, the next use of the skill unleashes a larger attack. I guess it's similar to trying to get three specific suits as AST. -I guess more/better info to come during the media tour. -Perfect balance with have a 2-stack charge, charging every 40s. -Sounds like some or more MNK skills will have their directional requirements removed to make this new system more manageable. -Shoulder Tackle (gap closer) is being removed, and is being replaced with a new gap closing action. Sounds like it wont do damage, but can be used to close the gap between both enemies AND allies (like Aetherial Manipulation with BLM). It comes with 3 stacks! Thats a lot of movement at once, with 30s recharge per charge.
-Samurai: Trailer: [Looks like Meikyo Shisui (the buff that lets you use your sticker-granting skills without doing the full combo) either has a massively reduced cooldown, a way to refresh it faster or just a second charge. Looks like the same is true of Tsubame-gaeshi (the skill that lets you use a sticker-using skill a second time)(I swear I don't have these names memorized, I only know their pictures. I'm looking them up). Possibly a new attack that uses meditation stacks, or I just forget what the level 80 skill looks like. Finishes with some kind of massive attack. So just lots of deeps for SAM.] -Mid-combo attacks that grant buffs can now also be obtained from aoe skills as well, like WAR. So that you don't either have to perform a single-target combo in the middle of fighting multiple targets, or don't have to just go without those buffs. -I was correct; Meikyo Shisui and Tsubame-gaeshi now each have 2 stacks. -You also get the mid-combo buff if you use the final move of a combo under the effect of Meikyo Shisui. Nice nice! Exactly things I wanted for SAM.
-Ninja: Trailer: [omg, a skill that grants auto-Huton I love it <3. Either Bushin now ends with a finisher skill (like automaton queen), or NIN has a new ranged attack. Oh shit!! A gap closer that actually does damage! Looks like it combos off of Raiton (lightning ninjutsu). Oooh, and there's a second follow-up lightning attack as well! NIN is gonna be interesting!] -New actions linked to Raiton (lightning ninjutsu), Doton (dot ninjutsu) and Huton (that ninjutsu you need to have on all the time for decreased weaponskill cooldown) being added. -Single action to apply the effect of Huton added * 0* <3 <3. Both applies it and resets the timer. -Additional actions added while under the effect of Bunshin (the level 80 skill). For just ninjutsu, I think? -Tried to not get the ninjutsu actions even more complicated. No 4th sigil lol. -Shadow Fang (ogcd dot skill) is removed :(
-Reaper: Trailer: [Starts with some kind of charge attack? Gap closer leaves behind a portal (very neat!). Guage looks like a combo of MCH+DRK. You need 50 of the "heat guage" to summon the void monster. The monster didn't come out of the portal that was left behind, but it disappeared when the monster appeared. Oh, the gap closer is more like NIN's Shukuchi, or maybe like SAM's movement options. The Reaper teleported "backwards" and left another portal, used a couple ranged attacks then TP'd right back to the portal. Very neat. Looks like the monster never stays out permanently, but is summoned in a few ways, finishing with a timer that upgrades attacks. Kinda like DRG with dragon imagry.] -Reiterates that attacks are done with the scythe and the avatar in combination, or "serve as the avatar's vessel" to use more powerful attacks. -Has party utility, granting a buff or two. -"Unique and specialized actions give them an edge in specific combat situations" ??? Seems to refer specifically to the portal movement skill. Shukuchi+Aetherial Manipulation. -MCH-like UI tracks two guages: the Soul Guage on top in red, which slowly fills and is used to use attacks in tandem with the avatar. The Shroud Guage is on bottom in blue, and fills as attacks using the soul guage are used. Once it fills up, it allows you to become the avatar's vessel to do even bigger attacks. Very similar to the Automaton Queen in use, it sounds like. -The one I called the DRK-looking seems to actually be more like SMN's Bahamut gauge, and simply acts as a timer to tell you how long you'll have the avatar using you as a vessel. -Switched to the video. Tiny Lala reaper lmao. -Looks like the portal ability works like DNC's An Evant--you charge in a single direction for a set distance, but Reaper has the ability to port back to it for a certain amount of time. Looks like 15 seconds with maybe an additional effect if you do it within 10 seconds? -Oh! The movement skill is actually two actions that allow you to "en avant" forward OR backwards, then teleport back -Looks like the character very visually changes form while acting as a vessel for the avatar, including equipment and some evil eyes. More than just the glowing eyes WAR has for inner beast. -Mentioning that with the gauges, the job isn't really one you charge up to a burst like others, but is rather just a building crescendo. -They're not talking about it, but it looks like the "you are the vessel" gauge either expires based on a timer OR the execution of a certain number of big attacks. -There's gonna be a couple positional-based skills, but just ones involving the avatar. Similar to DRG which only has, like, 2. -Sounds like a fun job, I'm please looking forward to it. -No LB3 shown yet. YoshiP comments that the "big flashy move" Zenos uses in the Benchmark trailer is basically the Reaper's LB3.
--break time--
Ranged DPS: -Just the comment about phys dps # values changes that they've already been saying. -Timers on Troubadour, Tactician and Shield Samba have been decreased to 90s.
-Bard: Trailer: [New addition to their gauge, looks like 3 icons that keep track of what songs have been played. The gauge also says what song is currently playing, though idk who needs that. New cone aoe, looks like--Maybe an aoe version of Refulgent Arrow? Some kind of buff or party skill that uses the 3 saved icons from playing each song once, no indication of what it does. Finishes with either a new move or one that combos off of Apex Arrow, the last skill brd learns in ShB.] -Why does she look so surprised in the art? -As I noticed, playing each of the 3 songs once each grants a new action for a party-wide buff. -New action to follow-up Apex Arrow, as I also noticed. -Battle Voice cooldown reduced to 120s (from 180 :o! ) She also says Wanderer's Minuet, but that's one of the base songs already on a timer of 80s?? That doesn't seem right.
-Machinist: Trailer: [Some kind of large shotgun! Looks like an ocg aoe, but they used it very shortly after bioblaster, so its not on the same cooldown as air anchor/bioblaster. Standard combo might have slightly new animation--the bullets look like they're hitting harder or smth but it might just be a trailer thi--there are cars behind him lmao tHEY HAD CARS IN GARLEMALD THIS WHOLE TIME. Anyway... OH SHIT It looked like they just shot a bunch of BUZZ SAWS!  Oh, and they just used Drill. They have Drill AND Air Anchor. Oh, Queen Automaton's final move looks bigger.] -New Skill; Chain Saw! (many folks were expecting this after they started theming many of the MCH skills after Edgar's skills in FF6. Chain saw was basically the only one missing) -As I noticed, new action for Automaton Queen. No word on the missing Bishop... -Reassemble will have 2 charges (!) They then specifically advice to keep it constantly in use lmao -Job is mechanically the same, but there will be some ability updates (like that shotgun).
-Dancer: Trailer: [Looks like they get some kind of scremin berd that does some feather attacks but doesn't cost a feather guage. Looks like a follow-up combo with Saber Dance as well. Improvisation seems to have a follow-up or possibly a new effect when it ends. Not clear what it does.] -Instead of the single-target and aoe skills having separate effects, they will be shared between the two versions. (presumably; originally you needed different weaponskill buffs to execute Reverse Cascade (single) or Rising Windmill (aoe), but now their combo moves can activate a buff to use either of them). -New actions added after successfully using Technical Finish, Improvisation and Devilment. -Again, job is mechanically the same--mostly just some tweaks and evolution into level 90. -AoE weapon skills will transform into the dance step buttons the way the single-target ones do. -Espirit gauge will fill more consistently rather than randomly.
-brief complaint about BRD's songs not applying to the BRD themself. They've gone with "no comment at this time." YoshiP-lease
Casting DPS: -Like Feint, Addle has been changed to reduce both magic and physical damage dealt by the target, with the magical debuff being more potent.
-Black Mage: Trailer: [Has a new addition to the guage that looks like a larger fire/ice needle. Activated when they switched to Astral Fire from Umbral Ice via Fire 3. Looks like they used it to cast some very nice looking fire/ice attack that refreshed the timer on Astral Fire. The special new needle also activated when they switched from A.Fire to U.Ice. The Ice move they used to switch was also new, though they still had Blizzard 3, which they opened with. Looks like Freeze granted 3 ice needles instead of 1. The new fire/ice move was also used in U.Ice mode and refreshed the timer. New fire move transitioning back to A.Fire, which they use instead of Fire 4 in standard rotation--new aoe? Flare, Despair and Xenoglossy appear to be the same.] -Enochian is now a trait! It is automatically applied when under the effect of either A.Fire or U.Ice! Rejoice! Apparently this was a long-ruminated decision. -As I noticed, new actions are available while switching correctly between A.Fire and U.Ice. Apparently its more than just the fire+ice attack. -BLM is considered "pure dps" like SAM, so they focused on its attacking ability rather than other party utility. They specify "no raise" lol -Firestarter/Thundercloud procs have had their timers extended. -Fire 2 and Blizzard 2 are each going to get buffs, increasing AoE damage. They joke about the japanese names for what is basically now Fire 5 and Blizzard 5 and what their offical names are, lmao. They had to go to the "FF Brand Committee" to nail-down the japanese names of these spells, with no precidence of spells of this level. Sounds like he's leaning towards High-Fira and High-Blizzara rather than, like... Firgyo or something completely different, lol. -Sharpcast now has a second charge.
-Red Mage: Trailer Reaction: [Has 3 buttons added to magic meter, which filled with melee attacks (both the aoe one and the normal single-target combo). Jumped back with what looked like a brief healing bubble. All 3 charges spent on what looks like an aoe version of verholy/verflare (verdispair?). Verholy looks like it was buffed, or is possibly an aoe version, and Scorch (the final rdm combo) looks updated as well, and is followed by a big aoe-lookin move that does damage in a wide row between the rdm and the target, similar to DRG's Nastrond.] -New action coming after Scorch, as I pointed out. Lots of thorns. -Verflare, Verholy and Scorch will now all be AoE attacks, added as part of the AoE rotation [in addition to their current use?] -Adding a party-wide defense buff. Probably that verassylum-looking skill I noted. Apparently its just called "Magic Barrier" rather than something fancy or ver-y, lol -Amount of mana in the guage used for weapon skills has been reduced. Manafication seems to add a full use of the melee-skills for free, rather than affecting the mana gauges. -Potency of Displacement and Engagement will become the same value, so there's no dmg loss in making the right choice.
-Summoner: Trailer: [Right off the bat I see they have a carbuncle instead of an egi? Curious about the update to the Bahamut gauge which looks like it has a stop-light of gemstones under it--same colors as ifrit, titan and garuda. Standard attacks with some updated graphics, so just, like, Ruin 5 or smth. Summoned Bahamut right away, no "Dreadwyrm Trance" phase. Bahamut seems to have a new attack. oh SHIT OH SHIT. NO EGI, MOTHERFUCKER JUST SUMMONED GARUDA REAL. Garuda appears briefly and uses a big attack. She's gone, but the emerald button is now Garuda and has a timer--all of the summoner's attacks look different, and the carbuncle is using the garuda-themed attacks. Summoned Titan now! Uses Landwaster, and now all the summoner's attacks are earth-themed. I Think I know where this is going-- Yeah, there's Ifrit with Hellfire, and now all fire-based attacks, which appears to include a gap-closer and a follow-up melee attack. Carbuncle stayed the same color throughout, so I think we'll still keep the carbuncle glamors, maybe get more colors I hope? Summon Phoenix looks the same.] -Summoner completely reworked for the 4th expansion in a row apparently, they can't keep getting away with it-!! -DoTs GONE! No Bio. No Miasma. I guess too many people complained about it. -As mentioned, Egis are gone, and the summoner now fully summons Ifrit, Garuda and Titan. Okay, they are not literally the Primals, but are nicknamed; Ifrit-Ruby, Garuda-Emerald and Titan-Topaz. Just mostly for lore-compliance... summoning is bad in this world. -Again, as I noticed; the Summoner's abilities are augmented depending on which has been summoned. -I guess they largely wanted to address the down time between summoning bahamut and phoenix where you're just standing around casting Ruin 3. -Base rotation is as I outlined above; You summon Demi-Bahamut, which gives you the power to summon the 3 primal-gems in turn, augmenting attacks as you go, then ending with the summoning of Phoenix, which lets you then summon the three primal-gems again, then back to Demi-Bahamut. No more 50-step opener or w/e lmao -Order doesn't matter--they did Garuda, then Titan then Ifrit in the trailer, but they can be summoned once each in any order. They emphisize planning on when you want to have each summon (including Bahamut and Phoenix) during fights and different phases. -Actions on the hotbar will change automatically as each primal is summoned, rather than needing 4 or so different set-ups, lol. -Summoner will keep Resurrection. But apparently it only just BARELY survived. -Display size is customizable for the carbuncle, but is only client-side. Also for each of the summons. YoshiP has some very small primals. Tiny-Titan is especially good, lol -Sounds like all glamors for the carbuncle/egi will remain, including the primal egis. The Emerald Carbuncle is used in the trailer and the live letter video because its what YoshiP likes most. -Each summon has 2-stacked special skills executable while summoned, such as Ifrit's gap-closer and melee move. -Summoning the primal-gems has a little bit of casting time to offset the amount of power behind them. Sounds like Ifrit has a longer cast time than the others, so maybe they're each slightly different. -All of Titan's attacks are instant-cast, while Garuda leaves an aoe floor dot at the target (which was an egi skill previously). -apparently did their best to not turn SMN into BLM 2 lmao
Healers: -Adding single-target buffs to all healers. -Reduced cast time for offensive spells (!!!) -Limit break area has been increased to 50y lmao, then the guy applauds it. As someone who has suffered the shorter range... I get it. -As they said before, they're splitting between 2 "pure" healers (WHM and AST) and 2 "barrier" healers (SCH and SGE) -Decreased cast time for certain healing skills, nice!
-White Mage: Trailer: [Glare II. Oh, looks like they planted some kind of flower on the battlefield? WHM Earthly Star, maybe? Looks like it explodes in a wide range of healing magic either periodically or with certain triggers (looks like it took damage from an enemy aoe and responded with an auto-medica or something). Finally an update to Holy that isn't *quite* as blinding. ...okay, now I watched it again and its still pretty blinding lmao] -Adding a "functionally and visually distinct" restorative field action. So... Earthly Star for WHM. -Beyond the global changes, though, little is changing about WHM, it will be relatively the same, being the base "pure healer." -Update to Holy, which also helps add lillies to the job gauge. -Fluid Aura, if you remember that, has been removed lmao. -Divine Benison is gaining a charge.
-Astrologian: Trailer: [Looks Minor Arcana just draws one of the 2 minor arcana cards, rather than "transforming" a currently drawn card. This card has its own space on the guage, so it can be held while continuing to draw/use regular cards. Oooh, a very nice looking buff to Gravity, which is followed by an attack(maybe also a buff like Assize?) that looks like shooting stars overly a wide range--very pretty. Some kind of shield or delayed heal--looks similar to SCH's Excognition.] -Being changed into a "pure healer," as has been discussed. -Diurnal and Nocturnal Sect are both being removed, and actions that were affected by this will now only have their Diurnal Sect effect. -Neutral Sect (level 80 skill) will have its effect slightly adjusted to add barrier effects to the adjusted skills. -Divination is receiving some adjustments. Now it can be used under "normal circumstances" ??? -I guess its including new enhancements for the user depending on the seals used? Not very clear on these points. -Redraw is no longer a charge action, and can only be used once after using Draw. -Adjustment to Minor Arcana, as I noted above. -New AoE spell that heals allies and damages opponents (the shooting star skill). Largely to balance with WHM having a great aoe in Holy, but making it different enough that the 4 different healers still have individuality.
-Scholar: Trailer: [My main. Adlo either gets buffed or might have a new animation. Looks like they used Sonsolation without transforming the fairy into Seraph. Updated basic attack, Broil III or w/e. Looks like a new aoe heal/shield or update to Succor. Power/animation update to Art of War. ... that's it??] -Oooh, a new ability that increases the party's movement speed--like Pelotan, but keeps its effect during battle. They don't say exactly how much faster compared to Sprint and Pelotan, but says it wont stack with Sprint. Apparently the base action is meant to be a damage reduction buff with the added benefit of speed increase. -SCH was aleady their base for "shield type" healers, so it's largely the same with more focus on the shields and barriers. -Getting a "powerful enhancement" that can be cast on a single party member. -That's it. :(
-Sage: Trailer: [Not sure what to say since this is new. Appears to use a gauge resembling a cross between BRD's and AST. Graphics on attacks look very nice. Cool beam attack! Ooooh, and a gap closer?? Looks like they also have an instant-cast aoe that damages opponents and heals party members.] - "Possesses all the actions essential for a barrier healer." Thanks. -Seems to have increased number of skills that attack and heal/shield allies simultaneously. Seems to work similar to AST's Synnastry--you specify a party member and when you attack, that party member gets passive heals. -Has a DoT that... applies when it feels like? -Adder's Gaul. Some charge in the job guage that powers instant-cast skills. -Also the gap closer. They say it's a very technical job and difficult to explain in just words. -Looks like the Sage's gauge is passively filling constantly, even outside of battle, until it fills 3 charges. -The Synnastry-like skill (Cardia) can target the self as well. Like a constant Regen as long as you're dpsing. Useful for solo-play. -I guess you have the one base attack, but can press a button that augments it into the DoT version. And it seems it can augment other attacks as well--looks like changing one skill from a base healing move to a shielding move or adjusting how aoe heals or attacks appear. -Looks like it's a decent amount to memorize and use, but no more than some other jobs, and it looks pretty fun in that technical aspect! -Lots of comparisons to Gundam from the chat regarding the sfx, lol
Huh, nothing about BLU. Weird.
-YoshiP about choking seeing how long it took them to get through the first part lmao
--break time--
-Reiterates/clarifies that Summoners will retain their egi glamors.
Battle Adjustments: -Raid Finder for Savage duties will specifically search for one pure healer and one barrier healer each. -Normal Duty Finder will remain the same, regarding healers (just one healer queue).
-In the Party Finder, people making parties can specify pure/barrier healers for the party they're making. -Addition to Party Finder to filter for players that have "yet to receive weekly completion rewards." -Searching for parties will now exclude parties you cannot join due to their "one player per job" requirement. Based on YoshiP's experience playing lol
-"Trials with weapon drops will now drop a weapon coffer in addition to the original weapon reward." Folks will still get a direct drop of the weapon, but also there will be a coffer for folks to vote on loot for weapons. -Final parts of hard raids up to 3.5 (Bahamut normal and Savage and Alexander Savage) will drop a weapon-specific coffer in addition to its original loot -High-end raids through SB will drop gear coffers as well in the same way Eden Savage does.
-"Conditional enhancements" can be separated in their own category on the HUD. Proc-type buffs (firestarter, straight shot, etc.) These elements can also have their sizes changed individually if you want them to be more noticeable.
-Improvements to "ground target functionality." -Includes an option to prevent the target from moving beyond it's placable range. We play with controllers, so idk how much this applies.
-New HUD element in the party list that shows which letter target (or # ally) the party members are targeting when they cast spells/abilities. -They specify its main uses are to see which target in a group the party is targeting easier or; -even better; can show which party member a healer is currently hard-casting Raise/Resurrection/Etc on so the other healer can know they're being raised and target another party member or w/e. -Doesn't work for instant spells/abilities because the element wouldn't have enough time to show up, lol
-players with 0% HP will have an empty health bar above them, which originally only showed if someone had the "always show health bar" UI setting, rather than "only when HP is below 100%"
-Unreal trials going away for a bit. Oh no, I'm very concern... -Just because of the raised level cap and the job adjustments, before they tweak the unreal trials to fit the new changes. -Planned to return in 6.1 -No comment on the rewards only available from doing this.
-Belts gone. Can't wear 'em. Can't get 'em. No new notes on this. -The Very Special Belt you can get in Eureka: Pagos for a speed boost will be replaced with a ring and can be exchanged for the belt. -After 6.0 releases, you can no longer extract materia from spriritbound belts; buy or sell belts; use belts for leves or supply missions or use coffers that contain only belts (from quest rewards). -But you can still RETRIEVE fused materia in belts. Belts can still be sold to npc vendors, be desnythesized, used for expert deliveries or be... thrown away. -PANTS FRALL DOWN NOW -More Downscaling of values. I don't really care about this.
-HQ Item Removal??? -"Prevents the unintended procurement of HQ items via gathering and other activities, reducing overall inventory bloat." -Gathered items, enemy drops, Tokens and Non-craftable materials "obtained from certain content" will no longer come as HQ. -Pre 6.0 HQ items will stay HQ, but they will no longer provide bonuses when crafting. -Crafted items (including crafted items only used for crafting, like flour or ingots) and Gear will still be available as HQ. These HQ items will remain functionally unchanged. -Gatherer skills that used to increase HQ will now be adjusted, mostly to affect item yield instead. Fishers will be adjusted as well. The catch's size will still be taken in consideration. -And, of course, Quests, challenge log entries and achievements that require HQ items will be changed accordingly -More details in next Live Letter
-Aethernet Updates: :o -Adjustments to teleportation fees. -No more upper limit to teleportation fees. :) pain -Teleporting across the world will be over 1200 gil, but teleporting to Norvrandt, the fees will be cheaper -Fees to nordvrant are considered via map distance between mor dhona and the crystarium -Other fees have been reduced, so closer teleports will be much cheaper. -In game economy. [ancientaliensmeme.jpg] -Updates to the Aethernet UI, sure. Will include a more detailed list and a map to help with navigation. -Progress towards Fisher's Intuition will remain even after logging out. Fair. Weird time to log out, but things happen.
-Data Center travel system scheduled to come after 6.0 but before 6.1.
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