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goddamntyranical · 10 months ago
fuuuuck yeah, "th' stry ab°ut th' perils fr'm w'ch a tr°ll knight named lienke tries t' resc' a seadw'll'r princ'ss named zelada: heart shaped bulb°us eyed eldr'ch art'fact which grants grand malici°us p°wer unt° th°se wh° wear 't a' th' c°st 'f their mind kn°wn as maj°ra's mask 's used b' a l°s' spirit, b°nen°gwriggler t° cause 'treme m'schief 'n' wr°ngd°'n' °ver th' 'ntire mysterious realm 'f altermina which may 'r'may n't be th' afterlife ,'n' must be stopped with'n three days by th' her° an' play'r character lienke directly af'r his previ's 'dventure w' 'n ars'n'l of appr°x f°rty °th', less malici°us, masks which t°° grant powers as well as a time traval'n' palm fitt'n' flute kn°wn 's 'n °ccarina b'f°re th' m°°n falls" 
easily °nna th' best tsatp°watknlt°raspnz games.
g°d that m°°n was freaky.
  fuuuuck yeah, "the story about the perils from which a troll knight named lienke tries to rescue a seadweller princess named zelada: heart shaped bulbous eyed eldritch artefact which grants grand malicious power unto those who wear it at the cost of their mind known as majora's mask is used by a lost spirit, bonenogwriggler to cause extreme mischief and wrongdoing over the entire mysterious realm of altermina which may or may not be the afterlife and must be stopped within three days by the hero and player character lienke directly after his previous adventure with an arsenal of approximately forty other, less malicious, masks which too grant powers as well as a time travaling palm fitting flute known as an occarina before the moon falls" 
easily one of th best tsatpowatknltoraspnz games.
god that moon was freaky.
y° cd.
y°u like "th' st°ry ab°ut th-.
y°u like zelada?
's a n° stand'n' kin'a day f' me 'n' 'm playin  ocular emissi'ns.
banger game.
* huh-? *
* OH! *
* don't worry about it, it's all fine! it's a no standing day for me too, unfortunately ): my dad let me come with him to the store yesterday and it wiped me out. *
* i love love LOVE zelada! my most favorite game is majora's mask. i should go back and actually finish it one day--i mostly played it when i was younger, and all I did was run around with different masks on to talk to the townstrolls. *
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chimericaldomicile · 10 months ago
* haha, aw! i didn't mind the moon! it looked like one of the characters from the human horror movies i watched, and i used to think they were referencing that. *
* the thing that scared me was that one character's walk cycle. i think his name was sssssackon? *
* this guy. *
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y° cd.
y°u like "th' st°ry ab°ut th-.
y°u like zelada?
's a n° stand'n' kin'a day f' me 'n' 'm playin  ocular emissi'ns.
banger game.
* huh-? *
* OH! *
* don't worry about it, it's all fine! it's a no standing day for me too, unfortunately ): my dad let me come with him to the store yesterday and it wiped me out. *
* i love love LOVE zelada! my most favorite game is majora's mask. i should go back and actually finish it one day--i mostly played it when i was younger, and all I did was run around with different masks on to talk to the townstrolls. *
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goddamntyranical · 10 months ago
gahgh yeah that guy.
tha' purp' mask salein' guy was my daymare fuel.
h°l °n.
here 'e is.
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th's man was all up in lil s'mali's daymares.
y° cd.
y°u like "th' st°ry ab°ut th-.
y°u like zelada?
's a n° stand'n' kin'a day f' me 'n' 'm playin  ocular emissi'ns.
banger game.
* huh-? *
* OH! *
* don't worry about it, it's all fine! it's a no standing day for me too, unfortunately ): my dad let me come with him to the store yesterday and it wiped me out. *
* i love love LOVE zelada! my most favorite game is majora's mask. i should go back and actually finish it one day--i mostly played it when i was younger, and all I did was run around with different masks on to talk to the townstrolls. *
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chimericaldomicile · 10 months ago
* aw! he was always nice to me, so i liked him. that one expression was a little intense though, i will admit that, hahaha! *
* i'm all nostalgic now...hm... *
y° cd.
y°u like "th' st°ry ab°ut th-.
y°u like zelada?
's a n° stand'n' kin'a day f' me 'n' 'm playin  ocular emissi'ns.
banger game.
* huh-? *
* OH! *
* don't worry about it, it's all fine! it's a no standing day for me too, unfortunately ): my dad let me come with him to the store yesterday and it wiped me out. *
* i love love LOVE zelada! my most favorite game is majora's mask. i should go back and actually finish it one day--i mostly played it when i was younger, and all I did was run around with different masks on to talk to the townstrolls. *
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