kiki-wiccan · 4 years
Kasumi looked downcast as the thought of making a garden blew away like a feather in a tornado.  Perhaps when he found his own place, he would pick up those plans once more.  “Ah... sorry to disappoint you like that, Kiki.  I hope to one day go to space, but... at the moment, the process is much too difficult.”   He’d wanted to reach the stars ever since he was 20 years old... though the reason was not as happy as one might think.    “I know!!” the angel agreed excitedly. “I’ve always thought about what aliens would look like! It’s super fun to think of completely different organisms that survive off of different things. Like, if they didn’t have to breath air to survive, they wouldn’t need lungs or gills, but how do the survive then? You have to think waaay outside the box to imagine what resources are available that provide nutrition to those life forms.”  The white-haired male had obviously given the subject deep speculation before, and was enjoying sharing his thoughts with another who seemed interested.  Hearing Stan’s words, Kasumi perked up excitedly. “If you think it’s interesting, why not join in?” 
 “...Absolutely not.” The vampire scoffed; though he knew that Kiki was joking--mostly.
      Now that he’d been able to get some work done, Stanislav rest his hand on the wiccan’s lower thigh. Unlike Kiki, who had earlier squeezed him, he refrained from doing such a thing.
            Overhearing the conversation of aliens and space; Stanislav allowed his gaze to wander the establishment. He was less than interested in the topic of space, of aliens, of oddities that couldn’t be explained--he had other things to worry about--and once addressed, he turned his focus onto Kasumi, raising a brow.
        “I think I’ll pass, Mister Kasumi.” Letting out a quiet exhale from his nose; he looked to the pizza to see most of it had been eaten.
         “Are you nearly finished-? Of course, I plan to return the pair of you back home. All you must do is let me know...you both wouldn’t want your cake to be too cold, now.”
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“There’s so many possibilities! Talking about it like this kind of makes me want to draw concept sheets for aliens!” She could just imagine all the different color schemes she could use and all the different designs. Maybe Kasumi could help her design them since he seemed to also have concepts of what aliens looked like. It made her happy that she was starting to slowly get back into wanting to draw and create art, though she had yet to actually sit down and do it.
Turning to Stan she gave a nod “yeah I think we are done....” she places her hand on top of Stans hand that was resting on top of her thigh. “You don’t have anymore work to do right?....you should come in and help us....” her bright blue eyes meeting his own, hoping that he would agree to at least stay for a bit.
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